Future of work

The Future of Work Future-proof ways of managing, organising and collaborating

Transcript of Future of work

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The Future of Work

Future-proof ways of managing, organising and collaborating

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Is not only …

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Starting with 3 core principles…

A complete new way of organising

But surely is..

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by minimizing hierarchical structures and rules

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Organising work matching individual strenghts and organisational objectives

Strength Based Workdesign

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Amplifying collaboration by stimulating dialogue, interaction and knowledge sharing


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Crucial condition for the future of work

Collaboration Strength BasedWorkdesign


Leadership 2.0

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How to get started?

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Who has to lead a future of work project?

67 %

44 %5 %

2 %





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Why is Future of work essential for your organisation

Step 1: Why doing it now?

What does it mean for the organisation?

What does it mean for your employees?

What does it mean for the clients?

What does it mean for society?

Look for sponsors and believers

Connect with vision-mission and strategy of your organisation!

Sense of urgency

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Why is Future of work essential for your organisation

Step 1: Why doing it now?

What does it mean for the organisation?

What does it mean for your employees?

What does it mean for the clients?

What does it mean for society?

Look for sponsors and believers

Connect with vision-mission and strategy of your organisation!

Sense of urgency

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Which parts of work organisation will change…

Step 2: Where are we going?

Culture & leadership | How?

Jobs & career | What?

Structures & organisation | Whereby and with whom?

Time & Place | When and where?

Future state

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Step 2: Where are we going?

Culture & leadershipNew attitudes and competences for employees and leaders

Open leadership: authenticity

Leader is talentmanager, social architect, facilitator, coach

Create a culture of trust

Define clear goals and objectives

Continuous dialogue

Stop controlling start interacting

Future stateHow?

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Step 2: Where are we going? Future state

From job-descriptions to roles

Personal branding

Market place with individual talent and tasks and projects

Temporary roles in projects

Transitional career

Jobs & career


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Step 2: Where are we going? Future state

Structures & organisation

More autonomy in the teams

Minimal structure and rules

Agility embedded in organisational structure



Whereby & With Whom?

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Step 2: Where are we going? Future state

Time & Place Teleworking



Open access to information

New labor-contracts

Project-deals based on results

Social media

When & Where?

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Project planStep 3: Implementation

Make a business case


Create a interdisciplinary project-team

Create buy-in at C-level

Integrated approach instead of ad hoc initiaitves

From our survey:Most important obstacles:

1.Legal constraints2.Continuity in service to clients


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EmbeddingStep 4: Anchor the change

in the business processes


in the HR processes


in the culture of the organisation



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EmbeddingStep 4: Anchor the change

By embedding it in the HR processes


- Organise sharing of knowledge (virtual & face-to-face)

- Encourage jobcrafting, jobrotation and project-working

- Stimulate initiatives for self-development

- Make people work outside the organisation and value the experience

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EmbeddingStep 4: Anchor the change

By embedding it in the HR processes


- The new way of working is part of your employer brand

- Make individual deals on working conditions and careers

- Recruit future competences

- Encourage people to expose their talents

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EmbeddingStep 4: Anchor the change

By embedding it in the HR processes


- Set clear goals and objectives

- Short feedback-loops, feedback in real-time, online dashboards

- Strength based performance appraisal

- Feedback by more then one person

- Combine individual and team-performance

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EmbeddingStep 4: Anchor the change

By embedding it in the HR processes


- Reward individual performance in teams and projects

- Reward team-performance

- Reward employability

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* Culture & Leadership* Jobs & Career* Structures & Organisation* Time & Place

* Change approach* Business Case* Communication

Anchor the change in HR processes* Development, * Staffing,* Performance,* Reward

* Automony* Strength Based Workdesign* Collaboration= Leadership 2.0

Sense of urgency Future state Project plan Embedding

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MobilityIncreased quality of work

EnvironmentStronger economy

Enhanced labor participationHigher employability

Longer careers…
