Fun Facts About Anatomy and Physiology 2

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  • 7/23/2019 Fun Facts About Anatomy and Physiology 2


    Fun Facts about AnatomyFun Facts about Anatomy

    & Physiology& Physiology

    Alan D. Morales, LAT, M.Ed.

    Athletic Trainer

  • 7/23/2019 Fun Facts About Anatomy and Physiology 2


    Skeletal System

    A human has a bone just after the spine ends, which helpsproves that humans once had tails (possibl!.

    "#$ of a human%s bones are in its feet. The onl bone in the human bod not connected to another isthe hoid.

    The lon&est bone is 'EM)*' or 'T+-+ /0E. The smallest bone is '1TA2E1' present in middle ear E0AMEL teeth! is the hardest part of our bod.

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    Muscular System

    t ta3es 45 muscles to smile, 67 to frown and 65 muscles to1TA*E.

    The lar&est muscle in our bod is the -luteus. 8aw muscles can provide about "99 pounds of force to brin&the bac3 teeth to&ether for chewin&.

    The human bod has over :99 muscles, 69$ of the bod%swei&ht.

    The lon&est muscle in the human bod is the 1artorius.

    +uman bodies produce 59 3& of AT2 (a molecule that storesener&, permittin& us to do nearl everthin& the bod does!per da.

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    Integumentary System

    49$ of human dr wei&ht comes frombacteria.

    A fin&ernail or toenail ta3es about :months to &row from base to tip.

    A human bein& loses an avera&e of 69

    to 499 strands of hair a da. An avera&e human scalp has 499,999


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    Integumentary System

    londes have more hair than dar3;hairedpeople.

    Each s

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    Integumentary System

    +umans shed about :99,999 particles

    of s3in ever hour ; about 4.# pounds

    a ear. +umans shed and re;&row outer s3in

    cells about ever "5 das.

    The lar&est human or&an is the s3in,with a surface area of about "# s

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    Nervous System

    A human head remains conscious forabout 4# to "9 seconds after it is been

    decapitated. A human%s scent membrane in the

    nose is about the si=e of a posta&e

    stamp. f ou &o blind in one ee, ou%ll onllose about one;fifth of our vision (butall our depth perception!.

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    Nervous System

    The human brain is about >#$ water.

    There are 6# miles of nerves in the s3in of a humanbein&.

    0E*?E1 can send impulses at a speed of 7:93m@hr.

    0/1E can smell "999;6999 different smells.

    Ears can detect 4#99 different sounds.

    +)MA0 EE can detect 49,999 colors. ou can visuali=e a "99 de&ree wide an&le.

    The maBimum amount of times we blin3 a da isabout 79 minutes.

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    Circulatory System

    An individual blood cell ta3es about :9

    seconds to ma3e a complete circuit of

    the bod. the time ou turn 59, our heart will

    have beat some two;and;a;half billion

    times The most common blood tpe in the

    world is Tpe /. The rarest, Tpe A;+.

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    Circulatory System

    There are four main blood tpesC A, , Aand / and each blood tpe is either *hpositive or ne&ative. lood tpes in the )1C

    / positive 7>.6$ / ne&ative 5.5$ A positive 7".7$ A ne&ative :.#$

    positive F.6$ ne&ative 4.5$ A positive 7."$ A ne&ative 9.5$

  • 7/23/2019 Fun Facts About Anatomy and Physiology 2


    Circulatory System

    There are :9,999 miles of blood

    vessels in the human bod.

    The +EA*T pumps "5F6F.7 liters of

    blood ever da.

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    Respiratory System

    A cou&h releases an eBplosive char&e

    of air that moves at speeds up to :9

    mph. A snee=e can eBceed the speed of

    499 mph.

    The left lun& is smaller than the ri&htlun& to ma3e room for the heart.

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    Urinary System

    An avera&e human drin3s about 4:,999 &allons of water in a lifetime.

    An avera&e person uses the bathroom: times per da.

    Lab tests can detect traces of alcohol

    in urine siB to 4" hours after a personhas stopped drin3in&.

    The +EA*T and GD0E are the onlparts in our bod which never rest.

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    igestive System

    4.5 liters of saliva is produced each da.

    A health individual releases 7.# o=. of &as

    in a sin&le flatulent emission, or about 45o=. in a da.

    A person will die from total lac3 of sleep

    sooner than from starvation. Death will

    occur about 49 das without sleep, while

    starvation ta3es a few wee3s.

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    igestive System

    Ever person has a uni

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    Repro!uctive System

    At a&e sevent, 57$ of men are still potent. The avera&e duration of seBual intercourse for humans is "

    minutes. Accordin& to the Ginse nstitute, the bi&&est erect penis on

    record measures 47 inches. The smallest tops off at 4 7@6inches.

    Most men have erections ever hour to hour and a half durin&sleep.

    The male fetus is capable of attainin& an erection durin& thelast trimester.

    1emen contains small amounts of more than thirt elements,includin& fructose, ascorbic acid, cholesterol, creatine, citricacid, lactic acid, nitro&en, vitamin 4", and various salts anden=mes.

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    Repro!uctive System

    The avera&e bra si=e toda is 7:H.

    Ten ears a&o it was 76.

    Iomen who went to colle&e are moreli3el than hi&h school dropouts to

    enjo both the &ivin& and receivin& of

    oral seB. +umans are the onl species on earth

    that have face;to;face seB.

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    Repro!uctive System

    abies are born with 799 bones, but b adulthoodwe have onl "9: in our bodies.

    /ne in ever "999 babies is born with a tooth.

    2re&nanc in humans lasts on avera&e about "59das (from conception to birth!.

    A fetus ac

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    "n!ocrine System

    Lau&hin& lowers levels of stress hormones and stren&thens theimmune sstem.

    The &lands of the endocrine sstem and their secretion (or thehormones the produce! influence cell and function of our bod.

    -lands in endocrine sstem secrete major hormones directl in thebloodstream. mportant &lands of endocrine sstem includeChpothalamus, pituitar, throid, adrenals etc..

    The hormones (which are often called chemical messen&ers! thatare released b &lands in endocrine sstem are ver crucial tore&ulatin& different sstems of our bod includin& our mood and&rowth. thin3 there are more than "9 major hormones which are

    secreted b &lands in endocrine sstem. Endocrine sstem controls the bod processes that happen slowl,

    li3e cell &rowth. -lands from this sstem form si&nalin& pathwas. (endocrine


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    #ymphatic System

    The lmphatic sstem returns about 7.45

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    $ther Interesting Facts

    44$ of the world is left;handed.

    4 out of ever 447 people in the world will

    die in "995. About 49,999,999 people have the same

    birthda as ou.

    Ever time ou lic3 a stamp, ou%reconsumin& 4@49 of a calorie.

    +umans have 6: chromosomes, peas have

    46 and crafish have "99.

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    $ther Interesting Facts

    /n avera&e women sa 5,999 words

    per da. Men mana&e just over "999.

    The human bod has enou&h fat toproduce 5 bars of soap.

    t is impossible for most people to lic3

    their own elbow. (tr itK!.

    TI/ LL/0 /D HELL1 wear out

    and are replaced everda.