Gene Garrett Memorial

Eugene N Garrett


Remembering Gene Garrett

Transcript of Gene Garrett Memorial

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Eugene N Garrett1961 - 2012

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To all friends of Gene. I am so sorry to tell you that our Gene passed away this morning at 4:30. You were amazing during his illness. I love you all for loving him. We will all miss him.Chris Garrett

Facebook July 31, 2012

I have sad news about my brother Geno. He passed away early this morning. He couldn't hold out for the new liver that he so desperately needed. I will miss him.Bob Garrett

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I am so sorry for your loss. I went to grade school with Geno and had recently reconnected with him. He was truly an inspiration to me; he was positive despite his illness--as one of his friends posted, if only his body had been as strong as his spirit, because nothing could break THAT. What truly impressed me is that I could see, 38 years later, that he was STILL the wonderful boy I grew up with--he had blossomed into a truly vibrant, lovely person. Keeping your family in my prayers.

Jane Pavis

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I'm very sorry to hear about my friend Gene's passing. I met Gene working at Swissport for Air Jamaica account back in 2009-2010. I think our account gave him the hardest of troubles when it came to audit! He always made me smile-laugh. He seemed to have such a positive outlook and life and really enjoyed life which can teach us all something. Despite what he had going on in his own life he always took time with his friends to listen and make someone smile. He will truly be missed and I just wish he could have gotten that well deserved transplant. My sympathy goes out to his family right now at this difficult time.

Kimberly Fulmer

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Geno said ...

So, MY way of dealing with it is with humor and as positive an attitude as I can muster up. I get so much good out of positive and friendly support - like your letter here to me - and it helps more than anything else I do to "feel the love" and support I get. Next comes that liver, and I just have to wait my turn. It's been a lot longer than I thought the wait would be, but I'm hanging in there. Thanks again SO much for asking!

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I am so sorry for your loss. Gene was a great friend and I have learned a lot from him, I loved him like a brother. When I talked to him few weeks ago I promised I was going to send him some Greek grape leaves again he loved them, but I didn't fulfilled my promise. I do not have any words to say -- even though I live in Boston I will miss so much just thinking he is gone. My prayers will always be with him.

Toula Glaropoulos

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The world has lost a beautiful soul. Geno was a great person and the consummate embodiment of all of the honorable values and character of the Madison Scouts organization; all of us who knew him have been graced by his friendship. He always believed life is good and worth living to the fullest. Geno, you are loved and will be dearly missed.

Mary Beth Vono

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Wow! I got the giant tinker toys set! 40 something years ago that is. I'm sure I built an empire with them that Christmas day. And my warm fuzzy PJ's with the footies are the best! =D

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My heart goes out to the Garrett family with tears in my eyes and a knot in my throat I've known Gene for 15yrs. We had good moments and shared our deepest secrets. We gave each other advice. He shared the most special moments like my wedding and baptisms. We also worked together with Swissport and USA 3000. My dear friend I will miss you, our talks, your advice -- especially when you said

wazzzup!Ana Miranda

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Geno I am so sorry but God has another Angel. You now are at rest and in charge of the Lords Drum line.. R.I.P Geno God Bless and thoughts and prayers to your family. Til we meet again my friend........

Kim Sudano Terdina

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I'm very saddened by this news, Geno. I hadn't heard back from you and I had a bad feeling you never got your liver. You were such a rockstar through this entire process, and so strong. I admired your courage and positive spin on a crappy situation. I'm glad we were able to reconnect over the past few years (thank you Facebook). It's been a pleasure having known you, and may you finally be at peace!!!

Christina Armellini-Teel

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It's hard to say goodbye to such a big part of my youth.. I have faith I'll see you again.. It's dark, rainy and thundering here today which is rare and it feels appropriate.. It's gonna haunt me for a long time Geno, but I'll be eternally grateful for all the prairie path excursions, the wild meadows wargames, the nights playing 'kick the can'.. Al's grumpy Hobby shop.. we sure all had a great time as kids. I'm so glad we reconnected here. I just feel like "Father Time" was especially nasty in this case...

Ron Tocco

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Chino, Chino, Chino,

Drums, drag racing, and Rat Fink. None will be the same without you!

Greg Potter

You were loved by the Potter's like a family member. Well..... except for that Cubs hat you always wore! I miss brother. Thank You for being the friend you were! The most supportive, understanding, brilliant, human being to ever deal with the experiences we went through! We were a crazy team. I could not have done half of it without you........

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Shocked and saddened to hear of Geno's passing. A sweeter and kinder person there never was. The world just got a little colder. We love you, brother.

Cliff DeArment

Geno, will miss our late night talks on line about drum corps, the cubbies, da bears and cars....I'll be at da bears game on Sept 13th and will have a sign just for you bro....look for it from the heavens...

Geo Heinrich

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Isn't Geno inspiring? Notice, I didn't say "wasn't"? That's because he is continuing to inspire me today. I have been wrapped in grief, yet today I am inspired by him. I see he had so much life inside him. So much so, that he continuously poured it out to others. Maybe he had just emptied himself out prematurely, with so much that he constantly gave...... So, he was a true example of LIFE and VITALITY. That never changed after his diagnosis and he started to seriously feel the ill effects. He still maintained that positive intestinal fortitude and his pursuit of life to the fullest. I look at the example Gene gave all of us--though his life hung in the balance he never stopped believing in life to the fullest and further, that he could beat this thing once the new liver arrived. Sadly he didn't get that chance. But happily, he is having this effect on me: Through him I have learned that I need to carry-on in this life doing what he was able to do--live it more fully; pour into others; enjoy it and choose hope, love and life despite life's circumstances. He was able to do that despite being in an impossible situation. Thank you Geno, for inspiring me to be more vital and life-giving in this life--just as you are. Love, PeeWee

Graphic from Gene’s Facebook Album

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I still can't believe you are gone ): I am going to miss calling you and hearing your voice and hearing you give me your thoughts, and advice, and just your sense of humor and warm heart made me always feel better about myself, you were such a great friend and I am truly going to miss you Geno, I just know I will see you again one of these days, RIP Geno

Stina Bear

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I had the incredible privilege to know Gene and to work with him every single day in the past four years. He was incredibly passionate about aviation, he genuinely cared about people, and was my number one confidant at work. I have no words to express his loss and to the Garrett family, my sincere condolences. Knowing him, he would have rather been flying, playing drums, or driving his red Mustang than being at a hospital. Gene, you will be missed by all of us who had the privilege to know you - and yes you are right, the B757 is the best airplane in the world!

Marlon Garcia

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I am overcome by all your beautiful posts -- I am weeping tears of sadness and joy -- and some laughter through the tears as well. Thank you thank you thank you ... you give me strength I need to put one foot in front of the other today.

He was quite a guy, huh?

Chris Garrett

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Thank you, thank you . . . I am so touched by all your comments . . . he was very lucky to have such wonderful people in his life . . so unbelievable to see below friends from growing up, co-workers, Drum corps, etc. Really something. He put up such a tough fight . . . I don't know how he could do it for so long . . can't find the words, but want to thank you all . . .

Suzy (Garrett) Wheatland - sister

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Beautiful. There are so many of us who will miss him. Every day when I get on facebook, I think of him and miss seeing his posts. You are all in my prayers. Geno will be missed by so many, including myself. Mom and I both send our love and prayers to all of you.

Jodi Garrett-Opunui

Wow, just shocked. So sad to hear that. He was such a fantastic guy.

Sera Weissgerber

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Gene, I didn't even know you were gone. OMG ! I prayed for you every night. I know the road you walked. My husband walked the same road. You are in my thoughts and prayers Gene. You are another star in the sky. Say Hi to my husband Sam. He's the love of my life and you were a great friend. You are with the Holy Mighty one now. Our Lord God took you from us and you are in no more pain and suffering. God only takes the best. You fought a good fight but now it's time to live forever and start you new life in heaven. I will miss you my friend. You are in my heart. Sleep in peace and enjoy the Kingdom of Heaven....

Kathy Brozek-Cammack

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We are still having a hard time accepting that you are gone. You have been a part of our family for so many years! Thanks for giving us laughter, great memories and a life time of friendship that we will treasure and someday we will meet again and share with you in that special place that you have choose to go to way to early in your life. We love you Gene and miss you already.

John and Carol Kirk

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Dang it Geno you were supposed to be one of the lucky ones to get your new liver. I am glad you are out of pain though. One lesson we can all take away from this is don't ignore our health. Watching the Scouts now will even give me even more goosebumps.

Beverly Krohn Peacock

was just sitting here watching some corps videos and thought of ya buddy...still say it's not fair and that god should have taken some idiot instead of you, but then again he needed a good one by his side

Geo Heinrich

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The jokes about de-icing seminars in Orlando rather than Buffalo, always sending each other a ribbing message when Blackhawks and Sabres played, and who can forget the Dairy Queen! I had an urge to go last night and did. I am sorry that Gene and I never got to meet up for wings and beer, but like with many, he always could put a smile on my face even just through the internet. He was truly one of the good guys in this crazy world, and my thoughts go out to his family and his many friends from all the different activities and jobs he was involved in.

Danielle Potts

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Gene, such a good spirit, I am at a loss right now! I know you will be a sweet spirit watching over us now. MYNWA and my sincere condolences to the Garrett family God bless you and know that you are being prayed for by a huge extended drum corps family that extends beyond the Madison Scouts.

Stephanie Louden

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Oh Chris heart goes out to you. I can't imagine the pain your family is going through. You do have wonderful memories. xoxo

Christine Seipp Thomas

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Time to share my story I suppose. Gene and I met on DCP just like a lot of others here. We seem to have had this "connection" right off the bat. We had the same humor I suspect was the reason. Got to know him through private conversations and public, and always looked forward to the next. One summer in 2008 Gene invited me to come to Elmhurst for the weekend for the Taste of Chicago Festival. So that was the first and last time I met him in person. I have several photos of our weekend, and one I will always smile at.

James R. Funk III

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"On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: 12 DRUMMERS DRUMMING - who were one of the best ever drum lines ever in the entire existence of the universe and beyond, forever times infinity plus 1..."

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