Fun with ruby and redis, arrrrcamp edition, javier_ramirez, teowaki

Fun with & arrrrcamp 2013 javier ramirez @supercoco9 arrrrcamp 2013


In this talk I make an introduction to Redis, then I explain how some big names (twitter, pinterest...) are using it, then I describe some pitfalls, then I explain how we are using redis at teowaki

Transcript of Fun with ruby and redis, arrrrcamp edition, javier_ramirez, teowaki

Page 1: Fun with ruby and redis, arrrrcamp edition, javier_ramirez, teowaki

Fun with


arrrrcamp 2013javier ramirez @supercoco9 arrrrcamp 2013

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javier ramirez@supercoco9

javier ramirez @supercoco9 arrrrcamp 2013

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friday hug anyone?

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hugs and hooks:

arrrr yousure ?

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ignaz semmelweis

javier ramirez @supercoco9 arrrrcamp 2013

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In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, in the expert's mind there are few.

Shunryu Suzuki

javier ramirez @supercoco9 arrrrcamp 2013

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myth: the bottleneck

javier ramirez @supercoco9 arrrrcamp 2013

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Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5520 @ 2.27GHz (with pipelining)

$ ./redis-benchmark -r 1000000 -n 2000000 -t get,set,lpush,lpop -P 16 -q

SET: 552,028 requests per secondGET: 707,463 requests per secondLPUSH: 767,459 requests per secondLPOP: 770,119 requests per second

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5520 @ 2.27GHz (without pipelining)$ ./redis-benchmark -r 1000000 -n 2000000 -t get,set,lpush,lpop -q

SET: 122,556 requests per secondGET: 123,601 requests per secondLPUSH: 136,752 requests per secondLPOP: 132,424 requests per second

javier ramirez @supercoco9 arrrrcamp 2013

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myth: arrrrRedis is just like memcached

javier ramirez @supercoco9 arrrrcamp 2013

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myth: rrrrRedis is for queues

javier ramirez @supercoco9 arrrrcamp 2013

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open source, BSD licensed, advanced key-value store. It is often referred to as a data structure server since keys can contain strings, hashes, lists, sets and sorted sets.

started in 2009 by Salvatore Sanfilippo @antirez

100 contributors at

javier ramirez @supercoco9 arrrrcamp 2013

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hacker meets thinker*

*@janogonzalez and @advi inspired slide

javier ramirez @supercoco9 arrrrcamp 2013

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The arrrrRedis Manifesto1.A DSL for Abstract Data Types

2.Memory storage is #1

3.Fundamental data structures for a fundamental API

4.Two levels of API

5.Code is like a poem; it's not just something we write to reach some practical result

6.We're against complexity

7.We optimize for joyjavier ramirez @supercoco9 arrrrcamp 2013

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basics: setting and getting

javier ramirez @supercoco9 arrrrcamp 2013

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basics: lists

javier ramirez @supercoco9 arrrrcamp 2013

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basics: counterrrrrs

javier ramirez @supercoco9 arrrrcamp 2013

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basics: hashes

javier ramirez @supercoco9 arrrrcamp 2013

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basics: sets

cool example about sunionstore

javier ramirez @supercoco9 arrrrcamp 2013

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Redis keeps everrrrrything in memorrrrry all the time

javier ramirez @supercoco9 arrrrcamp 2013

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Perrrrrsistance: RDB Compact binary formatSaves snapshots every few minutesGood for backups and synchronizing

If Redis crashes, a few minutes worth of data will be lost

javier ramirez @supercoco9 arrrrcamp 2013

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Durrrrrability: AOF

Log text formatConfigurable durabilityLarge file, can slow down startup

If Redis crashes, typically one second of data could be lost

javier ramirez @supercoco9 arrrrcamp 2013

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one master, several read-only slaves


Twemproxy & redis clusterjavier ramirez @supercoco9 arrrrcamp 2013

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single threaded, so no concurrency problems

transactions and lua scripts to run multiple operations atomically

javier ramirez @supercoco9 arrrrcamp 2013

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Scrrrrripting with luaYou can use Lua for scripting Redis when you need to atomically execute a sequence of commands in which the output of a command is used as input for another

It reduces the need to use complex lock mechanisms and simplifies dependencies between clients

You can even extend the functionality of Redis by using Lua scripts

javier ramirez @supercoco9 arrrrcamp 2013

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what's being used forrrrr

javier ramirez @supercoco9 arrrrcamp 2013

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Every time line (800 tweets per user) is on redis

5000 writes per second avg300K reads per second

javier ramirez @supercoco9 arrrrcamp 2013

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user info from gizmoduck(memcached)

user id tweet id metadata

write API (from browser or client app)

rpushx to Redis

tweet info from tweetypie (memcached + mysql)

your twitter timeline

javier ramirez @supercoco9 arrrrcamp 2013

fanout (flockDB)one per follower

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pinterest object grrrrraph

from mysql+memcached to redis

30% save on IOps

javier ramirez @supercoco9 arrrrcamp 2013

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per userrrrrRedis SortedSet, with timestamp as the score, is used to store the users followed explicitly. Redis SortedSet, with timestamp as the score, is used to store the users followed implicitlyRedis SortedSet, with timestamp as the score, is used to store the user’s explicit followersRedis SortedSet, with timestamp as the score, is used to store the user’s implicit followersRedis Set is used to store boards followed explicitlyRedis Set is used to store boards unfollowed explicitly

per boarrrrrdRedis Hash is used to store a board’s explicit followersRedis Set is used to store a board’s explicit unfollowers

javier ramirez @supercoco9 arrrrcamp 2013

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viacomObject dependency graph. Cache on steroids

Redis as a queue for background jobs

Activity tracking and view counts buffering before saving to mysql

Lua script working on a slave to recalculate ranking and popularity of contents, then send the data to master. The new process takes 1/60th less than the old one in mysql

javier ramirez @supercoco9 arrrrcamp 2013

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redis as a service on AWS

serving over 1000 customers with a single machine

javier ramirez @supercoco9 arrrrcamp 2013

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when things go wrong

javier ramirez @supercoco9 arrrrcamp 2013

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the instagrrrrram case

moving from redis to cassandra: 75% savings on servers

lesson learnt: know when redis is not appropriate

javier ramirez @supercoco9 arrrrcamp 2013

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the twilio case

credit card hell

lesson learnt: know what you are doing. Don't change config on the fly

javier ramirez @supercoco9 arrrrcamp 2013

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how teowaki is using redis

javier ramirez @supercoco9 arrrrcamp 2013

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Abusing sidekiq/resque

keep track of every activity in the system, even if you don't need them all right now:- every page view- every API request- every time a record is created/updated/deleted

benefits:- highly decoupled system- easier to divide into services- you can add behaviour without changing your app

javier ramirez @supercoco9 arrrrcamp 2013

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Some of our uses of LuaExpiring attributes inside a Redis hash

Inserting notifications into a list only if there are notpending notifications from the same user for the same scope

Paginating a list by an attribute

Manipulating JSON directly at the Redis layer

javier ramirez @supercoco9 arrrrcamp 2013

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Atomic counters can be safely invoked concurrently from anywhere, so you can implement “like” features, global sequences or usage monitoring systems in highly concurrent applications for free.

You can share your counters with any other internal application and still be sure they won't collide.

javier ramirez @supercoco9 arrrrcamp 2013

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Temporarrrrry dataRedis allows us to self expire keys after a time has passed. You can use this mechanism for a simple cache

If you operate on a key with expiration time, you can change its value and still keep the expiration going. By combining a decrementing counter with an expiration time, implementint usage quotas is trivial

We are controlling our API usage quota with a lua script following this pattern

javier ramirez @supercoco9 arrrrcamp 2013

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bloom filterrrrrsbloom filter: space-efficient probabilistic data structure that is used to test whether an element is a member of a set. False positive matches are possible, but false negatives are not.

Redis bit operations make easy to implement bloom filters

We are using bloom filters for checking uniqueness of user names without going to postgresql

javier ramirez @supercoco9 arrrrcamp 2013

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nginx + lua + redisapache + mruby + redis

Multiple levels of cache by using Redis on the webserver/middleware layer

javier ramirez @supercoco9 arrrrcamp 2013

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summarrrrrizing* Redis is more powerful than it seems

* Very fast, easy to use, simple, good documentation

* In-memory data structures, distributed, shared and persisted

* Good as data store, intermediate data store, cache or queue

* Lots of use cases, both in huge and smaller systems

You should probably use it a lot more

javier ramirez @supercoco9 arrrrcamp 2013

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<3 <3 <3Javier Ramírez


arrrrcamp 2013