Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-02-22 [p...

i VOL XXV NO Ml Published Twice a and Thursday UA1NESV1LLE FLORIDA THURSDAY FEBRUARY 19lMi ONE DOLLAR A YEAR WeekMonday qtf aft T i- a r t e i itnbii y > = = mi IS ASSAILED AND THEN MURDERED Year Old School Girl Fall Into Negros Sands MOB GATHERED TO STORM JAIL r a Tim It Looked Like Jail Would B Wrecked and the Negro Taken Out by the Crowd and Lynched for His Crime Shreveport La Feb 21 While home tram school Margaret Lear aged 15 years was attacked In the public road near her home 2 mllea west of this city Monday afternoon by negro who attempted to criminally assault her The yoivig girl straggled with the man and screamed several Vales The negro then drew his pistol and pressing Its muzzle against the girls acck Bred The girl fell unconscious to the ground and her assailant fled to the woods Negroes who witnessed the act im- Mdlately gave the alarm Miss Lear was dylag when neighbors reached the acee and died wlthla a few mlautes After she was removed to her home Too negro was apprehended by a posse led by Sheriff Ward two hours after the murder la a cabin aot far Tram the scene of the crime He gave his same as Charles Coleman sad tau been employed la the shops of the Kansas City Southern railway fa this city and war at oace lodged fa Jail before the crime had become eaerally known As sooa aa it became kaowa that the was la custody a crowd began to gather arouad the Jail aad at 9 oclock more than 1000 men had con gregated with the avowed Intention of lyachiag the negro At midnight the crowd at the Jail tod dwindled considerably aad aa at lack by a mob Is not now anticipated Oae hundred armed men composed of oflcers soldiers and private cltl seas are standing guard inside the balldlag District Judge TF Bell addressed tie crowd making aa appeal for law Bad order No Disquiet at Pekln- Pekla Feb 21 Foreigners here are receiving telegrams from relatives In- dicating that there In a feeling abroad ever the possibility of an outbreak of Chinese hostility No disquiet what- ever Is felt at Pekin All the foreign ministers agree that the Chinese here both officials and people were friendly towards foreigners per aoaally although following an line politically There is no aatlforelgn movement In north China likely to lead to hostilities The troubles at Canton and Shanghai are Sot felt here Oldest Engineer Dead New York Feb 21 David B Bo rt snld to he the oldest engineer In United State IB dead at his home here from a complication of diseases H was 8C years of age and for 46 yearn was employed uninterruptedly as engineer by the Erie railroad Mr Bogcrt was In charge of tho first en Hae to KO over the entire sys- tem with hard coal as fuel He was born at Tappan Rocklancl county York He never experienced a serious accident on the road Disappears with Bank Roll Columbus Ga Feb 21 Ix Long Bianafjer of the Racine hotel barber ahop gave his porter John Williams a negro C3 to carry to a bank and Williams took the money and the shop and has not been seen f heard of since The police have looking for him but have been Mble as yet to locate him Canned Peas lamed lad Feb 21 Robert 10 son of George Bass College avenue Is dead after 24 jars sickness Tho doctors said a Inflammation of the stomach ich developed after he attended a arch dinner Friday night at which peas were served u t I I I i s I J I t tile Erie lit I X left 4 been eel then re- turning a i I y black never- more Inde- pendent 4 l d- oll I I fleas aged 3208 t ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > BLOWN UP 3000 ARE KILLED ccordiig To Telegrtaii From Vladivostok OS8 CONSIDERED EXAGGERATED- In Fire at Tokio 445 Houses Were De- stroyed and Several People Burned To Commits Patri- otic Suicide Victoria B C Feb 21 Another pa- triotic suicide In protest to Japanese occupancy in Korea is reported- Mr Chong reputed the moat promi- nent of Confucian literati in Korea announced that he would commit sui- cide IB protest to the convention with Japan but the Japanese police pre vented him from doing so aad him under guard to has native place His wife refused to admit him stat- ing that he would he eternally disgrac- ed If he tamely abandoned hi deter- mination He wet to a temple and swallowed opium leaving a fare- well document declaring that death was the only recourse at this lane for a true Korean patriot Fir at Tokto destroyed 445 houses la Jie Asakusa district oa Jaa 31 It I reported that several people were burned to death Telegrams from Vladivostok to Jap aaece papers report the destruction of a train loaded with soldiers which was blown up and precipitated Ito a river The Lou of life U given a 3000 but this is considered exaggerated Maniac Fires Cannon Kingston Jamaica Feb 81 The garrison of Port Royal was alarmed by the report of a gun from the Apos- tles battery oa the opposite aide ef the bay followed by the hurling of a shell overhead It was leaned that the bombardier In charge of the mag- azine of the battery loaded a gun and fired recklessly The shell landed oa oae of the bays eastwards of Port Royal A slight alteratloa of the flight of the shell la a norther- ly direction would have dropped it near tho Preach warship BOW lytag la this harbor The Incident therefore caused a sensation The bombardier who Is believed to be Insane war ORANGE HEIGHTS NOTES Pleasant Weather Enjoyd BulMtn Collapsed Personal Mention Oraag Heights Feb 20 The Sun shining brightly this morning and the mocking bird Milting about in the magnolia tree seems to My Cleaner Cleaner Cleaner which reminds the good that it it time to clean house Farm heads are in demand as the weather has been cold and the farmers are low getting in a hurry There basket social at Mr- Helfricbs Thursday night for the beaetit of the organ fund of the M E Church It success both and flnatcislly Mr Lumpkin was trying to lower the old store building across the street from his house whoa it suddenly col- lapsed and came to the ground with a crash Fortunately so OBO wa hurt Mr and Mrs Patterson and Mr Hlfrich accompanied by Mr Tajlor attended church at Waldo Sunday and took dinner with R D Patterson and family Baoknight took aa ootiag last week aad spent a few days visitiBg Mr at Cure Mn Eddy sad Mr attend- ed the Bible Conference at Gainesville Batarday There Wee bop at our house Saturday A good time i reported Your eorrespoadenw- a present bat believes ia every- body having B time TOIl Williams aa old colored man died here Friday The f rait trey of Citrus county Geese of a this DeathKorean tare II housewife was ala Mrs aad Penises are is toll bloom I YerJ I seams return- ed the G inch ar- rested a social- ly daugh- ter Klag ills asocial board- ing eight not oil wield ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ AN ENTERTAINING- DAY OF MEETINGS Enjoyed by These Attending Co ference Yesterday BISHOP MORRISONS ABLE TALK The Morning Bible Study by Profs Brown and Milter Many Enjoy the Lectures Bishop Menlions Sound Discourse Rev Tigerts Sermon The service at the Bible Conference WM well attended and the session WM taken up by Prof Brown from 10 to 11 a m the remain- der of the time by Prof Miller Both r interesting interpreters of the book of the Bible snit their hearers well pleated Afternoon Session There was an appreciative audience assembled at the 3 p m meeting which was ny Bishop Mor ritoa in impressive manner He gave wholesome hints to parents ia regard to the proper iaitruetioa end training of ehiMrea to make theta lead ChrictiaB live sad hi deisltloa of ataetifcatioa was quite clear Ha gave tobacco users a very sharp rub sad he paid especial attention to ministers who use the weed several of hit HIiMtratioB being q lte as well M pointed Btohep expreetee himself ia a ataaBer easily eaderateod and from the oxprcwIeaB of approval by Mir hearers li war quite snidest he war preaehlaf soasd truths The mating eleeed with a prayer by Rev D B Stroote a solo by Mr Bag by sad beaedietion by Bishop Mor rUoa Evening Meeting There was a very larm and interest- ed audieaee ai the night meeting to hear the sermon of lev John J Ti eminent Methodist divine who gave a eleqaeat diaeearce The meeting was opeaed with song and prayer by Rev W J Carpeater ef Tampa of Rev Tigers ooeapiod hour aid tea mia atea yet the people sat as though spellbound listening to his matohleM- etoqucaee Mr the sacred solo J rasalem sad he did both the sweet soag and himself credit Among the proaiiaetit visitors to the Bible Conference Rev W J Car- penter for four years pastor ef Kav aaaagh Methodist Church la this city and of the won beloved miairtar the church has ever had He Is now pastor of the Hyde Park Methodist Church la Tampa and case here by telegraphic invitation front the exec- utive board of the Conference as the guest of the Conference Mr Carpen- ter is a tine speaker and will BO doabt favor the people of Gainesville with a sermon before returning home MRS MCLELLANS PARTY Entertained Complimentary to Mrs Banks and Daughter MM Robert MeClellan eatertaiseda large nunber of friends Tuesday night in hoaor of Mrs W S Banks aad her charming daughter Miss Ada who expect won to make their departure- for their new home in Alabama The evening wa passed la a most en iyable raaaner games and other pastimes being indulged IB Daring the evening delicious refreshment comprising seats salads fruits sake and chocolate were served and it to seediest to add enjoyed Mrs Bsaks sad Hto Ada who hue resided hero for several years have otaay Meads whe will regret exceed- ingly their departure but wish them well in their new In the Mayors Court Jame Glee BeoBeld and Sam Green colored were arraigned ia the moaieipal court upon a charge of using obscene and profane laagaag After hearing the evtdeaee ia the ease Theme aanoud a Rae of Bedew sad Green were to pay a lao of fi aad eats each moral UK were addressed his many one Bqbl I ladle 210 OM the ladler Menlo gets the most The eloquent address sang one mast while ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ DISTRICT MEETING KNIGHTS PHYTHIAS One ef the Lufeet ami Matt Sncceecinl Erer HeW IB State NEARLY 100 WERE PRESENT They Represented Eleven Lodges Em- bracing Three Counties An Inter- esting Program After Which Re- freshment Were Served One of the malt ucceiful and rotating ever held by the Knights of Pyihia IB Florida wen the district sleeting cf the Fifth District which was held with Ml Vernon Lodge No JO Tuesday The district meeting was held after the regular convention of Ml Vernon Lodge and WM presided over by Dis- trict Deputy Grind Chancellor W E Dow There were about 83 delegate present representing the following lodges Suwaaaee No 4 Broaeos Mieaaopy No 32 Starke No M Mt Veraoa No 30 No 8S Lake Batler No 40 Huh Springs No 51 Nenberry No M Alachaa No 82 and WlUUtea eo There were also a aamberof vUiting Knights from thus lodge aad with the attoBdaaoe of the local lodge the hall was crowded The following iatemtiag wa carried oat Regular Ceaveeatlea Mount Ver- ses Lodge District Convention called to order by D D O C W E Dow Roll sail of delegate Address of welcoae by P O 0 J H Hodges latrodaetiea of resolution Short talk oa The Good of the Or- der by legal brothers DiMooBloa of pending coactitattoaal- Bagfesud eking IB aaaaal reports ef ledges ef reeolatleat iatredBced Address oa fortythlrd aaaivenatf- ef PythiaBlw by Brother Joe Slier eate ef Jaek e ville Daring tho eveaiag the Rash of Kaicht WM conferred upon oandi due frost Archer lade IB a mast preMive sad oiVctiro manner At tho eeselasioa ef tile program the MMioa closed ia dao form and she Kelghta repaired to aaaqaeB teas where a spread had boon prepared aad temptiagly arranged aa two long tablet Tho eeaiitttd- ef reset turkey ham sandwiches sal adt pkkloo oranges aaaaaM ants crackers and coffee and It It needless te add that the vtasdt were relished the appetites of the gaetto being sharpened by a long and active sealer The refreshment committee consisted of M B Saaadert N R Carter Jr and W R Eddlat- Jhe Knights retired ia the early hours of the sorting declaring this to be one of the mot taceettfal dis- trict meetiago ever held L C LYNCH A CANDIDATE Well Known Citizen Announces Hit In- tention In Tedeyt Sun To the Citizens of Gainesville I respectfally anion that I am a candidate for mayoral elution If elected I will go late ef lee unhampered any way and free to lei for the best iaterettt of ocr oily and eitiseat sad premlee to eoiidact the affaira of the aloe IB a digalled conservative and progreeeive meaner and te exeeate the laws ef the city eqeally onset and Just ta all slams I reallM filly the and rupee tibllities attacked tetho oBteo and will endeavor to dtocharge them fetrleadj and impartially aataated solely by a detr tn tin my te the la a therocRh aad eaaacitBtleat Bsaaaer lam la fuse ef pabUc ImpreTO meat of all kiadt I believe IB prog tees I would deeply appreciate and solicit the cupped sad totes ef fellow Very Louts 0 LTXCH- The aiaeapple step Is the vicinity ef west to ia f ae Aretr No e2 N and DIM raW feW tfUJ r ear K aide program visiting amendment one ia she sample mean the eamleg city dub duty ay ¬ ¬ ¬ < + THE WEST END THE nOK pie ajsd Ceimtiy an PreeyitMii THE NEW TOWN OF TYLER I Forging Nicely end to Largest and HeahMeM Town af He Age in the State Extension of the tlacktenvIM and Southwe4em I bore aad reared la the of Alaehaa eouaty ratarkd- Coaaty Tax Assessor W W Glen who jut retaraed from that lion Tuesday but never all mj life hav I sees prog- ress and prosperity a ia going ea there mow Thi prosperity ii set eealaed to one district er e tioa but i gee oral from wewb rrj west te the wasaee rivet The eiua4ea el the JaekcoBville and fleathwettcra rail road treat Newberry west seems te have pus new life ia the entry t d- ea every band If da yea not the thrifty tern well ealtivatad yes maf leek apoa extensive aad taiaieate saw Yes aatf that the Wet Ead aad tier people are aiailn MM treat and will FlerMa a thing er two la the MM of pfagrae Mr Celaaa a Mea laa the J ek- toaville and Beathwemra taikeed will eeaitiraet btaBth lw feta te Beiait eawtfe ta Levy aaam pmaataMf te taw Cease Lee TIN eeHiat af aaa- rigat fwaf began aad k to 17 wWti- kpi turn dbd taua MB WfjtVftB BBJwVg all the other wen af IBIS read watt aff Kewberry- Mr Orison atatea that tko sewn ef a JaW eamAftal IBJBJiiiBnpBJpBJ tarpeatteeretertaaf Lea WlV VVBJryawVy tWBJiJVBJa BJ iVfB V- Waad BMM B4etreative lawn la vaeStiMe than a year ate It has grows a pepalatlea ef shoal Ml sad the aaM 4atet iwUJaani lag they are eoBetraetod af w- Tito BMfebaate there are ding a The new pleat of aaa aaaiera la Ibis Vdt SB WW both ejpreaa aa4 yellow pier aad aaj a large reassess of both The Tyke Ceatpaay glee speaks the new tetoH- yateat el maktog serpentine and together Ute drat umpley feast a to They have aa alaaen baatl le acreaje of too eaterprite I ft big thing for the people ef the immttiiti vicinity VALUABLE PROPERTY SOLO Vonable A Co Pwohaaeal Vahiabla Timber Lend at Monroe Vesable Co the naval stores epentofa at Kaaapaaa sit Archer hue closed the tradetor the Taylor eatat at Kaaooaha which eai bras three haadred end thirtythree acre of fae timber load Vocable receaily pejrohajtd ft large tract of toad hi tits vl- etaitf of Half Heoa la the West Kai The Ira to rapidly piafBiif- A d destined ems off the largest naval stores operaUaf ooa- cerBC Ia the State aa White W H UpiaaartB aad P M Oliver were hunting Wednesday the dep polatod meaie wbleh was sees killed IB this aeetiea for meaeeriag six sad oaeaalf lest ta tenth by lashes ia otrcaaUor- eaeo with ratttoa and MM It wa a otoee call fur oao of HJT Outer leedeos aa the animal waa- Btawdlag within two feet of Hw rat- tler whoa dtetovoncl ta ft ettidacp- oalttoa I PUCE All till Along wu W- End I lie taI Oe I l1li Tyler fur all J UfeI Tyke is she I1I1II 11 II Kane it dt 0 MIl Killed adIU1I Ia Irate 1M- HII isllr Ctihft kyg PN s 1 the lies anywhere sash S stoves farms ills gale a M saylag lit so yet siren i a Treat ty k bus egp M has shad safe a i be sal whole and 1M Tyke are daS lie cgs Eatabilhd a tildes mess I Mara a hip are upI Ia- btae2 ad alie stberosey Rase- pte he saM Lumber Cepy o of lasguss and meet sesdeeef has aftt g00 baud hues Faber and limb iq is become r Big biter near an dispslebsd by ekes and powder p seskuhlp was Sued tie largest soave ti fonts Mars eelesry bastes x P > ¬ > > ¬ +

Transcript of Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-02-22 [p...

Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-02-22 [p ] gave his porter John Williams a negro C3 to carry to a bank



Published Twice a and Thursday



qtf aftT

i-ar t





= =



Year Old School Girl

Fall Into Negros Sands


r a Tim It Looked Like Jail Would

B Wrecked and the Negro Taken

Out by the Crowd and Lynched for

His Crime

Shreveport La Feb 21 Whilehome tram school Margaret

Lear aged 15 years was attacked In

the public road near her home 2 mlleawest of this city Monday afternoon by

negro who attempted to criminallyassault her The yoivig girl straggledwith the man and screamed severalVales

The negro then drew his pistol andpressing Its muzzle against the girlsacck Bred The girl fell unconsciousto the ground and her assailant fled

to the woodsNegroes who witnessed the act im-

Mdlately gave the alarm Miss Learwas dylag when neighbors reached theacee and died wlthla a few mlautesAfter she was removed to her home

Too negro was apprehended by aposse led by Sheriff Ward two hoursafter the murder la a cabin aot farTram the scene of the crime Hegave his same as Charles Colemansad tau been employed la the shopsof the Kansas City Southern railwayfa this city and war at oace lodgedfa Jail before the crime had becomeeaerally known

As sooa aa it became kaowa that thewas la custody a crowd began

to gather arouad the Jail aad at 9

oclock more than 1000 men had congregated with the avowed Intention oflyachiag the negro

At midnight the crowd at the Jailtod dwindled considerably aad aa atlack by a mob Is not now anticipated

Oae hundred armed men composedof oflcers soldiers and private cltlseas are standing guard inside theballdlag

District Judge T F Bell addressedtie crowd making aa appeal for lawBad order

No Disquiet at Pekln-Pekla Feb 21 Foreigners here are

receiving telegrams from relatives In-

dicating that there In a feeling abroadever the possibility of an outbreak ofChinese hostility No disquiet what-ever Is felt at Pekin All the foreignministers agree that the Chinese hereboth officials and people were

friendly towards foreigners peraoaally although following an

line politically There is noaatlforelgn movement In north Chinalikely to lead to hostilities Thetroubles at Canton and Shanghai areSot felt here

Oldest Engineer DeadNew York Feb 21 David B Bort snld to he the oldest engineer In

United State IB dead at his homehere from a complication of diseasesH was 8C years of age and for 46yearn was employed uninterruptedlyas engineer by the Erie railroad MrBogcrt was In charge of tho first enHae to KO over the entire sys-tem with hard coal as fuel He wasborn at Tappan Rocklancl county

York He never experienced aserious accident on the road

Disappears with Bank RollColumbus Ga Feb 21 Ix Long

Bianafjer of the Racine hotel barberahop gave his porter John Williamsa negro C3 to carry to a bank and

Williams took the money andthe shop and has not been seen

f heard of since The police havelooking for him but have been

Mble as yet to locate him

Canned Peas lamedlad Feb 21 Robert

10 son of George BassCollege avenue Is dead after 24

jars sickness Tho doctors saida Inflammation of the stomach

ich developed after he attended aarch dinner Friday night at which

peas were served
















X left4



















fleas aged3208










ccordiig To Telegrtaii FromVladivostok


In Fire at Tokio 445 Houses Were De-

stroyed and Several People BurnedTo Commits Patri-

otic Suicide

Victoria B C Feb 21 Another pa-triotic suicide In protest to Japaneseoccupancy in Korea is reported-

Mr Chong reputed the moat promi-nent of Confucian literati in Koreaannounced that he would commit sui-cide IB protest to the convention withJapan but the Japanese police prevented him from doing so aad

him under guard to has nativeplace

His wife refused to admit him stat-ing that he would he eternally disgrac-ed If he tamely abandoned hi deter-mination He wet to a templeand swallowed opium leaving a fare-well document declaring that deathwas the only recourse at this lane

for a true Korean patriotFir at Tokto destroyed 445 houses

la Jie Asakusa district oa Jaa 31 ItI reported that several people wereburned to death

Telegrams from Vladivostok to Japaaece papers report the destructionof a train loaded with soldiers whichwas blown up and precipitated Itoa river

The Lou of life U given a 3000 butthis is considered exaggerated

Maniac Fires CannonKingston Jamaica Feb 81 The

garrison of Port Royal was alarmedby the report of a gun from the Apos-tles battery oa the opposite aide efthe bay followed by the hurling of ashell overhead It was leaned thatthe bombardier In charge of the mag-

azine of the battery loaded agun and fired recklessly The shelllanded oa oae of the bays eastwardsof Port Royal A slight alteratloaof the flight of the shell la a norther-ly direction would have dropped itnear tho Preach warship BOW lytag lathis harbor The Incident thereforecaused a sensation The bombardierwho Is believed to be Insane war


Pleasant Weather Enjoyd BulMtn

Collapsed Personal Mention

Oraag Heights Feb 20 The Sun

shining brightly this morning and

the mocking bird Milting about in themagnolia tree seems to My Cleaner

Cleaner Cleaner which reminds thegood that it it time to clean

houseFarm heads are in demand as the

weather has been cold and the farmers

are low getting in a hurryThere basket social at Mr-

Helfricbs Thursday night for the

beaetit of the organ fund of the M E

Church It success both

and flnatcisllyMr Lumpkin was trying to lower

the old store building across the streetfrom his house whoa it suddenly col-

lapsed and came to the ground with a

crash Fortunately so OBO wa hurtMr and Mrs Patterson and

Mr Hlfrich accompanied by

Mr Tajlor attended church at Waldo

Sunday and took dinner with R D

Patterson and familyBaoknight took

aa ootiag last week aad spent a few

days visitiBg Mr at CureMn Eddy sad Mr attend-

ed the Bible Conference at Gainesville

BatardayThere Wee bop at our

house Saturday A good

time i reported Your eorrespoadenw-

a present bat believes ia every-

body having B time

TOIl Williams aa old colored man

died here Friday

The frait trey of Citrus county

Geese of a this







Mrs aad



is toll bloom I YerJI seams



G inch








Klag ills

asocial board-

ing eight
















Enjoyed by These Attending Co

ference Yesterday


The Morning Bible Study by ProfsBrown and Milter Many Enjoy theLectures Bishop Menlions SoundDiscourse Rev Tigerts Sermon

The service at the BibleConference WM well attended and thesession WM taken up by ProfBrown from 10 to 11 a m the remain-der of the time by Prof Miller Both

r interesting interpreters of thebook of the Bible snit their hearers

well pleatedAfternoon Session

There was an appreciative audienceassembled at the 3 p m meetingwhich was ny Bishop Morritoa in impressive manner Hegave wholesome hints to parentsia regard to the proper iaitruetioaend training of ehiMrea to make thetalead ChrictiaB live sad hi deisltloaof ataetifcatioa was quite clear Hagave tobacco users a very sharp rubsad he paid especial attention toministers who use the weed several ofhit HIiMtratioB being q lteas well M pointed Btohepexpreetee himself ia a ataaBer easilyeaderateod and from the oxprcwIeaBof approval by Mir hearers li war quitesnidest he war preaehlaf soasdtruths

The mating eleeed with a prayer byRev D B Stroote a solo by Mr Bagby sad beaedietion by Bishop MorrUoa

Evening MeetingThere was a very larm and interest-

ed audieaee ai the night meeting tohear the sermon of lev John J Ti

eminent Methodist divinewho gave a eleqaeat diaeearceThe meeting was opeaed with songand prayer by Rev W J Carpeater efTampa of RevTigers ooeapiod hour aid tea miaatea yet the people sat as thoughspellbound listening to his matohleM-etoqucaee

Mr the sacred solo Jrasalem sad he did both the sweetsoag and himself credit

Among the proaiiaetit visitors to theBible Conference Rev W J Car-

penter for four years pastor ef Kavaaaagh Methodist Church la this cityand of the won beloved miairtarthe church has ever had He Is nowpastor of the Hyde Park MethodistChurch la Tampa and case here bytelegraphic invitation front the exec-

utive board of the Conference as theguest of the Conference Mr Carpen-

ter is a tine speaker and will BO doabtfavor the people of Gainesville with asermon before returning home


Entertained Complimentary to MrsBanks and Daughter

MM Robert MeClellan eatertaisedalarge nunber of friends Tuesday nightin hoaor of Mrs W S Banks aad hercharming daughter Miss Ada whoexpect won to make their departure-for their new home in Alabama

The evening wa passed la a mosten iyable raaaner games and otherpastimes being indulged IB Daringthe evening delicious refreshmentcomprising seats salads fruits sakeand chocolate were served and it to

seediest to add enjoyedMrs Bsaks sad Hto Ada who hue

resided hero for several years haveotaay Meads whe will regret exceed-ingly their departure but wish themwell in their new

In the Mayors Court

Jame Glee BeoBeld andSam Green colored were arraigned iathe moaieipal court upon a charge ofusing obscene and profane laagaag

After hearing the evtdeaee ia theease Theme aanoud a Rae of

Bedew sadGreen were to pay a lao of

fi aad eats each

moral UK








210 OM



gets themost

The eloquent address



mast while








One ef the Lufeet ami MattSncceecinl Erer HeW IB State


They Represented Eleven Lodges Em-

bracing Three Counties An Inter-esting Program After Which Re-

freshment Were Served

One of the malt ucceiful androtating ever held by the

Knights of Pyihia IB Florida wen thedistrict sleeting cf the Fifth Districtwhich was held with Ml VernonLodge No JO Tuesday

The district meeting was held afterthe regular convention of Ml VernonLodge and WM presided over by Dis-

trict Deputy Grind Chancellor W EDow There were about 83 delegatepresent representing the followinglodges

Suwaaaee No 4 Broaeos MieaaopyNo 32 Starke No M Mt Veraoa No30 No 8S Lake Batler No 40Huh Springs No 51 Nenberry No M

Alachaa No 82 andWlUUtea eo There were also aaamberof vUiting Knights from thuslodge aad with the attoBdaaoe of thelocal lodge the hall was crowded

The following iatemtiagwa carried oat

Regular Ceaveeatlea Mount Ver-

ses LodgeDistrict Convention called to order

by D D O C W E DowRoll sail of delegateAddress of welcoae by P O 0 J

H Hodgeslatrodaetiea of resolutionShort talk oa The Good of the Or-

der by legal brothersDiMooBloa of pending coactitattoaal-

Bagfesud eking IB aaaaal reportsef ledges

ef reeolatleat iatredBcedAddress oa fortythlrd aaaivenatf-

ef PythiaBlw by Brother Joe Sliereate ef Jaek e ville

Daring tho eveaiag the Rash ofKaicht WM conferred upon oandidue frost Archer lade IB a mastpreMive sad oiVctiro manner

At tho eeselasioa ef tile program theMMioa closed ia dao form and sheKelghta repaired to aaaqaeB teaswhere a spread had boonprepared aad temptiagly arranged aatwo long tablet Tho eeaiitttd-ef reset turkey ham sandwiches saladt pkkloo oranges aaaaaMants crackers and coffee and It Itneedless te add that the vtasdt wererelished the appetites of the gaettobeing sharpened by a long and activesealer The refreshment committeeconsisted of M B Saaadert N RCarter Jr and W R Eddlat-

Jhe Knights retired ia the earlyhours of the sorting declaring thisto be one of the mot taceettfal dis-

trict meetiago ever held


Well Known Citizen Announces Hit In-

tention In Tedeyt SunTo the Citizens of Gainesville

I respectfally anion that I am acandidate for mayoralelution If elected I will go late eflee unhampered any way and freeto lei for the best iaterettt of ocr oilyand eitiseat sad premlee to eoiidactthe affaira of the aloe IB a digalledconservative and progreeeive meanerand te exeeate the laws ef the cityeqeally onset and Just ta all slams

I reallM filly the and rupeetibllities attacked tetho oBteo and willendeavor to dtocharge them fetrleadjand impartially aataated solely by adetr tn tin my te the la atherocRh aad eaaacitBtleat Bsaaaer

lam la fuse ef pabUc ImpreTOmeat of all kiadt I believe IB progtees I would deeply appreciate andsolicit the cupped sad totes effellow

VeryLouts 0 LTXCH-

The aiaeapple step Is the vicinity efwest to ia fae

Aretr No e2N








K aide







the eamleg city











pie ajsd Ceimtiy an PreeyitMii


I Forging Nicely end to

Largest and HeahMeM Town af HeAge in the State Extension of thetlacktenvIM and Southwe4em

I bore aad reared la theof Alaehaa eouaty ratarkd-

Coaaty Tax Assessor W W Glenwho jut retaraed from thatlion Tuesday but never all mjlife hav I sees prog-ress and prosperity a ia going ea theremow Thi prosperity ii set eealaedto one district er e tioa but i geeoral from wewb rrj west te thewasaee rivet The eiua4ea el theJaekcoBville and fleathwettcra railroad treat Newberry west seems tehave pus new life ia the entry t d-

ea every band If da yea not thethrifty tern well ealtivatad yes mafleek apoa extensiveaad taiaieate saw Yes aatf

that the WetEad aad tierpeople are aiailn MM

treat and will FlerMa a thinger two la the MM of pfagrae

Mr Celaaa a Mea laa the J ek-

toaville and Beathwemra taikeedwill eeaitiraet btaBth lw feta

te Beiait eawtfe ta Levy aaampmaataMf te taw Cease Lee

TIN eeHiat af aaa-rigat fwaf began aad kto 17 wWti-

kpi turn dbd taua MBWfjtVftB BBJwVg

all the other wen af IBIS read watt aff

Kewberry-Mr Orison atatea that tko sewn ef

a JaW eamAftalIBJBJiiiBnpBJpBJ

tarpeatteeretertaaf LeaWlV VVBJryawVy tWBJiJVBJa BJ iVfB V-

Waad BMM B4etreative lawn la vaeStiMe

than a year ate It has grows apepalatlea ef shoal Ml sad the aaM

4atet iwUJaanilag they are eoBetraetod af w-

Tito BMfebaate there are ding a

The new pleat of aaa

aaaiera la IbisVdt SB WWboth ejpreaa aa4 yellow pier aad aaja large reassess of both The TykeCeatpaay glee speaks the new tetoH-yateat el maktog serpentine and

together Ute drat umpley feast a toThey have aa alaaen

baatl le acreaje of tooeaterprite I ft bigthing for the people ef the immttiitivicinity


Vonable A Co Pwohaaeal VahiablaTimber Lend at

Monroe Vesable Co the navalstores epentofa at Kaaapaaa sitArcher hue closed the tradetor theTaylor eatat at Kaaooaha which eaibras three haadred end thirtythreeacre of fae timber load

Vocable receaily pejrohajtd ftlarge tract of toad hi tits vl-

etaitf of Half Heoa la the West KaiThe Ira to rapidly piafBiif-A d destined ems off thelargest naval stores operaUaf ooa-

cerBC Ia the State


White W H UpiaaartB aad P MOliver were huntingWednesday the dep polatodmeaie wbleh was sees

killed IB this aeetiea formeaeeriag six sad oaeaalf lest tatenth by lashes ia otrcaaUor-eaeo with ratttoa and MM

It wa a otoee call fur oao of HJT

Outer leedeos aa the animal waa-Btawdlag within two feet of Hw rat-tler whoa dtetovoncl ta ft ettidacp-oalttoa



All till


wu W-





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stoves farmsills

gale aM saylag litso

yet siren


aTreatty k

bus egpMhas shad

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are daS

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btae2 ad alie stberosey Rase-pte he saM

LumberCepy o of lasguss andmeet sesdeeef

has aftt

g00 baud hues

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is become r

Big biter


dispslebsd by ekes and powderp

seskuhlp was Sued tie largestsoave ti


eelesry bastes







