Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1909-08-04 [p...

1HE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA AlGUST J 1909 iitb Ill ° I j v t THE HORSE W So Stupid That H Can Taught Any Habit There htu been on cxblbltloa ot various times horses that ore a par- tly prodigies of tnathematicnl Insight that can do anything with numbers ttttt the trainer can do Yet we know that no animal can so a count at all Furthermore It te always the horse these marvels though the home Is the most utterly stupid of all the dumb creature that man ha made lib friends That Is precisely why the horse is always taken to be made Into an arltli- etlcian lie is so stupid that be can be taught anything any habit that is Raving ao mind to be taken up with his own affairs can be relied do exactly as be Is told Jill tfeMe arithmetical fakes what ever their details are worked ia essen- tially the sane way The borso Is taaght by endless repetition some aoechaakal habit A given signal and lie to paw the floor Aaotber aigml and be stops Press the proper tattoo and he fakes a spoage and nthfl It over a certain a black beard or picks up a card lying la a certain poaUtea That to all he does Tie meaning of the act exkta for the vpectater only TIlt pawlags count the answer to a problem is addition the card bears the reply to a question feat the horse does not know It He Merely follows a blind habit just as fee will stop when say Whoar though you interpolate the word into recitation of the Declaration of iBdepeadence McClurea Magazine IT CAME TRUE Th Larf Party and the Calamity That Fellawerf You cant make mo believe Uncle was saying that there Isnt something In fortune telling ills auditors were grouped round the stove In the corner grocery store Ever have any experience with It asked one qf them That what I was going to tell jou resumed Uncle Abner Once when I was at the county talc 1 saw a Uttlo tent with a sign on the outside- of It that said Mine Somebodyorothcr would tell your fortune for 2T cent- sI stepped Inside just for fun A woman with a thick veil over her taco was sitting In a chair on a raised platform I gave her a quarter and Ao looked ut uiy band One of the things she told me was that 1 was going to have a large party at my bouso lu less than i month and that it would be follcml by cnlamlty 1 laughed at that Thinks I to my We haint had any parties of any kind to our house for two years and I dont reckon well havo one quite as oon as that But It did come true In about wrecks my wifes Aunt Jane came visit ua und if you think she aint n Urge party you ought to see her weighs 287 pounds But BOW about the calamlryr In- quired the man who was sitting oo the sail keg after a long pause Well Mid Uncle Abner slowly broke down our spare bed the iHrnt night she slept In It Yoatas Baby Morphine Fiends Are made by all soothing syrups and baby medicines that contain opium nod narcotics McGces Baby Elixir contains no Injurious or narcotic drugs of any kind A sure and sate cure for disordered stomachs bowels and fret- fulness splendid for tccMng lnfaiit Sold by W M Johnson Tfc 8 J omen for rallr I beat en you Jtbner H OtBl ptI II loa rottP 4 Ee ab- solutely etch rand on- to pet a our J 4 Janis self t abe ¬ ¬ < MALARIA 4 Statement of a Successful Cure MrOMnbol Smith IHllu writes Fee 1909 LAB absolutely crjretl me of Mahrut Chills Fur some months i ut I Lave lived in the swami of I cer r saw n well day for six months Malaria has held m its grip and for the seven weeks 1 have confined to bed Thanks to PomAla I am now entirely well again PAMALA Contains no Quinine- All Druggist 100 bottles THE COOPERATIVE CONTEST uslness Houses That Are In the Plan Which Will Issue Votes The handsome pianos and diamond ring to ho given away an the Contest will bo the grand- est distribution of prizes over offered in Aiachuu county Parties trading with any of the fol- lowing stores will be given vote for every penny spent Gainesville Furniture Company furniture Phifer Morris Co cloth- Ing and furnishings Gainesville Hard- ware Co plumbing and hardware Mrs P T McCormlcCt millinery V- SI Johnson drugs and medicines L C Smith shoes and Jewelry Mrs R Wilson dry goods and notions Saun dens Earle groceries and feed- stuffs City Bakery bread and pastry P Y Smith fresh meats Crawford Davis livery and sale stables The Sun printing and publishing The Drown House meals and lodging N Francisco House fruits etc Rddlns Mfg Co lumber and building material Standard Fertilizer Co fertilizer Votes will be given on all orders for Job printlngat The Sun office and on subscriptions as follows The Daily Sun 125 three months subscription- old subscribers GOO votes new sub- scribers 700 votes 550 six months subscription old subscribers 1200 votes new sub- scribers 1500 votes 5 ono years subscription old 3500 votes new subscrib- ers 4500 votes For a club of five oneyear subscrip- tions before 12 oclock noon Aug IX 19011 old subscribers 10000 votes new IROOO votes For a club of ten sixmonths sub ccrlptlons before 12 oclock noon Aug18 1909 old subscribers 30000 votes new subscribers 35000 votes There Is no limit to tho number of clubs each contestant may secure The SemiWeekly Sun 1 one years subscription 500 votes For a club of live oneyear subscrip- tions COOO votes For a club of twentyflvo oneyear subscriptions 35000 votes There Is no limit to the number I of dubs each contestant may secure Dysentery is a dangerous disease but can be cured Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea has been bticconfully used in nine epidemics of dysentery It has never been known to fall It IH equally val- uable for children and adults and when reduced with water and sweet- ened It la pleasant to take Sold It no it mann flub rlhcrs hy PAU ALA IIlnki ins ern Co- Operative sub- scribers Remedy all druttaists ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ By A Blair Florida Agri Experiment Station The darkcolored material that we call humus consists of partly decayed organic matter either animal or vegetable Stubble grass roots cornstalks cotton stalks and the like are not humus but these materials when turned under the moist soil soon begin to decay and fall to pieces and It Is then that humus IB formed This process of decay and humus formation goes on as long as the conditions are favorable and there Is any organic material left Humus may be called an intermediate product for under favorable conditions the process of decay goes on until there Is no longer any vegetable or animal substance left nor yet any humus but instead water that escape Into the air and a small amount of mineral mat ter We thus ace why It Is that we need to renew the supply of humus from time to time If a crop of velvetbean vines is turned under In the winter or early spring and an examination Is made In April or May much of this decaying matter or humus will be found If now a crop of corn or cotton is grown during the summer and the land thoroughly cultivated It Is probable that none of the humus would be seen If an examination should be made In September It does not follow however that all the humus has been used up but It has been so thoroughly Incorporated with the soil that the eye does not detect It except that the land would look darker During all the time the humus was gradually being transformed Into simpler compounds it was serving Its purpose The Uses of Humus Humus Improves the mechanical condition of the Holl by making It looser and mellower It Increases the capacity and thus the plant food of soil J furnishes food for useful microorganisms which lu turn convert the nitrogen ui the organic matter Into a form that Is available for the crops It aids In bringing Into solution difficultly soluble minerals that contain plant food and It yields a small amount of mineral plant food Itself If one vould get a good Idea of the value of humus he need only com- pare fields where a legume crop has been grown as part of a system of ro tation and where stable manure has been used liberally with those fields where corn and cotton have been grown steadily year after year on com- mercial fertilizers The latter are devoid of humus and have lot much of their power of holding water and plant food The value of humus is also emphasized where an old burn or houf has been left standing In the middle of a field Around these the crops are u ually much superior to those on the surrounding portions of the field Humus and Sandy Solis Sandy rolls on account of their open letichy condition are especially n need of n good supply of humus Furthermore the conditions In Florida ivor a rapid di appvuraiico of the humus This burning out of the humus is caused by certain bacteria and whatever is favorable to their development hastens the destruction of the humus Warmth moisture anti a good Hiipply of air are conditions which favor bacterial development and since tlfexe conditions are fulfilled to an unusual degree in Florida It follows that the humus will disappear with more than ordinary rapidity In soils it Is necessary to Kti ply luunurtformliiK materials more often than It IK In a heavy clay soil This loss of humus Is compensated for by the production of nitrates- as the humus disappears Analyses of some pineapple soils have shown that samples taken from surfaces where vegetable matter is decaying are much richer In nitrates than those taken front clean bare surfaces or from the subsoil where there Is but little organic matter How Humus May Be Increased The growing of leguminous crops Is one of the best ways to Increase humus for In this way nitrogen also Is added to the soil Anions the Flor ida crops which arc suitable for this purpose may be mentioned the velvet bean beggarweed and cowpea Humus may also be increased by a more general and liberal use of stable manure and by turning under stubble weeds or grass instead of burning them When these materials ore burnt nitrogen Is lost as well as humus Send your orders for Job Printing to THE SUN JOB OFFICE 01 C ZM i nUMUS AS A 501lIMPUOVrR V OOOOOODOOOOOOOOOOOOOO gases holding capacity such ese water holding ¬ ¬ Every is by the G which i 3 U CiaruKteeG- overnaient1 Guarantee With Every Money Refunded W Win Czprtu FrtjuU By B ubca ted Mal WUtSdw ia Boad 4 Quart Eriy Tmn 7 MI iOJ 4 fmrl Jwkrnhcinxr sin 12 Qa rt Car Tim 7 yttn oU 1100 12 J rt nuckcnbeimcr 1273 4 jju rt JlrUwooJ MlUno1 4 llrrmitxre 4 fvurt Nrtton M U 12 NVUftn Matt VOO 400 1100 Wire or Mail Your Order ToDay State Agents for the Celebrated State Seal Champagne LONG DISTANCE PHONE tssj- 517519 West fitly Street CHAS BLUM CO Jacksonville Florida t y tdi 11 80 d U C i r Irll ove ar 1 1 r I e 1 r II a u w si t pi j c iLl I Bo t l n1 e Io I e l t c h- wr n J- oj 11 Ft l j J- a b IIV It I M w1 il Ot GUdr rle Jlt 1 0 to t r i J r or zi 1 ts 1 i B Hf f- O y r I t i p Brains Ii old I tr MI Q n 3lnntrtrf 410 1 nnT roo 1 I t l a QIrtt art d art r 1 r t f- r 1Itl- 1111itta iNitI11t1fiEt nacsrrnctyrz t hC Jt t- tJ a prt1 ten i1Y 1 l n 1 rrb N i b1ti1 i 7I 11 l t f I 11j OuI- iIt I 7 it 4 J y i n 0 w err 8atlslwcioit t r oti J1 L NIIISAEY 8 U0 9J11 tiq atnu l itt0 1 Qprint ee 1 Suaat Urouk 1t00 Quart 3luocrit Sprit 100 Firs 500 1 tim Phone rr t > < < > = ° = + + BUSINESS DR GEO s WALDO DENTIST Graham Builttlng East Mtin Sirnt te 61 Long Olgtanti D R CLARK DENTIST Offlcea in Graham Building orar Saunders Earles store Pfeaaa No 356 DsVERE B MoKPi- OMce over Gainesville Natloaai Phone 209- B J H ALDERMAN DK K T I 8 T- Oflce over Duuoa ft Cons B- PhOBft 280 Galaesvllle BAKER ATTOHNEYATLAW SOLICITOR IK OHAKOEBY- Aiaehua Co PLJ- TERDlNANf HYKhA- TTORSKY A QjUr IRVILLV DA Can sell uy rropriy provtd uinuiLiut d p ic i ri9tf trucking fnrm rg Und Sii J hi lint of writ you ofor nr JUts A A in Kcnit Ken Kmte nii fiiMntf sijv iqi Practice Ait Htie tr riwif Uteu Jbd to OtHe nest dour t otttoe TiNr i T K c- KKANK CLARK TUOS V KIHLDIN- QQLAKK ii FIELDING LAWYERS Practice IB all Courts State Federal 3nlcus Over Gainesville NatlOMl Rank Gainesville Florida The abstract before you invest Its ahsolutily It ou wish to avoid buying a lot of expensive liti- gation and probably loss of the In Have us draw up an abstract and be thoroughly posted on what you are purchasing Guaranteed accuracy and prompt work AUCHUA COUNTY ABSTRACT CIJ Gainesville Florida VOYLE VOYLE REAL ESTATE GAINESVILLE VIA Farms Dwellings Lots For Sale YOUR PROPERTY WITH t Abstracts of Title Made- To all Lanil in Alnchna on short notice Fire InsuranceW- ritten in Reliable Cnmpani hen Also EDW AnD DR JE TI T E BAt WC I 0 bud > and sIp S t uieiwr i l t to ltI T U T Count C1htTg sell mac Fl- aw tfAIE4yILLE hr i v year fee s 5Titil E1 dI t v- era era ad j0f o nccc dry tlnent > < < > > ¬ > +

Transcript of Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1909-08-04 [p...

Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1909-08-04 [p 6] DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA AlGUST J 1909 iitbIll I j v




I j




W So Stupid That H CanTaught Any Habit

There htu been on cxblbltloa otvarious times horses that ore a par-

tly prodigies of tnathematicnl Insightthat can do anything with numbers

ttttt the trainer can do Yet weknow that no animal can so

a count at all Furthermore Itte always the horsethese marvels though the home Is themost utterly stupid of all the dumbcreature that man ha made libfriends

That Is precisely why the horse isalways taken to be made Into an arltli-

etlcian lie is so stupid that be canbe taught anything any habit that is

Raving ao mind to be taken upwith his own affairs can be relied

do exactly as be Is toldJill tfeMe arithmetical fakes what

ever their details are worked ia essen-tially the sane way The borso Istaaght by endless repetition someaoechaakal habit A given signal andlie to paw the floor Aaotberaigml and be stops Press the propertattoo and he fakes a spoage andnthfl It over a certain a blackbeard or picks up a card lying la acertain poaUtea That to all he doesTie meaning of the act exkta for thevpectater only TIlt pawlags countthe answer to a problem is additionthe card bears the reply to a questionfeat the horse does not know It HeMerely follows a blind habit just asfee will stop when say Whoarthough you interpolate the word into

recitation of the Declaration ofiBdepeadence McClurea Magazine


Th Larf Party and the CalamityThat Fellawerf

You cant make mo believe Unclewas saying that there

Isnt something In fortune tellingills auditors were grouped round the

stove In the corner grocery store Everhave any experience with It askedone qf them

That what I was going to telljou resumed Uncle Abner Oncewhen I was at the county talc 1 sawa Uttlo tent with a sign on the outside-of It that said Mine Somebodyorothcrwould tell your fortune for 2T cent-sI stepped Inside just for fun

A woman with a thick veil over hertaco was sitting In a chair on a raisedplatform I gave her a quarter andAo looked ut uiy band One of thethings she told me was that 1 wasgoing to have a large party at mybouso lu less than i month and that itwould be follcml by cnlamlty

1 laughed at that Thinks I to myWe haint had any parties of any

kind to our house for two years and Idont reckon well havo one quite as

oon as thatBut It did come true In about

wrecks my wifes Aunt Jane camevisit ua und if you think she aint nUrge party you ought to see herweighs 287 pounds

But BOW about the calamlryr In-

quired the man who was sitting oo thesail keg after a long pause

Well Mid Uncle Abner slowlybroke down our spare bed the

iHrnt night she slept In It Yoatas

Baby Morphine FiendsAre made by all soothing syrups and

baby medicines that contain opiumnod narcotics McGces Baby Elixircontains no Injurious or narcotic drugsof any kind A sure and sate cure fordisordered stomachs bowels and fret-fulness splendid for tccMng lnfaiitSold by W M Johnson

Tfc 8 J omen for rallr







OtBl ptI II loa

rottP 4

















MALARIA4 Statement of a Successful Cure

MrOMnbol Smith IHllu writes Fee1909 LAB absolutely crjretl meof Mahrut Chills Fur somemonths i ut I Lave lived in the swami of

I cer r saw n well day for sixmonths Malaria has held m its gripand for the seven weeks 1 haveconfined to bed Thanks to PomAla I amnow entirely well again

PAMALAContains no Quinine-

All Druggist 100 bottles


uslness Houses That Are In thePlan Which Will Issue Votes

The handsome pianos and diamondring to ho given away an the

Contest will bo the grand-est distribution of prizes over offeredin Aiachuu county

Parties trading with any of the fol-

lowing stores will be given votefor every penny spent

Gainesville Furniture Companyfurniture Phifer Morris Co cloth-Ing and furnishings Gainesville Hard-ware Co plumbing and hardwareMrs P T McCormlcCt millinery V-

SI Johnson drugs and medicines LC Smith shoes and Jewelry Mrs RWilson dry goods and notions Saundens Earle groceries and feed-stuffs City Bakery bread and pastryP Y Smith fresh meats Crawford

Davis livery and sale stables TheSun printing and publishing TheDrown House meals and lodging NFrancisco House fruits etcRddlns Mfg Co lumber and buildingmaterial Standard Fertilizer Cofertilizer

Votes will be given on all ordersfor Job printlngat The Sun officeand on subscriptions as follows

The Daily Sun125 three months subscription-

old subscribers GOO votes new sub-

scribers 700 votes550 six months subscription old

subscribers 1200 votes new sub-

scribers 1500 votes5 ono years subscription old

3500 votes new subscrib-ers 4500 votes

For a club of five oneyear subscrip-tions before 12 oclock noon AugIX 19011 old subscribers 10000votes new IROOO votes

For a club of ten sixmonths subccrlptlons before 12 oclock noonAug18 1909 old subscribers 30000votes new subscribers 35000 votes

There Is no limit to tho number ofclubs each contestant may secure

The SemiWeekly Sun1 one years subscription 500

votesFor a club of live oneyear subscrip-

tions COOO votesFor a club of twentyflvo oneyear

subscriptions 35000 votesThere Is no limit to the number

I of dubs each contestant may secure

Dysentery is a dangerous diseasebut can be cured ChamberlainsColic Cholera and Diarrhoeahas been bticconfully used in nineepidemics of dysentery It has neverbeen known to fall It IH equally val-

uable for children and adults andwhen reduced with water and sweet-ened It la pleasant to take Sold





flub rlhcrs



IIlnki ins







all druttaists





By A Blair Florida Agri Experiment Station

The darkcolored material that we call humus consists of partly decayed

organic matter either animal or vegetable Stubble grass roots cornstalkscotton stalks and the like are not humus but these materials when turned

under the moist soil soon begin to decay and fall to pieces and It Is

then that humus IB formed This process of decay and humus formation

goes on as long as the conditions are favorable and there Is any organic

material left Humus may be called an intermediate product for underfavorable conditions the process of decay goes on until there Is no longer

any vegetable or animal substance left nor yet any humus but instead

water that escape Into the air and a small amount of mineral mat

ter We thus ace why It Is that we need to renew the supply of humus

from time to time If a crop of velvetbean vines is turned under In thewinter or early spring and an examination Is made In April or May much

of this decaying matter or humus will be found If now a crop of corn

or cotton is grown during the summer and the land thoroughly cultivated

It Is probable that none of the humus would be seen If an examination

should be made In September It does not follow however that all thehumus has been used up but It has been so thoroughly Incorporated with

the soil that the eye does not detect It except that the land would look

darker During all the time the humus was gradually being transformed Intosimpler compounds it was serving Its purpose

The Uses of Humus

Humus Improves the mechanical condition of the Holl by making It looser

and mellower It Increases the capacity and thus the plantfood of soil J furnishes food for useful microorganismswhich lu turn convert the nitrogen ui the organic matter Into a form thatIs available for the crops It aids In bringing Into solution difficultly solubleminerals that contain plant food and It yields a small amount of mineralplant food Itself

If one vould get a good Idea of the value of humus he need only com-

pare fields where a legume crop has been grown as part of a system of rotation and where stable manure has been used liberally with those fieldswhere corn and cotton have been grown steadily year after year on com-

mercial fertilizers The latter are devoid of humus and have lot muchof their power of holding water and plant food The value of humus is

also emphasized where an old burn or houf has been left standing In themiddle of a field Around these the crops are u ually much superior tothose on the surrounding portions of the field

Humus and Sandy SolisSandy rolls on account of their open letichy condition are especially

n need of n good supply of humus Furthermore the conditions In Floridaivor a rapid di appvuraiico of the humus This burning out of the

humus is caused by certain bacteria and whatever is favorable to theirdevelopment hastens the destruction of the humus Warmth moisture antia good Hiipply of air are conditions which favor bacterial development andsince tlfexe conditions are fulfilled to an unusual degree in Florida It followsthat the humus will disappear with more than ordinary rapidity Insoils it Is necessary to Kti ply luunurtformliiK materials more often thanIt IK In a heavy clay soil

This loss of humus Is compensated for by the production of nitrates-as the humus disappears Analyses of some pineapple soils have shownthat samples taken from surfaces where vegetable matter is decaying aremuch richer In nitrates than those taken front clean bare surfaces or fromthe subsoil where there Is but little organic matter

How Humus May Be IncreasedThe growing of leguminous crops Is one of the best ways to Increase

humus for In this way nitrogen also Is added to the soil Anions the Florida crops which arc suitable for this purpose may be mentioned the velvetbean beggarweed and cowpea Humus may also be increased by a moregeneral and liberal use of stable manure and by turning under stubbleweeds or grass instead of burning them When these materials ore burntnitrogen Is lost as well as humus

Send your orders for Job Printing to


01 C ZM





holding capacity



water holding



Every is by the G which i 3




With Every Money


W Win Czprtu FrtjuU By B ubca ted Mal WUtSdw ia Boad

4 Quart Eriy Tmn 7 MI iOJ 4 fmrl Jwkrnhcinxr sin12 Qa rt Car Tim 7 yttn oU 1100 12 J rt nuckcnbeimcr 1273

4 jju rt JlrUwooJMlUno1

4 llrrmitxre4 fvurt Nrtton M U

12 NVUftn Matt



Wire or Mail Your Order ToDay State Agents for the Celebrated State Seal ChampagneLONG DISTANCE PHONE tssj-

517519 Westfitly Street CHAS BLUM CO Jacksonville


t y tdi 11

80 d U Ci r

Irll ove ar 1 1 r Ie

1 r II a uw si t pi j c iLlIBo t l n1 eIo I e l t

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Ot GUdr rle Jlt 1

0 to tr i Jror zi 1


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I t i p BrainsIi old



Q n 3lnntrtrf 4101 nnT roo

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art d artr






iNitI11t1fiEt nacsrrnctyrz thC Jt t-

tJ a prt1 ten i1Y 1 l n 1rrb N i b1ti1

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it 4 J yi n 0

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U0 9J11tiq atnu

l itt0 1 Qprintee 1

Suaat Urouk 1t00 Quart 3luocrit Sprit 100Firs

5001 tim















Graham Builttlng East Mtin Sirnt te61 Long Olgtanti



Offlcea in Graham Building orarSaunders Earles store PfeaaaNo 356


OMce over Gainesville NatloaaiPhone 209-


D K K T I 8 T-

Oflce over Duuoa ft Cons B-

PhOBft 280 Galaesvllle




Aiaehua Co PLJ-




Can sell uy rropriyprovtd uinuiLiut d p ic i ri9tftrucking fnrm rg Und Sii J hi

lint of writ you ofor nr JUts


in Kcnit

Ken Kmte nii fiiMntf sijv iqiPractice Ait Htie tr riwifUteu Jbd to OtHe nest dour t

otttoe TiNr i T K c-



LAWYERSPractice IB all Courts State

Federal3nlcus Over Gainesville NatlOMl

Rank Gainesville Florida

The abstract before you invest Itsahsolutily It ou wish to

avoid buying a lot of expensive liti-

gation and probably loss of the In

Have us draw up an abstract andbe thoroughly posted on what you are


Guaranteed accuracy and prompt



Gainesville Florida



Farms Dwellings Lots


Abstracts of Title Made-

To all Lanil in Alnchnaon short notice

Fire InsuranceW-

ritten in Reliable Cnmpani

hen Also






I 0

bud >


S t



l t












i v

year fee


5Titil E1 dI t v-




j0f o

nccc dry








