Fundly CRM Modules

AN INTRO TO Fundly CRM An evaluator’s guide to the modules that make up Fundly CRM Dan Wain VP Business Development A Publication of

Transcript of Fundly CRM Modules

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Fundly CRMAn evaluator’s guide to the modules

that make up Fundly CRM

Dan WainVP Business Development

A Publication of

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Table ofContents1 - Introduction and Active Modules

2 - CRM Modules and the Basics

3 - Fundraising Acknowledgements

4 – Configurations

5 – Newsletters and Templates

5 - Memberships

6 - Events

7 - Pages

8 - Overview/Pricing

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Constituent Relationship Management

CRM is a lifeline for donor engagement - the key to unlocking long tail growth with donors and ensuring upward mobility in the lifecycle of giving.

How does CRM help with cultivating donors to higher giving levels?

•Centralize Communication: Giving history, email campaign tracking, moves management, interactions and task reminders, notes, event invitations, membership levels, relationships and contact types are all filed against one individual record

•RFM and Giving History: First-largest-latest-average-lifetime gift, and donation or pledge by giving source will be stored on your donors. Which fund/campaign/program historical gifts have been allocated to is also important so you always know supporter affinity and past giving

•Segmentation and Ask Arrays: Tailoring your message and ask amounts to specific donor segments based on contact type, giving history, wealth capacity, demographics, and custom information is key to improving average gift amount and upgrading donors

A central repository for data.

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Dashboard: Upon login, you will be taken to a dashboard with growth in giving metrics (fingers crossed!) and other year over year performance trends based on gift source and category. The dashboard is a place for high level information and can be configured to show only the reports important to you.

Green Button is your Modules MenuGreen Button is your Modules Menu

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My Account: From your login, navigate to My Account. Check to ensure Pages and Membership Management are activated. Here you will see other options for account upgrades, add-ons, and changing passwords.

Single Sign On: If you subscribe to multiple Fundly products you can easily switch between integrated solutions. You also access user roles here.

Click on to go back to your dashboard.Click on to go back to your dashboard.

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Search: Basic Search or Advanced Search

Quick Add: Add a Contact, Gift, Grant….more

Last 10: List of the last 10 records accessed

Invoices: See InvoicesInvoices Chapter

Breadcrumbs: Never get lost. A list of where you have been in the CRM

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CRM Modules and the Basics


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Add A Record

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In one click: I now have an understanding of this donors giving channel preference, RFM(A) history, his family/work relationships, the type of contact he is to my nonprofit [Donor, Volunteer, Member, Sponsor], how we acquired him as a supporter and personal info such as his birthdate, ethnicity and age. This data is generally imported into Fundly CRM and manually kept up throughout the year.

Less data entry: Records can be auto created and updated in Fundly CRM by donors, members or event registrants from online pages that you’ve created and made live from the CRM—See Pages

Record View

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Centralizing Data: Fundly CRM utilizes a “window pane” structure in each record to effectively containerize important data related to donor interaction history, memberships, event attendance, communications, invoices, recurring gifts and more. You select what data blocks show up on the record using

Quick Tip: You can add Custom Data Custom Data Sets Sets in Fundly CRM to track desired data fields on contacts. These data sets then take the form of a ‘window’ on the record

Record View

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Take a few minutes and add a few more contacts and gifts to your database so you have some data to


Add Donations and Contacts

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Start by creating a new batch.This screen will show you your current batchesand the status of those batches. You can assignusers, edit in progress batches, and view completed batches.

If the user does not have admin access to edit batches, they will only be able to access theirassigned batches.

Click to get started

Batch Gift Entry

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Batch Gift Entry allows a user to input multiple gift entries and select commonalities for the batch. A few field examples include:

•Fund •Gift Source•Mode of Payment •Campaign/Program•Appeal•Event Association•Solicitor Assignment

Batch Gift Entry

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Next up is to assign the batch to a data entry user or to yourself.

When a user is assigned a batch, they will be able to add donations to the batch once they have logged in to Fundly CRM

Batch Gift Entry

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Navigate back to your list of Batch Gift Entries from Step 1.

Locate your batch and click

Input your gifts and enter the field values that are not common among the gift entries. If the batch requires approval, send for approval and the CRM administrator will review the batch and approve or reject it.

Batch Gift Entry

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If rejected by an administrator, the batch will be sent back to the initial user for review along with notes as to why the batch was rejected.

Batch Gift Entry

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Advanced Search: An Advanced Search allows you to query on over 100 out of the box fields in addition to any custom data sets you create in Fundly CRM. By clicking the + button, you can add ALL/ANY parameters that allow you to build advanced lists of contacts. Ex: Here we are querying on Membership Type/LevelMembership Type/Level

Advanced Search

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Query Criteria: All Male Donors + With Donation History > $10 + Living in State of GA + With Email Addresses

Advanced Search

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Query Result: Based on the query parameters, we have 35 records. You now have the option to export the list to excel, or take “action” on the group.

Actions allow you to do a variety of tasks on your query. For instance, creating a smart tag allows you to tag each member of this record group such as “Atlanta MG Prospects” or send an email to everyone in the group.

Advanced Search

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Advanced Search

Query on Connect+Enterprise: One of the benefits of having the Fundly platform is you get to integrate data points from our volunteer management platform Fundly Connect and crowdfunding platform Fundly Enterprise into Fundly CRM.

• If you subscribe to Fundly If you subscribe to Fundly Connect you will be able Connect you will be able to query on volunteering to query on volunteering data and gift data in one data and gift data in one central record to segment central record to segment contacts. contacts.

• Find all your sustainer Find all your sustainer givers and develop givers and develop communication/retention/communication/retention/upgrade strategiesupgrade strategies

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Acknowledgement Settings: Default donation, tribute, and soft credit acknowledgments templates are created here. Templates can be created and previewed on-screen. If a gift is made to a fund with no set acknowledgment template—the donor will be scheduled to receive the default template you setup here. It is required to setup all your acknowledgment templates as an initial first step, before entering in donations.

Having a streamlined and efficient acknowledgement process can improve donor engagement and showcase your organizations deft ability to thank supporters. By selecting Create New on any of the templates, you can design and create your custom thank-you communications.

To Get There: Settings Acknowledgment Settings

Acknowledgment Settings

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Note that some templates have pre-defined system fields. You wouldn’t want to Select Tribute Type 1 or PledgeTribute Type 1 or Pledge Payment Acknowledgment Payment Acknowledgment as your default donation acknowledgment template. {TributeType} is a field listed in the Tribute Type 1 template and would not make sense to a donor who made a general donation to see this field or receive that type of acknowledgment.

To Get There: Acknowledgment SettingsCreate New Select Template

Acknowledgment Settings

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Our easy to use in-line template editor rivals many professional marketing offerings. Using the widgets and layout, you can customize the blocks in your template to make robust and responsive thank-you’s.

All of the templates in Fundly CRM are built with responsive design—meaning the acknowledgment will adapt and adjust to whatever device your donor is using to view it upon receipt

Make sure to name your template in the upper left and save it to easily identify it for future use. Also,

Acknowledgment Settings

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Acknowledgement Preferences: Organizations have differing needs when thanking donors. For instance, some organizations want to send separate acknowledgements for soft credited donors (i.e. a spouse) whereas others combine.

Another preference might be to thank donors by ‘gift’ or by ‘donor’. By selecting ‘gift’, Fundly CRM will create an acknowledgement for each gift made. If ‘donor’ is selected, then a donor will receive one acknowledgement for multiple gifts made in between acknowledgement send times.

The option to auto acknowledge exists for online donations. Whatever fund you have your online donation page set to will determine the acknowledgement template sent.

Acknowledgment Settings

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Acknowledgement by Fund: With many types of funds donors can make gifts to, setting up your acknowledgments by fund is the most granular option. When setting acknowledgment by fund, all gifts made to that fund will receive the template selected for that fund regardless of what the default acknowledgment setting is. Note that this is done outside of Acknowledgment Settings in Funds Configuration.

If you have a disaster fund, the acknowledgment that you prefer to send your donors is likely different than a general operations acknowledgment.

To Get There: Configurations Fundraising Funds

Acknowledgment By Fund

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Sending Acknowledgments

Send Acknowledgment Upon Gift Entry: You can also send your default acknowledgment at the time of gift entry. The default system setting is to send the acknowledgment later.

Let’s navigate to our Acknowledgment Queue

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Sending Acknowledgments

•You can send email or mail acknowledgments•A donor must have an email address to receive an email acknowledgment and a mailing address to receive a mail ack.•Further, the donor’s Communication Preferences Communication Preferences should be turned to ‘Yes’ on send email and send mail•You will likely have a few different ack. templates for primary donations•You can search by date range to see if you have any unfulfilled acknowledgments•There should be 4 categories of acknowledgments with your configured templates and the total ack. “due” next to the template. •Online donations can be automated by selecting ‘Send Auto Acknowledgment’ for Online Donations (p.20)

To Get There: Configurations Fundraising Funds

Sending Acknowledgments

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DIY 1.Make sure you’ve created your acknowledgment templates and entered in a few donations this week for donors

2. Select the current week using the filter

3. The total number of unfulfilled acknowledgments will appear, along with the donor names and gift details

4. Name your Batch “Donation Ack. Week 1” and click Generate in the lower right portion of your screen

To Get There: Configurations Fundraising Funds

Sending Acknowledgments

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Sending Acknowledgments

• Acknowledgments are highlighted based on the donor communication preference

• You can de-select an acknowledgment by clicking on the highlighted square

• If a donor has no mailing address or email, that acknowledgment type will not be available

• Toggle to Email and Mail categories

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Sending Acknowledgments

• Select your sender preferences and send the eAcknowledgment

• Download your acknowledgments in Word format or PDF

• Create an Envelope Template and download

• Print and send your ack.

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Sending Acknowledgments

• Select your sender preferences and send the eAcknowledgment

• Download your mail acknowledgments in Word format or PDF

• Create an Envelope Template and download

• Print and send your ack.

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Configurations Drive Reporting

Quality data management and reporting starts with configuring your database so donor queries yield outputs and findings that help you execute mission critical decisions. These configurations also fuel your supporter engagement strategy and touch points.

Many functions of CRM are delivered out-of-the-box, however, it is important to map out the way your organizations wants information entered. For instance, if you are a human services organization you likely work with clients and have program clinicians as contact types. A veterans organization likely tracks veteran status data and potentially other cause specific fields such as medals awarded.

These configurations are generally a one-time setup but can be optimized and added to as you further define business objectives, create new programming, and develop new fundraising strategies. It is recommended that your development team and other key staff take part in a CRM implementation meeting to list out needs.

There is no right or wrong way to configure labels and fields or the categories and cohorts you wish to label constituents, however, there are certainly some practical applications and best practices.

Navigate to: Main MenuConfigurations

Tuning your CRM for your specific requirements.

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Customization vs. Configuration: Overwhelmed? Having many configurations is a good thing. We’ve provided you with the capability to configure Fundly CRM to fit your needs. The difference between configuration and customization is configuration can be done at 10X less cost. Customization is generally done by consultants and requires coding + cost.


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Task: Create a New FundCodeCode - 01NameName – Operating FundEnd Date End Date – 01/2018EnableEnable RFA Calculation*Skip Chart of Account, Account Class, Program, Campaign*

Set 6 Fixed Ask Amounts: $10, $25, $50, $100, $250, $500

Fund Configuration

Navigate to Funds Configuration sub category under Fundraising

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Look familiar? Create a New Acknowledgment Template for the Operating Fund. You can also select a Soft Credit and Tribute Template. Acknowledgment by Fund trumps the default Acknowledgment Setting.

Task: Try creating multiple funds with differing ask amounts and unique acknowledgment templates.

Navigate back to Configurations.

Fund Configuration

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It’s time to setup your contact types. Think about how you label your constituents and create some user-generated contact types. The system provides some ‘baked’ types like ‘donor’, ‘member’, and ‘volunteer’ contact type.

Contact Type Configuration

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Label your contact type, upload an icon to visualize these contacts, and select if this type applies to individuals or organizations.

You’ll want to make the Contact Type active but probably will not want to make it a Default Contact Type—meaning all new records get this label.

Save a few Contact Types and navigate back to Contact Information Configuration

Contact Type Configuration

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Next, try configuring a few Contact Sources, NewsletterContact Sources, Newsletter CategoriesCategories, and Relationship Types.Relationship Types.

Tip: Don’t worry at this point about true validity of your configurations, just try and create a few for each of the above

Configuring these categories is sufficient for Contact Information Configuration in your FundlyCRM trial.

Next, navigate to Fundraising Configuration.

Contact Type Configuration

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How does your organization want to label the RFM(A) of giving with its donors? By bucketing Recency, Frequency, and Amount of Giving, you have an opportunity to clearly report and segment donors into groups based on these parameters.

See above examples and configure your RFA Groups

RFA Configuration

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Fundly CRM easily allows you to capture Custom Data Sets Custom Data Sets (CDS) on your donors, prospects, organizations, members and other contact types. These CDS allow you to create an overarching category for data fields that you want to track for donor engagement and other unique purposes. You can even make these transactional data sets to capture changing information over time.

A nonprofit specializing in youth development and mentoring might have a need to track child/client grade and graduation data.

Some Data Set ExamplesProspect Research Data Prospect Research Data – Wealth Capacity, RatingsDemographics and Psychographics Demographics and Psychographics – Interests, lifestyle, affinityBehavioral Information Behavioral Information – Likes, Needs, Desires, habits

Custom Data Set Configuration

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1.Name your Data Set Prospect Research Data Prospect Research Data or something else2.Apply it to the Contact Type Contact Type that you want to track this data on3.Create your fields (Estimated Household Income is a field that rolls up to Prospect Research Data Set)4.Select which Field Type you want to incorporate for choices 5.Try and create 3-4 fields for your Data Set and Save all. Make sure to select

Close out Custom Data Sets and open a donor record

Custom Data Sets

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1.Once you open a record, click to get to this screen. 2.Go ahead and fill out the fields in your data set3. Remember, this was a transactional data set so you have the ability to see a history of how his Prospect Research Data Prospect Research Data changes over time, hence the transaction date4. Select

Custom Data Sets

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Custom Data Sets

We need to add our Custom Data Set using Layout ConfigurationLayout Configuration

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Custom Data Sets

Check off the Prospect Research Data Element/’Window’ and return to View the Contact. You will now see your Data Set

Tip: you can move the position of these ElementsElements using Layout drag/drop

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Fundraising Configuration - Ask Arrays

Lets move on to Ask Arrays

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Fundraising Configuration - Ask Arrays

An Ask Array is a configurable set of giving levels that can auto calculate unique amounts for each donor or it can be a fixed set of amounts. You’ve already put together a basic Fixed Ask Array Fixed Ask Array when you created your Operations Fund Operations Fund with 6 Ask Amounts.

• You may want to use different ask arrays for different funds, campaigns and purposes• Purposes: Online Giving, Sustainer Giving, Direct Mail Asks, eAppeal Asks, Peer to Peer Fundraising• Ask Arrays can auto calculate giving amount suggestions for each donor based on donor giving history (RFA) or they can be a fixed amount.• They generally consist of 3-6 donor giving level options, though they can differ greatly depending on the fundraising environment• Ask Arrays that are based on a donor’s giving history = Strategic

As a first step, Add New Ask ArrayAdd New Ask Array

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• Code: Code: Provide a descriptive Code for your Ask Array, like AR1• Description: Description: “This Ask Array is designed for Major Gift Donors”• Culture: Culture: United States• Ranges Based OnRanges Based On: Ask Array Ranges can be based on

Average Gift Amount, First Gift Amount, Highest Gift Amount and other criteria. By selecting your range criteria, you are telling the CRM to review the donor’s past giving based on the selected criteria which determines the ask arrays a donor receives.

• Apply Rounding: Apply Rounding: You just selected your range criteria, but if a donor falls in between a range, this allows you to round up or down.

Ex: Donor Dan Wain has an avg. gift amount of $137.50


Fundraising Configuration - Ask Arrays

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Fundraising Configuration - Ask Arrays

Add Desired Ranges – Add Desired Ranges – These can be whatever amounts you would like. Understand, donors will fall into these ranges and get specific asks based on the range they fit into. Remember, we decided to base our ranges on a donor’s average givingaverage giving

Range 1: $0 - $100 avg. gift Range 2: $100 - $250 avg. gift - Dan’s RangeRange 2: $100 - $250 avg. gift - Dan’s Range Range 3: $250 - $500 avg. gift Range 4: $500 - $1,000 avg. gift

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Fundraising Configuration - Ask Arrays

Add Asks–Add Asks–Since we are configuring asks for donors that fall into the $100 - $250 avg. gift grouping, I’ve created two fixed asks for $100 and $250 as my first two options a donor in this range range might consider.

Looking from a micro level at Dan Wain’s record, you notice his average giving is $137, but largest gift is $250


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Fundraising Configuration - Ask Arrays

Ask 3– Ask 3– Ask 3 involves a calculated ask where you’d like to ask the donor for 2X the average size of their giving rounded up to the nearest $10 with a Minimum Ask of $200 and a Maximum Ask of $500 $280

So…What ask amount would appear for the donor Dan Wain on ask 3?


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Communication -

Fundly CRM is unique in that you have a fully integrated e-communications module built into the software. We’ve created widget style templates you can use to build out Fundly CRM is unique in that you have a fully integrated e-communications module built into the software. We’ve created widget style templates you can use to build out your your Newsletters.Newsletters.

This functionality not only allows you to create robust templates using a modern toolset, but also allows you to track email metrics and segment recipients using the This functionality not only allows you to create robust templates using a modern toolset, but also allows you to track email metrics and segment recipients using the Advanced Search Advanced Search we reviewed earlier.we reviewed earlier.

Start by navigating to your Newsletters menu option and pull up your list of Newsletters. (You won’t have any yet). Start by navigating to your Newsletters menu option and pull up your list of Newsletters. (You won’t have any yet).

Create a NewsletterCreate a Newsletter

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Communication -

This wizard style step by step process should start becoming familiar to you as it is used in almost all modules.This wizard style step by step process should start becoming familiar to you as it is used in almost all modules.

Fill out your Sender information. You will need to have created a Fill out your Sender information. You will need to have created a Newsletter CategoryNewsletter Category in in ConfigurationsConfigurations to proceed. You can also associate this newsletter to a campaign if you’d to proceed. You can also associate this newsletter to a campaign if you’d

You may add an attachment up to 4MB to your Newsletter.You may add an attachment up to 4MB to your Newsletter.

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Communication -

Select your Newsletter Template of choice (similar to Ack.Template p. 18)Select your Newsletter Template of choice (similar to Ack.Template p. 18)Wait a few seconds for loading….Wait a few seconds for loading….

Select your widgets, drag and drop to the newsletter, edit: colors, padding, logo, buttons…Select your widgets, drag and drop to the newsletter, edit: colors, padding, logo, buttons…Name and Save the Template.Name and Save the Template.

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Communication -

Select your Newsletter Template of choice (similar to Ack.Template p. 18)Select your Newsletter Template of choice (similar to Ack.Template p. 18)Wait a few seconds for loading….Wait a few seconds for loading….

Select your widgets, drag and drop to the newsletter, edit: colors, padding, logo, buttons…Select your widgets, drag and drop to the newsletter, edit: colors, padding, logo, buttons…Name and Save the Template.Name and Save the Template.

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Communication -

Make sure to select the correct Template and Setup is accurate.Make sure to select the correct Template and Setup is accurate.Proceed to Step 2 to Select Recipients.Proceed to Step 2 to Select Recipients.

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Communication -

If you select with no filter you will pull a list of all records that have Emails, with a Communication Preference of ‘Yes’, Not Deceased and are subscribed to the Newsletter Category you’ve selected.If you select with no filter you will pull a list of all records that have Emails, with a Communication Preference of ‘Yes’, Not Deceased and are subscribed to the Newsletter Category you’ve selected.

If you select the button you can pull open your If you select the button you can pull open your Advanced Search Advanced Search parameters and produce a segment from the default filtersparameters and produce a segment from the default filters

Ex: All Male Donors + With Donation Amount > $10 + Living in State of GA + With Email Addresses (only this time we don’t need the Email Addresses filter since it is default)

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Communication -

You should always send yourself a test Newsletter You should always send yourself a test Newsletter

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Communication -

On c e y ou r n ews le tter has be en s e nt y ou c a n re v ie w d el iv e ry m etri c s and s ort by :On c e y ou r n ews le tter has be en s e nt y ou c a n re v ie w d el iv e ry m etri c s and s ort by :

Ope nsOpe ns Clic ksClic ks Bou nc esBou nc es Uns ub scr ibe sUns ub scr ibe s

Und eli ver abl eUnd eli ver abl e Com pl ain tsCom pl ain ts

Note: The Newsletter must show Completed Status for metrics to become available. If it is still Pending it is in the queue for sending.

If a recipient Unsubscribes, it also updates their CRM recordIf a recipient Unsubscribes, it also updates their CRM record

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Communication -

La bel s an d L et ters La bel s an d L et ters wo rk v ery s i mi la rly to Ne ws le tte rs . La bel s a nd L ett ers ar e fo r p rin t and ma i l . A l abe l wi l l ta k e y o ur c on tac t na me an d a dd res s an d a l lo w y ou to p rin t o f f y our ma i l ing la bel .wo rk v ery s i mi la rly to Ne ws le tte rs . La bel s a nd L ett ers ar e fo r p rin t and ma i l . A l abe l wi l l ta k e y o ur c on tac t na me an d a dd res s an d a l lo w y ou to p rin t o f f y our ma i l ing la bel .

•La bel sLa bel s mu s t b e p rin ted v ia PD F mu s t b e p rin ted v ia PD F•Th e s ame Th e s ame Adv anc ed Se arc h Adv anc ed Se arc h c o nc epts ap ply h ere as the y h av e e arl i erc o nc epts ap ply h ere as the y h av e e arl i er•Ke ep in m ind y o ur def aul t em ai l c ri teri a d oes no t ap pl y h ere s o i f y ou jus t h i t y o ur ou tpu t wi l l be d i ffe ren tKe ep in m ind y o ur def aul t em ai l c ri teri a d oes no t ap pl y h ere s o i f y ou jus t h i t y o ur ou tpu t wi l l be d i ffe ren t•Yo u’ l l nee d t o c rea te tem plat es for bo th y ou r lab els a nd le tt ers and s a v e th emYo u’ l l nee d t o c rea te tem plat es for bo th y ou r lab els a nd le tt ers and s a v e th em•Yo u w i l l b e n oti fied v i a e mai l on c e y o ur r equ es t for y o ur lab els and le tte rs h as c o mple ted (t h is is wha t we c a l l an offl ine pro c es s )Yo u w i l l b e n oti fied v i a e mai l on c e y o ur r equ es t for y o ur lab els and le tte rs h as c o mple ted (t h is is wha t we c a l l an offl ine pro c es s )•A h is t ory of y ou r L abe ls and Le tte rs e x is ts A h is t ory of y ou r L abe ls and Le tte rs e x is ts

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Communication -

Ye ar E nd Tha nk Yo u’s Ye ar E nd Tha nk Yo u’s ar e v e ry s im i lar to ar e v e ry s im i lar to Ne wsle tte rs a nd Le tte rsNe wsle tte rs a nd Le tte rs

•Th e d efau l t t em pla te f or Y ear En d T ha nk You ha s s om e c us t om fie ldTh e d efau l t t em pla te f or Y ear En d T ha nk You ha s s om e c us t om fie ld

p l ac e hol der s y ou ne ed t o b e a war e o f. P lea s e tes t th es e b efor e p l ac e hol der s y ou ne ed t o b e a war e o f. P lea s e tes t th es e b efor e

s e ndi ng s e ndi ng•Yo u m ay w an t to c r eat e u n iqu e Y E Tha nk Yo us f or v ar iou s d ono r s e gm en tsYo u m ay w an t to c r eat e u n iqu e Y E Tha nk Yo us f or v ar iou s d ono r s e gm en ts

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Membership Configurations

Before you manage, edit, sell, or renew your memberships you need to build out your membership levels, and other criteria in Configurations.

Using the Membership Module, your organization will be able to manage memberships by creating member benefits, notifying members of renewal dates, mass renewing members, administering changes on the backend, and providing your members with an online login and directory for interaction. The The membership levels you create in Fundly CRM will be available for online purchase and renewal using membership levels you create in Fundly CRM will be available for online purchase and renewal using Pages Pages (next chapter). (next chapter).

Start by setting your Membership Configurations….Membership Configurations….

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Membership Configurations

•When clicking on Membership Levels you are taken to a screen with all active membership levels and the total number of active/inactive members for each membership level. Your database likely has no membership levels configured.

•You can edit, delete, activate/inactivate membership levels from this screen

•Start by Adding a Membership LevelMembership Level

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Membership Levels •Create a single membership and label it as Annual Member•Set Validity to 12 Months, and keep the renewal condition as N/A– the membership will renew after 12 months•Provide a 14 day grace period for your members if they do not renew their membership after the 12 month time period• will open ‘Understanding Custom Renewal Conditions and Renewal ‘Understanding Custom Renewal Conditions and Renewal AttributesAttributes’ guide. Check it out.•If you’d like to associate a campaign to the membership level, such as ‘2016 Membership Acquisition’ this will be reportable•Chart of Account or Account Class relate to your accounting designation•Put in basic details about your Membership and

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Membership Levels –Pricing Settings

Pricing Settings allow you to create multiple pricing level options fornew membership and renewal membership.*Most membership levels have one pricing level*Most membership levels have one pricing level

Ex: Ex: You have two levels of Annual membership, one at a higher price level than the other ($100 vs. $50). Select to create two+ pricing levels for annual membership. You can also define a price point for both new and renewing memberships by selecting

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Membership Levels –Benefit Settings

Benefits can also be configured in Benefits can also be configured in Membership Configurations

Select Add New BenefitAdd New Benefit

•Let’s make this benefit a Fixed Quantity Benefit Fixed Quantity Benefit •Fill out your benefit details •You’ll want to create a Custom Field Custom Field to capture T Shirt Size (S, M, L etc.) This field will come into play on Membership Forms•Save the Benefit•You can also create Event Ticket Benefits which allows you to provide members free tickets to events you setup in Events Module

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Membership Levels –Notifications

NotificationsNotifications can be configured to trigger renewal reminder emails and confirmations to your members when memberships are coming due or have been renewed successfully.

Fill out what you’d like your message to say to upcoming member renewals. Note that you have field placeholders to include in your messaging.

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Membership Levels –Form Configuration

You can create different forms for different Membership Levels. Each form is configurable and allows you to add Custom Fields Custom Fields as well as Custom Data Sets Custom Data Sets to the form. This is what your potential members will fill out when applying for membership.

From the dropdown Menu, select Add New Form Add New Form and label it ‘Annual’. Add your fields to the form and Save.

You can also access your forms and add new ones for individuals and organizations in ConfigurationsMembership Forms

You’ve successfully created your first Membership Level.

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Membership Levels –

Let’s now add a new member to the database from the back end. Open the Membership Module from the Main Menu and select Manage Membership.

Select the contact name and a membership invoice will be created for that contact

Look familiar? Select the Membership Level and Pricing Level for your contact

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Membership Levels –

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Membership Levels –

Fill out the Membership Form Membership Form that you configured for your contact and Receive Payment Receive Payment if the member has paid. If the member still owes the due, you wait to receive payment until it has been paid. This would involve opening Invoices and Receiving Payment at a later time.

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Membership –

We’ve collected and received the $100 Annual Membership Due in cash and can send a receipt to our member.

*This form filling/invoicing/receipting process occurs with online *This form filling/invoicing/receipting process occurs with online purchased memberships as wellpurchased memberships as well. .

At any time we can navigate to Invoices and see a history of our members’ payments

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Membership –

You provided a t-shirt benefit t-shirt benefit for becoming an annual member so now it is time to fulfill the benefit. Fulfilling benefits ensures you provide your members with what was promised and keeps you organized.

If a shipment of t-shirts gets lost for instance, you can come to here to track the shipment and change the status. Once you’ve fulfilled the order, change the status to fulfilled.

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Events –

Events in Fundly CRM start with a 4 step setup process which generates an event dashboard. Your dashboard is the central administration place for the event invites, sponsors, tickets, and revenue calculation.

Fill out your Event Details Fill out your Event Details (Add a Venue/Host if desired)(Add a Venue/Host if desired)

Fill out your Schedule Settings Fill out your Schedule Settings (Make a Repeating Event if desired)(Make a Repeating Event if desired)

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Events –

Create Two Registration Types: Create Two Registration Types: Free and Paid (Notice Member PricingFree and Paid (Notice Member Pricing))

Open Open SettingsSettings for the VIP Registration for the VIP Registration

Starts On/Ends On Starts On/Ends On – Makes registration available during a timeframe– Makes registration available during a timeframeFee Type Fee Type – Absorb, Pass On, Split the $1 fee with event registrants– Absorb, Pass On, Split the $1 fee with event registrantsAvailabilityAvailability – Make registration available to members only or – Make registration available to members only or everyoneeveryoneGroup Size Group Size –Creates a Group registration (5 = 5 group seats)–Creates a Group registration (5 = 5 group seats)

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Privacy Settings Privacy Settings Publish the event to Publish the event to Pages on a specific time or create on a specific time or create a private event that is only available for offline invites via emaila private event that is only available for offline invites via email

Field Properties Field Properties Allow you to associate accounting class/chart of Allow you to associate accounting class/chart of account with the eventaccount with the event

Tags Tags Allow you to create search keywords on your Pages for people to Allow you to create search keywords on your Pages for people to find your eventfind your event

Let’s move on to the Let’s move on to the Event Dashboard.Event Dashboard.

Events –

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Event Dashboard

Your Event Configurations on the left allow you Your Event Configurations on the left allow you to promote your event, create tickets, forms, to promote your event, create tickets, forms, waitlist settings, add sponsor logos, send event waitlist settings, add sponsor logos, send event invites, upload event documents, and put invites, upload event documents, and put together your event reminder notifications. Try together your event reminder notifications. Try configuring some of these items…configuring some of these items…

The window panes are back, this time in the form The window panes are back, this time in the form of event revenue performance, sales, attendeesof event revenue performance, sales, attendees

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Event Dashboard

Waitlist SettingsWaitlist Settings

Registration FormRegistration Form TicketsTickets

Email InvitesEmail Invites

Document Upload+Sponsor Logos+Track ExpensesDocument Upload+Sponsor Logos+Track Expenses

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Events -

Scenario: Scenario: You are having an event and day of the event you have You are having an event and day of the event you have people registering at the “door”. people registering at the “door”. Quick Ticketing Quick Ticketing allows you to allows you to quickly capture new contact records if the event registrant is a new quickly capture new contact records if the event registrant is a new contact to your organization or pull up a current contact record for contact to your organization or pull up a current contact record for registration and have them purchase tickets on the spot.registration and have them purchase tickets on the spot.

1. Start by entering in the contact name 1. Start by entering in the contact name 2. Select the type of event ticket2. Select the type of event ticket

3. Select the payment method and 3. Select the payment method and proceed with your data entryproceed with your data entry

All registration data flows into your All registration data flows into your Events ModuleEvents Module. .

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Pages allow your organization to publish Donation forms, Events, and Memberships online. Turn on all your Pages

Much of what you create on your pages is an extension from the modules we’ve covered earlier. So, there is a certain connectivity between EventsEvents, MembershipsMemberships, FundsFunds, Campaigns, Campaigns, and Ask Arrays.Ask Arrays.

As you create Events and Memberships and configure the event registration/membership levels in the modules, you are surfacing those configurations to PagesPages.

Let’s start by reviewing Donation Pages.

All Fundly CRM transactions completed online are processed through payment processor Stripe

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Click on Configure Fundraising Pages and Add a Fundraising PageAdd a Fundraising Page

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TitleTitle: Ask Array Testing: Ask Array TestingMenu NameMenu Name: Donate: DonateDisplay Order in MenuDisplay Order in Menu: 1: 1Source of DonationSource of Donation: Online: OnlineFundFund: Operating Fund: Operating FundCampaignCampaign: : OptionalOptionalProgram: Program: OptionalOptional

Allowing a donor to choose a Program when making a donation allows you to allocate funds accordingly

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Go ahead and fill out some text, add images, and overall content + media that you Go ahead and fill out some text, add images, and overall content + media that you want to include on your fundraising/donation page. The media step is for a want to include on your fundraising/donation page. The media step is for a Youtube link.Youtube link.

Navigate back to Navigate back to PagesPages and configure Look and Feel of your page and configure Look and Feel of your page

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• You have two Page templates to choose fromYou have two Page templates to choose from• You can configure/edit the banner pictures, logo and button/background colorsYou can configure/edit the banner pictures, logo and button/background colors• You can also configure the placement of where menu items are located on the page, and You can also configure the placement of where menu items are located on the page, and

create submenus under the menu headercreate submenus under the menu header

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PagesRemember, we associated this General Fundraising Page to our Operating Fund. Operating Fund. This fund has an ask array that we configured earlier which you can change and edit at the fund level in Configurations (p.42) (p.42)

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PagesNext up is Events. When you turn on your Event Pages your Event Calendar automatically appears. We created the event Kicking out Cancer Kicking out Cancer (p. 62) which is a recurring event every Tuesday for one year. Select the event on the 16th.

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PagesNow onto Memberships. When you turn on your Membership Pages your Membership Levels Membership Levels automatically appear. We created a Level called Annual with two Payment Levels (p.52)

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The potential member or event attendee will need to create a User Name and Password before purchasing membership or event The potential member or event attendee will need to create a User Name and Password before purchasing membership or event ticket. ticket.

That leads us to That leads us to Member/Donor ProfileMember/Donor Profile

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The potential member or event attendee will need to create a User Name and Password before purchasing membership or event The potential member or event attendee will need to create a User Name and Password before purchasing membership or event ticket. ticket.

That leads us to That leads us to Member/Donor ProfileMember/Donor Profile

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Member/Event Registrant signs up on your Page and creates a LoginMember/Event Registrant signs up on your Page and creates a Login

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Member/Donor Profile: Donors and Members have the ability to change their personal information directly from their profile. All front changes taking place will also update the Fundly CRM record. Relationships can be edited as well.

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Member/Donor Profile: Donors and Members have the ability to see their Payment History, Giving Details, Recurring Donations, Events Attended + Ticket download, and Membership Renewal/Upgrade from their login.

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Once logged in the user can continue with purchases

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Checkout Process: The user can add items to their shopping cart: Event Registration, Donation Amount, Membership Purchase and checkout when ready with their credit card. All information conducted through Pages shows up in Fundly CRM in the associated Modules previously reviewed.

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Notifications Set-Up: Decide who gets notified at your organization when donor/member contacts update their Profile or when they checkout with a donation purchase, event registration, or membership purchase.

Pages Configuration

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Member Directory Set-Up: Navigate to Pages and Click on Membership (not the green button). Decide what fields you want to show on your Membership Directory here.

Pages Configuration

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WordPress Plugins

Wordpress Plugins: If your website is on Wordpress, we’ve developed plugins that mimic the functionality Pages offers directly into your website. We have Donation Plugins, Event Plugins, and Membership Plugins (avail. 4/1/16).

Above is an example site using the Donation Plugin

•These plugins provide the same data integration and capture into Fundly CRM as Pages.

•These Plugins cost approximately $500 per plugin with installation

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Donation Widget

Donation Widget: We offer a donation widget builder that allows you to create as many giving “blocks” as you desire. You setup the fund prior to creating the widget and the colors/size of the block.

You then generate some script which can be embedded into any CMS

You can have multiple widgets on multiple pages on your website that flow to different funds

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Overview and Training


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WordPress Plugins

There are many other modules within Fundly CRM that are important to discover and review as you evaluate Fundly CRM:

NewslettersAppealsReportsMailchimp IntegrationData Hygiene RulesBatch Gift EntryPremiumsFinancial Module + Quickbooks IntegrationImporting Data

Before you try out these other functions, start with this guide and grow from it. If you don’t do events or memberships, try and focus on other aspects that relate to your mission. Our purpose is to make your business processes easier and more automated. Much of the functionality we reviewed in this book is reproducible in other areas of the system. Please contact [email protected] or [email protected] if you want additional assistance!

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•We base our subscriptions on number of contacts that you have in your CRM instance and other factors•We offer a “CRM for Life” offering for organizations looking to invest one-time in cloud based CRM•Training Costs $150/hour (20 hours minimum recommended at start)•Technical Rates are hourly: $100/hour•Phone Support $110/month•Data Migration from other CRMs/Excel/other files varies based on complexity. This is a TBD cost after a conversation with our data migration team and sample from your database•Other costs include online Events Ticketing/Membership Sales ($1 fee for event ticket and membership) and 2.2% + 1% donation processing on all online donation/event/membership transactions through •Other add-ons (WordPress Plugins, other) vary in cost•API Projects are most successful when working in collaboration with the Fundly CRM technical team