GC4: Colour call

Colour calls are used when rigging and they tell us the following. The gel code column is the gel number which corresponds to a specific colour. If the designer asks for a specific gel, I can read my colour call and know what gel it is. The name column is the name of the gel so we know what the gel is called and what colour it is. For example plasma red. The light column tell us what light the gel is for because different lights have different gel frames so a gel frame for a source 4 is different to a gel frame for a selecon. The aim column is to tell us what the lights are being used for. This can help us for programming and focusing because we know what the lights are being used for. And the total number tell us how many gels we need. This is useful if

Transcript of GC4: Colour call

Page 1: GC4: Colour call

Colour calls are used when rigging and they tell us the following. The gel code column is the gel number which corresponds to a specific colour. If the designer asks for a specific gel, I can read my colour call and know what gel it is. The name column is the name of the gel so we know what the gel is called and what colour it is. For example plasma red. The light column tell us what light the gel is for because different lights have different gel frames so a gel frame for a source 4 is different to a gel frame for a selecon. The aim column is to tell us what the lights are being used for. This can help us for programming and focusing because we know what the lights are being used for. And the total number tell us how many gels we need. This is useful if the lighting designer asks us to do all the gels for the warm wash, we know how many gels we need. Plus using all the other columns, I know that the warm general wash using gel 109 light salmon, the light is a Minuette Fresnels, its for a warm general wash and we need 6 of them.