Fulfillment Planning Skills Workshop€¦ · Fulfillment Planning Skills Workshop What Is...

Fulfillment Planning Skills Workshop What Is Fulfillment Planning? Fulfillment planning enables individuals to connect who they are with what they do. Fulfillment activities teach students the decision-making and balanced work/life planning skills required to create a more meaningful life. Fulfillment planning is the second step in Bridges’ Explore Plan Achieve method for self- management of educational and work transitions. What Do Educators LEARN in Bridges’ Fulfillment Planning Skills Workshops? Each workshop participant will be able to: 1. Use personal motivations to make decisions. 2. Create two different balanced work/life plans. 3. Analyze present-day work/life fulfillment. 4. Establish a foundation for teaching the Snapshots TOMORROW lesson activities to individuals, small groups, and/or classrooms. 5. Define measurable outcomes and key steps for implementing a student planning program. What Are the ACTIVITIES in Bridges’ Fulfillment Planning Skills Workshops? Fulfillment Planning Skills Workshop Agenda Introduction – overview the day’s activities, meet other workshop participants Review Exploration – update exploration tools, review Explore Plan Achieve Decision-Making: Priorities – hands-on with Lesson 1 of the Snapshots unit Decision-Making: Personal ‘Fit’ – hands on with Lessons 2 and 3 of the Snapshots unit Balanced Work/Life Planning – hands-on with Lessons 4 and 5 of the Snapshots unit Balanced Work/Life Planning: Today – hands-on with Lesson 6 of the Snapshots unit Teaching Snapshots – a review of the Snapshots outcomes, activities, and evaluation process Next Steps – implementation planning for integration of Snapshots in your school Evaluation/Reflection – teaching educators to create personal meaning from learning activities Summary – a review of workshop outcomes, final comments What is Snapshots TOMORROW? Snapshots TOMORROW is a six-lesson set of activities (8 to 10 hours) to teach young people skills for fulfillment planning. Every workshop participant leaves with the lesson unit and a set of black-line masters for the student workbook. The lessons are designed to enable each student to demonstrate the following: Snapshots TOMORROW Fulfillment Planning Outcomes Students will be able to: 1. Prioritize a top 10 work interests list. 2. Analyze the “fit” of five work interests to personal motivations/skills. 3. Prioritize a top 10 life interests list. 4. Create three different personally fulfilling work/life plans. 5. Analyze present-day education for “fit” with personal motivations/skills How Does This Workshop Relate to Other Bridges Products and Services? Choices Explorer – The lessons provide skill development applications to the Choices Explorer exploration tool. However, these lessons can be used with any exploration-oriented product. Student Achievement Series – Snapshots TOMORROW is the second lesson set featured in Bridges emerging workshop series that supports the ‘Explore Plan Achieve’ method for planning and self-management. Snapshots TODAY, focused on exploration, is also available. Future workshops and lesson sets are planned for many other vital skills, including post-secondary planning, financial management, test taking skills, and job search. Contact your Bridges regional manager at 1-800-281-1168 to plan how you can bring the teaching of exploration skills to your students! Professional Services Workshops Student Achievement Series

Transcript of Fulfillment Planning Skills Workshop€¦ · Fulfillment Planning Skills Workshop What Is...

Page 1: Fulfillment Planning Skills Workshop€¦ · Fulfillment Planning Skills Workshop What Is Fulfillment Planning? Fulfillment planning enables individuals to connect who they are with

Fulfillment Planning Skills Workshop

What Is Fulfillment Planning? Fulfillment planning enables individuals to connect who they are with what they do. Fulfillment activities teach students the decision-making and balanced work/life planning skills required to create a more meaningful life. Fulfillment planning is the second step in Bridges’ Explore Plan Achieve method for self-management of educational and work transitions. What Do Educators LEARN in Bridges’ Fulfillment Planning Skills Workshops? Each workshop participant will be able to:

1. Use personal motivations to make decisions. 2. Create two different balanced work/life plans. 3. Analyze present-day work/life fulfillment. 4. Establish a foundation for teaching the Snapshots TOMORROW lesson activities to individuals,

small groups, and/or classrooms. 5. Define measurable outcomes and key steps for implementing a student planning program.

What Are the ACTIVITIES in Bridges’ Fulfillment Planning Skills Workshops? Fulfillment Planning Skills Workshop Agenda

Introduction – overview the day’s activities, meet other workshop participants Review Exploration – update exploration tools, review Explore Plan Achieve Decision-Making: Priorities – hands-on with Lesson 1 of the Snapshots unit Decision-Making: Personal ‘Fit’ – hands on with Lessons 2 and 3 of the Snapshots unit Balanced Work/Life Planning – hands-on with Lessons 4 and 5 of the Snapshots unit Balanced Work/Life Planning: Today – hands-on with Lesson 6 of the Snapshots unit Teaching Snapshots – a review of the Snapshots outcomes, activities, and evaluation process Next Steps – implementation planning for integration of Snapshots in your school Evaluation/Reflection – teaching educators to create personal meaning from learning activities Summary – a review of workshop outcomes, final comments

What is Snapshots TOMORROW? Snapshots TOMORROW is a six-lesson set of activities (8 to 10 hours) to teach young people skills for fulfillment planning. Every workshop participant leaves with the lesson unit and a set of black-line masters for the student workbook. The lessons are designed to enable each student to demonstrate the following: Snapshots TOMORROW Fulfillment Planning Outcomes

Students will be able to: 1. Prioritize a top 10 work interests list. 2. Analyze the “fit” of five work interests to personal motivations/skills. 3. Prioritize a top 10 life interests list. 4. Create three different personally fulfilling work/life plans. 5. Analyze present-day education for “fit” with personal motivations/skills

How Does This Workshop Relate to Other Bridges Products and Services?

Choices Explorer – The lessons provide skill development applications to the Choices Explorer exploration tool. However, these lessons can be used with any exploration-oriented product.

Student Achievement Series – Snapshots TOMORROW is the second lesson set featured in Bridges emerging workshop series that supports the ‘Explore Plan Achieve’ method for planning and self-management. Snapshots TODAY, focused on exploration, is also available. Future workshops and lesson sets are planned for many other vital skills, including post-secondary planning, financial management, test taking skills, and job search.

Contact your Bridges regional manager at 1-800-281-1168 to plan how you can bring the teaching of exploration skills to your students!

Professional Services Workshops Student Achievement Series

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1Copyright © 2004 Bridges Transitions Inc. All rights reserved.

Snapshots TOMORROW: Educator Workbook

Introductory Activity: Work Advisor

1) Tell students the first type of work you ever dreamed of doing. Tell them things you did to try to make that dream become a reality. Let them know that you may have had other dreams (if you believe that to be true!), but that they are difficult to remember. It would be great if you had some “snapshots from the inside” of the things you thought would be interesting to do.

2) Let each student know that the Snapshots TOMORROW project is focused on creating records of their current plans and thoughts about the future. If they don’t really have any plans, this project is going to help them put some together. Several years in the future, these snapshots are going to be fabulous pictures of the person they think they are going to become.

3) Hand out the Work Advisor sheets, one for each person. Tell students they are going to play the role of an advisor to a fictional person, helping them to decide which one of several choices would be the best future work for them.

4) Give students five minutes to review individually, analyze and make a decision for each of the two scenarios on the Work

Advisor sheet.

5) For Person #1 (Bill Melater) ask the whole group which type of work they would advise. As each student speaks, request a rationale for their decision. Don’t give a “right” answer. Rather, encourage students to seek connections between who a person is and what they would choose to do.

Introduction/Top 10 WorkLesson One

Fulfillment Planning Outcome: Prioritize a Top 10 Work Interests list

Lesson Purpose

To introduce students to the Snapshots personal fulfillment unit and to organize interesting work into a prioritized top 10 list

Lesson Outcomes

Students will be able to:1) Appreciate the value of the Snapshots TOMORROW unit2) Prioritize their top 10 work interests in order3) Advise others about work priorities


1) A Work Advisor sheet for each student2) The Snapshot Nine activity sheet from the Student

Portrait Book3) The Snapshot 10 activity sheet from the Student

Portrait Book

This lesson seeks to introduce students to the value of taking “snapshots” of their plans, dreams and personal priorities at this time in their life. It also enables students to practice prioritizing personal work interests. If your students can organize work interests according to personal priorities, the lesson will have been successful.

Snapshot Nine Activity: Making Choices: Work

Snapshot 10 Activity: Your Favorite Work

(15 - 20 minutes)

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Snapshots TOMORROW: Educator Workbook

6) For Person No. 2 (Penny Loafer), let students work in groups of three or four to reach consensus on what they believe the best decision would be. In all cases, keep the focus on the reasoning behind the decision. Avoid “right” and “wrong” opinions.

7) Inform students that each of them is going to put their own work interests in order of priority, just as they did for Bill and Penny. But first, they’re going to practice putting types of work in order.

Development Activity A: Priority Practice -- Work

1) Refer to Snapshot Nine of the Student Portrait Book. Tell students they are going to practice prioritizing types of work. Have them look at the first set of six types of work – each starting with the letter “A.” Using only what they know about each type of work, ask them to put a “1” in the My List column beside the work that they believe they would like the most. Next, place a “2” beside their second favorite, and a “3” beside their third favorite type of work.

2) Before students begin prioritizing, ask one student to rank their top three out loud as a demonstration. Ask them to explain why they made the choices they did. In addition, remind them of the standards you will use when you evaluate the snapshot. These can be found on page 4 of these lessons. Once the demonstration is complete, give students five minutes to rank all six occupation sets, from A – F. Ask them NOT to complete the favorites on the bottom – yet.

3) Once each student has completed their rankings, ask them to compare their choices with five other people in the room. Encourage them to compare with people they have not compared with in previous lessons. Each time they compare with a person, they try to guess his/her number one choice. They then write that person’s top three rankings on their sheet.

4) When students are done, ask them to evaluate their data and see which types of work were popular (or unpopular) with the majority. Ask them to speculate why that is true. Also ask how many thought about their motivations and skills when they were ranking these. Encourage them to do that as part of their thinking in the future.

5) Ask students to review the 36 occupations listed on Snapshot Nine. If those were all of the types of work in the world, which would be their favorite type of work? Which would be their second and third choices? Have students complete the ranking individually and write them in at the bottom of Snapshot Nine.

6) Tell students that the three favorites they chose may not be the best match for their motivations and skills. They are making decisions primarily based on the title of the job. The only way to effectively find meaningful work is through experience and good research. They’ll get an opportunity to do some research in Snapshot 11.

Development Activity B: My Work Top 10

1) Refer to Snapshot 10. Tell students they are going to prioritize the top 10 work interests they identified in the Snapshots TODAY project. If students would like to make changes to types of work named in this list, they are welcome to! If students have not completed Snapshots TODAY, you’ll need to have students create a top 10 work interests list through other means. They’re going to put these various types of work in order, using a “comparisons” table. In this table, they compare each occupation to one other, until 45 one-on-one comparisons have been made. At the end, one type of work will be the favorite, another second favorite, and so on.

2) Demonstrate how to use the table. Compare occupation A to B and circle the preferred occupation. Then compare C to D, etc. Be very clear on how to mark the favored choice. Let students complete the worksheet.

(20 - 30 minutes)

(15 minutes)

Page 4: Fulfillment Planning Skills Workshop€¦ · Fulfillment Planning Skills Workshop What Is Fulfillment Planning? Fulfillment planning enables individuals to connect who they are with

3Copyright © 2004 Bridges Transitions Inc. All rights reserved.

Snapshots TOMORROW: Educator Workbook

3) Remind students of the standards you will apply when you evaluate this snapshot. They can be found on page 4 of these lessons.

Reflective Activity: Classroom Clusters/ Reflection

1) Have students write the name of their number one choice from Snapshot 10 on a full-sized sheet of paper. It must be written so other people can see it without them having to say it out loud. Tell students they are going to make a “classroom cluster.” Everybody is a walking piece of work and they must form logical work clusters with others whose number one work interest is similar in motivations and skills. For example, a forensic psychologist could logically team up with a school counselor, a probation officer and a social worker, all of them being helping professionals.

2) Once the students are grouped, have each group tell the whole class why they clustered together. After explaining the nature of their cluster, ask students to look around their cluster to see if any of the other work titles would interest them. If yes, have students ask that individual a little about the type of work.

3) Ask students to group one more time, this time clustering for a completely different reason. Repeat the follow-up process from the last step.

4) Tell students they will be keeping a Snapshots Journal during this unit. A journal page can be found in their Student Portrait Book. This journal will be submitted to you at the end of the unit. Ask students to write answers to these three questions:

a. Do you find it easy or difficult to make decisions when prioritizing types of work? Explain your answer.

b. Why do you think some types of work are popular and others are not? Would you do an unpopular type of work if you enjoyed it and were paid a lot of money? Explain your answer.

c. How many of your top 10 work interests would you consider doing later in life? Explain your answer.

(20 - 30 minutes)

Page 5: Fulfillment Planning Skills Workshop€¦ · Fulfillment Planning Skills Workshop What Is Fulfillment Planning? Fulfillment planning enables individuals to connect who they are with

Work Advisor

Person No. 1: Bill Melater

Bill has a tough decision. He has four different summer job opportunities and does not know which one to choose. He has asked you to help him prioritize them.

You ask him what he wants from his life. He says his top five motivations are family, outdoor recreation, music, money and helping little kids.

You ask him what he has to offer these employers. He says his top five skills are physical coordination, organizational skills, creativity, leadership skills and listening to others.

Finally, you ask him what his four job opportunities are. He tells you:

(a) Recreation Center Leader – Lead soccer and baseball sports camps for 10- to 13-year-olds all summer. Workday: 12 noon to 8 at night.

Pays $2/hour over minimum wage.

(b) Auto Shop Cleanup – Clean cars and shop floor in an autobody shop. Also mow the lawns and keep front entrance weed free. Owner is a family friend.

Workday: 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Pays $5/hour over minimum wage.

(c) Summer Camp Helper – Help with pre-organized summer camp activities for six- to eight-year-olds at a weekday summer camp, including crafts, drama activities, sports, music, etc.

Sleep at camp Monday to Thursday. Pays minimum wage.

(d) Mowing Lawns – Sell 20 neighbors on lawn care once a week. Averages 90 minutes per lawn. No deals set up yet – big opportunity – nobody’s doing this in the neighborhood.

Work whenever lawn is available. Pays $15/lawn/week.

In your opinion, what is Bill’s best choice and why?

Person No. 2: Penny Loafer

Penny doesn’t know what to do. She has a part-time job (12 hours a week) at the mall working in a clothing store. The job gives her enough money (minimum wage) to keep her car and still be successful in school. The manager has asked her to consider becoming an assistant manager at the store, and he’s willing to work around her classes. That job will pay $3/hour over minimum wage and offer 24 hours of work each week.

In addition, her friend’s mother is looking for students to be part of a research team evaluating the declining fish stock in a local river. The research project would last eight months, require 15 hours a week on the river after school and would pay $6/hour over minimum wage.

As if those choices aren’t hard enough, Penny has been offered a chance to go on a student exchange to Switzerland. She would leave her job and go to school in Switzerland for six months, and her host student would return to stay with her six months later.

You ask Penny what she wants from her life. She says her top five motivations are adventure/risk, education, environment/nature, loyalty and meeting new people.

You ask her what she has to offer the world. She says her top five skills are people, investigative/research, problem-solving, writing and public speaking skills.

What should Penny do, to accompany her focus on school?

(a) Clothing Store Employee -- keep her part-time job

(b) Assistant Manager -- take the promotion at the clothing store

(c) Research Project -- join the research team on the river

(d) Student Exchange -- go to school in Switzerland

4 Copyright © 2004 Bridges Transitions Inc. All rights reserved.

Snapshots TOMORROW: Educator Workbook

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Making Choices: WorkSnapshot Nine Activity

Types of Work

AccountantActorAdventure TherapistArson InvestigatorAstronomerAutomotive Technician

Baker/ChefBank ManagerBereavement CounselorBike DesignerBiomedical EngineerBuilding Inspector

CardiologistCarpenterChief Executive OfficerComputer AnimatorCrime Scene TechnicianCruise Director

Dance Therapist Database AdministratorDentistDirector of Player OperationsDisc Jockey/Video Jockey Dude Ranch Operator

EconomistEditorial CartoonistElectronics TechnologistElementary School TeacherEnvironmental ScientistExecutive Assistant

Fashion DesignerFighter PilotFinancial PlannerFootball Referee Forensic PsychologistFreelance Writer

My List One Two Three Four Five

Favorites: 321

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Snapshots TOMORROW: Educator Workbook

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Snapshots TOMORROW: Educator Workbook

Your Favorite WorkSnapshot 10 Activity

10 Work Interests

(A) (B) (C)

(D) (E) (F)

(G) (H)


A - B C – D E – F G – H I – J

C – B D – E G – F I – H A - C

B – D E – G F – H C – E D – F

G – I J - H D – A B – E C – F

D – G E – H F – I G – J E – A

J – B C – G D – H I – E J – F

D – I C – H G – B A – F E – J

C – I D – J B – H A – G H – A

A – J I – A C – J I – B F – B



Top 10 Work Interests

1 2 3

5 6 7

9 10