General Studies Paper-4:Insights Secure …...With suitable examples differentiate between hate...

2015 General Studies Paper-4:Insights Secure Compilation May to August 2015

Transcript of General Studies Paper-4:Insights Secure …...With suitable examples differentiate between hate...

Page 1: General Studies Paper-4:Insights Secure …...With suitable examples differentiate between hate speech and free speech. Do you think academic institutions should allow political and


General Studies Paper-4:Insights Secure Compilation May to August 2015

Page 2: General Studies Paper-4:Insights Secure …...With suitable examples differentiate between hate speech and free speech. Do you think academic institutions should allow political and

General Studies Paper-4:Insights Secure Compilation May to August 2015 Page 1

Table of Contents Ethics .................................................................................................................................................... 11

1Q. Is it unethical for educational institutions to associate with political parties and political

institutions? Critically comment. (200 Words) ....................................................................... 11

1Q. How is parenting in India different than it is being practised in the West. It is found that

Indian parenting methods are perceived as abusive by few countries in the West. Critically

comment on this issue. (200 Words) ....................................................................................... 11

1Q. Why ragging in school and colleges is considered as an issue of serious concern? Critically

comment. (200 Words) ............................................................................................................ 12

2Q. Is watching porn an unethical and immoral act? Justify. (200 Words)................................ 13

1Q. In your opinion, what are the characteristics of an ideal teacher? Discuss with examples

how important is the role of teachers in inculcating values in children. (200 Words) ....... 14

1Q. With suitable examples differentiate between hate speech and free speech. Do you think

academic institutions should allow political and religious debates to take place among

student groups in their campuses? Critically comment. (200 Words) ................................. 14

1Q. It is argued that Internet-compatible electronic devices being used by school children and

youngsters are affecting them adversely in various ways. Some elders even argue that

children are losing values thanks to dependence on these devices. Taking example from

your own experiences, critically comment on the statements. (200 Words) ....................... 15

2Q. The practice of accepting or giving dowry is prevalent in Indian society despite the spread

of education and awareness. Some argue that if dowry is given as a goodwill gesture it is

not unethical or immoral. Some justify taking dowry on the grounds that their son is well

educated and settled thanks to the money they have spent on him and dowry is a means to

get back that money; some even say that dowry is needed to look after their daughter-in-

law as she would be staying either with them or with their son. ........................................... 16

Do you consider the practice of dowry as unethical and immoral? Justify your answer. (200

Words) ....................................................................................................................................... 16

1Q. These days some disturbing news such as molestation and rape of school children by

teachers are being reported by media. In your opinion, what are the causes of such

incidents? What measures will you suggest to stop such incidents in schools? Discuss.

(200 Words) ...............................................................................................................................17

2Q. It is argued that is that spiritual awareness is innate and that it is an important component

in human development. What do you understand by spirituality? How will it help in

human development? Examine. (200 Words) ....................................................................... 18

1Q. Now and then we keep reading in media about suicides committed by students not able to

cope up with pressure of studies and competition. Do you think our education system is

putting undue pressure on students and affecting their creativity? Critically comment and

also examine the role of family and society in helping students manage pressures. (200

Words) ....................................................................................................................................... 18

2Q. “We are reducing the child into becoming fake copies of what we aspire for rather than

helping the child become a master of his or her own soul.” In your opinion what an ideal

education should constitute and aim for? Critically analyse. (200 Words) ......................... 19

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3Q. Raju failed to pass SSLC exam. His parents wanted him to pass this exam at any cost. Raju

did work hard. He went for tuitions early in the morning a whole year and took lessons

from good coaching institutions. Raju‟s mother who works as teacher also made him study

till late night every day. When his result came, Raju‟s parents were disappointed and

shocked. Neighbours‟ and relatives‟ children all had passed the exam with distinction. In a

fit of rage, Raju‟s mother scolded him for „ruining the family name.‟ Raju, a good and

sensitive boy, wrote a suicide note and tried to kill himself by jumping into a lake in the

city. Fortunately someone saw him jumping and rescued him. ............................................20

a) If you were in Raju‟s position, what would you have done after the result and what would

you have expected from your parents? Explain. (150 Words) ...............................................20

b) In your opinion, what should be the priority for any parent when it comes to their children‟s

future? What values should they inculcate in their children? Examine. (150 Words) ........20

1Q. In your opinion, what is the source of happiness? Why do some people manage to stay

happy despite facing certain difficulties in life? Discuss. (200 Words) ................................ 21

1Q. Do you think the Jain practice of Santhara is ethical? Substantiate with valid arguments.

(200 Words) .............................................................................................................................. 22

1Q. “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” – Socrates ................................... 23

Examine the meaning of quote and its significance for an administrator. (150 Words) ............ 23

2Q. “Almost all of our sorrows spring out of our relations with other people.” – Schopenhauer

.................................................................................................................................................... 23

Do you agree with this quote? Justify. (150 Words) ...................................................................... 23

1Q. For a civil servant what qualities are required to withstand pressure from various

influential sections to stick to rule book and follow his/her conscience as sources of ethical

guidance to do the right thing? With suitable examples, discuss these qualities. (200

Words) ....................................................................................................................................... 24

1Q. You are now a retired police officer. During your service you were known for utmost

honesty and integrity. You were loved by the people wherever you served as an officer.

Recently, you were diagnosed with a harmless cancer, which if neglected would turn into

malignant and life-threatening one. You are advised to undergo surgery immediately. In

the hospital where you are undergoing treatment, an oncologist comes to know that you

were the person who had rescued his mother and him from being beaten to death by

relatives over property issue, and later given his mother job and enabled her to lead an

independent life. Out of gratitude, he now wants to treat you without charging a penny. He

also tells you that he would waive all medical expenses. But, you do not agree with this and

tell him that you can manage the expenses. However, the oncologist insists and cures you

of cancer free of cost. He also tells you that he would regularly visit you and keep a track of

your health. ............................................................................................................................... 25

a) What values do you see in this case study? In your opinion, how these values can be

inculcated in children? Discuss. (150 Words) ........................................................................ 25

b) Will you ever return the medical expenses in some form to the oncologist? Justify why. (150

Words) ....................................................................................................................................... 25

1Q. Which contemporary leader has inspired you most with his/her thoughts and actions and

what values have you learnt from his/her life? Justify. (200 Words)................................... 26

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1Q. Critically discuss the ethical aspects of farmer suicides in India. (200 Words).................... 26

2Q. As a District Social Welfare officer, you have recently rescued a woman who was subjected

to severe domestic violence by her husband and in-laws. She is very depressed and needs

urgent medical attention. Your wife suggests that the survivor should be counselled. What

ethical guidelines will you follow to help this victim as a responsible officer? Discuss. (200

Words) ....................................................................................................................................... 27

1Q. Despite being a largely peaceful country, India now and then witnesses communal

tensions. With examples, examine what factors breed harmony between different

communities divided on the lines of religion and castes? As an administrator, how will you

help different communities to live in peace and harmony? (200 Words) ............................ 28

1Q. Has India come to accept violence as part of its societal feature? In the light of increasing

violence against vulnerable sections of the society, critically comment. (200 Words) ....... 29

1Q. Analyse the views of Gandhiji on alcohol consumption. Do you personally think that

consuming alcohol is immoral? Justify your answer. (200 Words) .....................................30

1Q. Highlighting the Supreme Court of India‟s view, critically comment on the ethical aspects

of administering euthanasia to a person or person‟s nearest relative or friend seeking it.

(200 Words) .............................................................................................................................. 31

1Q. It is said that by denying desperate people the opportunity to cross borders legally,

European governments are driving them to risk death. Critically examine ethical issues

involved in this case. On the other hand, do you think allowing immigrants into a country

is a sound policy compared to banning and sealing borders to such immigrants? Comment.

(200 Words) .............................................................................................................................. 32

1Q. Why in your opinion some educated people join extremist and terrorist organizations and

fight against legitimate governments? What values do they lack? Critically comment. (200

Words) ....................................................................................................................................... 33

2Q. “Deaths caused by drivers under the influence of alcohol should attract the charge of

culpable homicide, and not merely that of negligent driving.” Justify on ethical grounds.

(150 Words) ............................................................................................................................... 34

1Q. With suitable examples explain how social influence can affect ethics in public

administration. (200 Words) .................................................................................................. 34

1Q. What does success mean to you? Should one take risks in life and fearlessly chase their

dreams to achieve success or should they be content with what they already have?

Comment. (200 Words) ........................................................................................................... 35

Aptitude ................................................................................................................................................ 36

1Q. Define and differentiate between aptitude and attitude. In your opinion, which of these two

is more important for a civil servant? Justify why. (200 Words).......................................... 36

1Q. What do you understand by „selfless service‟? Should a civil servant serve the society

selflessly? Critically comment. (200 Words) .......................................................................... 37

1Q. In your opinion, what do people from weaker sections expect and need from public

servants? Assuming that you are a newly posted IAS officer, critically analyse. (200

Words) ....................................................................................................................................... 37

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1Q. Critically comment on the methodology used by the Institute for Economics and Peace to

prepare the annual Global Peace Index (GPI) report. In your opinion what does peace

mean to you? Comment. (200 Words) .................................................................................... 38

1Q. Why sycophancy whether in politics or in personal life, is considered as immoral? Critically

analyse. (200 Words) ............................................................................................................... 38

1Q. Do you think affluent people are morally obligated to donate aid to alleviate global poverty?

Substantiate. (200 Words) ....................................................................................................... 39

1Q. What do you understand by jingoism? Is it in the best interest of the country? Substantiate

with logical arguments. (200 Words)......................................................................................40

1Q. Critically discuss if there are any ethical issues in relations between India and Pakistan. In

your opinion, how should such issues be resolved? Critically comment. (200 Words) ...... 41

1Q. How important is emotional intelligence for ensuring good governance? Analyse. (200

Words) ....................................................................................................................................... 42

1Q. Do you think emotional intelligence (EI) is must for public servants, especially

politicians? Substantiate and also based on your personal experiences critically comment

if public servants in India have adequate levels of EI. (200 Words) .................................... 42

2Q. Examine the relationship between empathy and emotional intelligence. Explain with

examples why a public servant should have both these qualities. (200 Words) ................. 43

1Q. With examples, examine the importance of emotional intelligence for a bureaucrat. (200

Words) ....................................................................................................................................... 43

1Q. What do you understand by bioethics? Critically discuss its principles and related issues.

(200 Words) .............................................................................................................................. 44

1Q. Do you think naming and shaming, a measure sometimes adopted by banks and tax

enforcement agencies to force defaulters and tax evaders respectively to comply with rules,

is unethical? Justify. (150 Words) ........................................................................................... 45

1Q. You are working as Superintendent of jail. A politician convicted of rape and murder who

has already served 2 years in jail is under severe depression. His wife is on death bed due

to cancer. He requests you to allow him to see his wife at his home one last time before she

dies. He was a high profile politician and has lots of enemies in the opposition party. Your

wife, who is a social worker, after coming to know about convict‟s request, requests you to

allow him to see his wife once subverting court procedures. ................................................ 46

Will you follow your wife‟s suggestion? Justify (100 Words) ....................................................... 46

If you follow your wife‟s suggestion, what are the likely consequences that you

might face?Enumerate. (100 Words) ..................................................................................... 46

1Q. You are posted as Block Development Officer in a naxal activities hit region. As soon as you

assume your office, you receive a note from an unknown source. It asks you to transfer „X‟

amount of money every month to a local naxal leader failing which you would be abducted

and killed. The note asks you to meet an unknown person at „Y‟ place and get details about

where, when and how to pay the money. The note tells you that in case you inform the

police, you and your family would be killed............................................................................ 47

You show this note to your friends and family. Some suggest you to go back to old posting by

paying bribe to concerned authorities; some suggest you to resign; others suggest you that

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the practice of giving „protection money‟ is common in the region and if you too pay this

money regularly you could live a peaceful life. ....................................................................... 47

What are the options before you? Analyse their merits and demerits and explain which course

of action would you take in the end and why. (200 Words) .................................................. 47

1Q. Now a days it is strongly argued that medical colleges, both in the public and private sector,

should also include ethics education and mentorship in their teaching. In the light of

recent scams in the medical education field, critically examine why. (200 Words) ............ 48

1Q. You are working as Superintendent of Police. Recently you arrested few criminals involved

in a rape case. They happen to be distant relatives of Chief Minister of the state where you

are serving. You get a call from the Chief Minister himself asking you to drop cases

against all criminals immediately. You politely reject CM‟s diktat. Next day, again you

receive a call from CM. This time he threatens you with dire consequences if you do not

follow his orders. As per your wife‟s suggestion, you have recorded this conversation. Your

wife, who is a social activist, releases the tape to media. Next day an FIR is lodged against

you and your wife: accusing you of committing a rape; and against your wife on the

charges of receiving illegal foreign funds to an NGO run by you both. ................................ 49

Your friends who are also bureaucrats, ask you to meet CM and beg for his forgiveness. They

suggest you to release all goons citing lack of evidence against them. ................................. 49

a) Will you listen to your friends‟ suggestions and act accordingly? Justify. (150 Words) ......... 49

b) Critically comment on the ethical issues involved in this case study. (150 Words) ................ 49

1Q. Should Mediation, a form of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), be allowed in rape

cases by the courts? Justify. (200 Words) .............................................................................. 50

2Q. “The recent outbreak of Ebola and a global security threat perception associated with the

disease have given rise to many debates, one of them being the debate on medical ethics in

a public health emergency.” Discuss. (200 Words)................................................................ 51

1Q. What do you understand by Mob Justice? Critically comment on the ethical aspect of this

type of justice and explain as an administrator how will you deal with such incidences.

(200 Words) .............................................................................................................................. 52

2Q. “He prepares evil for himself who plots mischief for others.” – Latin Quote. ...................... 53

Critically comment on the quote and examine if the meaning of the above quote is applicable in

public administration too. (200 Words) ................................................................................ 53

3Q. Rekha cleared UPSC civil services exam and became an IAS officer. She was intelligent,

bold and beautiful. After her probationary training, she was posted as CEO of Zilla

Panchayat in a very backward district in a far away state from her home. There, violence

and discrimination against women was rampant. The politicians, including elected

representatives were known for their contempt against women officers in the district.

Rekha‟s parents tried to persuade her to marry an IAS officer (male) from their home state

who had shown interest in marrying her. This would ensure her return to her home state

where, her parents thought, she would get a safe and cosy posting...................................... 54

Rekha firmly told her parents that she wanted to face such hardships and serve backward

regions. As soon as she assumed her office, rumours were spread about her past and

alleged links with mafia in the region. She had taken extraordinary measures to stop illegal

activities such as sand smuggling and encroachment of government property despite risk

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to her life. A recent news report alleged that she was going soft on mafia. Another report

suggested that she had an affair with an IAS officer working in a neighbouring district. ... 54

Identify the elements of ethical concerns and dilemma in the above case and substantiate how

you would have responded to each of such concerns and dilemma if you were Rekha. (200

Words) ....................................................................................................................................... 54

4Q. An IAS officer visits to see demolition of an illegal temple that was built on a public road.

He had ordered that demolition in the public interest after receiving a complaint and

thoroughly verifying facts......................................................................................................... 55

He is accompanied by handful of police personnel. While the demolition is going on, a mob

tries to disrupt it. They try to burn IAS officer‟s vehicle. When the police try to escort IAS

officer to safety, the mob pelts stones at them. ...................................................................... 55

At this moment someone suggests IAS officer to order police to fire shots at the stone-pelting

mob. IAS officer‟s safety is at risk. .......................................................................................... 55

If you were the IAS officer, how you would have conducted yourself? Substantiate. (150 Words)

.................................................................................................................................................... 55

5Q. You are serving as Superintendent of Police of a district. You were incharge of conducting

violence-free general elections in your jurisdiction and also you were responsible to stop

distribution of illegal money, liquor and other freebies during campaigning by the

candidates. During one night two police personnel at checkpost seize rupees one crore

unaccounted money from a car. The money was meant to be distributed among voters to

lure them to vote to a particular party. One of the policemen pockets rupees ten lakhs as he

badly needed that money to pay for the treatment of his wife who was battling a life and

death situation due to cancer. The other policeman knowing this truth supports his friend,

but he too pockets rupees ten lakhs. They let the driver escape from the scene warning him

not to show up in the district. Later they send their money to their homes and the report at

the station that they have seized rupees eighty lakhs from an unknown vehicle whose

driver ran away abandoning the vehicle. ................................................................................ 57

After the elections, the driver turns up with an influential local politician who has just won the

election and narrates the incidence to you and registers a complaint against the two

policemen. ................................................................................................................................. 57

a) What will you do in this situation? Justify. (150 Words) .......................................................... 57

b) The police man who took money to pay for the treatment of his wife requests you to not to

take any action against him. You know that what he is saying is true. Will you treat him

leniently? Justify. (100 Words)................................................................................................ 57

1Q. Do you think there should be minimum educational qualification for ministers to manage

important sectors such as higher education efficiently ? Critically comment. (200 Words)

.................................................................................................................................................... 58

1Q. Is there a difference between casteism and racism? Discuss. In your opinion, examine why

such discriminations are considered as immoral and unethical. (200 Words) ................... 59

1Q. The question whether celebrity endorsers are liable for lapses of a manufacturer or service

provider in India has been debated ever since Nestle‟s Maggi brand of instant noodles fell

afoul of food testing authorities. Do you think, on ethical grounds, should celebrities

endorsing such brands be punished by law? Critically comment. (200 Words)..................60

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1Q. Analyse the linkages between prison reforms and reforms of prison inmates. Are there any

alternatives to prisons to reform criminals? Critically comment. (200 Words) .................. 61

2Q. In your opinion, what is the meaning of privacy? Do you think the press should be allowed

to publish private details of an individual, especially of a public personality? How does the

government in India deal with the privacy of individuals? Critically comment. (250 Words)

.................................................................................................................................................... 61

1Q. In your opinion, should an aged person of about 75 years old, caught and proved in a

corruption case, who has undergone twenty years of judicial trial, be leniently punished by

the court? Or should he be acquitted on humanitarian grounds? Substantiate. (200

Words) ....................................................................................................................................... 62

1Q. With suitable examples differentiate between empathy, sympathy and compassion. In your

opinion, which of these three qualities is most essential for a public servant and why?

Explain. (200 Words) ............................................................................................................... 63

1Q. “First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, and then you win.” ―

Mahatma Gandhi ...................................................................................................................... 64

With suitable examples, critically comment on the application of the meaning of the above

quote in personal and professional life, especially in public administration. (200 Words)64

1Q. Throw light on the relevance of the teachings of Ramkrishna Paramahansa and Swami

Vivekananda to India‟s youth today. (200 Words) ................................................................ 64

1Q. Do you think India‟s law which makes it mandatory to spend minimum Corporate Social

Responsibility spending (2% of average profits of the past three years) for corporations

above a certain size is a right measure without loopholes? Critically analyse. (200 Words)

.................................................................................................................................................... 65

2Q. “While abolition of the death penalty for crimes other than terrorist acts or treason may be

justified, its retention in the case of punishment for having carried out terrorist acts or

treason seems equally justifiable.” Do you agree with this view? Critically comment. (200

Words) ....................................................................................................................................... 66

1Q. Do you think „encounter killings‟ are ethical? Critically comment. (200 Words) ................. 67

2Q. Should conflict of interest be allowed in rare cases if a public servant takes such decision

on humanitarian grounds? If you are become an IAS officer, would you do the

same? Substantiate. (200 Words) ..........................................................................................68

3Q. Ramesh, an MBBS aspirant, though intelligent and having scored good marks in his 12th

standard, had resorted to cheating in the all India medical entrance exam. He wanted to

secure top rank and get admission into a top medical college. His father supported him

and paid huge bribe to a person who promised them of all help during the entrance exam.

Ramesh would have still got a medical seat if he had not resorted to cheating. His friend

Suresh advised him not to cheat citing a recent scam where many were jailed including

students who had cheated. Ramesh ignored his friend‟s advice, went ahead and cheated in

the exam. ................................................................................................................................... 69

Later a sting operation exposed that along with Ramesh was not alone. Finally the whole exam

was cancelled thanks to students like Ramesh. ...................................................................... 69

Why do you think Ramesh cheated despite knowing the consequences? What you would have

done if you were Suresh? Explain. (200 Words) .................................................................... 69

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1Q. Six poor women belonging to a community that strictly restricts women to kitchen decide

to go to work in a nearby factory. They want to earn for their families and repay mounting

debt. They want freedom from moneylenders. But the village panchayat warns these

women against working in factory. It issues diktat to get money from moneylenders

instead. These women are also ostracised and humiliated in the village by the powerful

panchayat members.................................................................................................................. 70

You are District Collector of the district where this village is located. An official from panchayat

complains you about this incident. .......................................................................................... 70

Identify ethical issues involved in this case and explain what course of action will you take?

(200 Words) .............................................................................................................................. 70

1Q. Examine the differences between rules, laws and regulations. Explain a situation – either

from your experience or imaginary – where these three can be overridden by one‟s

conscience. (200 Words) ...........................................................................................................71

1Q. When you were away, your 10 ear old son stole ten rupees from your pocket and bought

chocolates for himself and for his 8 year old sister. Your daughter tells you and your

husband about her brother‟s generosity with a happy face. Your husband has been strict

with your children, especially with his son whom he considers a spoilt kid. As a police

officer he is known for his honesty and strictness in the department. Knowing his son stole

from his pocket, he is enraged and slaps his son in front of you and your daughter. .......... 72

Identify ethical issues in the case study and explain what you would have done if you were in

your husband‟s place. (200 Words)......................................................................................... 72

2Q. One of your friends, who is very ambitious to achieve higher social status by acquiring

wealth by any means, is planning to force her present husband to divorce her by

threatening him that she would file police complaint against him accusing him of domestic

violence, and then marry a rich realtor who has fallen in love with her. You are well aware

of her plans to use the rich realtor to acquire wealth. She keeps on promising you that she

would make you rich too. She has been of great support to you through all of your

struggles and you consider her as you strength and moral support. She shares all her

secrets with you believing that you would safeguard them. Meanwhile, your husband who

doesn‟t like the attitude of your friend is asking you to stay away from her. He is forcing

you to break friendship with her.............................................................................................. 73

What values have been compromised in the above case study by the people involved in it?

Examine. (100 Words)............................................................................................................. 73

Will you act as per your husband‟s wish? Justify. (150 Words) .................................................... 73

1Q. “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are

treated.” ― Mahatma Gandhi .................................................................................................. 74

Do you agree with this view? Critically comment. (200 Words) .................................................. 74

1Q. Your brother, who is living with you in Delhi away from your home in Kerala, desperately

wants to clear civil services Preliminary exam is under lots of pressure. He was unable to

clear preliminary exam in his last three attempts. Staying away from home for past five

years, he desperately wanted to reassure his parents by passing civil services exam – at

least the first stage. In the just released result of last year‟s exam, you have secured a top

rank. Your brother is both happy and tensed. Out of desperation he proposes you an idea

to help him. Knowing that you have always been a good scorer in preliminary exam, he

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requests you to assist him during exam through a wireless device. He shows you small a

device that can be hidden in his glasses which can send and receive messages without ever

being noticed by the examiner. He assures you that it is safe and he or you would never be

caught. You are also under pressure from your parents to help your brother. However they

are unaware of your brother‟s plan.......................................................................................... 75

What are the different courses of action available to you and which one will you choose?

Justify. (200 Words)................................................................................................................. 75

1Q. Recently a Chinese city opened „Morality‟ Bank to encourage people to do good to others

and reward such people by providing them free services and awards depending the

amount of good work done by them. Can this model be implemented by civil servants? As

an administrator, suggest any other such novel methods you would like to implement to

encourage people to be kind and empathetic to fellow citizens. (200 Words)..................... 76

1Q. Examine what needs to be done to strengthen ethical and moral values in governance? If

you are appointed as a head of a department where you find many of your subordinates

to be unethical and immoral in doing their duties, how will you help change their attitude?

Discuss. (200 Words) ............................................................................................................... 77

1Q. You are working as an head of a private software firm. As its head, what measures will you

take (apart from government mandated measures) to ensure safe working place for women

and completely stop sexual harassment of women workers. (150 Words) ........................... 77

1Q. The death punishment to a criminal who has committed ghastly crime is considered as

unethical and inhuman by many people. What does your conscience tell you about capital

punishment? Critically discuss. (200 Words) ........................................................................ 78

2Q. “Compassion is the basis of morality.” ― Arthur Schopenhauer .......................................... 79

Examine the relevance of the meaning of this quote for a public servant. (200 Words) ............ 79

1Q. What does transparency in public administration means to you? What kind of ethical

dilemmas you would face when you want to practice absolute transparency in

administration? Discus. (200 Words) ..................................................................................... 79

1Q. In your opinion, what is an important requisite for ensuring probity in governance? Justify.

(200 Words) ............................................................................................................................. 80

1Q. What do you understand by probity in public life? It is generally perceived that many

politicians lack probity in public life. How can probity be inculcated in such politicians

who lack this quality? Critically comment. (200 Words) ...................................................... 81

1Q. What do you understand by „public service‟? In your personal opinion, what constitutes

public service and what should be the priority for a public servant? Discuss. (150 Words)

.................................................................................................................................................... 82

1Q. In recent years, India has witnessed many corruption scams and other unethical activities

in sports and games. In your opinion, what measures need to be taken to address these

issues in sports? Comment. (200 Words) ............................................................................... 82

1Q. Critically examine why the presence of functioning whistle-blower protection regime is

important in public administration in India. (200 Words) ................................................... 83

1Q. Critically examine the view of the Supreme on the cases of „conflict of interest‟ at high

public offices. Do you think there should be a law to punish individuals involved in such

cases? Comment. (200 Words) ................................................................................................ 84

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1Q. A recent survey says that the Corporate India believes strict adherence to anti-corruption

measures would harm competitiveness in the current market conditions. Do you think so?

Substantiate. (150 Words)........................................................................................................ 85

1Q. Do you think that when it comes to corruption cases, the high and mighty are treated

favourably by courts compared to ordinary citizens? Justify. (200 Words) ........................ 85

1Q. Critically comment on the recent measures taken to curb high-level cronyism and

corruption and their impact in India. (200 Words) ...............................................................86

2Q. A principal charge levelled against civil servants who reveal wrongdoing by their political

bosses, post-retirement, is that they speak up too late. Do you think civil servants while

still serving should blow the whistle against their colleagues or political bosses even if the

latter is powerful? Critically comment on the issue. (200 Words) ....................................... 87

1Q. In India, domestic violence against women, in various forms, is either on the rise or it

is often reported in the news now a days. Apart from strictly implementing the law, what

else would you do to stop this violence against women if you are posted as Superintendent

of Police of a district? Explain. (200 Words) ..........................................................................88

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Topic: role of family, society and educational institutions in inculcating

values, Political attitude

1Q. Is it unethical for educational institutions to associate with

political parties and political institutions? Critically comment.

(200 Words)

Educational institutions have an important role at hand- to impart education in an

objective manner without any prejudice or predilections. These prejudices may be in

terms of being chauvinistic towards a particular caste, religion, race, gender or

favouring a particular political party.

Political institutions include political parties, pressure groups and movements.

If an educational institution associates itself with a particular political party or other

political institutions, their ideology may pervade the educational institution

systematically. This will give rise to skewed syllabus and a methodology of teaching,

and a structural opposition to other views. Tolerance as a virtue may not be taught in

such institutions and in extreme circumstances bigotry of ideas may prevail.

However there is an advantage in associating with political institutions. Students get

an opportunity to participate in some political activity and politics of the country

may be able to get fresh blood. The movements going on in the country, examples

being equal rights for women, political decentralisation, can inculcate several

required values in young impressionable minds of students.

Therefore, by and large, attempt must be made to innoculate an educational

institution from a particular ideology. If that is done, students can be made to

participate in political activity or certain other political institution.

1Q. How is parenting in India different than it is being practised in

the West. It is found that Indian parenting methods are

perceived as abusive by few countries in the West. Critically

comment on this issue. (200 Words)

It is a fact that parenting techniques in India are different from those practised in the

West, where it is believed that Indian parenting techniques are harsh, if not abusive.

The incident in Norway (2-3 years back) where an Indian couple's child was taken

into protective custody by Norway authorities highlights this issue. This is because of

following reasons-

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1. The obvious cultural differences that persist in East and West nations. The

parents here tend to be more involved in the life decisions of their wards,

unlike in the West.

2. Compared to India, children enjoy relatively more leeway in decision making

in the West. Parental involvement is thereby reduced.

3. Unlike in the West, strict discipline is a part of many religious groups in India,

which converts into harshness on parent's part if their wards do not subscribe

to such standards.

4. Parents in India tend to be more protective of their wards, even if that means

compromising on their ward's career (like, not sending children to a different

state). This deprives children from taking a stand in life.

5. Due to the patriarchal system prevalent in India, male elders (father) are

deemed to be authoritative figures and children are forbidden from

challanging their viewpoint for most part of their lives.

The dissimilarities are largely because of cultural and societal differences. In India,

communitarianism is highly respected and individualism often takes a back seat

in familial matters. Each decision is taken by consultation and in an event when

conflict occurs, voice of elders prevails. In practices of parenting as well, parents'

predilections as well as decisions have a profound impact on a child. This ranges

from his clothes to sometimes his choice of career as well. In contrast, west

respects individualism over community life. So when Indian society is seen from

western prism, some differences are bound to occur. However one must keep in

mind that each society is shaped by a host of historical and cultural factors. Each

society is a source of knowledge and therefore must be respected.

1Q. Why ragging in school and colleges is considered as an issue of

serious concern? Critically comment. (200 Words)

Ragging in educational institutions has been a matter of concern for everyone in the

country. It is not a new phenomenon. Ragging is a notorious social interaction

between seniors and juniors in schools and colleges, an interaction which can take

very brutal, inhuman and anti-social form at times.

The practice of familiarising beginners with their seniors has now turned into a

potent tool for ill-treating and punishing poor students if they fail to obey their

seniors. Under the pretext of fun, a poor student is often assaulted, sometimes even

stripped and intimidated by his seniors and this ritualised torture leaves an indelible

impression on his mind. The chilling incident continues to haunt him throughout his

life, and he unknowingly develops various psychological disorders.

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After experiencing the evil of ragging, a student develops a feeling of revenge for his

'unjustified harassment' and derives pleasure in ragging his juniors on his turn. So

the trend goes on and students continue to suffer. The situation sometimes turns so

bad that it compels the ragging victim to commit suicide. Some victims tend to even

lose their studies and career as such. Thus, Ragging is a systematized form of Human

Rights abuse.

The incidents of ragging have increased over the past few years. Even some of the

highly reputed colleges and institutions have a terrible history of ragging. Lack of

moral values and discipline has been the main reasons for this spurt.

Various regulatory bodies have spelled out measures to contain the menace of

ragging in the educational institutions, and the Apex court of the country has also

given guidelines for preventing this practice in the educational institutions.

Following Supreme Court orders a National Anti-Ragging Helpline was launched by

the Indian Government.

2Q. Is watching porn an unethical and immoral act? Justify. (200


The recent ban on pornographic websites has elicited diverse opinions ranging from

mild opposition of the move to questioning the act of watching porn itself on an

ethical platform. The ethical dimensions of watching porn can be summarized as


1. Freedom of internet vs. Cultural roots: Conflict of a traditional mindset with

modern individualistic expression of free thought.

2. Inducing criminal tendencies vs.Reducing criminal outbursts: Various studies

show varied outcomes of watching porn ranging from positive to pathological.

The very base of ethical argument in favor of porn rests on the assumption

that porn reduces sex crimes but this claim is also refuted with studies which

show contradictory results.

3. Policy of transparency vs Policy of discretion: The attention porn receives due

to restrictions indicates that some policies should be implemented discreetly.

Like a banned movie, it only gets publicized by being restricted. It is here that

government has the ethical dilemma of being transparent or being discreet

about its policies

4. Social image vs Personal views: The social pressure of exhibiting a morally

clean image of an avid opposition to porn is opposed to the personal view,

mostly shared in informal friend circles, in favor of watching porn. This

alienates the individual from his own self as he tries to become socially what

he is individually not.

The social outcomes of watching porn can only be known via sociological studies but

imposing a particular view or repressing a contrary view is also ethically unfair.

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1Q. In your opinion, what are the characteristics of an ideal

teacher? Discuss with examples how important is the role of

teachers in inculcating values in children. (200 Words)

A quintessential teacher has following attributes:

1. A student himself: An ideal teacher always strives to learn and evolve his

understanding of the subjects. Such a teacher is in a constant pursuit to be

well versed in the subjects he teaches.

2. Open to questions : Such a teacher appreciates the values of inquisitiveness in

the society. He or she knows that curiosity should be appreciated and guided

in right directions.

3. Optimistic and lively personality: Such a teacher always tries to make his

students remain hopeful and full of zeal. Dull and uninterested mind can

never lead a nation to glory. A good teacher should inspire hope, ignite the

minds and instill a love for learning.

4. Creative: A teacher must try to make his students never lose interest in the

subject. Such a teacher always connects the subjects with real life practical

examples. For him a subject is much beyond the four walls of classroom.

After parents, teachers are a strongest contact of a student in his or her forming

years. In words of APJ Kalam, there are three key societal members who can make a

difference. They are the father, the mother and the teacher. They carry on their

shoulders, a critical responsibility of shaping the future of mankind. By instilling

values of compassion, empathy, responsibility, truthfulness through words and

actions, teachers can build up a strong foundation for a strong society. It is for this

reason, in our prayers and scriptures, "guru" has been given a status equal god.

1Q. With suitable examples differentiate between hate speech and

free speech. Do you think academic institutions should allow

political and religious debates to take place among student

groups in their campuses? Critically comment. (200 Words)

Free speech stands for freedom to express our own views without any fear of

repression/subjugation whereas hate speech is an expression of our view which is

deliberated against any other person or community and tries to insult or defame it,

stereotypes are being developed and used to prove their point.

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For example "i want to build Ram temple in Ayodhya" is free speech. But saying "we

need to kill Islam in India and make India a Hindu nation" is a hate speech as it

insults a particular community.

Political and religious debates among the students especially college going should be

allowed as It motivates youth to debate issues of social and political importance and

deepens the democracy. It develops new leaders who have to run the country in long


Only thing we need to take care is that there debates do not become critical on issues

like caste and religion and contain themselves till finding solution for betterment of

societal problems. So it is desired that a proper guidelines are laid as to what these

organizations or debates are meant to, so that they can work in more effective


1Q. It is argued that Internet-compatible electronic devices being

used by school children and youngsters are affecting them

adversely in various ways. Some elders even argue that children

are losing values thanks to dependence on these devices. Taking

example from your own experiences, critically comment on the

statements. (200 Words)

Technology developed in this world can be both bone and baneit depends from

person to person how to adequately use it. Same is with the internet compatible

electronic devices. Children now days get exposed to them at early ages. These

devices bring the world‟s knowledge to their doorstep. But what is required is the

know how to use this knowledge and get benefitted from it.

From my personal experience I get exposed to such device in class 8th (personal

computer). I used to get material to make my school reports easily from internet by

this device. It helped me gain extra knowledge in that field. Also, whenever I used to

get struck and didn‟t know how to do particular thing on computer I used to search

on internet and then do it myself. This helped in developing attitude of becoming

independent in each and every field in me. But uncontrolled access also got me

addicted to watching movies and playing games online. This also led to lot of wastage

of my play time. I could have used this time to develop a new hobby or to excel in any

outdoor sport.

Saying that dependence on these devices is making children to lose values is not fully

correct. Childhood is definitely the age when most of our values are developed by

interaction with society. If this interaction didn‟t happened as required due to

overdependence on these devices then this can lead

to this effect. But when parents allow controlled use of these devices by their

children, this will not affect value system in any way. Instead this will only help in

developing problem solving aptitude, help child in learning new hobby like how to

play guitar, quiz solving habits etc..

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2Q. The practice of accepting or giving dowry is prevalent in Indian

society despite the spread of education and awareness. Some

argue that if dowry is given as a goodwill gesture it is not

unethical or immoral. Some justify taking dowry on the grounds

that their son is well educated and settled thanks to the money

they have spent on him and dowry is a means to get back that

money; some even say that dowry is needed to look after their

daughter-in-law as she would be staying either with them or

with their son.

Do you consider the practice of dowry as unethical and immoral?

Justify your answer. (200 Words)

Dowry is the manifestation of undignified status of Women in society. Giving dowry

is unethical and immoral because-

1. It equates the value of person with money. It treats money as instrumental in

judging the worth of person. In this case dowry is provided so that bride can

live at their home.

2. Further it is Emotional coercion of the girl parents. Sometimes they have to

sell their property and other valuable to arrange money. Even this is the cause

behind perpetual poverty for some families.

3. In today's environment when India is on global pedestal and where girl earns

equally to men, this is inhumane , archaic and undignified for the Image of

women and antithetical for entire Human society

4. Moreover it is violation of constitutional provisions like Equality liberty,

fraternity assuring dignity of individual and Unity and integrity of nation.

5. Further asking for dowry is a punishable offence under IPC section-498 A

6. It gives rise to greediness which results in continuous demand of dowry even

after marriage and can also result in incidents like domestic violence

harassment to bridge when her family fails to fulfil the demands.

7. It is also one of the foremost reasons for problems like female foeticide, low

sex ratio as girl is being treated as burden for the family owing to huge

expenditure on her marriage, education etc.

8. Many a times dowry is also reason for lower education in case of girls where

parents opt of spending equivalent money on girl's marriage rather than her


However some people try to justify dowry on following grounds:-

1. They argue that their son is educated and settled as they have spent money on

their son and dowry is a means to get back that money.

2. Further they attempt to justify dowry on the grounds that it is needed to look

after their daughter-in law

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There is an urgent need to eradicate this problem. Enhanced efforts of central and

state governments in tandem in the directions of legislations and their strict

enforcement along with awareness and changing the mindset of the society is the way

forward to this problem.

1Q. These days some disturbing news such as molestation and rape

of school children by teachers are being reported by media. In

your opinion, what are the causes of such incidents? What

measures will you suggest to stop such incidents in schools?

Discuss. (200 Words)

Reasons for such incidents includes:-

1. Erosion of moral values among teachers.

2. loss of fear conviction owing to judicial delays along with teacher threatening

the child of dire consequences like failing them in academics in case he/she

reports such incident.Due to this many a times child prefers to keep quiet

owing to fear of failure and academic pressure.

3. Further many a times school administration also takes the side of the accused

teacher who also puts pressure on the parents for a compromise in order to

save the reputation of the school.

4. Parents also at times try not to raise the issue owing to reputation of the

family in the society especially in case of girls.

5. Easy availability of pornography from various resources also give rise of such

incidents to a certain extent as cited by many studies in the field.

Measures to stop such incidents:-

1. Raising awareness and providing special education about the importance of

teacher-student relationship. The importance of confidence that the students

have on their teacher needs to be understood by the teachers which they

should not break at any cost.

2. Stringent action needs to be taken both by school administration and parents

without thinking of their reputation and society respectively.

3. Checking past history of the teachers before hiring them.An idea of character

certificate can be initiated at the universal level.

4. Social boycott to such teachers along with firing them from job.

5. Installing CCTV camera in school premises whereever possible along with

having a undercover team of vigilance in the school to report such incidents.

6. Lastly self defence training can be provided to the students along with giving

them directions how to act in various situations.

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2Q. It is argued that is that spiritual awareness is innate and that it

is an important component in human development. What do

you understand by spirituality? How will it help in human

development? Examine. (200 Words)

Spirituality is a concept dealing with aspects of principles, purpose and meaning of

Life. To lead a disciplined and meaningful life spiritual awareness is necessary.

Spiritual Education is to Mind what Physical education is to body. For grooming a

mind along the lines of morality and ethics it will help. It will teach about purpose of

life i.e, what one has to do in life so that eternal happiness is achieved. It teaches

about service to mankind, humility, and attitude towards fellow beings, being down

to earth and on how to live an austere life. In a way all these are necessary for a

meaningful life as in one or the other situation when humans face difficulties along

the life it is these qualities that can come to one's rescue.

Spirituality will help in making a person a real human being who is not attached to

material things and respecting the every person irrespective of the rich or poor

economic status. All the riches can be shattered by a simple natural disaster but that

resilience to recover from the ruins will be provided by the Spiritual awareness. The

mental strength to endure difficulties or suffering, moral values, ability to live a

dignified life, respecting people with equality, humility etc all can be imbibed

through spirituality and one can become a master of self i.e, knowing self is possible

which is a must before knowing the world. Human development is inevitable when

one is aware of self and the world and Spirituality becomes a catalyst in such a


1Q. Now and then we keep reading in media about suicides

committed by students not able to cope up with pressure of

studies and competition. Do you think our education system is

putting undue pressure on students and affecting their

creativity? Critically comment and also examine the role of

family and society in helping students manage pressures. (200


Suicide is a crude reality of Human Society and, a manifestation of loss of hope

from everywhere including from oneself. Current state of educational system:

1. Our education infrastructure is characterized by too few seats and too

many candidates - leading to fierce competition.

2. The current system of teaching and evaluation which is mechanistic and

encourages rote-learning and discourages innovation and critical


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3. Indiscriminately high focus on formal education and neglect on

developing other faculties of human life [are referred to as extra-curricular


4. Absence of counselors in educational institutes. Further, in today's

educational culture, discussing one's problems is seen as stigma and sign

of weakness

However, not only our education system, but even our family in particular and

society in general are also guilty:

1. Viewing education only as an instrumental value in getting jobs rather

than appreciating its inherent value and as a process of learning

2. The fate of child is decided before he is born. He is supposed to chose

from a very narrow set of conventional careers rather than pursuing his or

her own interests.

3. Creating a wedge between Science and Arts Subjects. While pursuing Science subjects are seen as sign of strength and high aptitude, Arts subjects are seen as sign of weakness and low aptitude.

4. Increasing comparison between students and increasing peer pressure to perform in examinations

Role of family and Society:

1. Allowing individuals to pursue their own interests; 2. Giving equal emphasis to all streams of education 3. Facilitating an ambiance of openness and encouraging them to discuss their

problems; 4. Restraining from emphasizing too much on performance in exams Above all

being receptive to failures as much as to success

2Q. “We are reducing the child into becoming fake copies of what

we aspire for rather than helping the child become a master of

his or her own soul.” In your opinion what an ideal education

should constitute and aim for? Critically analyse. (200 Words)

Recent pictures of mass cheating in State board examination in Bihar on social, print

& electronic media only reflect the decadal state of education in our country; Failure

of our educational system has led to over-reliance on requisite certifications;

manifesting into an enhanced pressure to perform well in examinations; leading to:

1. Distorted focus: emphasis is on ends and not on means; promoting usage of

unfair means; such early compromise on morals & ethics leads is reflected

through widespread corruption in society.

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2. Hampers creative & original thinking: as stress is more on mugging

up/cheating just to clear the exam and not on holistic understanding of

subject matter.

3. Inability to handle pressure: has lead to growing instances of student suicides.

An ideal education system should:

1. Inspires creative thinking: emphasis on utilizing one's own mind to come up


solutions rather than mere copy pasting

2. Embraces human values: including broader morals & ethics; learning to

respect means

more than ends; create citizens filled with self-confidence ready to take on

the world not mere drones.

3. Our education systems should aim to bring out the best in an individual by

harmonizing his/her intellectual, moral & emotional self; focus should be on

empowering the individual who can efficiently utilize the opportunities at

hand to come up with meaningful solutions.

3Q. Raju failed to pass SSLC exam. His parents wanted him to pass

this exam at any cost. Raju did work hard. He went for tuitions

early in the morning a whole year and took lessons from good

coaching institutions. Raju‟s mother who works as teacher also

made him study till late night every day. When his result came,

Raju‟s parents were disappointed and shocked. Neighbours‟ and

relatives‟ children all had passed the exam with distinction. In a

fit of rage, Raju‟s mother scolded him for „ruining the family

name.‟ Raju, a good and sensitive boy, wrote a suicide note and

tried to kill himself by jumping into a lake in the city.

Fortunately someone saw him jumping and rescued him.

a) If you were in Raju‟s position, what would you have done after

the result and what would you have expected from your

parents? Explain. (150 Words)

b) In your opinion, what should be the priority for any parent when

it comes to their children‟s future? What values should they

inculcate in their children? Examine. (150 Words)

(a). Though failure does lead to frustration, hopelessness and tempts us to take

extreme step, it also gives a chance to look back and find out causes for our failure.

As Raju, I would have taken this opportunity to introspect and review on the causes

of my failure.

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I would talk to my parents, teachers and friends especially those who have succeeded

after failing and take their guidance. I would make a list of my mistakes and try to

work on each one of them. I would leave no stone unturned so as to achieve success.

It is important to remember what Confucius said, "Our greatest glory is not in never

falling, but in rising every time we fall".

Though, ideally I would have expected my parents to stand by and motivate me, I

also must realize their expectations and the societal pressure on them. I would take

their scolding as something said in a fit of rage rather than on intentional note. I

would ask them for their support and promise them to work as hard as possible.

(b). ll parent want their children to be happy and secure. When it comes to future,

parents should motivate their children to introspect and chose their own goals.

Though, they may direct or persuade them, they should never coerce them chose a

particular goal. They should attempt to provide every support from right from

emotional to financial. They should emphasize on excellence and learning rather

than on examination success. Thus, while they should be appreciative of success,

they should also be open to failure and take recourse to constructive criticism during

the same.

They should try to inculcate the values of patience, optimism and honesty in them.

Also, they must try to inculcate in them a spirit of self-discovery and critical thinking.

They should advocate that there are no short-cuts to success and it can be achieved

through genuine hard-work. Above all, they should lay stress on the principle that

though it is important to be successful, it is even more important to be a good human


Topic: Attitude: content, structure, function; its influence and relation

with thought and behaviour

1Q. In your opinion, what is the source of happiness? Why do some

people manage to stay happy despite facing certain difficulties

in life? Discuss. (200 Words)

The source of happiness is the mind that directs a person to be happy even in

circumstances that are difficult and obstacles that may seem insurmountable to

some. It is rightly said that happiness is a state of mind. The people who manage to

stay happy despite calamity are the ones who have most of the following traits.

Contentment: The first rule to stay happy is to be content with whatever life gives

you. One may be ambitious and put in great efforts but satisfaction at the end of the

activity must be there. It is soothing and inspires a person to struggle.

Will power: An indomitable will power will encourage the person to find a way even

at places where there will be none.

Positive outlook: A person with positive outlook will always look for constructive

plans rather than destructive ones. To construct something anew is anyways an

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inspiring activity which gains appreciation from society and instills confidence in the


Passion: To move in a direction in which one is passionate is itself soothing. When

way to destination itself becomes enjoyable, destination is not far away. Happiness,

in this case, lies not only in destination but journey itself.

Therefore, though circumstances may be difficult, certain inherent qualities in a

human being make him go past all difficulties. It is rightly said- Adversities cause

some men to break and some to break records

Topic: Human Values – lessons from the lives and teachings of great

leaders, reformers and administrators; Essence, determinants and

consequences of Ethics in human actions;

1Q. Do you think the Jain practice of Santhara is ethical?

Substantiate with valid arguments. (200 Words)

Santhara is a centuries old jain practice that encompasses voluntary fasting to death.

Jainism believe that regular activities like eating adds a negative karma and santhara

is perceived as best way of purification by negating the negative karma acquired

throughout life.

The recent Rajsthan HC verdict has equated this practice as suicide. This has

embroiled santhara in controversy. Suicide is often a result of emotional and hasty

decision and can not be considered ethical. Though both ultimately causes death,

they carry huge difference as practice is done in systematic way with full

consciousness. For a culture that believes in rebirth, it certainly can not be suicide.

Further it is performed as an ethical act. For them it is ultimate route to attain


However, such religious practices often hampers with ethics of society as whole

taking in view following points.

1. The practice can also be a mean to overcome economic hardships and other

grave problems of life. It is very difficult to parse out the real intention behind

one's vow of sallekhana or santara.

2. Statistically more women perform it than men that forces one to think that

religious belief cannot be the sole reason behind it. 3) Additionally as suicide

is a legal offence, individuals can take guise of such practice. It will also help

them in earning admiration and worship.

3. It will also motivate others to adopt the same which can never be in the

interest of any society.

Society is a complex system and beliefs or standards accepted also varies across

religion or caste.It can not be a good idea to annihilate absolutely such religious

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practice but a proper counselling of the individual and understanding their

psychological thinking can help in differentiating the real motto behind it.

1Q. “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” –


Examine the meaning of quote and its significance for an

administrator. (150 Words)

"The only true wisdom is knowing that you know nothing" This classic quote by

Socrates means that only person who thinks that he knows nothing will try to

achieve knowledge from anyone and everyone he comes across in life then that

person might be a king or a beggar

An administrator in his life will come across various people in his life with different

experience and knowledge sets , he would meet an industrialist and a begger on

same day , He must be curious to learn from both and try and understand the

problems of both the people and solve their problems accordingly. He must not

have prejudices against any people and must be willing to change his own views

and unlearn and learn only then will he able to successfuly discharge his duties

towards society as a whole

2Q. “Almost all of our sorrows spring out of our relations with

other people.” – Schopenhauer

Do you agree with this quote? Justify. (150 Words)

Aristotle said "Man is a social animal"- which means man loves to live in society.

Those who live alone all by oneself are according to him either beasts or god. In this

context we may argue that our feelings are dependent on others i.e in relation to


According to Lord Buddha desires are the sources of our sorrows or grief. We desire

what we do not possess. These external objects are material objects and if others

possess them and we do not then we vie for attaining them. But the world is so full of

such items which are desirable and in turn our woes keep on increasing with

increasing lust for those objects.

On the other side we are happy when we are with our loved ones. Their presence

make us happy- Friends, Family, etc. Subsequently we grieve their passing away. We

are disturbed by their unease and disease. Human beings empathise and sympathise

with their loved ones.

We compete with others for the limited resources, are hurt by rude behaviour

towards us, in fact we are constantly interacting with others, influencing others and

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are influenced by others. As such almost all our sorrows emanate from our relation

with other people in relation to others.

1Q. For a civil servant what qualities are required to withstand

pressure from various influential sections to stick to rule book

and follow his/her conscience as sources of ethical guidance to

do the right thing? With suitable examples, discuss these

qualities. (200 Words)

Civil services hold honourable but responsible position in the society. So the very

first concept of this position should be of a facilator rather than being a powerful

entity of the system. Some qualities should be deeply rooted in these facilitators to

improve social and economic conditions of people on large scale. These can be

counted as :

Honesty : in the infiltrated society honest officers are the dreams of the poor and

destitute. Honesty in one's duty makes a man bold and actions unquestionable. A

honest person can go long way in his service without much compromise.

Objective: honesty without objective won't lead to better results. a civil servent

should have an objective to make people's life more better by encouraging them and

by interacting with them.

Emotional intelligence : pressure from influential groups and from situations have

been common challenges for civil servants, this can be tackled by proper emotional


Consistency and dedication : consistency and dedication towards service is also

another important pillar.

Neutrality: without being biased to influential parties or individuals neutral stand on

issues should be the base of decision making.

Rational thinking: being a administrator it is well deciphered that he is the role

model for many in the society hence it is a responsibility to have rational thinking

and direct the mass in rational light overcoming the social stigma and taboos.

Ajit dovale and Armstrong Pame are some of the most eminent example who have

not just shown honesty and dedication but also immense courage in their work.

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1Q. You are now a retired police officer. During your service you

were known for utmost honesty and integrity. You were loved by

the people wherever you served as an officer. Recently, you were

diagnosed with a harmless cancer, which if neglected would

turn into malignant and life-threatening one. You are advised to

undergo surgery immediately. In the hospital where you are

undergoing treatment, an oncologist comes to know that you

were the person who had rescued his mother and him from

being beaten to death by relatives over property issue, and later

given his mother job and enabled her to lead an independent

life. Out of gratitude, he now wants to treat you without

charging a penny. He also tells you that he would waive all

medical expenses. But, you do not agree with this and tell him

that you can manage the expenses. However, the oncologist

insists and cures you of cancer free of cost. He also tells you that

he would regularly visit you and keep a track of your health.

a) What values do you see in this case study? In your opinion, how

these values can be inculcated in children? Discuss. (150 Words)

b) Will you ever return the medical expenses in some form to the

oncologist? Justify why. (150 Words)

I see in this study values of.

1. Empathy towards a mother and a son who are in need.

2. Gratitude from the doctor for the service of a police officer.

3. Integrity and honesty of the police officer during his tenure in serving the people.

4. Responsibility of officer in ensuring that mother gets a job and lead an

independent life.

5. Accountability to the duty one is endowed with i.e, public service, here of police


It is through one's actions these values can be inculcated in children. Taking children

to orphanages to show them what empathy is, making them aware of inequalities in

society which is cause of major social ills and asking them to help poor and old aged

etc would inculcate in them responsibility toward society. When received a help from

others just saying 'Thank you' in itself is showing gratitude and telling them the

same. Showing examples of people in society like police officers, national Army etc

on what honesty and integrity means and asking them to follow such eminent

personalities. It is not just preaching, through practice parents and others can

inculcate such qualities which will sustain their ability to follow them.

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b) Yes, I will return medical expenses. As a retired Police officer if I take any

monetary, asset or other help from doctor in return for what I have done in my

service that would amount to bribing for the past service. During service, it is my

duty to serve people and what I have done is just part of it. Gratitude from a person

benefited from my past actions can be simply acknowledging it and that itself is a

great satisfaction for me. Taking monetary help that too when I can afford my

expenses would amount to no less than corruption. If not immediately, I would

return the entire amount to the doctor in some or other form and then only I can

derive complete job satisfaction which otherwise will degrade my years of service

with integrity and honesty. I will not allow petty benefit to defy my conscience which

believes in serving honestly with true to self and the society

1Q. Which contemporary leader has inspired you most with

his/her thoughts and actions and what values have you learnt

from his/her life? Justify. (200 Words)

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam inspired me a lost through his following qualities:

1. Simplicity & Humbleness : Great scientist, receipent of Barat Ratna & then

President; but even after all these, he was very simple living style & always

open to all people, ideas, faiths.

2. Learner & Motivator : He always had a curiosity like children & inspired &

motivate fellow Indian.

3. Patriotic leader : He was staunch nationalist & always worked for fulfilling a

dream i.e. make India a developed nation.

4. Visionary Leader : guided country in many technological areas like defence,

space, nuclear & also had a vision to use these technologies in elimination of

poverty, backwardness.

His ideas will show me the right path & guided in any ethical dilemma.

1Q. Critically discuss the ethical aspects of farmer suicides in India.

(200 Words)

The agriculture sector that employs over half of working population is riddled with

increased instances and reporting of farmer suicides. Along with a burning political

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and policy issue, agrarian distress has raised ethical concerns as well for all the


For farmers: who swing between struggle and suicide against all odds - financial

distress, family disputes, health problems. Psychological help must be made available

through a distress helpline.

For public servants: politicians who launch big-ticket farm-friendly schemes merely

announce "farm packages", unconcerned of whether it reaches beneficiaries. Such

knee-jerk reactions are mere eyewash. Still, the causes of these suicides are disputed

rendering any scheme to address them useless. Policy formulation has to be based on

both facts and compassion. Administration that has to keep tab on levels of distress

being faced on account of untimely rains, high input costs, debts and assure and

provide all sorts of assistance via representative bodies like gram panchayats.

For healthcare professionals: whether they're truly serving public interest by not

volunteering or practicing in rural areas. Farm distress is attributed mainly to mental

illnesses and family disputes along with indebtedness

For Business community and lenders: Should ethically contribute from their profits

towards rural development via CSR. Plain profit-mindedness is not possible in

hinterlands that lack monetary sustainability. Extending loan terms in case of

drought/floods on humanitarian terms. Many a suicides result from

For media: is to bring to light farm suicide cases and not sensationalize in order to

garner advertorial gains. Successful practices like diversification have to be

highlighted to replicate such succeses elsewhere.

Above all, it is important for rapidly urbanized society to push govt for addressing

concerns of farmers - who are failing to reap fruits of modernization.

2Q. As a District Social Welfare officer, you have recently rescued a

woman who was subjected to severe domestic violence by her

husband and in-laws. She is very depressed and needs urgent

medical attention. Your wife suggests that the survivor should

be counselled. What ethical guidelines will you follow to help

this victim as a responsible officer? Discuss. (200 Words)

The issue at hand should be handled with tact and care in following manner:

IMMEDIATE RESPONSE:There should be a sense of urgency in dealing with the

issue. Appropriate and immediate medical care,assisting in all legal action with

follow-up,providing moral and emotional support to the vicitm will go a long way in

easing the suffering of the victim.

MEDIA: As the crime is of sensitive nature, i would take action to limit the media

exposure and give her protection from legal hassles such as inquisitive

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questioning,,offensive medical examinations which aggravate the pain she might

have to endure.

LEGAL RESPONSE: Justice and sense of duty will make me to take firm action

against the perpetrators under the prevention of domestic violence act. Provide

unflinching support and showing commitment to take the case to logical conclusion

of maximum possible punishment to the perpetrator will provide mental relief to the


SENSITIVITY: Empathy is the key here. It takes effort to understand the victim's

pain from her viewpoint. It will make the rehabilitation process more humane and

avoidable issues can be avoided this way.

SHARING THE PAIN: Sense of justice and fairplay where the victim feels that her

loss is being considered as an outrage and authorities are taking actions with more

than a sense of just another case to handle. This will make her feel less apprehensive

about the legal responsibilities which may be required of her.

Answerabiliy to the community at large is also an important issue to consider. public

will expect swift and stern action. By publicly assuring the community at large, of

proper deterrent action, credible message can be sent to the community and women

welfare groups and other NGOs.

1Q. Despite being a largely peaceful country, India now and then

witnesses communal tensions. With examples, examine what

factors breed harmony between different communities divided

on the lines of religion and castes? As an administrator, how

will you help different communities to live in peace and

harmony? (200 Words)

Maintaining peace and harmony in a multi-religious and multi-lingual society like

India becomes an important administrative responsibility. The factors that breed

harmony lie both in history as well as have to be part of conscious govt strategy

to maintain tranquility and an atmosphere of tolerance.

1. Nationalism - as feeling of adherence to nation's ideals helps citizens rise

over differences. Recounting a common glorious past, rich history of syncretic

traditions and tolerance that has withstood all attempts to divide the society

can be highlighted. Eg the famed Ganga-Jamuni tehzeeb in UP

2. Humanity, respect for human life and liberty has been the defining

feature of the modern State. In riot cases also, people have often sheltered the

persecuted class from the perpetrators. Such acts of benevolence should be


3. An ideal Constitution that houses equality and abhors discrimination in any

form, intends to promote the interest of vulnerable sections. Successive govts

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have instituted schemes for minorities so that they can be mainstreamed from

the fringes.

4. An impartial administration, above all, which all sections especially

minorities can bank upon is a must. Faith in justice delivery system can

prevent disgruntled sections from taking law unto their hands and prevent

any politicisation of issues that have in past escalated quickly.

A Muslim-girl winning the Bhagvad Geeta competition in Mumbai are some of the

heartening events that exhibit that humanity is the ultimate religion

As an administrator, I will

1. Promote a permanent inter-faith dialogue where the current issues plaguing

the society can be discussed

2. Ensure the govt schemes bring about equitable development, without

discrimination in education, health and other social sectors

3. Enhancing involvement of other communities in festivals of another

community could benefit the cause of a secular society

4. During crisis situation, prevent the escalation, involve religious elders for

quick resolution of any dispute, bringing disputing factions to the table

5. Arrange for security of sensitive buildings like temples, mosques, churches,

etc that may be prone to miscreants

6. Display my impartiality to gain the confidence of citizens

1Q. Has India come to accept violence as part of its societal feature?

In the light of increasing violence against vulnerable sections of

the society, critically comment. (200 Words)

Violence is a multidimensional phenomena and it can take various forms ranging

from Physical action to mental consumption. In Indian society ordained with

baggage of colonial past violence is omnipresent.

Violence can be structural in form of discrimination on basis of caste, creed,

colour, sex, ethnicity restricting vulnerable groups access to vital services like

Education, Health and so on. Further Violence alternatively can take form of

consumption by the onlookers as a routine affair aggravated by tabloid

journalism and disproportionate sense of vigilantism in the Society. Society as a

whole normalizes and naturalizes the violent behaviour. Thereby it suffers not

because of violence of bad people but silence of good people.

Moreover the widespread inequity is seen as new normal by those who are not

affected by it. For ex- Gender division of labour is seen as normal by some male

member and found unquestionable acceptance in few women. This behaviour

could partly be attributed to mentality of people and partly to overlooking of

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values of equality, fairness, justice, truth, beauty, happiness. However there

needs to be a reorientation of societal attitude by leaders thereby reforming the

human mind and save the entire society from frank stein of violence.

1Q. Analyse the views of Gandhiji on alcohol consumption. Do you

personally think that consuming alcohol is immoral? Justify

your answer. (200 Words)

Gandhiji, in his various movements such as NCM or CDM and in his various

discourses, has expressed his view against consumption of alcohol. This is evident

from his appeal to picket the Liquor shops at various instances. Such measures were

taken to eradicate the evil of alcohol consumption which has many bad effects such

as - health issues, family disharmony (because drunken husband would beat his wife

and children), disharmony in society, etc.

Personally, I think Alcohol consumption is highly immoral. (Medical use of alcohol

cannot be termed as consumption of alcohol.)

Justification –

1. There are many instances where alcohol consumption led to deviation from

ethical life. For example in a recent court case in an incident of a celebrity

after consuming alcohol and driving his car onto pavement led to death of

innocent people. Traffic violations, domestic violence on women, rapes,

misunderstanding in relationship, improper behaviour at gatherings, fighting

etc all show that consumption of alcohol leads to unethical life.

2. However small might be the start of consumption, it leads to addiction.

3. The notion/need of drinking shall be scrutinised (i.e. why people drink

alcohol?) They do so, to release tension/to forget sadness, etc. which reflects

that people have become so weak (and don‟t have control on their own mind)

to tackle life situations; and therefore take the support of alcohol. Other

reason given is - "Socialization". This reason is again reflects

elitism/materialistic living, Again reflecting un-harmonious way of living.

4. Bad message to your children

So alcohol consumption is an immoral act as it leads to violence and oppression and

restricts other people right to live with dignity.

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1Q. Highlighting the Supreme Court of India‟s view, critically

comment on the ethical aspects of administering euthanasia to a

person or person‟s nearest relative or friend seeking it. (200


Euthanasia entails allowing a person to end his/her life to relieve oneself of pain and

sufferings.It is usually advocated for terminally ill patients suffering from irreversible

medical illness and for which medical science shows no sign of recovery.

SC in its landmark judgement of 2011 allowed passive euthanasia in India in cases

where a patient enters into a permanent vegetative state. This would be done after a

thorough medical evaluation and then the next closest kin or friend of the patient

would be responsible to take decision on her behalf.

Considering that the patient is suffering from irreversible illness, is in permanent

vegetative state or unable to live a life of dignity, under Art 21 of the Constitution of

India the person has the right to die. It seems ethical to allow the person to end her

life and to relieve her of the daily trauma of living on an artificial life support. This

was the reason why the SC also ruled in favour of passive euthanasia.

Involving the next kin or friend of the person to take take decision on her behalf

seems to be judicious. Since the patient is not able to decide by her own whether to

continue on life support or not, the next kin is best supposed to judge the situation

since she is supposed to be wholly responsible for her treatment.

However, passive euthanasia has some strong critics. It is said to be against the idea

of respect for life. Voluntary euthanasia is the start of slippery slope that will lead to

involuntary euthanasia where life is not supposed to be worthy of treatment. It is

against Hippocrates code of ethics for medical treatment.

Issues with euthanasia is that in a country like India where medical expenses are

borne by the person's family not by the state, the decision to administer euthanasia is

not a unbiased one Inheritance of wealth is another issue that might popularize

euthanasia to the old in India hence active euthanasia is undesirable as one might

feel the urge to end one's life if such an option is available in India.

Thus, cases of euthanasia needs to be judged very carefully taking all stakeholders

into account besides ensuring that there is no malpractice involved and it should not

become a regular practice in the medical corridor.

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1Q. It is said that by denying desperate people the opportunity to

cross borders legally, European governments are driving them

to risk death. Critically examine ethical issues involved in this

case. On the other hand, do you think allowing immigrants into

a country is a sound policy compared to banning and sealing

borders to such immigrants? Comment. (200 Words)

Denying immigration involves the following ethical dilemmas:

Immigrant Country's concern: The countries fear that immigrant population

would appropriate a large chunk of resources, thus putting resource constraint on the

natives. The countries fear that the immigrant population would disturb the cultural

harmony and lead to increased conflicts in the existing societal structures.

By denying the desperate people to enter into their lands, these countries are denying

many of these immigrants the right to live, right to opportunity for better living

standards, right to a safe and secure environment. These proponents of globalisation

and liberalisation do not stand by what they preach.

Most of the developed world today faces the challenge of ageing populations, which

will intensify in the future. Immigrants, who are mostly young, can fulfil the need for

young working population in these countries. So, in effect stringent immigration

policies do more harm than good.

Studies have shown that more immigrants do not lead to reduced resources for the

natives, in fact the immigrant population helps in economic growth, thus augmenting

the resources by increasing the size of the pie itself. Immigrants are not always

inimical to the rights of citizen rather they enhance it by their Net contribution to

society as a whole, for ex-As happened in countries like USA where immigrant from

countries like India, Philippines, Mexico have contributed in sector such as

Information technology, Medical science, space research and so on.

A denial of legal entry is violation of basic essence of humanism. It also violates

values of brotherhood, empathy and human dignity.

Countries may also be concerned about growing fundamentalism and immigrants

bringing fundamentalist ideas into the society. But, immigration issue will be a

persistent issue for many developed countries in the future, and encouraging

Fortress Regimes is not the solution. The only way forward, is to create a sound

policy for regulating such immigrants. It will help in checking illegal migration and

ensuring that anti-social elements are denied entry. Also, a complete ban is not only

undesirable but also not implementable and will only lead to illegal immigration.

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1Q. Why in your opinion some educated people join extremist and

terrorist organizations and fight against legitimate

governments? What values do they lack? Critically comment.

(200 Words)


1. Feeling of alienation in the land, when govt doesn‟t address their grievances.

Like many Minorities in UK, France and US joined IS because they felt that

govt doesn‟t care for them and discourages them in all aspects.

2. Many youths feel thrill to join, kill, use heavy weapon like video games. They

feel it as a way to live a extreme life than usual boring life.

3. Due to social media and active campaigning of these extreme groups, these

people are exposed to these ideas at very vulnerable ages and the tragedy is

there is no similar counter ideological campaign either online or offline to

provide them an alternative narrative and they fall prey to these ideas.

4. Absence of Safety Outlets: This further leads to alienation as these youths are

not able to express their frustration and anger thus leading to search for

alternative means for fulfilling their goals. For e.g. the State not responding to

the needs of the Youths, unemployment etc.

The lack values like:

1. Basic values of love and humanism.

2. Kindness, brotherhood and compassion.

3. Patience: they believe in immediate gratification of their emotions

4. Morality of right and wrong

They fail to realize that use of violence will never lead to a just society as Gandhi Ji

often said that "Noble Goals can be achieved only through Noble Means". They also

fail to realize the essence of values of brotherhood and equality that all people are

same.Thus, a cause which is achieved by killing by innocent people can never bring

justice to another group/community.

We need to secure our educated people by:

1. Making sure that every community representation is there in governance,

administration and other civil societies. All their grievances need to be

addressed as per the constitution.

2. Promote the feeling of oneness and unity.

3. Catch the youths by strict online surviellance who shows leaning toward

subscription of extremist ideas.

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2Q. “Deaths caused by drivers under the influence of alcohol

should attract the charge of culpable homicide, and not merely

that of negligent driving.” Justify on ethical grounds. (150


Culpable Homicide is defined as an act through which a death occurred but it is

not counted as equivalent of murder it attracts punishment just next to murder,

whereas the negligent driving is outcome of carelessness.

The death caused by the driver under influence of alcohol should be counted as

culpable homicide because:

1. Acts committed by drunk people can demand relaxation of laws since they

are not committed by them in all their senses. But at the same time the

extent of taking someone's life because of preventable reasons appears to

be a transgression.

2. Our law clearly restricts driving after drinking. For this various awareness

drives are conducted on regular basis.

3. Every person who drinks knows that alcohol makes them lose senses and

driving should be done fully consciously. So decision to drive after

drinking is his own, despite knowing that he is risking life of others and

himself too

4. It doesn't come under negligent driving because while license to drive was

issued the instructions clearly states that drinking should not be mixed

with driving. It doesn't permit drunken person to drive. So when he was

driving after drinking its completely illegal. (even motor vehicles act does

not permit drunken driving)

Topic: Social influence and persuasion.

1Q. With suitable examples explain how social influence can affect

ethics in public administration. (200 Words)

Social influence is perhaps the single largest cause for unethical behavior in public

administration,it means that a person in public sphere takes decision with his social

considerations. it has both Internal and external components;-

1. Internal consideration:- these factors are internal to a human and taken by a

person himself due to his social up bringing for eg an officer belonging to

Scheduled caste could have a sympathetic attitude towards people of his

community which could lead to bias in his decision making.

2. External consideration;- It is mainly a result of peer pressure and political

demands for eg a political party n power favouring people from his own

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community in recruitment and promotions. Similarly Wife of an IAS officer

demanding jewellery leads to unethical conducts.

Hence it is clear that social influences greatly affect the ethical conduct in public

administration and one needs to be strong willed and impartial in order to overcome

them and take decisions that are just and for the maximum benefits of society.

1Q. What does success mean to you? Should one take risks in life

and fearlessly chase their dreams to achieve success or should

they be content with what they already have? Comment. (200


Success is a sense of achievement which gives pleasure, satisfaction and pride to an

individual. Like Truth & God, success too has a very wide range of definitions. This

definition vary as per the physical, emotional and psychological need of every person

and can vary up to the senses poles apart. For me success is an ongoing process

which will keep changing with every passing day & achievements. Few years back

getting good marks was success. Then getting a job was success. Today Civil Service

is way to achieve success. Few years down the line some other task will be on priority.

But in reality all these are just milestones & not success in nut shell.

For me real success is to have a life which has a purpose, enthusiasm to go ahead,

good health & sense of fulfilment achieved by meaningful deeds.

Life always offers chances. Its up to us if we take them up or remain content with

what we have. Again there is no doctrine or rule of law available to follow. Whatever

we do, stay back or go should have a natural choice & no sense of fear involved. Life

is not to be lived in categorical fashion .It involves taking risk and chasing dreams

fearlessly as well as content with what a person has. Taking risk and chasing dreams

fearlessly should not lead one to adopt unethical means .For ex- Insurgent may have

legitimate dreams but violent means to pursue them is illegitimate in democracy.

Moreover without taking risk even civilization would not have progressed, how could

a person grow. For ex-Discovey of India by vasco de gama was only possible when he

took the risk and chased his dream fearlessly.

Life is all about progression. We have to understand that "there is no free lunch in

this world." Big successes require big risks and big sacrifices. Without risk there can

be no success or no life simply. However taking risk should not be construed as being

occupied in unrealistic pursuits of life or being in a fool's paradise but it's about

taking RATIONALISED risks; after due deliberation and brainstorming; considering

all relevant factors like self-confidence, self-competence, pragmatism, out-of-the-box

thinking and inputs from experienced wits etc.

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Topic: Aptitude and foundational values for Civil Service

1Q. Define and differentiate between aptitude and attitude. In your

opinion, which of these two is more important for a civil

servant? Justify why. (200 Words)

Aptitude is the human ability associated with problem solving whereas Attitude is the

ingrained set of emotions that defines the orientation towards human and innate

factors in varying circumstances.

For a Civil servant Aptitude is important as he has to balance both between the rules

of the bureaucracy as well as requirements emerging out of a variety of situation he

has to deal with on a daily basis. Finding a middle way out for such decisions require

his aptitude to be sufficiently sharp.

AS far as attitude is concerned , A civil servant has to deal with people and situations

of varying nature. He is answerable to his superiors as well as to the citizenry. There

have been incidences when the attitude of civil servants has been brought into

negative focus which is detrimental to service delivery. In India which is diverse

country both culturally and economically, addressing concerns and expectations of

all the stakeholders requires a balanced attitude of a civil servant.

Though attitudinal attributes like Patience, Perseverance, Tolerance are as much

important as aptitude related qualities like Focus , Prudence and Logical ability it is

more common for attitude related qualities to be taken for granted and not focused

upon. Also the state of bureaucracy in India is such that public servants are not

deemed to be cooperative and empathatic to people and hence Civil servants need

higher focus on attitudinal traits for better service delivery.

Thus for better sensitization towards citizens' need it is important that attitude

related aspects be better inculcated via training and spreading awareness among civil


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1Q. What do you understand by „selfless service‟? Should a civil

servant serve the society selflessly? Critically comment. (200


A person who doesn‟t keep the thought in mind while carrying out her duties ” what

is there in it for me” ; is considered as selfless service. It was clearly explained in

Bhagwad Gita by the sloka ” Karmannevadhikaraste ma falesu kadachana” that

means the we should keep doing our action without worrying about the rewards.

A civil servant is supposed to carry out his/her duties selflessly due to following

reason: Selfless service keep the civil servant away from any kind of corruption. A

selfless civil servant can maintain absolute integrity because it is difficult to lure

him/her by offering monetary or non monetary gains to get some undue favour.

Selfless person will always keep the public interest in mind while carrying out the

duties. Expectation of selflessness from civil servant doesn‟t provide the ground for

denial of rewards for her performance. It the rewards in terms of pay, promotion and

public appreciation which can differentiate between the performer, mediocre and

non-performer. Better remuneration, timely promotion and rewards for carrying

duties beyond the obligations make the spirit of selflessness and public service more

sustainable. Therefore any public service management policy should keep all these

thing in mind.

1Q. In your opinion, what do people from weaker sections expect

and need from public servants? Assuming that you are a newly

posted IAS officer, critically analyse. (200 Words)

The extent of deprivation being dealt out to the weaker sections made them

marginalized to the lowest ebb. Public servants as the link between them and the

state could potentially reverse them by acting according to weaker section

expectations and needs. They can expect to be :

To be Non-partisan and be Impartial: This can benefit or clear the hurdles they face

with respect to well off people- always the well off enjoyed the benefits at the cost of

weaker sections- primarily. The scheme original beneficiaries can now stand


To be Empathetic: This value of a public servant make him/her understand the cause

and suffering of the weak and make him/her realize to act pro-actively pursue the

schemes that answer those sufferings.

To have Compassion: This makes the public servant to give importance to their

representation whenever a solution has to be designed to eliminate a problem.

To have Integrity: If this is existed in every servant, there couldn‟t be the problems

for the weaker sections at all. The official work itself gives more importance to

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weaker sections, but the lack of integrity in officials made historical injustice to

weaker sections.

Finally as an IAS officer, I will try to uphold the above values which not only needs

an exception from beneficiaries, but needed to be an ethical human.

Topic: Ethical issues in international relations and in funding

1Q. Critically comment on the methodology used by the Institute for

Economics and Peace to prepare the annual Global Peace Index

(GPI) report. In your opinion what does peace mean to you?

Comment. (200 Words)

Global Peace Index (GPI) aims to measure the relative position of nations and

regions peacefulness through which it seeks to quantify political trends in a

country. The index is composed of both qualitative and quantitative indicators

and is based on three themes: the level of safety and security in society, the

extent of domestic and international conflict and the degree of militarization.

Through these measures,

GPI tries to quantify peace and its benefits. But practically peace can‟t be quantified.

Only the economic cost arising out of lack of peace can be quantified. Apart from

this, for instance, GPI ranked

India 141 in 2013 which was worsened to 143 in 2014. But the fact that casualties

in internal conflicts especially by left wing extremism have come down by almost

70% since 2013 and close to 60% since 2014.This makes us to question the

credibility of the report.

Moreover placing India‟s internal conflict problems are on the same scale as those of

Pakistan, Nigeria, etc…can‟t be accepted as a rational analysis. Thus we can‟t take

GPI on lines with any other indices like HDI and focus on its consideration made

to us. For me, Peace is a combination of state of mind and my environment. If I

am with conflicts internally and lives with stress, then I can‟t be at peace no

matter how peaceful my surrounding is. Also, Vice versa, If i am content but the

environment is violent, I can‟t be at peace. It does not mean that everything has

to be perfect; peacefulness can come through being satisfied with what I have

1Q. Why sycophancy whether in politics or in personal life, is

considered as immoral? Critically analyse. (200 Words)

M.K. Gandhi, 1937: “It is not good for us to worship an individual. Only an

ideal or a principle can be worshipped.” Sycophancy is an act of blind adherence to a

certain ideology, group or individual. This approach has negative repercussions in

both personal and political grounds.

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In a developing nation like India, blindly following a leader can has the following


1. Dictatorial regime: Leader is more important than principles.

2. Importance to religion, caste etc : Gives birth to communalism

3. Compromises on ideals of democracy.

4. Important agendas like development can be neglected.

5. Discourages innovation, scientific temper- conservative mindset is promoted

to preserve religion, caste etc.

6. Freedom of Press is curbed or they are monitored to promote the leader.

7. Various other stakeholders like civil society, NGOs etc do not have say in

policy matters.

Similarly, this approach in personal matters can have negative impact in family life

as well as official matters.

1. Blindly following a senior can discourage transparency in organization.

2. Merit is compromised.

3. Position of women would remain lower as they are not accepted as natural


4. Real issues etc will remain neglected.This will have negative impact on

organization goals

1Q. Do you think affluent people are morally obligated to donate aid

to alleviate global poverty? Substantiate. (200 Words)

Swami vivekanand opined "as long as millions live in poverty, him i call a traitor,

who having being educated at their expense pays the least head to them". It is for no

one to deny that society has a contribution in shaping who we are at this moment.

But donating aid has two points of view.

First, take the case of a well earning law abiding businessman. He pays all the taxes

that the government can use for upliftment of the poor. He gives proper rights to all

his employees, timely wages, adheres to corporate social responsibility etc. Thus, it is

clear that his act acknowledges the fact that his position is due to the society and in

return he dutifully does the above mentioned things


Though the aforesaid view has merit, one feels that donating aid for alleviating

poverty is still needed. Just closing the eyes after paying legal "aids" is like following

an ostrich approach(knowing well, that the use of such taxes is very

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inefficient).Moreover from economic point of view, lesser the poverty, more will be

the demand, less will be the crimes and better will be the economy for all. Thus, both

by ethical point of view and economic prudence one must see charity as a duty rather

than a 'help'.

Moreover, on a global level, the present industrialized west has reached its zenith

exploiting the resources of the present 'poor' countries. Thus, the affluent must

contribute in whatever way possible to help the ones in penury.

1Q. What do you understand by jingoism? Is it in the best interest of

the country? Substantiate with logical arguments. (200 Words)

Jingoism can be defined as aggressive nationalism. Jingoism translates into a feeling

of superiority particularly in military matters and demands aggressive actions or

conflict to resolve even small differences with other countries.

Grave matters like a country's foreign policy needs to be the result of careful

deliberations of pros and cons of a particular action. It should be an outcome of wide

spread discussions amongst the political class, the diplomats, the administrators, the

defense forces, academics, think tanks etc. Such an evolution of foreign policy will

ensure that it has the entire country's support and will safeguard the country's vital


On the other hand, by its very definition, Jingoism is emotional. It calls for a very

aggressive posture which can lead to more problems than solutions. Foreign policy is

affected by everything that a country does. Thus, even in the absence of any

aggressive action, even jingoistic statements by people can impact its foreign policy.

An example of this would be the displeasure by authorities in Myanmar to India after

statements about an operation conducted by Indian military forces.

As seen in case of Nazi Germany, Jingoism was detrimental to not only Germany but

also brought loss to most parts of the world with extensive damage to lives and


Nations should strive for maximization of their national interest but not through use

of violence and war but through peace and treaty.

Jingoistic comments act as a trigger which harden the stance of even friendly foreign

countries and makes them wary about our intentions. Specifically, in case of

Pakistan, jingoistic statements in India strengthen the extremist elements there

along with increasing support for the Pakistani army. This makes the resolution of

problems between the two countries that much harder.

While every citizen must be patriotic, being jingoistic serves no higher purpose and

the government must ensure that it disavows such sentiments immediately and does

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not give any credence to them. Countries like India who have past record of being a

peace-loving nation should endevour to infuse morality and ethical standards in

practice of international relations. Idea of internationalism and one world

('Vasudhaiv Kutumbkam') as articulated by our various heads of state should be our

goal in the realm of foreign relations.

1Q. Critically discuss if there are any ethical issues in relations

between India and Pakistan. In your opinion, how should such

issues be resolved? Critically comment. (200 Words)

International relations of most of the nations is dominated by realist principles of

national interest and balance of power. Nations tend to ignore idealist &

constructivist principles of morality and internationalism.

In this context relations between & India Pakistan can be said to be replete with

ethical issues. Some of them are:

1. Management of common goods- Both nations are involved in constant conflict

due to their diverse claims of natural objects in vicinity e.g. differing claims of

sir creek, Kashmir etc.

2. Humanitarian problems- inappropriate & inhuman treatment of prisoners of

war of other country as well hatred and chauvinism in society directed against

each other, ceasefire violations in LoC leading to death of army men and

innocent civilians.

3. Disarmament- Both India and Pakistan are mired in continuous race to

enhance their conventional as well as nuclear arsenal primarily to deter and

possibly use against each other.

Firstly we have to create mechanism for dialogue with each and every organisation to

understand the nature and severity of their demand. Regular bilateral negotiations

between governments and track two diplomacy is perfect idea for solution. In recent

years both government as well as common citizens shows their commitment for

permanent solution , "aman ki asha " chote ustad . Role of media, bollywood actors

and cultural exchange, student exchange program will be beneficial to understand

that on both sides of border people holds same thoughts and same emotion.

Topic: Emotional intelligence-concepts, and their utilities and

application in administration and governance

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1Q. How important is emotional intelligence for ensuring good

governance? Analyse. (200 Words)

Emotional intelligence(EI) is the ability to sense, gauge and utilise emotion in our

day to day function. Together with IQ, EI is a vital determinant of individual success.

In governance function, where human interface is maximum, EI play a deciding

factor in determining the individual success.

At intra personal level EI leads to self awareness i.e. recognition of own emotions;

and Self management i.e. handling of our emotions so that they don't interfere in

discharge of duty. This intrapersonal realisation and control is utmost to maintain

neutrality, anonymity and fairness of public services. Simultaneously it inculcates

flexibility, adaptability and high self regard.

At interpersonal level EI helps us to understand the emotional state of beneficiaries

of governance. Knowing their emotional state is necessary to mould their emotions

into desired state that is necessary to get job done. This way, an administrator is able

to inspire the shared vision and maximize public involvement. Another benefit is, EI

readily helps in decision making process. A compassionate administrator will

develop schemes that have far greater chance of succeeding. His judgement will have

high moral values. Moreover his ability to manage interpersonal relations will be far


Hence, in a social system where people matters, EI is utmost important for a good


1Q. Do you think emotional intelligence (EI) is must for public

servants, especially politicians? Substantiate and also based on

your personal experiences critically comment if public servants

in India have adequate levels of EI. (200 Words)

Emotional intelligence is superseding intelligence quotient in the way that a

knowledge about the emotions have more potential to yield optimal results. EI is the

way of realising one own emotions and also others emotions and applying that

knowledge to arrive at a optimal solution.

Though EI is inherited in humans naturally, knowledge EI is essential for public

servants mainly due to following:

1. To take self decisions: control and understanding of own emotions make

he/she to take decisions not in a hurry, but with evaluation

2. Completion of sub-ordinate work: Emotional persuasion will be more effective

rather than physical persuasion to make the sub-ordinates work. EI gives the

key to get work done by the sub-ordinates.

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3. To appease the bosses: Though the advice was rejected, knowledge of

emotions can help to appease the boss to make them realize what is the use of

that advice.

In view of Indian public servants, everybody has EI. What is important for what

output it was used. Example being, one of the district administration made use of

public emotion “to be hygienic” in making the district open defecation free. On the

other hand, in some other place, politician used the emotion “hatred” to enrage

communal fights. What matter is the way they are used determine the outcomes

2Q. Examine the relationship between empathy and emotional

intelligence. Explain with examples why a public servant should

have both these qualities. (200 Words)

Empathy means imagining yourself in the situation of other to understands his state

of mind. This results in longing to do something for other. Emotional Intelligence

means understanding the emotions of other, differentiate between different emotion

and manage self-emotion not to be carried away by emotions.

A public servants deals with people from all strata of society from poor to rich,

exploiter to exploited, businessmen to beggars etc. Many times people are distressed

and on not receiving service on demand accuse public servants of corruption,

verbally abuse public servants etc. in such scenario a public servant instead of

becoming angry should try to understand other's emotion and not do anything out of

anger and feeling of retribution. Emotion Intelligence helps in dealing with such


In many cases public servants has to take decision like demolition of hutments,

providing compensation of losses etc. An administrator who can empathize with

victim would do everything in his capability to provide relief but along with empathy.

EI is important so that administrator does not take steps which are against the rule

to provide relief like giving benefit of schemes to non-eligible person. So, Empathy

and EI both are equally important in balanced way.

1Q. With examples, examine the importance of emotional

intelligence for a bureaucrat. (200 Words)

Emotional Intelligence is capacity of understanding our feelings/emotions as well as

of others' and use them to better manage our relations.

Unlike past when public administration was impersonal and dehumanising, role of

behaviour and nature of a bureaucrat has gained enormous importance. Role of

emotional intelligence in present situation has varied importance both in

intrapersonal as well as interpersonal realms.

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1. Self-awareness- Bureuacrats need to know emotions, moods and drives of

their peers and persons at whom public policy is targeted for better

acquiantance with the nature of problems in society and their possible


2. Self-regulation- An aware bureaucrat can guide his emotions and perform

accordingly for betterment of society.

3. Motivation- knowledge about his emotion, passion and sentiment as well as

that of his peers can help motivate them and persist in adverse situations. This

will also maximize organisational benefits together with timely achievement of


4. Empathy- understanding of others' problems helps in their quick and effective


5. Social skills- proper management of societal relations also helps in lessening

work-family conflict, enhances physical and mental health and provides job


Governance in modern times is becoming increasing complex with affective

components of behaviour having a major role to play. Intelligence quotient alone

can't solve majority of problems an administrator faces, use of emotional intelligence

is a must for better public service delivery as well as redressal.

Topic: Ethical concerns and dilemmas in government and private


1Q. What do you understand by bioethics? Critically discuss its

principles and related issues. (200 Words)

Bio-ethics has been developing since last twenty years to describe the investigation

and a study of ways in which decisions in medicine and science touch upon our

health and lives and upon our society and environment. If ethics is concerned with

moral right and wrong in a society then bio-ethics is the application of ethics in the

field of medicine and healthcare concerned with questions about

1. basic human values such as the rights to life [euthanasia whether be allowed]

and health;

and the rightness or wrongness of certain developments

2. in healthcare institutions [accessibility to healthcare],

3. life technology[cloning, stem cells],

4. medicine [contraception],

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5. reproduction [ surrogacy, abortion],

6. the health professions [consent of patient, autonomy of decision, bodily

integrity] and

7. about society's responsibility for the life and health of its members [health

insurance-health care cess, isolation of disease affected ,responsibility towards

elderly and frail].

8. implications of distributive justice [pricing of life saving medicines,

accessibility of

generic drugs, organ donation and transplantation], and

9. issues in global healthcare[ Human Genome].

Bioethicists explore even deeper issues such as the meaning of life and death, pain

and suffering, and rights and responsibilities. It is an interdisciplinary dialogue with

unique merit of applying the foundational disciplines of philosophy and theology,

and incorporating perspectives from other disciplines- sociology, medicine, nursing,

anthropology, and law.

Though the discipline started with ethical issues only regarding medicines, with time

it has grown into a full-fledged discipline resolving and balancing complex relation

between human life and scientific advancement paving way towards a prominent

force in legislation and public policy, and in other practical applications of theoretical


1Q. Do you think naming and shaming, a measure sometimes

adopted by banks and tax enforcement agencies to force

defaulters and tax evaders respectively to comply with rules, is

unethical? Justify. (150 Words)

As a responsible citizen of country, it is our duty to comply with the banking rules

and tax laws. Sometimes there is genuine reason for a person to fail to pay the loan

with interest to bank. But plenty of examples are available where it is intentionally

done by an individual or an organization to avoid paying loan of a bank or tax. This is

executed through loopholes of various laws and muscle power of crony capitalism.

So the intention of avoiding tax or not paying loan is an unethical and dishonest

practice. Apart from that, most of the banks are public institutions. Wen they suffer

from bad loans, it adversely effect all the stakeholders of the bank. The tax

department is also public authority which collects tax from public and organizations

and finally contributes to the functioning of the economy . As public is effected badly

because of the unethical practices of corrupt individuals, it is reasonable to release

their names in the public domain by these authorities.

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This will be shameful for these persons as well as it will work as a deterrant for

others. Enough punishment should also follow this process rapidly to gain trust of

the people in these insttitutions

1Q. You are working as Superintendent of jail. A

politician convicted of rape and murder who has already served

2 years in jail is under severe depression. His wife is on death

bed due to cancer. He requests you to allow him to see his wife

at his home one last time before she dies. He was a high profile

politician and has lots of enemies in the opposition party. Your

wife, who is a social worker, after coming to know about

convict‟s request, requests you to allow him to see his wife once

subverting court procedures.

Will you follow your wife‟s suggestion? Justify (100 Words)

If you follow your wife‟s suggestion, what are the likely

consequences that you might face?Enumerate. (100 Words)

a) The facts of the case are that the politician has been convicted by the court in a

very grave offense of rape and murder. In such a scenario, unilaterally allowing the

criminal leniency would not be justifiable. Hence, I would not accept the request of

my wife.

1. This would create a dangerous precedent where other criminals would also

cite pressing reasons for such dispensation.

2. This would also be against the principles of equality.

I would instead suggest that the convict approach the court for parole. I would

give that a favourable endorsement based upon his behaviour in jail and then

facilitate his visit if given parole. However, in absence of any court order, I

would not accept his request.

b) The likely consequences of accepting any such request are as follows –

1. Since this would be a gross violation of duty, strict disciplinary actions even

extending upto termination of service might take place.

2. Even without any enquiry, this would leave the SP vulnerable to blackmail by

other prisoners and hence would lose moral authority.

3. In a worst case scenario, the convict could escape while illegally out of jail.

This would be a gross miscarriage of justice and could even lead to criminal

charges against the SP.

While there can be a justifiable reason for showing sympathy for the convict, it has to

be kept in mind that the current situation is of his own making. His conviction for

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heinous offenses like rape and murder militate against taking a very sympathetic

approach. Hence, any such step has to be recommended by a court to be justified.

1Q. You are posted as Block Development Officer in a naxal

activities hit region. As soon as you assume your office, you

receive a note from an unknown source. It asks you to transfer

„X‟ amount of money every month to a local naxal leader failing

which you would be abducted and killed. The note asks you to

meet an unknown person at „Y‟ place and get details about

where, when and how to pay the money. The note tells you that

in case you inform the police, you and your family would be


You show this note to your friends and family. Some suggest you to

go back to old posting by paying bribe to concerned authorities;

some suggest you to resign; others suggest you that the practice

of giving „protection money‟ is common in the region and if you

too pay this money regularly you could live a peaceful life.

What are the options before you? Analyse their merits and

demerits and explain which course of action would you take in

the end and why. (200 Words)

A classic case of „protection money‟, this is where a struggle ensues between the

instinct of survival and standing on your principles.

The options available in this situation are:

1. Succumbing to the pressure: This will involve just giving in to the demands of

the extortionist. Though, it will give mental peace for a few days, the problem

will inflate in time and will consume the efficacy of my official and personal

life. Also, if the matter gets disclosed, it will bring defamation in the public

eye, leading to increased frustration.

2. Asking for a transfer/resign: A safe or old posting may help in keeping me and

my family safe. But shirking away from my duty at one place will make the job

difficult to pursue at other location too, as I will always try to seek the easy

way out. Moreover, by paying bribe, I will strengthen the very system, I had

wished to eliminate.

3. Rooting out the issue: It will be difficult to pursue in the beginning but the

long term effects will surely benefit myself and the society at large. This


Informing my seniors and colleagues about the letter.

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Involving the police into the matter to try to catch hold of the person

who has sent the letter

Relocating my family to a safer place, till the matter is sorted out.

Discussions with the locals about the malaise of naxalism in the locality

and come out with short and long term plans to tackle it.

So, I would prefer the third option as a way forward.

1Q. Now a days it is strongly argued that medical colleges, both in

the public and private sector, should also include ethics

education and mentorship in their teaching. In the light of

recent scams in the medical education field, critically examine

why. (200 Words)

The field of medical education is mired in several scams and unethical practices

which began at the entrance level and go on to the actual professional practice. This

is a serious moral crisis as the field of healthcare rests on ethics.

This calls for ethical education and mentorship in the teaching of medical colleges

because it would have following effects:

1. This would improve their humanitarian inclinations, thus making them

refrain from corrupt ways to deepen their pockets, like the practice of

prescribing branded drugs intentionally rather than generic versions.

2. This could form the ground for sound patient Doctor relation which is a

cornerstone of good treatment.

3. Poor patients would be prevented from unnecessary escalation of medical


4. It would reduce the wide gap in expenses of private and public hospitals thus

improving the reach of healthcare to hitherto excluded ones.

5. It could usher in overhaul of the functional aspects of healthcare profession.

Thus, in the light of the prevalent situation, it is utmost necessary to bring about

such reforms which improve the ethical standards of the profession as that forms the

grounding of a sound healthcare system.

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1Q. You are working as Superintendent of Police. Recently you

arrested few criminals involved in a rape case. They happen to

be distant relatives of Chief Minister of the state where you are

serving. You get a call from the Chief Minister himself asking

you to drop cases against all criminals immediately. You politely

reject CM‟s diktat. Next day, again you receive a call from CM.

This time he threatens you with dire consequences if you do not

follow his orders. As per your wife‟s suggestion, you have

recorded this conversation. Your wife, who is a social activist,

releases the tape to media. Next day an FIR is lodged against you

and your wife: accusing you of committing a rape; and against

your wife on the charges of receiving illegal foreign funds to an

NGO run by you both.

Your friends who are also bureaucrats, ask you to meet CM and beg

for his forgiveness. They suggest you to release all goons citing

lack of evidence against them.

a) Will you listen to your friends‟ suggestions and act accordingly?

Justify. (150 Words)

b) Critically comment on the ethical issues involved in this case

study. (150 Words)

Though the suggestions made by my friends are to save me from this crisis but it

wouldn't be apt on my part to ask for forgiveness and neglect my duties by releasing

the goons. Meeting the CM would also affect my professional career as hiterto I

enjoyed the position of being an honest officer which may be maligned by some


Firs thing, false cases have been registered against us and these cases require strong

evidences to be proved. As there wouldn't be any evidences as we aren't party to

these crimes it would be highly difficult for proving them.

Certain ethical issues were clear from the above paragraph, these are dealt below:

1. The goons attempted to escape from the situation by taking support of a

politican and law maker. This reflects the societal value attached to the

process of justice delivery, where the whole process can be influenced by

favours or coercion.

2. CM's phone call to the SP for releasing the goons shows the intereference and

influence exerted by the political executive on other organs of executive for

making things in their favour. This is clearly deterred in a democratic setup

like India, else every decision indulges conflict of interest.

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3. Registering false cases against SP and his wife amounts to a type of coercion,

this way honest public officials who are not corrupt will be made to stay low.

When a person like SP is prone to such attacks, then the situation of common

people who fight against the corruption and misuse of law could be


4. Bureaucratic friends had suggested to meet the CM and ask forgiveness and

release criminals, this reflects the general functioning of a bureaucratic and


nexus, by making those suggestions rather than standing by the side of SP,

these people failed to delver the duties which they had vowed to fulfill despite

of all the difficulties.

Finally, SP is surrounded with a dilemma whether to fight against the CM without

fully understanding the consequences or to make a truce with him there by saving

himself and his wife from this crisis.

1Q. Should Mediation, a form of Alternative Dispute Resolution

(ADR), be allowed in rape cases by the courts? Justify. (200


While Mediation, as a form of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) has many

advantages like simple procedure, cost effective, reduce escalation of conflict and

save times but it can‟t be used in heinous offences like rape cases.

Due to following reasons Mediation should not be used in rape case

1. Rape involves the coercion and power dominance. So mediation can‟t be

solution as it can ensure a fair solution only between two equal parties.

2. Mediation promotes reconciliation and compromises , but promoting

compromise in rape cases is denial of justice to the victim.

3. When rape cases adopt mediation, if often encourage settlement by monetary

compensation to victim, but monetary compensation can‟t absolve accused of


a heinous crime not victim get due justice by compensation.

4. Due to social pressure and patriarchal norms in society, mediation often

encourages marriage between accused and victim. This is gross injustice to

victim as she need to tolerate her exploiter for whole duration of life.

5. Court trail is basic right of survivor. The court proceeding are fair and

legitimate while hearing in mediation often reduced to character assassination

of survivor and she need to face hostile audience without fair procedure.

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6. Dispute involves 2 or more aggrieved parties who claim that their rights have

been violated and issue can be settled through negotiation like property

dispute between the brothers in a family. However in case of rape, there is one

aggrieved party against the other who had committed this offence. Here rights

and dignity of one individual is at stake not both the parties. Moreover, rape is

a criminal offence as per the law unlike the disputes which are civil in nature.

7. Criminal activities affects the society at large, unlike the civil cases where

private rights of the individuals are at stake.

8. Consent for mediation may be taken by coercion

9. There may be chances of repetition of the same crime by the offender because

harsh punishment is not inflicted on him and he is absolved from his all


[arguments in support:

1. after the increment in the age of consent following nirbhaya case (from 16 to

18) there have been spur in these cases also day by day our cultural norms are

changing and society in becoming more open . Now teens are more sexually

acitve (eg kiss of love) There are bound to be such cases eg live in relationship

, teen pregnancies,consensual relationship etc. Legally you can call them rape

but technically they are not.

2. Court on its part is not trying to shun from there responsibility by

Transferring these case to ADR but Trying to mete out a more just solution to

this issue. since law will consider all sexual relation between Young teens a

rape with all liability of crime on male counterpart that can land a young male

for even life imprisonment for something he is not solely responsible .]

Justice J.S Verma Committee report that came out in the light of Delhi rape incident

had strengthened the case by locating rape in the context of gender justice, ADRs

would clearly be retreating from this path. Courts should appoint special bench

for quicker resolve of such type of cases rather opting for ADRs for speedy trail.

2Q. “The recent outbreak of Ebola and a global security threat

perception associated with the disease have given rise to many

debates, one of them being the debate on medical ethics in a

public health emergency.” Discuss. (200 Words)

The whole episode of Ebola outbreak in East African countries brought the issue of

medical ethics in a public health emergency to forefront of public discourse. Lack of

availability of treatment and high mortality associated with disease led to initial

panic, but subsequently matured response emerged from different stakeholders.

Some of ethical issues associated with „ethics in public health emergency‟ in this

context are:

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1. Who should get the first treatment? Whether the health care worker be first

treated or people suffering in field be treated?

2. Where the new medicine should be tested – whether it should be tested in

developed world or in virus host countries of East Africa?

3. Is it justified to give a medicine which has not yet passed the clinical trial and

has not proved its therapeutic efficacy , possible also having side effects?

4. Can large scale vaccination and production of medicine be allowed for

treatment which has not proven its effectiveness and safety?

5. Should fast-track trial be allowed considering the urgency of matter? If yes,

can this act as precedent for future situations?

Overall the medical fraternity, WHO and other stakeholders acted very responsibly.

They allowed fast-track approval process while simultaneously collecting data for

further validation. The informed consent of people, to whom medicine was

administered, was obtained and issue of racial & class division was also tackled in

sensitive manner.

1Q. What do you understand by Mob Justice? Critically comment on

the ethical aspect of this type of justice and explain as an

administrator how will you deal with such incidences. (200


Mob justice is the verdict of the crowd by subverting the legal procedures and

institution in situation of great injustice and mass suffering.

In one hand we have examples of Mob justices like lynching of a rape accused man in

Nagaland , vandalising of CHURCH by some radical groups in Delhi, and torching of

an HOSPITAL in Bihar . Which were totally against the law of the land, detrimental

to society and catastrophic to personal and cultural liberty.

On the other hand we have examples like

Storming of bastille in French revolution which was a mob‟s action against the state

and finally gave the world the ideal of liberty equality and fraternity to the world.

Indian freedom fighter often took their protest to road, blocking transport and

choking government machinery - yes it was a mob justice in eyes of British


Recently the anger protest by youths against nirbhaya case was suppressed by then

home minister who had said “If rascals take to street, will I go and talk to them”

As an administrator, It is our duty to recognize the character of a mob. If it falls in

the first category then it has to be nipped in the bud by proactive measures such as

deploying police in sensitive areas and preventive detention of its leaders.

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But if the mob is out for social justice we should help by arranging proper place

to hold protests and engaging in dialogue with them and come to solution by


Though particular action would depend on situation and context but few precaution

which can be taken by administrator are:

1. Take away the accused from scene, preferably in police protection.

2. Talk with leaders of community or gathering, persuade them to not take law in

their hand and warn them of possible legal consequences for same.

3. Immediately arrange for burial of dead bodies, if any. Such actions would

subside the anger of mob to some extent.

4. Assure the gathering of strict, severe and immediate action. The taking of

accused in custody can be first step in such situation.

Overall administration should use his persuasive skills (using logic, reason and

emotions) to convince crowd and disperse the gathering at earliest.

2Q. “He prepares evil for himself who plots mischief for others.” –

Latin Quote.

Critically comment on the quote and examine if the meaning of the

above quote is applicable in public administration too. (200


Karma is an important element of Indian philosophical tradition. It believes in the

actions of wo/men and tries to establish relation between actions and their results.

According to it, a person reaps what she sows and thus asks people to act just.

Destiny of a person is decided more by her actions than others.

The Latin quote "He prepares evil for himself who plots mischief for others" have

same connotations. A wrong action will always result in harm for himself only.

Rather than trying to place thorns in the way of others, it will be more beneficial to

correct own path.

Temptation of personal benefit: This is because in an organisation , there is a high

competition and people are willing to take every shortcut including dirt slinging and

mischievous plotting in order to succeed, This often backfires For Ex an IAS couple

in Madhya pradesh after years of unethical practices are facing disproportionate

asset case and whose award will be proportional to the crime.

Work culture: In Public administration favoritism is a big reality. Every political

party has support of big industrialist in order to win elections. Sometimes this

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association turns unethical and backfires. Recent example can be taken in which

External affair minister is facing ire of public for supporting a corrupt businessman.

It is very important for a public administrator to work honestly and justly. Personal

interest should be set aside and cooperation with other is must. Leg pulling will

only result in harm for society. Such actions can have negative consequences for

her career too. So it is required from a public administrator to perform her duty

than hindering the work of others.

3Q. Rekha cleared UPSC civil services exam and became an IAS

officer. She was intelligent, bold and beautiful. After her

probationary training, she was posted as CEO of Zilla Panchayat

in a very backward district in a far away state from her home.

There, violence and discrimination against women was

rampant. The politicians, including elected representatives were

known for their contempt against women officers in the district.

Rekha‟s parents tried to persuade her to marry an IAS officer

(male) from their home state who had shown interest in

marrying her. This would ensure her return to her home state

where, her parents thought, she would get a safe and cosy


Rekha firmly told her parents that she wanted to face such

hardships and serve backward regions. As soon as she assumed

her office, rumours were spread about her past and alleged

links with mafia in the region. She had taken extraordinary

measures to stop illegal activities such as sand smuggling and

encroachment of government property despite risk to her life. A

recent news report alleged that she was going soft on mafia.

Another report suggested that she had an affair with an IAS

officer working in a neighbouring district.

Identify the elements of ethical concerns and dilemma in the above

case and substantiate how you would have responded to each of

such concerns and dilemma if you were Rekha. (200 Words)

An upright and honest officer faces organised campaign from vested interest to

prevent her from performing public duties. Unsubstantiated rumours and personal

attacks to malign her image and damage the reputation should be tackled head on by

Rekha in this case.

Elements of ethical concerns and dilemma in above case are

1. Choosing between person, family comfort and commitment to public duty

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2. Performing one‟s duty without paying heed to rumours or to dispel rumours to

maintain credibility and integrity

3. Protecting one‟s privacy in public life(and women's dignity) when vested

interest allege of immorality

Actions taken:

1. Rekha should persuade her parents that it doesn‟t matter where she serve in

home state or any other state. She should make choice based on her own

commitment, aptitude, duty and comfort rather than under parental or

societal pressure.

2. Proper legal recourse should be taken against the people spreading lie and

falsehood. Though it may distract some of time and attention from official

duties, but it is essential for maintaining not only personal integrity but also

professional credibility of authority.

3. A defamation case may be initiated against people spreading rumours. A


have full right to her privacy in person sphere.

4. Do not backtrack on her decision to go hard on the mafia. The rumors spread

are just a technique used by the wrongdoers to emotionally break the civil

servant. With due course of time, if Rekha comes out strong, a perfect message

of "no to nonsense" would be delivered.

5. Take up the matter to higher officers or even to the Chief minister if need be.

4Q. An IAS officer visits to see demolition of an illegal temple that

was built on a public road. He had ordered that demolition in

the public interest after receiving a complaint and thoroughly

verifying facts.

He is accompanied by handful of police personnel. While the

demolition is going on, a mob tries to disrupt it. They try to burn

IAS officer‟s vehicle. When the police try to escort IAS officer to

safety, the mob pelts stones at them.

At this moment someone suggests IAS officer to order police to fire

shots at the stone-pelting mob. IAS officer‟s safety is at risk.

If you were the IAS officer, how you would have conducted

yourself? Substantiate. (150 Words)

Demolition work should be completed as early as possible without inviting unwanted

attention from the people, politicians & media and also ensuring that law and order

doesn't go out of hands. As it is a religious issue, there is a higher scope for

manipulating the whole event in an ugly manner.

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First of all, I will speak with SP and other officers present at that place and ask them

what all options are available with us to deal with the issue.

Secondly, we will analyse whether the demolition is possible with use of minimal

police involvement for controlling the law and order.

Thirdly, fire shots is out of question as these protesters also include innocent people

who are blind folded by the people who guided them.

Fourthly, I will ask SP to deploy more police personnel and control the situation

Fifthly, if the situation becomes even more worse, I will ask the authorities to stop

the demolition work temporarily.

Sixth, I will conduct a meeting with the important people and look for alternatives

like demolition early in morning or midnight or speaking to the stakeholders for

relocation of the temple etc.

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5Q. You are serving as Superintendent of Police of a district. You

were incharge of conducting violence-free general elections in

your jurisdiction and also you were responsible to stop

distribution of illegal money, liquor and other freebies during

campaigning by the candidates. During one night two police

personnel at checkpost seize rupees one crore unaccounted

money from a car. The money was meant to be distributed

among voters to lure them to vote to a particular party. One of

the policemen pockets rupees ten lakhs as he badly needed that

money to pay for the treatment of his wife who was battling a

life and death situation due to cancer. The other policeman

knowing this truth supports his friend, but he too pockets

rupees ten lakhs. They let the driver escape from the scene

warning him not to show up in the district. Later they send their

money to their homes and the report at the station that they

have seized rupees eighty lakhs from an unknown vehicle whose

driver ran away abandoning the vehicle.

After the elections, the driver turns up with an influential local

politician who has just won the election and narrates the

incidence to you and registers a complaint against the two


a) What will you do in this situation? Justify. (150 Words)

b) The police man who took money to pay for the treatment of his

wife requests you to not to take any action against him. You

know that what he is saying is true. Will you treat him leniently?

Justify. (100 Words)

The actors involved in this scenario - 2 policemen, driver and politician are all at

fault. Policemen, for accepting bribe and letting the culprit go scott free - that

perhaps in the form of money and muscle power the victory of the candidate.

1. Driver, for illegally carrying cash during election time.

2. Politician, for using that money that illicitly brighten the prospects of his

electoral gain.

So I will register a case against the driver and politician as well and investigate so

that criminalisation of politics gets discouraged. This may antagonize some political

interests, but law cannot be held hostage by a privileged few.

2nd Answer:

Firstly, cancer to the police man's wife and corruption involved are 2 different issues.

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Secondly, all the government employees and their families are provided with the

insurance facilities which cover the costs of treatment. So the claim that the police

man resorted to the corrupt practice for treatment may not be completely true.

So there is no question of treating the police man leniently. Further, an opportunity

will be extended to both the police man, to deposit back the appropriated money and

accept their mistake. In case they come forward to do so, a lighter punishment will be

recommended against both and necessary action will be initiated.

1Q. Do you think there should be minimum educational

qualification for ministers to manage important sectors such as

higher education efficiently ? Critically comment. (200 Words)

The restrictions on the position of the Minister must take into account the following


Advantages of Education Qualification:

1. Better understanding of the requirements of the post

2. It will give new dimension to politics.

3. It is the prudent step with governance reaching new heights with increased

awareness of civil society.

4. Education as an important component can shift the mind to constructive

issues like development, drastic shift from religious cacophony.

5. Better co-ordination between ministers and bureaucrats.

6. They will be more supportive to changes in modern times eg e-governance.

7. They will bring freshness and innovation into the political system

Arguments against:

1. It can act as a deterrent to the citizens to participate in elections

2. It can create a divide between haves and have nots where only the privileged

will be able to rule.

3. Education does not guarantee experience on the field.

4. Education does not guarantee ethical conduct and moral uprighteneous.

5. It can be further extended to other limitations to electoral posts eg condition

on caste etc

6. Constitution did not make it as a condition in universal adult franchise.

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In a developing nation where 73% of Indians are literate such mandatory

requirement on electoral posts will do more harm than good in the current context. It

should be a natural step after the education sector has been able to meet the

country's growing requirements of attaining higher education. In the present times,

such action will invite mass condemnation from various sections of the society i.e.

oppressed and vulnerable sections who are deprived of such education opportunities.

Moreover, the integrity of the minister cannot be a sole function of his education. As

Gandhiji remarked, "Knowledge without Integrity" is a sin. The primary purpose of

educational qualification cannot in itself be the sufficient condition to attain

efficiency in high ministerial posts

1Q. Is there a difference between casteism and racism? Discuss. In

your opinion, examine why such discriminations are considered

as immoral and unethical. (200 Words)

Casteism and Racism have many similarities despite conceptually being two different

categories. Both are covered under the broader social rubric of identity. Both are

ascribed and hereditary identity. While race emphasizes skin colour, the casteism

create hierarchy based on birth with supposed religious and social justification.

Their practice in daily life is reflected in differential treatment, discrimination and

prejudice against people who do not form part of one‟s coherent and homogeneous

social groups/community (race or caste).

The caste and race based discrimination are considered immoral and unethical due

to following reasons:

1. It goes against the idea of universal brotherhood and equal treatment to all

human being.

2. It is against the human dignity where person is denied self respect and to

explore fuller potential of life. As practice of untouchability shows, it reduces


to sub-human.

3. It led to parochial thinking and behaviour and reinforces the prejudices

against the other groups.

4. It incite hate and sometimes violence against the other groups (as reflected in

race violence against African American in Europe and Caste violence in India)

5. It vitiate social atmosphere and ultimately results in sub-optimal utilization of

human assets in society.

The discrimination based on caste and race can be minimised by enactment and

enforcement of equal opportunity and non-discrimination legislation, promoting

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social harmony and imbibing attitude of tolerance and accommodation through

liberal education.

1Q. The question whether celebrity endorsers are liable for lapses

of a manufacturer or service provider in India has been debated

ever since Nestle‟s Maggi brand of instant noodles fell afoul of

food testing authorities. Do you think, on ethical grounds,

should celebrities endorsing such brands be punished by law?

Critically comment. (200 Words)

The recent case of Maggi, where notices were sent to its brand ambassadors holding

them liable to promote a sub standard quality product has stoked debate about the

liability of celebrities endorsing any brand.

Celebrity endorsements have a big impact on any brand. In India, where a lot of

celebrities are worshipped as demi gods, such an image is encashed by a lot of

celebrities by endorsing a multitude of products. In many of the cases, the products

may not even meet quality standards and thus, the celebrity endorsement encourages

people to use sub standard or harmful products.

However, regardless of the damage caused to a consumer by using a sub standard

product, holding the celebrity responsible for it might seem a bit harsh. The only

reasonable thing a celebrity might be expected to do before endorsing any product is

to check that it has been approved by the relevant government regulator for sale.

Other than that holding them responsible for a sub standard product will not be

legally tenable as it will not satisfy the clause of mens rea i.e., there is no intent to

cause harm on the part of celebrity.

It also opens another ethical dilemma. If celebrities featuring in advertisements for a

sub standard product are held guilty, what about professional actors for whom

making advertisement is a just a job or advertising agencies who design those ad


What is needed is a policy defining clearly the obligations of a celebrity endorser on

the lines of the 'Good reason to believe' test evolved in the United States. In the

present case, while Maggi failed standards in testing, it had the requisite permits

from FSSAI. Thus, holding the endorser liable for manufacturing defects would in

fact be a travesty of justice.

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1Q. Analyse the linkages between prison reforms and reforms of

prison inmates. Are there any alternatives to prisons to reform

criminals? Critically comment. (200 Words)

Prisons should not only be punitive in nature but also act as a reformist. The

following elements must be kept in mind while analysing the purpose of prisons

1. The inmates must not see improsment as end of life but rather take this as an

opportunity to reform.

2. Prisons must open avenues for vocational learning as well as education

through correspondence courses.

3. Recreational activities eg celebration of sports day etc must be included in the

yearly events.

4. Stress releasing activities eg yoga, meditation must be practised by the

inmates. Kiran Bedi ran a similar program in Tihar jails

5. They should not turn out to be hardened criminals when they come out of


The sole objective of the prisons is to make the inmates more productive and

responsible members of the society.

Certain prisons allow periodic visits to other places etc in case of life imprisonment if

the conduct of the inmate is impressive. However, completely eliminating the idea of

prisons might not be a practical solution for the time being.

The prisons can only provide the legal and punitive solutions to the crimes and

malpractices but it is the society that needs to reform to make the importance of

prisons less and less.

2Q. In your opinion, what is the meaning of privacy? Do you think

the press should be allowed to publish private details of an

individual, especially of a public personality? How does the

government in India deal with the privacy of individuals?

Critically comment. (250 Words)

Privacy refers to a sphere of an individual which consists of personal choices,

relationships, preferences and other private affairs and interests. As opposed to the

public sphere, the access to this space is (and ought to be) at the discretion of the

individual. It can mean to include the following:

1. Spatial control: control over the private space of the individual.

2. Decisional autonomy: This means the ability to make choices such as

reproductive choices, voting, faith among others

3. Information control: The non-violability of personal information – financial,

personal, marital / extra-marital, health, communications, movements etc. In

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the age of big data and state surveillance, this aspect is under threat and needs

to be zealously guarded.

The press essentially is a medium of communication, information dissemination and

opinion mobilization on public matters. Allowing it to publish private details of an

individual cannot, in general, be allowed. However, if the publishing of such details

leads to outcomes that are just and acceptable in law, these may be accepted on a

case to case basis. For instance, publishing details of meetings between the head of a

prosecuting agency and the culprits is definitely permissible since it helps bring out

an unholy nexus with a potential to undermine justice. Nevertheless, it is important

to have guidelines for the press. Such guidelines need not be imposed, but can be

formulated by the press itself.

In India, there is no specific law that deals exclusively with right to privacy. It is

contained in other statutes and interpretations of the fundamental right to freedom

of expression. However, the Indian state has been accused of collecting data, tapping

phones of political opponents and misusing agencies like IB in a manner that is

violative of privacy. With jurisprudence evolving in the field, directions are also being

laid out. For instance, the mandate that the permission of a high ranking police

officer for phone tapping. Nevertheless, we are yet to treat privacy with the

seriousness it deserves.

1Q. In your opinion, should an aged person of about 75 years old,

caught and proved in a corruption case, who has undergone

twenty years of judicial trial, be leniently punished by the court?

Or should he be acquitted on humanitarian grounds?

Substantiate. (200 Words)

The serious lacuna of our tardy and long judicial proceeding has complicated the

subjective jurisdiction procedure. The judiciary finds itself at the three crossroads

when it has to choose among the basic tenet of law which is equality of law, leniency

or acquittal when its own delayed procedure has already traumatized the convict. The

case stated above shall be scrutinized from all angles including humanitarian aspect

before arriving at final decision.

As the convict, has already suffered for last 20 years and he is now 75 years old,

considering human ground holds relevance, but the nature and extend of crime shall

also be considered. As the case is of corruption and though he has suffered a lot but

freeing him is not appropriate as he has to bear his share of punishment. Also it will

convey a wrong message to other convicts, as the cases of judicial delays are not

uncommon. Other angles such as intentional delays induced by the convict, may also

be considered, as it is not only judiciary which cause delays.

Though judiciary has to follow its rule book, but the age of the convict and the

prevailing situations, demands leniency. Thus the court on the basic of seriousness of

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the crime may permit lesser sentence. Also it is to be make sure the health of the old

man might be given due care. Judiciary might consider a lesser sentence on the

conditions of taking responsibility education of poor kids. Some other societal work

might also condition upon his lesser sentence.

The bottom line is that though the rule of law and equality before law must prevail,

but considering leniency on humanitarian ground in exceptional cases will

incorporate human angle in our judiciary. But we need to seriously work for

removing anomaly of Justice delayed.

Topic: empathy, tolerance and compassion towards the weaker-


1Q. With suitable examples differentiate between empathy,

sympathy and compassion. In your opinion, which of these

three qualities is most essential for a public servant and why?

Explain. (200 Words)

Sympathy refers to acknowledging another person's emotional hardships and

providing comfort and assurance. Empathy refers refers to understanding what

others are feeling. This may be because we ourselves have felt so or we can put

ourselves in their shoes. Compassion refers to a step further, where a person not only

feels empathy but also a desire to help alleviate the suffering of the other person.

Thus, the emphasis here is on action and wanting to help. In, other word while

Sympathy focuses on awareness, empathy focuses on experience and Compassion

focuses on action.

For example, consider the issue of child labour. On seeing a child waiter in a

restaurant if a person is just feeling sad, then he is sympathetic. But if he also

connects himself or own children with that child or memorises any of his live

experience, then he is empathetic.

But when someone unleashes himself from inly being a spectator and make some

arrangements according to his capacity for the good ( like informing NGOs,

arranging education, counselling his parents etc) , then he has compassion.

A public servant must possess all the three qualities depending on situation. Public

servants are meant to serve and this requires developing a humanistic outlook and to

go out-of-the way. These qualities [Sympathy, Empathy and Compassion] ensure

that the public servants act sensitively and interpret the rules so as to advance public

interest. This is all the more important in a country like India where most the citizens

are not aware of their rights and obligations owing to their socio-economic

conditions rather than out of ignorance. In their absence, the administration will

become mechanistic, rigid and ineffective.

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Topic: Contributions of moral thinkers and philosophers from India

and world.

1Q. “First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight

you, and then you win.” ― Mahatma Gandhi

With suitable examples, critically comment on the application of

the meaning of the above quote in personal and professional

life, especially in public administration. (200 Words)

This quotation by Mahatma Gandhi carries great significance in all spheres of life be

it personal, professional or public. This essentially means that once if a person

objects or passively resists then first people laugh implying that initially considered

insignificant, 'then they ridicule you' implying to demean you, then fight you seeing

your continued resistant and persistence and if successful till the end then you

emerge victorious in your attempt.

In personal life: In personal life there might be some resistance to raise voice against

domestic violence or dowry demand. But one must ensure to raise a voice to sow the

seeds of a greater movement.

In professional life and pubic administration:

In society and working of an administration there at times will be several

malpractices operating. There are several mechanisms present to draw attention into

these malpractices through RTI, PILs or even media to some extent. For an

administrator too sometimes is pressurized by politicians and seniors to work

illegally. In such a case he or she should remember the Gandhian ways and this

quotation. He should peacefully resist and even if he does not win there is a chance of

sowing seeds for the future. Several examples to quote are the whistle-blowers in the

VYAPAM scam, Durga Shakti Nagpal revolt against the sand mafia.

This saying has great relevance and should be followed by all for a better society.

1Q. Throw light on the relevance of the teachings of Ramkrishna

Paramahansa and Swami Vivekananda to India‟s youth today.

(200 Words)

At a time when over 50% of the country's population is below 30 year of age the

teachings of Swami Ramakrishna Paramhansa and Swami Vivekananda can be a

guiding light for the youth.

Ramakrishna and Vivekanada's emphasis on spiritual development for the well-

being of man is particularly important in today's world of materialism. Their

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teachings lay emphasis on moral values, service to mankind, etc. as a way to attain


Ramakrishna always believed that all the religions of the world are true and

ultimately lead us to God. In today's world when the youth are caught up in

communal tensions around the world, Ramkrishna's emphasis in religious harmony

have much to teach to the youth. He also discarded caste inequalities in the era of

widely pervading caste divisions.

Vivekananda emphasis on human development is of particular importance as

adequate human developmental efforts can propel a young nation like India to a path

of high growth leading to enhanced standards of living. His exhortations like taking

up an idea and making it one's life are especially significant for the youth to shape up

their destinies.

Thus, youth have much to learn and get inspired from the teachings of Swami

Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda.

Topic: laws, rules, regulations and conscience as sources of ethical


1Q. Do you think India‟s law which makes it mandatory to

spend minimum Corporate Social Responsibility spending (2%

of average profits of the past three years) for corporations above

a certain size is a right measure without loopholes? Critically

analyse. (200 Words)

The roots of CSR lie in philanthropic activities and now encompasses all related

activities like corporate citizenship, shared value, corporate sustainability and

business responsibility. In India, it has been introduced by the Companies Act 2013.

The core areas where the profit under CSR have to spend are promotion of education,

combating HIV-AIDS, gender equity, women empowerment, environmental

sustainability, poverty reduction etc.

But critical analysis opens another aspect of CSR which is its negative side. Some

loopholes are to be tackled which are

1. The new Companies Act gives gives complete freedom to the countries to

decide on the factors on which they would like to contribute in the society.

2. But it is up to the company that in which area it wants to spend their 2 % of

profit, which leaves the space for ambiguous and vague decisions.It is also

possible that company is primarily doing their own promotion in disguise of


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3. Since CSR imposes the responsibility upon profit making companies then

most of the time these companies takes it like obligation and just want to

complete it without any zeal and proper planning.

4. Companies have a free hand to do the CSR activites through a third party like

an NGO, which will result in mushrooming of dormant NGOs and lead to

massive embezzlement of funds which can otherwise be better streamlined

and utilized.

5. A CSR initiative to cover for eradicating poverty would squander printing of

thousands of thousands of colourful brouchers and superfluous marketing

techniques where the actual benefit to the needy would be diverted.

Some possible amendments are necessary which would take care of the sentiments of

all the stakeholders. There is a need to ensure that the stakeholders are incentivize

and extract some benefit from the CSR spending.

2Q. “While abolition of the death penalty for crimes other than

terrorist acts or treason may be justified, its retention in the

case of punishment for having carried out terrorist acts or

treason seems equally justifiable.” Do you agree with this view?

Critically comment. (200 Words)

Death penalty for crimes other than terrorist acts or treason should definitely be

abolished as it is incompatible with human rights and human dignity; there is no

conclusive evidence of its deterrence; its arbitrary application can often result in

disproportionate punishment; risk of executing innocent persons and all the

opportunities for deformation are lost.


1. Its an act against the State: Terrorism is against the security and stability of

the State and hence, completely different in intention than other crimes.

2. A strong message to adversaries: If death sentence is abolished for terrorists,

it will send a message to the sponsors of such acts that India is acting lenient

on security issues and hence bolster terrorism.

3. It‟s a deterrent: However much indoctrinated human nature compels a man to

fear when death dawn before him. Retaining such sentence would be deterrent

for to be offenders.

An argument is advanced that retaining death sentence would help terrorist as

they look forward to die and become martyrs making them reach heaven. But

such an argument is very far fetched.

4. The distinction between above two situations is justified even under Art. 14 of

the constitution where discrimination is allowed if rational nexus is drawn

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between the act and the object to be acheived. A nexus more rational than this

cannot be drawn in any other case.

It might be felt at once that it should be retained in the case of punishment for

carrying out terrorist activities or treason but we need to look deeply into the issue.

1. When terrorists are awarded death penalty, they become martyrs and a

sources of recruitment for terrorist groups which may try to influence the

misguided youngsters of minority community. It might also enhance their

capability to raise funds.

2. These terrorists are religious fanatics and believe in reward in the “after life”

and endless pleasures in heaven. Not awarding them the death penalty would

mean depriving them of the anticipated rewards in heaven.

3. Not rewarding them with death penalty and retaining them might help in

getting information about other terrorist groups.

4. It might invite retaliatory attack from terrorists who would want to take the

revenge for their loss.

Thus, capital punishment should be abolished for all types of crimes.

1Q. Do you think „encounter killings‟ are ethical? Critically

comment. (200 Words)

The term "ethical" is a complex and vague term and it change with the change in

perception. So we cannot able to come with the generalized judgement about

whether encounter is ethical or unethical. And it depends on the context of situation

that leads to encounter. Lets analyse those situation

Where encounter is ethical

1. Act of self defence - According to sections 96 to 106 of IPC pertaining to

self defence, Law says that even a common man can kill someone in the act

of self defence. If it is ethical for a common man to do so, Its even more

ethical for Police personnel to encounter a criminal if not doing so, could

cause a genuine life threatening situation.

2. Threats to national security - In those occasions, encounter is only

practical option and it is completely ethical as it is the matter of national

pride. For eg: encountering of terrorist involved in 26/11 and recent

encounters in Myanmar by our army.

3. In account of potential great loss to state - there are some situation where

the only way to stop criminal from doing crime is killing them as they are

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so powerful that nearing them would cause a life loss of police personnels.

For eg: Killing of veerapan by Tamil nadu Special Task Force in operation


Where encounter is unethical.

1. Fake encounters - But unfortunately there are some fake encounters

happening too as in Ishrat Jahan encounter case in which CBI court issued

arrest warrents against many police officials. The fake encounters are done for

complete personal gains and it is completely unethical. In those situation, it is

essential to punish those officials legally.

To prevent unethical and fake encounters, SC made following of some procedures

after enconter taken place as compulsory. They are 1) FIRs must be registered in all

police encounter cases. 2) an independent inquiry should be held in all police

shooting case by CID or police station other than the one involved in it. 3) officer

would not get promotion until it is proven that the encounter is genuine.

Since there are lot of procedures to be followed after encounter to ascertain that it is

not fake, it is best to left to the law enforce agency to decide of whether encounter is

ethical or unethical, warrented or unwarrented in context of particular situation.

2Q. Should conflict of interest be allowed in rare cases if a public

servant takes such decision on humanitarian grounds? If you

are become an IAS officer, would you do the

same? Substantiate. (200 Words)

'Conflict of Interest' is said to occur when a decision taken in the official capacity of

an officer might also provide some benefit to the officer concerned or his family and

friends. Conflict on Interest is a major ethical concern, especially for bureaucrats.

The bureaucracy can fulfil its obligation only if it is trusted and respected by the

people. Cases where Conflict of Interest is involved are viewed with suspicion even if

the decision taken is justified on humanitarian, economic, or any other grounds.

While forming the guidelines for the 'collegium' system in the Third Judges case, the

Supreme Court observed, that 'Justice must not only be done, but also must be seen

as done.' Which implies that in addition to the reality of any situation, the perception

of it is equally important? More so in the realm of Public policy, where any suspicion

can otherwise vitiate a perfectly sound decision.

Without prejudice towards honesty and integrity of any bureaucrat, it has to be kept

in mind that they are also human and their decision might be influenced by their own

interests even if unconsciously. Thus, the best and the ethical course of action in

cases of conflict of interest would be to share information about the conflict of

interest and recuse oneself from such a decision. Bureaucracy has a well defined

hierarchy and such recusal will mean that the superior authority could take a

balanced decision.

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In this way, the integrity of the process is maintained and the decision is not

questioned on frivolous grounds. Any criticism or questioning is strictly on the

merits of the decision.

3Q. Ramesh, an MBBS aspirant, though intelligent and having

scored good marks in his 12th standard, had resorted to

cheating in the all India medical entrance exam. He wanted to

secure top rank and get admission into a top medical college.

His father supported him and paid huge bribe to a person who

promised them of all help during the entrance exam. Ramesh

would have still got a medical seat if he had not resorted to

cheating. His friend Suresh advised him not to cheat citing a

recent scam where many were jailed including students who

had cheated. Ramesh ignored his friend‟s advice, went ahead

and cheated in the exam.

Later a sting operation exposed that along with Ramesh was not

alone. Finally the whole exam was cancelled thanks to students

like Ramesh.

Why do you think Ramesh cheated despite knowing the

consequences? What you would have done if you were Suresh?

Explain. (200 Words)

Although desire to achieve one's ambition passionately is not a bad thing as it

motivates one towards pursuing hard work and develop single minded concentration

but, when such aspirations are colluded with idea of resorting to 'any-how' approach,

it results in ugly turn.

This happened with the case of Ramesh who .despite being brilliant student resort to

cheating. He overlooked the path of honesty and hard work and betrayed the value of

selfless service assosiated with such a noble profession.. Moreover, his father's

licensing action to his son' illegal and unethical pursuits gave him a sort of 'informal

legitimacy' to his actions.

Also, loopholes prevalent in examination system and safe prevalence of fraudulent

practices encourage such unhealthy ambitions of person like Ramesh. Apart from

this, excessive parental expectation creates untoward pressure that encourages this '

'anyhow' approach.

If i were Suresh, i would have clearly attempted to explain my friend the

consequences of such actions that though, at a first glance, might appear a safer

option, yet can upturn the whole circumstances. I would have urged him to awake his

moral conscience and burn midnight oil for achieving his ambition

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Also, i would have politely talked to his father to not encourage such fraudulent

actions by his son that might spoil his career prospects forever and instead trust in

his son's capability by resorting to such actions, they are not only betraying ethics of

his profession ,doing injustice to healthy competitors but playing with the public

interest as large.

1Q. Six poor women belonging to a community that strictly restricts

women to kitchen decide to go to work in a nearby factory. They

want to earn for their families and repay mounting debt. They

want freedom from moneylenders. But the village panchayat

warns these women against working in factory. It issues diktat

to get money from moneylenders instead. These women are also

ostracised and humiliated in the village by the powerful

panchayat members.

You are District Collector of the district where this village is

located. An official from panchayat complains you about this


Identify ethical issues involved in this case and explain what course

of action will you take? (200 Words)

Constitution of India provides Right to live with dignity under Article 21,Right to

work without discrimination under Article 16 and Right to freedom under Article

19.In this perspective Panchayat banning women from working in factory seems to

be against the constitutional principles in the first instance. However it needs to be

investigated before taking a call on it.

Why women want to work:

1. To support their family and to become financially independent.

2. To pay debt and come out of the debt cycle engraved by high rate of interest

charged by money lenders.

Why Panchayat have banned women from taking employment:-

1. Patriachical society. Giving freedom to women for work goes against this

mindset who wants to bound women within the four walls of the house only.

2. Money lenders don't want to loose out on their profits from loans taken by

people.So they put pressure on panchayat to stop women from taking

employment and they continue being dependent on money lenders for


Ethical issues involved:

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1. Protecting the dignity of women.

2. Saving marginalized sections from the powerful persons in the village.

3. Upholding constitutional values. Providing an environment so that people can

enjoy their fundamental rights.

As a District Collector I will initially investigate the whole matter and in the mean

time I will order the nearest police station to protect the women against the

panchayat ill-conceived decision.Once the investigation is complete if panchayat

members and all those involved in it found guilty then necessary required legal

actions will be taken against them. Also women who denied the panchayat order

needs to be praised and can be projected as role models for promoting women

employment. A committee can be set up to look into similar matters(if excits) in

other parts of the district.

Lastly the root cause of the problem was debt issue because of which all it started so

awareness needs to be spread about the various empolyment schemes by the

government like MGNREGA and other financial schemes. Also more awareness

about Skill development related issues among the people will help those women who

want to work. In order to provide women guarantee of their security a separate

women police personnel can be designated in every police stations to look into such

cases along with a helpline number who will be guiding the women required steps to

get their grievances redressed

1Q. Examine the differences between rules, laws and regulations.

Explain a situation – either from your experience or imaginary

– where these three can be overridden by one‟s conscience. (200


Laws: Laws are legislation enacted by a sovereign body to address a particular

subject. Laws are legally enforceable in the judicial courts. Violation of laws is usually

punishable. There are international laws, laws at national level and laws at states

level. Law making is the exclusive domain of the legislature and it is the duty of the

executive to enforce these laws.

Regulations: They are used to monitor and enforce laws. Regulations are usually

made by the executive for smooth functioning of the laws. Laws usually provide a

skeletal framework for addressing a subject. Regulations are meant for providing a

detailed and intricate framework for making the laws work.

Rules: Rules are guidelines that are provided to maintain smooth functioning of an

organization and to maintain peace and harmony among its people. These are

informal set of guidelines what a person must do and do not. Rules are being

changed and altered depending on place, organisation and people. The domain of

rules is much smaller compared to laws. Violation of rules cannot be challenged in a

court of law.

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The law, rules and regulations which deny Muslim women divorcee adequate

maintenance amount fail to reconcile with my conscience. I find it to be unfair to

Muslim women. Helping an accident victim to reach hospital by breaking traffic rules

if there is a signal.

Topic: Public/Civil service values and Ethics in Public

administration: determinants and consequences of Ethics in human


1Q. When you were away, your 10 ear old son stole ten rupees from

your pocket and bought chocolates for himself and for his 8 year

old sister. Your daughter tells you and your husband about her

brother‟s generosity with a happy face. Your husband has

been strict with your children, especially with his son whom he

considers a spoilt kid. As a police officer he is known for his

honesty and strictness in the department. Knowing his son stole

from his pocket, he is enraged and slaps his son in front of you

and your daughter.

Identify ethical issues in the case study and explain what you would

have done if you were in your husband‟s place. (200 Words)

Ethical Issue in above case study have two sides on one hand son stolen money & on

other side he shared chocolates with his younger sister. As stealing is bad habbit

there cant be any favorable argument in this regard but on the other hand there is

also another face which shows generosity & love for younger siblings. Now there is an

ethical dilemma for mother in this situation as she cant defend her son as his

husband is honest ans strict police officer & must have highly hatred feeling for thiefs

& stealing whether big or small. But if we see other aspect mother cab defend his son

by saying that may be because of their strictness son does not comfortable in sharing

his views to them so before taking any harsh action they need to clarify why he did so

& actuly what was there in his mind while doing so.

If I would have been there at my husbands place that instead of slapping my son in

front of everyone I will calmly sit with him & will interact with him regarding other

study or sports matter to make him comfortable to share his thoughts. Then i would

ask him about the situation or things what made him to take this step. I will try to

understand the root cause for the same as reason can be my/our (my wife's)

strictness towards them which is not letting him to feel free to share or ask such

small thing from us. Whatever be the reasons emerge out for the same I will try to

remove or work on that cause along with this I will share some stories with him

stating the negative consequences of stealing and its impact on him. I will also try to

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show him some small story videos having moral of being honest & its positive impact

on life, as virtual media have much larger impact on children when compare to


2Q. One of your friends, who is very ambitious to achieve higher

social status by acquiring wealth by any means, is planning to

force her present husband to divorce her by threatening him

that she would file police complaint against him accusing him of

domestic violence, and then marry a rich realtor who has fallen

in love with her. You are well aware of her plans to use the rich

realtor to acquire wealth. She keeps on promising you that she

would make you rich too. She has been of great support to you

through all of your struggles and you consider her as you

strength and moral support. She shares all her secrets with you

believing that you would safeguard them. Meanwhile, your

husband who doesn‟t like the attitude of your friend is asking

you to stay away from her. He is forcing you to break friendship

with her.

What values have been compromised in the above case study by the

people involved in it? Examine. (100 Words)

Will you act as per your husband‟s wish? Justify. (150 Words)

Achieving your goals by means of taking wrong path and on the way hurting other

people can not be justified. My friend is not realizing the long term damage she is

doing to herself and her husband.

The following values have been compromised in the above case:

1. Trust - Trust of my friend's husband stands shattered. He is unaware of the

plans of his wife and without doing anything wrong may face legal case.

2. Moral degradation - My friend is trying to file a wrong case in case her

husband does not give divorce just to fulfil her superficial ambition of being

rich. Also, the rich realtor who is ready to marry a girl who is already married.

The dilemmas faced by me in this situation are:

1. Trust of my friend broken if I reveal her plan

2. Actions of my friend towards her husband

3. Temptation of being reach by helping my friend

4. Losing a close friend on the advice of my husband

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My husband does not want me any harm and rightly advising me to stay away from

my friend. However, I will not break friendship with my friend for it is my

responsibility to show her the right path.

She had been a great support to me all my life and we share a bond of trust. So

instead of staying away from her or ignoring her plans, I will be with her and make

sure that she understands the gravity of her mischievous plans, which can destroy a

person's life. I will also explain her that higher social status and money have no value

unless you have respect.

Hence, I will take this as a responsibility and try my best to stop my friend from

going ahead with her plan. At the same time, I will make her realize her mistakes so

that she can understand the true meaning of happiness instead of pursuing futile


Topic: Contributions of moral thinkers and philosophers from India

and world.

1Q. “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged

by the way its animals are treated.” ― Mahatma Gandhi

Do you agree with this view? Critically comment. (200 Words)

Animals have always been the constant companion of human beings since the

beginning of life on planet. The start of civilization started from the domestication of

animals, and in the earlier times , people took good care of animals and consider

them as part of their families. But increasingly with commercialization, man resorted

to the exploitation of animals, sometimes even subjecting them to utmost cruelty.

In this context, the statement of mahatma Gandhi holds utmost importance. Animals

can't express themselves, can't complain and can't agitate for their rights. This result

in unabated abuse of their rights

1. Chicken are kept in narrow confinement, debeaking of them

2. Buffaloes and cows are transported in open trucks without any provision of

fodder or water

3. Traditions like jalikuttu, camel race where ox and camels are forced for public


4. Captivity of elephants by temples and keeping them in chains.

Therefore, true moral progress can only be reflected by how much we care about

fellow living beings. Though there are enabling legislations like prevention of cruelty

against animal act, organizations like PETA etc, still the real welfare of animals

would begin from removal of general public apathy. That would be the first step in

achieving moral greatness of a nation

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1Q. Your brother, who is living with you in Delhi away from your

home in Kerala, desperately wants to clear civil services

Preliminary exam is under lots of pressure. He was unable to

clear preliminary exam in his last three attempts. Staying away

from home for past five years, he desperately wanted to

reassure his parents by passing civil services exam – at least the

first stage. In the just released result of last year‟s exam, you

have secured a top rank. Your brother is both happy and tensed.

Out of desperation he proposes you an idea to help him.

Knowing that you have always been a good scorer in

preliminary exam, he requests you to assist him during exam

through a wireless device. He shows you small a device that can

be hidden in his glasses which can send and receive messages

without ever being noticed by the examiner. He assures you that

it is safe and he or you would never be caught. You are also

under pressure from your parents to help your brother.

However they are unaware of your brother‟s plan.

What are the different courses of action available to you and which

one will you choose? Justify. (200 Words)

The different courses of action available to me are:

1. Help the brother with his plan: Even though this might help him clear the

exam but this step is immoral and illegal. My brother would tend to use such

evil shortcuts every time he faces an obstacle. Using such a tool is a mockery

of the hard work of millions of other candidates. Further this offence might

end both of us in jail.

2. Refuse his offer: It would send a right message that there cannot be any

substitute to hard work. My brother might fail or pass but at the end of the day

his integrity is maintained and our conscience satisfied.

3. I can tell directly to my parents that he is forcing me to assist him in cheating,

which can harm both of us. Probably, they will understand me and

I would choose the second option. I would counsel him regarding the right

strategy to be followed to pass the exam. I would advice my parents to not

pressurize him, rather just motivate him. I would tell him that civil services is not

the end of life and the dream of doing good for the society can be furnished via

other means. I would put forward examples of many candidates who grabbed

great ranks after failing in the first three attempts. Other than that i would

register a police complaint that such tools are available in market and can be

used to cheat. Thus they must be cautious for the same.

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1Q. Recently a Chinese city opened „Morality‟ Bank to encourage

people to do good to others and reward such people by

providing them free services and awards depending the amount

of good work done by them. Can this model be implemented by

civil servants? As an administrator, suggest any other such

novel methods you would like to implement to encourage people

to be kind and empathetic to fellow citizens. (200 Words)

Morality is traditionally imbibed in the Indian way of life. Since generations we are

taught to be kind, honest, and helpful and lend helping hand to needy. But in

recent time, when both our internal willingness and external environment

appears Non-conductive and lacking the zeal, our lessens are taking shape in the

neighbourhood China. China's innovative model of Morality bank, to encourage

these practices and rewards the benevolent people is indeed a praiseworthy

move. Taking a leaf from China, we need to devise our own model, especially the

civil servants to make every district an island of benevolence.

1. In the area of education for poor children, an initiative of adopting children by

well off sections such as doctors, businessman and NRIs, can be initiative.

2. Kids will be rewarded and recognized for making their apartments, society

and neighbourhood clean and tidy by installing dustbins and spreading

awareness for energy efficient.

3. Government employees should be rewarded for performing well, no bribe and

fast/quality delivery of their services.

4. Also, lower cadre employees like traffic police, peons, postmen etc should be

adequately rewarded for their honest deliveries for decades. They are foot

soldiers of whole govt machineries; they must be recognised and rewarded.

Civil servants possess the required resources and platform and above all they have

the intellectual credentials to make their own territory a model of benevolence.

Many such territories will join and form a morally imbibed India, where morality

is both preached and practiced.

Topic: Strengthening of ethical and moral values in governance;

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1Q. Examine what needs to be done to strengthen ethical and moral

values in governance? If you are appointed as a head of a

department where you find many of your subordinates to be

unethical and immoral in doing their duties, how will you help

change their attitude? Discuss. (200 Words)

The ethical and moral values are a part of personality. These values are formed in the

individual through the influence of his or her family, school, friends and the society.

It can also be imbibed through proper guidance and motivation by the institution,

strictly enforced through the code of conduct. The accountability and transparency in

governance will help to achieve the values.

As the department head, I will first try to bring transparency in the system. I believe

that all people are inherently ethical; they like to be so when their activities are open

to public scrutiny. Next step will be to ensure quality of the services. The common

people will be encouraged to use their rights, report on bad behaviour, and demand

fair treatment. They will be asked for their feedback in the online platform created

for the purpose. The appraisal of the officers will take note on these feedbacks.

Once these institutions are in place I will try for attitudinal change through

motivation and persuasion.

1. The techniques of Reciprocity: appreciation in words,

2. Consistency and Commitment: building personal rapport,

3. Social Proof: Lead by example,

4. Authority: Obedience of the code of conduct and rules will be used to bring in

attitudinal change.

A combination of institutional and personal changes will help to bring in the

attitudinal change.

1Q. You are working as an head of a private software firm. As its

head, what measures will you take (apart from government

mandated measures) to ensure safe working place for women

and completely stop sexual harassment of women workers. (150


1. Women, a very important part of society. Nowadays they are affected by the

sexual harassment in their work places. As a head of a private software firm, it

is my responsibility to appropriate measures to stop the sexual harassment.

The measures could be:

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2. Put a common notice to the employees that a very strict action will be taken if

any person has caught red handed committing such illegal activity or if the

complaint against the person is found to be true after investigating

3. CCTV should be placed at their work places and at the transportation facilities

(for eg. Cab).

4. Formal complaint box will be kept in working place to get the complaints if

women is hesitated to inform.

5. If any women do night shift, then special transport facility is to be provided

equipped with gps system

6. Use of apps which can be used by women to seek help and raise alerts

7. Periodically organise workshops and trainings to sensitize men on women

safety and harassment issues, prompt them to report the matter ,complaint



Topic: Transparency in government; Ethics in public administration

1Q. The death punishment to a criminal who has committed ghastly

crime is considered as unethical and inhuman by many

people. What does your conscience tell you about capital

punishment? Critically discuss. (200 Words)

Human life is sacrosanct. Once lost it can‟t be recovered. Hence it receive utmost

importance leading to the rejection of the idea of capital punishment. But, the

question arises here is, “Is the life of the person, who does not consider others life as

sacrosanct, be given any importance”. My conscience tells me that all life irrespective

of his/her deeds should receive equal importance and that capital punishment be


To support my view I would like to highlight few points:

1. Impeccability of the criminal justice system is still questionable with many

ingrained flaws in it. Even Supreme court has accepted its error in judgement,

but only when few people have been hanged.

2. National Crime Record Bureau data shows that the subjectivity in deciding

heinous crime to award punishment is tilted more towards poor and


3. The deterrent effect of capital punishment is rarely found. A minor girl was

raped next day on the award of capital punishment in Delhi rape case.

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4. Global trend is also shifting away from Capital punishment. India‟s image

would be tarnished if it continues with capital punishment and will affect its

soft power.

But I am also not of the opinion of relaxing punishment. These criminals should be

impounded for life in complete isolation. This will provide a opportunity to reverse

the judgement in case any flaw is identified later. Also these criminals can be used at

some point of time as display to general public so that their remorse may give lesson

to deviated mind to correct themselves.

2Q. “Compassion is the basis of morality.” ― Arthur Schopenhauer

Examine the relevance of the meaning of this quote for a public

servant. (200 Words)

Compassion, which relates to having a concern for other's suffering with a desire to

alleviate it has a bearing on moral behaviour of a person which is the sense of right

and wrong.

It is all the more relevant for a public servant as in the course of public duty he has to

face many situations when a decision between right and wrong has to be taken, and

being compassionate helps in such decisions.

For instance, if a public servant say a doctor has to deal with a case of accident which

is critical ,but his duty time is already over ,if the person is compassionate and can

feel the pain of the injured or his family members he will not bother about time and

take the correct decision of saving life.

Similarly if a case of rape of a poor tribal girl comes to a police officer who is a public

servant in which a politician's son is involved and there is pressure on the public

servant to drop the charges ,in this situation if the officer is compassionate to the

trauma which the girl has undergone it will propel him to take a morally correct


Thus compassion is a important trait for a public servant which guides him to take

morally upright decision in pursuance of public duty.

1Q. What does transparency in public administration means to

you? What kind of ethical dilemmas you would face when you

want to practice absolute transparency in administration?

Discus. (200 Words)

Public administration in a democracy is a means 'to serve' the people, with their

growth and development being the end. Transparency in public administration

means an open and accountable government implementing policies for the welfare of

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the people. The elector have the right to be informed about the success and failures of

government and its day to day measures affecting the common mass.

Transparency further leads to participation, consensus based policy making,

redressal of grievances, efficient, effective and equitable governance. Effective

measures taken by our government in this direction are Right to Information Act,

Citizen Charter Act, Redressal of grievance bill etc. Though absolute transparency is

desirable, it is not practical. The dilemmas faced while achieving absolute

transparency are:

1. Conflict between goals of 'public interest' and 'national interest'.

2. Procedural delays due to transparency and accountability at every stage.

3. Increased litigation between government and citizen groups.

4. Presence of corruption being inevitable in a modern economy, absolute

transparency is a notion.

5. Direct and Indirect administrative cost to ensure transparency.

With court‟s ruling 'right to information' inherent part of right to life under Article

21, transparency has got a new and wider meaning. Further the concept of 'rule of

law' and 'good governance' being founded on the premise of transparency, a

democratic government should aspire for maximum possible transparency.

Topic: Probity in Governance

1Q. In your opinion, what is an important requisite for ensuring

probity in governance? Justify. (200 Words)

Probity in governance is the most important aspect for the effective and efficient

administration. It leads to the effective implementation of the laws and

regulations and creates discipline among the public officials. But in India, there

is indiscipline among the higher public authority. In fact, the higher the position

the lower is the respect for the rules and regulation. This creates wide

indiscipline among public officials and leads to corruption.

To ensure Probity in governance measure to be taken are-

1. To create a code of conduct of every office under the government based on the

principle of selflessness, openness, transparency, accountability, integrity and

objectivity. Along with this, there should be scrutiny mechanism and time to

time training of officials so that they adhere to these principles.

2. Strengthening of the Whistleblowers act- There should be provisions for

unanimity of whistleblower and incentives for the undisclosing a corruption.

3. Making civil servants personally liable for their mala Fide acts. Since in

present time discretion is increasing to use the government resources so it is

necessary to make public official personally liable for misuse of government

resources. This will decrease the cases of nepotism, favouritism etc.

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4. Keeping CBI and CVC out of political influences and implementing the strong

Lokpal act.

Along with these measures, whenever a corruption case is found it should be

dealt with severity and mercilessly. Prosecution should be fast and it has to be

ensured that corrupt officials go to jail.

These measures will increase the probity in governance and this will increase

developmental processes and improve the socio-economic condition of society.

Topic: Concept of public service

1Q. What do you understand by probity in public life? It is generally

perceived that many politicians lack probity in public life. How

can probity be inculcated in such politicians who lack this

quality? Critically comment. (200 Words)

Probity means having strong moral standards for honesty, integrity and values.

Probity encompasses all good values and virtues. Hindi Meaning of Probity is


Lack of probity among politicians has become one of the biggest menaces of society.

To inculcate probity & adherence to ethical practices among them certain strides

could be taken-

1. Mandatory declaration of assets, liabilities and business interests by

politicians before elections should be accompanied by a proper audit of these

declarations by empowering Election Commission.

2. A dedicated unit to oversee violation of Code of ethics & Code of conducts by

politicians be set up both at state and centre level.

3. CoE & CoC for politicians should be laid down in public domain indicating

violations for public awareness.

4. Illegal expenditure during elections is root cause of corruption among

politicians, partial state funding of elections could be the way forward in

controlling it.

5. Schemes like MPLAD & MLALAD should be abolished to do away with the

conflict of interests among legislators.

6. Political funding should be brought under domain of RTI and CIC should be

strengthened to deal with any non-compliance.

7. Short duration training like civil servants on ethical aspects can be provided to

first time MPs & MLAs.

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Politicians of the day have become synonymous with corruption. Proper ethical

guidance to them together with strict punishment in case of non-conformity will go a

long way in cleansing of politics as well as better public service delivery.

1Q. What do you understand by „public service‟? In your personal

opinion, what constitutes public service and what should be the

priority for a public servant? Discuss. (150 Words)

Public service refers to the broad framework under which government employees

extend services with the aim of advancing greater public good. It includes the

services provided, the contiguous interactions and the grievance redressal linked

with those services. All the aspects of day to day life ranging from health, education,

infrastructure and law and order among others that the government provides are

under the purview of public service. In my opinion public service is to be seen as an

amalgam of legal and moral obligations that must be provided in a transparent,

efficient and time bound manner. For this to be fruitful, a public servant must ensure

that he possesses the following virtues

1. Honesty and compassion: this guarantees that the relationship between the

citizens and sevice provider is firm and based on trust.

2. Non - partisanship: this is a must to ensure an inclusive reach of services and

that there is no injustice.

3. Humility: the actions must not be high-handed and should be free of any


Along with this, a public servant must be accountable for his actions and see his role

as a part of fulfilling societal needs.

Topic: Challenges of Corruption

1Q. In recent years, India has witnessed many corruption scams

and other unethical activities in sports and games. In your

opinion, what measures need to be taken to address these issues

in sports? Comment. (200 Words)

Corruption and unethical activities in sports are seen as elements which reduces its

reputation and leaves suspicious marks on country's image which hurt the beauty of

Sports. I think few administrative, legislative measure could prove deterrent to this.


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1. As "sports" is a state subject to reduce the chance of escaping central sports

fraud law should be enacted to provide consistency and uniformity to curb the

frauds in sports.

2. Indian Penal code should be amended to include the new clauses which could

deal with emerged sports activities. Matters of players of rajasthan royals in

2013 could not even go the trial courts in absence of legal framework.


1. Mechanism of suspension, ban from playing and punishment should be made

stringent to instill the fear in potential unethical practitioners.

2. Co-ordination b/w law enforcement agencies and governing bodies should be

enhanced to file charges and speedy trial of matter

3. Survelliance and intelligence should be improved to detect such practices as

early as possible

Justice Lodha committee's verdict to ban 2 teams and their bosses will send clear

message that there is no place for such elements in games and sports. It is a

gentlemen's area and should be remain as.

1Q. Critically examine why the presence of functioning whistle-

blower protection regime is important in public administration

in India. (200 Words)

Whistle Blower is anyone providing undisclosed information to expose wrongdoings

and corruption. As emphasis on transparency and accountability increases acts

of whistle-blowing too need to be encouraged and a protection regime needs to

be institutionalized .

Significance of such mechanism is visible in several avenues,

1. The protection regime can safeguard the person's identity providing safety

through anonymity

2. Increasing cases of violence , murder and intimidation of whistle blowers

which has a chilling effect on such acts of public interest disclosure can be

addressed effectively. Manjunath , Satyendra Dubey had to pay with their lives

for exposing the corruption in their departments.

3. An institutional mechanism ensures people know which agencies to report

these acts of indiscretion and can demand protection for themselves and


4. It encourages people to go for public disclosure knowing that they will be safe

and wont be harassed by administration or office seniors.

The protection regime should also include provisions for automatic protection

mechanism kicking in place -with strength and duration of protection provided

adequately factoring in threat perception .

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While a Whistleblower bill has been passed by parliament its rules haven't been

notified preventing any effective implementation at the grassroot. Financial

constraints and lack of manpower plagues bodies like Central Vigilance

Commission. These excuses forwarded to express helplessness in implementing

the provisions will result in an opaque, inefficient public administration .

1Q. Critically examine the view of the Supreme on the cases of

„conflict of interest‟ at high public offices. Do you think there

should be a law to punish individuals involved in such cases?

Comment. (200 Words)

SC in Tansi Land Deal case (2003) has recommended for 'self-imposed discipline',

where persons in public life are expected to maintain high standards of probity. SC in

A.K Kraipak case acknowledges the fact that it is difficult to show whether a person

was biased in mind when he shows favors to others

Arguments supporting need for conflict of interest law to punish individuals:

1. Cases of 'conflict of interest' increasing in public domain in India like

appointment of Justice P. Sathasivam as Governor of Kerala

2. Such punitive law will act as deterrent for officials while showing favors to

individuals or industries in their official capacity

Arguments against:

1. There is still debate on definition of 'conflict of interest'. In cases of financial

favour, it can be quantified but not in case of behavioural favour

2. There are enough provision in current laws like in Anti-Corruption Law or

cooling off period for officials

What should be done instead is to codify the principles which need to be followed by

officials in cases of Conflict of Interest. For eg. Canada has laid down a Conflict of

Interest and Post Employment Code while in the UK, MPs need to declare Pecuniary

interests in a 'register of financial interest.'

In India, a start was made in the Rajya Sabha which has a register of interest.

However, it is not public information. As a first step the register should be made

public and a similar provision be made for the Lok Sabha and state assemblies. The

principle should also be extended to include top officials in administration.

Codified principles for dealing with Conflict of Interest, along with publicly declared

interests by MPs, MLAs and top officials could have a salubrious impact on any

misuse of official powers for personal interest.

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1Q. A recent survey says that the Corporate India believes strict

adherence to anti-corruption measures would harm

competitiveness in the current market conditions. Do you think

so? Substantiate. (150 Words)

India has 85th/175 rank in Corruption Perception Index in world. This shows

prevalent corruption level in country. For this govt. has provided various

stringent laws such as Company law, Prevention of Corruption act etc to curb

corruption. Corporate view that following these stringent anti-corruption

measures will harm competitiveness show their narrow-mindedness because

Their definition of competition only include monetary benefits and not the

overall image of the company which can only be enhanced by being ethical. By

being ethical, company can develop trust among its customers which is more

beneficial for a company.

Consultancy agency conducted a survey called WORLDWIDE FRAUD SURVEY 2015

and according to its survey, 66 percent Indian respondents favour some form of

bribery such as gifts, cash or entertainment. Such perception may be beneficial

for shorter time but for longer time it will not make culture of corruption but also

uncompetitiveness in which bigger fish will eat all smaller fish and actions of

smaller fish will be dependent on bigger fish. Such type of imbalance will not

only impact on political and administrative system but also social equality,

justice, etc. this will not only become immoral and unethical but also against

aspiration of our constitution. Therefore, some may perceive corruption as

beneficiary for their survival. But ultimately it harms them

However, if gift or cash or promotion as a prize for good performance in work is

there, then it should not be vague in nature. it must be regulated and there must

be proper, clear and transparent method to exercise it. it should be publically

given and not in private. such type of exercise increase their productivity and

efficiency. moreover, it should be protected under law. on the other hand, bribing

is always unethical and it cant be relative as EINSTIEN also said- ''relativity only

exist in physics and not in ethics.''

[Quotes: Chanakya once told that “A person should not be too honest. Straight trees

are cut first and honest people are screwed first”.]

1Q. Do you think that when it comes to corruption cases, the high

and mighty are treated favourably by courts compared to

ordinary citizens? Justify. (200 Words)

Rule of Law is a basic feature of Indian Constitution. It essentially boils down to the

premise that everyone is equal in the eyes of the law irrespective of status, power or

wealth. However, last six decades of Indian experience has led us to believe in the

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contrary and in a regime where rich have subverted law especially in corruption cases

by using money and muscle power and poor have been victimized by the same.

Though, judgments in the 2G Scam, Coal Scam or Fodder Scam did give hope, the

larger picture especially with the recent events have belied this trend. A common

course has been to pin-point the blame on the judiciary. However, to pin-point all the

blame on judiciary is more of a speculation rather than based on reasonable

arguments. On the contrary, it has been judiciary through activism and at-times

unintended over-reach has brought bring justice to the masses. Further, being open

to public in comparison to other elements of Criminal Justice System, it has been

consequently more scrutinized than them.

The reasons for the problem lie in other levers of Criminal Justice System. This starts

right from formulation of laws with loopholes, to Police filing of FIR, to investigation,

to prosecution and them to judgement. Muscle and Money power has been found to

be highly influential in stages of filing of FIR and investigation. Also, during

prosecution inadequate protection by police to witnesses, complex procedures and

subversions by quality legal aid [which can be afforded only by rich] have served the

interests of rich.

Thus, blaming the judiciary is akin to missing the woods for the trees. Though,

Judiciary can't be absolved of all the blame for the actual perception, the deeper fault

lies somewhere else.

1Q. Critically comment on the recent measures taken to curb high-

level cronyism and corruption and their impact in India. (200


Corruption refers to the misusing the position of authority for meeting personal

gains/objectives at the cost of the organization and hence society at large. Whereas

cronyism refers to the appointment of favourite persons to the position of authority

neglecting the requirements of the post.

These two challenges impact all sections of the society with poor people becoming

more vulnerable to these ill-practices. The direct impact of such acts are visible in

delay of projects, bribery, malpractices in essential services eg health, neglect of

environmental conservation and so on.

Taking precedence of the above issues the Government has taken the following steps

to overcome the challenge of corruption and cronyism

1. Appointment of Judges to be made through the NJAC. This will give more

authority to the executive to control the favouritism in Judges. In the words of

Former CJI, the judicial system is not free from corruption. Therefore, timely

monitoring by the executive is a welcome step.

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2. SEBI has expanded the definition of "insider trading" to curb malpractices in

private sector after the recommendation of Justice Sodhi Committee.

3. The recent clearance of Black Money Bill. This adds criminal liability to tax

evasion with 300% interest on the amount transferred in foreign accounts

4. Monetization of Gold to discourage the practice of stalling economy through

accumulation of gold. This also acts as resource for black money.

5. Increasing Transparency in allocating mines which is done through auction

by ammending Mines and Minerals Act.

6. Ammending the Prevention of corruption act to punish those indulge in

corruption including the corporates who have role in it.

7. Direct money transfer to beneficiaries in case of MGNREGA, gas subsidies

thereby reducing corruption because of middlemen.

8. Using electronic platform for approval of projects within a specified time

thereby reducing the role of corruption while granting clearances for projects.

Impact on India:

1. Govt spending will reach the real beneficiaries.

2. Increases the Faith of govt among citizens

3. Increases the income of govt where they can be used effectively for


4. Increases the FDI's and FII's which in turn generates employment and income

to the country.

5. Increases competitive spirit among Corporate focussing on performance

rather than trying for political patronage.

2Q. A principal charge levelled against civil servants who reveal

wrongdoing by their political bosses, post-retirement, is that

they speak up too late. Do you think civil servants while still

serving should blow the whistle against their colleagues or

political bosses even if the latter is powerful? Critically

comment on the issue. (200 Words)

The long existing and recently heightened trend of post-retirement disclosure about

the wrongdoing of their political bosses need to be seen in the context of existing

environment for whistle blowers. Yet the result, relevance and intent of such

disclosure are varied and complex.

The outcome of such revelation are often modest or many a time a lost opportunity.

The intent of this practice might have varied such as an unfavourable environment,

lack of concrete proof, lack of fighting spirit, awakening of subconscious post

retirement, tendency to play safe. Many a time politically ambitious civil servants

brings in such revelation, to prepare a political ground for their future prospect. The

timing and content, of such disclosure is opportune, highlighted by media or often

the catch line of their autobiography. Also the news come at a time when the

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politician or bureaucrat is undergoing proceeding or in the days of waning glory and


The working civil servant can take a practical approach based on the ground


Case A) If the they have the concrete proof of wrongdoing in documentary proof,

audio, video or text which shall prove it worthy for inquiring agency or judiciary to

bring required seriousness, he shall move ahead. But as he is raising the voicing

against much powerful official, he shall be prepared well. First he shall discuss the

case with few of his most trustworthy and capable friends or colleague. All the angles

and outcome based on rules, regulation may be detailed analysed so as to strengthen

his standing. Also he shall prepare himself and his family mentally, to face the worst

of time ahead.

Case B) Even if he knows the case but evidence are not concrete or verbal and with

missing link, he shall avoid and wait for the appropriate evidence. An immature

decision to go with vague evidence might bring undue stress on him and his case

which is already weak might bring sub-optimal result.

A civil servant shall perform his duty to the nation with utmost integrity and

righteous manner, bus at the same time shall practice it with prudence and in

practical manner.

Topic: Right to information

1Q. In India, domestic violence against women, in various forms, is

either on the rise or it is often reported in the news now a days.

Apart from strictly implementing the law, what else would you

do to stop this violence against women if you are posted

as Superintendent of Police of a district? Explain. (200 Words)

Domestic violence is worldwide phenomenon , in india it is prevalent in all castes

,socioeconomic classes , religious groups and most regions .

Domestic violence is an act of form of physical violence, mental violence , emotional

abuse or sexual assault .unfortunately we are witnessing growth in cases of domestic

violence .to remove this societal evil we are equipped we strict law like domestic

violence act 2005 . Apart from strict implementation of law, as police

superintendent, i will ensure following :

1. Police in role of mitra police , i will direct to all police stations to form a

committee of women cops and committee have to coordinate with all NGO

,resident welfare society , and other women organisations in particular station

area .

2. For invoking awareness in women, i will organise gender sensation

programme in schools, colleges, and in various colony. I will ensure that every

woman must equipped with information about his rights.

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3. I will establish emergency toll free number for instant information about any

case of domestic violence.

4. I will establish counselling centre help line. So by counselling we can address

some minor dispute between couple or in family.

5. Awareness activities in the form of a plays, skits, songs etc to try to change the

mindset of the people.

6. Instituting self defense classes for women.