Frozen data!072614

Frozen Data! Yet the show must go on! I wish I could help U on source code for youth element! Even I could, social concept on monopsychism would not let it be! Jungian problem of individuation suggests humanity of all life forms interconnect with the structure of autonomous psyche- nervous systems which gather, organizes experiences and shared in common based on “predisposition” of the unconscious based on inherited species. http :// St. Thomas Aquinas begs to differ in his “Aristotle - “On The Soul”, Individual intellect cannot be independent of his physical body. My penny thoughts is a chicken and eggs argument. Carl Jung traces humanity in the early formation, as the mind links to ideas and motivation into collective unconsciousness, energy that traces toward eternity. St. Aquinas traces individual spiritual and soul toward eternity, a training throughout a life time. Communism has its own values in mass motivation in order and stability coping with crisis and poverty, yet in bounty would it still stand? Who would like to have chowder soup day in day out? See more Monopsychism: Albert the Great, Siger of Brabant, and Thomas Aquinas: A reevaluation of Latin Averroism and the monopsychism debate at the University of Paris in the late 13th century -bryson-paperback/wapi/118070507#product_details

Transcript of Frozen data!072614

Page 1: Frozen data!072614

Frozen Data! Yet the show must go on!I wish I could help U on source code for youth element!

Even I could, social concept on monopsychism would not let it be!

Jungian problem of individuation suggests humanity of all life forms interconnect with the structure of autonomous psyche- nervous systems which gather, organizes

experiences and shared in common based on “predisposition” of the unconscious based on inherited species.

St. Thomas Aquinas begs to differ in his “Aristotle - “On The Soul”, Individual intellect cannot be independent of his physical body. My penny thoughts is a chicken and eggs argument. Carl Jung traces humanity in the early formation, as the mind links to ideas and motivation into collective unconsciousness, energy that traces toward eternity. St. Aquinas traces individual spiritual and soul toward eternity, a training throughout a life time. Communism has its own values in mass motivation in order and stability coping with crisis and poverty, yet in bounty would it still stand? Who would like to have chowder soup day in day out? See more Monopsychism: Albert the Great, Siger of Brabant, and Thomas Aquinas: A reevaluation of Latin Averroism and the monopsychism debate at the University of Paris in the late 13th century

Page 2: Frozen data!072614


To My Psionic Soul Sister Troy:

On media “directive” social micromanage”, i.e. the issue legalizing marijuana

Another Cigarette vs. marijuana. Bottom line, counselors out R U running for R position or R U trying to “educate”

individuals to quit smoking, live healthy yet unhappy?! although unhap Why R directive ends up with mass addition to a graver

wickier habit?2/ Commercial and Hollywood chicka-dee-dee-dee-dee baby boomers. How to curb this generation’s habits of

consumerism, indifference, planners and designers-Change them into DOERS?