Game Over Europe a Colour Revolution is Coming

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Game Over Europe a Colour Revolution is Coming

Transcript of Game Over Europe a Colour Revolution is Coming

  • Konrad Stachnio

    07.10.2015 Column: Society Region: Europe

    Game Over Europe a Colour Revolution is Coming

    Every time I see the old, good George Soros saying somethingabout democracy and European values, I know that somethingis going to happen. This way the case of Ukraine, when Georgeargued that democracy is the most important and when he saysthat European values are most important and that is why wemust accept million refugees every year. How will it end?Probably as usual: fires, riots, overthrowing governments andtotal destabilization in Europe, more or less as it ended uprecently in Ukraine. However, this time, 'democracy' andEuropean values are installed on a much wider scale and by

    pretty determined are going to bring a 'colour revolution' from the Middle East to the heart of dyingEurope.So far, in all there countries where 'colour revolutions' were carried out, it was all about overthrowing governmentsunder the pretext of introduction of 'democracy'. This time it will be different: Islamic fundamentalists, flowing intothe old continent will overthrow Europe in the name of fight against 'democracy'. And no one even tries to hide it,just listen to what the Islamists openly postulated in their speeches. In the end, what's the difference? Anyway theold order will be replaced by new one. Only a pretext will change: 'democracy' will be replaced by Sharia law.This time, social engineering a la Soros and the company goes much further. There are no longer any local stateswhere governments are overthrown and puppets are installed as in Ukraine. Now it comes to the whole Europe, inwhich the future social changes are installed by using the incoming waves of refugees. Whether taking refugees inaccordance with the will of the Soros makes sense can be explained to us in this short video.Such a course of events, euphemistically speaking, will lead to increasing tensions in Europe on ethnic, economicand religious background. However, can we somehow co-exist with each other despite cultural differences?Statement of Imam Choudary doesnt leave a lot of illusions to this issue.That was the question asked by Maciej Woroch form the editorial to Imam, Anjem Choudary from the UK.

    -Is keeping away from ourselves and deepening conflict the only choice for coexistence?'No, it's not a question of whether we will disturb you. One day sharia law will be introduced inPoland because we believe that we should remove all oppressive regimes. If you are ruled by someoneother than Allah, it is a form of oppression. Thanks to our policy, your regime will be removed '.

    Although people in Europe still assume that they can accept something or not. Imam puts this issue quite clearly'This is not a question of whether we will disturb you'.Europe was caught in a trap of 'European values' and liberal democracy. Soros response to the Orban plan was thatthis plan 'is a threat to the European Union due to rejection of the values on which it was built and rights whichshould govern it'.However, is the pillar of Europe also the mindless acceptance of everything and everyone, regardless of the realthreat coming from Islamic fundamentalists coming to Europe from ISIS?





  • Liberal and democratic Europe, of which Soros talks about cant say no to refugees because it is a 'rejection of thevalues on which it was built and rights, which should govern it'. On the other hand, every more astute observer seesthe cake which Europe is so profusely offered is thoroughly poisoned. Poisoned with Islamic fundamentalists hiddenin it.Although the cause of death of Europe can even be the same amount of cake (even without Islamic fundamentalists)in the form of immigrants. Police 'no go' zones 'in Sweden prove it. Add to that, new waves of refugees trained byISIS fighters, setting up its structures in Europe and we have a picture that some time ago has already beendescribed by Jacques Attali, an adviser to the United Nations. Europe will be so destabilized that "The civilianpopulation will be caught between two lines of fire. As it was already mentioned, at this pace, it's not tomorrow'sAfrica which will one day resemble today's West, but the West will resemble contemporary Africa '.Coincidence? I do not think so.It is not a question whether to help refugees or not. Every thinking person knows that you need to help peoplein need. What is currently happening in Europe, it is not any help to refugees, but installing the 'colour revolution' inEurope by refugees. It will lead to a widening conflict, terrorism and destabilization in Europe.When trained, equipped with weapons and a well-organized Islamic terrorists will come to Europe, Europe will becompletely helpless. There will be riots, disputes, murders and demonstrations, that is, the so-called 'colourrevolution' on a European scale. In a word, repeat of Ukraine. And who will bear the blame for it? Of course Putin. InPoland, I already hear media voices that Putin has created ISIS to conquer Europe.The Islamists themselves know the principles of liberal democracy and European values, and they know quite wellhow to use them for their own purposes.

    'In Poland, you have governments of liberal democracy and there are no strong patterns or models. Inyour country, all results from separation between Allah and state. All these economic temptations, suchas alcohol, pornography, gambling and even prostitution have become a lucrative business ventures andit uses the instinct of procreation. Islam removes these problems and then there will be enough moneyfor procreation, health and all the rest. Now you live in a system-oriented for exploiting the human. Theonly way to survive on this planet will be make it all illegal. The introduction of Islam and Sharia'.

    Therefore, it seems that liberal democracy is going to self-destruct. After installing more Islamists in Europe, thesame liberal and democratic Europe will be liquidated by the followers of Allah as a synonym for 'regime'.The period of prosperity and relative complacency is over. The period of relative peace and viewing the war from itsEuropean television screens. Now the 'democracy' from the Middle East came to the very Europeans: to their streets,the shops and houses. This 'democracy' which was until recently viewed from a safe distance.Perhaps we are entering into the times where killing in the name of 'freedom and democracy' in the Middle East willbe replaced by killing infidels in Europe in the name of Allah. In this context, the appointment, by the UN, of SaudiArabia as a head of human rights panel can be quite eloquent sign of the direction in which Europe is heading. In theend, it is Saudi Arabia which has offered its assistance to 'solve' the crisis of the migration, building 200 mosques inGermany.Installing 'colour revolution' in Europe is already being made at this point by force. It is proven by the expropriationof people from their homes in Germany just to accommodate refugees there. It is also evidenced by the arrest ofthose who are against immigration, or surveillance of opponents of immigration through various 'foundations' whichreport to the police afterwards.Evidence of this censorship is also the fact that people with negative attitude to the so-called issue of migration arecensured by the owner of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg. It is also confirmed by the UN proposal to introduce a newtax on financial transactions which would go to help 'refugees'.It is also confirmed by the appointed by the Soros fund for the fight against the so-called 'hate speech'. Finally, it isalso confirmed by the fact that opponents of migration to Germany are fired from work for comments on Facebook.Miriam Shaded, founder of the Esther foundation that helps Syrian refugees in Poland said that: 'Currently, there isthe last "peaceful" colonization of Europe by Muslims to conquer it, whenever they consider that they are strongenough. More than 60 per cent of Syrian families brought by us decide to stay in Poland. Some of those who have

  • emigrated to western Europe, already want to go back. They are terrified by what they saw there. They are afraid fortheir health and lives, because Western Europe is full of Muslims. The intelligence services of France, Germany,Great Britain are not able to distinguish who is who when it comes to incoming refugees.Witold Gadowski, an investigative journalist said that: 'Along with getting most of the territories of the former Syriaby the Islamic State caliphate, Syrian company manufacturing securities fell into their hands. Today caliphate is ableto forge any currency, but also every passport so those who have documents are not necessarily those who are inthese documents. Moreover, many of these so-called refugees have wiped off fingerprint. So how do you determinetrue identity of people that come to Europe? Moreover, all databases in Iraq and most of the provinces andterritories of Syria were in the hands of IS. So there is no such data in the international flow of information. There isno such database in Frontex, Europol, Interpol. Even the Americans do not have these databases. 'We have to add to this, arriving to the West, recent 'fruits' of the 'colour revolution' in Ukraine a la George Soros andcompany, that is, also neo-Nazis and Banderovites who use the Pole Card to come to Europe. Although it is noteverything.Polish investigative journalist Witold Gadowski said that: 'In Ukraine, over eight thousand odd individuals have beenfitted with Ukrainian passports and they are now waiting for a work permit in Poland. So, we will have Ukrainianswho speak Arabic. Mafia smuggled these people and makes them 'Christians' now.It seems that Europe will soon be destabilized a la the Middle East. Censorship of the media, preventive action of thepolice and law in Europe increasingly forbids criticism of the so-called issue of refugees. Any criticism of aggressiveIslam in Europe will be very difficult as threatening 'democracy and European values' on which the EU was built - asSoros says.It will lead to greater vulnerability of Europeans in relation to aggressive Islam and more conflicts. As a result, verywell proven model will be installed in Europe : Problem- Reaction -Solution. In the end, Europe will agree on everytop-down despotism. However, I hope that my analysis in this case will be completely incorrect.Konrad Stachnio is an independent Poland based journalist, he hosted a number of radio and TVprograms for the Polish edition of Prison Planet, exclusively for the online magazine New EasternOutlook.