Fun Food Facts Vol 1 -

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A collection of popular posts from - Visit for more new content7 foods that will help you sleep8 foods that aid weight loss 6 foods to lower blood levels and look after your heart8 superfoods to grow at home5 reasons fast food is more dangerous than you think5 cleaning hacks for the kitchen

Transcript of Fun Food Facts Vol 1 - A compilation of our monthly posts, visit for more!

8 Foods That Aid Weight Loss

1. Eggs

Despite the fear that eggs are high in cholesterol, studies show blood cholesterol is not negatively affected and they dont have any correlation with risk of heart attacks. High in protein and healthy fats help the body feel full with only a low amount of calories.

Try incorporating eggs with breakfast to increase satiety and provide nutrients throughout the day. Dont skip the yolk though, most nutritional benefits come from the yolk!

2. Kale

Almost any leafy or cruciferous vegetable is sure to be greatly beneficial to weight loss however kale is a superfood, heres why. Kale is low in calories and carbohydrates while being very high in fiber. It can be a supplement to nearly any meal adding volume and many nutritional benefits without adding unnecessary calories, many studies show meals with low energy density inhibit cravings making weight loss more subliminal.

Kale is also rich in antioxidants vitamins and minerals, superb for cardiovascular exercise and lowering cholesterol levels.

3. Yogurt

Regardless of what yogurt you enjoy its an excellent natural supplement to aid in weight loss, many studies show adding a small amount of yogurt to a diet will help reduce BMI and overall fat levels. Given that its an excellent breakfast meal when combined with fresh Fruit, add a little yogurt to your diet, after all, dairy foods are high in calcium, an excellent aid to fat loss.

4. Dark Chocolate

You may have raised your eyebrow at this one, however dark chocolate is actually surprisingly useful in stopping food cravings. A small amount of dark chocolate eaten between 2-3 hours before a meal causes less hunger, later a study group given a small amount earlier that day ate on average 15% less pizza later on. Unfortunately though the same does not apply to white and milk chocolate!

5. Salmon and oily fish

Salmon is packed with protein, healthy fats and many nutrients, it also manages to be one of the foods with the highest Omega-3 fatty acids per gram, great for reducing inflammation, which has a negative part to play in obesity. Studies have found oily fish lowers blood pressure while reducing fat build up in arteries, this means its awesome for protecting against cardiovascular disease. The government recommendation is at least two portions of fish per week however dont go overboard, there are maximum recommendations also.

Mackerel, Hemming, Salmon and Trout are all excellent examples of oily fish.

6. Chicken and Turkey

Being one of the best foods for its fulfilling properties many doctors recommend a diet high in protein. Chicken and Turkey are very high in protein, about 30 grams per breast. With a high protein diet, the body feels fuller for longer while cravings are dulled.

Studies show by increasing protein consumption, up to 100 more calories can be burned per day.

Poultry increases serotonin levels in the brain, enhancing moods and lowering stress, while Turkey is rich in tryptophan that supports melatonin production, a chemical necessary for falling into a deep sleep. Well rested people have more energy thus helping productivity and stronger workouts to supplement weight loss!

7. Cottage Cheese

As earlier stated dairy products are rich in protein and have many health benefits however cottage cheese is a cut above, being composed of little carbohydrate and fat it does an excellent job of filling you up without excess calories.

If youre vegetarian then you need not worry about not getting enough protein, 11g 100 grams of cottage cheese has just 98 calories but brings 11 grams of protein to the table, helping you feel fuller for longer. It also contains Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin B and B12 as well as 8% of the recommended daily Calcium intake.

8. Grapefruit

Fruit is an excellent addition to this list however grapefruit is my personal choice, upon studying its plethora of health benefits.

Studies have found that mice fed a high-fat diet gained 18 percent less weight when they drank clarified, pulp-free grapefruit juice compared with a control group of mice that drank water.

So there you have it, with good amounts of fiber and copious vitamin C grapefruit is a superfood when it comes to losing weight. Providing energy and helping to supplement fat loss through exercise grapefruit is a brilliant food for metabolism and does wonders for weight loss.

Honorable mention..


Incredibly, wine can be considered useful in aiding weight loss, the reason for this is the antioxidant found in the skin of grapes, Resveratrol. Managing to inhibit fat storage, studies show casual wine drinkers carry less around their waist and stomach than those who drink other types of alcohol! Drinking a small amount can burn more calories for nearly 2 hours!

The study was carried out by researchers from South China Agricultural University and Washington State University in the US. Funded by the National Institutes of Health.

Unfortunately though grapes contain much high levels of Resveratrol and should really be used over wine for weight loss!

As a general rule of thumb, following the 10-item hierarchy given by Matt Fitzgerald in Diet Cults highlights basic food groups and how healthy they are. This hierarchy is included below as a small yet easy guide to understanding what foods should be avoided and which are beneficial to losing weight. The order Descends in the quality of food.

VegetablesFruitsNuts, seeds and healthy oilsHigh quality meat and seafoodWhole grainsDairyRefined grainsLow quality meat and seafood (Animals fed an unnatural diet or not free range)SweetsFried foods

7 Foods That Will Help You Sleep

With the hustle and bustle of life causing more and more thoughts to circulate around your head sleep can sometimes be harder to achieve, worry not though, here are 7 foods that will you sleep.


Any dairy product is high in tryptophan, this natural substance is great at helping your brain produce melatonin, a chemical required for sleep, calcium is also very effective at reducing stress and stabilizing nerves. Being high in vitamin B, known for its excellent ability to calm the body and mind down, yogurt is a great choice for a bedtime snack.

Cream, cottage cheese, milk and small amounts of cheese are all great choices just before bed.


Cherries have been studied for their interesting effects on sleep, in one study, members were asked to drink a glass of cherry juice in the morning and a glass in the evening, after two weeks of this routine participants reported better sleep. The reason? Cherries are naturally rich in melatonin. So if youre looking to sleep better, have a handful of cherries or a glass of fresh cherry juice an hour before bed.


Despite the debate about whether Turkey will help you sleep it has vast amounts of tryptophan, an amino acid that promotes brain function and helps the body to drift off into sleep. The reason there is debate is turkey is high in protein, which in turn can restrict the ability of tryptophan entering the brain. This however can be easily combated by eating a small amount of carbohydrates with Turkey.

The insulin produced by carbohydrates allows tryptophan to pass through the blood-brain barrier, therefore allowing potential sleep promoting chemicals from turkey to enter the brain. So try oatmeal, brown rice or whole-grains with a little turkey before sleep.


Being rich in vitamins and basic in composition oats are very healthy and not just for sleep, high in calcium, magnesium and potassium. The latter is awesome at helping the quality of sleep you get. If you want a bit more taste with your oatmeal, try bananas or other foods low in sugar.

Oatmeal is also high in Vitamin D which increases serotonin levels in the brain, with serotonin being known as a happy chemical it alleviates anxiety and calms the brain and body down, allowing a restful, not stressful, night of sleep.


Known for its anti-anxiety benefits chamomile has been used in Eastern culture as an herbal remedy for many centuries. However a recent study has shown that it calmed mice significantly and reduced anxiety. Even in human studies its effect has been noted, the natural plant can reduce generalized anxiety disorders better than a placebo.

Try a chamomile tea 30 minutes before bed to drift off into a relaxed state of mind ready for sleep.


Lettuce in an excellent choice for a good nights sleep, being low in calories and high in vitamins. Its a great choice for a light snack at any time of day, however its sleep promoting quality is that it contains Lactucarium.

lactucarium is the milky fluid secreted by several species of lettuce, especially Lactuca virosa, usually from the base of the stems. lactucarium is known as lettuce opium because of its putative sedative and analgesic properties

Essentially lactucarium has sedative properties that affect the brain in a way not dissimilar to opium, try adding lettuce leaves to tea, or enjoy with a little pro-biotic yogurt at night-time, youd be surprised at how well it works!

6 Foods to Lower Blood Levels and Look After Your Heart

When looking after yourself the heart is an essential part of the body to really take care of, regular exercise is crucial to ensure a strong ticker, however here are 6 foods that can help you or your loved ones lower blood levels and look after your heart.


As a leafy vegetable spinach is naturally low in calories and high in fiber. Its nutrient dense filled with potassium and magnesium, both excellent for helping to support blood pressure levels while lowering high blood pressure. Try blending fresh spinach into a smoothie and enjoy throughout the day, or add a cup full to meal time.


Again potatoes are high in magnesium and potassium, potassium can help the body retain sodium while stores are low, and dispose of excess sodium when sodium intake is high, regulating sodium intake. Magnesium on the other hand is awesome for many reasons, more than 300 chemical reactions that occur to keep the body running optimally. However its heart benefit is its ability to lower high blood pressure and keep it low.

Try adding baked potato instead of rice or pasta as a base for larger meals and enjoy a reduced risk of heart disease and strokes.


Being an oily fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, a small amount of salmon can include up to 6 grams of heart-healthy fatty acids. Being easy to prepare and one of the most nutrient dense foods available today its a smart choice for everyone.

Helping to supplement diets salmon is high in pantothenic acid, also known as vitamin B5. A vitamin that is important in the creation of red blood cells, breaking down fat and producing energy. Its real hearty (he-heh) benefit is it regulates stress-related hormones that can increase blood pressure.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids and incidence rate of coronary artery calcification in Japanese men in Japan and white men in the USA

So add a little salmon to your diet, other oily fish is also a good choice however salmon is the best!


Consuming beans often is excellent for your heart, just a small amount is beneficial. The Journal of nutrition recommends just half a cup of most beans can lower cholesterol. Beans help to bind cholesterol while fiber is fermented, this restricts cholesterol formation.

Beans are also great for being rich in flavonoids, blends of plant metabolites believed to give many health benefits through cell signalling pathways while also giving antioxidant effects.

Beans are a super choice for lowering blood pressure, cholesterol and strengthening the heart while preventing strokes.


Most berries are great for the heart, specifically for womens health, recent studies suggest women aged 25 to 42 who ate three servings or more of blueberries per week had cut their risk of a heart attack by a third in comparison to those who had less.

Strawberries and blackberries are also excellent sources of antioxidants, that help delay cell damage. Berries also dilate blood vessels allowing more oxygen to be delivered around the body through blood.

Try adding blueberries in with your yogurt for a heart healthy snack.


Despite garlic needing to be used sparingly for your loved ones sake it reduces cholestorol and promotes blood flow. Garlic manages to dilate blood vessels meaning oxygen is transported around the body easily, dont try cut corners however, fresh garlic is much more beneficial than dried.

Add a small clove in to your evening meal to promote blood flow and lower cholesterol, but dont go overboard! A compilation of our monthly posts, visit for more!

8 Superfoods to Grow at Home

A superfood is a nutritious food thats beneficial for health, unfortunately though there is a myth many believe, that they come with a price. Heres our choice of awesome superfoods that can be grown at home.

1. Kale

Kale is fiber-rich and loaded with vitamin A and C which helps keep the skin a healthy glow, it contains antioxidants which restrict damage free radicals can do to the body. Kale is naturally high in magnesium, excellent for energy production.

Kale can be grown spring through to early summer.

2. Mint

Being notorious for its durability, mint is an excellent choice for less advanced gardeners, it doesnt need much caring for and its great for improving digestion. Mint is also known for improving cardiovascular function and breathing problems, as well as its ability to cure bad breath!

Mint can be grown indoors in winter or planted in the warmer spring.

3. Sweet potato

The Center for Science in the Public Interest recommends the healthiest choice for people to make when changing their diet, is to swap fatty foods with foods high in complex carbohydrates, the reason they have complex in their name is due to the way the body uses them, energy is used when needed, as opposed to being stored and potentially converted into fat later on.

Being rich in vitamin A, essential for healthy skin, eyesight, growth and reproduction, sweet potato is a great choice to replace rice or chips at meal time. Sweet potato wedges are easy to make and very healthy indeed.

Despite potatoes growing in the winter sweet potatoes prefer a warmer climate to thrive, plant sweet potatoes after spring, when the soil is warm.

4. Beets

Beets may be high in sugar but they purify the blood and contain betaine, a substance used to fight depression, theyre also high in tryptophan which contributes to better sleep and a more relaxed mind. Interestingly, beets are an aphrodisiac, they contain high amounts of boron, which is known to help with production of sexual hormones! With a low caloric density, try adding beets to your eating regimen to feel fuller for longer.

In northern America and Europe, beets generally grow well in the Winter.

5. Blueberries

Despite these little berries being quite expensive in supermarkets they can be grown in your home. With a vitamin rich profile and high in antioxidants blueberries are an excellent superfood. The university of Michigan studied rats to find whether the addition of blueberries had any effect on them. It turns out rats fed blueberries had less abdominal fat, lower blood fat and cholesterol than rats not fed the same.

Maine produces a quarter of all blueberries in North America, optimally from May until Early August.

6. Chia Seeds

Germinating just three weeks after planting chia seeds are a great option to grown at home, the carbohydrates from these little seeds are predominately fiber making them excellent for digestion and energy. For a plant food chia is composed of approximately 14% protein, making it one of the most protein rich. Many athletes incorporate chia seeds into their diet as it helps give them energy while being fulfilling and excellent in muscle recovery. Sprinkle a few onto your cereal and porridge in the morning!

Chia seeds thrive in a dry environment so Summer is the best month to grow them.

7. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are really simple to grow and are a staple in many meals, rich in folic acid these red globes are a smart choice for newer growers. Folic acid can prevent excess homocysteine in the body, which interferes with serotonin and dopamine (the happy chemicals). Studies have shown that diabetics who eat Tomatoes regularly have lower blood sugar due to the excellent source of fiber.

Tomatoes are warm weather plants so its best to sow the seeds in March.

8. Garlic

The first human use of garlic dates back over 7000 years, native to central Asia it has many health benefits proven through science. Studies show that garlic can help reduce the likelihood and severity of the common cold! The average length of symptoms decreased by 70%, just a day and a half in comparison to the 5 days in the placebo group. Consuming 2.56 grams of garlic per day reduced the days ill with a cold by 61%. If you do try to grow garlic however, grow some mint too!

Tomatoes are in season throughout Summer, from June to October.

5 Reasons Fast Food Is More Dangerous than You Think

Using a process call hydrogenation food companies make a fat thats more suitable for their products. However these solid fats affect the body in very damaging ways, heres our 5 Reasons Fast Food Is More Dangerous than You Think.

Damages Your Heart

90% of the US population get too much salt, the average American consumes about 3500 milligrams of sodium per day nearly a third more than the 2300 milligrams recommended. Excess salt in your diet can lead to many heart problems, mainly raising blood pressure and heightening the risk of a stroke or heart attack. Kidneys are also met with a greater workload, relieving the body of excess sodium. Salt intake is responsible for millions of deaths a year.

Increases the Likelihood of Bad Moods and Depression

The US and France are more dejected than third-world countries, proof that depression is getting more common in first world countries. Depression in the 10 highest-income countries in the study was 14.6 percent, this is partly due to peoples diet.

A 2012 study by the Public Health Nutrition followed 8,964 people with no background of depression, the results showed a correlation between their diet and the depression felt from it. The more fast food consumed the worse it made the participants feel.


Unfortunately those bad moods may get worse as more fast food is consumed. Australias School of Medical Sciences Head of Pharmacology, Professor Margaret Morris, co-authored a report that suggests eating fast food can change the brains response to signals linked with food reward.

This was managed by feeding one animal group a healthy diet of rat food, while a separate group was fed more human food such as pie, cake and cookies. After several weeks the rats in the junk food group weighed 10% more than the healthy group.

Recent studies show that dopamine is released when we eat salty and sugary foods, therefore the same pleasure centers that are activated by drugs and alcohol, are activated by food.

Obesity in Children

With a shocking 30 percent of North American children falling into the obese category, thats a 50 percent increase in 20 years, given the saying children are the future. We owe it to them to educate on the effects of overeating and the importance of a healthy nutritious diet.

Whats more shocking is a study completed by the Institute of Medicine in co-operation with the National Research Council, found that immigrant children are more healthy than American-born equal. The difference was found to be on diet, immigrant children eat more wholesome food including fruits and vegetables and less processed fatty food than their counterparts.

Processed Foods Are Loaded with Artificial Ingredients

It doesnt take much searching on the packet to find ingredients that sound like they belong on a pharmaceuticals site, this is generally because theyve been artificially manufactured to replicate certain purposes, whether that be a longer shelf life, or a more explosive taste.

The more processed the food the higher the chance of finding artificial ingredients such as;

Preservatives Chemicals that help the food achieve a longer shelf life.

Colorants Chemicals used to change the foods color

Flavors Chemicals that give the food an artificial flavor

Texturants Chemicals that change a foods texture

Only preservatives dont initially attempt to change the actual food to make it seem more appealing.

Manufacturers DO NOT have to show flavor blends as they are composed of already sanctioned artificial flavors.

With an incredible 65% of the worlds population living in countries where being overweight kills more than being underweight, we should make sure to prioritize healthy food consumption through media outlets and throughout our education system.

5 Cleaning Hacks for the Kitchen

Cleaning is a chore at the best of times, worry not though, heres Freyas Kitchens 5 Cleaning Hacks for the Kitchen.

Use Baking soda for a deep oven clean

The oven is probably the most important cooker in the kitchen, so it makes sense to look after it, sodium bicarbonate used in cooking, for cleaning, or in toothpaste, so its perfectly safe to use here! Simply add baking soda to a small amount of water and leave for at least an hour while a paste is formed. Then wipe away grimy surfaces with a damp cloth, burnt food wipes off much easier and even stains can be removed.

Baking soda can be used repeatedly as theres no danger of corrosion, so add a little baking soda to you cleaning routine, those stubborn areas will soon bend to your will.

H 2O 2

Hydrogen peroxide has a plethora of uses around the home, but you may not know it can be used to eliminate stains on the counters. Just add a few drops of Hydrogen peroxide and a few drops of ammonia to water and scour away, youd be surprised how well this works! You can also Spray hydrogen peroxide on glass surfaces to loosen dirt and grime.

Use salt to clean pans

With many pans consisting of cast iron its a good tip to use salt to clean them, just add a little oil and heat them up, when the pan has been heated add a generous amount of salt, let it cool for a couple of minutes and wipe away excess food. Rinse off all the mixture and use a small amount of vegetable or olive oil to restore.

Blend with washing up liquid!

If you use your blender often youre probably aware of how tedious it can be to clean, however it need not be. Just take the blender container, fill it with hot water (not too hot) and add a little washing up liquid, dry off any water on the exterior and let it blend! After 15 seconds just empty the water into the sink and rinse it out, awesome!

Lemon-aid for the microwave

Of all the appliances that need cleaning in the kitchen theres little more frustrating than the microwave. The high heats cause food to occasionally splatter on the metal sides and the heat makes it solidify, making it a nightmare to clean, however this little trick might help out.

Just fill a heat proof container and squeeze in the juice of one lemon, put it in the microwave and heat for 30 seconds, the slight acidity of the steam makes any grime easier to clean, while not damaging the innards of the microwave.

So there you have it,'s featured posts of the month Visit for more new content! Copyright