GAZETTE PHONE FR 4-4141 Mrs. Wasem Is … 8/Schenectady NY...GAZETTE PHONE FR 4-4141 SCHENECTADY...

GAZETTE PHONE FR 4-4141 SCHENECTADY GAZETTE, TUESDAY,. MAY 15, 1956 GAZETTE, PHONE FR4-4U1 MRS. MICHAEL DeFEO i i . ConBtanco Cardlnalo •-(John Hanrahan) NYSCT Graduate Is Bride Of Michael Robert DeFeo MOB Constance Elaine Cardi- n a l , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Naz2areno Card In file of McClellan itreet. became the bride of Mich- ael Robert DeFeo, son of Mr. *nd Mrs. Pat DeFeo of this city, on April 38. Th* wedding was held at St. Luke's Church at U o'clock In the morning, Rev. Owen F.'Shante^ officiating. White gladlolland mums were used In decoration. Arthur Do- Luke sang and Mr*. Emily Kom- lossy was at tha organ. Tha bride, given In marriage "by her father, wore a gown of silk Iwrribaslne, the tjeckllne trimmed •with aequlna and pearls, the full •tort, also pearl trlnmmed, falling in a chapel train. Her veil of Imported silk illusion was attach- ed to a 'crown of seed pearls and aeciuins and she carried cymbl- dlum orchids, lilies of the valley Vtnd ivy. Mrs.- Andrew Manchester, the former Joyce Cook of Schenec- tady, how of Newark, Del., waa matron of honor. Her ballerina gown waa of blue crystalette and she wore a matching headpiece and carried a basket of pink feathered carnations, pink sweet- heart rosea and ivy. Tho bridesmaids, Miss Margaret Gemmell, a college roommate of the bride, and Mlsa Judith DeFeo, were in similar ensembles and carried plateau baskets of pink feathered carnations, garnet •weethe&rt rosea and ivy. Albert Dlngfeld of Brooklyn waa beat man for hla couain. The itahera were Glho DeTognl of Schenectady and David Perry of Coeymans. A dinner for 300 followed at the Edison club, and the recep- tion, for 225 guests, waa held In the afternoon at th* clubhouse, Following a.motor trip to Flor- ida, Mr." and' MM. DeFeo will be ait home at 1032 Bill road after May 19. The bride la a graduate of Nott terrace high school and of State College for Teacher*, Albany, and is a member of Pat Gamma so- rority. Sh»" i* employed in the aeronautic* and ordnance divi- sion of General Electric Co, The bridegroom la A civil engi- neer In the atate department of publi6 works. He is a graduate Of Christian Brothera Academy and Rensselaer Polytechnic Insti- tute, and a member of Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity. Among out of town guesta here for the wedding were Albert Dlngfeld, Mlsa Dorothy Dlngfeld, Mrs. Lucy Dlngfeld,. Miss Irene Lollo, Miaa ElUabeth Marquette find Mro. and Mr*. Charles Ferris of 'Brooklyn! Mr, and Mra Her- bert Relchert, Revere, Mass.; Mr. and Mr*. Andrew Manchester, Newark, Del. J Mr. and Mr*. Carl Laraon, Hart- ford, Conn.; David Perry, Coey- Vnana; Mr. and Mr*. Joseph Con- roy, Meehanlcville; Mr. and Mrs. Jamea Colamarla, Saratoga, and Mr*. Edith Race of Hudson. f~4 , Youth Group Makes Plans For Spring Ray Kukfa, chairman, haa an- nounced that the discussion group of th* Catholic Youth league will meet for dinner on Thursday at 6:15 p.m. in the Tavern. Speaker* will Include-Miss Jean Doherty, Mlsa Beverly Arena, Edward Buckley .and Frank Tannlan. "The Place of the Modern Woman In the World'' will be the subject. Joseph McDonough has asked for volunteer workers to spend one night a week from 7-11 o'clock at St. Clare's Hospital. Anyone who wishes to work may contact Mr. McDonough. An outing to Howe's Cavern la planned for the children of St. Coleman's home, Co hoes, on Sun- day. '.••••• * '. . The Social committee will meet at St. John the Baptist school on May 21 at 8 p.m. The field ac- tivities committee will meet there 6n May "28 at 8 p.m. to make tentative plans for the sum- mer. All members and prospective member* have been invited to attend. League members will visit the LaSallette Seminary on May 22 for a workahop. Further informa- tion may be obtained by contact- ing Miss Edith Garafola. Freddy Randall's orchestra will furnish music, for the "Wishing Welt Dance," which will be held at the Ten-C-One hall, Scotia, on May 25. Dancing will be from 9- 12 p.m. Miss Frances Leo and Miaa Barbara Belfanco afe co- chairmen. Anthony Lagani Is ticket chairman., "Fireman's Flame," the annual production of the league, was presented on Thursday and Fri- day at PNA hall on Crarie street. Martin Kelly was director. *• Hear Talk On Vision At Meeting The importance of a visual ex- amination for the preschool child was emphasized by Dr. J. Baxter Swartwout of Latham, guest speaker at the Wednesday meet- ing of the Woman's auxiliary to the Eastern New York State Op tometrio Society at tha DeWitt' Clinton Hotel in Albany. Dr. Swartwout has recently re- turned from a visit to the Gesall Institute where atudles are being conducted which relate the child's vision to his total emotional and physical development. Dr. Swart- wout discussed the findings of the institute which have shown a posi- tive correlation between a child's physical ability to achieve and his visual d e v e l o p m e n t . A non- achiever on the playground is often a non-achiever visually, ac- cording to the doctor. At the business meeting preced- ing the program, allocation was made of recently raised funds for use In the sight conservation classe* of area public schools. Mrs. Irving M. Woodroe of Troy and Mrs. Baxter Swartwout were named chairman and co-chairman for a picnic for members and their families to be held at noon on Juno 24 at the Colonle Fire Company grove, Green.Island. In case of rain the event will be held on July 1, according to the co- chairmen. Mr*. Milton B. Matin of Albany was named delegate to the atate convention to be held at the Sagamore Hotel at Lake George, May 31-June 2. Held in conjunc- tion with tho convention of the New York State OptOmetrlc Society,' the women's meetings will emphasize the program of self and public education and aid to the visually handicapped. *p&Owm AUGUST BRIDE-ELEOT—Announcement has been made of the engagement of Miss Veronica Ollva LajeunesBe, daughter of Mrs. Sarah Lajeunesse of Troy and the late Ross Lajeunesse, to James DeRusclo, son of Mr. and Mrs. Antonio DeRusclo of Lenox road. Miss Lajeunesse, a graduate of Catholic Central high school, is employed by the General Electric Co. Mr. DeRusclo graduated from Schenectady Vocational school and is employed by Mica Insulator Co. An August wedding is planned. SHOPPLRS \W>7 It's the season for fresh fish and many aeafoods. Fishing boats bring In their biggest catches of fish during the spring and early summer months. This Is why prices for fresh fish are lowest during May, June, and July, re- ports Mrs. Anne W. Levey, as- sociate home demonstration agent for Schenectady county. Butterflsh', porglea and hard clams arrive from Long Island and New Jersey. Massachusetts leads the New England states with supplies of flounder, sole, ocean .perch, cod, whiting and scallops,. Those famous Maine Robert Lacour-Gayet Gives Talk on the'Parisian Spirit' Midd.Ieburg.BPW Committees to Meet Mrs. Maude Mosher, program co-ordlnator, has announced a meeting of all officers and com- mittee chairmen of the Middle* burg Business and Professional Women's Club on Thursday eve- ning at her office in Mlddleburg. New ohalrmen and standing committee m o m b « r o were an- nounced by Mrs. Henrietta Dleck, new president, at a meeting last week at the home of Mrs. Margie Lee ohnson, with Mrs. Mosher as hostess. At this meeting it was announced by the news service chairman that the club's book was Judged second at the spring district meeting held re- cently at Schoharie. The next regular meeting will be held May 24 at the home of Mrs. Ruth Dobert Mrs. Margie Leo Johnson, re- tiring club president, was the In- stalling officer at th* Wednesday evening meeting. She was also speaker at a recent meeting of the Llvlngstonvllle Horn* Demon- station unit. She announced that she la receiving material from club* all over th* atate from which she will compile a atate his- tory. lobsters" and Atlantic coast hard craba will be in abundance say* Mrs. Levey, She says that numerous vari- eties of fresh water fish'will also be available in the next few months. Fresh out of the lakea and rivers will be yellow pike, whiteflsh, lake herring, smelt, yellow perch and imported lake trout. > You won't need a fish rod or net in the market, but you will need to be prepared to recognise good quality, according to the agent. When you buy a. whole fieri, select one that has clear, bulg- ing eyes, Its gills should be red- dish and pink, its scales close to- gether and bright and shiny look- ing. Mrs, Levey reminds us that fish ahould not only have a fresh odor, but alao have a firm and elaatlo floah, Remember this when buying fiah steaks or fil- lets of fish. Be sure, too, that the portions have been recently cut and kept in good condition. Don't buy craba, lobaters and clams un- 1OB8 they are alive and snapping. Fiah tastes good almost every way It'* cooked, aa a main dish or combined In salads, soups or casseroles. This recipe for filiate thermldor la an example. For four servings use the following Ingredients: 14 pounds fish fillets; 14 cups of milk; 1 teaspoon salt; dash pepper; S tablespoons buttsr; 8 tablespoons flour; 1 cup shred- ded Cheddar cheese, S tablespoons lemon juice, 3 tesspoona •Worcest- ershire sauce, paprika and par- sley. . Cut r fish into earring aise piece*. Place the pieces in a bak- ing pan (10x6x2") and add the milk, salt and pepper. Bake the jflsh at 850 degrees F for SO mln- press|utes. Melt the butter In a saucepan and add the flour. Whan th* fil- lets are cooked, pour the milk from the baking pan Into a bowl. Stir the milk slowly Into the flour mixture and cook the mix* ture until It 1* thick, Add the shredded cheese to the milk mixture and atlr until the cheese hat melted. Add lemon Juice nnd Worcestershire sauce. Pour the sauce over the baked fish. Sprinkle the fish with pap- rika. Brown the food under the broiler for about 18 minutes. Gar- nish with parsley and serve promptly. Approximately 100 members and friends of the Alliance Fran- caise of. Schenectady met recent- ly in Old Chapel, Union College, to hear Robert Lacour-Gayet lec- ture on "The Parisian Spirit." Dr. Loula Amyot, president, Introduced the speaker, Who la president of the Society of French Professors In America, Mr. La- cour-Gayet comes from a family" of teachers and historians. He studied at the Lycee Louls-le- Grand, 1' Ecole dea sciences Po- litlques and the Sorbonne in Parts. In 1021 ho was .admitted to the Council of the Inapector General of Finance in France, and ahortiy after waa named fi- nancial attache to the French Embassy in Washington, where he remained alx years. He become director of economic services of the Bank of France in 1880. In this capacity he par- ticipated in numerpuB interna- tional conferences and negotia- tions between France and the United States, Great Britain, Ger- many, Italy, .Poland,^Czechoslo- vakia, Turkey and other nations. He was named chief of the Offlc» of Inspectors General of Finance In 1089 and returned to the U.S. on business in 1940. Now Inspector general of finances on leave, Mr. Lacour-Gayet is dean of tha history department a t St. John** University, - and is in oharge of French literature and civilisation couraea at New York Unlveralty. - > Mr, Lacour-Gayet has had sev- eral books published and his articles have appeared in the Revue des Deux Mondes, Revue d' Historlre Diplomatique and the Revue do Paris. Hia latest book, "La France au Vlngtieme Siecle," was published simultaneously in New York and Parla in 1954. He la an officer of the Legion d'Hon- neur and waa decorated with the Croix de Guerre for service in 1914-18. After the meeting, members held their traditional hour of French conversation and refresh- ments were aerved by the hos- pitality committee. -,..».. Mrs. Wasem Is Hostess To RN Club Mrs. Albert Wasem of Grove place was hostess to the RN club on Tuesday evening. Miss Georgia Marcley, president, presided. A social hour followed the meeting and refreshments were served. Mrs. Wasem, Mrs. Leah War- ner, Mrs. Grace Sommerman and Mra. Annlce Decker, a guest, were honored on their birthdays. Others present were Mrs. Cath- erine Lester, Mrs. Margaret Jameson, Mra. Helen Reedy, Miss May M. Chamberlain, Mlsa Elea- nor Zelier, Miss Kay Eberie, Mrs. Delia Milbank, Mlia May Dana- her, Mlsa Kathryn Smith and Miss Irene Dow. Mrs. Catherine Marchand, Mra. Charlotte Howe, Mr*. Dorothy B. Vlnick, Mlsa Nellie Becker, Mrs. Jane Donahue, Miss Elizabeth Deakins, Mra. Marlon Koch, Mies Ruby T. Link, Mrs. Virginia Mc- Carthy, Mrs. Cecelia Zaaada, Mrs. Edythe Droma, Miss IJayfred Wetmore and Mra. Helen E. Ford. Sunrise HD Unit Elects The Sunrise unit of tha Home Demonstration department elect- ed the following officers at a recent meeting In Mrs. Wallace G. Lent's home on Vlnewood ave- nue: Mra. Leonard Pawlowics, chair- man, Mrs. Philip Panella, vice- chairman, Mrs. Jack Horan, sec- retary, Mrs. Charles Legere, treasurer, and Mra. Charlea Ful- ler Jr., historian. Mra. Horan reported on the Achievement Day program on May 3. Present were 78 gueata, representing 12 units of the de- partment. Mrs. Panella reported on the progress of the plans for a banquet on June 4 at Petta's Kitchen, 184 Duane avenue, at 7 p.m. Mrs. William Leahy reported Events of Today (Gordon C. Dunham) MRS. WILLIAM O. HIRSCHMAN JR. . •. Jacqueline Ann Duke Miss Duke, Rochester U. Alumnus Wed at St. Luke's •Mi Plan Buffet Supper at Legion Hall You're l o o k i n g at tho rkhtif, most Btoutlful fllivliloi Set In tho country! You mutt its It "Id person" to appr«clot« It fully! ; # Solid Oak Wood (blond) > # Turn-About Swivel , # Hi-Fi 2-Spe*ker System \ ft Pushbutton On off \ ft Tone Range (Hl-Lo) ; ft Aluminum 31" Tube \ ft Heavy Embossed Leather Top Insert ft Fully Equipped Pewer -Chassis for Fringe Areas ft Complete BJ-Channel UKF-VHF ft Built-in Antenna Oftrf Iff MOTOROLA "Dituxr' * 'JLtst Frfoe A Trade Allow, f xslitrVt off * Month of May Specials! RAIN & SHINE GOATS " — * • " * " % » M2.9S & *I4.98 Site* a to IB —• ?**fott and Dark Shade* • ••Ill—«•——III Illi. I H I I BOXY LINED WOOL SPRING SUITS Slice * to lg —. Pastels and Navy m*mmt*mmmm>wmmmm»vi ft—ti I fcWMaMMI Print & Navy DrapesftDresses hn** um » Tow •|0.g8ft>|2.98 Slses I I to to Slate Bridge Championship The Jewish Center Duplicate club will conduct a masters and non-maeters individual champion- ship Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in the Jewish Center pine room. The event Is open to the publlQ and reservations may be made through Wednesday with Mrs. Arthur Aronowlts, president of the board of governors. The tournament' is sanctioned by the American Contract Bridge League. Simon Kanter and QUn' Rus- sell scored ?0Vt match points to win the opening tournament of the May games. Tied for second place were Paul Madison and Rudolph Rosenberger and Dr. Paul Zwelfel and Mrs. Arono- wtls with G44 points. The group played a seven table Oold move- ment. Mrs. Israel Manes* waa wel- comed to the group. Mra, Harry Softer has batn ap- pointed chairman of the club banquet to be held at the center at 6:80 June 11 •• ••• ••• Service Guild to Meet Thursday Beautiful Stlection of Cottons & Silks For Summftr ~~ Arriving Dally M '8.98 u '24.60 Stic* 1-15} 1<M?0| UK MH IM6 SUte Si Ph. FR 4-M2* Op*n Daily !«-• P.M. Saturday 10 A.H. - , , I Jr.M, Kay Barker, Prop, 17tl Slate Si Pttona KXs-osm The Wesleyan Service Guild of Trinity Methodist Church will meet 6:50 Thursday *venlng at the church for a dinner followed by an illustrated talk by Phillip Ames, principal of Mechanlcville school, who waa an exchange teacher in Leeds, EngiAnd last year. Officers will be elected for the coming year, The guild held a dinner meet- ing recently at the Charlton School for Girls. The resident girls served dinner followed by a choral program by the 30 mem- bers of the Charlton glee club. p.m, CleHlfttd Ad Clojmq The spring rally Of the Hud- son Mohawk Baraca-Phllathea union will be held at Calvary Baptist Church, with the after- noon session at 8:80 p.m., when Mrs. F. A. Terko of Clinton Heights will preside and Mrs. Petor Vining of Sand Lake, a pastor, will speak; and an eve- ning session at*7;30, with Ray- mond Goodrow preaidlng and Rev. Phillip Samuelson of First "baptist Church as speaker. Scotia WCTU will met at 1;S0 p.m. at the home of Mrs. John Stirling, 32 Cuthbert street. Tne Ruth Frellck circle of State S.treet Presbyterian Church will meet at 1 p.m. at the home of Mrs. William M. Thomas, 286 Saratoga road, for the annual covered dish birth- day, luncheon. The circle will observe its 25th anniversery and also the birthday of its founder, Mra. K. Victor Frellok. Mra. Robert Glrke will lead the devotions. All former members have been Invited to attend. Circle B of Second Reformed Church will hold a luncheon meeting at the Turnpike Inn on route 20 at 1 p.m. The Couples' club of Becond Reformed Church will meet at 7 p.m. in the church for a cov- ered dish supper and game pro- gram.-The committee in charge Includes Mr. and Mra. C. M. Trimmer, Mr. and Mra. Lansing Roaekrana, Mr. and Mra. P. R. Tappan and Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Tracy. Schenectady circle 6, UAOD, will meet at 8 p.m. at 6 Myn- derse street with Mrs. Grace. WaaseU presiding. Mrs. Vina Law, district'deputy; wUUnstall officers. Mlsa May Law will be hostess. ~ • '.- Queen lodge 17 will meet at 8 p.m. at 147 'Barrett etre'at with Mrs. Thelma Erckman presld-, ing. Mrs, LlHlah Way, district deputy, win Install officers. The refreshment committee includes Mrs. Bessie Ndrrls, Mrs. Flor- ence Sweet .and Mrs,' Virtue Male, i The Tri-Clty Past Presidents' club will meet at 8 p.m. at the home of Mr*, Myrtle Phillips, 110 Ballaten avenue, Scotia,* Mrs. Helen Butler presiding. Palm Rebekah lo&ge will meet at 8 p.m. in Odd Fellows halli 251 Mohawk avenue, Scotia, with Mrs. Melissa Bush- nell presiding. A memorial service will be held. Mrs. Elsie Moehle will "be so- cial hour chairman, Ths 10th ward Women's Re- publican club will mset at * p.m. at the IOOF hall, Broad- way and Thompson street Re- freshment* will be aerved after the business session. Because of the spring rally of the Hudson Mohawk Baraca- Phllathea union at Calvary Baptist this afternoon, the meeting of the Senior Phlla- thea class of Tabernacle Bap- tist Church ha* been postponed, until Thursday at 1 p.m. at the church. The Women's Auxiliary of .the Schenectady Little League will meet at 7:48 p.m. at the Mont Pleasant brftnch of the TMCA, 1502 Chrlsler avenue. Carman WCTTJ will meet at 10 a.m. at the home of Mrs. Mary Lackey, 8M Stoodly place. Mra. Maurice Baker will lead .devotions. A workahop will be held In the afternoon, when m^mbera will cut' aquares for lap fobes, to be sent to the VA Hospital, Albany. Those wishing to contribute wool pieces may contact Mra. Lac- key, KL54723: or Mrs. Ethel DeLaMater, EX 8-&590. The 12th ward Republican Women' will hold a buffet supper and social hour on Wed- nesday at 6:80 p.m. In the Amerl- that the "Quick and Eaay Meals"! c * n L *8 ,oh P ost ha,, » 1809 Unkm ~-*4—» w__ v.— ..rT«„^.j .._„, 1st feet. Mrs. .Howard Shane Is general chairman. The reception committee in- cludes Mrs. Walter S. McNab, Mrs. Joseph Ronan and Mrs. Esther Ladd. Other committee chairmen are: Mrs. Franols Oreisler, tele- phone, Mrs. Chester Raa and Mrs. Charles Grothe, tickets, Mrs. Douglas Miller, guests, Miss Helen Adinolfl, finance, Mrs. Robert Halney, checking, Mra. Edward Breslln, awards, Mrs. Harry Bur- tlss, publicity, and Miss Stephanie Roth, decorations. Tickets may be obtained from Mrs. Grelaler, Express 8-4868, and Mrs. Shane, Franklin 4-5482. project haa been postponed until October. The members of the group will prepare the different dishes at that time. Work meet- ings on tha glove and casserole projects have also been post- poned until fall, CHAUTAUQUA GROUP The Chautauqua reading group will meet on Wednesday at 9:45 a.m. at the Woman's Club on Washington avenue. Mrs. W. L. Wright will be dis- cussion leader on F. D. Roose- velt from '/Three Presidents." Mrs. R. T. Wales will give a paper on "The Early Roosevelts" and Mrs. Charles M. Hollenbeck will discuss "Journey to Niagara" from "Domestic Manners) of- the Americans" by Mrs. Trollops. 4 Australia Is surveying the pos- sibilities of developing a tea- growing industry in Queensland, Sydney reporta. PHONE, CALL BOSTON (UP) — When John Shanahan, 25, was pinned in his car after a collision, he sum- moned aid by merely picking up his car radio-telephone and call- ling police. Dinner Marks Anniversary OfHillhurst Rebekah Lodge Hillhurst Rebekah lodge recent- ly celebrated its 52nd anniversary, with a dinner and entertainment in the USO hall on Clinton street Dinner was served by .women of the Scottish clan. Mrs. Ina Van Woeart was gen- eral chairman for the event, with Miss Betty J, Boylo chairman of entertainment, and Mrs. Cora Boyle, noble grand, gift chairman Mro. Boyle welcomed those at- tending. Rev, Edward Diamond, past grand chaplain of the IOOF, gave the prayer. Mrs. Agnes Dye, secretary of district 8, served as mistress of ceremonies and called on the following speakers: Mrs. Jennie Harts, Rebekah as- sembly marshal; Miss Mary V. Hoffman, past assembly conduc- tor; Mrs. Lillian Northrup, Mrs. Anna Maria Grimm and Mrs. La- vina B. Warner, deputy presidents of dlatrlcta 1, 3 nad 8, respective- ly; Mrs. Dorothy Beverley, Mrs. Ruth Jeffers ana Mra. Etheltne Wendell, marshals of districts 1, 2 and t, respectively, and Rev. Mr. Diamond. Mrs. Wendell is a past president of Hillhurst lodge. Other guests, member* of Mr*. Warner's staff and deputy offi- cers were Mrs. Jean Englohart, Mrs. Rose Cole, Mrs. Maude Mc- Adams, Mrs. Beseia Dearetine, Mrs. Blsa Fsrguaon, Mrs. Agnail Franks, . Mrs. Evelyn Staroba, Mrs. Bessie Beatty and Mrs. Ruth Quackenbush. Mrs. Beatty sang. The fraternal flag bearer war Miss Thelma Schoentoh and serv- ing as guards were Mrs. Mary Drufcba, Mrs. Betty Hildreth, Mrs. Jennie Wolf, Mrs.. Ella HUdreth and Mrs. Marie Bolce. Gifts were presented to each speaker and to Mrs. Dye and each woman attending received a corsage from Mrs. Cora Boyle, Miss Betty Boyle and Mrs. Van Woert Others present were Mrs, Clara Plus, Mrs. Ella Jeffers, Mrs. Ida Peterson, Mrs. C l a r a Baldwin, Mrs. Bertha Edmonds, Mrs. Alma Blumhagen, Mrs. Mildred Jeffers, Miss Ann May Brooks, Mrs. Anna Brooks, Mrs. V e s t a Fredericks, Mrs. Nellie Hall, Mrs. Verna Sol ater, Mra. Winnie Klldoyle, Mlsa Gertrude L e n h a r t , Mra. Doris Hallenbeok, Mrs. C l a r a Sickles, Mrs. Marion Bolts, , * Mr. and Mrs, Fonton Hinss, Mr. and Mrs. Audrey Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Selke, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Maxaon, Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Decker, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wolf, Mr. and Mr*. Earl Turner, Ralph VanWoeart Olef Dye and R. James Boyle. Miss Jacqueline Ann Duke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Duke of Elder street, became the bride of William G. Hlrsch- man Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. 1 William G. Hirschman of Roches- ter, on May 5. The wedding was held at St. Luke's Church, Rev. Mansfield Starke officiating. Mrs; Walter E. Malnwaring Jr. was matron of honor for her sis- ter and two other sisters, Mrs. George Q. Kernahan of Atlanta, Ga., and Mrs. Robert S. McPad- den of Burnt Hills, also aerved aa bridal attendants. William G. Hirschman Sr. serv- ed as best man for his son. The ushers wera William McCarrlck of Findlay, Ohio, Thomas McCar- rick of Riohmond, Va., WUltani Freiert of CohoeS and Joseph Dutton of Rochester. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a g«wn- of lace and nylon tulle, fashioned with a chapel train. Her tulle veil fell from a lace cap trimmed with seed pearls and she carried a white orchid on a missal. Her attendants wore gowns of turquoise tulle. Mrs. Malnwar- ing's ensemble was completed with a matching cap trimmed with pearls and she carried a cascade of white mums with accented of yellow marguerites. The others wore bandeaux of matching flow- ers with nose veils and carried bouquets similar to that of the matron of honor. Bouquets of snapdragons were used In decoration of the church and a program of traditional mu- sic was given. A reception followed at the Edison elub. After a wedding trip to Canada; Mr. and Mra. Hirschman Jr v will be at home at Mohawk Garden?, 2527 Watt street. The bride, a- graduate of Nott Terrace high school and Mildred Elley Secre- tarial School, ia employed at Gen- eral Electric Co; The bridegroom Is a graduate of Acquinaa Insti- tute and. the University of Roch- ester. He ia employed. In the lab- oratory at General Ice Cream Corp. CATHOLIC.BOOK LEAGUB \ B Mi ter c bone Mri mar: high Carr fami Th by I tor, Moc Mr. in n Tr of t quec ione bouf trail trim of 1; fing illus praj and vail M brid wor tale shoi akir M of t Vas Nih like The Of ! lar and whi I Thomas Harold of the St Vin- cent de Paul society will address the Catholic Women's; Book league at a meeting o& Wednes- day at 8 p.m. The group will meet at Mrs. Vincent Olechno- wics's home, 81^ Plymouth ave- nue. Mrs. Eugene Daley wilt as- sist the hostess. Members will in- vite guests.' „. ' < I•.:•'•'• The group met recently at Mrs. Edwip Olsen's home in Scotlsw; , SPILLED MILK ,| \ GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (UP)' —State police said it looked Ilk* someone had spilled a huge milk shake after a seml-traller over- turned and spilled 1,500* gallons of milk on the highway. Turkey 1* now self-sufficient ifi sugar. esse CALL FJt4xM61 FOR CD EC MOTH rKEEapRooNNO On ALL Dry Cleaning AT NO EXTRA COST WIN A FREE TRIP TO PARIS, MIAMI BEACH or LAS VEGAS All 4>p»nt4< p»l«J—Jv*t (III out aft Wry blink il *ni *1 our mtflr >te>r»t. MftYiaUMty IGMMS, «f (ill M* «l »ur drlvm. Fro* > 'Farktrif At The Deot <iiii«i«li<r»*i*Mj»»*ii>iriih»iililiiiii<iii,i.>MiMirt«tM**«aiW>t sarins OLDEST DEALER MAYTAG WASHERS » DRYERS Anthony the) Washerman 1U Alltiny St, rv m.ini "for Hu *imt% toW^sm"* A MTU All V KAm Mn i nun I STYUST tope in beauty ivi and VALUE » * . Our Reg. $1150 Permanent Wave, A«lflW<IT fWtTVWJt *i»ll ' AKNO10 CONHAIL! Srt AVI., N.Y.C -SOFT WATS* U$I0 - m Francis Ave, EXS-ItU U ClC$«r> MONDAYS «* 8.50 Fur-" -Storage PUR COATS $110 ' Mifttmum VJ'VIMM 4169 All Ottitn 1% el V«f«ttl»n IOX STORAftt $4.4* t* Attempt* SIYKII flr»rA«Ati Or M»ft Cwt*i fey |**vr«*M are /ma's ffjttif Cftflsm i VIIMftiBUAIi •Lll tilt Mil III HH Cltflittit It Dy*r*, Inc. Msnv ttern Te i tm Xtm Dial FR 4-4461 Sail D#tlv»rr S*<v1«* WS OIVS CA*E. CO. STAMtt Open Today Until 9:00 P.M. and Every Day Through Friday! •• MII r on mm i mmmtmmmmmmmmm Sarurdays Until 5:00 P.M. i 1 ah P* se CO w la hi cc th V< w d t Z *< c G t( tl A a i 1st in Sales-1st in Service Ovsr 60,000 G-E Appliance Soldi 136 Erie Blvd.--Ph. FR4-4131 uutoMmNMtk*™ Ntw-YwVt Lotgat GE Dtattr IMVCMIMIHHI BflpNr \ ! V < ' « ' Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

Transcript of GAZETTE PHONE FR 4-4141 Mrs. Wasem Is … 8/Schenectady NY...GAZETTE PHONE FR 4-4141 SCHENECTADY...

Page 1: GAZETTE PHONE FR 4-4141 Mrs. Wasem Is … 8/Schenectady NY...GAZETTE PHONE FR 4-4141 SCHENECTADY GAZETTE, TUESDAY,. MAY 15, 1956 GAZETTE, PHONE FR4-4U1 MRS. MICHAEL DeFEO i i . ConBtanco


MRS. MICHAEL DeFEO i i . ConBtanco Cardlnalo

•-(John Hanrahan)

NYSCT Graduate Is Bride Of Michael Robert DeFeo

MOB Constance Elaine Cardi­n a l , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Naz2areno Card In file of McClellan itreet. became the bride of Mich­ael Robert DeFeo, son of Mr. *nd Mrs. Pat DeFeo of this city, on April 38. Th* wedding was held at St. Luke's Church at U o'clock In the morning, Rev. Owen F.'Shante^ officiating.

White gladlolland mums were used In decoration. Arthur Do-Luke sang and Mr*. Emily Kom-lossy was at tha organ.

Tha bride, given In marriage "by her father, wore a gown of silk Iwrribaslne, the tjeckllne trimmed •with aequlna and pearls, the full •tort, also pearl trlnmmed, falling in a chapel train. Her veil of Imported silk illusion was attach­ed to a 'crown of seed pearls and aeciuins and she carried cymbl-dlum orchids, lilies of the valley Vtnd ivy.

Mrs.- Andrew Manchester, the former Joyce Cook of Schenec­tady, how of Newark, Del., waa matron of honor. Her ballerina gown waa of blue crystalette and she wore a matching headpiece and carried a basket of pink feathered carnations, pink sweet­heart rosea and ivy.

Tho bridesmaids, Miss Margaret Gemmell, a college roommate of the bride, and Mlsa Judith DeFeo, were in similar ensembles and carried plateau baskets of pink feathered carnations, garnet •weethe&rt rosea and ivy.

Albert Dlngfeld of Brooklyn waa beat man for hla couain. The itahera were Glho DeTognl of Schenectady and David Perry of Coeymans.

A dinner for 300 followed at the Edison club, and the recep­tion, for 225 guests, waa held In the afternoon at th* clubhouse,

Following a.motor trip to Flor­ida, Mr." and' MM. DeFeo will be ait home at 1032 Bill road after May 19.

The bride la a graduate of Nott terrace high school and of State College for Teacher*, Albany, and is a member of Pat Gamma so­rority. Sh»" i* employed in the aeronautic* and ordnance divi­sion of General Electric Co,

The bridegroom la A civil engi­neer In the atate department of publi6 works. He is a graduate Of Christian Brothera Academy and Rensselaer Polytechnic Insti­tute, and a member of Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity.

Among out of town guesta here for the wedding were Albert Dlngfeld, Mlsa Dorothy Dlngfeld, Mrs. Lucy Dlngfeld,. Miss Irene Lollo, Miaa ElUabeth Marquette find Mro. and Mr*. Charles Ferris of 'Brooklyn! Mr, and Mra Her-bert Relchert, Revere, Mass.; Mr. and Mr*. Andrew Manchester, Newark, Del.

J Mr. and Mr*. Carl Laraon, Hart­

ford, Conn.; David Perry, Coey-Vnana; Mr. and Mr*. Joseph Con-roy, Meehanlcville; Mr. and Mrs. Jamea Colamarla, Saratoga, and Mr*. Edith Race of Hudson.

f~4 ,

Youth Group Makes Plans For Spring

Ray Kukfa, chairman, haa an­nounced that the discussion group of th* Catholic Youth league will meet for dinner on Thursday at 6:15 p.m. in the Tavern. Speaker* will Include-Miss Jean Doherty, Mlsa Beverly Arena, Edward Buckley .and Frank Tannlan. "The Place of the Modern Woman In the World'' will be the subject.

Joseph McDonough has asked for volunteer workers to spend one night a week from 7-11 o'clock at St. Clare's Hospital. Anyone who wishes to work may contact Mr. McDonough.

An outing to Howe's Cavern la planned for the children of St. Coleman's home, Co hoes, on Sun­day. '.••••• * '. . The Social committee will meet at St. John the Baptist school on May 21 at 8 p.m. The field ac­tivities committee will m e e t there 6n May "28 at 8 p.m. to make tentative plans for the sum­mer. All members and prospective member* have been invited to attend.

League members will visit the LaSallette Seminary on May 22 for a workahop. Further informa­tion may be obtained by contact­ing Miss Edith Garafola.

Freddy Randall's orchestra will furnish music, for the "Wishing Welt Dance," which will be held at the Ten-C-One hall, Scotia, on May 25. Dancing will be from 9-12 p.m. Miss Frances Leo and Miaa Barbara Belfanco afe co-chairmen. Anthony Lagani Is ticket chairman.,

"Fireman's Flame," the annual production of the league, was presented on Thursday and Fri­day at PNA hall on Crarie street. Martin Kelly was director.

* •

Hear Talk On Vision At Meeting

The importance of a visual ex­amination for the preschool child was emphasized by Dr. J. Baxter Swartwout of Latham, guest speaker at the Wednesday meet­ing of the Woman's auxiliary to the Eastern New York State Op tometrio Society at tha DeWitt' Clinton Hotel in Albany.

Dr. Swartwout has recently re­turned from a visit to the Gesall Institute where atudles are being conducted which relate the child's vision to his total emotional and physical development. Dr. Swart­wout discussed the findings of the institute which have shown a posi­tive correlation between a child's physical ability to achieve and his visual d e v e l o p m e n t . A non-achiever on the playground is often a non-achiever visually, ac­cording to the doctor.

At the business meeting preced­ing the program, allocation was made of recently raised funds for use In the sight conservation classe* of area public schools.

Mrs. Irving M. Woodroe of Troy and Mrs. Baxter Swartwout were named chairman and co-chairman for a picnic for members and their families to be held at noon on Juno 24 at the Colonle Fire Company grove, Green.Island. In case of rain the event will be held on July 1, according to the co-chairmen.

Mr*. Milton B. Matin of Albany was named delegate to the atate convention to be held at the Sagamore Hotel at Lake George, May 31-June 2. Held in conjunc­tion with tho convention of the New York State OptOmetrlc Society,' the women's meetings will emphasize the program of self and public education and aid to the visually handicapped.


AUGUST BRIDE-ELEOT—Announcement has been made of the engagement of Miss Veronica Ollva LajeunesBe, daughter of Mrs. Sarah Lajeunesse of Troy and the late Ross Lajeunesse, to James DeRusclo, son of Mr. and Mrs. Antonio DeRusclo of Lenox road.

Miss Lajeunesse, a graduate of Catholic Central high school, is employed by the General Electric Co.

Mr. DeRusclo graduated from Schenectady Vocational school and is employed by Mica Insulator Co.

An August wedding is planned.


It's the season for fresh fish and many aeafoods. Fishing boats bring In their biggest catches of fish during the spring and early summer months. This Is why prices for fresh fish are lowest during May, June, and July, re­ports Mrs. Anne W. Levey, as­sociate home demonstration agent for Schenectady county.

Butterflsh', porglea and hard clams arrive from Long Island and New Jersey. Massachusetts leads the New England states with supplies of flounder, sole, ocean .perch, cod, whiting and scallops,. Those famous Maine

Robert Lacour-Gayet Gives Talk on the'Parisian Spirit'

Midd.Ieburg.BPW Committees to Meet

Mrs. Maude Mosher, program co-ordlnator, has announced a meeting of all officers and com­mittee chairmen of the Middle* burg Business and Professional Women's Club on Thursday eve­ning at her office in Mlddleburg.

New ohalrmen and standing committee m o m b « r o were an­nounced by Mrs. Henrietta Dleck, new president, at a meeting last week at the home of Mrs. Margie Lee ohnson, with Mrs. Mosher as hostess. At this meeting it was announced by the news service chairman that the club's book was Judged second at the spring district meeting held re­cently at Schoharie.

The next regular meeting will be held May 24 at the home of Mrs. Ruth Dobert

Mrs. Margie Leo Johnson, re­tiring club president, was the In­stalling officer at th* Wednesday evening meeting. She was also speaker at a recent meeting of the Llvlngstonvllle Horn* Demon-station unit. She announced that she la receiving material from club* all over th* atate from which she will compile a atate his­tory.

lobsters" and Atlantic coast hard craba will be in abundance say* Mrs. Levey,

She says that numerous vari­eties of fresh water fish'will also be available in the next few months. Fresh out of the lakea and rivers will be yellow pike, whiteflsh, lake herring, smelt, yellow perch and imported lake trout. >

You won't need a fish rod or net in the market, but you will need to be prepared to recognise good quality, according to the agent.

When you buy a . whole fieri, select one that has clear, bulg­ing eyes, Its gills should be red­dish and pink, its scales close to­gether and bright and shiny look­ing. Mrs, Levey reminds us that fish ahould not only have a fresh odor, but alao have a firm and elaatlo floah, Remember this when buying fiah steaks or fil­lets of fish. Be sure, too, that the portions have been recently cut and kept in good condition. Don't buy craba, lobaters and clams un-1OB8 they are alive and snapping.

Fiah tastes good almost every way It'* cooked, aa a main dish or combined In salads, soups or casseroles. This recipe for filiate thermldor la an example. For four servings use the following Ingredients:

1 4 pounds fish fillets; 1 4 cups of milk; 1 teaspoon salt; dash pepper; S tablespoons buttsr; 8 tablespoons flour; 1 cup shred­ded Cheddar cheese, S tablespoons lemon juice, 3 tesspoona •Worcest­ershire sauce, paprika and par­sley. .

Cut r fish into earring aise piece*. Place the pieces in a bak­ing pan (10x6x2") and add the milk, salt and pepper. Bake the

jflsh at 850 degrees F for SO mln-press|utes.

Melt the butter In a saucepan and add the flour. Whan th* fil­lets are cooked, pour the milk from the baking pan Into a bowl. Stir the milk slowly Into the flour mixture and cook the mix* ture until It 1* thick,

Add the shredded cheese to the milk mixture and atlr until the cheese hat melted. Add lemon Juice nnd Worcestershire sauce.

Pour the sauce over the baked fish. Sprinkle the fish with pap­rika. Brown the food under the broiler for about 18 minutes. Gar­nish with parsley and serve promptly.

Approximately 100 members and friends of the Alliance Fran-caise of. Schenectady met recent­ly in Old Chapel, Union College, to hear Robert Lacour-Gayet lec­ture on "The Parisian Spirit."

Dr. Loula Amyot, president, Introduced the speaker, Who la president of the Society of French Professors In America, Mr. La­cour-Gayet comes from a family" of teachers and historians. He studied at the Lycee Louls-le-Grand, 1' Ecole dea sciences Po-litlques and the Sorbonne in Parts. In 1021 ho was .admitted to the Council of the Inapector General of Finance in France, and ahortiy after waa named fi­nancial attache to the French Embassy in Washington, where he remained alx years.

He become director of economic services of the Bank of France in 1880. In this capacity he par­ticipated in numerpuB interna­tional conferences and negotia­tions between France and the United States, Great Britain, Ger­many, Italy, .Poland,^Czechoslo­vakia, Turkey and other nations.

He was named chief of the Offlc» of Inspectors General of Finance In 1089 and returned to the U.S. on business in 1940. Now Inspector general of finances on leave, Mr. Lacour-Gayet is dean of tha history department a t St. John** University, - and is in oharge of French literature and civilisation couraea at New York Unlveralty. - >

Mr, Lacour-Gayet has had sev­eral books published and his articles have appeared in the Revue des Deux Mondes, Revue d' Historlre Diplomatique and the Revue do Paris. Hia latest book, "La France au Vlngtieme Siecle," was published simultaneously in New York and Parla in 1954. He la an officer of the Legion d'Hon-neur and waa decorated with the Croix de Guerre for service in 1914-18.

After the meeting, members held their traditional hour of French conversation and refresh­ments were aerved by the hos­pitality committee.

- , . . » . .

Mrs. Wasem Is Hostess To RN Club

Mrs. Albert Wasem of Grove place was hostess to the RN club on Tuesday evening. Miss Georgia Marcley, president, presided. A social hour followed the meeting and refreshments were served.

Mrs. Wasem, Mrs. Leah War­ner, Mrs. Grace Sommerman and Mra. • Annlce Decker, a guest, were honored on their birthdays.

Others present were Mrs. Cath­erine Lester, Mrs. Margaret Jameson, Mra. Helen Reedy, Miss May M. Chamberlain, Mlsa Elea­nor Zelier, Miss Kay Eberie, Mrs. Delia Milbank, Mlia May Dana-her, Mlsa Kathryn Smith and Miss Irene Dow.

Mrs. Catherine Marchand, Mra. Charlotte Howe, Mr*. Dorothy B. Vlnick, Mlsa Nellie Becker, Mrs. Jane Donahue, Miss Elizabeth Deakins, Mra. Marlon Koch, Mies Ruby T. Link, Mrs. Virginia Mc­Carthy, Mrs. Cecelia Zaaada, Mrs. Edythe Droma, Miss IJayfred Wetmore and Mra. Helen E. Ford.

Sunrise HD Unit Elects

The Sunrise unit of tha Home Demonstration department elect­ed the following officers at a recent meeting In Mrs. Wallace G. Lent's home on Vlnewood ave­nue:

Mra. Leonard Pawlowics, chair­man, Mrs. Philip Panella, vice-chairman, Mrs. Jack Horan, sec­retary, Mrs. Charles Legere, treasurer, and Mra. Charlea Ful­ler Jr., historian.

Mra. Horan reported on the Achievement Day program on May 3. Present were 78 gueata, representing 12 units of the de­partment. Mrs. Panella reported on the progress of the plans for a banquet on June 4 at Petta's Kitchen, 184 Duane avenue, at 7 p.m.

Mrs. William Leahy reported

Events of Today


. • . Jacqueline Ann Duke

Miss Duke, Rochester U. Alumnus Wed at St. Luke's


Plan Buffet Supper at Legion Hall

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Slate Bridge Championship

The Jewish Center Duplicate club will conduct a masters and non-maeters individual champion­ship Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in the Jewish Center pine room. The event Is open to the publlQ and reservations may be made through Wednesday with Mrs. Arthur Aronowlts, president of the board of governors. The tournament' is sanctioned by the American C o n t r a c t Bridge League.

Simon Kanter and QUn' Rus­sell scored ?0Vt match points to win the opening tournament of the May games. Tied for second place were Paul Madison and Rudolph Rosenberger and Dr. Paul Zwelfel and Mrs. Arono-wtls with G44 points. The group played a seven table Oold move­ment.

Mrs. Israel Manes* waa wel­comed to the group.

Mra, Harry Softer has batn ap­pointed chairman of the club banquet to be held at the center at 6:80 June 11

• • • • • •••

Service Guild to Meet Thursday

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The Wesleyan Service Guild of Trinity Methodist Church will meet 6:50 Thursday *venlng at the church for a dinner followed by an illustrated talk by Phillip Ames, principal of Mechanlcville school, who waa an exchange teacher in Leeds, EngiAnd last year.

Officers will be elected for the coming year,

The guild held a dinner meet­ing recently at the Charlton School for Girls. The resident girls served dinner followed by a choral program by the 30 mem­bers of the Charlton glee club.

• p.m, CleHlfttd Ad Clojmq

The spring rally Of the Hud­son Mohawk Baraca-Phllathea union will be held at Calvary Baptist Church, with the after­noon session at 8:80 p.m., when Mrs. F. A. Terko of Clinton Heights will preside and Mrs. Petor Vining of Sand Lake, a pastor, will speak; and an eve­ning session at*7;30, with Ray­mond Goodrow preaidlng and Rev. Phillip Samuelson of First "baptist Church as speaker.

Scotia WCTU will met at 1;S0 p.m. at the home of Mrs. John Stirling, 32 Cuthbert street.

Tne Ruth Frellck circle of S t a t e S . t ree t Presbyterian Church will meet at 1 p.m. at the home of Mrs. William M. Thomas, 286 Saratoga road, for the annual covered dish birth­day, luncheon. The circle will observe its 25th anniversery and also the birthday of its founder, Mra. K. Victor Frellok. Mra. Robert Glrke will lead the devotions. All former members have been Invited to attend.

Circle B of Second Reformed Church will hold a luncheon meeting at the Turnpike Inn on route 20 at 1 p.m.

The Couples' club of Becond Reformed Church will meet at 7 p.m. in the church for a cov­ered dish supper and game pro­gram.-The committee in charge Includes Mr. and Mra. C. M. Trimmer, Mr. and Mra. Lansing Roaekrana, Mr. and Mra. P. R. Tappan and Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Tracy.

Schenectady circle 6, UAOD, will meet at 8 p.m. at 6 Myn-derse street with Mrs. Grace. WaaseU presiding. Mrs. Vina Law, district'deputy; wUUnstall officers. Mlsa May Law will be hostess. ~ • '.-

Queen lodge 17 will meet at 8 p.m. at 147 'Barrett etre'at with Mrs. Thelma Erckman presld-, ing. Mrs, LlHlah Way, district deputy, win Install officers. The refreshment committee includes Mrs. Bessie Ndrrls, Mrs. Flor­ence Sweet .and Mrs,' Virtue Male, i

The Tri-Clty Past Presidents' club will meet at 8 p.m. at the home of Mr*, Myrtle Phillips, 110 Ballaten avenue, Scotia,* Mrs. Helen Butler presiding.

Palm Rebekah lo&ge will meet at 8 p.m. in Odd Fellows halli 251 Mohawk avenue, Scotia, with Mrs. Melissa Bush-nell presiding. A memorial service will be held.

Mrs. Elsie Moehle will "be so­cial hour chairman,

Ths 10th ward Women's Re­publican club will mset at * p.m. at the IOOF hall, Broad­way and Thompson street Re­freshment* will be aerved after the business session.

Because of the spring rally of the Hudson Mohawk Baraca-Phllathea union at Calvary Baptist this afternoon, the meeting of the Senior Phlla-thea class of Tabernacle Bap­tist Church ha* been postponed, until Thursday at 1 p.m. at the church.

The Women's Auxiliary of .the Schenectady Little League will meet at 7:48 p.m. at the Mont Pleasant brftnch of the TMCA, 1502 Chrlsler avenue.

Carman WCTTJ will meet at 10 a.m. at the home of Mrs. Mary Lackey, 8M Stoodly place. Mra. Maurice Baker will lead .devotions. A workahop will be held In the afternoon, when m^mbera will cut' aquares for lap fobes, to be sent to the VA Hospital, Albany. Those wishing to contribute wool pieces may contact Mra. Lac­key, KL54723: or Mrs. Ethel DeLaMater, EX 8-&590.

The 12th ward Republican Women' will hold a buffet supper and social hour on Wed­nesday at 6:80 p.m. In the Amerl-

that the "Quick and Eaay Meals"!c*n L * 8 , o h Po s t ha, ,» 1 8 0 9 Unkm ~-*4—» w__ v.— ..rT«„^.j . ._„, 1st feet. Mrs. .Howard Shane Is

general chairman. The reception committee in­

cludes Mrs. Walter S. McNab, Mrs. Joseph Ronan and Mrs. Esther Ladd. Other committee chairmen are:

Mrs. Franols Oreisler, tele­phone, Mrs. Chester Raa and Mrs. Charles Grothe, tickets, Mrs. Douglas Miller, guests, Miss Helen Adinolfl, finance, Mrs. Robert Halney, checking, Mra. Edward Breslln, awards, Mrs. Harry Bur-tlss, publicity, and Miss Stephanie Roth, decorations.

Tickets may be obtained from Mrs. Grelaler, Express 8-4868, and Mrs. Shane, Franklin 4-5482.

project haa been postponed until October. The members of the group will prepare the different dishes at that time. Work meet­ings on tha glove and casserole projects have also been post­poned until fall,

CHAUTAUQUA GROUP The Chautauqua reading group

will meet on Wednesday at 9:45 a.m. at the Woman's Club on Washington avenue.

Mrs. W. L. Wright will be dis­cussion leader on F. D. Roose­velt from '/Three Presidents." Mrs. R. T. Wales will give a paper on "The Early Roosevelts" and Mrs. Charles M. Hollenbeck will discuss "Journey to Niagara" from "Domestic Manners) of- the Americans" by Mrs. Trollops.

4 •

Australia Is surveying the pos­sibilities of developing a tea-growing industry in Queensland, Sydney reporta.


Shanahan, 25, was pinned in his car after a collision, he sum­moned aid by merely picking up his car radio-telephone and call-

ling police.

Dinner Marks Anniversary OfHillhurst Rebekah Lodge

Hillhurst Rebekah lodge recent­ly celebrated its 52nd anniversary, with a dinner and entertainment in the USO hall on Clinton street Dinner was served by .women of the Scottish clan.

Mrs. Ina Van Woeart was gen­eral chairman for the event, with Miss Betty J, Boylo chairman of entertainment, and Mrs. Cora Boyle, noble grand, gift chairman

Mro. Boyle welcomed those at­tending. Rev, Edward Diamond, past grand chaplain of the IOOF, gave the prayer. Mrs. Agnes Dye, secretary of district 8, served as mistress of ceremonies and called on the following speakers:

Mrs. Jennie Harts, Rebekah as­sembly marshal; Miss Mary V. Hoffman, past assembly conduc­tor; Mrs. Lillian Northrup, Mrs. Anna Maria Grimm and Mrs. La-vina B. Warner, deputy presidents of dlatrlcta 1, 3 nad 8, respective­ly; Mrs. Dorothy Beverley, Mrs. Ruth Jeffers ana Mra. Etheltne Wendell, marshals of districts 1, 2 and t, respectively, and Rev. Mr. Diamond. Mrs. Wendell is a past president of Hillhurst lodge.

Other guests, member* of Mr*. Warner's staff and deputy offi­cers were Mrs. Jean Englohart, Mrs. Rose Cole, Mrs. Maude Mc-Adams, Mrs. Beseia Dearetine, Mrs. Blsa Fsrguaon, Mrs. Agnail Franks, . Mrs. Evelyn Staroba, Mrs. Bessie Beatty and Mrs. Ruth

Quackenbush. Mrs. Beatty sang. The fraternal flag bearer war

Miss Thelma Schoentoh and serv­ing as guards were Mrs. Mary Drufcba, Mrs. Betty Hildreth, Mrs. Jennie Wolf, Mrs.. Ella HUdreth and Mrs. Marie Bolce.

Gifts were presented to each speaker and to Mrs. Dye and each woman attending received a corsage from Mrs. Cora Boyle, Miss Betty Boyle and Mrs. Van Woert

Others present were Mrs, Clara Plus, Mrs. Ella Jeffers, Mrs. Ida Peterson, Mrs. C l a r a Baldwin, Mrs. Bertha Edmonds, Mrs. Alma Blumhagen, Mrs. Mildred Jeffers, Miss Ann May Brooks, Mrs. Anna Brooks, Mrs. V e s t a Fredericks, Mrs. Nellie Hall, Mrs. Verna Sol ater, Mra. Winnie Klldoyle, Mlsa Gertrude L e n h a r t , Mra. Doris Hallenbeok, Mrs. C l a r a Sickles, Mrs. Marion Bolts, , * Mr. and Mrs, Fonton Hinss, Mr. and Mrs. Audrey Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Selke, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Maxaon, Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Decker, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wolf, Mr. and Mr*. Earl Turner, Ralph VanWoeart Olef Dye and R. James Boyle.

Miss Jacqueline Ann Duke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Duke of Elder street, became the bride of William G. Hlrsch-man Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs.1

William G. Hirschman of Roches­ter, on May 5. The wedding was held at St. Luke's Church, Rev. Mansfield Starke officiating.

Mrs; Walter E. Malnwaring Jr. was matron of honor for her sis­ter and two other sisters, Mrs. George Q. Kernahan of Atlanta, Ga., and Mrs. Robert S. McPad-den of Burnt Hills, also aerved aa bridal attendants.

William G. Hirschman Sr. serv­ed as best man for his son. The ushers wera William McCarrlck of Findlay, Ohio, Thomas McCar-rick of Riohmond, Va., WUltani Freiert of CohoeS and Joseph Dutton of Rochester.

The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a g«wn- of lace and nylon tulle, fashioned with a chapel train. Her tulle veil fell from a lace cap trimmed with seed pearls and she carried a white orchid on a missal.

Her attendants wore gowns of turquoise tulle. Mrs. Malnwar-ing's ensemble was completed with a matching cap trimmed with pearls and she carried a cascade of white mums with accented of yellow marguerites. The others wore bandeaux of matching flow­ers with nose veils and carried bouquets similar to that of the matron of honor.

Bouquets of snapdragons were used In decoration of the church and a program of traditional mu­sic was given.

A reception followed at the Edison elub.

After a wedding trip to Canada; Mr. and Mra. Hirschman Jrv will be at home at Mohawk Garden?, 2527 Watt street. The bride, a-graduate of Nott Terrace high school and Mildred Elley Secre­tarial School, ia employed at Gen­eral Electric Co; The bridegroom Is a graduate of Acquinaa Insti­tute and. the University of Roch­ester. He ia employed. In the lab­oratory at General Ice Cream Corp.



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Thomas Harold of the St Vin-cent de Paul society will address the Catholic Women's; Book league at a meeting o& Wednes­day at 8 p.m. The group will meet at Mrs. Vincent Olechno-wics's home, 81^ Plymouth ave­nue. Mrs. Eugene Daley wilt as­sist the hostess. Members will in­vite guests.' „. ' < I•.:•'•'•

The group met recently at Mrs. Edwip Olsen's home in Scotlsw; ,


—State police said it looked Ilk* someone had spilled a huge milk shake after a seml-traller over­turned and spilled 1,500* gallons of milk on the highway.

• Turkey 1* now self-sufficient ifi








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