FY21 NCTCOG Project Package

FY21 NCTCOG Project Package Please note: Some portions of the application package have been redacted or removed to protect jurisdictional information. i.e. (State Payee Identification Number and other Financial Information.)

Transcript of FY21 NCTCOG Project Package

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FY21 NCTCOG Project Package

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Some portions of the application package have been redacted or removed to protect jurisdictional information. i.e. (State Payee Identification Number and other Financial Information.)

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Regional Planning

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Agency Name: North Central Texas Council of Governments Grant/App: 2945607 Start Date: 10/1/2021 End Date: 9/30/2022

Project Title: 2021 SHSP - NCTCOG - Regional Planning Status: Application Pending AO Certification

Eligibility InformationYour organization's Texas Payee/Taxpayer ID Number:

Application Eligibility Certify:Created on:12/14/2020 10:43:13 AM By:Braydon Williams

Profile InformationApplicant Agency Name: North Central Texas Council of GovernmentsProject Title: 2021 SHSP - NCTCOG - Regional PlanningDivision or Unit to Administer the Project: Emergency Preparedness DepartmentAddress Line 1: 616 Six Flags Dr.Address Line 2: Centerpoint 2City/State/Zip: Arlington Texas 76011-6347Start Date: 10/1/2021End Date: 9/30/2022

Regional Council of Goverments(COG) within the Project's Impact Area: North Central Texas Council of GovernmentsHeadquarter County: TarrantCounties within Project's Impact Area: Collin,Dallas,Denton,Ellis,Erath,Hood,Hunt,Johnson,Kaufman,Navarro,Palo Pinto,Parker,Rockwall,Somervell,Tarrant,Wise

Grant Officials:Authorized OfficialName: Mike EastlandEmail: [email protected] 1: 616 Six Flags DriveAddress 1: City: Arlington, Texas 76011Phone: 817-695-9100 Other Phone: 817-608-2300Fax: 817-704-2543Title: Mr.Salutation: Mr.Position: Executive Director

Financial OfficialName: Monte MercerEmail: [email protected] 1: P.O. Box 5888Address 1: 616 Six Flags DriveCity: Arlington, Texas 76005Phone: 817-695-9121 Other Phone: 817-695-9118Fax: 817-640-7806Title: Mr.Salutation: Mr.Position: Director of Administration

Project DirectorName: Braydon WilliamsEmail: [email protected] 1: 616 Six Flags Drive Address 1: Centerpoint 2City: Arlington, Texas 76011Phone: 817-608-2318 Other Phone: Fax:

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Title: Mr.Salutation: Mr.Position: SHSP Grant Coordinator

Grant WriterName: Marcie BrunerEmail: [email protected] 1: 616 Six Flags Drive, Center Point TwoAddress 1: P.O. Box 5888City: Arlington, Texas 76011Phone: 817-608-2379 Other Phone: 870-718-3576Fax: Title: Ms.Salutation: Ms.Position: Senior EM Specialist

Grant Vendor InformationOrganization Type: Council of Government (COG)Organization Option: applying to provide homeland security servicesApplicant Agency's State Payee Identification Number (e.g., Federal Employer's Identification (FEI) Number or Vendor ID): Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS):

Narrative InformationOverviewThe purpose of the Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) is to support state and local efforts to prevent terrorism and other catastrophic events and to prepare the Nation for the threats and hazards that pose the greatest risk to the security of the United States. HSGP provides funding to implement investments that build, sustain, and deliver the 32 core capabilities essential to achieving the National Preparedness Goal (the Goal) of a secure and resilient Nation. The building, sustainment, and delivery of these core capabilities are not exclusive to any single level of government, organization, or community, but rather, require the combined effort of the whole community. HSGP supports core capabilities across the five mission areas of Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery based on allowable costs.

The funding announcement, located on the eGrants Calendar page, describes the organization types, activities, and costs that are eligible under the announcement. The PSO’s eGrants User Guide to Creating an Applicationguides applicants through the process of creating and submitting an application in eGrants. Information and guidance related to the management and use of grant funds can be found in the The PSO’s Guide to Grants, located on the PSO Resource for Applicants and Grantees webpage.Primary Mission and PurposeState Homeland Security Program (SHSP): Supports state, Tribal and local preparedness activities that address high-priority preparedness gaps across all core capabilities where a nexus to terrorism exists. All investments must be consistent with capability targets set during the Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) process, and gaps identified in the State Preparedness Report (SPR).

Many activities which support the achievement of target capabilities related to terrorism preparedness may simultaneously support enhanced preparedness for other hazards unrelated to acts of terrorism. However, all SHSP projects must assist grantees in achieving target capabilities related to preventing, preparing for, protecting against, or responding to acts of terrorism.Eligibility Requirements

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Criminal History ReportingEntities receiving funds from PSO must be located in a county that has an average of 90% or above on both adult and juvenile dispositions entered into the computerized criminal history database maintained by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) as directed in the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Chapter 66. The disposition completeness percentage is defined as the percentage of arrest charges a county reports to DPS for which a disposition has been subsequently reported and entered into the computerized criminal history system.

Beginning January 1, 2021, counties applying for grant awards from the Office of the Governor must commit that the county will report at least 90 percent of convictions and other dispositions within five business days to the Criminal Justice Information System at the Department of Public Safety. Click here for additional information from DPS on this new reporting requirement.

Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR)Eligible applicants operating a law enforcement agency must be current on reporting complete UCR data and the Texas specific reporting mandated by 411.042 TGC, to the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) for inclusion in the annual Crime in Texas (CIT) publication. To be considered eligible for funding, applicants must have submitted a full twelve months of accurate data to DPS for the most recent calendar year by the deadline(s) established by DPS. Due to the importance of timely reporting, applicants are required to submit complete and accurate UCR data, as well as the Texas-mandated reporting, on a no less than monthly basis and respond promptly to requests from DPS related to the data submitted. Note: UCR is transitioning from summary reporting to NIBRS only in 2021. Applicants are encouraged to transition to NIBRS as soon as possible in order to maintain their grant eligibility.National Incident Management System (NIMS) ImplementationGrantees are required to implement NIMS. The NIMS uses a systematic approach to integrate the best existing processes and methods into a unified national framework for incident management across all homeland security activities including prevention, protection, response, mitigation, and recovery. Grantees must use standardized resource management concepts for resource typing, credentialing, and an inventory to facilitate the effective identification, dispatch, deployment, tracking and recovery of resources.

Emergency Management PlansCities and counties must have a current emergency management plan or be a legally established member of an inter-jurisdictional emergency management program with a plan on file with the Texas Department of Public Safety, Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM). Plans must be maintained throughout the entire grant performance period and must be at least at the Intermediate Level. If you have questions concerning your Emergency Management Plan (preparedness) level, contact your Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC) or your regional Council of Governments (COG). For questions concerning plan deficiencies, contact TDEM at [email protected] RequirementsProgram IncomeApplicant agrees to comply with all federal and state rules and regulations for program income and agrees to report all program income that is generated as a result of the project's activities. Applicant agrees to report program income through a formal grant adjustment and to secure PSO approval prior to use of the program income. Applicant agrees to use program income for allowable costs and agrees to expend program income immediately after PSO's approval of a grant adjustment and prior to requesting reimbursement of funds.

Deduction Method - Program income shall be deducted from total allowable costs to determine the net allowable costs. Program income shall be used for current costs unless PSO authorizes otherwise. Program income which the grantee did not anticipate at the time of the award shall be used to reduce the PSO award and grantee match rather than to increase the funds committed to the project.

Asset Seizures and Forfeitures - Program income from asset seizures and forfeitures is considered earned when the property has been adjudicated to the benefit of the plaintiff (e.g., law enforcement entity).

Program Requirements

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Building and Sustaining Core Capabilities

1. All capabilities being built or sustained must have a clear link to one or more Core Capabilities in the National Preparedness Goal.

2. Many capabilities which support terrorism preparedness simultaneously support preparedness for other hazards. Grantees must demonstrate this dual-use quality for any activities implemented under this program that are not explicitly focused on terrorism preparedness. Activities implemented under SHSP must support terrorism preparedness by building or sustaining capabilities that relate to the prevention of, protection from, mitigation of, response to, and recovery from terrorism.

3. Funding should be used to sustain core capabilities. New capabilities should not be built at the expense of maintaining current and critically needed core capabilities. New capabilities must be aligned with capability targets and gaps identified through the THIRA/SPR process.

Mission AreasThe National Preparedness Goal organizes the core capabilities into the five mission areas:

• Prevention. Prevent, avoid or stop an imminent, threatened or actual act of terrorism.• Protection. Protect our citizens, residents, visitors, and assets against the greatest threats

and hazards in a manner that allows our interests, aspirations, and way of life to thrive.• Mitigation. Reduce the loss of life and property by lessening the impact of future disasters.• Response. Respond quickly to save lives, protect property and the environment, and meet

basic human needs in the aftermath of a catastrophic incident.• Recovery. Recover through a focus on the timely restoration, strengthening and revitalization

of infrastructure, housing and a sustainable economy, as well as the health, social, cultural, historic and environmental fabric of communities affected by a catastrophic incident.

Nationwide Cyber Security ReviewGrantees will be required to complete the Nationwide Cybersecurity Review (NCSR), enabling agencies to benchmark and measure progress of improving their cybersecurity posture. The Chief Information Officer (CIO), Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), or equivalent for each recipient agency should complete the NCSR. If there is no CIO or CISO, the most senior cybersecurity professional should complete the assessment. The NCSR is available at no cost to the user and takes approximately 2-3 hours to complete. For more information about the NCSR, visit: https://www.cisecurity.org/ms-isac/services/ncsr/.Overall CertificationEach applicant agency must certify to the specific requirements detailed above as well as to comply with all requirements within the PSO Funding Announcement, the Guide to Grants, the Grantee Conditions and Responsibilities, any authorizing or applicable state and federal statutes and regulations to be eligible for this program.X I certify to all of the application content and requirements.

Project Summary : Briefly summarize the project, including proposed activities and intended impact.The Emergency Preparedness (EP) Department of NCTCOG provides planning assistance, regional coordination, and training/exercise support throughout the 16-county region. Hence, our first responders are better prepared for terrorist attacks or other disasters. NCTCOG EP assists local jurisdictions in ensuring federal grant compliance as defined by the Homeland Security Grant Program guidelines. The EP Department also coordinates and facilitates the SHSP grant process for our region through our regional committees and subject matter expert working groups. In addition to the above duties, EP serves as a liaison between grant stakeholders and the OOG. This includes important tasks such as coordinating and writing the Regional Implementation Plan (RIP), completing the State Preparedness Report (SPR), and completing the regional Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment. All of these are planning documents that identify potential terrorist targets in our region. In GY 2021, NCTCOG EP will manage several regional projects on behalf of working groups. This project also includes funds to support regional stakeholders' travel to state meetings & conferences, which may include development and input for subject matter experts such as sharing best practices, strategic and response workshops, and new statewide initiative meetings. The project will involve planning, training, exercises, conference attendance, grant management for COG staff, and REPAC and EPPC Leadership.

Problem Statement : Provide a detailed account of the issues, threats or hazards that your project will target. For federal Homeland Security Grants, include specific references to the regional or state Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA), as applicable.

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North Central Texas region, one of the Nation’s largest metropolitan areas with over 200 government agencies, is vulnerable to all hazards, natural, technological, and man-made (terrorist attacks), including the eight scenarios included in the regional THIRA. Our area encompasses one of the largest and busiest airports in the country and four mass transit entities (Dallas Area Rapid Transit, Trinity Railway Express, and Amtrak). We are home to many nationally and internationally known sporting arenas and special event venues where national events such as the World Series and Super Bowl are hosted. Each of these locations and events makes us a target for terrorist attacks that would cause mass casualty injuries. This project will allow the NCTCOG EP department to continue assisting jurisdictions in regional emergency planning activities and coordination to address current and future threats and hazards. The Planning Core Capability identified in our regional THIRA covers all mission areas. No matter how or why an incident occurred, advanced planning is always required. THIRA P. 10

Existing Capability Levels : Describe the existing capability levels, including resources that are currently in place to support this project prior to the use of grant funds.COG staff have experience in planning, training, exercise development/conduct, community preparedness, and grant management activities. Staff currently support jurisdictions and working groups with federal, state, and local grant processes and planning activities. COG resources, contacts, and staff have all shown vital assets in the region during disasters.

Capability Gaps: Describe the capability gaps which will be addressed by the project. For federal Homeland Security Grants, include specific references to the regional or statewide State Preparedness Report (SPR).The North Central Texas region covers 16 counties, and 254 jurisdictions, so regional coordination and collaboration are challenging. NCTCOG serves as a neutral entity to coordinate with the jurisdictions for all types of emergency management issues. There is a further need for the individual jurisdictions to understand the collective needs of the region and estimate growth and changes so that collaborative efforts can be made to address those needs and mitigate future hazards. NCTCOG EP provides technical assistance to those jurisdictions when needed to address gaps identified in the SPR under the planning core capability.

Impact Statement : Describe the project goals/objectives and how this project will maintain capabilities or reduce capability gaps. The agencies and jurisdictions in the region trust and rely on NCTCOG for regional planning support, training and exercise assistance, project management/technical assistance, grant administration, and other benefits provided by the NCTCOG Emergency Preparedness Department. Additionally, this project will allow for the continuation of regional support that surpasses the expected activities issued by the OOG and any regional projects awarded by REPAC and EPPC. The project will allow for continual information exchanges between regional jurisdictions and State agencies, ensuring two-way communication and process flows. The project will further help build frameworks for regional approaches to common issues. Also, COG promotes and educates the region on state priorities and programs. We work hand in hand with federal, state, and local staff to support efforts like training and exercise, CIKR identification and protection, mutual aid promotion, and support. SPR P. 5

Homeland Security Priority Actions: Identify the Texas Homeland Security Priority Action most closely aligned with this project. Each Priority Action is linked with an Objective from the Texas Homeland Security Strategic Plan (HSSP). List the Priority Action by number and text (e.g. 1.2.3 Expand and enhance the network of human sources that can provide detailed and relevant information on known or suspected terrorist and criminal enterprises.)4.6.4 Conduct periodic reviews of local emergency plans to ensure they are updated, meet state emergency planning standards, and address all hazards.

Target Group : Identify the target group and population expected to benefit from this project.Emergency management staff, first responders, and HSGP subgrantees in the NCTCOG region.

Long-Term Approach: Describe how the applicant agency will maintain the capabilities supported by this project without additional federal or state funds. If sustainment is dependent upon federal or state grants, describe the ongoing need for future grants, as applicable.NCTCOG EP will continue to assist jurisdictions in planning, working group facilitation, exercise evaluation/conduct, and facilitation of grant project activities as long as we continue to receive regional planning funds to pay for staff activities. COG membership dues are not enough to fund all the staff time required to facilitate all the projects that COG currently manages. COGs were created as a division of state government to assist in implementing statewide goals and facilitating regional programs. As such, they do not have taxation authority and have limited ability to generate other revenues. Without grant funds to pay for staff to facilitate all the activities that COG staff perform, all the current activities would fall back on the

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Number of stakeholder organizations participating in planning/coordination meetings.

Custom Output Measures


Custom Outcome Measures


Resolution from Governing BodyApplications from nonprofit corporations, local units of governments, and other political subdivisions must include a resolution that contains the following:

1. Authorization by your governing body for the submission of the application to the Public Safety Office (PSO) that clearly identifies the name of the project for which funding is requested;

2. A commitment to provide all applicable matching funds;3. A designation of the name and/or title of an authorized official who is given the authority to

apply for, accept, reject, alter, or terminate a grant (Note: If a name is provided, you must update the PSO should the official change during the grant period.); and

4. A written assurance that, in the event of loss or misuse of grant funds, the governing body will return all funds to PSO.

Upon approval from your agency's governing body, upload the approved resolution to eGrants by going to the Upload.Files tab and following the instructions on Uploading eGrants Files.Contract ComplianceWill PSO grant funds be used to support any contracts for professional services?

Select the appropriate response:X Yes


For applicant agencies that selected Yes above, describe how you will monitor the activities of the sub-contractor(s) for compliance with the contract provisions (including equipment purchases), deliverables, and all applicable statutes, rules, regulations, and guidelines governing this project.

Enter a description for monitoring contract compliance:Written progress reports required with all invoices and/or regular milestone checks as specified in the contract; timely communications and meetings to ensure compliance to timelines and deliverables.Lobbying

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DHS Project Type: Develop/enhance homeland security/emergency management organization and structure


Core Capability: Planning

Identify if this investment focuses on building new capabilities or sustaining existing capabilities. : Existing Capabilities (Sustain)

Are the assets or activities Deployable or Shareable: Shareable

___ Check if this Investment requires new construction or renovation, retrofitting, or modification of existing structures

___ Check if these funds will support a project that was previously funded with HSGP funding

Project Management Step Involved:

Check the step that most closely resembles the phase of the project activities to be completed during the grant period.

Step: Execute

Description: The period within the project lifecycle during which the actual work of creating the project's deliverables is carried out.

Process: Involves directing, accomplishing, managing, and completing all phases and aspects of work for a given project.


Milestone: Begin facilitation of regional working group meetings.; Completion Date: 01-01-2022Milestone: Update of the NCT HSSP-IP.; Completion Date: 08-01-2022Milestone: Begin coordination of regional THIRA/SPR updates.; Completion Date: 06-01-2022

NIMS Resources

___ Check if this project supports a NIMS typed resource

Enter the name of the typed resources from the Resource Type Library Tool:

Enter the ID of the typed resources from the Resource Type Library Tool:

Fiscal Capability InformationSection 1: Organizational Information*** FOR PROFIT CORPORATIONS ONLY ***

Enter the following values in order to submit the applicationEnter the Year in which the Corporation was Founded: 0Enter the Date that the IRS Letter Granted 501(c)(3) Tax Exemption Status: 01/01/1900Enter the Employer Identification Number Assigned by the IRS: 0Enter the Charter Number assigned by the Texas Secretary of State: 0

Enter the Year in which the Corporation was Founded:Enter the Date that the IRS Letter Granted 501(c)(3) Tax Exemption Status:Enter the Employer Identification Number Assigned by the IRS:Enter the Charter Number assigned by the Texas Secretary of State:Section 2: Accounting System

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The grantee organization must incorporate an accounting system that will track direct and indirect costs for the organization (general ledger) as well as direct and indirect costs by project (project ledger). The grantee must establish a time and effort system to track personnel costs by project. This should be reported on an hourly basis, or in increments of an hour.Is there a list of your organization's accounts identified by a specific number (i.e., a general ledger of accounts)?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

Does the accounting system include a project ledger to record expenditures for each Program by required budget cost categories?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

Is there a timekeeping system that allows for grant personnel to identify activity and requires signatures by the employee and his or her supervisor?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

If you answered 'No' to any question above in the Accounting System section, in the space provided below explain what action will be taken to ensure accountability.

Enter your explanation:Section 3: Financial CapabilityGrant agencies should prepare annual financial statements. At a minimum, current internal balance sheet and income statements are required. A balance sheet is a statement of financial position for a grant agency disclosing assets, liabilities, and retained earnings at a given point in time. An income statement is a summary of revenue and expenses for a grant agency during a fiscal year.Has the grant agency undergone an independent audit?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

Does the organization prepare financial statements at least annually?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

According to the organization's most recent Audit or Balance Sheet, are the current total assets greater than the liabilities?

Select the appropriate response: Yes

_ No

If you selected 'No' to any question above under the Financial Capability section, in the space provided below explain what action will be taken to ensure accountability.

Enter your explanation:Section 4: Budgetary ControlsGrant agencies should establish a system to track expenditures against budget and / or funded amounts.Are there budgetary controls in effect (e.g., comparison of budget with actual expenditures on a monthly basis) to include drawing down grant funds in excess of:

a) Total funds authorized on the Statement of Grant Award? Yes No

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Agency Name: North Central Texas Council of Governments Grant/App: 2945307 Start Date: 10/1/2021 End Date: 9/30/2022

Project Title: 2021 SHSP - NCTCOG - CCP Coordinator, Training, and Equipment Status: Application Pending Submission

Eligibility InformationYour organization's Texas Payee/Taxpayer ID Number:

Application Eligibility Certify:Created on:12/14/2020 10:39:48 AM By:Braydon Williams

Profile InformationApplicant Agency Name: North Central Texas Council of GovernmentsProject Title: 2021 SHSP - NCTCOG - CCP Coordinator, Training, and EquipmentDivision or Unit to Administer the Project: Emergency Preparedness DepartmentAddress Line 1: 616 Six Flags DriveAddress Line 2: Centerpoint TwoCity/State/Zip: Arlington Texas 76011-6347Start Date: 10/1/2021End Date: 9/30/2022

Regional Council of Goverments(COG) within the Project's Impact Area: North Central Texas Council of GovernmentsHeadquarter County: TarrantCounties within Project's Impact Area: Collin,Dallas,Denton,Ellis,Erath,Hood,Hunt,Johnson,Kaufman,Navarro,Palo Pinto,Parker,Rockwall,Somervell,Tarrant,Wise

Grant Officials:Authorized OfficialName: Mike EastlandEmail: [email protected] 1: 616 Six Flags DriveAddress 1: City: Arlington, Texas 76011Phone: 817-695-9100 Other Phone: 817-608-2300Fax: 817-704-2543Title: Mr.Salutation: Mr.Position: Executive Director

Financial OfficialName: Monte MercerEmail: [email protected] 1: P.O. Box 5888Address 1: 616 Six Flags DriveCity: Arlington, Texas 76005Phone: 817-695-9121 Other Phone: 817-695-9118Fax: 817-640-7806Title: Mr.Salutation: Mr.Position: Director of Administration

Project DirectorName: Braydon WilliamsEmail: [email protected] 1: 616 Six Flags Drive Address 1: Centerpoint 2City: Arlington, Texas 76011Phone: 817-608-2318 Other Phone: Fax: Title: Mr.

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Salutation: Mr.Position: SHSP Grant Coordinator

Grant WriterName: Marcie BrunerEmail: [email protected] 1: 616 Six Flags Drive, Center Point TwoAddress 1: P.O. Box 5888City: Arlington, Texas 76011Phone: 817-608-2379 Other Phone: 870-718-3576Fax: Title: Ms.Salutation: Ms.Position: Senior EM Specialist

Grant Vendor InformationOrganization Type: Council of Government (COG)Organization Option: applying to provide homeland security servicesApplicant Agency's State Payee Identification Number (e.g., Federal Employer's Identification (FEI) Number or Vendor ID): Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS):

Narrative InformationOverviewThe purpose of the Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) is to support state and local efforts to prevent terrorism and other catastrophic events and to prepare the Nation for the threats and hazards that pose the greatest risk to the security of the United States. HSGP provides funding to implement investments that build, sustain, and deliver the 32 core capabilities essential to achieving the National Preparedness Goal (the Goal) of a secure and resilient Nation. The building, sustainment, and delivery of these core capabilities are not exclusive to any single level of government, organization, or community, but rather, require the combined effort of the whole community. HSGP supports core capabilities across the five mission areas of Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery based on allowable costs.

The funding announcement, located on the eGrants Calendar page, describes the organization types, activities, and costs that are eligible under the announcement. The PSO’s eGrants User Guide to Creating an Applicationguides applicants through the process of creating and submitting an application in eGrants. Information and guidance related to the management and use of grant funds can be found in the The PSO’s Guide to Grants, located on the PSO Resource for Applicants and Grantees webpage.Primary Mission and PurposeState Homeland Security Program (SHSP): Supports state, Tribal and local preparedness activities that address high-priority preparedness gaps across all core capabilities where a nexus to terrorism exists. All investments must be consistent with capability targets set during the Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) process, and gaps identified in the State Preparedness Report (SPR).

Many activities which support the achievement of target capabilities related to terrorism preparedness may simultaneously support enhanced preparedness for other hazards unrelated to acts of terrorism. However, all SHSP projects must assist grantees in achieving target capabilities related to preventing, preparing for, protecting against, or responding to acts of terrorism.Eligibility Requirements

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Criminal History ReportingEntities receiving funds from PSO must be located in a county that has an average of 90% or above on both adult and juvenile dispositions entered into the computerized criminal history database maintained by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) as directed in the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Chapter 66. The disposition completeness percentage is defined as the percentage of arrest charges a county reports to DPS for which a disposition has been subsequently reported and entered into the computerized criminal history system.

Beginning January 1, 2021, counties applying for grant awards from the Office of the Governor must commit that the county will report at least 90 percent of convictions and other dispositions within five business days to the Criminal Justice Information System at the Department of Public Safety. Click here for additional information from DPS on this new reporting requirement.

Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR)Eligible applicants operating a law enforcement agency must be current on reporting complete UCR data and the Texas specific reporting mandated by 411.042 TGC, to the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) for inclusion in the annual Crime in Texas (CIT) publication. To be considered eligible for funding, applicants must have submitted a full twelve months of accurate data to DPS for the most recent calendar year by the deadline(s) established by DPS. Due to the importance of timely reporting, applicants are required to submit complete and accurate UCR data, as well as the Texas-mandated reporting, on a no less than monthly basis and respond promptly to requests from DPS related to the data submitted. Note: UCR is transitioning from summary reporting to NIBRS only in 2021. Applicants are encouraged to transition to NIBRS as soon as possible in order to maintain their grant eligibility.National Incident Management System (NIMS) ImplementationGrantees are required to implement NIMS. The NIMS uses a systematic approach to integrate the best existing processes and methods into a unified national framework for incident management across all homeland security activities including prevention, protection, response, mitigation, and recovery. Grantees must use standardized resource management concepts for resource typing, credentialing, and an inventory to facilitate the effective identification, dispatch, deployment, tracking and recovery of resources.

Emergency Management PlansCities and counties must have a current emergency management plan or be a legally established member of an inter-jurisdictional emergency management program with a plan on file with the Texas Department of Public Safety, Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM). Plans must be maintained throughout the entire grant performance period and must be at least at the Intermediate Level. If you have questions concerning your Emergency Management Plan (preparedness) level, contact your Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC) or your regional Council of Governments (COG). For questions concerning plan deficiencies, contact TDEM at [email protected] RequirementsProgram IncomeApplicant agrees to comply with all federal and state rules and regulations for program income and agrees to report all program income that is generated as a result of the project's activities. Applicant agrees to report program income through a formal grant adjustment and to secure PSO approval prior to use of the program income. Applicant agrees to use program income for allowable costs and agrees to expend program income immediately after PSO's approval of a grant adjustment and prior to requesting reimbursement of funds.

Deduction Method - Program income shall be deducted from total allowable costs to determine the net allowable costs. Program income shall be used for current costs unless PSO authorizes otherwise. Program income which the grantee did not anticipate at the time of the award shall be used to reduce the PSO award and grantee match rather than to increase the funds committed to the project.

Asset Seizures and Forfeitures - Program income from asset seizures and forfeitures is considered earned when the property has been adjudicated to the benefit of the plaintiff (e.g., law enforcement entity).

Program Requirements

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Building and Sustaining Core Capabilities

1. All capabilities being built or sustained must have a clear link to one or more Core Capabilities in the National Preparedness Goal.

2. Many capabilities which support terrorism preparedness simultaneously support preparedness for other hazards. Grantees must demonstrate this dual-use quality for any activities implemented under this program that are not explicitly focused on terrorism preparedness. Activities implemented under SHSP must support terrorism preparedness by building or sustaining capabilities that relate to the prevention of, protection from, mitigation of, response to, and recovery from terrorism.

3. Funding should be used to sustain core capabilities. New capabilities should not be built at the expense of maintaining current and critically needed core capabilities. New capabilities must be aligned with capability targets and gaps identified through the THIRA/SPR process.

Mission AreasThe National Preparedness Goal organizes the core capabilities into the five mission areas:

• Prevention. Prevent, avoid or stop an imminent, threatened or actual act of terrorism.• Protection. Protect our citizens, residents, visitors, and assets against the greatest threats

and hazards in a manner that allows our interests, aspirations, and way of life to thrive.• Mitigation. Reduce the loss of life and property by lessening the impact of future disasters.• Response. Respond quickly to save lives, protect property and the environment, and meet

basic human needs in the aftermath of a catastrophic incident.• Recovery. Recover through a focus on the timely restoration, strengthening and revitalization

of infrastructure, housing and a sustainable economy, as well as the health, social, cultural, historic and environmental fabric of communities affected by a catastrophic incident.

Nationwide Cyber Security ReviewGrantees will be required to complete the Nationwide Cybersecurity Review (NCSR), enabling agencies to benchmark and measure progress of improving their cybersecurity posture. The Chief Information Officer (CIO), Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), or equivalent for each recipient agency should complete the NCSR. If there is no CIO or CISO, the most senior cybersecurity professional should complete the assessment. The NCSR is available at no cost to the user and takes approximately 2-3 hours to complete. For more information about the NCSR, visit: https://www.cisecurity.org/ms-isac/services/ncsr/.Overall CertificationEach applicant agency must certify to the specific requirements detailed above as well as to comply with all requirements within the PSO Funding Announcement, the Guide to Grants, the Grantee Conditions and Responsibilities, any authorizing or applicable state and federal statutes and regulations to be eligible for this program.X I certify to all of the application content and requirements.

Project Summary : Briefly summarize the project, including proposed activities and intended impact.Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT), Medical Reserve Corps (MRC), and other Citizen Corps Programs (CCP) are key to community resilience before, during and after major disruptive events such as a terrorist attack. CCPs are part of the "whole community" approach to preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery, and serve as proven force multipliers for north Texas emergency managers and first responders. North Texas CCPs collaborate with the North Central Texas Regional Citizen Corps Council to meet the goals and objectives established in the National Preparedness Goal, Texas State Strategy, and the North Central Texas Regional Strategy; increase individual and community preparedness, and support the region through scenarios such as those referenced in the north central Texas THIRA. Coordination of training, exercise, communications, and deployments for the region’s forty plus registered North Central Texas CERT teams, four core county MRC teams, and numerous other citizen corps programs is essential to ensure our volunteer base meets the needs and expectations of the region’s emergency management community and our citizens. This project is for 1) partial FTE salary, supplies, and expenses for a regional Citizen Corps (CCP) coordinator; and 2) funds to continue regional planning, travel, training/classes, exercises, equipment, and supplies.

Problem Statement : Provide a detailed account of the issues, threats or hazards that your project will target. For federal Homeland Security Grants, include specific references to the regional or state Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA), as applicable.As demonstrated after three regional terrorist incidents and nine presidentially declared disasters in Texas over the past two years, individual and community preparedness are critical to mitigating losses, establishing immediate response and recovery efforts, and sustaining resiliency. The majority of the region's population

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lacks the knowledge, training and skills to remain resilient in the face of terrorism. These deficiencies have cascading effects on individual/community safety and asset protection, and the ability to respond and recover quickly. Together, these cascading effects negatively impact resiliency and increase vulnerability to threats. To illustrate, North Central Texas is home to • 7.7 million people • A triple Tier 1 UASI • 4th busiest and 2nd largest airport in the US • Four mass transit entities • Numerous internationally renowned sporting/special event/entertainment venues • Military bases • Hundreds of international businesses • State and national finance centers • Numerous other critical infrastructure and key resources These statistics demonstrate the scope of human lives, critical infrastructure, and key resources at risk from major disruptive events such as terrorism. Without force multipliers in times of need, and a concentrated focus on building individual/community resilience before a major incident occurs, the region's vulnerability to such events increases exponentially. Due to training and exercising CERT and MRC are valued regional resources used to reduce risk and vulnerability through active involvement in the core capability mission areas of prevention, mitigation, response, and recovery as noted in the region's THIRA. NCT THIRA: pp. 6-8 and in support functions for actions documented throughout NCT SPR: pp. 5-6, 24-25, 35-38 NCT RIP: pp. 8, 14-15, 18, 22

Existing Capability Levels : Describe the existing capability levels, including resources that are currently in place to support this project prior to the use of grant funds.North Central Texas CCP members train to provide support in the following areas: • emergency preparedness education and training • search and rescue • damage assessment • first aid • responder rehab • debris removal • medical triage and basic medical treatment • numerous other preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery functions and support functions Most CCPs have Train-the-Trainer members who provide emergency preparedness training to other groups and residents in the region. Those trained are more prepared, self-reliant, and capable in the face of terrorism and other catastrophic events, enhancing overall regional capabilities and resilience. Exemplary relationships between NCT CCPs, emergency management, hospitals, and public safety personnel ensure CCP capabilities are, and will continue to be, utilized as force multipliers to support the National Preparedness Goal.

Capability Gaps: Describe the capability gaps which will be addressed by the project. For federal Homeland Security Grants, include specific references to the regional or statewide State Preparedness Report (SPR).The majority of the US population lacks preparedness and recovery knowledge, training and skills. These deficiencies have cascading effects on individual safety, asset protection, and ability to respond and recover quickly. Broad capability gaps, such as inability to reach impacted citizens in a timely manner or shortage of responders relative to survivors after a disaster, are exacerbated by the low ratio of residents trained and prepared to assist before, during, and after an act of terrorism. A particularly vulnerable population, youth, have been given little to no training in handling emergencies stemming from terrorism and other events. General gaps and deficiencies addressed by Citizen Corps Programs include: • gaps in collaborative, joint regional training, exercise, and coordination (esp. in defined roles/responsibilities) • limited resources, equipment, and supplies to increase scope of individual and community preparedness and overarching resiliency • deficiency in youth training, education, awareness, and preparedness • limited tools to sustain and enhance force multiplier capabilities • limited resources to conduct civilian response and recovery training and exercises, and other training to support identified regional needs such as shelter operations training • lack of standardized curriculum for civilian first responder support and rehab • gaps in effective and cohesive emergency communications between activated CCP programs NCT Regional SPR NCT SPR: pp. 5-6, 24-25, 35-38

Impact Statement : Describe the project goals/objectives and how this project will maintain capabilities or reduce capability gaps. As defined in the National Preparedness Goal and demonstrated through the core capabilities, this project will support multiple Citizen Corps programs in north central Texas, increasing terrorism awareness, and holistic preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery capabilities throughout the region. Program sustainment and civilian training will enhance community resiliency, increase survival rates, provide force multipliers during a disaster event, and lessen negative individual & community impacts before, during, and after a terrorist attack.

Homeland Security Priority Actions: Identify the Texas Homeland Security Priority Action most closely aligned with this project. Each Priority Action is linked with an Objective from the Texas Homeland Security Strategic Plan (HSSP). List the Priority Action by number and text (e.g. 1.2.3 Expand and enhance the network of human sources that can provide detailed and relevant information on known or suspected terrorist and criminal enterprises.)3.3.1 Expand and enhance local jurisdiction participation in Citizen Corps and other individual and community preparedness programs.

Target Group : Identify the target group and population expected to benefit from this project.CERT and other Citizen Corps Program coordinators and their teams, youth, emergency management

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Position 5 - Name:Position 5 - Total Compensation ($):0

Homeland Security Information


DHS Project Type: Establish/enhance citizen/volunteer initiatives


Core Capability: Planning

Identify if this investment focuses on building new capabilities or sustaining existing capabilities. : Existing Capabilities (Sustain)

Are the assets or activities Deployable or Shareable: Shareable

___ Check if this Investment requires new construction or renovation, retrofitting, or modification of existing structures

___ Check if these funds will support a project that was previously funded with HSGP funding

Project Management Step Involved:

Check the step that most closely resembles the phase of the project activities to be completed during the grant period.

Step: Execute

Description: The period within the project lifecycle during which the actual work of creating the project's deliverables is carried out.

Process: Involves directing, accomplishing, managing, and completing all phases and aspects of work for a given project.


Milestone: Purchase Moulage Kits for Regional Use; Completion Date: 12-31-2021Milestone: Execute CERT/MRC Exercise; Completion Date: 05-31-2022Milestone: attend National CERT conference and report information back to region; Completion Date: 08-31-2022

NIMS Resources

___ Check if this project supports a NIMS typed resource

Enter the name of the typed resources from the Resource Type Library Tool:

Enter the ID of the typed resources from the Resource Type Library Tool:

Fiscal Capability InformationSection 1: Organizational Information

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Enter the following values in order to submit the applicationEnter the Year in which the Corporation was Founded: 0Enter the Date that the IRS Letter Granted 501(c)(3) Tax Exemption Status: 01/01/1900Enter the Employer Identification Number Assigned by the IRS: 0Enter the Charter Number assigned by the Texas Secretary of State: 0

Enter the Year in which the Corporation was Founded:Enter the Date that the IRS Letter Granted 501(c)(3) Tax Exemption Status:Enter the Employer Identification Number Assigned by the IRS:Enter the Charter Number assigned by the Texas Secretary of State:Section 2: Accounting SystemThe grantee organization must incorporate an accounting system that will track direct and indirect costs for the organization (general ledger) as well as direct and indirect costs by project (project ledger). The grantee must establish a time and effort system to track personnel costs by project. This should be reported on an hourly basis, or in increments of an hour.Is there a list of your organization's accounts identified by a specific number (i.e., a general ledger of accounts)?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

Does the accounting system include a project ledger to record expenditures for each Program by required budget cost categories?

Select the appropriate response: Yes

_ No

Is there a timekeeping system that allows for grant personnel to identify activity and requires signatures by the employee and his or her supervisor?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

If you answered 'No' to any question above in the Accounting System section, in the space provided below explain what action will be taken to ensure accountability.

Enter your explanation:Section 3: Financial CapabilityGrant agencies should prepare annual financial statements. At a minimum, current internal balance sheet and income statements are required. A balance sheet is a statement of financial position for a grant agency disclosing assets, liabilities, and retained earnings at a given point in time. An income statement is a summary of revenue and expenses for a grant agency during a fiscal year.Has the grant agency undergone an independent audit?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

Does the organization prepare financial statements at least annually?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

According to the organization's most recent Audit or Balance Sheet, are the current total assets greater than the liabilities?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

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Agency Name: North Central Texas Council of Governments Grant/App: 3946202 Start Date: 10/1/2021 End Date: 9/30/2022

Project Title: 2021 SHSP - NCTCOG - Cybersecurity Status: Application Pending Submission

Eligibility InformationYour organization's Texas Payee/Taxpayer ID Number:

Application Eligibility Certify:Created on:12/14/2020 12:56:31 PM By:Braydon Williams

Profile InformationApplicant Agency Name: North Central Texas Council of GovernmentsProject Title: 2021 SHSP - NCTCOG - CybersecurityDivision or Unit to Administer the Project: Emergency PreparednessAddress Line 1: 616 Six Flags DriveAddress Line 2: Center Point TwoCity/State/Zip: Arlington Texas 76011-6347Start Date: 10/1/2021End Date: 9/30/2022

Regional Council of Goverments(COG) within the Project's Impact Area: North Central Texas Council of GovernmentsHeadquarter County: TarrantCounties within Project's Impact Area: Collin,Dallas,Denton,Ellis,Erath,Hood,Hunt,Johnson,Kaufman,Navarro,Palo Pinto,Parker,Rockwall,Somervell,Tarrant,Wise

Grant Officials:Authorized OfficialName: Mike EastlandEmail: [email protected] 1: 616 Six Flags DriveAddress 1: City: Arlington, Texas 76011Phone: 817-695-9100 Other Phone: 817-608-2300Fax: 817-704-2543Title: Mr.Salutation: Mr.Position: Executive Director

Financial OfficialName: Monte MercerEmail: [email protected] 1: P.O. Box 5888Address 1: 616 Six Flags DriveCity: Arlington, Texas 76005Phone: 817-695-9121 Other Phone: 817-695-9118Fax: 817-640-7806Title: Mr.Salutation: Mr.Position: Director of Administration

Project DirectorName: Braydon WilliamsEmail: [email protected] 1: 616 Six Flags Drive Address 1: Centerpoint 2City: Arlington, Texas 76011Phone: 817-608-2318 Other Phone: Fax: Title: Mr.

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Salutation: Mr.Position: SHSP Grant Coordinator

Grant WriterName: Marcie BrunerEmail: [email protected] 1: 616 Six Flags Drive, Center Point TwoAddress 1: P.O. Box 5888City: Arlington, Texas 76011Phone: 817-608-2379 Other Phone: 870-718-3576Fax: Title: Ms.Salutation: Ms.Position: Senior EM Specialist

Grant Vendor InformationOrganization Type: Council of Government (COG)Organization Option: applying to provide homeland security servicesApplicant Agency's State Payee Identification Number (e.g., Federal Employer's Identification (FEI) Number or Vendor ID): Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS):

Narrative InformationOverviewThe purpose of the Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) is to support state and local efforts to prevent terrorism and other catastrophic events and to prepare the Nation for the threats and hazards that pose the greatest risk to the security of the United States. HSGP provides funding to implement investments that build, sustain, and deliver the 32 core capabilities essential to achieving the National Preparedness Goal (the Goal) of a secure and resilient Nation. The building, sustainment, and delivery of these core capabilities are not exclusive to any single level of government, organization, or community, but rather, require the combined effort of the whole community. HSGP supports core capabilities across the five mission areas of Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery based on allowable costs.

The funding announcement, located on the eGrants Calendar page, describes the organization types, activities, and costs that are eligible under the announcement. The PSO’s eGrants User Guide to Creating an Applicationguides applicants through the process of creating and submitting an application in eGrants. Information and guidance related to the management and use of grant funds can be found in the The PSO’s Guide to Grants, located on the PSO Resource for Applicants and Grantees webpage.Primary Mission and PurposeState Homeland Security Program (SHSP): Supports state, Tribal and local preparedness activities that address high-priority preparedness gaps across all core capabilities where a nexus to terrorism exists. All investments must be consistent with capability targets set during the Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) process, and gaps identified in the State Preparedness Report (SPR).

Many activities which support the achievement of target capabilities related to terrorism preparedness may simultaneously support enhanced preparedness for other hazards unrelated to acts of terrorism. However, all SHSP projects must assist grantees in achieving target capabilities related to preventing, preparing for, protecting against, or responding to acts of terrorism.Eligibility Requirements

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Criminal History ReportingEntities receiving funds from PSO must be located in a county that has an average of 90% or above on both adult and juvenile dispositions entered into the computerized criminal history database maintained by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) as directed in the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Chapter 66. The disposition completeness percentage is defined as the percentage of arrest charges a county reports to DPS for which a disposition has been subsequently reported and entered into the computerized criminal history system.

Beginning January 1, 2021, counties applying for grant awards from the Office of the Governor must commit that the county will report at least 90 percent of convictions and other dispositions within five business days to the Criminal Justice Information System at the Department of Public Safety. Click here for additional information from DPS on this new reporting requirement.

Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR)Eligible applicants operating a law enforcement agency must be current on reporting complete UCR data and the Texas specific reporting mandated by 411.042 TGC, to the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) for inclusion in the annual Crime in Texas (CIT) publication. To be considered eligible for funding, applicants must have submitted a full twelve months of accurate data to DPS for the most recent calendar year by the deadline(s) established by DPS. Due to the importance of timely reporting, applicants are required to submit complete and accurate UCR data, as well as the Texas-mandated reporting, on a no less than monthly basis and respond promptly to requests from DPS related to the data submitted. Note: UCR is transitioning from summary reporting to NIBRS only in 2021. Applicants are encouraged to transition to NIBRS as soon as possible in order to maintain their grant eligibility.National Incident Management System (NIMS) ImplementationGrantees are required to implement NIMS. The NIMS uses a systematic approach to integrate the best existing processes and methods into a unified national framework for incident management across all homeland security activities including prevention, protection, response, mitigation, and recovery. Grantees must use standardized resource management concepts for resource typing, credentialing, and an inventory to facilitate the effective identification, dispatch, deployment, tracking and recovery of resources.

Emergency Management PlansCities and counties must have a current emergency management plan or be a legally established member of an inter-jurisdictional emergency management program with a plan on file with the Texas Department of Public Safety, Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM). Plans must be maintained throughout the entire grant performance period and must be at least at the Intermediate Level. If you have questions concerning your Emergency Management Plan (preparedness) level, contact your Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC) or your regional Council of Governments (COG). For questions concerning plan deficiencies, contact TDEM at [email protected] RequirementsProgram IncomeApplicant agrees to comply with all federal and state rules and regulations for program income and agrees to report all program income that is generated as a result of the project's activities. Applicant agrees to report program income through a formal grant adjustment and to secure PSO approval prior to use of the program income. Applicant agrees to use program income for allowable costs and agrees to expend program income immediately after PSO's approval of a grant adjustment and prior to requesting reimbursement of funds.

Deduction Method - Program income shall be deducted from total allowable costs to determine the net allowable costs. Program income shall be used for current costs unless PSO authorizes otherwise. Program income which the grantee did not anticipate at the time of the award shall be used to reduce the PSO award and grantee match rather than to increase the funds committed to the project.

Asset Seizures and Forfeitures - Program income from asset seizures and forfeitures is considered earned when the property has been adjudicated to the benefit of the plaintiff (e.g., law enforcement entity).

Program Requirements

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Building and Sustaining Core Capabilities

1. All capabilities being built or sustained must have a clear link to one or more Core Capabilities in the National Preparedness Goal.

2. Many capabilities which support terrorism preparedness simultaneously support preparedness for other hazards. Grantees must demonstrate this dual-use quality for any activities implemented under this program that are not explicitly focused on terrorism preparedness. Activities implemented under SHSP must support terrorism preparedness by building or sustaining capabilities that relate to the prevention of, protection from, mitigation of, response to, and recovery from terrorism.

3. Funding should be used to sustain core capabilities. New capabilities should not be built at the expense of maintaining current and critically needed core capabilities. New capabilities must be aligned with capability targets and gaps identified through the THIRA/SPR process.

Mission AreasThe National Preparedness Goal organizes the core capabilities into the five mission areas:

• Prevention. Prevent, avoid or stop an imminent, threatened or actual act of terrorism.• Protection. Protect our citizens, residents, visitors, and assets against the greatest threats

and hazards in a manner that allows our interests, aspirations, and way of life to thrive.• Mitigation. Reduce the loss of life and property by lessening the impact of future disasters.• Response. Respond quickly to save lives, protect property and the environment, and meet

basic human needs in the aftermath of a catastrophic incident.• Recovery. Recover through a focus on the timely restoration, strengthening and revitalization

of infrastructure, housing and a sustainable economy, as well as the health, social, cultural, historic and environmental fabric of communities affected by a catastrophic incident.

Nationwide Cyber Security ReviewGrantees will be required to complete the Nationwide Cybersecurity Review (NCSR), enabling agencies to benchmark and measure progress of improving their cybersecurity posture. The Chief Information Officer (CIO), Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), or equivalent for each recipient agency should complete the NCSR. If there is no CIO or CISO, the most senior cybersecurity professional should complete the assessment. The NCSR is available at no cost to the user and takes approximately 2-3 hours to complete. For more information about the NCSR, visit: https://www.cisecurity.org/ms-isac/services/ncsr/.Overall CertificationEach applicant agency must certify to the specific requirements detailed above as well as to comply with all requirements within the PSO Funding Announcement, the Guide to Grants, the Grantee Conditions and Responsibilities, any authorizing or applicable state and federal statutes and regulations to be eligible for this program.X I certify to all of the application content and requirements.

Project Summary : Briefly summarize the project, including proposed activities and intended impact.The Regional Cyber Working Group Project will build regional response and initial recovery capabilities to large-scale terrorist attacks to critical infrastructure to include information technology systems and networks. Examples include real-world incidents like a coordinated cyber incident across the State of Texas affecting 22 jurisdictions, individual jurisdictions being targeted and information technology systems/networks within north-central Texas being successfully infiltrated, and large major metropolitan areas like Baltimore and Atlanta. To meet these needs under this project, a contractor would help conduct cybersecurity risk assessments to increase jurisdictional understanding, management, control, and mitigation of cyber risk across the region. The contractor will be tasked with conducting the assessment and providing a detailed analysis of each jurisdiction's current capability gaps for jurisdictions to address in the future to increase the region's overall cybersecurity preparedness.

Problem Statement : Provide a detailed account of the issues, threats or hazards that your project will target. For federal Homeland Security Grants, include specific references to the regional or state Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA), as applicable.The North Central Texas Region contains over 230 individual jurisdictions. Each one of these agencies maintains differing levels of cybersecurity professionals, from teams, made up of multiple cybersecurity professionals to one-person departments. Due to the number of jurisdictions that maintain differing levels of cybersecurity personnel and experience, the region lacks the necessary experience and expertise to respond to and recovering from cyber incidents/terrorist threats. In 2019, a total of twenty-three known jurisdictions within the state of Texas were targeted in a coordinated ransomware arrack. Events such as these place

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demand on jurisdictions that are unique and have different impacts based upon the regional agencies' current capabilities. Additionally, many smaller agencies do not regularly conduct capability assessments, trainings, or exercises to help mitigate future incidents. The requirements of a cyber incident, such as evidence gathering, regulatory requirements for reporting, detection/analysis, eradication of malicious software, and documentation for an untested disaster declaration process for cyber incidents, are not regularly exercised activities. The staff and involved agencies operating out of the Emergency Operation Center will be unique as well, as representatives from the State and CISA/DHS that are common-place may be joined by those from the FBI and others. The response priorities of these agencies and how they interact with the priorities of the local jurisdiction's response activities will be a critical component and one that needs further investigation. Specifically, more investigation is needed as to the capability gaps within the region and how do we go about fixing them? What are the impacts of a terrorist/cyber event? Best practices for response and Recovery for such events needs to be explored and required subject matter expert training needs to be identified and offered. As more and more jurisdictions embrace remote work, it is crucial to identify and fix these gaps. Once the subject is better understood and training and best practices established, resources writing plans to be exercised, and the capabilities for responding to such situations need to be developed and made available to regional emergency management, information technology, and law enforcement staff. This will ensure that we, as a region, will have the knowledge, training, and capability to respond to complex cyber incidents. This references p.21 of the regional THIRA.

Existing Capability Levels : Describe the existing capability levels, including resources that are currently in place to support this project prior to the use of grant funds.Currently, the DFW Metroplex is well suited to manage response operations to natural hazards and certain human-caused events. The concept of what activities are included as part of "Response Operations" is generally well agreed upon. Systems, resources, facilities, and operation plans have been crafted to support these. However, assessments have not been performed to understand our region's ability to ensure the individuals with the correct response skills and management abilities are available to support our neighbors as needed when an event occurs. While these resources are well geared to response operations, it has become apparent that there is a lack of position-specific training for many key disciplines, and the concept of what constitutes Recovery is not so clear. This gap was identified in the Cybersecurity Workingroup and during follow-up meetings with emergency management professionals from across the region. This gap grows even wider when looking at professions that historically have not been considered response personnel like IT professionals. Such an event would drive the need for specialized position-specific skills at multiple EOC's across the region, skills that may be different from those for a natural event. Identifying what these skills are and recommending training for regional positions is a key gap that needs to be filled. Recovering from such an event will also be markedly different from a typical natural hazard. This presents the gap in understanding what Response/Recovery in such a scenario would look like. The project presented in this application will seek to analyze these gaps so we may better begin to find the means to fill them region-wide.

Capability Gaps: Describe the capability gaps which will be addressed by the project. For federal Homeland Security Grants, include specific references to the regional or statewide State Preparedness Report (SPR).The Region has cybersecurity gaps in capability and risk assessments, response and recovery plan/framework (including a communications plan), and guidance on the multiple standards for cyber incidents. Law enforcement needs training on recognizing suspicious equipment, education on the enforcement of cybercrimes, and developing strategies to detect online criminal activity that threatens local infrastructure. No full-time Cybersecurity Analysts are employed by Fusion centers in the Region. Cybersecurity training is insufficient. The Region should increase all cybersecurity training opportunities ranging from awareness level training to specialized training and should include training for end-users. Law enforcement training in evidence collection and cyber threat detection focusing on critical infrastructure is especially needed. No Regional cybersecurity exercises have been conducted. p.28-33 of SPR under Intelligence and Information Sharing p.45-49 of SPR under Cybersecurity.

Impact Statement : Describe the project goals/objectives and how this project will maintain capabilities or reduce capability gaps. Strategy: This project supports the Enhancing Cybersecurity investment area and will aid in preventing, preparing for, protecting against, and responding to acts of terrorism; help the State to meet its target capabilities; and otherwise reduce overall risk to the State by supporting the security and functioning of critical infrastructure and core capabilities in terms of preventing, preparing for, protecting against, or responding to acts of terrorism and identifying, assessing, and managing cybersecurity risk consistent with the Texas Cybersecurity Plan and Functions outlined in the National Institute of Standards and Technology's Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity. Budget: The cost-effectiveness of this project will be maximized through the use of competitive bidding processes, compliance with organizational procurement policies, continued promotion of mutual aid, and the sharing and use of statewide or regional assets when possible/appropriate. Impact: This project will close Cybersecurity capability gaps identified in the State's Stakeholder Preparedness Review (SPR) address national priorities as outlined in the FY 2020 NOFO. This is accomplished by ensuring appropriate authorities review and update cyber incident plans/annexes based on evolving threats covering publicly managed and/or regulated critical infrastructure

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If you answered YES to the FIRST statement and NO to the SECOND statement, please provide the name and total compensation amount of each of the five most highly compensated officers (a.k.a. positions) within your agency for the current calendar year. If you answered NO to the first statement you are NOT required to provide the name and compensation amounts. NOTE: ‘‘Total compensation’’ means the complete pay package of each of the sub recipient’s compensated officers, including all forms of money, benefits, services, and in-kind payments (see SEC Regulations: 17 CCR 229.402).Position 1 - Name:Position 1 - Total Compensation ($):0Position 2 - Name:Position 2 - Total Compensation ($):0Position 3 - Name:Position 3 - Total Compensation ($):0Position 4 - Name:Position 4 - Total Compensation ($):0Position 5 - Name:Position 5 - Total Compensation ($):0

Homeland Security Information


DHS Project Type: Establish/enhance cyber security program


Core Capability: Cybersecurity

Identify if this investment focuses on building new capabilities or sustaining existing capabilities. : Existing Capabilities (Sustain)

Are the assets or activities Deployable or Shareable: Shareable

___ Check if this Investment requires new construction or renovation, retrofitting, or modification of existing structures

___ Check if these funds will support a project that was previously funded with HSGP funding

Project Management Step Involved:

Check the step that most closely resembles the phase of the project activities to be completed during the grant period.

Step: Execute

Description: The period within the project lifecycle during which the actual work of creating the project's deliverables is carried out.

Process: Involves directing, accomplishing, managing, and completing all phases and aspects of work for a given project.


Milestone: Procure contractor to facilitate jurisdictional cybersecurity assessments.; Completion Date: 01-01-2022Milestone: Begin conducting cybersecurity risk assessments in the region.; Completion Date: 03-01-2022Milestone: Complete cybersecurity risk assessments in the region.; Completion Date: 08-31-2022

NIMS Resources

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___ Check if this project supports a NIMS typed resource

Enter the name of the typed resources from the Resource Type Library Tool:

Enter the ID of the typed resources from the Resource Type Library Tool:

Fiscal Capability InformationSection 1: Organizational Information*** FOR PROFIT CORPORATIONS ONLY ***

Enter the following values in order to submit the applicationEnter the Year in which the Corporation was Founded: 0Enter the Date that the IRS Letter Granted 501(c)(3) Tax Exemption Status: 01/01/1900Enter the Employer Identification Number Assigned by the IRS: 0Enter the Charter Number assigned by the Texas Secretary of State: 0

Enter the Year in which the Corporation was Founded:Enter the Date that the IRS Letter Granted 501(c)(3) Tax Exemption Status:Enter the Employer Identification Number Assigned by the IRS:Enter the Charter Number assigned by the Texas Secretary of State:Section 2: Accounting SystemThe grantee organization must incorporate an accounting system that will track direct and indirect costs for the organization (general ledger) as well as direct and indirect costs by project (project ledger). The grantee must establish a time and effort system to track personnel costs by project. This should be reported on an hourly basis, or in increments of an hour.Is there a list of your organization's accounts identified by a specific number (i.e., a general ledger of accounts)?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

Does the accounting system include a project ledger to record expenditures for each Program by required budget cost categories?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

Is there a timekeeping system that allows for grant personnel to identify activity and requires signatures by the employee and his or her supervisor?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

If you answered 'No' to any question above in the Accounting System section, in the space provided below explain what action will be taken to ensure accountability.

Enter your explanation:Section 3: Financial CapabilityGrant agencies should prepare annual financial statements. At a minimum, current internal balance sheet and income statements are required. A balance sheet is a statement of financial position for a grant agency disclosing assets, liabilities, and retained earnings at a given point in time. An income statement is a summary of revenue and expenses for a grant agency during a fiscal year.Has the grant agency undergone an independent audit?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

Does the organization prepare financial statements at least annually?

Select the appropriate response:

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Condition Of Fundings Information

Condition of Funding / Project Requirement Date Created Date Met Hold Funds Hold Line Item Funds

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Agency Name: North Central Texas Council of Governments Grant/App: 3306305 Start Date: 10/1/2021 End Date: 9/30/2022

Project Title: 2021 SHSP - NCTCOG - Emergency Management Enhancement Status: Application Pending Submission

Eligibility InformationYour organization's Texas Payee/Taxpayer ID Number:

Application Eligibility Certify:Created on:12/14/2020 10:45:32 AM By:Braydon Williams

Profile InformationApplicant Agency Name: North Central Texas Council of GovernmentsProject Title: 2021 SHSP - NCTCOG - Emergency Management EnhancementDivision or Unit to Administer the Project: Emergency Preparedness DepartmentAddress Line 1: 616 Six FlagsAddress Line 2: Centerpoint 2City/State/Zip: Arlington Texas 76011-6347Start Date: 10/1/2021End Date: 9/30/2022

Regional Council of Goverments(COG) within the Project's Impact Area: North Central Texas Council of GovernmentsHeadquarter County: DallasCounties within Project's Impact Area: Collin,Dallas,Denton,Ellis,Erath,Hood,Hunt,Johnson,Kaufman,Navarro,Palo Pinto,Parker,Rockwall,Somervell,Tarrant,Wise

Grant Officials:Authorized OfficialName: Mike EastlandEmail: [email protected] 1: 616 Six Flags DriveAddress 1: City: Arlington, Texas 76011Phone: 817-695-9100 Other Phone: 817-608-2300Fax: 817-704-2543Title: Mr.Salutation: Mr.Position: Executive Director

Financial OfficialName: Monte MercerEmail: [email protected] 1: P.O. Box 5888Address 1: 616 Six Flags DriveCity: Arlington, Texas 76005Phone: 817-695-9121 Other Phone: 817-695-9118Fax: 817-640-7806Title: Mr.Salutation: Mr.Position: Director of Administration

Project DirectorName: Braydon WilliamsEmail: [email protected] 1: 616 Six Flags Drive Address 1: Centerpoint 2City: Arlington, Texas 76011Phone: 817-608-2318 Other Phone: Fax: Title: Mr.Salutation: Mr.Position: SHSP Grant Coordinator

Grant Writer

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Name: Justin CoxEmail: [email protected] 1: 200 Texas StAddress 1: Fire Department-Office of Emergency ManagementCity: Fort Worth, Texas 76102Phone: 817-392-2877 Other Phone: 972-400-7760Fax: 817-392-6180Title: Mr.Salutation: Mr.Position: Grants Manager

Grant Vendor InformationOrganization Type: Council of Government (COG)Organization Option: applying to provide homeland security servicesApplicant Agency's State Payee Identification Number (e.g., Federal Employer's Identification (FEI) Number or Vendor ID): Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS):

Narrative InformationOverviewThe purpose of the Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) is to support state and local efforts to prevent terrorism and other catastrophic events and to prepare the Nation for the threats and hazards that pose the greatest risk to the security of the United States. HSGP provides funding to implement investments that build, sustain, and deliver the 32 core capabilities essential to achieving the National Preparedness Goal (the Goal) of a secure and resilient Nation. The building, sustainment, and delivery of these core capabilities are not exclusive to any single level of government, organization, or community, but rather, require the combined effort of the whole community. HSGP supports core capabilities across the five mission areas of Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery based on allowable costs.

The funding announcement, located on the eGrants Calendar page, describes the organization types, activities, and costs that are eligible under the announcement. The PSO’s eGrants User Guide to Creating an Applicationguides applicants through the process of creating and submitting an application in eGrants. Information and guidance related to the management and use of grant funds can be found in the The PSO’s Guide to Grants, located on the PSO Resource for Applicants and Grantees webpage.Primary Mission and PurposeState Homeland Security Program (SHSP): Supports state, Tribal and local preparedness activities that address high-priority preparedness gaps across all core capabilities where a nexus to terrorism exists. All investments must be consistent with capability targets set during the Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) process, and gaps identified in the State Preparedness Report (SPR).

Many activities which support the achievement of target capabilities related to terrorism preparedness may simultaneously support enhanced preparedness for other hazards unrelated to acts of terrorism. However, all SHSP projects must assist grantees in achieving target capabilities related to preventing, preparing for, protecting against, or responding to acts of terrorism.Eligibility Requirements

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Criminal History ReportingEntities receiving funds from PSO must be located in a county that has an average of 90% or above on both adult and juvenile dispositions entered into the computerized criminal history database maintained by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) as directed in the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Chapter 66. The disposition completeness percentage is defined as the percentage of arrest charges a county reports to DPS for which a disposition has been subsequently reported and entered into the computerized criminal history system.

Beginning January 1, 2021, counties applying for grant awards from the Office of the Governor must commit that the county will report at least 90 percent of convictions and other dispositions within five business days to the Criminal Justice Information System at the Department of Public Safety. Click here for additional information from DPS on this new reporting requirement.

Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR)Eligible applicants operating a law enforcement agency must be current on reporting complete UCR data and the Texas specific reporting mandated by 411.042 TGC, to the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) for inclusion in the annual Crime in Texas (CIT) publication. To be considered eligible for funding, applicants must have submitted a full twelve months of accurate data to DPS for the most recent calendar year by the deadline(s) established by DPS. Due to the importance of timely reporting, applicants are required to submit complete and accurate UCR data, as well as the Texas-mandated reporting, on a no less than monthly basis and respond promptly to requests from DPS related to the data submitted. Note: UCR is transitioning from summary reporting to NIBRS only in 2021. Applicants are encouraged to transition to NIBRS as soon as possible in order to maintain their grant eligibility.National Incident Management System (NIMS) ImplementationGrantees are required to implement NIMS. The NIMS uses a systematic approach to integrate the best existing processes and methods into a unified national framework for incident management across all homeland security activities including prevention, protection, response, mitigation, and recovery. Grantees must use standardized resource management concepts for resource typing, credentialing, and an inventory to facilitate the effective identification, dispatch, deployment, tracking and recovery of resources.

Emergency Management PlansCities and counties must have a current emergency management plan or be a legally established member of an inter-jurisdictional emergency management program with a plan on file with the Texas Department of Public Safety, Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM). Plans must be maintained throughout the entire grant performance period and must be at least at the Intermediate Level. If you have questions concerning your Emergency Management Plan (preparedness) level, contact your Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC) or your regional Council of Governments (COG). For questions concerning plan deficiencies, contact TDEM at [email protected] RequirementsProgram IncomeApplicant agrees to comply with all federal and state rules and regulations for program income and agrees to report all program income that is generated as a result of the project's activities. Applicant agrees to report program income through a formal grant adjustment and to secure PSO approval prior to use of the program income. Applicant agrees to use program income for allowable costs and agrees to expend program income immediately after PSO's approval of a grant adjustment and prior to requesting reimbursement of funds.

Deduction Method - Program income shall be deducted from total allowable costs to determine the net allowable costs. Program income shall be used for current costs unless PSO authorizes otherwise. Program income which the grantee did not anticipate at the time of the award shall be used to reduce the PSO award and grantee match rather than to increase the funds committed to the project.

Asset Seizures and Forfeitures - Program income from asset seizures and forfeitures is considered earned when the property has been adjudicated to the benefit of the plaintiff (e.g., law enforcement entity).

Program Requirements

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Building and Sustaining Core Capabilities

1. All capabilities being built or sustained must have a clear link to one or more Core Capabilities in the National Preparedness Goal.

2. Many capabilities which support terrorism preparedness simultaneously support preparedness for other hazards. Grantees must demonstrate this dual-use quality for any activities implemented under this program that are not explicitly focused on terrorism preparedness. Activities implemented under SHSP must support terrorism preparedness by building or sustaining capabilities that relate to the prevention of, protection from, mitigation of, response to, and recovery from terrorism.

3. Funding should be used to sustain core capabilities. New capabilities should not be built at the expense of maintaining current and critically needed core capabilities. New capabilities must be aligned with capability targets and gaps identified through the THIRA/SPR process.

Mission AreasThe National Preparedness Goal organizes the core capabilities into the five mission areas:

• Prevention. Prevent, avoid or stop an imminent, threatened or actual act of terrorism.• Protection. Protect our citizens, residents, visitors, and assets against the greatest threats

and hazards in a manner that allows our interests, aspirations, and way of life to thrive.• Mitigation. Reduce the loss of life and property by lessening the impact of future disasters.• Response. Respond quickly to save lives, protect property and the environment, and meet

basic human needs in the aftermath of a catastrophic incident.• Recovery. Recover through a focus on the timely restoration, strengthening and revitalization

of infrastructure, housing and a sustainable economy, as well as the health, social, cultural, historic and environmental fabric of communities affected by a catastrophic incident.

Nationwide Cyber Security ReviewGrantees will be required to complete the Nationwide Cybersecurity Review (NCSR), enabling agencies to benchmark and measure progress of improving their cybersecurity posture. The Chief Information Officer (CIO), Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), or equivalent for each recipient agency should complete the NCSR. If there is no CIO or CISO, the most senior cybersecurity professional should complete the assessment. The NCSR is available at no cost to the user and takes approximately 2-3 hours to complete. For more information about the NCSR, visit: https://www.cisecurity.org/ms-isac/services/ncsr/.Overall CertificationEach applicant agency must certify to the specific requirements detailed above as well as to comply with all requirements within the PSO Funding Announcement, the Guide to Grants, the Grantee Conditions and Responsibilities, any authorizing or applicable state and federal statutes and regulations to be eligible for this program.X I certify to all of the application content and requirements.

Project Summary : Briefly summarize the project, including proposed activities and intended impact.This project will focus on four areas decided by the Emergency Management Working Group. This first will be to sustain software and purchase video teleconference technology to continue to provide virtual meeting capability to all working groups in NCTCOG. Second, this project will hire a vendor to assist the NCTCOG region with a CI/KR data call, in support of emergency management planning and improving our risk methodology. Third, this project will provide funding to send emergency management and other first responder personnel to conferences, such as the TDEM conference and Homeland Security conference. Finally, this project will continue our recovery planning efforts by hiring a vendor to focus on the recovery supports functions identified in the national disaster recovery framework such as housing and restoration of critical infrastructure.

Problem Statement : Provide a detailed account of the issues, threats or hazards that your project will target. For federal Homeland Security Grants, include specific references to the regional or state Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA), as applicable.Emergency Management staff in the greater DFW region have a large amount of experience responding to relatively localized disasters affecting their own or their neighbors’ jurisdictions. Many of these events are natural in origin, and provide at least some warning, which affords the luxury of planning for response and initial recovery activities. However, staff in the region have less experience in responding to and recovering from either large scale man made or terrorist threats. Examples of such events include the July 7th 2016 lone wolf terrorist attack in Downtown Dallas, the Complex Coordinated Terrorist Attack scenario described in the 2019 THIRA, and the dam/levee failure scenario in the 2019 THIRA. The CIKR data call and recovery core capabilities continue to be a problem area in the region since some jurisdictions haven't and to handle it, or ones that have focused more on the IA/PA side of recovery. This project will help us address the recovery core capabilities on pages 37-41, and infrastructure systems core capability on pg 44-47 which focus on the CCTA and dam/levee failure scenarios.

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Existing Capability Levels : Describe the existing capability levels, including resources that are currently in place to support this project prior to the use of grant funds.Currently the DFW Metroplex is well suited to manage response operations to natural hazards and certain human caused events. The concept of what activities are included as part of “Response Operations” is generally well agreed upon, and systems, resources, facilities and operation plans have been crafted to support these. While these resources are well geared to response operations, it has become apparent that there is a lack of position specific training for many key disciplines, and the concept of what constitutes Recovery, when it begins and what role the EOC (and the personnel in it) is not so clear. This a gap that was identified in the EOC Assessment, as well as during follow-up meetings with emergency management professionals from across the region. This gap grows even wider when looking at primarily human-caused intentional events (terrorism), such as the scenario in the 2019 North Central Texas THIRA in which multiple IEDs explode simultaneously across the region at highly trafficked public venues.

Capability Gaps: Describe the capability gaps which will be addressed by the project. For federal Homeland Security Grants, include specific references to the regional or statewide State Preparedness Report (SPR).The North Central Texas region has looked at the THIRA & SPR over the last two years and the infrastructure systems and recovery core capabilities continue to be a gap that needs to be addressed. When looking at the POETE for these core capabilities, and the regional Heat Map we created, the region is in need to enhance regional/local planning on critical infrastructure and recovery planning, training, and exercises. This projects will assist us in closing planning gaps address in Housing on page 53-54, Infrastructure Systems on page 47-48, and infrastructure systems on page 133-145 of the SPR.

Impact Statement : Describe the project goals/objectives and how this project will maintain capabilities or reduce capability gaps. To address the gaps identified above, a vendor will be hired to provide tools and guidance on the CIKR data call and recovery support functions such as Housing and Restoration of Critical Infrastructure recovery support functions, and to provide assistance to jurisdictions on their individual recovery need. These templates and tools will be made available to any jurisdiction that needs to complete a recovery plan, and will help start discussions with key stakeholders involved in recovery. These activities represent the next step in implementing the actions and innovations determined by the Region to be in the best interest of our combined response and recovery capabilities. Additionally, this project will improve our ability to conduct virtual meetings and provide opportunities for EM and first responders to attend emergency management conferences. This project directly address the needs and capabilities needed to respond and recover from large scale terrorist incidents as identified and defined in the local 2019 THIRA and 2015 – 2020 State of Texas Homeland Security Strategic Plan. The projects support the targets in the regional State Preparedness Report as well.

Homeland Security Priority Actions: Identify the Texas Homeland Security Priority Action most closely aligned with this project. Each Priority Action is linked with an Objective from the Texas Homeland Security Strategic Plan (HSSP). List the Priority Action by number and text (e.g. 1.2.3 Expand and enhance the network of human sources that can provide detailed and relevant information on known or suspected terrorist and criminal enterprises.)4.7.2 Periodically assess homeland security training to identify any gaps at the state, regional, local, and/or tribal levels, and update training plans to address shortfalls.

Target Group : Identify the target group and population expected to benefit from this project.The target group for this project is the whole community in the NCT Region. This project will impact the entire population of any jurisdiction (within the NCT Region) whose emergency manager and public safety staff take advantage of the recommended recovery best practices that come from this project.

Long-Term Approach: Describe how the applicant agency will maintain the capabilities supported by this project without additional federal or state funds. If sustainment is dependent upon federal or state grants, describe the ongoing need for future grants, as applicable.Members of the Emergency Management Working Group and the EOC Support Team will incorporate recommended improvements to Initial Recovery processes, polices and guidelines as well as created documentation and exercise tool-kits into regional response and recovery plans. Both the Emergency Management Working Group and the EOC Support Team are self-sustaining and will support the continued application of the capabilities generated by this project. The documentation and training / recovery guides created will be in electronic and hard copy format and will be available to the region on an ongoing basis. The EOC support team will incorporate the position specific training into its ongoing training plan as well.

Project Activities InformationHSGP Instructions for Project Activity Selection

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Custom Output Measures


Custom Outcome Measures


Resolution from Governing BodyApplications from nonprofit corporations, local units of governments, and other political subdivisions must include a resolution that contains the following:

1. Authorization by your governing body for the submission of the application to the Public Safety Office (PSO) that clearly identifies the name of the project for which funding is requested;

2. A commitment to provide all applicable matching funds;3. A designation of the name and/or title of an authorized official who is given the authority to

apply for, accept, reject, alter, or terminate a grant (Note: If a name is provided, you must update the PSO should the official change during the grant period.); and

4. A written assurance that, in the event of loss or misuse of grant funds, the governing body will return all funds to PSO.

Upon approval from your agency's governing body, upload the approved resolution to eGrants by going to the Upload.Files tab and following the instructions on Uploading eGrants Files.Contract ComplianceWill PSO grant funds be used to support any contracts for professional services?

Select the appropriate response:X Yes


For applicant agencies that selected Yes above, describe how you will monitor the activities of the sub-contractor(s) for compliance with the contract provisions (including equipment purchases), deliverables, and all applicable statutes, rules, regulations, and guidelines governing this project.

Enter a description for monitoring contract compliance:All contracts will be monitored using the internal controls set up within the North Central Texas Council of Governments. The Project Director will be responsible for monitoring activity and deliverables of contract services. All applicable state and local guidelines will be followed in procuring contracts and monitoring contracts. LobbyingFor applicant agencies requesting grant funds in excess of $100,000, have any federally appropriated funds been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any federal contract, the making of any federal grant, the making of any federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any federal contract, grant loan, or cooperative agreement?

Select the appropriate response: Yes

X No N/A

For applicant agencies that selected either No or N/A above, have any non-federal funds been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress in connection with this federal contract, loan, or cooperative agreement?

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In the sub recipient’s preceding completed fiscal year, did the sub recipient receive: (1) 80 percent or more of its annual gross revenue from Federal contracts (and subcontracts), loans, grants (and subgrants) and cooperative agreements; AND (2) $25,000,000 or more in annual gross revenue from Federal contracts (and subcontracts), loans, grants (and subgrants) and cooperative agreements?

YesX No

Does the public have access to information about the compensation of the senior executives through periodic reports filed under Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78m(a), 78o(d)) or Section 6104 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986?

YesX No

If you answered YES to the FIRST statement and NO to the SECOND statement, please provide the name and total compensation amount of each of the five most highly compensated officers (a.k.a. positions) within your agency for the current calendar year. If you answered NO to the first statement you are NOT required to provide the name and compensation amounts. NOTE: ‘‘Total compensation’’ means the complete pay package of each of the sub recipient’s compensated officers, including all forms of money, benefits, services, and in-kind payments (see SEC Regulations: 17 CCR 229.402).Position 1 - Name:Position 1 - Total Compensation ($):0Position 2 - Name:Position 2 - Total Compensation ($):0Position 3 - Name:Position 3 - Total Compensation ($):0Position 4 - Name:Position 4 - Total Compensation ($):0Position 5 - Name:Position 5 - Total Compensation ($):0

Homeland Security Information


DHS Project Type: Develop/enhance plans, procedures, and protocols


Core Capability: Planning

Identify if this investment focuses on building new capabilities or sustaining existing capabilities. : New Capabilities (Build)

Are the assets or activities Deployable or Shareable: Neither Deployable or Shareable

___ Check if this Investment requires new construction or renovation, retrofitting, or modification of existing structures

___ Check if these funds will support a project that was previously funded with HSGP funding

Project Management Step Involved:

Check the step that most closely resembles the phase of the project activities to be completed during the grant period.

Step: Plan

Description: The purpose of establishing, at an early date, the parameters of the project that is going to be worked on as well as to try to delineate any specifics and/or any peculiarities to the project as a whole and/or any specific phases of the project.

Process: Involves working out and extending the theoretical, practical, and/or useful application of an idea,

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concept, or preliminary design. This also involves a plan for moving a project concept to a viable project.


Milestone: Identify EM and first responder personnel to attend the IAEM conference; Completion Date: 10-01-2021Milestone: Develop subcommittees, identify SOW, submit RFP's for the CIKR data call and Recovery plans. ; Completion Date: 10-31-2021Milestone: Identify EM and first responder personnel to attend the Texas EM and National Homeland Security conferences.; Completion Date: 03-31-2022Milestone: Ensure all objectives for the RFP's have been met, conference attendees have been reimbursed and provided conference updates to the EM Working group, close out project.; Completion Date: 09-30-2022

NIMS Resources

___ Check if this project supports a NIMS typed resource

Enter the name of the typed resources from the Resource Type Library Tool:

Enter the ID of the typed resources from the Resource Type Library Tool:

Fiscal Capability InformationSection 1: Organizational Information*** FOR PROFIT CORPORATIONS ONLY ***

Enter the following values in order to submit the applicationEnter the Year in which the Corporation was Founded: 0Enter the Date that the IRS Letter Granted 501(c)(3) Tax Exemption Status: 01/01/1900Enter the Employer Identification Number Assigned by the IRS: 0Enter the Charter Number assigned by the Texas Secretary of State: 0

Enter the Year in which the Corporation was Founded:Enter the Date that the IRS Letter Granted 501(c)(3) Tax Exemption Status:Enter the Employer Identification Number Assigned by the IRS:Enter the Charter Number assigned by the Texas Secretary of State:Section 2: Accounting SystemThe grantee organization must incorporate an accounting system that will track direct and indirect costs for the organization (general ledger) as well as direct and indirect costs by project (project ledger). The grantee must establish a time and effort system to track personnel costs by project. This should be reported on an hourly basis, or in increments of an hour.Is there a list of your organization's accounts identified by a specific number (i.e., a general ledger of accounts)?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

Does the accounting system include a project ledger to record expenditures for each Program by required budget cost categories?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

Is there a timekeeping system that allows for grant personnel to identify activity and requires signatures by the employee and his or her supervisor?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

If you answered 'No' to any question above in the Accounting System section, in the space provided below explain what action will be taken to ensure accountability.

Enter your explanation:Section 3: Financial Capability

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Grant agencies should prepare annual financial statements. At a minimum, current internal balance sheet and income statements are required. A balance sheet is a statement of financial position for a grant agency disclosing assets, liabilities, and retained earnings at a given point in time. An income statement is a summary of revenue and expenses for a grant agency during a fiscal year.Has the grant agency undergone an independent audit?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

Does the organization prepare financial statements at least annually?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

According to the organization's most recent Audit or Balance Sheet, are the current total assets greater than the liabilities?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

If you selected 'No' to any question above under the Financial Capability section, in the space provided below explain what action will be taken to ensure accountability.

Enter your explanation:Section 4: Budgetary ControlsGrant agencies should establish a system to track expenditures against budget and / or funded amounts.Are there budgetary controls in effect (e.g., comparison of budget with actual expenditures on a monthly basis) to include drawing down grant funds in excess of:

a) Total funds authorized on the Statement of Grant Award? Yes No

b) Total funds available for any budget category as stipulated on the Statement of Grant Award? Yes No

If you selected 'No' to any question above under the Budgetary Controls section, in the space provided below please explain what action will be taken to ensure accountability.

Enter your explanation:Section 5: Internal ControlsGrant agencies must safeguard cash receipts, disbursements, and ensure a segregation of duties exist. For example, one person should not have authorization to sign checks and make deposits.Are accounting entries supported by appropriate documentation (e.g., purchase orders, vouchers, receipts, invoices)?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

Is there separation of responsibility in the receipt, payment, and recording of costs?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

If you selected 'No' to any question above under the Internal Controls section, in the space provided below please explain what action will be taken to ensure accountability.

Enter your explanation:

Budget Details InformationBudget Information by Budget Line Item:


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Condition Of Fundings Information

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Agency Name: Arlington, City of Grant/App: 4248701 Start Date: 1/1/2022 End Date: 12/31/2022 Fund Source: HS-Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) Project Title: 2021 SHSP - Arlington - EOD Bomb Suit Equipment Enhancement Status: Application - Intake Fund Block: 2021

Eligibility InformationYour organization's Texas Payee/Taxpayer ID Number:

Application Eligibility Certify:Created on:1/20/2021 9:51:03 AM By:Bryan Hatfield

Profile InformationApplicant Agency Name: Arlington, City ofProject Title: 2021 SHSP - Arlington - EOD Bomb Suit Equipment EnhancementDivision or Unit to Administer the Project: Fire Department Office of Emergency ManagementAddress Line 1: 620 W Division St.Address Line 2: City/State/Zip: Arlington Texas 76011-7421Start Date: 1/1/2022End Date: 12/31/2022

Regional Council of Goverments(COG) within the Project's Impact Area: North Central Texas Council of GovernmentsHeadquarter County: TarrantCounties within Project's Impact Area: Collin,Dallas,Denton,Ellis,Erath,Hood,Hunt,Johnson,Kaufman,Navarro,Palo Pinto,Parker,Rockwall,Somervell,Tarrant,Wise

Grant Officials:Authorized OfficialName: Don CrowsonEmail: [email protected] 1: PO Box 90231 MS 04-0260Address 1: City: Arlington, Texas 76004Phone: 817-459-5501 Other Phone: Fax: 817-459-5764Title: Mr.Salutation: ChiefPosition: Fire Chief-Emergency Management Director

Financial OfficialName: Bryan HatfieldEmail: [email protected] 1: 620 W. Division StreetAddress 1: City: Arlington, Texas 76010Phone: 817-459-5767 Other Phone: 214-802-6746Fax: 817-459-5764Title: Mr.Salutation: Mr.Position: Grants Coordinator

Project DirectorName: Irish HancockEmail: [email protected] 1: PO Box 90231 MS 04-0260Address 1: City: Arlington, Texas 76004Phone: 817-459-6941 Other Phone: 817-459-6939Fax: 817-459-5764

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Title: Mr.Salutation: GeneralPosition: Emergency Management Administrator

Grant WriterName: Bryan HatfieldEmail: [email protected] 1: 620 W. Division StreetAddress 1: City: Arlington, Texas 76010Phone: 817-459-5767 Other Phone: 214-802-6746Fax: 817-459-5764Title: Mr.Salutation: Mr.Position: Grants Coordinator

Grant Vendor InformationOrganization Type: Unit of Local Government (City, Town, or Village)Organization Option: applying to provide homeland security servicesApplicant Agency's State Payee Identification Number (e.g., Federal Employer's Identification (FEI) Number or Vendor ID): Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS):

Narrative InformationOverviewThe purpose of the Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) is to support state and local efforts to prevent terrorism and other catastrophic events and to prepare the Nation for the threats and hazards that pose the greatest risk to the security of the United States. HSGP provides funding to implement investments that build, sustain, and deliver the 32 core capabilities essential to achieving the National Preparedness Goal (the Goal) of a secure and resilient Nation. The building, sustainment, and delivery of these core capabilities are not exclusive to any single level of government, organization, or community, but rather, require the combined effort of the whole community. HSGP supports core capabilities across the five mission areas of Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery based on allowable costs.

The funding announcement, located on the eGrants Calendar page, describes the organization types, activities, and costs that are eligible under the announcement. The PSO’s eGrants User Guide to Creating an Applicationguides applicants through the process of creating and submitting an application in eGrants. Information and guidance related to the management and use of grant funds can be found in the The PSO’s Guide to Grants, located on the PSO Resource for Applicants and Grantees webpage.Primary Mission and PurposeState Homeland Security Program (SHSP) - Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Activities (LETPA): Supports state, tribal and local preparedness activities that continue to build law enforcement capabilities to prevent terrorist attacks and support critical prevention and protection activities. All LETPA investments must be consistent with capability targets set during the Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) process, and gaps identified in the State Preparedness Report (SPR).

Many activities which support the achievement of target capabilities related to terrorism preparedness may simultaneously support enhanced preparedness for other hazards unrelated to acts of terrorism. However, all SHSP-LETPA projects must assist grantees in achieving target capabilities related to preventing, preparing for, or protecting against acts of terrorism.Eligibility Requirements

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Criminal History ReportingEntities receiving funds from PSO must be located in a county that has an average of 90% or above on both adult and juvenile dispositions entered into the computerized criminal history database maintained by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) as directed in the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Chapter 66. The disposition completeness percentage is defined as the percentage of arrest charges a county reports to DPS for which a disposition has been subsequently reported and entered into the computerized criminal history system.

Beginning January 1, 2021, counties applying for grant awards from the Office of the Governor must commit that the county will report at least 90 percent of convictions and other dispositions within five business days to the Criminal Justice Information System at the Department of Public Safety. Click here for additional information from DPS on this new reporting requirement.

Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR)Eligible applicants operating a law enforcement agency must be current on reporting complete UCR data and the Texas specific reporting mandated by 411.042 TGC, to the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) for inclusion in the annual Crime in Texas (CIT) publication. To be considered eligible for funding, applicants must have submitted a full twelve months of accurate data to DPS for the most recent calendar year by the deadline(s) established by DPS. Due to the importance of timely reporting, applicants are required to submit complete and accurate UCR data, as well as the Texas-mandated reporting, on a no less than monthly basis and respond promptly to requests from DPS related to the data submitted. Note: UCR is transitioning from summary reporting to NIBRS only in 2021. Applicants are encouraged to transition to NIBRS as soon as possible in order to maintain their grant eligibility.National Incident Management System (NIMS) ImplementationGrantees are required to implement NIMS. The NIMS uses a systematic approach to integrate the best existing processes and methods into a unified national framework for incident management across all homeland security activities including prevention, protection, response, mitigation, and recovery. Grantees must use standardized resource management concepts for resource typing, credentialing, and an inventory to facilitate the effective identification, dispatch, deployment, tracking and recovery of resources.

Emergency Management PlansCities and counties must have a current emergency management plan or be a legally established member of an inter-jurisdictional emergency management program with a plan on file with the Texas Department of Public Safety, Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM). Plans must be maintained throughout the entire grant performance period and must be at least at the Intermediate Level. If you have questions concerning your Emergency Management Plan (preparedness) level, contact your Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC) or your regional Council of Governments (COG). For questions concerning plan deficiencies, contact TDEM at [email protected] RequirementsProgram IncomeApplicant agrees to comply with all federal and state rules and regulations for program income and agrees to report all program income that is generated as a result of the project's activities. Applicant agrees to report program income through a formal grant adjustment and to secure PSO approval prior to use of the program income. Applicant agrees to use program income for allowable costs and agrees to expend program income immediately after PSO's approval of a grant adjustment and prior to requesting reimbursement of funds.

Deduction Method - Program income shall be deducted from total allowable costs to determine the net allowable costs. Program income shall be used for current costs unless PSO authorizes otherwise. Program income which the grantee did not anticipate at the time of the award shall be used to reduce the PSO award and grantee match rather than to increase the funds committed to the project.

Asset Seizures and Forfeitures - Program income from asset seizures and forfeitures is considered earned when the property has been adjudicated to the benefit of the plaintiff (e.g., law enforcement entity).

Program Requirements

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Building and Sustaining Core Capabilities

1. All capabilities being built or sustained must have a clear link to one or more Core Capabilities in the National Preparedness Goal.

2. Many capabilities which support terrorism preparedness simultaneously support preparedness for other hazards. Grantees must demonstrate this dual-use quality for any activities implemented under this program that are not explicitly focused on terrorism preparedness. Activities implemented under SHSP must support terrorism preparedness by building or sustaining capabilities that relate to the prevention of, protection from, mitigation of, response to, and recovery from terrorism.

3. Funding should be used to sustain core capabilities. New capabilities should not be built at the expense of maintaining current and critically needed core capabilities. New capabilities must be aligned with capability targets and gaps identified through the THIRA/SPR process.

Mission AreasThe National Preparedness Goal organizes the core capabilities into the five mission areas:

• Prevention. Prevent, avoid or stop an imminent, threatened or actual act of terrorism.• Protection. Protect our citizens, residents, visitors, and assets against the greatest threats and hazards in

a manner that allows our interests, aspirations, and way of life to thrive.• Mitigation. Reduce the loss of life and property by lessening the impact of future disasters.• Response. Respond quickly to save lives, protect property and the environment, and meet basic human

needs in the aftermath of a catastrophic incident.• Recovery. Recover through a focus on the timely restoration, strengthening and revitalization of

infrastructure, housing and a sustainable economy, as well as the health, social, cultural, historic and environmental fabric of communities affected by a catastrophic incident.

Nationwide Cyber Security ReviewGrantees will be required to complete the Nationwide Cybersecurity Review (NCSR), enabling agencies to benchmark and measure progress of improving their cybersecurity posture. The Chief Information Officer (CIO), Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), or equivalent for each recipient agency should complete the NCSR. If there is no CIO or CISO, the most senior cybersecurity professional should complete the assessment. The NCSR is available at no cost to the user and takes approximately 2-3 hours to complete. For more information about the NCSR, visit: https://www.cisecurity.org/ms-isac/services/ncsr/.LETPALaw Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Activities (LETPA)The state is responsible for ensuring that at least 25 percent (25%) of the combined HSGP funds allocated under SHSP and UASI are dedicated towards law enforcement terrorism prevention activities, as defined in 6 U.S.C. 607.

Grant projects must be consistent with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Information Bulletin (IB) 412 which discusses eligible activities outlined in:

a. The National Prevention Framework; b. The National Protection Framework where capabilities are shared with the prevention mission area;c. Section 2006 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002, as amended; andd. The FY 2007 Homeland Security Grant Program Guidance and Application Kit.

Activities eligible for use of LETPA focused funds include but are not limited to: Maturation and enhancement of designated state and major Urban Area fusion centers, including information sharing and analysis, threat recognition, terrorist interdiction, and training/hiring of intelligence analysts. Coordination between fusion centers and other analytical and investigative efforts. Implementation and maintenance of the Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) Initiative. Implementation of the "If You See Something, Say Something" campaign to raise public awareness of indicators of terrorism and terrorism-related crime and associated efforts to increase the sharing of information with public and private sector partners. Increased physical security, through law enforcement personnel and other protective measures, by implementing preventative and protective measures at critical infrastructure sites or at-risk nonprofit organizations.Overall CertificationEach applicant agency must certify to the specific requirements detailed above as well as to comply with all requirements within the PSO Funding Announcement, the Guide to Grants, the Grantee Conditions and Responsibilities, any authorizing or applicable state and federal statutes and regulations to be eligible for this program.X I certify to all of the application content and requirements.

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Project Summary : Briefly summarize the project, including proposed activities and intended impact.This project will enhance terrorism and criminal activity response for the Arlington Fire Department’s EOD team and teams throughout the region by funding the purchase of bomb suits. The PPE used by public safety EOD technicians and other specialized first responders is designed to protect them from explosive devices or other potentially life-threatening explosives suspected or confirmed to be present. Due to the extent of injuries that may result from an explosion, bomb suits are designed to provide comprehensive, head-to-toe protection against a blast. This regional project will assist AFD’s EOD team in building and sustaining NIMS-typed EOD teams throughout the NCTCOG region. A Working Group assessment from all North Central Texas EOD teams identified several teams without the required assessed number of bomb suits. Bomb technicians often run the risk of a device exploding while it is being worked on, making it necessary for technicians to protect themselves with PPE.

Problem Statement : Provide a detailed account of the issues, threats or hazards that your project will target. For federal Homeland Security Grants, include specific references to the regional or state Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA), as applicable.Current trends in domestic and international terrorism have seen an exponential growth in the use of improvised explosive devices. As a result of increased terrorist activity, the regional bomb squads in the Dallas-Fort Worth area have previously encountered improvised explosive devices (IEDs), failed military explosives, and booby traps at emergency incident scenes. The use of explosives both domestically and internationally continues to rise at an alarming rate. Our intelligence community confirms bomb making information is readily available via open sources on the internet, allowing someone with little or no experience to develop an IED. Such devices may be created from easily obtained supplies available at general merchandise suppliers. The threat of vehicle-borne IEDs, person-borne IEDs, homegrown violent extremism, and domestic terrorism require well trained and equipped bomb squads. Within the DFW Area regional bomb teams respond to a large variety of high-profile events including, but not limited to: Super Bowl, World Series, Bush Presidential Library Dedication, Texas Motor Speedway Races, State Fair of Texas, NCAA Final Four, Presidential Candidate Debates, 2016 Republican Party of Texas State Convention, nationally televised sports events, and visits by high-profile dignitaries. Additionally, the region is home to several large venues, critical facilities, and other locations with large populations including: AT&T Stadium, Globe Life Field, Globe Life Park, Texas Live!, Lone Star Park, American Airlines Center, Starplex Amphitheater, Bass Concert Hall, Verizon Theater, Winspear Opera House, DFW Airport, Federal Reserve banks, Southern Methodist University, University of Texas at Dallas, University of Texas at Arlington, University of North Texas, Texas Woman’s University, Texas Christian University, large hospital systems, large hotels and conference venues, and numerous corporate headquarters campuses. Over 7 million people live in the North Central Texas (NCT) region. NCT encompasses the 4th busiest and 2nd largest airport in the US, four mass transit entities, internationally renowned sporting/special event venues, a military reserve base, hundreds of international businesses, and a prominent economic and finance hub. As terrorist targets, their proximity and location in densely populated areas could create a devastating series of cascading events if attacked. Other hazards in NCT, many of which have the potential to be terrorist-induced, include wildfires, HAZMAT spills, chemical releases, train derailments, natural gas line explosions, gang violence, and public health incidents. These examples illustrate the critical infrastructure and key resources that are subject to terrorism threats and create a critical need for Bomb teams with the capability to operate safely and securely in periods and environments with numerous instances of suspicious packages and IEDs in the response area(s). The bomb suit will protect the bomb technician from the four main threats from a blast: overpressure, fragmentation, impact and heat. The bomb suit is an FBI required equipment item for certified bomb squads. With the designated equipment, specified Bomb/EOD Technicians will have an enhanced capability and be better prepared and equipped to respond to both human-caused incidents and natural disasters. Funding that supports team member training, protective gear, equipment and supplies for regional response teams reduces the danger to citizens and other first responders helps to preserve lives and protect property. Interdiction and Disruption – Page 62 of Regional State Preparedness Report (SPR) The NCTCOG THIRA page references include: -Page 19 Complex Coordinated Terrorist Attack -Page 18 Interdiction and Disruption -Page 19 Screening, Search and Detection: Initiate screening operations of people associated with a credible terrorist attack within two (2) hours of receiving actionable intelligence. -Page 20 Access Control and Identity Verification -Page 22 Physical Protective Measures -Page 40 On-Scene Security, Protection, and Law Enforcement Interdiction and Disruption: Provide a safe and secure environment for law enforcement and related security and protection operations to meet the needs of residents while eliminating or mitigating the risk of further damage to persons, property and the environment within 24 hours.

Existing Capability Levels : Describe the existing capability levels, including resources that are currently in place to support this project prior to the use of grant funds.Each Regional Bomb/EOD team, including AFD’s EOD team, currently has at least one operational non-expired bomb suit. Ten regional bomb teams are in the following jurisdictions: Arlington, Dallas, Denton, DFW Airport, Fort Worth, Garland, Irving, Mesquite, Northeast Response Team (covering the 14 cities in the northeast quadrant of Tarrant County), and Plano. Each of the regional bomb units, including AFD’s EOD team, are recognized as a NIMS Type I Bomb Unit. The teams are supported by jurisdictional funding for personnel, equipment, and training with additional financial support received from homeland security grant funding. The number of trained bomb technicians on each unit is established by the FBI with a minimum number of 6 bomb technicians on each squad. This regional project will assist AFD’s EOD team in preventing, preparing for, protecting against, and responding to acts of terrorism. In addition, will also prevent injury and loss of life in the event of a terrorism incident by allowing the Bomb Unit to operate safely to protect officers and

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Position 2 - Total Compensation ($):0Position 3 - Name:Position 3 - Total Compensation ($):0Position 4 - Name:Position 4 - Total Compensation ($):0Position 5 - Name:Position 5 - Total Compensation ($):0

Homeland Security Information


DHS Project Type: Establish/enhance explosive ordnance disposal units/bomb squads


Core Capability: Interdiction and Disruption

Identify if this investment focuses on building new capabilities or sustaining existing capabilities. : New Capabilities (Build)

Are the assets or activities Deployable or Shareable: Deployable

___ Check if this Investment requires new construction or renovation, retrofitting, or modification of existing structures

___ Check if these funds will support a project that was previously funded with HSGP funding

Project Management Step Involved:

Check the step that most closely resembles the phase of the project activities to be completed during the grant period.

Step: Execute

Description: The period within the project lifecycle during which the actual work of creating the project's deliverables is carried out.

Process: Involves directing, accomplishing, managing, and completing all phases and aspects of work for a given project.


Milestone: Request quotes from vendors for EOD suit and helmet.; Completion Date: 03-31-2022Milestone: Make product selection and order EOD suit and helmet.; Completion Date: 06-30-2022Milestone: Receive EOD suit and helmet and place in service with EOD team.; Completion Date: 12-31-2022

NIMS Resources

___ Check if this project supports a NIMS typed resource

Enter the name of the typed resources from the Resource Type Library Tool: Bomb Response Team - EOD Team

Enter the ID of the typed resources from the Resource Type Library Tool: 6-508-1176

Fiscal Capability InformationSection 1: Organizational Information

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Enter the following values in order to submit the applicationEnter the Year in which the Corporation was Founded: 0Enter the Date that the IRS Letter Granted 501(c)(3) Tax Exemption Status: 01/01/1900Enter the Employer Identification Number Assigned by the IRS: 0Enter the Charter Number assigned by the Texas Secretary of State: 0

Enter the Year in which the Corporation was Founded:Enter the Date that the IRS Letter Granted 501(c)(3) Tax Exemption Status:Enter the Employer Identification Number Assigned by the IRS:Enter the Charter Number assigned by the Texas Secretary of State:Section 2: Accounting SystemThe grantee organization must incorporate an accounting system that will track direct and indirect costs for the organization (general ledger) as well as direct and indirect costs by project (project ledger). The grantee must establish a time and effort system to track personnel costs by project. This should be reported on an hourly basis, or in increments of an hour.Is there a list of your organization's accounts identified by a specific number (i.e., a general ledger of accounts)?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

Does the accounting system include a project ledger to record expenditures for each Program by required budget cost categories?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

Is there a timekeeping system that allows for grant personnel to identify activity and requires signatures by the employee and his or her supervisor?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

If you answered 'No' to any question above in the Accounting System section, in the space provided below explain what action will be taken to ensure accountability.

Enter your explanation:Section 3: Financial CapabilityGrant agencies should prepare annual financial statements. At a minimum, current internal balance sheet and income statements are required. A balance sheet is a statement of financial position for a grant agency disclosing assets, liabilities, and retained earnings at a given point in time. An income statement is a summary of revenue and expenses for a grant agency during a fiscal year.Has the grant agency undergone an independent audit?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

Does the organization prepare financial statements at least annually?

Select the appropriate response:_ Yes


According to the organization's most recent Audit or Balance Sheet, are the current total assets greater than the liabilities?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

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Condition Of Fundings Information

Condition of Funding / Project Requirement Date Created Date Met Hold Funds Hold Line Item Funds

You are logged in as User Name: HSGD1 NCTCOG1 ; UserName: NCTCOGhsReview1 * INTERNALUSER

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Agency Name: Fort Worth, City of Grant/App: 4244001 Start Date: 1/1/2022 End Date: 12/31/2022 Fund Source: HS-Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) Project Title: 2021 SHSP - Fort Worth - North Central Texas Fusion Center Working Group Status: Application - Submitted by Applicant Fund Block: 2021

Eligibility InformationYour organization's Texas Payee/Taxpayer ID Number:

Application Eligibility Certify:Created on:1/19/2021 11:48:01 AM By:Keith Morris

Profile InformationApplicant Agency Name: Fort Worth, City ofProject Title: 2021 SHSP - Fort Worth - North Central Texas Fusion Center Working GroupDivision or Unit to Administer the Project: Fort Worth OEMAddress Line 1: 200 Texas StAddress Line 2: City/State/Zip: Fort Worth Texas 76102-6132Start Date: 1/1/2022End Date: 12/31/2022

Regional Council of Goverments(COG) within the Project's Impact Area: North Central Texas Council of GovernmentsHeadquarter County: TarrantCounties within Project's Impact Area: Collin,Comanche,Cooke,Dallas,Denton,Eastland,Ellis,Erath,Fannin,Grayson,Hood,Hunt,Johnson,Kaufman,Palo Pinto,Parker,Rockwall,Somervell,Stephens,Tarrant

Grant Officials:Authorized OfficialName: Valerie WashingtonEmail: [email protected] 1: 1000 Throckmorton StreetAddress 1: City: Frt Worth, Texas 76102Phone: 817-392-6192 Other Phone: Fax: Title: Ms.Salutation: Ms.Position: Assistant City Manager

Financial OfficialName: Peter JamesEmail: [email protected] 1: 1000 ThrockmortonAddress 1: City: Fort Worth, Texas 76102Phone: 817-392-8512 Other Phone: Fax: Title: Mr.Salutation: Mr.Position: Accounting Services Supervisor

Project DirectorName: Justin CoxEmail: [email protected]

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Address 1: 200 Texas StAddress 1: Fire Department-Office of Emergency ManagementCity: Fort Worth, Texas 76102Phone: 817-392-2877 Other Phone: 972-400-7760Fax: 817-392-6180Title: Mr.Salutation: Mr.Position: Grants Manager

Grant WriterName: Keith MorrisEmail: [email protected] 1: 505 W FelixAddress 1: City: Fort Worth, Texas 76115Phone: 817-392-4243 Other Phone: 417-766-9555Fax: Title: Mr.Salutation: Mr.Position: Grants Manager

Grant Vendor InformationOrganization Type: Unit of Local Government (City, Town, or Village)Organization Option: applying to provide homeland security servicesApplicant Agency's State Payee Identification Number (e.g., Federal Employer's Identification (FEI) Number or Vendor ID): Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS):

Narrative InformationOverviewThe purpose of the Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) is to support state and local efforts to prevent terrorism and other catastrophic events and to prepare the Nation for the threats and hazards that pose the greatest risk to the security of the United States. HSGP provides funding to implement investments that build, sustain, and deliver the 32 core capabilities essential to achieving the National Preparedness Goal (the Goal) of a secure and resilient Nation. The building, sustainment, and delivery of these core capabilities are not exclusive to any single level of government, organization, or community, but rather, require the combined effort of the whole community. HSGP supports core capabilities across the five mission areas of Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery based on allowable costs.

The funding announcement, located on the eGrants Calendar page, describes the organization types, activities, and costs that are eligible under the announcement. The PSO’s eGrants User Guide to Creating an Applicationguides applicants through the process of creating and submitting an application in eGrants. Information and guidance related to the management and use of grant funds can be found in the The PSO’s Guide to Grants, located on the PSO Resource for Applicants and Grantees webpage.Primary Mission and PurposeState Homeland Security Program (SHSP) - Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Activities (LETPA): Supports state, tribal and local preparedness activities that continue to build law enforcement capabilities to prevent terrorist attacks and support critical prevention and protection activities. All LETPA investments must be consistent with capability targets set during the Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) process, and gaps identified in the State Preparedness Report (SPR).

Many activities which support the achievement of target capabilities related to terrorism preparedness may simultaneously support enhanced preparedness for other hazards unrelated to acts of terrorism. However, all SHSP-LETPA projects must assist grantees in achieving target capabilities related to preventing, preparing for, or protecting against acts of terrorism.Eligibility Requirements

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Criminal History ReportingEntities receiving funds from PSO must be located in a county that has an average of 90% or above on both adult and juvenile dispositions entered into the computerized criminal history database maintained by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) as directed in the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Chapter 66. The disposition completeness percentage is defined as the percentage of arrest charges a county reports to DPS for which a disposition has been subsequently reported and entered into the computerized criminal history system.

Beginning January 1, 2021, counties applying for grant awards from the Office of the Governor must commit that the county will report at least 90 percent of convictions and other dispositions within five business days to the Criminal Justice Information System at the Department of Public Safety. Click here for additional information from DPS on this new reporting requirement.

Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR)Eligible applicants operating a law enforcement agency must be current on reporting complete UCR data and the Texas specific reporting mandated by 411.042 TGC, to the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) for inclusion in the annual Crime in Texas (CIT) publication. To be considered eligible for funding, applicants must have submitted a full twelve months of accurate data to DPS for the most recent calendar year by the deadline(s) established by DPS. Due to the importance of timely reporting, applicants are required to submit complete and accurate UCR data, as well as the Texas-mandated reporting, on a no less than monthly basis and respond promptly to requests from DPS related to the data submitted. Note: UCR is transitioning from summary reporting to NIBRS only in 2021. Applicants are encouraged to transition to NIBRS as soon as possible in order to maintain their grant eligibility.National Incident Management System (NIMS) ImplementationGrantees are required to implement NIMS. The NIMS uses a systematic approach to integrate the best existing processes and methods into a unified national framework for incident management across all homeland security activities including prevention, protection, response, mitigation, and recovery. Grantees must use standardized resource management concepts for resource typing, credentialing, and an inventory to facilitate the effective identification, dispatch, deployment, tracking and recovery of resources.

Emergency Management PlansCities and counties must have a current emergency management plan or be a legally established member of an inter-jurisdictional emergency management program with a plan on file with the Texas Department of Public Safety, Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM). Plans must be maintained throughout the entire grant performance period and must be at least at the Intermediate Level. If you have questions concerning your Emergency Management Plan (preparedness) level, contact your Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC) or your regional Council of Governments (COG). For questions concerning plan deficiencies, contact TDEM at [email protected] RequirementsProgram IncomeApplicant agrees to comply with all federal and state rules and regulations for program income and agrees to report all program income that is generated as a result of the project's activities. Applicant agrees to report program income through a formal grant adjustment and to secure PSO approval prior to use of the program income. Applicant agrees to use program income for allowable costs and agrees to expend program income immediately after PSO's approval of a grant adjustment and prior to requesting reimbursement of funds.

Deduction Method - Program income shall be deducted from total allowable costs to determine the net allowable costs. Program income shall be used for current costs unless PSO authorizes otherwise. Program income which the grantee did not anticipate at the time of the award shall be used to reduce the PSO award and grantee match rather than to increase the funds committed to the project.

Asset Seizures and Forfeitures - Program income from asset seizures and forfeitures is considered earned when the property has been adjudicated to the benefit of the plaintiff (e.g., law enforcement entity).

Program Requirements

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Building and Sustaining Core Capabilities

1. All capabilities being built or sustained must have a clear link to one or more Core Capabilities in the National Preparedness Goal.

2. Many capabilities which support terrorism preparedness simultaneously support preparedness for other hazards. Grantees must demonstrate this dual-use quality for any activities implemented under this program that are not explicitly focused on terrorism preparedness. Activities implemented under SHSP must support terrorism preparedness by building or sustaining capabilities that relate to the prevention of, protection from, mitigation of, response to, and recovery from terrorism.

3. Funding should be used to sustain core capabilities. New capabilities should not be built at the expense of maintaining current and critically needed core capabilities. New capabilities must be aligned with capability targets and gaps identified through the THIRA/SPR process.

Mission AreasThe National Preparedness Goal organizes the core capabilities into the five mission areas:

• Prevention. Prevent, avoid or stop an imminent, threatened or actual act of terrorism.• Protection. Protect our citizens, residents, visitors, and assets against the greatest threats and hazards in

a manner that allows our interests, aspirations, and way of life to thrive.• Mitigation. Reduce the loss of life and property by lessening the impact of future disasters.• Response. Respond quickly to save lives, protect property and the environment, and meet basic human

needs in the aftermath of a catastrophic incident.• Recovery. Recover through a focus on the timely restoration, strengthening and revitalization of

infrastructure, housing and a sustainable economy, as well as the health, social, cultural, historic and environmental fabric of communities affected by a catastrophic incident.

Nationwide Cyber Security ReviewGrantees will be required to complete the Nationwide Cybersecurity Review (NCSR), enabling agencies to benchmark and measure progress of improving their cybersecurity posture. The Chief Information Officer (CIO), Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), or equivalent for each recipient agency should complete the NCSR. If there is no CIO or CISO, the most senior cybersecurity professional should complete the assessment. The NCSR is available at no cost to the user and takes approximately 2-3 hours to complete. For more information about the NCSR, visit: https://www.cisecurity.org/ms-isac/services/ncsr/.LETPALaw Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Activities (LETPA)The state is responsible for ensuring that at least 25 percent (25%) of the combined HSGP funds allocated under SHSP and UASI are dedicated towards law enforcement terrorism prevention activities, as defined in 6 U.S.C. 607.

Grant projects must be consistent with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Information Bulletin (IB) 412 which discusses eligible activities outlined in:

a. The National Prevention Framework; b. The National Protection Framework where capabilities are shared with the prevention mission area;c. Section 2006 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002, as amended; andd. The FY 2007 Homeland Security Grant Program Guidance and Application Kit.

Activities eligible for use of LETPA focused funds include but are not limited to: Maturation and enhancement of designated state and major Urban Area fusion centers, including information sharing and analysis, threat recognition, terrorist interdiction, and training/hiring of intelligence analysts. Coordination between fusion centers and other analytical and investigative efforts. Implementation and maintenance of the Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) Initiative. Implementation of the "If You See Something, Say Something" campaign to raise public awareness of indicators of terrorism and terrorism-related crime and associated efforts to increase the sharing of information with public and private sector partners. Increased physical security, through law enforcement personnel and other protective measures, by implementing preventative and protective measures at critical infrastructure sites or at-risk nonprofit organizations.Overall CertificationEach applicant agency must certify to the specific requirements detailed above as well as to comply with all requirements within the PSO Funding Announcement, the Guide to Grants, the Grantee Conditions and Responsibilities, any authorizing or applicable state and federal statutes and regulations to be eligible for this program.

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X I certify to all of the application content and requirements.

Project Summary : Briefly summarize the project, including proposed activities and intended impact.The NCTCOG Fusion Center Working Group would like to fund an intelligence analyst position to benefit the North Central Texas, Dallas, and Fort Worth INTEX fusion centers. This position will focus on social media data mining and identifying threats and malicious actors. This position will be hosted by the City of Fort Worth, but will work out of all three Fusion centers.

Problem Statement : Provide a detailed account of the issues, threats or hazards that your project will target. For federal Homeland Security Grants, include specific references to the regional or state Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA), as applicable.The Fort Worth Intelligence Exchange (INTEX) became the 80th DHS recognized fusion center in the US and the 8th category 2 fusion center in the State of Texas on August 13, 2019 when Governor Greg Abbott issued a letter to the Department of Homeland Security designating INTEX as a fusion center. The current area of responsibility for INTEX includes nine counties (Tarrant, Johnson, Parker, Erath, Somervell, Eastland, Comanche, Palo Pinto, and Hood). Social media data mining continues to be an important mission of Fusion Centers, and Fort Worth will hire and host this position which will assist and work at all three Fusion Centers. This project will help address these gaps, which are also identified in the DFWA THIRA on page 14.

Existing Capability Levels : Describe the existing capability levels, including resources that are currently in place to support this project prior to the use of grant funds.The Fort Worth INTEX currently has two intelligence analysts who focus on requests for information, threat assessments, and suspicious activity reporting. They are currently operating at their max capacity and require additional help to ensure regular reporting to Texas DPS and to DHS occur with regard to suspicious activity reports.

Capability Gaps: Describe the capability gaps which will be addressed by the project. For federal Homeland Security Grants, include specific references to the regional or statewide State Preparedness Report (SPR).All three Fusion centers could use more analysts to detect and deter potential terrorist attacks, active shooters or other criminal activity. Social media monitoring needs to have a dedicated position to it to assist the three Fusion centers. This project will address these personnel gaps, which are noted in the DFWA SPR on pages 12-13.

Impact Statement : Describe the project goals/objectives and how this project will maintain capabilities or reduce capability gaps. This project will hire an intel analyst position to focus on social media data mining and identifying threats and malicious actors for all three Fusion Centers in the North Central Texas region. This will help reduce capability gaps in personnel and social media data mining for the three Fusion centers.

Homeland Security Priority Actions: Identify the Texas Homeland Security Priority Action most closely aligned with this project. Each Priority Action is linked with an Objective from the Texas Homeland Security Strategic Plan (HSSP). List the Priority Action by number and text (e.g. 1.2.3 Expand and enhance the network of human sources that can provide detailed and relevant information on known or suspected terrorist and criminal enterprises.)Goal 1: Prevent terrorist attacked and organized criminal activity in Texas Objective 1.1: Expand and enhance the statewide intelligence capability that reduces the threat of terrorism and criminal enterprises. Priority Action 1.1.2: Expand and enhance multi-agency, multi-jurisdictional intelligence fusion and sharing capabilities throughout the state, to include establishment of a common operational picture among state and local law enforcement agencies, establishment of a Highway Safety Operations Center, and other data sharing initiatives. Objective 1.2: Enhance investigative capability to address terrorism and criminal enterprises. Priority Action 1.2.3: Expand and enhance the network of human sources that can provide detailed and relevant information on known or suspected terrorist and criminal enterprises.

Target Group : Identify the target group and population expected to benefit from this project.The Fort Worth Intelligence Exchange and citizens of Tarrant, Johnson, Parker, Erath, Somervell, Eastland, Comanche, Palo Pinto, and Hood Counties. Additionally, the North Central Texas and Dallas Fusion Centers will benefit from this project.

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DHS Project Type: Establish/enhance a terrorism intelligence/early warning system, center, or task force


Core Capability: Intelligence and Information Sharing

Identify if this investment focuses on building new capabilities or sustaining existing capabilities. : New Capabilities (Build)

Are the assets or activities Deployable or Shareable: Shareable

___ Check if this Investment requires new construction or renovation, retrofitting, or modification of existing structures

___ Check if these funds will support a project that was previously funded with HSGP funding

Project Management Step Involved:

Check the step that most closely resembles the phase of the project activities to be completed during the grant period.

Step: Plan

Description: The purpose of establishing, at an early date, the parameters of the project that is going to be worked on as well as to try to delineate any specifics and/or any peculiarities to the project as a whole and/or any specific phases of the project.

Process: Involves working out and extending the theoretical, practical, and/or useful application of an idea, concept, or preliminary design. This also involves a plan for moving a project concept to a viable project.


Milestone: Set up initial budget in the financial system. Go through hiring process for intel analyst.; Completion Date: 01-01-2022Milestone: Hire intel analyst and train individual on software. Ensure insertion in all three Fusion Centers. ; Completion Date: 03-31-2022Milestone: Submit final reimbursement in EGrants and close out project. ; Completion Date: 12-31-2022

NIMS Resources

___ Check if this project supports a NIMS typed resource

Enter the name of the typed resources from the Resource Type Library Tool: Intelligence Analyst

Enter the ID of the typed resources from the Resource Type Library Tool: 6-509-1281

Fiscal Capability InformationSection 1: Organizational Information

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Enter the following values in order to submit the applicationEnter the Year in which the Corporation was Founded: 0Enter the Date that the IRS Letter Granted 501(c)(3) Tax Exemption Status: 01/01/1900Enter the Employer Identification Number Assigned by the IRS: 0Enter the Charter Number assigned by the Texas Secretary of State: 0

Enter the Year in which the Corporation was Founded:Enter the Date that the IRS Letter Granted 501(c)(3) Tax Exemption Status:Enter the Employer Identification Number Assigned by the IRS:Enter the Charter Number assigned by the Texas Secretary of State:Section 2: Accounting SystemThe grantee organization must incorporate an accounting system that will track direct and indirect costs for the organization (general ledger) as well as direct and indirect costs by project (project ledger). The grantee must establish a time and effort system to track personnel costs by project. This should be reported on an hourly basis, or in increments of an hour.Is there a list of your organization's accounts identified by a specific number (i.e., a general ledger of accounts)?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

Does the accounting system include a project ledger to record expenditures for each Program by required budget cost categories?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

Is there a timekeeping system that allows for grant personnel to identify activity and requires signatures by the employee and his or her supervisor?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

If you answered 'No' to any question above in the Accounting System section, in the space provided below explain what action will be taken to ensure accountability.

Enter your explanation:Section 3: Financial CapabilityGrant agencies should prepare annual financial statements. At a minimum, current internal balance sheet and income statements are required. A balance sheet is a statement of financial position for a grant agency disclosing assets, liabilities, and retained earnings at a given point in time. An income statement is a summary of revenue and expenses for a grant agency during a fiscal year.Has the grant agency undergone an independent audit?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

Does the organization prepare financial statements at least annually?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

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Agency Name: North Richland Hills, City of Grant/App: 4255101 Start Date: 10/1/2021 End Date: 9/30/2022 Fund Source: HS-Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) Project Title: 2021-SHSP LETPA-NERT-EOD Personal Protective Equipment Enhancement Status: Application - Intake Fund Block: 2021

Eligibility InformationYour organization's Texas Payee/Taxpayer ID Number:

Application Eligibility Certify:Created on:1/21/2021 1:14:57 PM By:Raelyn Darnell

Profile InformationApplicant Agency Name: North Richland Hills, City ofProject Title: 2021-SHSP LETPA-NERT-EOD Personal Protective Equipment EnhancementDivision or Unit to Administer the Project: Fire DepartmentAddress Line 1: 4301 City Point Dr.Address Line 2: City/State/Zip: North Richland Hills Texas 76180-6949Start Date: 10/1/2021End Date: 9/30/2022

Regional Council of Goverments(COG) within the Project's Impact Area: North Central Texas Council of GovernmentsHeadquarter County: TarrantCounties within Project's Impact Area: Collin,Dallas,Denton,Tarrant

Grant Officials:Authorized OfficialName: Stan TinneyEmail: [email protected] 1: 7202 Dick Fisher Dr. NorthAddress 1: City: North Richland Hills, Texas 76180Phone: 817-427-6900 Other Phone: Fax: Title: Mr.Salutation: ChiefPosition: Fire Chief

Financial OfficialName: Raelyn DarnellEmail: [email protected] 1: 4301 City Point DriveAddress 1: City: North Richland Hills, Texas 76180Phone: 817-427-6935 Other Phone: 940-367-9981Fax: Title: Ms.Salutation: Ms.Position: EMC

Project DirectorName: Rowlette WilliamsEmail: [email protected] 1: City of North Richland HillsAddress 1: 4301 City Point DriveCity: North Richland Hills, Texas 76180Phone: 817-427-7078 Other Phone: Fax: Title: Ms.

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Salutation: Ms.Position: Grant Coordinator

Grant WriterName: Marcie BrunerEmail: [email protected] 1: 616 Six Flags Drive, Center Point TwoAddress 1: P.O. Box 5888City: Arlington, Texas 76011Phone: 817-608-2379 Other Phone: 870-718-3576Fax: Title: Ms.Salutation: Ms.Position: Senior EM Specialist

Grant Vendor InformationOrganization Type: Unit of Local Government (City, Town, or Village)Organization Option: applying to provide homeland security servicesApplicant Agency's State Payee Identification Number (e.g., Federal Employer's Identification (FEI) Number or Vendor ID): Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS):

Narrative InformationOverviewThe purpose of the Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) is to support state and local efforts to prevent terrorism and other catastrophic events and to prepare the Nation for the threats and hazards that pose the greatest risk to the security of the United States. HSGP provides funding to implement investments that build, sustain, and deliver the 32 core capabilities essential to achieving the National Preparedness Goal (the Goal) of a secure and resilient Nation. The building, sustainment, and delivery of these core capabilities are not exclusive to any single level of government, organization, or community, but rather, require the combined effort of the whole community. HSGP supports core capabilities across the five mission areas of Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery based on allowable costs.

The funding announcement, located on the eGrants Calendar page, describes the organization types, activities, and costs that are eligible under the announcement. The PSO’s eGrants User Guide to Creating an Applicationguides applicants through the process of creating and submitting an application in eGrants. Information and guidance related to the management and use of grant funds can be found in the The PSO’s Guide to Grants, located on the PSO Resource for Applicants and Grantees webpage.Primary Mission and PurposeState Homeland Security Program (SHSP) - Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Activities (LETPA): Supports state, tribal and local preparedness activities that continue to build law enforcement capabilities to prevent terrorist attacks and support critical prevention and protection activities. All LETPA investments must be consistent with capability targets set during the Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) process, and gaps identified in the State Preparedness Report (SPR).

Many activities which support the achievement of target capabilities related to terrorism preparedness may simultaneously support enhanced preparedness for other hazards unrelated to acts of terrorism. However, all SHSP-LETPA projects must assist grantees in achieving target capabilities related to preventing, preparing for, or protecting against acts of terrorism.Eligibility Requirements

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Criminal History ReportingEntities receiving funds from PSO must be located in a county that has an average of 90% or above on both adult and juvenile dispositions entered into the computerized criminal history database maintained by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) as directed in the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Chapter 66. The disposition completeness percentage is defined as the percentage of arrest charges a county reports to DPS for which a disposition has been subsequently reported and entered into the computerized criminal history system.

Beginning January 1, 2021, counties applying for grant awards from the Office of the Governor must commit that the county will report at least 90 percent of convictions and other dispositions within five business days to the Criminal Justice Information System at the Department of Public Safety. Click here for additional information from DPS on this new reporting requirement.

Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR)Eligible applicants operating a law enforcement agency must be current on reporting complete UCR data and the Texas specific reporting mandated by 411.042 TGC, to the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) for inclusion in the annual Crime in Texas (CIT) publication. To be considered eligible for funding, applicants must have submitted a full twelve months of accurate data to DPS for the most recent calendar year by the deadline(s) established by DPS. Due to the importance of timely reporting, applicants are required to submit complete and accurate UCR data, as well as the Texas-mandated reporting, on a no less than monthly basis and respond promptly to requests from DPS related to the data submitted. Note: UCR is transitioning from summary reporting to NIBRS only in 2021. Applicants are encouraged to transition to NIBRS as soon as possible in order to maintain their grant eligibility.National Incident Management System (NIMS) ImplementationGrantees are required to implement NIMS. The NIMS uses a systematic approach to integrate the best existing processes and methods into a unified national framework for incident management across all homeland security activities including prevention, protection, response, mitigation, and recovery. Grantees must use standardized resource management concepts for resource typing, credentialing, and an inventory to facilitate the effective identification, dispatch, deployment, tracking and recovery of resources.

Emergency Management PlansCities and counties must have a current emergency management plan or be a legally established member of an inter-jurisdictional emergency management program with a plan on file with the Texas Department of Public Safety, Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM). Plans must be maintained throughout the entire grant performance period and must be at least at the Intermediate Level. If you have questions concerning your Emergency Management Plan (preparedness) level, contact your Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC) or your regional Council of Governments (COG). For questions concerning plan deficiencies, contact TDEM at [email protected] RequirementsProgram IncomeApplicant agrees to comply with all federal and state rules and regulations for program income and agrees to report all program income that is generated as a result of the project's activities. Applicant agrees to report program income through a formal grant adjustment and to secure PSO approval prior to use of the program income. Applicant agrees to use program income for allowable costs and agrees to expend program income immediately after PSO's approval of a grant adjustment and prior to requesting reimbursement of funds.

Deduction Method - Program income shall be deducted from total allowable costs to determine the net allowable costs. Program income shall be used for current costs unless PSO authorizes otherwise. Program income which the grantee did not anticipate at the time of the award shall be used to reduce the PSO award and grantee match rather than to increase the funds committed to the project.

Asset Seizures and Forfeitures - Program income from asset seizures and forfeitures is considered earned when the property has been adjudicated to the benefit of the plaintiff (e.g., law enforcement entity).

Program Requirements

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Building and Sustaining Core Capabilities

1. All capabilities being built or sustained must have a clear link to one or more Core Capabilities in the National Preparedness Goal.

2. Many capabilities which support terrorism preparedness simultaneously support preparedness for other hazards. Grantees must demonstrate this dual-use quality for any activities implemented under this program that are not explicitly focused on terrorism preparedness. Activities implemented under SHSP must support terrorism preparedness by building or sustaining capabilities that relate to the prevention of, protection from, mitigation of, response to, and recovery from terrorism.

3. Funding should be used to sustain core capabilities. New capabilities should not be built at the expense of maintaining current and critically needed core capabilities. New capabilities must be aligned with capability targets and gaps identified through the THIRA/SPR process.

Mission AreasThe National Preparedness Goal organizes the core capabilities into the five mission areas:

• Prevention. Prevent, avoid or stop an imminent, threatened or actual act of terrorism.• Protection. Protect our citizens, residents, visitors, and assets against the greatest threats and hazards in

a manner that allows our interests, aspirations, and way of life to thrive.• Mitigation. Reduce the loss of life and property by lessening the impact of future disasters.• Response. Respond quickly to save lives, protect property and the environment, and meet basic human

needs in the aftermath of a catastrophic incident.• Recovery. Recover through a focus on the timely restoration, strengthening and revitalization of

infrastructure, housing and a sustainable economy, as well as the health, social, cultural, historic and environmental fabric of communities affected by a catastrophic incident.

Nationwide Cyber Security ReviewGrantees will be required to complete the Nationwide Cybersecurity Review (NCSR), enabling agencies to benchmark and measure progress of improving their cybersecurity posture. The Chief Information Officer (CIO), Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), or equivalent for each recipient agency should complete the NCSR. If there is no CIO or CISO, the most senior cybersecurity professional should complete the assessment. The NCSR is available at no cost to the user and takes approximately 2-3 hours to complete. For more information about the NCSR, visit: https://www.cisecurity.org/ms-isac/services/ncsr/.LETPALaw Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Activities (LETPA)The state is responsible for ensuring that at least 25 percent (25%) of the combined HSGP funds allocated under SHSP and UASI are dedicated towards law enforcement terrorism prevention activities, as defined in 6 U.S.C. 607.

Grant projects must be consistent with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Information Bulletin (IB) 412 which discusses eligible activities outlined in:

a. The National Prevention Framework; b. The National Protection Framework where capabilities are shared with the prevention mission area;c. Section 2006 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002, as amended; andd. The FY 2007 Homeland Security Grant Program Guidance and Application Kit.

Activities eligible for use of LETPA focused funds include but are not limited to: Maturation and enhancement of designated state and major Urban Area fusion centers, including information sharing and analysis, threat recognition, terrorist interdiction, and training/hiring of intelligence analysts. Coordination between fusion centers and other analytical and investigative efforts. Implementation and maintenance of the Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) Initiative. Implementation of the "If You See Something, Say Something" campaign to raise public awareness of indicators of terrorism and terrorism-related crime and associated efforts to increase the sharing of information with public and private sector partners. Increased physical security, through law enforcement personnel and other protective measures, by implementing preventative and protective measures at critical infrastructure sites or at-risk nonprofit organizations.Overall CertificationEach applicant agency must certify to the specific requirements detailed above as well as to comply with all requirements within the PSO Funding Announcement, the Guide to Grants, the Grantee Conditions and Responsibilities, any authorizing or applicable state and federal statutes and regulations to be eligible for this program.X I certify to all of the application content and requirements.

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Project Summary : Briefly summarize the project, including proposed activities and intended impact.This project will enhance terrorism and criminal activity response for the NERT and teams throughout the region, by funding the purchase of bomb suits. The PPE used by public safety bomb technicians and other specialized first responders is designed to protect them from explosive devices or other potentially life-threatening explosives suspected or confirmed to be present. Due to the extent of injuries that may result from an explosion, bomb suits are designed to provide comprehensive, head-to-toe protection against a blast. This regional project will assist the NERT in building and sustaining NIMS-typed resources, Bomb Units throughout the NCTCOG region. A Working Group assessment from all North Central Texas Bomb teams identified several teams without the required assessed number of bomb suites. Bomb technicians often run the risk of a device exploding while it is being worked on, making it necessary for technicians to protect themselves with PPE.

Problem Statement : Provide a detailed account of the issues, threats or hazards that your project will target. For federal Homeland Security Grants, include specific references to the regional or state Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA), as applicable.Current trends in domestic and international terrorism have seen an exponential growth in the use of improvised explosive devices. As a result of increased terrorist activity, the regional bomb squads in the Dallas-Fort Worth area have previously encountered improvised explosive devices (IEDs), failed military explosives, and booby traps at emergency incident scenes. The use of explosives both domestically and internationally continues to rise at an alarming rate. Our intelligence community confirms bomb making information is readily available via open sources on the internet, allowing someone with little or no experience to develop an IED. Such devices may be created from easily obtained supplies, available at general merchandise suppliers. The threat of vehicle borne IEDs, person borne IEDs, homegrown violent extremism and domestic terrorism require well trained and equipped bomb squads. Within the DFW Area regional bomb teams respond to a large variety of high-profile events including, but not limited to: Super Bowl, World Series, Bush Presidential Library Dedication, Texas Motor Speedway Races, State Fair of Texas, NCAA Final Four, Presidential Candidate Debates, 2016 Republican Party of Texas State Convention, nationally televised sports events, and visits by high-profile dignitaries. Additionally, the region is home to several large venues, critical facilities, and other locations with large populations including: AT&T Stadium, Globe Life Ballpark, Lone Star Park, American Airlines Center, Starplex Amphitheater, Bass Concert Hall, Verizon Theater, Winspear Opera House, DFW Airport, Federal Reserve banks, Southern Methodist University, University of Texas at Dallas, University of Texas at Arlington, University of North Texas, Texas Woman’s University, Texas Christian University, large hospital systems, large hotels and conference venues, and numerous corporate headquarters campuses. Over 7 million people live in the North Central Texas (NCT) region. NCT encompasses the 4th busiest and 2nd largest airport in the US, four mass transit entities, internationally renowned sporting/special event venues, a military reserve base, hundreds of international businesses, and a prominent economic and finance hub. As terrorist targets, their close proximity and location in densely populated areas could create a devastating series of cascading events if attacked. Other hazards in NCT, many of which have the potential to be terrorist-induced, include wildfires, HAZMAT spills, chemical releases, train derailments, natural gas line explosions, gang violence, and public health incidents. These examples illustrate the critical infrastructure and key resources that are subject to terrorism threats, and create a critical need for Bomb teams with the capability to operate safely and securely in periods and environments with numerous instances of suspicious packages and IEDs in the response area(s). The bomb suit will protect the bomb technician from the four main threats from a blast: overpressure, fragmentation, impact and heat. The bomb suit is a FBI required equipment item for certified bomb squads. With the designated equipment, specified Bomb/EOD Technicians will have an enhanced capability and be better prepared and equipped to respond to both human-caused incidents and natural disasters. Funding that supports team member training, protective gear, equipment and supplies for regional response teams reduces the danger to citizens and other first responders helps to preserve lives and protect property. Interdiction and Disruption – Page 62 of Regional State Preparedness Report (SPR) The NCTCOG THIRA page references include: -Page 19 Complex Coordinated Terrorist Attack -Page 18 Interdiction and Disruption -Page 19 Screening, Search and Detection: Initiate screening operations of people associated with a credible terrorist attack within two (2) hours of receiving actionable intelligence. -Page 20 Access Control and Identity Verification -Page 22 Physical Protective Measures -Page 40 On-Scene Security, Protection, and Law Enforcement Interdiction and Disruption: Provide a safe and secure environment for law enforcement and related security and protection operations to meet the needs of residents while eliminating or mitigating the risk of further damage to persons, property and the environment within 24 hours.

Existing Capability Levels : Describe the existing capability levels, including resources that are currently in place to support this project prior to the use of grant funds.Ten regional bomb teams are located in the following jurisdictions: Arlington, Dallas, Denton, DFW Airport, Fort Worth, Garland, Irving, Mesquite, Northeast Response Team (covering the 14 cities in the northeast quadrant of Tarrant County), and Plano. Each of the regional bomb units are recognized as a NIMS Type I Bomb Unit. The teams are supported by jurisdictional funding for personnel, equipment, and training with additional financial support received from grant funding when funding is available. The number of trained bomb technicians on each unit is established by the FBI with a minimum number of 6 bomb technicians on each squad. A working group survey of all North Central Texas Bomb/EOD Squads identified several teams without the appropriate number of bomb suits necessary to carry out capabilities to respond to incidents which require the manual dismantling of IED’s in the field. This regional project will assist the NERT in preventing, preparing for, and protecting against acts of terrorism. In addition, will also prevent injury

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Position 2 - Total Compensation ($):0Position 3 - Name:Position 3 - Total Compensation ($):0Position 4 - Name:Position 4 - Total Compensation ($):0Position 5 - Name:Position 5 - Total Compensation ($):0

Homeland Security Information


DHS Project Type: Establish/enhance regional response teams


Core Capability: Interdiction and Disruption

Identify if this investment focuses on building new capabilities or sustaining existing capabilities. : Existing Capabilities (Sustain)

Are the assets or activities Deployable or Shareable: Shareable

___ Check if this Investment requires new construction or renovation, retrofitting, or modification of existing structures

___ Check if these funds will support a project that was previously funded with HSGP funding

Project Management Step Involved:

Check the step that most closely resembles the phase of the project activities to be completed during the grant period.

Step: Execute

Description: The period within the project lifecycle during which the actual work of creating the project's deliverables is carried out.

Process: Involves directing, accomplishing, managing, and completing all phases and aspects of work for a given project.


Milestone: Begin RFP for equipment purchase; Completion Date: 01-01-2022Milestone: Select vendor and complete order for equipment ; Completion Date: 04-01-2022Milestone: Receive equipment and deploy to field operations; Completion Date: 07-01-2022

NIMS Resources

___ Check if this project supports a NIMS typed resource

Enter the name of the typed resources from the Resource Type Library Tool: Response Team - EOD Team

Enter the ID of the typed resources from the Resource Type Library Tool: 6-508-1176

Fiscal Capability InformationSection 1: Organizational Information

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Enter the following values in order to submit the applicationEnter the Year in which the Corporation was Founded: 0Enter the Date that the IRS Letter Granted 501(c)(3) Tax Exemption Status: 01/01/1900Enter the Employer Identification Number Assigned by the IRS: 0Enter the Charter Number assigned by the Texas Secretary of State: 0

Enter the Year in which the Corporation was Founded:Enter the Date that the IRS Letter Granted 501(c)(3) Tax Exemption Status:Enter the Employer Identification Number Assigned by the IRS:Enter the Charter Number assigned by the Texas Secretary of State:Section 2: Accounting SystemThe grantee organization must incorporate an accounting system that will track direct and indirect costs for the organization (general ledger) as well as direct and indirect costs by project (project ledger). The grantee must establish a time and effort system to track personnel costs by project. This should be reported on an hourly basis, or in increments of an hour.Is there a list of your organization's accounts identified by a specific number (i.e., a general ledger of accounts)?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

Does the accounting system include a project ledger to record expenditures for each Program by required budget cost categories?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

Is there a timekeeping system that allows for grant personnel to identify activity and requires signatures by the employee and his or her supervisor?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

If you answered 'No' to any question above in the Accounting System section, in the space provided below explain what action will be taken to ensure accountability.

Enter your explanation:Section 3: Financial CapabilityGrant agencies should prepare annual financial statements. At a minimum, current internal balance sheet and income statements are required. A balance sheet is a statement of financial position for a grant agency disclosing assets, liabilities, and retained earnings at a given point in time. An income statement is a summary of revenue and expenses for a grant agency during a fiscal year.Has the grant agency undergone an independent audit?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

Does the organization prepare financial statements at least annually?

Select the appropriate response:_ Yes


According to the organization's most recent Audit or Balance Sheet, are the current total assets greater than the liabilities?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

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Agency Name: City of Plano Grant/App: 4255201 Start Date: 10/1/2021 End Date: 9/30/2022 Fund Source: HS-Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) Project Title: 2021 SHSP Plano - HazMat Area Monitor Status: Application - Intake Fund Block: 2021

Eligibility InformationYour organization's Texas Payee/Taxpayer ID Number:

Application Eligibility Certify:Created on:1/21/2021 1:43:31 PM By:Carrie Little

Profile InformationApplicant Agency Name: City of PlanoProject Title: 2021 SHSP Plano - HazMat Area MonitorDivision or Unit to Administer the Project: Emergency ManagementAddress Line 1: 4125 W. Parker RdAddress Line 2: City/State/Zip: Plano Texas 75093-3101Start Date: 10/1/2021End Date: 9/30/2022

Regional Council of Goverments(COG) within the Project's Impact Area: North Central Texas Council of GovernmentsHeadquarter County: CollinCounties within Project's Impact Area: Dallas,Denton,Ellis,Hood,Hunt,Johnson,Kaufman,Navarro,Rockwall,Tarrant,Wise

Grant Officials:Authorized OfficialName: Carrie LittleEmail: [email protected] 1: 4125 West Parker RoadAddress 1: City: Plano, Texas 75093Phone: 972-769-4818 Other Phone: 817-807-5597Fax: 972-769-4869Title: Ms.Salutation: Ms.Position: Director of Emergency Management

Financial OfficialName: Valerie TidwellEmail: [email protected] 1: City of PlanoAddress 1: PO Box 860279City: Plano, Texas 75086Phone: 972-941-7477 Other Phone: 972-941-5221Fax: 972-461-9303Title: Ms.Salutation: Ms.Position: Accountant

Project DirectorName: Nicholas RobisonEmail: [email protected] 1: 4125 W. Parker RdAddress 1: 4125 W. Parker RdCity: Plano, Texas 75093

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Phone: 972-769-4820 Other Phone: 972-769-4820Fax: 972-769-4869Title: Mr.Salutation: Mr.Position: Senior Emergency Management Specialist

Grant WriterName: Marcie BrunerEmail: [email protected] 1: 616 Six Flags Drive, Center Point TwoAddress 1: P.O. Box 5888City: Arlington, Texas 76011Phone: 817-608-2379 Other Phone: 870-718-3576Fax: Title: Ms.Salutation: Ms.Position: Senior EM Specialist

Grant Vendor InformationOrganization Type: Unit of Local Government (City, Town, or Village)Organization Option: applying to provide homeland security servicesApplicant Agency's State Payee Identification Number (e.g., Federal Employer's Identification (FEI) Number or Vendor ID): Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS):

Narrative InformationOverviewThe purpose of the Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) is to support state and local efforts to prevent terrorism and other catastrophic events and to prepare the Nation for the threats and hazards that pose the greatest risk to the security of the United States. HSGP provides funding to implement investments that build, sustain, and deliver the 32 core capabilities essential to achieving the National Preparedness Goal (the Goal) of a secure and resilient Nation. The building, sustainment, and delivery of these core capabilities are not exclusive to any single level of government, organization, or community, but rather, require the combined effort of the whole community. HSGP supports core capabilities across the five mission areas of Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery based on allowable costs.

The funding announcement, located on the eGrants Calendar page, describes the organization types, activities, and costs that are eligible under the announcement. The PSO’s eGrants User Guide to Creating an Applicationguides applicants through the process of creating and submitting an application in eGrants. Information and guidance related to the management and use of grant funds can be found in the The PSO’s Guide to Grants, located on the PSO Resource for Applicants and Grantees webpage.Primary Mission and PurposeState Homeland Security Program (SHSP): Supports state, Tribal and local preparedness activities that address high-priority preparedness gaps across all core capabilities where a nexus to terrorism exists. All investments must be consistent with capability targets set during the Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) process, and gaps identified in the State Preparedness Report (SPR).

Many activities which support the achievement of target capabilities related to terrorism preparedness may simultaneously support enhanced preparedness for other hazards unrelated to acts of terrorism. However, all SHSP projects must assist grantees in achieving target capabilities related to preventing, preparing for, protecting against, or responding to acts of terrorism.Eligibility Requirements

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Criminal History ReportingEntities receiving funds from PSO must be located in a county that has an average of 90% or above on both adult and juvenile dispositions entered into the computerized criminal history database maintained by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) as directed in the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Chapter 66. The disposition completeness percentage is defined as the percentage of arrest charges a county reports to DPS for which a disposition has been subsequently reported and entered into the computerized criminal history system.

Beginning January 1, 2021, counties applying for grant awards from the Office of the Governor must commit that the county will report at least 90 percent of convictions and other dispositions within five business days to the Criminal Justice Information System at the Department of Public Safety. Click here for additional information from DPS on this new reporting requirement.

Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR)Eligible applicants operating a law enforcement agency must be current on reporting complete UCR data and the Texas specific reporting mandated by 411.042 TGC, to the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) for inclusion in the annual Crime in Texas (CIT) publication. To be considered eligible for funding, applicants must have submitted a full twelve months of accurate data to DPS for the most recent calendar year by the deadline(s) established by DPS. Due to the importance of timely reporting, applicants are required to submit complete and accurate UCR data, as well as the Texas-mandated reporting, on a no less than monthly basis and respond promptly to requests from DPS related to the data submitted. Note: UCR is transitioning from summary reporting to NIBRS only in 2021. Applicants are encouraged to transition to NIBRS as soon as possible in order to maintain their grant eligibility.National Incident Management System (NIMS) ImplementationGrantees are required to implement NIMS. The NIMS uses a systematic approach to integrate the best existing processes and methods into a unified national framework for incident management across all homeland security activities including prevention, protection, response, mitigation, and recovery. Grantees must use standardized resource management concepts for resource typing, credentialing, and an inventory to facilitate the effective identification, dispatch, deployment, tracking and recovery of resources.

Emergency Management PlansCities and counties must have a current emergency management plan or be a legally established member of an inter-jurisdictional emergency management program with a plan on file with the Texas Department of Public Safety, Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM). Plans must be maintained throughout the entire grant performance period and must be at least at the Intermediate Level. If you have questions concerning your Emergency Management Plan (preparedness) level, contact your Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC) or your regional Council of Governments (COG). For questions concerning plan deficiencies, contact TDEM at [email protected] RequirementsProgram IncomeApplicant agrees to comply with all federal and state rules and regulations for program income and agrees to report all program income that is generated as a result of the project's activities. Applicant agrees to report program income through a formal grant adjustment and to secure PSO approval prior to use of the program income. Applicant agrees to use program income for allowable costs and agrees to expend program income immediately after PSO's approval of a grant adjustment and prior to requesting reimbursement of funds.

Deduction Method - Program income shall be deducted from total allowable costs to determine the net allowable costs. Program income shall be used for current costs unless PSO authorizes otherwise. Program income which the grantee did not anticipate at the time of the award shall be used to reduce the PSO award and grantee match rather than to increase the funds committed to the project.

Asset Seizures and Forfeitures - Program income from asset seizures and forfeitures is considered earned when the property has been adjudicated to the benefit of the plaintiff (e.g., law enforcement entity).

Program Requirements

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Building and Sustaining Core Capabilities

1. All capabilities being built or sustained must have a clear link to one or more Core Capabilities in the National Preparedness Goal.

2. Many capabilities which support terrorism preparedness simultaneously support preparedness for other hazards. Grantees must demonstrate this dual-use quality for any activities implemented under this program that are not explicitly focused on terrorism preparedness. Activities implemented under SHSP must support terrorism preparedness by building or sustaining capabilities that relate to the prevention of, protection from, mitigation of, response to, and recovery from terrorism.

3. Funding should be used to sustain core capabilities. New capabilities should not be built at the expense of maintaining current and critically needed core capabilities. New capabilities must be aligned with capability targets and gaps identified through the THIRA/SPR process.

Mission AreasThe National Preparedness Goal organizes the core capabilities into the five mission areas:

• Prevention. Prevent, avoid or stop an imminent, threatened or actual act of terrorism.• Protection. Protect our citizens, residents, visitors, and assets against the greatest threats

and hazards in a manner that allows our interests, aspirations, and way of life to thrive.• Mitigation. Reduce the loss of life and property by lessening the impact of future disasters.• Response. Respond quickly to save lives, protect property and the environment, and meet

basic human needs in the aftermath of a catastrophic incident.• Recovery. Recover through a focus on the timely restoration, strengthening and revitalization

of infrastructure, housing and a sustainable economy, as well as the health, social, cultural, historic and environmental fabric of communities affected by a catastrophic incident.

Nationwide Cyber Security ReviewGrantees will be required to complete the Nationwide Cybersecurity Review (NCSR), enabling agencies to benchmark and measure progress of improving their cybersecurity posture. The Chief Information Officer (CIO), Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), or equivalent for each recipient agency should complete the NCSR. If there is no CIO or CISO, the most senior cybersecurity professional should complete the assessment. The NCSR is available at no cost to the user and takes approximately 2-3 hours to complete. For more information about the NCSR, visit: https://www.cisecurity.org/ms-isac/services/ncsr/.Overall CertificationEach applicant agency must certify to the specific requirements detailed above as well as to comply with all requirements within the PSO Funding Announcement, the Guide to Grants, the Grantee Conditions and Responsibilities, any authorizing or applicable state and federal statutes and regulations to be eligible for this program.X I certify to all of the application content and requirements.

Project Summary : Briefly summarize the project, including proposed activities and intended impact.This project will provide funding for enhancements to Plano Fire Rescue HazMat team that responds to events locally, regionally, and State-wide. The project will primarily be utilized for equipment enhancement. Additionally, this project will meet equipment needs to enhance response capabilities to detect WMD, traditional, and emerging threats and hazards of concern using CBRNE detection systems.

Problem Statement : Provide a detailed account of the issues, threats or hazards that your project will target. For federal Homeland Security Grants, include specific references to the regional or state Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA), as applicable.Local governments are challenged to provide initial and secondary responses for large-scale catastrophes and attacks on CIKR, as well as manage large gatherings. The North Central Texas region is home to many high-profile sites, including a regional hub for the Federal Reserve Bank and the Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base. The region also frequently hosts events of national significance, including SuperBowl XLV, the World Series, and the NBA All-Star Game and Finals. The highway system is part of the NAFTA corridor, which is one of the major routes for the movement of illegal substances and hazardous materials into the area. Additionally, Plano has 3 state highways and 2 tollways that are used to transport hazardous material. Also, the JTTF has identified the region as an integral part of national

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intelligence-gathering efforts to combat terrorism. Additionally, this project fulfills the gap identified in the DFWA THIRA for two high-ranking hazards, technological and human-caused hazards. Technological and human-caused hazards require specialized equipment to ensure the threat is handled correctly, limiting impact to public health and the environment. With this equipment enhancement, Plano Fire Rescue will have the ability to limit exposure time, increase detection capabilities, and work in hazardous environments with enhanced detection and personal protective equipment. This project covers multiple hazards as identified in the DFWA THIRA to include CCTA (pgs. 79, 87), flooding (pg. 113) CRBNE-Biological (pg. 116), to name a few. It also covers a variety of core capabilities such as environmental health and safety, operational coordination, and mass search and rescue operations. Providing funding will sustain the region's capacity for timely response to acts of terrorism, man-made and natural events.

Existing Capability Levels : Describe the existing capability levels, including resources that are currently in place to support this project prior to the use of grant funds.While Plano Fire Rescue has been a part of the HazMat response team operations for many years, there are still capability gaps to be filled and equipment upgrades to maintain the level of service throughout the region. This investment will address resource gaps for backup and support equipment so the teams can continuously work extended or multiple operations.

Capability Gaps: Describe the capability gaps which will be addressed by the project. For federal Homeland Security Grants, include specific references to the regional or statewide State Preparedness Report (SPR).While Plano Fire Rescue has been a part of the HazMat response team operations for many years, there are still capability gaps to be filled and equipment upgrades to maintain the level of service throughout the region. This investment will address resource gaps for backup and support equipment so the teams can continuously work extended or multiple operations. Capability gaps as outlined in the NCTCOG SPR that this project would aid in fulfilling are as follows: 1. Under Environmental Response/Health and Safety Core Capability: a. Within the first 24 hours following an incident, conduct health and safety hazard assessments and disseminate guidance and resources to include deploying eight hazmat teams to support environmental health and safety actions for 2,000 response personnel, and 308,000 residents and visitors, across an impacted area of 160.5 square miles. b. Within 24 hours, identify critical or hazardous infrastructure sites affected by the threat or hazard and prioritize clean-up. 2. Under Mass Search and Rescue Operations Core Capability: a. Within the first six hours of the incident, begin to conduct search and rescue operations across the affected area to locate and rescue 100 persons in distress, to include 15 percent who are individuals with disabilities and/or other access and functional needs, and 18 animals in distress. b. Sustain the operations for the first 72 hours of an incident, or as long as required to conduct search and rescue operations for 100 percent of the impacted 11,568 residential units and 800 commercial facilities. This is to be done across an incident area of 21 square miles incorporating 40,000 damaged structures and 20 critical infrastructure facilities. As also outlined in the SPR, these projects will aid in the ability to conduct search and rescue operations and coordinate a safe response to HazMat related incidents.

Impact Statement : Describe the project goals/objectives and how this project will maintain capabilities or reduce capability gaps. The region is a frequent host to events of national significance, including high profile sporting events such as the super bowl and NCAA finals. Many of these events take place in the North Central Texas region and place jurisdictions in a position to respond to outside jurisdictions if an incident escalates beyond the capabilities of another jurisdiction. This project provides the necessary equipment to meet the needs of responding specialized teams.

Homeland Security Priority Actions: Identify the Texas Homeland Security Priority Action most closely aligned with this project. Each Priority Action is linked with an Objective from the Texas Homeland Security Strategic Plan (HSSP). List the Priority Action by number and text (e.g. 1.2.3 Expand and enhance the network of human sources that can provide detailed and relevant information on known or suspected terrorist and criminal enterprises.)2.2.1. Strengthen statewide capability to detect, confirm, analyze, and assess chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear events. Goal 2. Reduce the state's vulnerability to terrorist and criminal attacks and natural and technological disasters Objective 2.2. Reduce the risk of chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high-yield explosives (CBRNE) incidents by enhancing control and early detection capabilities

Target Group : Identify the target group and population expected to benefit from this project.

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Custom Output Measures


Custom Outcome Measures


Resolution from Governing BodyApplications from nonprofit corporations, local units of governments, and other political subdivisions must include a resolution that contains the following:

1. Authorization by your governing body for the submission of the application to the Public Safety Office (PSO) that clearly identifies the name of the project for which funding is requested;

2. A commitment to provide all applicable matching funds;3. A designation of the name and/or title of an authorized official who is given the authority to

apply for, accept, reject, alter, or terminate a grant (Note: If a name is provided, you must update the PSO should the official change during the grant period.); and

4. A written assurance that, in the event of loss or misuse of grant funds, the governing body will return all funds to PSO.

Upon approval from your agency's governing body, upload the approved resolution to eGrants by going to the Upload.Files tab and following the instructions on Uploading eGrants Files.Contract ComplianceWill PSO grant funds be used to support any contracts for professional services?

Select the appropriate response: Yes

X No

For applicant agencies that selected Yes above, describe how you will monitor the activities of the sub-contractor(s) for compliance with the contract provisions (including equipment purchases), deliverables, and all applicable statutes, rules, regulations, and guidelines governing this project.

Enter a description for monitoring contract compliance:Lobbying

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Homeland Security Information


DHS Project Type: Enhance capabilities to respond to CBRNE events


Core Capability: Screening, Search, and Detection

Identify if this investment focuses on building new capabilities or sustaining existing capabilities. : Existing Capabilities (Sustain)

Are the assets or activities Deployable or Shareable: Shareable

___ Check if this Investment requires new construction or renovation, retrofitting, or modification of existing structures

___ Check if these funds will support a project that was previously funded with HSGP funding

Project Management Step Involved:

Check the step that most closely resembles the phase of the project activities to be completed during the grant period.

Step: Execute

Description: The period within the project lifecycle during which the actual work of creating the project's deliverables is carried out.

Process: Involves directing, accomplishing, managing, and completing all phases and aspects of work for a given project.


Milestone: Begin RFP for purchase of Area Monitoring software; Completion Date: 01-15-2022Milestone: Select vendor for software purchase; Completion Date: 04-15-2022Milestone: Receive software and begin utilizing in the field; Completion Date: 07-15-2022

NIMS Resources

___ Check if this project supports a NIMS typed resource

Enter the name of the typed resources from the Resource Type Library Tool:

Enter the ID of the typed resources from the Resource Type Library Tool:

Fiscal Capability InformationSection 1: Organizational Information*** FOR PROFIT CORPORATIONS ONLY ***

Enter the following values in order to submit the applicationEnter the Year in which the Corporation was Founded: 0Enter the Date that the IRS Letter Granted 501(c)(3) Tax Exemption Status: 01/01/1900Enter the Employer Identification Number Assigned by the IRS: 0Enter the Charter Number assigned by the Texas Secretary of State: 0

Enter the Year in which the Corporation was Founded:Enter the Date that the IRS Letter Granted 501(c)(3) Tax Exemption Status:

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Enter the Employer Identification Number Assigned by the IRS:Enter the Charter Number assigned by the Texas Secretary of State:Section 2: Accounting SystemThe grantee organization must incorporate an accounting system that will track direct and indirect costs for the organization (general ledger) as well as direct and indirect costs by project (project ledger). The grantee must establish a time and effort system to track personnel costs by project. This should be reported on an hourly basis, or in increments of an hour.Is there a list of your organization's accounts identified by a specific number (i.e., a general ledger of accounts)?

Select the appropriate response:_ Yes


Does the accounting system include a project ledger to record expenditures for each Program by required budget cost categories?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

Is there a timekeeping system that allows for grant personnel to identify activity and requires signatures by the employee and his or her supervisor?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

If you answered 'No' to any question above in the Accounting System section, in the space provided below explain what action will be taken to ensure accountability.

Enter your explanation:Section 3: Financial CapabilityGrant agencies should prepare annual financial statements. At a minimum, current internal balance sheet and income statements are required. A balance sheet is a statement of financial position for a grant agency disclosing assets, liabilities, and retained earnings at a given point in time. An income statement is a summary of revenue and expenses for a grant agency during a fiscal year.Has the grant agency undergone an independent audit?

Select the appropriate response: Yes

_ No

Does the organization prepare financial statements at least annually?

Select the appropriate response: Yes

_ No

According to the organization's most recent Audit or Balance Sheet, are the current total assets greater than the liabilities?

Select the appropriate response:_ Yes


If you selected 'No' to any question above under the Financial Capability section, in the space provided below explain what action will be taken to ensure accountability.

Enter your explanation:Section 4: Budgetary ControlsGrant agencies should establish a system to track expenditures against budget and / or funded amounts.

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Agency Name: North Central Texas Council of Governments Grant/App: 3303405 Start Date: 10/1/2021 End Date: 9/30/2022 Fund Source: HS-Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) Project Title: 2021 SHSP - NCTCOG - Regional Interoperable Communications Enhancements Status: Application - Created by Applicant Fund Block: 2021

Eligibility InformationYour organization's Texas Payee/Taxpayer ID Number:

Application Eligibility Certify:Created on:12/14/2020 11:36:33 AM By:Braydon Williams

Profile InformationApplicant Agency Name: North Central Texas Council of GovernmentsProject Title: 2021 SHSP - NCTCOG - Regional Interoperable Communications EnhancementsDivision or Unit to Administer the Project: Emergency Preparedness DepartmentAddress Line 1: 616 Six Flags DriveAddress Line 2: Centerpoint IICity/State/Zip: Arlington Texas 76011-6347Start Date: 10/1/2021End Date: 9/30/2022

Regional Council of Goverments(COG) within the Project's Impact Area: North Central Texas Council of GovernmentsHeadquarter County: TarrantCounties within Project's Impact Area: Collin,Dallas,Denton,Ellis,Erath,Hood,Hunt,Johnson,Kaufman,Navarro,Palo Pinto,Parker,Rockwall,Somervell,Tarrant,Wise

Grant Officials:Authorized OfficialName: Mike EastlandEmail: [email protected] 1: 616 Six Flags DriveAddress 1: City: Arlington, Texas 76011Phone: 817-695-9100 Other Phone: 817-608-2300Fax: 817-704-2543Title: Mr.Salutation: Mr.Position: Executive Director

Financial OfficialName: Monte MercerEmail: [email protected] 1: P.O. Box 5888Address 1: 616 Six Flags DriveCity: Arlington, Texas 76005Phone: 817-695-9121 Other Phone: 817-695-9118Fax: 817-640-7806Title: Mr.Salutation: Mr.Position: Director of Administration

Project DirectorName: Braydon WilliamsEmail: [email protected] 1: 616 Six Flags Drive Address 1: Centerpoint 2City: Arlington, Texas 76011Phone: 817-608-2318 Other Phone: Fax:

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Title: Mr.Salutation: Mr.Position: SHSP Grant Coordinator

Grant WriterName: CJ HoltEmail: [email protected] 1: 3131 DawsonAddress 1: Radio Network ManagerCity: Dallas, Texas 75226Phone: 214-670-7979 Other Phone: 214-701-4644Fax: Title: Mr.Salutation: Mr.Position: Radio Network Manager

Grant Vendor InformationOrganization Type: Council of Government (COG)Organization Option: applying to provide homeland security servicesApplicant Agency's State Payee Identification Number (e.g., Federal Employer's Identification (FEI) Number or Vendor ID): Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS):

Narrative InformationOverviewThe purpose of the Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) is to support state and local efforts to prevent terrorism and other catastrophic events and to prepare the Nation for the threats and hazards that pose the greatest risk to the security of the United States. HSGP provides funding to implement investments that build, sustain, and deliver the 32 core capabilities essential to achieving the National Preparedness Goal (the Goal) of a secure and resilient Nation. The building, sustainment, and delivery of these core capabilities are not exclusive to any single level of government, organization, or community, but rather, require the combined effort of the whole community. HSGP supports core capabilities across the five mission areas of Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery based on allowable costs.

The funding announcement, located on the eGrants Calendar page, describes the organization types, activities, and costs that are eligible under the announcement. The PSO’s eGrants User Guide to Creating an Applicationguides applicants through the process of creating and submitting an application in eGrants. Information and guidance related to the management and use of grant funds can be found in the The PSO’s Guide to Grants, located on the PSO Resource for Applicants and Grantees webpage.Primary Mission and PurposeState Homeland Security Program (SHSP): Supports state, Tribal and local preparedness activities that address high-priority preparedness gaps across all core capabilities where a nexus to terrorism exists. All investments must be consistent with capability targets set during the Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) process, and gaps identified in the State Preparedness Report (SPR).

Many activities which support the achievement of target capabilities related to terrorism preparedness may simultaneously support enhanced preparedness for other hazards unrelated to acts of terrorism. However, all SHSP projects must assist grantees in achieving target capabilities related to preventing, preparing for, protecting against, or responding to acts of terrorism.Eligibility Requirements

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Criminal History ReportingEntities receiving funds from PSO must be located in a county that has an average of 90% or above on both adult and juvenile dispositions entered into the computerized criminal history database maintained by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) as directed in the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Chapter 66. The disposition completeness percentage is defined as the percentage of arrest charges a county reports to DPS for which a disposition has been subsequently reported and entered into the computerized criminal history system.

Beginning January 1, 2021, counties applying for grant awards from the Office of the Governor must commit that the county will report at least 90 percent of convictions and other dispositions within five business days to the Criminal Justice Information System at the Department of Public Safety. Click here for additional information from DPS on this new reporting requirement.

Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR)Eligible applicants operating a law enforcement agency must be current on reporting complete UCR data and the Texas specific reporting mandated by 411.042 TGC, to the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) for inclusion in the annual Crime in Texas (CIT) publication. To be considered eligible for funding, applicants must have submitted a full twelve months of accurate data to DPS for the most recent calendar year by the deadline(s) established by DPS. Due to the importance of timely reporting, applicants are required to submit complete and accurate UCR data, as well as the Texas-mandated reporting, on a no less than monthly basis and respond promptly to requests from DPS related to the data submitted. Note: UCR is transitioning from summary reporting to NIBRS only in 2021. Applicants are encouraged to transition to NIBRS as soon as possible in order to maintain their grant eligibility.National Incident Management System (NIMS) ImplementationGrantees are required to implement NIMS. The NIMS uses a systematic approach to integrate the best existing processes and methods into a unified national framework for incident management across all homeland security activities including prevention, protection, response, mitigation, and recovery. Grantees must use standardized resource management concepts for resource typing, credentialing, and an inventory to facilitate the effective identification, dispatch, deployment, tracking and recovery of resources.

Emergency Management PlansCities and counties must have a current emergency management plan or be a legally established member of an inter-jurisdictional emergency management program with a plan on file with the Texas Department of Public Safety, Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM). Plans must be maintained throughout the entire grant performance period and must be at least at the Intermediate Level. If you have questions concerning your Emergency Management Plan (preparedness) level, contact your Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC) or your regional Council of Governments (COG). For questions concerning plan deficiencies, contact TDEM at [email protected] RequirementsProgram IncomeApplicant agrees to comply with all federal and state rules and regulations for program income and agrees to report all program income that is generated as a result of the project's activities. Applicant agrees to report program income through a formal grant adjustment and to secure PSO approval prior to use of the program income. Applicant agrees to use program income for allowable costs and agrees to expend program income immediately after PSO's approval of a grant adjustment and prior to requesting reimbursement of funds.

Deduction Method - Program income shall be deducted from total allowable costs to determine the net allowable costs. Program income shall be used for current costs unless PSO authorizes otherwise. Program income which the grantee did not anticipate at the time of the award shall be used to reduce the PSO award and grantee match rather than to increase the funds committed to the project.

Asset Seizures and Forfeitures - Program income from asset seizures and forfeitures is considered earned when the property has been adjudicated to the benefit of the plaintiff (e.g., law enforcement entity).

Program Requirements

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Building and Sustaining Core Capabilities

1. All capabilities being built or sustained must have a clear link to one or more Core Capabilities in the National Preparedness Goal.

2. Many capabilities which support terrorism preparedness simultaneously support preparedness for other hazards. Grantees must demonstrate this dual-use quality for any activities implemented under this program that are not explicitly focused on terrorism preparedness. Activities implemented under SHSP must support terrorism preparedness by building or sustaining capabilities that relate to the prevention of, protection from, mitigation of, response to, and recovery from terrorism.

3. Funding should be used to sustain core capabilities. New capabilities should not be built at the expense of maintaining current and critically needed core capabilities. New capabilities must be aligned with capability targets and gaps identified through the THIRA/SPR process.

Mission AreasThe National Preparedness Goal organizes the core capabilities into the five mission areas:

• Prevention. Prevent, avoid or stop an imminent, threatened or actual act of terrorism.• Protection. Protect our citizens, residents, visitors, and assets against the greatest threats

and hazards in a manner that allows our interests, aspirations, and way of life to thrive.• Mitigation. Reduce the loss of life and property by lessening the impact of future disasters.• Response. Respond quickly to save lives, protect property and the environment, and meet

basic human needs in the aftermath of a catastrophic incident.• Recovery. Recover through a focus on the timely restoration, strengthening and revitalization

of infrastructure, housing and a sustainable economy, as well as the health, social, cultural, historic and environmental fabric of communities affected by a catastrophic incident.

Nationwide Cyber Security ReviewGrantees will be required to complete the Nationwide Cybersecurity Review (NCSR), enabling agencies to benchmark and measure progress of improving their cybersecurity posture. The Chief Information Officer (CIO), Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), or equivalent for each recipient agency should complete the NCSR. If there is no CIO or CISO, the most senior cybersecurity professional should complete the assessment. The NCSR is available at no cost to the user and takes approximately 2-3 hours to complete. For more information about the NCSR, visit: https://www.cisecurity.org/ms-isac/services/ncsr/.Overall CertificationEach applicant agency must certify to the specific requirements detailed above as well as to comply with all requirements within the PSO Funding Announcement, the Guide to Grants, the Grantee Conditions and Responsibilities, any authorizing or applicable state and federal statutes and regulations to be eligible for this program.X I certify to all of the application content and requirements.

Project Summary : Briefly summarize the project, including proposed activities and intended impact.This project focuses on training and regional coordination activities to enhance interoperable communications in North Central Texas. This will assist in preventing, preparing for, protecting against and responding to acts of terrorism, improving communications capabilities at large venue/crowded events, to improve response as threats emerge by enhancing communication abilities in the region which allows responders to improve cooperation amongst agencies. The training portion of the project will include Department of Homeland Security Communications Unit training courses, courses directly related to specific equipment/ software used for interoperability planning and coordination, and training on basics of communications/interoperable communications. These training courses will address multiple regional communications deficiencies that have been identified in previous training, exercises, and real-world terrorism events.

Problem Statement : Provide a detailed account of the issues, threats or hazards that your project will target. For federal Homeland Security Grants, include specific references to the regional or state Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA), as applicable.Operable and Interoperable communications remains an essential element to multi-disciplined response efforts between USAR, HAZMAT, EOD, SWAT, Law Enforcement and Fire. Communications remains a constant gap between ever evolving threats especially involving large scale events and incidents. Improving communications will enhance response efforts, coordination, and command and control, ultimately enhancing life safety among first responders and our local citizens. Regional communications is vital to

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ensure a coordinated response effort whether its a coordinated IED attack, terrorism incident, natural disaster or other similar threats. This is critically evident during high-threat, large-scale entertainment events, incidents including the downtown Dallas shooting in July 2016, or the large-scale regional BigX exercise. Operational Communications - Page 51 of Regional THIRA

Existing Capability Levels : Describe the existing capability levels, including resources that are currently in place to support this project prior to the use of grant funds.Radio communications interoperability continues to improve as agencies and departments commit resources to radio communications training, operator training, and capability cross jurisdictional integration. In the 2019 Level of Interoperability survey put out by Texas DPS, over 80% of the Counties scored had Improved Interoperability (score 4 out of 5). Of the two agencies who scored lower, one is in the process of migrating to a standards based communications system (level 5) and the other is seeking funding to address deficiencies. Additionally, agencies that have migrated or are migrating to standards based systems have indicated they use (or plan to use for those being built) the state Radio Unit ID programming which also improves capabilities within systems. Exercises that force regional cross discipline and cross jurisdiction communication have demonstrated that continued training and technology improvement have improved capability levels of first responders throughout the region. Continued work between agencies to share communications infrastructure resources and shared radio systems have improved capabilities dramatically. Continued Communications Unit Training and generalized communications courses will continue to improve capability levels throughout the region.

Capability Gaps: Describe the capability gaps which will be addressed by the project. For federal Homeland Security Grants, include specific references to the regional or statewide State Preparedness Report (SPR).Recent large-scale regional exercises, real-world entertainment events and terrorism/threat incidents have indicated the continued need for training throughout the region. Educating first responders, health and safety and emergency management personnel, who are critical when responding to regional threats, is imperative to ensuring seamless coordination and command of an incident. The Regional Communications Plans need to be updated to ensure interoperability during any type of complex coordinated attack involving multiple jurisdictions. As stated previously, two counties within the region also were determined to have not be at the improved interoperability level. One is in the process of migrating to a standards based communications system (level 5) and the other is seeking funding to address deficiencies through grant funding and other potential funding avenues. Ultimately, this project will enhance interoperability needed to enable public safety to respond anywhere throughout the state and have radio communications with other first responders. Operational Communications - Page 76 of Regional SPR.

Impact Statement : Describe the project goals/objectives and how this project will maintain capabilities or reduce capability gaps. Recent large scale exercises and real-world response events continue to indicate the need, and priority, for an effective and efficient regional communications system. This has become ever so evident during COVID responses when large scale distribution and testing centers have been stood up by agencies. Public safety have proven through these events their need for continued training opportunities. The projects impact will assist public safety agencies with training from the basic level communications to advanced communications leaders and technicians.

Homeland Security Priority Actions: Identify the Texas Homeland Security Priority Action most closely aligned with this project. Each Priority Action is linked with an Objective from the Texas Homeland Security Strategic Plan (HSSP). List the Priority Action by number and text (e.g. 1.2.3 Expand and enhance the network of human sources that can provide detailed and relevant information on known or suspected terrorist and criminal enterprises.)4.3.4 Expand end-user communications system training at the state, regional, local, and tribal levels.

Target Group : Identify the target group and population expected to benefit from this project.NCTCOG Staff and the Communications Working Group will focus efforts for training and cooordination to support the public safety sector, as well as, communications experts who interact with and manage the communications networks for public safety. Training courses are offered to all local governments in the NCTCOG region and are planned and coordinated through the regional communications working group. The courses and associated materials are free of charge to ensure maximum participation. Planned training courses include courses listed in the Department of Homeland Security Communication Unit Training COurses (COML, COMT, INCM, etc). Working with the PSCWG, REPAC and EPPC, NCTCOG Staff plan to identify these needs and provide focused training and equipment where a documented need is greatest.

Long-Term Approach: Describe how the applicant agency will maintain the capabilities supported by this project without additional

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DHS Project Type: Develop/enhance interoperable communications systems


Core Capability: Operational Communications

Identify if this investment focuses on building new capabilities or sustaining existing capabilities. : Existing Capabilities (Sustain)

Are the assets or activities Deployable or Shareable: Neither Deployable or Shareable

___ Check if this Investment requires new construction or renovation, retrofitting, or modification of existing structures

_X_Check if these funds will support a project that was previously funded with HSGP funding

Project Management Step Involved:

Check the step that most closely resembles the phase of the project activities to be completed during the grant period.

Step: Execute

Description: The period within the project lifecycle during which the actual work of creating the project's deliverables is carried out.

Process: Involves directing, accomplishing, managing, and completing all phases and aspects of work for a given project.


Milestone: Identify two representative to send to training courses; Completion Date: 01-15-2022Milestone: Hold Communication Unit Course 1; Completion Date: 03-15-2022Milestone: Hold Communication Unit Course 2; Completion Date: 06-20-2022Milestone: Hold Communication Unit Course 3; Completion Date: 09-01-2022

NIMS Resources

___ Check if this project supports a NIMS typed resource

Enter the name of the typed resources from the Resource Type Library Tool:

Enter the ID of the typed resources from the Resource Type Library Tool:

Fiscal Capability InformationSection 1: Organizational Information*** FOR PROFIT CORPORATIONS ONLY ***

Enter the following values in order to submit the applicationEnter the Year in which the Corporation was Founded: 0Enter the Date that the IRS Letter Granted 501(c)(3) Tax Exemption Status: 01/01/1900Enter the Employer Identification Number Assigned by the IRS: 0Enter the Charter Number assigned by the Texas Secretary of State: 0

Enter the Year in which the Corporation was Founded:Enter the Date that the IRS Letter Granted 501(c)(3) Tax Exemption Status:Enter the Employer Identification Number Assigned by the IRS:Enter the Charter Number assigned by the Texas Secretary of State:Section 2: Accounting System

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The grantee organization must incorporate an accounting system that will track direct and indirect costs for the organization (general ledger) as well as direct and indirect costs by project (project ledger). The grantee must establish a time and effort system to track personnel costs by project. This should be reported on an hourly basis, or in increments of an hour.Is there a list of your organization's accounts identified by a specific number (i.e., a general ledger of accounts)?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

Does the accounting system include a project ledger to record expenditures for each Program by required budget cost categories?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

Is there a timekeeping system that allows for grant personnel to identify activity and requires signatures by the employee and his or her supervisor?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

If you answered 'No' to any question above in the Accounting System section, in the space provided below explain what action will be taken to ensure accountability.

Enter your explanation:Section 3: Financial CapabilityGrant agencies should prepare annual financial statements. At a minimum, current internal balance sheet and income statements are required. A balance sheet is a statement of financial position for a grant agency disclosing assets, liabilities, and retained earnings at a given point in time. An income statement is a summary of revenue and expenses for a grant agency during a fiscal year.Has the grant agency undergone an independent audit?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

Does the organization prepare financial statements at least annually?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

According to the organization's most recent Audit or Balance Sheet, are the current total assets greater than the liabilities?

Select the appropriate response: Yes

_ No

If you selected 'No' to any question above under the Financial Capability section, in the space provided below explain what action will be taken to ensure accountability.

Enter your explanation:Section 4: Budgetary ControlsGrant agencies should establish a system to track expenditures against budget and / or funded amounts.Are there budgetary controls in effect (e.g., comparison of budget with actual expenditures on a monthly basis) to include drawing down grant funds in excess of:

a) Total funds authorized on the Statement of Grant Award? Yes No

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Public Education

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Agency Name: North Central Texas Council of Governments Grant/App: 2945206 Start Date: 10/1/2021 End Date: 9/30/2022 Fund Source: HS-Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) Project Title: 2021 SHSP - NCTCOG - Public Education Program Enhancement Status: Application - Created by Applicant Fund Block: 2021

Eligibility InformationYour organization's Texas Payee/Taxpayer ID Number:

Application Eligibility Certify:Created on:12/14/2020 12:30:13 PM By:Braydon Williams

Profile InformationApplicant Agency Name: North Central Texas Council of GovernmentsProject Title: 2021 SHSP - NCTCOG - Public Education Program EnhancementDivision or Unit to Administer the Project: Emergency Preparedness DepartmentAddress Line 1: 616 Six Flags Dr.Address Line 2: Centerpoint 2City/State/Zip: Arlington Texas 76011-6347Start Date: 10/1/2021End Date: 9/30/2022

Regional Council of Goverments(COG) within the Project's Impact Area: North Central Texas Council of GovernmentsHeadquarter County: TarrantCounties within Project's Impact Area: Collin,Dallas,Denton,Ellis,Erath,Hood,Hunt,Johnson,Kaufman,Navarro,Palo Pinto,Parker,Rockwall,Somervell,Tarrant,Wise

Grant Officials:Authorized OfficialName: Mike EastlandEmail: [email protected] 1: 616 Six Flags DriveAddress 1: City: Arlington, Texas 76011Phone: 817-695-9100 Other Phone: 817-608-2300Fax: 817-704-2543Title: Mr.Salutation: Mr.Position: Executive Director

Financial OfficialName: Monte MercerEmail: [email protected] 1: P.O. Box 5888Address 1: 616 Six Flags DriveCity: Arlington, Texas 76005Phone: 817-695-9121 Other Phone: 817-695-9118Fax: 817-640-7806Title: Mr.Salutation: Mr.Position: Director of Administration

Project DirectorName: Braydon WilliamsEmail: [email protected] 1: 616 Six Flags Drive Address 1: Centerpoint 2City: Arlington, Texas 76011Phone: 817-608-2318 Other Phone: Fax: Title: Mr.Salutation: Mr.Position: SHSP Grant Coordinator

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Grant WriterName: Matthew LaMunionEmail: [email protected] 1: PO 299002Address 1: Office of Emergency ManagementCity: Lewisville, Texas 75029Phone: 972-219-3431 Other Phone: 972-219-5089Fax: Title: Mr.Salutation: Mr.Position: Emergency Management Specialist

Grant Vendor InformationOrganization Type: Council of Government (COG)Organization Option: applying to provide homeland security servicesApplicant Agency's State Payee Identification Number (e.g., Federal Employer's Identification (FEI) Number or Vendor ID): Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS):

Narrative InformationOverviewThe purpose of the Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) is to support state and local efforts to prevent terrorism and other catastrophic events and to prepare the Nation for the threats and hazards that pose the greatest risk to the security of the United States. HSGP provides funding to implement investments that build, sustain, and deliver the 32 core capabilities essential to achieving the National Preparedness Goal (the Goal) of a secure and resilient Nation. The building, sustainment, and delivery of these core capabilities are not exclusive to any single level of government, organization, or community, but rather, require the combined effort of the whole community. HSGP supports core capabilities across the five mission areas of Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery based on allowable costs.

The funding announcement, located on the eGrants Calendar page, describes the organization types, activities, and costs that are eligible under the announcement. The PSO’s eGrants User Guide to Creating an Applicationguides applicants through the process of creating and submitting an application in eGrants. Information and guidance related to the management and use of grant funds can be found in the The PSO’s Guide to Grants, located on the PSO Resource for Applicants and Grantees webpage.Primary Mission and PurposeState Homeland Security Program (SHSP): Supports state, Tribal and local preparedness activities that address high-priority preparedness gaps across all core capabilities where a nexus to terrorism exists. All investments must be consistent with capability targets set during the Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) process, and gaps identified in the State Preparedness Report (SPR).

Many activities which support the achievement of target capabilities related to terrorism preparedness may simultaneously support enhanced preparedness for other hazards unrelated to acts of terrorism. However, all SHSP projects must assist grantees in achieving target capabilities related to preventing, preparing for, protecting against, or responding to acts of terrorism.Eligibility Requirements

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Criminal History ReportingEntities receiving funds from PSO must be located in a county that has an average of 90% or above on both adult and juvenile dispositions entered into the computerized criminal history database maintained by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) as directed in the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Chapter 66. The disposition completeness percentage is defined as the percentage of arrest charges a county reports to DPS for which a disposition has been subsequently reported and entered into the computerized criminal history system.

Beginning January 1, 2021, counties applying for grant awards from the Office of the Governor must commit that the county will report at least 90 percent of convictions and other dispositions within five business days to the Criminal Justice Information System at the Department of Public Safety. Click here for additional information from DPS on this new reporting requirement.

Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR)Eligible applicants operating a law enforcement agency must be current on reporting complete UCR data and the Texas specific reporting mandated by 411.042 TGC, to the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) for inclusion in the annual Crime in Texas (CIT) publication. To be considered eligible for funding, applicants must have submitted a full twelve months of accurate data to DPS for the most recent calendar year by the deadline(s) established by DPS. Due to the importance of timely reporting, applicants are required to submit complete and accurate UCR data, as well as the Texas-mandated reporting, on a no less than monthly basis and respond promptly to requests from DPS related to the data submitted. Note: UCR is transitioning from summary reporting to NIBRS only in 2021. Applicants are encouraged to transition to NIBRS as soon as possible in order to maintain their grant eligibility.National Incident Management System (NIMS) ImplementationGrantees are required to implement NIMS. The NIMS uses a systematic approach to integrate the best existing processes and methods into a unified national framework for incident management across all homeland security activities including prevention, protection, response, mitigation, and recovery. Grantees must use standardized resource management concepts for resource typing, credentialing, and an inventory to facilitate the effective identification, dispatch, deployment, tracking and recovery of resources.

Emergency Management PlansCities and counties must have a current emergency management plan or be a legally established member of an inter-jurisdictional emergency management program with a plan on file with the Texas Department of Public Safety, Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM). Plans must be maintained throughout the entire grant performance period and must be at least at the Intermediate Level. If you have questions concerning your Emergency Management Plan (preparedness) level, contact your Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC) or your regional Council of Governments (COG). For questions concerning plan deficiencies, contact TDEM at [email protected] RequirementsProgram IncomeApplicant agrees to comply with all federal and state rules and regulations for program income and agrees to report all program income that is generated as a result of the project's activities. Applicant agrees to report program income through a formal grant adjustment and to secure PSO approval prior to use of the program income. Applicant agrees to use program income for allowable costs and agrees to expend program income immediately after PSO's approval of a grant adjustment and prior to requesting reimbursement of funds.

Deduction Method - Program income shall be deducted from total allowable costs to determine the net allowable costs. Program income shall be used for current costs unless PSO authorizes otherwise. Program income which the grantee did not anticipate at the time of the award shall be used to reduce the PSO award and grantee match rather than to increase the funds committed to the project.

Asset Seizures and Forfeitures - Program income from asset seizures and forfeitures is considered earned when the property has been adjudicated to the benefit of the plaintiff (e.g., law enforcement entity).

Program Requirements

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Building and Sustaining Core Capabilities

1. All capabilities being built or sustained must have a clear link to one or more Core Capabilities in the National Preparedness Goal.

2. Many capabilities which support terrorism preparedness simultaneously support preparedness for other hazards. Grantees must demonstrate this dual-use quality for any activities implemented under this program that are not explicitly focused on terrorism preparedness. Activities implemented under SHSP must support terrorism preparedness by building or sustaining capabilities that relate to the prevention of, protection from, mitigation of, response to, and recovery from terrorism.

3. Funding should be used to sustain core capabilities. New capabilities should not be built at the expense of maintaining current and critically needed core capabilities. New capabilities must be aligned with capability targets and gaps identified through the THIRA/SPR process.

Mission AreasThe National Preparedness Goal organizes the core capabilities into the five mission areas:

• Prevention. Prevent, avoid or stop an imminent, threatened or actual act of terrorism.• Protection. Protect our citizens, residents, visitors, and assets against the greatest threats

and hazards in a manner that allows our interests, aspirations, and way of life to thrive.• Mitigation. Reduce the loss of life and property by lessening the impact of future disasters.• Response. Respond quickly to save lives, protect property and the environment, and meet

basic human needs in the aftermath of a catastrophic incident.• Recovery. Recover through a focus on the timely restoration, strengthening and revitalization

of infrastructure, housing and a sustainable economy, as well as the health, social, cultural, historic and environmental fabric of communities affected by a catastrophic incident.

Nationwide Cyber Security ReviewGrantees will be required to complete the Nationwide Cybersecurity Review (NCSR), enabling agencies to benchmark and measure progress of improving their cybersecurity posture. The Chief Information Officer (CIO), Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), or equivalent for each recipient agency should complete the NCSR. If there is no CIO or CISO, the most senior cybersecurity professional should complete the assessment. The NCSR is available at no cost to the user and takes approximately 2-3 hours to complete. For more information about the NCSR, visit: https://www.cisecurity.org/ms-isac/services/ncsr/.Overall CertificationEach applicant agency must certify to the specific requirements detailed above as well as to comply with all requirements within the PSO Funding Announcement, the Guide to Grants, the Grantee Conditions and Responsibilities, any authorizing or applicable state and federal statutes and regulations to be eligible for this program.X I certify to all of the application content and requirements.

Project Summary : Briefly summarize the project, including proposed activities and intended impact.This project will continue to enhance the Public Education Working Group's ability to focus on engaging residents in how to prepare for, respond to, and recover from terrorist attacks and regional hazards. This year's project continues funding of the Know What 2 Do website hosting, production and printing of materials, and a new home preparedness for student's campaign.

Problem Statement : Provide a detailed account of the issues, threats or hazards that your project will target. For federal Homeland Security Grants, include specific references to the regional or state Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA), as applicable.The North Central Texas Region is home to nearly 7 million people, one of the largest and busiest airports, multiple transportation hubs, and event venues. Each factor alone makes the region a terrorist target and vulnerable to many natural and man-made hazards. Public education on all hazards identified in the THIRA is vital in order to have an informed and prepared population.Outreach to at least 3000 residents is also listed as a capability target in the Regional THIRA on Page 25

Existing Capability Levels : Describe the existing capability levels, including resources that are currently in place to support this project prior to the use of grant funds.Current resources augmenting the KnoWhat2Do program include staff from 16 counties and 294 jurisdictions who use materials developed and updated by this program to educate residents in preparing for and mitigating impacts of all THIRA hazards - including but not limited to terrorism. The program provides real-world examples and steps to take to encourage preparedness.

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0Position 2 - Name:Position 2 - Total Compensation ($):0Position 3 - Name:Position 3 - Total Compensation ($):0Position 4 - Name:Position 4 - Total Compensation ($):0Position 5 - Name:Position 5 - Total Compensation ($):0

Homeland Security Information


DHS Project Type: Manage, update and/or implement the State Homeland Security Strategy


Core Capability: Community Resilience

Identify if this investment focuses on building new capabilities or sustaining existing capabilities. : Existing Capabilities (Sustain)

Are the assets or activities Deployable or Shareable: Shareable

___ Check if this Investment requires new construction or renovation, retrofitting, or modification of existing structures

___ Check if these funds will support a project that was previously funded with HSGP funding

Project Management Step Involved:

Check the step that most closely resembles the phase of the project activities to be completed during the grant period.

Step: Execute

Description: The period within the project lifecycle during which the actual work of creating the project's deliverables is carried out.

Process: Involves directing, accomplishing, managing, and completing all phases and aspects of work for a given project.


Milestone: Purchase webhosting services for Know What 2 Do; Completion Date: 01-31-2022Milestone: Purchase marketing materials for distribution to jurisdictions (rack cards, books, crayons); Completion Date: 03-31-2022Milestone: Complete Calendar Project; Completion Date: 09-01-2022

NIMS Resources

___ Check if this project supports a NIMS typed resource

Enter the name of the typed resources from the Resource Type Library Tool:

Enter the ID of the typed resources from the Resource Type Library Tool:

Fiscal Capability InformationSection 1: Organizational Information

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Enter the following values in order to submit the applicationEnter the Year in which the Corporation was Founded: 0Enter the Date that the IRS Letter Granted 501(c)(3) Tax Exemption Status: 01/01/1900Enter the Employer Identification Number Assigned by the IRS: 0Enter the Charter Number assigned by the Texas Secretary of State: 0

Enter the Year in which the Corporation was Founded:Enter the Date that the IRS Letter Granted 501(c)(3) Tax Exemption Status:Enter the Employer Identification Number Assigned by the IRS:Enter the Charter Number assigned by the Texas Secretary of State:Section 2: Accounting SystemThe grantee organization must incorporate an accounting system that will track direct and indirect costs for the organization (general ledger) as well as direct and indirect costs by project (project ledger). The grantee must establish a time and effort system to track personnel costs by project. This should be reported on an hourly basis, or in increments of an hour.Is there a list of your organization's accounts identified by a specific number (i.e., a general ledger of accounts)?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

Does the accounting system include a project ledger to record expenditures for each Program by required budget cost categories?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

Is there a timekeeping system that allows for grant personnel to identify activity and requires signatures by the employee and his or her supervisor?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

If you answered 'No' to any question above in the Accounting System section, in the space provided below explain what action will be taken to ensure accountability.

Enter your explanation:Section 3: Financial CapabilityGrant agencies should prepare annual financial statements. At a minimum, current internal balance sheet and income statements are required. A balance sheet is a statement of financial position for a grant agency disclosing assets, liabilities, and retained earnings at a given point in time. An income statement is a summary of revenue and expenses for a grant agency during a fiscal year.Has the grant agency undergone an independent audit?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

Does the organization prepare financial statements at least annually?

Select the appropriate response: Yes

_ No

According to the organization's most recent Audit or Balance Sheet, are the current total assets greater than the liabilities?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

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Condition Of Fundings Information

Condition of Funding / Project Requirement Date Created Date Met Hold Funds Hold Line Item Funds

You are logged in as User Name: HSGD1 NCTCOG1 ; UserName: NCTCOGhsReview1 * INTERNALUSER

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Agency Name: City of Grand Prairie Grant/App: 4235701 Start Date: 10/1/2021 End Date: 9/30/2022 Fund Source: HS-Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) Project Title: 2021-SHSP-Grand Prairie-PWERT Incident Traffic Control Trailer Status: Application - Intake Fund Block: 2021

Eligibility InformationYour organization's Texas Payee/Taxpayer ID Number:

Application Eligibility Certify:Created on:1/14/2021 7:17:48 AM By:Daniel Ringhauser

Profile InformationApplicant Agency Name: City of Grand PrairieProject Title: 2021-SHSP-Grand Prairie-PWERT Incident Traffic Control TrailerDivision or Unit to Administer the Project: Office of /emergency ManagementAddress Line 1: 1525 Arkansas Ln.Address Line 2: City/State/Zip: Grand Prairie Texas 75052-7401Start Date: 10/1/2021End Date: 9/30/2022

Regional Council of Goverments(COG) within the Project's Impact Area: North Central Texas Council of GovernmentsHeadquarter County: DallasCounties within Project's Impact Area: Collin,Dallas,Denton,Ellis,Erath,Hood,Hunt,Johnson,Kaufman,Navarro,Palo Pinto,Parker,Somervell,Tarrant,Wise

Grant Officials:Authorized OfficialName: Tom HartEmail: [email protected] 1: Post Office Box 534045Address 1: City: Grand Prairie, Texas 75053Phone: 972-237-8010 Other Phone: Fax: 972-237-8088Title: Mr.Salutation: Mr.Position: City Manager

Financial OfficialName: Becky BrooksEmail: [email protected] 1: 317 College StAddress 1: City: Grand Prairie , Texas 75050Phone: 972-237-8090 Other Phone: Fax: Title: Ms.Salutation: Ms.Position: CFO

Project DirectorName: Daniel RinghauserEmail: [email protected] 1: 1525 Arkansas Ln.Address 1: City: Grand Prairie, Texas 75050Phone: 972-523-9144 Other Phone: 972-237-8344Fax: Title: Mr.Salutation: Mr.Position: Assistant EMC

Grant Writer

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Name: Marcie BrunerEmail: [email protected] 1: 616 Six Flags Drive, Center Point TwoAddress 1: P.O. Box 5888City: Arlington, Texas 76011Phone: 817-608-2379 Other Phone: 870-718-3576Fax: Title: Ms.Salutation: Ms.Position: Senior EM Specialist

Grant Vendor InformationOrganization Type: Unit of Local Government (City, Town, or Village)Organization Option: applying to provide homeland security servicesApplicant Agency's State Payee Identification Number (e.g., Federal Employer's Identification (FEI) Number or Vendor ID): Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS):

Narrative InformationOverviewThe purpose of the Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) is to support state and local efforts to prevent terrorism and other catastrophic events and to prepare the Nation for the threats and hazards that pose the greatest risk to the security of the United States. HSGP provides funding to implement investments that build, sustain, and deliver the 32 core capabilities essential to achieving the National Preparedness Goal (the Goal) of a secure and resilient Nation. The building, sustainment, and delivery of these core capabilities are not exclusive to any single level of government, organization, or community, but rather, require the combined effort of the whole community. HSGP supports core capabilities across the five mission areas of Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery based on allowable costs.

The funding announcement, located on the eGrants Calendar page, describes the organization types, activities, and costs that are eligible under the announcement. The PSO’s eGrants User Guide to Creating an Applicationguides applicants through the process of creating and submitting an application in eGrants. Information and guidance related to the management and use of grant funds can be found in the The PSO’s Guide to Grants, located on the PSO Resource for Applicants and Grantees webpage.Primary Mission and PurposeState Homeland Security Program (SHSP): Supports state, Tribal and local preparedness activities that address high-priority preparedness gaps across all core capabilities where a nexus to terrorism exists. All investments must be consistent with capability targets set during the Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) process, and gaps identified in the State Preparedness Report (SPR).

Many activities which support the achievement of target capabilities related to terrorism preparedness may simultaneously support enhanced preparedness for other hazards unrelated to acts of terrorism. However, all SHSP projects must assist grantees in achieving target capabilities related to preventing, preparing for, protecting against, or responding to acts of terrorism.Eligibility Requirements

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Criminal History ReportingEntities receiving funds from PSO must be located in a county that has an average of 90% or above on both adult and juvenile dispositions entered into the computerized criminal history database maintained by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) as directed in the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Chapter 66. The disposition completeness percentage is defined as the percentage of arrest charges a county reports to DPS for which a disposition has been subsequently reported and entered into the computerized criminal history system.

Beginning January 1, 2021, counties applying for grant awards from the Office of the Governor must commit that the county will report at least 90 percent of convictions and other dispositions within five business days to the Criminal Justice Information System at the Department of Public Safety. Click here for additional information from DPS on this new reporting requirement.

Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR)Eligible applicants operating a law enforcement agency must be current on reporting complete UCR data and the Texas specific reporting mandated by 411.042 TGC, to the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) for inclusion in the annual Crime in Texas (CIT) publication. To be considered eligible for funding, applicants must have submitted a full twelve months of accurate data to DPS for the most recent calendar year by the deadline(s) established by DPS. Due to the importance of timely reporting, applicants are required to submit complete and accurate UCR data, as well as the Texas-mandated reporting, on a no less than monthly basis and respond promptly to requests from DPS related to the data submitted. Note: UCR is transitioning from summary reporting to NIBRS only in 2021. Applicants are encouraged to transition to NIBRS as soon as possible in order to maintain their grant eligibility.National Incident Management System (NIMS) ImplementationGrantees are required to implement NIMS. The NIMS uses a systematic approach to integrate the best existing processes and methods into a unified national framework for incident management across all homeland security activities including prevention, protection, response, mitigation, and recovery. Grantees must use standardized resource management concepts for resource typing, credentialing, and an inventory to facilitate the effective identification, dispatch, deployment, tracking and recovery of resources.

Emergency Management PlansCities and counties must have a current emergency management plan or be a legally established member of an inter-jurisdictional emergency management program with a plan on file with the Texas Department of Public Safety, Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM). Plans must be maintained throughout the entire grant performance period and must be at least at the Intermediate Level. If you have questions concerning your Emergency Management Plan (preparedness) level, contact your Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC) or your regional Council of Governments (COG). For questions concerning plan deficiencies, contact TDEM at [email protected] RequirementsProgram IncomeApplicant agrees to comply with all federal and state rules and regulations for program income and agrees to report all program income that is generated as a result of the project's activities. Applicant agrees to report program income through a formal grant adjustment and to secure PSO approval prior to use of the program income. Applicant agrees to use program income for allowable costs and agrees to expend program income immediately after PSO's approval of a grant adjustment and prior to requesting reimbursement of funds.

Deduction Method - Program income shall be deducted from total allowable costs to determine the net allowable costs. Program income shall be used for current costs unless PSO authorizes otherwise. Program income which the grantee did not anticipate at the time of the award shall be used to reduce the PSO award and grantee match rather than to increase the funds committed to the project.

Asset Seizures and Forfeitures - Program income from asset seizures and forfeitures is considered earned when the property has been adjudicated to the benefit of the plaintiff (e.g., law enforcement entity).

Program Requirements

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Building and Sustaining Core Capabilities

1. All capabilities being built or sustained must have a clear link to one or more Core Capabilities in the National Preparedness Goal.

2. Many capabilities which support terrorism preparedness simultaneously support preparedness for other hazards. Grantees must demonstrate this dual-use quality for any activities implemented under this program that are not explicitly focused on terrorism preparedness. Activities implemented under SHSP must support terrorism preparedness by building or sustaining capabilities that relate to the prevention of, protection from, mitigation of, response to, and recovery from terrorism.

3. Funding should be used to sustain core capabilities. New capabilities should not be built at the expense of maintaining current and critically needed core capabilities. New capabilities must be aligned with capability targets and gaps identified through the THIRA/SPR process.

Mission AreasThe National Preparedness Goal organizes the core capabilities into the five mission areas:

• Prevention. Prevent, avoid or stop an imminent, threatened or actual act of terrorism.• Protection. Protect our citizens, residents, visitors, and assets against the greatest threats

and hazards in a manner that allows our interests, aspirations, and way of life to thrive.• Mitigation. Reduce the loss of life and property by lessening the impact of future disasters.• Response. Respond quickly to save lives, protect property and the environment, and meet

basic human needs in the aftermath of a catastrophic incident.• Recovery. Recover through a focus on the timely restoration, strengthening and revitalization

of infrastructure, housing and a sustainable economy, as well as the health, social, cultural, historic and environmental fabric of communities affected by a catastrophic incident.

Nationwide Cyber Security ReviewGrantees will be required to complete the Nationwide Cybersecurity Review (NCSR), enabling agencies to benchmark and measure progress of improving their cybersecurity posture. The Chief Information Officer (CIO), Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), or equivalent for each recipient agency should complete the NCSR. If there is no CIO or CISO, the most senior cybersecurity professional should complete the assessment. The NCSR is available at no cost to the user and takes approximately 2-3 hours to complete. For more information about the NCSR, visit: https://www.cisecurity.org/ms-isac/services/ncsr/.Overall CertificationEach applicant agency must certify to the specific requirements detailed above as well as to comply with all requirements within the PSO Funding Announcement, the Guide to Grants, the Grantee Conditions and Responsibilities, any authorizing or applicable state and federal statutes and regulations to be eligible for this program.X I certify to all of the application content and requirements.

Project Summary : Briefly summarize the project, including proposed activities and intended impact.This project will address THIRA-identified gaps in the on-scene security, protection, and law enforcement target capability by establishing a NIMS Type 1-like resource through the purchase of a PWERT Incident Traffic Control Trailer containing perimeter and traffic control devices. This device will include: 6’ Type III barricades, 8’ A-frame barricades, and portable sign stands. This equipment was identified by the North Central Texas Public Works Emergency Response Team (PWERT) member jurisdictions as a critical need before, during, and after a possible terrorism incident requiring the closure of multiple roadways to secure an area. For the FY21 SHSP grant cycle, PWERT has identified the need for an additional Incident Traffic Control Trailer to continue the process of addressing this capability gap. The region anticipates that 4-6 trailers will be needed to sufficiently address this gap against a complex coordinated terrorist attack. This trailer will be available for any of the 63 member jurisdictions of PWERT. The trailer will be deployed in the event they need to provide roadway closure support comparable to that needed for the 17 roadway closures implemented following the July 7, 2016 shooting of Dallas police officer’s incident in downtown Dallas.

Problem Statement : Provide a detailed account of the issues, threats or hazards that your project will target. For federal Homeland Security Grants, include specific references to the regional or state Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA), as applicable.PWERT leadership participated in the 2019 North Central Texas (NCT) Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment update process that utilized lessons learned from past incidents, exercises, and scenarios. Through this process and recent PWERT activations for real-world incidents, PWERT leadership was able to identify and target response needs for securing an area against a complex coordinated terrorist attack (2019 NCT THIRA p. 4-5 & 40). It also identified this same gap against the remaining target threats/hazards: complex weather event, dam/levee failure, and wildfire/wildland fire (p. 6-12). On-scene security is best established through a

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combination of both personnel and perimeter and traffic control devices. Where platforms do exist, they are often designed for construction work or traffic incidents and lack the type and quantity of devices needed for concentrated roadway closures. The ability to quickly deploy a self-contained trailer with sufficient resources to a jurisdiction requiring a mobile roadway closure platform would greatly improve the NCT region’s capability to protect against, respond to, and recover from multi-hazard events.

Existing Capability Levels : Describe the existing capability levels, including resources that are currently in place to support this project prior to the use of grant funds.The NCT PWERT mutual aid system and NCTCOG working group was established in 2012. PWERT began receiving SHSP project funding in 2015 and has received funding each year to meet regional public works capability gaps across multiple functions. Recent regional PWERT deployments and terrorism/terrorism-vulnerable events have brought this roadway closure capability gap to the forefront of funding needs. PWERT has the coordination system and equipment, through individual member jurisdictions, needed to support roadway closures. However, PWERT is forced to coordinate among many jurisdictions to fill just one traffic control device resource request. Thus, this trailer will help supplement and correct this identified need with a dedicated mobile platform for roadway closures. Currently, the only existing resource of this kind is housed in Plano. However, this trailer only provides limited coverage to the region. A second trailer will give much-needed traffic management capabilities to a greater portion of the North Texas area.

Capability Gaps: Describe the capability gaps which will be addressed by the project. For federal Homeland Security Grants, include specific references to the regional or statewide State Preparedness Report (SPR).PWERT used past incidents, the THIRA process, State Preparedness Report, and hypothetical scenarios to determine capability gaps for terrorist attacks and similar incidents requiring the closure of roadways to achieve a secure incident area. This project will support several capabilities identified in the North Central Texas SPR, including: Forensics and Attribution (p. 24-27); Critical Transportation (p. 67-76); On-Scene Security, Protection, and Law Enforcement (p. 113-115); and Infrastructure Systems (p. 133-144). The primary focus for this project will be the functional areas of protecting response personnel and securing disaster areas, which are part of the On-Scene Security, Protection, and Law Enforcement capability. The trailer will provide barricades and signage compliant with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and universally used, to ensure that gaps in those functional areas are filled, regardless of the incident location. As identified in HSPD #8, the public works discipline is an integral part of first responder coordination and collaboration, which would be needed to quickly respond to and recover from terrorism-related incidents. The current gap of public works resources directly impacts the abilities of other first responder agencies. The perimeter and traffic control devices requested for this deployable trailer have been identified by PWERT to fill this gap.

Impact Statement : Describe the project goals/objectives and how this project will maintain capabilities or reduce capability gaps. The goal of this project is to have immediately accessible mobile platforms containing the type and quantity of traffic control devices needed to sufficiently support roadway closures. Any increase in the immediately accessible supply of perimeter and traffic control devices is an improvement for the region and enhances the overall combination of existing, yet decentralized resources. With this current grant cycle, PWERT hopes to obtain sufficient resources to support one to two incidents of a scale comparable to the July 7, 2016 shooting of Dallas police officers. Within three grant cycles, PWERT aims to have obtained sufficient resources to support a complex coordinated terrorist attack that includes multiple attacks across the region.

Homeland Security Priority Actions: Identify the Texas Homeland Security Priority Action most closely aligned with this project. Each Priority Action is linked with an Objective from the Texas Homeland Security Strategic Plan (HSSP). List the Priority Action by number and text (e.g. 1.2.3 Expand and enhance the network of human sources that can provide detailed and relevant information on known or suspected terrorist and criminal enterprises.)4.1 Maximize response capabilities by enhancing statewide regional response resources and the state and regional mutual aid network (p. 47). Develop a regionally focused, multi-discipline, and all-hazards response system that ensures regions statewide have the necessary response teams and resources (p. 47).

Target Group : Identify the target group and population expected to benefit from this project.This project will benefit everyone in the Metroplex including first responder entities impacted by an incident requiring the use of roadway closures to ensure safety. It will greatly increase the capacity of public works departments, law enforcement, the fire service, and EMS to safety carry out their life-protecting and life-saving missions.

Long-Term Approach: Describe how the applicant agency will maintain the capabilities supported by this project without additional federal or state funds. If sustainment is dependent upon federal or state grants, describe the ongoing need for future grants, as applicable.The City of Grand Prairie will coordinate the procurement of all items with PWERT leadership. All items procured by the City of Grand Prairie will be incorporated into the annual asset log/audit for annual checks and monitoring visits. The City of Grand Prairie will take full responsibility for the long-term maintenance of the trailer and equipment. The replacement of damaged or lost equipment will be coordinated with PWERT leadership

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Certification of Recipient Highly Compensated Officers – The Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) requires Prime Recipients (HSGD) to report the names and total compensation of each of the five most highly compensated officers (a.k.a. positions) of each sub recipient organization for the most recently completed fiscal year preceding the year in which the grant is awarded if the subrecipient answers YES to the FIRST statement but NO to the SECOND statement listed below.In the sub recipient’s preceding completed fiscal year, did the sub recipient receive: (1) 80 percent or more of its annual gross revenue from Federal contracts (and subcontracts), loans, grants (and subgrants) and cooperative agreements; AND (2) $25,000,000 or more in annual gross revenue from Federal contracts (and subcontracts), loans, grants (and subgrants) and cooperative agreements?

YesX No

Does the public have access to information about the compensation of the senior executives through periodic reports filed under Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78m(a), 78o(d)) or Section 6104 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986?

YesX No

If you answered YES to the FIRST statement and NO to the SECOND statement, please provide the name and total compensation amount of each of the five most highly compensated officers (a.k.a. positions) within your agency for the current calendar year. If you answered NO to the first statement you are NOT required to provide the name and compensation amounts. NOTE: ‘‘Total compensation’’ means the complete pay package of each of the sub recipient’s compensated officers, including all forms of money, benefits, services, and in-kind payments (see SEC Regulations: 17 CCR 229.402).Position 1 - Name:Position 1 - Total Compensation ($):0Position 2 - Name:Position 2 - Total Compensation ($):0Position 3 - Name:Position 3 - Total Compensation ($):0Position 4 - Name:Position 4 - Total Compensation ($):0Position 5 - Name:Position 5 - Total Compensation ($):0

Homeland Security Information


DHS Project Type: Establish/enhance regional response teams


Core Capability: On-scene Security, Protection, and Law Enforcement

Identify if this investment focuses on building new capabilities or sustaining existing capabilities. : New Capabilities (Build)

Are the assets or activities Deployable or Shareable: Deployable

___ Check if this Investment requires new construction or renovation, retrofitting, or modification of existing structures

_X_Check if these funds will support a project that was previously funded with HSGP funding

Project Management Step Involved:

Check the step that most closely resembles the phase of the project activities to be completed during the grant period.

Step: Execute

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Description: The period within the project lifecycle during which the actual work of creating the project's deliverables is carried out.

Process: Involves directing, accomplishing, managing, and completing all phases and aspects of work for a given project.


Milestone: Obtain a City Council resolution authorizing the acceptance and approval of the award, project scope, and outputs/outcomes. Implement grant financial management and procurement procedures, including establishing a grant folder and requesting three quotes for each of grant budget component.; Completion Date: 11-05-2021Milestone: Finalize vendor selection, including: completion of required competitive procurement documentation, completing debarment checks (SAM.gov), obtaining W-9s, and setting up vendors in financial system for the issuance of purchase orders. Finalize trailer design with selected trailer vendor.; Completion Date: 02-04-2022Milestone: Issue remaining purchase orders and begin receiving trailer and trailer components. Determine use of any cost savings (grant underruns) and request approval from OOG before issuing payment.; Completion Date: 03-04-2022Milestone: Finalize receipt and make necessary corrections to received equipment. Finish building and inventorying the trailer, if necessary. Collect all project documentation and begin making reimbursement requests to OOG.; Completion Date: 07-08-2022Milestone: Complete grant closeout requirements. Notify PWERT leadership of project competition and deployment requirements.; Completion Date: 09-30-2022

NIMS Resources

___ Check if this project supports a NIMS typed resource

Enter the name of the typed resources from the Resource Type Library Tool:

Enter the ID of the typed resources from the Resource Type Library Tool:

Fiscal Capability InformationSection 1: Organizational Information*** FOR PROFIT CORPORATIONS ONLY ***

Enter the following values in order to submit the applicationEnter the Year in which the Corporation was Founded: 0Enter the Date that the IRS Letter Granted 501(c)(3) Tax Exemption Status: 01/01/1900Enter the Employer Identification Number Assigned by the IRS: 0Enter the Charter Number assigned by the Texas Secretary of State: 0

Enter the Year in which the Corporation was Founded:Enter the Date that the IRS Letter Granted 501(c)(3) Tax Exemption Status:Enter the Employer Identification Number Assigned by the IRS:Enter the Charter Number assigned by the Texas Secretary of State:Section 2: Accounting SystemThe grantee organization must incorporate an accounting system that will track direct and indirect costs for the organization (general ledger) as well as direct and indirect costs by project (project ledger). The grantee must establish a time and effort system to track personnel costs by project. This should be reported on an hourly basis, or in increments of an hour.Is there a list of your organization's accounts identified by a specific number (i.e., a general ledger of accounts)?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

Does the accounting system include a project ledger to record expenditures for each Program by required budget cost categories?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

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Is there a timekeeping system that allows for grant personnel to identify activity and requires signatures by the employee and his or her supervisor?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

If you answered 'No' to any question above in the Accounting System section, in the space provided below explain what action will be taken to ensure accountability.

Enter your explanation:Section 3: Financial CapabilityGrant agencies should prepare annual financial statements. At a minimum, current internal balance sheet and income statements are required. A balance sheet is a statement of financial position for a grant agency disclosing assets, liabilities, and retained earnings at a given point in time. An income statement is a summary of revenue and expenses for a grant agency during a fiscal year.Has the grant agency undergone an independent audit?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

Does the organization prepare financial statements at least annually?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

According to the organization's most recent Audit or Balance Sheet, are the current total assets greater than the liabilities?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

If you selected 'No' to any question above under the Financial Capability section, in the space provided below explain what action will be taken to ensure accountability.

Enter your explanation:Section 4: Budgetary ControlsGrant agencies should establish a system to track expenditures against budget and / or funded amounts.Are there budgetary controls in effect (e.g., comparison of budget with actual expenditures on a monthly basis) to include drawing down grant funds in excess of:

a) Total funds authorized on the Statement of Grant Award?_ Yes


b) Total funds available for any budget category as stipulated on the Statement of Grant Award? Yes No

If you selected 'No' to any question above under the Budgetary Controls section, in the space provided below please explain what action will be taken to ensure accountability.

Enter your explanation:Section 5: Internal ControlsGrant agencies must safeguard cash receipts, disbursements, and ensure a segregation of duties exist. For example, one person should not have authorization to sign checks and make deposits.Are accounting entries supported by appropriate documentation (e.g., purchase orders, vouchers, receipts, invoices)?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

Is there separation of responsibility in the receipt, payment, and recording of costs?

Select the appropriate response:

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Agency Name: City of Rowlett Grant/App: 4241801 Start Date: 10/1/2021 End Date: 9/30/2022 Fund Source: HS-Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) Project Title: 2021 SHSP - City of Rowlett - PWERT Cache Enhancement Status: Application - Intake Fund Block: 2021

Eligibility InformationYour organization's Texas Payee/Taxpayer ID Number:

Application Eligibility Certify:Created on:1/17/2021 6:15:19 PM By:Eduardo Balderas

Profile InformationApplicant Agency Name: City of RowlettProject Title: 2021 SHSP - City of Rowlett - PWERT Cache EnhancementDivision or Unit to Administer the Project: Office of Emergency ManagementAddress Line 1: 4000 Main StreetAddress Line 2: City/State/Zip: Rowlett Texas 75088-5077Start Date: 10/1/2021End Date: 9/30/2022

Regional Council of Goverments(COG) within the Project's Impact Area: North Central Texas Council of GovernmentsHeadquarter County: DallasCounties within Project's Impact Area: Collin,Dallas,Denton,Ellis,Erath,Hood,Hunt,Johnson,Kaufman,Navarro,Palo Pinto,Parker,Rockwall,Somervell,Tarrant,Wise

Grant Officials:Authorized OfficialName: Brian FunderburkEmail: [email protected] 1: 4002 Main StreetAddress 1: City: Rowlett, Texas 75088Phone: 972-412-6290 Other Phone: Fax: 972-412-6279Title: Mr.Salutation: Mr.Position: City Manager

Financial OfficialName: Tara LopezEmail: [email protected] 1: 4004 Main StreetAddress 1: City: Rowlett, Texas 75070Phone: 972-412-6129 Other Phone: Fax: 972-412-6139Title: Ms.Salutation: Ms.Position: Senior Accountant

Project DirectorName: Eduardo BalderasEmail: [email protected]

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Address 1: 4701 Rowlett Rd.Address 1: City: Rowlett, Texas 75088Phone: 214-557-9506 Other Phone: 214-284-1813Fax: Title: Mr.Salutation: Mr.Position: Assistant EMC

Grant WriterName: Braydon WilliamsEmail: [email protected] 1: 616 Six Flags Drive Address 1: Centerpoint 2City: Arlington, Texas 76011Phone: 817-608-2318 Other Phone: Fax: Title: Mr.Salutation: Mr.Position: SHSP Grant Coordinator

Grant Vendor InformationOrganization Type: Unit of Local Government (City, Town, or Village)Organization Option: applying to provide homeland security servicesApplicant Agency's State Payee Identification Number (e.g., Federal Employer's Identification (FEI) Number or Vendor ID): Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS):

Narrative InformationOverviewThe purpose of the Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) is to support state and local efforts to prevent terrorism and other catastrophic events and to prepare the Nation for the threats and hazards that pose the greatest risk to the security of the United States. HSGP provides funding to implement investments that build, sustain, and deliver the 32 core capabilities essential to achieving the National Preparedness Goal (the Goal) of a secure and resilient Nation. The building, sustainment, and delivery of these core capabilities are not exclusive to any single level of government, organization, or community, but rather, require the combined effort of the whole community. HSGP supports core capabilities across the five mission areas of Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery based on allowable costs.

The funding announcement, located on the eGrants Calendar page, describes the organization types, activities, and costs that are eligible under the announcement. The PSO’s eGrants User Guide to Creating an Applicationguides applicants through the process of creating and submitting an application in eGrants. Information and guidance related to the management and use of grant funds can be found in the The PSO’s Guide to Grants, located on the PSO Resource for Applicants and Grantees webpage.Primary Mission and PurposeState Homeland Security Program (SHSP): Supports state, Tribal and local preparedness activities that address high-priority preparedness gaps across all core capabilities where a nexus to terrorism exists. All investments must be consistent with capability targets set during the Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) process, and gaps identified in the State Preparedness Report (SPR).

Many activities which support the achievement of target capabilities related to terrorism preparedness may simultaneously support enhanced preparedness for other hazards unrelated to acts of terrorism. However, all SHSP projects must assist grantees in achieving target capabilities related to preventing, preparing for, protecting against, or responding to acts of terrorism.Eligibility Requirements

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Criminal History ReportingEntities receiving funds from PSO must be located in a county that has an average of 90% or above on both adult and juvenile dispositions entered into the computerized criminal history database maintained by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) as directed in the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Chapter 66. The disposition completeness percentage is defined as the percentage of arrest charges a county reports to DPS for which a disposition has been subsequently reported and entered into the computerized criminal history system.

Beginning January 1, 2021, counties applying for grant awards from the Office of the Governor must commit that the county will report at least 90 percent of convictions and other dispositions within five business days to the Criminal Justice Information System at the Department of Public Safety. Click here for additional information from DPS on this new reporting requirement.

Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR)Eligible applicants operating a law enforcement agency must be current on reporting complete UCR data and the Texas specific reporting mandated by 411.042 TGC, to the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) for inclusion in the annual Crime in Texas (CIT) publication. To be considered eligible for funding, applicants must have submitted a full twelve months of accurate data to DPS for the most recent calendar year by the deadline(s) established by DPS. Due to the importance of timely reporting, applicants are required to submit complete and accurate UCR data, as well as the Texas-mandated reporting, on a no less than monthly basis and respond promptly to requests from DPS related to the data submitted. Note: UCR is transitioning from summary reporting to NIBRS only in 2021. Applicants are encouraged to transition to NIBRS as soon as possible in order to maintain their grant eligibility.National Incident Management System (NIMS) ImplementationGrantees are required to implement NIMS. The NIMS uses a systematic approach to integrate the best existing processes and methods into a unified national framework for incident management across all homeland security activities including prevention, protection, response, mitigation, and recovery. Grantees must use standardized resource management concepts for resource typing, credentialing, and an inventory to facilitate the effective identification, dispatch, deployment, tracking and recovery of resources.

Emergency Management PlansCities and counties must have a current emergency management plan or be a legally established member of an inter-jurisdictional emergency management program with a plan on file with the Texas Department of Public Safety, Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM). Plans must be maintained throughout the entire grant performance period and must be at least at the Intermediate Level. If you have questions concerning your Emergency Management Plan (preparedness) level, contact your Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC) or your regional Council of Governments (COG). For questions concerning plan deficiencies, contact TDEM at [email protected] RequirementsProgram IncomeApplicant agrees to comply with all federal and state rules and regulations for program income and agrees to report all program income that is generated as a result of the project's activities. Applicant agrees to report program income through a formal grant adjustment and to secure PSO approval prior to use of the program income. Applicant agrees to use program income for allowable costs and agrees to expend program income immediately after PSO's approval of a grant adjustment and prior to requesting reimbursement of funds.

Deduction Method - Program income shall be deducted from total allowable costs to determine the net allowable costs. Program income shall be used for current costs unless PSO authorizes otherwise. Program income which the grantee did not anticipate at the time of the award shall be used to reduce the PSO award and grantee match rather than to increase the funds committed to the project.

Asset Seizures and Forfeitures - Program income from asset seizures and forfeitures is considered earned when the property has been adjudicated to the benefit of the plaintiff (e.g., law enforcement entity).

Program Requirements

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Building and Sustaining Core Capabilities

1. All capabilities being built or sustained must have a clear link to one or more Core Capabilities in the National Preparedness Goal.

2. Many capabilities which support terrorism preparedness simultaneously support preparedness for other hazards. Grantees must demonstrate this dual-use quality for any activities implemented under this program that are not explicitly focused on terrorism preparedness. Activities implemented under SHSP must support terrorism preparedness by building or sustaining capabilities that relate to the prevention of, protection from, mitigation of, response to, and recovery from terrorism.

3. Funding should be used to sustain core capabilities. New capabilities should not be built at the expense of maintaining current and critically needed core capabilities. New capabilities must be aligned with capability targets and gaps identified through the THIRA/SPR process.

Mission AreasThe National Preparedness Goal organizes the core capabilities into the five mission areas:

• Prevention. Prevent, avoid or stop an imminent, threatened or actual act of terrorism.• Protection. Protect our citizens, residents, visitors, and assets against the greatest threats

and hazards in a manner that allows our interests, aspirations, and way of life to thrive.• Mitigation. Reduce the loss of life and property by lessening the impact of future disasters.• Response. Respond quickly to save lives, protect property and the environment, and meet

basic human needs in the aftermath of a catastrophic incident.• Recovery. Recover through a focus on the timely restoration, strengthening and revitalization

of infrastructure, housing and a sustainable economy, as well as the health, social, cultural, historic and environmental fabric of communities affected by a catastrophic incident.

Nationwide Cyber Security ReviewGrantees will be required to complete the Nationwide Cybersecurity Review (NCSR), enabling agencies to benchmark and measure progress of improving their cybersecurity posture. The Chief Information Officer (CIO), Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), or equivalent for each recipient agency should complete the NCSR. If there is no CIO or CISO, the most senior cybersecurity professional should complete the assessment. The NCSR is available at no cost to the user and takes approximately 2-3 hours to complete. For more information about the NCSR, visit: https://www.cisecurity.org/ms-isac/services/ncsr/.Overall CertificationEach applicant agency must certify to the specific requirements detailed above as well as to comply with all requirements within the PSO Funding Announcement, the Guide to Grants, the Grantee Conditions and Responsibilities, any authorizing or applicable state and federal statutes and regulations to be eligible for this program.X I certify to all of the application content and requirements.

Project Summary : Briefly summarize the project, including proposed activities and intended impact.This project will address identified gaps in the on-scene security, protection, and law enforcement target capability by enhancing existing regional FEMA NIMS Type 1 resource capabilities for Variable Message Signs, or Dynamic Message Boards (DMBs). Three (3) DMBs will be added to the existing regional cache of thirteen (13) DMBs spread across the north central Texas region. This equipment was identified by the North Central Texas Public Works Emergency Response Team (PWERT) member jurisdictions as a critical need before, during, and after a possible terrorism incident requiring the closure of multiple roadways and use of public information to secure and stabilize and incident area. The identification of this need is a result of recent terrorism and regional disaster events that have shown a significant need for DMBs and the benefit that deployed DMBs have provided.

Problem Statement : Provide a detailed account of the issues, threats or hazards that your project will target. For federal Homeland Security Grants, include specific references to the regional or state Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA), as applicable.PWERT leadership participated in the 2019 North Central Texas (NCT) Threat and Hazard

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Identification and Risk Assessment update process that utilized lessons learned from past incidents, exercises, and scenarios. Through this process and recent PWERT activations for real-world incidents, PWERT leadership was able to identify and target response needs for securing an area against a complex coordinated terrorist attack (2019 NCT THIRA p. 4-5 & 40). It also identified this same gap against the remaining target threats/hazards: complex weather event, dam/levee failure, and wildfire/wildland fire (p. 6-12). On-scene security is best established through a combination of both personnel and perimeter and traffic control devices. Scene stabilization is also greatly improved through on-scene public information platforms, like DMBs. While the current cache of PWERT DMBs has been successfully deployed to several incidents requiring a regional response, several events have highlighted a greater need for these assets during large localized incidents and regional incidents. The ability to deploy an adequate number of these assets to a jurisdiction preparing for, responding to, or recovering from an incident is essential to not only the impacted area but also surrounding areas that have creeping impacts.

Existing Capability Levels : Describe the existing capability levels, including resources that are currently in place to support this project prior to the use of grant funds.The NCT PWERT mutual aid system and NCTCOG working group was established in 2012. PWERT began receiving SHSP project funding in 2015 and has received funding each year to meet regional public works capability gaps across multiple functions. Beginning with the 2016 grant cycle, PWERT has obtained ten (10) variable/dynamic message boards that have been positioned across the region and deployed to support six disasters, including the COVID-19 pandemic. Three (3) will be purchased through a SHSP 2020 grant and distributed in 2021. While the existing cache was beneficial for these events, recent regional deployment and terrorism/terrorism-vulnerable events have shown that this cache is insufficient for supporting the type of response needed for a complex coordinated terrorist attack or regional disaster.

Capability Gaps: Describe the capability gaps which will be addressed by the project. For federal Homeland Security Grants, include specific references to the regional or statewide State Preparedness Report (SPR).PWERT used past incidents, the THIRA process, Stakeholder Preparedness Review (SPR), and hypothetical scenarios to determine capability gaps for terrorist attacks and similar incidents requiring the closure of roadways and public outreach to secure and stabilize an incident. This project will support several capabilities identified in the North Central Texas SPR, including: Forensics and Attribution (p. 24-27); Critical Transportation (p. 67-76); On-Scene Security, Protection, and Law Enforcement (p. 113-115); and Infrastructure Systems (p. 133-144). As identified in HSPD #8, the public works discipline is an integral part of first responder coordination and collaboration, which would be needed to quickly respond to and recover from terrorism-related incidents. The current gap of public works resources directly impacts the abilities of other first responder agencies.

Impact Statement : Describe the project goals/objectives and how this project will maintain capabilities or reduce capability gaps. The goal of this project is to enhance the region's ability to supply an adequate number of mobile messaging platforms to a jurisdiction preparing for, responding to, or recovering from a complex coordinated terrorist attack or another large localized or regional disaster. Based on past event deployments in the region, PWERT leadership believes that the additional three (3) message boards will provide a sufficient support capacity for this capability.

Homeland Security Priority Actions: Identify the Texas Homeland Security Priority Action most closely aligned with this project. Each Priority Action is linked with an Objective from the Texas Homeland Security Strategic Plan (HSSP). List the Priority Action by number and text (e.g. 1.2.3 Expand and enhance the network of human sources that can provide detailed and relevant information on known or suspected terrorist and criminal enterprises.)4.1.1. Develop a regionally-focused, multi-discipline, and all-hazards response system that ensures regions statewide have the necessary response teams and resources

Target Group : Identify the target group and population expected to benefit from this project.The cities of Balch Springs, Denton, Flower Mound, Princeton, and Richardson will directly benefit from this grant project. However, this project will benefit everyone in the Whole Community and first

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Objective Outcome Measures


Custom Output Measures


Custom Outcome Measures


Resolution from Governing BodyApplications from nonprofit corporations, local units of governments, and other political subdivisions must include a resolution that contains the following:

1. Authorization by your governing body for the submission of the application to the Public Safety Office (PSO) that clearly identifies the name of the project for which funding is requested;

2. A commitment to provide all applicable matching funds;3. A designation of the name and/or title of an authorized official who is given the authority to

apply for, accept, reject, alter, or terminate a grant (Note: If a name is provided, you must update the PSO should the official change during the grant period.); and

4. A written assurance that, in the event of loss or misuse of grant funds, the governing body will return all funds to PSO.

Upon approval from your agency's governing body, upload the approved resolution to eGrants by going to the Upload.Files tab and following the instructions on Uploading eGrants Files.Contract ComplianceWill PSO grant funds be used to support any contracts for professional services?

Select the appropriate response: Yes

X No

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Position 5 - Name:Position 5 - Total Compensation ($):0

Homeland Security Information


DHS Project Type: Establish/enhance regional response teams


Core Capability: On-scene Security, Protection, and Law Enforcement

Identify if this investment focuses on building new capabilities or sustaining existing capabilities. : New Capabilities (Build)

Are the assets or activities Deployable or Shareable: Deployable

___ Check if this Investment requires new construction or renovation, retrofitting, or modification of existing structures

___ Check if these funds will support a project that was previously funded with HSGP funding

Project Management Step Involved:

Check the step that most closely resembles the phase of the project activities to be completed during the grant period.

Step: Execute

Description: The period within the project lifecycle during which the actual work of creating the project's deliverables is carried out.

Process: Involves directing, accomplishing, managing, and completing all phases and aspects of work for a given project.


Milestone: Obtain a City Council resolution authorizing the acceptance and approval of the award, project scope, and outputs/outcomes. Implement grant financial management and procurement procedures, including establishing a grant folder and requesting three quotes for the equipment.; Completion Date: 11-02-2021Milestone: Finalize vendor selection, including: completion of required competitive procurement documentation, completing debarment checks (SAM.gov), obtaining W-9s, and setting up vendors in financial system for the issuance of purchase orders.; Completion Date: 01-04-2022Milestone: Issue remaining purchase orders and begin equipment. Determine use of any cost savings (grant underruns) and request approval from OOG before issuing payment.; Completion Date: 02-01-2022Milestone: Finalize receipt and make necessary corrections to received equipment. Collect all project documentation and begin making reimbursement requests to OOG.; Completion Date: 07-05-2022Milestone: Complete grant closeout requirements. Transfer equipment to cache locations. Notify PWERT leadership of project competition and deployment requirements.; Completion Date: 09-30-2022

NIMS Resources

___ Check if this project supports a NIMS typed resource

Enter the name of the typed resources from the Resource Type Library Tool: Electronic Boards,

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Variable Message Signs (VMS)

Enter the ID of the typed resources from the Resource Type Library Tool: 7-508-1074

Fiscal Capability InformationSection 1: Organizational Information*** FOR PROFIT CORPORATIONS ONLY ***

Enter the following values in order to submit the applicationEnter the Year in which the Corporation was Founded: 0Enter the Date that the IRS Letter Granted 501(c)(3) Tax Exemption Status: 01/01/1900Enter the Employer Identification Number Assigned by the IRS: 0Enter the Charter Number assigned by the Texas Secretary of State: 0

Enter the Year in which the Corporation was Founded:Enter the Date that the IRS Letter Granted 501(c)(3) Tax Exemption Status:Enter the Employer Identification Number Assigned by the IRS:Enter the Charter Number assigned by the Texas Secretary of State:Section 2: Accounting SystemThe grantee organization must incorporate an accounting system that will track direct and indirect costs for the organization (general ledger) as well as direct and indirect costs by project (project ledger). The grantee must establish a time and effort system to track personnel costs by project. This should be reported on an hourly basis, or in increments of an hour.Is there a list of your organization's accounts identified by a specific number (i.e., a general ledger of accounts)?

Select the appropriate response: Yes

_ No

Does the accounting system include a project ledger to record expenditures for each Program by required budget cost categories?

Select the appropriate response:_ Yes


Is there a timekeeping system that allows for grant personnel to identify activity and requires signatures by the employee and his or her supervisor?

Select the appropriate response:_ Yes


If you answered 'No' to any question above in the Accounting System section, in the space provided below explain what action will be taken to ensure accountability.

Enter your explanation:Section 3: Financial CapabilityGrant agencies should prepare annual financial statements. At a minimum, current internal balance sheet and income statements are required. A balance sheet is a statement of financial position for a grant agency disclosing assets, liabilities, and retained earnings at a given point in time. An income statement is a summary of revenue and expenses for a grant agency during a fiscal year.Has the grant agency undergone an independent audit?

Select the appropriate response:_ Yes


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Does the organization prepare financial statements at least annually?

Select the appropriate response: Yes

_ No

According to the organization's most recent Audit or Balance Sheet, are the current total assets greater than the liabilities?

Select the appropriate response:_ Yes


If you selected 'No' to any question above under the Financial Capability section, in the space provided below explain what action will be taken to ensure accountability.

Enter your explanation:Section 4: Budgetary ControlsGrant agencies should establish a system to track expenditures against budget and / or funded amounts.Are there budgetary controls in effect (e.g., comparison of budget with actual expenditures on a monthly basis) to include drawing down grant funds in excess of:

a) Total funds authorized on the Statement of Grant Award? Yes

_ No

b) Total funds available for any budget category as stipulated on the Statement of Grant Award? Yes

_ No

If you selected 'No' to any question above under the Budgetary Controls section, in the space provided below please explain what action will be taken to ensure accountability.

Enter your explanation:Section 5: Internal ControlsGrant agencies must safeguard cash receipts, disbursements, and ensure a segregation of duties exist. For example, one person should not have authorization to sign checks and make deposits.Are accounting entries supported by appropriate documentation (e.g., purchase orders, vouchers, receipts, invoices)?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

Is there separation of responsibility in the receipt, payment, and recording of costs?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

If you selected 'No' to any question above under the Internal Controls section, in the space provided below please explain what action will be taken to ensure accountability.

Enter your explanation:

Budget Details InformationBudget Information by Budget Line Item:




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Agency Name: Little Elm, Town of Grant/App: 4198601 Start Date: 10/1/2021 End Date: 9/30/2022 Fund Source: HS-Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) Project Title: 2021 SHSP – Little Elm – SWAT Equipment Enhancement Status: Application - Intake Fund Block: 2021

Eligibility InformationYour organization's Texas Payee/Taxpayer ID Number:

Application Eligibility Certify:Created on:12/23/2020 11:40:28 AM By:Aaron Scott

Profile InformationApplicant Agency Name: Little Elm, Town ofProject Title: 2021 SHSP – Little Elm – SWAT Equipment EnhancementDivision or Unit to Administer the Project: Little Elm Police SWATAddress Line 1: 100 W. Eldorado ParkwayAddress Line 2: City/State/Zip: Little Elm Texas 75068-5079Start Date: 10/1/2021End Date: 9/30/2022

Regional Council of Goverments(COG) within the Project's Impact Area: North Central Texas Council of GovernmentsHeadquarter County: DentonCounties within Project's Impact Area: Collin,Denton

Grant Officials:Authorized OfficialName: Matt MuellerEmail: [email protected] 1: 100 W. Eldorado Parkway Address 1: City: Little Elm , Texas 75068Phone: 214-975-0406 Other Phone: Fax: 972-377-5540Title: Mr.Salutation: Mr.Position: Town Manager

Financial OfficialName: Kelly WilsonEmail: [email protected] 1: 100 West Eldorado ParkwayAddress 1: City: Little Elm, Texas 75068Phone: 214-975-0415 Other Phone: 405-306-3416Fax: Title: Ms.Salutation: Ms.Position: CFO

Project DirectorName: Aaron ScottEmail: [email protected] 1: 88 W. Eldorado Parkway Address 1: City: Little Elm, Texas 75068Phone: 214-975-0431 Other Phone: 469-625-8584Fax: Title: Mr.Salutation: DetectivePosition: Detective

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Grant WriterName: Marcie BrunerEmail: [email protected] 1: 616 Six Flags Drive, Center Point TwoAddress 1: P.O. Box 5888City: Arlington, Texas 76011Phone: 817-608-2379 Other Phone: 870-718-3576Fax: Title: Ms.Salutation: Ms.Position: Senior EM Specialist

Grant Vendor InformationOrganization Type: Unit of Local Government (City, Town, or Village)Organization Option: applying to provide homeland security servicesApplicant Agency's State Payee Identification Number (e.g., Federal Employer's Identification (FEI) Number or Vendor ID): Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS):

Narrative InformationOverviewThe purpose of the Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) is to support state and local efforts to prevent terrorism and other catastrophic events and to prepare the Nation for the threats and hazards that pose the greatest risk to the security of the United States. HSGP provides funding to implement investments that build, sustain, and deliver the 32 core capabilities essential to achieving the National Preparedness Goal (the Goal) of a secure and resilient Nation. The building, sustainment, and delivery of these core capabilities are not exclusive to any single level of government, organization, or community, but rather, require the combined effort of the whole community. HSGP supports core capabilities across the five mission areas of Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery based on allowable costs.

The funding announcement, located on the eGrants Calendar page, describes the organization types, activities, and costs that are eligible under the announcement. The PSO’s eGrants User Guide to Creating an Applicationguides applicants through the process of creating and submitting an application in eGrants. Information and guidance related to the management and use of grant funds can be found in the The PSO’s Guide to Grants, located on the PSO Resource for Applicants and Grantees webpage.Primary Mission and PurposeState Homeland Security Program (SHSP) - Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Activities (LETPA): Supports state, tribal and local preparedness activities that continue to build law enforcement capabilities to prevent terrorist attacks and support critical prevention and protection activities. All LETPA investments must be consistent with capability targets set during the Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) process, and gaps identified in the State Preparedness Report (SPR).

Many activities which support the achievement of target capabilities related to terrorism preparedness may simultaneously support enhanced preparedness for other hazards unrelated to acts of terrorism. However, all SHSP-LETPA projects must assist grantees in achieving target capabilities related to preventing, preparing for, or protecting against acts of terrorism.Eligibility Requirements

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Criminal History ReportingEntities receiving funds from PSO must be located in a county that has an average of 90% or above on both adult and juvenile dispositions entered into the computerized criminal history database maintained by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) as directed in the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Chapter 66. The disposition completeness percentage is defined as the percentage of arrest charges a county reports to DPS for which a disposition has been subsequently reported and entered into the computerized criminal history system.

Beginning January 1, 2021, counties applying for grant awards from the Office of the Governor must commit that the county will report at least 90 percent of convictions and other dispositions within five business days to the Criminal Justice Information System at the Department of Public Safety. Click here for additional information from DPS on this new reporting requirement.

Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR)Eligible applicants operating a law enforcement agency must be current on reporting complete UCR data and the Texas specific reporting mandated by 411.042 TGC, to the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) for inclusion in the annual Crime in Texas (CIT) publication. To be considered eligible for funding, applicants must have submitted a full twelve months of accurate data to DPS for the most recent calendar year by the deadline(s) established by DPS. Due to the importance of timely reporting, applicants are required to submit complete and accurate UCR data, as well as the Texas-mandated reporting, on a no less than monthly basis and respond promptly to requests from DPS related to the data submitted. Note: UCR is transitioning from summary reporting to NIBRS only in 2021. Applicants are encouraged to transition to NIBRS as soon as possible in order to maintain their grant eligibility.National Incident Management System (NIMS) ImplementationGrantees are required to implement NIMS. The NIMS uses a systematic approach to integrate the best existing processes and methods into a unified national framework for incident management across all homeland security activities including prevention, protection, response, mitigation, and recovery. Grantees must use standardized resource management concepts for resource typing, credentialing, and an inventory to facilitate the effective identification, dispatch, deployment, tracking and recovery of resources.

Emergency Management PlansCities and counties must have a current emergency management plan or be a legally established member of an inter-jurisdictional emergency management program with a plan on file with the Texas Department of Public Safety, Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM). Plans must be maintained throughout the entire grant performance period and must be at least at the Intermediate Level. If you have questions concerning your Emergency Management Plan (preparedness) level, contact your Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC) or your regional Council of Governments (COG). For questions concerning plan deficiencies, contact TDEM at [email protected] RequirementsProgram IncomeApplicant agrees to comply with all federal and state rules and regulations for program income and agrees to report all program income that is generated as a result of the project's activities. Applicant agrees to report program income through a formal grant adjustment and to secure PSO approval prior to use of the program income. Applicant agrees to use program income for allowable costs and agrees to expend program income immediately after PSO's approval of a grant adjustment and prior to requesting reimbursement of funds.

Deduction Method - Program income shall be deducted from total allowable costs to determine the net allowable costs. Program income shall be used for current costs unless PSO authorizes otherwise. Program income which the grantee did not anticipate at the time of the award shall be used to reduce the PSO award and grantee match rather than to increase the funds committed to the project.

Asset Seizures and Forfeitures - Program income from asset seizures and forfeitures is considered earned when the property has been adjudicated to the benefit of the plaintiff (e.g., law enforcement entity).

Program Requirements

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Building and Sustaining Core Capabilities

1. All capabilities being built or sustained must have a clear link to one or more Core Capabilities in the National Preparedness Goal.

2. Many capabilities which support terrorism preparedness simultaneously support preparedness for other hazards. Grantees must demonstrate this dual-use quality for any activities implemented under this program that are not explicitly focused on terrorism preparedness. Activities implemented under SHSP must support terrorism preparedness by building or sustaining capabilities that relate to the prevention of, protection from, mitigation of, response to, and recovery from terrorism.

3. Funding should be used to sustain core capabilities. New capabilities should not be built at the expense of maintaining current and critically needed core capabilities. New capabilities must be aligned with capability targets and gaps identified through the THIRA/SPR process.

Mission AreasThe National Preparedness Goal organizes the core capabilities into the five mission areas:

• Prevention. Prevent, avoid or stop an imminent, threatened or actual act of terrorism.• Protection. Protect our citizens, residents, visitors, and assets against the greatest threats and hazards in

a manner that allows our interests, aspirations, and way of life to thrive.• Mitigation. Reduce the loss of life and property by lessening the impact of future disasters.• Response. Respond quickly to save lives, protect property and the environment, and meet basic human

needs in the aftermath of a catastrophic incident.• Recovery. Recover through a focus on the timely restoration, strengthening and revitalization of

infrastructure, housing and a sustainable economy, as well as the health, social, cultural, historic and environmental fabric of communities affected by a catastrophic incident.

Nationwide Cyber Security ReviewGrantees will be required to complete the Nationwide Cybersecurity Review (NCSR), enabling agencies to benchmark and measure progress of improving their cybersecurity posture. The Chief Information Officer (CIO), Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), or equivalent for each recipient agency should complete the NCSR. If there is no CIO or CISO, the most senior cybersecurity professional should complete the assessment. The NCSR is available at no cost to the user and takes approximately 2-3 hours to complete. For more information about the NCSR, visit: https://www.cisecurity.org/ms-isac/services/ncsr/.LETPALaw Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Activities (LETPA)The state is responsible for ensuring that at least 25 percent (25%) of the combined HSGP funds allocated under SHSP and UASI are dedicated towards law enforcement terrorism prevention activities, as defined in 6 U.S.C. 607.

Grant projects must be consistent with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Information Bulletin (IB) 412 which discusses eligible activities outlined in:

a. The National Prevention Framework; b. The National Protection Framework where capabilities are shared with the prevention mission area;c. Section 2006 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002, as amended; andd. The FY 2007 Homeland Security Grant Program Guidance and Application Kit.

Activities eligible for use of LETPA focused funds include but are not limited to: Maturation and enhancement of designated state and major Urban Area fusion centers, including information sharing and analysis, threat recognition, terrorist interdiction, and training/hiring of intelligence analysts. Coordination between fusion centers and other analytical and investigative efforts. Implementation and maintenance of the Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) Initiative. Implementation of the "If You See Something, Say Something" campaign to raise public awareness of indicators of terrorism and terrorism-related crime and associated efforts to increase the sharing of information with public and private sector partners. Increased physical security, through law enforcement personnel and other protective measures, by implementing preventative and protective measures at critical infrastructure sites or at-risk nonprofit organizations.Overall CertificationEach applicant agency must certify to the specific requirements detailed above as well as to comply with all requirements within the PSO Funding Announcement, the Guide to Grants, the Grantee Conditions and Responsibilities, any authorizing or applicable state and federal statutes and regulations to be eligible for this program.X I certify to all of the application content and requirements.

Project Summary :

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Briefly summarize the project, including proposed activities and intended impact.The Little Elm Police Department SWAT team currently provides emergency/crisis response services to both residents of the Town of Little Elm and area communities. These activities include high risk law enforcement activities and/or search and rescue at times of darkness and/or reduced visibility. This project will assist in providing the Little Elm Police Department SWAT Team with the capability to operate safely and securely in low light/no light conditions when necessary in response to coordinated and complex terrorist attacks, hostage rescue situations, and active shooter incidents, protection of soft targets/crowded places, or other criminal activity.

Problem Statement : Provide a detailed account of the issues, threats or hazards that your project will target. For federal Homeland Security Grants, include specific references to the regional or state Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA), as applicable.Over 6 million people live in the North Central Texas (NCT) region. NCT encompasses the 4th busiest and 2nd largest airport in the US, four mass transit entities, internationally renowned sporting/special event venues, a military reserve base, hundreds of international businesses, and a prominent economic and finance hub. As terrorist targets, their close proximity and location in densely populated areas could create a devastating series of cascading events if attacked. Other hazards in NCT, many of which have the potential to be terrorist-induced, include wildfires, HAZMAT spills, chemical releases, train derailments, natural gas line explosions, gang violence, and public health incidents. These examples illustrate the critical infrastructure and key resources that are subject to terrorism threats, and create a critical need for SWAT teams with the capability to operate safely and securely in periods and environments of low or no light to protect officers and citizens during terrorist attacks, hostage rescue situations, or active shooter incidents. Interdiction and Disruption – Page 62 of Regional THIRA

Existing Capability Levels : Describe the existing capability levels, including resources that are currently in place to support this project prior to the use of grant funds.The Little Elm Police Department SWAT team currently provides emergency/crisis response services to both residents of the Town of Little Elm and area communities. These activities include high risk law enforcement activities and/or search and rescue at times of darkness and/or reduced visibility. The Little Elm Police Department SWAT team currently has zero (0) operational night vision goggles and needs a minimum of fourteen (14) night vision goggles to provide the required capabilities. Interdiction and Disruption – Page 21 of Regional State Preparedness Report (SPR) This project will enable the Little Elm Police Department SWAT team to be better prepared for a terrorism incident occurring in low light to no light conditions, which may ultimately prevent acts of terrorism. The night vision will also prevent injury and loss of life in the event of a terrorism incident by allowing the Little Elm Police Department SWAT team to operate safely to protect officers and citizens when dealing with coordinated and complex terrorist attacks. The Little Elm Police Department SWAT team will be better prepared for terrorism incidents by having the equipment and by utilizing the equipment during exercises.

Capability Gaps: Describe the capability gaps which will be addressed by the project. For federal Homeland Security Grants, include specific references to the regional or statewide State Preparedness Report (SPR).The Little Elm Police Department SWAT team currently has zero (0) operational night vision goggles and needs a minimum of fourteen (14) night vision goggles to have two fully operational crisis response teams with enhanced capability for operating in low light or no light conditions. Interdiction and Disruption – Page 21 of Regional State Preparedness Report (SPR)

Impact Statement : Describe the project goals/objectives and how this project will maintain capabilities or reduce capability gaps. The goal of this project is to fund the purchase of enough night vision goggles to outfit one complete SWAT response element for the Little Elm Police Department SWAT team. The objective is to provide the Little Elm Police Department SWAT Team with the capability to operate safely and securely in low light/no light conditions when necessary in response to coordinated and complex terrorist attacks, hostage rescue situations, and active shooter incidents, or other criminal activity.

Homeland Security Priority Actions: Identify the Texas Homeland Security Priority Action most closely aligned with this project. Each Priority Action is linked with an Objective from the Texas Homeland Security Strategic Plan (HSSP). List the Priority Action by number and text (e.g. 1.2.3 Expand and enhance the network of human sources that can provide detailed and relevant information on known or suspected terrorist and criminal enterprises.)4.1.1 Develop a regionally focused multi-discipline, all hazards response system that ensures each region statewide has the necessary response teams and resources.

Target Group : Identify the target group and population expected to benefit from this project.The Little Elm Police Department SWAT team provides hazardous operations response for the Town of Little Elm and assists neighboring agencies with crisis response activities. The Town of Little Elm is 21.44 square miles with approximately 66 miles of Lake Lewisville shoreline within the territorial Town limits. Approximately 60,000 persons reside in the Little Elm Police service area. An estimated 62,000 commuters pass through Little Elm’s territorial limits on a daily basis. Little Elm remains one of the fastest growing cities in North Texas.

Long-Term Approach:

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X Yes No

If you answered YES to the FIRST statement and NO to the SECOND statement, please provide the name and total compensation amount of each of the five most highly compensated officers (a.k.a. positions) within your agency for the current calendar year. If you answered NO to the first statement you are NOT required to provide the name and compensation amounts. NOTE: ‘‘Total compensation’’ means the complete pay package of each of the sub recipient’s compensated officers, including all forms of money, benefits, services, and in-kind payments (see SEC Regulations: 17 CCR 229.402).Position 1 - Name:Position 1 - Total Compensation ($):0Position 2 - Name:Position 2 - Total Compensation ($):0Position 3 - Name:Position 3 - Total Compensation ($):0Position 4 - Name:Position 4 - Total Compensation ($):0Position 5 - Name:Position 5 - Total Compensation ($):0

Homeland Security Information


DHS Project Type: Establish/enhance regional response teams


Core Capability: Interdiction and Disruption

Identify if this investment focuses on building new capabilities or sustaining existing capabilities. : New Capabilities (Build)

Are the assets or activities Deployable or Shareable: Deployable

___ Check if this Investment requires new construction or renovation, retrofitting, or modification of existing structures

___ Check if these funds will support a project that was previously funded with HSGP funding

Project Management Step Involved:

Check the step that most closely resembles the phase of the project activities to be completed during the grant period.

Step: Execute

Description: The period within the project lifecycle during which the actual work of creating the project's deliverables is carried out.

Process: Involves directing, accomplishing, managing, and completing all phases and aspects of work for a given project.


Milestone: Request quotes from vendors; Completion Date: 12-31-2021Milestone: Make product selection and order; Completion Date: 03-31-2022Milestone: Receive Product; Completion Date: 09-01-2022

NIMS Resources

___ Check if this project supports a NIMS typed resource

Enter the name of the typed resources from the Resource Type Library Tool: Special Weapons and Tactics

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Enter the ID of the typed resources from the Resource Type Library Tool: 6-508-1245

Fiscal Capability InformationSection 1: Organizational Information*** FOR PROFIT CORPORATIONS ONLY ***

Enter the following values in order to submit the applicationEnter the Year in which the Corporation was Founded: 0Enter the Date that the IRS Letter Granted 501(c)(3) Tax Exemption Status: 01/01/1900Enter the Employer Identification Number Assigned by the IRS: 0Enter the Charter Number assigned by the Texas Secretary of State: 0

Enter the Year in which the Corporation was Founded:Enter the Date that the IRS Letter Granted 501(c)(3) Tax Exemption Status:Enter the Employer Identification Number Assigned by the IRS:Enter the Charter Number assigned by the Texas Secretary of State:Section 2: Accounting SystemThe grantee organization must incorporate an accounting system that will track direct and indirect costs for the organization (general ledger) as well as direct and indirect costs by project (project ledger). The grantee must establish a time and effort system to track personnel costs by project. This should be reported on an hourly basis, or in increments of an hour.Is there a list of your organization's accounts identified by a specific number (i.e., a general ledger of accounts)?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

Does the accounting system include a project ledger to record expenditures for each Program by required budget cost categories?

Select the appropriate response:_ Yes


Is there a timekeeping system that allows for grant personnel to identify activity and requires signatures by the employee and his or her supervisor?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

If you answered 'No' to any question above in the Accounting System section, in the space provided below explain what action will be taken to ensure accountability.

Enter your explanation:Section 3: Financial CapabilityGrant agencies should prepare annual financial statements. At a minimum, current internal balance sheet and income statements are required. A balance sheet is a statement of financial position for a grant agency disclosing assets, liabilities, and retained earnings at a given point in time. An income statement is a summary of revenue and expenses for a grant agency during a fiscal year.Has the grant agency undergone an independent audit?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

Does the organization prepare financial statements at least annually?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

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Agency Name: City of Mesquite Grant/App: 4192301 Start Date: 9/1/2021 End Date: 8/31/2022 Fund Source: HS-Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) Project Title: 2021 SHSP - City of Mesquite SWAT Equipment Enhancement Status: Application - Intake Fund Block: 2021

Eligibility InformationYour organization's Texas Payee/Taxpayer ID Number:

Application Eligibility Certify:Created on:12/16/2020 8:56:21 AM By:Kevin Dodge

Profile InformationApplicant Agency Name: City of MesquiteProject Title: 2021 SHSP - City of Mesquite SWAT Equipment EnhancementDivision or Unit to Administer the Project: Emergency ManagementAddress Line 1: PO Box 850137Address Line 2: City/State/Zip: Mesquite Texas 75149-0137Start Date: 9/1/2021End Date: 8/31/2022

Regional Council of Goverments(COG) within the Project's Impact Area: North Central Texas Council of GovernmentsHeadquarter County: DallasCounties within Project's Impact Area: Dallas,Kaufman

Grant Officials:Authorized OfficialName: Cindy CarloEmail: [email protected] 1: 1515 N. Galloway Ave.Address 1: City: Mesquite, Texas 75149Phone: 972-329-8532 Other Phone: Fax: 972-329-8315Title: Ms.Salutation: Ms.Position: Emergency Management Coordinator

Financial OfficialName: Cindy SmithEmail: [email protected] 1: 757 N Galloway AveAddress 1: City: Mesquite, Texas 75149Phone: 972-216-6287 Other Phone: Fax: 972-216-6287Title: Ms.Salutation: Ms.Position: Director of Finance

Project DirectorName: Kevin DodgeEmail: [email protected] 1: P. O. Box 850137Address 1: P. O. Box 850137City: Mesquite, Texas 75185Phone: 972-632-7431 Other Phone: 972-216-6317Fax: 972-329-8315Title: Mr.

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Salutation: Mr.Position: Project Director

Grant WriterName: Ben StevensonEmail: [email protected] 1: 757 N Galloway AveAddress 1: City: Mesquite, Texas 75149Phone: 972-216-6778 Other Phone: Fax: Title: Mr.Salutation: Mr.Position: Senior Accountant

Grant Vendor InformationOrganization Type: Unit of Local Government (City, Town, or Village)Organization Option: applying to provide homeland security servicesApplicant Agency's State Payee Identification Number (e.g., Federal Employer's Identification (FEI) Number or Vendor ID): Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS): 194534764

Narrative InformationOverviewThe purpose of the Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) is to support state and local efforts to prevent terrorism and other catastrophic events and to prepare the Nation for the threats and hazards that pose the greatest risk to the security of the United States. HSGP provides funding to implement investments that build, sustain, and deliver the 32 core capabilities essential to achieving the National Preparedness Goal (the Goal) of a secure and resilient Nation. The building, sustainment, and delivery of these core capabilities are not exclusive to any single level of government, organization, or community, but rather, require the combined effort of the whole community. HSGP supports core capabilities across the five mission areas of Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery based on allowable costs.

The funding announcement, located on the eGrants Calendar page, describes the organization types, activities, and costs that are eligible under the announcement. The PSO’s eGrants User Guide to Creating an Applicationguides applicants through the process of creating and submitting an application in eGrants. Information and guidance related to the management and use of grant funds can be found in the The PSO’s Guide to Grants, located on the PSO Resource for Applicants and Grantees webpage.Primary Mission and PurposeState Homeland Security Program (SHSP) - Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Activities (LETPA): Supports state, tribal and local preparedness activities that continue to build law enforcement capabilities to prevent terrorist attacks and support critical prevention and protection activities. All LETPA investments must be consistent with capability targets set during the Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) process, and gaps identified in the State Preparedness Report (SPR).

Many activities which support the achievement of target capabilities related to terrorism preparedness may simultaneously support enhanced preparedness for other hazards unrelated to acts of terrorism. However, all SHSP-LETPA projects must assist grantees in achieving target capabilities related to preventing, preparing for, or protecting against acts of terrorism.Eligibility Requirements

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Criminal History ReportingEntities receiving funds from PSO must be located in a county that has an average of 90% or above on both adult and juvenile dispositions entered into the computerized criminal history database maintained by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) as directed in the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Chapter 66. The disposition completeness percentage is defined as the percentage of arrest charges a county reports to DPS for which a disposition has been subsequently reported and entered into the computerized criminal history system.

Beginning January 1, 2021, counties applying for grant awards from the Office of the Governor must commit that the county will report at least 90 percent of convictions and other dispositions within five business days to the Criminal Justice Information System at the Department of Public Safety. Click here for additional information from DPS on this new reporting requirement.

Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR)Eligible applicants operating a law enforcement agency must be current on reporting complete UCR data and the Texas specific reporting mandated by 411.042 TGC, to the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) for inclusion in the annual Crime in Texas (CIT) publication. To be considered eligible for funding, applicants must have submitted a full twelve months of accurate data to DPS for the most recent calendar year by the deadline(s) established by DPS. Due to the importance of timely reporting, applicants are required to submit complete and accurate UCR data, as well as the Texas-mandated reporting, on a no less than monthly basis and respond promptly to requests from DPS related to the data submitted. Note: UCR is transitioning from summary reporting to NIBRS only in 2021. Applicants are encouraged to transition to NIBRS as soon as possible in order to maintain their grant eligibility.National Incident Management System (NIMS) ImplementationGrantees are required to implement NIMS. The NIMS uses a systematic approach to integrate the best existing processes and methods into a unified national framework for incident management across all homeland security activities including prevention, protection, response, mitigation, and recovery. Grantees must use standardized resource management concepts for resource typing, credentialing, and an inventory to facilitate the effective identification, dispatch, deployment, tracking and recovery of resources.

Emergency Management PlansCities and counties must have a current emergency management plan or be a legally established member of an inter-jurisdictional emergency management program with a plan on file with the Texas Department of Public Safety, Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM). Plans must be maintained throughout the entire grant performance period and must be at least at the Intermediate Level. If you have questions concerning your Emergency Management Plan (preparedness) level, contact your Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC) or your regional Council of Governments (COG). For questions concerning plan deficiencies, contact TDEM at [email protected] RequirementsProgram IncomeApplicant agrees to comply with all federal and state rules and regulations for program income and agrees to report all program income that is generated as a result of the project's activities. Applicant agrees to report program income through a formal grant adjustment and to secure PSO approval prior to use of the program income. Applicant agrees to use program income for allowable costs and agrees to expend program income immediately after PSO's approval of a grant adjustment and prior to requesting reimbursement of funds.

Deduction Method - Program income shall be deducted from total allowable costs to determine the net allowable costs. Program income shall be used for current costs unless PSO authorizes otherwise. Program income which the grantee did not anticipate at the time of the award shall be used to reduce the PSO award and grantee match rather than to increase the funds committed to the project.

Asset Seizures and Forfeitures - Program income from asset seizures and forfeitures is considered earned when the property has been adjudicated to the benefit of the plaintiff (e.g., law enforcement entity).

Program Requirements

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Building and Sustaining Core Capabilities

1. All capabilities being built or sustained must have a clear link to one or more Core Capabilities in the National Preparedness Goal.

2. Many capabilities which support terrorism preparedness simultaneously support preparedness for other hazards. Grantees must demonstrate this dual-use quality for any activities implemented under this program that are not explicitly focused on terrorism preparedness. Activities implemented under SHSP must support terrorism preparedness by building or sustaining capabilities that relate to the prevention of, protection from, mitigation of, response to, and recovery from terrorism.

3. Funding should be used to sustain core capabilities. New capabilities should not be built at the expense of maintaining current and critically needed core capabilities. New capabilities must be aligned with capability targets and gaps identified through the THIRA/SPR process.

Mission AreasThe National Preparedness Goal organizes the core capabilities into the five mission areas:

• Prevention. Prevent, avoid or stop an imminent, threatened or actual act of terrorism.• Protection. Protect our citizens, residents, visitors, and assets against the greatest threats and hazards in

a manner that allows our interests, aspirations, and way of life to thrive.• Mitigation. Reduce the loss of life and property by lessening the impact of future disasters.• Response. Respond quickly to save lives, protect property and the environment, and meet basic human

needs in the aftermath of a catastrophic incident.• Recovery. Recover through a focus on the timely restoration, strengthening and revitalization of

infrastructure, housing and a sustainable economy, as well as the health, social, cultural, historic and environmental fabric of communities affected by a catastrophic incident.

Nationwide Cyber Security ReviewGrantees will be required to complete the Nationwide Cybersecurity Review (NCSR), enabling agencies to benchmark and measure progress of improving their cybersecurity posture. The Chief Information Officer (CIO), Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), or equivalent for each recipient agency should complete the NCSR. If there is no CIO or CISO, the most senior cybersecurity professional should complete the assessment. The NCSR is available at no cost to the user and takes approximately 2-3 hours to complete. For more information about the NCSR, visit: https://www.cisecurity.org/ms-isac/services/ncsr/.LETPALaw Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Activities (LETPA)The state is responsible for ensuring that at least 25 percent (25%) of the combined HSGP funds allocated under SHSP and UASI are dedicated towards law enforcement terrorism prevention activities, as defined in 6 U.S.C. 607.

Grant projects must be consistent with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Information Bulletin (IB) 412 which discusses eligible activities outlined in:

a. The National Prevention Framework; b. The National Protection Framework where capabilities are shared with the prevention mission area;c. Section 2006 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002, as amended; andd. The FY 2007 Homeland Security Grant Program Guidance and Application Kit.

Activities eligible for use of LETPA focused funds include but are not limited to: Maturation and enhancement of designated state and major Urban Area fusion centers, including information sharing and analysis, threat recognition, terrorist interdiction, and training/hiring of intelligence analysts. Coordination between fusion centers and other analytical and investigative efforts. Implementation and maintenance of the Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) Initiative. Implementation of the "If You See Something, Say Something" campaign to raise public awareness of indicators of terrorism and terrorism-related crime and associated efforts to increase the sharing of information with public and private sector partners. Increased physical security, through law enforcement personnel and other protective measures, by implementing preventative and protective measures at critical infrastructure sites or at-risk nonprofit organizations.Overall CertificationEach applicant agency must certify to the specific requirements detailed above as well as to comply with all requirements within the PSO Funding Announcement, the Guide to Grants, the Grantee Conditions and Responsibilities, any authorizing or applicable state and federal statutes and regulations to be eligible for this program.X I certify to all of the application content and requirements.

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Project Summary : Briefly summarize the project, including proposed activities and intended impact.This regional project will assist the Mesquite Police Department SWAT team in building and sustaining NIMS-typed resources throughout the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) region. SWAT personnel often run the risk of responding to volatile and rapidly evolving events, which can be extraordinarily complicated due to variations in which they manifest. Each event possesses unique and ubiquitous challenges to the overall response. Thermal imagers create an improved level of safety, provide detection, and situational awareness for officers. Officers need to be equipped with life-saving equipment. By funding the purchase of thermal imagers, this project will enhance response for the Mesquite Police Department SWAT team and SWAT teams throughout the region for catastrophic events such as terrorism and safeguarding local / state elections. Additionally, as part of the COVID-19 response, three US Army programs have led the initiative of using thermal imaging devices to screen for elevated body temperatures. This equipment is crucial for operational and response capabilities, which have been identified as a continued need amongst special response teams. Specialized response teams must remain resilient in training and maintain the necessary equipment as potential threats continue to emerge and evolve.

Problem Statement : Provide a detailed account of the issues, threats or hazards that your project will target. For federal Homeland Security Grants, include specific references to the regional or state Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA), as applicable.Law enforcement plays a critical role in the detection and prevention of terrorism. Secondly, ensuring local, state, and federal elections are secure is paramount to the continuity of the State of Texas. Furthermore, Officer's general well-being is often easily overlooked. Current trends in domestic and international terrorism could result in a life-threatening situation. Details are still emerging; however, the ability to detect heat signatures could have potentially mitigated injuries during the explosion in downtown Nashville, TN, on December 25, 2020. The assessment of the hazard potential, entry conditions, and exit route strategies fall on the responsibility of the first responders and specialized units. As a result, equipping first responders with vital tools needed in the field can be a force multiplier and increase national resiliency as jurisdictions develop the knowledge, skills, and abilities to better prepare for, mitigate, respond to, and recover from major events. The Mesquite Police Department SWAT team must be prepared to mobilize, anticipate risks, and have the tools on hand to respond to, withstand, and recover from adverse situations. These include complex, multi-jurisdictional, large-scale, high-risk, high-probability or high-consequence incidents, or those that had important social or economic impacts. Being outfitted with the key equipment determines the result of the incident. The ability to merge and synthesize disparate data sources in real-time to support situational awareness is crucial. Within the Dallas – Ft. Worth area, SWAT teams have been deployed to a large variety of high-profile events including, but not limited to: Super Bowl, World Series, Bush Presidential Library Dedication, Texas Motor Speedway Races, State Fair of Texas, nationally televised sports events, and visits by high-profile dignitaries. Additionally, the region is home to several large venues, critical facilities, and other locations with large populations, including AT&T Stadium, Globe Life Ballpark, Lone Star Park, American Airlines Center, Starplex Amphitheater, Bass Concert Hall, Verizon Theater, Winspear Opera House, DFW International Airport, Federal Reserve banks, Southern Methodist University, University of Texas at Dallas, University of Texas at Arlington, University of North Texas, Texas Woman's University, Texas Christian University, large hospital systems, large hotels and conference venues, and numerous corporate headquarters' campuses. Nearly 8 million people live in the North Central Texas (NCT) region. NCT encompasses the busiest and 2nd largest airport in the US, four mass transit entities, internationally renowned sporting/special event venues, a military reserve base, hundreds of international businesses, and a prominent economic and finance hub. As potential targets for terrorism, their proximity and location in densely populated areas could create a devastating series of cascading events if attacked. This example illustrates the critical infrastructure and key resources subject to terroristic threats and creates a critical need for the equipment. Capability needs are not static but evolve as operating environments and organizations themselves change. With the designated equipment, SWAT team personnel will have an enhanced capability and be better prepared and equipped to respond to major events. Funding that supports team member training, protective gear, equipment, and supplies for regional response teams reduces the danger to citizens, and other first responders help to preserve lives and protect property. Yet, it is a widely held consensus that the U.S. remains susceptible to terrorist attacks incorporating various agents and weapons. This situation exists despite extensive efforts to reduce the threat of terrorism and, specifically, to reduce U.S. domestic vulnerability. This susceptibility to attack requires first responders to be outfitted with the necessary equipment to be prepared and have the ability to respond to higher threat situations. Rapid and effective deployment with the necessary equipment can make the difference between having many or few casualties resulting from an attack or disaster. Interdiction and Disruption – Page 15 of Regional THIRA (2020)

Existing Capability Levels : Describe the existing capability levels, including resources that are currently in place to support this project prior to the use of grant funds.In 2021, area SWAT teams answered a survey identifying equipment needs. The survey identified a significant equipment capability gap for many teams as not being equipped with thermal imagers. This regional project will assist the Mesquite Police Department SWAT team in preventing and protecting against acts of terrorism. In addition, the technology thermal imagers offer another layer of election security. The Mesquite Police Department SWAT team will be better prepared for terrorism incidents and election security.

Capability Gaps: Describe the capability gaps which will be addressed by the project. For federal Homeland Security Grants, include

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DHS Project Type: Establish/enhance regional response teams


Core Capability: On-scene Security, Protection, and Law Enforcement

Identify if this investment focuses on building new capabilities or sustaining existing capabilities. : New Capabilities (Build)

Are the assets or activities Deployable or Shareable: Deployable

___ Check if this Investment requires new construction or renovation, retrofitting, or modification of existing structures

___ Check if these funds will support a project that was previously funded with HSGP funding

Project Management Step Involved:

Check the step that most closely resembles the phase of the project activities to be completed during the grant period.

Step: Execute

Description: The period within the project lifecycle during which the actual work of creating the project's deliverables is carried out.

Process: Involves directing, accomplishing, managing, and completing all phases and aspects of work for a given project.


Milestone: Request quotes from vendors; Completion Date: 12-31-2021Milestone: Make vendor selection and order; Completion Date: 02-01-2022Milestone: Verify equipment was received and inventoried; Completion Date: 05-30-2022Milestone: Close out grant; Completion Date: 08-01-2022

NIMS Resources

___ Check if this project supports a NIMS typed resource

Enter the name of the typed resources from the Resource Type Library Tool: SWAT / Tactical Team

Enter the ID of the typed resources from the Resource Type Library Tool: 6-508-1006

Fiscal Capability InformationSection 1: Organizational Information*** FOR PROFIT CORPORATIONS ONLY ***

Enter the following values in order to submit the applicationEnter the Year in which the Corporation was Founded: 0Enter the Date that the IRS Letter Granted 501(c)(3) Tax Exemption Status: 01/01/1900Enter the Employer Identification Number Assigned by the IRS: 0Enter the Charter Number assigned by the Texas Secretary of State: 0

Enter the Year in which the Corporation was Founded:Enter the Date that the IRS Letter Granted 501(c)(3) Tax Exemption Status:Enter the Employer Identification Number Assigned by the IRS:Enter the Charter Number assigned by the Texas Secretary of State:Section 2: Accounting SystemThe grantee organization must incorporate an accounting system that will track direct and indirect costs for the organization (general ledger) as well as direct and indirect costs by project (project ledger). The grantee must establish a time and effort system to track personnel costs by project. This should be reported on an hourly basis, or in increments of an hour.

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Is there a list of your organization's accounts identified by a specific number (i.e., a general ledger of accounts)?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

Does the accounting system include a project ledger to record expenditures for each Program by required budget cost categories?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

Is there a timekeeping system that allows for grant personnel to identify activity and requires signatures by the employee and his or her supervisor?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

If you answered 'No' to any question above in the Accounting System section, in the space provided below explain what action will be taken to ensure accountability.

Enter your explanation:Section 3: Financial CapabilityGrant agencies should prepare annual financial statements. At a minimum, current internal balance sheet and income statements are required. A balance sheet is a statement of financial position for a grant agency disclosing assets, liabilities, and retained earnings at a given point in time. An income statement is a summary of revenue and expenses for a grant agency during a fiscal year.Has the grant agency undergone an independent audit?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

Does the organization prepare financial statements at least annually?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

According to the organization's most recent Audit or Balance Sheet, are the current total assets greater than the liabilities?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

If you selected 'No' to any question above under the Financial Capability section, in the space provided below explain what action will be taken to ensure accountability.

Enter your explanation:Section 4: Budgetary ControlsGrant agencies should establish a system to track expenditures against budget and / or funded amounts.Are there budgetary controls in effect (e.g., comparison of budget with actual expenditures on a monthly basis) to include drawing down grant funds in excess of:

a) Total funds authorized on the Statement of Grant Award? Yes No

b) Total funds available for any budget category as stipulated on the Statement of Grant Award? Yes No

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Agency Name: North Central Texas Council of Governments Grant/App: 3061406 Start Date: 1/1/2022 End Date: 12/31/2022 Fund Source: HS-Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) Project Title: 2021 SHSP - NCTCOG - Regional Training and Exercise Program Status: Application - Created by Applicant Fund Block: 2021

Eligibility InformationYour organization's Texas Payee/Taxpayer ID Number:

Application Eligibility Certify:Created on:12/14/2020 11:29:00 AM By:Braydon Williams

Profile InformationApplicant Agency Name: North Central Texas Council of GovernmentsProject Title: 2021 SHSP - NCTCOG - Regional Training and Exercise ProgramDivision or Unit to Administer the Project: Emergency Preparedness DepartmentAddress Line 1: P.O. Box 5888Address Line 2: City/State/Zip: Arlington Texas 76005-5888Start Date: 1/1/2022End Date: 12/31/2022

Regional Council of Goverments(COG) within the Project's Impact Area: North Central Texas Council of GovernmentsHeadquarter County: TarrantCounties within Project's Impact Area: Collin,Dallas,Denton,Ellis,Erath,Hood,Hunt,Johnson,Kaufman,Navarro,Palo Pinto,Parker,Rockwall,Somervell,Wise

Grant Officials:Authorized OfficialName: Mike EastlandEmail: [email protected] 1: 616 Six Flags DriveAddress 1: City: Arlington, Texas 76011Phone: 817-695-9100 Other Phone: 817-608-2300Fax: 817-704-2543Title: Mr.Salutation: Mr.Position: Executive Director

Financial OfficialName: Monte MercerEmail: [email protected] 1: P.O. Box 5888Address 1: 616 Six Flags DriveCity: Arlington, Texas 76005Phone: 817-695-9121 Other Phone: 817-695-9118Fax: 817-640-7806Title: Mr.Salutation: Mr.Position: Director of Administration

Project DirectorName: Braydon WilliamsEmail: [email protected] 1: 616 Six Flags Drive Address 1: Centerpoint 2City: Arlington, Texas 76011Phone: 817-608-2318 Other Phone: Fax:

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Title: Mr.Salutation: Mr.Position: SHSP Grant Coordinator

Grant WriterName: Marcie BrunerEmail: [email protected] 1: 616 Six Flags Drive, Center Point TwoAddress 1: P.O. Box 5888City: Arlington, Texas 76011Phone: 817-608-2379 Other Phone: 870-718-3576Fax: Title: Ms.Salutation: Ms.Position: Senior EM Specialist

Grant Vendor InformationOrganization Type: Council of Government (COG)Organization Option: applying to provide homeland security servicesApplicant Agency's State Payee Identification Number (e.g., Federal Employer's Identification (FEI) Number or Vendor ID): Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS):

Narrative InformationOverviewThe purpose of the Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) is to support state and local efforts to prevent terrorism and other catastrophic events and to prepare the Nation for the threats and hazards that pose the greatest risk to the security of the United States. HSGP provides funding to implement investments that build, sustain, and deliver the 32 core capabilities essential to achieving the National Preparedness Goal (the Goal) of a secure and resilient Nation. The building, sustainment, and delivery of these core capabilities are not exclusive to any single level of government, organization, or community, but rather, require the combined effort of the whole community. HSGP supports core capabilities across the five mission areas of Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery based on allowable costs.

The funding announcement, located on the eGrants Calendar page, describes the organization types, activities, and costs that are eligible under the announcement. The PSO’s eGrants User Guide to Creating an Applicationguides applicants through the process of creating and submitting an application in eGrants. Information and guidance related to the management and use of grant funds can be found in the The PSO’s Guide to Grants, located on the PSO Resource for Applicants and Grantees webpage.Primary Mission and PurposeState Homeland Security Program (SHSP): Supports state, Tribal and local preparedness activities that address high-priority preparedness gaps across all core capabilities where a nexus to terrorism exists. All investments must be consistent with capability targets set during the Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) process, and gaps identified in the State Preparedness Report (SPR).

Many activities which support the achievement of target capabilities related to terrorism preparedness may simultaneously support enhanced preparedness for other hazards unrelated to acts of terrorism. However, all SHSP projects must assist grantees in achieving target capabilities related to preventing, preparing for, protecting against, or responding to acts of terrorism.Eligibility Requirements

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Criminal History ReportingEntities receiving funds from PSO must be located in a county that has an average of 90% or above on both adult and juvenile dispositions entered into the computerized criminal history database maintained by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) as directed in the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Chapter 66. The disposition completeness percentage is defined as the percentage of arrest charges a county reports to DPS for which a disposition has been subsequently reported and entered into the computerized criminal history system.

Beginning January 1, 2021, counties applying for grant awards from the Office of the Governor must commit that the county will report at least 90 percent of convictions and other dispositions within five business days to the Criminal Justice Information System at the Department of Public Safety. Click here for additional information from DPS on this new reporting requirement.

Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR)Eligible applicants operating a law enforcement agency must be current on reporting complete UCR data and the Texas specific reporting mandated by 411.042 TGC, to the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) for inclusion in the annual Crime in Texas (CIT) publication. To be considered eligible for funding, applicants must have submitted a full twelve months of accurate data to DPS for the most recent calendar year by the deadline(s) established by DPS. Due to the importance of timely reporting, applicants are required to submit complete and accurate UCR data, as well as the Texas-mandated reporting, on a no less than monthly basis and respond promptly to requests from DPS related to the data submitted. Note: UCR is transitioning from summary reporting to NIBRS only in 2021. Applicants are encouraged to transition to NIBRS as soon as possible in order to maintain their grant eligibility.National Incident Management System (NIMS) ImplementationGrantees are required to implement NIMS. The NIMS uses a systematic approach to integrate the best existing processes and methods into a unified national framework for incident management across all homeland security activities including prevention, protection, response, mitigation, and recovery. Grantees must use standardized resource management concepts for resource typing, credentialing, and an inventory to facilitate the effective identification, dispatch, deployment, tracking and recovery of resources.

Emergency Management PlansCities and counties must have a current emergency management plan or be a legally established member of an inter-jurisdictional emergency management program with a plan on file with the Texas Department of Public Safety, Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM). Plans must be maintained throughout the entire grant performance period and must be at least at the Intermediate Level. If you have questions concerning your Emergency Management Plan (preparedness) level, contact your Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC) or your regional Council of Governments (COG). For questions concerning plan deficiencies, contact TDEM at [email protected] RequirementsProgram IncomeApplicant agrees to comply with all federal and state rules and regulations for program income and agrees to report all program income that is generated as a result of the project's activities. Applicant agrees to report program income through a formal grant adjustment and to secure PSO approval prior to use of the program income. Applicant agrees to use program income for allowable costs and agrees to expend program income immediately after PSO's approval of a grant adjustment and prior to requesting reimbursement of funds.

Deduction Method - Program income shall be deducted from total allowable costs to determine the net allowable costs. Program income shall be used for current costs unless PSO authorizes otherwise. Program income which the grantee did not anticipate at the time of the award shall be used to reduce the PSO award and grantee match rather than to increase the funds committed to the project.

Asset Seizures and Forfeitures - Program income from asset seizures and forfeitures is considered earned when the property has been adjudicated to the benefit of the plaintiff (e.g., law enforcement entity).

Program Requirements

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Building and Sustaining Core Capabilities

1. All capabilities being built or sustained must have a clear link to one or more Core Capabilities in the National Preparedness Goal.

2. Many capabilities which support terrorism preparedness simultaneously support preparedness for other hazards. Grantees must demonstrate this dual-use quality for any activities implemented under this program that are not explicitly focused on terrorism preparedness. Activities implemented under SHSP must support terrorism preparedness by building or sustaining capabilities that relate to the prevention of, protection from, mitigation of, response to, and recovery from terrorism.

3. Funding should be used to sustain core capabilities. New capabilities should not be built at the expense of maintaining current and critically needed core capabilities. New capabilities must be aligned with capability targets and gaps identified through the THIRA/SPR process.

Mission AreasThe National Preparedness Goal organizes the core capabilities into the five mission areas:

• Prevention. Prevent, avoid or stop an imminent, threatened or actual act of terrorism.• Protection. Protect our citizens, residents, visitors, and assets against the greatest threats

and hazards in a manner that allows our interests, aspirations, and way of life to thrive.• Mitigation. Reduce the loss of life and property by lessening the impact of future disasters.• Response. Respond quickly to save lives, protect property and the environment, and meet

basic human needs in the aftermath of a catastrophic incident.• Recovery. Recover through a focus on the timely restoration, strengthening and revitalization

of infrastructure, housing and a sustainable economy, as well as the health, social, cultural, historic and environmental fabric of communities affected by a catastrophic incident.

Nationwide Cyber Security ReviewGrantees will be required to complete the Nationwide Cybersecurity Review (NCSR), enabling agencies to benchmark and measure progress of improving their cybersecurity posture. The Chief Information Officer (CIO), Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), or equivalent for each recipient agency should complete the NCSR. If there is no CIO or CISO, the most senior cybersecurity professional should complete the assessment. The NCSR is available at no cost to the user and takes approximately 2-3 hours to complete. For more information about the NCSR, visit: https://www.cisecurity.org/ms-isac/services/ncsr/.Overall CertificationEach applicant agency must certify to the specific requirements detailed above as well as to comply with all requirements within the PSO Funding Announcement, the Guide to Grants, the Grantee Conditions and Responsibilities, any authorizing or applicable state and federal statutes and regulations to be eligible for this program.X I certify to all of the application content and requirements.

Project Summary : Briefly summarize the project, including proposed activities and intended impact.FY 2021 SHSP - NCTCOG - Regional Training and Exercise Program Continuation Project will fund regional training and exercise opportunities and equipment/supplies to address gaps identified in recent regional full-scale exercise After Action Reports, the Threats and Hazards Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA), Stakeholder Preparedness Report (SPR), and through regional Working Groups. This project will fund a series of regional multi-disciple training courses, locally developed and delivered exercises, and travel for exercise planning staff to attend the Homeland Security Conference.

Problem Statement : Provide a detailed account of the issues, threats or hazards that your project will target. For federal Homeland Security Grants, include specific references to the regional or state Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA), as applicable.North Central Texas, one of the nation’s largest metropolitan areas with over 200 government agencies, is one of the nation's top metropolitan areas identified as a Tier One UASI by the federal government, with multiple recognized critical infrastructures and resources that are high targets for terrorist attacks. Our area encompasses one of the largest and busiest airports in the nation, four mass transit entities, and many nationally and internationally known sporting arenas and special event venues that host events such as the World Series, NCAA Championship, Final Four, NASCAR, and the Super Bowl. In the last several years, North Central Texas has had three confirmed terrorist incidents and the regional THIRA addresses the high likelihood of terrorist activities. This project will allow the region to continue to provide jurisdictions with training and exercises to address current and future threats and hazards, including those identified in the

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regional THIRA.

Existing Capability Levels : Describe the existing capability levels, including resources that are currently in place to support this project prior to the use of grant funds.Trainings and exercises in north-central Texas have evolved over the past ten years to address identified deficiencies at a regional, versus, local, level. This has increased overall capability levels exponentially, notably in the ability to communicate and coordinate between response disciplines on scene. At the regional level, a Training and Exercise Working Group consisting of diverse jurisdiction representatives is in place to identify, vet, and prioritize regional needs based on identified gaps. To further enhance capabilities, a regional Training and Exercise Coordinator and assistant positions are currently on staff at the NCTCOG Emergency Preparedness Department; they are budgeted through September 2020 in the Regional Planning project. The positions' main function is to coordinate multi-discipline training and exercises to address the gaps identified in the NCT THIRA/SPR, Multi-Year Training and Exercise Plan, regional full-scale exercises AARs, and through regional Working Groups. Existing levels of training include but are not limited to NIMS Position-Specific Training like IC, LOFR, SOFR, PIO, OSC, PSC, FSC, LSC, Unit Leader Courses that work towards filling gaps identified in the SPR.

Capability Gaps: Describe the capability gaps which will be addressed by the project. For federal Homeland Security Grants, include specific references to the regional or statewide State Preparedness Report (SPR).The predominant overarching gaps identified consistently throughout recent after-action reports and improvement plans (AAR/IP), the NCT SPR, and through regional subject matter working group feedback, is the need for more multi-discipline training and exercise. For the most part, regional response agencies have the ability to respond to the capability targets identified in the THIRA when operating as a single discipline; however, gaps in response to multi-discipline integrated incidents have been identified. The increased need for interoperability and operational coordination between disciplines, and leadership training are specifically addressed in the SPR; regional working groups also identify their discipline-specific gaps and address them through locally developed exercises mentioned in this project. Holistically, training and exercise at a regional level is a theme throughout the NCT SPR, with specific mentions on pgs. 4, 34, 67, 69, 74, 86, 89, 113, 115, and 151. The region needs to continue to build upon the findings from the past as well as recent experiences to train and exercise in an integrated fashion, increasing capacities and capabilities methodically through mid-term multi-discipline training and exercises delivered in between full-scale exercise years. Nearly all of the core capabilities in the SPR identify a need to conduct training to close gaps; this project defines specific training and exercise approaches to close current gaps, and provides identified personnel needed to oversee, coordinate, and facilitate the processes.

Impact Statement : Describe the project goals/objectives and how this project will maintain capabilities or reduce capability gaps. This project will provide the regional governance committees of the Regional Emergency Preparedness Advisory Committee (REPAC) and the Emergency Preparedness Planning Council (EPPC) the opportunity to use this targeted training and exercise project to test, improve, correct, and close multiple capability gaps identified in the NCT THIRA/SPR, exercise AARs, real-world events, and through input from subject matter working groups. The majority of training and exercise objectives would be established with the guidance of regional working groups with continued support from the Statement of Work (SOW) received by the Office of the Governor (OOG). Additionally, providing the opportunity for regional training and exercise staff to attend the Homeland Security Conference training and exercise track will enable them to implement the observed best practices and lessons learned in the future.

Homeland Security Priority Actions: Identify the Texas Homeland Security Priority Action most closely aligned with this project. Each Priority Action is linked with an Objective from the Texas Homeland Security Strategic Plan (HSSP). List the Priority Action by number and text (e.g. 1.2.3 Expand and enhance the network of human sources that can provide detailed and relevant information on known or suspected terrorist and criminal enterprises.)4.7.1 Ensure adequate homeland security training is available to and completed by leaders with homeland security responsibilities, first responders, and key stakeholders throughout the state.

Target Group : Identify the target group and population expected to benefit from this project.Benefits from this project will be regional. Training and exercise support will be especially beneficial for jurisdictions with limited-to-no staff dedicated to such initiatives. Each of the regional working groups with training or exercise projects during the grant cycle will also benefit from the project. The exercise Planning Team and participating jurisdictions will benefit from the project with a team being more familiar and aware of the details associated with the multi-discipline functional exercise. Finally, participants from recent local and regional exercises will benefit from the continued focus and support of building capabilities of the region.

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DHS Project Type: Establish/enhance sustainable homeland security exercise program


Core Capability: Operational Coordination

Identify if this investment focuses on building new capabilities or sustaining existing capabilities. : Existing Capabilities (Sustain)

Are the assets or activities Deployable or Shareable: Shareable

___ Check if this Investment requires new construction or renovation, retrofitting, or modification of existing structures

___ Check if these funds will support a project that was previously funded with HSGP funding

Project Management Step Involved:

Check the step that most closely resembles the phase of the project activities to be completed during the grant period.

Step: Execute

Description: The period within the project lifecycle during which the actual work of creating the project's deliverables is carried out.

Process: Involves directing, accomplishing, managing, and completing all phases and aspects of work for a given project.


Milestone: Coordinate with regional working groups and identify regional training and exercise needs.; Completion Date: 03-31-2022Milestone: Initial Planning Meeting for regional functional exercise.; Completion Date: 05-31-2022Milestone: Conduct Regional Functional Exercise and complete documentation post exercise; Completion Date: 11-30-2022

NIMS Resources

___ Check if this project supports a NIMS typed resource

Enter the name of the typed resources from the Resource Type Library Tool:

Enter the ID of the typed resources from the Resource Type Library Tool:

Fiscal Capability InformationSection 1: Organizational Information*** FOR PROFIT CORPORATIONS ONLY ***

Enter the following values in order to submit the applicationEnter the Year in which the Corporation was Founded: 0Enter the Date that the IRS Letter Granted 501(c)(3) Tax Exemption Status: 01/01/1900Enter the Employer Identification Number Assigned by the IRS: 0Enter the Charter Number assigned by the Texas Secretary of State: 0

Enter the Year in which the Corporation was Founded:Enter the Date that the IRS Letter Granted 501(c)(3) Tax Exemption Status:Enter the Employer Identification Number Assigned by the IRS:Enter the Charter Number assigned by the Texas Secretary of State:

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Section 2: Accounting SystemThe grantee organization must incorporate an accounting system that will track direct and indirect costs for the organization (general ledger) as well as direct and indirect costs by project (project ledger). The grantee must establish a time and effort system to track personnel costs by project. This should be reported on an hourly basis, or in increments of an hour.Is there a list of your organization's accounts identified by a specific number (i.e., a general ledger of accounts)?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

Does the accounting system include a project ledger to record expenditures for each Program by required budget cost categories?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

Is there a timekeeping system that allows for grant personnel to identify activity and requires signatures by the employee and his or her supervisor?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

If you answered 'No' to any question above in the Accounting System section, in the space provided below explain what action will be taken to ensure accountability.

Enter your explanation:Section 3: Financial CapabilityGrant agencies should prepare annual financial statements. At a minimum, current internal balance sheet and income statements are required. A balance sheet is a statement of financial position for a grant agency disclosing assets, liabilities, and retained earnings at a given point in time. An income statement is a summary of revenue and expenses for a grant agency during a fiscal year.Has the grant agency undergone an independent audit?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

Does the organization prepare financial statements at least annually?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

According to the organization's most recent Audit or Balance Sheet, are the current total assets greater than the liabilities?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

If you selected 'No' to any question above under the Financial Capability section, in the space provided below explain what action will be taken to ensure accountability.

Enter your explanation:Section 4: Budgetary ControlsGrant agencies should establish a system to track expenditures against budget and / or funded amounts.Are there budgetary controls in effect (e.g., comparison of budget with actual expenditures on a monthly basis) to include drawing down grant funds in excess of:

a) Total funds authorized on the Statement of Grant Award?

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Condition Of Fundings Information

Condition of Funding / Project Requirement Date Created Date Met Hold Funds Hold Line Item Funds

You are logged in as User Name: HSGD1 NCTCOG1 ; UserName: NCTCOGhsReview1 * INTERNALUSER

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Agency Name: North Central Texas Council Of Governments Grant/App: 2945407 Start Date: 1/1/2022 End Date: 12/31/2022 Fund Source: HS-Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) Project Title: 2021 SHSP - NCTCOG - Regional USAR Status: Application - Created by Applicant Fund Block: 2021

Eligibility InformationYour organization's Texas Payee/Taxpayer ID Number:

Application Eligibility Certify:Created on:12/14/2020 11:23:53 AM By:Braydon Williams

Profile InformationApplicant Agency Name: North Central Texas Council Of GovernmentsProject Title: 2021 SHSP - NCTCOG - Regional USARDivision or Unit to Administer the Project: Emergency PreparenessAddress Line 1: P.O. Box 5888 I Address Line 2: City/State/Zip: Arlington Texas 76011-6347Start Date: 1/1/2022End Date: 12/31/2022

Regional Council of Goverments(COG) within the Project's Impact Area: North Central Texas Council of GovernmentsHeadquarter County: TarrantCounties within Project's Impact Area: Collin,Dallas,Denton,Ellis,Johnson,Parker,Tarrant

Grant Officials:Authorized OfficialName: Mike EastlandEmail: [email protected] 1: 616 Six Flags DriveAddress 1: City: Arlington, Texas 76011Phone: 817-695-9100 Other Phone: 817-608-2300Fax: 817-704-2543Title: Mr.Salutation: Mr.Position: Executive Director

Financial OfficialName: Monte MercerEmail: [email protected] 1: P.O. Box 5888Address 1: 616 Six Flags DriveCity: Arlington, Texas 76005Phone: 817-695-9121 Other Phone: 817-695-9118Fax: 817-640-7806Title: Mr.Salutation: Mr.Position: Director of Administration

Project DirectorName: Braydon WilliamsEmail: [email protected] 1: 616 Six Flags Drive Address 1: Centerpoint 2City: Arlington, Texas 76011Phone: 817-608-2318 Other Phone: Fax: Title: Mr.Salutation: Mr.

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Position: SHSP Grant Coordinator

Grant WriterName: James JonesEmail: [email protected] 1: 4801 Marine Creed PkwyAddress 1: City: Fort Worth, Texas 76179Phone: 254-396-0246 Other Phone: Fax: Title: Mr.Salutation: Mr.Position: Assistant Coordinator-Fire Service Training

Grant Vendor InformationOrganization Type: Council of Government (COG)Organization Option: applying to provide homeland security servicesApplicant Agency's State Payee Identification Number (e.g., Federal Employer's Identification (FEI) Number or Vendor ID): Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS):

Narrative InformationOverviewThe purpose of the Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) is to support state and local efforts to prevent terrorism and other catastrophic events and to prepare the Nation for the threats and hazards that pose the greatest risk to the security of the United States. HSGP provides funding to implement investments that build, sustain, and deliver the 32 core capabilities essential to achieving the National Preparedness Goal (the Goal) of a secure and resilient Nation. The building, sustainment, and delivery of these core capabilities are not exclusive to any single level of government, organization, or community, but rather, require the combined effort of the whole community. HSGP supports core capabilities across the five mission areas of Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery based on allowable costs.

The funding announcement, located on the eGrants Calendar page, describes the organization types, activities, and costs that are eligible under the announcement. The PSO’s eGrants User Guide to Creating an Applicationguides applicants through the process of creating and submitting an application in eGrants. Information and guidance related to the management and use of grant funds can be found in the The PSO’s Guide to Grants, located on the PSO Resource for Applicants and Grantees webpage.Primary Mission and PurposeState Homeland Security Program (SHSP): Supports state, Tribal and local preparedness activities that address high-priority preparedness gaps across all core capabilities where a nexus to terrorism exists. All investments must be consistent with capability targets set during the Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) process, and gaps identified in the State Preparedness Report (SPR).

Many activities which support the achievement of target capabilities related to terrorism preparedness may simultaneously support enhanced preparedness for other hazards unrelated to acts of terrorism. However, all SHSP projects must assist grantees in achieving target capabilities related to preventing, preparing for, protecting against, or responding to acts of terrorism.Eligibility Requirements

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Criminal History ReportingEntities receiving funds from PSO must be located in a county that has an average of 90% or above on both adult and juvenile dispositions entered into the computerized criminal history database maintained by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) as directed in the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Chapter 66. The disposition completeness percentage is defined as the percentage of arrest charges a county reports to DPS for which a disposition has been subsequently reported and entered into the computerized criminal history system.

Beginning January 1, 2021, counties applying for grant awards from the Office of the Governor must commit that the county will report at least 90 percent of convictions and other dispositions within five business days to the Criminal Justice Information System at the Department of Public Safety. Click here for additional information from DPS on this new reporting requirement.

Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR)Eligible applicants operating a law enforcement agency must be current on reporting complete UCR data and the Texas specific reporting mandated by 411.042 TGC, to the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) for inclusion in the annual Crime in Texas (CIT) publication. To be considered eligible for funding, applicants must have submitted a full twelve months of accurate data to DPS for the most recent calendar year by the deadline(s) established by DPS. Due to the importance of timely reporting, applicants are required to submit complete and accurate UCR data, as well as the Texas-mandated reporting, on a no less than monthly basis and respond promptly to requests from DPS related to the data submitted. Note: UCR is transitioning from summary reporting to NIBRS only in 2021. Applicants are encouraged to transition to NIBRS as soon as possible in order to maintain their grant eligibility.National Incident Management System (NIMS) ImplementationGrantees are required to implement NIMS. The NIMS uses a systematic approach to integrate the best existing processes and methods into a unified national framework for incident management across all homeland security activities including prevention, protection, response, mitigation, and recovery. Grantees must use standardized resource management concepts for resource typing, credentialing, and an inventory to facilitate the effective identification, dispatch, deployment, tracking and recovery of resources.

Emergency Management PlansCities and counties must have a current emergency management plan or be a legally established member of an inter-jurisdictional emergency management program with a plan on file with the Texas Department of Public Safety, Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM). Plans must be maintained throughout the entire grant performance period and must be at least at the Intermediate Level. If you have questions concerning your Emergency Management Plan (preparedness) level, contact your Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC) or your regional Council of Governments (COG). For questions concerning plan deficiencies, contact TDEM at [email protected] RequirementsProgram IncomeApplicant agrees to comply with all federal and state rules and regulations for program income and agrees to report all program income that is generated as a result of the project's activities. Applicant agrees to report program income through a formal grant adjustment and to secure PSO approval prior to use of the program income. Applicant agrees to use program income for allowable costs and agrees to expend program income immediately after PSO's approval of a grant adjustment and prior to requesting reimbursement of funds.

Deduction Method - Program income shall be deducted from total allowable costs to determine the net allowable costs. Program income shall be used for current costs unless PSO authorizes otherwise. Program income which the grantee did not anticipate at the time of the award shall be used to reduce the PSO award and grantee match rather than to increase the funds committed to the project.

Asset Seizures and Forfeitures - Program income from asset seizures and forfeitures is considered earned when the property has been adjudicated to the benefit of the plaintiff (e.g., law enforcement entity).

Program Requirements

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Building and Sustaining Core Capabilities

1. All capabilities being built or sustained must have a clear link to one or more Core Capabilities in the National Preparedness Goal.

2. Many capabilities which support terrorism preparedness simultaneously support preparedness for other hazards. Grantees must demonstrate this dual-use quality for any activities implemented under this program that are not explicitly focused on terrorism preparedness. Activities implemented under SHSP must support terrorism preparedness by building or sustaining capabilities that relate to the prevention of, protection from, mitigation of, response to, and recovery from terrorism.

3. Funding should be used to sustain core capabilities. New capabilities should not be built at the expense of maintaining current and critically needed core capabilities. New capabilities must be aligned with capability targets and gaps identified through the THIRA/SPR process.

Mission AreasThe National Preparedness Goal organizes the core capabilities into the five mission areas:

• Prevention. Prevent, avoid or stop an imminent, threatened or actual act of terrorism.• Protection. Protect our citizens, residents, visitors, and assets against the greatest threats

and hazards in a manner that allows our interests, aspirations, and way of life to thrive.• Mitigation. Reduce the loss of life and property by lessening the impact of future disasters.• Response. Respond quickly to save lives, protect property and the environment, and meet

basic human needs in the aftermath of a catastrophic incident.• Recovery. Recover through a focus on the timely restoration, strengthening and revitalization

of infrastructure, housing and a sustainable economy, as well as the health, social, cultural, historic and environmental fabric of communities affected by a catastrophic incident.

Nationwide Cyber Security ReviewGrantees will be required to complete the Nationwide Cybersecurity Review (NCSR), enabling agencies to benchmark and measure progress of improving their cybersecurity posture. The Chief Information Officer (CIO), Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), or equivalent for each recipient agency should complete the NCSR. If there is no CIO or CISO, the most senior cybersecurity professional should complete the assessment. The NCSR is available at no cost to the user and takes approximately 2-3 hours to complete. For more information about the NCSR, visit: https://www.cisecurity.org/ms-isac/services/ncsr/.Overall CertificationEach applicant agency must certify to the specific requirements detailed above as well as to comply with all requirements within the PSO Funding Announcement, the Guide to Grants, the Grantee Conditions and Responsibilities, any authorizing or applicable state and federal statutes and regulations to be eligible for this program.X I certify to all of the application content and requirements.

Project Summary : Briefly summarize the project, including proposed activities and intended impact.This project seeks to develop regional training for regional response agencies to further the identification, training, and functional capabilities of regional search and rescue response resources in the North Central Texas Council of Governments region. These items are necessary to build, sustain, and improve the ability to coordinate and provide the core search and rescue response capability necessary to save lives and reduce suffering in communities within the NCTCOG region that have been overwhelmed by the impact of an terrorist incident. The overall mission is to provide training and resources to emergency personnel that will respond during the first operational period following a terrorist event that has led to structural damage, lost of life and necessity for wide area search grids. Conducting training will improve performance and further the US&R working group vision to develop interoperable regional search and rescue response capabilities. Partnering with multiple agencies will allow for communities across the region to proactively engage with partners at all levels to strengthen local capacity for SAR operations. The training will focus on responding to a variety of emergency and disaster situations and implementing the proper Command structure for alignment.

Problem Statement : Provide a detailed account of the issues, threats or hazards that your project will target. For federal Homeland Security Grants, include specific references to the regional or state Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA), as applicable.Through actual local disasters and regional exercise it has been identified that agencies rely on Tier 1 mutual aid partners to respond and provide incident support during large scale events. Though many of these Tier 1 agencies have various level of training, the region lacks standardized Command, training and deployment systems. Though agencies can request and get rescue resources through State and Federal agencies, this

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process requires time and reduces the chance of successful rescue. In many cases front line fire and EMS companies are in the process of locating, extricating, and providing initial medical treatment to victims trapped in collapsed structures, or rescuing/removing persons that have been impacted by the terrorist attack. Many of the municipalities in the region lack the ability to manage, mitigate and maintain the regular day to day responses during these large scale events. The lack of being able to cover the many basic needs of a disaster leads to a delayed response of State and Federal resources due to the overwhelming effect and lack of situation awareness. With proper training, equipment and supplies, needed resources can be deployed with-in the first hours of an event. These resources can also be available for training and will assist local governments financial ability to partner for a regional response. The training and resource cache (Mission Ready Packages) will enhance the regions ability to respond in terroristic events. The identification and training of regional search and rescue response resources capable of assisting affected jurisdictions for disaster response is an essential emergency preparedness capability. Disaster response professionals will concur that the most critical timeframe in saving lives after a disaster hits a jurisdiction is within the first twelve hours. Mass Search and Rescue is located on page 148 of the Regional THIRA.

Existing Capability Levels : Describe the existing capability levels, including resources that are currently in place to support this project prior to the use of grant funds.During Big X, the USAR working group identified 14 different agencies with rescue response capability. These agencies vary in their level of expertise and training. Some of these agencies also lack the Command training and manpower needed to manage City resources, multi-tiered mutual aide response, and EOC activation. Agencies with local resource include: Arlington, Ft Worth, Denton, NEFDA, SERPA, NERO, Dallas, Frisco, Irving, Carrollton, Richardson, Coppell, Plano, and Texas Task Force 2. Due to high turnover rates within the special teams in the region.

Capability Gaps: Describe the capability gaps which will be addressed by the project. For federal Homeland Security Grants, include specific references to the regional or statewide State Preparedness Report (SPR).See page 10 in the regional State Preparedness Report. Gap 1: Due to high turnover rates within the special teams in the region. Recurrent training and new certifications will be needed to maintain and sustain the skill sets these teams need. These agencies vary in their level of expertise and training. Some of these agencies also lack the Command training and manpower needed to manage City resources, multi-tiered mutual aid response, and EOC activation. The following is reference from the THIRA for the region. 1. During the first 24 hours of an incident, conduct health and safety hazard assessments, disseminate guidance to responders and public, and deploy resources to support environmental health and safety for response personnel and the affected population and area. 2. During the first 24 hours of an incident, develop an IAP and Health and Safety Plan (HASP) to monitor hazards, perform clean-up actions, and provide resources to meet environmental health and safety requirements during the transition to short-term recovery. Area covering 21 square miles Damage to 11,568 structures, 26,800 residents affected 2,000 response personnel Three impacted counties, 14 impacted municipalities At least three water treatment plants are inoperable/damaged within the affected area for a minimum of 24 hours Two fuel farms are damaged and have created a hazmat situation

Impact Statement : Describe the project goals/objectives and how this project will maintain capabilities or reduce capability gaps. The USAR project will continue to enhance the regions capability to deliver an integrated regional response. As stated by a FEMA official during the "Bix X" "the DFW area has more resources than some states". This project is an attempt to leverage though resources and expertise into a model for large metropolitan disaster response. Urban search and rescue training will ensure the greatest numbers of victims are rescued and transferred to medical or mass care capabilities, in the shortest amount of time, while maintaining rescuer safety. The DFW metro-plex is a prime target for domestic terrorism. This project will continue regional collaboration between search and rescue response teams and maintain and improve their skills for responding to search and rescue events.

Homeland Security Priority Actions: Identify the Texas Homeland Security Priority Action most closely aligned with this project. Each Priority Action is linked with an Objective from the Texas Homeland Security Strategic Plan (HSSP). List the Priority Action by number and text (e.g. 1.2.3 Expand and enhance the network of human sources that can provide detailed and relevant information on known or suspected terrorist and criminal enterprises.)4.2.2 Increase the number of typed Incident Management Teams, ensure regular integration of IMTs into exercises and operations, and facilitate training and qualifications for all IMTs.

Target Group : Identify the target group and population expected to benefit from this project.The goal is to target the Quad county region in phase 1 (Dallas, Denton, Collin, and Tarrant). Phase 2 would look at integration and response to the North Central Texas Council of Government Region. Population estimate is 6.1 million

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DHS Project Type: Establish/enhance regional response teams


Core Capability: Mass Search and Rescue Operations

Identify if this investment focuses on building new capabilities or sustaining existing capabilities. : Existing Capabilities (Sustain)

Are the assets or activities Deployable or Shareable: Shareable

___ Check if this Investment requires new construction or renovation, retrofitting, or modification of existing structures

_X_Check if these funds will support a project that was previously funded with HSGP funding

Project Management Step Involved:

Check the step that most closely resembles the phase of the project activities to be completed during the grant period.

Step: Execute

Description: The period within the project lifecycle during which the actual work of creating the project's deliverables is carried out.

Process: Involves directing, accomplishing, managing, and completing all phases and aspects of work for a given project.


Milestone: Finalize training schedule.; Completion Date: 04-01-2022Milestone: Execute training for personnel to manage resources during a US&R incident.; Completion Date: 07-01-2022Milestone: Execute training for personnel to effectively use the Interoperable radio channels.; Completion Date: 10-01-2022

NIMS Resources

___ Check if this project supports a NIMS typed resource

Enter the name of the typed resources from the Resource Type Library Tool: Urban Search and Rescue Task Force

Enter the ID of the typed resources from the Resource Type Library Tool: 8-508-1262

Fiscal Capability InformationSection 1: Organizational Information*** FOR PROFIT CORPORATIONS ONLY ***

Enter the following values in order to submit the applicationEnter the Year in which the Corporation was Founded: 0Enter the Date that the IRS Letter Granted 501(c)(3) Tax Exemption Status: 01/01/1900Enter the Employer Identification Number Assigned by the IRS: 0Enter the Charter Number assigned by the Texas Secretary of State: 0

Enter the Year in which the Corporation was Founded:Enter the Date that the IRS Letter Granted 501(c)(3) Tax Exemption Status:Enter the Employer Identification Number Assigned by the IRS:Enter the Charter Number assigned by the Texas Secretary of State:Section 2: Accounting System

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The grantee organization must incorporate an accounting system that will track direct and indirect costs for the organization (general ledger) as well as direct and indirect costs by project (project ledger). The grantee must establish a time and effort system to track personnel costs by project. This should be reported on an hourly basis, or in increments of an hour.Is there a list of your organization's accounts identified by a specific number (i.e., a general ledger of accounts)?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

Does the accounting system include a project ledger to record expenditures for each Program by required budget cost categories?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

Is there a timekeeping system that allows for grant personnel to identify activity and requires signatures by the employee and his or her supervisor?

Select the appropriate response: Yes

_ No

If you answered 'No' to any question above in the Accounting System section, in the space provided below explain what action will be taken to ensure accountability.

Enter your explanation:Section 3: Financial CapabilityGrant agencies should prepare annual financial statements. At a minimum, current internal balance sheet and income statements are required. A balance sheet is a statement of financial position for a grant agency disclosing assets, liabilities, and retained earnings at a given point in time. An income statement is a summary of revenue and expenses for a grant agency during a fiscal year.Has the grant agency undergone an independent audit?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

Does the organization prepare financial statements at least annually?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

According to the organization's most recent Audit or Balance Sheet, are the current total assets greater than the liabilities?

Select the appropriate response: Yes No

If you selected 'No' to any question above under the Financial Capability section, in the space provided below explain what action will be taken to ensure accountability.

Enter your explanation:Section 4: Budgetary ControlsGrant agencies should establish a system to track expenditures against budget and / or funded amounts.Are there budgetary controls in effect (e.g., comparison of budget with actual expenditures on a monthly basis) to include drawing down grant funds in excess of:

a) Total funds authorized on the Statement of Grant Award? Yes No

b) Total funds available for any budget category as stipulated on the Statement of Grant Award?

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