Gep oliver smith_preso_0513_fin

Final project and presentation Basic Mapping: Applications and Analysis Lehman College - Spring 2014 Elia Machado, Ph.D. Mapping invasive species with remote sensing and GIS Oliver C. Smith 13 May 2014 1 Ash leaves. From: The Guardian 2012. Photo:


Mapping invasive species with geographic information systems and remote sensing. A presentation for a masters-level GIS course at Lehman College (New York, NY) Spring 2014.

Transcript of Gep oliver smith_preso_0513_fin

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Final project and presentationBasic Mapping: Applications and Analysis

Lehman College - Spring 2014Elia Machado, Ph.D.

Mapping invasive species with remote sensing and GIS

Oliver C. Smith13 May 2014


Ash leaves. From: The Guardian 2012. Photo:

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1.0 About invasivesWhat’s an invasive?

Any organism—plant, insect, fish, bacteria and more —that’s not native to an ecosystem and causes harm.

How many invasives are there?

An estimated 50,000 invasive species have been introduced to the U.S. (Ustin, DiPietro, Olmstead, Underwood, Scheer, 2002)

What are the impacts?

Biodiversity - Invasives are leading cause of biodiversity loss and species extinction globally. (Joshi, de Leeuw, van Duren 2004)

Economic - Invasives account for an estimated $140B in annual costs in U.S. (Ustin et. al., 2002)

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Japanese knotweed. Photo: Birdlife International.

Kudzu vine native to Japan.Photo: National Geographic/Getty Images

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EAB (agrilus planipennis) Wood-boring beetle first seen in U.S. in 2002.

Native to Asia. Likely migrated to wood-packing material on ships.

Larval EAB attacks and kills ash trees by disrupting vascular system.(McCullough, Poland, Anulewicz, Cappaert, 2009)

Infestation is hard to detect in newly infested trees. (Pontius, Martin, Plourde, Hallett, 2008)

EAB has killed tens of millions of ash trees in Michigan, at least 12 additional states, and two Canadian provinces. (McCullough, et al., 2009)

2.0 Emerald ash borer (EAB)


Emerald ash borer. Photo: New York invasive species info clearinghouse

EAB on penny. Photo: Wisconsin’s EAB information service

Emerald ash borer in U.S. and Canada (2014). Photo: USDA 2014

Oliver C. Smith for GEP 204/504 2014

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Oliver C. Smith for GEP 204/504 2014

3.0 GIS and RS as applied to invasives research


Fig. 1. Publications applying RS and GIS techniques in mapping invasive species. (Joshi, 2004)

Publications UP



Both widely used to map and predict distribution of invasive species. (Joshi et al., 2004)

Scientific publications referencing GIS and RS for invasives research up 250% from 1990 to 2000. (Joshi et al., 2004)

RS used to detect invasives in several ways:

•Direct detection of the invasive, or habitat.•Indirect detection of effect, e.g., dying trees.

GIS used to interpret geospatial data

e.g., mapping distribution patterns of invasives using remotely sensed image data.

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4.0 Case study #1

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TitleAsh decline assessment in emerald ash borer-infested regions: a test of tree-level, hyperspectral technologies (Pontius et al., 2008)

ObjectiveDetermine if commercially available RS can detect early-stage stress in ash.

Methods•Remotely sensed image data collectionWhiskbroom hyperspectral scanner, sub-orbital, 1-meter resolution.

•Field level data collectionEvaluating ash tree health on-the-ground to quantify symptoms of stress and EAB infestation.

•Spectral indexes Selecting indexes with known sensitivity to plant stress indicators, e.g., chlorophyl and water content in leaves.

Fig. 2. Areas (6) targeted for remote scanning. (Pontius et al. 2008)

Areas targeted for remote scanning

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4.1 Field data collection MethodsHealth decline symptoms for 87 trees measured on a range of factors:

•chlorophyll and water content in leaves•canopy health•direct evidence of EAB infestation

Ash crown vigor as health metric.Photo: Alex Hyde. Alex Hyde Photography

Assessing tree health.Photo: MIT Technology Review (2013)

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The result is a tree health decline ratingA 0-10 scale for interpreting remotely sensed reflectance patterns.

Showing class and cut-offs

Chlorophyllfactor A

Chlorophyllfactor B

Fig. 3. Summary health decline rating. (Pontius et al., 2008)

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4.2 Spectral indexes (predictive algorithms)

Six indexes sensitive to plant stress are selected:

Indexes are applied to the remotely sensed reflectance patterns ...

Output:Pixel-by-pixel tree health rating for every forested pixel in the RS imagery.




Fig. 4. Key indexes and wavelengths. Source: (Pontius et. al, 2008)

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Each index focuses on a unique area of spectrum

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4.3 ResultsScanned region A:High ash density and prolonged EAB infestation.

Scanned region B:High ash density and no known EAB infestation.

Scanned region C:High ash density, some decline but no EAB reports.

Maybe this region is EAB infested!




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Fig. 5. Decline averages. (Pontius et. al, 2008)

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4.4 Conclusions“The combination of traditional plot-level forest health assessment techniques with commercially available hyperspectral remote sensing imagery can produce accurate, detailed, large-scale maps of forest health.”

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(Pontius et al., 2008)

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5.0 Case study #2

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TitleModeling local and long-distance dispersal of invasive emerald ash borer in North America (Muirhead, Leung, Overdijk, Kelly, Nandakumar, Marchant, & MacIsaac, 2006)

ObjectiveValidate models for predicting EAB dispersal.

MethodsTwo models are tested:

A. Short-range dispersal by flight.1

B. Long-range dispersal via human activity.

1Predicted areas of short-range dispersal mapped with ARCGIS and Albers-Equal Areas Conic projection to maintain shape/distance between infested areas.

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5.1 Short-range dispersal by flight

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Fig. 6. Short-range dispersal 2002-2005. (Muirhead et al., 2006)




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Proximity to human population centers and epicenter as factors influencing probability of infestation

5.2 Long-range dispersal via human activityHigh


Fig. 7. Probability of infestation. (Muirhead, 2006)



Probability of infestation:•Decreases with distance from epicenter.•Increases near human population centers.•Model is accurate to 97.5%.

Table 1. Validating proximity to human population and distance from epicenter as factors influencing probability of infestation. (Muirhead, 2006)


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5.3 Conclusions

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•EAB has spread in North America through short-range flights and by long-range dispersal linked to human activity.

•Probability of infestation decreases with distance from epicenters, but increases in proximity to human population centers. (Muirhead et al., 2006)

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Asner, G. P., Jones, M. O., Martin, R. E., Knapp, D. E., & Hughes, R. F. (2008). Remote sensing of native and invasive species in Hawaiian forests. Remote Sensing of Environment, 112(5), 1912-1926.

BenDor, T. K., Metcalf, S. S., Fontenot, L. E., Sangunett, B., & Hannon, B. (2006). Modeling the spread of the emerald ash borer. Ecological Modelling,197(1), 221-236.

Innes, J. L., & Koch, B. (1998). Forest biodiversity and its assessment by remote sensing. Global Ecology & Biogeography Letters, 7(6), 397-419.

Jensen, J., & Jensen, R. (2012). Introductory geographic information systems. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Joshi, C., de Leeuw, J., & van Duren, I. C. (2004, July). Remote sensing and GIS applications for mapping and spatial modelling of invasive species. Proceedings of ISPRS, 35, B7.

Kovacs, K. F., Haight, R. G., McCullough, D. G., Mercader, R. J., Siegert, N. W., & Liebhold, A. M. (2010). Cost of potential emerald ash borer damage in US communities, 2009–2019. Ecological Economics, 69(3), 569-578.

McCullough, D., Poland, T., Anulewicz, A., & Cappaert, D. (2009). Emerald Ash Borer (Coleoptera: Buprestidae Attraction to stressed or baited ash trees. Envion. Entomol. 38(6): 1668-1679 (2009).

Muirhead, J. R., Leung, B., Overdijk, C., Kelly, D. W., Nandakumar, K., Marchant, K. R., & MacIsaac, H. J. (2006). Modelling local and long-distance dispersal of invasive emerald ash borer Agrilus planipennis (Coleoptera) in North America. Diversity and Distributions, 12(1), 71-79.

Pontius, J., Martin, M., Plourde, L., & Hallett, R. (2008). Ash decline assessment in emerald ash borer-infested regions: A test of tree-level, hyperspectral technologies. Remote Sensing of Environment, 112(5), 2665-2676.

Ustin, S. L., DiPietro, D., Olmstead, K., Underwood, E., & Scheer, G. J. (2002, June). Hyperspectral remote sensing for invasive species detection and mapping. In Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2002. IGARSS'02. 2002 IEEE International (3, 1658-1660). IEEE.

6.0 References

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