Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine Vol. 31, No. 04 1953

Georgia Tech Alumnus New Physics Building MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT TECH BEATS GEORGIA EMPLOYMENT SERVICE TECH TOPICS Vol. 1 M A R C H , 1923 No. 1 Published at Atlanta, Ga. bv the National Alumni Association of Georgia School ot Technology MARCH-APRIL *953


A publication of the Georgia Tech Alumni Association.

Transcript of Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine Vol. 31, No. 04 1953

Page 1: Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine Vol. 31, No. 04 1953

Georgia Tech Alumnus

N e w Physics Building


Vol. 1 MARCH, 1923 No. 1

Published at Atlanta, Ga. bv the National Alumni Association of

Georgia School ot Technology


Page 2: Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine Vol. 31, No. 04 1953


"How does your business training

program prepare a college graduate

for a career in General Electric?" . . . C H A R L E S O. B I L L I N G S . Carnegie institute of

Technology, 1954

The answer to this question, given at a student information meeting

held in July, 1952, between G-E personnel and representative college

students, is printed below. If you have a question you would like an­

swered, or seek further information about General Electric, mail your

request to College Editor, Dept. 123-2, General Electric Company,

Schenectady, New York.

R. J. CANNING, Business Training Course . . . General Electric's business training program offers the college graduate the opportunity to build a career in the field of

' accounting, finance, and business management in one of the most diversified com­panies in the country.

Since its beginning in 1919, more than 3,000 students have entered the program—one of the first training programs in business to be offered by industry.

The program's principal objective is to develop men well qualified in accounting and related business studies, men who can become administrative leaders in the finan­cial and general business activities of the Company.

Selection of men for the program is based on inter­views, reviews of students' records, and discussions with placement directors and faculty members. Selection is not limited solely to accounting and business administra­tion majors. A large number of men in the program are liberal arts graduates, engineers, and men with other technical training.

When a man enters the program he is assigned a full-time office position in accounting or other financial work and enrolled in the formal evening education program. This planned classroom work is a most important phase of the program. The material presented is Carefully se­lected and well integrated for the development of an ade­quate knowledge of accounting and business theory, pro­cedures and policies followed by the Company, acceptable

accounting and business practices of the modern eco­nomic enterprise, and as a supplement to the practical experience provided by the job assignment.

In general, the program trainee is considered in train­ing for three years during which time advancements are made to more responsible types of accounting work. After completing academic training the trainee's progress and interests are re-examined. If he has demonstrated an apti­tude for financial work he is considered for transfer to the staff of traveling auditors or to an accounting and financial supervisory position. From here his advance­ment opportunities lie in financial administrative posi­tions throughout the Company. Trainees showing an interest and aptitude for work other than financial, such as sales, purchasing, community relations, publicity, etc.. are at this time considered for placement in these fields.

Today, graduates of the program hold responsible posi­tions throughout the entire organization. Management positions in the accounting and financial field throughout the Company, such as Comptroller. Treasurer, finance managers, secretaries, and others, are held in large part bv graduates of the course. Men who have transferred to other fields after experience in financial work include public relations executives, managers of operating divi­sions and departments, presidents of affiliated Companies, officials in personnel, employee relations and production divisions, and executives in many other Companv activities.

This partial list of positions now filled by former busi­ness training men is indicative of the career preparation offered by the business training program, and of the opportunities that exist for qualified men interested in beginning their careers in accounting and financial work.

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Page 3: Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine Vol. 31, No. 04 1953

Volume 31 No. 4 Qeaj^Tk^Jllumnus

Mar.-Apr. 1953

From the Secretary's Desk

HAVE I ever told you how nice it is to be working for and with Georgia Tech men? You have no idea how much

more pleasant my work is than that of some other alumni secretaries with whom I have come in contact. Of course there is plenty to be done in this job, and like many of you, there are things I would like to do, but don't have the money, time or whatever to get to it. The type of person who goes to Georgia Tech makes an excellent alumnus. We just don't have many prima donnas, wise guys or lazy bums. It's true that there are exceptions, but fortunately

most of those in the above category find out early in their first quarter that Tech is not for them.

The reputation of Georgia Tech is made by its alumni. That's you! Inci­dentally, the reputation is also being upheld by the young group of gradu­ates who have finished in recent years. The present curriculum is better than it was — the faculty is steadily being improved — some strides are being made in providing a better physical plant — and last, but not least, our alumni and friends are realizing the value of a strong Alumni Association and Foundation. Yes, Tech is a great

institution, but it cannot rest on its laurels — no institution can do that and hold its own — much less make progress.

Our contacts with business men who hire our seniors and our alumni are gratifying. These men are impressed by the quality, character and personality of Georgia Tech men. They like the interest shown by the administration and the Alumni Association in placing Tech men with business and industry. They like the state of preparation found in Geor­gia Tech men. Nearly all Tech seniors have a choice of

several jobs. Our alumni also have many opportunities to contact various companies through our Weekly Alumni Placement Bulletin. If you want to hire a Tech man or are looking for a change yourself, just drop me a note asking to be put on the placement list — furnishing the vital sta­tistics of course. We want to be of service to you.


The long-promised "Roll Call Directory" should have reached you by now. If you haven't received your copy or if you find any mistakes, please advise us. We offer pro­found apologies for the delay, but our printer apparently couldn't produce at the expected rate and we couldn't seem to speed him up. If your contribution was received after January 5, you will probably not be included in the Di­rectory. We had to have a stopping place somewhere along the line.


The 1952 season seems barely over, but here I am re­minding you to order your football tickets early. The Alumni office addresses the envelopes in April — you should get your application by about May 1. If toward the end of May you haven't received your application blanks, drop us a note and we'll see that you get them promptly.

Make your plans early to attend Home Coming. The date is November 7 — the game is with Clemson. Tickets will be set aside in groups for members of these classes: 1948, '43, '38, '33, '28, '23, '18, '13, '08, '03 and the Pioneers. If you are in one of these classes, it is hoped that you will make a special effort to attend Home Coming, 1953.

Bob Wallace took over the ALUMNUS with the Jan.-Feb. issue and is making every effort to please you. This Anni­versary Issue was his idea and I hope you like it. Send him some news about yourself or developments in your field of business. He is anxious to do all possible to improve your alumni magazine.

Yours for a Greater Tech, Roane Beard


The Past — from the first issue The Present — A review of 30


The School of Physics


Campusonalities — Jim Wohlford On the Hill Engineers' Week


Football Spring Sports & Schedules End of an Era — the neiv rule


With the Clubs The Salute Nominations for Officers News of the Alumni by Classes

Published bi-monthly from September to Georgia Tech National Alumni Association

4 5

6 7 8


12 13-14 14-15

16 17 18 19

June, inclusive, by the , Georgia Institute of

technology, 225 North Avenue, Atlanta, Georgia. Subscription price (35^ per copy) included in membership dues. matter at the Post Office, Atlanta, Georgia, 1879.

Entered as under Act

second class of March 3,


Executive Editor W. Roane Beard

Editor and Manager Robert B. Wallace, Jr .

Editorial Assistant Mary Peeks


The anniversary cover is an exact rep­lica of the March, 1923 cover. The only di­vergence is in the size of the magazine — the first few issues of THE ALUMNUS were of smaller dimensions than the

present magazine.


A report on the Engineering Extension

Division — Southern Tech, Evening School, Short Courses & Conferences, etc.

Graduation —1953.

The National Officers for '53-54.

Spring Practice & the T-Day Game.

With the Clubs, On the Hill. News of the

Alumni and other features.

March-April, 19S3 3

Page 4: Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine Vol. 31, No. 04 1953


DR. M. L. B R I i T A I N — Tech's President, 1922-44. The leader to national recog­nition for the school.



By Y. Prank Freeman To all Georgia Tech Alumni:

With this, the first edition of the Georgia Tech ALUMNUS, we are mak­ing our second important step in the development of the Alumni Associa­tion.

The first was the selection of a per­manent secretary, one who could de­vote all of his time to the work of the association, and work out plans for a close and efficient organization. How well Mr. Albert Staton, our present able Secretary, has done the work as­signed him is best evidenced by the progress made during the past year.

He, however, cannot continue to de­velop the association beyond certain limits without the whole hearted and close co-operation of every Georgia Tech man, and it is through the Geor­gia Tech ALUMNUS that we hope to bring you into direct touch with your beloved Alma Mater, and weld all of us together in a body of loyal workers that will not be equaled in the country.

Georgia Tech men everywhere stand out as men who do things and do them well, and we sincerely believe that once our aims and desires are understood, response will be such as to give our school "The Alumni Association Un-equaled." It means hard work, sacri­fice on the part of many, but such a sacrifice as we love to make, because it is a work for the institution we ad­mire and love, the place where our boyish dreams were moulded into def­inite and concrete ideals, and the chance to realize these ideals given proper impetus and direction.

(Continued on Page 28, Col. 1)

Past A collection of excerpts irom articles which

appeared in the first issue of the ALUMNUS.


By Homer George BASKETBALL — 1923

Georgia Tech got revenge last night on the University of Georgia for that defeat handed them in 1921 when the Red and Black put the locals out of the tournament. And strange as it may seem, the difference in points at the end of the contest was exactly the same. The score was: Tech, 27; Geor­gia, 22.

In the first half Georgia made one lone field goal last night and really missed but few where her chances were good. Her players did not seem to get going at all, though fighting hard all the way. But in the second half they came out and took the battle into their

(Continued on Page 28, Col. 1)


By Albert Staton

At the suggestion of some of the alumni, the Secretary has undertaken to establish an employment service in connection with the work of the Na­tional Alumni Association.

The purpose of this service is, briefly, to find jobs for the Tech men who want them, and to find men to fill vacancies. One of the chief services that the As­sociation can render is to find jobs for the boys who are graduated every year. The men who have gone out before them know the value of the Tech di­ploma better than anyone else, and it is a natural thing for these boys to look for jobs with former Tech men.

The machinery of this idea is simple. If Tech men everywhere will write in to the Secretary about the vacancies that

(Continued on Page 28. Col. 2)

THE 1923 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OFFICERS — (M. A. Ferst not W. 4. Ferst) "The spade ivork and the cornerstone laying."


Page 5: Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine Vol. 31, No. 04 1953

The Present

A few words about the changing times — the

school — the Association and how w e arr ived.


A LOT OF WATER h a s gone over t h e / V dam in t h e t h i r t y y e a r s since t h e then P r e s i d e n t of t h e A l u m n i Associa­tion, Mr. Y. F r a n k F r e e m a n , n o w of Hollywood, Cal i fornia , w r o t e h is ini t ia l message in t h e first i ssue of t h e Geor ­gia Tech A L U M N U S . I e a r n e s t l y hope that all A l u m n i wi l l r e a d careful ly this ar t ic le by Mr. F r e e m a n because it then becomes r ead i ly a p p a r e n t t h a t he and his fe l low- t rus tees h e l p e d bu i ld on solid founda t ions , t he s t r u c t u r e of the Georgia Tech N a t i o n a l A l u m n i As ­sociation.

(Continued on Page 28, Col. 2)


THIRTY YEARS ago t h e f irs t issue of t h e

Georgia Tech A L U M N U S w a s p r o ­duced b y t h e Georg ia Tech Na t iona l A l u m n i Associat ion. In t he Ed i to r i a l sect ion of t h a t f i rs t magaz ine , Ed i to r A l b e r t S t a ton set h is policy as fol lows: "We a c k n o w l e d g e t h e shor t comings of th is m a g a z i n e a t t he outse t . N o one m a n can ed i t a magaz ine w h i c h wi l l p lease eve ryone . T h e only w a y w e can m a k e t h e Georg ia Tech A L U M N U S a r e a l m a g a z i n e is for e v e r y A l u m n u s to co­ope ra t e . S e n d us sugges t ions as to s u b ­ject m a t t e r . Ask any ques t ions you w a n t

(Continued on Page 28, Col. 3)

IVAN ALLEN, JR . Vice President






DR. BLAKE R. VAN LEER — Tech's President, 1944-present. The amazing growth of the institution under his leader­ship has been more than gratifying.

E m p l o y m e n t S e r v i c e By ROANE BEARD

T h e E m p l o y m e n t Serv ice , w h i c h b e ­gan so inauspic ious ly t h i r t y y e a r s ago, is sti l l a funct ion of t h e Na t iona l Asso­ciat ion. O u r a im is t h e same as it w a s in '23 — to get Tech m e n jobs , a n d t h e se r ­vice costs t h e e m p l o y e r a n d t h e p r o s ­pec t ive employees t h e s a m e pr ice — N O T H I N G . H o w e v e r , t h e list of b o t h A l u m n i w h o a r e seek ing n e w jobs a n d e m p l o y e r s w h o a r e seek ing Tech m e n h a s g r o w n .

At t he p r e s e n t t ime , t h e A l u m n i A s ­sociat ion p r i n t s a w e e k l y P l a c e m e n t Bul le t in , l is t ing a l l t h e jobs t h a t a r e ava i l ab le to A l u m n i t h r o u g h th is office. This Bu l l e t in is sent to e v e r y o n e w h o ind ica tes a des i re to rece ive it. O u r a v e r ­age Bu l l e t in ca r r i e s i n fo rma t ion on 70 to 80 jobs for va r ious e x p e r i e n c e levels , mos t of t h e m r e q u i r i n g degrees . T h e a v e r a g e n u m b e r of A l u m n i us ing th i s se rv ice is 500. The u n d e r g r a d u a t e p lace ­m e n t is still m a n a g e d t h r o u g h Dean F r e d Ajax .

Tech Topics Whi le r ead ing over t h e Tech Topics

section of t h e first A L U M N U S , w e not iced t h a t t h e y w e r e t r o u b l e d in those d a y s w i t h i naccu ra t e records . W e a re st i l l h av ing t h e same sor t of diff iculty.

A l though , w e h a v e secured add i t i ona l office e q u i p m e n t a n d files s ince '23; w e st i l l m a k e m i s t a k e s a n d A l u m n i sti l l m o v e a r o u n d w i t h o u t l e t t ing us k n o w the i r n e w locat ions . A n y t i m e y o u move , let us b e a m o n g t h e first to k n o w of it. O u r job w o u l d be s implif ied im­m e a s u r a b l y , by th i s t hough t fu lnes s on y o u r pa r t . If you k n o w of a n y Tech men , w h o a r e ou t of con tac t w i t h us, u r g e t h e m to get in touch w i t h t h e Na ­t ional Associa t ion on t h e Tech campus . W e wi l l get in touch w i t h y o u if w e move .

March-April, 1953 5

Page 6: Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine Vol. 31, No. 04 1953

The School of Physics

PHYSICS is known primarily as a basic science, and for many years its

chief contribution to industry has been made indirectly through the various fields of engineering. More recently the extensive technical development of industrial and military equipment has required persons with more and more fundamental training in physics, and physics has assumed an important place of its own as an applied science. Three reasons for this are (1) the rapidity with which scientific discoveries are rushed into factory production, (2) the complexity of modern equipment, and (3) the diversity of technical fields.

Industrial and military competition today demand the utmost speed in the utilization of new scientific discoveries. Years ago, the lapse in time between a scientific discovery and its applica­tion in industry was so great that often there was no personal contact between the scientist who made a discovery and the engineer who applied it to indus­trial processes. Today, government and industry find it advantageous not only to hire research scientists, but to have them work side by side with engineers to expedite the adaptation of their dis­coveries in practical applications. The volume of research work increases yearly, and there are now so many organizations devoted exclusively to re-

THE DIRECTOR—Dr. Joseph H. Hotvey. "Industry has discovered the Physicist."

search that it has become an industry by itself. This has brought an increas­ing demand for scientists trained to participate in group research work, and the majority of newly trained phys­icists are now going into industry or into industrialized research. This is in sharp contrast to the situation of twenty-five years ago when the ma­jority of physicists were trained for academic careers in pure science.

The increasing complexity of modern equipment is well illustrated in the field of automatic control. There is an al­most infinite variety of automatic con­trol devices ranging from the simple thermostat on a gas furnace to the automatic radar on anti-aircraft guns that tracks a moving target and fires the gun with uncanny speed and ac-curacy. The industrial revolution which began by using machines to replace men's muscles is now using machines to replace men's brains, and it has given us computing machines that solve problems no man could solve. Such complexity in modern industrial equip­ment cuts across all fields of engineer­ing and requires a thorough training in all the fundamental divisions of physics. It also creates a definite need for men trained as applied physicists/

T h e d i v e r s i t y of t e c h n i c a l fields scarcely needs any comment. There are so many different types of technical work today that very few college stu­dents know exactly what they will be doing after they graduate. More and more, industrial concerns are coming to rely on colleges for fundamental training, with the expectation that spe­cialized training will have to be given on the job in any case. There are also many specialized fields where the num­ber of technical men needed in any one field is too small to justify the estab­lishment of a college curriculum for that field. Here again fundamental training best meets the need.

As a degree-granting department, the School of Physics is relatively new at Georgia Tech. The first bachelor of sci­ence degree in physics was granted just ten years ago in 1943. The school was established with a recognition of the increasing need of training physicists for industry, but no less with a recogni­tion of the traditional importance of physics as a basic science in its own right. The work of the School of Physics includes the offering of service

THE BUILDING— Unfinished at the time of the first issue of the ALUMISUS, it landed the cover slot. "Most Alumni hate cause to remember this entrance.'''

courses in basic physics to all sopho­more students, the offering of a curric­ulum leading to a bachelor's degree in physics, the offering of graduate work leading to a master's degree in physics, the development of a program of academic research in physics and the support of sponsored research work in our Engineering Experiment Station through the joint use of personnel The offer ing of t h e s o p h o m o r e service courses was our first responsibility, and it is our constant concern that the de­velopment of additional activities shall enhance the quality of our work in these basic courses rather than detract from it.

The curriculum for the bachelor's degree provides the fundamentals of physics which are necessary whether a student expects to follow a career in industry or in pure science. The first two years of work are practically the same as for all the scientific and engi­neering students at Georgia Tech. Dur­ing that time, the students acquire the vocabulary, the fundamental methods, and the principles of the basic sciences and of mathematics along with a train­ing in the use and appreciation of the English language. In the junior and senior years, the students take more a d v a n c e d c o u r s e s in t h e va r ious branches of physics. A large amount of laboratory work is given to familiar­ize the student with scientific equip­ment and technique. Of the total time available in the junior and senior years, about one-third is open for electives. This permits adequate differentiation between those interested in applied physics and those interested in pure science. Courses in chemistry, mathe­matics and more advanced physics are available for those who expect to con­tinue their study in graduate school-


Page 7: Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine Vol. 31, No. 04 1953

Courses in physical chemistry, in elec­tronics, and in various engineering fields are available for those who wish to go into industry after college. Elec-tives in Industrial Management may be included, since physicists who en­ter industrial work must expect to deal in part with problems of production and management. Those who are ad­vanced to positions of responsibility must invariably supervise the work of other men and the expenditure of money.

Graduate work is offered leading to the Master of Science degree in Physics, and our research program is being de­veloped with the expectation that the school will be ready to offer work leading to the doctor's degree in the not too distant future. Some much needed space became available in our building when the School of Architec­ture recently moved into their own building, and most of this is being con­verted into a research laboratory for two of our new research programs. One of these, under the joint direction of Dr. L. D. Wyly and Dr. C. H. Braden, is in the field of nuclear physics, and is supported in part by a grant we have received from the National Science Foundation. The other, under the di­rection of Dr. T. L. Weatherly and Dr. J. Q. Williams, is in the field of Micro­wave Spectroscopy.

The School of Physics is housed in a modern four story building with a staff of seventeen members and extensive facilities for instruction and research. In addition to the research laboratories mentioned above, there are other spe­cialized laboratories that are used both for instruction and research. The optics laboratory includes a Bausch and Lomb Large Littrow Spectrometer, a Gaertner Monochromator reaching into the ultra­violet, a Michaelson Interferometer, a Fabry-Ferot Interferometer, and mod­ern metallurigical and polarizing micro­scopes. The x-ray laboratory has a re­cent t y p e x - r a y d i f f rac t ion u n i t equipped with three types of cameras and an ionization chamber. A nuclear physics laboratory is equipped with fa­cilities for detecting and counting neu­trons, beta-rays, gamma-rays and cos­mic rays. The heat laboratory contains optical pyrometers, radiation pyrom­eters, resistance thermometers, poten­tiometers, and an oxygen bomb calor-meter. The electrical laboratory is well equipped to cover all the fundamental measurements in electricity and mag­netism, including electronics and micro­waves. A general laboratory includes different types of vacuum systems such as are widely used in research work today. Shop facilities are available for the construction of special equipment needed in research work.


GEORGIA TECH'S Co-operative Division was established in 1912 on the

basic principle that the better engi­neer would be a product of the cor­relation of the scientific and engineer­ing practices of the classroom and labo­ratory and the practical experience gained in the working industry.

James G. (Jim) Wohlford, EE '41 Co-op, the Director of the Co-operative Division at Tech, is a product of and a great believer in this correlation. Jim's boundless zeal in the co-op plan for engineering students makes him a nat­ural for his job of selling this type of education to both the prospective stu­dent and the industries that may em­ploy him.

Jim entered Tech as co-op student from Erwin, Tennessee High School in the Fall of 1936. While attending Tech, he was Vice-President of the Briaerian Society, Treasurer of the Co-op Club, a Captain in the ROTC and a member of A.I.E.E. and Pi Eta Sigma. During his working quarters, he was employed by Allis-Chalmers in their Pittsburgh plant.

After graduating from Tech, Jim en­tered the military service as a Second Lt. and was assigned as a radio intel­ligence officer. He spent five years on active duty during World War II, four in the Alaska-Aleutian area and one in Washington, D. C. He was separated from the service in 1946 as a Captain and immediately entered Stanford Uni­versity, where he received his Master's degree in Electrical Engineering in 1947.

Returning to Tech in 1947, Jim served as an instructor in the Electrical En-

James 6. Wohlford EE 41 Co-Op

Director of Co-operative


gineering School until July of 1948 when he was called upon to take his present position replacing James E. Mc-Daniel who was on a leave of absence. For the benefit of the older Co - op Alumni, Mr. McDaniel retired in June, 1950, from Tech and is now serving with the State Department in Barcelona, Spain after serving four years with them in Bremen, Germany.

One of the major responsibilities of Jim's office is the placement of the 700 Co-op students with over 180 different industries spread over the Eastern United States. This job necessitates a good deal of co-ordination between the students and the industries. Assisting Jim in this work are two more Tech Alumni; Associate Director John Cain, Ch.E. '51 Co-op, and Assistant Direc­tor Bill Hitch, a former Co-op who re­ceived his B.S. in M.E. in 1949. Through interviews with company officials and shop foremen Jim and his staff co­ordinate the industrial work with the Engineering curricula and take care of any adjustments in types of work, wages and other thorny problems. Jim also co-ordinates the co-operative pro­gram on the campus so it can best serve the students and the industries who employ them. At the present time seven of the Tech schools are offering co-op plans: Aeronautical, Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Industrial, Mechanical and Textile.

J im was married in March of last year to the former Mary Green who was the Administration Assistant in the co-op office. (Jim says that Mary is now managing him as deftly as she formerly managed co-op affairs). They live in Decatur, Georgia.

Marth-April, 1953 7

Page 8: Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine Vol. 31, No. 04 1953

on the hill... The President

PRESIDENT Van Leer had a busy two months. Besides his official duties,

the Colonel found time to address Tech Alumni Clubs in Atlanta and Knoxville; make the major speech at the Tufted Textile Manufacturers Association meet­ing in Dalton; speak over NBC Radio on the "Engineers' Week" ceremonial program for "Theater Guild of the Air" and accept the State Chairmanship of the "Crusade against Cancer" for 1953.

In spite of what you read in our re­cent Roll Call Directory, President Van Leer is not a '44 graduate of Tech. The President always indicates 1944 as his class year, because he became President of Tech during that year. Actually, we should have acknowledged the Presi­dent's contribution in the honorary sec­tion, but we were misled by his vigor and youth. We apologize, Colonel.

Tech's Negatives Win S1DT The negative team of Tech's M. L.

Brittain Debating Society won first place honors in the annual Southeastern In­tercollegiate Debating Tournament dur­ing the weekend of February 6-7. Over twenty Colleges and Universities of this sector entered affirmative and negative teams in the five rounds of debating the national topic: "Resolved, That the Federal Government Should Adopt a Compulsory Fair Employment Practices Commission." The Tech affirmative team took fourth place honors in the Tournament.

Toastmasters Club Formed A White and Gold Toastmasters Club

has been organized on the campus by a group of administrative and faculty employees of the school. Charlie Com­mander, Secretary of the YMCA chap­ter at Tech, was the leader in the or­ganization of this public speaking train­ing group. The club is in the process of securing a charter from the Toast-masters International, a nation-wide organization for the promotion of better public speaking.

The Tech Chapter holds a luncheon meeting every Thursday at noon in the ODK Room of the Dining Hall. At the meeting the members alternate as speakers, Toastmaster, Instructors and Critics, in order that they all may be­come better acquainted with proper public speaking. At the present time the club has 28 members and is grow­ing every week.

The following officers were elected during the March 5 meeting: President — Charlie Commander (Sec. Tech YMCA), Vice-President — Charlie Tay­lor (Director, Department of Short Courses and Conferences), Secretary-Treasurer — Bob Logan (Manager of College Inn) , Deputy Governor — Roy Barnes (Instructor IM School), Ser-geant-at-Arms — Dick Hearn (Instruc­tor TE School) and Education Chair­man — John Cain (Associate Director Co-op Department.)

THE PORTRAIT OF DR. W. G. PERRY. "Alumni help will be appreciated." Dean George Griffin.

YOU CAN HELP The ANAK Society has just presented

$250 to the Institute towards the pur­chase of a portrait of Dr. W. G. Perry, who was, for so many years, head of the English Department at Tech.

The total cost of the portrait will come to $490, and all Alumni friends of Dr. Perry who would like to make a small contribution toward the purchase of the portrait are asked to mail their check to George C. Griffin, Dean of Stu­dents, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, Georgia.

It is felt that there are hundreds of Alumni who would like to share in this purchase. The portrait will hang in the Reception Room of the English Department until the new library is completed at which time it will be dis­played in the library with the rest of the campus portraits.

Attention — Newman Club Alumni Georgia Tech's Newman Club, Catho­

lic campus organization, inaugurated its own publication, Newman News, last November; it is to be published quar­terly for Alumni, Members, Parents and Friends. If any of the Newman Alumni who were not included in the first mail­ing would like a copy of the March, 1953 and succeeding issues, just drop a note to Editor, Newman News at 158 Fourth St., N. W., Atlanta, Georgia.

For those who may not know it, the above address is the Newman House, the Club's own home owned by the Diocese of Savannah-Atlanta. Twelve Newmanites live in the six bedroom house where weekly meetings, socials and other events are held. All former Tech Newman Clubbers are invited to visit the house anytime they are in the area.

Bush-Brown Guest Writes Director Harold Bush-Brown of the

School of Architecture was the guest Editor for the December issue of the magazine, Progressive Architect. His article on the new Architect Building occupied the major portion of the Edi­torial Section of the issue. Editor Carl Feiss praised the Institute, the School of Architecture and the State of Georgia for their foresight in erecting the "finest building in the world devoted to the teaching of Architecture." A later edi­tion of the magazine will carry the com­plete photographs of the building.

Virus Stings 'Recks' During the last week of January, the

Tech Infirmary reached the saturation point with virus patients, and Howell Dormitory had to be pressed into ser­vice as an emergency ward to handle the overflow of patients. As many as fifteen students were bedded down in the converted dorm during the peak of Atlanta's virus epidemic of 1953. The occupants of the first floor of Howell returned to their rooms during the first week in February as things returned to normal on the campus.

Traveling Billboards Tech is now experimenting with post­

mark advertising on all metered mail leaving the campus. A small ad con­cerning the school is placed beside the postmark by the metering machine now in use at the Tech Post Office. The various ROTC units, the Co-op Depart­ment and the Evening School were the first sections of the Institute to be fea­tured in this novel advertising medium-


Page 9: Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine Vol. 31, No. 04 1953

Egad! Soul stirring cries of "Pass the crum­

pets, Reginald, and one lump or two old bean," resounded over the campus o n Sunday afternoon, February 22, as the Kappa Alphas played host at Tech's (5rst fraternity tea. (You read it right __a TEA). Students from Emory and Agnes Scott (where else?) as well as Tech fraternity men were invited to the gala affair. Aiding the host fra­ternity in the serving were members of Sigma Chi, Theta Chi and Lambda Chi Alpha houses at Tech. An old Emory tea-brewing process was borrowed by the KAs for the occasion. No permanent injuries were reported at the affair, an outgrowth of the latest collegiate fad.

HELP WEEK EDITOR'S NOTE: The following article is

reprinted from the ATLANTA JOUR­NAL of February 25, 1953. Columnist Ernest Rogers, the author of this article, is a respected newspaperman of long standing in Atlanta, whose column ap­pears daily in the JOURNAL.

It might be well to point out many of the other worthwhile projects carried out by Tech Fraternities in recent years such as their excellent participation in the Junior Chamber of Commerce's EMPTY STOCKING DRIVE and the March of Dime's "Ugliest Man" contest. The number of pledges working in this years "Help Week" was small because the idea was suggested after most of the fraternities had held their "Hell Weeks." Next year a much larger num­ber of the Tech Fraternities are ex­pected to junk their "Hell Weeks" for "Help Weeks." Tech chapters furnish­ing pledges for the 1953 "Help Week" were Alpha Epsilon Pi, Alpha Tau Omega, Kappa Alpha, Lambda Chi Alpha, Phi Epsilon Pi, Phi Gamma Delta and Sigma Alpha Epsilon.


THERE has been a noticeable change in the attitude of college fraternity

men during the last few years — for the better, I mean.

There was a time when the college fraternity member was looked upon as a youth devoting more than the usual amount of time and energy to fun and frolic. He lived in a house occupied by brethren of the same Greek letter per­suasion and, in the main, perhaps con­sidered himself somewhat above the average cut.

And when it came to victimizing such freshmen as affiliated with his lodge the exploits were generally of a most em­barrassing nature, if not downright cruel. The principal season of indoctri­nation was called "Hell Week," and with good cause.

(Continued on page 30)

Spring and Infra-Red Top to bottom — the front campus from Knowles, the YMCA and the M. L. Brittain Dining Hall.

arch-April, 1953 9

Page 10: Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine Vol. 31, No. 04 1953


Tech ' s C i v i l E n g i n e e r i n g S c h o o l walked off with first place honors for the second straight year in Tech's an­nual Engineers' week exhibit. A first place in next year's exhibit will give the CEs permanent possession of the floating trophy. Second and third place prizes went to the Architects and In­dustrial Engineers respectively.

Tech students in the CE School put over 2,000 work hours in the designing and building phases of their display models for this year. Along with the two models we have shown on this page, the CEs displayed scale models of the Oakland Bridge, the leaning tower of Pisa and a cloverleaf highway intersection that is being built in At­lanta.

Approximately 1,500 visitors, includ­ing 500 Boy Scouts, visited the exhibits in the Crenshaw Field House during the last three days of Engineers' Week. This year Tech's Engineers' Week was in February instead of April or May in order that it would coincide with National Engineers' Week sponsored by the St. Patricks Council.

The three judges who passed on the various merits of the exhibits this year


were Paul Duke, '45, representing the business world; Steve Hale of Fulton Bag, who judged the Technical aspects of the displays and Dr. G. B. Johnson of Emory who judged the ability of the exhibit to explain its functions to the average layman. The judging started at 10 A.M., Saturday, February 28, and continued until 4 P. M. that day.

Friday night, February 27, around 2,200 students and friends of Tech filled the Tech Gym to witness Tech's first "Faculty Fracas," a wild and woolly show featuring members of the faculty in various skits and musical selections. Dean George Griffin, alias Gorgeous George, acted as Master of Ceremonies for the hilarious affair that was very well received by the crowd. Musical selections by Prof. "A-Less" Armstrong on the accordion with vocal, Research's Mr. Woodward on Banjo and Mandolin, Smilin' Jack Holton, vocalist and the Fowler Street Five delighted the ca­pacity house. Skits by the English Department, IM School and the Mathe­matics Department and a chorus line that included a local Alumni Secretary rounded out the very successful show. All of the proceeds from this produc­tion went to the World Student Fund.

THE CE'S SWEDISH BRIDGE MODEL — Senior N. J. Steinichen briefs a visitor.

THE PRIDE OF THE PRIZE WINNERS — CE senior Norman Abend explains the power dam exhibit to a group of visitors.

LOOM AT T H E LOOM — Senior TE stu­dent Thomas E. Loom changes yarn while student A. Weaver observes.


George gets ready for his entrance with

the aid of his valet. Senior Fred Scinto.

TURBO J E T CUTAWAY — St. Patricks , Council member, Emmett Owen, IE 'S3. THE ARCHITECTS — Sophomore Arch, explains the ME exhibit to co-ed Pat student Charles P. Graves gives details of Sargent, '56. model house to Garden Club members.


Page 11: Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine Vol. 31, No. 04 1953



R OBERT G. NIXON, '27, crack Washing­ton reporter and chief Interna­

tional News Service White House cor­respondent throughout the Truman Ad­ministration, is something of a legend­ary figure not only in Washington but in an impressively large part of the world. The handsome Georgian has roamed the globe in a manner dashing enough to make the adventures of the late Rich­ard Harding Davis seem faintly pedes­trian.

Since the early days of the Roosevelt Administration, when Nixon first came to the nation's capital for INS, his as­signments have carried him the length and breadth of the United States and frequently into foreign countries.

Seventeen years of covering the presi­dents have produced a myriad of exper­iences for Nixon, but none so memor­able as his dramatic exclusive interview with Harry S. Truman on January 26, 1953, in which the former President ex­pressed doubt that Soviet Russia had the atomic bomb.

Nixon recalled at the time that it took him more than three years of pa­tient work to "break" the story.' When President Truman ^announced in Sept­ember 1949 that Russia had produced an atomic "explosion," Nixon wondered why he had., not said "bomb." Nixon's queries brought nothing from White House press aides except a flat refusal to go beyond the President's exact wording. '

In his college days at Tech, Nixon had majored in chemical engineering and the theories of atomic fission became a hobby with him through the years. Nixon was curious, and decided that his question was worth putting up to Mr. Truman whenever a good opportunity arose. He decided that he would broach the subject after Mr. Truman could speak as a private citizen.

Finally, in Kansas City, Mo., where he had been assigned to cover the ex-President's reversion to private life, Nixon brought up the subject during a lengthy private interview. The result was an explosive exclusive story that was major news in every corner of the globe.

Nixon was gratified to sit in the former President's office the following day and hear him tell other ^newsmen who were trying to catch up with the story:

ROBERT G. NIXON, '27, AND MR. TRUMAN "Familiarity breeds exclusives"

"I have said all that it is necessary to be said, and I stand behind Bob Nixon's story. It looks like Bob put one over on you fellows. He has certainly been working hard enough and long enough on it."

The A-bomb story was the second ex­clusive interview that Nixon had with Harry S. Truman. The previous one took place in Washington on December 26, 1952, and was the first exclusive in­terview given by the retiring President to White House reporters. This achieve­ment, plus Nixon's dramatic beat, on December 10, 1952, in reporting Presi­dent Truman's demand that General MacArthur turn over to the chief execu­tive his announced plan for ending the Korean war, won for Nixon the 1952 George R. Holmes Memorial Award. The Holmes Award is presented an­nually in recognition of "the best example of an International News Ser­vice reporter's work" during the year.

Nixon, who covered many of the late President Roosevelt's wartime confer­ences, and who was with the 32nd Presi­dent when he died at Warm Springs, Ga., covered Mr. Truman from his first day in the White House. He went to the Potsdam conference with him, to the Wake Island meeting with General MacArthur and all in all traveled near­ly a quarter of a million miles with the former President.

Nixon's distinguished career -dates way back to his college days, when he was bitten hard by the newspaper bug while enrolled at Tech.

Now 47, Nixon came to INS in 1931 as Southeastern Division chief with headquarters in Atlanta. He was re­garded as a comer then, and had achieved that reputation the hard way.

While chief of the INS Southeastern

Division, Nixon's biggest story was fol­lowing the political rise of Senator Huey Long as a national figure — in­cluding his assassination. Nixon was in on the story of the Huey Long "era" from beginning to end and considers it one of the most important stories he has ever covered.

"It revealed," he says, "how the American form of government can be manipulated by a shrewd politician to create and cloak a dictatorship. But for Long's violent death, he might have drastically changed the course of American history."

Nixon joined the INS Washington bureau in 1935, having been promoted to the nation's capital in recognition of his outstanding work in the Southeastern Division.

When World War II broke out in Europe, Nixon couldn't get overseas fast enough as a w a r c o r r e s p o n d e n t . Although he was at first assigned to the London INS staff to cover the foreign office and embassies, he later became an accredited c o r r e s p o n d e n t w i t h t h e British Expeditionary Force in Belgium and got in on the Dunkirk retreat, where he barely escaped with his life.

Out of one tight spot, Nixon soon found himself in a new and more terri­fying battleground — London during the blitz. When German air armadas swarmed over Southern England night­ly in the historic blitz attacks of Sep­tember, 1940, Nixon found himself ducking bombs again — while covering this critical phase of the war for INS.

In 1941 he returned to the United States for a well-earned rest, but went back overseas with the first American troops to cover the North African in­vasion and the fierce fighting that fol­lowed.

March-April, 1953 11

Page 12: Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine Vol. 31, No. 04 1953

SPRING TRAINING, 1953 'Most interesting and important in recent years," Coach Dodd.

Tickets Up

Everybody on the squad will be re­quired to turn out on Monday, March 30, for the beginning of Tech's most im­portant spring practice in recent years.

This year the custom of excusing boys who want to play other sports or who will be listed as graduating seniors will be discarded because of the large amount of work facing the coaching staff and the squad. The new substi­tution rule has made this change in policy necessary in order that every­one may get all the benefit possible from the four 5-day weeks allotted to spring training at Tech.

Coach Dodd feels that the new rule will hurt Tech more than the average school due to the fact that the 'Jackets have used the two platoon system ex­clusively for the past two seasons. Few of Tech's players have played both of­fensive and defensive football during their college career. Now all of them must learn to play both ways. Practice sessions will be longer and harder than in the past few years due to the effect of the new ruling on Tech football.

Coach Dodd plans to hold intra-squad games twice a week during the spring grind this year. The final practice game will be the annual T game on the night of April 24 at Grant Field. In case of inclement weather the T game will be held on the afternoon of April 25. This year's T game should be as interesting as most of the big games of the regular season, because of the question as to the effect of the new substitution rule on the Tech squad. Be sure and make plans to attend the T game this year.

FOOTBALL SCHEDULE — Davidson at Atlanta — Florida at Gainesville — SMU at Atlanta — Tulane at New Orleans — Auburn at Atlanta — Notre Dame at South Bend — Vanderbilt at Nashville — Clemson at Atlanta — Alabama at Birmingham — Duke at Atlanta — Georgia at Atlanta COMING

1953 Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct.

*Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov.

19 26

3 10 17 24 31 7

14 21 28


TECH'S MOST VALUABLES RECEIVE AWARDS FROM MOVIE ACTRESS — L. to r.: Glenn Turner, most valuable offensive player; George Morris, most valuable defensive player; Coach Dodd (most valuable coach), and Miss Julia Adams.

The Georgia Tech Athletic Board voted unanimously to up the prices on football tickets for all home games ef­fective with the 1953 season. Business Manager Howard Ector reports that this is the first raise in Tech ticket prices since the '45 season and it was brought about because of the increase in the cost of equipping and outfitting the football team in recent years.

Tickets for the SMU, Duke and Au­burn games will sell for $4.80 in the East and West stands and $4.30 in the South Stands. The Homecoming tilt with Clemson will cost $4.30 and $3.60. Tickets for the Georgia game will cost you $4.80, no matter where you sit. The prices on the Davidson game have gone to $3.50 and $2.50. Last year's prices were $4.30 in the East and West stands for the big games and $3.00 for the Citadel and- FSU games. In the South Stands, the tickets went for $3.00 for the big games and $2.00 for the others.

(Continued on Page 13, Col. 1)

Tech Night The presentation of the Noble Ar­

nold Awards for the two most valu­able players on the '52 football squad was the feature of the Fox Theater's annual Tech night on January 30. De­fensive Linebacker, George Morris, and Offensive Fullback, Glenn Turner, were presented the awards by Miss Julie Adams, lovely Hollywood star of the Fox's feature film of the evening, "Mis­sissippi Gambler."

Coach Dodd was on hand to present his "greatest team" to the turnaway house of 5,000, and the Tech Band was also featured on the program.

The selection of All-American George Morris as the most valuable defensive player for the 'Jackets was no surprise to any one in the crowd as George had already received the Atlanta Touch­down Club's MVP award. Turner's se­lection as the most valuable offensive player proved a pleasant surprise,, as he was the least publicized of all the Tech regular running backs of '52.


Page 13: Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine Vol. 31, No. 04 1953

TICKETS The big change in price is in the

South stands. Last year was the first year in Tech history that there was a differentiation in the prices of the South and the other stands. Prior to 1952, you paid the same price no matter where your seat was located.

By early May of this year, all Tech Alumni should receive their ticket ap­plication blanks for the '53 season. If you are planning to see the Tech home games this year, be sure to fill out and return your application as soon ask you receive it — it will facilitate your get­ting seats.


Tech's '52-'53 basketball team wound up with a record of 5 wins against 17 losses, but their 4-9 conference record enabled them to finish one step ahead of Georgia who rested in the South­eastern cellar. The "Bulldogs" were the only team that Tech managed to beat twice.

Oddly enough, Tech won only one game on the road all season, that one coming in the Gator Bowl Tournament where they edged Georgia for third place laurels. Their record at home was a very respectable won 4 lost 3 against strong opposition.

Pete Silas was the star of the Tech team this year as was expected. Capt. ''Pencil Pete" closed out his collegiate career by leading the 'Jackets in total scoring, average scoring and rebound­ing. Silas, who was named to the AP All-Southeastern first team and received an honorable mention for All-American honors this season, dropped in 374 points for an average of 17 per game. His three year total at Tech was 1,084, a new record.

PORTRAIT BY THE PRESIDENT — Bobby Jones, '22. Tech's most famous Alumnus, receives a painting of himself from President Eisenhower. The ceremony took place at the famous Augusta Masters Country Club in February. The painting teas done by the President from the original painting of Bobby that hangs in the Golf House. Golfdom's Hall of Fatne.

PETE SILAS — All SEC Forward

GOLF With only two of the top ten golfers

of the '52 team returning, Coach H. E. Dennison holds little hope that this year's team will equal the fine record of 1952 when Tech swept six of ten dual meets and finished third in the SEC tournament. All three of Tech's championship division golfers in last year's tournament have finished school and they will be hard to replace.

Don Cole and John Maddox are the lettermen returning. Other team mem­bers will come from aspirants Joe M. Bearden, Jr., Larry Comer, Ned Edge, Richard Edwards, Ray Ford, Forrest Fowler, Jr., Charles Groover, Linwood Johnson, William Greene, Jr., Eugene Robbins, William Sibley and Charles Terrell.

The team is practicing three days every week, and hopes to be in shape to tackle their first opponent, Emory on April 3.

BASEBALL "This may be the year"

Tech's genial baseball coach, Joe Pit-tard, figures he has a definite contender for the 1953 season. Joe made no g u a r a n t e e t h a t T e c h w o u l d c o m e through with their first Southeastern Baseball Crown since the conference was formed, but he did allow that the material was the best at Tech in a long while.

Only three regulars are gone from the '52 squad that won eight and lost eleven conference tilts. Third baseman

George Maloof graduated, after having a .289 season with the bat. Leon Harde­man, .263 hitting leftfielder, will con­centrate on football this spring and first baseman Vaughan Dyer is among the ineligibles.

The 'Jackets look the strongest on the mound as their four best hurlers return for this season. Clyde and Buddy Young, Chappel Rhino and Dave Red-ford, all orthodox flingers, figure to bet­ter their collective 8-7 record of '52. Other good prospects for the pitching staff are right-handers Glenn Johnson and Joe Rizzo and the only southpaw on the staff, Bernard Epperson.

Around the infield, the 'Jackets will probably go with Bill Cohen at first, Chappel Rhino or Jimmy Rogers at sec­ond, Buddy Young at third and Charlie Brannon at short. Rhino and Young are pitchers and will alternate between the mound and their infield positions. Bran­non will miss the first five games be­cause of football practice. Bill Clink-scales will see a lot of action as utility infielder and may break into the regu­lar line-up if any of the others slip a bit. Sophomore Jimmy Joyce will catch again this year and may be the best man at his position in the league.

In the outfield, two hard-hitting left­handers, Bob Hudson and Lew An­drews, are back to fill two-thirds of the space. John and Joe Huie, the fresh­man twins from Jonesboro, will battle it out for the other slot.

March-April, 1953 13

Page 14: Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine Vol. 31, No. 04 1953

End of an Era A discuss ion of the demise of the Two-Pla toon system

The sixth decade of the twentieth century may go down in history as the decade of retrogression if the trends evident in the first two years continue.

For it was in these two years that the "swing back to conservatism" began in earnest. First, the Conservatives whipped the Laborites in England to end a half decade of socialism in the one time greatest of imperialistic nations; then the Democrats, the champion bureaucrats of this country, came a cropper to the Republicans, who promised to simplify the United States Government. Now, football's two-platoon system, symbol of specialization in the sports world,

has fallen by the wayside. To help the Alumni understand the

effect on Tech football of the "shock that shook the football world," we have asked a few prominent Tech men to state their views on the new substitu­tion rule. We have purposely selected men that we suspected of having wide­ly divergent views on the subject, re­alizing that most of you have already made up your mind on the subject. If so, you will find an argument some­where in this collection that will agree with your decision. If you are "on the fence" something here may push you off. However, the final answer as to


the wisdom of this change will come on the football fields in the next few years.

If the gates don't decrease, if the small colleges come back into the game, if there is a greater equality in the caliber of the major schools' teams — then the new rule will have proven itself. Any failure to satisfy all these requirements will mean the return to two-platoon ball.

Viewpoint of Tech's Coaching Staff By Coach Frank Broyles, IM '47

The present substitution rule which eliminates the so called two-platoon system, certainly came as a shock to members of the coaching profession. In an earlier poll taken by the rules committee, the college football coaches voted by a majority of 4 to 1 to retain the liberal or free substitution rule. The rules committee has in the past followed the recommendations made by the coaches, but this year, after in­tense study of the college athletic pro­grams throughout the country, they de­cided that a return to the prewar sub­stitution rule would be necessary for the best interests of football.

Much has been written by various sports writers speculating on the effect of the new rule on different teams and players. In the Southeast, they have all concluded that Georgia Tech will be hurt the most as a result of the change. Most of us at Tech were sup­porters of the free substitution rule, and certainly Coach Dodd has used the old rule to every possible advantage. He has scrutinized the capabilities of every player and used them to their fullest extent. Tech used over 45 play­ers in every game last year and in so doing, had the best morale possible. Reducing the number of participants in each game will make it much more difficult to maintain this exceptionally high morale. Our main objection to the new rule is that it will reduce the num­ber of boys participating in the games.

Coach Dodd has always felt that the more boys allowed to play — the better the game.

Application of the new rule will cer­tainly cut down on the degree of effi­ciency of all teams. The players of next season will have to be in better physical condition. They will have to learn all offensive and defensive signals, which will require more time on the practice fields and in the blackboard sessions.

We favored the old rule because it re­duced practice time, leaving the play­ers more time and energy to devote to their studies. We all realize that this is a big factor in helping our players to do well in their academic work. Last year our average practice session lasted only a little over an hour a day, and we felt our boys could return to their rooms and complete the required amount of studying. We think the faculties of all colleges and universities should be against any rule that will re­quire the players to spend more time and energy on the practice field, thus cutting down on the time and energy available for studies. Tech's late after­noon classes and labs leave us less time for practice than most other schools, and unless we are successful in or­ganizing our practices in the time avail­able, the new rule will handicap us in preparation for each game.

The present rule will also place a severe handicap on the smaller players. Coaches will favor the larger boys be­

cause of the requirements ,of defense, and many of the small outstanding of­fense specialists will become extinct. Most coaches will select their players for defensive ability, thus cutting down the overall scoring and thrills of mod­ern football.

How this rule will affect the 'Jackets is still in the realm of speculation, as spring practice does not get underway until April. Since our boys have only played either offense or defense for the past few years, they are eager to get started on this spring practice, so they can prove themselves capable of meet­ing the challenge of the new (for most of them) two-way football. In this re­spect, the coaching staff urges all Tech Alumni interested in football to be sure and make plans to see T-Day game on April 24th, it should be the most in­teresting spring game in the history of the school.

THE OTHER SIDE Vernon L. (Skinny) Borum, '23 —

Guard on '21 and '22 teams The new substitution rule seems to

me to be a good thing for the game. The cost of college football under the two-platoon system had reached the point that many of the smaller and more poorly located schools were placed at a disadvantage competitively-Too much stress has been put on spe­cialization with all-around football ability suffering. I believe the new sub­stitution rule will produce equally good teams — better in quality — with an opportunity for smaller schools to com­pete on a more equal basis.


Page 15: Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine Vol. 31, No. 04 1953

A. R. (Buck) Flowers, '22

Tech Back, '18,'19 and '20

All American, '20

The assumption that the new substi­tution rule will destroy or even dam­age the game of football seems to me to be a false one. The game has sur­vived many other changes, some of them more revolutionary than the latest one. Admittedly, fewer boys will get to play under the new rule (or should I say the revival of the old rule) , but those that do make the squad will be all-around athletes rather than spe­cialists, able only to kick a ball, throw a ball or run down the field at a high rate of speed.

The cost of maintaining a team will be lowered considerably under the new

TECH'S FOOTBALL COACHING STAFF — F i r s t rote: "Sam" Lyle, Ray Graves, "Tonto" Coleman, Bobby Dodd. Frank Broyles, "Whiter" Urban. Second rote: Bob Miller, Lewis Woodruff, Bob Bossons, "Bo" Hagan, "Buck" Andel, Joe Pittard.

rule, and more schools should be able to field a representative team. The change should also simplify the game for the average fan, who stayed pretty confused as to who was playing where-when during the two-platoon days.

In reviving some of the old rules of football, I think that one thing the coaches will have to do is to con­dition players more. The average play­er will have to have more endurance; and in order for him to get it, more work and practice will be necessary.

Bill Ross —Managing Editor of the TECHNIQUE, Campus Newspaper

When the new ruling concerning sub­stitutions in football games was an­nounced by the NCAA, nothing but bitter condemnation of the ruling was heard on this campus. Certainly the Yellow Jackets have nothing to gain in the near future by the change, but that does not mean that there is no good in it.

(Continued on Page 30)

Apr. 3 Apr. 4 • Apr. 7 Apr. 18 Apr. 21 • Apr. 25 Apr. 29 Apr. 30

May 12 • May 16 -

Mar. 23 Mar. 24 Mar. 25 Mar. 26 Mar. 27 Mar. 28 Mar. 30 Mar. 31

The Spring Schedule Golf

-Emory Univ., Atlanta - Univ. of Tennessee, Atlanta • Univ. of Florida, Atlanta - Vanderbilt Univ., Nashville Emory Univ., Atlanta

- Univ. of Georgia, Athens, Ga. - Univ. of Alabama, Athens, Ga. - C o n f e r e n c e T o u r n a m e n t ,

Athens, Ga. -Univ. of Georgia, Atlanta • Univ. of Tennessee, Knox-ville, Tenn.

, Baseball - Stetson at Deland, Fla. - Stetson at Deland, Fla. - Rollins at Winter Park, Fla. - Rollins at Winter Park, Fla. - * Florida at Gainesville, Fla. - *Florida at Gainesville, Fla. - "Auburn at Atlanta - *Auburn at Atlanta

Apr. 6 — * Tennessee at Atlanta Apr. 7 — * Tennessee at Atlanta Apr. 13 — *Auburn at Auburn, Ala. Apr. 14 — * Auburn at Auburn, Ala. Apr. 17 — * Georgia at Athens, Ga. Apr. 18 — * Georgia at Athens, Ga. Apr. 24 — * Florida at Atlanta Apr. 25 — *Florida at Atlanta Apr. 29 — *Tennessee at Knoxville,

Tenn. Apr. 30 — *Tennessee at Knoxville,

Tenn. May 1 —• *Kentucky at Lexington, May 2 — * Kentucky at Lexington, May 8 — *Georgia at Atlanta. May 9 — *Georgia at Atlanta

Track Mar. 28 — Florida Relays — Gainesville Apr. 4 — Southern Relays — Birming­

ham Apr. 11—Florida — Atlanta

Apr. May May May May


18 2 9 16 23


Ky. Ky.

Mar. 27 -

Mar. 28 -Mar. 3 1 -Apr. 4 -Apr. 6 -Apr. 9 -Apr. 1 1 -Apr. 17-Apr. 18-Apr. 20 -Apr. 25-Apr. 27 -Apr. 30 -May 1-May 4 -May 7-9-

- Georgia, FSU —Athens - Auburn — Auburn - Alabama — Atlanta - SEC Meet — Birmingham -AAU Meet —Atlanta

Tennis - Georgia State College at Val-dosta, Ga.

- Jacksonville Naval Air Sta­tion at Jacksonville, Fla.

- Florida at Gainesville, Fla. - Georgia at Atlanta - Auburn at Atlanta - Indiana at Atlanta - Tulane Univ. at Atlanta - Vanderbilt Univ. at Atlanta - LSU at Baton Rouge - Tulane Univ. at New Orleans - Emory Univ. at Emory Univ. - Tennessee at Knoxville - Georgia at Athens - Florida State Univ. at Atlanta - Alabama at Atlanta - Tennessee at Atlanta -SEC Meet at Tuscaloosa, Ala.

More Sports TRACK

The 1953 edition of the Georgia Tech Track team gets the outdoor season underway at the Florida Relays in Ga ine sv i l l e , F l o r i d a . Coach Norris Dean's squad is small and inexperi­enced this year and not too much is ex­pected of them. Hugh Tannehill and Earl Gilbreath, the half milers; Ray Cooper and Bill Skinner, the milers; Frank Rust and Cecil Davis, the hur­dlers, and Harry Wright, dash man, bid to collect the most points for the 'Jacket thinclads this year.


TECH'S 1953 swimming team finished their '52-53 season with a loss to a

strong Florida squad making their rec­ord for the season an average 3-6. As most of the team members were Fresh­men, Coach Lanoue looks for some good seasons in the very near future.

The Tech Mermen finished in third place in the SEC Meet trailing the vic­torious Florida Gators and the Geor­gia Bulldogs, who dropped to second place after a three-year reign as con­ference champs. Tech's only first place came when defending champ Frank Strickland won the 100-yard backstroke after failing to successfully defend his

200-yard backstroke crown. Seven rec­ords were broken in this year's meet held at Stegeman Pool in Athens.

RACKET SQUAD Tech's tennis team started practic­

ing March 2 for a tough game sched­ule which opens March 26 with Geor­gia State College in Valdosta. Coach Earle "Shorty" Bortell has four letter-men back from his '52 team which split even in a six game slate. The returnees, Mack McAllister, Rod Lee, Julian Wade and Ken Upchurch, will get support from Freshmen Chuck Straley, Jack Heisel, Earle Bortell, Jr., Vic Friend and Frank Prosser.

March-April, 1953 15

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The Augusta Georgia Tech Club held its annual Dinner Meeting on March 9 in the Georgian Room of the Rich­mond Hotel with President Frank Den­nis, presiding. Seventy-eight members and 12 guests were present to hear Coach Frank Broyles comment on the '52 team and the effects of the substi­tution rule on the '53 prospects. The group also saw the movie "Highlights of '52." William Hall and Joseph K. Pinnell, Augusta High School students who were guests of the Augusta Club at Tech's Engineers' Week in February, gave short commentaries on their visit to the "flats". Both boys seemed very grateful for the chance to visit Tech.

The 1953 officers were elected at this meeting. They are: President Allan Mat­thews, '23; Vice-President R. F. Gam-bill, Jr., '50; Secretary, John Johnson, '51; Treasurer, Paul Bailey, '42; and Directors, Frank Dennis, '17, C. W. Mobley III, '45, D. L. Nowell, Jr., '39, Walter A. Reiser, '43, W. B. Sanford, '34, David Silver, '38, and R. O. Usry, '51.


Colonel F. F. Groseclose, Tech's In­dustrial Engineering School Head, now on leave of absence with Port Heumene, California Naval Laboratory, was the feature speaker at the dinner meeting of the Los Angeles Georgia Tech Club.

BILL GORDY, '26 — Newly elected Presi­dent of the L.A. Tech Club. Bill is Dis­trict Sales Manager for the Retail Credit Company in the L. A. area.

The 38 L.A. members who turned out for the meeting heard an interesting talk by Col. Groseclose on the current

and future facilities and curricula at Tech. The members also got a good look at the '52 'Jackets via the film "Highlights of '52."

Officers elected at the meeting to lead the L.A. Club in '53 were Presi­dent, Bill Gordy, '26; Vice-President, Robert Gresham, '27 and Sec'y-Treas., Ed Fant, '29.


The Greenville Georgia Tech Club met at the Greenville Country Club on March 6 for refreshments, supper and a brief program.

J. O. Cole, '25, President of the Club acted as Toastmaster. He introduced Roane Beard, Executive Secretary of the National Association, who touched on the Alumni Association, the Institute and plans for the future. Roane then i n t r o d u c e d Back f i e ld Coach Frank Broyles, who discussed the past season, prospects for the coming year under the new substitution rule and recruit­ing problems. Following the talks, the film "Highlights of '52" was shown.

Officers elected to lead the Greenville Club in the coming year are: President, Charles M. Galloway, '34; Vice-Presi­dent, James F. Daniel, '24; and Sec'y-Treas., Walter H. Glenn, '27.


The Northeast Georgia Georgia Tech Club held their annual Ladies' Night meeting in Gainesville on the night of January 26. A traditional chicken din­ner was served to the 75 members and guests who turned out to hear Tech Coaches Joe Pittard and Frank Broyles talk about football at Tech and the new NCAA substitution rule. Coach Pittard also reminisced about his experiences while coaching at Gainesville High. The film "Highlights of '52" was shown to the audience to round out the special program.

New officers elected for 1953 were George Baker, President; Charlie Sim­mons, Vice-President; George Haymans, Sec.-Treas. and Bob Lawson, Harry Purvis and Buddy Hughes, Directors. At the close of the meeting Coaches Pittard and Broyles were presented with some of Gainesville's famous Froz­en Chickens as a gesture of the club's appreciation.

AT KNOXVILLE — L. to r.: Col. Van Leer; John M. Johnston. President; L. H. Klosterman, Sec.-Treas.. and Joe E. I\un-nally. Vice-Pres.

KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE Fifty members, wives and their guests

turned out to hear President Van Leer speak at the Knoxville Georgia Tech Club banquet held in the S&W Cafeteria on February 12. President Van Leer gave an interesting and informative talk on the physical plant, the faculty and the student body of Tech, and an­s w e r e d m a n y q u e s t i o n s f r o m the Alumni concerning the Institute in 1953. The film, "Highlights of '52" was shown to the group after the President's talk.

ATLANTA, GEORGIA Eighty-five members of the Greater

Atlanta Georgia Tech Club met in the Tech Dining Hall on February 10 to hear Colonel Van Leer, Dean Chapin and Experiment Station Director, Dr. Herschel Cudd, speak on Tech, 1952. After a cafeteria style meal and a short business meeting, Dean Chapin spoke on the high points of the academic im­provements made at the Institute in 1952. Dr. Cudd followed with a short, interesting discussion of the help given to the school by the Experiment Sta­tion and a summation of the basic re­search now being accomplished at the station.

Colonel Van Leer spoke on the aid that a strong Atlanta Club could give to Tech plus the plans for the Alexan­der Memorial Building. He concluded his talk with a summation of the Presi­dent's Report to the Board of Regents. National Association President, Charles Yates, closed out the meeting with com­ments on the turnout and the assistance that the National Association can offer the Atlanta group. After the meeting the film "Highlights of '52" was shown to those who wished to stay to see it.

NORFOLK, VIRGINIA Forty-two members of the Norfolk

Georgia Tech Club turned out for a get-together at the Norfolk Yacht Club on the night of February 17. J. S. Pitch-ford, President of the club, presided at the meeting which featured the "High­lights of '52." Three Tech Co-ops were guests of the club at the affair along with the wives of the members.


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The Pensacola Georgia Tech Club met at the Pensacola Yacht Club on Febru­ary 19 to hear your Editor, Bob Wallace (who was substituting for flu-stricken Roane Beard and Sam Lyle) discuss Tech in general and the Association in particular. Attendance at this meet­ing was held down because of the gen­eral influenza epidemic in the Pensacola area. After the dinner and talks, two films, "Highlights of '52" and "The Sugar Bowl Game" were shown to the club members and their wives. Harry Robinson, '33, had charge of the ar­rangements for the affair, and Gene Smith, '27, acted as Toastmaster. "Dixie" Cohen, '43, of Jacksonville, Florida, was a guest of the club at the meeting.


An enthusiastic group of thirty-two members and wives of the Shreveport Georgia Tech Club turned out March 2 to hear Tonto Coleman speak on "Edu­cation and Athletics at Georgia Tech." Coach Coleman did his usual fine job and was so well received that the gath­ering at the Stopmoor Restaurant did not break up until 2:30 the morning of

TURNOUT FOR FEBRUARY 27 MEETING OF THE LOS ANGELES CLUB Groseclose. third from left at speakers'' table, was the gnest speaker.


the 3rd of March. After a dinner, a short business meeting and Coach Cole­man's talk, the film "Highlights of 1952" was shown to those in attendance.

Officers of the Shreveport Club re­sponsible for the good program were President Lawton T. Stevens; Vice-President J. C. (Sonny) Griffith and Secretary-Treasurer Herman Turner.

OKLAHOMA A meeting of the Oklahoma Georgia

Tech Club was held at the Tulsa Coun­try Club on January 20. The attend­ance was entirely from the Tulsa area because of inclement weather and a severe influenza epidemic. Ten Tulsa members braved the elements to have a look at the '52 Jackets via the film "Highlights of '52." The next meeting of the Oklahoma Club will be held in May of this year; it is hoped that the club will have a better break in the weather for this affair.




March-April, 1953

THE ALUMNUS, by a very happy co­incidence, is saluting this issue, an

original member of the Georgia Tech National Alumni Association. The fact that he was a charter member of the Association is not, however, the rea­son for this salute.

Horace Holleman, '14, rates this sa­lute for his practically single-handed effort to carry out a worthy project of t h e A T L A N T A G E O R G I A T E C H CLUB. The project was to have a suc­cessful "High School Day" at Georgia Tech for the prospective Tech students in the Atlanta area. Horace initiated the program, distributed the invitations, and acted as overseer for the entire program. Tickets to the Florida State football game were given to high school seniors professing an interest in Tech, and an interesting program, designed to sell Tech to these students, was pre­sented on the eve of the game.

A comparison of the attendance fig­ures of the 1952 "High School Day" and the 1951 "High School Day," spon­sored by the National Association, will prove how well Horace did his job. In 1951, the attendance at the program arranged for the high school seniors was below fifty; in 1952, over 400 at­tended the program on the campus. One of the prime functions of an Alumni organization is to interest pros­pective college students in the Alma

Mater. Horace Holleman certainly rates a salute for his efforts in this direction.

ffltafafyghoofa, I N C O R P O R A T E D





A T L A N T A , G E O R G I A



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1953-54 NATIONAL OFFICERS NOMINATED ARTICLE FIVE of the By-Laws of the Georgia Tech National Alumni Association

are quoted below for your information. These By-Laws were adopted at the Annual Business Meeting, September 27, 1947 and amended on November 2, 1951.

"The officers of the Association shall be nominated and elected in the following manner:

"The President shall appoint a nominating committee of three members of the Association who shall not be members of the Board of Trustees. This com­mittee shall nominate one eligible person for each office, and the names of such nominees shall be published in the alumni magazine, together with appropriate ballots in blank. Each member shall send his ballot to the alumni secretary, vot­ing for the persons so nominated, or for any other members of the Association as desired for such office. The secretary shall tabulate such vote and declare the persons which have received the largest number of votes for each office as elected thereto. The foregoing steps shall be taken so as to insure the completing of the election prior to the beginning of the term to be served by such officers.

"The executive secretary shall be elected and the terms of his employment made by the Board of Trustees."

March 13, 1953 Mr. Charles R. Yates, President Georgia Tech National Alumni Association 225 Worth Avenue, N. W. Atlanta, Georgia Dear Charlie:

The nominating committee, duly appointed by you, has carefully weighed the problem of selecting nominees for possible election as officers of the Georgia Tech National Alumni Association. The committee has arrived at the following:


The above nominees are all vitally interested in Georgia Tech. They have shown great interest and loyalty in many ways in the past. They are currently serving on the Board of Trustees and are familiar with activities now going on at Tech. The nominating committee heartily recommends their election, feeling that continued progress will he made under their direction.

Respectfully, (Signed) Price Gilbert, Jr. (Chairman)

Jack Adair George H. Brodnax, Jr.

HOW TO VOTE FOR THE '53-'54 OFFICERS All active members of the Georgia Tech National Alumni Association who desire to confirm the foregoing nominations, or who wish to vote for class secretaries may do so by filling out the ballot shown or one similar to it and mailing it by midnight May 1, 1953 to the address shown. This vote is not for confirmation of nomination but for election. Write in ballots are welcomed.

BALLOT FOR NATIONAL ALUMNI OFFICERS, 1953-54 I hereby vote for National Georgia Tech Alumni Association officers for the year 1953-54 as follows:




SIGNED .CLASS. Mail form to Secretary, National Alumni Association,

Georgia Tech. Atlanta, Ga. Not Valid Without Signature Mail by Midnight, May 1

Notes on Nominees For President

IVAN ALLEN, JR., '33 — President of Ivan Allen Co. and one of the outstand­ing young executive and civic leaders in Atlanta. Ivan is a director of the Bank of Georgia, trustee of the Georgia Tech Research Institute, member of the executive board of the Family Welfare Society, president of the Young Demo­crats Club of Georgia, member of the Atlanta and National executive boards of the Boy Scouts, past president and campaign director of the Atlanta Com­munity Chest and a member of many other civic boards too numerous to mention. In 1952, he was. awarded the Armin Maier Trophy, symbol of out­standing civic service in Atlanta by the local Rotary Club. He has been a mem­ber of the National Association Board since 1946.

For Vice-President-at-Large DAVID J. ARNOLD, '81 — President

of the Commercial Bank and Trust Co. of Griffin, Georgia and former State Senator, Dave has been a tower of strength for Tech in the Griffin area. He is past president of the Griffin Chamber of Commerce and the Georgia Bankers Association and a member of the Com­mittee to draft the new State Constitu­tion in 1944-45. He has served on the National Association Board since Jan­uary, 1952.

For Vice-President JOHN C. STATON, '24 — Vice- Presi­

dent of the Coca-Cola Company and a member of the Atlanta Rotary Club and the Executive Committee of the Boy Scouts of America. John has been a member of the National Association Board since 1951.

For Treasurer PAUL A. DUKE, JR., '45—Supervisor .

at the Atlantic Steel Company and former Ail-American Center, Paul is the aggressive spokesman for the more recent graduates of Tech on Alumni Affairs. A student leader in his under­graduate days, Paul was Captain of the football team, Secretary of the Senior Class, President of Chi Phi, and a mem­ber of Anak, the Bulldog Club and the Interfraternity Council. He has served on the National Board since 1951.


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NEWS OF THE ALUMNI ou (gladded


A. C. Van Epps, '94, died December 31, 1952. He resided at 716 Flat Shoals Avenue, Atlanta, Georgia.

J. A. Gantt, '11, has been promoted to assistant vice president in the operating department at Southern Bell Telephone Company. He joined the telephone ser­vice in 1911. His address is P. O. Box 2211, Atlanta.

Russell B. Newton, '20, has joined the Deering, Milliken & Co., Inc., as presi­dent of the Deering, Milliken Research Trust. In his capacity as president, Mr. Newton will be in charge of the re­search activities of the company, and will make his headquarters in Pendle­ton, S. C , where the research trust is located. Mr. Newton resigned from Dan River Mills, Inc. last September after having been with the company for 12 years, the last three as president.

James M. Keating, '21, was recently inducted into' the Johns-Manville Com­pany's Quarter Century Club during a luncheon at the St. Charles Hotel in New Orleans.•He is sales representative for the Atlanta district of the com­pany's building products division. His address is 633 East 41st Street, Savan­nah, Ga.

N. Baxter Maddox, '22, was recently named a trustee of the Young Men's Christian Association of Atlanta. He is vice president & trust officer of the First National Bank.

A. Brian Merry, Arch. '25 died Febru­ary 2, 1953 in an Augusta hospital after several years' illness. He was formerly employed by Ivey & Cook, Architects here in Atlanta, before moving to Augusta. Failing health forced his re­tirement several years ago. He is sur­vived by his wife, two sons and a daughter. Mrs. Merry's address is 2528 Henry Street, Augusta, Ga.

Frank Newton, '25, has been ap­pointed general traffic manager with Southern Bell Telephone Company. Mr. Newton joined the company in 1925.

James M. Stephenson, Sr., '25, of At­lanta, died January 19 in an Atlanta hospital. He had been employed by the American Rolling Mills Co. in East Point. He was a member of the Asso­ciate Reform Presbyterian Church. Surviving are his wife, a son, two brothers and one grandson. Mrs. Stephenson resides at 1105 Briarcliff Place, N. E., Atlanta.


Robert L. Hays, ME '25, was recently appointed assistant vice president of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Com­pany. He has been associated with the company since 1932. His present ad­dress is Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., One Madison Ave., New York, N. Y.

Joseph E. Boston, Jr. '26, of Charlotte, N. C , died March 1, 1953. He had been associated with the American Moisting Company for 22 years. Mr. Boston was born in Atlanta and lived here until 1936. Surviving are his wife, a daugh­ter, Miss Betty Boston, one son, J. E. Boston, all of Charlotte, and one broth­er, W. S. Boston of Atlanta.

John P. Holmes, '26, vice president and assistant to the general manager of the Textile Division of the Celanese

Corp. of America, has been appointed chairman of the Warp Knit Fabric Manufacturers Group of the National Federation of Textiles. His address is Celanese Corp. of America, 180 Madi­son Ave., N. Y., N. Y.

Brig. Gen. Reuben Columbus Hood, Jr., '28, was the principal speaker at the Annual Alpha Tau Omega founders day banquet March 7, 1953. The banquet was held at the Emory University ban­quet hall. Gen. Hood has been promin­ent in many phases of leadership with the Air Force. He is stationed at the Air Command and Staff School, Max­well AFB., Ala.

William J. Roman, ME '28, was pro­moted to General Manager of the At­lanta Glass Company, effective Febru­ary 27. Bill, son of Tech's immortal Frank "Wop" Roman, formerly held the position of Atlanta Glass Sales Manager of this organization.

S. T. (Jack) Pruitt, CE '29, manager of the Central Sales Region of Ethyl Corp. at Chicago, has been appointed director of the Rubber, Chemicals, Drugs and Fuels Division of the Office of Price Stabilization at Washington, D. C. He is on leave of absence from


March-April, 1953 19






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Ethyl for six months, the leave begin­ning Jan. 1. Mr. Pruitt joined Ethyl Corp. in 1930. He resides with his wife, two sons and two daughters at 2330 Elmwood Ave., Wilmette, 111.

CAPT. JACK SWAIN, '3tt (r.)

Capt. W. R. (Jack) Swain, '30, has won his 20-year service pin with American Air Lines. He joined the company in January, 1933. He has served the company at Atlanta, Chi­cago, Fort Worth and Dallas. Capt. Swain's address is 4337 Birchman St., Fort Worth 7, Texas.

H. Griffith Edwards, Arch, '30, has written a new textbook for College use. The book, SPECIFICATIONS, covers specification writing for architects and builders and is the first text of its type ever published. The book is to be pub­lished by Van Nostrand. Mr. Edwards, an Atlanta architect, has written the specifications on many large construc­tions jobs; including the Bomber plant in Marietta, Ga., now used by Lock­heed.

Charles E. Newton, Jr. '30, died Feb­ruary 24, 1953 at his home in Griffin, Georgia. Mr. Newton was formerly as­sociated with the Coca-Cola advertising department in Atlanta and Chicago. In 1937 he went to Pittsfield, Mass., and became manager and co-owner of the Berkshire Coca-Cola Bottling Co. He returned to Griffin due to ill health and became associated with the Newton Building Supply Co., remaining with them until his death. He was a member of the Griffin Presbyterian Church. Surviving are his wife, two sons, T. M. and C. E. Newton II.

Sam Dupres, ME '31, has been named assistant to the vice president in charge

of sales at Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company in Akron, Ohio. He has been assistant manager of the industrial products division since 1947. In his new position Mr. Dupree will serve as liai­son executive with the company's in­dustrial products, shoe products, chemi­cal and steel products divisions. He has been with the company since 1934.

Colonel Harold G. Haskell, CE 31, has been reassigned to the 31st Anti-Aircraft Artillery Brigade in the state of Washington, after completing a tour of duty in Alaska. Col. Haskell has been in the Army for 19 years, and has had 53 months of overseas duty. Col. Has­kell's wife, Louise, and their children live at 1412 Markan Dr., N. E., Atlanta.

Lt. Col. Quentin S. Quigley, EE, '31, was recently separated from active duty with the Army. His home address is 415 West Mercer Avenue. College Park, Georgia. i^arK, Georgia.

Jack F. Glenn, '32, was recently named a trustee of the Young Men's Christian Association of Atlanta. He is assistant president of the C & S Na­tional Bank and serves on the Alumni Association Board of Trustees.


Maj. John J. Morrison, '32, was re­cently assigned to the I Corps in Korea as assistant ordnance officer. He arrived in Korea in September, 1952, and was assigned to the Korean Military Advi­sory Group before his present assign­ment. Major Morrison served 42 months in the European Theatre during World War II. His wife, Margaret, lives at 2259 Cumming Road, Augusta, Georgia.

flB£EE9 MARRIED: Jack Adair, '33, to Mrs.

Marisa Rabunal Vecino McWhorter, Jan­uary 28, 1953, at St. Philip's Cathedral. After their return from their Carribean trip they will reside at 1327 Peachtree

Street, Atlanta. Mr. Adair is president of the Adair Realty and Loan Company.

MARRIED: Herbert Preston Haley, '33, to Miss Marion Peacock, March 6 at the Albany First Methodist Church. Mr. Haley is president of the Albany Coca-Cola Bottling Co.

Richard K. Lawton, ME '33, has been promoted to technical foreman in the ethylbenzene department of the Dow Chemical Company's division at Free-port, Texas. He joined the company as an operator in 1942 and was promoted to his present position from that of night foreman.

Thomas Fuller, Jr., '35, has been named manager of Westinghouse Elec­tric Corporation's newly created branch office in Atlanta. This branch was or­ganized to provide better service and was in line with fundamental changes in the company's district organization pattern. Prior to his recent appoint­ment, Mr. Fuller was manager of the Chattanooga office.

John J. Hill, EE '35, was recently named manager of Westinghouse Elec­tric Corporation's Chattanooga branch office, succeeding Mr. Thomas Fuller, Jr., who was transferred to Atlanta.

MmkJrfM Rev. Max Milligan, Jr., '36, has ac­

cepted the pastorate of the Clairmont Presbyterian Church in Atlanta. He worked in the engineering field before entering military service during World War II. After the war he was graduated from Columbia Theological Seminary. Since 1949 he has held the pastorate at Andalusia. Rev. Milliagan is married and has three children.

William C. Vereen, '36, has been elected president of the Moultrie Cot­ton Mills, Riverside Mfg. Co., and the Riverside Bedding Co. He succeeds his father, who died last October. His home address is 1156 South Main St., Moul­trie, Ga.

R. K. LAWTON, '3.3


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MARRIED: Clark Dallas Baker, '37, to Mrs. Harriet Fuller Peeples, February 14 in the Chapel of St. Mark Methodist Church. The couple resides at 724 Darlington Circle, N. E. Mr. Baker is sales representative of the U. S. Gyp­sum Co.

Colonel Carolus A. Brown, EE '37, Was recently awarded the Oak Leaf Cluster to the Bronze Star Medal in Korea. He was decorated for meritor­ious service as signal officer of the 40th Infantry Division. Col. Brown entered the Army in 1937 and has been in Ko­rea since last June. His Wife, Opal, lives at 1013 Iris St., Los Alamos, New Mex­ico.

William L. Carver, '37, is now with the Climate Control Company as Sales Engineer. His business address is 330 North Third Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona.

Paul W. Purdom, CE '37, has been appointed director of the Division of Environmental Sanitation of the De­partment of Public Health, Philadel­phia, Pa.

KB MARRIED: Joseph Merritt Body, '38,

to Miss Harriet Fuller. Mr. Body is asso­ciated with the Public Housing Admin­istration. The couple resides at the Peachtree Hills Apts., Atlanta.

Thomas D. Strickland, '38, has been promoted to vice-president and sales manager of the Atlanta office of the Lassiter Corp, package designers and printers. Mr. Strickland joined the company in 1951.

BORN: To R. Paul Moore, IM '39, and Mrs. Moore, 'a daughter, Lynn Ellen, January 14. Their address is 4688 Ray­mond Drive, Chamblee, Ga.

F. T. Waltermire, Ch.E. '39, was re­cently transferred by Standard Oil Company from Baton Rouge, La., to their Bayway Refinery at Westfield, N. J., where he will serve as head of the Economics and Planning Division. His address is 2050 Newark Ave., West-field.

Lt. Col. Gordon B. Cauble, '40, is serving in Tokyo, where he is a senior signal advisor to the Japanese National Security Forces. He was recently joined by his wife and three children. Col. Cauble has been in the Far East since last May.

William J. McLarty, IM '40, has been appointed instructor in the sales school of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. in Akron, Ohio. He joined Goodyear seven years ago, serving previously as budget manager and assistant store manager at Augusta, Athens and Atlanta, prior to taking over his new duties in Akron.

His address is 105 Fir Hill St., Akron, Ohio.

MARRIED: Douglas Flanigen, '40, and Dorothy Payne, January 23, 1953. Their address is 309 Williams Avenue, Has-Brouck Heights, N. J.

James B. Hamil, '40, has been ap­pointed to the engineering division of Fulton Bag & Cotton Mills, and will as­sist in the co-ordination of plant engi­neering. His address is 1099 Roxboro Dr.. N. E., Atlanta.

BORN: To Churchill P. Goree III, '41, and Mrs. Goree, a son, John Franklin, January 19 at Emory University Hospi­tal. Their address is P. O. Box 41, Dora-ville, Georgia.

Captain Douglas Kelso, ME '42, has been relieved from active duty, and has


returned to his position as sales repre­sentative with the Westinghouse Elec­tric Supply Co. Capt. and Mrs. Kelso reside with their son, Douglas III, at 190 Waynoka Lane, Memphis, Tenn.

C. Buck LeCraw, '42, was the Na­tional Leader in December, 1952 in in­surance sales for the State Life Insur­ance Company. He is a member of the State Life Big Ten for 1952. Member­ship in this honor group is based on the amount of business written and paid during the previous year. This is Buck's second straight year on the company's AU-American Team.

Harry Sheppard Jordan, Jr., Ch.E. '42, has joined the staff of the Los Ala­mos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico. He is an industrial hy­giene engineer in the Health Division. Jordan's current address is Dormitory 102, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, N. M.

M i l ' MH George R. L. Shepherd, Ch.E. '43, is

engaged in exploratory petroleum re­fining research with the Humble Oil & Refining Co., Baytown, Texas. George has participated in a number of types of problems since joining the company

W. J. McLARTY. '40

in 1947. His address is 144 W. Bayshore Dr., Baytown, Texas.

MTHI MARRIED: Forrest Adair HI, IM '44,

to Mrs. Mable J. Strickland, February 23, 1953. Mr. Adair is second vice-president of the Red Rock Cola Company. The couple resides at 4355 Harris Trail, At­lanta.

ENGAGED: Harvey Lee Cohen, '44, t# Miss Dvora Farb. The wedding will take place in June. Mr. Cohen is now associated with his father in the Harvel Roofing Company, Atlanta.

KB BORN: To Paul A. Duke, '45, and Mrs.

Duke, a son, Paul Anderson, Jr., Janu­ary 24 at St. Josephs Hospital. Their address is 1830 Colland Drive, N. W., Atlanta, Ga.

Maurice H. Furchgott, '45, Lt., U. S. Navy, has been transferred to the Offi­cer Records Division, Bureau of Naval Personnel, Washington, D. C.

Jack S. Baldwin, Ch.E. '46, is engaged in cost studies relating to crude oil and products for the Humble Oil & Refining Co., Baytown, Texas. Jack joined the company immediately after graduation, and has served in several departments and capacities since that time. His ad­dress is 4018 Markham, Houston, Texas.

Homer Carter, Jr., '46, has joined the American Enka Corp., N. Y., N. Y. He will be associated primarily with the sale of imported rayon staple fiber.

Ed L. Ekholm, Ch.E. '46, was recently transferred to the Light Ends Section, Technical Service Division of Humble Oil, Baytown, Texas. He will work on production problems related to aviation and motor gasoline components. He has worked with the company in several capacities since joining them. His ad­dress is 115 Humble Dormitory, Bay-town, Texas.

March-April, 1953 21

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MARRIED: Daniel Clay Kyker, Jr., EE '46, to Miss Yvonne Dolores Means, March 28, 1953, at Schenectady, New York. Dan is with General Electric, Schenectady.

Lt. <jg) Donald R. Patch, '46, USN, recently completed a 30-month tour of duty aboard the heavy cruiser, USS Toledo, making three trips to Korean waters. He is now assigned to the USN Postgraduate School at Monterey, Cali­fornia, to study aeronautical engineer­ing. Lt. Patch was married on Decem­ber 27, 1952, to the former Miss Vir­ginia G. Kirwin. They reside at 794 Lighthouse Avenue, Pacific Grove, Calif.

Howard L. Stillwell, Jr., '46, has been appointed manager of Adgif Company. Division of Scripto, Inc. The Adgif Division handles the sale of Scripto products for goodwill advertising and business gifts.

BORN: To George Backus, '47, and Mrs. Backus, a daughter, Georgette Sloan, February 8 at Emory Hospital. Their address is 89 Blackland Rd., N. W., Atlanta, Ga.

William W. Ramage, EE '47, received his master's degree from the Univer­sity of Pittsburgh, June 30, 1953. His address is 606 S. Willow Ave., Tampa 6, Fla.

MARRIED: William M. Schotanus, '47, to Miss Nancy Lee Johnson, February 28, at the Westminster Presbyterian Church in Nashville. Mr. Schotanus is now studying for ministry at Columbia Theological Seminary and will be or­dained in June.

BORN: To Rea H. Trimmer, EE '47, and Mrs. Trimmer, a daughter, Sally Rea, February 17, 1953. The Trimmers reside at 3821 N. W. Second St., Miami, Fla.

MARRIED: Al Smailer, IE '48, of Philadelphia, Pa., to Betty Schmitt of Scarsdale, N. Y., on January 10, 1953. Al and Betty reside at 2141 A North John Russel Circle, Elkins Park, Pa. Al is Assistant Wage and Cost Engi­neer with the Frank H. Fleer Corpo­ration, makers of Dubble Bubble Gum.


Martin B. Goodman, CE '49, was re­cently promoted to Lt. (jg). He is serv­ing aboard the USS Missouri. His par­ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Goodman, reside at 4396 Pinetree Drive, Miami Beach, Fla.

W. Gordon Denning, Ch.E. '49, has been working in the field of fluid cataly­tic cracking with the Humble Oil & Refining Co., Baytown, Texas. He has specialized in process design. Since he joined the company in 1949, major re­visions have been made to Humble's catalytic cracking equipment, and Gor­don has been responsible for the proc­ess designs for the revisions. His ad­dress is 2614 Virginia Street, Baytown, Texas.

Edward Guleke Hansen, '49, is now associated with the E. I. DuPont Co. in the Electrochemical Department. His address is 2661 Whirlpool St., Niagara Falls, N. Y.

BORN: To Ben Perry, IE '49, and Mrs. Perry, a daughter, Cathey Anne, De­cember 12, 1952. Their address is 316 Eastland Drive, Decatur, Georgia.

William Underwood, EE '49, is now a project engineer, Research and De­velopment Department, Bendix Radio Division, Baltimore, Md. During the past year, Mr. Underwood has tested radar equipment aboard a carrier of the U. S. Navy.

Charles D. Woodward, IM '48, MS '49, has been appointed Third Ward Mem­ber on the City of Atlanta Democratic Executive Committee. Charlie, a former Tech football player, is employed by Remington Rand, Inc. as a sales repre­sentative in Atlanta. He is very active in civic affairs and at present is a Dea­con of the Northwest Baptist Church and a member of the Ge6rgia Football Officials' Association. He was Third Ward chairman in the drive for a new Expressway bond issue during 1952.

Major Charles W. Carnes, '50, was re­cently assigned to Fort Richardson, Alaska, the largest Army installation in Alaska, which is part of the security force along the northern frontier. He has been in the army since 1948. Maj. Carnes' wife, Ruth Anne, lives at 852 Piedmont Ave., N. E., Atlanta.

MARRIED: Maxene Dennis Harris, EE '50, to Miss Kathryn Anderson, March 21, at the Peachtree Christian Church. Mr. Harris is employed by the Ga. Tech Experiment Station.

ENGAGED: William Erskine Mc-Kown, '50, to Miss Peggy Stiles. The wedding took place in late February.

MUMTft 3, G&-t U t • « • " ^

SPANG CHALFANT—Conduit and E.M.T CRESCENT—Wire, Cable and Cords STEEL CITY—Outlet Boxes and Fittings WAGNER—E.M.T . Fittings


of continuously serving the electrical

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us to accumulate, through experience,

knowledge that can be invaluable in

solving your electrical supply problems.

The full resources of Edgar E. Dawes & Company are ot your disposal for better elec­trical service. | . £. DAWES; '18


E l


Page 23: Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine Vol. 31, No. 04 1953

Mr. McKown is now in the service, stationed at Picatinny Arsenal, Dover, N. J.

MARRIED: Allen Hinson Smith, '50, to Miss Margaret West Redding, both of Jacksonville, Fla. Mr. Smith is asso­ciated with the U. S. Army Engineers as an architect.

J. M. Tomme, ME '50, is now asso­ciated with the Southern States Equip­ment Corporation as a field engineer. His address is Oak Street, Hampton, Ga.

1st Lt. Robert G. Wilkerson, Jr., ME '50, is returning to the United States after five months in Korea. He was ordnance supply officer for the 330th Ordnance Depot Company. He entered the Army in December, 1949, and ar­rived in Korea last September. His wife, Peggy, lives at 123 Jefferson Place, Decatur, Ga.

MARRIED: Nicholas John Exarchou, EE '50, to Miss Annie Laurie Warren, January 17, at the Peachtree Christian Church in Atlanta. Mr. Exarchou is studying for his doctorate in electrical engineering at Georgia Tech.






a??rc7ii£ec£s and Gnyi'neejrs ATLANTA.

Lts. Charles E. Collum and Frank A. Perkins, Jr., both members of the class of 1951, recently received their silver bars from their wives in an informal ceremony after their official pro­motions had been presented by arsenal commander, Brig. Gen. Thomas K. Vin­cent. Charles and Frank are stationed at Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, Ala­bama, where Charles is section chief for a guided missile instruction section in the guided' missile school, and Frank is an electronics instructor in the school's officers' course.

Lts. C. E. Collum, '51, and F. A. Perkins. •>I (I. to r.), receive bars from wives.

John O. Allred, Ch.E. '51, is currently engaged in a design project for a distil­lation unit which will improve yields of solvent toluene and xylene. He is in the Technical Service Division of the Humble Oil & Refining Co., Baytown, Texas. John has been with the company since 1951. His address is 3210 Nebraska, Baytown, Texas.

George H. Barnes, '51, has been serv­ing in Korea since last November. He is a navigator on B-26 night intruders. His military address is 90th Bomb Sq., APO 970, % Post Master, San Fran­cisco, Calif.

ENGAGED: Phillip Reese Upchurch, Jr., IE '51, to Miss Ann Wray. The wed­ding is scheduled for early spring. Mr. Upchurch is employed by the Coca-Cola Company in Atlanta.

MARRIED: Sidney Earle Williams, IM '51, to Miss Nell Kimbrough, March 21, at All Staints Church in Atlanta. Sid played varsity football for three years while at Tech. He is associated with Reeder & McGaughey, Inc., 50 Broad St.. N. W., Atlanta.

Lt. W. -* Winsemann, Jr., '51, who has served in Korea since January, 1952, has been transferred to Japan. His military address is % Japan Construc­tion Agency, 8101st Army Units, APO 500, % Postmaster. San Francisco, Calif.

ENGAGED: Wendell Phillip Long, Jr., Chem. '51, to Miss Arrawanna Elizabeth Huguley. The wedding will take place in June. Mr. Long is now completing work on a Ph.D. degree in theoretical organic chemistry at Har­vard University.

Lt. Frank B. Milstead, EE '51, is pres­ently on active duty with the Air Force in Germany. He expects to receive his discharge sometime in March. His home mailing address is 2701 N. 17th Ave., Pensacola, Fla.

BORN: To Lyman W. Morgan, MS, Ch.E. '51, and Mrs. Morgan, a daughter, Karen Dee, February 12, 1953, at the Piedmont Hospital in Atlanta. Lyman is working on his doctorate in Chemis­try at Georgia Tech. Their home ad­dress is 251 Tenth Street, N. W., Apt. 84, Atlanta.

BORN: To Lt. William D. Shippen, IM '51, and Mrs. Shippen, a son, Wil­liam D. Shippen, Jr., April 2, 1952. Lt. Shippen's military address is "I" Bat­tery, 3rd Bn., 11th Marines, 1st Ma­rine Div., F.M.F., % F.P.O., San Fran­cisco, Calif.

ENGAGED: Arthur T. Johnson, Jr., IE '51 to Miss Virginia Ward Cofield. Mr. Johnson is employed by Lockheed Aircraft Corporation in Marietta, Ga. The wedding will take place April 18.

Marth-April, 1953 23

Page 24: Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine Vol. 31, No. 04 1953

1st Lt. William C. Jones, '51, has been awarded his second Oak Leaf Cluster to the Air Medal for meritorious service in Korea. He is an aerial observer with the 3rd Division's 39th Field Artillery Battalion. His wife, Margaret, lives at 639 Elmwood Drive, Atlanta.

Donald M. Judd, '51, was recently promoted to 1st lieutenant while serv­ing with the Army in Austria. He is a platoon leader in Company B of the 350th Infantry Regiment. Judd entered. the Army in July, 1951, and has been in Europe since last October. His wife, Polly, is in Austria with him.

BORN: To Lt. William D. Lang, '51, and Mrs. Lang, a daughter, Carol Du-Four, January 5, at the U. S. Army Hos­pital, Camp Kilmer, N. J. Lt. Lang is serving with the 4th A.P.I. Co. at Kempo Airbase in Korea.

ENGAGED: Ensign Daniel Isaac Lee. Jr., '51, to Miss Delma Findlay. The wedding will take place March 7 at the Ingleside Baptist Church in Macon. Ens. Lee is now stationed at the Naval Ordnance Plant in Louisville, Ky.

Burke P. Lokey, ME '51, is now asso­ciated with the Newport News Ship­building & Dry Dock Company. His address is 336 57th Street, Newport News, Virginia.

Second Lt. Thomas C. Ervin, '51, re­cently completed a psychological war­fare orientation course at Fort Richard­son, Alaska. The course included classes in theory, demonstrations and practical exercises. Lt. Ervin is serving as a platoon leader with Battery A of the 450th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Automatic Weapons Battalion. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Ervin, reside at 604 S. Willow Ave., Tampa, Fla.

George H. Flake, ME '51, is now em­ployed by Bendix Products Division of Bendix Aviation Corporation as a jun­ior engineer in their Jet Fuel Metering Dept. His mailing address is P. O. Box 484, South Bend, Indiana.

2nd Lt. James E. Glover, '51, received the personal greetings of Major Gen. Wayne C. Smith, division commander,

LT. J. E. GLOVER, '51 (1.) following his assignment to the 7th In­fantry Division in Korea. He is a mem­ber of the 13th Engineer Combat Bat­talion. Lt. Glover's wife, Barbara, lives at 316 Union Street, Prescott, Arizona.








President Vice-President Vice-President

HENRY W. GRADY, '18 W. ROANE BEARD, '40 R. B . WALLACE, J R . , '49

Treasurer Executive Secy.

Mgr. Alumni Actv.




W I L L I A M A. PARKER, '19

W I L L I A M T. RICH, '10

JOHN P . B A U M , '24





Y. F . FREEMAN, '10

President Treasurer

JULIAN T. HIGHTOWER, '19 Vice-President

R. J . THXESEN, '10 Exec. Secretary









J A M E S F . TOWERS, '01

ROBERT H. WHITE, J R . , '14

R. B . WILBY, '08


ENGAGED: Ensign George J. "Tim" Gunning, Jr., '51, to Miss Nancy Hoar. The wedding will take place in April. Ens. Gunning was graduated from Offi­cers' Candidate School in October, and is now assigned to the USS Oberon. His address is USS Oberon (T-AKA-14), % F.P.O., New York, New York.

ENGAGED: William Beverly Winter, '51, to Miss Mary Louise Byram. The wedding will take place February 28 in Atlanta. Mr. Winter is now con­nected with the Ford Motor Company in Atlanta.

Second Lieutenants Luther Cowan, Chester O. Gordon, and James A. Shu-gart, all members of the class of 1952. were recently commended by their Commanding Officer for the high cali­bre of their performance on their cur­rent assignment. These men are attend­ing the Ordnance Automotive School at the Atlanta General Depot for train­ing as company officers before being assigned to an overseas theatre.

BORN: To Lt. D. Lanier Bonner, EE '52, and Mrs. Bonner, a daughter, Diane Lanier, on January 19, 1953. Lt. Bonner is now serving with the 1931st AACS Squadron at Elmendorf AFB, Alaska.

ENGAGED: John Lee Brown, Phys. '52, to Miss Dorothy Martel. The wed­ding will take place in April. Mr. Brown is a research engineer at the Georgia Tech Experiment Station.

2nd Lt. William O. Burke, '52, is now serving in Korea with the 45th Infantry Division. He has been in the Army since February, 1952. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Burke, reside at Wrens. Georgia.

ENGAGED: Edwin Clifford Eckles, '52, to Miss Carolyn Frances Argust. Mr. Eckles is now connected with Harold Woodward, Architect, in Spartanburg, S. C. The wedding date will be an­nounced later.

Lt. Sidney Gold, IE '52, is a Company Commander in the 9th Armored In­fantry Battalion, stationed at Fort Leon­ard Wood, Missouri. Sidney writes that he will soon depart for overseas duty in Korea.

BORN: To Marchal Caldwell, AE '52, and Mrs. Caldwell, a son, Bruce Alan. January 17, 1953. Their address is 4826 Lakewood Blvd., Long Beach 8, Cali­fornia.

ENGAGED: Walter Cooper Clark, '52, to Miss Joan Therese Axley. The wed­ding will take place in the early spring. Mr. Clark is now connected with Lock­heed Aircraft Corp. in Marietta, Ga.

MARRIED: Ens. Whai te Morris Clarke, '52, to Miss Lelia Exley Knee-land, January, 1953. Ens. Clarke re­ceived his commission in the Navy upon graduation last June. He has recently returned from maneuvers in Labrador and is now personnel officer on the USS Cambria. The couple resides in Norfolk. Va.

James L. Jordan, '52, sales represen­tative of the Johns-Manville Building Products Division at Houston, Texas, was graduated February 23 from an ad­vanced training course in modern sales techniques. He was one of about 85 sales trainees from Johns-Manville lo­cations in the United States and Canada selected for the course. James and his wife reside at 4408 Basswood Lane. Bellaire, Texas.

MARRIED: Tobe Coleman Karrh, IM '52, to Miss Barbara Jane Mullen, Feb­ruary 27, 1953, at the Morningside Bap­tist Church. The couple resides at the Lyons Apts. in Athens, Ga.

Lt. Joseph E. May, IM '52, is now sta­tioned at the Infantry School in the Operations Office at Fort Benning, Ga. He was married last December 27 to Miss Martha P. Mays of Thomasville, Ga. Their current address is 429-A Craig Drive, Custer Terrace Apts., Co­lumbus, Ga.



Page 25: Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine Vol. 31, No. 04 1953


Where will you be 10years from now?

Will your achievements be recog­nized? Will you be associated with distinguished scientists and engi­neers? Will your work provide a challenge for your ta lent and ability ? Will your', position and income be founded upon your real merit ?

At R C A , you'U find plenty of "future insurance" . . . and r ight now is the t ime to investigate R C A opportunities. Because R C A is now looking for experienced ELECTRONIC, COMPUTER, ELECTRICAL, M E C H A N I ­CAL, and COMMUNICATIONS E N G I ­NEERS . . . PHYSICISTS . . . M E T A L ­LURGISTS . . . PHYSICAL C H E M I S T S . . . CERAMISTS . . . G L A S S T E C H N O L ­OGISTS. Whichever your specialty, there's a chance of a lifetime for a

career with RCA—world leader in electronic development, first in radio, first in recorded music, first in tele­vision. RCA growth has remained steady through war and depression . . . you'll find positions open today in many commercial projects, as well as military lines.


Facil i t ies for c rea t ive engineering a re t o p -no tch . Work ing condi t ions a n d associates s t imula te you. Per iodic meri t reviews he lp you advance in grade a n d income. Y o u r family can enjoy p leasan t coun t ry or sub­u r b a n l iving. R C A encourages g rowth of your professional s t a t u s and recognit ion. Company-pa id benefits—including life, ac­cident a n d hospi ta l iza t ion insurance—in­crease your feeling of secur i ty . Y o u look forward t o r e t i r emen t th rough a progressive p rogram. R C A h a s a m o d e r n tu i t ion refund p lan for advanced s tudy a t recognized universi t ies .

Personal interviews arranged in your city.

Please send a complete resume of your education and experience to:

MR. ROBERT E. McQUISTON, Manager, Specialized Employment Division Dept. 207-C, Radio Corporation of America, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York 20, N. Y.

Positions Open In


in any of the following fields: RADAR—Circuitry—Antenna Design—Servo Sys­

tems—Information Display Systems—Gear Trains—Stable Elements—Intricate Mechanisms

COMPUTERS—Digital and Analog—Systems Plan­ning — Storage Technique — Circuitry — Servo Mechanisms—Assembly Dep'^rn—High Speed Intricate Mechanisms

COMMUNICATIONS — Microwave — Aviation — Mobile—Specialized Military Systems

MISSILE GUIDANCE—Systems Planning and Design —Radar and Fire Control—Servo Mechanisms —Vibration and Shock Problems

NAVIGATIONAL AIDS— Loran — Shoran —Altim­eters—Airborne Radar

TELEVISION DEVELOPMENT—Receivers—Trans­mitters and Studio Equipment

COMPONENT PARTS- Transformer—Coil—Relay —Capacitor—Switch—Motor—Resistor

ELECTRONIC TUBE DEVELOPMENT Rece iv ing-Transmitting— Cathode-Ray—Phototubes and Magnetrons

ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT FIELD ENGINEERS — Specialists for domestic and overseas assign­ment on military electronic communications and detection gear.


March-April, 1953 25

Page 26: Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine Vol. 31, No. 04 1953

2nd Lt. Lionel E. Jailer, '52, was re­cently awarded the Combat Infantry­man Badge for excellent performance of duty under enemy fire in Korea. He is a member of the 45th Infantry Divi­sion, and has served in Korea since last November. Lt. Jailer is currently a pla­toon leader in the 279th Infantry Regi­ment's Company B. His parents live at 55 W. Broadway, Long Beach, N. Y.

ENGAGED: Ens. Charles J. Radford, '52, to Miss Blanche Cecilia Sherlock. The wedding will take place in the spring. Ens. Radford is now stationed at the Naval Advanced Supply Depot, Port Hueneme, Calif.

MARRIED: Joseph LeConte Smith, Jr., ME '52, to Miss Sarah Luverne Floyd, March 21, at Holy Trinity Church in Decatur, Ga. Mr. Smith is now work­ing on his master's degree at Georgia Tech.

BORN: To James M. Tuttle, IM '52, and Mrs. Tuttle, a son, Thomas Brad­ley, February 11, 1952. Mr. Tuttle is associated with DuPont at Martinsville, Va.

Wiley E. Williams, '52, was called to active duty September, 1952. He is now attending Signal School at Fort Mon­mouth, N. J. Wiley has received his overseas orders, and expects to ship out from Camp Stoneman, California, in June for the Far East.

Ens. Otis C. Wise, Jr., TE '52, is now serving in the U. S. Navy aboard the USS Everett (PF-8), whose home port is Hong Kong, China.

1st Lt. Charles F. Brewer, '53, has re­ceived orders to return to the United States from Korea, where he has been serving with the 116th Engineer Com­bat Battalion, a unit of the X Corps. Lt. Brewer has been in Korea since last May. His wife, Mary, resides at 520 Sterling Avenue, Chattanooga.

Wallis J. Brooks, '53, has been ap­pointed a field representative of The Guardian Life Ins. Co. of America. He will be associated with Holcombe T. Green, C.L.U., manager of Guardian's Atlanta agency. Mr. Brooks' home ad­dress is 3459 Lenox Rd., N. E., Atlanta.

S. E. Dyer, IM '53, recently assumed his sales duties with the Armstrong Cork Company, Cleveland, Ohio, after c o m p l e t i n g an e i g h t - m o n t h S a l e s Training Course. His home address is 1787 Radnor Road, Cleveland Heights 18, Ohio.

Alfred H. Jones, '53, has been trans­ferred from Wenatchee, Washington, to Rockdale, Texas, with the Aluminum Company of America. His address is Fixed Capital Division, A l u m i n u m Company of America, Rockdale, Texas.

Plan to Attend

H O M E C O M I N G , 1 9 5 3

N o v . 6 & 7

F o o t b a l l :

T e c h v s . C l e m s o n

Reunion C l a s s e s — 1 9 0 3 , 1908 , 1 9 1 3 , 1 9 1 8 , 1 9 2 3 , 1 9 2 8 , 1 9 3 3 . 1 9 3 8 and 1 9 4 3 .

George R. LeBlanc, '53, is now con­nected with the DuPont pigments plant at Newport, Delaware. His home ad­dress is 1401 North Van Buren St.. Wilmington, Del.

MARRIED: Alfred C. Thomas, '53, to Miss Peggy Richards, March 21, in the chapel of St. Mark Methodist Church. Mr. Thomas is now connected with Metal Products Company in Atlanta.

ENGAGED: Lt. Douglas Lee Wheeler, TE '53, to Miss Betty Sue. Reeves. The wedding will take place early in March. Lt. Wheeler is on military leave of ab­sence from Tennessee Eastman Corp., and is now stationed at Fort McClellan, Ala.



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Richmond, Va.

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•:- Laurinburg, N. C. -:- Raleigh, N. C. — Home Office -: Augusta, Ga.




Page 27: Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine Vol. 31, No. 04 1953

A r e you in a job where promotions or raises are governed bv the "seniority system" instead of by merit?

If vou feel your income is not growing as fast as it should. New England Mutual offers you a business of your own, and a chance to earn an income that has neither a speed nor a top limit.

W e finance your learning period and guide vou to success with a most comprehensive training program. You'll be working with college-trained men from schools in every part of the country. You'll make a career of helping families-and businesses—solve important financial problems.

If you arc a "self-starter," can make plans and follow through with them, New England Mutual offers you a career with freedom and independence —one in which vou move ahead just as fast as your ambition and ability can take you. Mail the coupon for the booklet in which 15 men tell why thev chose a life insurance career, with . . .


GEORGIA TECH alumni now achieving successful careers as our agents:

G. Nolan Bearden, '29, Los Angeles

Carl S. Ingle, '33, Jacksonville

Albert P. Elebash, '34, Montgomery

r NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL Box 333, Boston 17, Mass. Please send me, without cost or obliga­tion, your booklet, "Why We Chose New England Mutual."

flhj We Chose

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NEW ENGLAND fi| MUTUAL *', Life I n s u r a n c e Company of Boston


March-April, 1953 27

Page 28: Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine Vol. 31, No. 04 1953

T H E PAST Message

(Continued from Page 4, Col. 1) As undergraduates, the Georgia Tech

student body recognizes no peer. The support given the school is wonderful, and it is only necessary to let them know that the school needs them in any kind of work and the response is unanimous.

As a Technological School, our repu­tation is second to none. Throughout the country, a Georgia Tech Diploma is recognized as the best introduction a man can have.

Our faculty is just as loyal and in­terested in the development of the school as the men themselves. It is impossible to pay too high a tribute to these men who, day in and day out through the long years, lay aside their personal gains and train the men who go out into the world and reflect directly their efforts. What a source of satisfac­tion it must be to them to look out into the world and see the results of their handiwork.

In sports we need no comments. No other institution in the South has done as much as Georgia Tech in develop­ing their sportsmanship. Our satisfac­tion comes not so much in the victories won by our teams as in the knowledge of the clean-cut, high-class sportsman­ship of teams, student body and alumni.

As individuals our graduates measure up to the high standards demanded, but as a body we have not yet de­veloped. This is the call — Georgia Tech needs you. The faculty needs you. We all need you. Will ycu come to­gether with us and help make our asso­ciation what we all want it to be? Let not the burden rest on a few, but let each man do his part, and if a little sacrifice is necessary, make it gladly — for the cause. If you are a Georgia Tech man of the dyed in the wool kind, this appeal will not be in vain.

Basketball - 2 3 (Continued from Page 4, Col. 2) own hands instead of allowing Tech to do this. They never waited for Tech to get set with a defense,, as in the first part and they never let Tech men get set for throws as in the opening. It was a different team-in play, at least.

The score: TECH (27) Pos. GEORGIA (22) Jenks r.f. Williams (6) Brewster (2) l.f. Butler (4) Eckford (6) c. Gurr (6) Roane (13) r.g. Bennett (2) Staton (2) l.g. Clark (4)

Substitutions: For Tech, Matheson (2) for Jenks; Denicke (2) for Brew­ster. For Georgia, Richardson for Gurr. Goals from fouls: Roane 3 for 7; Gurr 6 for 9; Williams 2 for 4.

Employment - 1923 (Continued from Page 4, Col. 3) they know about, we will take these vacancies and endeavor to fill them with men who seem to fit most nearly the qualifications desired. A list of men desiring positions will be kept on file, and their names published in this paper from time to time.

The first application that we want to list is that of Mr. V. P. Stephens, who is now available for additional work. Mr. Stephens has served as Con­sulting Engineer for the school, and has directed their campaign for ex­tension, but his contract is terminated with them, and he is now free to do other work.

'Tech Topics - 1923 Our records in this office are inac­

curate, to say the least of it. When we started in August, we had two chairs and a typewriter, no records of any sort. Hence, we made a lot of blunder­ing, ignorant mistakes, through no in­tentional fault of our own. One of the worst of these was to write Mr. L. S. Collier, ME '05, of New York, and in­form him that he wasn't a member of the association and ask him to join. He promptly wrote back and informed me that he was one of a few who organized the Alumni Association for Georgia Tech. We humbly begged his pardon and set our records straight on this point. The Association is certainly in­debted to the New York Club for the way in which they organized the As­sociation and kept the vital spark alive, alone for three years. We hope that they will see the fruits of their efforts in the next year.


(Continued from Page 5, Col. 1) In the years immediately after World

War II, your trustees felt the need of an Annual Roll Call for the purpose of expanding the number of Alumni who would support and actively par­ticipate in the affairs of the Association and Alumni Foundation. From year to year our membership has been in­creasing so that now on our rolls are 6,500 active members to whom, of course, will be sent this Anniversary issue and all succeeding issues. Per­sonally, I obtain a great thrill out of each issue of our magazine by learning of old friends and of the latest de­velopments on our ever expanding cam­pus. I am sure that you share in these feelings.

Now your trustees and I ask each of you to help in the days ahead to ever

increase the active membership in the Association. Certainly you come into contact each day and week with a num­ber of fellow Tech graduates and it would be most helpful if you would ascertain whether or not they are on our active rolls and if not, ask them to get in touch with the Alumni office.

Elsewhere in this issue you will find a review of many expanded activities on the part of your Association, as well as a summary of some of the out­standing improvements on our campus. At such an important milestone as this, the Thirtieth Anniversary of the initial publication of our Georgia Tech ALUM­NUS, it is only fitting that we pay trib­ute to the official family at Georgia Tech — President Van Leer, Vice-Presi­dent Cherry Emerson, and the many others who have planned and worked so hard to bring into being a finer and more modern Georgia Tech. It is indeed an inspiring sight to see our expanded campus with many new buildings dot­ting the area and many more planned for the immediate future.-'.

It certainly would not be premature to tell you that for Homecoming this Fall we want particularly all returning Alumni to visit to the fullest possible extent the New Georgia Tech. Please start laying your plans now to be on hand for Homecoming 1953, which is scheduled for Saturday, November 7, the date of the Georgia Tech-Clemson football game.

With deep gratitude to our school administration and to all Alumni who have so splendidly co-operated with the Alumni Association, we now con­fidently look forward to the next thirty years as a time when our institute will even more completely fulfill its destiny.

A Review - 1953 (Continued from Page 5, CoL 2) answered. Request information you wish us to print. Send in personal items regarding yourself and your acquaint­ances, and we will try to make this magazine such a good one that you will miss it if you don't get every issue. Four Editors, two wars, (having just served his second hitch, the Editor considers the Korean Action a war) a bleak de­pression and the two biggest booms in history later; these words still stand as a large part of our editorial policy.

When the ALUMNUS first went into print, World War I had come and gone; the last of the Doughboy students were finishing up their education on the flats, the football team had started downhill after a wonderful eight years of victories (59 wins against 8 losses and 2 ties), Dr. M. L. Brittain had just become the President of the school and W. A. Alexander had put in his second season as Head Football Coach. In the


Page 29: Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine Vol. 31, No. 04 1953

succeeding years, only one change has been made in each of these positions; President Blake Van Leer took over the Presidency in 1944 when Dr. Brittain re­tired and Coach Alex handed over the Athletic reins to his Assistant, Bobby Dodd, in 1945. It is a great tribute to the stability of our school, its leaders and you, the Alumni, that we have had only one change of personnel in these two offices in the past thirty years. Very few, if any, major higher educational institutions can match this record.

105 Active Alumni made the publi­cation of the first issue of this magazine possible, many of those 105 men are still as active in Alumni work today as they were in 1923. L. W. (Chip) Robert, Jr., Cherry Emerson, R. L. Bidez, Horace Holleman and many others still devote a good deal of their time to aiding Geor­gia Tech. — Others of the 105 have passed on — to these 105 we respectfully dedicate this issue of the Georgia Tech ALUMNUS, without them it would not have been, a 30th Anniversary Issue.

Today, the National Association has 6,500 active members, 5,270 of this num­ber have answered the sixth roll call to date while the balance are graduates of the school in the past year. This is another record of which all Tech Alumni can be proud —the size of this organization has increased over sixty-fold in the past thirty years. Although any proportional increase in the next thirty years is beyond reality, we hope that the Association growth will keep pace with the growth of Georgia Tech, which also has undergone its greatest period of growth in the past thirty years, especially in the nine years of President Van Leer's tenure.


Footballers' Honors Rossville, Georgia held a big day in

honor of Pete Brown, Tech's All-Ameri-can center. Kingsport, Tenn., followed suit with a day honoring Hal Miller, Tech's Ail-American Tackle as did Mi­ami, Florida, for Bobby Morehead and Haleyville, Alabama, for Buck Martin.

Three Captains For the first time in history, the Tech

football team will sport three Captains when the '53 season rolls around. All three of the boys chosen by the squad are linemen; they are Ed Gossage, Sen­ior Guard from Nashville, Tenn., Sam Hensley, Senior End from Marietta and Orville Vereen, Senior Guard from Miami, Florida. 1953 will be the 14th consecutive season that linemen will lead the 'Jackets. Not since Buck Murphy captained the 1939 team has a back led them.

to the





with experience in




Hughes Research and Develop­ment Laboratories, one of the nation's leading electronics organizations, are now creating a number of new openings in an important phase of their operations.

Here is what one of these positions offers you:


Hughes Research and De­velopment Laboratories, located in Southern Califor­nia, are presently engaged in the development and production of advanced radar systems, electronic computers and guided missiles.


The positions are for men who will serve as technical advisors to government agencies and companies purchasing Hughes equip­ment—also as technical con­sultants with engineers of other companies working on associated equipment. Your specific job would be essentially to help insure successful operation of Hughes equipment in the field.


On joining our organiza­tion, you will work in the Laboratories for several months to become thor­oughly familiar with the equipment which you will later help users to under­stand and properly employ. If you have already had radar or electronics experi­ence, you will find this knowledge helpful in ypur new work.


After your period of train­ing—at full pay —you may (1) remain with the Labor­atories in Southern Califor­nia in an instructive or administrative capacity, (2) become the Hughes repre­sentative at a company where our equipment is be­ing installed, or (3) be the

Hughes representative at a military base in this coun­try or overseas (single men only). Compensation is made for traveling and moving household effects, and married men keep their families with them at all times.


In one of these positions you will gain all-around ex­perience that will increase your value to our organiza­tion as it further expands in the field of electronics. The next few years are certain to see large-scale commercial employment of electronic systems. Your training in and familiarity with the most advanced electronic techniques now will qualify you for even more impor­tant future positions.

How to apply:


Scientific and Engineering Staff Culver City, Los Angeles County, California

If you are under thirty-five years of age, and if you have an E.E. or Physics degree, write to the Laboratories, giving resume of your experience.

Assurance is required that relocation of the applicant will not cause disruption of an urgent military project.

March-April, 1953 2 9

Page 30: Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine Vol. 31, No. 04 1953

END of AN ERA (Continued from Page 15)

The Other Side Rather than stand silently by while

criticism flows unchecked, we feel that something ought to be said in favor of the new ruling.

To begin with, the Georgia Tech foot­ball team will not necessarily lose its high standing due to the change. We are no worse off than the rest of the SEC, or the rest of the nation for that matter, and we are better off than many schools. Most of the success of the Yellow Jackets is due to the work of Bobby Dcdd, and while he is Coach, Georgia Tech will not field a poor foot­ball team.

The men who passed the rules are football men too; they were coaching winning teams before most of us even knew what a football was. Men like General Bob Neyland, Fritz Crisler and Lou Little love football because it is their life. It is hard to believe that they would make a rash or hasty de­cision on a matter so important as this.

The truth is that the rules committee of the NCAA did not take into con­sideration what the public wants to see, what the players and students want, or even what the coaches then-selves want. This was intentional; the com­mittee feared that college football, al­ready so expensive that only large schools can make a success of it, might some day be completely dominated by only a handful of really large and rich colleges, true "football factories," and that football as a general college sport might disappear.

Far from trying to hurt football, these men were thinking on a higher level, thinking of the years ahead, and were sincerely trying to save college football for the colleges. Whether their decision will accomplish what they wish or whether it was at all neces­sary is something that only future sea­sons will decide.

ON THE HILL (Continued -from Page 9)

Ernest Rogers

But recently the fraternity men, per­haps mindful of the fact that they had enjoyed a bad press and were flunking their public relations job in miserable fashion, have done a turnabout and in so doing have not only been helpful to others in many notable instances but have increased public regard for them thereby.

FINE GESTURE I have in mind particularly the un­

selfish gesture of the Inter-Fraternity Council of Georgia Tech that employed 100 of its members during the last week end in improving the facilities of the Bankhead Boys' Club project on Bank-head Ave. jointly sponsored and op­erated by the Variety Club of Atlanta, the Salvation Army and the Atlanta Optimist Club.

These young collegians, beginning last Friday, went over the entire es­tablishment with paint and brush and otherwise beautified and improved the grounds where the underprivileged youth of the Bankhead community are wont to build muscles and character on the excellently appointed play ground.

In other words "Hell Week" was con­verted into a "Help Week" and the re­sults have been most satisfying to all concerned. Undoubtedly the Bankhead project is much the better because of the visitation of the young fraternity members from Georgia Tech, and the men themselves are enjoying a warm feeling of accomplishment that accom­panies a good job well done.

GOOD RELATIONS Such examples of helpful activity on

the part of college fraternity men will tend to strengthen public regard for these organizations which, in the past, have been more concerned in their play­ful moments with destructive frivolity than constructive achievement.

The college fraternity, with its ener­gies properly channeled, can be a tremendous force for good in any com­munity where it exists and it seems a good symptom that the young men are taking this lesson to heart. But the de­struction of property, trespass on the rights of others and corporal punish­ment of members never did anyone any good and should be abandoned, as the present trend seems to indicate.

In recent years there have been sev­eral notable examples of members of individual fraternities or inter-frater­nity groups abandoning their former practices in favor of helpfulness towards others. The action of the Tech Inter-Fraternity Council brings the whole matter into focus again and causes oldsters, who in their under­graduate days participated in hellish projects that were of no use whatsoever, to stop and wonder if maybe the young of today haven't got more sense than their elders had at a comparable age.

So here's a salute to college fraternity men everywhere, and particularly those at Georgia Tech, who are doing more for themselves and their secret societies by observing "Help Week" than they ever did by participating in "Hell Week."

REUNION — These six Tech men were brought together at the annual sales con­ference of Ethyl Corp. held in Rye, N. Y., in Jan., 1953. They are, I. to r.: Dan M. Guy, '30; George P. Rosser, '25; S. J. Warner. '30; D. J. Chapman, '42; S. T. Pruitt. '29. and P. E. Berry. '43.

Don't miss the



Football Game "Should be the most interesting game at the Flats in many

years." Coach Dodd


7:30 P.M.

(In case of inclement weather, Sat., April 25

2:30 P.M.)

Admission — $1.25 AT THE GATE

No Seats Reserved

Part of proceeds toODK


Page 31: Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine Vol. 31, No. 04 1953

What does Atomic Energy really mean to you? Dramatic new developments in medicine, agriculture,

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Scientists-have long known that the secret core of the atom concealed vast stores of concentrated energy. Evidence that man had unlocked the secret came with the atomic bomb.

Then came the task of developing methods to release this unbounded energv slowly, gradually, in ways of lasting benefit to all of us.

ISOTOPES AN EXAMPLE—When uranium atoms are split they emit a barrage of highly active particles. Certain chem­icals placed in this barrage become radioactive and shoot off particles from themselves. Substances thus treated are called radioactive isotopes.

When these chemicals are made radioactive their paths can be traced through plants and animals, showing the or­gans they affect. This may increase our understanding of the processes of life itself.

FUTURE UNLIMITED—Atomic energy is also proving use­ful in industrial research and production. It promises to be even more valuable, however, in providing concentrated power for transportation, home, and industry.

UNION CARBIDE'S PART-From the beginning UCC has had a hand in the mining and treatment of uranium ores, the development of engineering processes, and the produc­tion of special materials for the atomic energy program. Under Government contract Union Carbide manages and operates the huge research and production installations at Oak Ridge, Tenn. and Paducah, Ky.

All of this activity fits in with the continuing efforts of the people of Union Carbide to transform the elements of the earth into useful materials for science and industry.

STUDENTS and STUDENT ADVISERS: Learn more about the many fields in ivhich Union Carbide offers career opportunities. Write for the free illustrated booklet "Products and Processes" ivhich de­scribes the various activities of UCC in the fields of ALLOYS, CAR­BONS, CHEMICALS, GASES, and PLASTICS. Ask for booklet D-2.

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Page 32: Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine Vol. 31, No. 04 1953

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