Genre for Junior High


Transcript of Genre for Junior High

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By:Ningsih, S.M, Dip.Ed., M.Pd

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Characteristics of Genre

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Social function :•To retell events for the purposes of informing or entertainingGeneric structure :•Orientation : provides the setting and introduces participants ( giving information about what, who, where and when)•event : to tell what happened in what sequence•RE Orientation : optional , closure of events

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Language features of RECOUNT• Focus on specific participant ( nouns and pronouns: we, Dennis, the animal etc. .)• Material process ( Action verbs: go, sleep, run etc. )• Past tense • Temporal sequence ( after, before , then )• Conjunction ( but , and, …)• Circumstances of time and place ( adverb / adverb phrases showing time and place )* Adjectives to modify nouns

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NARRATIVESocial Function: •To amuse, entertain, and to deal with actual or vicarious experience in different ways•( It deals with problematic events which lead to a crisis or turning point of some kind which in turn finds a resolution)Generic structure:•Orientation : sets the scene, introduces participant•Evaluation : a stepping back to evaluate the plight•Complication : a crisis arises•Resolution : the crisis is resolved , for better or worse•Re orientation : optional

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Language features of narrrative

• Specific and individualized participant ( nouns or pronouns)

• Material process• Behavioral process ( breathe, snore, dream…)• Verbal process ( said, told, asked …)• Mental process ( think, understand, like….)• Relational process• ( time connectives and temporal conjunction )• Temporal circumstance• Past tense

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Social function :•To describe how something is accomplished through a sequence of actions or stepsGeneric structure•Goal•Material (not required for all procedure texts)•Steps 1 – n ( goal followed by a series of steps oriented to achieving the goal )

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Language features of procedure

• Generalized human agents • Simple present often imperative• material process ( Action verbs )• Temporal conjunction or numbering to

indicate sequence• Adverbs to show the detail of time and place

e. g for five minutes, two centimeters from the top…

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• Social function To describe a particular person, place or thing• Generic structure 1. Identification , identify phenomenon to be

described 2. Description : describe or giving information about

specific participant e.g. : comes from…, the color, the size, the favorite things etc.

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Language features of description

• Specific participant ( nouns )• Simple present• Attributive and identifying Process• ( relating verbs which informs about the subject)• Various adjectives like : describing, numbering,

classifying , two white fangs, two strong legs etc.• Detailed noun phrase to inform about the subject

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REPORT• Social function : 1. to describe the way things are with reference to

arrange of natural, man made and social phenomena in our environment

2. it is the result of systematic observation or analysis 3. it is general conclusion, general statement about • Generic structure: a. Generic classification: tell what phenomena under

discussion is b. Description : tells the phenomena is like in the

terms of parts and their function, Qualities, Habits or behaviors

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Language features of report

• General nouns : reptiles in Komodo island• Relating verbs / relational process • ( is , are, …)• Action verbs ( birds fly, they eat…)• Present tense• Technical terms (water contain hydrogen and

oxygen,…)• Paragraph with topic sentence to arrange some


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