G Stevens IOR

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    i.K"3'""i"13[irSf;9n3l3u*"I 152Kcith AvenueBcrkclcv,CA. 94708'1607TeteDhone;510)665 7l3facsii l i le: (510)6651?12friiiiiii iiiii ii arl"nses'ur sdiaional rotherwse)Atlomey or INST1TUTE OR RELIGIOUSWORKS


    EMIL ALPEzuN'CtAI,Plaintiffs'


    CaseNo. C 99-4941MMCDECTARATION OF AWOCATO:IS3B'"5$'83#$"KI"H'"Hii${'$3"?'#liSn-*'oCOMPI,AINT


    l, Ar r'.Fralzo GrandeStevens' erebydeclareas ollows:I. I am a.nAttorney ic-4ncedo practioeat thebarofTulin' ltaly aswell as et the ltalian Supreme

    court in Rome. havebeen he President fthe NationalForensicBosrd(i e Chairmanofthc ltallanBar), For arcund iffeenyea$, I havebeen he attomey or the Stateofvatican City (the Holy See)'8ndrhe OR, My presentwotk addresss: viadel Carmine2' Tudn' ltaly' My Romcofficc addrets s viaCa$iodoro 15,Rome'ItaIY'

    2. Exccpt as to thosemattsrs$atcd on irformatiod andbcliof' the facts contaitcd in thisdecla.ratio! rebasedon my personal nowledge'ard jfcalled asa witness could testify competentlyosaid facts,

    \\0\ 1120s

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    3. I am ditectly amiliarwith the egal truclure nd hepracticcs fthe IOR' theCovernmenlfthestateofvaticanCityand hc Secretaryfstate'

    4. ln suppolt fDefcndantOR'sMotion oDismissPlaintifls'ThirdAfiendedComplaint'offer he ollowing:

    5. The institutionalstructureof thcIOR is as ollows:al theheadofthe siructurc s theConmissioneardinalaia,or "Cardinals'Commission"' hisCommisrionscomposedf fiveCardinal\.vho reappoillted ytheSovereignontili ThcCardinal's ommissionfthe IOR s headedy SodaroCardinal ngelo,who spresentlyheSecretaiyf State f tle VaticanCity State-TheConunissionmeets t esst wiceperyea!.Thepnmarypulpose f Commissioos to reviewoompliancef the ORwith ts ntemal tatutory ortns'ano o check nthepatrimony fthe IORto cnsurehat ts asscts.main ta saiisfactoryevel.Thiscommission lsoapPointsnd emovesmembersf theOversiShtcouncil(whose i[tction s discussedelow)'

    6 Theprimary oleof thcCardinals' ommissions to Prcvide n lstitutionat ink betwcenhegovcrnmentfthc VaticaqCityState nd he ORfor goven[ngot versiShtulposesver he OR'

    7. Below his evel s theDirezione' t DitcctorateThis oughly orespondso anopetatlve"Boardof Directors"whicharries n hecverydaydministrationf thc OR' Thc mcmbels fthisboadareapPointedy th' Oversight ouncil$bject to approvBlfthe Cardinsls'CornnissionThisboaJdsrsponsibleic! heoperationalctivities fthe IOR'

    E. This nstitutionalelationshipctweenhcCadinals'Cotnmission'hePrlate' dnd heBoardis set onh n fte Sovcreign ontifls'ChirographaledMarch ' 1990i heorganizationattructurefthIOR s given urtherdetail n thc Sl4'r'rto'r "by'laws"dstedMarch ' lgg0 Accordingo thcChirographsd theby'laws,he OR s a Canon awJuridicPeNon'whichcaIIbe sucdn itsownnameandwhichhas ts own cgal Presentativ othingn the u[darnental ission r rclationshiptweentbe ORatd theVaticanCityStaieCiovcrttnentassubstanidllyhangedetweenheold and henewlegal structuje of the IOR'

    9. The IOR is locstedin thevcry healtof VaticanCity, in a towernear0!eSant' Arr'laGate' ls

    rN OFpoRT-,FloRGorlolro olsMlssdmF6FsrEvENsoEoL -ca,4 1MMc

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    , t l i Fo ur, Ld!9c l

    predecessornstitutionswere ocated n thesane placeaDd he IOR hasneverhad anybranchofficeoutsideofthe VaticanCity. This centraland exclusivephysical ocation eflects he fact,describedbelow, hat the IOR performscentral irancial functions or the Vatican City StateGovemmenr.

    10. The IOR is not a citizcnof$e UnitedStates nd s not created oder he Iawsofaoy fiirdcou ry (i.e. it is createdunder the Laws ofthe Vatican State).

    I l, Thc IOR peform an essentialunction n theeconomicgovedfiient ofthe Stateof VaticanCity. Ajnong the other bodiesthat perform such firnctions gre the Plefectue for Economic Affairs andthe Administrationofthe Patlimonyofthe Holy See. The IOR carriesout the missionandpolicy go8lsoftheState f VaticanCity.

    12. Thecentra.losition fthe IOR n the inancial ctivityoflhe State f vaticanCity sconfinocd bythc Corstitulio ApostoltcdPastor or!.t that hasprovided or a Committeeofcardiaals(hcadedy CardinalSodano)hathasultimate ower o suPervisehc effectivenessfthe IOR'Sactivily.Anicle24of &atdocumenl, hich efe6 o th specialnstitutc. for msnaging conornic ssetscolltmittcdo it. , ," referso thc OR.

    13. vy'hen atters ome othedttention fthe Presideotf thOversiSht ounsel' rofessorAngeto aloia,or to thesftention fth DiEctorGeneml ommendatorEelioscaletti,which nvolveanysortoipolicy decision, r strategic ecision bout he oR's activities,heyalecommonlyefenedotheattention fthe SecretaryfState,whodecidcs ow oprocced'n such ases,he ORfollo{'s,andit hasbeenhecustom fthe oR to follow,anyadvicehat he secretary.nsidcrsn thebest nte!slsofthe vaticanStat.This 9based ponmy cxperienoen workingwith both cpresentativesfthe IoRand wilh the SecrtarYf Stote.

    14. I canalsoadd hat,whiie heday-m-daypelstionsfthe IOR aremanagedythe oR i$elf(as t is naturalor ajuridicalperson)hecustom ndpractice fthe IOR s attuned nd esponsiveo thepolicyvisionofthe Searetaryf State,ahos thehighest clegatefti SoveEignPontiffs emporalauthorityoverVatican City StateForthis reason,t is thepracticeof thePresident nd DirectorCcnemlofthe IoR to report o CardinalSodanon his caPacity f Secletaryof Stateandaschainnan as he

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    cardinal's ommission,nd o fumishhimwith any nfomationand ecordshathe.equires' n thissense,heSecreta.ryf State'sunction,o! all maltels fPanicularmportancen the OR, can 'estbdefined sar|active upervisoryole.Hence,he Secretaryfstatchas onsidelableonlrolovcr heprogramrlliDgndexecution flOR activitiesincluding udget ndopetations)hatheconsidersfStatenterest.

    15.The OR oflersandprformshe ollowingserviceso thevaticar!State 'td ts temporalhead,he SovereiSnPontiff. It actsasa clea.ring ouse or paymentstetweenhevtrious Valican Stateagencics.t finances vaiefy of reliSious orkswithin heStale t opemtcsheelectronic aymcnt'1dATM networkn place hroughout atic$Stateerritory'Thissenice sprovided t ess h8ncost'anda5a service othe VaticanState. t manageshepe$ion systemor its ownemployces swell as all theo6er employesfthc VaiicanState. D hisway, he OR supportsheoperationsfth VaticsnCiryStaten itsown enitory'

    16. Thestructucand egulationsoveminghePcnsion ystemor IOR cmPloyeesndothetvalicanSta1employeess virtually dcntical,

    17. In keepingwithth OR'Smission fPiouspurposes,t he SecretaryfState's equest'ohiscapacitys cmporal clcgatfthe Sovcrcign ontiff, the ORmakes vailableo theStat fvaticanCity Govenunentlmds o puBuc ts piousPurposes n this senseheIOR is used o forwardthegoals fthe State f VaticanCity,and oothcrwise alryoutState fvaticanCity foreign elationsobjctives.

    18. At thccndofeacbyear, nce he undsncccssaryor thc OR'Smoncymanagcmcniorpiouspurposes resetaside,emainingiurds remade vailableo theHolySeeo csrryout tsgoalswhen und $anagementasnotproduceduJlicicntunds'nosucb ayments made'howevcr'No profilis keptby he oR.

    19. ltre HotySeebas, nptst ccasionsrgvided inancial ssistanceor the OR'20. Ihe IOR s a limitddcpo$torynstitlltion t is notopen o hepublic n thesensehat he

    depositors.re ssentiallyimi(ed o VaticanState mployes' embers fthe HolySee' eligious rders'

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    andpersons ho depositnoney estined,t eastrl part' or worksofpiety'21. It is thecustom ndpractice fthe IORto notretain ecotds ftertenyea$ Tlere s

    presently oemployee,nd knowofno person, howorkcd t the OR n theyea$ of WorldWsr i'22. The OR s a creaturef thosoverei8J'lill andcouldbewoundupgnd ts assetsiquidated

    bydirection fthe sovereign.ccordingo theChirogaPhhsthascreatedhe oR asa Ca$o[ awjuddicalperson,be OR cannot hangetsbylaws. ny changeso the by-lawswouldorly bemadewithfinalappmval fthe Sovcrcign ontiff.

    23. The originof the rlnd hatgave irth o the ORwasacapilal ontribuliono itssntccedentinstitution,he Conn ission d PlasCausas,teatcd y Pope eoXIU in 1887'

    24. IOR s a Canon aw Juridic ersonwhose undamentalupose s to pronrote iousacts Assuch,t does ot manufacturcr sellanygoodsn eitherhe State f Califomia r tbeUnitedStates'ordocst sellaIIysctviccso thcgeneralublio n eithe' heState f Califomiao( theUniledStates'

    25, IOR hasnorcgisteredgentor cgalnotificatio$ n either hestateof califomiaor theUnitedSlates.

    26. loR hasnooflicesor ot$er acilityof 8nykind n eithet heState f Cdlifomigor he UnitedStAtes.

    27. toR does otowa lcasc r rcntany calpropcrtyn cither hc State fcaliforrdaor theUnitedStates.

    28. IORhasno cmployecaasedn either heState f Califomiaor theUnitedStstcs'29. IOR conductsoadvertisingnddocsnot market nyproductsn eitherheState f

    Califomis r theUnitedSlates.30' IoR hasoomailingof otheraddrcss'clePhoneumber'elex,or fax number y which t may

    be eachedn eithcr hcState fcaliforfliaor theUnitedStates'31. Noneoftbe members ffhe board fdirecto$andcouncil(chargedithday-to-day

    opetations) f IOR s a rssident feither heState f Califomia rtheUnitedStates'

    32. IOR does otdiiectot controlheday'to-deyperationsr managementf anyotherentity

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    30.011.0CC8:33 5r0 657r2 ! . 7

    tlut conduc6bqsircrs n lhcUoitcd Slslcs.33, Nothtng n tbt! dqclantioa, rhich b mad6 Dly o rddt4i itsu6 of bjctmrnq ard

    pcriolrl jEbdlgtion wbictrmeyarisa n drcprqilt coltorlrsy, b mrrnt lo, ot thouldbc ttk n 13,suhnitting o &cju.idictiotr of thi! Court,o.valvilg lDyriSht o clsimgovqri8t itqoroity or ![t olb.tpriYi,cgesI rl.chrc !!dcr lodry ol p.rrrry ||!d.r li. l.wr ol tt. UDlacd ar;rt of A.cricr ahrt tbaforqo|!8 tt trur md corrart

    Pr..c[lcd on 30d.y of Orbb.n 2000 t TEr|!' lt ly.Avyoc.to Ftrnzi Gt|!rt! St!v!r|, Aaaomcyfo.IOR |!d Sbtc of Vrtl.r! Clry

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    is,$$iilf tif#i;i'su*^I'.li"ff"'lHlilli'-'''T'kobdD.: (5l o) 6651713tfr')ni?*t1P:f"8)"'"".)uri'!'i.'';oaotoro'1t'tui'!)Aflornqy or tNsTlTuIE FoR R.eLtGlOUsWOITKS


    ctle No.C 99'4941MMC

    iffi$ffiuiiffidiiiiiii-it r.4trrtls' rtrrtD


    L aw.l FrurroGr{rdgst'vcoi' hscbydrcbc |r toUo!'/ri;:;;;;aued ' p'o"ri"' " rt' uaror sdn' lulv .,

    *all o.n th' IrdrroL -- ___- 'L' tt"d&l|r o'O' Nadonrl ForcnsicBortd (i'' Cblitgll,,,,"i:;; ;;"';lo *' '"'"'*':::::]::il::;*: ilill:l'El{tdc gos$ r$ '.""* ' _-' - - |bcco hctnor'y lor lbc slarcof vatic.n cary((hr nol}Irartco !r) For f,roundtno!! yc&t' lbrw -^ r..;^ trrlv- Mv R!r!i otli.c ..ldrl(alsoP!r). Forsounou'tew '*- . , -. ,", ur" *, "ol:nind2,Tlrrio, uly. My Rorli ofii.c .ddr.srsc(). $d ltr loR' My P!cJ'!t wotl 'ddt"t

    ir vir p$riodu.6 t5.Rooc' fttly ,r- ri{r c66t.1ncdn hir' ' ''ia u"t+t tt ro*oie mlttr'! lrertd oo ntol"o'rlon

    lrlil bcli'li tb! f4rtr coltrrtrc

    *,,,-[;;;;" rovpflond Lnowlcdgc' nd !fcdlcd 6] 6*'ib'e5 I could rcitifv Gom9"'ntlv to

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    3 | .m dilccrty funili$ r.,irb lr l.gal lrflsiutr anC lo pr..riccr ot dr tOR, lh. covalD!|.rt o,$! Sir^ra t vdicr$ City |nd thaS.(r!tr y of St|t4.

    4. 16c'rPpol ofDcfnd&t IOR'! Molion ro Dilrnis! PlEinnffr,Third /JlEndcd Corplatll, Iotfcr rbc folloe/in8:S. Tb. puqrog!of tbi. &.lrrlrop ir lo plgvid funhor nforo.rion rctlicd rr, rh. cq.rporirio, otbt lOA.'t Conmirt:on. Cardhalizie, ot'!cr!dln b ' Corrurirsion"rcferledro n roy Dcchr|tto{ otAv! 0!116Ft4olo Cunda St.vror ln Suppoflot Dcf.nd!,rr IOR'JMorjoo !o DiirDt3rPlrisrdf!' ?birdA.rnond.dCompl.irl rnd lh particrdlrrod.tdl th! dcnp !rritutioaat linb bcrefccnhcIOR'3C!di!dr'CoEsoi.riot gDd hsSov.ruocarof Ar st.ra of Vadc|! Cry rncnlioncda lrn|$rgh 6 of InyFevio{tdrclrrdon.

    6. Ofrlr 6v! rrcmbcr,ottb IOR'I cordlndt' Cos|tni$ion, rhcfirrl. Atlt.lo C.dl6.lSodalo, ii laror|! tl|! 3ir hllboir rad.iAgc{dlaCa in $. co.dindt' ColhS.b ll|G S.crctdrt 6t s(.icol tlu Sr{r. V!.ior! Clly,.nd i. | !u.nb.r of C&Cosrlcitofcrrilirrl| qnd8i3hoF! (Codirlr, dicardinati . Vct.cvi) ot lhc Soctarsyof 3 c'r Offlc., tlt conSrltsliou fo! th. Docttit!' of thcFaltlr!h. Conir.grtion otEilboPr ud ihaConfrslotion tor E st!l! Chrrch't Tht rc'9nd, Jobn Jo"PbCrrihd O'Coaror, wA!, srtl hh t!..n! d.!t!, . |nrftb.! ot th. Ccuacil tot $. StudyofOrllrlrt||ond &d Eco{lomFPrlbletlt of tlF Holy s'c' tdr a ncmbr' of Ib! Coi'|rcilo( cddin'ls !dlistrop! {,rthio tl* s..tEt{ry ofsLr|! t Ofrt..'.Dd 'lro h'ld biSbofficd wilhio tbt Rotlto Ct|!ld"CorftrcllrloE to! 6&rte$ Clrutch.r (Con8t

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    Curi.'1 CongEtadon for th! ldtlt{Gr of Con!'cd'd Lrf itd lhc So!i'!v for aPottolic Lifc\Co,'tra6{zti''tz P.t lli lt kun di Vits C-n'ecrer. c L' Scci''e' At Uta APorroti'alr Thc 6frh 8du'rdocsflUd.l Mrrdns goltulo, Ptcf.cr lor l! Contlssitioo tbr lnrdtuct of Cohrect|r'4 Lif' $d forSocicriar of Aposloltc Llfc' b n nEmb$ of t}! Corncrt of C'Jdinrlt cJ|d BishoPs wit'bit rlte sicrcl.ty ofsr4E's Omc!, lrd .lto bctd bill oficc withb thc Holy St' |9 ' ft"lb'r df lht cosncll lo lb' ScctchrvC.nrfll flf rhc Slnod ot Biiborg.

    ?. In tutDm.rr, rll tivc dtttrbct! (ifolt co||nti tb' lo!8_!lrhg' b{r' t'4dDtly 'Lct'ttd C|rdinrlo'Co!Dor), hrve bccn !t rDbar| ot 0lr sccrtnry 6f Sl.'e'e rircnty'n^'o trlcr|$Gr Couocil of BishoPi tndCd'illnlh, olc tr|.mblr it ttl! scrlltlsy of Std!' ud dl hold hiBh ofice clsv''lE c $rioi! rbc tloly scaor drc Rur'lt|l Curlr lo rddirion to rtdr 44i'c ln th! Otfic' of lhc S'crlliry ot strt' tttdrct rht IOR'

    8' Tbit dlar mry b, cooti'ptd by 'on'olti!8 ot rb A'f,nttt'io Pon'ltcto 2@ 'Po^rtl.ic^lAtrt.Usl.2ooo}.wbich6tbc!t!Dd.rdcornPrEhcDiivctlfgFDcewo.kpllblirhcdbyo|cl|olyscc(PubUshct: Llbcrfu Valicsrls,2cfl], to dB'db' tfu otliccs undPcdo trl of lh! st*! of Varic'$ Cilv rddthc world-$,ldc Rotll{l C{holic Chur.h'

    t.lo4at3 ultlct ltco.lrt oft tjurt und" ric lrwJ ot thc Ulttd SrlI ot Amlrl" lfi't 3hclon'lolng b fruc.nd cotltcl' lvo kalrtL,j.:tt:"t.,t . n Oc'..."*y or O...irt,2m ta Tuttn, l.ly'

    Awoatto F rnro Grudo Slrvalr'ton .|!d Sr{rr ofv llrn cttY