1 1 South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327 ANNEXURE A TECHINCAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE PROCUREMENT OF OFFICE FURNITURE FOR THE SOUTH AFRICAN SOCIAL SECURITY AGENCY – MPUMALANGA PROVINCE FURNITURE SPECIFICATIONS AND SERVICE PROVIDER COMPLIANCE DECLARATION SHORT DESCRIPTION L L O O C C A A L L C C O O N N T T E E N N T T C C O O M M P P L L I I A A N N C C E E T T E E C C H H N N I I C C A A L L D D E E S S C C R R I I P P T T I I O O N N Y Y E E S S N N O O 1. CUBICLES V V a a n n c c o o u u v v e e r r M M a a p p l l e e 6 6 8 8 8 8 M M e e l l a a m m i i n n e e 2-Way Cluster Cubicles 3-Way Cluster Cubicles 4-Way Cluster Cubicles 5-Way Cluster Cubicles 6-Way Cluster Cubicles 7-Way Cluster Cubicles T T e e c c h h n n i i c c a a l l D D e e s s c c r r i i p p t t i i o o n n s s 1500 X 1350 cubicle 1500W X 800D X 760H half-bullnose-edged counter top (32mm thick) W W O O R R K K T T O O P P S S U U R R F F A A C C E E S S W W o o r r k k s s u u r r f f a a c c e e s s t t o o b b e e m m a a n n u u f f a a c c t t u u r r e e d d f f r r o o m m 3 3 2 2 m m m m t t h h i i c c k k h h i i g g h h - - d d e e n n s s i i t t y y p p a a r r t t i i c c l l e e b b o o a a r r d d c c o o m m p p l l y y i i n n g g w w i i t t h h S S A A B B S S s s t t a a n n d d a a r r d d s s . . B B o o a a r r d d s s t t o o b b e e f f i i n n i i s s h h e e d d w w i i t t h h 0 0 . . 6 6 m m m m l l o o w w g g l l a a r r e e c c o o n n t t i i n n u u o o u u s s d d e e c c o o r r a a t t i i v v e e l l a a m m i i n n a a t t e e i i n n V V a a n n c c o o u u v v e e r r M M a a p p l l e e 6 6 8 8 8 8 . . U U n n d d e e r r s s i i d d e e f f i i n n i i s s h h e e d d w w i i t t h h q q u u a a l l i i t t y y 0 0 . . 3 3 m m m m b b a a l l a a n n c c i i n n g g b b a a c c k k e e r r , , n n o o t t p p a a p p e e r r . . 4 4 8 8 0 0 m m m m M M o o d d e e s s t t y y P P a a n n e e l l u u s s i i n n g g V V a a n n c c o o u u v v e e r r M M a a p p l l e e 6 6 8 8 8 8 M M e e l l a a m m i i n n e e 1 1 3 3 5 5 0 0 X X 1 1 3 3 5 5 0 0 f f l l o o o o r r s s c c r r e e e e n n s s ( ( 1 1 6 6 m m m m t t h h i i c c k k w w i i t t h h 6 6 m m m m s s h h a a d d o o w w l l i i n n e e b b e e t t w w e e e e n n s s c c r r e e e e n n s s ) ) . . T T o o b b e e f f i i n n i i s s h h e e d d w w i i t t h h V V a a n n c c o o u u v v e e r r M M a a p p l l e e 6 6 8 8 8 8 L L a a m m i i n n a a t t e e . . U U n n d d e e r r C C o o u u n n t t e e r r S S t t o o r r a a g g e e D D r r a a w w e e r r ( ( F F r r o o n n t t t t o o b b e e m m a a n n u u f f a a c c t t u u r r e e d d f f r r o o m m 1 1 6 6 m m m m t t h h i i c c k k c c h h i i p p b b o o a a r r d d w w i i t t h h m m i i n n i i m m u u m m 0 0 . . 3 3 5 5 m m m m V V a a n n c c o o u u v v e e r r M M a a p p l l e e 6 6 8 8 8 8 L L a a m m i i n n a a t t e e . . Q Q u u a a n n t t i i t t y y Cluster Cubicles Vancouver Maple 688 Melamine 70%




South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327






1. CUBICLES – VVaannccoouuvveerr MMaappllee 668888 MMeellaammiinnee 2-Way Cluster Cubicles 3-Way Cluster Cubicles 4-Way Cluster Cubicles 5-Way Cluster Cubicles 6-Way Cluster Cubicles 7-Way Cluster Cubicles TTeecchhnniiccaall DDeessccrr iipptt iioonnss 1500 X 1350 cubicle 1500W X 800D X 760H half-bullnose-edged counter top (32mm thick) WWOORRKKTTOOPP SSUURRFFAACCEESS WWoorrkk ssuurrffaacceess ttoo bbee mmaannuuffaaccttuurreedd ffrroomm 3322mmmm tthhiicckk hhiigghh--ddeennssiittyy ppaarrttiiccllee bbooaarrdd ccoommppllyyiinngg wwiitthh SSAABBSS ssttaannddaarrddss.. BBooaarrddss ttoo bbee ffiinniisshheedd wwiitthh 00..66mmmm llooww ggllaarree ccoonnttiinnuuoouuss ddeeccoorraattiivvee llaammiinnaattee iinn VVaannccoouuvveerr MMaappllee 668888.. UUnnddeerrssiiddee ffiinniisshheedd wwiitthh qquuaalliittyy 00..33mmmm bbaallaanncciinngg bbaacckkeerr,, nnoott ppaappeerr.. 448800mmmm MMooddeessttyy PPaanneell uussiinngg VVaannccoouuvveerr MMaappllee 668888 MMeellaammiinnee 11335500 XX 11335500 fflloooorr ssccrreeeennss ((1166mmmm tthhiicckk wwiitthh 66mmmm sshhaaddoowwlliinnee bbeettwweeeenn ssccrreeeennss)).. TToo bbee ffiinniisshheedd wwiitthh VVaannccoouuvveerr MMaappllee 668888 LLaammiinnaattee.. UUnnddeerr CCoouunntteerr SSttoorraaggee DDrraawweerr ((FFrroonntt ttoo bbee mmaannuuffaaccttuurreedd ffrroomm 1166mmmm tthhiicckk cchhiippbbooaarrdd wwiitthh mmiinniimmuumm 00..3355mmmm VVaannccoouuvveerr MMaappllee 668888 LLaammiinnaattee.. QQuuaannttiittyy

Cluster Cubicles – Vancouver Maple 688 Melamine




South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327

JJ55ooiinniinngg aanndd BBoonnddiinngg TThhee ccuubbiicclleess mmuusstt bbee jjooiinneedd aanndd ffaasstteenneedd ttooggeetthheerr wwiitthh ssttuuddss aanndd mmaatteerriiaall tthhaatt wwiillll nnoott ddeeffoorrmm tthhee aaeesstthheettiicc ffiinniisshh aanndd ooff tthhee llaammiinnaattee aanndd tthhee qquuaalliittyy ooff tthhee wwoooodd//bbooaarrdd ttoo ffoorrmm ttwwoo uunniittss ooff tthhrreeee//ffoouurr wwaayy cclluusstteerr ccuubbiicclleess,, aass tthhee ccaassee mmaayybbee.. JJOOIINNIINNGG MMEETTHHOODD FFiixxiinngg ppllaatteess aanndd bbrraacckkeettss ooff 33mmmm tthhiicckk hhoott rroolllleedd sshheeeett sstteeeell cchheemmiiccaallllyy cclleeaanneedd,, rruusstt ttrreeaatteedd aanndd eeppooxxyy ppoowwddeerr ccooaatteedd ttoo BBSS DDIINN oorr SSAABBSS ssttaannddaarrddss ttoo bbee uusseedd ffoorr jjooiinniinngg wwoorrkk ssuurrffaacceess ttoo::

•• OOtthheerr wwoorrkk ssuurrffaacceess •• UUnnddeerr ccoouunntteerr ssttoorraaggee uunniittss •• MMooddeessttyy ppaanneellss

CCoommppoonneennttss aarree ttoo bbee sseeccuurreellyy aattttaacchheedd bbyy mmeeaannss ooff 88mmmm bbuuttttoonn hheeaadd mmaacchhiinnee ssccrreeww ttuurrnneedd iinn ttoo sstteeeell ssoocckkeettss ooff ±±2200mmmm,, wwhhiicchh aarree pprree--ppoossiittiioonneedd iinnttoo tthhee wwoorrkk ssuurrffaaccee.. MMOOUUNNTTIINNGG PPOOSSIITTIIOONNSS AAllll sstteeeell ssoocckkeettss ttoo bbee mmoouunntteedd iinnttoo tthhee ssuurrffaacceess ttoo aallllooww ffiixxiinngg aanndd jjooiinniinngg wwhhiicchh ccoovveerrss aallll ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonnss pprroovviiddeedd ffoorr iinn tthhee llaayyoouutt ddrraawwiinnggss.. TThhiiss eennssuurreess pprrooppeerr mmoouunnttiinngg aanndd eennffoorrcceess tthhee pprriinncciippllee tthhaatt nnoo ssccrreewwiinngg ddiirreeccttllyy iinn ttoo tthhee wwoooodd iiss ppeerrmmiitttteedd.. RREETTIICCUULLAATTIIOONN RReettiiccuullaattiioonn iiss pprroovviiddeedd ffoorr aalloonngg tthhee uunnddeerrssiiddee ooff tthhee wwoorrkkttoopp.. RReettiiccuullaattiioonn iiss iinn tthhee ffoorrmm ooff ppllaassttiicc ttrraayyss.. CCoorree wwoorrkk ssuurrffaacceess aanndd ssccrreeeennss ffiitttteedd wwiitthh aa 8800mmmm ggrroommmmeett ((ppoowweerr ccuutt oouutt)) ooff tthhee ccaabbllee ppoorrttaall..



South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327



South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327

2. OOFFFFIICCEE DDEESSKKIINNGG 11880000 XX 11220000 VVaannccoouuvveerr MMaappllee 668888 LLaammiinnaattee TToopp pplluuss 880000 XX 665500 eexxtteennssiioonn ttoopp ((LLEEFFTT HHAANNDD)).. 11880000 XX 11220000 VVaannccoouuvveerr MMaappllee 668888 LLaammiinnaattee TToopp pplluuss 880000 XX 665500 eexxtteennssiioonn ttoopp ((RRIIGGHHTT HHAANNDD)).. TTeecchhnniiccaall DDeessccrr iipptt iioonnss 11660000 XX 550000 XX 330000 aanndd 11005500 XX 550000 XX 330000 MMooddeessttyy PPaanneellss ((22mmmm mmiilldd sstteeeell,, ppuunncchheedd wwiitthh 1155mmmm hhoolleess aanndd aa cceenntteerr ttoo cceenntteerr ooff 6600mmmm.. ttoo bbee cchheemmiiccaallllyy cclleeaanneedd,, ttrreeaatteedd aanndd ppoowwddeerr ccooaatteedd ttoo BBSS DDIINN oorr SSAABBSS ssttaannddaarrddss)).. UUnnddeerr CCoouunntteerr SSttoorraaggee UUnniitt ((PPeeddeessttaall)) ((TThhrreeee oorr FFoouurr DDrraawweerrss)) WWOORRKKTTOOPP SSUURRFFAACCEESS WWoorrkk ssuurrffaacceess ttoo bbee mmaannuuffaaccttuurreedd ffrroomm 3322mmmm tthhiicckk hhiigghh--ddeennssiittyy ppaarrttiiccllee bbooaarrdd ccoommppllyyiinngg wwiitthh SSAABBSS ssttaannddaarrddss.. BBooaarrddss ttoo bbee ffiinniisshheedd wwiitthh 00..66mmmm llooww ggllaarree ccoonnttiinnuuoouuss ddeeccoorraattiivvee llaammiinnaattee iinn VVaannccoouuvveerr MMaappllee 668888.. UUnnddeerrssiiddee ffiinniisshheedd wwiitthh qquuaalliittyy 00..33mmmm bbaallaanncciinngg bbaacckkeerr,, nnoott ppaappeerr.. GGrraaiinn ooff wwoorrkk ssuurrffaacceess –– sseeee aattttaacchheedd ddrraawwiinnggss iinn AAnnnneexxuurree CC.. WWOORRKKSSUURRFFAACCEE EEDDGGIINNGG LLaammiinnaatteedd wwoorrkk ssuurrffaacceess ttoo hhaavvee aa 33mmmm tthhiicckk eexxttrruuddeedd PPVVCC oorr AABBSS eeddggiinngg wwiitthh aallll ccoorrnneerrss pprrooffiilleedd,, rreessuullttiinngg iinn nnoo sshhaarrpp eeddggeess.. EEddggiinngg sshhoouulldd mmaattcchh tthhee ttoopp,, aanndd bbee ooff ssuucchh aa nnaattuurree aass nnoott ttoo wweeaarr oorr wwiippee ooffff.. AAllll eeddggiinngg ttoo bbee aapppplliieedd uussiinngg hhiigghh--ggrraaddee hhoott-- mmeelltt aaddhheessiivvee.. JJOOIINNIINNGG MMEETTHHOODD FFiixxiinngg ppllaatteess aanndd bbrraacckkeettss ooff 33mmmm tthhiicckk hhoott rroolllleedd sshheeeett sstteeeell cchheemmiiccaallllyy cclleeaanneedd,, rruusstt ttrreeaatteedd aanndd eeppooxxyy ppoowwddeerr ccooaatteedd ttoo BBSS DDIINN oorr SSAABBSS ssttaannddaarrddss ttoo bbee uusseedd ffoorr jjooiinniinngg wwoorrkk ssuurrffaacceess ttoo::

•• OOtthheerr wwoorrkk ssuurrffaacceess •• UUnnddeerr ccoouunntteerr ssttoorraaggee uunniittss

Office Desk 1800 X 1200 With Extension Tops, Storage And Modesty Panels And Desk Based Screens




South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327

•• MMooddeessttyy ppaanneellss CCoommppoonneennttss aarree ttoo bbee sseeccuurreellyy aattttaacchheedd bbyy mmeeaannss ooff 88mmmm bbuuttttoonn hheeaadd mmaacchhiinnee ssccrreeww ttuurrnneedd iinn ttoo sstteeeell ssoocckkeettss ooff ++--2200mmmm,, wwhhiicchh aarree pprree--ppoossiittiioonneedd iinnttoo tthhee wwoorrkk ssuurrffaaccee.. MMOOUUNNTTIINNGG PPOOSSIITTIIOONNSS AAllll sstteeeell ssoocckkeettss ttoo bbee mmoouunntteedd iinnttoo tthhee ssuurrffaacceess ttoo aallllooww ffiixxiinngg aanndd jjooiinniinngg wwhhiicchh ccoovveerrss aallll ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonnss pprroovviiddeedd ffoorr iinn tthhee llaayyoouutt ddrraawwiinnggss.. TThhiiss eennssuurreess pprrooppeerr mmoouunnttiinngg aanndd eennffoorrcceess tthhee pprriinncciippllee tthhaatt nnoo ssccrreewwiinngg ddiirreeccttllyy iinn ttoo tthhee wwoooodd iiss ppeerrmmiitttteedd.. LLEEGGSS LLeeggss ttoo bbee aapppprrooxxiimmaatteellyy 7755mmmm ddiiaammeetteerr sstteeeell ttuubbee wwiitthh aa mmiinniimmuumm wwaallll tthhiicckknneessss ooff 11..66mmmm LLeeggss ttoo bbee ffiitttteedd wwiitthh aann aaddjjuusstteerr tthhaatt ccaann ccooppee wwiitthh uunneevveenn fflloooorr ssuurrffaacceess aanndd hhaavvee tthhee ccaappaabbiilliittyy ttoo vvaarryy tthhee wwoorrkk ssuurrffaaccee hheeiigghhtt bbeettwweeeenn 669900 aanndd 775500mmmm.. LLeeggss ttoo bbee cchheemmiiccaallllyy cclleeaanneedd,, rruusstt ttrreeaatteedd aanndd eeppooxxyy ppoowwddeerr ccooaatteedd ttoo BBSS DDIINN oorr SSAABBSS ssttaannddaarrddss.. CCoolloouurr ttoo bbee SSii llvveerr .. RREETTIICCUULLAATTIIOONN RReettiiccuullaattiioonn iiss pprroovviiddeedd ffoorr aalloonngg tthhee uunnddeerrssiiddee ooff tthhee ddeesskk.. RReettiiccuullaattiioonn iiss iinn tthhee ffoorrmm ooff ppllaassttiicc ttrraayyss ((44 ppeerr ddeesskk)).. TTwwoo ccaabbllee ccllaammppss ppeerr ddeesskk,, mmaaddee ffrroomm PPVVCC wwiitthh ssiillvveerr ffiinniisshh ((ppllaassttiicc)) aarree rreeqquuiirreedd ffoorr sseeccuurriinngg tthhee ccaabbllee rreettiiccuullaattiioonn ttoo tthhee ttaabbllee lleeggss.. ((AAss tthheessee ccaabblleess aarree rroouutteedd ffrroomm tthhee fflloooorr ttoo tthhee uunnddeerrssiiddee ooff tthhee wwoorrkk ssuurrffaaccee vviiaa tthhee ttaabbllee lleeggss)).. CCoorree wwoorrkk ssuurrffaacceess ffiitttteedd wwiitthh aa 8800mmmm ggrroommmmeett ooff tthhee ccaabbllee ppoorrttaall ppoossiittiioonneedd iinn tthhee aappeexx ooff tthhee ccoorree.. AAllll ootthheerr wwoorrkk ssuurrffaacceess hhaavvee tthhee ooppttiioonn ooff tthhee ggrroommmmeett wwhhiicchh mmaayy bbee ffiitttteedd aatt tthhee ssaammee ttiimmee ooff iinnssttaallllaattiioonn.. MODESTY PANELS Modesty panels constructed using 2mm mild steel, punched with round 15mm holes and a center to center of 60mm. these must be chemically cleaned, rust treated and epoxy powder coated to BS DIN or SABS standards. Costing to



South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327

include brackets for attaching to the desk. Colour of the modesty panels to be silver. MINI CABINET WITHOUT TOP To be attached to workstation) refer to CABINETS fo r Technical Description. This item should not be quoted separately from the workstation. This storage unit should be included in the quotation for the workstation. The detailed specifications are listed under the specifications for filling cabinets. Please refer to the Mini Cabinet Without Top. MMIINNII CCAABBIINNEETT DDIIMMEENNSSIIOONNSS HHeeiigghhtt:: 669955mmmm WWiiddtthh:: 880000mmmm DDeepptthh:: 660000mmmm TToo ffiitt ppeerrffeeccttllyy ttoo wwoorrkkssttaattiioonn.. MINI CABINET –WITHOUT TOP (To be attached to workst ation)

� Cabinet 2- Drawers for A4 filing. A stationery drawer with pen & pencil trays that can accommodate CD’s and standards office stationery must be located at the top of cabinet. This “top” drawer is to be at least 530 mm long for maximum capacity.

� To fit 10 A4 containers / drawer.

� Cabinet to be supplied without the top surface.

DESK BASED SCREENS (To be attached to workstations. To be included in the quotation of the workstation)



South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327



South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327



South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327

3. EEXXEECCUUTTIIVVEE OOFFFFIICCEE DDEESSKKIINNGG 11880000 XX 11220000 VVaannccoouuvveerr MMaappllee 668888 LLaammiinnaattee TToopp pplluuss 880000 XX 665500 eexxtteennssiioonn ttoopp ((LLEEFFTT HHAANNDD)).. 11880000 XX 11220000 VVaannccoouuvveerr MMaappllee 668888 LLaammiinnaattee TToopp pplluuss 880000 XX 665500 eexxtteennssiioonn ttoopp ((RRIIGGHHTT HHAANNDD)).. TTeecchhnniiccaall DDeessccrr iipptt iioonnss

Executive Office Desking




South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327

11660000 XX 550000 XX 330000 aanndd 11005500 XX 550000 XX 330000 MMooddeessttyy PPaanneellss ((22mmmm mmiilldd sstteeeell,, ppuunncchheedd wwiitthh 1155mmmm hhoolleess aanndd aa cceenntteerr ttoo cceenntteerr ooff 6600mmmm.. ttoo bbee cchheemmiiccaallllyy cclleeaanneedd,, ttrreeaatteedd aanndd ppoowwddeerr ccooaatteedd ttoo BBSS DDIINN oorr SSAABBSS ssttaannddaarrddss)).. UUnnddeerr CCoouunntteerr SSttoorraaggee UUnniitt ((PPeeddeessttaall)) ((TThhrreeee oorr FFoouurr DDrraawweerrss)) WWOORRKKTTOOPP SSUURRFFAACCEESS WWoorrkk ssuurrffaacceess ttoo bbee mmaannuuffaaccttuurreedd ffrroomm 3322mmmm tthhiicckk hhiigghh--ddeennssiittyy ppaarrttiiccllee bbooaarrdd ccoommppllyyiinngg wwiitthh SSAABBSS ssttaannddaarrddss.. BBooaarrddss ttoo bbee ffiinniisshheedd wwiitthh 00..66mmmm llooww ggllaarree ccoonnttiinnuuoouuss ddeeccoorraattiivvee llaammiinnaattee iinn VVaannccoouuvveerr MMaappllee 668888.. UUnnddeerrssiiddee ffiinniisshheedd wwiitthh qquuaalliittyy 00..33mmmm bbaallaanncciinngg bbaacckkeerr,, nnoott ppaappeerr.. GGrraaiinn ooff wwoorrkk ssuurrffaacceess –– sseeee aattttaacchheedd ddrraawwiinnggss iinn AAnnnneexxuurree CC.. WWOORRKKSSUURRFFAACCEE EEDDGGIINNGG LLaammiinnaatteedd wwoorrkk ssuurrffaacceess ttoo hhaavvee aa 33mmmm tthhiicckk eexxttrruuddeedd PPVVCC oorr AABBSS eeddggiinngg wwiitthh aallll ccoorrnneerrss pprrooffiilleedd,, rreessuullttiinngg iinn nnoo sshhaarrpp eeddggeess.. EEddggiinngg sshhoouulldd mmaattcchh tthhee ttoopp,, aanndd bbee ooff ssuucchh aa nnaattuurree aass nnoott ttoo wweeaarr oorr wwiippee ooffff.. AAllll eeddggiinngg ttoo bbee aapppplliieedd uussiinngg hhiigghh--ggrraaddee hhoott-- mmeelltt aaddhheessiivvee.. JJOOIINNIINNGG MMEETTHHOODD FFiixxiinngg ppllaatteess aanndd bbrraacckkeettss ooff 33mmmm tthhiicckk hhoott rroolllleedd sshheeeett sstteeeell cchheemmiiccaallllyy cclleeaanneedd,, rruusstt ttrreeaatteedd aanndd eeppooxxyy ppoowwddeerr ccooaatteedd ttoo BBSS DDIINN oorr SSAABBSS ssttaannddaarrddss ttoo bbee uusseedd ffoorr jjooiinniinngg wwoorrkk ssuurrffaacceess ttoo::

•• OOtthheerr wwoorrkk ssuurrffaacceess •• UUnnddeerr ccoouunntteerr ssttoorraaggee uunniittss •• MMooddeessttyy ppaanneellss

CCoommppoonneennttss aarree ttoo bbee sseeccuurreellyy aattttaacchheedd bbyy mmeeaannss ooff 88mmmm bbuuttttoonn hheeaadd mmaacchhiinnee ssccrreeww ttuurrnneedd iinn ttoo sstteeeell ssoocckkeettss ooff ++--2200mmmm,, wwhhiicchh aarree pprree--ppoossiittiioonneedd iinnttoo tthhee wwoorrkk ssuurrffaaccee.. MMOOUUNNTTIINNGG PPOOSSIITTIIOONNSS AAllll sstteeeell ssoocckkeettss ttoo bbee mmoouunntteedd iinnttoo tthhee ssuurrffaacceess ttoo aallllooww ffiixxiinngg aanndd jjooiinniinngg wwhhiicchh ccoovveerrss aallll ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonnss pprroovviiddeedd ffoorr iinn tthhee llaayyoouutt ddrraawwiinnggss.. TThhiiss eennssuurreess pprrooppeerr mmoouunnttiinngg aanndd eennffoorrcceess tthhee pprriinncciippllee tthhaatt nnoo ssccrreewwiinngg ddiirreeccttllyy iinn ttoo tthhee wwoooodd iiss ppeerrmmiitttteedd.. LLEEGGSS



South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327

LLeeggss ttoo bbee aapppprrooxxiimmaatteellyy 7755mmmm ddiiaammeetteerr sstteeeell ttuubbee wwiitthh aa mmiinniimmuumm wwaallll tthhiicckknneessss ooff 11..66mmmm LLeeggss ttoo bbee ffiitttteedd wwiitthh aann aaddjjuusstteerr tthhaatt ccaann ccooppee wwiitthh uunneevveenn fflloooorr ssuurrffaacceess aanndd hhaavvee tthhee ccaappaabbiilliittyy ttoo vvaarryy tthhee wwoorrkk ssuurrffaaccee hheeiigghhtt bbeettwweeeenn 669900 aanndd 775500mmmm.. LLeeggss ttoo bbee cchheemmiiccaallllyy cclleeaanneedd,, rruusstt ttrreeaatteedd aanndd eeppooxxyy ppoowwddeerr ccooaatteedd ttoo BBSS DDIINN oorr SSAABBSS ssttaannddaarrddss.. CCoolloouurr ttoo bbee SSii llvveerr .. RREETTIICCUULLAATTIIOONN RReettiiccuullaattiioonn iiss pprroovviiddeedd ffoorr aalloonngg tthhee uunnddeerrssiiddee ooff tthhee ddeesskk.. RReettiiccuullaattiioonn iiss iinn tthhee ffoorrmm ooff ppllaassttiicc ttrraayyss ((44 ppeerr ddeesskk)).. TTwwoo ccaabbllee ccllaammppss ppeerr ddeesskk,, mmaaddee ffrroomm PPVVCC wwiitthh ssiillvveerr ffiinniisshh ((ppllaassttiicc)) aarree rreeqquuiirreedd ffoorr sseeccuurriinngg tthhee ccaabbllee rreettiiccuullaattiioonn ttoo tthhee ttaabbllee lleeggss.. ((AAss tthheessee ccaabblleess aarree rroouutteedd ffrroomm tthhee fflloooorr ttoo tthhee uunnddeerrssiiddee ooff tthhee wwoorrkk ssuurrffaaccee vviiaa tthhee ttaabbllee lleeggss)).. CCoorree wwoorrkk ssuurrffaacceess ffiitttteedd wwiitthh aa 8800mmmm ggrroommmmeett ooff tthhee ccaabbllee ppoorrttaall ppoossiittiioonneedd iinn tthhee aappeexx ooff tthhee ccoorree.. AAllll ootthheerr wwoorrkk ssuurrffaacceess hhaavvee tthhee ooppttiioonn ooff tthhee ggrroommmmeett wwhhiicchh mmaayy bbee ffiitttteedd aatt tthhee ssaammee ttiimmee ooff iinnssttaallllaattiioonn.. MODESTY PANELS Modesty panels constructed using 2mm mild steel, punched with round 15mm holes and a center-to-center of 60mm. these must be chemically cleaned, rust treated and epoxy powder coated to BS DIN or SABS standards. Costing to include brackets for attaching to the desk. Colour of the modesty panels to be silver. MINI CABINET WITHOUT TOP This storage unit should be included in the quotation for the workstation. The detailed specifications are listed under the specifications for filling cabinets. Please refer to the Mini Cabinet Without Top. This item should not be quoted separately from the workstation. MINI CABINET –WITHOUT TOP (To be attached to workst ation)



South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327

� Cabinet 2- Drawers for A4 filing. A stationery drawer with pen & pencil trays that can accommodate CD’s and standards office stationery must be located at the top of cabinet. This “top” drawer is to be at least 530 mm long for maximum capacity.

� To fit 10 A4 containers / drawer.

� Cabinet to be supplied without the top surface.


� Height: 695mm � Width: 800mm � Depth: 600 mm � This cabinet must fit perfectly to the workstation

EXTENSION TOPS FOR EXECUTIVE DESK Work surfaces to be manufactured. From 32mm thick high- density particles board complying with SABS Standards. Boards to be finished with 0.6mm low glare continuous decorative laminate in Vancouver Maple 688. Underside finished with quality 0.3mm balancing backer, not paper. See attached drawing as illustrated with the workstation. Two additional legs are required when extension tops are fitted. Laminated work surfaces to have a 3mm thick extruded PVC or ABS edging with all corners profiled, resulting in no sharp edges. Edging should match the top, and be of such a nature as not to wear or wipe off. All edging to be applied using high-grade hot-melt adhesive. Legs to be approx. 75mm diameter steel tube with a minimum wall thickness of 1.6mm. Legs to be fitted with an adjuster that can cope with uneven floor surface and have the capability to vary the work surface height between 690 and 750mm.



South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327

Legs to be chemically cleaned, rust treated and epoxy powder coated to BS DIN or SABS standards. Colour to be silver.


Work surfaces to be manufactured from 32mm thick high-density particle board complying with SABS standards. Boards to be finished with 0.6mm low glare continuous decorative laminate in Vancouver Maple 688. Underside finished with quality 0.3mm balancing backer, not paper. Laminated work surfaces to have a 3mm thick extruded PVC or ABS edging with all corners profiled, resulting in no sharp edges. Edging should match the top, and be of such nature as not to wear or wipe off. All edging to be applied using high-grade hot-melt adhesive. Legs to be approximately 75mm diameter steel tube with a minimum wall thickness of 1.6mm. Legs to be fitted with an adjuster that can cope with uneven surfaces and have the

Meeting Tables – 1200mm Round Table




South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327

capability to vary the work surface height between 690 and 750mm. Legs to be chemically cleaned, rust treated and epoxy powder coated to BS DIN or SABS standards. Colour to be silver. DESCRIPTION JOINING METHOD Fixing plates and brackets of 3mm thick hot rolled sheet chemically cleaned, rust treated and epoxy powder coated to BS DIN or SABS standards to be used for joining work surface to:

- Other work surface - Under counter storage units - Modesty panels

Components are to be securely attached by means of 8mm button head machine screw turned into steel sockets of ±20mm, which are pre-positioned into the work surface. MOUNTING POSITIONS All steel sockets to be mounted into the surface to allow fixing and joining which covers all configurations provided for in the layout drawings. This ensures proper mounting and enforces the principle that no screwing directly into the wood is permitted. MEETING TABLE Work surface to be manufactured. Form 32mm thick high-density particle board complying with SABS Standards. Boards to be finished with 0.6mm low glared continuous decorative laminate in Vancouver Maple 688. Underside finished with quality 0.3mm balancing backer, not paper. Laminated work surfaces to have a 3mm thick extruded PVC or ABS edging with all corners profiled, resulting in no sharp edges. Edging should matches the top, and be of such a nature as not to wear or wipe off. All edging to be applied using



South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327

high-grade hot-melt adhesive. Legs to be approx., 75mm diameter steel tube with a minimum wall thickness of 1.6mm. Legs to be fitted with an adjuster that can cope with uneven floor surface and have the capability to vary the work surface height between 690 and 750mm. Legs to be chemically cleaned, rust treated and epoxy powder coated to BS DIN or SABS standards. Colour to be silver.


� The technical specification for the cabinets are as follows: � The cabinet frame must be manufactured from square steel tubing and

maximum strength and permanent rigidity against all forces must be maintained.

� Drawer depth should be maximized per cabinet.

� All connecting studs, that connect each component of bottom frame, must

be screwed into threaded inserts. High quality fasteners and washers are to be used in the framed assembly.

� The drawer frames and base plate are to be manufactured from cold rolled

steel sheeting

� The front and back profiles of the drawer frame should be adequately stiffened to ensure it rigidity for load bearing

� The drawer frame side supports should be attached to the front and back

Not To Be Priced Separately 100%



South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327

supports through adequate fastening (eg interlocking tabs).

� The steel tubing for the cabinet frames should be manufactured in accordance with the appropriate SABS standards and all mental parts should be epoxy powder coated.

� Only high quality double extension linear ball bearing drawer slides should

be used. They should have a safety load bearing of 75 kg.

� The cabinets should be SABS tested and approved through 50 000 opening and closing cycles under full load.

� The drawer slides must be shrouded with metal covers.

� The locking mechanism should work in conjunction with the anti-tilt

mechanism ensuring that no drawers can be opened when the cabinet is tilted forwarded.

� The outside lock must preferably be of the removable cylinder type. The

cabinets are to be supplied with master keys. These keys are to be grouped together after the delivery and installation, with attached tags identifying to what cabinet each key is the master for.

� Should a key get lost, the barrel lock should preferably be interchangeable

(using a special key). The cabinet should be able to remain locked while the barrel lock is being changed. The cabinet may then be opened with the replacement key, without having to damage the cabinet. The keys must be of an “unbreakable” design that ensures flexibility allowing for them to bend under a severe impact rather than break.

� The back panel and side panels of the cabinet are to be manufactured from

16 mm thick Chipboard faced with a minimum of .35 Deccon in Vancouver



South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327

Maple 688.

� The exposed edges of the cabinet side panels are to be covered with a 2mm PVC edging colour to match.

� Any panels should be replaceable without having to dismantle or replace

the whole cabinet. The panels should not carry any of the weight of the load contained within the cabinet.

� The cabinet top should be manufactured from 32mm chipboard, which is

covered on the inside with a Spantex laminate balancing foil. The top surface of the cabinets should be finished in 0.6 mm Deccon Vancouver Maple 688.

� The drawer front walls are to be manufactured from 16mm thick Chipboard

faced with minimum 0.35mm Vancouver Maple 688.

� The drawer front handles should be “D” handle. Colour to be silver. GENERAL

� All cabinets to accommodate a containerised A4 Filing System � All drawers should have “floors” or base plates.


� Cabinet 3-Draweres for A4 Filing. � All drawers should have “floors or base plates. � Cabinet to be supplied with top surface.

3 Drawer – With Top 100%



South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327


� Height : 975mm � Width: 1160mm � Depth: 600mm


5-DRAWER CABINET –WITH TOP � Cabinet 5 –Drawers for A4 Filing � Cabinet must be supplied with top surface.


� Height : 1475mm � Width: 1160mm � Depth: 600mm

5-Drawer – With Top 100%



South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327


Technical Descriptions HHiinnggeedd DDoooorr SSyysstteemmss CCuuppbbooaarrdd –– VVaannccoouuvveerr MMAAPPLLEE 668888 MMEELLAAMMIINNEE 11550000 XX 990000 XX 445500 HHiinnggeedd DDoooorr SSyysstteemm CCuuppbbooaarrdd wwiitthh 0033 sstteeeell sshheellvveess

Systems Cupboard




South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327


OOPPEERRAATTOORRSS CCHHAAIIRRSS -- ((AANNNNEEXXUURREE EE)) TTeecchhnniiccaall DDeessccrr iipptt iioonnss BBaacckk rreesstt SSpprriinngg rreettuurrnn ffoorrccee ooff bbaacckkrreesstt aaddeeqquuaattee ffoorr iinnddiivviidduuaallss wweeiigghhiinngg bbeettwweeeenn 5500 -- 112255 kkgg.. SSyynncchhrroonnoouuss aannggllee aaddjjuussttmmeenntt ooff sseeaatt aanndd bbaacckk rreesstt aanngglleess iinn tthhee rraannggee 11::22,,55 ttoo 11::33,,55.. MMiiddbbaacckk CChhaaiirr SSeeaatt hheeiigghhtt 442200 –– 551155 mmmm.. SSeeaatt AAllll ffooaamm uusseedd ffoorr cchhaaiirrss ttoo bbee ffllaammee rreettaarrddaanntt aanndd CCFFCC ffrreeee.. FFooaamm ttoo ccoommppllyy wwiitthh tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg mmiinniimmuumm ssttaannddaarrddss aanndd ssppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss:: oo DDeennssiittyy ttoo bbee 5500kkgg//mm33 oo HHaarrnneessss ffaaccttoorr ooff 3355kkgg//mm33 oo CCoommpprreessssiioonn sseett ttoo bbee 33%%.. oo EElloonnggaattiioonn ((bbrreeaakkaaggee ppooiinntt)) 224422%%.. AArrmmrreesstt AArrmmrreesstt mmiinn wwiiddtthh ooff aarrmmrreesstt 4455mmmm.. PPoollyyuurreetthhaannee iinnjjeeccttiioonn mmoouullddeedd aarrmmrreesstt wwiitthh 1166 xx 66mmmm sstteeeell ffllaatt bbaarr iinnsseerrtt ffoorr aaddddeedd

Operator’s Chairs High Back Chair




South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327

ssttrreennggtthh.. CCoonnttrroollss SSyynncchhrroonnoouuss mmeecchhaanniissmm lloocckkaabbllee iinn aatt ffiivvee ppoossiittiioonnss.. SSiinnggllee lleevveerr ttoo aaccttiioonn tthhee ggaass ssppiinnddllee aanndd lloocckk//uunnlloocckk mmeecchhaanniissmm.. MMiinniimmuumm tthhrreeee--ddeeggrreeee nneeggaattiivvee ttiilltt.. CCooppiieess ooff mmaannuuffaaccttuurreerrss gguuaarraanntteeee ttoo bbee pprroovviiddeedd ffoorr ssyynncchhrroonnoouuss mmeecchhaanniissmm.. MMeecchhaanniissmm mmuusstt ccaarrrryy aa FFiivvee YYeeaarr gguuaarraanntteeee ffrroomm MMeecchhaanniissmm SSuupppplliieerr.. FFiivvee ssttaarr bbaassee ttoo bbee aa mmiinniimmuumm ooff 663300mmmm –– 772200mmmm ((ddeeppeennddaanntt oonn ssiizzee ooff cchhaaiirr aanndd hheeiigghhtt ooff bbaacckkrreesstt)),, mmaannuuffaaccttuurreedd ffrroomm ddiiee ccaasstt ccrreesstt aalluummiinniiuumm,, sstteeeell,, nnyylloonn oorr ppoollyyuurreetthhaannee rree--eennffoorrcceedd wwiitthh aa sstteeeell ssttrruuccttuurree iinn bbllaacckk.. SShhrroouuddeedd ttwwiinn wwhheeeell pplluugg--iinn ttyyppee sswwiivveell ccaassttoorrss rraatteedd aatt 8800kkgg eeaacchh.. VVaarriiaabbllee ggaass hheeiigghhtt aaddjjuussttmmeenntt ooff sseeaatt ffrroomm 442200 –– 553300mmmm.. GGaass mmeecchhaanniissmm ttoo ccaarrrryy aatt lleeaasstt 55 yyeeaarr gguuaarraanntteeee.. CCooppyy ooff tthhee mmaannuuffaaccttuurreerrss gguuaarraanntteeee ttoo bbee pprroovviiddeedd.. CChhaaiirrss ttoo bbee mmaannuuffaaccttuurreedd iinn aaccccoorrddaannccee wwiitthh IISSOO 99000022 ssppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss.. AAllll sstteeeell ppaarrttss eeppooxxyy//ppoowwddeerr ccooaatteedd.. AAllll cchhaaiirrss ttoo ccaarrrryy aa FFiivvee--yyeeaarr ssttrruuccttuurraall gguuaarraanntteeee.. FFaabbrr iicc BBaacckk –– WWeeaavveerrss WWoorrlldd,, VVuullccaann,, SSaattssssuu 663333 SSeeaatt -- WWeeaavveerrss WWoorrlldd,, VVuullccaann,, BBllaacckk ccooll 11



South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327


Technical Description Frame TTwwoo ppaarrtt sshheellll TTuubbiinngg:: FFllaatt oovvaall 3300 xx 1166 xx 11..66mmmm wwaallll tthhiicckknneessss..

Visitors Chairs




South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327

FFiinniisshheess oonn tthhee ffrraammeess aarree eeppooxxyy ccooaatteedd.. AAllll rraaddiiuusseess ttoo bbee pprreesssseedd ttoo eennssuurree ccoonnssiisstteennccyy oonn sshhaappeess.. 110000 xx 44mmmm bbaarr wweellddeedd bbeettwweeeenn ffrraammee,, uusseedd ttoo aattttaacchh bbaacckk ttoo mmeecchhaanniissmm.. BBrraacckkeett ttoo aattttaacchh bbaacckk ttoo mmeecchhaanniissmm 9900 xx 66 mmmm mmiilldd sstteeeell ffllaatt bbaarr.. 1122 xx 2277mmmm lloonngg bbuusshheess aarree tthhrreeaaddeedd MM88 aarree iinnsseerrtteedd iinnttoo tthhee lluummbbaarr sseeccttiioonn ooff tthhee ffrraammee iinn oorrddeerr ttoo aaccccoommmmooddaattee aarrmmss.. HHoolleess ddrriilllleedd oonn tthhee ffllaatt ssiiddee ooff tthhee ttuubbee,, aanndd bbuusshheess aarree pplluugg wweellddeedd ttoo eennssuurree mmaaxxiimmuumm ssttrreennggtthh ffoorr tthhee aarrmm ssuuppppoorrtt.. SSEEAATT SSHHEELLLL EErrggoonnoommiiccaallllyy ccoonnttoouurreedd ppllyywwoooodd sshheellll bbaassee IInnddiivviidduuaall SSAA PPiinnee llaayyeerrss ooff 11..55 mmmm tthhiicckk,, llaammiinnaatteedd ttoo aa mmiinniimmuumm tthhiicckknneessss ooff 1122mmmm.. TT--nnuuttss ttoo bbee iinnsseerrtteedd iinnttoo sshheellll ttoo sseeccuurree mmeecchhaanniissmmss Seat AAllll ffooaamm uusseedd ffoorr cchhaaiirrss ttoo bbee ffllaammee rreettaarrddaanntt aanndd CCFFCC ffrreeee.. FFooaamm ttoo ccoommppllyy wwiitthh tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg mmiinniimmuumm ssttaannddaarrddss aanndd ssppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss::

•• DDeennssiittyy ttoo bbee 5500kkgg//mm33 •• HHaarrnneessss ffaaccttoorr ooff 3355kkgg//mm33 •• CCoommpprreessssiioonn sseett ttoo bbee 33%%.. •• EElloonnggaattiioonn ((bbrreeaakkaaggee ppooiinntt)) 224422%%..

HHiigghh ddeennssiittyy iinnjjeeccttiioonn mmoouullddeedd ffooaamm ooff aa mmiinniimmuumm tthhiicckknneessss ooff 2233mmmm Frame TTuubbuullaarr sstteeeell iinntteeggrraall sslleeiigghh bbaassee ffrraammee OOuuttssiiddee ddiiaammeetteerr –– 2255..44 WWaallll tthhiicckknneessss –– 22..55 HHoott rroolllleedd CChhrroommee ffiinniisshh Arms AArrmmrreesstt mmiinn wwiiddtthh ooff aarrmmrreesstt 4455mmmm.. PPoollyyuurreetthhaannee iinnjjeeccttiioonn mmoouullddeedd aarrmmrreesstt wwiitthh 1166 xx 66mmmm sstteeeell ffllaatt bbaarr iinnsseerrtt ffoorr aaddddeedd ssttrreennggtthh.. PPoollyyuurreetthhaannee mmiixx ooff SSuupprraasseecc 22003300 aanndd DDuurraattoo 00778899..



South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327

DIMENSIONS HHeeiigghhtt ffrroomm ttoopp ooff bbaacckkrreesstt ttoo sseeaatt ppaann –– 556600 mmmm ((MMiiddbbaacckk)) 558800mmmm HHiigghhbbaacckk WWiiddtthh ooff sseeaatt –– 551100 wwiiddee.. AAllll cchhaaiirrss ttoo ccaarrrryy aa FFiivvee--yyeeaarr ssttrruuccttuurraall gguuaarraanntteeee.. FFAABBRRIICC BBaacckk –– WWeeaavveerrss WWoorrlldd,, EEnneerrggyy,, SSaattssssuu 663333 ((RReevveerrssee)) SSeeaatt –– WWeeaavveerrss WWoorrlldd,, VVuullccaann,, BBllaacckk ccooll 11

1100.. HHIIGGHH BBAACCKK LLEEAATTHHEERR CCHHAAIIRR –– SSWWIIVVEELL AANNDD TTIILLTT TTeecchhnniiccaall DDeessccrr iipptt iioonnss BBaacckk rreesstt SSpprriinngg rreettuurrnn ffoorrccee ooff bbaacckkrreesstt aaddeeqquuaattee ffoorr iinnddiivviidduuaallss wweeiigghhiinngg bbeettwweeeenn 5500 -- 112255 kkgg.. SSyynncchhrroonnoouuss aannggllee aaddjjuussttmmeenntt ooff sseeaatt aanndd bbaacckk rreesstt aanngglleess iinn tthhee rraannggee 11::22,,55 ttoo 11::33,,55.. HHiigghhbbaacckk CChhaaiirr SSeeaatt hheeiigghhtt 11114400 –– 11226600mmmm.. SSeeaatt AAllll ffooaamm uusseedd ffoorr cchhaaiirrss ttoo bbee ffllaammee rreettaarrddaanntt aanndd CCFFCC ffrreeee.. FFooaamm ttoo ccoommppllyy wwiitthh tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg mmiinniimmuumm ssttaannddaarrddss aanndd ssppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss:: oo DDeennssiittyy ttoo bbee 5500kkgg//mm33 oo HHaarrnneessss ffaaccttoorr ooff 3355kkgg//mm33 oo CCoommpprreessssiioonn sseett ttoo bbee 33%%.. oo EElloonnggaattiioonn ((bbrreeaakkaaggee ppooiinntt)) 224422%%.. AArrmmrreesstt AArrmmrreesstt mmiinn wwiiddtthh ooff aarrmmrreesstt 4455mmmm.. NNyylloonn fflleexxiibbllee aarrmmss.. CCoonnttrroollss GGaass hheeiigghhtt aaddjjuusstteerr.. SSwwiivveell aanndd TTiilltt mmeecchhaanniissmm.. CCooppiieess ooff mmaannuuffaaccttuurreerrss gguuaarraanntteeee ttoo bbee pprroovviiddeedd ffoorr ssyynncchhrroonnoouuss mmeecchhaanniissmm.. MMeecchhaanniissmm mmuusstt ccaarrrryy aa FFiivvee YYeeaarr gguuaarraanntteeee ffrroomm MMeecchhaanniissmm SSuupppplliieerr.. FFiivvee ssttaarr bbaassee ttoo bbee aa mmiinniimmuumm ooff 663300mmmm –– 772200mmmm ((ddeeppeennddaanntt oonn ssiizzee ooff cchhaaiirr aanndd

Highback Chairs - Leather




South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327

hheeiigghhtt ooff bbaacckkrreesstt)),, mmaannuuffaaccttuurreedd ffrroomm cchhrroommee.. SShhrroouuddeedd ttwwiinn wwhheeeell pplluugg--iinn ttyyppee sswwiivveell ccaassttoorrss rraatteedd aatt 8800kkgg eeaacchh.. VVaarriiaabbllee ggaass hheeiigghhtt aaddjjuussttmmeenntt ooff sseeaatt ffrroomm 11114400 –– 11226600mmmm.. GGaass mmeecchhaanniissmm ttoo ccaarrrryy aatt lleeaasstt 55 yyeeaarr gguuaarraanntteeee.. CCooppyy ooff tthhee mmaannuuffaaccttuurreerrss gguuaarraanntteeee ttoo bbee pprroovviiddeedd.. CChhaaiirrss ttoo bbee mmaannuuffaaccttuurreedd iinn aaccccoorrddaannccee wwiitthh IISSOO 99000022 ssppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss.. AAllll sstteeeell ppaarrttss eeppooxxyy//ppoowwddeerr ccooaatteedd.. AAllll cchhaaiirrss ttoo ccaarrrryy aa FFiivvee--yyeeaarr ssttrruuccttuurraall gguuaarraanntteeee.. FFaabbrr iicc BBaacckk –– BBllaacckk LLeeaatthheerr SSeeaatt –– BBllaacckk LLeeaatthheerr



South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327


Technical Description

Visitors Chairs – Leather 70%



South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327

Frame TTwwoo ppaarrtt sshheellll TTuubbiinngg:: FFllaatt oovvaall 3300 xx 1166 xx 11..66mmmm wwaallll tthhiicckknneessss.. FFiinniisshheess oonn tthhee ffrraammeess aarree eeppooxxyy ccooaatteedd.. AAllll rraaddiiuusseess ttoo bbee pprreesssseedd ttoo eennssuurree ccoonnssiisstteennccyy oonn sshhaappeess.. 110000 xx 44mmmm bbaarr wweellddeedd bbeettwweeeenn ffrraammee,, uusseedd ttoo aattttaacchh bbaacckk ttoo mmeecchhaanniissmm.. BBrraacckkeett ttoo aattttaacchh bbaacckk ttoo mmeecchhaanniissmm 9900 xx 66 mmmm mmiilldd sstteeeell ffllaatt bbaarr.. 1122 xx 2277mmmm lloonngg bbuusshheess aarree tthhrreeaaddeedd MM88 aarree iinnsseerrtteedd iinnttoo tthhee lluummbbaarr sseeccttiioonn ooff tthhee ffrraammee iinn oorrddeerr ttoo aaccccoommmmooddaattee aarrmmss.. HHoolleess ddrriilllleedd oonn tthhee ffllaatt ssiiddee ooff tthhee ttuubbee,, aanndd bbuusshheess aarree pplluugg wweellddeedd ttoo eennssuurree mmaaxxiimmuumm ssttrreennggtthh ffoorr tthhee aarrmm ssuuppppoorrtt.. SSEEAATT SSHHEELLLL EErrggoonnoommiiccaallllyy ccoonnttoouurreedd ppllyywwoooodd sshheellll bbaassee IInnddiivviidduuaall SSAA PPiinnee llaayyeerrss ooff 11..55 mmmm tthhiicckk,, llaammiinnaatteedd ttoo aa mmiinniimmuumm tthhiicckknneessss ooff 1122mmmm.. TT--nnuuttss ttoo bbee iinnsseerrtteedd iinnttoo sshheellll ttoo sseeccuurree mmeecchhaanniissmmss Seat AAllll ffooaamm uusseedd ffoorr cchhaaiirrss ttoo bbee ffllaammee rreettaarrddaanntt aanndd CCFFCC ffrreeee.. FFooaamm ttoo ccoommppllyy wwiitthh tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg mmiinniimmuumm ssttaannddaarrddss aanndd ssppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss::

•• DDeennssiittyy ttoo bbee 5500kkgg//mm33 •• HHaarrnneessss ffaaccttoorr ooff 3355kkgg//mm33 •• CCoommpprreessssiioonn sseett ttoo bbee 33%%.. •• EElloonnggaattiioonn ((bbrreeaakkaaggee ppooiinntt)) 224422%%..

HHiigghh ddeennssiittyy iinnjjeeccttiioonn mmoouullddeedd ffooaamm ooff aa mmiinniimmuumm tthhiicckknneessss ooff 2233mmmm Frame TTuubbuullaarr sstteeeell iinntteeggrraall sslleeiigghh bbaassee ffrraammee OOuuttssiiddee ddiiaammeetteerr –– 2255..44 WWaallll tthhiicckknneessss –– 22..55 HHoott rroolllleedd CChhrroommee ffiinniisshh



South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327

Arms AArrmmrreesstt mmiinn wwiiddtthh ooff aarrmmrreesstt 4455mmmm.. PPoollyyuurreetthhaannee iinnjjeeccttiioonn mmoouullddeedd aarrmmrreesstt wwiitthh 1166 xx 66mmmm sstteeeell ffllaatt bbaarr iinnsseerrtt ffoorr aaddddeedd ssttrreennggtthh.. PPoollyyuurreetthhaannee mmiixx ooff SSuupprraasseecc 22003300 aanndd DDuurraattoo 00778899.. DIMENSIONS HHeeiigghhtt ffrroomm ttoopp ooff bbaacckkrreesstt ttoo sseeaatt ppaann –– 556600 mmmm ((MMiiddbbaacckk)) 558800mmmm HHiigghhbbaacckk WWiiddtthh ooff sseeaatt –– 551100 wwiiddee.. AAllll cchhaaiirrss ttoo ccaarrrryy aa FFiivvee--yyeeaarr ssttrruuccttuurraall gguuaarraanntteeee.. FFAABBRRIICC BBaacckk –– BBllaacckk LLeeaatthheerr SSeeaatt –– BBllaacckk LLeeaatthheerr



South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327



South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327

12. Printer Tables

Printer Tables




South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327

13. Wall Unit PPiiggeeoonn HHoollee –– VVaannccoouuvveerr MMAAPPLLEE 668888 MMEELLAAMMIINNEE 11660000 XX 11220000 XX 440000 PPiiggeeoonn HHoollee

Wall Unit




South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327



South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327

14. PIGEON HOLE Technical Description - PPiiggeeoonn HHoollee –– VVaannccoouuvveerr MMAAPPLLEE 668888 MMEELLAAMMIINNEE 11660000 XX 11220000 XX 440000 PPiiggeeoonn HHoollee

Pigeon Hole




South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327



South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327


Technical Description

Work surface to be manufactured. From 22mm high-density particle board complying with SABS standards. Boards to be finished with 0.6mm thick low glare continuous decorative laminate in Vancouver Maple 688. Underside to be finished with quality 0.3mm balancing backer, not of paper based construction. Illustrations are to be included with this bid. SURFACE EDGINNG The edging to be a coloured to match the Vancouver Maple 688 with 6mm thick PVC buffer. LEGS Legs to be approx. 75mm diameter steel tube with minimum wall thickness of 1.6mm. Pedestal leg with base Legs to be chemically cleaned, rust treated and epoxy powder coated to BS DIN or SABS standards. Colour to be silver. SIZE 900mm Round x 740mm High

Canteen Tables - Round


Technical Description

Canteen Chairs



South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327


Ricciolina One-piece injection moulded polypropylene and fibreglass shell.


Without armrests, on four leg base, in chrome.

COLOUR: Orange



Work surface to be manufactured from 32mm thick Vancouver Veneer.

Boardroom Table




South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327



South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327


SOFT SEATING FRAME: Frame is to be made from Pinewood Wood glue as well as industrial G staples to fix the frame, corner blocks to be used. WEBBING: If webbing is required. Webbing is to be covered in Polyprop. Seat bases are to be built up with wadding. SPRING: 9 Gauge Zig Zag springs to be used, springs to be laced using cord. 5-6 springs per

Two Seater Couches



South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327

seating position. Springs to be covered in Polypropelene. FOAM: Foam back and arms SFH 240, 50mm foam (Medium Density). Foam seating for corporate use to be FFN 300, 100 (High density hard)> DARCON Bonded Dacron to be used on all arms, backrests and cushions LEGS: Chrome Finish PIPING?EASY CURVE: Upholstered piping cord is to be stapled to the frame. Finishing to be done by means of split stitching. Under no circumstances may easy curve be used. FABRIC AND COLOUR Weaver World, Element, Phantom-W615 POSITTIONING The successful bidder will do the positioning of the chairs as per the furniture layout. DIMENSIONS Width = +/-1450mm for 2 seater armrest. Depth = +/- 800mm Height = +/- 810mm



One Seater Couches



South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327

Frame is to be made from Pinewood Wood glue as well as industrial G staples to fix the frame, corner blocks to be used. WEBBING: If webbing is required. Webbing is to be covered in Polyprop. Seat bases are to be built up with wadding. SPRING: 9 Gauge Zig Zag springs to be used, springs to be laced using cord. 5-6 springs per seating position. Springs to be covered in Polypropelene. FOAM: Foam back and arms SFH 240, 50mm foam (Medium Density). Foam seating for corporate use to be FFN 300, 100 (High density hard)> DARCON Bonded Dacron to be used on all arms, backrests and cushions LEGS: Silver PIPING EASY CURVE: Upholstered piping cord is to be stapled to the frame. Finishing to be done by means of split stitching. Under no circumstances may easy curve be used. FABRIC AND COLOUR Weaver World, Element, Phantom-W615 POSITTIONING The successful bidder will do the positioning of the chairs as per the furniture layout. DIMENSIONS Width = +/-730mm. Depth = +/- 800mm



South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327

Height = +/- 810mm

20. HIGH DENSITY FILING - GRAY The high density filing system must be inclusive of the prices of all accessories: High Density Shelves 400mm(d) – Grey High Density Shelf Wire Racks 400mm(d) - Grey A chain-drive mechanism. Central locking to secure your documents.

High Density Filing



South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327



South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327

21. Step Stool with Retractable Brake Wheel

Step Stool With

Retractable Brake



Technical Description

Shredding capacity: 50-55 sheets Width (cm): ±66 cm Depth (cm): ±56 cm Height (cm): ±105 cm Security level 3 The Price must include: 175 litre removable, plastic bin/catchbasket. 100 PE bags Warranty on machine (years): 2 years Warranty on the fracture of cutting cylinders (years): 20 years

High Volume Paper




South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327


Technical Description


Height : 850 Width : 475 Depth : 445 Capacity: 93 litres

Bar Fridge

24. WASTE PAPRE BIN - Material – Mild steel, C.R. steel sheet - Gauge – 0.6mm thick - Diameter 240mm - The Lip curled inwards - Curl size – 6.5mm ± 1mm Epoxy powder coating silver Square Punched

Waste Paper Bin


Silver Powder Coated Tray - Material – mild steel, C.R steel sheet - Gauge - 1.2mm thick - Length - 360mm - Width - 265mm - Height - 50mm

4 Plastic or rubber feet Square Punched

Two-Tier Letter Tray



South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327

26. Stand Retractable Queuing System Technical Description

9kg weighted base for stability. 2 metre belt extension. Belt colour is black. Belt ‘clicks’ into place. Height — 995mm Base — 330mm Base Weight — 9 kgs Pole diameter —50mm Stand finish — bright chrome pole and base Max. belt length — 2050mm

Stand Retractable Queuing System



South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327

27. Hat and Coat Stand in oak veneer, 1800mm Hat And Coat Stand

28. TRAINING DESK Height Adjustable Desk – with height adjustable legs

Training Desk 70%



South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327

Dimensions 1500mm(W) x 750mm (D) Min Height 730mm Maximum Height 1130mm Manual Height Adjustment With desk based screens Art Desk-based Screen - 1500x600H

REFER to ITEM 3 for desk and screens technical Description



South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327



South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327

29. Cluster Desk Evolution Dual Cluster Desk

2 Way Cluster 1800x1510

• 2 tops with 10mm gap for screening brackets • Wire mesh cable tray • 4 Wire management portholes • Adjustable levelling feet • Centre leg • 2 Portholes

Evolution Dual Cluster Desk




South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327

Top Locking Mobile Pedestal • 3 Standard Drawers • With Floating Pen and Pencil Tray

Desktop Open Storage Box 750x300 Evolution Polycarbon Screen

• 1800x360 Aluminium Capping • Opal Colour • Evolution 4 Way Screen Connector 100x100

5 year guarantee.

20mm melamine tops: Vancouvre Maple melamine.



South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327

30. Coffee Table Material: Maple Veneer Size: 600L x 600W x 450H cm

Coffee Table




South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327

31. Central Locking Desk Height Pedestal - 4 Standard Drawers. Technical Refer to ITEM 3. Dimensions 662mm (H) x 45mm (w) x 450mm (D)

Central Locking Desk Height Pedestal




South African Social Security Agency Mpumalanga Region

No. 18 Ferreira Street • SASSA House • Nelspruit

Private Bag X11230 • Nelspruit 1200 Tel: +27 13 754 9327

I agree that my failure to complete and execute this declaration to the satisfaction of the agency will mean that I am unable to comply with the requirements of the specifications of the required items.

Duly signed at…………………………………………………………. on this the…... day of……………………………. 201…..

Full Name of Signatory _______________________ Name of Enterprise ____________________

Capacity of Signatory _______________________ Signature of authorised representative of Bidder ____________________