Gaudium Mass Lyrics

AS WE GATHER (from Gaudium Mass by Tinnah dela Rosa) As we gather to give you praise, we give you thanks for the life we live. Fill our minds, stir our hearts, move our being, nourish our spirit. Make us one body with the story of your love. Make us one body with the story of your love. As we gather to hear your Word, we give you thanks for the truth you bring. Fill our minds, stir our hearts, move our being, nourish our spirit. Make us one body with the Living Word of God. Make us one body with the Living Word of God. As we gather to join your feast, we give you thanks that you call us friends. Fill our minds, stir our hearts, move our being, nourish our spirit. Make us one body with the Bread and Cup of Life. Make us one body with the Bread and Cup of Life. LORD, WE GATHER TODAY (Misa Delgado Book VI, Lester Delgado) Lord, we gather today in Your house, we kneel down and pray. We ask for Your mercy as we open our hearts to receive Your forgiveness, O Lord. Lord, we lift up to You all these gifts, we offer for Your glory. We will eat this living bread; we will drink this saving cup and feel Your presence, O Lord. As we offer this bread and as we bring you this wine, Bless them, Lord Jesus. Feed us now, give us life. Send us Your Spirit, the source of our lives, and together, we will serve You with love. LORD, BE IN MY LIFE (Music & Words by Tinnah dela Rosa) 1. Lord, be in my eyes. Fill my eyes with faith. Lord, be in my looking. May I see your face. O… Refrain: Lord, be in my life. Fill me with your fire. Lord be in my living. Live, O Lord, in me. Live in me. 2. Lord, be in my head. Fill my mind with hope. Lord, be in my thinking. May your hope prevail. O… (Refrain) 3. Lord, be in my heart. Fill my heart with love. Lord, be in my loving. Love the world in me. O… (Refrain) 4. Lord, be in my hands. Fill my hands with joy. Lord be in my serving. May I serve with joy. O… Final Refrain: Lord, be in my life. Fill me with your fire. Lord be in my living. Live, O Lord, in me. Live, O Lord, in me. GLORIFY GOD BY YOUR LIFE (Music & Words by Tinnah dela Rosa) 1. We’ve seen and heard the Good News. Glorify God by your life! We’ve seen and heard the Good News. Glorify God by your life!



Transcript of Gaudium Mass Lyrics

AS WE GATHER (from Gaudium Mass by Tinnah dela Rosa)As we gather to give you praise, we give you thanks for the life we live.

Fill our minds, stir our hearts, move our being, nourish our spirit.

Make us one body with the story of your love.

Make us one body with the story of your love.

As we gather to hear your Word, we give you thanks for the truth you bring.

Fill our minds, stir our hearts, move our being, nourish our spirit.

Make us one body with the Living Word of God.

Make us one body with the Living Word of God.

As we gather to join your feast,

we give you thanks that you call us friends.

Fill our minds, stir our hearts, move our being, nourish our spirit.

Make us one body with the Bread and Cup of Life. Make us one body with the Bread and Cup of Life.


(Misa Delgado Book VI, Lester Delgado)

Lord, we gather today in Your house,

we kneel down and pray. We ask for Your mercy

as we open our hearts to receive Your forgiveness, O Lord.

Lord, we lift up to You all these gifts,

we offer for Your glory. We will eat this living bread;

we will drink this saving cup

and feel Your presence, O Lord.

As we offer this bread and as we bring you this wine, Bless them, Lord Jesus. Feed us now, give us life.

Send us Your Spirit, the source of our lives,

and together, we will serve You with love.LORD, BE IN MY LIFE (Music & Words by Tinnah dela Rosa) 1. Lord, be in my eyes. Fill my eyes with faith.Lord, be in my looking. May I see your face. O

Refrain: Lord, be in my life. Fill me with your fire. Lord be in my living. Live, O Lord, in me. Live in me.

2. Lord, be in my head. Fill my mind with hope. Lord, be in my thinking. May your hope prevail. O (Refrain)

3. Lord, be in my heart. Fill my heart with love. Lord, be in my loving. Love the world in me. O (Refrain)

4. Lord, be in my hands. Fill my hands with joy. Lord be in my serving. May I serve with joy. O

Final Refrain: Lord, be in my life. Fill me with your fire. Lord be in my living. Live, O Lord, in me. Live, O Lord, in me.GLORIFY GOD BY YOUR LIFE

(Music & Words by Tinnah dela Rosa)

1. Weve seen and heard the Good News. Glorify God by your life! Weve seen and heard the Good News. Glorify God by your life! Refrain: Glorify God! Lets glorify God! Glorify God by your life!

2. Let Gods love reign in our lives. Glorify God by your life! (2x) 3. Let Gods peace live in our hearts. Glorify God by your life! (2x)(Ref) 4, Take the Good News to the world. Glorify God by your life! (2x) Final Refrain: Glorify God! Lets glorify God! Glorify God, glorify God by your life!