GEEAT^ VICTORY!>v, Justice Hoag issued a...

4 The Plati&burffh SentlneL HOWARD D, HADLBY ....... Editor MRS-A.W.LANSING, Associate Editor. LATE NEWS. FRIDAY MORNING,MARCH 1 , 1899 NOTICE—All business matters con- nected with the corporation of W. Lansii)? & Son must be refered to, or addressed to E'DWEN G. CLARKE, General Manager. IflURDER ATR9USES POINT. Rouses Point, 'March 9.—ALout six uVlcck last evening, Allie Mand'igo was arvrated on a charge of murder- ing Mitchell Langevin. On March 2, Ma.'ir,::>o Visited the house of a man name ! McGowen, with whcm vi:. nad -been living for about two raoDths. When Mandigo encered the ! 'be on a •Presumably there is stiH some kinu of a (government in China, but there is no way of finding on: who the guSltj person 'is. A few weeks ago ;t w?s announced that the Empress Dew- [ agex had selected a successor to the 'O^SQOSG'Cl f-^7Tl .'JVfiiT'Q'T'. DUit. S'lUCS LOS'li 11C tidings as to her doings have reached the outer w-orlid.—-Albany Journa.1. THE BLATTSBURG-H SENTINEL, MARCH 10, 1899. INVIGORATE YOURSELF IN SPRING, You Should Strengthen, Invigorate and Revitalize Your Nerves and Blood By Taking Dr. Greene's Nervura, the Best Spring Medicine. An Alton. (Hi..) woman whose -hus- ihanri was in jail deliberately allowed ( - &pizjn ifcersel-f to be caught in the act of eoim- j ^ f anfrbUrag theft, so that she could^be j ( j. go ' s^ttt to prison and thus be wi'ti" m'aitriilmoniial partner. Sarnie ~ __ •wives can't trust tham alone, even in | LJng'f-vin prison.—Albany Argus. vme He at.ked Lamgevin :o have a lirinli .from a bottle winch 'he had and Lari'Stvin took one. Mandigo then went into another room but came back _ _, , shortly and asiked Laegevin to dr'in'k j taking Dr. Greenes Nuvuiathe gieit ^N^\ again. -Langwin refused, whereupon I blood and nerve teirc:i di coieted b> ^^^, •Mamlteo seized Mm, placed his kmee I that m ° st famous and s> -ccesstul s— - -• " >t o-f his stomach and forced | ^l%Z\?ZT^^tL^e T - in?V, your aching he^ and tued bodv will be 1 diced as if b> magic. The teison 1 that pure he ne forced k otf the bott'l LLiit^tvin, who was an old ma ceeded in 'pusMnig Mand'igo aw this oxl> infuriated him. and g the old man, he threw oor and kicked Tiim twice. Man- wa.a then interfered with by Mc- Gowen and a man In 1896 the question was McKinley or Bryan? Most Americans, we are sure, are glad it was McKinley. He had the experience of Congress and the experience fin polities which enab- led him to obtain necessary legislation in a great emergency. He had the named Ingram, to bed and was •last evening at five. Afier iLange'Tin's death on Wednes- nerve remedy, Especiall- erand remedv dr>v, Justice Hoag issued a warrant for, %n^t to take Hand"'go's arrest which was served by Ohiei'-of Police Bulllis. Mandi'go made no n 1 si stance and appeared to take it coolly. The district attorney and the sheriff were notified and yesterday af- on {District-Attorney Barnard and n* C. W. V'aiuigJin went to Rouses t. After the arrival of District- .ney .Barnard, Coroner Letour- knowledge of men which 'enabled him to put at every point of peril or of em- ergencv agents who were equal to what w i required of them. He has had the »eau empaneled a jury conciliatory, yet firm, the quiett, yet in- sistent, temper which has -enabled him to have his way at the last, by per- mitting all others lto have their say at the first. He has wisely used, an a •well chosen occasions, a rare capacity for luminous ipufaliic sitaitetoent and for moral appeal to the people fwsho fh'ave miajd€ up their manlds in Ms favor agafinsit 'all -oritMsm, and ©asniisitry and aspersion. He has maintained «he arganiztttfion of ihas rpiarty inltact, and toe has estalbliisflwid- tor himself a tiold 'on the homes land hearts oif pIMn iAdmetr Loans t h a t cannot W tmiisltalrein, and that dan weilSmg>n (be icoimipiaTeid to the hold which Aforahiaim Lincoln fciansel'f had uinider cireuimsitfalntees an- alogous to those in which Mr. MiaKin- ley has been placed.—iDrooMym Eagle (Dem.) and a post- examination will 'be held you need thi ,'for everybody take a spring medicine," and this is the true feet and ideal spring remedy. Mrs. Josie Bartlett, 213^ So. Grant Ave., Colu Ohio, says: " I take pleasure In testifying to the gre h k GEEAT^ VICTORY! John B a n y a n Elected Supervisor of Pitts- burgh by Over 900 Majority, day. Sheriff Vauighan arrive ! d in Platts- burgh last evening with the prisoner, taken to jail and locked up. Quite ia crowd assembled at the sta- tion IIL anticipation of hia arrival. •Manciigo WM he taken back to Rouses Polu: on 'Monday -for his trial before JUV.-ICP iHoag. '•:he prisoner is apparently about 40 jears of age, is 'about the middle height, with nothing out of the com- mon in Ms appearance except a pair of wide -nostrils. He seemed to aJcoept the situation very coolly and behaved in an unconcerned manner. He does not 'bear a good reputation in Rouseis Poini, end the general impression is 1hat ii will go hard with him when the case comes to trial. ELECTION ECHOES. In the town of Ellenburgh no-license was, carried by over 100 majority each of the four propositions. The question of buying a stone crusher was decided in the negative, 'tihe majority against it being 151. For eommlssli er of highways, George Soper, Repub- lican, and Antoine Toucott, Democrat, each had 2TT votes. The town board "has since chosen Oliver Sancomb, a Republican, to fill the vacancy. The Democratic candidate for collector, Ed- ward Yattah, was the only Democrat elected in the town, his majority being 29. The majorities of the various can- didates varied from 8 to 85. There was no opposition to M. C. Hutchins for supervisor nor to E. H. Goodspeed for SEW TRIAL GRANTED. In Chazy, where the Democrats and Wever Republicans made such a hard fight, the entire Republican ticket was elected by the following majorities: Supervisor, Wm. A. McMartrai, 114. Town Clerk, Albert S. Anderson, 174. Justices, Wm. L. Riley, 167; P. J. Liengfeld, 185. Assessors, Wilbur J. Ladd, 209; C. T. Goodrich, 231; Wesley Aldridge, 213. Collector, George Baker, 174. Road Com., Lincoln J. Aldridge, 163. .Overseers of Poor, Dist. No. 1, H. N. Barber, 2S4; Dist. No. 2, W. C. McFad- den, 231- Inspectors of Election, Dist. No. 1, O. S. Minkler, 213; A. E. Hyde, 267. Dist. No. 2, Jas. M. Robinson, 214; Clarence D. Hay, 219. Constables,' John S. Abare, 148.; Hen- ry Pelkey, 187; Charles Mossey, 216; Chester Clark, 175. Papers were served on the town clerk of Chazy on Wednesday after- D. & H. May Yet Get a Rcnad Through the Adirondack's. AUbany, March 9.—The Appellate Di- vision of the iS'up'rem'e Court ihas •jranitec 1 the Delaware & H'uid : so>n rail- road a new trdail isn ttoeir suit to pro- cure 8 iriglhit of wiay for tlheir road t'hrouigh the Adirondaeks. « You can hare perfect confidence in Dr. Greene's Nervura and be sure that it will benefit you from the fact that it is not a patent medicine, but the prescription and dis- covery of Dr. Greene, 35 West 14th St., New York City, the most successful physician in curing disease, and his grand remedy is, therefore, exactly adapted to cure, il h l f h iil f free consultation and advice which rite about their case. uring d , g y Thousands avail themselves of the privilege Greene offers to all, whether they call or THE STATE SCHOOLS. •Supt. Charles R, Skinner, makes the following clear statement in hi; annual report in reply to a late propo- sition, supposedly issuing from tihe THE NEW AfRMY BILL. Under itfhe new army bill which has just (become a law the number 'Of men In each •eoimpany has 'been increase.! from 106 to 112. Otnie colonel, one lieu'tenant-colonel, three majors 'amd fifteen captains are provid-ed. The meat lis divided into three battal- ions, each commanded by a major. Each 'battalion has an adjutant and sergeant-major in addiiition to the regi- men-tart adjutant and sergeant-major. The 'battalion will therefore 'be the lit. Each company in addition to a cap- tain and two lieutenants, has one first sergeant, one quia four sergeants and s!is corpoirails, in- stead of twelve, two cooks, one artifi- cer, two musicians and forty-eight privates on a peace rating, or nanety- five privates on a war irtating. 'Men are now enlisted diirectly for the tend instead of Ming drawn from the different companies. The organiz- ation is as follows: Om^ <Aiief musi- j ci'an, one principal miusiaian, one drurrn mlajor, with Hank of first sergeant, four sergeants and eight corporals. one cook with rank of sergeant and I twelve privates. "Tihe p'UlbMc school maintained by public taxation, no matter where sft'tu- aceid, ought to be under the supervis- ion and control of a single depart- ment. To maanitain two detpartmmts to perform the work is plainly umwise amd against all principles of 'govern- I earnestly urge that a line of de- marcation be established ibetweein the work performed lby the department of public instruction and ith© ujniversity along the following ilines: First—That every school miain'tain- I ed by general taxationtoeipiaced umder ' tihe control of the state department of public instruction, wMcih should issue licenses to all teaohera emsployed therein, aipportion and dlisitribute ac- cording to statute all piutbttLo funidls raiseid by state taxation, lax siupiport thereof, amd have cftiarige of all pro- fessional school's for the training of Second—That the university shall ! care of all school libraries, sany Jouirnal. noon, in which objections were made to the form of the petlition and to other points i"©garding the vote on excise. In Altona the Democrats were com- pletely snowed under, the Republican I diction. It ticket winning by the largest majority! ] ? to ' given in the town in years. Follow- ing are the majorities: (Super-visor, H. L. Carpenter, 147. Town Clerk, F. E. Parmerter, 157. Collector, Bert WeiighJbman, 142. Com. of Highways, A. N, Delon^, 145. Overseer of the Poor, Chas. Lucas, 151. Apsessora, John Sample, Herbert Stiles, G. Lapoint, 146. Cecil Rihodes, talMrog with a news- paper coTres'pond'ent on (board a steam- er in tihe Mediterraniean, predicted that within a centony the United States r ould control both American mttnienits, except Canada, Control •ould Ire gained by force of arms, he lid. Mr. Rhodes magiM as wesll have licluded -Oaniadia 'in -hfts $weieip>ing pre- nld be no more iof al! private schools 'and every otlher department of educational work not mainitained by pufblic taxation, also of all examinations in the interest of the citizens for entrance to the profes- sions. This line of demair-kaJtion is 'plain, natural, easily understood by every one. and avoids all useless rwaste of money in maintaining two oif the sitatie governimianit performing suibstantially the same rwork. The time will soon gome, I am coo- nced, when the Legislature will cor- rect this evil and "will comisolidaite all of its public school interests and place •them tinder the charge of this depart- ment, separating them entirely from otlher branches of work, eduscatik>nall or oithenwisie." The agitation whfflch thlis subject is receiving should result !n legislation that will not permit the puiblic schools to remain 'as a 'trwo-headed organism. Superintendent iSkinmer renews tihe needed protest agaJinst mafeing the P'uiblic sdhools money-raisimg agenicies for various ®ch | emes ^more or less de- sirable. &10 EXCUIB9ION TO W' ML4IBJCH '28TH, FRANKLIN COUNTY. r\ T isor, E1A.-1TI R E\.CIiRbI0\ iOPIl Lil e stiuon I 01 O 1 4dnonJa, i wi n 111 il C u n I ml e V. the ti ) - P^ tn L A.dn L UJ. I Ihi The repulbliiidans elected snip in 16 of the 19 towns in Priamklin cou ty. T'he 'new board willtoecomspos of the following- Altamont—iW. B. La 'Fountain, R. BangoT—W. B. Steenberge, «. Bellmont—M. J. Reynolds, D. •Bombay—'Hon. Thomas A. Sears, Brandon—Henry A. Eaton, R. Brighton—John F. Carrier, R. Bu ke-nH H Jone R ( latc^dgai—Wm John ton i I L n al 1 Fi ed \ Du il*\ P i)i n en—'H "v Ram de 1 r _- lar —'W H Sprai le R lou Lowngton—Ji Al A.i jf T- i il 1 n— ^\ Lit IJJI P Ii i IL t onn—'A\ m AAa OL I \i - o ^ HM r AIo a—I I E 4 Ri t D -• ita Clu — \ F T " YS n 1 —H n v\ i ( \ ^ n IIJ ~L ^ rii, D P 1 For the 'very low rate of ten dol- lars ($10) itlhe trip may 'be made from form.—Al- \ Maloflae, ©ao-an'ajc iLake, Tuippier Lake, i Forestlpoirt and initermedtote stations ! nn the -New York Central's Adiiron- d,aick Division to Was!hiin.gtofn, D. C. and return, going on Tuesday, March j2St-h, returning Seaiving Waahiin^giton on or Tbefare April 6*h. The going route will be via Utroa, West Shore R. R., Jersiey City and itlhe Rovail Blue Line to Washington, returning via 'New York City and the New York j Central. -Sleeping cairs from Utica to ' Wiashiington at tihe custoimary extra cbarge of $2.50 for each double 'berth. Through sleepers -from New York to Adirondack Division stations for th? lecmrn joairney. Excursionists may stop over at Philadelphia or New Yorl: en the return top, -if desired, withou" e tna charge, a privilege which will of neni ng Foster Sunria 1 \e- "ioil F01 firthei pai ti il cail on tation ti et agents or apnn tc H D C\ ter lenwal Ma 01 e Meepin^ tar ie^,e •vation 1 ? ^noilc e ured at once 101 tie °-omg tr p CANAL IMPROVEMENTS. Report of Fonmer State Engineer and Surveyor Adams to the Legislature —RecddbaimendatloiniS Made. The report of former State Engineer and Surveyor Adams,; showing the work of the department over which he pre- sided during the year 1898, which was transmited to the Legislature last Mon- day night, devotes much space to the canal improvement work, over which there has been so much controversy. Among other things he says: "Probably some mistakes were made in the plans, estimates, specifications and execution of the work," but Mr. Adams thinks it unfair that those char- ges with the investigation so far made should " have conceived it to be their duty to enltirely overlook ardous dut- ies which the state engineer had other- wise to perform, and hold him singly and personally responsible, even to a criminal extent, for every error, either' of omission or ooramission, whether committed by himself or his assistants, the latter of whom certain specific duties are devolved by law." '•} Adams renews his recomimend'a- ti<>n that ttoe work should be complet- ed and that the scope of the plan u\d. be enlarged so as to provide for nine feet of waiter throughout the Erie and Gswego icanals instead of ly 'between structures, and that the present look gates should be changed so as to ipermiit the (locks to accoon- i'aire boats 115 feet lonig instead of 98 feet, as ait present. These Changes would make it possli/ble for boats to carry cargoes 64 per cent, greater than at present, while the total 1 increase mder the present scope of the lim- prcywmenit ooly permits an iincirease of 20 per cent, in paying cargoes. This gre?!t additional gain could be made •at a cost of less than a million dollars, f it be assuimed that 'tihe mechanical Republicans Elect 12 Out of 14 Supervisors In Clinton County. FIEE SALE Town meeting day in Plat/tsburgih was remarkable ohiefly for being worst day of the Early in the morning 'it grew cold, and snow began to fatli. It conitamued to snow hard all day long and -the strong wind piled it into drifts anafcimg it hard anid dis- agreeable to get about. -Notwithstanding this, the Republi- can -workers were at work early and lit iwas soon apparent that the Repub- lican ticke: would nave a large major- ity of the votes cast. In- the other towns throughout the county the Re- publ'icans were well organized and ag- gressive, although the severe storm prevented the casting of a very large vote. In Chazy and Saranac the Deniioterats aiid'ed "by some Wwer Re- publicans put up a strong fight. In Cbazy, Messrs. H. E. and A. F. Jerry, Wever Republicans, worked hard all day against the Republican ticket, ibut their efforts were unavailing, the entire Republican ticket winning out by handsome majorities. Tn Saran ;c, tine terrible storm prevented mamy Reipu:bli'cain ( s froim getting out, and the results are mixed. Pickett the Demo- •era-tic pro j ha candidate for Supervisor, .ret a small majority. locks are to tie built, ; Colioes and Lockport. The report al- so urges "that aM restrUdtiions on tihe cap'talizatikm of compa'niea doing qes? on the canals isihouM be re- moved amd that every facility should >c afforded for 'the organization and •poration of campaniles tluoroughly equipped witih money, bralinte and de- vi-Lati'on to do the (business (tihat should properly seek OUT route to the seaward in a thorouiglMy uip-to-date manner." the rest of the ticket is in doubt. The Republicans, however, have gained •two Supervisors over last year, and they may well be proud of the results of yesterday's to | wm meetings. The Board of Supervisors for the next two years is as follows: Allona—Henry L. Carpenter, (R. Ausalble—iHi : E. -Baker, R. Beekimantown—IA. T. iBotminy, R. Black Brook—I. H. Ohahaon, R. Clinton—T. 'B. Humphrey, D. Chazy—Win. A. MclMantin, R. iGhamplain—Jesse W. 'H. Holcomibe, Rep., 115 maj. Ju&tices of the Peace—George R. Hey worth, iRep., 2 maj.; Nathan R. Weaver, Rep., 58 maj. Assessors—iH. C. Fitzpatri'ek, Dem., S3 maj.; George R. Church, Rep., 55 maj.; W. A. Morgan, Rep., 26 maj. Overseers of tine Poor—E. M. Bank- er, Hep., 55 maj.; Levi 'Miller, Rep., 42 njaj. _ Col'leotor—iPred E. Harrington, Rep., 19 maj. The IRepu'blircan constalbles and in- spectors were elected by 60 majority. The town voted no license by 169 majority. FLATTiSeUR&H. A large vote was poMed in town eleeibioin yesterday, when the severe Our Entire Carpet stock, Including ,AC£ AHD CHENILLE CURTAILS, OIL CLOTH AND MATTIES, AT ARMSTRONG'S ASSEMBLY ROOMS PLATTSBURGH. MONDAY MARCH 13, -David S. Lawson, R. Ellemfou-rgh—Maxwell C. hutchins, R. Mooers—H. Wallace Kmapp, (R. Peru—Frank H. Plough, R. iPlattslburgQi—John Haughran, iR. Saranac—^Hon. E. J. Picketi iD. SohuiyUer FaQIs—^Victor Mason, R. Following are the results in detaiil The entire Republican ti'cket heaid- ed by Henry L. Oarpenter for Super- visor was elected (by a majority of about one hundred. AUSAJSLE. H. E. Baker, Repuiblfcan, was ,ther is considered. A blizzard on election day is supposed to favor the Democrats, but yesterday the Repub- licans swept every district with pluralities ranging from 25 to 304, the •majority for the toead of the ticket oe- dnig 005, the largest ever given in a 'town election. Tie remainder of the Repufbrican ticket was elected by the following Town Clerk—JErnest J. Robinson. 814. Justices of the (Peatoe—Henry P. Gilkiiand, 909; 'Pranlk N. H'agar, 938. Assessors (iong term)—Win. B. Miooers, 943; Henry <O. Baandhard, 940; Asseissoir (short term)—William H. Gliapipea, 935. •Commissioner. 'Oif Highways—Wil- liam H. ©rewster, 845. I Auditors (long term)—<Milo F. Ran- dall, S55; Ned Baiker, 938. (Auditor (short terim)-JHen'ny B. •Ramsomi, 962. The following cons'tlalbles were elect- ed <by pluialitles otf albou't 900: Sol. | Rk.fce.tson, Joseph Eraziier, 'Louis Lib- erty, Wesfley ^Baker and Charles Donah. JUST IRONfWLLE. Mar. 6.—.Mr. Joihn Moore, an old -sident of Ironville, died at his home pb. 2G. He was 81 years of age. —James Fitch of Slic-blgan is visit- g relatives in this place. —Mr. and -Mrs. .Oharles Champaign o; Middlebury, Vt., returned home last Tuesday. —Mrs. Hiram ;Fi!t!oh who has been spending a few weeks in Vermont has •tunned home. —Mr. Phllo Bell and family expect to move to Crown Point this week. Supervisor in Ausable bsy majority oif twelve. The balanJce if the Republican *i ! cket is reponted to have been elected by smatl imajoiiities The &tonm kept many voiters £rota, tihe pclis and a light vote was cast. BBBKMANTOWN. The entire Republican .tkiket head- ed by A. T. Dotminy "was elected by atfe majorities. BLACK BROOK. In Black Broote the entire Repiulbli- ean ticket headed toy I. H. 'Chahoon for Supervisor was elected. CHAMPDAiFN. J. W. H. Holcofmlbe, HeputoDican, was re-eleoted iSiuip'OrviBor of Cham- iplain, his majoriisty toeing 92, and 'ne bailance of tihe Repnubliican tiakdt was eiocteu. CHAZY. Chazy was one oT the toiwms wihere un« Democrats alide soime Wever F ^^ GRIP'S RAVAGES DOOMED. So much misery and so many deaths a r e .bee>n caused >by the Grip, that e\try one should know what a won- j d i :ul remedy for this ma-lady is ' found In Dr. King's Xev Discoverv That distressing stuibtoorn cough, tha t n lames .>*rur throat, robs you of sleeT veaken/i our system and pave j Le "• i\ xor Ton. umption is qncklj I tTD"> I b\ th b maahleb* cuie n u i x- a lib and fe\er pain m ne j J tAQ nead oiene^ m oone nj b sore throat and that , ) i°-L JaL gup IOUI thio_ 1 1 ^ u n i D vm3 s \e- D s j ) ^ t i & j an 1 p Beip-ubiicans made 'tiheir imost deter- mined fight. The regular iRepuMieans however miade a pluwky ifi'giht with tihe result .that 'the entire Repulbiliican tidket was elected by saie majori't'es. Wm. A. McMartiin, at S'ciota. was 118. The fnw'n went no-license by 44. OLINTO'N. Thoimias B. Humphrey, Damolcrat, •who 'ran on the RepuMican ticket in Clinton for Supervisor, was elected by 'a majority of thirty-six. DA-NXE1I0RA. in Dannemoia the entue Republican tCACt neaded bj Da^id S Lawson tor ^ ip i n or -wa elected b\ majoi t P uj o m g irom 0 to 13t> ELLE^BIRGlH T L ent r R puoh an tide held 1 i Maxwell C Hut hin toi 2uper MO m le t d ti \ alia e Knapp -\i cho en Su Middlings < At Just the Prices You Like. Of course, we always have on hand, too, Coa! f Wood, Flour, Buckwheat Flour, Etc., Etc. Call in and have a talk with j£Dock and Goal Go. 16 Clinton St. and Dock. In SBiranac a most determined fight was made toy the Democrats and the results 'are somsawhat mixed. In dtis- trilcts 1 and 4, Bickett, Democrat, for Supervise •., had i'5 majority ofr Nash. Republiican. Im these districts, Signer, Rep/u,bl.i'aan, ifotr town clerk, had 16 majority; Partoer, Demoe^a:, Bowen, Reputolican, and Bedell, Dem- ocrat, had smMl majorities for ju--.. lice of the ipieace; Welch, 'Demotarait, 'had fiv^ 'majority -for highway com- miiSfiJioner, tPeJter A. Tromfbly, Repaib- ioan, h'd '2 maijority, and Alex E. Rep ibl'kan, 'had 22 majority, In iDist, INo. 2, (IRediford) RlaketJt hlad ity, while iNash carried Dis:. No. 3, (Stamdiish) by 13 votes. Ac- cording .tio tihese figuipes PHokett's in the entire town is 27. Wfi were unable to oMain Che fliguires in :& 2 and 3 on the bal'amce o€ the •but it is proibalble -tflnat most of thie Rdpiuiblican candidiates are eHeoted. Victor Mason ihad MO opposition for Supervisor. J. H. 'Good, Republican, ifor toiwtn clerk, had 24 miajority. Joseph Ladue, the we'lll-knotwn Klon- diker, who ran on the Democratic ticket for Mglhlway camtodssittner, was ele'ctef by 27 majortity. John Weave:*, ReptibMcan, for justice of the peace, ihlad 25 majority. B. JP. Sanhorn, Ra- pu'blican, for justice of the peace, had 17 j 17 major! iy. for as« J. H. >Harney, Demc- had a majority of Albany Weekly Journal The greatest and most popular news- . ". . - paper in New York State is now PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK, Tuesdays and Fridays, at the price of $1 A YEAR. At this price every home should be supplied with the Albatiy Weekly Journal. Twice a Week ADDEESS '- THE JOURNAL COMPANY ALBANY, N. Y. Wai$t$, y 9, and E. J. Vaulgthan, Repu/Mffican, (for , assessor Wad a •majority of 28. John •Lewis, Democrat, was elected overseer of the po^r by a majority of 18, wu'l? the vote on overseer of the poor was a tie, Bdwand Trom'Wee and Ellis Turner each receiving the same n-um- or of votes. j THE 'LICENSE Q"DESfTION. j Dan n«mor i gave a" majority for !; I '•n-se of 146. ; Pern gwe a miajority for no-lTCe"-;e of 169 i hiaz; gave a majority for ' license of 44. ID E ex count\ Keene V,R arned for license by 34, and Jay by 10 j We shall have something SPECIAL to say to you next week that will interest you. FERRIS' SHOULDER BRACE. S^rle 400, •G. H. GRASMAR Dry (Soobs anb Opp \\ itherill House, Plattsburgh, N. Y. DI 0)0 CENSUS BNLAIER4.TORS No appointments in the census foice The 4. setnbh General La^ Com mlittee hfo. reported fa-\orilbh the bill »f %. bemibhman B'l'fecoi k of St Law ence counts requiiin 0 " th o\e P- S rf hi CT hvna^s or i ther° 1 le crmmi loner hie,: no\e no\iou weel &na ;ioi i g i no; tfhtr hi^hv i v,n Le made at present says es Go- W P Mer iam directoi of the next cen u I hope to °et the orgamza ion tuted b 4pril 1 The 300 sup °<r\ or will ro be appointed before to le j)e mber 1 i e\t but in the meantim b u a I v, Ii -i lertmo he \<mous e\p°rts The law directs that the census shall" be taken in Alaska and Hawaii. No decision has been made yet about what is to be done about Porto Rico amid tber Philippines. then Mho vi 1 iave charge of the details. The Ti ^ Tin e n p it on .ot be; until ' 11 L A BIG LOAD OF LOGS. 4 load of logs, 10 feet .wide at the bottom, 9 feet wide at Che top, 127 logj " m all, and which measured 8 tords 3^ teet, was recently driawn out of ih'o woo'dia to the a-amdliag, a distance o! one mile, by Will :Manley's grey team. ie n 1 tie 1 c c n r ii mer Peter Pacto, teamster. The i n t t i " ited fiOm OUT StandisJh correspondec-t, I hi al li\i PI 1 i si-un"- t^e un r ' ~ n IT i to to thei Tin will be real •e hall do Tohn C. Schofield, the new chief clerk for the War department is a native of Pititstown, Vt. .

Transcript of GEEAT^ VICTORY!>v, Justice Hoag issued a...


The Plati&burffh SentlneLHOWARD D, HADLBY . . . . . . .Ed i to r

MRS-A.W.LANSING, Associate Editor.



NOTICE—All business matters con-nected with the corporation of W.Lansii)? & Son must be refered to, oraddressed to

E'DWEN G. CLARKE,General Manager.

IflURDER ATR9USES POINT.Rouses Point, 'March 9.—ALout six

uVlcck last evening, Allie Mand'igowas arvrated on a charge of murder-ing Mitchell Langevin. On March 2,Ma.'ir,::>o Visited the house of a manname ! McGowen, with whcm nad -been living for about tworaoDths. When Mandigo encered the

! 'be on a

•Presumably there is stiH some kinuof a (government in China, but thereis no way of finding on: who theguSltj person 'is. A few weeks ago ;t •w?s announced that the Empress Dew-[

agex had selected a successor to the'O^SQOSG'Cl f-̂ 7Tl .'JVfiiT'Q'T'. DUit. S'lUCS LOS'li 11C

tidings as to her doings have reachedthe outer w-orlid.—-Albany Journa.1.


INVIGORATE YOURSELF IN SPRING,You Should Strengthen, Invigorate and Revitalize

Your Nerves and Blood By Taking Dr. Greene'sNervura, the Best Spring Medicine.

An Alton. (Hi..) woman whose -hus-ihanri was in jail deliberately allowed (- & p i z j n

ifcersel-f to be caught in the act of eoim- j ̂ f

anfrbUrag theft, so that she could^be j ( j . g o 's^ttt to prison and thus be wi'ti"m'aitriilmoniial partner. Sarnie ~ __•wives can't trust tham alone, even in | LJng'f-vinprison.—Albany Argus.

vme He at.ked Lamgevin :o have alirinli .from a bottle winch 'he had andLari'Stvin took one. Mandigo thenwent into another room but came back _ _ , ,shortly and asiked Laegevin to dr'in'k j taking Dr. Greenes Nuvuiathe gieit ^ N ^ \again. -Langwin refused, whereupon I blood and nerve teirc:i di coieted b> ^ ^ ^ ,•Mamlteo seized Mm, placed his kmee I t h a t m ° s t famous and s> -ccesstul s— --• " > t o-f his stomach and forced | ^l%Z\?ZT^^tL^eT-

in?V, your aching h e ^ and tuedbodv will be 1 diced as if b>magic. The teison 1 that pure

he ne

forcedk otf the bott'l

LLiit^tvin, who was an old maceeded in 'pusMnig Mand'igo awthis oxl> infuriated him. and

g the old man, he threwoor and kicked Tiim twice. Man-wa.a then interfered with by Mc-

Gowen and a man

In 1896 the question was McKinleyor Bryan? Most Americans, we aresure, are glad it was McKinley. Hehad the experience of Congress andthe experience fin polities which enab-led him to obtain necessary legislationin a great emergency. He had the

named Ingram,to bed and was•last evening at

five.Afier iLange'Tin's death on Wednes-

nerve remedy,Especiall-

erand remedvdr>v, Justice Hoag issued a warrant for, %n^t t o takeHand"'go's arrest which was served byOhiei'-of Police Bulllis. Mandi'go madeno n1 si stance and appeared to take itcoolly. The district attorney and thesheriff were notified and yesterday af-

on {District-Attorney Barnard andn* C. W. V'aiuigJin went to Rouses

t. After the arrival of District-.ney .Barnard, Coroner Letour-

knowledge of men which 'enabled himto put at every point of peril or of em-ergencv agents who were equal to whatw i required of them. He has had the »eau empaneled a juryconciliatory, yet firm, the quiett, yet in-sistent, temper which has -enabled himto have his way at the last, by per-mitting all others lto have their sayat the first. He has wisely used, ana•well chosen occasions, a rare capacityfor luminous ipufaliic sitaitetoent and formoral appeal to the people fwsho fh'avemiajd€ up their manlds in Ms favoragafinsit 'all -oritMsm, and ©asniisitryand aspersion. He has maintained«he arganiztttfion of ihas rpiarty inltact,and toe has estalbliisflwid- tor himself atiold 'on the homes land hearts oif pIMniAdmetr Loans that cannot W tmiisltalrein,and that dan weilSmg>n (be icoimipiaTeidto the hold which Aforahiaim Lincolnfciansel'f had uinider cireuimsitfalntees an-alogous to those in which Mr. MiaKin-ley has been placed.—iDrooMym Eagle(Dem.) •

and a post-examination will 'be held

you need thi,'for everybody

take a spring medicine," and this is the truefeet and ideal spring remedy.

Mrs. Josie Bartlett, 213^ So. Grant Ave., ColuOhio, says:

" I take pleasure In testifying to the gre h

k GEEAT^ VICTORY!John B a n y a n Elected Supervisor of Pitts-

burgh by Over 900 Majority,


Sheriff Vauighan arrive!d in Platts-burgh last evening with the prisoner,

taken to jail and locked up.Quite ia crowd assembled at the sta-tion IIL anticipation of hia arrival.•Manciigo WM he taken back to RousesPolu: on 'Monday -for his trial beforeJUV.-ICP iHoag.

'•:he prisoner is apparently about 40jears of age, is 'about the middleheight, with nothing out of the com-mon in Ms appearance except a pair ofwide -nostrils. He seemed to aJcoeptthe situation very coolly and behavedin an unconcerned manner. He doesnot 'bear a good reputation in RouseisPoini, end the general impression is1hat ii will go hard with him whenthe case comes to trial.


In the town of Ellenburgh no-licensewas, carried by over 100 majorityeach of the four propositions. Thequestion of buying a stone crusher wasdecided in the negative, 'tihe majorityagainst it being 151. For eommlsslier of highways, George Soper, Repub-lican, and Antoine Toucott, Democrat,each had 2TT votes. The town board"has since chosen Oliver Sancomb, aRepublican, to fill the vacancy. TheDemocratic candidate for collector, Ed-ward Yattah, was the only Democratelected in the town, his majority being29. The majorities of the various can-didates varied from 8 to 85. There wasno opposition to M. C. Hutchins forsupervisor nor to E. H. Goodspeed for


In Chazy, where the Democrats andWever Republicans made such a hardfight, the entire Republican ticket waselected by the following majorities:

Supervisor, Wm. A. McMartrai, 114.Town Clerk, Albert S. Anderson, 174.Justices, Wm. L. Riley, 167; P. J.

Liengfeld, 185.Assessors, Wilbur J. Ladd, 209; C. T.

Goodrich, 231; Wesley Aldridge, 213.Collector, George Baker, 174.Road Com., Lincoln J. Aldridge, 163..Overseers of Poor, Dist. No. 1, H. N.

Barber, 2S4; Dist. No. 2, W. C. McFad-den, 231-

Inspectors of Election, Dist. No. 1,O. S. Minkler, 213; A. E. Hyde, 267.Dist. No. 2, Jas. M. Robinson, 214;Clarence D. Hay, 219.

Constables,' John S. Abare, 148.; Hen-ry Pelkey, 187; Charles Mossey, 216;Chester Clark, 175.

Papers were served on the townclerk of Chazy on Wednesday after-

D. & H. May Yet Get a Rcnad Throughthe Adirondack's.

AUbany, March 9.—The Appellate Di-vision of the iS'up'rem'e Court ihas•jranitec1 the Delaware & H'uid:so>n rail-road a new trdail isn ttoeir suit to pro-cure 8 iriglhit of wiay for tlheir roadt'hrouigh the Adirondaeks.

« You can hare perfect confidence in Dr. Greene's Nervura and be sure that it willbenefit you from the fact that it is not a patent medicine, but the prescription and dis-covery of Dr. Greene, 35 West 14th St., New York City, the most successful physicianin curing disease, and his grand remedy is, therefore, exactly adapted to cure,

il h l f h i i l f free consultation and advice whichrite about their case.

uring d , g yThousands avail themselves of the privilege

Greene offers to all, whether they call or


•Supt. Charles R, Skinner, makes

the following clear statement in hi;

annual report in reply to a late propo-

sition, supposedly issuing from tihe

THE NEW AfRMY BILL.Under itfhe new army bill which has

just (become a law the number 'Of menIn each •eoimpany has 'been increase.!from 106 to 112. Otnie colonel, onelieu'tenant-colonel, three majors 'amdfifteen captains are provid-ed. The

meat lis divided into three battal-ions, each commanded by a major.Each 'battalion has an adjutant andsergeant-major in addiiition to the regi-men-tart adjutant and sergeant-major.The 'battalion will therefore 'be the

lit.Each company in addition to a cap-

tain and two lieutenants, has one firstsergeant, one quiafour sergeants and s!is corpoirails, in-stead of twelve, two cooks, one artifi-cer, two musicians and forty-eightprivates on a peace rating, or nanety-five privates on a war irtating.

'Men are now enlisted diirectly forthe tend instead of Ming drawn fromthe different companies. The organiz-ation is as follows: Om^ <Aiief musi-

j ci'an, one principal miusiaian, one drurrnmlajor, with Hank of first sergeant,four sergeants and eight cook with rank of sergeant and

I twelve privates.

"Tihe p'UlbMc school maintained bypublic taxation, no matter where sft'tu-aceid, ought to be under the supervis-ion and control of a single depart-ment. To maanitain two detpartmmtsto perform the work is plainly umwiseamd against all principles of 'govern-

I earnestly urge that a line of de-marcation be established ibetweein thework performed lby the department ofpublic instruction and ith© ujniversityalong the following ilines:

First—That every school miain'tain-I ed by general taxation toe ipiaced umder' tihe control of the state department ofpublic instruction, wMcih should issuelicenses to all teaohera emsployedtherein, aipportion and dlisitribute ac-cording to statute all piutbttLo funidlsraiseid by state taxation, lax siupiportthereof, amd have cftiarige of all pro-fessional school's for the training of

Second—That the university shall! care of all school libraries,

sany Jouirnal.

noon, in which objections were madeto the form of the petlition and to otherpoints i"©garding the vote on excise.

In Altona the Democrats were com-pletely snowed under, the Republican I diction. Itticket winning by the largest majority! ]? t o 'given in the town in years. Follow-ing are the majorities:

(Super-visor, H. L. Carpenter, 147.Town Clerk, F. E. Parmerter, 157.Collector, Bert WeiighJbman, 142.Com. of Highways, A. N, Delon^,

145.Overseer of the Poor, Chas. Lucas,

151.Apsessora, John Sample, Herbert

Stiles, G. Lapoint, 146.

Cecil Rihodes, talMrog with a news-paper coTres'pond'ent on (board a steam-er in tihe Mediterraniean, predictedthat within a centony the UnitedStates rould control both American

mttnienits, except Canada, Control•ould Ire gained by force of arms, helid. Mr. Rhodes magiM as wesll havelicluded -Oaniadia 'in -hfts $weieip>ing pre-

nld be no more

iof al! private schools 'and every otlherdepartment of educational work notmainitained by pufblic taxation, also ofall examinations in the interest of thecitizens for entrance to the profes-sions.

This line of demair-kaJtion is 'plain,natural, easily understood by everyone. and avoids all useless rwaste ofmoney in maintaining two ibranidh.esoif the sitatie governimianit performingsuibstantially the same rwork.

The time will soon gome, I am coo-nced, when the Legislature will cor-

rect this evil and "will comisolidaite allof its public school interests and place•them tinder the charge of this depart-ment, separating them entirely fromotlher branches of work, eduscatik>nall oroithenwisie."

The agitation whfflch thlis subject isreceiving should result !n legislationthat will not permit the puiblic schoolsto remain 'as a 'trwo-headed organism.

Superintendent iSkinmer renews tiheneeded protest agaJinst mafeing theP'uiblic sdhools money-raisimg ageniciesfor various ®ch|emes ^more or less de-sirable.




E1A.-1TI R E\.CIiRbI0\iOPIl

Lil estiuon

I 01

O 1

4dnonJa,i w i n111 i l C

u nI m l

e V.

theti )

- P^tnL

A.dnL UJ.


I h i

The repulbliiidans elected snipin 16 of the 19 towns in Priamklin couty. T'he 'new board will toe comsposof the following-

Altamont—iW. B. La 'Fountain, R.BangoT—W. B. Steenberge, « .Bellmont—M. J. Reynolds, D.•Bombay—'Hon. Thomas A. Sears,Brandon—Henry A. Eaton, R.Brighton—John F. Carrier, R.Bu ke-nH H Jone R( latc^dgai—Wm John ton i IL n al 1 — Fi ed \ Du il*\ Pi)i n en—'H "v Ram de 1 r_- lar —'W H Sprai le Rl o u Lowngton—Ji Al A.i jf T-

i il 1 n— ^\ Lit I J J I P

Ii i IL t onn—'A\ m AAa OL I\i - o ^ H M rAIo a—I I E 4 Ri t D-• ita Clu — \ F T "YS n 1 —H n v\ i ( \ ^n IIJ ~ L ^ r i i , D P


For the 'very low rate of ten dol-lars ($10) itlhe trip may 'be made from

form.—Al- \ Maloflae, ©ao-an'ajc iLake, Tuippier Lake,i Forestlpoirt and initermedtote stations! nn the -New York Central's Adiiron-d,aick Division to Was!hiin.gtofn, D. C.and return, going on Tuesday, Marchj2St-h, returning Seaiving Waahiin^gitonon or Tbefare April 6*h. The goingroute will be via Utroa, West ShoreR. R., Jersiey City and itlhe Rovail BlueLine to Washington, returning via'New York City and the New York

j Central. -Sleeping cairs from Utica to' Wiashiington at tihe custoimary extracbarge of $2.50 for each double 'berth.Through sleepers -from New York toAdirondack Division stations for th?lecmrn joairney. Excursionists maystop over at Philadelphia or New Yorl:en the return top, -if desired, withou"e tna charge, a privilege which of neni ng Foster Sunria 1\ e - "ioil F01 firthei pai ti ilcail on tation ti et agents or apnntc H D C\ ter lenwal Ma01 e Meepin^ tar ie ,̂e •vation1? ^noilce ured at once 101 t ie °-omg tr p


Report of Fonmer State Engineer andSurveyor Adams to the Legislature

—RecddbaimendatloiniS Made.

The report of former State Engineerand Surveyor Adams,; showing the workof the department over which he pre-sided during the year 1898, which wastransmited to the Legislature last Mon-day night, devotes much space to thecanal improvement work, over whichthere has been so much controversy.Among other things he says:

"Probably some mistakes were madein the plans, estimates, specificationsand execution of the work," but Mr.Adams thinks it unfair that those char-ges with the investigation so far madeshould " have conceived it to be theirduty to enltirely overlook ardous dut-ies which the state engineer had other-wise to perform, and hold him singlyand personally responsible, even to acriminal extent, for every error, either'of omission or ooramission, whethercommitted by himself or his assistants,

the latter of whom certain specificduties are devolved by law."

'•} Adams renews his recomimend'a-ti<>n that ttoe work should be complet-ed and that the scope of the plan

u\d. be enlarged so as to providefor nine feet of waiter throughout theErie and Gswego icanals instead of

ly 'between structures, and that thepresent look gates should be changedso as to ipermiit the (locks to accoon-

i'aire boats 115 feet lonig instead of98 feet, as ait present. These Changeswould make it possli/ble for boats tocarry cargoes 64 per cent, greater thanat present, while the total1 increasemder the present scope of the lim-

prcywmenit ooly permits an iincireaseof 20 per cent, in paying cargoes. Thisgre?!t additional gain could be made•at a cost of less than a million dollars,f it be assuimed tha t 'tihe mechanical

Republicans Elect 12 Out of 14 Supervisors

In Clinton County.


Town meeting day in Plat/tsburgihwas remarkable ohiefly for beingworst day of the Early in themorning 'it grew cold, and snow beganto fatli. It conitamued to snow hard allday long and -the strong wind piled itinto drifts anafcimg it hard anid dis-agreeable to get about.

-Notwithstanding this, the Republi-can -workers were at work early andlit iwas soon apparent that the Repub-lican ticke: would nave a large major-ity of the votes cast. In- the othertowns throughout the county the Re-publ'icans were well organized and ag-gressive, although the severe stormprevented the casting of a very largevote. In Chazy and Saranac theDeniioterats aiid'ed "by some W w e r Re-publicans put up a strong fight. InCbazy, Messrs. H. E. and A. F. Jerry,Wever Republicans, worked hard allday against the Republican ticket,ibut their efforts were unavailing, theentire Republican ticket winning outby handsome majorities. Tn Saran ;c,tine terrible storm prevented mamyReipu:bli'cain(s froim getting out, and theresults are mixed. Pickett the Demo-


candidate for Supervisor,.ret a small majority.

locks are to tie built, ;Colioes and Lockport. The report al-so urges "that aM restrUdtiions on tihecap'talizatikm of compa'niea doing

qes? on the canals isihouM be re-moved amd that every facility should>c afforded for 'the organization and•poration of campaniles tluoroughly

equipped witih money, bralinte and de-vi-Lati'on to do the (business (tihat

should properly seek OUT route to theseaward in a thorouiglMy uip-to-datemanner."

the rest of the ticket is in doubt. TheRepublicans, however, have gained•two Supervisors over last year, andthey may well be proud of the resultsof yesterday's to|wm meetings. TheBoard of Supervisors for the next twoyears is as follows:

Allona—Henry L. Carpenter, (R.Ausalble—iHi :E. -Baker, R.Beekimantown—IA. T. iBotminy, R.Black Brook—I. H. Ohahaon, R.Clinton—T. 'B. Humphrey, D.Chazy—Win. A. MclMantin, R.iGhamplain—Jesse W. 'H. Holcomibe,

Rep., 115 maj.Ju&tices of the Peace—George R.

Hey worth, iRep., 2 maj.; Nathan R.Weaver, Rep., 58 maj.

Assessors—iH. C. Fitzpatri'ek, Dem.,S3 maj.; George R. Church, Rep., 55maj.; W. A. Morgan, Rep., 26 maj.

Overseers of tine Poor—E. M. Bank-er, Hep., 55 maj.; Levi 'Miller, Rep.,42 njaj._ Col'leotor—iPred E. Harrington, Rep.,19 maj.

The IRepu'blircan constalbles and in-spectors were elected by 60 majority.

The town voted no license by 169majority.

FLATTiSeUR&H.A large vote was poMed in town

eleeibioin yesterday, when the severe

Our Entire Carpet stock, Including





-David S. Lawson, R.Ellemfou-rgh—Maxwell C. hutchins,

R.Mooers—H. Wallace Kmapp, (R.Peru—Frank H. Plough, R.iPlattslburgQi—John Haughran, iR.Saranac—^Hon. E. J. Picket i iD.SohuiyUer FaQIs—^Victor Mason, R.Following are the results in detaiil

The entire Republican ti'cket heaid-ed by Henry L. Oarpenter for Super-visor was elected (by a majority ofabout one hundred.

AUSAJSLE.H. E. Baker, Repuiblfcan, was

,ther is considered. A blizzard onelection day is supposed to favor theDemocrats, but yesterday the Repub-licans swept every district withpluralities ranging from 25 to 304, the

•majority for the toead of the ticket oe-dnig 005, the largest ever given in a'town election.

T i e remainder of the Repufbricanticket was elected by the following

Town Clerk—JErnest J. Robinson.814.

Justices of the (Peatoe—Henry P.Gilkiiand, 909; 'Pranlk N. H'agar, 938.

Assessors (iong term)—Win. B.Miooers, 943; Henry <O. Baandhard, 940;Asseissoir (short term)—William H.Gliapipea, 935.

•Commissioner. 'Oif Highways—Wil-liam H. ©rewster, 845.

I Auditors (long term)—<Milo F. Ran-dall, S55; Ned Baiker, 938. (Auditor(short terim)-JHen'ny B. •Ramsomi, 962.

The following cons'tlalbles were elect-ed <by pluialitles otf albou't 900: Sol. |Rk.fce.tson, Joseph Eraziier, 'Louis Lib-erty, Wesfley ^Baker and CharlesDonah.



Mar. 6.—.Mr. Joihn Moore, an old-sident of Ironville, died at his homepb. 2G. He was 81 years of age.—James Fitch of Slic-blgan is visit-g relatives in this place.—Mr. and -Mrs. .Oharles Champaign

o; Middlebury, Vt., returned homelast Tuesday.

—Mrs. Hiram ;Fi!t!oh who has beenspending a few weeks in Vermont has

•tunned home.—Mr. Phllo Bell and family expect

to move to Crown Point this week.

Supervisor in Ausable bsymajority oif twelve. The balanJce ifthe Republican *i!cket is reponted tohave been elected by smatl imajoiiitiesThe &tonm kept many voiters £ rota, tihepclis and a light vote was cast.

BBBKMANTOWN.The entire Republican .tkiket head-

ed by A. T. Dotminy "was elected byatfe majorities.

BLACK BROOK.In Black Broote the entire Repiulbli-

ean ticket headed toy I. H. 'Chahoonfor Supervisor was elected.

CHAMPDAiFN.J. W. H. Holcofmlbe, HeputoDican,

was re-eleoted iSiuip'OrviBor of Cham-iplain, his majoriisty toeing 92, and 'nebailance of tihe Repnubliican tiakdt waseiocteu.

CHAZY.Chazy was one oT the toiwms wihere

un« Democrats alide soime Wever

F ^^


So much misery and so many deathsa re .bee>n caused >by the Grip, thate\try one should know what a won- jd i :ul remedy for this ma-lady is 'found In Dr. King's Xev DiscovervThat distressing stuibtoorn cough, tha t

n lames .>*rur throat, robs you ofsleeT veaken/i our system and pave jLe "• i\ xor Ton. umption is qncklj ItTD"> I b\ th b maahleb* cuie nu i x- a lib and fe\er pain m ne j

J tAQ nead oiene^ m oonenj b sore throat and that ,) i°-L JaL gup IOUI thio_ 1 1

^ u n i D vm3 s \ e - D s j) ^ t i & j an1 p

Beip-ubiicans made 'tiheir imost deter-mined fight. The regular iRepuMieanshowever miade a pluwky ifi'giht with tiheresult .that 'the entire Repulbiliicantidket was elected by saie majori't'es.Wm. A. McMartiin, at S'ciota. was118. The fnw'n went no-license by 44.

OLINTO'N.Thoimias B. Humphrey, Damolcrat,

•who 'ran on the RepuMican ticket inClinton for Supervisor, was electedby 'a majority of thirty-six. Dannemoia the entue Republican

tCACt neaded bj Da^id S Lawson tor^ ip i n or -wa elected b\ majoi t Pu j o m g irom 0 to 13t>

ELLE^BIRGlHT L ent r R puoh an tide held

1 i Maxwell C Hut hin toi 2uperM O m le t d

ti \ alia e Knapp -\i cho en Su

Middlings <At Just the Prices You Like.

Of course, we always have on hand, too,

Coa!f Wood, Flour,

Buckwheat Flour, Etc., Etc.Call in and have a talk with

j£Dock and Goal Go.16 Clinton St. and Dock.

In SBiranac a most determined fightwas made toy the Democrats and theresults 'are somsawhat mixed. In dtis-trilcts 1 and 4, Bickett, Democrat, forSupervise •., had i'5 majority o f rNash. Republiican. Im these districts,Signer, Rep/u,bl.i'aan, ifotr town clerk,had 16 majority; Partoer, Demoe^a:,Bowen, Reputolican, and Bedell, Dem-ocrat, had smMl majorities for ju--..lice of the ipieace; Welch, 'Demotarait,'had fiv^ 'majority -for highway com-miiSfiJioner, tPeJter A. Tromfbly, Repaib-ioan, h ' d '2 maijority, and Alex E.

Rep ibl'kan, 'had 22 majority,In iDist, INo. 2, (IRediford) RlaketJt hlad

ity, while iNash carried Dis:.No. 3, (Stamdiish) by 13 votes. Ac-cording .tio tihese figuipes PHokett's

in the entire town is 27. Wfiwere unable to oMain Che fliguires in

:& 2 and 3 on the bal'amce o€ the•but it is proibalble -tflnat most of

thie Rdpiuiblican candidiates are eHeoted.

Victor Mason ihad MO opposition forSupervisor. J. H. 'Good, Republican,ifor toiwtn clerk, had 24 miajority.Joseph Ladue, the we'lll-knotwn Klon-diker, who ran on the Democraticticket for Mglhlway camtodssittner, wasele'ctef by 27 majortity. John Weave:*,ReptibMcan, for justice of the peace,ihlad 25 majority. B. JP. Sanhorn, Ra-pu'blican, for justice of the peace, had17 j17 major! iy.

for as«J. H. >Harney, Demc-

had a majority of

Albany Weekly JournalThe greatest and most popular news- . ". . -paper in New York State is now

PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK,Tuesdays and Fridays, at the price of

$1 A YEAR.At this price every home should be supplied with the

Albatiy Weekly Journal. Twice a Week





y9, and E. J. Vaulgthan, Repu/Mffican, (for ,assessor Wad a •majority of 28. John•Lewis, Democrat, was elected overseerof the po^r by a majority of 18, wu'l?the vote on overseer of the poor wasa tie, Bdwand Trom'Wee and EllisTurner each receiving the same n-um-

or of votes. jTHE 'LICENSE Q"DESfTION. j

Dan n«mor i gave a" majority for !; • I'•n-se of 146. ;Pern g w e a miajority for no-lTCe"-;e

of 169 ihiaz; gave a majority for '

license of 44.ID E ex count\ Keene V,R arned

for license by 34, and Jay by 10 j

We shall have something SPECIAL to say to

you next week that will interest you.


S r̂le 400, •G. H. GRASMARDry (Soobs anb

Opp \\ itherill House, Plattsburgh, N. Y.

DI 0)0 CENSUS BNLAIER4.TORSNo appointments in the census foice

The 4. setnbh General La^ Commlittee hfo. reported fa-\orilbh the bill»f %. bemibhman B'l'fecoi k of St Lawence counts requiiin0" th o\e P- Srf hiCThvna^s or i ther° 1le crmmi loner hie,:no\e no\iou weel &na;ioi i g i no; tfhtr hi^hv i

v,n Le made at present says es Go-W P Mer iam directoi of the nextcen u I hope to °et the orgamzaion tu ted b 4pril 1 The 300 sup

°<r\ or will ro be appointed beforeto le j)e m ber 1 i e\t but in the meantimb u a I v, Ii -i lertmo he \<mous e\p°rts

The law directs that the census shall"be taken in Alaska and Hawaii. Nodecision has been made yet about whatis to be done about Porto Rico amid tberPhilippines.


Mho vi 1 iave charge of the details.

The Ti ^ Tin en p i t on .ot be; until

' 11 L

A BIG LOAD OF LOGS.4 load of logs, 10 feet .wide at the

bottom, 9 feet wide a t Che top, 127 logj "m all, and which measured 8 tords 3 ^teet, was recently driawn out of ih'owoo'dia to the a-amdliag, a distance o!one mile, by Will :Manley's grey team.

ie n1 tie

1 c c n r ii m e r Peter Pacto, teamster. Thei n t t i " ited f i O m OUT StandisJh correspondec-t,I hi al li\i PI 1i si-un"- t^e un r ' ~n I T i to to thei

Tin will be real•e hall do

Tohn C. Schofield, the new chief clerkfor the War department is a native ofPititstown, Vt. .