Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1909-07-01...

THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE JULY J 1909 l G I FLOb IDA < RUSSIA An IncMMt f p n cf tho Car An oM retire llnsstan cen- tral a man of the oh school relut- td the following story r llln tniilon of tile official bribery Unit1 prevail lu RoMta the Incident Ixlnir one within bis own personal knowledge Irving the reign of Alexander Ute caarllberator the widow cf A 4fc ti CTiM d geeral endeavored to Mate a appointment la a certain mtatotry fer her only soa a young mm of superior education and Intel- lp Bce The minister promised tbe widow te reserve the occurring vacancy ta department Slit wilt rd M rrtn tar the fulfillment of the promlfo nod iwl i repeated tier nppeul by teller She Iranicd too that In the meantime several vma tides bud twin liy ether cartMatM- UK wMetv I lit fatitHl upon tin em pearl nrd told cfc najeaty of the min Meat hrakrn promises and bt r own keen dlFappclntnHnt and after a few Reiser tn cnwkI rntJon the asked her If tied tiicltnod n gift of money te the wlateter with tier written ap- plication Why certainty net yovr majesty I sbenld trot dare put such an affront kit excellency t e net trouble yourself about the affrent HMdane replied too but renew your to the min farter and tackle 1000 to him Sat I have no auch sum of money majesty said tbe widow On as to that I will lend you tbe money and the minister will no doubt repay me and you will Inform me please of the result of your renewed application with tbo Inclosure Tile widow sent tier son to the min liter with tho 10CO lent by the czar tecloeed with n politely written note the result being tbat the man received the desired appointment tbo same day About n week later the minister hail just concluded bIll customary ofilclnl report to the czar when his majesty observed By the way there Is n very Intelligent and promising young mnn tno son ho late CJenernl for you perhaps find a fnlrly prospective position In your depart anent But your majesty mid the mln later tbat young man Is nlrrcdy In my department and I Bhrrt say that he Is likely to make a cm or him- self Tell me please qnlcV nsVrd the catr how much did this youths other pay you for the appointment The minister was too wily anti tact ful outwardly to manifest his surprise and chagrin and he knew too that his safety demanded n perfectly can did reply to his sovereign Would your majesty Interested he until to bear what I myself paid for the Influence which procured my portfolio from your gracious hands Tbe total sum was 22500 and rein tlrely speaking I do not think wltb all humility tbat this lady has paid at all dearly for the prospects of her son The minister repaid to th car the 1000 and was not unkindly dismissed from the audience and lie also re tatned his Cor Lon- don Standard 1 n IN the LlwaGlr along II rat czar czar o kom I fur I Litia l t I I f m his L tailed swr stir Steen h year dole- fully Yr 4 F young A can y r I mow t portfolio Odessa ¬ > < > ¬ ¬ ¬ ° μ Tha African Buffalo A wounded buffalo Is vastly more dangerous when he runs away than when be charges for In nine cases out of ten after a dash that may be for n few hundred yard or a mile he will revengefully circle back to nn Inter- ception of his own trail ntnrd hidden In gross or thicket until his pursuer comes plodding along the trail and then charge upon him Despite the fierce temper of a lone bull Ills snvdgu cunning and his great charging bulk I believe blm much less dangerous than the lion for be has far less speed lacks the lions poisoned claws and is a muck bigger target This opinion la rabetantlated by the indisputable fact that at least ten men are killed or mauled by lion to one killed by but fato Edgar Beecbcr Bronson lu Cen twy The Temple ef Zeus AU that remains of the great temple of Zeus wblcb was 700 years In Ing Is to be found about 150 yards from the foot of the Acropolis at Atli- en The ruins consist of sixteen col Timna of tbe Corinthian order six and onenaif feet In diameter and sixty feet It was the second largest temple erected by the Greeks one sa- perloc to it In size being the temple Diana at Ephcsus According to a legend Ita foundation waif built by Dukallon the Greek Noah who from Cats point wttaense the watew of the rood subside An opening In the ground Is said to be the orifice through which the flood disappeared RMult of Rashness Out of a Job are you asked the girl Boss catch you flirting No I caught the boss Say what of a wedding dress do you think it real BwciirPblladelphla Ledger Aaevms In adversity a countenance of prosperity and in prosperity moder- ate thy temper Livy build r rat t 1 V p s a 0 a sort j ¬ ¬ ° + HE COULD DRAW Artemua Ward on His Cwn Connec- tion With th Art Ou the of Artrntu Wards professional visit to London which oc- curred not long before UI deatb J E Preston Mudilcck says lu his book Pages from nn Adventurous Life that the American humorists udvvr- tlscinents of bb bow were as full of funny surprises as the lectures themselves One that tickled the gen- eral public was this Artemus Ward Delivered lectures D for All the CrowriJ JcJA or Laropt- Evor Thought of Doltverlnj Lectures And an excerpt from his ktrure on Drawing is quoted by Sir Muddock as a particularly delightful Lit Ml havent UuthitfuUuul myself u an artist blunt In bb Inlmltabli way but brave chvays l wu up In art I have an und take photo In III untie moutemx toad I haw u urvnut xw uUuj vvcryrtlnt- be can lay his hands on at nny mo- ment At c vtTjr trir age I could draw on wo J Vhin a ter blld I inei- dtvw u anal Mri iail of raw turui r- over a wocdeu bridge It was U raw morning The people of the vlllj- revoguhed me ibey said it vuj K raw turnip drawing That now faithfully I bad copied nature I drew their attention to It w you see there was a lot of dm win In It Tbe villagers the wonderful discernment iKHulIir to villager alJ I bad u future before me As I was walking bnckwanl wizen I made my drawing I replied that I thought that my future must be behind me Hannibal In Itely Hannibal entered northern Italy year 213 n C and rnlnptl during that year the two victories f riHuus and Treble both In Cisalpine Tile next year he advanced firther south and defeated tilL at Trusymcnus and the year frjoItig having proceeded still farther sou Mi ho Inflicted upon them the terrible de- feat at Cannae at which time his as cendency attained Its maximum He remained for thirteen years longer but gained no more decisive victories Ho was finally recalled by the authori- ties at Carthage who had never giv- en him anything like a decent support New York American All the Difference Among tine patients in the private ward of a Philadelphia hospital there was recently n testy old millionaire of that city whose case gave his phytil clan considerable difficulty at first Well asked the crusty patient one morning how do you unit me now eh Youre getting on flue responded tho doctor rubbing his hands wltb an nil of satisfaction Your legs ore still swollen Inn that doesnt trouble me or course It doesnt howled the std mnn And let me tell you this If your legs were swollen It wouldnt trouble me eUher llpplncoita CASTOR for Infants and Children Iko Mad You Ilava Always BugM tllca lon said tuba phs c I showy with G Sul Ito nu at A Q- ei nar e trio la- the ACM t9 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ The Larks Sons A writer on The Wonders of the Spring nays that the volume of sound produced by the Is most won- derful The lark axcends until It ap- pears no larger than a midge and can wltb difficulty be seen by the unaided eye and yet every note of Its sour will be clearly audible to persons who are fully halt a tulle from the nest over which the bird utters its song Moreover It never ceases to sing for- a moment a feat which seems won- derful to us human beluga who tlnd tbat a song of six or seven minutes in length though Interspersed with rests and pauses Is more than trying Yet this bird will pour out a continuous song of nearly twenty minutes in length and all tbe time has to support Itself In tke air by the constant uw of Its wings The Right Word Why do you speak of him as a fin- ished Because be told me be was utterly discouraged and was going to quit the profession If that doesnt show that hes finished I dont know what does Chicago Post The Plain Part of It Did tbo young man they caught In fraudulent transactions peculate very much I donno about that but be stole a lot Baltimore American Exercise and Eating There can IK no exercise without eating Neither can there be any eat- Ing without exercise Good Health If its printed stationery you the Sun office Is the place to get It skylark want artist ¬ ¬ tHJSINt SS CARDS DR UtO XVALUU DENTIST Graham Building East Meln Street- S ll Phone 51 Also Long Dlttanct R EDWARD CLARK DENTIST Offices in Graham Building ore launders Earlea store Pbon No 356 HliUBf AIL J H L h N I J i Tie v r Dutton Co a Ua- Pbca 2bU Gainesville B KAKE- KATTOBNEYATLAW SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY GAINESVILLE Alwhua Co FLA In Uajrmans Block PKRDINAND BAYER ATTORNEY AT LAW 0AI5I8TILUI FLOBIDA Cau 4 li your im and phosphate i trucking and farming lands Sand bine of what you teller for eale 3143ac J A CARLISLE ATTORNEY AT LAW tad Solicitor in Equity Rca Estate and Uwnj- ml Practice All business promptly attended to Office next to GAINESVILLB FLORIDA FltANK CKAIUC Trios W FIEIU1NC FIELDING LAWYERS Practice Itt all Courts State aao Federal Offices Over iainesvllle Natlona Rank JalnehVillu Florida ITS FRESH EVERY DAY The 3rca Plo and Cake you eat should be nutritious Tbo finest flour mixed with pure rich milk and baked in the purity fashion make our goods the most delicious It is possible to produce KEYSTONE BAKERY Phone 165 R T Schafer Prop Miss P Norton Howlties Books Sheet Pictures and Picture Frames Qt But UHrtj Stint 6IHEST1LLS FLORIDA T F THOMAS UNDERTAKING CO PULL LINE OP NEW GOODS AGENTS FOR MONUMENTS TOMBSTONES and IRON PENCE See our ample V Pnr mai auectlon to a matter In line SLIT oJ teleerttph onSti- reQainciville Florida D J t h 1 j ALDLttJiAN t- rw lint Stationer- S nenirs 1 tWo a IUtnde wWWW e Iesr rr Lire net taaursvlua tratua Ita dir Of lee St- y racer a align CLARK a er n Dill l tl < = + ABOUT 9 f to Write Retail Advertising Copy By Herbert Kaufman- A skilled layer of mosaics works with small fragments of stone they fit into more places than the larger chunks The skilled advertiser works with small fit into more minds than fog phrases 1 he simpler the language the greater cer- tainty that it will be understood by the least intelligent reader The construction engineer plans his road- bed where there is a minimum of grade he works along the lines of least resistance The advertisement which runs into style is badly minds art not built for high level thinking Advertising must be simple When it is tricked out with the jewelry and silks of literary expression it looks as much out of place as a ball dress at the breakfast table The buying public is only interested in facts People read advertisements to find out what you have to sell The advertiser who can fire the most facts in the shortest time gets the most returns Blank cartridges make noise but they do not hit blank talk however clever is only wasted spaceYou force your salesmen to keep to solid dont allow them to sell muslin with quotations from Omar or trousers with excerpts from Marie Corelli You must not tolerate in your printed selling talk anything that you are not willing to countenance in personal salesmanship Cut out clever phrases if they are inserted- to the sacrifice of clear explanations write copy as you talk Only be more brief Publicity- is costlier than conversation ranging in price downward from 600 a line talk is not cheap but the most expensive commodity in the world Sketch in your ad to the stenographer- Then you will be so busy saying it that you will not have time to bother about the gew- gaws of writing Afterwards take the type- written manuscript and cut out every word and every line that can be erased without omit- ting an important detail What remains in the end is all that really counted in the beginning brevity and simplicity Savon lori but more people will understand French Soap Sir Isaac Newtons cf covers pages but the schoolboys ter an i homely must come down clinches the thing in six wdsIJ- OS by Tr THE SUM AND MERCHANTS COOPERATIVE CONTEST VOTING COUPONG- OOD FOR Address This Coupon may be cast at The Sun otFce or at either of the stores with the contest OT AFTER JULY 15 ADVERTISINGNO S- How j wordsthey moun- tainous surveyedall factsyou U F rter U nravitlt on s V i t tCoprtpht r Chlcae rr 5 VOTES For I con- nected 1 Cultivate s whole rarY i 4 GOOD ¬ ¬ <

Transcript of Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1909-07-01...

Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1909-07-01 · THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE JULY J 1909 l G I FLOb IDA RUSSIA





An IncMMt f p n cf tho Car

An oM retire llnsstan cen-

tral a man of the oh school relut-

td the following story r llln tniilonof tile official bribery Unit1 prevail luRoMta the Incident Ixlnir one withinbis own personal knowledge

Irving the reign of AlexanderUte caarllberator the widow cf A

4fc ti CTiM d geeral endeavored toMate a appointment la a certainmtatotry fer her only soa a youngmm of superior education and Intel-lp Bce The minister promised tbewidow te reserve the occurringvacancy ta department Slit wiltrd M rrtn tar the fulfillment of thepromlfo nod iwl i repeated tier nppeulby teller She Iranicd too that In themeantime several vma tides bud twin

liy ether cartMatM-UK wMetv I lit fatitHl upon tin em

pearl nrd told cfc najeaty of the minMeat hrakrn promises and bt r ownkeen dlFappclntnHnt and after a fewReiser tn cnwkI rntJon the askedher If tied tiicltnod n gift of moneyte the wlateter with tier written ap-plication

Why certainty net yovr majestyI sbenld trot dare put such an affront

kit excellencyt e net trouble yourself about the

affrent HMdane replied toobut renew your to the min

farter and tackle 1000 to himSat I have no auch sum of money

majesty said tbe widow

On as to that I will lend you tbemoney and the minister will no doubtrepay me and you will Inform meplease of the result of your renewedapplication with tbo Inclosure

Tile widow sent tier son to the minliter with tho 10CO lent by the czartecloeed with n politely written notethe result being tbat the manreceived the desired appointment tbosame day

About n week later the minister hailjust concluded bIll customary ofilclnlreport to the czar when his majestyobserved By the way there Is n veryIntelligent and promising young mnntno son ho late CJenernl for

you perhaps find a fnlrlyprospective position In your departanent

But your majesty mid the mlnlater tbat young man Is nlrrcdy Inmy department and I Bhrrt say thathe Is likely to make a cm or him-self

Tell me please qnlcV nsVrd thecatr how much did this youthsother pay you for the appointment

The minister was too wily anti tactful outwardly to manifest his surpriseand chagrin and he knew too thathis safety demanded n perfectly candid reply to his sovereign

Would your majesty Interestedhe until to bear what I myself paidfor the Influence which procured myportfolio from your gracious handsTbe total sum was 22500 and reintlrely speaking I do not think wltball humility tbat this lady has paidat all dearly for the prospects of herson

The minister repaid to th car the1000 and was not unkindly dismissedfrom the audience and lie also retatned his Cor Lon-don Standard


n IN





















h year dole-fully






y r



portfolio Odessa










Tha African BuffaloA wounded buffalo Is vastly more

dangerous when he runs away thanwhen be charges for In nine cases outof ten after a dash that may be for nfew hundred yard or a mile he willrevengefully circle back to nn Inter-ception of his own trail ntnrd hiddenIn gross or thicket until his pursuercomes plodding along the trail andthen charge upon him Despite thefierce temper of a lone bull Ills snvdgucunning and his great charging bulkI believe blm much less dangerousthan the lion for be has far less speedlacks the lions poisoned claws and isa muck bigger target This opinion larabetantlated by the indisputable factthat at least ten men are killed ormauled by lion to one killed by butfato Edgar Beecbcr Bronson lu Centwy

The Temple ef ZeusAU that remains of the great temple

of Zeus wblcb was 700 years InIng Is to be found about 150 yardsfrom the foot of the Acropolis at Atli-en The ruins consist of sixteen colTimna of tbe Corinthian order six andonenaif feet In diameter and sixtyfeet It was the second largesttemple erected by the Greeks one sa-perloc to it In size being the temple

Diana at Ephcsus According to alegend Ita foundation waif built byDukallon the Greek Noah who fromCats point wttaense the watew of therood subside An opening In theground Is said to be the orifice throughwhich the flood disappeared

RMult of RashnessOut of a Job are you asked the

girl Boss catch you flirtingNo I caught the boss Say what

of a wedding dress do you think

it real BwciirPblladelphla Ledger

Aaevms In adversity a countenanceof prosperity and in prosperity moder-

ate thy temper Livy

















Artemua Ward on His Cwn Connec-tion With th Art

Ou the of Artrntu Wardsprofessional visit to London which oc-

curred not long before UI deatb J EPreston Mudilcck says lu his bookPages from nn Adventurous Life

that the American humorists udvvr-tlscinents of bb bow were as fullof funny surprises as the lecturesthemselves One that tickled the gen-eral public was this

Artemus Ward Delivered lecturesD for All the CrowriJ JcJA or Laropt-

Evor Thought of Doltverlnj LecturesAnd an excerpt from his ktrure on

Drawing is quoted by Sir Muddockas a particularly delightful Lit

Ml havent UuthitfuUuul myself uan artist blunt In bb Inlmltabliway but brave chvays l wuup In art I have an und takephoto In III untie moutemx toadI haw u urvnut xw uUuj vvcryrtlnt-be can lay his hands on at nny mo-

mentAt c vtTjr trir age I could draw

on wo J Vhin a ter blld I inei-dtvw u anal Mri iail of raw turui r-

over a wocdeu bridge It was U rawmorning The people of the vlllj-revoguhed me ibey said it vuj K

raw turnip drawing That nowfaithfully I bad copied nature I drewtheir attention to It w you see therewas a lot of dm win In It

Tbe villagers the wonderfuldiscernment iKHulIir to villager alJI bad u future before me As I waswalking bnckwanl wizen I made mydrawing I replied that I thought thatmy future must be behind me

Hannibal In ItelyHannibal entered northern Italy

year 213 n C and rnlnptl duringthat year the two victories f riHuusand Treble both In CisalpineTile next year he advanced firthersouth and defeated tilL atTrusymcnus and the year frjoItighaving proceeded still farther sou Mi

ho Inflicted upon them the terrible de-feat at Cannae at which time his ascendency attained Its maximum Heremained for thirteen years longerbut gained no more decisive victoriesHo was finally recalled by the authori-ties at Carthage who had never giv-en him anything like a decent support

New York American

All the DifferenceAmong tine patients in the private

ward of a Philadelphia hospital therewas recently n testy old millionaire ofthat city whose case gave his phytilclan considerable difficulty at first

Well asked the crusty patient onemorning how do you unit me noweh

Youre getting on flue respondedtho doctor rubbing his hands wltb annil of satisfaction Your legs ore stillswollen Inn that doesnt trouble me

or course It doesnt howled thestd mnn And let me tell you thisIf your legs were swollen It wouldnttrouble me eUher llpplncoita

CASTORfor Infants and Children

Iko Mad You Ilava Always BugM

tllca lon







G Sul

Ito nu

at A Q-

ei nar





ACM t9









The Larks SonsA writer on The Wonders of the

Spring nays that the volume of soundproduced by the Is most won-

derful The lark axcends until It ap-

pears no larger than a midge and canwltb difficulty be seen by the unaidedeye and yet every note of Its sourwill be clearly audible to persons whoare fully halt a tulle from the nestover which the bird utters its songMoreover It never ceases to sing for-

a moment a feat which seems won-

derful to us human beluga who tlnd

tbat a song of six or seven minutes inlength though Interspersed with restsand pauses Is more than trying Yetthis bird will pour out a continuoussong of nearly twenty minutes inlength and all tbe time has to supportItself In tke air by the constant uw ofIts wings

The Right WordWhy do you speak of him as a fin-

ishedBecause be told me be was utterly

discouraged and was going to quit theprofession If that doesnt show thathes finished I dont know what does

Chicago Post

The Plain Part of ItDid tbo young man they caught In

fraudulent transactions peculate verymuch

I donno about that but be stole alot Baltimore American

Exercise and EatingThere can IK no exercise without

eating Neither can there be any eat-Ing without exercise Good Health

If its printed stationery you

the Sun office Is the place to get It









Graham Building East Meln Street-S ll Phone 51 Also Long Dlttanct



Offices in Graham Building orelaunders Earlea store PbonNo 356



L h N I J i

Tie v r Dutton Co a Ua-

Pbca 2bU Gainesville




GAINESVILLE Alwhua Co FLAIn Uajrmans Block




Cau 4 li your imand phosphate itrucking and farming lands Sand bine

of what you teller for eale 3143ac



tad Solicitor in Equity

Rca Estate and Uwnj-ml Practice All business promptly

attended to Office next toGAINESVILLB FLORIDA


LAWYERSPractice Itt all Courts State aao

FederalOffices Over iainesvllle Natlona

Rank JalnehVillu Florida


The 3rca Plo and Cake you

eat should be nutritious Tbo

finest flour mixed with pure

rich milk and baked in the

purity fashion make our

goods the most delicious It is

possible to produce

KEYSTONE BAKERYPhone 165 R T Schafer Prop

Miss P Norton

Howlties Books

Sheet Pictures

and Picture Frames







and IRON PENCESee our ample


Pnr mai auectlon to a matter Inline SLIT oJ teleerttph onSti-

reQainciville Florida


J t h

1 j






S nenirs


tWo aIUtnde



Iesr rr

Lire net taaursvlua tratua Ita


Of lee






er n Dill l tl





to Write RetailAdvertising Copy

By Herbert Kaufman-

A skilled layer of mosaics works withsmall fragments of stone they fit into moreplaces than the larger chunks

The skilled advertiser works with smallfit into more minds than fog

phrases1 he simpler the language the greater cer-

tainty that it will be understood by the leastintelligent reader

The construction engineer plans his road-

bed where there is a minimum of grade heworks along the lines of least resistance

The advertisement which runs intostyle is badly minds art

not built for high level thinkingAdvertising must be simple When it

is tricked out with the jewelry and silks ofliterary expression it looks as much out ofplace as a ball dress at the breakfast table

The buying public is only interested infacts People read advertisements to find outwhat you have to sell

The advertiser who can fire the most factsin the shortest time gets the most returnsBlank cartridges make noise but they do not hit

blank talk however clever is only wasted

spaceYou force your salesmen to keep to soliddont allow them to sell muslin

with quotations from Omar or trousers withexcerpts from Marie Corelli You must nottolerate in your printed selling talk anythingthat you are not willing to countenance inpersonal salesmanship

Cut out clever phrases if they are inserted-to the sacrifice of clear explanations writecopy as you talk Only be more brief Publicity-is costlier than conversation ranging in pricedownward from 600 a line talk is not cheapbut the most expensive commodity in the world

Sketch in your ad to the stenographer-Then you will be so busy saying it that youwill not have time to bother about the gew-gaws of writing Afterwards take the type-written manuscript and cut out every wordand every line that can be erased without omit-ting an important detail What remains in theend is all that really counted in the beginning

brevity and simplicity Savonlori but more people

will understand French Soap Sir IsaacNewtons cf coverspages but the schoolboys ter an i homely

must come down clinchesthe thing in six wdsIJ-

OS by Tr





This Coupon may be cast at The Sun otFce or at either of the storeswith the contest OT AFTER JULY 15





moun-tainous surveyedall



F rterU

nravitlt on s


ttCoprtpht r Chlcae




con-nected 1








