Game TV Show Visual

“Speech” or “Presentation” Sudahkah anda tahu “ INDONESIAN COMPETENT “ THE AUTHOR


This document is a visual explanation of Competition Presentation - Indonesian Competent.

Transcript of Game TV Show Visual

  • Speech or Presentation


  • Dapatkah anda berikan alasan terhadap jawaban anda ?

    Which one do you think Speech or Presentation...? THE AUTHOR

    Kehebatan Seorang Soekarno

    di Mata Dunia Pidato Bahasa Inggris Presiden

    Jokowi Didepan CEO Dunia

  • Definition

    The expression of or the

    ability to express thoughts

    and feelings by articulate


    Speech Presentation:


    The proffering or giving of

    something to some-one

    (a social introduction or

    an exhibition or


  • Indonesian Competent adalah:

    Combination of Speech

    and Presentation, and

    the critical factor is the

    frames on screen (Not

    Slides) mean a lot for the

    person to express His or

    Her thoughts. THE AUTHOR

  • Objective Backgrounds and Target Audience


    Acara berjenis Games didominasi oleh program dari luar negri.

    Indonesian Competent diformulasikan sesuai standard acara import.

    Sifat acara ini menyebar ke banyak pengetahuan dan penilaiannya atas: Skills, Adaptable, Intelligent & Computer used.

    Objective Backgrounds Target Audience

    Pria dan Wanita

    First: 20 50 years old

    Second: Teen & Adult

    Status Social: B A

    Life style:


    Self Reliance

    Liking fun through


  • Structure Program Reality Show

    Indonesian Competent


    Pick Out Round (Babak Pemilihan)

    Splitting Round (Babak Penyisihan)

    Semifinal Round

    Grand Final

    Setiap Show akan dipandu oleh 2 Profesional Host (Pria & Wanita)

  • Pick Out Round THE AUTHOR

    Executes in 1st week; 5 days processing and 1 day for Broadcast.

    Test is English ability as basic skills for competition.

    Participants are passed: 500 persons.

    Filming stock shots by Producers Scenario.

    1st Stage: Selection Test 2nd Stage: Judges Audition

    Executes in 2nd week; 5 days processing and 1 day for Broadcast.

    Presentation performance, contains 2 persons per team.

    Participants are passed: 189 persons.

    Filming stock shots by Producers Scenario.

    Duration of broadcasting show is 75 minutes

    Include TV Commercials (Iklan) spot is 3 minutes.

  • Splitting Round THE AUTHOR

    Executes from 3rd week until

    6th week (4 weeks).

    There are 7 episodes for

    Competition and the 8th

    episode is Closing event.

    Broadcast schedule is twice a

    week (Wed. & Sat.)

    A team contains 3 person, and

    there are 9 teams will compete

    in one episode.

    Presentation will be supported

    by animation.

    Public Voting will be applied

    along with Judges Notes, and 36 persons must be passed to

    the next round.

    The 8th episode or Closing

    Ceremonial contains with:

    Entertainment, Winner

    announcement and Next

    schedule announcement.

    Duration of broadcasting show is 75 minutes

    Include TV Commercials (Iklan) spot is 3 minutes.

  • Semifinal Round THE AUTHOR

    Executes from 7th week until

    11th week (5 weeks).

    There are 4 episodes for

    Competition and the 5th

    episode is Closing event.

    5 days for preparation and the

    6th day is broadcast.

    A team contains 3 person, and

    there are 3 teams will compete

    in one episode.

    Complete office room to

    support participants work.

    Public voting are applied along

    with Judges Notes; 8 persons must be passed to Grand Final

    The 5th episode or Closing

    Ceremonial contains with:

    Entertainment of talent, Winner

    announcement and Next

    schedule announcement.

    Duration of broadcasting show is 75 minutes

    Include TV Commercials (Iklan) spot is 4 minutes.

  • Grand Final THE AUTHOR

    Executes on the 12th week

    after 5 days preparation.

    There are 2 teams with 4

    members each team.

    Allocated 4 minutes for each

    person to accomplish the Task.

    There are 3 segments in this

    episode and 2 segments are

    Competition Presentation

    where take 40 minutes in total.

    There are 3 segments in this

    episode and 2 segments are

    Competition Presentation

    where take 40 minutes in total.

    Public voting are applied along

    with Judges Notes, and Voting will stand only 30 minutes.

    The last segment is Art

    Production plan of Producer,

    and itll take 50 minutes include the winner announcement.

    Duration of broadcasting show is 90 minutes

    Include TV Commercials (Iklan) spot is Set by TV Company

  • Messages of Indonesian Competent Show


    Menggambarkan bagaimana

    Budaya Kerja secara

    professional dalam era

    modernisasi saat ini.

    Bagaimana berinteraksi

    dalam Work Environment

    dan memulai berhubungan

    secara professional dengan


    Besarnya hadiah yang akan

    memotivasi masyarakat

    untuk menonton.

    Affecting Community Difficulties of Task

    1st Round: Topic is arranged

    by their own experience.

    2nd Round: Topics are

    provided but they need to

    manage it into their needs.

    3rd Round: Sources of topics

    are provided but they need

    to find the topic from the


    4th Round: The complete

    Topics are provided.

  • Cost Estimation Plan

    In General there are 6 prompts of cost, which are:


    Equipment Support

    Primary Equipment





  • Budget Estimation Plan






  • End of Presentation