GD NT 11: MeckMom LDS Gospel Doctrine New Testament Lesson 11

“He Spake Many Things Unto Them in Parables” Gospel Doctrine Lesson 11: Matthew 13

Transcript of GD NT 11: MeckMom LDS Gospel Doctrine New Testament Lesson 11

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“He Spake Many Things Unto Them in Parables”

Gospel Doctrine Lesson 11: Matthew 13

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Memory of John Denver song

Driving to go camping with my Dad. Later, driving with Jason in the canyons

It always reminds me to slow down and go outside!

It meant something different to the writers

Interpretation vs. Application

Parables are designed to teach differently to different people…at different times of their life.

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What is a Parable?Parable: Greek, means “to throw beside”. A symbolic story that imparts truths by comparing them to earthly things.

Bruce R. McConkie

“Parables are a call to investigate the truth; to learn more; to inquire into the spiritual realities, which, through them, are but dimly viewed. Parables start truth seekers out in the direction of further light and knowledge and understanding; they invite men to ponder such truths as they are able to bear in the hope of learning more. Parables are a call to come unto Christ, to believe his doctrines, to live his laws, and to be saved in his kingdom. They teach arithmetic to those who have the capacity to learn calculus in due course. They are the mild milk of the word that prepares our spiritual digestive processes to feast upon the doctrinal meat of the kingdom.”

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Why Teach in Parables?Rewards

They can be applied to different groups of people at different levels of understanding.

There is 2% literacy rate, no method of recording doctrine

Why does he use them? Matt 13:10-13, JST on vs 12

Their stubbornness is similar to Amulek (Alma 10:6)

Bruce R. McConkie: “Parables form a reservoir of knowledge (to ponder on)…”

ATOT: What did David Bednar speak on at the last conference? Can you remember? What if you saw a picture of a truck in snow?

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The Parable of the Sower

The focus is on the condition of the soil, not the sower or the seed.

Why is this the critical piece? Who is the harvester? The only way to know the quality of the soil is to plant the seed.

4 kinds of soil

Soil by the wayside

Soil in stony places

Soil where thorns grow

The good soil

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The soil by the waysideMatt 13:18-19

Who are these people?

Those hardened by false doctrine and evil deeds.

The word can’t even sprout

Have we all been in this group?

McConkie: "They are the religionists in our day who close their ears to new revelation and choose to believe such doctrines as that men are saved by grace alone, without more, thus leaving them free to walk in worldliness and still, as they suppose, gain salvation."

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The soil in stony places

Matt 13:20-21

Who are these people?

They who believe the word but do not press forward.

They who have stones of unrepented-of sins under the surface.

Have we all been in this group?

ATOT: My temple attendance

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The soil where thorns grow

Matt 13:22

Who are these people?

They let thorns grow alongside the seeds of righteousness

They seek to serve two masters

Have we all been in this group?

ATOT: Our newlywed days of lazy church attendance

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The good soil

Matt 13:23

Who are these people?

4 steps of progression

hear, understand, JST endure, beareth fruit

Why the different quantities of fruit?

Can anyone become ‘good soil’? How?

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The Parable of the Wheat & Tares

Matt 13:24-30

This one includes an interpretation (vs 37-39)

The field = world = whole world.

The sower = the Lord = the apostles, missionaries, and members of the Church.

The good seed = the children of the kingdom = converts and members of the Church.

The tares = children of the wicked one = the carnal and sensual people who choose a false system of religion because it permits them to gratify their passions and live after the manner of the world.

The enemy = the devil.

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Why does he allow both to grow?

2 Nephi 2:11, Opposition in all things

ATOT: Weeding my flower beds, my neighbor pointed out that I was ripping out all the ‘plants’ with the weeds.

ATOT: Prison therapist, “Tigers change their stripes everyday here.”

If we tore out the unfamiliar we would risk misjudging who is a tare - only God knows that.

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The Parable of the Mustard Seed

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The Parable of the Mustard Seed

Both the seed and the tree would have been well know by these listeners. Hyperbole.

Joseph Smith

"Now we can discover plainly that this figure is given to represent the Church as it shall come forth in the last days. Behold, the Kingdom of Heaven is likened unto it. Now, what is like unto it?

Let us take the Book of Mormon, which a man took and hid in his field, securing it by his faith, to spring up in the last days, or in due time; let us behold it coming forth out of the ground, which is indeed accounted the least of all seeds, but behold it branching forth, yea, even towering, with lofty branches, and God-like majesty, until it, like the mustard seed, becomes the greatest of all herbs. And it is truth, and it has sprouted and come forth out of the earth, and righteousness begins to look down from heaven, and God is sending down His powers, gifts and angels, to lodge in the branches thereof.

The Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a mustard seed. Behold, then is not this the Kingdom of Heaven that is raising its head in the last days in the majesty of God, even the Church of the Latter-day Saints"

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The Parable of the Leaven

Matt 13:33

ATOT: Making bread. I have to keep a constant eye on the yeast. It will puff up beyond the cup within moments.


"The leaven of life, the leaven of righteousness, the leaven of the word of God--the yeast of eternal truth--is 'kneaded' into the souls of men. Then its spreading, penetrating, lifegiving effect enlarges the soul and 'raises' sinners into saints."

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The Parable of the Hidden Treasure & Pearl of Great Price

Matt 13:44-46

There were no banks for commoners. Most would bury/hide their treasure. The unrest of the area caused land to change hands often.

Why would he sell everything to buy it? The return would be worth it.

Why does Christ emphasize “all”?

What sacrifices are we willing to make to obtain the treasure of the gospel?

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The Parable of the NetMatt 13:47-50

Teaching technique: hitting a different audience.

Tells the same story of the wheat and the tares.

The “net” is a seine (seyn)

McConkie - all are inside the gospel net

"Some are repentant and worthy and will be put in vessels; others are swept along by the tides of social pressure.  Some are drawn in by the tight net of business necessity and economic advantage; yet others join with the saints to inherit property, marry selected persons, or gain political preferment.  And all such shall be cast away with the wicked to be burned."