Fusion Worldwide Values & Boston Office

Thinking about working for Fusion Worldwide? Let some company values and pictures of our newest office help you decide...
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Are you looking for a career with a fast-paced company and a lot of earning potential? Check out what Fusion Worldwide has to offer...

Transcript of Fusion Worldwide Values & Boston Office

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Thinking about working for Fusion Worldwide?

Let some company values and pictures of our newest office help you decide...

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Be part of an all-star team(where you’ll never be just a number).

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Our leadership team is battle-tested and industry-approved.

We've got 30+ years of success in our field, $285M in sales annually, and we’re growing 15%+ year-over-year.

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Diversity, intelligence + premium pay (and we’ll make you smile at work).

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Our 120 staff members speak 30+ different languages and earn an average of $75K-$150K in their first year.

Our top earners are making over $300K.

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Loyalty and professional development(plus co-workers you actually want

to develop with).

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We promote 100% from within.

The average tenure per employee is 6.2 years and counting!

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Team-based reward and recognition...(we’ve got burgers, beer

and President’s Club vacations).

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We celebrate the small victories (i.e. beer on Fridays after a good week), and the big ones with annual cookouts, holiday bashes, and President’s Club vacations that reward employees for a job well-done.

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Employees are valued assets.(Our gym on-site helps them stay healthy.).

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We don't just believe in work-life balance. We live it.

An on-site gym and a normal work week help our employees stay happy and healthy.

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Opportunities around the globe. (Where will you end up?)

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We encourage our employees to bring their perspectives to new locations. With offices on 3 continents, there are plenty of options to explore.

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