George.Berlin Blockade 1948

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Transcript of George.Berlin Blockade 1948

  • 8/6/2019 George.Berlin Blockade 1948


    i t neroplicationrar I thOWDII

  • 8/6/2019 George.Berlin Blockade 1948


  • 8/6/2019 George.Berlin Blockade 1948


    "t~p ill thb;. pn)!' s was taken InFmnc anti Ih B .nelux countri iped

    IIagn~enu~ut in BrtJ5 I~p! dging miJitary cooperation among1 I1 . fh e IIUtL n ru r ~I P ,,.it (1 ,f fifty) sars. In addition to thisdi~lj}U~ ~)!Pun-Eu I'{ peautsrn all MV('J1twhich received the r u nsupport of \m neun leudcrs. the lilt d tat s indica eel ir .UJi l ess to ,1 surne .1 role of ad1\ e involvem nt in uroalfair b~ its pprnvul 0 1 ' the V and enb tg R lu on. P ee lth t: S (i!nate on J UTI 1 J ~ 19 8~ thi tat m nt p pared tground for rn rican parhoiptlt i t ;)n in mu ual securi a ; J . lUwceS}stems. Thes tv . 0 events d ~arl) portended the fonnatiODN TO within a) ar,

    As for Germ n , it had becomeh t plan f r dn~h)ist ring it through four-pow r E!OCnlenitl~oahad found r d n fundam ntal distUU1!etne~lJwhi h that hould W:lltlllllmA!lBeI:~-iJIllII!!I:u

  • 8/6/2019 George.Berlin Blockade 1948


    maintain a cet:.balfud(>.j~~loa:'m.tI!_~_'rb f i _ ; j I r . . J & i tnabl it to maximizermany. nlstration and laJlem_th t m All t was ensenderedwas r quired in he Allied Control Council.

    quadripartit I: ncy fo Germany. and in Bedln K O ' J I D D J a n -datura. th fourpow r for .dmln Dg Berl in.\\DS also divid d into four ~1;'

    Disenchantm t iUa t feeli I a high Ie rnegotiation as well. On Detoembet 15, UM7, t Council ofForeign Ministers of the four powers adjourn after havingt a t J ed to reach an agreement on th e usbian and Gennan peacetreati ~Thi bad serious consequ nees fo r Germany sin tlutt"o J ,lnll1 wa in great n d o f ded tva' O R o f both politind an conomt nature. Itbougb cerijU in compl rag re ment on wha wa to b don, th A ll beg an 10 hen e d fo r h dev I pm nt o f interzonal mum adm ini moveageneie whieh eould assum som of load being-oarried byllied nlil~tary e tablishm ts, dditionall 1 7nd ]anuar} 1 In rk d th nadir of th fal , tet .U lIe nnmv hang were cl art e ntial in

    th '} did not appear l ikeJy to come within tbture, V \ ith the consid rations in mind,P( er alon with the Benelu ountrl S

    pm\~p 2

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  • 8/6/2019 George.Berlin Blockade 1948


    1cu the gni1kl8IlClda later in thiblockade

    v ntstrodu

  • 8/6/2019 George.Berlin Blockade 1948


    Th Be-rlln Blockade, 1o[lh

  • 8/6/2019 George.Berlin Blockade 1948


    c . - - a m e toI SU S ndispu"t ndPOlnt It b,~L.lUts lnc'reaSitiolJ"-ilnd th b lr a..~()n-that w.ould oB i l'\t~jng th drift ofthaI " tis both thWStI!"l'1

    h r

    T h o I n i l iC a f c f l la u

  • 8/6/2019 George.Berlin Blockade 1948


    and casions AIl.,.'lCiIa.i\\ h th er it \\ a belt r to - ............;,third uuntry th t W not m i~~1"t ~lfit~ If tu a:tt rnpt by oth r - . I hdiplorn tIl" cost of IOsin It, uoha PD1"~]U all at ute form at th time ()fAm ri arl pnlic~)maker.s had comIJ H 'M J "') t ( 1 1 1 \ as an inereaslngly", hi h I setback in n r ( uale could

    th I t C R h . . 5 "ell. The, ... iII were seen tlghll) "coupled," 0one J le tended to ru..> stron repercusst

    l. ~Lv.h]throw IJ . Jed u[ th international sy~JtaB1~dIdi qLJilibn !JUl.9

    Til ";1 '1 itiutor s ~fctiv $.at ulatt 'HS ...and Strategy

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  • 8/6/2019 George.Berlin Blockade 1948


    Vl iet rr'III(' ftlii&' il l tages:Tit ProlJl 111 nf the Defender's Bespon e\\ return 1 1 ) ~ \ to the three month period UoP lo M. J( II \\ lien til partial "bnhy btodwd ,. temPOlMW.

    unp ed tu th e mJ o r lune, when full rb l kpu~ ed uu ~IU gr }I) nd ace '!is to " est Bf"rlm. ln .

  • 8/6/2019 George.Berlin Blockade 1948


    tbkL .

  • 8/6/2019 George.Berlin Blockade 1948


    The Ber'lfn Blockad 1

  • 8/6/2019 George.Berlin Blockade 1948


    g r a war.lay wrot la r that his cableup in OUr Pfeparatt nS fo r defense ....

    dicat-e what those ptepa ons were. and iil l d tim suffice to deter tb e vJ &om short)


  • 8/6/2019 George.Berlin Blockade 1948


    T il Berlin Blocltade Imand t n T inspection f i r thad' sum thing gro 'shntlth t o f fre-e aeeuss. "J though0i't ite rl f' r .n ce \\'1th t r a m to Het1m~.dir 'cH~ 1 T l ' r I I I .d the Allied gQrr i !Cons lli mt!!~;ead,' 'ld('"~J in tM.rl~April to t st th ()

    ~t : !"nding a . h'.ih1 \"LU1armed guards toward Hdbnot tu nllmi{ b ,I St ardl, The trnln was RnaUleUng, \\ 1 . r i r main ~d until I t i gnobJ~'l1 ri c all ~r.n ',As .blY r marked. "I t was cleat tIl.lR-:-.1IiIlIIi...~in:ir e ni l.H.lsifh:!'I~."~ HI

    lay nt)"'\ _'~pnll{lt."! I b~ o rdering a sm all -w alerd r t SI,JlJllI) ~ ('11 h ~ r tilt' Berlin garrison, ithlnl~) RI1~ ~~Ll1 flg h ttr p l . H~, att rl'lptillg to buzz and baIllSl1~Briti~h trtn sport lin 0\ er 4h . GatMw tlirport in W( o lH d e( l ', 'I."HI it r,e~iLlting in the crash ofboth p lane$ and 1~""'ll~lire, Til Br-Hj~h ud \merican military governo promptlyIi I' 1 fHdl1 r sC' rts ] en e-forth t lr all unurm ed planes enmUOll'Il" fh . ;rlH t "rh ~ ~II pun ~ 1 a - r J l j h t , l ] ] Soku lovsky issued an hnm.:dia ce . lpuln ~ nud A s In d tl e ,""("ste-rn commanders thatharassm t j n Ihc ( ir ( rridon had been intend d 10 intt e 'I 1 1 sl 1()1Il nts d ...linE d lo r consumption wit'hin th m ilou 1)(1 t wor tr ~d d th e airlift did nnt in v o lv noon :\ ~r) 1~rg . scale. A 'ap~ citv uJ 60 to 100 tons P~) was qui

    acid \ dJtlus pn ,,I d su.rf.i~Jent until A p ril 10 w en So~~bI

    [0 xpl i .1 1 J I U,t d th ra: I erVIC tt urne

  • 8/6/2019 George.Berlin Blockade 1948


    turn f a

    rt lmp ~lt~ p n l h c " l lIh'mai\t!~~ u n ~ 1 0

    :U l ' t l t " I UI!t It'Ulfttt)'tum or uppJ lnan

  • 8/6/2019 George.Berlin Blockade 1948


  • 8/6/2019 George.Berlin Blockade 1948


    l J l ' l t md f .~J~h

  • 8/6/2019 George.Berlin Blockade 1948


  • 8/6/2019 George.Berlin Blockade 1948


    Ina rc protest 0 Ian


  • 8/6/2019 George.Berlin Blockade 1948



  • 8/6/2019 George.Berlin Blockade 1948


    - "b t :t tea !UC l 1 ft e P fOJ ft iI !i :d ec is io "...mU t na o nlta tk tn o f d a b . ()Qspecul a n I I ~ ofj ro InAlt1ten_~'pjC3t~~_1I

    The l a t e n t d i v i s i o r t among poJjcy....mlakelraj '~11VQ_mV ' - I b ' y wh n hloclalde was refmp~d in .rUft*:.~lJlf l 1 1 l 1 POsition T rum an lo ok that t l rm! Oil j + 8 J l t l 4 D r i b t K f : J i i l 1kept th dM 1011 among h t adviseu fmm h a " ' 1 I & '811:1:1i_fIIipact 01 1 th e fern response to the n w a . r i r i S Ibefore the So"iels on all& 1 n cut o ff ground to'' ' '-IiII~jUIi d is.l lg reem n t on th e f, aslbility and!bIJj had mOR! oLtI effect 011 conting IIcy Pbl l t iD fq t :J tt nded to pwaf)i2 Ih ability of the admini.trationa lid h Ie warning o f a posslbJ bJoclcad t ....hlfu~ ... d'~ht~neiItby means of sui bie s ignaJS to the SOv ie t s .

    I t must he rem mb red that In HU l l t h e f t > w a s as y t 11 0mal, B m ' ! stem commitment to Berlin. The bah bJoebdewould appear to ha"" PJ'ovl(l d the em po ers with an _e lIent OPP

  • 8/6/2019 George.Berlin Blockade 1948


    s that\\ is-olJ ld

    J Jflin _


    kno\\ ho\ itIUn\ ob lr ~r , u.tM.~d " , r ; n iI.I. ~ith a mnalllIud d b~ hundreds ( ) r . . . , .U-JllI~HUuited States should eonsld r

    Im_.ed hl t..lo so SH Il o thers !iaidunf onI t h ti l : S o 1 ,t sm ce M oscow " (DII;"'-;~Crh~. cl...b tc \\'.1" : s iII Inpr )g ress whenII~d nn J un 24 a4

    O n tn~l} wun 1 r It the faHure nfAl1lte1tt.~r J l HUI:i c.a~~a ii' ! '

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    The Dr f i nd r~Th Role oft

  • 8/6/2019 George.Berlin Blockade 1948


  • 8/6/2019 George.Berlin Blockade 1948


    o fwouldman belf .........nto risk a milftatienre.~'Inhi v . i w jIQlgIrt even lo oking C o t -preSecurity Council. too, ouah tilYok ing and enpgittg in

    Thus the d iffe re nt image s ofthman's administration at thi timlion not D Iy of MosCQw~sin nticms andcept high riaks, but al 0 o f th e utiHty and A'.I.lII.w.,measure the W st might undertak to maintain ife;,,'WtifI_BerHn. The feat of needlessly uprO'Yoki.n~ the .~nec:t;.JI\\a) was an important consideration in Truman-and alb r ense . it ewed as an impqrtant C01lUtltaiJ~mean he" ould employ in protecting Am riam Jnt~_n i~ situations." Strange ali it may se m f i ' o Q l toelay'::J'~II~. rU\' on th Cold War. m rican Jeaders in 1

    h) antag nize or pro\ oke th ovJets in n W A1111Z _ _'A htl ~1l(1 nlu t ndd-anblgoni:'liug them in other Ul'AIIni

    D terr. no Sue e s or a I r ?

  • 8/6/2019 George.Berlin Blockade 1948


    rh Berlin Blockade. 1gtund blockade' and did bth > \\ est rn position in Berl n~\\ ere av ilahle to the ovi t rQ r ~;quUlBerllu m:U'orevicting AllIed oO~~"fiil-lrn sector of the dt:y. It IS dimS "it ts as hei JIg t_~eterrcd at] t t thtrmn th usc of t lu'~p stroll zer option . In L~.""'''''lunf noted, SuviC't nhiectiv s Were vtd n ]YCOI I I IDdid d th ~ hope thRt pressure U T I B rJin migh t sue_.~ i l l P ; - . : ;n1{~rgl1lg, A11u~d no hel 'J, hi W stem EuropeC nLUlU, to \ hich the S 1\1 ts objwted. T he O p tio n..-ill 3 hln k a n t ? ' of B rl in Jl1RV h av ... s eemed t o t h e ~nM!1'.[IIJercl 3:' less risk), th an ... izur ~ uf the city but also asjlpp~priate Ult! UI!; o . pursuing llJlir broader obje ~ ". eccnd plat! . the ~U~l1m nt that tbis case i to be f e l l U , ' d e < lx 111[l1 ue ess ~ ] Ie errence v. o\lld e m to re on 1'nMI':'nM~

    1 inu as umpliull th at th e So\'leh: w re oblig ed to settllIn k d > h c n they ~j II d lerr: d from using tronger Qpt ig.l1n~1\, t Herli n. Fur Irnrll hetug a second-best strate

    how e\ er, 1 1 I I t :Kadf. flla~ na\e. b ee n \ Iew e e l b) t a H nj J r e f e r . r c i J optiun for pur uin his ~.'Qn,pt !{ obj ctiv s, t tilnu tset the IS0\ iets bad _ ,1 r fUi(m tu be li ve that the b loc\\ oulrl be effecti'l. t;l and I ; ~ . to a suce ssful outcome f ten i.

    A l n r

    I' enable topoint ofthth e AU

  • 8/6/2019 George.Berlin Blockade 1948


    1 3 6

    an Instrument 0 Ainerican 10Jeigp p ( j j - ~ . M Icreasingly evident in the follow g Y.eEn::;t&iNIifare between the two nuclear p etS mf8t ierwise avoided, Jower-1eveJ conllontatioclash of interests would periodically OCCur .
