GE 1977 Lamp Catalog

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  • 7/29/2019 GE 1977 Lamp Catalog


  • 7/29/2019 GE 1977 Lamp Catalog


    GENERAL ELECTRICPERFORMANCE VALUELAMPSOn October 15, 1878, Thomas Alva Edison establishedhis company which set about the task of inventing thelight bulb and which later became the General ElectricCompany. In the years since, catalogs such as this havereflected the progress for people such as you in termsof GE lamp performance values.For instance, now, a century later, you will find a GELucalox@ Iamp in these pages that delivers a value ofmore than $3000 greater than one of the best perform-ing lamps of the early part of this century.Then, the popular 60-watt incandescent light bulbproduced only about B lumens or Iunits of light) perwatt. Today's Lucalox lamps produce from an averageof about 83 to 140 lumens-per-watt. The 7O-wattLucalox lamp, at 83 lumens-per-watt, delivers as muchlight as 10 or more of the early 60-watt bulbs. What'smore, the rated life of that 60-watt bulb was only 800hours, compared with an average of 20,000 or morehours life for contemporary GE Lucalox lamps-a 25times greater average rated life.While today's Lucalox lamps do cost more than a1900 version of the 60-watt incandescent light bulb,you would need to buy 250 of those 60-watt bulbs toequal the light and life performance of one 7O-wattLucalox lamp. Since the 60-watt bulb cost $1.75 eachback in the early 1900's, you'd have to buy $437,50worth of themto equal the light and life performance ofthe smallest and Ieast efficient of today's Lucalox lampline.Remember, that's $437.50 worth of "the year 1900"dollars,which had a purchasing power 7 times greaterthan today's dollar.That's why, in terms of today's dollar we say that aGE Lucalox larnp in this catalog will deliver a valuewofih $3062.50 as compared with a GE bulb in theearly years of the industry.That's one measure of value.That's one tremendous measure of value.That's what progress for people is all about.The 100 years of General Electric experience thatproduced this progress will continue to offer you thebest value it can. You'll find measures of value spelledout in this catalog.

    LAMP PRICE INFORMATION is available from vari-ous GE Lamp Price Schedules,LAMPS LISTED IN THIS CATALOG are sequenced infour product groups Incandescent, Quartz, High In-tensity Discharge and Fluorescent Lamps, Incandes-cent and Quartz Lamps are listed in order of wattage,bulb size, base and voltage. High Intensity Dischargeand Fluorescent Lamps are listed by operating charac-teristics such as wattage, bulb size or lamp length, andbase. Within each product group, lamps are furthersequenced by "popularity" (high volume-high de-mandJ and, in general, follow the ldentical order oftheidentical listings in the various Price Schedules,LAMP ORDERING ABBREVIATIONS are shown inthe "Lamp Ordering Code" columns, along with pack-aging variations (4BPK, CARDED, etc.). When order-ing, to identify the exact lamp you require, pleaseindicate the complete Lamp Ordering Code as shown,and voltage desired.FOR MORE INFORMATION consult your supplier ofGE performance value lamps or the nearest GE LampSales or Dlstribution Center Office shown on the backcovet.

    O Copyright General Electrlc Company 1977Cov6r Phato: St. louls sky//ne at dusk from Mississippi Rivet leval - wilh Galaway Arch in lotegrcund. Photogtaphet: Huga Hatpet.

    LAMP PERFORMANCE RATINGS for average ratedlife and light output in lumens are listed along withother lamp data within this Catalog.

  • 7/29/2019 GE 1977 Lamp Catalog


    TABLE OF CONTENTSGENERAL INFORMATIONVorldge Spec ficatiors .. ..SymbolsANSI Code Feference - lncandescent andOuartzline Lamps ..Packdging C,r,d elncandescent Bulb Size lnformat onlncandescent Base lnfor mdtronFrlanenr DesigralioT S .....TECHNICAL NOTESApp'oxin,ate Hours Li'p\,4ax,rr,Jrr Over.all Ler gl1 .lighl Certer LengthIighl SoJrce Dtn e'ls.orsINCANDESCENT LAMPSGeneral lncandescent Lamps-(2-10,000 watts)Lunlpr qated lraf'rc S gral Lanp.Fef lec ro. SJnldnps ..Supplernentary Lighting ("High lntensiiy ) Lampstu J-S\''l ldnPS .Lamps Listed by Amperes and Volts . .. .. .. .. .Se ies Street I ighr ng I dn-psl\,,4J tiple Streer Lrghr,ng Ldrpslncd.debcenl I dr.p FooLrolebQUARTZ LAMPSQuartz ine "r Tungsten Halogen LampsSlage Sludio Service ..General Lighling and Stage/Studio Service . .. .

    QUARTZ LAMPS (Continued)Ouartzline Tungslen Halogen Lamps -L,sled oy ard Watrs-ubu ar OLd r/ Hedr I amps ..QLd4z Ldrp Foorroles . ..HIGH INTENSITY DISCHARGELAMPS'E-Z Merc' ' Self-Ba lasted l\lercury LampsSAF-T-l\,1ERC u Vercu y Ldr-1p

  • 7/29/2019 GE 1977 Lamp Catalog


    GENERAL ELECTHIC LAMPSANSI CODE REFERENCE GUIDEFor Ansi-Coded lncandescent and Quartzline Lamps

    N{any General Electric Incandescent and Quartzline lamps, primarily used in stage lighting, television and motioiil:*:"5i:iiil'"T ,:fi#i;':ll:S,,'i;i". *l".Hl'.tI"'i,$;:util?-i:t"Jih:fiii: iil'"]Hfl,!:1"1",";'lT*TOrdering Code.The following table will serve as a cross reference, in alphabetical order, between ANSI cocled Incandescent andQuartzline lamps and their respeclive GIi Lamp Ordering Codes.The tablc does not include ANSI-coded Photo Lamps, since the GE Photo Lamp Ordering Codes and their assigned ANSICod es are identical. Ifyou cannot find the ANSICode in the following table, please check Form PH-3 200 General ElectricPhoto Lamp Master Catalog to determine if the ANSI fiode is assigned to a Photo Lamp product.To ensure fast and accurate processing of orders, it is importanl that such lamps be ordered by their GE Lamp OrderingCode not by the assigned ANSI Code. ANSI CODE TABLE

    ANSICodeGeneral ElectricLamp OrderingCode ANSI


    ( )

    150T8SC75OT2OP/SPBWA-Q2OOO/4CL/BPBWF 02000/4CLBWG-Q2000/4BWL-Q2000/4/95BWI\,1-Q75OTB/4CL/TPBWN-Q l OOOT8/4CLlTP7.5A/T8SCP4Atr8l257.5A/TB/92SC7.5A/T8SC4Nr8lA54AlT8SCP5A/TBSCP5A/T8SC7.5Alrat944AtTat87100T8/1SClaollv,lB100T10/7100T10Pcxz-Q1500T11/4CLcYX O2000T11/4CLcYV-Q1000T8/4CL/BP500Tr 2/BDKX-O1500P352/4DKZ,QlOOOPS52/4DPY-Q5000T20/4CL '500T12/S750r 12t91MtT12t2500T20/64DPY O5000T20/4CLDTY.Ql OM/T24l4CL2MlG48l182MlG4B/ 1B






    500T20/63750124t16os00T3/cLDVV O150018/4CL150R/FLo1000T6/cL10K/G96111Mlr24l132MtC4at1B2M tG4Bt182M lG48l142MtC4At145M/G64/710K/G961500PSs2/78500T20/6375Ar24116750124t132MlT4At42M tr 48145t\,1/T64/1100T8]/z/9r BA/T10/118A/T10/ 1P1AAlrl0l2PEER-Q2000T30/4CLEGC/EGD.Q5OO/5CL/PEGC/EGD.Q5OO/5CL/PEGE QsOOCL/PEGF.Q75O/4CL/PEGG,OT5OCL/PEGJ,Q l OOO/4CL/PEGK-Q1000/4/PEGM-O1000C1/PEGB.Q75OT8/4CLEGT-Q1OOOT8/4CLEHC/EHB,a500/sCL











    FOOTNOTESln some instances, General Electric manuiactures lamps similar lo products assigned a speciflc ANSI Code. Where lhe GE lamp, withminor diflerences, is cornparable 10 an ANSI-coded lamp, lhe following footnotes apply:(l) GE equivalenl lamp is 130 V vs ANSI lype specified as 135V(ll) GE lamp does not have tungsten powder cleaner as does ANSI type.

    (lll) GE equivalenl lamp is 240V vs ANSI type specified as 230V* Recommended subslitute

  • 7/29/2019 GE 1977 Lamp Catalog


    GENERAL ELECTRICLAMP PACKAGING GUIDE\VORK SAVIIR PACKAGING -Gerleral liloritri.i has a full linr-' of \\r( )ttK SAVIIRpar:kirg ing n h ir:h sa r,t:s rlol iars lir r vo u t h lough casc of ha n rlling, stockiug, Iarrptl pr.. iclcn t ificratjon. opcn ing. a n rl bv nrak in g ava ilablt' thc cluantitv of lant ps bcstsuitr:d to voLrr rc(lLlircnlcrts. Scc thc pai:kagiug guiclc to detertnirttrrlhir;lr \\'ORK SAVi'iR packaging is besl lirr vou.'l'ho follorr,ing (ili par:kaging drlfinitions irrc Lrsed in lrolh thc "T,anp Ortlr:ring(lodc" and 'Doscliptirn rrolunrns throughout this (:olalog. l'his gtriclc scr\res asirn illrrstralivrr rcfcrerrce lo lhcsc packaging clcfinitions-STANDARD PA(IKA(lE An oLrtcr conlaincr u hir:h is suitablc for shiprrent llvr:onrnron r:orricr or othi:r orrlirrart' rtrcthorls, ciihrtl as a strlf trottIiritre,'cl rtnit orrrLritipLr:s of units or cascs buntllcil 1o frrnn a shippablc rurit. Stantiartl Pai:kagt-'(luaotitios arr shoivn throrrghout this cat.rlog in the "Stanclard I)ac:kagc (.)ttatt-titr" r;o lLr rn n.SPIiCIAL'l'Y PACK i\1an1, lanrp t],llr)s arF avirilablc in spci:ialtv prtt:ks rvhit;ltarc rcshippabli: cirsos conlainins in nlost instan.r{)s lcss thatt lhi-'stanclalcl parrk-,rgr rluanlitl. Sprrcilltv pa,rks arc mrrlc ar.ailirbll irs ii shippittg anrl bantllingroIrt crtit:nce.(1li Lanrp lr,pcs availablc in Spcr:iirllv Iracks irrc listcrl as soparalc lirrr: listings inthis r:atalog, anri rvhcrr orrlcring Spct:iirllv Packs . lhc PK irlr:ntificationirrtlir:atotl inlhc L,anrpOrrlcring(loclc"rolunrnofthissr:horlrtlt:rnustbcshou'n.'l-hc nuncrir:trl prcfix shorvn is part of tlrc Ianrp orrllring r:orlr: a nrl tlcsigtrair-'s titrr(luarrtit\' of larnps r:ontainurl in thc "Sprciirllv Par;l'.PRICIE I{ARKtjl} [,anrps Jistcil as Pricr: \farkcrl arc availablo lttit:c tnarkerljn cithcr spcr ialtt' pnr:kagcs or (JLrtcr conlilirirrs of slanclarci par;kagt: iluattlitvsizo. I'laclt larrrp tt,po available in "prir;rr rnalkr:tl packaging is lislctl scparatclv1n this r:atalog. \\'hcn orrlcring "prir:c rrirrkcrl tvpcs. lhc injijals "PN'l shoultlfirllon'thr: T,anrp Orclcring (iod r: as shorln in lhc "l,arnp Orrllring (iorlc" colunrrirr this schr:dtLlc.(IARI'ON --Arr onr:losrrrl or scrni-cncloscrl contoinct .ronstnrctc(l of scrni-rigirlnr alc rial. bLrt n ot suitabli-. for s h ipmcn t by t:o rn rn on carrir:r. Ir l nlosi cascs a (iarto nn'ill r:o nla in sci'cral larnps. In tht: casr: of lrr\lt. ItS Srr n lant ps, :J-\\1av iln.l coltaillTLrlt lanrps. oirlv onc lanrp is containrrl in ir r:arton.WRAPPtiR or SLtiljVIl r\ par:kagr: usuallr cn.losingonclarrrp. l'hispar;kagcisusrrirllv r:onslnrctccl ofslnglc faccd cornrgatcii paprrr arrcl is thr: ntinirttutri pack-irging unit frrr lant ps. In sonlc r:ascs thc rvlapltol is ilic-cr r t to a{rc{)trtrrl()rlat{r rtlot(lthan onc lamp.CARIIF|D. BLIS'I'ER PACKAGE I,anrps arr: r'rrcloscil irr a pnrformccl por:kt:t ofljlnr, hr:at sr:alerri to a carrl. Orclr:ring (iorlc par:kagc' rlcsignirliorr is: CARDED.l2-LANIP lRAY PA(lK \lull;pli) rlrrarililir:s of larups arc fittr:cl to a orto-pio(]0nrolclctl lrat'of plastir: or prrip fibrc malcrial so lhirt bare larnps r;an bc casilvlnnror:r:cl nithorrt having to clisposr-. of inrlivirluul pirckirgc natcrials. . . r\lsoalLrrls storagrr olbalanrrr of LrriLtscrl larulrs. Olrlcling Ooclc par:kagc tlcsignatiotris: I'Rt\Y.\\'ORK SAVER SIGN LANTP PA(IK (lcrtirin I lS 1,1 Siiln lanrps rttay bc orclcrt:rlin a l2()-larrp r:asc t:ontirinins I ij0-lanrll bags. Olrlcling (iorlr: pairkagi: ilosig-nirlir)n is: IIAG PA(IK.PALI,ItT \lanv i"lurrrrsi:orrt l,anrps arc uvailablc in 'pallclizcil packagirrg.ira llr:ts r:o n s ist of a nu rn br:r of spct:ia l-rlcslgn t:orrrrpia tcrl trays in t hic h la nr ps arrplaccci usrrallv rlith a nrjninrrrl of par king mltilrialb(it\\'c(ill thcnr. l'hr-'sc tralsiilc plar rrrl rrn a toorlrn pallct rvith a protccti\'. rap for r:ar:h layrrr arrcl thcnboLrnrl in lo a rrnil u h ich cir n be ha n tllt:tl ir ilh ligh t rucchan ica l cqu lp rnern t. \\'iihlubor r osis a signifir:rrnt factor 1n rrriginal installrlions or gt)Lll) rcplaccntcnt ofianrps. pallcts can provirli: substanlial lanrp hanrlling cr:onoinir::;. OrtLrriugIirrrlr' pirckagr. rlcsjgn;rtion is: l,ALLIlT.

    ! ',,* -jt,",\,'$\\Standard Pacrage\...(Fluorescent)

    [fi] "r=**tt.l Ca rded( Elisterpackage)12-LamTray Pa

    work SaveSign Lamp

    h -Fs-l-4

    IrFi ,tsrqr, s p

    lltt llL"-

    &;,9- --- 24-Lamp specialty Pa

  • 7/29/2019 GE 1977 Lamp Catalog


    6dLr" 'l,',"

    t ,, ,,' ,1,,, L-,,.. INCANDESCENT BULB INFORMATION.' INCaNDESCENT BULB SIZE or diameter (maximum) is expressed in eighthof an inch (/0"). For example: an A-21 bulb is 21-eighths of an inch or 2%" in diameter at its minimum dimensions. To determine the bulb size, the full size scale abov(calibrated in eighths) may be used. Place one edge of the bulb to be identified on leedge of scale and measure approximate diameter by reading the scale at the opposite edgof the bulb. Typical bulb sizes of some popular types are shown belon' the scale.INCANDESCENT BASE INFORMATION

    S.C. OR D.C. PREFOCUSED BASED LAMPS-The plane containing the base axis and thmajor locking eyelet, which is the eyelet equidistant from the other trro eyelets, will be right angles to the plane of the filarrrent or lead wires unless otherwise indicated.The letter (A) shown in the "Base" column after S.C. or D.C. Prefocused based lampindicates that the distance from the bottom of base contact or contacts to the bottom of thcollar is .406". In the case of D.C. Prefocused based lamps, the letter [A) a]so indicates that thplane containing the base axis and contacts is at right angles to the olane cuntaining the baixis and the major locking eyelet.FILAMENT DESIGNATIONSThe configuration of the filament in all tungsten filament lamps is referred to by aidentification made up of a prefix letter and a suffix number. The prefix letter indicatewhether the filament wire is straight or coiled, and the suffix number indicates the form oarrangement of the filament on the supports, The number of supports and the exact detailsthe supporting structure shown for the filament shapes in the border on page 7 '"r'ill varamong various lamps.Prefix LettersS-Straight. The wire may be straight or slightly corrugated.C-Coiled. The wire rnay be wound into a helical coil or it may be deeply fluted, the objebeing to drape a long length of wire into a small space.CC-Coiled Coil. The wire is wound into a helical coil and this coiled wire again wound inta helical coil.R Ribbon. The u'ire is flat in cross section. " SR" and "CR" describe ribbon filaments whicare straight or crimped.










    BASES (lllustrations not to Scale)

    -Ttil^l't'*tir l1Ef^=--

  • 7/29/2019 GE 1977 Lamp Catalog


    TYPICAL FILAMENTS(lllustrations not io Scale)TECHNICAL NOTESThc loll,'rving irrfrrrnralinr is inlended lo

    I'jl;,T;1"'r':'p(r i1' ' nrumnApproximate Hours l,ife

    provide tJetailed explanation of variousheadings and the "l)esr:ription" column m*, 4,,Approxirnaie hours Iife is the rated avcrage life oblained from specified operatingconditions. A varianr:t: from these life figures may bc obtai nerl if I amps are operated atother than spccificd con d it ioDs.Maximum Over-all Length [M.O.L.)\,Iaximum over-all length is the longest ovcr-all length of a lamp including base, bulband othcr rJgid parls, except as noted. For wirc tcrm inal I amps, the maximum over-allIength shorvn is thc maximum length ofglass parts, and thc lead dirnension shown isthe lcngth extending bcyond the glass parts.Light Center Length [L.C.L.)Light center length (L.C.l,.J is the distancc lrom the crenter of the light source to theplalc containing the points indicated belorv for the,' base used. It is an averageneasuremcnt to which the lamp is designed and is subject to the lnanufacturer'stolerances.LIGHT CENTER LENGTH MEASUBEMENT GUIDE

    TI-TX-r.I,,OuartzBase TypeAll Screw Bases ....Mini-Can ........... LCL BelerenceBottom base contactlnlersection of 45 laPerwilh max. diam. ol base

    Base Types.c. or D.C.Bayonet CandelabraMedium Bayonet ......S.C. or D.C. Prefocus ..D.C. Medium Ring ....lndexing Ring ........Prong ...-............

    LCL RelerenceTop ol base pinsTop of base pinsPlane oi locating bosseson prelocus collarPlane of locating bosseson pTefocus co arlop of indexing r ngNut, washer, or shoulderol base prong

    3-Contact Mediumor Mogul ......... Bottorn base contactMedium Prefocus ... Top ot finsMogul Prefocus ..... Top ol base finsMedium Bipost ..... Boltom ol bulb (base end)Mogul Bipost ....... Shoulder of posts2-Pin Prefocus ...... Bottom of base Medium 2-Pin ......... First ceramic plane mmedlate y below metal base.Color TemperalureColor temperatures exprr,'ssod in this catalog should be consi,-lerecl as approximatemean Kelvin color tempcrature ratings.Listed Colored Incandescent LampsAll listed colored Incandesr;ent larnps are outside enamcled unless specificall), indi-caled othenvise in "Dcscription" column.Light Source Dimensions (W x H)I-ight scrurcc dimensions (generally "source W x I{"}are given for many clear bulblarnps with filancnt forms commonly associated "vith rclat)vely precise optical con-trol elements. "sourcc \( x FI" refers to the average Width and t{eight of the usefulprojccted area of the filancnt.Axial Alignment {AA)Axial alignrncnt (AAl refers to the precision '"vith "vhich thc center of the light sourceis located in relation to the basc axis and is subject to the manufacturer's tolerances.

    BASES (lllustrations not to Scale)w,r- t)\- --)-wlvledium

    ffi ,.,ffi,-*, -*pn|-.- tiiltI

    0ouhle ContadMedium ediumPrclocus






    fln:mm.fllli_illlf2. or 3-Lug




    A,,, W,*

    Recessed Single Conlacl


  • 7/29/2019 GE 1977 Lamp Catalog


    GENERAL ELECTRIC INCANDESCENT LAMPSBurning Position ANY, except as noled.Bulb Base Lamp Ordering Code stdPks.otv.

    DESCRIPTION(See lncandesc6nt LampFoolnoles-Pages 44-45) Designo.L,

    L,c.L. HoursLife lnilial

    2 WATTSB-10

    2CAM/ FL

    l l\.4ediu m 2CAM/FL '120 60 Clear-Flicker Flame-"C-Line'.Decoralive-Commercial Service 25002CAM/FL CARDED 120 60 Clear-Flicker Flame-Decorative. 6-Pack-Carded(1 lamp oer card) FLAIR


    lCand. 2CACIFL 120 60 Clear-Flicker Flame-"C-Line".Decorative-Commercial Service 31lz 25002CAC/FL CAROED 120 60 Clear-Flicker Flame-Decorative. 6-Pack-Carded(1 lamp per card) FLAIR31lz 2500

    WATTS_5 WATTSs-6 Cand. 356/ 5 120 240 Clear lndicator c-7A 1s/ro 3000 12336/ s 125-130 240 Clear- lndicator c-7 A 11la 3000 12

    D. C. Bay 356/ 5DC '120 244 Clear-lndicator c-7 A 113/ro 3000 12Cand. 4C7 CARDED/2 120 240.;, Clear-NiOht Liqht. Carded 12lamps per card) c-7 A 21la 3000 164C7 CARDED/2 PM 120 240 : Clear-Night Light. Carded (2lamps per card) PRICE MAFKED c-7A 21la 3000 16s-1 1 S.C.Bay. 5S11/94SC 10 120 Clear- Railway Liqhl Signal (70) c-2R 23le 11lq 1000s-14 Medium 55t4 34 120 Clear-Train c-s 31lz '1000s-1 1 S.C.Bay. 5/3j/zS11SC 10 120 Clear Raiiway Light Signa,.Filament in multiole (70) c-2vc-12 23la 11la 1000




    Cand. 656 TRAY 120 240 Clear lndicalor 12-Lamp Tray C.7 A 17la 15/ro 1500 44656 TRAY 125-130 244 C lear- lndicator. 12-Lamp Tray c-74 15/ro 1500 44636/ 3 120 244 Clear-Srgnal Liqhl (6) c1 5000+135,145 240 Clear-lndicator C-74 1s/ro 1500 426S6 155 240 Clear-lndicator c 7A 1500 426S6/R TRAY 120 240 Sprayed Red lndicator.12-Lamp Tray c-7 A 11la 1500

    656/ R 130 240 Sprayed Red-lndlcator C.7A 15006S6/W TRAY '120 240 Sprayed White-lndicator.12-Lamp Tray c-7A 1500 34656/ B '120 244 Glossy Blue-Train c-7A 11la 1500656/G 130 24A Sprayed Green-lndicalor C.7 A '1500D.C. Bay 6S6DC TRAY 120 244 Clear- lndicalor. 12-Lamp Tray c"7 A 1500 436S6DC TRAY 125-'130 240 Clear- lndicalor. 12-Lamp Tray c-7A 11lt a 15006560C/G 130 240 Sprayed Green-lndicator C.7 A 113/r 1500656DC/R 130 240 Sprayed Red-lndicator c-74 1131t 15006SDC 135,'145 240 Clear- lndicator c-7A 11/ro 1s00lntermed 6S6/7 120 240 Clear- lndicalor C-74 1500f -4112 Cand. 6f 41t21 1 120 100 Clear-lndicator C.7A 1'ta 1500 42

    6T 411,1'l 12s-130 T00 Clear-lndicator c-7A 1? le 1500 42r-4 aCand. 6T4/ 3 115-125 r00 Clear-Coils in series {47) 2C.2F 1 '1500s-6


    C and. 6S6 240 Clear- ndicator c-2R 17le 15006S5 12 240 Clear- ndicator c-2v 17la 1s/ro 15006S6 24 2442aa

    Clear- ndicator c-2v 17le 1500D.C.Bay 6S6DC 24 Clear- ndicator c-2v 1 13/, s 11/,e 1500Cand. 6S6 30 240 Clear-Train 1s00 50lCand. 6S6 244 Clear-Trarn c-2v 17la 15lt s 1500Cand. 6S6 48 244 Clear-lndicator c-7A 17la 15/ro 15006S6 60 244 Clear-Train C.7 A 17la 1s/,s 1500

    D. C. Bay 656/ 5DC 50 244 Clear-Telelype llluminator c-1 1131,o 1500S.C.Bay. 6S6/5SC 60 240 Clear Train c-1 1131t 1500lndicates total count of 2- amp carded packs in standard package Mult ply by 2 lo determine actual quaniity of tamps.

  • 7/29/2019 GE 1977 Lamp Catalog


    GENERAL ELECTRIC INCANDESCENT LAMPSBurning Posrtron ANY, except as noled.Bulb Base Lamp Ordering Code sldPks.olv.

    DESCRIPTION(See lncandescent LampFootnotes-Paqes 44 45) DesignMo.L.

    L.C.L. Life!nitia

    6 WATTS (Continued)s-6 Cand. 6S6 75 2442io Clear-Tra1n lndicator

    C.7 A. 15/,e 1500D.C.Bay 6S5DC 75 Clear-lndicalor C.7A 1ri ro 1500

    7 WATTSc-7


    C and- 7C7 TRAY '115-125 24024A Clear lndicator. 12-Lamp Tray C.7 A 21la 3000 467C7 TRAY 130 Clear-lndicator. 12-Lamp Tray C'74 21la 30007C7IW TRAY 1 15-125 244 White-Night Light. 12-LamPTray c'74 21ls 3000 367C7 tW CARDED/ 2 1 15-125 244.;. White- Night Lighl. Carded (2lamps per card) c'7 A 21la 3000 367C7IW CARDED/ 2 PM 't 15- 1 25 244 , White Night Light. Carded (2amps per card) PRICE MAnKEO C.7A 21le 3000 367C7]O TRAY 1 15-125 240 Orange - lnd icator. 12-LamP TraY C'74 21la 30007C7IF. TRAY 't 15-125 240

    12ARed lndicator. 12-Lamp Tray c 7A 21ls 3000

    G-18(c-7)i 7G18C/C 12 PK 't 15-125 Crystal Filigree Decoraiive.12 Pack FLAIR c-7A 31ls 30007.4 WATTS_9 WATTS

    T-611t D.C.Bav. 7.4T61lzOCllF 10.5 60 lnside Frosted-Exit Siqn (88) c-8 51lz 10000 55s-11 Medium 71lzS TBAY 1't 5- t 25 244 Cleat-12 Lamp Tray c-7 A 21la 1400 53711, TRAY 130 240 Clear-12-Lamp TraY c 7A 211a, 1400 5371l,Si CW TRAY 115-125 240 White 12-Lamp Tray C.7 A 21la 1400 3971|,S/CW CARDEO 115-125 240 While- 12-Pack'Carded c,7A 21lt 1400 39TllzSlCw CAROED PM 1 15-125 240 White 12-Pack-Carded.PRICE MARKEO c-74 21la 1400 3971|,S/CW TRAY 130 240 White- 12-Lamp TraY C.7 A 21le 1400 3971|,S/CB TRAY 1'15-'t 25 210 Blue- 12-Lamp Tray C./ A 21la 140071115ICG TBAY 't 15-125 244 Green-12 Lamp Tray c-74 211+ 140071I,S/CO TRAY 115-125 240 Orange-12 Lamp Tray c-74 21la 140071lrs ICO TRAY 130 240 Orange- 12 Lamp Tray c-74 21la 140071I,S/CR TRAY 1t5-125 240 Red 12-Lamp Tray c-7A 21la 14007ll2sl0n CARDED 115-125 2442ao Red 12-Pack-Carded c-7 A 21la 140071l,S/ CR CARDED PM '115-125 Red- 12-Pack-Carded.PRICE MARKED c-74 21lq 140071lrS/CR TRAY 130 249

    60Red 12'Lamp Tray C.7 A 21la 1400

    G- 16ri z 2 -LugSleeve 9G 161/" / 1 12 C ear-Railway Lrght Signal. ToPoi fi ament 1.91" from top ofplns (10)cc-6 21'1rc 1500

    1O WATTSC7

    ID.C.Bay lOC7DC TBAY 'I 15-125 240 C lear- lndicator- 12-LamP TraY. c-7 A 23lj6 5000-| 40

    10c7 / 1 DC 1 15-125 120 Clear-lndicator (Noise Free) c-1 231rc 13/ro 5000 i10c7/ 5DC 115-125 124 Clear lndicator. Rough Service c-7 A 231rc 5o00+

    Cand. 1OC7 TBAY 1 15-125 244 Clear-lndicator. 12-Lamp Tray c-74 21la 5000+ 4'loc7 l5 'I t5-125 124 Clear - lnd icator. Rouqh Service c-7A 21la 5000 +s-14 aMedium 10s14 't 15-125 120 Clear-Sign c-s 31lt 21lz 1500 8010s i 4/ tF 1 15-125 120 lnside Frosted Sign c-9 31lz 21lz 1500 79't0s14/cB 1t5-125 120 Blue-Siqn & Decoralive c-9 31lz 150010s 1 4/ CG 't'ts-125 124

    120Green- Siqn & Decorative c-9 31lz 1500

    1 0s14 / Co 1 15-125 Orange Sign & Decoratlve c-9 31lz 1500't0si4/cR 1 15-125 120 Red-Sign & Decorative c-9 31lz 150010s14/CW 115-125 120 While Sign & Decoralive 31lz 150010s14/ CY 115-125 124 Yellow-Sign & Decoralive c-9 31iz 1500 45

    s-11 ,llntermed 10s11N 1'15-125 120 Clear Sign c'7 A 251rc 1s/a 1500 8010s11N 't 30 120 Clear-Sign C.7 A 25lt s ltla 1500 81OS11N/IF 1 15-125 124 tnsideFrosted Appliance c-74 2tl'a 15/a 1 500 1

    ,:lndicatcstota counto1 2-larnp carded packs in slandard packag-a Mult ply by 2 to delerrnlne aclual quanltyoi arnps: 2rr. d anreter p asl c crystal figree applred lo 7C7

  • 7/29/2019 GE 1977 Lamp Catalog


    GENERAL ELECTRIC INCANDESCENT LAMPSBurn ng Posrl on-ANY, excepl as noted.Bulb Base Lamp Orderjng Code srd.Pksoly.

    DESCRIPTION(See lncandescenl LampFootnots-Pages 44-45)FilamentDesign


    L.c.L. HoursLife lnitial

    10 WATTS (Continued)s-1 1 lnlermed 10s11N/CB 130 120 Blue-Sign & Decorative c"7A 2s l$ 150010s11N/CG 130 120 Green - Sign & Decorative c-7A 2slrc 150010s11N/CO 130 120 Orange-Sign & Decorative 251rc 150010sl1N/CR 't 30 120 Red-Siqn & Decorative C.7A 25lta 150010s11NtCW 130 120 White-Sign & Decoralive c-7 A 251rc 1500JOSllN/CY 130 120 Yellow-Siqn & Decorative C.7 A 25lt 150010s11N/TB 130 124 Transparent Blue-Siqn (86) 251*, 15001OS11N/TG 130 120 Transparent Green - Sign (86) C.7A 251rc 150010s1 1N /TO 130 120 Transparent Orange-Siqn (86) c-7 A. 2sls 150010s'fi N / TR 130 120 Transpareni Red-S'gn (86) c-7 A 1s/a 1500.{OS11N/TY 130 120 Transparent Yellow-Siqn (86) c-7 A 25lt a 15la 1500

    Cand. 10s11/79 115-125 120 Clear-lndicaior c-7A 21la 1500S.C.aay. 10s'11/ssc 120 120 Clear- Railway Light Siqnal (69) c-7A 2tla 11 lt '1500s-5 Cand. 10s6 / 10 230.250 240 Clear- lndicator C-74 1r la 1500 74D. C. Bay. 10s611oDC 230,250 210

    21AClear- lndicator c-7 A 111rc 1500 74lntermed 10s6/ 13 250 Clear- lndicator c-7 A 113/ro 1500

    11 WATTS_13.31/Z WATTSs-14 ^'Nredium 1 1s14 130 120 Clear-Sign. Group Replacement c-9 31lz 3000 8011514 BAG PACK 130 120 Clear Sign. Group ReplacementBAG PACK c-9 31lz 21lt 3000 BO1 1S14/ tF '130 12A lnside Frosled-Siqn. GroupReplacement c-9 31lz 21lz 3000 7911S14/ IF BAG PACK 130 120 lnside Frosted-Sign. GroupReplacement. BAG PACK c-9 31lt 211, 3000 7911s14/ A 130 1



    Blue-Group Replacement c-9 31lz 30001ts14/G 't 30 Green-Group Replacement c-g 31lz 300011St4/O 130 120 Oranqe-Group Replacement c-9 31lt 30001 't s14/ R 130 12A Bed-Gro0p Replacement c-s 31lz 3000r1st4/w 't 30 124 White-Group Replacement c-9 31lz 3000 5911S14 / Y 130 r20 Yellow-Group Replacement c-9 31lz 3000 51115141Y BAG PACK 130 120

    120Yellow-Group Replacement.BAG PACK c-9 31lz 3000 511'tst4iTB 130 Transparent Blue-Sign. GroupBeplacement (86) c,9 31le 21 lz 300011514/TG 130 t20 Transparent Green-Sign. GroupReplacement (86) c-9 3112 30001ls141TO 130 124 Transparent Orange-Sign.Group Replacement (86) c-9 31i, 211, 3000

    1 1S14,'TR 130 r20.,2A


    Transparent Red-Siqn. GroupReplacement (86) c-9 31lz 21lz 300011S14/TY r30 Transparenl Yellow-Sign.Group Beplacement (86) 31lz 21lt 3000

    s-11 S. C. Bay. 11s! llsc I11S r 1SC 1011 Clear- Railway Light Siqnal (70) 23le 11la 1000Clear- Railway Liqht Sional 170) 23le 11lq 2s00r3/31/2S11/95 10 120 Clear- Railway Light Signal.Filament in mulliple (70) cc-6cc-6 23la 11la 100015 WATTS



    Medium 'I 5A 15 120 12012912t)

    lnside Frosted c-9 31lz 23la 2500 12515A15 24PK 120120

    lnside Frosted. 24-Peck c-9 31lt 23la 2500 12515A15 24PK PM lnside Frosted. 24-PackPRICE MARKED c-s 31lz 23le 2500 12515A15lsAiw ti;i 130 124 Inside Ffosted c-9 31lz 23le 2500 125120 Sofl-White 2.1-Pack c-9 31lt 23la 2500 120,I5A / W 24PK PM 120 120 Solr-white.24,PackPRICE MARKED c,s 31lz 23le 2s00 120


  • 7/29/2019 GE 1977 Lamp Catalog


    GENERAL ELECTRIC INCANDESCENT LAMPSBurninq Position ANY, excepl as noted.Bulb Base Lamp Ordering Code sldPks.o1y.

    DESCRIPTION(Se lncandescenl LampFoolnoles-Paqs 44-45)FilamentDesign o.L.finches

    L,c.L.lncheslHoursLife lnil

    15 WATTS (Continued)B-10 Cand. 15BC-15B10/F 12PK 120 120 Crystal (Clear)-Decorative.12-Pack FLAIR c"7A 33lt 1500 13cA,8 aCand. 'rscAc 12PK 115-125 120 Clear- Bent Tip- Decorative.12-Pack (85) FLAIB c-7A 15001sCAC/F 12PK 1 15-125 120 Outside Frosled-Bent Tip-Decorative. 12-Pack (85) FLAIR c-7 A 3s/rs 1500

    15CAC /4 't20 120 Clear- Bent Tip- Decorative."C-Line". Commercial Service (85) c-74 3s/rs 4000F-10 Cand. lsFC-IsFC/F 12PK 't20 120 Cryslal (Clea0- Decoralive.l2-Pack FLAIR C.7A 311rc 1s/s 1500 13

    15FCl4 120 120 Clear-Decorative-"C-Line."Commercial Service c-7 A 311rc 40001sFC/W-tsFC/W/ F 12PK 120 120 White- Decorative.12-Pack FLAIB c-74 31/,s 1500 10lsFC/A-rsFC/A/F 12PK '| 20 124 Colonial Amber- Decorative.12-Pa.k FLAIR c-74 31lta 150015FC/A CARDED/2 PM 120 60ir Colonial Amber-Oecorative.Carded (2 lamps per card)PRICEO MABKEO FLAIR

    31lt a 1500

    15FC/A4 120 124 Colonial Amber-Decoralive-"C-Line '. Commercial Service c-7A 40001 5FC/AU-15FC/AU/F 12PK 120 124 Auradescent-Decorative12-Pack FLAIR c-7A 3'l,6 150015FC/AU CAROED / 2 PM 120 60r, Auradescent- DecoraliveCarded (2 lamps per card)PRICE MARKED FLAIR

    C.7 A 3liro 1500

    G-16112 15G161/zC '115-125 60 Clear- Decorative c-7A 15/e 1500 1315G161/,C/W 115-125 60 Sprayed White-Decorative C-74 3 1500 1215GC/W-15G16r/rCl W/ F12PK 120 120 Sprayed White-Decoralive.12-Pack FLAIR c-7 A 3 1500 12lsGC/W4 120 120 Sprayed While-Decorative"C-Line." Commercial Service c-7A 3 4000



    D.C.Bay. 15T7DC 115-125 124 Clear-Appliance c-7A 21lc (2s) 1115T7DC CARDEO 115-t25 244 Clear-Appliance. 1 2'Pack-Carded c"7A 21la (2s) 1115T7DC/tF 115-125 124 lnside Frosted-Appliance c-74 21la (2e) 11lntermed 15T7N CARDED 1t5-125 240 Clear-Appliance. 1 2-Pack"Carded c'7A 21le (2e) '1Cand. 15T7C 120 120 Clear-Signal Light. Appliance(2s) c-7A 21lq 1000 11

    T-8 15T8C 115-125 60 Clear- Decorative c-7A 31/r s 750 15T-10 'tsT10 24PK 115-125 120 Clear-Aquarium. 24-Pack c,8 55/n 2500A-15 aMedium 15A/ B '115-125 120 Blue c-9 31lz 250015A/G 11s-125 120 Green c-9 31lz 2s00

    15A/ O 115-125 124 Orange c-9 31le 250015A/R 115-125 120 Red c-9 31lz 250015A/Y 1 15-125 124 c-9 31lz 2500

    s-14 15514/GB/CL 130 120 Clear-Siqn. Group Replacement c-g 31[z 21lt 30001ss14/GB/tF '130 124 lnside Frosted-Sign. GroupReplacement c-9 31lt 21lt 3000

    s-11 Cand. 't 5s11/ 13 1 15-125 124 Clear- Decorative c-7A 21la 1slrc 750 1515S11/14 120 124 Clear-Medical Spotlighl C-74 21la 13la 200 15

    N4edlum 15311/ 102 TRAY 115-125 240 Clear- Befrige rator. 12-LampTray c-7 A 21lc 400 14:: lndlcates total counl of 2-lamp carded packs in standard package. ivlult ply by 2 to determine actual quanlity of lamps

  • 7/29/2019 GE 1977 Lamp Catalog


    GENEHAL ELECTRIC INCANDESCENT LAMPSBurning Position-ANY, except as noted.Bulb Lamp Ordering Code srd.Pks.

    Q1v.DESCFIIPTION(See lncandescent LampFoolnol6s-Pages 44-45)

    FilamentDesign o.L.L.c.L. HoursLile

    15 WATTS (Continued)T-6 Cand- 15T6 120 60 Clear Switchboard c-7 A 31/,s 2000 114

    15T6 140,145 60 Clear-Swiichboard c-74 31/r e 2000 106A-17 l\,1edium 15A '12 124 lnside Frosted (11,53) c-6 35la 23le 1000R-14 S.C.Bay. 15B14SC / SP 12 120 Befleclor Spollight-Light lnsideFrosted (15) cc-8 2sla 2000A-17 Medium 15A 34 124 lnside Frosted-Train (1 1) c-9 35/a 23ls 1000s-14 aMedium 15S14/ tF/ BB 34 124 lnside Frosted - Locomotive Cab c-9 31lz 1000 144A-17 Medium 15A 75 120 lnside Frosted-Train c-9 35la 23la 1000 147s-1 1 D. C. Bay. 155t1/3DC 120 Clear-Trein c-1 23la 1000 138A-17 Medium 't 5A 230 120 lnside Frosted c-74 35/n 23la 1000 120

    17 WATTS_18 WATTSs,11 S. C. Bay. 1751 l SC 13.5 120 Clear-Railway Lighl Signal (70) 23le 2000A-15 2- LugSleeve 18A15i 3 10 120 Clear Flailway Ljghl Signal(10,11) cc-6 33la 21lzz 1500

    3- LugSleeve 18A15/7 l0 120 Clear-Rai,way Light Signal(10,11) 33la 23lsz 15002- LugSleeve 18/3.5A15/5 10 124 Clear- Railway Llghl Signal.Filamenl in multiple (10,1 1) 33la 27le 15003-LugSleeve 18/3.sA15/7 10 120 Clear-Railway Lighl Siqnal.Filament in multiple (10,11) cc-6 33lt 231rc 1500

    s-1 1 S.C.Bay. 185 fi / 1SC 't0 120 Clear-Railway Liqht Siqnal (70) 11la 1000 25018/3'/,S11SC a 120 Clear-- Railway Light Signai.Filament in multiple (70) cc-6c-12 23la 11la 100018/ 31/,S11SC '10 120 Clear- Railway Light Signal.Filamenl in multiple (70) c-12 23le 1000

    20 WATTS Medium 20417l5 130 120 Clear-Flashinq Sign. c-9 35/a 23le 1000 158f -6112 lntermed 20T61t, t tF 120 60 lnside Frosted-Exit Light c-8 51lz 5000+D. C. Bay. 20161t?DC IF 120 60 lnside Frosted-Exit Light c-8 5'g/re 5000+

    R-12 S.C.Bay. 20R12SC 30 100 Train Reading Light- Bellector.Light Outside Frosted cc-8 25la 50025 WATTS

    A-19 [4ed ium 2sa 't20 120 lnside Frosted c-9 31le 21lz 2500 23s254 24PK 120 120 lnside Frosted. 24-Pack c,9 37la 21le 2500 235254 24PK PM 't20 124 lnside Frosted. 24'PackPRICE MAFKEO c-9 37le 21lz 2500 235254 130 120 lnside Frosted c-9 21lz 2500 23525AlW 24PK 120 120120

    Sofl-White.24-Pack c,s 31le 21lz 2500 22225A/W 24PK PM 120 Soft-White.24-PackPRICE MARKED c-9 31le 21lz 2500 22225AlCL 120 120 Clear- Sign & Decoratrve c-s 37ts 21lt 2500 23525A/CL '130 124 Clear-Sign & Decorative c-9 21lz 2500 235l l,redium 25A/TF 24PK 1 15-125 120 Clear-TUFF-SKIN24-P ack c-9 31la 2500Medium 25A/RS 24PK 120 120 lnside Frosted-Bough Service.24-Pack c-17 37le 2slrc 100025A|RS 24PK 130 120

    120lnside Frosted-Rough Service.24-Pack c-17 st la 1000 23525A/VS 24PK 130 lnside Frosted Vibration Service.24-Pack c-9 37le 21lz 1000

  • 7/29/2019 GE 1977 Lamp Catalog


    GENERAL ELECTRIC INCANDESCENT LAMPSBurning Posilron ANY, excepl as noted.B!lb Aase Lamp Ordering Code sld.Pk9.olv.

    DESCNIPTION(See lncandescent LampFooholes-Pages 44-45) DesignM,o.L.(lnches

    L-c.L, lni

    25 WATTS (Continued)B-10 Cand. 25BC-25810/F 12PK 120 120 Crystal (Clear)- Decorative.12-Pack FLAIR c-7A 33/,r 15la 1500

    2sBC/W-25810/W/F 12PK '120 124 Satin White-Decorative.12-Pack FLAIR c-74 3\ta 150025BC tS4 120 60 Beaded-White-Decorative-''C-Line." Commercial Service c-74 33t,. 4000

    B-13 Medium 25BM-25813/F 'l2PK 120 120 Crystal {Clear)- Decorative.l2-Pack FLAIR c-9 23le 1500 225BM/W-25813/W/F 12PK 120 120 Satin White- Decorative.12 Pack FLAIR c-9 4sla 1500 1



    2scAM-25CA9/F 12PK '120 124 Clear-Bent Tip-Decorative (85).12-Pack FLAIR cc-2v 41lz 251rc 15002sc aM I F -25C A9 I 2 I F 12PK 120 124 Outside Frosted-Benl Tip-Decorative. l2- Pack (85) FLAIR cc-2v 25l.e 15002scAM/4 120 120 Clear-Bent Tip-"C-Line."Commercial Service (85) CC.2V 41lz 400025CAMlF4 120 120 Outside Frosted-Bent Tip-''C-Lrne." Commercial Service (85) cc-2v 41lz 4000



    aCand. 2scAc-25CA10/F 12PK 120 120 Clear-Bent Tip Decorative12 Pack (85) FLAIR cc-2v 21lg 150025CAC CARDED/2PM 120 60 ,', Clear--Ben1 Tip-Decorative.Carded (2 lamps per card) (85)PRICED MARKED FLAIRcc-2v 21la 1500

    2scactF-25cat0l2lF12PK '120 120 Outside Frosted-Bent TipDecorative. 12-Pack (85) FLAIR cc-2v 21la 150025CACi 4 120 120 Clear-Bent Tip-"C-Line.Cornmercial Servlce (85) cc-2v 40002scaclF4 120 124 Outside Frosted-Bent Tip''C-Line.' Commercial Service (85) cc-2v 4000

    ST-10 aCand. 25STC 12PK 115-125 124 Clear-Straight Tip- Decorative-12'Pack (Bs) FLAIR cc-2v 4 '15002ssrc/F 12PK 1 15"125 124 Oulside Frosted-Straight TiP-Decoralive. 12'Pack (85) FLAIR cc-2v 13la 15002sSTC /4 120 '120 Clear-Straight Tip-"C-Line"Commercral Service (85) cc-2v 4 13la 40002ssTci F4 '120 120 Outslde Frosted- Slraight TiP-''C'Line '. Commercial Service (85) cc-2v 4 4000

    F-10 Cand. 25FC-25F10C/F 12PK 120 124 Crystal (Clear)- Decorative.12-Pack FLAIR C.7A 3r/r e 150025FClW-25F10C/W/ F12PK 120 12A White-- Decorative.l2-Pack FLAIR C-74 3ri, e 1500

    F-15 Medium 25FM.25F]F 12PK 120 120 Crystal (Cleari- Decorative.|2-Pack FLAIR c-9 1500 225FM/4 120 120 Clear-Decorative -"C-Line-Commercial Service c-9 400025FM lW-2sF lW lF 12PK 120 124 While- Decoraiive.12 Pack FLAIR c-9 '1500 125FM/A-25F/A/F 12PK 120 r20 ColonialAmber Decorative.1z-Pack FLAIR c,9 150025FM/A CARDEO/ 2 PM 120


    60. Colonial Amber- Decoraiive.Carded (2 lamps per card)PRICE MARKED FLAIRc-9 43la 1500

    25FM i A4 120r20

    Colonial Amber-Decorative-"C-Line. ' Commercial Service c-9 4tla 400025FM/AU-25F/AtJ/F 12PK 't20

    120Arrrad-ascenl Decorative.l2-Pack FLAIR c'9 1500

    25FM/AU CARDED / 2 PM .io' Auradescent--Decorative.Carded (2 lamps per card)PRICE MARKEO FLAIF]c-9 1500

    :: lndicates lota couot o1 2 Lamp carded packs n standard package wr.rltrp y by 2 io deteamine acl!a quant ty of lamps

  • 7/29/2019 GE 1977 Lamp Catalog


    GENERAL ELECTRIC INCANDESCENT LAMPSBurning Position-ANY, except as noled.Bulb Base Lamp Ordering Code std.Pks.oty.

    DESCFIPTION{See lncandescent LampFootnotes-Page 44-45)FilamenlDesiqn o.L

    L.c.L.(lnches HoursLife25 WATTS (Continued)G-16r/,1 Cand. 25G16112C 115-125 60 Clear-Decoralive c-74 3 15la 1500 23525G161/rClW 115-125 60 Sprayed White-Decorative c-74 3 't500 2102sGC/W-25G16'/,C/W/F12PK 't20 120 Sprayed White-Decoralive.12-Pack FLAIF] c-7A 3 1500 21fJ

    2sGC I 4 120 60 Clear-Decorative- "C-Line.Commercial Service 3 15/e 400025GC/W4 120 60 Sprayed White- Decorative-"C-Line." Commercial Service c-74 3 15/e 400025G16112C I 84 120 60 Beaded-White-Decorative-"C-Line." Commercial Service c-7A 3 15/e 4000

    G-181 Medium 25G1A1t2tW 115-125 120 Sprayed White-Decorative c-9 3s/,e 1500 220G-25 25G25 115-125 60 Clear-Decorative c-9 2sls 1s00 24025G25Mt4 120 Clear-Decorative- "C-Line."Commercial Service c-9 2e irc 400025G25lW 1s-l25 60 Sprayed White- Decorative c-s 1500 220G-40 lredium 25G40/W 115-125 24 White- Decoralive c-9 613/r e 2500 15025G40/ CL 115-125 24 Ciear- Decorative c-9 613/rr 2soo 160s-19 25S19/CL4 120 50 Clear-"Americana" - Decorative."C-Ljne." Commercial Service (85) 4000A-19


    25AIB 24PK 115-125 120 BlLre-Decorative. 24-Pack c-9 31a 250025Ai G 24PK 115-125 120 Green-Decorative. 24-Pack c-9 37la 250025A/O 115-12s 't20 Orange-Decorative c-9 31la 250025AIB 24PK 115-125 120 Red-Decorative. 24-Pack c-9 37la 250025AlR2 115-125 120 Rose-Decorative c,9 37la 250025AIY 24PK 115-125 124 Yellow-Decorative. 24-Pack c-9 37le 2500 18025A19/GR/CL 130 120 Clear-Siqn. Group Replacement c-9 31le 21lz 300025A19/ GR / tF 130 124 lnside Frosted-Sign. GroupReplacement c-9 31le 300025A19/GR/TB 130 120 Transparenl Blue-Sign. Gro0pBeplacement (86) 21lz 300025AIf B 6PK PM 120 120 Transparent Blue- Decoralive.6-Pack (86) PRICE MARKED

    c-9 21lz 250025A19/ GR/TG 130 120 Transparent Green-Sign.GroLrp Replacement (86) c-9 31la 300025AITG 6PK PM 120 120 Transparent Green - Decorative.6-Pack (86) PBICE MARKED c,9 3'ta 21lz 250025A19/ GR/TO 130 120 Transparent Oranqe-Siqn.Group Replacemenl (86) c,s 31le 21lz 300025A|TO 6PK PM 120 124 Transparent Orange -Decorative.6-Pack (86) PRICE MARKED c-9 sT la 21lc 250025A19/ GR/TR 130 120 Iransparent Red--Sign.Group Replacement (86) c-s 37le 21lz 300025A/TR 6PK PM 120 120 TransparentRed Decoralive.6-Pack (86) PRICE MARKED c-9 21lp 250025A19/ GR/TY 130 120 Transparent Yellow-Sign.Group Replacement (86) c-9 31la 21lz 30002'AITY 6PK PM 't20 120 Transparenl Yellow-- Decorative.6-Pack (86)PBICE MARKED c-9 37le 21lz 2500

  • 7/29/2019 GE 1977 Lamp Catalog



    25 WATTS (Continued)

    Burning Position ANY, except as noted.Bulb Base Lamp Orderinq Code srd.Pks.Qtv.

    DESCRIPTIONi:".i"'ffiXi?'"?:'..if.3 tj;;;;; o.L.L.c.L. HoursLiie

    A,-21 25421 IRFL 130 120 Reflector Sign-Light lnsideFrosted C-74 43la 2500G-1611, S.C.Bay. 2sG16'/,SC 120 60 Clear- Railway Light Signal (69) c-5 3 1000s-6 Cand. 25S6 't 15-125 240 *Clear-High lntensity lndicator.

    ANSI: DVN (16)c-74 17la 15i ro 50

    s-11 25311/2C 115-125 124 *Clear-l\.4edical Spotlight c-74 21la 11ls 500T -6112 lntermed. 25f61lz 120 60 Clear-Showcase c-8 51lz 1000 2425f61lz 125-t 30 60 Clear-Showcase c-8 51lz 1000 24

    2sf61lt llF 't20 60 lnside Frosted-Showcase 51lz 1000 2425f61lz llF 125-130 60 lnside Frosled -Showcase c-8 51lt 1000 24D.C.Bay. 25T61/zDC '120 60 Clear-Appliance-Scalellluminator c-8 5s/ro 1000 2425T61ltDC 125-130 60 Clear-Appliance-Scalellluminator c-8 5e/re 1000 2425T61ltDCllF 120 60 lnside Frosted-Appliance-Scale llluminatot c-8 5e/r s 1000 242sT61/rDC / lF 125-130 60 lnside Frosted-Appliance-Scale llluminator c-8 5s/re 1000 24


    j25T8DC 115-125 Clear Home and lndustrialAppliance. c-7A 25la (63) 2425T8DC CARDED 115-125 240 Clear-Appliance. 1 2-Pack-Carded C.7 A 25le (63) 225T8DC/ tF 115-125 60 lnside Frosted-Appliance c-7A 25la (63)

    lntermed 25T8N 115-125 60 Clear-Appliance 25la (63) 2Cand- 25T8C 115-125 60 Clear-Appliance c-7 A 25la 11le (63)

    T-10 Medium 2sT10 120 120 Clear-Showcase c-8 55/a 1000 225T10 24PK 120 192 Clear-Showcase. 24-Pack c-8 5sle 1000 225T10 CAROED 120 120 Clear-Showcase.12"Pack-Carded c-8 1000 225T10 CARDEO PM 120 120 clear-Showcase.12-Pack-Carded PRICE MARKED c-8 1000 225T10 125-130 120 Clear-Showcase c-8 55i a 1000 225T10llF 120 120 lnsideFrosled Showcase c-8 5s/s 1000 225T10i tF 24PK 120 192 lnside Frosted-Showcase.24-Pack 5'la 1000 22sT10/ tF 125-130 120 lnside Frosted-Showcase c-8 55/n 1000 22sT10/6 24PK 115-'t25 120 Clear-Aquarium. 24-Pack c-8 5s/s 2s00

    R,14 llntermed 25Rt4N 120 120 Rellector-Light Inside Frosted."Little-R" {36) cc-2v 2e lrc 1500 1*PAR,36 ScrewTerminal 25PAR36 5.5 12 PAR-Display Spotlight.Filament shielded c-6 2tla 1000*PAR-46 25PAR46 5.5 12 PAR-Display Spoilighl.Filament shielded. 1000

    s-1 1 LongShellMedium25511 /7 6 124 Clear- lnslrument. Source WxH:4.4x0.8mm. Filament s/16"max.from end oi bulb (31, 76)

    25la 50

    T-8 S.C.Pref.(A)

    2sT8/ SCP 6 24 Clear- lnstrument. Source WxHl0.8x4.smm. (57, 61)

    c-8 31/e 50s-11 S.C. Bay. 25511/4SC 't0 120 Clear-Railway Light Signal (70) cc-6 2)la 1000A-19 Lledium 254 12 120 lnside Frosted (11, 53) 37lc 2els 1000 3

  • 7/29/2019 GE 1977 Lamp Catalog


    GENERAL ELECTRIC INCANDESCENT LAMPSBurning Position ANY. except as noted.DESCRIPTION(See lncandescenl LampFootnotes-Page 44-45)

    25 WATTS (Continued)

    30 WATTS

    36 WATTS

    *PAR,36 ScrewTerminal 25PAR36NSP 12 12 PAR-Narrow Spotlighi (65) 23la 200025PAF36WFL 12 12 PAR-Wide Floodlisht (65) 23la 2000R-14 S. C. Bay. 25 R14SC / SP 12 120 Ref lector Spotlight-Liqhtlnside Frosted (15) cc-8 25le 200025R14SC 28 120 Rellector SpolIght-Lightlnside Frosted (15) cc-8 25la 2000A-19 Ivled ium 25A 30 120 lnside Frosted-Trajn (1 1) c-9 37le 2slt s 100025A- 34 120 lnsjde Frosted-Train (1 1 ) c-9 31le 2s ls 1000 390r -8112 25f811, t tF 34 60 lnside Frosted-Train c-8 53/e 1000*PAR-38 MediumSkirted 25PAR/ FL 34 12 PAR-Train - Floodlight 55/ro 1000

    A-19 Medium 2sA 60 120 lnside Frosted-Train (1 1 ) c-9 37le 1000 285f -811p 25TallzllF 60 60 lnside Frosted-Train c-B 53la 1000A-17 2sA17lRS 75 124 lnsdefrosted-Irain. Rough c-9 35la 21lz 1000 250A-19 254 230,250 120 lnside Frosted c-17A 2slrc 1000 22025A 300 20 lnside Frosted c-174 31ts 2slrc 't00025AIB 230,250 120 Red C.17A 37la 1000T -611t D.C.Bay 2sT61i,DC/ tF 230 60 lnside Frosted-Scalell,uminator c-8 5e/r e 1000T-10 25T10 24PK 250 192 Clear-Showcase. 24-Pack c-174 55/e 1000R-20 ,AMedium 30R20 1 15-125 60 Ref lector- Light lnside Frosted C.7 A 31s/rt 2000 21030R20 6PK 115-'t25 60 Ref leclor-Light Inside Frosted6-Pack c-7A 31s/, t 2000 210

    30R20 130 60 Fef lector-Light Inside Frosted c-7A 31s/r r 2000 210G-161/, D.C. Bay 30G161/,/30C 115 60 Clear-lvledical Sootliohl.Silvered Bowl cc-2vHoriz. 35/r e 1131t 500T-B Disc 130 115-125 24 Clear- Lumiline c-8 1500L30/tF 115-125 24 lnside Frosted-Lumiline c-8 1731a 1500 255L30/W 115-12s 24 White-Lumiline c-8 1500 210s-11 S.C. Prel(A) 30s11/4SCP 6 120 Clear-Pholo-microqraphic.Source WxH:2.1x1.gmm.Filament s/r6" max. from end ofbu'b (31, 76)c-6 23la 500

    s-11 D. C. Bay 30st 1/100 120 Clear-Train [,4arker {57) c-7 A 23le 500T-8 Disc L30 /W 60 24 White-Lumiline c-8 11314" 1500s-1 1 D. C. Bay 30s110c 64 120 Clear-Train N4arker (57) c-7A 23le 11la 500 35030s110c 75 120 Clear-Train Marker ControlStand (s7) c-74 23la 15/to 50030-70-100 WATTS

    A-21 3-ContactM ed ium 30i 100 12PK '120 60 Soft-White-3-Way. Burn basedown only. 12-Pack (25) c-2RCC-B s1t,t 33la 1500,1200,1150

    240,1035,131530/ 100 r2PK PM 120 60 SorFwhite-3-Way. Burn basedown only. 12-Pack (25)PRICE MARKED c-2Rcc-8 51lq 33lq 1500,1200,1150 1035,280,131 5


    A-19 Medium 36A/ FIYH '120 120 Clear-Street Railway Headliqhl.Design amps: .342 (41) 31la 211,t 1000

  • 7/29/2019 GE 1977 Lamp Catalog



    40 WATTS

    Burning Positlon-ANY, except as noted.Bulb Lamp Ordering Code sldPks.Qtv.

    DESCRIPTION(See lncandescenl LampFoolnotes-Page 44 45) Designo.L,


    A"19 Medium 404 120 120 lnside Frosted (1 1) c,9 21'lr 1500 440A 24PK '| 20 20 lnside Frosted. 24'Pack (1 1) c-9 21s1rc 1500 44OA 24PK PM 't20 124 lnside Frosted. 24-Pack (11)PRICE MARKED c9 2151rc 1s00 4404 130 20 lnsrde Frosled (l I ) c-9 2t'lt 1500 440A/W 24PK 120 20 Sott-White. 24-Pack (1 1 ) c-9 2151rc 1500 44OA/W 24PK PM 120 20 Soit-White. 24'Pack (1 1)PFICE MARKED c-9 2151t 1500 440A/ CL 120 20 Clear (1 1) c,9 21slr 1500 440A/ CL 130 20 Clear (11) c-9 2151t 1500 4 l\y'ediu m 4OA/TF 24PK 115-125 20 Clear TUFF-SKlN.24-Pack(83) c-9 150040A/ 99 120 20 lnside Frosted - ExtendedService. (1 1) c-s 21slta 2500 440A/99 24PK 120 20 lnside Frosted - ExlendedService. 24-Pack (11) c-9 2151rc 2500 440a/99 130 120 lnside Frosted - ExtendedService (1 1) c-9 2151rc 2500 4

    A-15 Medium 40A15 115-'t25 120 lnsideFrosted Appliance.Oven (1 1) c9 311, 21la 1500 440A15 CAFDED 115-125 244 lnside Frosled-Appliance.Oven'12'Pack-Carded (11) c-9 31lz 23le 1 500 440415 CABDED PM 115-125 240 lnsideFrosted Appliance.Oven. 1 2-Pack-Carded. (1 1 )PRICE MARKEOc,s 311, 2tia 1500 4

    B-10 Cand. 40BC-40810/F 12PK 120 2A Crystal (Clear)- Decorative.Burn base down to horizontal.12'Pack (36) FLAIRc-9 3tlq 15la '1500

    40BC/ W-40810/W/ F 12PK 120 124 SatinWhile Decorative.Burn base down to horizontal.12-Pack (36) FLAIBc,9 3\tq 1500

    40BC l84 120 60 Beaded-White - Decorative -"C-Line." Commercial Service.Burn base down to horizontal (36)c-9 33la 13/c 4000

    B- 13 Medium 40BM-40B13/F 12PK '120 124 Crystal {Clear)- Decorative.12-Pack FLAIR c,9 2jla 1 s0040BM/W-40B l3/W/ F r 2PK 120 120 Salin White - Decorative.12-Pack FLAIR 150040BM/ 84 120 60 Beaded-White- Decorative-''C'Line." Commercial Service c,g 2rlo 4000

    cA-9 ,^Medium 40cAM-40CA9i F 12 PK 120 120 Clear-Bent Tip-Decorattve.12'Pack (85) FLAIR cc-2v 251rc 150040caM/F-40cA9/2/F r 2PK '120 20 Outside Frosted-8ent TipDecorative. 12'Pack (85) FLAIR cc-2v 2'lt e 150040cAM/ 4 120 124 Clear BentTip-Decorative.''C-Line." Commercial Service (85) cc -2v 4112 4000

  • 7/29/2019 GE 1977 Lamp Catalog


    GENERAL ELECTRIC INCANDESCENT LAMPSBurning Posilion ANY, excepl as noled.DESCRIPTION(See Incandescent LampFootnotes-Page 44-45)

    40 WATTS (Continued)cA-10 ,lCand. 40cAc-40cA10/F 1zPK 't20 120 Clea.-Bent Tip- Decorative.12-Pack {85) FLAIR cc-2v 45ls 21le 15004OCAC CABDED/ 2 PM 't20 60:l Clear-Bent Tip-Decorative.Carded (2 lamps per card) (85)PBICE MABKED FLAIR

    cc-2v 21ts 150040cAc/F-40cA10/2/F 12PK 't20 120 Outside Frosted-Bent Tip-Decoralive 12-Pack {85) FLAIR cc-2v 21la 'i5004OCAC/F CARDED/ 2 PM 120 60:r Outside Frosted-Bent Tip-Decoralive. Carded (2 lamps percard) (85) PRICE MARKED FLATR

    cc-2v 21la 150040cacl4 120 120 Clear-Bent Tip- Decorative."C-Line." Commercial Service (85) cc-2v 400040cac/ F4 120 120 Outside Frosled-Bent Tip-Decorative.'C-Line."Commercial Service (85)

    cc-2v 4000F-15 l'rediu m 40FM-40F15/F 12PK 't20 120 Crystal (Clear)- Decoralive.12-Pack FLAIR c-9 1500 43540FM/4 120 120 Clear- Decoralive- "C-Line."Commercia, Service. c-9 4000

    40FM/W-40F15/W/ F 12PK 120 120 White-Decorative.12-Pack FLAIB c-9 43la 1500 39040FM/AU-40F15/AU/ F12PK 120 120 Auradescenl-Decorative.12-Pack FLAIR c-9 '1500G-161/, Cand. 40G161/rClW 115,125 60 Spayed White-Decorative.Burn base down to horizontal (36) 3 1500 24540GC/ 4 120 60 Clear-Decorative. "C-Line."Commercial Service.Burn base down to horizontal {36)4000

    D.C.Bay. 40G161/z/3DC 115 60 Clear-Silvered Bowl.llledical Spotlight cc-2vHotiz. 35/ro 113/rr 500G-25 I\redium 40G/W 115-125 60 Sprayed White-Decorative. c-9 't500 310 lredium 40G25M/84 120 60 Beaded-White-Decorative-"C-Line." Commercial Service c-9 2sllo 4000Medium 40G25/CL 15-125 60 Clear-Decoralive c-9 1s00G-40 ltMedium 40GM/W-40G40/W/F 6PK "120 24 White- Decorative- l\,4oonglow.6"PacK FLAIR c-s 613/re 2500 35540G40/W 120 24 White-Decoralive c-9 613/rs 2500 35540G40/W 130 24 White- Decoralive c-9 613/rt 25004OGM/MS 6PK 120 I\,4etallic Silver- Decorative-Moonglow.6-Pack(45) FLAIR c-9 613/rt 250040G40/ CL 115-t25 Clear-Decorative c-s 613/rt 2500 385

    40GM / 4 120 2A Clear-Decorative-"C-Line.Commercial Service. c-9 613/r r 4000A-19 Medium 4OA/OPK 24PK 120 12A Coloramic-Dawn Pink.24'Pack. (11) c-9 411+ 1500A-21 a l\,4 edium 4OAIB 't 15-12s 120 Blue- Decorative c-s 10004OA/G 15-125 120 Green-Decorative c-9 100040a/ o 115-125 120 Oranqe-Decoralive c-9 43le 100040A/ F 115-125 124 Red-Decorative c-9 1000

    4OA IY 15-125 120 Yellow- Decorative c-9 1000 29040A/Y 130 124 Yellow- Decorative c-9 43le 1000 290lndicates total count oi 2-lamp carded packs in slandard package. Mulliply by 2lo determine aclual quanl ty of larnps.

  • 7/29/2019 GE 1977 Lamp Catalog


    GENERAL ELECTRIC INCANDESCENT LAMPSBurnlng Positlon ANY, except as noted.

    40 WATTS (Continued)

    40 WATTS_45 WATTS

    Bulb Base Lamp Ordering Code std.Pks.olvDESCRIPTION(S6e lncandescenl LampFootnoles-Page 44-45)


    L.c.L.(lnchesHoursLlfe lni

    A-21\,t'. . f.t.=

    ^'irediu m 40A21/GB/CL 130 120 Clear-Sign. Group Replacement c-9 2151t 300040A21/ GF / tF 130 120 lnside Frosted-Sign.Group Replacement c-9 21511 300040A21/GR/TB 130 120 Transparenl Blue-Sign.

    Group Replacement (86)c-9 43la 2151le 3000

    40421/GR/TG 130 120 Transparent Green-Sign.Group Replacement. (86) c-9 2151lt 300040A21/GR/TO 130 120 Transparent Orange-Sign.Group Replacement (86) c-9 2151rt 300040A21/GR/TR 130 120 Transparent Red-Sign.Group Replacement (86) c-9 2lsllt 300040A21/ GR/TY 130 120 Transparent Yellow-Sign.Group Replacement {86) c-9 2151t 30004oA/TS 120 120 Clear-Traffic Signal. Burn basedown 1o horizontal c-9 43la 27lta 2000 3840A/TS 130 120 Clear-Traffic Signal. Burn base.down to horizontal c,9 271rc 2000 38f -61t2 lntermed. 40T61l,l2 115-125 60 Clear- Refrigerator c-8 51lz 75040T61t,t2 CAROED 115-125 120 Clear- Retrigeralor.12-Pack-Carded c-8 51lz 75040f61lzl2 CARDED PM 't 15-'125 120 Clear- Relrigerator.12-Pack-Carded PRICE MARKED c-8 51lz 75040T61t2tztF 1t5-125 60 Inside Frosted-Appliance c-8 51lz 750

    T-8 Medium 40T8 120 24 Clear-Showcase 11r ts 1000 4340T8 125-130 24 Clear-Showcase c-23 1171a 1000 440T8/tF 120 24 lnside Frosled-Showcase c-23 1000 4




    40T10 120 124 Clear-Showcase c-8 5'la 1000 440T10 24PK 't20 192 Clear-Showcase. 24-Pack c-8 5s/s 1000 440T10 125-130 120 Clear-Showcase c-8 5si a 1000 440T10/ tF 120 120 lnside Frosted-Showcase c-8 5s/e 1000 440Tt0/tF 24PK 120 192 lnside Frosted-Showcase24-Pack c-8 55/n 1000 44OT1O/IF CARDED 120 120 lnside Frosted-Showcase.'12-Pack"Carded c-B '1000 44OTlO/IF CARDED PM 120 120 lnside Frosted-Showcase.12-Pack-Carded. PRICE MARKED c-B 1000 440T10/ tF 125-130 120 lnside Frosted-Showcase c-8 55tu '1000


    4OT'I O/ RFL 24PK 120 192 Bef leclor Showcase-Lightlnside Frosted & side aluminized.l\4-O.L. is exclusive of springcontact on base. 24 Packcc-8 55/s 1000 4

    lllediumPrefocus 40T10P 120 60 Clear-Airport. Burningposition: base down only. cc-2v 3151* 1000

    T-8 I Disc L40 '115-125 24 Clear- Lumiline c,8 1 1 3/a 1500L40/ tF 1r5-125 24 lnside Frosted-Lumiline c-8 1500 3140/W 'I t 5- 125 24 While-Lumiline c,8 1131a 1500

    A-15 2-LugSleeve 40a1s t2 10 120 Clear Flailway Light Signal(10,11) c-2v 33le 2l lzz 15003-LugSleeve 40a15/3 10 120 Clear- Railway Light Signal(10,1 1) c-2v 331+ 231rc 1500

    T -8112 Medium 40Ta112l tF 30 60 lnside Frosted-Train c-8 1000*PAR-38 MediumSkirted 45PAR38/ 6.5 6-6A 12 PAB-Airport- Floodlight c-6 5s/re 800

  • 7/29/2019 GE 1977 Lamp Catalog


    GENERAL ELECTRIC INCANDESCENT LAMPSBurning Position-ANY, except as noled.B!lb Base Lamp Orderinq Code sld.Pks.otv.

    DESCRIPTION(See lncandescent LampFootnotes-Page 44-45)FilamentDesign o.L,{lnches

    L.c.L, HoursLife lnitial

    50 WATTSA-19 Medium 504 / Rs 't 20 120 lnside Frosted-Rouoh Service c-22 2sls 1000 4AOsOA/RS 24PK 120 120 lnside Frosted-Rough Service.24-Pack 37le 2slrc 1000 4AO

    50A/ RS 't 30 120 lnside Frosted-Rough Service 37la 2s116 1000 440sOA/RS 24PK 130 120 lnside Frosted-Bough Service.24-P ack c-22 31le 1000 440aMedium sOA/RS/TF 24PK 1s-12s 120 Clear-Rough Se.vice.TUFF-SKlN.24-Pack c-22 3r la 1000

    Medium 50A19/5 120 120 Clear-Rouqh Se.vice 37la 2s lrc 100050A19/s 130 120 Clear-Rough Service c-22 31le 2slrc 1000sOA/VS 24PK 120 120 lnside Frosted-VibrationService.24-Pack c-9 37la 211, 1000 550sOA/VS 24PK 130 120 lnside Frosted-VibrationService.24-Pack 37la 2112 1000 550R-20 ,lMedium 50R20 115-125 60 Ref lector-Light lnside Frosted(14) 315/, 2000 4405OR2O 6PK PM 115-125 60 Reilector-Light lnside Frosted.6-Pack (14) PRICE MABKED c-74 3151t 2000 440

    50R20 130 60 Ref lector-Light lnsideFrosted ('14) c-74 31s/r 2000 44050R20BW 115-125 60 Beflector-Blue White(14,34,35) c-7A 31s/r 20005OR2OPK 115-125 60 Ref lector- Pink (1 4,34,35) c-74 3151rt 2000sOR2O/PL 6PK 120 24 Reflector Plant Light-"Gro and Sho". 6-Pack (4,14,56) c-74 3151r 21la 2000

    R-30 50R30/ FL 120 24 Rellector Floodlight- lnsideFrosted (14) cc-6 53/n 2000sOR3O/FL 6PK 120 24 Ref lector Floodlight- lnsideFrosted. 6-Pack f14) cc-6 53/e 2000T-10 5OT1O/ RS/ CL/TF 120 120 Clear Rough Service. TUFF-SKIN c-8 5s/n 1000A-21 i,4ediu m 50A21 12 120 lnside Frosted ( l1,53) c-6 37lta 1000 875*PAR-36 Screw

    Terminal5OPARSSNSP 12 12 PAR- Narrow Spotlight (65) 20005OPAR36WFL 12 12 PAR-Wide Floodliqht (65) c-6 23le 20005OPAR36VWFL 12 12 PAR- Very Wide Floodlight (65) c-6 23le 2000

    A-21 Medium 50A21 30 120 lnside Frosted-Train (1 1 ) c-9 47la 37ls 1000 805A-19 5OA/RS 32 120 lnside Frosted- Rough Service.Train c-9 37le 2s lrc 10004"21 50A21 34 120 lnside Frosted Train (11) c-9 371rc '1000A-19 50a19 / RS 75 120 lnside Frosted-Rough Service.Train c-9 37le 21lp 1000 545

    50A 230,2sO 120 lnside Frosted (11 c-174 37la 2s lrc 1000 4905OA/RS 230,250 120 lnside Frosted-Rouqh Service c-22 37ls 2s lrc 1000 4705OA/G 250 124 Green c-174 31le 100050A/ R 250 124 Red c-174 37la 100050419 300 124 lnside Frosted C-174 37le 2s lrc 't00050a19/ 35 300 124 Clear c-174 3% 2s lrc 100050-s0 wATTs

    P-25 3-ContactMoqul 50I 50P25 t2a 120 60 Clear-Marine Running Light.Filaments operated separately.Burn base downc-5c-9 51/rs 3s/re 750 390440

    1-12 a3-ContactMedium 50/ 50T12 115 24 Clear-Marine Running Light.Filaments operated separately.Burn base down c-955/ro 3 750


  • 7/29/2019 GE 1977 Lamp Catalog


    GENERAL ELECTRIC INCANDESCENT LAMPSBurning Position ANY, except as noted.Bulb Base Lamp Ordering Code srd.Pks.Qtv.

    DESCRIPTION(See lncandescent LampFoolnotes-Page 44'45)FilamentDesign o.L.


    HoursLilo lnit

    50-100-150 wATTSA-21 3-Contacil\4ediu m 50/ 150 12PK 120 60 Soft-White-3-Way. Bu.n basedown only. 12-Pack (25) c-2Rcc-8 51/+ 31la 1500,1200,1150

    5816422250/150 12PK PM 120 60 Sof t-White-3-Way. Burn basedown only. 12-Pack (25)PRICE MARKED


    51la 37le '1500,1200,11505816422250/'50/DPK 12PK 120 60 Coloramic Dawn Pink.3-Way.Burn base down only. 12-Pack(2s,49)

    c-2Rcc-8 51la 31la 1500,1200,1150,50/150/DPK 12PK PM 120 60 Coloramjc-Dawn Pink. 3-Way.Burn base down only. 12-Pack(25,49) PRICE MARKEDc-2Rcc-8 51la 31la 1s00,1200,1150

    50-200-250 wATTSA-23 3-ContactMedium 50/250 12PK 't20 60 Soft-White-3-Way. Burn basedown only. 12-Pack (25) c-2Rcc-B 53/r 1500,1200,1150

    5836642450/250 12PK PM 120 60 SofFwhite-3-Way. BLrrn basedown only. 12-Pack (25)PRICE MARKEDc-2Rcc-8 53la 1500,1200,1150

    5836642456 WATTS

    A-21 Medium s6A21 120 120 lnside Frosted -Street Railway.Design amps: .519 (41) c-9 2151rc 200060 WATTS

    A-19 Medium 604 120 124 lnside Frosted (1 1) cc-6 31/e 1000 860A 48PK 120 144a lnside Frosted. 48-Pack (1 1) cc-6 31/n 1000 860A 48PK PM 120 144a lnside Frosted. 48-Pack (1 1)PBICE MARKED 31/e 1000 860A 125 120 lnside Frosted (1 1) cc-6 31/g 1000 8604 130 120 lnside Frosted (1 1) cc-6 31/e 1000 860A/W 48PK 120 1444 Solt-White. 48-Pack (11) cc-6 1000 86OA/W 48PK PM 120 1444 Sott'White. 48-Pack (1 1)PRICE MARKED 1000 86OA/WP 24PK 120 120 Soft-White PLUS 24-Pack (1 1) 31/e 1500 86OA/WP 24PK PM 120 12Q Soft-White PLUS-24-Pack (1 1)PRICE MARKED cc-6 31le 1500 460A/ CL '120 120 Clear (11 cc-6 31h 1000 86OA/CL 24PK 120 120 Clear 24-Pack. (1 1) 31/e 1000 a60A/CL 130 120 Clear (11 cc-6 31la 1000 8

    aMedit]m 6OA/TF 24PK 115-125 120 clear-TUFF-SKlN. 24-Pack (8s) 100060A/99 120 120 lnside Frosted-Extended Serv-ice (1 1) 31la 2500 760A/99 24PK 120 120 lnside Frosted- Extended Serv-ice. 24-Pack (1 1) 31/a 2500 7604/ 99 130 120 lnside Frosted-Extended Serv-

    ice (11)cc-6 31la 2500 7

    Medium 5OA/ D 115.125 120 lnside Frosted- Dayliqht (11) cc-6 31le 1000 55OA/DCL '115-125 120 Clear Daylight (l1 cc-6 31/c 100060A/ SB '120 120 lnside Frosted-Silvered Bowl(1 1) 31le 1000 76OA/Y 24PK 115-125 120 Yellow-Buq-Lite. 24-Pack (1 1) 1000 56OA/Y 24PK PM 115-125 120 Yellow-Bug-Lite. 24 -P ack (1 1 )PRICE MARKED cc-6 1000 56OA/Y 24PK 130 120 Yellow-BLrg-Lite. 24-Pack (1 1) cc-6 1000 5

    a Standard package quantlly is considered as 120 lamps in determ ning slandard package count lor "size of ordei' purposes.

  • 7/29/2019 GE 1977 Lamp Catalog


    GENERAL ELECTRIC INCANDESCENT LAMPSBurning Position ANY, except as noted.DESCRIPTION(See lncandescent LampFoolnols-Page 44-45)

    60 WATTS (Continued)A-19 Medium 6OA/DPK 24PK 120 120 Coloramic-Dawn P'nk.24-Pack (1 1) 't0006OA/DPK 24PK PM 120 120 Coloramic-Dawn Pink.24-Pack (1 1) PRICE MARKED cc-6 1000

    lvledium 6OA/PL 5PK 120 24 Plant Light-"Gro and Sho"6'Pack (4) 31le 1000B-10 lCand. 60BC-60810/F 12PK 120 120 Crystal (Clear)-Decorative.12-Pack (85) FLAIR cc-2v 4 1500cA-9 lMedium 60cAM-60CA9/F 12PK 't20 120 Clear-Bent Tip-Decorative.12-Pack (85) FLAIR cc-2v 150060cAM/F-60CA9/2/F 12PK 't20 120 Outside Frosted-Bent Tip-Decorative. 12-Pack (85) FLAIR cc"2v 25ls '1500

    60cAM/ 4 120 120 Clear-Bent Tip-Decorative."C-Line." Commercial Service (85) cc-2v 4000cA-t0


    aCand. 60cAc-60cA10/F 12PK 120 120 Clear-Bent Tip- Decorative.12-Pack (85) FLAIR cc-2v 451rc 21ls 15006OCAC CARDED/2 PM 120 60r Clear-Bent Tip- Decorative.Carded (2 Lamps per Card) (85)PRICE MARKED FLAIRcc-2v 21ls 1500

    60cAc/F-60cA10/2/F 12PK 120 124 Outside Frosled-Bent Tip-Decorative. 12-Pack (85) FLAIR cc-2v 21la 150060cAc/4 120 120 Clear-Bent Tip-Decorative."C-Line." Commercial Service (85) cc-2v 4000G-40 ,lMedium 60G40/W 115-125 24 White-Decorative c-9 613/re 250060G40/CL 115-125 24 Clear- Decorative c-9 6131 2500A-21 lvledium 60A21/B 115-125 120 Blue(11, 49) c-s 100060A21/G 15-125 12r] Green (11, 49) c-9 100050421/O 15-125 120 Orange (1 1, 49) c-9 '100060a21/R 't5-t25 120 Red (1 1, 49) c-9 1000

    60A21 / R2 15-125 120 Rose (11,49) c-9 100060A21/Y 15-12s 120 Yellow (1 1, 49) c-9 1000T-8 | Disci_ -__;

    160 15-125 24 Clear-Lumiline c-B 1731q" 1500160/ rF 15-125 24 lnside Frosted-Lumiline c-8 1731+" 1s00 535160/W 15-125 24 While-Lumiline c-8 1731a' 1500 4s0

    A-21 Medium 60A21/TS 120 120 Clear-Traffic Signal.Burn base down to horizontal c-9 43la 271rc 3000 67560A21/TS 't25 120 Clear-Traffic Signal.Burn base down to horizontal c-9 271rc 3000 67560A21/TS '130 120 Clear-Traflic Sjgnal.Burn base down to horizontal c-9 3000 675

    T-10 Mediu m 60T10/54 24PK 120 192 Clear-Showcase. 24-Pack.Burn base down to horizontal c-8 1000 74s60T10/tF 24PK 't20 192 lnside Frosted-Showcase.Burn base down to horizontal.24-Packc-a 55le 1000

    *PAR-46 ScrewTerminal 6OPAR 38 12 PAR-N4ine Locomotive Head-lisht (71) cc-2v 33lt 80060PAR/2/ R 12 PAR-Red Lens-Train Warn-ins (71) cc-2v 33la 800A-21 Medium 60A21 230 120 lnside Frosted c-174 23la 1000* lndicates total count of 2 lamp carded packs in standard package. [,4ultip]y by 2 to determine actual quantity of amps.

  • 7/29/2019 GE 1977 Lamp Catalog



    u, *orrr-

    Burning Posilion-ANY, except as noted.Eulb Lamp Ordering Code std.Pks.Qtv.

    DESCRIPTION(See lncandescenl LampFooinotes-Paqe 44-45) DesignM.o.L.(lnches)

    L,C.L. HoursLiie



    67 A2'l ITS 120 2A Clear Traffic Siqnal.Burn base down lo horizontal c-9 211rc 8000 63567A21/TS 125 120 clear lraific Signal.Burn base down to horizonlal c-9 211rc 8000 63567A21/TS '130 120 Clear-Traffic Signal.Burn base down to horizontal c-9 271rc 8000 635

    69 WATTSA-21 ,r Nredium 59421i TS 120 120 Ciear-Traffic Signal.Brrrn base down to horizontal c-9 211rc 8000 675

    69A21 /TS 125 120 Clear-Traflic Signal.BLrrn base down to horizontal c-9 271rc 8000 67569A21/TS 130 20 Clear Traffic Signal.Burn base down to horizontal c-9 43la 271rc a000 675

    75 WATTSA-19 l\4ed ium 75A 120 124 lnside Frosted (1 1) 3r/s 750 119075A 48PK 120 144a lnside Frosted. 48-Pack (1 1) 31/s 750 1190

    75A 48PK PM 120 '144a lnslde Frosted. 48-Pack (1 1)PRICE MARKED cc-6 3r/a 750 1190754 125 120 lnside Frosted (1 1) cc,6 31/s 750 119075A. 130 120 lnside Frosted (11) 31/e 750 119075A/W 48PK 120 '144a Sofl-White. 48'Pack. (1 1 cc,6 31/c 750 117075A/W 48PK PM 120 144a Sofl-White. 48-Pack. (1 1 )PRICE MABKEO 3r/e 750 117075A/WP 24PK 120 120 Soft-While PLUS. 24-Pack (11) cc-6 31/s 1500 107575A|WP 24PK PM 120 120 Soft-While PLUS. 24-Pack (1 1)PRICE MARKED cc,6 31la 1500 10757sAlCL 120 124 Clear (1 1) cc-6 750 11975A/ CL 130 120 Clear (1 1) 31la 750 1190

    ,lMedium 75A/99 't20 120 lnside Frosted - Extended Serv-ice (1 1) 31/e 2500 10075A/99 24PK 120 120 lnside Frosted - Extended Serv-ice. 24-Pack (1 1) cc-6 31/e 2500 1007sA/99 130 120 lnside Frosted -Extended Serv-ice (11) cc-6 31/s 2500 100

    Medium 75AIDPK 24PK 't20 120 Coloramic- Dawn Pink.24-Pack (1 1) 100075A|DPK 24PK PM 120 120 Coloramic-Dawn Pink.24-Pack (1 1)PRICE MARKEOcc-6 1000

    7sA/SKY 24PK 115-125 120 Coloramic-Sky Blue.24-Pack (1 1) 100075A/ RX 115-125 120 Red Exit Light (6,11 cc-6 31ls s000,

    A-21 75A/RS 120 120 lnside Frosted-Rough Servrce c-17 sl lq 3r3/,e 1000 7507sA/RS 24PK 't20 120 lnside Frosted-Rough Service.24-Pack c-17 51la 31r/ro 1000 75075A/ RS 12s-130 120 lnside Frosled-Flough Service c-17 51le 313/ro '1000 7s075A/RS 24PK 125-130 120 lnside Frosted-Rough Service.24-Pack c'17 51lq 313/ro 1000 750

    aMedium 7sA/RS/TF 24PK 120 120 Clear- Rough Service.TUFF-SKIN. 24-Pack (83) c-17 51lt 1000a Standard packaqe quantity is considered as 120 amps in determining standard package count tor "size of ordef purposes.

  • 7/29/2019 GE 1977 Lamp Catalog


    GENERAL ELECTRIC INCANDESCENT LAMPSBurning Position-ANY, except as noted.Bulb Base Lamp Ordering Code std.Pkg.Qtv.

    DESCRIPTION(See lncandescent LampFoolnoles-Pag 44-45)FilamenlDesign o.L.

    L.c.L, HoursLite75 WATTS (Continued)*PAR-38 I N4ediumI sli.r.a

    I.aj.r:Y:::: :','-,'!:__

    \ tnffiir

    75PAR/ FL 't20 12 PAR- Projector Floodlighl 55/re 2000 76575PAR/ FL 125-13C 12 PAR- Projector Floodlight cc-6 5s/re 2000 76575/PAR/ SP 't20 12 PAR-Proiector Spotliqht cc-6 55/r e 2000 76575PAR / S P 125-130 12 PAR-Projector Spotlighl 200075PAR38/2FL 't20 12 PAR-Cool-Beam- Floodlight(14, 77) 5516 2000 900i1 75PAR38/ 2FL 125-130 12 PAR-Cool-Beam-Floodlight(14, 77) 55/,e 2000 900

    MediumSideProng75PAR/3FL 't20 12 PAR-Compact Projector Flood-Light. Support lamp by bulb rimor metal shell of base

    2000 765

    75PAR/ 3SP 120 12 PAR-Compact Projector Spot-light. Support lamp by bulb rimor metal shell ol basecc-6 4sl16 2000 765

    *PAR-46 3 Pronq 75PAR46/TS '120 12 PAR- Projector -PedestrianSiqnai cc-6 3511e' 6000R-30


    Medium 75R30/ FL 120 24 Reflector Floodliqht (14) 53/e 2000 90075830/FL 6PK PM 120 24 Reflector Floodlight.6-Pack (14) PRICE MARKED53tu 2000 900

    75R30/ FL 125-13( 24 Reflector Floodlight (1 4) 53/e 2000 900l lvlediu m T5R3OIFLITF 120 24 Reflector Floodlight-TUFF-SKtN (14, 83) cc-6 53/e 2000Medium 75R30/SP 120 24 Reflector Spotliqht (14) 53/e 2000 90075R30/SP 6PK 120 Beflector Spotlight.6-Pack (14) 53/c 2000 90075R30/ SP 125-13( 24 Reflector Spotllghl (14) cc-6 53/e 2000 90075R30/A 115-125 24 Ref lector-Amber (1 4,34,35) 53le 200075R30/ B 115-12I 24 Ref lector-Blue (1 4,34,35) cc-6 53le 200075R30/B 6PK 'I t5-12! 24 Ref lector-Blue (1 4,34,35)6-Pack 53/s 200075R30/ BW 115-125 24 Ref lector* Blue'White(14,34,35) cc-6 200075R30/G 115-125 24 Ref lector-Green (1 4,34,35) s3/s 200075R30/G 6PK 1t5-125 24 Reflector-Green (1 4,34,35)6-Pack cc-6 53la 200075R30/ PK 1t5-125 24 Reflector Pink(14,34,35) 53/e 200075R30/ R 115-125 24 Reflector-Red (1 4,34,35) cc-6 53la 200075R30/R 6PK 115-125 24 Reflector-Red (1 4,34,35)6-Pack 200075R30/Y 115-125 24 Bef lector-Yellow (1 4,34,35) 53ls 200075830/Y 6PK 1 15-12! 24 Ref lector-Yellow (1 4,34,35)6-Pack 53/e 2000 IVlediu m 75R30/PL 6PK 120 24 Retlector Plant Light-"Gro and Sho" 6-Pack (4,14,56) cc-6 53/a 3 r/e 2000ER-30 Medium 75E830 120 24 Elliptical Reflector-Light lnside Frosled (22,35,56) 63la 33/,s 2000 85075ER30 130 Elliptical Reflector-Light lnside Frosted (22,35,56) 63/n 33/,a 2000 850

    R-40 lMedium 75R/ FL 120 24 Reflector Floodlight-1.F. (34) cc"6 6s/r o 200075F/ FL 125.13C 24 Reflector Floodlight l.F. (34) 6s/r e 2000G-40 75GM/W-75G40 /W/ F 6PK 120 24 White- Decorative-Moonglow.6-Pack FLAIR c-9 613/r r 2500 8607sG40/W '130 24 Whiie-Decoralive c-9 613/,r 2500 860E-17 75E17lfFtF 12PK 115-125 120 Post Light-lnside Frosted.TUFF-SKlN. 12-Pack (83) FLAIR 5 31/n 4000T-10 N4ediu m 75T10/45 120 24 Clear-Showcase c-23 1111a 10007sf10l1 120 24 lnside Frosted-Showcase c-23 1171a 1000

  • 7/29/2019 GE 1977 Lamp Catalog


    GENERAL ELECTRIC INCANDESCENT LAMPSBurninq Positlon-ANY, except as noied-Bulb Base Lamp Ordering code sld.Pkg.oty.

    DESCRIPTION(See lncandescent LampFootnotes Page 44-45)FilamenlDesign o.L.

    L.c.L. HoursLile lnilia

    75 WATTS (Continued)A-21 l\,1ediu m 7542'l 6 120 lnside Frosted (11,53) c-6 51la 3131t 1000

    75421 12 120 lnside Frosted (11,53) 51la 313/ro 1000*PAR-38 MediumSkirted 75PAR / FL 30 12 PAR-Train Floodlight 5s/ro 1000 97575PAR/ FL 36 12 PAR-Marine Floodlight-Fishinq Boat 55/re 1000*PAR-46 ScrewTerminal 75PAR46 48 12 PAR-Mine Locomotive Head-liqht. Burn horizontal (71) cc-2v 800*PAR-36 75PAR36/ RS 75 12 PAB Train Warning- RoughService cc-6 23le 500

    A-21 Medium 7542'l 230 120 lnside Frosted (1 t ) c-74 51le 31s/re 1000100 waTTs

    A-19 Medium 100A 120 120 lnside Frosted-Bonus Line (46) cc-8 31/e 750 1750't00A 48PK 120 144a lnside Frosted-Bonus Line.48-Pack (46) cc-8 31ls 750 175'IOOA 48PK PM 't20 1444 lnside Frosted-Bonus Line.48-Pack (46) PRICE MARKED cc-8 750 1751004 12s 120 lnside Frosted-Bonus Line (46) cc-B 3r/a 750 17501004 130 120 lnside Frosted Bonus Line (46) cc-8 31/s 750 '175IOOA/W 48PK 120 144a Soft-White-Bonus Line.48-Pack. (46) cc-8 411rc 750 1710IOOA/W 48PK PM 't20 1444 SofFWhite-Bonus Line.48-Pack. (46) PRICE MARKEO cc-8 750 171100A/wP 24PK '120 120 Soft-White PLUS. 24-Pack. (46) cc-8 1500 '158IOOA/WP 24PK PM 120 120 Soft-White PLUS. 24-Pack. (46)PRICE MARKED 1500 1s8100A/cL 120 120 Clear-Bonus Line (46) cc-8 31/e 750 1750100A/cL 24PK 120 120 Clear-Bonus Line. 24-Pack (46) cc-8 47ls 31le 750 175100A/cL 130 120 Clear Bonus Line (46) cc-B 31/e 750 175

    aMedium 100a/ ss 120 120 lnside Frosted- Extended Serv-ice (46) cc-8 31/e 2s00 149

    100A/99 24PK 120 120 lnside Frosted-Extended Serv-ice.24-Pack (46) cc-8 31/e 2500 149100a/9s 130 120 lnside Frosted-Extended Serv-ice {46) cc-8 2500 149aLeft-HandMediumlOOA/LHT 120 120 lnside Frosted-Left-handthreaded base (11) cc-8 3r/e 750 175lOOA/LHT '130 120 lnside Frosted-Left-handthreaded base (11 ) cc-B 31le 750 175



    l\.4ediu m 100421 120 120 lnside Frosted (11 51la 37la 750 169100421 125 120 lnside Frosted (11) cc-6 51lt 37le 750 169100421 130 120 lnside Frosted (11) cc-6 sl lt 31le 750 169 Medium 100A21/TF 115-125 120 Clear-TUFF-SKIN (83) 51lq 750100A21/99 120 120 lnside Frosted-Extended Serv-ice (11) 51le 31la 2s00 144

    100A21 /99 130 120 lnside Frosted*Extended Serv-ice (11) cc-6 51la 31la 2s00 144Medium '100A/ Rs 120 124 lnside Frosted-Rough Service

    {1 1)c-17 51la 313/re 1000 126

    100A/RS 24PK 120 120 lnside Frosted-Ro0gh Service.24-Pack (11) c-17 51le 31s/re 1000 126100A/ RS t25-t30 124 lnside Frosted-Rough Service(11) c-17 51lq 313/re 1000 126100A/RS 24PK 125-130 120 lnside Frosted-Rough Service.24-Pack (11 ) c-17 51la 3r3/r s 1000 126

    a Standard package quantity is considered as 120 lamps in delermining slandard package count for 'size ol ordei'purposes.

  • 7/29/2019 GE 1977 Lamp Catalog


    GENERAL ELECTRIC INCANDESCENT LAMPSBurning Posllion-ANY, except as noted.Bulb Base Lamp Ordering Code std.Pkg.Qtv.

    DESCRIPTION(S6e lncandescenl LampFoolnotes-Paqe 44-45)FilamenlDesign o.L-

    L.c.L, HoursLile lnitial100 WATTS (Continued)

    A-21 al\4edium l OOA/ RS/TF 115-125 't 20 Clear-Rough Service.ruFF-sKtN (83) c-17 51la 1000Medium 100A/cL/RS 24PK 120 120 Clear-Rough Service. 24-Pack(11 ) c-17 51la 313/rr 1000100A/CL/RS 24PK 125-130 120 Clear- Rough Service. 24-Pack(1 1) c-17 51la 313/r e 1000

    A-23 100A23/VS 24PK 120 124 lnside Frosted -Vibration Serv-ice. z4-Pack '12\ c-9 51s/r e 1000 1340100A23/VS 24PK 125-130 120 lnside Frosted-Vibration Serv-ice . 24-P ack (1 2\ c-9 5r5/rs 1000 1340100A/ D 115-125 120 lnside Frosted-Dayliqht (1 1) cc-6 51s/r e 750 910

    A-21 1004/ l sBtF 120 120 lnside Frosted-Silvered Bowl(11 ,28) 51lq 31ls 1000100421 /sB 120 120 Clear-Silvered Bowl(1 1,28) 51la 1000

    A-23 100a/sB 't20 120 lnside Frosted-Silvered Bowl(1 1,28) 51s/re 750 1470

    A-19 IOOA/Y 24PK 11s-125 120 Yellow-Bug-Lite. 24-Pack (1 |,49) cc-8 1000 101 0IOOA/Y 24PK PM 115-125 120 Yellow-Bug-Lite. 24-Pack (1 1,49)PRICE MARKED cc-8 1000 1 010IOOA/Y 24PK 130 120 Yellow-Bug-Lite. 24-Pack (1 1,49) cc-8 1000 1010

    A-21 IOOA/DPK 24PK 120 120 Coloramic- Dawn Pink.24-Pack (1 1,49) 51la 1000lOOA/OPK 24PK PM 120 120 Coloramic-Dawn Pink.24-Pack (11,49) 51lq '1000G-40 Medium 100G40 / w 115-t25 24 White-Decorative c-9 613A r 2500 1160

    't 00G40/cL 115-125 24 C,ear-Decorative c-9 613/r r 2500 1300A-23 Meditrm 100a/ B 115-125 120 Blue (11,49) cc-6 51s/r r 750100a/G 15-125 120 Green (1 1,49) cc-6 51s/r r 750100A/ o 115-125 120 Oranqe (11,49) 51s/r e 7s0

    100A / R 15-125 120 Red (11 ,49) cc-6 5131rt 750A-21-

    aMedium 100421/TS '120 120 Clear-Traffic Signal.Burn base down to horizontal c-9 271rc 3000 1280100A21/TS 125 120 Clear-Traffic Signal.Burn base down 1o horizontal c-9 2r lrc 3000 1280100a21/TS 130 '| 20 Clear-Traffic Signal.Burn base down to horizontal c,9 271rc 3000 1280100421 /sP 120 120 Clear-Spotlight (1 1) c-5 3 200 '1340100a2t /sP 125-130 120 Clear-Spotlight (11 43le 3 200 1340100A21/45P 120 124 Light lnside Frosted-Spotliqht

    (1 1) c-5 3 200l,.4ed iumPrefocus 100A21P 120 124 Clear-Airport.Burn base down to horizontal cc-2v 55/re 231+ 2000

    A-23 Nledium 100423 115-125 120 lnside Frosted (1 1) cc-6 515/re 471rc 750aL4edium 100a23120 115.125 120 Clear-Commercial Oven (1 1) cc-6 51s^ 1000G-161/z

    IS.C.Bay. 100G t 61/,/29SC 120 60 Clear-Spollight.Burn base down to horizontal (7) cc-13 3 1 3/e 200 1660

    100G161/,/29SC 125-130 60 Clear-Spotlighl.Burn base down to horizontal (7) cc-13 3 200 1660D.C. Bay 100G161/,/ 29DC 't20 60 Clear-Spotlight.Burn base down to horizontal (7) cc-13 3 13la 200 1660

    100G161/: /29DC 125-130 60 Clear-Spotlight.Burn base down to horizontal (7) cc-13 3 13le 200 1660

  • 7/29/2019 GE 1977 Lamp Catalog



    100 WATTS (Continued)

    Burninq Position-ANY, except as noted.Bulb Base Lamp Orderinq Code srd.Pks.olv.

    DESCRIPTION(See lncandescenl LampFoolnotes-Page 44-45)FilamentOesign o.L.

    L.c.L. HoursLile lnili




    l OOPAR/ A 115-125 12 PAR- Proiector Flood. SiliconeAmber (14) 2000l OOPAR/ B 115-125 12 PAR- Projector Flood. SiliconeBlue (14) 55/re 2000lOOPAR/BW 115-125 12 PAR-Projector Flood. SiliconeBlue While (14) cc-6 2000l OOPAR/ G 1ts-125 12 PAR- Projector Flood. SiliconeGreen (14) cc-6 5s/ro 2000l OOPAR/ PK 115-125 12 PAR-Projector Flood. SiliconePink (14) cc-6 2000l OOPAR/ R 115-125 12 PAR Projector Flood. SiliconeRed (14) cc-6 55Ao 2000l OOPAR/ Y 115-125 12 PAR-Projector Flood.Yellow (14) Silicone 55/,e 2000

    B-40 aMedium lOOR/FL 120 24 Reflecto. Floodlight-1.F. (34) 2000l OOR/ FL 125-130 24 Reflector Floodlight-1.F. (34) cc-6 6sh o 2000100R/ sP 120 24 Bellector Spotliqht-Lightlnside Frosted (34) 6'g/rs 2000

    T-81t2 MediumPrelocus 'l00T8r/z/8 120 24 Clear-Microscope. Burn basedown only. ANSITCLD (8) cc-13 2)1rc 50 19100T81/r /9 120 24 Clear-Microscope. Burn basedown only. ANSI: EDR (8) cc-13 53la 3 50 19



    100T10/ 7 6 24 Clear-Conlour Proiection.Filament offset .100" 1 .030"from base axis. ANSI: CPS (1)c-6 51lz 231re 50

    lvi ediu mPrelocus 100T10P 6 24 Clear-Contour Projection.Filament offset .100" I .030"from base axis. ANSI: CPT (1)51la 231rc 50

    A-23 Med ium 100A23 12 120 lnside Frosted {1 1,53) 51s/r 1000*PAR-38 MediumSide Prong 1OOPAF38/ FL '12 12 PAR-irine Floodliqht (58) c-6 1000 14

    lV ediu mSkirted l OOPAR38/2FL 12 12 PAR - Projeclor Floodlight c-6 55/ro 1000 '14T-8 S.C.Bay. 100T8/ 1SC 20 24 Clear-Contour N4ap. SourceWxH: 4.5x3.omm. ANSI: BZA.Burn base up (8,3'1,61)

    3 50

    A,-21 Med ium 100A/Rs 30 120 lnside Frosted - Rough Service(1 1) c-9 51la 313/r o 1000^'Nledium 100421/3 32 120 Clear-Locomolive Headliqht (1 3) c-5 3 s00 16A-23 Medium 100A 34 120 lnside Frosted-Train (1 1 ) c-9 515/r r 1000 21

    *PAR.46 ScrewTerminal 't 00PAR46 60 12 PAR-N,4ine LocomotiveHeadlight (71) cc-2v 33lt 800A-21 L4ediu m 100A 230,250230-250

    120 lnside Frosted 111 C.-7 A 51la 3131* 1000 12 Medium 100A/99 120 lnside Frosted-Rough Service(1 1) c-7 A 51le 313/ro 2500DoubleContactMedium

    100A1822 230 124 lnsrde Frosled. ExPort Base (1 1) c-7A. 55/r e 3111t 1000 13

    Med ium 100A/ RS 250 120 lnside Frosted-Rough Service(1 1) c-17 sl le 3131t 1000 10100A 277 120 lnside Frosted ('1 1,32) c-7A 51lq 313/re 1000100A/RS 300 120 lnside Frosted-Rough Service(1 1) c-17 51la 313/re 1000

    100-100 wATTsP -25 a3-Conlact

    l,,4ogul100/ 100P25 / 29 120 60 Clear-Marine Running Light.Filaments operated separately (1) c-sc-9 511tr 3s/ro 750 1011

  • 7/29/2019 GE 1977 Lamp Catalog


    GENERAL ELECTRIC INCANDESCENT LAMPSBurning Position-ANY, except as noted.Bulb Lamp Ordering Code sld.Pks.oty.

    DESCRIPTION(See lncandescent LampFootnotes-Pages 44-45)FilamenlDsign o.L.lnches


    HoursLife1 00-200-300 wATTs

    PS-25 3-ContactMogul 100/300 6PK 't20 30 Soft"White-3-Way. Burn basedown only.6-Pack (25) c-2Rcc-8 611/r t 1500,1200,11501320,3620,4940100/300 6PK PM 120 30 Soft-White 3-Way. Burn base

    down only. 6-Pack (25)PRICE MARKEDc-2 Rcc-8

    6111 1500,1200,1 150

    1320,3620,4940'1001300l2 12n 60 SofFWhite-s-Way. Neck ofbulb coated red from base tomaximum bLrlb diameter. Burnbase down only. (25)

    c-2Rcc-8 6111t 1200

    110 WATTSR-30 ,lMedium 11ORsO/ FL/ RS 120 Ref lector Floodlight- lnsideFrosted. Rough Service (14) c-17 53la 2000

    1 16 WATTSA-21 ,AMedium 116A21/TS 't20 120 Clear-Traffic Signal. Bated watts:114. Burn base down lo horizontal c-9 43la 27ls 8000 1280

    1 16A21/TS 125 120 Clear-Traffic Signal. Rated wattsl114. Burn base down to horizontal

    c-s 8000 1280116A21 /TS 130 120 Clear-Traffic Signal. Rated watts:114. Burn base down to horizontal c-9 271rc 8000

    120 WATTSER-40 lMedium 120EF40 't20 24 Elliptical Reflector-Light lnside Frosted (22,35,56) 73la 31la 2000 1475

    '120ER40 130 24 Elliptical Reflector-Light lnside Frosted (22,35,56) cc-6 31lt 2000 1475*PAR-56 ScrewTerminal 120PAR56VNSP 12 12 PAR-Very Narrow Spotlight c-6 2000120PAR56MFL 12 12 PAR - [,1ediu m Flood li ght 200012OPAR56WFL '12 12 PAR-Wide Floodlight c-6 41lz 2000 1250125 WATTS

    G-161/z D.C. Bay 125G 161/zDC 120 60 Clear-Spot,ight (7,57) cc-138 3 600R-40 MediumSkirted 125R40 15-125 24 Ref lector lnf rared -lndustrial-Light lnside Frosted (6,16,34) c-9 5000"1T-10 MediumPrefocus

    '125T10P 120 24 Clear-Spotlight. Burn basedown only. c-138 53/+ 231rc 500 1820150 WATTS



    Medium 150A 120 lnside Frosted-Bonus Line (46) cc"8 51lz 4 750 2880150A 24PK 120 120 lnside Frosted-Bonus Line.24-Pack l'46\ cc-8 511, 4 750 288015OA 24PK PM 120 120 lnside Frosted-Bonus Line.24-Pack. (46) PRICE MARKED cc-8 51lt 4 750 2880150A 't25 60 lnside Frosted-Bonus Line (46) cc-8 51lz 4 750 2880150A 130 60 lnside Frosled-Bonus Line {46) cc-8 51lz 4 750 2880150A/W 24PK '120 120 Soft-White-Bonus Line.24-Pack (46) cc-8 51lz 4 750 279015OA/W 24PK PM 120 120 Soft-White-Bonus Line.24-Pack. (46) PRICE MARKED cc-8 51lz 4 750 27901s0A/cL 120 60 Clear-Bonus Line (46) cc-8 51lz 4 750 2880150A/CL 130 60 Clear-Bonus Line (46) cc-8 51lz 4 750 2880150A23 120 60 lnside Frosted (l I cc-6 63/,e 750 27AO150A23 125 60 lnside Frosted (1 1) cc-6 63/re 45le 750 27AO150A23 130 60 lnside Frosted (11) cc-6 63/re 750 2780150A23/CL 120 60 Clear (f 1 ) 63/rs 750 27A0150A23/CL 130 60 Clear (11) 63/re 750 27aO


  • 7/29/2019 GE 1977 Lamp Catalog


    GENERAL ELECTHIC INCANDESCENT LAMPSBurning Position ANY, except as noted.Bulb Lamp Ordering Code srd.Pkg.Qtv.

    DESCRIPTION(See lncandescenl LampFootnoles-Paqe 44-45)FilamentDesign o.L,{lnches


    HoursLi16150 WATTS (Continued)

    A-23 l\,1edium 150A23/99 120 60 lnside Frosted-Extended Serv-ice (11) 2500 23150A23/99 '130 60 lnside Frosted - Extended Serv-ice (11) cc-6 63/rs 2500 23150A23/99CL 120 60 Clear-Extended Service (11) cc-6 63/ro 2500 23150A23/99C1 130 Clear-Extended Service (1 1 cc-6 63/re 2500 23

    l\4ediu m 1sOA/RS 24PK 120 72 lnside Frosted- Rough Service.24-Pack (1 1) c-17 515/rr 1000150A/RS 24PK 125-130 72 lnside Frosted-Rough Service.24-Pack (11) c-17 515/rr 1000PS-25 't 50 't20 60 lnside Frosted (1 1) c-9 615/rr 53/rs 750 26

    't 50 125 60 lnside Frosted (11 c-9 6151t 53/re 750 26150 130 60 lnside Frosted (11 c-9 61s/rr 53/ro 750 26

    aMedium 't 50PS25/TF 115-125 60 Clear-TUFF-SKIN (83) c-9 6151t 1000l',redium 150/CL 120 60 Clear (11) c-9 61s/r 53Ae 750 26

    150/ CL 130 60 Clear (1 1) c-9 6151t 53/rs 750 26^'Medium 150/99 120 60 lnside Frosted-Extended Serv-ice (11 ) c-9 61s/1 53/ro 2500 23150/99 130 60 lnside Frosted- Extended Serv-ice (11) c-9 615/r 53/rs 2500 23

    150/99C1 130 60 Clear-Extended Service (1 1) c-9 61s/rr 53/re 2500 23Medium 150/ RS 't20 60 lnside Frosted-Rough Service(1 1) c-17 615/r r 53/ro 1000 2 t

    't50/ Rs '125-130 60 lnside Frosted-Rough Service(11) 615/r 531rc 1000 21 I\/lEdiU M 150/ RS/TF 115-125 60 clear-Rough Service.TUFF-SKrN (83) c-17 61s/rr 1000Medium 1s0/cL/RS 120 60 Clear Rough Service (11 17 61s/rr 1000

    150/CL/RS 125-130 60 Clear-Rough Service (1 1 c-17 6r5/rt 53/ro 1000150/VS 24PK 120 72 lnside Frosted-Vibration Serv-ice. 24-Pack (11) c-9 615/rt 53/rs 1000 241s0/vs 24PK 125-130 72 lnside Frosted-Vibration Serv-ice. 24-Pack (1 1) c-9 615h r 53/rs 1000 24150/CL/ VS 125-130 Clear-Vibration Service (1 1 c-9 615/rt 53/ro 1000150PS25/Y 115-'t25 60 Yellow*Bug-Lite (11 c-9 615/re 53/rs 1000 151s0/ D 115-125 60 lnside Frosted-Daylight (1 1 ) c-9 61s/re 53/re 1000150/ SB 120 60 Inside Frosted-Silvered Bowl(11,28) c-9 61s/1 53/rs 1000 23'150 / sB 125-130 60 lnside Frosted-Silvered Bowl(11,28) c-9 53/ro 1000 23

    *PAR-381 MediumI s*irt"a.sil.:.::-.:'

    15OPAR/ FL 120 12 PAR-Clear- Proiector Flood-lisht (1a) cc-6 5s/rs 2000 17150PAR/ FL '125-130 12 PAR*Clear-Projector Flood-light (14) cc-6 55ls 2000 17l50PAR/WFL 120 12 PAR- Projector Wide Floodlight(14) 2000 17l5OPAR/WFL 125-130 12 PAR-Projector Wide(14) Floodlight cc-6 5s/re 2000 17150PAR38/2FL 120 12 PAR-Cool-Beam-Floodlightl.14,77) cc-6 55/,e 2000 2015OPAR38/2FL 't25-130 12 PAR-Cool-Beam -Floodlight\14,77) cc-6 55/re 2000 20

  • 7/29/2019 GE 1977 Lamp Catalog


    GENERAL ELECTRIC INCANDESCENT LAMPSBurn ng Position-ANY, except as noled.Eulb Base Lamp Ordering Code srd.Pkg.Qtv.

    DESCRIPTION(See lncandescent LampFootnoles-Pages 44-45)FilamentDesign



    HoursLife lnitial

    150 WATTS (Continued)*PAR-38 MediumSideProng

    150PAR/3FL 't20 12 PAR Clear-CompactProjectorFloodliqht (58) cc-6 2000 17 40150PAR/ 3FL '125-130 12 PAR-Clear Compact ProjectorFloodlisht (58) cc-6 45lta 2000 1740

    l\4ediu mSkirted 150PAR/ SP 120 12 PAR Clear- Projector Spotlight(14) cc-6 5s/re 200rl 17 40.lii.:a;3- 150PAR/ SP 125-130 12 PAB-Clear- Projector Spotlight(14) cc-6 55/ro 2000 17 40150PAR38/2SP 120 12 PAR-Cool-8eam- ProjectorSpotlight (14,77) cc-6 5s/re 2000 20007'-1 150PAR38 /25P 125-130 12 PAR-Cool-Beam - ProjectorSpotlight (14,77) cc-6 55/re 2000 2000

    l\4ediu mSideProng150PAR/35P 120 12 PAR-Clear-Compact ProjectorSpotlight (58) 2000 17 401 5O PAR / 3SP 't25-130 12 PAR Clear-CompactProjectorSpotlight (s8) 2000 17 40

    MediumSkirted 150PAR/ FL/A 115-125 12 PAR- Projector FloodlightDichro Amber (14,79) cc-6 2000'I50PAR/FL/B 115-125 12 PAR-Projector Floodlight-Dichro Blue (14,79) cc-6 55/rs 2000150PAR/ FL/ G 115-125 12 PAR- Projector Floodlight-Dichro Green (14,79) 5sA o 2000150PAF / FL/ R 115-12s 12 PAR ProjectorFloodlightDichro Red (14,79) cc-6 551rc 2000l50PAR/ FL/ Y 15-125 12 PAR-Projector Floodliqht-Dichro Yellow (14,79) 5s/re 2000150PAB/SP/G 115-125 12 PAR- Projector Spotlight-Dichro Green (14,79) cc-6 5slt a 2000150PAR/ SP/ Y 115-125 12 PAR-Projector SpotlightDichro Yellow (14,79) cc-6 5s/,s 2000*PAR.46 MediumSideProng't 50PAR45/ 3NSP 125 12 PAR-Narrow Spotlight (1 5,56,58) cc-13 4 2000 1500150PAR46/ 3MFL 125 12 PAR- Medium Floodlight(15,56,58) cc-13 4 2000 1500

    ScrewTerminal 150PAR46 120-130 12 PAR-Clear-l'rine LocomotiveHeadlight (71) c-13 31lt 1000*PAR-3A N4ediumSjde Pronq 150PAR/4 120-130 12 PAR-Clear-Mine. Burningposilion: prongs up or down (58) c-13 1000MediumSkirted 't 50PAR / 5 120-130 12 PAR Clear-Mine.Burningposition: localing lug up or down.Support lamp by bulb rim (14)c-13 55/ro 1000

    *PAR-46 ScrewTerminal 150PAR46/3 175 12 PAB-Clear-Mlne LocomotiveHeadliqht {71) c-13 33la 800R-40 Medium


    1sOR/FL 12n 24 Ref lector Floodlight- lnsideFrosted. ANSI: DWC (22,35) cc-6 6'g/re 2000 '19001sOR/FL 6PK PM 120 24 Retlector Floodlight- lnsideFrosted. 6-Pack (22,35)PRICE MARKEDcc-6 6e/r o 2000 1900

    'I 50R / FL 125-130 24 Ref lector Floodlight- lnsideFrosted (22,35)

    2000 1S00150R/ FL/TF 't25-130 24 Ref lector Floodlight- lnsideFrosted. TUFF-SKIN (22,35,83) cc-6 6s/,a 2000

  • 7/29/2019 GE 1977 Lamp Catalog


    GENERAL ELECTRIC INCANDESCENT LAMPSBurning Position-ANY, except as noted.Bulb Base Lamp Ordering code srd.Pkg.Qtv.

    DESCRIPTION(See lncandescent LampFootnoles-Paqe 44-45)FilamentDesiqn o.L.Ilnches


    150 WATTS (Continued)*R-40 Al,rediu m 't 50R/3FL 120 24 Reflector Floodlight-1.F. (21 ) cc-6 63/a 2000

    R-40 't50R/sP 120 24 Ref lector Spotlight-Lighl l.F.(22,ssl cc-6 2000 1l5OR/SP 6PK 120 24 Fief lector Spotlight-Light l.F.6-Pack (22,35) cc-6 6e/re 2000 1150R/SP 125-130 24 Reflector Spotlight-Light LF.(22,35) 6s/,e 2000 1150R/ A 1'15"125 24 Reflector-Amber (22,35) cc-6 2000150R/B 15-125 24 Reflector-Blue (22,35) cc-6 6s/rs 2000150R/BW 115-t 25 24 Ref lector-Blue White (22,35) cc-6 2000150R/G 115-125 24 Reflector-Green (22,35) 2000150R/ PK 1 15-125 24 Rellector-Pink (22,35) cc-6 6e/re 2000150R/ R 115-125 24 Reflector-Red (22,35) cc-6 6e/ro 2000150R/Y 15-125 24 Retlector-Yellow (22,35) cc-6 6e/rs 200015OR4Oi PL 6PK '120 24 Plant Light- Reflector- l.F. Sili-cone Blue Coated.6-Pack (4,14,56) cc-6 6s/rs 33/e 2000



    '150P2512 120 60 Clear-Spotlight. Hard glassbutton c-5 3 200150P25/ 2SB 120 60 Clear-Spotlight. Silvered Bowl.Hard glass button (28) c-5 200150P25i 85B 120 60 Medium lnside Frosted-Spot-light. Sjlvered Bowl. Hard glassbutton 128)


    150P25/ t0 120 60 Light lnside Frosted-Spotlight.Hard glass button c-5 3 200 21s0P25/ t 0 125-130 60 Light lnside Frosted -Spotlight.Hard glass button c-5 3 200 2't 50P25/ 10SB 120 60 Light lnside Frosted-Spotlight.Silvered Bowl. Hard Glass button(28)


    150P25/ t 5 120 60 Clear-Train Headlight (57) c-5 3 500 1PS.30 150Ps30/ 1 120 60 Clear-Silvered Neck c-9 81/re 6 1000

    *PAR-38 MediumSide Prong 150PAR38/FL 't2 12 PAR-Mine Floodlight. Burningposition:prongs up or down(s6,58,96) c-6 1000150PAR38 32 12 PAR-N.4ine Spotliqht. Burningposition:prongs uP or down(56,58,96)

    cc-8 1000

    *PAR-46 ScrewTerminal 150PAR46/ t 32 12 PAR-Clear-Mine LocomotiveHeadliqht cc-8 33la 800PS-25 Medium 1s0Ps25/ tF 250 60 lnside Frosted (11 c-7 A 1000

    1s0PS25 230 60 Clear (11 c-7A 61s/r61 53/r6 1000aMedium 't 50/99C1 230-250 60 clear-Extended Service (1 1) c-74 6rs7,.r 53/re 2500

    PS-30 150PS30 230-250 60 Clear-Silvered Neck (l 1 ) c-7A 811rc 6 '1000150-250-400 WATTS

    PS-35 3-Contactl\,4ogul 1s0/ 400c1't20 24 Clear-Medical Spotlight.3-Way (1 1) 2C-7 A 93/e 7 200

    't 50/ 400 120 24 lnside Frosted-MedicalSpotlight. 3-Way (1 1) 2C.74 93/e 7 200200 WATTS

    A-23 Medium 200A 120 60 lnside Frosted-Bonus Line (46) cc-8 63/re 750 4200A 12PK '120 60 lnside Frosted-Bonus Line.12-Pack (46) cc-8 63/re 750 42004 125-'130 60 lnside Frosted-Bonus Line (46) cc-8 63/re 750 42OOA/W 12PK 't20 60 Soft-White-Bonus Line.12'Pack (46) cc-8 63/re 750 32OOA/W 12PK PM 't20 60 Soft-White- Bonus Line. (46)12-Pack PRICE MARKED cc-8 750 3

  • 7/29/2019 GE 1977 Lamp Catalog


    GENERAL ELECTRIC INCANDESCENT LAMPSBurning Position-ANY, except as noted.Bulb Base Lamp Code Volls std.Pks.otv.

    DESCRIPTION(See lncandescenl LampFoolnoles-Page 44-45)FilamentOesign o.L.


    HoursLite200 WATTS (Continued)



    Medium 200A/cL 120 60 Clear-Bonus Line (46) cc-8 6s/ra 45la 750 40t0200A/cL 125-130 60 Clear-Bonus Line (46) 63/ro 750 4010aMedium 200A/99 120 60 lnside Frosted-ExtendedService (46) cc-8 63/rs 2500 3410200A/99 24PK 120 120 lnside Frosted-ExtendedService.24-Pack (46) cc-8 63/ro 2500 3410200A/99 125-130 60 lnside Frosted-ExtendedService (46) cc-8 63/re 2500 3410200A/99CL 125"130 60 Clear-Extended Service (46) cc-8 63/rs 2500PS-30 lredium 200 't20 60 Clear (1 1) c-9 81/re 6 750 3710200 '125 60 Clear (11) c-9 8r/ro 6 750 3710200 130 60 Clear (11) c-9 81/r e 6 750 3710a lvledium 200Ps30/TF 115-t25 60 Clear-TUFF-SKIN (83) c-9 814 e 't000Medium 200ltF 120 60 lnside Frosted (11 c-9 8r/re 6 750 3710200ltF 125 60 lnside Frosted (11) c-9 81/,s 6 750 3710200 F 130 60 lnside Frosted (11 c-9 81/re 6 750 3710Mogul 200PS30/ 12 120 60 Clear (l l) c-9 aT ls 63/c 750200PS30/ t 2 130 60 Clear (11 c-9 811rc 63/e 750lMedium 200/99 '120 60 Clear-Extended Service (1 1 ) c-s 81/ra 6 2500 3260200/99 125-t30 60 Clear-Extended Service (1 1) c-9 81/re 6 2500 3260200/99tF 120 60 lnside Frosted-ExtendedService (1 | ) c-9 81/rs 6 2500200/99tF 125-130 60 lnside Frosted-ExtendedService (11) c-9 81/re 6 2500

    l'redium 200Ps30/23 24PK 120 72 lnside Frosted- Rough Service.24-Pack (1 1) c-9 8r/rs 6 '1000 3400200Ps30i 23 24PK 't25-130 72 lnside Frosted- Rough Service.24-Pack (11) c-9 81/ro 6 1000 3400aMedium 200PS30/ RS/TF 115-125 60 Clear-Rough Service.ruFF-sKtN (83) c-9 81i ro 1000

    Medium 200Ps30/24 120 60 Clear-Rough Service (1 1) c-9 81/re 6 1000 3400200Ps30/24 125-130 60 Clear-Rouqh Service (1 1 c-9 8r/rs 6 1000 34002001D '115-125 60 Clear-Daylight (1 | ) c-9 81/rs 6 1000200/sBtF 120 60 lnside Frosted-SilveredBowl (11,28) c-9 81/,e 1000