Fulford Carroll 1998 SAfrica

, 1 /k &v/cc,e Ocse, Q(\p^ EDGEHfAD 7/f£f/ Sooth •Tel : OH -^7'J-L'SS7977_--gr^ APRIL, 1998 STiec/jTcic, /^. -7^r.S/S"-t7p-;26^4 First I want to apologize profusely for not getting -this newsletter out to you sooner. I have been suffering with prolonged bouts of illness, both in my groin and in ny abdanen, both of which left me so weak I could hardly move. But I praise the Lord for so many v^o were praying for me I While I was in severe abdominal pain, Stan Reid, fran one of rr^ Bible Study groups in MITCIW.T *S PLAIN, was sent by God to come and pray for me, and the Lord heard his prayer. Now I want you to know I was just like old blind Batimaeus vdio cried out "JESUS, SON OF DAVID, HAVE MERCY ON me: " Last Friday I went off on pension fran iry day job at the FAFMERS' CO-OP, since I will be 63 in May. I thanked than for allowing me to use their caiputer for the last 10 years to key in iry Bible SumiBry for Young People- As a token of ny appreciation I presented them with two plaques: one containing ISAIAH 9 fran the Old Testament, and one containing 1 CORINTHIANS 13 fran the New Testament. I gave them sane background to these scriptures, and read than. Afterwards on of the Marketing Managers thanked me for the message. I have new corpleted the text for my Bible Sunmary, and am looking forward to getting it published. I also hope to spend more time on Bible Study, teaching and preaching. I want to thank each one of you for yourconcem for the Lord's work here in Cape Tcwn, South Africa, as well as your prayers and your generous support. I knew that God will richly reward you for putting His kingdom first in your lives, At ALOE ROAD in LENTBGEUR I brought a message on the subject: WHO IS GCD?" We looked at the concepts of Eternity and the Trinity, and discussed God's nature, and his plan for man. I also reviewed Paul's sermcn on THE UNKNOWN GOD, and concluded with the question: "Do you know him?" //f/fj

Transcript of Fulford Carroll 1998 SAfrica

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/k &v/cc,e Ocse, Q(\p^EDGEHfAD •

7/f£f/ Sooth•Tel : OH -^7'J-L'SS7977_--gr^

APRIL, 1998

STiec/jTcic, /^.


First I want to apologize profusely for not getting -thisnewsletter out to you sooner. I have been suffering withprolonged bouts of illness, both in my groin and in nyabdanen, both of which left me so weak I could hardly move.But I praise the Lord for so many v^o were praying for me I

While I was in severe abdominal pain, Stan Reid, franone of rr^ Bible Study groups in MITCIW.T *S PLAIN, was sentby God to come and pray for me, and the Lord heard hisprayer. Now I want you to know I was just like old blindBatimaeus vdio cried out — "JESUS, SON OF DAVID, HAVE MERCYON me: "

Last Friday I went off on pension fran iry day job at theFAFMERS' CO-OP, since I will be 63 in May. I thanked thanfor allowing me to use their caiputer for the last 10 yearsto key in iry Bible SumiBry for Young People-

As a token of ny appreciation I presented them with twoplaques: one containing ISAIAH 9 fran the Old Testament, andone containing 1 CORINTHIANS 13 fran the New Testament. Igave them sane background to these scriptures, and read than.

Afterwards on of the Marketing Managers thanked me for themessage. I have new corpleted the text for my Bible Sunmary,and am looking forward to getting it published. I also hopeto spend more time on Bible Study, teaching and preaching.

I want to thank each one of you for yourconcem for theLord's work here in Cape Tcwn, South Africa, as well as yourprayers and your generous support. I knew that God willrichly reward you for putting His kingdom first in your lives,

At ALOE ROAD in LENTBGEUR I brought a message on the •subject: WHO IS GCD?" We looked at the concepts of Eternityand the Trinity, and discussed God's nature, and his plan forman. I also reviewed Paul's sermcn on THE UNKNOWN GOD, andconcluded with the question: "Do you know him?"


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Ihe Aloe Road chiarch is new launching a series of BibleSeminars i:ip the WEST OQAST of SCXJIH AFRICA, and they haveasked me to prepare the lessons. These will includelessons on God, Christ and the Holy Spirit; followed by alook at Man, Satan, Sin, and God's Plan of Salvation; withpractical lessons on Prayer and Bible Stucfy; and an in-deplock at the Church, and the Time of the End.

It was iry great delight to meet up again with BROTHERNTCBI this month. We worked together quite a lot in thepast. He got ny phone number from Ron Butler, v^o isheading up the TEE Program in South Africa (TheologicalEducation by Extension). Brother Ntcbi is working withchurches in BISHOP LAVIS, KHXAUTSHA, MFULENI," ASHTCN andHEFMANUS, v^ere they recently put up a new church building.He would like me to use seme of ny newly acquired "sparetime" to help him with Bible teaching and preaching inthese areas, and he has also offered to translate ny BibleSunmary into XH06A.

Another door vMch the Lord is opening up is ny oldstaiping grounds of PORT ELIZABE7EH on. the rragt- t-n t-hAeast. Brother NELSOW T(HC9iA, v^o is working with thechurches there, has asked me to ccme and conduct a seriesof meetings with them early next year.

At our home cell meetings here in EDGEMEAD, one of themembers prophesied that the Lord would be opening avAiole new ministry for me. Well, that certainly seons tobe the easel I just want to ask you to pray that He willgive me the grace and the strength to fulfill these tasks.

While working on Isaiah 9 in ny Bible Summary, I got astrong feeling that this would lend itself well to poetry.But I had no idea hew to set it out, so I prayed for theLord to lead me. After that the words just seaned to ccme.When I was finished, I read it throu^ twice, and I criedboth times! I would like to print it here for you, and Ihope that it will bless you as much as it blessed me.

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9.1 ZdDiilun and NajAitali,God will treat contenptibly;But one day in Galilee,Miere the road runs to the sea —GGD mii SEM) HIS GliORY!

9.2 Folk vAio live in darkness deep,Where the shadows round them creep.Will awaken frcm their sleep.And they'll see a bright light sweep —FLOODINa THEM WITH GliORYJ

9.3 Israel will be great again.Filled with joy that shines throu^ pain.Like the joy of reaping grain.Or the thrill of looting men,SPREADING OUT THEIR STORY:

9.4 God will break the chains that bind,ArKiiiie^v*feip^ that-cracks--behind,Like the Midianites found outWhen old Gideon gave a shout —LEADING MEN TO GLORYl

9.5 Bum the boots of mighty menlBum the jackets badly stainedWhere the dead lie on the sod.With their garments rolled in blood —PITIFUL AND gory:

9.6 For to us a CEDCLD is bom —

And to us a SON is given.All authority is his.WCMDE!RFUL this OCUNSETTOR!MIGHTY G(® above is he!EVERIASTING FATHER too —


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9.7 And his kingdcm never ends IHe will rule us fairly, friends,From the throne of David grandHe'll bring peace to every land!This is vAiere the world will stand,WITNESSING GOD'S GLORY!

750 years were to go by — then Jesus caite! Andin him the world was to see the greatest display ofGod's glory ever shewn to man! If there was everany doubt of ^e love of God, all doubt was ronovedat the cross. Though he was rich, for our sake hebecame poor, and he gave up his life, that we mightbe saved. Let us give him all the praise, all the honorand all the GLORY — forever!

May God richly bless you, and guide you, as youcontinue to serve Him.

Yours in the Master's name,

^ J ^ ^ ^

• /fc ^

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(ctSi'H-Hi. '^li-i,'7J Jii^i>

FROM SUNNY SOUTH AFRICA we bring yougreetings for a Blessed Christmas, and we pray that God willguide you through the New Year! We want to thank you for yourprayers and support over the past year. We know that Godwill supply all your needs through His riches in glory byChrist Jesus. We ask you to send personal letters to our homeaddress above, but urge you to send all contributions to ourForwarding Agent. We want to give Shirley Camp a big THANK YOUfor her good work, and believe me it's a lot of work!

God has opened an effective door for the Gospel right onthe edge of CENTURY CITY in Cape Town. This is a new development right across the road from us, which is set to become ^eLAS VEGAS OF THE SOUTH! We already have contacts in VictoriaPalms and Summer Greens, which are housing areas in CENTURYCITY. Last week Otto Kingsley of the Leprosy Mission and myselfvisited the Mabaso family in Victoria Palms. Steven is fromthe SOTHO tribe, and Busi is from the ZULU tribe. Yes, youguessed it — South Africa is well and truly mixed now! Butthis is good, because we can reach these people here with thegospel, and they can go back to their home tribes and spreadthe message of Christ there! God works in wonderful ways.

I one of seven men working on the opening of the newwork in SUMMER GREENS. I have been put in charge of BibleTeaching- in the area. I have already done some teaching inthe home of Una van der Merwe in Summer Greens.

My Sunday School superintendent from Observatory, CapeTown, passed away recently, and I was asked to bring a messageat his funeral. Brother Jim Solomon, one of my fellowmissionaries, was also there. I used PSALM 90 from my new

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Bible Summary, STRAIGHT TALK FROM GOD, and one of the menasked for a copy of it. Here's a copy for you too;-

1, LORD, THROUGH EVERY GENERATION you have been our God and home!Long before you made the mountains or the seas began to foam.You are God without beginning, and your days will never end.At a word from you we wither, going back to dust again.

4 Yet a thousand years to you Lord, are no longer than a day!We are like the grass of morning, that by evening fades away!You spread out our sins before you. You can see them every one.While o\ir days grow long and weairy till the setting of the sun!

10 Sixty years and ten you give us, or perhaps another ten;But the best of them have troiables and so soon we're gone again!

Which of us can truly fear you? Teach us Lord to count our days.Then we'11 see how short our life is, and we'11 give you all our prai

13 O sweet Savior come and bless us! How long will you turn away?In the morning show us kindness — Give us joy till end of day!Turn our bad times into good. Lord. By yo\ir power lead us on!

Let our children see your glory, as in golden days, long gone!-0-

Before my retirement from the FARMER'S CO-OP in June I madea print-out of my complete Bible Summary from their computer,and have now just finished writing in my final corrections.Lord willing, in January they will copy it all onto disks for me,and I hope to be eible to buy my own computer in May next year.The cost over here is about $1,000, but my son Timothy ischecking prices in the States for me. Any help that you couldgive towards this cost would be very much, appreciated!

20 church ministers from MITCHELL'S PLAIN a^ed me thisyear to come and bring some lessons to them at Faith Chapel. Ibrought them lessons from the book of Romans, as well as myoutline Bible Study chcirt — "ALPHA & OMEGA." They would likeme to bring a series of lessons to them each week in the comingyear. Please pray for this project. I have also brought somehome Bible lessons here in Edgemead. Children sometimes come tovisit me, and I tell them that the most important thing for themto know is that Jesus loves them.

On Saturday we are putting up a tent in SUMMER GREENS, andinviting people to come in for prayer.

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THE HEART OF THE GOSPEL is that God loves each one of

us so much, that He sent His only Son to die for usl I amnot ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, because here wesee the mighty power of God to take away our deepest anddarkest sins, when we commit our lives to Christ.

Let's be brutally honest here. We have all sinned.We have all fallen short of God's standard for our lives.

There is no exception here. There is no way that I canclaim that my life is O.K. It is not. But while I was asinner — while I was God's enemy — He loved me so much thathe sent His Son to die for mel That's love. That is


When I hear God calling me, and turn away from my sin,and open my heart to Jesus, then another amazing thing happens:

I become a member of the body of Christ, and his blood

flows through me, washing away my sin. I also receive theHoly Spirit of God, and I actually become a part of AlmightyGod Himself! This is such an amazing concept that if God didnot promise it, we could never believe it!

Let's see how this comes out in the Bible — quoting fromRomans 5.9 and 8.3 — "STRAIGHT TALK FROM GOD."

Je^s*Christ, "dying on; eajrtji-^ ^*brt5u^^ us into h right relationship

»wa^th the heart of a loving God*' Je3«bl'-Christ.f llVing M'^Wver^ .

will deliver us from

th^ wrat^ •of "^'' &ngry Goc^I^*.^ *^GoS^did som^-^^*ng for us

that we .could never do for ourselves,

i ^jjie- put i^j|^raction«.teis, qwn *pA^ to.save usfrbm the'deadly virus of sin.' ^

He .sent His son to sliare". our - human nature.

^ «i^^e,^^^cted JesjSte^fclTri^s^t into feAe life-stream of mankindlike a serum (an anti-body),♦ to build'hp a resrstance^^and immunity

to the virus' of* sin'^n'side us.. By his sacrifice on the cross,^\ Jesu^ donatej^ his dwi^ 'precious life-blood

• * t6 give uS ttfe aiitiStotS'to sin!


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This Tuesday at Summer Greens we met again for furtherplanning to plant a church in the area«

On Thursday morning (Hey, I'm on pension now, so I cango out in the mornings tool) Otto Kingsley and I made a callin VICTORIA PALMS at the home of Busi Mabaso to bring a BibleReading, a message, and a prayer for blessing on the home.Then we called in MILNERTON at the home of Franlisa, whoruns a courier service. We witnessed to her about the gospeland had a time Of prayer with her too.

Kobus Roelofse and his son Brian have been distributingleaflets throughout the CENTURY CITY area inviting the folkto a tent PRAYER AND GOSPEL CRUSADE this week-end. I havevolunteered to serve on Saturday afternoon, praying for thepeople who respond and come to our tent.

We ask you earnestly to please keep our labors in mindas we minister to the people of Cape Town, holding high thebanner of Christ. Your prayers and your support, which havesustained us in the past, will help us to carry on this ministryin 1999, Lord willing.

May the Lord guide you in the coming year. And a specialthanks to Duane from Oregon for sending $90 to celebrate hisDad's 90th birthday this past year. We're looking forward to$91 this coming year! Thanks brotherl God bless you all.

%Uct 44^^ .

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