Functional Role of Type and Type 11 Interferons in...

2. J. Van Alsten and S. Granick, Phys. Rev. Lett. 61, 2570 (1988). 3. J. Klein, D. Perahia, S. Warburg, Nature 352, 143 (1991); J. N. lsraelachvili, A. M. Homola, P. M. McGuiggan, Science 240, 189 (1988). 4. J. Als-Nielsen, in Topics in Current Physics, W. Schommers and P. V. Blackenhagen, Eds. (Spring- er-Verlag, Berlin, 1987), p. 181; P. S. Pershan, J. Phys. Colloq. 50, C7 1 (1989); B. Jerome, Rep. Prog. Phys. 54, 391 (1991), and references therein. 5. See, for example, J. M. Drake and J. Klafter, Phys. Today43, 46 (May 1990), and references therein; J. M. Drake, J. Klafter, P. Levitz, Science 251, 1574 (1991). 6. T. Bellini et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 69, 788 (1992). 7. M. Schoen, D. J. Diestler, J. H. Cushman, J. Chem. Phys. 87, 5464 (1987); C. L. Rhykerd Jr., M. Schoen, D. J. Diester, J. H. Cushman, Nature 330, 461 (1987); P. A. Thompson, M. 0. Robbins, G. S. Grest, Phys. Rev. Lett. 68, 3448 (1992). 8. K. Weissenberg, Nature 159, 310 (1947); R. F. Bruinsma and C. R. Safinya, Phys. Rev. A43, 5377 (1991). 9. N. A. Clark and B. J. Ackerson, Phys. Rev. Lett. 44, 1005 (1980). 10. C. R. Safinya, E. B. Sirota, R. Piano, R. F. Bruins- ma, J. Phys. Condens. Matter2, SA365 (1990); C. R. Safinya, E. B. Sirota, R. Piano, Phys. Rev. Lett. 66, 1986 (1991). 11. C. R. Safinya et al., Science 261, 588 (1993). 12. 0. Diat and D. Roux, J. Phys. 113, 1427 (1993). 13. K. A. Koppi, M. Tirrell, F. S. Bates, K. Almdal, R. H. Colby, ibid. 2,1941 (1992); K. A. Koppi, M. Tirrell, F. S. Bates, Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 1449 (1993). 14. N. A. Clark et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 71, 3505 (1993). 15. P. Pieranski and B. Jerome, Phys. Rev. A 40, 317 (1989). 16. J. N. Israelachvili and P. M. McGuiggan, J. Mater. Res. 5, 2223 (1990). 17. C. R. Safinya et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 57, 2718 (1986); C. R. Safinya, E. B. Sirota, D. Roux, G. S. Smith, ibid. 62, 1134 (1989); G. S. Smith, E. B. Sirota, C. R. Safinya, R. J. Piano, N. A. Clark, J. Chem. Phys. 92, 4519 (1990). 18. We set the gap by observing the Newton's rings pattern that resulted when sodium light was passed through the two cylinders. The 3900 A measurement results from separating the two surfaces by two fringes from contact. By monitoring the movements of fringes of equal chromatic order, we could set the gap as accurately as 1 A (16). 19. D. E. Moncton and R. Pindak, Phys. Rev. Lett. 43, 701 (1979); J. Collet et al., ibid. 49, 553 (1982). 20. C. R. Safinya et al., ibid. 53, 1172 (1984); E. Fontes et al., Phys. Rev. A 37, 1329 (1988); P. A. Heiney et al., J. Phys. 50, 461 (1989). 21. Because of the finite curvature of the surfaces, a small beam size is required to probe ultrathin liquids of order a few molecular layers. 22. The European Synchrotron Source (ESRF) at Grenoble, France, and the Advanced Photon Source (APS) at Argonne National Laboratories. 23. M. Miecowicz, Nature 158, 27 (1946). 24. We gratefully acknowledge conversations with J. Klein, N. Clark, and P. Pincus. C.R.S. and J.N.I. gratefully acknowledge partial support by the Office of Naval Research under grant N00014-93- 1-0269. C.R.S. gratefully acknowledges support from the Exxon Education Foundation. The syn- chrotron x-ray scattering experiments were car- ried out at beamline 10-2 at the Stanford Synchro- tron Radiation Laboratory, which is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy. The Materials Research Laboratory at Santa Barbara is support- ed by the NSF under grant DMR-9123048. 23 November 1993; accepted 9 May 1994 Functional Role of Type I and Type 11 Interferons in Antiviral Defense Ulrike Muller, Ulrich Steinhoff, Luiz F. L. Reis, Silvio Hemmi, Jovan Paviovic, Rolf M. Zinkernagel, Michel Aguet*t Mice lacking the known subunit of the type I interferon (IFN) receptor were completely unresponsive to type I IFNs, suggesting that this receptor chain is essential for type I IFN-mediated signal transduction. These mice showed no overt anomalies but were unable to cope with viral infections, despite otherwise normal immune responses. Com- parison of mice lacking either type I or type 11 lFN receptors showed that, at least in response to some viruses, both IFN systems are essential for antiviral defense and are functionally nonredundant. Interferons were discovered on the basis of their antiviral activity. Two families of IFNs can be distinguished: type I IFNs (IFN-a, IFN-p, and IFN-w), which are encoded by a family of over 20 genes (1), and type II IFN (IFN-y), which is structurally unrelated and encoded by a single gene (2). In addition to their antiviral properties, type I and type II IFNs exert widely overlapping pleiotropic effects including inhibition of cell growth, antitumor action, involvement in he- matopoiesis, and regulatory effects on cellu- lar and humoral immune responses (3) which may be pathogenic in certain autoim- mune diseases (4). The biological relevance of these nonantiviral effects remains elusive. U. Muller, L. F. L. Reis, S. Hemmi, M. Aguet, Institute of Molecular Biology I, University of Zurich, Hongger- berg, 8093 Zurich, Switzerland. U. Steinhoff and R. M. Zinkernagel, Institute of Exper- imental Immunology, University of Zurich, 8057 Zurich, Switzerland. J. Pavlovic, Institute of Medical Virology, University of Zurich, 8028 Zurich, Switzerland. *To whom correspondence should be addressed. tCurrent address: Genentech Incorporated, 460 Point San Bruno Boulevard, South San Francisco, CA 94080, USA. 1918 The isolation of a trophoblast IFN (IFN-w) from ruminants revived the question of whether IFNs are also engaged in embryonic development (5). To elucidate the physiological role of the type I IFN system, we generated mice with a deficient type I IFN system. Because inactivation of the entire type I IFN gene family was unfeasible, the gene encoding the known receptor subunit was chosen as a target. Even though type I IFNs were shown to cross-compete for receptor binding (6, 7), some evidence suggested that several type I receptors may exist (8, 9). Still, reconstitution of an IFN-resistant murine cell line with the known receptor subunit indicated that this receptor component might be essential for the response to IFN- afl (10). Inactivation of the type I IFN receptor gene in embryonic stem (ES) cells was achieved by homologous recombina- tion (11) as described in Fig. 1. The IFN- a/13RO/0 mice were obtained with a mende- lian frequency, proved fertile, and had no apparent phenotypic anomalies by 6 months of age. Northern (RNA) blot anal- ysis of total RNA from primary embryonic SCIENCE * VOL. 264 * 24 JUNE 1994 fibroblasts (PMEFs) hybridized with the complete murine IFN-a/PR complementary DNA (cDNA) as a probe revealed a 4.5-kb mRNA for wild-type cells (10), whereas no transcript was detected for mutant cells (12), possibly because of instability of the truncated, mutant mRNA. As expected, the type I receptor was func- tionally inactive, because PMEFs from IFN- a/1RP/0 embryos were unresponsive to the antiviral action of natural murine type I IFN, a mixture of IFN-a and IFN-1 (Fig. 2A). However, mutant cells remained sensitive to IFN-y, although we observed one-fourth to one-eighth the sensitivity as compared with wild-type cells. Functional inactivation of the type I receptor was further confirmed by Northern blot analysis of the RNA from PMEFs with probes derived from several dif- ferent IFN-inducible genes (Fig. 2B). Mutant cells were unresponsive to natural type I IFNs, recombinant murine IFN-1, and recombinant human IFN-a2/a1 to which normal mouse cells are responsive (13). In this assay the response to murine IFN-y was indistinguish- able from that of wild-type cells. We found no evidence for a functional alteration of the IFN-y system in IFN-a./R"'0 mice. Thus, IFN-at/3R"1 mice were as resistant to Listeria monocytogenes as wild-type mice, whereas IFN-yR"/" mice were highly susceptible to this pathogen (14). To monitor the response to type I IFN in vivo, we analyzed the induction of the Mx-)c gene, a strictly type I IFN-specific response marker in mouse cells (15). Mutant and wild-type animals were injected intraperito- neally with either the IFN inducer poly(I). poly(C) (PIC; Fig. 2C) or recombinant hu- man IFN-a2/a1 (105 U), or they were infect- ed intravenously with 2 x 106 plaque-form- ing units (PFU) of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV). RNA from various tissues was iso- lated after 7.5 hours (IFN-a2/a1 and PIC) --... -. "' "` 'I F.150 S.:>gMl,. glE,..sssssf>s.{:>.s>.sss sssSs.s. ssX on October 14, 2011 Downloaded from

Transcript of Functional Role of Type and Type 11 Interferons in...

Page 1: Functional Role of Type and Type 11 Interferons in … Muller, Ulrich Steinhoff, Luiz F. L. Reis, Silvio Hemmi, Jovan

2. J. Van Alsten and S. Granick, Phys. Rev. Lett. 61,2570 (1988).

3. J. Klein, D. Perahia, S. Warburg, Nature 352, 143(1991); J. N. lsraelachvili, A. M. Homola, P. M.McGuiggan, Science 240, 189 (1988).

4. J. Als-Nielsen, in Topics in Current Physics, W.Schommers and P. V. Blackenhagen, Eds. (Spring-er-Verlag, Berlin, 1987), p. 181; P. S. Pershan, J.Phys. Colloq. 50, C7 1 (1989); B. Jerome, Rep. Prog.Phys. 54, 391 (1991), and references therein.

5. See, for example, J. M. Drake and J. Klafter, Phys.Today43, 46 (May 1990), and references therein; J.M. Drake, J. Klafter, P. Levitz, Science 251, 1574(1991).

6. T. Bellini et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 69, 788 (1992).7. M. Schoen, D. J. Diestler, J. H. Cushman, J.

Chem. Phys. 87, 5464 (1987); C. L. Rhykerd Jr.,M. Schoen, D. J. Diester, J. H. Cushman, Nature330, 461 (1987); P. A. Thompson, M. 0. Robbins,G. S. Grest, Phys. Rev. Lett. 68, 3448 (1992).

8. K. Weissenberg, Nature 159, 310 (1947);R. F. Bruinsma and C. R. Safinya, Phys. Rev.A43, 5377 (1991).

9. N. A. Clark and B. J. Ackerson, Phys. Rev. Lett.44, 1005 (1980).

10. C. R. Safinya, E. B. Sirota, R. Piano, R. F. Bruins-ma, J. Phys. Condens. Matter2, SA365 (1990); C.R. Safinya, E. B. Sirota, R. Piano, Phys. Rev. Lett.66, 1986 (1991).

11. C. R. Safinya et al., Science 261, 588 (1993).12. 0. Diat and D. Roux, J. Phys. 113, 1427 (1993).13. K. A. Koppi, M. Tirrell, F. S. Bates, K. Almdal, R. H.

Colby, ibid. 2,1941 (1992); K. A. Koppi, M. Tirrell,F. S. Bates, Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 1449 (1993).

14. N. A. Clark et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 71, 3505 (1993).15. P. Pieranski and B. Jerome, Phys. Rev. A 40, 317

(1989).16. J. N. Israelachvili and P. M. McGuiggan, J. Mater.

Res. 5, 2223 (1990).17. C. R. Safinya et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 57, 2718

(1986); C. R. Safinya, E. B. Sirota, D. Roux, G. S.Smith, ibid. 62, 1134 (1989); G. S. Smith, E. B.Sirota, C. R. Safinya, R. J. Piano, N. A. Clark, J.Chem. Phys. 92, 4519 (1990).

18. We set the gap by observing the Newton's ringspattern that resulted when sodium light was passedthrough the two cylinders. The 3900 A measurementresults from separating the two surfaces by twofringes from contact. By monitoring the movementsof fringes of equal chromatic order, we could set thegap as accurately as 1 A (16).

19. D. E. Moncton and R. Pindak, Phys. Rev. Lett. 43,701 (1979); J. Collet et al., ibid. 49, 553 (1982).

20. C. R. Safinya et al., ibid. 53, 1172 (1984); E.Fontes et al., Phys. Rev. A 37, 1329 (1988); P. A.Heiney et al., J. Phys. 50, 461 (1989).

21. Because of the finite curvature of the surfaces, asmall beam size is required to probe ultrathinliquids of order a few molecular layers.

22. The European Synchrotron Source (ESRF) atGrenoble, France, and the Advanced PhotonSource (APS) at Argonne National Laboratories.

23. M. Miecowicz, Nature 158, 27 (1946).24. We gratefully acknowledge conversations with J.

Klein, N. Clark, and P. Pincus. C.R.S. and J.N.I.gratefully acknowledge partial support by theOffice of Naval Research under grant N00014-93-1-0269. C.R.S. gratefully acknowledges supportfrom the Exxon Education Foundation. The syn-chrotron x-ray scattering experiments were car-ried out at beamline 10-2 at the Stanford Synchro-tron Radiation Laboratory, which is supported bythe U.S. Department of Energy. The MaterialsResearch Laboratory at Santa Barbara is support-ed by the NSF under grant DMR-9123048.

23 November 1993; accepted 9 May 1994

Functional Role of Type I and Type 11Interferons in Antiviral Defense

Ulrike Muller, Ulrich Steinhoff, Luiz F. L. Reis, Silvio Hemmi,Jovan Paviovic, Rolf M. Zinkernagel, Michel Aguet*t

Mice lacking the known subunit of the type I interferon (IFN) receptor were completelyunresponsive to type I IFNs, suggesting that this receptor chain is essential for type I

IFN-mediated signal transduction. These mice showed no overt anomalies but wereunable to cope with viral infections, despite otherwise normal immune responses. Com-parison of mice lacking either type I or type 11 lFN receptors showed that, at least inresponse to some viruses, both IFN systems are essential for antiviral defense and arefunctionally nonredundant.

Interferons were discovered on the basis oftheir antiviral activity. Two families of IFNscan be distinguished: type I IFNs (IFN-a,IFN-p, and IFN-w), which are encoded by a

family of over 20 genes (1), and type II IFN(IFN-y), which is structurally unrelated andencoded by a single gene (2). In addition totheir antiviral properties, type I and type IIIFNs exert widely overlapping pleiotropiceffects including inhibition of cell growth,antitumor action, involvement in he-matopoiesis, and regulatory effects on cellu-lar and humoral immune responses (3)which may be pathogenic in certain autoim-mune diseases (4). The biological relevanceof these nonantiviral effects remains elusive.

U. Muller, L. F. L. Reis, S. Hemmi, M. Aguet, Institute ofMolecular Biology I, University of Zurich, Hongger-berg, 8093 Zurich, Switzerland.U. Steinhoff and R. M. Zinkernagel, Institute of Exper-imental Immunology, University of Zurich, 8057 Zurich,Switzerland.J. Pavlovic, Institute of Medical Virology, University ofZurich, 8028 Zurich, Switzerland.*To whom correspondence should be addressed.tCurrent address: Genentech Incorporated, 460 PointSan Bruno Boulevard, South San Francisco, CA94080, USA.


The isolation of a trophoblast IFN (IFN-w)from ruminants revived the question ofwhether IFNs are also engaged in embryonicdevelopment (5).

To elucidate the physiological role ofthe type I IFN system, we generated micewith a deficient type I IFN system. Becauseinactivation of the entire type I IFN gene

family was unfeasible, the gene encodingthe known receptor subunit was chosen as a

target. Even though type I IFNs were shownto cross-compete for receptor binding (6,7), some evidence suggested that severaltype I receptors may exist (8, 9). Still,reconstitution of an IFN-resistant murinecell line with the known receptor subunitindicated that this receptor componentmight be essential for the response to IFN-afl (10). Inactivation of the type I IFNreceptor gene in embryonic stem (ES) cellswas achieved by homologous recombina-tion (11) as described in Fig. 1. The IFN-a/13RO/0 mice were obtained with a mende-lian frequency, proved fertile, and had no

apparent phenotypic anomalies by 6months of age. Northern (RNA) blot anal-ysis of total RNA from primary embryonic

SCIENCE * VOL. 264 * 24 JUNE 1994

fibroblasts (PMEFs) hybridized with thecomplete murine IFN-a/PR complementaryDNA (cDNA) as a probe revealed a 4.5-kbmRNA for wild-type cells (10), whereas notranscript was detected for mutant cells(12), possibly because of instability of thetruncated, mutant mRNA.

As expected, the type I receptor was func-tionally inactive, because PMEFs from IFN-a/1RP/0 embryos were unresponsive to theantiviral action of natural murine type I IFN,a mixture of IFN-a and IFN-1 (Fig. 2A).However, mutant cells remained sensitive toIFN-y, although we observed one-fourth toone-eighth the sensitivity as compared withwild-type cells. Functional inactivation of thetype I receptor was further confirmed byNorthern blot analysis of the RNA fromPMEFs with probes derived from several dif-ferent IFN-inducible genes (Fig. 2B). Mutantcells were unresponsive to natural type I IFNs,recombinant murine IFN-1, and recombinanthuman IFN-a2/a1 to which normal mousecells are responsive (13). In this assay theresponse to murine IFN-y was indistinguish-able from that ofwild-type cells. We found noevidence for a functional alteration of theIFN-y system in IFN-a./R"'0 mice. Thus,IFN-at/3R"1 mice were as resistant to Listeriamonocytogenes as wild-type mice, whereasIFN-yR"/" mice were highly susceptible to thispathogen (14).

To monitor the response to type I IFN invivo, we analyzed the induction of the Mx-)cgene, a strictly type I IFN-specific responsemarker in mouse cells (15). Mutant andwild-type animals were injected intraperito-neally with either the IFN inducer poly(I).poly(C) (PIC; Fig. 2C) or recombinant hu-man IFN-a2/a1 (105 U), or they were infect-ed intravenously with 2 x 106 plaque-form-ing units (PFU) of vesicular stomatitis virus(VSV). RNA from various tissues was iso-lated after 7.5 hours (IFN-a2/a1 and PIC)

--... -. "' "` 'I F.150S.:>gMl,. glE,..sssssf>s.{:>.s>.sss sssSs.s. ssX
















Page 2: Functional Role of Type and Type 11 Interferons in … Muller, Ulrich Steinhoff, Luiz F. L. Reis, Silvio Hemmi, Jovan

or 24 hours (VSV) and analyzed by North-em blotting. In contrast to wild-type mice,Mx-1 mRNA remained undetectable in anyof the organs of mutant mice (Fig. 2C),regardless of which inducer was used. Evenassuming that various forms of a type I LENreceptor might exist, these results show thatthe cloned receptor chain is an essentialsignaling component for the response to alltype I IFNs tested.

Type I IFNs are produced by the earlypreimplantation embryo of certain rumi-nants (5) and were found in mouse placentas(16). The absence of an overt phenotype inmice lacking the type I LEN receptor arguesagainst an essential role of type I IFNs inmurine embryonic development or feto-ma-temal interaction, even though we have notformally shown that these particular LENsubtypes are inactive in IFN-a/3R010 mice.

Type I IFNs have been discussed as nat-

A1 kb

Bg. 4.8 kb w 1gB SH IE iH IE K Bwtgene

Probe A 'Probe BHomologous

Ad Bg recombinationSpH neo H HSV-TK Targeting vector

Bg <- 5.9 kb . BgB Sp H l neo H E K Bl ! ri I. .1 Mutant genePCR product Probe A Probe B

Fig. 1. Gene targeting B 1 2 3of the murine lFN-a/PRgene and germlinetransmission of the dis- 5.9rupted allele. (A) A re- 4.8_*placement vector con-taining exons Ill and IVand encompassing 3.6 kb of genomic se-quence isolated from an isogenic library (de-rived from 1 29Sv/Ev-ES cells) was constructedby inserting a blunted Xho 1-Bam HI fragmentof pMC1neopA (Stratagene) into the bluntedEco RI site of exon Ill, corresponding to aminoacid 88 of the translated reading frame. Toallow negative selection against random inte-gration, we introduced a HSV-TK gene cassette(11). Exons are indicated by black boxes. B,Bam HI; Bg, Bgl II; E, Eco RI; H, Hind l1l; K, KpnI; Sp, Sph I; wt, wild-type. D3 ES cell clones(35) that had undergone homologous recombi-nation were screened by polymerase chainreaction (PCR) as described (30) with the de-picted PCR-primer pair. The frequency of ho-mologous recombination was 1 in 26 G-418and FIAU-resistant colonies. (B) Southern(DNA) blot analysis of Bgl Il-digested genomictail DNA. The probe was an 0.8-kb Eco RI-HindIll fragment (probe A). Lane 1, wild-type; lane 2,IFN-a/IR+/0 heterozygote; lane 3, IFN-a/PRO/0homozygote. No ectopic or tandem integrationevents were detected with either probe A or B.Sizes are indicated in kilobases.

ural regulators of cell growth and differenti-ation, notably in hematopoiesis (17). Cer-tain bone marrow-derived progenitors seemparticularly sensitive to IFN-a, and accord-ingly, certain leukemias, such as hairy cellleukemia and chronic myeloid leukemia,respond well to IFN-a therapy (18-20). Thehematological status of 4- to 12-week-oldIFN-a/IR0/° mice revealed a two- to three-fold increased level of circulating maturemonocytes and neutrophils as the only aber-ration. Because this anomaly may be due tosubclinical infections, further investigationsin animals kept under more stringent hy-gienic conditions will be required. Compar-ative cytofluorometry revealed no anomaliesin the major lymphocyte subsets in terms ofexpression of CD3, CD4, CD8 (thymocytesand splenocytes), and major histocompati-bility complex (MHC) class I and class IIantigens (thymocytes, splenocytes, and peri-


toneal macrophages). Only cell surface im-munoglobulin M (IgM) was slightly reducedin mutant animals.

To assess the consequences of an IFN-ao/1 receptor null mutation on host resis-tance to infection, we inoculated mutantand control mice with VSV (21), SemlikiForest virus (SFV), vaccinia virus (22),or lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus(LCMV) (23) and compared the antiviralresponse with that of mice lacking IFN-yreceptors (14). Mice devoid of type I IFNreceptors were extremely susceptible tothese viral infections. Whereas the medianlethal dose (LD50) for intravenously inject-ed VSV is normally in the range of 108PFU, mutant mice died within 3 to 6 daysafter infection with only 30 to 50 PFU(Table 1). VSV replication occurred in allorgans tested, with titers that increased by102- to 106-fold reaching up to 108 PFU per

1 2 3 4 5 6


2-5 A



92PN (UPm)]0/0 0/0

Fig. 2. (A) Antiviral activity of MHC Mx-1IFN-y (squares) and IFN-a/13 (cir- i +/+dles) on wild-type (closed sym-bols) or lFN-aR0/0 (open symbols)PMEFs challenged with VSV as 0/0 0//

described (14). The cytopathic

effect (CPE) of VSV was quanti- +/+

fied by staining with crystal violetand determining absorbance at450 nm. Full protection (100%) C K >from the CPE corresponds to the 4 4A;difference between the absor- rbance of untreated, uninfected + -+ -+ -+ -+ -+ -+ + PIccells and untreated, VSV-infected 28S

cells. Indicated values are means

of triplicates. The mean standard

deviation of the measurements

was 20%. (B) Northern blot anal- GAPDHysis of IFN-inducible genes. TotalRNA was isolated from PMEFs, wt -28 S

treated with either type 28Ns(500 U/mI) for 6 hours or with Mx-l

IFN-y (100 U/mI) for 18 hours andsubjected to gel electrophoresis GAPDH(10 pug per lane). Inducers: lane 1,none; lane 2 and 3 (in duplicate), natural murine type IFNs; lane 4, mulFN-Wy; lane 5, mulFN-P; andlane 6, hulFN-a2/aL, (13). Blots were consecutively hybridized with the following murine probes: a0.2-kb Eco RI-Xba fragment of the 1-8 cDNA (31); a 2.2-kb Eco RI fragment of the 2'-5'A-synthetase gene (32); a 1.8-kb genomic Xba fragment of the H-2Db MHC class gene (33); a1.1-kb Nco fragment of the IRF-1 cDNA (34), an antisense RNA probe of the murine Mx-1 cDNA(15), and a 0.5-kb Xho II fragment of the glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate-dehydrogenase gene (35).Experiments were replicated with RNA from independent embryos. (C) Mice were injectedintraperitoneally with 200 ,ug of poly(l).poly(C) (PIC), and after 7.5 hours, total RNA (10 gg per lane)from various organs was analyzed by Northern blotting with an antisense RNA probe of murine Mx-1cDNA; 28 S, 28S RNA.

SCIENCE * VOL. 264 * 24 JUNE 1994

B 1 2 3 4 5 6

-13 a


MA o/o



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Page 3: Functional Role of Type and Type 11 Interferons in … Muller, Ulrich Steinhoff, Luiz F. L. Reis, Silvio Hemmi, Jovan

,R,,y.X~gyl.W.z. g§.....,

gram of tissue (Table 1 and Fig. 3). Asimilar susceptibility was seen after infec-tion with SFV; mutant mice were alsoapproximately 106-fold more sensitive tothe virus than wild-type mice (Table 2).The in vivo relevance of the antiviral ac-tion of type I IFN had been documented bythe use of antibodies to IFN (24-26). Theinactivation of the type I IFN receptorproved the essential role the type I IFNsystem plays in antiviral defense.

In mice inoculated with either VSV orSFV, the type II IFN system did not appearto influence the course of the infection,because mice lacking the IFN-y receptor(14) showed no increased susceptibility to

Table 1. Susceptibility to VSV in IFN-a/13R0/0and IFN-yR0/0 mice. Mice were infected intra-venously with the indicated titers of VSV (Indi-ana strain). The IFN-a/1R0/0 mice died within 3to 6 days, whereas wild-type (wt) and IFN-yR0/0mice were unaffected. For titer determinations,animals were infected intravenously with 2 x1 06 PFU of VSV, and the number of PFU recov-ered from the various organs was determined(21) at day 4 (for IFN-a/J3R0/0 and wild-typemice) or day 6 (for IFN-VyR0/°) after infection.Values represent means from two animals pergroup. Individual titers did not vary more thanone log; n.d., not done.

Susceptibility of phenotype

wt IFN-aI/IRO/0 lN-yR0/0

Survival (days)Inoculum (pfu)2 x 106 3/3 0/3 3/33 x 101 to 6/6 0/6 n.d.5 x 101

<3 x 101 6/6 6/6 n.d.

Viral titers (PFU/g)OrganOvary <102 8.5 x 108 <102Spleen <102 1.8 x 108 <102Thymus <102 2.0 x 108 <102Liver <102 2.0 x 108 <102Lung <102 5.0 x 107 <102Kidney <102 3.0 x 107 <102Brain <102 5.0 x 104 <102

these viruses as compared with control mice(Tables 1 and 2). In contrast, mice lackingeither the type I or the type II receptorsuccumbed to infection with 106 PFU ofvaccinia virus within 5 to 6 days, and inboth mutant strains this virus replicated totiters 103- to 105-fold as high as those inwild-type mice (Table 3). These resultsindicate that, in vivo, IFN-et/1 and IFN-ymay exert their antiviral activities throughdifferent, partially nonredundant pathways.A similar complementarity of the two

IFN systems was observed when mutantmice were challenged with the noncyto-pathic LCMV-WE strain (23). Inoculationof 3 x 102 PFU into the footpad of eitherIFN-a/PR°/° or IFN-yR010 mice resulted in ageneralized virus spread with viral titers in-creased 104- to 105-fold for IFN-a/13R0/0animals and 10- to 104-fold for IFN-yR0/0mice (Table 4). Virus replication was morepronounced in the thymus and brain ofanimals lacking the type I IFN receptor ascompared with IFN-yR0/0 mice, signalingdifferent susceptibilities of LCMV-infectedtissues to the two IFNs.

Table 2. Susceptibility to SFV in lFN-a/PR0/0and lEN-YR0/0 mice. Mice were infected intra-venously with the indicated doses of SFV. TheIFN-a/13R0/0 mice died within 4 to 10 days,whereas wild-type (wt) and lEN-yR0/0 micewere unaffected. Values represent the numberof animals surviving for more than 10 days. Ablank indicates the experiment was not done.

Inoculum Survival (days)(PFU) wt IFN-cx/PRO/0 IFN-yR0/0

2 x 108 8/8*2 x 107 4/4 3/32 x 106 4/4 3/32 x 105 4/42 x 104 0/42 x 103 4/4 1/8* 3/32 x 102 1/8*2 x 101 7/8*2 x 100 7/8*

*The values from two independent experiments werecompiled.

In contrast with control mice, IFN-at/13R1/0 animals did not mount a detectablecytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responseagainst LCMV after infection with 3 x 102pfu into the footpad, nor did they show anyCD8+ T cell-dependent footpad swellingafter local infection. Correspondingly,though intracerebral inoculation with 100PFU of the neuropathic LCMV-Armstrongstrain caused immunopathology and was le-thal for control mice (27), none of the fourIFN-a/o3R0/ mice was affected. The courseofLCMV infection in IFN-ax/PR0/0 mice andthe lack of a measurable CTL response wasreminiscent of the exhaustion of virus-spe-cific activated T cells in wild-type animalsinfected with high doses of rapidly replicat-ing lymphotropic LCMV (27). The lack ofimmune response in LCMV-infected IFN-a/R13R01 mice was not due to a deficiency in theimmune system. Like IFN-yR0/0 mice, micelacking the type I IFN receptor were able tomount normal T helper and cytotoxic Tcell-mediated immune responses. Thus,IFN-ca/,R°/0 mice produced normal amountsof neutralizing antibodies (IgM and IgG)against VSV upon immunization with re-combinant VSV glycoprotein and normalamounts of total serum IgG after immuniza-tion with trinitrophenyl-conjugated ovalbu-min (12). Likewise, they mounted a normalCTL response against the attenuated Lancy

Table 3. Susceptibility to vaccinia virus in IFN-al/RO/0 and IFN-yR0/0 mice. Mice were infectedintravenously with 106 PFU of vaccinia WRvirus, and the number of PFU recovered fromthe various organs was determined (22) at day4 after infection. Values represent means fromfour animals per group. Individual titers did notvary more than one log.

Viral titers (PFU/g)Organ

wt lFN-a/pR0/0 IFN-yR0/0Ovary 1.1 x 105 4.6 x 108 3.2 x 108Spleen 1.0 x 103 4.1 x 106 1.7 x 106Liver 1.0 x 101 1.7 x 107 3.6 x 105Lung 9.5 x 104 4.8 x 107 5.7 x 107

Fig. 3. Immunohistochemical analy-sis of VSV replication in the spleen ofa wild-type (wt) and an IFN-a/13R0/0mouse infected intravenously 2 daysbefore with 1 o6 PFU of VSV (36). Cellsof the marginal zones and B cell areasof follicles were most affected in mu-tant animals. In the controls only veryfew single cells, not visible at thismagnification, were stained in themarginal zones. Magnification, x36.

wtTable 4. Susceptibility to LCMV in IFN-a/PR0/0and IFN--yR0/0 mice. Mice were infected with 3x 102 PFU of LCMV (WE strain) into the foot-pad, and the number of pfu recovered from thevarious organs was determined (23) at day 10after infection. Values represent means fromtwo animals per group. Individual titers did notvary more than one log.

Viral titers (PFU/g)Organ

wt IFN-a/13R0/0 IFN-yR0/0Ovary <102 1.18x 106 1.00x 106Spleen <102 1.24 x 107 4.00 x 103Liver <102 1.50 x 106 1.50 x 105Lung <102 1.00 X 106 1.00 X 103

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Page 4: Functional Role of Type and Type 11 Interferons in … Muller, Ulrich Steinhoff, Luiz F. L. Reis, Silvio Hemmi, Jovan

strain of vaccinia virus (12).These findings suggest that a deficiency in

innate rather than acquired immunity ac-counts for the susceptibility of IFN-ao/iR01mice to viral infections. Even though natu-ral killer (NK) cell activity in spleens ofanimals pretreated with IFN-y was indistin-guishable in wild-type and IFN-a/PR°/0mice, we observed that upon infection byLCMV the NK cell response was reduced byabout 50% in IFN-a/1R0"0 mice. Severalaspects of IFN function still need to beaddressed, and it will be interesting to seewhether these mice show an impaired anti-tumor defense. So far we have not observedan increased rate of spontaneous tumor in-cidence up to 6 months of age.

Mice that lack the type I IFN receptorrevealed the primordial role of the type I IFNsystem as a tightly regulated response systemfunctioning predominantly in early antiviraldefense. Comparison of mice lacking eitherthe type I or type II IFN system starts toreveal the functional complementarity ofboth IFN systems. Whereas the antiviraldefense against some viruses such as VSV orSFV seems to involve primarily the type IIFN system, the defense against other virusessuch as vaccinia virus or LCMV requires acooperation of both systems. It is well estab-lished and illustrated in Fig. 2B that type Iand type II IFNs induce in part the samegenes, although to a different extent (28).Thus, MHC class I or interferon regulatoryfactor-i (IRF-i) transcripts were stronglyinduced by type II IFN and much less by typeI IFN, 1-8 mRNA was induced to similarlevels, whereas Mx-1 mRNA was preferen-tially induced by type I IFN. As in the caseof the Mx-1 protein, which is remarkablyvirus specific (29), such differences mayqualitatively affect antiviral responses elicit-ed by type I compared with type II IFN.

Mice with a combined IFN-a/P- andIFN-y receptor deletion obtained by breed-ing are expected to become even moresusceptible to certain viruses. These ani-mals may allow researchers to isolate andinvestigate pathogens that are otherwisehidden or difficult to identify, includingviruses possibly involved in chronic, immu-nopathological, and autoimmune diseases.


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37. We thank E. Wagner for D3 ES cells; G. Adolf forrecombinant murine IFN-y; I. Gresser for naturalmurine IFN-a/0; B. Odermatt for immunohisto-chemical analyses; E. Horvath and G. Stark fortechnical assistance; and C. Weissmann for hissupport and suggestions. Supported in part bythe Kanton of Zurich, by grants from the SwissNational Science Foundation (M.A. and R.Z.,nos. 31-28642.90 and 31-32195.91), the HumanFrontier Science Program (M.A.), and the Euro-pean Molecular Biology Organization (U.M. andU.S.).

5 January 1994; accepted 28 April 1994

Involvement of the IRF-1 Transcription Factor inAntiviral Responses to Interferons

Tohru Kimura,* Katsutoshi Nakayama,* Josef Penninger,Motoo Kitagawa, Hisashi Harada, Toshifumi Matsuyama,

Nobuyuki Tanaka, Ryutaro Kamijo, Jan Viicek, Tak W. Mak,Tadatsugu Taniguchi

The mechanisms underlying interferon (IFN)-induced antiviral states are not well understood.Interferon regulatory factor-1 (IRF-1) is an IFN-inducible transcriptional activator, whereasIRF-2 suppresses IRF-1 action. The inhibition of encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) repli-cation by IFN-a and especially by IFN-y was impaired in cells from mice with a null mutationin the IRF-1 gene (IRF-1 -/- mice). The IRF-1-/- mice were less resistant than normal miceto EMCV infection, as revealed by accelerated mortality and a larger virus titer in target organs.The absence of IRF-1 did not clearly affect replication oftwo other types of viruses. Thus, IRF-1is necessary for the antiviral action of IFNs against some viruses, but lENs activate multipleactivation pathways through diverse target genes to induce the antiviral state.

The type I lENs (IFN-a and IFN-P) areexpressed in many cells upon viral infec-tion, whereas type II lEN (IFN-y) is pro-T. Kimura, K. Nakayama, M. Kitagawa, H. Harada, N.Tanaka, T. Taniguchi, Institute for Molecular and Cel-lular Biology, Osaka University, Suita-shi, Osaka 565,Japan.J. Penninger, T. Matsuyama, T. W. Mak, Amgen Insti-tute, Ontario Cancer Institute, Department of Immunol-ogy and Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto,Ontario M4X 1 K9, Canada.R. Kamijo and J. Vilcek, Department of Microbiologyand Kaplan Cancer Center, New York University Med-ical Center, New York, NY 10016, USA.*The first two authors (to whom correspondenceshould be addressed) contributed equally to this work.

SCIENCE * VOL. 264 * 24 JUNE 1994

duced by activated T lymphocytes and nat-ural killer cells. The IFNs confer cellularresistance to many types of viruses by acti-vating a set of lEN-inducible genes, but themechanism underlying the IFN-mediatedestablishment of the antiviral state is stillnot fully understood (1). Two structurallyrelated transcription factors, IRF-1 andIRF-2, have been identified that bind to thesame DNA sequence elements (IRF-Es) inthe IFN-ct and IFN-P promoters (2-4).These two factors also bind to the LEN-stimulated regulatory elements (ISREs)found in many IFN-inducible gene promot-















