G-Protein-Coupled Receptor Signaling in Cilia€¦ · G-Protein-Coupled Receptor Signaling in Cilia...

G-Protein-Coupled Receptor Signaling in Cilia Kirk Mykytyn 1,2 and Candice Askwith 2,3 1 Department of Biological Chemistryand Pharmacology, The Ohio State University, Ohio 43210 2 Neuroscience ResearchInstitute, The Ohio State University, Ohio 43210 3 Department of Neuroscience, The Ohio State University, Ohio 43210 Correspondence: [email protected] G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are the largest and most versatile family of signaling receptors in humans. They respond to diverse external signals, such as photons, proteins, peptides, chemicals, hormones, lipids, and sugars, and mediate a myriad of functions in the human body. Signaling through GPCRs can be optimized by enriching receptors and down- stream effectors in discrete cellular domains. Many GPCRs have been found to be selectively targeted to cilia on numerous mammalian cell types. Moreover, investigations into the path- ophysiology of human ciliopathies have implicated GPCR ciliary signaling in a number of developmental and cellular pathways. Thus, cilia are now appreciated as an increasingly important nexus for GPCR signaling. Yet, we are just beginning to understand the precise signaling pathways mediated by most ciliary GPCRs and how they impact cellular function and mammalian physiology. I t is estimated that the human genome encodes approximately 950 G-protein-coupled recep- tors (GPCRs), of which 500 correspond to odorant or taste receptors (Takeda et al. 2002). Approximately 150 of the remaining 450 GPCRs have no known natural ligand and so are referred to as orphan GPCRs (Tang et al. 2012). GPCRs represent the largest group of therapeutic drug targets, with more than a third of all drugs acting on GPCRs (Rask-Andersen et al. 2011). Because of the functional diversity of GPCRs, there is little conservation of amino acid sequence across the GPCR superfamily. Yet, all GPCRs share a common structure: an extracellular amino terminus, seven transmem- brane domains, and an intracellular carboxyl terminus. In canonical GPCR signaling at the plas- ma membrane, agonist binding to a receptor causes a change in receptor conformation and results in activation of heterotrimeric GTP- binding proteins (G proteins) (Fig. 1A) (She- noy and Lefkowitz 2011). G proteins consist of three associated protein subunits: a, b, and g. G proteins are classified based on the na- ture of their a-subunits and there are 16 known a-subunits that are functionally cate- gorized into four subfamilies: Ga s ,Ga i ,Ga q , and Ga 12 . When inactive, the a-subunit is bound to GDP and a bg-complex to form a trimeric protein complex (Fig. 1A). On ago- nist binding, the receptor facilitates GDP re- lease, GTP binding to the a-subunit, and dis- sociation of the a-subunit from the bg- Editors: Wallace Marshall and Renata Basto Additional Perspectives on Cilia available at www.cshperspectives.org Copyright # 2017 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved Advanced Online Article. Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a028183 1 on June 22, 2020 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press http://cshperspectives.cshlp.org/ Downloaded from

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Page 1: G-Protein-Coupled Receptor Signaling in Cilia€¦ · G-Protein-Coupled Receptor Signaling in Cilia Kirk Mykytyn1,2 and Candice Askwith2,3 1Department of Biological Chemistryand Pharmacology,

G-Protein-Coupled Receptor Signaling in Cilia

Kirk Mykytyn1,2 and Candice Askwith2,3

1Department of Biological Chemistry and Pharmacology, The Ohio State University, Ohio 432102Neuroscience Research Institute, The Ohio State University, Ohio 432103Department of Neuroscience, The Ohio State University, Ohio 43210

Correspondence: [email protected]

G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are the largest and most versatile family of signalingreceptors in humans. They respond to diverse external signals, such as photons, proteins,peptides, chemicals, hormones, lipids, and sugars, and mediate a myriad of functions in thehuman body. Signaling through GPCRs can be optimized by enriching receptors and down-stream effectors in discrete cellular domains. Many GPCRs have been found to be selectivelytargeted to cilia on numerous mammalian cell types. Moreover, investigations into the path-ophysiology of human ciliopathies have implicated GPCR ciliary signaling in a number ofdevelopmental and cellular pathways. Thus, cilia are now appreciated as an increasinglyimportant nexus for GPCR signaling. Yet, we are just beginning to understand the precisesignaling pathways mediated by most ciliary GPCRs and how they impact cellular functionand mammalian physiology.

It is estimated that the human genome encodesapproximately 950 G-protein-coupled recep-

tors (GPCRs), of which 500 correspond toodorant or taste receptors (Takeda et al. 2002).Approximately 150 of the remaining 450GPCRs have no known natural ligand and soare referred to as orphan GPCRs (Tang et al.2012). GPCRs represent the largest group oftherapeutic drug targets, with more than a thirdof all drugs acting on GPCRs (Rask-Andersenet al. 2011). Because of the functional diversityof GPCRs, there is little conservation of aminoacid sequence across the GPCR superfamily.Yet, all GPCRs share a common structure: anextracellular amino terminus, seven transmem-brane domains, and an intracellular carboxylterminus.

In canonical GPCR signaling at the plas-ma membrane, agonist binding to a receptorcauses a change in receptor conformation andresults in activation of heterotrimeric GTP-binding proteins (G proteins) (Fig. 1A) (She-noy and Lefkowitz 2011). G proteins consistof three associated protein subunits: a, b, andg. G proteins are classified based on the na-ture of their a-subunits and there are 16known a-subunits that are functionally cate-gorized into four subfamilies: Gas, Gai, Gaq,and Ga12. When inactive, the a-subunit isbound to GDP and a bg-complex to form atrimeric protein complex (Fig. 1A). On ago-nist binding, the receptor facilitates GDP re-lease, GTP binding to the a-subunit, and dis-sociation of the a-subunit from the bg-

Editors: Wallace Marshall and Renata Basto

Additional Perspectives on Cilia available at www.cshperspectives.org

Copyright # 2017 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved

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Ion channelsNumerous other effectors





















GRK β-Arrestin

G-protein-independent signalingERK, MAPK, Src, JNK, REF, many others


Internalization, desensitization,and/or endosomal signaling

Figure 1. Overview of G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling at the plasma membrane. (A) Ligandbinding to a GPCR facilitates GDP release from the G-protein a-subunit and stimulates GTP binding to thea-subunit, which leads to dissociation of the a-subunit from the bg-complex. Both the a-subunit and bg-complex can then regulate various intracellular effectors. (B) Activated GPCRs are phosphorylated at specificsites on their intracellular domains predominantly by G-protein-coupled receptor kinases (GRKs). Phosphor-ylated receptors are targets for the recruitment of b-arrestins, which prevent further G-protein activation andmediate internalization of receptors by promoting clathrin-mediated endocytosis. b-Arrestins bind to numer-ous intracellular signaling proteins and can act as signal transducers independently of G-protein coupling. Insome cases, GPCR signaling can be sustained or enhanced on endocytosis.

K. Mykytyn and C. Askwith

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complex (Fig. 1A). Both the a-subunit andbg-complex can then regulate various intra-cellular effectors (e.g., adenylyl cyclases by thea-subunit and potassium channels by the bg-complex).

Activated GPCRs are then phosphorylatedat specific sites on their intracellular domainspredominantly by G-protein-coupled receptorkinases (GRKs) (Fig. 1B) (Marchese et al. 2008),but also other kinases such as protein kinase A(PKA) or protein kinase C (PKC) (Kelly et al.2008). Once phosphorylated, the receptors be-come targets for the recruitment and bindingof scaffolding proteins, termed b-arrestins,which prevent further G-protein activation andmediate internalization of receptors by pro-moting clathrin-mediated endocytosis (Fig.1B) (Shenoy and Lefkowitz 2011). This pro-cess is known as homologous desensitization.Although internalization of GPCRs is gener-ally associated with a decrease in signaling,in some cases receptor signaling can be sus-tained or enhanced on endocytosis (Sorkinand von Zastrow 2009; McMahon and Boucrot2011). In addition, b-arrestins bind to numer-ous intracellular signaling proteins, includ-ing Src, ERK1/2, p38, and PI3K, and can actas signal transducers independent of G-proteincoupling (DeFea 2011; Shukla et al. 2011).There are twob-arrestin isoforms (1 and 2) thatare expressed ubiquitously and regulate mostGPCRs.

There is an ever-expanding list of GPCRsthat are enriched in cilia on a variety of cell types(Table 1; Fig. 2). Numerous GPCR effector mol-ecules have also been localized to cilia (Fig. 2)(Hilgendorf et al. 2016), suggesting that ciliamediate signaling of a diverse set of GPCRs.Importantly, ciliopathies are associated with al-terations in GPCR signaling. In this review, wewill focus on mammalian cilia-mediated GPCRsignaling transduction pathways. We will beginwith a brief account of the well-described sig-naling pathways mediated by the prototypicalciliary GPCRs, odorant receptors, and opsins.Then we will discuss more recently describedexamples of GPCR ciliary signaling with a focuson the potential functional impacts of cilia onGPCR signaling.


Ciliopathies can be associated with deficits inolfaction (Kulaga et al. 2004; Iannaccone et al.2005; McEwen et al. 2007). Mammalian olfac-tion is mediated by olfactory sensory neurons(OSNs) that project from the olfactory bulb inthe brain to the olfactory epithelium located inthe nasal cavity (Fig. 3A). OSNs are bipolarneurons with a single axon that projects distallyto the olfactory bulb and a single dendrite thatprojects apically to the olfactory epithelium. Atthe apical end of the OSN, the dendritic tip isenlarged to form a dendritic knob from which10 to 30 nonmotile 9þ2 cilia project (Menco1980, 1997). These olfactory cilia range from 50to 60 mm in length and extend into the olfactorymucus where they are directly exposed to odor-ants (Jenkins et al. 2009). There are two impor-tant consequences of the ciliary structure. First,the presence of numerous cilia increases thesurface area that is exposed to the external en-vironment by about 40 times and enhances ourability to detect odorants (Menco 1992). Sec-ond, the small diameter of the distal ends ofthese cilia (�0.1 mm) leads to a large ratio ofmembrane surface area to cytoplasmic volume(Menco 1980), allowing a small signal to gener-ate a large effect.

The molecular elements required for olfac-tory transduction are concentrated within theciliary compartment (Fig. 3B). Olfaction be-gins with binding of an odorant to an olfactoryreceptor (OR) on the ciliary membrane. In ro-dents, each OSN predominantly expresses oneof approximately 1000 ORs (Ressler et al. 1993;Vassar et al. 1993), which triggers the activationof the heterotrimeric stimulatory G proteincomprising Gaolf, b1, and g13 (Jones andReed 1989; Kerr et al. 2008; Li et al. 2013).Gaolf then activates type 3 adenylyl cyclase(AC3), which increases cAMP levels withinthe cilium (Bakalyar and Reed 1990). ThecAMP then binds to and activates cyclic-nucle-otide-gated (CNG) channels on the ciliarymembrane, allowing the entry of calcium ionsand depolarizing the membrane potential. In-creased ciliary Ca2þ levels leads to activationand opening of Ca2þ-gated chloride channels,

Ciliary GPCR Signaling

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causing an efflux of Cl2 ions that augmentsdepolarization of the neuron (Kleene 1993;Lowe and Gold 1993; Stephan et al. 2009),which eventually initiates an action potentialthat propagates along the axon to the olfactorybulb.

b-Arrestin 2 is recruited to activated ORs tomediate desensitization and receptor internali-zation at the dendritic knob (Dawson et al.1993; Mashukova et al. 2006). Interestingly, anonodorant GPCR has been found to localizeto olfactory cilia and modulate OR signaling inmice. Specifically, activation of type 3 musca-rinic acetylcholine receptor (M3-R) on the cil-iary membrane inhibits the recruitment of b-

arrestin 2 to ORs, thereby potentiating odor-induced signaling (Fig. 3C) (Jiang et al. 2015).The olfactory epithelium is innervated by nerveendings that release acetylcholine (Baraniukand Merck 2009). Thus, acetylcholine releasemay enhance the sensitivity of OR signalingvia M3-Rs.

In summary, olfactory cilia possess severalcritical attributes that optimize OR signaling:(1) They extend into the olfactory epitheliumwhere ORs are exposed to odorants; (2) theyallow for enrichment and concentration of themolecular components of the olfactory trans-duction cascade, thereby optimizing signaling;and (3) they are present in large numbers and

Table 1. Nonodorant/nonvisual G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) with confirmed ciliary localization

GPCR Cell type References

b2-adrenergic receptor (b2AR) Neurons Yao et al. 2015Bile acid receptor (TGR5) Cholangiocytes Keitel et al. 2010; Masyuk et al. 2013Bitter taste receptors (T2R) Airway epithelial cells Shah et al. 2009Dopamine receptor 1 (D1) Neurons Domire et al. 2011Dopamine receptor 5 (D5) Vascular endothelial cells,

renal epithelial cellsAbdul-Majeed and Nauli 2011;

Jin et al. 2014bGalanin receptor 3 (GALR3) Neurons Loktev and Jackson 2013GPR83 Neurons Loktev and Jackson 2013GPR161 Neurons, mouse embryonic

fibroblastsMukhopadhyay et al. 2013

GPR175 Mouse embryonicfibroblasts

Singh et al. 2015

Kisspeptin receptor 1 (KISS1R) Neurons Koemeter-Cox et al. 2014Melanin-concentrating hormone

receptor 1 (MCHR1)Neurons Berbari et al. 2008

Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor 3(M3R)

Olfactory sensory neurons Jiang et al. 2015

Neuropeptide Y receptor 2 (NPY2R) Neurons Loktev and Jackson 2013Neuropeptide Y receptor 5 (NPY5R) Neurons Loktev and Jackson 2013Prolactin-releasing hormone

receptor (PRLHR)Glial cells Omori et al. 2015

Prostaglandin E receptor 4 (EP4) Human retinal pigmentepithelial cells

Jin et al. 2014a

Pyroglutamylated RFamide peptidereceptor (QRFPR)

Neurons Loktev and Jackson 2013

Serotonin receptor 6 (HTR6) Neurons Brailov et al. 2000Smoothened (SMO) Fibroblasts, nodal cellsSomatostatin receptor 3 (SSTR3) Neurons Handel et al. 1999Trace amine-associated receptor 1

(TAAR1)Thyroid epithelial cells Szumska et al. 2015

Vasopressin receptor 2 (V2R) Renal epithelial cells Raychowdhury et al. 2009

K. Mykytyn and C. Askwith

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have a large surface-to-volume ratio, which in-creases sensitivity to odorants.


Vision is initiated when photons are absorbedby the rod and cone photoreceptors in theretina (Arshavsky and Burns 2012). Photore-ceptors are highly polarized neurons with adistal end that is comprised of the light-sens-ing outer segment and a proximal end thatsynapses on downstream neurons. The outersegment is a highly modified primary ciliumpacked with membrane disks containing light-sensitive GPCRs and downstream signaling ef-fectors. Upon light activation in rods, rhodop-sin activates the G protein transducin, whichthen stimulates its effector, cGMP phospho-diesterase. This leads to a reduction in

intracellular cGMP levels and causes cGMP-gated channels to close, thereby hyperpolariz-ing the cell and generating a transient photo-response within milliseconds. Rhodopsinkinase then phosphorylates rhodopsin, whichleads to visual arrestin binding and a blockin transducin activation, thereby terminatingthe signal. In response to sustained brightlight, there is a massive redistribution of pho-totransduction proteins that involves transdu-cin exiting the rod outer segment and visualarrestin accumulating in the outer segment.This adaptive mechanism plays a role in settingphotoreceptor sensitivity and may protect rodsfrom the adverse effects of persistent light ex-posure (Arshavsky and Burns 2012). Thus, theciliary outer segment facilitates signaling inresponse to light and provides a protectivemechanism by allowing the physical separation

Figure 2. Examples of G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and effectors that are enriched in primary cilia.(A) Image of a day 7 mouse hippocampal neuron immunolabeled with an antibody to somatostatin receptorsubtype 3 (SSTR3) showing an SSTR3-positive cilium projecting from the cell body. (B) Adult mouse brainsection corresponding to the medial hypothalamus immunolabeled with an antibody to kisspeptin receptor1 (KISS1R). Note the presence of multiple KISS1R-positive cilia. (C) Image of a day 7 mouse hippocampalneuron treated with somatostatin and immunolabeled with an antibody to b-arrestin. Arrow indicates b-arrestin ciliary localization. (D) Image of a day 7 mouse hippocampal neuron immunolabeled with anantibody to type 3 adenylyl cyclase (AC3) showing an AC3-positive cilium projecting from the cell body.Scale bars, 5 mm.

Ciliary GPCR Signaling

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Dendritic knob




Odorantreceptor Adenylyl




Na+ Ca2+





Olfactory sensoryneuron



Mucus layer Olfactory cilia








Figure 3. Overview of odorant receptor signaling in olfactory sensory neurons. (A) Scanning electron microscopyimage of the surface of the mouse olfactory epithelium. Scale bar, 1 mm (courtesy of Jeff Martens). (B) Schematicof a single olfactory sensory neuron with cilia projecting into the olfactory epithelium. (C) Odorant activation ofolfactory G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) triggers the activation of the stimulatory G protein Gaolf, whichthen activates type 3 adenylyl cyclase (AC3) and increases cAMP levels within the cilium. The cAMP binds to andactivates cyclic-nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels on the ciliary membrane, leading to an increase in Ca2þ levels,subsequent activation of Ca2þ-gated chloride channels, and depolarization of the neuron. (D)b-Arrestin bindingto activated odorant receptors mediates desensitization. The type 3 muscarinic (M3) acetylcholine receptorcan inhibit the recruitment of b-arrestin to odorant receptors, thereby potentiating odor-induced signaling.

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of components of the phototransductioncascade.


Hedgehog (Hh) signaling, which plays an essen-tial role in mammalian development, requiresthe presence of primary cilia (Huangfu et al.2003). Briefly, in the absence of Hh ligand, the12-transmembrane Hh receptor patched(Ptch1) is enriched on the ciliary membraneand the GPCR Smoothened (Smo) is excludedfrom the cilium (Rohatgi et al. 2007). In this“OFF” state, cAMP-dependent PKA functionsat the base of the cilium to phosphorylate mem-bers of the Gli family of transcription factors,which promotes the formation of truncated Glirepressors and inhibits transcription of Hh tar-get genes (Sasaki et al. 1999; Pan et al. 2006;Tempe et al. 2006; Tuson et al. 2011). Repressionof Hh signaling is further enforced by the ciliaryGPCR Gpr161. Gpr161 has constitutive activityand couples to Gas to increase cellular cAMPlevels, thereby increasing activation of PKA(Mukhopadhyay et al. 2013). It is hypothesizedthat Gpr161 establishes a basal cAMP gradientwithin the cilium that is important for properregulation of Hh signaling. Indeed, disruptionof Gpr161 in mouse is embryonic lethal andcauses increased Hh signaling in the neuraltube (Mukhopadhyay et al. 2013).

In the presence of Hh ligand, Ptch1 andGpr161 leave the cilium, allowing Smo to enterthe cilium, activate Gli transcription factors,and initiate signaling (Corbit et al. 2005;Rohatgi et al. 2007; Mukhopadhyay et al. 2013).Recently, another orphan GPCR, Gpr175, hasbeen shown to localize to cilia in response toHh treatment and enhances Hh signaling inseveral mammalian cell lines (Singh et al.2015). Specifically, Gpr175 interacts with ciliaryGai, which leads to a lowering of cAMP levelsand an inhibition of PKA activity and Gli re-pressor formation (Singh et al. 2015). Depletionof Gpr175 in cell lines has a relatively modesteffect on signaling (�50%), suggesting that itplays a regulatory role rather than an essentialrole in Hh signaling. Indeed, as opposed to

Gpr161 knockout mice, Gpr175 knockoutmice are viable and do not have any develop-mental defects (Singh et al. 2015). The effect ofGpr175 on Hh signaling is dependent on Smoactivity, suggesting it acts on Gai downstreamfrom Smo to modulate PKA activity. Althoughit does not play an essential role in Hh signaling,it may enhance signaling in certain contexts(Singh et al. 2015).


A link between renal cilia dysfunction andcystic disease is well established (Cramer andGuay-Woodford 2015). Primary cilia on renalepithelial cells are generally regarded as mecha-nosensors that illicit Ca2þ signals in response tofluid flow (Fig. 4A). However, there is increasingevidence that renal cilia also mediate GPCRsignaling. For example, the type 2 vasopressinreceptor (V2R), which regulates Naþ and waterreabsorption in the mammalian nephron, local-izes to cilia on renal epithelial cells (Raychowd-hury et al. 2009). In response to vasopressin,ciliary V2R functionally couples with adenylylcyclase to increase local cAMP concentrationsand activate a cation-selective channel (Fig. 4B)(Raychowdhury et al. 2009). These data suggestthe presence of a GPCR-mediated cAMP-de-pendent second-messenger signaling mecha-nism in renal cilia that regulates intraciliaryCa2þ signals. This signaling, in turn, may mod-ulate different cellular processes, includingcell proliferation, ciliary microtubule stability,and/or the ciliary membrane resting potential.Interestingly, renal cAMP levels are increasedin numerous animal models of polycystic kid-ney disease (PKD) (Torres and Harris 2014)and treatment with V2R antagonists in-hibits cyst formation (Gattone et al. 2003;Torres et al. 2004). Yet, it is unclear how muchV2R signaling within the cilium contributes tothese effects.

Dopaminergic signaling in the kidney playsan important role in controlling renal sodiumexcretion and blood pressure (Carey 2013). Re-cently, dopamine receptor type 5 (D5) has beenlocalized to cilia on renal epithelial cells (Jin

Ciliary GPCR Signaling

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et al. 2014b; Upadhyay et al. 2014). Evidence forD5-mediated signaling on cilia comes fromstudies looking at calcium signaling in the cili-ary compartment. Specifically, Jin et al. (2014b)used a ciliary-targeted calcium sensor to showthat treatment of renal epithelial cells with theD5 agonist fenoldopam causes an increase incalcium levels in the cilium that precedes anincrease in calcium levels in the cytosol of thecell. This calcium signal is dependent on theCaV1.2 L-type calcium channel, which is local-ized in the cilium (Jin et al. 2014b). With regardto a functional consequence, fenoldopam treat-ment also causes an actin-mediated increase incilia length and increased calcium signaling inresponse to fluid flow (Upadhyay et al. 2014).Taken together, these results suggest that agonistbinding to D5 on the ciliary membrane resultsin CaV1.2 channel activation, possibly throughthe action of dissociated Gbg, which increasesintraciliary Ca2þ levels (Fig. 4C) (Atkinson et al.

2015). This increased Ca2þ concentration sub-sequently leads to cilia elongation and confersgreater sensitivity to fluid-shear stress. Interest-ingly, the most frequent target found in a chem-ical screen of pathways involved in flagellarlength control in the unicellular green algaChlamydomonas was the family of dopaminebinding GPCRs (Avasthi et al. 2012). Thus, cil-iary dopaminergic signaling may be an evolu-tionarily conserved mechanism for regulatingciliary length, which may then impact sensitiv-ity to signals.


Cholangiocytes are ciliated epithelial cells thatline bile ducts and are responsible for bile acidtransport and bicarbonate secretion (Tabibianet al. 2013). Cholangiocyte primary cilia havebeen determined to be mechano-, chemo-, and


Renal tubule



Dopaminereceptor 5

Cilia C



Renal epithelial cell



Proteinkinase A

L-type calciumchannel








Vasopressinreceptor 2



Na+ Ca2+

Gα Gβ

Figure 4. Overview of ciliary signaling in renal cilia. (A) Cross section of a renal tubule showing primary ciliaprojecting into the lumen of the tubule (top). Schematic of flow-induced Ca2þ signaling (bottom). (B) Vaso-pressin binding to vasopressin receptor 2 (V2R) on the ciliary membrane activates adenylyl cyclase. The increasein local cAMP concentrations activates a cation-selective channel, possibly through protein kinase A, therebyregulating intraciliary Ca2þ signals. (C) Agonist binding to dopamine receptor 5 on the ciliary membrane resultsin CaV1.2 channel activation, possibly through the action of dissociated Gbg, which increases intraciliary Ca2þ


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osmosensory organelles that regulate cholan-giocyte proliferation (Masyuk et al. 2006,2008a,b; Gradilone et al. 2007). The importanceof these cilia is highlighted by the fact thatpolycystic liver disease, which is characterizedby the development of fluid-filled hepatic cystsarising from cholangiocytes, is associated withciliopathies (Masyuk et al. 2015). In cholangio-cytes, bile acid signaling is transmitted throughTGR5, a GPCR that is localized to the apicalplasma membrane, subapical compartment,and cilium (Keitel et al. 2009, 2010; Keitel andHaussinger 2011; Keitel and Haussinger 2012;Masyuk et al. 2013). TGR5 is coupled to Gas

and activation of TGR5 by bile acids causesan increase in intracellular cAMP levels(Maruyama et al. 2002; Kawamata et al. 2003).Downstream effectors of GPCR signaling, in-cluding adenylyl cyclase, PKA, and the exchangeprotein directly activated by cAMP 2 (EPAC-2),have also been localized to cholangiocyte cilia(Masyuk et al. 2006, 2008b). In addition, Gai

localizes to the base of cilia on ciliated cholan-giocytes. Taken together, these data suggest thatcholangiocyte cilia mediate bile acid signalingthrough TGR5.

Intriguingly, the presence or absence of ciliaon cultured cholangiocytes determines the im-pact of TGR5 agonists (Masyuk et al. 2013).Specifically, agonist treatment of nonciliatedcholangiocytes increases colocalization of TGR5with Gas and results in increased cAMP signal-ing, inhibition of ERK signaling, and increasedcellular proliferation. Agonist treatment of cil-iated cells, on the other hand, results in in-creased colocalization of TGR5 with Gai anddecreased cAMP signaling, activation of ERKsignaling, and decreased cellular proliferation.Together, these results suggest that TGR5 isfunctionally coupled to Gas on the plasmamembrane and stimulates cellular proliferationin response to bile acid signaling, but is func-tionally coupled to Gai in the cilium to preventcellular proliferation in response to bile acidsignaling. Thus, cholangiocyte cilia provide acompartment for TGR5 to functionally couplewith different effectors and provide an alterna-tive signal to TGR5 signaling on the plasmamembrane.


Most, if not all, adult neurons in the mamma-lian brain possess a primary cilium (Handelet al. 1999; Fuchs and Schwark 2004; Bishopet al. 2007). Numerous GPCRs are selectivelyenriched in neuronal cilia (Table 1). Seminalstudies using mouse knockout models have pro-vided compelling evidence for cilia-dependentGPCR signaling in the brain. For example, micelacking cilia on specific neuronal subpopula-tions in the brain manifest prominent pheno-types, such as obesity and learning and memorydeficits (Davenport et al. 2007; Berbari et al.2013, 2014). Moreover, mice lacking ciliaryGPCRs or ciliary-enriched downstream effec-tors of GPCR signaling display similar pheno-types (Wang et al. 2009, 2011; Einstein et al.2010). Together, these results suggest that neu-ronal cilia provide a unique platform for GPCRsto signal in response to factors in the extracel-lular milieu. Recent studies have begun to elu-cidate these signaling pathways and how theyimpact neuronal function.

Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is one of the mostabundant neuropeptides in the mammalianbrain and plays an important role in regulatingfood intake and energy expenditure (Herzog2003). Recently, two of the NPY receptor sub-types, NPY2R and NPY5R, were found to beenriched in neuronal cilia in mice (Loktev andJackson 2013). Interestingly, genetically modi-fied mice that are unable to transport NPY2Rinto neuronal cilia are obese and do not respondto administration of the anorexigenic ligandPYY3-36 (Loktev and Jackson 2013), suggestingthat NPY2R ciliary localization is important forligand-dependent signaling in vivo. In supportof this model, quantification of cAMP signalingon RPE cells expressing NPY2R revealed thatligand treatment produced a more pronouncedinhibition of cAMP signaling in cells with acilium (Fig. 5A) (Loktev and Jackson 2013).Thus, cilia localization seemingly enhancesNPY2R signaling and may provide a more ro-bust signal to control food intake.

Somatostatin is a widely distributed neuro-transmitter and modulator of neural activity

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that can affect many physiological processes,including motor activity and cognitive function(Patel 1999; Barnett 2003; Olias et al. 2004;Viollet et al. 2008). Somatostatin receptor sub-type 3 (SSTR3) colocalizes with AC3 in ciliathroughout the mouse brain (Handel et al.1999). Interestingly, mice lacking SSTR3, AC3,or cilia in the hippocampus show similar defi-cits in learning and memory (Wang et al. 2009;Einstein et al. 2010; Berbari et al. 2014). To-gether, these results suggest that SSTR3 signalson cilia and this signaling is required forproper learning and memory. In support ofthis model, it was recently shown that somato-statin treatment stimulates endogenous b-ar-restin recruitment into SSTR3-positive ciliaon hippocampal neurons (Green et al. 2016).This recruitment is reminiscent of b-arrestintranslocation to activated GPCRs on theplasma membrane. Furthermore, expressingSSTR3-containing mutations that prevent ago-nist binding or phosphorylation blocks b-ar-restin recruitment into cilia. These results sug-

gest that agonist binds to SSTR3 on the ciliarymembrane and leads to phosphorylation of thereceptor, which facilitates b-arrestin ciliary lo-calization (Fig. 5B).

Another finding from this study wasthat somatostatin treatment causes a rapid b-arrestin-dependent decrease in the ciliary local-ization of endogenous SSTR3 (Green et al.2016). These findings suggest a model wherebyactivation of SSTR3 on the ciliary membranestimulates b-arrestin recruitment, which bindsto the receptor and mediates export of SSTR3from the cilium (Fig. 5B). There are several po-tential functional consequences of b-arrestinciliary recruitment, including (1) SSTR3 desen-sitization, (2) potentiation of SSTR3 signalingthrough internalization, and/or (3) b-arrestin-mediated ciliary signaling. Yet, additional stud-ies are required to determine the functionalconsequences of b-arrestin recruitment intocilia and whether this is a ubiquitous mecha-nism for modulating ciliary GPCR signaling onneurons.



Exits the cilium

Neuropeptide Y











Exits the cilium

Figure 5. Overview of G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling on neuronal cilia. (A) Ligand binding toneuropeptide Y receptor 2 (NPY2R) on the ciliary membrane may activate Gai and inhibit adenylyl cyclase,thereby leading to a reduction in cAMP levels. Ligand treatment also leads to a reduction in NPY2R ciliarylocalization, suggesting that activated receptor exits the cilium. (B) Somatostatin treatment stimulates endog-enous b-arrestin recruitment into somatostatin receptor subtype 3 (SSTR3)-positive cilia. Somatostatin treat-ment also causes a b-arrestin-dependent decrease in SSTR3 ciliary localization, suggesting that b-arrestinmediates SSTR3 ciliary export.

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The kisspeptin receptor (KISS1R), whichregulates the onset of puberty and adult repro-ductive function, has recently been found to beenriched in cilia on mouse gonadotropin-re-leasing hormone (GnRH) neurons (Koemeter-Cox et al. 2014). Intriguingly, GnRH neurons inadult animals possess multiple KISS1R cilia andthe percentage of multiciliated GnRH neuronsincreases during postnatal development andcorrelates with sexual maturation. Disruption ofGnRH cilia leads to a significant reduction inkisspeptin-mediated GnRH neuronal activity(Koemeter-Cox et al. 2014), suggesting that ciliaenhance KISS1R signaling. More recently, theb2-adrenergic receptor (b2AR) has been shownto be localized to neuronal cilia in the mousehippocampus (Yao et al. 2015). b2AR is acti-vated by noradrenalin and plays a role in hip-pocampal synaptic plasticity (Hagena et al.2016). Interestingly, b2AR colocalizes in neuro-nal cilia with the nonselective cation channelpolycystic kidney disease 2-like 1 (Pkd2l1).However, b2AR ciliary localization is disruptedin mice lacking Pkd2l1, suggesting that Pkd2l1is required for b2AR ciliary localization (Yaoet al. 2015). Pkd2l1 mice have decreased cAMPlevels in the brain and increased susceptibility topentylenetetrazol-induced seizures (Yao et al.2015). As b2AR is coupled to Gas, a potentialmodel is that ciliary localization of b2AR andPkd2l1 form a ciliary complex that enhancescAMP production, which inhibits neuronalexcitability. Further studies are required to di-rectly test whether KISS1R and b2AR signalwithin cilia.


The primary function of motile cilia on humanairway epithelia is to move mucus out of thelung and their disruption results in airway dis-ease (Fliegauf et al. 2007). Interestingly, severalmembers of the bitter taste receptor (T2R) fam-ily have been localized to cilia on human airwayepithelia (Shah et al. 2009; Lee et al. 2012).Downstream effectors of the T2R signal trans-duction pathway include the G-protein a-gust-ducin and the enzyme phospholipase C-b2(PLC-b2) (Devillier et al. 2015). In ciliated air-

way epithelial cells,a-gustducin localizes to ciliaand PLC-b2 localizes to the apical portionof the cell below the cilia (Shah et al. 2009).Application of bitter compounds causes an in-crease in intracellular calcium concentra-tions only in ciliated cells, which further resultsin a �25% increase in ciliary beat frequency(Shah et al. 2009). Thus, T2R ciliary localiza-tion may facilitate sensing of noxious com-pounds and generation of a signal that leadsto an increase in ciliary activity to eliminatethe substance.


A key question is how ciliary localization im-pacts GPCR signaling. The examples of ciliaryGPCR signaling discussed above highlight sev-eral general functional consequences cilia canconfer on GPCR signaling. First, ciliary locali-zation can enhance GPCR signaling. This maybe due to several reasons. Cilia may extend to-ward the origin of a signal, thereby increasingsensitivity. The cilium may enhance signaling byallowing more efficient coupling of the receptorand its effectors. Note that these two functionsare not mutually exclusive. Another possibilityis GPCRs generate a unique signal when they areactivated on the ciliary membrane versus theplasma membrane. This may be the result ofcoupling to distinct effectors in the cilium, asin cholangiocyte cilia. As b-arrestins can func-tion as signal transducers, the finding that en-dogenous b-arrestin is recruited into cilia onsomatostatin treatment is particularly provoca-tive. This could be analogous to biased agonism,whereby a ligand preferentially triggers G-pro-tein- orb-arrestin-mediated signaling pathways(Rajagopal et al. 2010). Perhaps activation ofa receptor on the ciliary membrane activatesb-arrestin-mediated signaling but not G-pro-tein signaling, or vice versa. Another potentialmechanism for generating a unique signal isby facilitating heteromerization of differentGPCRs, which can alter ligand binding, G-protein coupling, and/or desensitization andinternalization. There is evidence that SSTR3and melanin-concentrating hormone receptor

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1 heteromerize in cilia in multiple mouse brainregions (Green et al. 2012). Alternatively, ciliarylocalization may act as an insulator to preventGPCR cross regulation (Marley et al. 2013). It ispossible that some or all of these mechanismsare used in ciliary GPCR signaling and theprecise effects vary between cell types or evenbetween different cells in the same tissue.


Given the prevalence of GPCRs as drug targets,understanding ciliary GPCR signaling will likelyhave important ramifications for therapeuticdevelopment. The remaining overarching chal-lenges in the ciliary GPCR field are to identifythe complete complement of ciliary GPCRs,define the signaling pathways mediated by cili-ary GPCRs and determine how these signal-ing pathways impact cellular function. Meetingthese challenges will require the developmentof new tools to visualize and/or modulate cili-ary GPCR signaling as well as assays to deter-mine how these signals impact cellular function.A better understanding of GPCR signaling willlikely yield new therapeutic strategies to target-specific aspects of GPCR function and lend im-portant insight into the consequences of cilialoss and disruption for human health.


This work is supported by research projectGrant R21 MH107021 from the National Insti-tutes of Health/National Institute of MentalHealth (NIH/NIMH) to K.M.


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Ciliary GPCR Signaling

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published online February 3, 2017Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol  Kirk Mykytyn and Candice Askwith G-Protein-Coupled Receptor Signaling in Cilia

Subject Collection Cilia

Polycystic Kidney DiseaseCiliary Mechanisms of Cyst Formation in

SomloMing Ma, Anna-Rachel Gallagher and Stefan

Right Symmetry Breaking−Cilia in LeftKyosuke Shinohara and Hiroshi Hamada

Photoreceptor Cilia and Retinal CiliopathiesKinga M. Bujakowska, Qin Liu and Eric A. Pierce Ciliopathies

Discovery, Diagnosis, and Etiology of Craniofacial

Elizabeth N. Schock and Samantha A. BrugmannG-Protein-Coupled Receptor Signaling in Cilia

Kirk Mykytyn and Candice AskwithAxoneme Structure from Motile Cilia

Takashi IshikawaEvolution of Cilia

David R. MitchellCilia and Ciliopathies in Congenital Heart Disease

Nikolai T. Klena, Brian C. Gibbs and Cecilia W. Lo

Centriole ElongationCytoplasmic Ciliogenesis and Postaxonemal Transition Zone Migration: A Mechanism for

BasiriTomer Avidor-Reiss, Andrew Ha and Marcus L.

Sperm Sensory Signaling

KauppDagmar Wachten, Jan F. Jikeli and U. Benjamin

Cilia and Obesity

BerbariChristian Vaisse, Jeremy F. Reiter and Nicolas F.

) Signalingβ (TGF-βFactor Tyrosine Kinase (RTK) and Transforming Growth Primary Cilia and Coordination of Receptor

B. Mogensen, et al.Søren T. Christensen, Stine K. Morthorst, Johanne

CiliaPosttranslational Modifications of Tubulin and

et al.Dorota Wloga, Ewa Joachimiak, Panagiota Louka,

Primary Cilia and Mammalian Hedgehog SignalingFiona Bangs and Kathryn V. Anderson

FlagellaRegulation, Assembly, and Evolution of Cilia and

A Snapshot of the Motility−−Radial Spokes

Xiaoyan Zhu, Yi Liu and Pinfen Yang

Cilia and Mucociliary Clearance

OstrowskiXimena M. Bustamante-Marin and Lawrence E.

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