FY13 Dunwoody Springs Title I SWP Planschool.fultonschools.org/es/dunwoodysprings/School...  ·...

3/3/22 Evaluation of Title I School Improvement Plan – Dunwoody Springs ES Evaluate the Effectiveness of your School Improvement Plan from 2011-2012 and make adjustments as needed. You will include this Evaluation in your Title I Documentation Notebook. Answer these questions for the evaluation. [Rubric will be attached at year-end] o Has our overall achievement increased as a result of our Title I School Improvement Plan? Why or Why not? o 2 types of evaluations – ongoing or annually. Which type was selected? ______________? o What needs to be changed in our School Improvement Plan for FY2012-13 to address the needs of our students as a result of current data? The Title I School Improvement Plan/ School Improvement Plan focus has resulted in academic improvement for our school. This added focus on student achievement data, regular monitoring of student progress and assessment of the effectiveness of interventions has yielded positive results over the years. It has also provided us with a useful tool to assess and adjust our strategies on a regular basis. This tool is shared with all stakeholders and the results are used to celebrate successes and as well as to identify opportunities for improvement. The plan reminds us to involve all stakeholders and utilize all available resources. We develop/revise the plan prior to the beginning of each school year. We implement the planned strategies on an on-going basis. We evaluate progress and make necessary adjustments in January and again in May as we record results. This year we successfully reached 1 of our 5 goals. Our targets were set based on annual evaluations, but we used interim data to monitor progress and predict success. The current data shows that our strategies being used to improve performance in Reading/ELA have been somewhat successful. Goal #1 - We experienced success overall in reading , but we realized that the data we used to track progress with students in 1 st and 2 nd grades was flawed. We initially began tracking these students’ progress using the CRCTresults several years ago. Once that test was no longer being offered to students in those grade levels we switched to the Successmaker computer program for our progress monitoring tool. The data was difficult to track due to our high tdm Fulton County Schools 0

Transcript of FY13 Dunwoody Springs Title I SWP Planschool.fultonschools.org/es/dunwoodysprings/School...  ·...


Evaluation of Title I School Improvement Plan – Dunwoody Springs ESEvaluate the Effectiveness of your School Improvement Plan from 2011-2012 and make adjustments as needed.You will include this Evaluation in your Title I Documentation Notebook. Answer these questions for the evaluation. [Rubric will be attached at year-end]

o Has our overall achievement increased as a result of our Title I School Improvement Plan? Why or Why not?o 2 types of evaluations – ongoing or annually. Which type was selected? ______________?o What needs to be changed in our School Improvement Plan for FY2012-13 to address the needs of our students as a result of current data?

The Title I School Improvement Plan/ School Improvement Plan focus has resulted in academic improvement for our school. This added focus on student achievement data, regular monitoring of student progress and assessment of the effectiveness of interventions has yielded positive results over the years. It has also provided us with a useful tool to assess and adjust our strategies on a regular basis. This tool is shared with all stakeholders and the results are used to celebrate successes and as well as to identify opportunities for improvement. The plan reminds us to involve all stakeholders and utilize all available resources. We develop/revise the plan prior to the beginning of each school year. We implement the planned strategies on an on-going basis. We evaluate progress and make necessary adjustments in January and again in May as we record results.

This year we successfully reached 1 of our 5 goals. Our targets were set based on annual evaluations, but we used interim data to monitor progress and predict success. The current data shows that our strategies being used to improve performance in Reading/ELA have been somewhat successful.

Goal #1 - We experienced success overall in reading , but we realized that the data we used to track progress with students in 1st and 2nd grades was flawed. We initially began tracking these students’ progress using the CRCTresults several years ago. Once that test was no longer being offered to students in those grade levels we switched to the Successmaker computer program for our progress monitoring tool. The data was difficult to track due to our high mobility rates. Finally we shifted to the end of year checkpoints assessment for progress monitoring, but we now question the direct correlation between the two tests as a means to track past progress since this is not an “apples to apples comparison”. We noted that in the grade levels participating in the CRCT testing we showed an overall improvement over previous years in Reading /ELA. We were also pleased to see that we outperformed similar schools in reading scores as well as the overall lexile levels of our 3rd and 5th grade students. 95% of our 3-5 grade students met and exceeded expectations in reading on the CRCT as compared to 91% average of similar schools and 92% average for the system.) We will continue to monitor the strategies being implemented at all grade levels. This year we will continue those strategies with an increased emphasis on reading informational text for improvement in social studies and science content areas. For the purposes of our plan, we will no longer continue to track progress in reading, but shift our focus to informational text by tracking overall progress in social studies and science.

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Goal #2 - We did not meet our overall goal of having 89% of our students to meet or exceed expectations in science. In fact, we showed a significant decrease in 3rd grade science results rom 91% to 79% (2% points lower than the average for similar schools and the average for the system) , maintained at 85% in 4th grade (3% points higher than the average for similar schools and 1% higher than the average for the system). We showed a slight decrease – from 86% to 84% in 5th grade science. (8% points higher thatn the average for similar schools and 3% higher than the average for the system. We will continue to focus on improvement in science and enlist the support of our Georgia State University professor in residence to support our goal. We will also use Title I funds and PTA funds to support science enrichment for our students. Teachers will also incorporate science vocabulary into weekly spelling/vocabulary tests to (pre)review science terms.

Goals #3 and 4 - Our overall Math achievement goal for students in grades 3-5 was not reached. We set the target for improvement at 90%. This was based on previous year’s score of 89% of students meeting and exceeding. Our overall result was 84%. We will continue to focus on math and implement additional strategies for continued growth in this area. We showed a slight decrease in the performance of SWD in math which was an area of focus for our school. We set this target at 89% based on the previous year’s result of 88% of students with disabilities meeting or exceeding expectations. We reached 82% in this areas. While we did not meet this overall goal, we noted that the percentage of students at our school meeting and exceeding expectations in math was slightly above the average for schools with similar demographics to whom we often compare ourselves. We also noted that our 4th and 5th grade math CRCT results were consisten with the system averages. In 3rd grade we came in 4% points below the system. We will continue to focus on math as an area in need of improvement. We will focus on economically disadvantaged students rather than students with disabilities as we develop strategies for this larger subgroup of students.

Goal #5 - Writing scores increased from 83% to 87% as a result of the strategies implemented in that area. We will continue to focus on this goal and have additional strategies in place for continued growth. With the introduction of the Common Core curriculum, we will also focus on integrating more wrting across the curriculum.

*Increase the percentage of ALL grade 3-5 students who meet and exceed expectations on the MATH subtest of the CRCT from 84% to 85% this year.

*Increase the percentage of  ALL grade 3-5 students who meet and exceed expectations on the SCIENCE subtest of the  CRCT from 83% to 85%.

*Increase the percentage of ALL grade 3-5 students who meet and exceed expectations on the SOCIAL STUDIES subtest of the CRCT from 84% to 86%.

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Table of Contentstdm Fulton County Schools 2


SCHOOL: Dunwoody Springs Elementary School

Original Plan Written during the School Year: 2011 - 2012 Revised Plan Written during the School Year: 2012 – 2013Revision Date: August 27, 2012


Schoolwide Planning

Page # Criteria8 1. Comprehensive Needs Assessment:

Strengths and ChallengesIdentifies needs in the key areas that affect student achievementRoot causes of such needs with graphs, data analyses, parent/teacher/staff perception data, etc.Migrant paragraph (required)

23 2. Develop schoolwide reform strategies (reference the research)a. Provide opportunities for all children in the school to meet or exceed Georgia’s proficient and advanced levels of student performance.b. Are based upon effective means of raising student achievement.c. Use effective instructional methods that increase the quality and amount of learning time.d. Address the needs of all children, particularly targeted populations, and address how the school will determine if such needs have been met

and are consistent with improvement plans approved under Educate America Act.e. Must include documentation to support that any educational field trip used as an instructional strategy is aligned to the comprehensive

needs assessment found in the schoolwide plan and must be connected to the support of assisting students to achieve proficiency or advanced status in relation to the State Academic content standards. Documentation must be provided during the budget approval process. Required based on FY12 US ED monitoring.

f. Flexible Learning Program Plan that addresses Priority, Focus and/or Alert Schools (if applicable).

31 3. Provide instruction by highly qualified teachers.a. Strategies to attract highly qualified teachers to high-needs schools

29 4. Provide high-quality and ongoing professional development for staff to enable all children in the school to meet performance standards.

34 5. Develop strategies to increase parental involvement.

38 6. Devise a plan for assisting preschool, 5th to 6th, and 8th to 9th children in transition.

10, 28 7. Measures to include teachers in decisions regarding the use of academic assessment information for the purpose of improving student achievement and the overall instructional program.

36 8. Coordinate and integrate Federal, State, and local services and programs.a. List of State and local educational agency programs and other Federal programs that will be included.b. Description of how resources from Title I and other sources will be used.c. Plan developed in coordination with other programs.

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SCHOOL: Dunwoody Springs Elementary DATE: August 27, 2013


26 9. Provide activities to ensure that students who experience difficulty mastering proficient or advanced levels of academic achievement standards shall be provided with effective, timely additional assistance.

a. Measures to ensure that students’ difficulties are identified on a timely basisb. Periodic training for teachers in the identification of difficulties and appropriate assistance available to the student at the school or in the

communityc. Teacher-parent conferences that detail what the school will do to help the students, what the parents can do to help the student and

additional assistance available to the student at the school or in the community.

35 10.Description of how individual student assessment results and interpretation will be provided to parents.

12 11.Provisions for the collection and disaggregation of data on the achievement and assessment results of students.

12 12.Provisions to ensure that disaggregated assessment results for each category are valid and reliable.

10 13.Provisions for public reporting of disaggregated data.

9 14.Plan revised yearly and/or Plan developed during a one year period, unless LEA, after considering the recommendation of its technical assistance providers, determines that less time is needed to develop and implement the schoolwide program.

9 15.Plan developed with the involvement of the community to be served and individuals who will carry out the plan including teachers, principals, other school staff, and pupil services personnel, parents and students (if secondary).

10 16.Plan available to the LEA, parents, and the public.

10 17.Plan translated to the extent feasible, into any language that a significant percentage of the parents of participating students in the school speak as their primary language.

40 18.Plan is subject to the school improvement provisions of section 1116.

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Table of ContentsTargeted Assistance

Page # Criteria1. Comprehensive Needs Assessment

a. Describe how the needs assessment was conducted and how it will address the identified students at risk of not meeting state standards.

2. Research Based Methods and StrategiesDescription of instructional strategies and programs which coordinate with and support the regular program.

a. Grades and subject areas to be served b. Instructional strategies to be used c. Scheduling models to be used d. Supplemental instructional activities

e. Must include documentation to support that any educational field trip used as an instructional strategy is aligned to the comprehensive needs assessment found in the schoolwide plan and must be connected to the support of assisting students

to achieve proficiency or advanced status in relation to the State Academic content standards. Documentation must be provided during the budget approval process. Required based on FY12 US ED monitoring.

f. Flexible Learning Program Plan that addresses Priority, Focus and/or Alert Schools (if applicable).3. Student Selection and Service

Description of the method by which children with the greatest need are selected. Describe how the planning for students served in the Targeted Assistance program is incorporated into the existing school program.

a. PK – 2 selection criteria (not applicable to Middle School)

b. 3-12 selection criteria4. Coordination and Support of Students

Description of provisions made to serve all eligible children, including economically disadvantaged, disabled, migrant, LEP, and homeless children as well as those who have participated in Head Start or Even

Start or who received services from a Neglected or Delinquent institute during the previous two years.

5. Highly Qualified Staff / Professional DevelopmentDescription of provisions for instruction by highly-qualified teachers and parapros. Description of strategies used to provide professional development opportunities to teachers and other individuals as appropriate.

6. Parent InvolvementDescribe strategies planned to increase the level of parental involvement based on the District’s Parental Involvement Policy

7. Coordination of Funding Resources

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Procedures to be used for coordination of Title I resources with other resources to enable children served to meet the State content standards and State student performance standards.

8. Monitoring Student ProgressProcess for reviewing the progress made by participating children, on an ongoing basis and the process for revising the program as needed to provide additional assistance to enable these children to meet the State content standards and State student performance standards. Describe how teachers are involved in the decisions regarding the use of academic assessments to improve instructional programs and individual achievement.

9. Annual Assessments Procedures for annual assessment of students for meeting state and local expectations.

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Fulton County Vision Statement:

The vision of the Fulton County School System is for all students to learn to their full potential

Fulton County Mission Statement:

The mission of the Fulton County School System is to educate every student to be responsible, productive citizens

Characteristics of the Vision:

ExcellenceTrust and Honest Communication

Common UnderstandingPersonal Responsibility

CommitmentAcademic Achievement

Measured ResultsContinuous Improvement

Safe and nurturing environmentInvolved family, community and staff

Transparency and Accountability

Title I Department Goal:

The Title I goal is to ensure that each child successfully meets or exceeds Georgia’s proficient and advanced levels of student performance and meets or exceeds expectations on local, state and national assessments.

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Comprehensive Title I School Improvement Plan

Directions for Plan Completion:Schoolwide Program (SWP): Complete all sections of the plan, except those that are highlighted in PEACH.Targeted Assistance Program (TA): Complete any section containing a TA component as well as the PEACH highlighted sections appropriate to your designation (TA)Flexible Learning Program (FLP). Please include statements to align the Flexible Learning Programs where indicated or applicable. Flexible Learning Program template should be completed along with your Title I Documentation.

Themes SWP/TA/FLP Component





ve N




ent a

nd P


ing SACS 1. Include school mission, vision, and beliefs (System Mission, Vision, Beliefs on previous

page)It is the mission of Dunwoody Springs Elementary School to:

Educate and inspire every student Build an environment that fosters life-long learning, respect and leadership Support families in developing the whole child, and Prepare our children to participate in a democratic society and a global economy.

Vision: Dunwoody Springs Elementary School, in partnership with parents and community will challenge students to reach their full academic and behavioral potential.

Beliefs:We value Our diverse student body and staff.We value A quality education for all students.We value A safe and secure teaching and learning environment.We believe in high standards for all students.We believe all students can learn.We believe in providing academic rigor and support.

SW – 1TA – 1


2. Describe the System/ School Demographics The Fulton County School System is home to approximately 93,000 students. There

are 100 schools in Fulton County, each accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. These include 58 elementary, 19 middle, and 16 high schools, as well as 7 start-up charter schools. Of the total student population: 33%

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SCHOOL: Dunwoody Springs Elementary School DATE: August 27, 2012


are White, 42% are Black and 13% are Hispanic, 9% Asian and 3% Multi-racial. Fulton County reports 44% of students are economically disadvantaged, 11% are students with disabilities and 07% are English Language Learners.

Describe demographics for your school here Approximately 730 students attend Dunwoody Springs Elementary School. 45% are African American, 26% Hispanic, 18% Caucasian, 8% Multiracial and

3%Asian. 71% of our students are economically disadvantaged. We have a 44% mobility rate. 11% of our students qualify for Gifted instruction, 13% qualify for ELL (services for English Language Learners) and 13% qualify for Exceptional Education Services.

SW – 1TA – 1


3. Describe how the School Improvement Plan is revised annually with the participation of the Title I Committee (TIC)/ Local School Advisory Council (LSAC). Include a paragraph about the TIC. (who they are, how they were selected, how they have helped with the needs assessment and plan, how they share data and information with the staff and get feedback from the staff) (Be sure to include a well-rounded group of school, community, district – inside stakeholders, as well as objective outsiders. Be sure to have DATED sign-in sheets from all planning meetings. Indicate which participants are parents and community members.)

Listed below are the members of our leadership team and their titles / roles.Member Name Title / Role

Ivy FreemanJessica RhodesKaren HoardPatrice Dawkins JacksonLeonor DiazDaniela MoralesPatricia WatsonCasey MissertToyia McCormackNina Weidlekindergarten through 5th grade teachersSchool Improvement Team/ team leaderJulie DangelMichele Agri

PrincipalAssistant PrincipalCurriculum Support TeacherTAG Teacher /GSU LiaisonBookkeeperBilingual Parent LiaisonParentParentParentParentGrade level teams (data review/ goals)Update goalsGeorgia State Professor / Liaison2nd grade teacher

SW-15 a. Describe how plan development involved all staff, as well as community/parents/ school council We have developed, and will revise yearly, our school improvement plan with the

participation of individuals (staff, community members and parents) who will assist in carrying out our comprehensive school improvement plan.

The process we used to select our team is…… to include specific teams of people

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who are involved in the school and are available to engage in the school improvement process.

At Dunwoody Springs we involve many stakeholders in the development of the School Improvement Plan. Classroom teachers work with the Curriculum Support Teacher and principal to analyze test data to determine academic strengths and weaknesses. Based on this information, we determine what financial and human resources are needed to address the areas of focus. This information is provided to groups of involved parents/ community members who share a desire to support school improvement. This includes parents who serve on the PTA Executive Committee, LSAC and others who express an interest in our school but are not involved on these committees. Their input along with that of teachers and staff help to make up our Title I Committee.

SW-16 b. Describe how the plan will be distributed to all parents and made available to all stakeholders once it is completed. (beginning-of-the-year packets/ on the web/PTA/PTSA meetings)

Once the draft of our plan is completed, it is shared with our staff by… being made available to all of our stakeholders.

Our school improvement and parent involvement plans will be shared with parents at the beginning of the year during the annual Title I meeting. We will also post our plans on the school website.. The plan will be shared/ reviewed at the school council meetings which are open to all stakeholders. The overall plan summary will be shared with parents in the school newsletter. Additional copies of the detailed plan will be available in the front office for parents upon request.

SW-17 c. Explain that the plan will be translated into other languages (Everyone translates into Spanish. Translate into other languages where feasible and needed… based on significant percentage of parents) A copy of our school improvement and parent involvement plans goals will be

translated into Spanish and reviewed with the assistance of parents and community members. Copies of these documents are housed in the office area and the Parent Resource Room/Area.


4. Describe the process used to complete the Comprehensive Needs Assessment and how it identified students at-risk of not meeting state standards. (Data was collected and analyzed…)

Each of the members of our team had a part in the completion of our comprehensive needs assessment and school improvement plan. The process we followed to complete our plan was…Teachers worked with principal and Curriculum Support Teacher to analyze 2012 school assessment data. In doing so, teachers were able to assess areas of strength and weaknesses. In reviewing successes we determined the activities, programs and processes which we believe led to those

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successes. We also determined the areas of growth, challenges we face and developed a list of strategies to address those areas. We planned for implementation of those strategies and staff development needs geared toward addressing the areas identified for improvement. Once determined we worked with other Committee members to determine the funding necessary to fully implement our plan for improvement. We aligned our funding sources and support programs including Title I, Cost Center, PTA in order to focus on the needs of our school.

SW -11

FLPa. Identify the types of data collected (Possible examples: testing data, formative assessment data, climate

surveys of parents/community/ staff, staff and community needs assessment, demographic, attendance data, intervention data, or safety and discipline data.) We have used the following instruments, procedures, or processes to obtain

student data: CRCT and Fifth Grade Writing Assessment testing data was collected from the Assessment Office. We reviewed assessment data, staff feedback and parent survey data to identify our strengths and weaknesses.

These data sources have been reviewed to determine our needs for the upcoming year. We will review these data sources periodically throughout the implementation of our plan to monitor the plan’s effectiveness.

SW-11 b. Explain how student data is collected and disaggregated. Our data was disaggregated by subgroup, grade level, and content areas for

analysis. The student’s past and present year teachers collaborate to analyze student data and make informed decisions. Formative assessment data is reviewed throughout the year to determine our progress toward the goals we have set. Adjustments in our program are made as needed to address areas which require tweaking for optimal student achievement results. Data results are included in the School Improvement Plans and Flexible Learning Plans (if applicable).

c. How did you identify students most at-risk of not meeting state academic standards? Completing the needs assessment allowed us to identify students at-risk of not

meeting state standards by… Analyzing student formative and diagnostic assessment data. By doing so we were

able to identify specific students and subgroups of students in need of additional support. Summative assessment data from 2012 was also helpful in identifying subgroups of students in need of additional support.


d. Describe the method by which children with the greatest need are selected for service in your Targeted Assistance (TA) program.Describe how the planning for students served in the TA program is incorporated into the existing program.

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- Pre-K – Grade 2 Selection criteria (e.g. Developmentally appropriate measures, parent interviews, teacher selection)

- Grades 3-12 Selection criteria (CRCT Reading and Math Scores, teacher recommendation)


e. Procedures are in place to ensure that disaggregated assessment results for each category are valid and reliable. The data we collect is from the School Report Card on the DOE website or data sent

to us by our Assessment Coordinator. These student test results administered by the state are valid and reliable. The data we receive from both sources has already been disaggregated by subgroup by the Georgia DOE.


f. Describe your methods for the public reporting of student data.Test data is reported to the public through the school website, school marquee, system website, school newsletters, newspapers and on the GDOE website. The web addresses are posted for easy location of results by stakeholders. Selected schools should discuss FLP as applicable. The Georgia School Report Card and the reports are posted on the Georgia

Department of Education website Our school improvement plan, including data, will be posted on the school website

Data is shared with all at the beginning of each year. It is also reviewed by the School Improvement Team, students in grades 3-5, Local School Adviory Council, PTA Executive Committee and with parents at the Annual Title I meeting / State of the School Address. Updates are reviewed regularly with the Local School Council which is comprised of parents, community members, administrators, and teachers.

We publish our results on our school website and in school newsletters.

g. School Profile (See School Data Profile):Additional data used to complete our School Improvement Planning can be viewed by clicking on the link below (include link to your School Profile)http://portal.fultonschools.org/School_Profile/Pages/es_dunwoody_springs.aspx

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Elementary or Middle School Profile

Major School Initiatives: List major initiatives or reform efforts that have been implemented in the last three years. (Examples are comprehensive School Reforms, state initiatives, block scheduling, academic after school programs, revised school calendar, etc.)

School Year

Initiative or Reform Effort

2005-2011 Teachers at our school have all received training in Gifted Strategies and were required to create, teach and revise strategy lessons in order to learn and practice integrating higher-order thinking activities in general education classes.

2009-2011 Several teachers have piloted the School –wide Enrichment Program with a reading focus. This approach to teaching reading has supported the increased emphasis on setting high expectations and increased rigor.

2010-2011 Through our partnership with Georgia State University, we have received the support of math and science professors for additional staff development training for teachers. This support has helped teachers to gain additional strategies for effective teaching in these areas as well as ideas for integrating math and science into other content areas for increased student achievement.

2011 Fourth and fifth grade boys mentoring program20112012

Girls on the Run – mentoring and fitness programBoy and Girls Mentoring program, School-wide Enrichment Reading, Enrichment ClustersContinued Science support from Georgia State University ProfessorProfessional Learning support for improved data analysis and utilizationContinued writing supportExtended Learning program for students in grades 3-5Purchase of an additional teacher at 3 grade levels for increased attention to at-risk students

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Professional Learning: List the professional learning activities in the past two years that were focused on school improvement.

School Year

Professional Learning Activity Grade Level / Subject AreaAttending

2005-11 Gifted Strategies and School-wide Enrichment training provided by TAG teacher PK-5th grades2009-11 Technology training provided by teachers PK – 5th grades2009-11 Writing training provided to teachers by Lola Schafer – author and consultant K-5th grades2010-11 Science Training provided by professor of science from Georgia State University 1st – 5th grades2010-11 Math Training provided by professor of mathematics from Georgia State University K – 5th grades2010-11 Training provided on Lexiles by Administrative Intern PK-5th grades2009-11 Training in Differentiation, Assessment, RtI – Curriculum Support Teacher and

school counselorPK-5th grades

2012 -13 Writing and Professional Learning Community training, instructional technology, Intervention Strategies (academica and behavioral), Classroom Mangagement

K – 5th grades

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Faculty / Staff Data:Faculty and Staff Data (Forms provided in the Appendices)

Attrition Rate of Teachers and Administrators*Attrition Rate of teachers is defined as the number of teachers who leave the profession or transfer to another system from the beginning of the school year to the beginning of the next school year, excluding retirement.*Attrition Rate of administrators is defined as the percentage of administrators who leave the profession or transfer to another school from the beginning of the school year to the beginning of the next school year, excluding retirement.

Attrition Rate of Teachers Attrition Rate of Administrators

Number % of Teacher Population Number % of Teacher Population2008-2009 12/57 21% (new school opened) 0 0%2009-2010 8/44 18% 1 2%2010-2011 4/51 9% 0 0%2011-2012 14/53 26% 1 2%

Attendance as determined for CCRPI (College and Career Readiness Performance Index) in all Grade Levels

Attendance: ( Days Present/ (Days present + Days absent)Subgroups

Total Enrollment

Grade Levels

% All Students

% Asian % Black %


American Indian

% White

% Multi Racial


% Econ. Disad. (SES)

2010-2011 437 14 0 7 2 0 3 1 2 1 122011-2012 341 15 0 6 2 0 6 1 0 4 92012-2013 354 10 0 4 2 0 2 2 0 3 7

AYP Report – Historical informationtdm Fulton County Schools 15


(Full AYP reports can be reviewed by clicking this link)http://www.doe.k12.ga.us/ReportingFW.aspx?PageReq=103&SchoolId=21142&T=1&FY=2010

2010-2011 School Year AYP Report Mathematics English Language Arts / Reading

Met 95% participation Yes Yes

Met AMO for all students without second look Yes Yes

Met AMO for all students with second look (confidence interval, multi-year average, safe harbor)


Met AMO for all subgroups without second look Yes Yes

Met AMO for all subgroups with a second look (confidence interval, multi-year average, safe harbor)


Did not meet AMO for the following subgroups(s) NA NA

Met second indicator for all students Yes Yes

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ES or Middle Grades Writing Assessment (Add Link)


CRCT Assessment Data - (Add Link)English Language Artshttp://www.ajc.com/news/2011-georgia-crct-results-1000807.html?appSession=1090728812150

ITBS Assessment Data – (Add Link)http://portal.fultonschools.org/departments/Org_Advancement/Assessment_Accountability/Documents/Test_Scores/ITBSResultsfall10.pdf

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Themes SW/TA Component


SW-1TA - 1TA – 4


h. Identify/discuss strengths and needs based on data profile. We have compared our needs to system needs and have ensured that the system and school goals are aligned.

In order to meet the needs of all students and at-risk students, including Economically Disadvantaged, Students with Disabilities, Migrant, LEP, and Homeless children, as well as those who have participated in Head Start or Even Start or who received services from a Neglected or Delinquent institution during the previous two years, the data was disaggregated and reviewed for all students, subgroups, and content areas.

Major Strengths Discovered:

When reviewing student achievement data we were pleased to see that in most cases there was little distinction between ALL students and subgroups in the areas of reading and English/Language Arts on the CRCT. We also noted increases overall in the percentages of students exceeding expectations in these content areas on this test. (most significant in 3rd

grade )In reviewing student lexile level averages for students in 3rd and 5th grade, we noted a incr 200+ lexile average increase from grade 3 to grade 5. We were also were pleased to see that our school despite demographic comparison, showed higher lexile levels than all but one other school in 5th grade and two other schools in 3rd grade when comparing ourselves to other schools in the central learning community.

Major Weaknesses Discovered: While we were pleased with the progress made in reading and language arts, we noted a need to continue to focus on improving student achievement in math, social studies and science. Our scores have consistently been in the 90th percentile range in the other two areas. While our results show us above the system average (as well as that of similar schools in our area in the areas of math, social studies and science) we want to focus on these areas for improvement. We attribute the lower scores in these areas to the challenges these students face with the difficult vocabulary and lack of exposure to experiences outside of school. We also note as strategies the need to preview vocabulary, provide instruction with an emphasis on real-world application and providing differentiated lessons to meet the needs and learning styles of our diverse learners.

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Findings for: (write 1-3 sentences stating your findings for each subgroup) (e.g. Our ALL students group increased the number of students exceeding the standard in the area of reading by 3 percent. OR Our Economically Disadvantaged subgroup had 2 percent more students in the “does not meet” category this year in the area of math, but they also had 1 percent more students in the Exceeds category as compared to scores in 2011.)

ALL students:

ALL students and all subgroups in grades 4-5 showed higher than average for our area and for the system in ALL content areas tested on the CRCT. Students in grade 3 showed higher scores than comparable schools and the system in ELA and social studies. The reading score at 91% was only 2-3 points below the comps and the system. The science score was consistent with the comps and only 2 points below the system. The math score at 3rd grade was 2-4 percentage points below the comps and system. There was in increase for the ALL student group in the percentage of students exceeding expectations in grades 3-5 in every content area except math.

Black students:The percentage of black students meeting and exceeding expectations in reading/ELA is equal to or higher than the ALL group at 96% in both areas.

Black students performed lower than other racial subgroups in the areas of math and science.

SWD students:The percentage of students with disabilities who met or exceeded expectations in reading ELA and math was only slightly lower than their peers. Students with disabilities scored an average of 10-12% lower than their peers in social studies and science.

ELL students: (3rd grade results only due to small numbers in grades 4-5)The percentage of ELL students meeting and exceeding expectations in reading was 31 % lower than ALL students and in ELA was 14% lower than ALL groups. The percentage of ELL students meeting and exceeding expectations in math was 26% lower than ALL students. The percentage of ELL students exceeding in social students was 50% which is 38% lower than ALL students.

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Name 2-3 areas you have identified to be your goal areas for improvement.

We will work to increase math results for all students in grades 3-5In order to do this, we willfocus our training efforts on Common Core GPS standards for mathintegrate math vocabulary into the language arts blockintegrate math vocabulary into spelling/vocabulary listsmake students responsible for tracking acquisition of math facts on an ongoing basis.

We will also focus on science and social studies as an area for improvement.Students will be introduced to science and social studies vocabulary as part of their spelling vocabulary tests. They will receive hands on science enrichment/reinforcement through the in-house field trips. Social studies content will be reinforced using the “learning trunks” (hands on social studies materials used to make the content more meaningful to students – funded through PTA) Science and social studies content will be read during reading instruction to spend more time on the content in this area. This vocabulary will be emphasized in EIP, ELL and special area classes as well. We will also continue to address reading for ALL students using higher level thinking and integrating reading strategies in social studies and science in order to address those content areas for ALL students

We have set the following School Improvement goals goals for our areas of focus for the 2012-13 school year.

Goal #1    We will increase the percentage of ALL grade 3-5 students who meet and exceed expectations on the MATH subtest of the CRCT from 84% to 85% this year.

Goal #2  We will increase the percentage of  ALL grade 3-5 students who meet and exceed expectations on the SCIENCE subtest of the  CRCT from 83% to 85%.

Goal #3   We will increase the percentage of ALL grade 3-5 students who meet and exceed expectations on the SOCIAL STUDIES subtest of the CRCT from 84% to 86%.

SW-1TA - 1

i. The root causes for our identified areas of weakness are included below. (Include 2-3)The increased emphasis on data monitoring and using diagnostic assessments and

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team planning has led the gains we have seen.The use of more frequent informal and diagnostic assessment provides teachers with timely data in order to inform instructional decisions. The use of gifted strategies and the emphasis on higher level thinking is supporting growth in the number of students meeting and exceeding expectations in reading and ELA.The areas of focus for us will be continuing to incorporate science and social studies vocabulary and content throughout the language arts class period. The vocabulary makes these subjects challenging for many of our students who struggle with language or due to economic hardships are less likely to make connections based on limited life experiences. Our gifted strategies with a focus on reading will also allow us to address this weakness. ELL and special area teachers will also be required to focus on science and social studies content to the extent possible in their classes to support this need for growth. The root cause of our failure to meet goals in various areas are related to the inadequate uses of common assessments and failure to analyze student work on a consistent basis. The use of assessment data is an area of focus for us. We will analyze the common assessment data during Professional Learning Community meetings regularly and will make instructional decisions based upon the data.

j. Include a paragraph on:i. Explain how the staff is given an opportunity to assist in data and root cause

analysis. Teachers meet monthly with the Curriculum Support Teacher and Data

Support Specialist to monitor student achievement data and discuss root causes in order to determine adjustments needed in instructional practices This conversation also takes place as we review the previous years’ data and analyze the results. This is part of our school improvement planning process.

ii. How do you involve teachers in the decisions regarding the use of academic assessments to improve instructional programs? Teachers are involved in creating diagnostic assessments regularly to

determine reteaching needs in a timely fashion. They also meet to discuss results of other formative assessments and share best practices for addressing areas of deficiency.

iii. How are teachers involved in making decisions regarding individual students through the analysis and use of their test data? This is addressed in grade level meetings and Informal Collaboration

Meetings. Teachers regularly discuss student progress, monitor data and review student work samples. They work with colleagues to discuss

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intervention/ remediation plans.

SW - 1 5. MIGRANT paragraph – required

We have taken into account the needs of migrant children by… (Or if you have no migrant students… these are the procedures we would follow should we have migrant students in attendance…) (Be sure to mention the occupational survey section of the enrollment form and the occupational survey forms that are distributed at the beginning of each school year.) Student enrollment sheets are distributed and the Occupational Survey section of the

form is checked by the registrar. All new students receive an Occupational Survey form, as well as the registration form.

This will be checked and verified by the registrar. We will work closely with our counselor, school social worker, and our central office

liaison to ensure that the student’s needs are met for any students identified. Providing intervention programs and additional assistance for any migrant student who

might be identified and is experiencing academic deficiencies. Students will be considered for additional services based on formative data and

classroom assessments. Students who may be homeless will be referred to the Fulton County Schools Homeless

Liaison for possible services.

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Make sure School Improvement goals are aligned to Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS).

Goals / strategies need to target students not performing at standard/ expectation (at-risk) Strategies need to be specific and include something “more and/or different” than

what has been done previously. Consider scientifically, research-based strategies and/or promising practices that

have been effective elsewhere. Include Title I funding for additional personnel, professional learning, and parental

involvement under the budget/resource column. Evaluation/evidence needs to include both formative and summative items.

NARRATIVE within Implementation Plan1. Plan’s strategies:



a. Describe how the plan provides opportunities for ALL students, to meet or exceed proficiency AND addresses the needs of all students and targeted subgroups of students, on a timely basis.

The school improvement plan addresses all students based on identified needs in specific grade levels and content areas. It also addresses the subgroup known as economically disadvantaged students. The planned strategies include ongoing progress monitoring for timely remediation. The timelines allow for periodic assessment so that adjustments may occur as needed.


b. List the strategies and instructional methods you are incorporating into your school improvement program and describe how these strategies and instructional methods are based on scientific / research based strategies and are effective means for raising student achievement and strengthening the core academic (general education) program.

Reading goal – SEM and SEM-R –School-wide Enrichment with reading focus. This reading strategy is based on research done at the University of Connecticut by Dr. Sally Reis and Dr. Joseph Renzulli involves the use of gifted strategies applied to all students for increased rigor and higher-order thinking. It encourages the use of comprehension cards focused on higher order thinking, encouraging student reading slightly beyond their current level and increased focus on more variety of genre during self-selected reading time. This year we will stress the importace of reading informational text in order to increase student achievement in the areas of social studies and science. The focus on reading text in ELA which aligns with the social studies and science content should assist us with meeting our goals in these content areas.

(The research publications below detail the findings from the study entitled, Increasing

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Achievement and Enjoyment in Reading: The Schoolwide Enrichment Reading Framework. This research study was funded as part of the 2000-2005 federal grant awarded to The National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented (NRC/GT). For additional information regarding the NRC/GT, please visit the website at: http://www.gifted.uconn.edu/nrcgt.html The following articles have also been published detailing the results from the SEM-R study:

Reis, S. M., McCoach, D. B., Coyne, M., Schreiber, F. J., Eckert, R, D., & Gubbins, E. J. (2007). Using planned enrichment strategies with direct instruction to improve reading fluency and comprehension: An evidence-based study. Elementary School Journal, 108(1), 3-23.Reis, S. M., & Fogarty, E. A. (2006). Savoring reading, schoolwide. Educational Leadership, 64(2), 32-36.

We also encourage reading through the use of a PTA reading incentive program which requires students to track their reading progress. This year, students will be encouraged to integrate nonfiction text into their pleasure reading for the Read to Lead program. Research also suggests that increasing time spent on reading or being read to supports improved reading ability and comprehension. Successmaker reading computer program is also used to track student progress in reading, predict outcomes and identify at-risk students. (Put Reading First: The Research Building Blocks for Teaching Children to Read,   a report developed by the Center for the Improvement of Early Reading Achievement (CIERA) and funded by the National Institute for Literacy (NIFL), tells teachers to "Read aloud daily to your students." Reading to children, the report says, "increases their knowledge of the world, their vocabulary, their familiarity with written language ('book language'), and their interest in reading.")

Math strategies include involving students in tracking their own progress in math acquisition skills by having them to track their performance on weekly timed tests on basic math facts. Student involvement in the progress monitoring has yielded positive results. Research done by Doug Reeves, expert in educational studies, indicates that including students in their learning goals leads to increased achievement. The Successmaker math computer program was also used to track progress, predict outcomes and identify at-risk students. In addition to this, teachers will incorporate math vocabulary into weekly spelling/vocabulary tests. This will be used to introduce, preview or review math concepts.

Science goals include the use of increased real-world experiences in science to tdm Fulton County Schools 24


assist students in making connections between the standards and concepts/ideas they could relate to. Georgia State Professor, Dr. Williams used the Japanese Lesson Study method to introduce this approach to teaching. This method is research-based and proved beneficial for our students. We will enlist Dr. Williams’ support again as we continue to focus on this area. We also incorporated SEM and SEM-R strategies to focus on higher level thinking and increased focus on reading for understanding in this content area. (Lesson Study Comes of Age in North America. Lewis, C., Perry, R., Hurd, J., & O’Connell, P. (2006). Phi Delta Kappan. December 2006, pp 273-281.)

Writing goals included an emphasis on increased time spent on writing with a focus on craft, genre and conventions. See Experimental Study on the Impact of the 6+1 Trait® Writing Model on Student Achievement in Writing by Michael Kozlow and Peter Bellamy (This report presents the results of a study that examined the efficacy of professional development for teachers using the 6+1 Trait Writing model with respect to improving student writing skills. To achieve this purpose, a randomized experimental study was conducted in 2003-2004 in grades 4 to 6 to determine the extent to which a two-day workshop on the 6+1 Trait Writing model affected teacher practices and student achievement in writing. The study examined fidelity of implementation through a teacher survey on classroom practices to determine the extent to which teachers implemented the desired strategies and to describe differences between classroom practices of teachers in the treatment group and those of teachers in the control group. Student achievement in writing was measured by having students write on assigned prompts to produce narrative, descriptive, or persuasive pieces of writing.)

Students were also expected to keep portfolios which allowed them to focus on growth over time and specific areas in need of improvement. They were provided mock assessments to give them feedback using the format of the official testing company. This specific feedback assisted students with their individual growth plan.

This year students will also be expected to extend their writing across all content areas including math. This additional focus on writing should serve to increase students’ understanding of math concepts.

SW-2cc. Describe the effective instructional methods that will be used to increase the quality

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FLP and amount of learning time. (Make sure to tell the AMOUNT of time scheduled. Possible Instructional Methods - RTI groups, small group instruction, extended learning time (“double dosing”), After/Before school tutoring, zero periods)

Methods used to maximize instructional time will include the continued use of before school homework help and peer tutors. Select staff members will assist specific students (as assigned) with morning homework help. Select fourth and fifth grade students will work with K-3 students on skills such as letter/number formation and recognition, sight word vocabulary, writing skills etc.

Teachers will focus this year on differentiating instruction as part of our introduction to the Common Core and Teacher Keys training. This added focus on differentiation will allow for more needs-based and individualized instruction. The school improvement team will assess the effectiveness of all school day activities to determine the value and effectiveness in order to focus on the events which directly impact student achievement

Remember to include information regarding Flexible Learning Program if applicable.

How will students who are experiencing difficulty mastering the standards be identified in a timely manner by teachers trained in identification methods? Teachers meet to review CRCT and checkpoints data of rising students and

map out the curriculum in all content areas. Fifth grade teachers have received results from fourth grade end-of-year mock writing assessments. Teachers will also administer the checkpoints assessment and the BAS Assessment to determine student academic ability. They will then be provided a planning day to develop lesson plans to meet the needs of students. Teachers plan weekly to discuss student progress and to adjust curriculum mapping based on students’ acquisition of required standards.

How will additional assistance be provided for these students in their area of identified difficulty? Teachers will share the student progress data with EIP, Special Education and

ELL teachers in order to have additional support provided in these classrooms. Teachers will also meet to discuss grade level progress and develop plans for reteaching and recovery as appropriate. Students will be provided additional opportunities to learn and practice missed standards.

What activities will these students participate in that will focus on their area of

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identified need? Ability grouping for reteaching, workboard additional practice activities, lunch

and learn opportunities will be made available in some grade levels. Extended Learning will be provided for students in grade 3- 5 in preparation for CRCT.


2. Describe the instructional strategies and programs in the TA program which coordinate with and support the regular program of the school.a. Discuss grades and subject areas to be served

b. Instructional strategies to be used

c. Scheduling models to be used. Be sure to tell the AMOUNT of time included in the

targeted instruction. It must not take the place of the regular core instructional program.

d. Supplemental instructional activitiese. Must include documentation to support that any educational field trip used as an

instructional strategy is aligned to the comprehensive needs assessment found in the schoolwide plan and must be connected to the support of assisting students to achieve proficiency or advanced status in relation to the State Academic content standards. Documentation must be provided during the budget approval process. Required based on FY12 US ED monitoring.


3. Describe your process for reviewing the progress made by participating children, on an on-going basis and the process for revising the program as needed to provide additional assistance to enable these children to meet the State content and performance standards. Teachers work in grade level professional learning communities to discuss student

progress and plan for remediation and enrichment as appropriate. During this time they engage in assessment of the instructional practices on an ongoing basis using the data from diagnostic and summative assessments for guidance. Specific student concerns are discussed in grade level meetings at RtI Tier 2 meetings where teachers share strategies and interventions which have proven successful with other students. Strategies and progress monitoring plans are also developed for individual students during the RtI Tier 3 meetings which involves administration, teachers and parents (possibly school psychologist and instructional support teacher) for an “all hands on deck” approach to student support.

Describe how teachers are involved in the decisions regarding the use of academic

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assessments to improve instructional programs and individual achievement. Teachers work with the CST in grade level teams which include the EIP, ESOL and

special education teachers to discuss student assessment data and work collaboratively to address areas of deficiency and adjust instructional approaches as necessary for groups and individual students.

TA-9 4. Describe procedures for annual assessment of students for meeting state and local expectations.

SW-2e Must include documentation to support that any educational field trip used as an instructional strategy is aligned to the comprehensive needs assessment found in the schoolwide plan and must be connected to the support of assisting students to achieve proficiency or advanced status in relation to the State Academic content standards. Documentation must be provided during the budget approval process. Required based on FY12 US ED monitoring.

We have elected to provide High Touch High Tech in-house field trips to support growth in student achievement in the area of science. The hands on approach to science helps us to reinforce the content for students. The interesting, high-energy presentations allow students to make connections between the content and the world around them. This learning experience helps to reinforce content already taught in the classroom in some cases and serves to build background knowledge prior to introducing new concepts in other cases. Students and teachers enjoy this curriculum aligned in-house “field trip” which we host in our school’s science lab. Funds from Title I allow us to provide this opportunity for students . Many of our students are economically disadvantaged, lack exposure to science museums, struggle with the complex terminology and lack background knowledge due to limited life experiences. This program provides support in these areas. “High Touch High Tech partners with schools to assist educators with delivering science content that may be difficult to convey or for which supplies are not available. High Touch High Tech programs are aligned with national and state science standards and through our 90-minute hands-on science programs, students become real scientists and do real science experiments. It is through this partnership that High Touch High Tech has become part of the solution for educators who did not major in science, for limited budgets and for schools that lack the supplies necessary to provide a true hands-on experience for their students.”

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Title IIA 1. Include a narrative reminder that Professional Learning needs, based on the needs assessment, are included in the FCSS School Improvement Plan Template. Annually our school completes a professional learning survey provided by the district

office. We use the results of this survey as well as the results of our comprehensive needs assessment of student achievement to determine the professional development needs of our staff. A description of the activities planned to meet the needs discovered is included in our Implementation Plan. The funding needs and funding sources for each of these activities are also listed in the Implementation Plan.


Title IIA

2. Describe how the school/district are providing high quality and on-going professional development for teachers, principals and parapros and how these activities meet the needs identified in the needs assessment, enabling students to meet the state’s performance standards. District Professional Learning opportunities are provided to teachers, principals, and paraprofessionals in Fulton County based on needs assessment surveys provided to all stakeholders.  Professional Learning is also provided based on other data, such as student assessments and district initiatives determined by student needs.

Many educators in Fulton County are involved in on-going professional learning through endorsement programs such as reading, gifted and ESOL.  The endorsement programs are yearlong endeavors with 150 or more hours.  School Improvement activities at the district and school levels align to the stated goals and priorities.  Each school has “Better Seeker” teams or “School Leadership Teams” who are trained to guide educational growth and development for the school.  Continuous, on-going training is provided to teachers, principals and paraprofessionals in order to develop a clear understanding and consistent implementation of standards-based classrooms to enable students to meet and exceed performance standards.

School Discuss the resources that are provided to carry out effectively the professional

development activities that address the root causes of academic problems. Staff Development plans are determined each year by using data gathered from staff

surveys, student achievement data and individual staff needs. Teachers request support in specific areas using the survey. Student achievement data suggests areas in need of improvement and individual teachers are urged to take advantage of support in specific areas by participating in outside, district and /or local training opportunities.

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SW-9bTitle IIA


3. Describe how teachers are trained to identify and provide assistance for at-risk students. The Curriculum Department encourages teachers to meet before the start of school to

analyze student information/data from the previous year. Results are compared to previous years and across the grade levels to look for trends and areas of concern. Teachers then plan as a team to emphasize those skills with a high degree of importance while covering the other necessary skills prior to spring testing. At-risk students will be identified so that they can be provided with additional educational opportunities (double dosing) for needed subject level support.

Teachers are offered staff development in areas that show as a need from the student data and past data from previous years. We offer training on data analysis, progress monitoring tools (Achievement Series, Checkpoints, etc.) and support in the curricula subject areas.

The current ELA GPS are 85% aligned with CCGPS. There will be an in-depth focus on mathematical understanding and skills. The current Math GPS are 90% aligned with CCGPS. There will be an in-depth focus on a balance of literature and informational texts, text complexity, argument, informative explanatory writing, research, and speaking/listening skills. Demo lessons have been taught to train teachers on GPS and the use of standards throughout the system. Teachers have had over 15 hours of Writer’s Workshop training during the 2011-12 school year. The Curriculum Department has increased the purchases of supplemental literacy and math materials to support RTI and the Tier process for all of the Fulton County Elementary Schools.

At the Elementary and Middle school levels, professional learning to identify at-risk students is job-embedded. Each middle school uses pre-planning days and specified collaborative planning time during the school year to analyze multiple types of data: formative, summative, qualitative, and quantitative. The emphasis is on collaborative analyses that lead to instructional improvement and differentiation. Using the data, at-risk students are identified and scheduled into courses that provide tiered levels of intervention. This is as minimally intrusive as peer collaboration or as restrictive as a self-contained classroom—and many things possible in between. However, data drives instructional settings and strategies for students. Elementary/ Middle schools provide professional learning to teachers for differentiating instruction, effective feedback, and “Response to Intervention” with its tiered supports for student learning.

Teachers at Dunwoody Springs Elementary have been trained in RtI (Response to Intervention). This training provides a process for identifying and addressing the needs of at-risk students. One member of each grade level serves as Tier 2 facilitators to facilitate meetings about students using

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a specific process to create a plan of action which includes implementation of strategies and a process for collecting progress monitoring data. At-risk students who still experience difficulty move on to Tier 3 the Student Support Team - and possibly testing to determine eligibility for special education services.


Title IIA

4. Describe the process used to identify and provide instruction by highly qualified teachers and parapros.

The goal and intent of Fulton County Schools is to hire teachers who are “Highly Qualified” in the content area/s of instruction and thus maintain 100% of teachers who are highly qualified.  Should a teacher not have the status of “Highly Qualified,” a plan must be developed and signed by both teacher and principal.  The plan reflects steps which may include professional learning that will occur to correct the status of the non-HiQ teacher.  This may include testing or change of placement.  Title II-A provides reimbursement for the teacher taking and passing GACE testing in order to become HiQ (see attached plan and process).

-The Principal Verification and Attestation Form contains the names of the teachers who are not yet HiQ (if applicable) All Dunwoody Springs ES teachers meet the qualifications for Highly Qualified / HiQ teaching status.-Review student placement, ensuring equity in teacher experience. Address the correction of any inequities.-Place in the Binder, copies of the Parent Letters sent for non-HiQ teachers.-Place in the appendices, a copy of the written and signed plan that is in place for each non-HiQ teacher (if applicable)-The Detailed School HQT Information form (from DOE Report Card) is located in the appendices. Use the information on the form to determine the attrition rates of teachers and administrators in your school for the School Profile.

SW-3Title IIA

5. Discuss the district’s/school’s teacher-mentoring program that is in place to support new teachers and increase teacher effectiveness.

District mentors teachers by: Fulton County District Office supports new teachers with an orientation at the

beginning of each school year.  Teachers are provided information andprocedures which are fundamental for a successful experience during the school year.  This includes information in the areas of benefits, professional learning,

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curriculum and resources.  Throughout the year additional institutes are held in order to provide continuous support for new teachers.

Our school mentors teachers by:   (Make sure you address your 0-3 year teacher(s) and school based induction and on-going support – please be specific.)

Assigning a mentor (usually on the same grade level) to serve as support throughout the year. This pairing serves to support the new teachers by allowing them to address problems on an ongoing basis throughout the first year(s).

The new teachers attend monthly meetings with the Curriculum Support Teacher, mentors and school administration to discuss, upcoming deadlines/requirements, curriculum pacing or other curriculum-related concerns and to get feedback on performance using student achievement data and student work samples.

SW-3aTitle IIA

6. Discuss the strategies that are in place at the district and the school to attract highly qualified teachers.

District attracts highly qualified teachers by: The district participates in recruitment activities at colleges and universities in

order to attract highly qualified new teachers.  Candidates are also screened through Human Resources and by school principals.  This provides assistance to principals and schools with the initial hiring process in the selection of “Highly Qualified”


Our school attracts highly qualified teachers by…

Promoting our partnership with Georgia State University and the fact that we are a PDS (Professional Development School). This means that our facility is used as a training facility for Georgia State’s student teachers and / or interns. We renewed the partnership through PDS/NET-Q grant. We often hire new teachers from the group of successful interns and student teachers.

The Principal and Assistant Principal attend all Fulton County Job Fairs when they are offered. This gives us the opportunity to pre-screen many applicants and invite them back to our school for a more formal interview.

An attractive and highly informative school website is in place. This website gives potential teachers the opportunity to read about our school focus, unique programs and initiatives.

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We also promote the fact that our student / teacher ratio is lower than the state maximum due to Title I funds that enable us to purchase additional staff.

Candidates receive a tour of the school as requested.

Once hired, new teachers receive ongoing training from the Curriculum Support Teacher, mentor and school administration. Principal expectations for team collaboration, team decision-making and student data analysis across the grade level also offers reassurance and support to new teachers.

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nt In





1. Discuss that parent involvement is important and the school has strategies in place to increase parental involvement. (For more detailed information on Parent Involvement activities at our school – insert the Parent Involvement Action Plan Below.Parent Involvement is a major focus at our school. We seek to involve parents in a variety of ways which include efforts to have parents to support our student achievement efforts both during and outside the instructional day. Most of our parents are working parents so we schedule activities throughout the year and allow parents to choose the method of involvement that works best for them. Our PTA supports the effort to involve parents in ways that directly and indirectly impact student achievement. Some activities simply serve to increase the sense of community by planning family-friendly events “fun(d)raisers” to bring our community together.

2. PARENT INVOLVEMENT ACTION PLAN (insert table below) Schools should have a minimum of 2 goals aligned to the SWP/TA plan.

GOAL(S)*list at least 2 goals*




Reading improvement

Read to Lead reading incentive program

Sept. - May k-5 Rewards, trinkets, website, paper calendars to track montly reading progress

PTA representatives, parents, teachers

Science improvement

High-Touch High-Teach curriculum aligned science program

Sept – April k-5 Funds from Title I and PTA

PTA, Principal, bookkeeper, teachers

Math improvement

Parent Workshops

Math Night

Support for parents concening curriculum support, parenting, community resources etc


Throughout the school year


PK – 5

School materials

Community Help programs , teachers, PTA


Parent liaison, principal

Desired results for the goal(s):increased reading scores, increased reading of informational text for increased rigor. Increase science achievement scoresHow will the goal(s) be measured?CRCT results, parent evaluations/feedback, school surveys, school data

3. Mandatory Documentation: Schools must also include the school parent policy with cover letter and revision dates, parent policy checklist, school/parent compact with appropriate tdm Fulton County Schools 34



a. Describe the process used to involve parents in designing, implementing and evaluating the school improvement and the parent involvement plan. The opinions of our parents are important to us. An electronic parent involvement

survey is opened to parents each spring, allowing them to give their opinions and offer comments and suggestions concerning our parent involvement program. Each year as we begin to review and revise our Parent Involvement and School Improvement Plans, we choose parents to be involved in this process. They participate as we evaluate the previous year’s plans, giving their input on ways to improve our Parent Involvement and School Improvement Programs. We also have parents as members of our School Council. They review the plans during development and after completion. Their comments and suggestions are considered as the plans are written.


b. Discuss how parents get information on individual student test results and help with test interpretation. (School Council/ PTA) We receive two copies of student test results. We give one copy to parents through

the mail, in student packets, or during parent/teacher conferences. The interpretation of the test results is also provided to parents during conferences and upon request.

c. If our school is identified as a priority, focus or alert school, parents are notified by letter(s) explaining the flexible learning program (FLP) and what intervention strategies are in place to improve our status.

SW-9 d. Explain parent-teacher conference opportunities, how the teacher is helping students identified as having difficulty meeting standards, what parents can do to assist their students, and where parents can find additional assistance at the school or in the community. SEE- FLP plan for further details regarding instructional intervention strategies (if

applicable). Official parent/teacher conference dates are listed on the school calendar, but

parents are encouraged on Curriculum Night and throughout the year to request conferences any time they have a desire to do so. The teachers use a variety of strategies to address the needs of at-risk students including differentiating instruction, recommending EIP support, assigning a.m. homework help etc.

Parents who have concerns are also encouraged to meet with the Curriculum Support Teacher, Bilingual Parent Liaison, Student Support Team chairperson and/or the school principal to address their concerns. Any/all of these staff members can also provide information on local community resources to assist parents.

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1. The Implementation Plan Template should show integration of Federal, State and Local programs and funds.

TA-4 2. Describe the strategies used to coordinate and collaborate with other Federal, State, and local services in your Title I Targeted Assistance program/plan.

TA-4 3. State that there is coordination and integration of Federal, State, and local services and programs. Describe how you will coordinate with and support the general education program.

SW-8aSW – 8b


4. The dollar amounts of each federal fund that is allocated to the school should be listed, showing coordination. Describe how resources from Title I and other sources will be used. The following federal funds have been allocated to our school.

Fund Amount Description of ServicesShow how the funds are coordinated for the

improvement of the entire schoolTitle I $ 243,048Title II $Title III $

The following is our list of how we are coordinating and integrating Federal, State and local services and programs.

A combination of federally funded programs including Special Education, ESOL and Title I, II and III funds will be used to support student improvement goals.

State funds will be utilized for Pre kindergarten and the Early Intervention Program to support early literacy and remediation programs.

PTA funds will be used to support enrichment and support programs for school improvement including funds for “in-house field trips”, cultural arts events and a reading incentive program to encourage reading for pleasure.

School wide Program Title I-A, II-A and III-A funds totaling $243,048will be used as indicated below:$218,527 will be used to fund:

three teachers’ salaries including benefits and substitutes will be funded using Title I funds.They will serve as a 3rd grade EIP, 4th and 5t grade homeroom teachers.

Salaries, benefits and subs for teachers in the Extended Day program to support at-risk students in math

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and reading in grades 3-5 supplies and materials for students in the Extended Day program the in-house science field trips the study island computer program to support reading and math progress monitoring for all students in

grades k- 5

$13,148 will be used to fund: the writing training for teachers at all grade levels (including subs for teachers to attend)

$11,373 will be used to fund: 50% of the parent liaison’s salary (including benefits) the remaining 50% will be funded from the school’s

cost center budget

SW-8c 5. Show how the plan coordinates with School-to-Work Opportunities, Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Act, and National & Community Service Act of 1990. With renewed focus on preparing our students to meet the expectations of a global

workforce, career and technical curricula integrates and correlates technical skills to academic standards. Perkins accountability indicators are tied directly to student performance on the Georgia High School Graduation Test - reading and mathematics - as well as graduation rate.

Elementary Schools do not received these fundsSW-6 6. Explain how your school assists children in the transition (preschool, early childhood

programs; middle or high school; private schools and transfer students) Following are our plans for assisting students in the transition process to or from

our school. We also tell how we help students who are entering from private schools and who enroll during the year.

Pre-School / Middle School Transition…..The following are our plans for assisting preschool children into a school environment. Also included are transition plans for students entering middle school or high school and entering from private schools, plus students entering our school throughout the school year.

Pre-School / Middle School Transition…..

Each fall we conduct PK orientation. Rising Pre-kindergarten students and their parents are invited for school orientation. During this time they meet with the teachers and school administrators pre-kindergarten curriculum and school

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expectations. They have an opportunity to see a typical day in the “life of a pre-kindergartener”. A school tour is also conducted.

Each spring we conduct a “Dolphin Splash”. Rising kindergarten students and their parents are invited for school orientation. During this time they meet with the kindergarten teachers, school administrators and the curriculum support teacher in order to discuss the kindergarten curriculum and school expectations. They have an opportunity to see a typical day in the “life of a kindergartener”. A school tour is also conducted.

Each year during the month of February, Sandy Springs Middle School’s administrative team is invited to meet with our Curriculum Support Teacher, Data Clerk, Instructional Support Teacher, Counselor and 5th grade team of teachers in an effort to prepare for a smooth transition from elementary to middle school. Forms are distributed to the teachers to complete concerning class placements, levels and connection choices. Our school counselor reserves the entire month of May to go into the 5th grade classrooms to discuss a variety of topics. Fifth grade students participate in a tour of the feeder middle school each year to familiarize themselves with the campus and school expectations. Their parents are also invited to an evening orientation during the child’s final months as an elementary school student.

General education students enrolling in our school after the 10th day are assigned to the “transition room” for a period of less than 3 days prior to being assigned to a homeroom class. While in the transition room, the new student is assigned a peer buddy who serves to welcome the newcomer. The transition room teacher provides assessments in reading, math and writing in order to provide the receiving teacher with diagnostic data about the child’s academic progress. The child is introduced to key staff members, tours the school and is made aware of school rules, policies etc. During this time, the Curriculum Support Teacher can best determine the most appropriate placement, collect necessary textbooks/materials and custodians can provide the additional furniture (if needed) for the newcomer. The teacher is provided academic information, student’s interests and parent information at the time of the student’s arrival into his/her classroom. This “transition time” reduces the stress for incoming students and as well as the interruption to existing students.

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SW-14 1. The implementation of the plan is monitored throughout the year. Addendums are added to the plan when on-going assessment data shows revisions are needed. The plan is evaluated and revised yearly based on newly disaggregated data.

The district utilizes focus walk data to monitor our progress in the implementation of our instructional strategies listed in our plan.

Mid-year reviews of our school improvement plan and formative assessment data are held in January. During this meeting, district staff and school administration meet to check on the progress of our plan implementation and the results of our formative assessments.

SW-18 Explain that should the school enter consequences or sanctions based upon the ESEA waiver determinations, that the School Improvement provisions of NCLB, Section 1116 will be followed All priority, focus and alert schools (if applicable) will complete and participate in all requirements according to state and federal guidelines. We will offer flexible learning programs (FLP) if applicable if we should enter the FLP requirement that requires specific interventions we will work with the State DOE and our District to complete all requirements for improvement.



All components of a Schoolwide program plan must be addressed. Those areas marked “Not Met” need additional development.*Denotes required component as set forth in section 1114 of Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA).


Plan Requirements and

Schoolwide Components

x Cover Page – school name, logo

x Original date of plan listed

x Revision date of plan listed

x Table of Contents – Schoolwide

x District Mission, Vision, Goals

x Evaluation of previous years Schoolwide Plan

x School Mission, Vision, Goals

x District/ School demographics

x 1A comprehensive needs assessment of the entire school which addresses all academic areas and other factors that may affectachievement. (A)

x School Profile – Data

x Migrant Statement included in plan

x Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS) and College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI) goals.

x Implementation Plan

x 2 Schoolwide reform strategies that are scientifically researched based, directly tied to the comprehensive needs assessment and

academic standards and: (B)

x 2a Provide opportunities for all children in the school to meet or exceed Georgia’s proficient and advanced levels of student performance.

x 2b Are based upon effective means of raising student achievement.

x 2c Use effective instructional methods that increase the quality and amount of learning time.

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SCHOOL: Dunwoody Springs ES DATE: August 27, 2012



Plan Requirements and

Schoolwide Components

x 2dAddress the needs of all children, particularly targeted populations, and address how the school will determine if such needs have been met and are consistent with improvement plans.

N/A 2e

Must include documentation to support that any educational field trip used as an instructional strategy is aligned to the comprehensive needs assessment found in the schoolwide plan and must be connected to the support of assisting students to achieve proficiency or advanced status in relation to the State Academic content standards. Documentation must be provided during the budget approval process. Required based on FY12 US ED monitoring.

N/A 2f Flexible Learning Program plan that addresses Priority, Focus and/or Alert schools (if applicable).

x 3 Instruction by highly qualified professional staff. (C)

x 3a Strategies to attract high quality, highly qualified teachers to high-needs schools. (E)

x 4 Professional development for staff to enable all children in the school to meet performance standards. (D)

x 5

Strategies to increase parental involvement. (F) Annual Title I Meeting with invite, agenda, minutes, sign-in sheets, handouts, etc.

a) Must include parent policy with cover sheet and revision month/date/yearb) Parent policy checklistc) Compacts

x 6Plans for assisting children in the transition from early childhood programs to local elementary school programs; middle school to high school; and high school to post-secondary. (G)

x 7 Measures to include teachers in the decisions regarding the use of assessment data to provide information on, and to improve the performance of individual students and the overall instructional program. (H)

x 8 Coordination and integration of Federal, State, and local services and programs (J)

x 8a List of State and local educational agency programs and other Federal programs that will be included

x 8b Description of how resources from Title I and other sources will be used

x 8cPlan developed in coordination with other programs, including those under the School-to- Work Opportunities Act of 1994, the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Act, and National and Community Service Act of 1990.

x 9 Activities to ensure that students who experience difficulty mastering standards shall be provided with effective, timely assistance, which shall include: (I)

x 9a Measures to ensure that students’ difficulties are identified on a timely basis

x 9b Periodic training for teachers in the identification of difficulties and appropriate assistance for identified difficulties.

x 9c Teacher-parent conferences that detail what the school will do to help the student, what the parents can do to help the student, and additional assistance available to the student at the school or in the community

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Plan Requirements and

Schoolwide Components

x 10 Description of how individual student assessment results and interpretation will be provided to parents.

x 11 Provisions for the collection and disaggregation of data on the achievement and assessment results of students.

x 12 Provisions to ensure that disaggregated assessment results for each category are valid and reliable.

x 13 Provisions for public reporting of disaggregated data

x 14Plan developed during a one year period, unless the district, after considering the recommendation of its technical assistance providers, determines that less time is needed to develop and implement the Schoolwide program.

x 15 Plan developed with the involvement of the community to be served and individuals who will carry out the plan including teachers, principals, other school staff, and pupil service personnel and parents.

x 16 Plan available to the LEA, parents, and the public.

x 17 Plan translated to the extent feasible, into any language that a significant percentage of the parents of participating students in the school speak as their primary language.

x 18 Plan is subject to the school improvement provisions of section 1116.

Program Assurances, SWP Assurances, School Parent Involvement Policy, Parent Policy Checklist, Compact andCompact Checklist

Principal’s Verification and Attestation.

Schoolwide Checklist – Completed and signed by the principal

School Improvement/Schoolwide Plan submitted to Title I department in Shared Documents/portal

Comments: Ivy Freeman 10/15/12 Principal’s Signature Date

Tawana Miller 10/15/12 Title I Director’s Signature Date

Karen Cox 12/13/12 Area Executive Director’s Signature Date

Assistant Superintendent’s Signature Date

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