GE Sep 63rd Issue

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  • 8/2/2019 GE Sep 63rd Issue


    We w or be e behd! Te 3D ad hascoe to a cea! Watch out or Abu(produced b KVR Creatve Rees) ad get setto get spooked three desoa!

    More on Pg 2


    EnTERTAinmEnT WEEKlySEP 09 - SEP 15, 2011 VOlUmE 2 iSSUE 04 `5.00

    giving a new dimension to Kollywood thrills


  • 8/2/2019 GE Sep 63rd Issue


    movie magic2 SEP 09 - SEP 15, 2011

    Horror s the exotc avor o the seaso acea, but what akes Abu extra-specas the act that ts 3D. Produced b KVRlogaatha uder the KVR Creatve ReesBaer, the ove s drected b Har Shakerad Haresh naraa. Te ove stars R.Parthba, R. Aja, P.S. Srjth ad Saa. Bega horror ck, usc s as portat as the specaeects. musc or the ove s b R. VekatPrabhu Shakar, who has doe a coedabejob brgg o the thrs.

    Te ove s set 1970s aroud a vage caedPooadhadhpura. Te coreds thatsurroud the vage are as beautu as the aresster. Te wd Veaththara owers that areoud custers a over ths tte vage arewhat protect the vage-ok ro the ev thaturks the shadows o the ght. Te peopeo Pooadhadhpura have or ceturesbeeved horror-ed taes that have keptthe a o the streets aer suset. Audha,Vedha ad Poogavaa are aogst theougsters studg the vages o coege.Audha ad Poogavaa a ove but tsot Audhas pedg retur to Deh thatstads the wa o ther roace. its soethg

    ore tese ad terrg. But ove caot beboud b okore ad Audha takes t upohse to ace the dead curse that shrouds theotherwse bustg ad cheer vage, so that hsove stor has a happ edg. Audha adVedha ebark o ths death sso ad adoes ot ecassar ed we...

    cover story


    point of convergence

    ambuli: fear in 3d!

    tamil cinemas first 3d flick is here

    Engeyum Eppodhum:Egeu Eppodhu s the rst ever producedb the uch apprecated ad respected drectorAR murugadoss ad that s beg cosdered asa strog backg or the ove. But the producerhse begs to der, he stor ad screepa sthe strogest backg or ths ove. i was pressed

    wth Saravaas (drector) scrpt ad that s whagreed to produce t. What ore, the ove s asoco-produced b Fox Studos!

    he pot revoves aroud two coupes whose pathscoverge a uexpected aer the grad

    ae. Ja pas the ead roe ad has Aja, Aaaad Sarwaad or copa. he ca stg akes usuderstad that the ove w have two ove storesad ruours are that oe o the ove stor s set Chea ad the other oe s set rch ad thetwo stores jo together a kck ass cax!

    i a ver excted to be a part o ths ove. i havea ver good roe ad t s a prestgous project tobe assocated wth, sad actor Ja as hs co-starSarwaad odded agreeet. Both the heroes,Aja ad Aaa are up ad cog actresses but

    there sees to be o bad bood betwee the.Aja sad that t had bee a woderu experecead there had bee o ego hasses. Aaa prasedthe tea ad sad she was deghted to have baggedsuch a woderu character so ear her career.

    he oves usc coposed b ewcoer Sathawas recet auched ad t cae o prase or tsrcs b na. muthukuar ad soe good usc!Drector Saravaa who has aread drected aht eugu, s upbeat about the projectad assures that t w be a bg success! heres a ot o expectato or EE sce t s the rstever pro ducto ro etors stabe, sasSaravaa. it s a roatc ck ad the ttesuggests the thee ovg ad beg oved shappeg everwhere. it s a jo rde t thecax, he cas.

    Egeu Eppodhu w be aother breezroatc etertaer, but wth a d erece.

    Produced b AR murugadoss ad drected b hserstwhe assstat Saravaa, EE s a doube ovestor wth a egagg cax. Wth a taeted castcoprsg o Ja, Sarwaad, Aja ad Aaa,EE has bee grabbg ee bas or og ow. hebuzz got ouder whe actor Sura reeased theaudo o the ove ad the usc b ewcoerSatha wo prases. he excted ad upbeat teasees to be prett sure that the have a successuove had ad oads to ceebrate!

  • 8/2/2019 GE Sep 63rd Issue


    ReD caRPeT 3SEP 09 - SEP 15, 2011


    Who sad Cheasght e sthappeg? Froasho shows tokaraoke ghts to

    ove preeresto su rockgpartes, we have ta. Ad CheasA-sters whotur-up therost ashoabedos, sure kow howto have u!

    Just or Woe magaze Aversar issue lauch

    Burberr Store lauch at Express Aveue

    Ceebrtes at Brda matra 2011 Fasho Show

    Robustaa Cae ad Veg Restaurat lauch at Kpauk

    60th Daod Jubee Award to the Ce Bests 2010Whos Bad A rbute to mchae Jackso at Express Aveue

  • 8/2/2019 GE Sep 63rd Issue


    Audo lauch o Teozh Tajavur


    he hppest, cooest ad hottest evets ro cea,

    este ad ore that rocked Chea the ast 7 das!!

    Fro usc auches to asho shows, ove preeres

    to product auches, hote auguratos to theatre ests...

    everthg ad athg that happes the ct .

    Audo lauch o Taapua Audo lauch o Veaudha

    Fun parties &


    events - get

    high on liFe

    in the city!

    Beve Shop iaugurato at Express Aveue

    Ceebrtes at Ce muzk lauch

    Kaavaar n S Krsha navu Vzha

    yuvashakar Raja Weddg

    SEP 09 - SEP 15, 2011

    Ceebrtes at Bharataata Aragetra o Au




  • 8/2/2019 GE Sep 63rd Issue


    5ceNTRe STage

    Ceebrtes at BiG Fms Eco Gaesha Ceebratos

    Te madura audtos o the a Pesu Kathaaag were a huge success. Tere wasa aazg respose ro oug grs o madura. Cutura peroraces ad ok actsgave the etre evet a estve ook. Te audtos w soo happe other ctes oa nadu. Keep oggg to to kow ore about the dates ad veueso upcog audtos.

    Madurai auditions of

    taMil PesuM Kathanayagi

    SEP 09 - SEP 15, 2011

    Actor Vvek at iteratoa Coasta Ceaup Da

    Sev Abhra Aru Baasgas azhaudhu Dace Progra ARi BAGDy mega Pre Dwa Coezoe at Hatt

    star talk

    Produced b Sedhoormuruga Cobes s theratest oerg moodrumugaga, a acto packedove starrg Aresh Gaesh three sesatoa roes, wththree heroes pared opposteh! moodru mugaga s aa-eugu bgua drectedb Adrew Pada, basedo a stor b Kaaaa

    Dr. G. Jaachtra, who s asoproducg the ove, ad uscs haded b Aresh hse!Foowg hs perorace naae Eu ia, Aresh sa set to expore the arduoustask o a trpe roe ver ear hs prosg career. He sto do the roes o a ather adhs two sos, ad the overevoves aroud how the twostep-brothers vow to brgther uscrupuous ather tobook ther ow was. Oes a poce ofcer who beeves the justce sste, ad the

    other has bee brought up bhs uce wth the soe purposeo extractg vegeace rothe ather or the death o hsother. Whch o the two sosw? Ts s certa to ake orsoe egrossg vewg oscree!

  • 8/2/2019 GE Sep 63rd Issue



    news in focus































    SEP 09 - SEP 15, 2011



    >>Te ove s a soca satre wrtte b debutat aker,Shakar Daa

    >> Pratha who ade her debut a wth Udhaaopposte Arudh, s the heroe.

    >> Actresses Radkaa Sarathkuar ad Roja pa portatroes the ove.

    >> Te techca crew cudes P.G. muthah (ceatograph),

    G.V. Prakash (usc), ad Sreekar Prasad (edtg).

    heres what you ought to know

    about the movie:




  • 8/2/2019 GE Sep 63rd Issue


    SilveR ScReeN 7


    EMAIL [email protected] orK. Sunil Krishnamurthy +91 96000 84464

    M. Ashok Kumar +91 95000 81158S. Shailesh Kumaran +91 95000 51947

    box-office buzz mOViES O WACH nOW!

    For reiews, preiews, music, photo galleries, wallpapers, interiews, trailers, eent pics and ideos of thelatest movies log on to

    Mankatha (tmil) : makatha(produced b Coud ne moves ad preseted b SuPctures) s everthg oe woud expect (or wat?) t to be: A copete asaa etertaerwth doses o sckess, coed ad rvetg dshoo-dshoo. Ad oe uque eeetadded to ths? Te uabashed portraa o egatve shades o characters ad ack o orcedora correctess! yes. i ths ove, ts ot awas that the good gus deeatg the bad g us;ts just as the bad gus are u eough that oud wat the to w! Te etertaet theove s ot so uch the store tse whch s a drt-cops-ad-hest-goe-wrog threr but the zpp screepa, bg doses o huour ad Ajths gradeur ad cooth. Ts s aout-ad-out Ajth . Hes greg aroud the tepes, sports a scru stubbe, doest havea heros ghtg-ast reexes aore ad st sk or rppg wth usce. But bo, hesgot charsa ad ste. Pzzazz ad paache. looks ad persoat. Coo es peppered wthbeeped-out cuss words. Te ook, the roe, the character ad the ood suts h perect.Just because ts a Ajth doest ea everoe ese the ove s sp chopped ver.

    Ever sge other character has weght ad stregth. Te bos (Preg, Vabhav, Arvd Akash,Ashw ad mahat) have doe a superb job. Arju s o par wth Ajth heros, the toAjths ag. nce twsts ad turs ad ght scees. its good to see Ajth gettg beate up atte here ad there too ts ore reastc, Howood-a ad oe savours Ajths er returbarrage eve ore! O course, coed s a dete ust a Vekat Prabhu ove ad everoecotrbutes to the haha-actor. We ove the act that Vekat Prabhu chose to thub hs ose ata the o-see ake oras-uphodg busess a s. So what ever character has bgswathes o gre t? its a etertaer, ot a ecture o orat; our job s to st back, reaxad ejo the hours o etertaet.



    VAnDHAn VEnDRAn (a): Drected b R.Kaa ad produced b KV Veugopa or KV Fs,Vadha Vedra stars Jva, aapsee, nadha adSathaa. Te stor s a we-kept secret, but the buzzs that t as at estabshg the act that oe eed otsacrce everthg to succeed e. musc or the oves b Taa ad the sogs are aread qute popuar.

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  • 8/2/2019 GE Sep 63rd Issue


    Pubshed b .S.P SHAnmUGA RAJA o beha o Dot Co iowa lted ro GnG House , K 48 Aaagar East, Chea 600102 ad prted bB.RAJKUmAR at Ras Graphcs Pvt lted, no.40, Peters Road, Roapettah, Chea 600014. Edtor Shakth Grsh. Rni nO : nEnG/2010/35563

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