Fundamentals of Content Auditing

UX Workshop Series | Fundamentals of Content Auditing Instructor: Mary S. Butler

Transcript of Fundamentals of Content Auditing

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UX Workshop Series | Fundamentals of Content AuditingInstructor: Mary S. Butler

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UX Workshop: Fundamentals of Content Auditing


1. What we will be covering today2. What do we mean when we say content?3. When should a content audit be performed?4. Before you get started5. How to analyze your content6. Presenting your findings7. Exercise & Discussion

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What we will be covering today

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Workshop format and content

• Today’s session is part one of two devoted to Content Auditing• This is an interactive workshop; there will be several discussions and exercises throughout the two-hour workshop• Before you leave today, you will be given an assignment, which will be reviewed/discussed during the second workshop

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What do we mean when we say content?

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Data visualization


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Error messages

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•We’re going to look at the Razorfish site• Review all of the content elements (headline, timestamp, thumbnail image, etc.) on the homepage; document all of the visible content elements• You have three minutes

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When should a content audit be performed?

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Content Strategy in the Project Lifecycle

Discover Design Develop Deploy

ResearchAssessConcept Voice


PlanStyle GuideCopy DeckSocial


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Content Strategy in the Project Lifecycle

Discover Design Develop Deploy

ResearchAssessConcept Voice


PlanStyle GuideCopy DeckSocial


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Before you get started

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What types of questions do you think you should ask before starting a Content Audit?

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Understand the context

•What are the business goals for the property?

•Who is your audience and what do they need?

•What do stakeholders feel isn’t working, when it comes to content?

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Understand the scope of the engagement

•Who will be consuming your deliverable?•What types of content are in scope and where is the content located?•When is your content audit due?•Why is it needed?• How will business decisions/project deliverables be impacted by the outcome of the Content Audit?

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How to analyze your content

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Content analysis frameworks

• Range of frameworks available– Content Inventory– Content Audit– Content Matrix

• Don’t let semantics cause a misunderstanding– Make sure you understand what is being asked for (the what)– Make sure the deliverable being requested is what is really needed (the why)

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Content analysis frameworks: content inventory

What is itA quantitative measure of content; typically includes a content ID, page title, URL, and formatWhy to do itIt will help you determine how much content you have, how it is organized, and where it lives (useful for content mapping)When should you do oneWhenever you need to know how much content exists; can be maintained as a rolling inventory to help manage content on a large site

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Content analysis frameworks: content inventory

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Content analysis frameworks: content audit

What is itCombines a quantitative measure (inventory) with a qualitative assessment of contentWhy to do itIt will help you understand what the content says, how useful and accurate it is, and if it is serving users and business needsWhen should you do oneWhenever you need to measure content quality and effectiveness; should precede Gap Analysis

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Content analysis frameworks: content audit

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Content analysis frameworks: content matrix

What is itA comprehensive document that contains all of a site’s content elements, attributes and metadata; captures both current and future state copyWhy to do itWhen a single document is needed for business review, content entry and developmentWhen should you do oneWhen new content is being created and/or existing content migrated to a new siteNote: This is not a content analysis document.

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Content analysis frameworks: content matrix

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Determine scope

• Comprehensive assessment vs. sampling– When will assessing a few examples of each content type suffice?

• Agreement on which content sources are in scope– U.S. brand site only or all major global market sites? Sites for registered users? Mobile apps?

• How deep to go in when capturing data– For example, product pages have related assets; is the number of related assets sufficient or does each asset need to be captured?

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Breaking it down

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Setting up the document

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Each section/site gets its own tab

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Each tab tracks the same data

• For each site/section you audit, you should be evaluating the following:

–Is the content reusable, does it need to be revised or updated, should it be deleted?

–Does it serve the communication goals?

–Does it speak to the target audience?

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Each tab tracks the same data

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Set up filters to make data sortable

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Each piece of content gets a row

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Presenting your findings

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The takeaway

• Creating the audit report •What were the goals of the audit•What was measured and how– A description of each audit factor– Data summaries for relevant audit factors

• Summary of overall conclusions– Incorporating graphic depictions of the results– Support visuals

• Recommendations and next steps

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Content audit: reiterate the goals

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Content audit: what was captured and how

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Content audit: what was captured and how

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Content audit: summary of overall conclusions

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Content audit: supporting details

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Content audit: supporting details

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Content audit: recommendations

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Exercise & Discussion

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• How do business goals impact what you capture in a content audit?•What questions would you ask?

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Where do you start?

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What do you record?

Content IDTitle/topicURL Content typeContent formatLast updatedLanguageChannelAction to be taken

Content owner/maintainerContent sourceOverall assessmentAnything else?

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Your assignment

• Go to and catalog all primary and secondary site content (75-page max) in a spreadsheet • Keep in mind the following– Don’t spend more than two hours on initial

assessment– You will not have access to the client– Your assessment will help determine project next

steps for UX team

• Bring your content audit to part two of this workshop• Be prepared to discuss your findings and challenges encountered

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Walking us through your content audit

• Each of you will review your content with the rest of the team and cover the following:

– Your goal

– Methodology followed

– Challenges encountered

– Recommendations (for the client)

– Next steps (for the team)

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Your feedback on this workshop

• Did you find this workshop useful? What do you think worked and didn’t work?

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Thank you!