Genre codes and conventions

The Guttenburg Design Principle The Primary Optical Area Strong Fallow Area Weak Fallow Area The Terminal Area Axis of Orientation This tells you that Liam neeson is in the movie. It also says what the title of the movie is. All this at the top All that is in there is pretty much just the same as what is in the primary optical area this is to make sure the title and liam neesons name is seen by the viewer. The poster looks very Hollywood the way they have put the name of the movie at the top of the poster. All that is in this is a gun in liam neesons hand to futher link the movie to death and the rest of the information which is at the bottom about the film. In magazines there is normally the prize All that is in the terminal area is some more information about the film such as the release date, there is also a cross which links the movie to death.



Transcript of Genre codes and conventions

Page 1: Genre codes and conventions

The Guttenburg Design Principle

The Primary Optical Area

Strong Fallow Area

Weak Fallow Area The Terminal Area

Axis of Orientation

This tells you that Liam neeson is in the movie. It also says what the title of the movie is. All this at the top of the screen to make you want to see the rest of it. Anchoring you in to watch the film.

All that is in there is pretty much just the same as what is in the primary optical area this is to make sure the title and liam neesons name is seen by the viewer. The poster looks very Hollywood the way they have put the name of the movie at the top of the poster.

All that is in this is a gun in liam neesons hand to futher link the movie to death and the rest of the information which is at the bottom about the film. In magazines there is normally the prize or something that you can win. This is because it is the area where people don’t look at first

All that is in the terminal area is some more information about the film such as the release date, there is also a cross which links the movie to death.

Page 2: Genre codes and conventions

The Guttenburg Design Principle

Genre Codes and Conventions-

Illusions to life and death Lonely mannered writing, this covers the blood and danger aspects of the poster/film. Reflection at the bottom of the poster suggests water/blood this signifies that there is going

to be death in the film. Graveyard brings across a supernatural feel to the poster/ film. The gun in his hand suggests danger.


The fact the producers chose liam neeson for the film anchors the audience because he is a star that has had success from films similar to this one

Modes of Address-

The way liam neeson is looking at you, making you feel like he means business and is on a mission. This is another thing that makes them want to come watch it as it brings up a sense of mystery as you want to know why he looks so serious.