Front Material Designing Writing Editing Assignment Sheet(1)


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Transcript of Front Material Designing Writing Editing Assignment Sheet(1)

Page 1: Front Material Designing Writing Editing Assignment Sheet(1)

Assignment Summary: Using your Original Writing Sample as your source material, you will draw design inspiration from one or two publications (ideally ones that fit with your professional profile) and develop front material for it by utilizing Adobe InDesign, a professional-grade publishing software, demonstrating a thoughtful and visually appealing layout and design as well as an awareness of the style consistent with that publication.

Front Material Designing, Writing, + EditingDue: 4/9 Value: 20%

Resources:• Your own writing and your writing skills• Your experience as readers of professional publications• Your InDesign skills • The Reading + Writing Center and The Digital Studio

Procedure:1) First, you’ll need to select a publication to draw from and make yourself familiar with its subject matter, writing style, and visual design elements. You’ll want to select a venue that is a good fit for the text you have composed.2) Second, drawing on the Edited Original Writing Sample you have composed, you will use InDesign to create an appropriate visual design that fits this publication and effectively frames your text; 3) Third, email me two things: i) your final digital revised draft as a PDF file ii) your 1-page + rhetorical rationale;4)Fourth, submit to me in class an example of the publication you were drawing from; this will be returned to you.

Assessment:Your grade for this assignment will be based on a number out of 20. A grade in the 20-18 range represents excellent work that surpasses expectations for the assignment; a grade in the 16-17 range represents very good work that accomplishes the assignment successfully; a grade in the 14-15 range represents satisfactory work. I will assess your work based on three factors:1) Quality of Writing and Editing: The most crucial element for success in this assignment. I’m looking for how effectively you compose and revise the text for clarity, coherence and polish as well as how appropriate the topic is for the venue; successful writing will also assume the appropriate tone or voice for the publication. 2) Appropriate/Effective Visual Design: I’m looking for how well you effectively frame your text in visual elements; I will also be looking for how well the design is reflective of the publication’s style. Some of you are new to InDesign; how well you use the software will not be part of this assessment, but, rather, your intent with your design.3) Rhetorical Rationale: This 1-page+ rationale is an opportunity to describe to me your intentions with your design, your writing process, and your reflections on your experience, considering the relationship between writing and design. This is a crucial part of this assignment because it frames the way I read your submission.