Geomorphology and fisiografi.ppt

Karakteristik, Struktur dan Dinamika Kawasan Pesisir dan Laut (Geomorfologi dan Fisiografi) RESUME DARI: Wahyudi Citrosiswoyo Jurusan Teknik Kelautan, FTK-ITS, Surabaya

Transcript of Geomorphology and fisiografi.ppt

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Karakteristik, Struktur dan Dinamika Kawasan Pesisir dan Laut

(Geomorfologi dan Fisiografi)


Wahyudi Citrosiswoyo

Jurusan Teknik Kelautan,

FTK-ITS, Surabaya

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Materi Kuliah 2Karakteristik, Struktur dan Dinamika

Kawasan Pesisir dan Laut(Geomorfologi dan Fisiografi)

2.1. Definisi2.2. Pembentukan Kawaan Pesisir dan

Laut2.3. Konsep Lempeng Tektonik

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2.1. Definisi

• Geomorfologi– Mempelajari klasifikasi, deskripsi, sifat, asal

mula, dan perkembangan bentuk permukaan bumi dan kaitannya dengan struktur geologi di bawahnya, dan sejarah perubahan geologi yang tercatat di permukaan

• Fisiografi– Deskripsi tentang keadaan fisik alami suatu

benda (object), terutama kenampakan alam. Pada uraiandi sini terbatas menjadi deskripsi dan asal mula suatu landforms

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Definisi dan

gambaran profil pantai

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2.2. Pembentukan Kawaan Pesisir dan Laut

Degree of Modification• Primary - Not Modified Much by Wave Action• Secondary - Highly Modified by Wave Action

History• Emergent - Land Rises or Water Level Falls• Submergent - Land Sinks or Water Level


Dominant Process• Erosional• Depositional

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Effects of the Pleistocene

• Sea level has risen at least 100 meters in the last 18,000 years

• Most coastlines globally are submergent

• Primary coastlines are very common

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Secondary Coasts Are Modified by Marine Erosion

or Deposition

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Secondary CoastsErosion• Stack • Terraces • Tombolo • Erosion rate becomes

very slow – wave energy dissipated

crossing the wave-cut terrace.

– Cliffs become higher, meaning more material to move.

Deposition• Spit • Lagoon • Baymouth Bar • Barrier Bar

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Primary Coastlines Are Very Common

• Drowned River Valleys (Estuaries)

• Drowned Glacial Valleys (Fiords)

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Primary and



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Cara LainPembentukan Pantai Primer

• Delta

• Aktifitas Volkanik

• Pengangkatan

Dominasi PengendapanDominasi GelombangDominasi Pasut

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Delta Coasts

• Deposition-Dominated– Bentuk pantai yang didominasi oleh

pengendapan• Wave Dominated

– Bentuk pantai yang didominasi oleh proses dari aksi gelombang

• Tide-Dominated– Bentuk pantai yang didominasi oleh

aktifitas pasang surut

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The Mississippi A Deposition-Dominated Delta

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Sao Francisco, BrazilA Wave-Dominated Delta

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Ganges, BangladeshA Tide-Dominated Delta

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Yukon and Nile Deltas – Balance of Deposition and

Wave Action

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Klasifikasi garis pantai

berdasar energi (Hayes, 1979)

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Model morfologi estuari,

(a) dominasi


dominasi pasut,

(Darlymple, et al., 1992)

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Reefs Are a Major Type of Coast

in Tropical Areas

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Tarawa – A Typical Atoll

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Reefs Also Form along the Edges of Large Islands and

ContinentsThese Are Barrier Reefs •Australia •Yucatan •Belize •West Florida

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2.3. Teori Lempeng Tektonik

(Plate Tectonic Theory)

Wegener “Continental Drift” 1915

Teori ditolak Problem how to drive motions (tdk dpt menjelaskan apa yg menggerakkan kulit bumi)

Data geologi baru teori re-emerges pd 1960an sbg “Plate Tectonics” Testable hypotheses

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Continental DriftKulit bumi seolah seperti lempengan lempengan yang mengapung dan selalu bergerak di atas mantel

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Lanjutan..Pecah mjd beberapa bagian mulai 200 jt th yl (Broke apart some 200 million years ago)

Kemungkinan sdh beberapa kali terjadi slm sejarahpembentukan bumi (Probably many cycles of continentalbreak up and accumulation over Earth’s History)

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Struktur dalam bumi

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Observasi: Kenampakan dasar bumi (Basic feature of the Earth)

Topografi: pegunungan, permukaan datar & lautan (Mountains, flat areas, & oceans)

Fosil/Geologi: percampuran batuan tua dan muda (mixture of old and new rocks)

Proses dinamis: gempa & gunung api

Pertanyaan: Adakah satu penjelasan untuk semua itu? (Is there a single explanation for all these phenomena?)

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Transform fault arah gerakan pd periode yg lama

Gempabumi menunjukkan arah gerakan cepat sesaat (the instantaneous direction of motion)

Penjelasan: Rigid plates moving over surface that interact at their boundaries

Banyak topografi bumi: Pegunungan tinggi (Andes, Himalayas, dll.); Bentuk muka dasar laut (mid-ocean ridges, deep trenches)

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Pada 1965 Tuzo Wilson menemukan suatu “plates”

Pada 1968, Isacks, Oliver, dan Sykes membuat daftar baru ttg lokasi gempa scr global, dan memperlihatkan distribusinya yg dpt menerangkan gerakan / kelakuan lithosper bumi

menjelaskan mekanisme continental drift, seafloor spreading, dan subduction

Menjelaskan pola-pola global gempa, termasuk zona gempa dalam pada subduction

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Hess & Dietz (1960an) mengajukan:

Sea floor spreading(Pemekaran Lantai Samudra)

Pematang tengah samudra (mid oceanic ridge) berada di atas upwelling dari mantel yg menyebabkan dasar laut mekar.Magma keluar mengganti dasar laut yg bergerak saling menjauh, dan menjadi lempeng laut baru. Palung laut merupakan tempat-tempat lempeng samudra yg saling bertumbukan

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Apa yang menjalankansemua itu?

Arus konveksi (convection current)

Mengapa arus konveksi terjadi?Rock closer to the core heats up and rises.Gets to the top, cools and sinks.Rising and sinking forms a current.

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Arus konveksi

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TUGASPrimary Coastlines

• Drowned River Valleys (Estuaries) • Drowned Glacial Valleys (Fiords) • DELTA• ATOLL• REEFS

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TUGAS Secondary Coasts

Erosion• Stack • Terraces • Tombolo • Erosion rate becomes

very slow – wave energy dissipated

crossing the wave-cut terrace.

– Cliffs become higher, meaning more material to move.

Deposition• Spit • Lagoon • Baymouth Bar • Barrier Bar

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Degree of Modification• Primary - Not Modified Much by Wave Action• Secondary - Highly Modified by Wave Action

History• Emergent - Land Rises or Water Level Falls• Submergent - Land Sinks or Water Level


Dominant Process• Erosional• Depositional