FROM THE DEPTH OF MY HEART - Ezekiah Francis - NEWS Jul 2015.pdf · Please see the pictures and...

Berachah Prophetic Voice - July 2015 Berachah Prophetic Ministries #81, 4th Cross Street Senthil Nagar, Kolathur Chennai - 600 099 OUR ADDRESS PHONE (+91-44-2650 1290 (+91-44-2650 1390 EMAIL [email protected] Life time subscription Inside India - Rs.1500 Other Countries - $300 Yearly subscription Inside India - Rs.150 Other Countries - $30 FROM THE DEPTH OF MY HEART... Dearly Beloved, Greetings in the mighty name of our resurrected Lord Jesus Christ! Our God is reviving His work in the midst of the years, even of this year (Hab.3:2). Hallelujah! What is your part in it? Avail at least these remaining months to do something for the Kingdom of God. Don’t be entangled in worldly affairs but give yourself fully to His eternal purpose. Spend more time in God’s Word and Presence. The Holy Spirit wants to take you higher and higher from one level of glory to another level of glory. Expect and experience the supernatural. Thank you so much for your wonderful support and prayers. The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will also be watered himself (Pr.11:25). You will definitely experience a breakthrough as you keep standing with God’s purposes for the nations. Our auditorium extension work is going on smoothly without any problem. We need 4.5 crore to finish this project. We need your valuable prayers and support. Please see the pictures and details in this issue. Open your heart and hand generously for this Kingdom work. It is not that we seek your money, but we seek the fruit that abounds to YOUR account (Phil.4:17). We are postponing our Liberty School which was to be held in the month of July, due to the ongoing construction work and the spiritual and physical danger it poses on the students. We will soon announce the dates for our next Liberty School. For updates please watch our website and Facebook page Dr.EzekiahFrancis. th rd Our ‘Holy Ghost Explosion’ seminars will be held in Mumbai from September 30 to October 3 and in Bhopal th rd from October 20 to 23 . The dates for seminars in other states will be announced soon. Prepare, pray and participate. berachah prophetic voice monthly magazine WEBSITE 3

Transcript of FROM THE DEPTH OF MY HEART - Ezekiah Francis - NEWS Jul 2015.pdf · Please see the pictures and...

Page 1: FROM THE DEPTH OF MY HEART - Ezekiah Francis - NEWS Jul 2015.pdf · Please see the pictures and details in this issue. Open your heart and hand generously for this Kingdom work. It

Berachah Prophetic Voice - July 2015

Berachah Prophetic Ministries #81, 4th Cross Street

Senthil Nagar, KolathurChennai - 600 099



(+91-44-2650 1290(+91-44-2650 1390

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Life time subscriptionInside India - Rs.1500Other Countries - $300

Yearly subscriptionInside India - Rs.150Other Countries - $30


Dearly Beloved,

Greetings in the mighty name of our resurrected Lord Jesus Christ!

Our God is reviving His work in the midst of the years, even of this year (Hab.3:2). Hallelujah! What is your part in it? Avail at least these remaining months to do something for the Kingdom of God. Don’t be entangled in worldly affairs but give yourself fully to His eternal purpose. Spend more time in God’s Word and Presence. The Holy Spirit wants to take you higher and higher from one level of glory to another level of glory. Expect and experience the supernatural.

Thank you so much for your wonderful support and prayers. The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will also be watered himself (Pr.11:25). You will definitely experience a breakthrough as you keep standing with God’s purposes for the nations.

Our auditorium extension work is going on smoothly without any problem. We need 4.5 crore to finish this project. We need your valuable prayers and support. Please see the pictures and details in this issue. Open your heart and hand generously for this Kingdom work. It is not that we seek your money, but we seek the fruit that abounds to YOUR account (Phil.4:17).

We are postponing our Liberty School which was to be held in the month of July, due to the ongoing construction work and the spiritual and physical danger it poses on the students. We will soon announce the dates for our next Liberty School. For updates please watch our website and Facebook page Dr.EzekiahFrancis.

th rdOur ‘Holy Ghost Explosion’ seminars will be held in Mumbai from September 30 to October 3 and in Bhopal

th rdfrom October 20 to 23 . The dates for seminars in other states will be announced soon. Prepare, pray and participate.

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Page 2: FROM THE DEPTH OF MY HEART - Ezekiah Francis - NEWS Jul 2015.pdf · Please see the pictures and details in this issue. Open your heart and hand generously for this Kingdom work. It

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God is expecting YOU to rise up from your place and to shine for His glory. Please contact our office for further details.

We are receiving testimonies almost every day from our dear School of the Holy Spirit students, both men and women, who are challenging the kingdom of darkness with mighty words and deeds. If you are ready to spend three months in the Presence of God you will reap a real life-time transformation. Get ready and come for our three months

st thSchool of the Holy Spirit from August 1 to October 30 . Apply online today itself.

Ten days in the upper room made the early Apostles world shakers. Ten days in the Short Term Intensive Course th ndfrom August 12 to 22 will also definitely make you a world shaker. By the grace of God, more than 45,000 ministers

were trained through this BPM program. Why can’t you be one among them? Decide today and apply immediately.

Continue to pray for Europe and for God’s clear guidance how to impact Europe. Pray for all the programs in this year and also for me and my wife, for our ageing parents, as well as for our leaders and staff. May the Lord Almighty establish your territory and make you a blessing to the nations. Be the head and never again the tail. Lend to nations and never borrow again. Let the blessings run before you and overtake you, in Jesus Name!

Yours in Christ,

Page 3: FROM THE DEPTH OF MY HEART - Ezekiah Francis - NEWS Jul 2015.pdf · Please see the pictures and details in this issue. Open your heart and hand generously for this Kingdom work. It

Dr. Ezekiah Francis

For you are a holy people to the LORD your God; the LORD your God has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a special treasure above all the peoples on the face of the earth.

Who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works (Dt.7:6; Tit.2:14).

Life in Christ places you far above all people of this world (Dt.28:13). As a Covenant partner, you are unique and extraordinarily special above all people in the sight of God. This expression, ‘above all peoples’ or ‘above all nations’, appears at least six times in the book of Deuteronomy (Dt.7:6,14; 10:15, 14:2; 26:19; 28:1). Your God is above all gods. As His own special people, you are above all the people of this world. Don’t allow satan to paint a poor picture about you. See yourself in the mirror of God’s Word. What you believe about yourself decides your behavior.

Above all in holiness: You are above all the people in holiness. God has separated and sanctified you before you were formed in your mother’s womb, even before the foundation of the world (Jer.1:5; Eph.1:4). You can never identify yourself with the world (Ro.12:2; Jas.4:4; Jn.17:17). Your talk and walk are totally different from others (Eph.2:11; Col.3:5-7; 1.Pe.1:18). Your style and smile are different (1.Pe.3:3-5; Phil.4:4). Your marriage and manners are different (2.Co.6:14; Est.3:8). Your diet and discipline are different (Dt.14:1-21; Ac.15:20.29; 1.Co.9:24-27). Your goal and role in life are different

(Eph.4:11; Phil.3:13-14; Heb.1:1-2). Your look and taste are different (Ac.11:26; Eph.4:22). You are exclusive and elite (Da.1:20; 6:3)! You are sacred, consecrated and divine. You are not a mere human (Jn.10:34-36). Because of your highest privilege, God expects higher standards from you. Because of their distinctiveness, the Israelites were not allowed to mingle with other nations by marriage (Ez.9:2). God didn’t allow His holy seed to mingle with the people of the world (Ex.19:6; 22,31). Even the circumcision was given as a sign of separation and uniqueness (Dt.10:15-16).

Above all in selection: You are not an accident in this world. You are foreknown and foreordained by the Creator of heaven and earth. You are predestined and specially called from all eternity (Ro.8:29-30). You are accepted in the Beloved (Eph.1:6). He has seen you as an embryo in your mother’s womb and marked you, and He has ordained your calling even in your mother’s womb (Ps.139:16; Jer.1:5). Maybe you found Him a few years ago, but remember, He chose you before you chose Him (Jn.15:16). His selection is not based on any merit from your side (Ro.9:11-13). It’s not because of your intelligence, your high status, your cleverness, your righteousness – it’s just the pure grace of God (1.Co.1:26-31). This love surpasses our understanding (Eph.3:19). You need the help of the Holy Spirit to comprehend God’s love and grace that has picked you and placed you above all the people of all ages.

Above all in specialty: You found special grace in the eyes of your Creator. If people under the Old Covenant were God’s special people, how much more you under the better Covenant. You are God’s peculiar people and peculiar treasure. Though your Father makes His sun raise on the evil and on the good, sends rain on the righteous and on the

Berachah Prophetic Voice - July 2015


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unrighteous, you are not equal to others (Mt.5:45). They are the beneficiaries, you are the owner. They beg for rain, you command the rain. They worship sun and moon and seek their guidance, you can command the sun and moon to stop. You are the apple of God’s eyes (Dt.32:10; Ps.17:8; Zec.2:8). You are His signet ring (Hag.2:23). You are His royal diadem (Isa.62:3). You are His costly jewel, His special possession (Mal.3:17). You are His scepter and throne (Ps.110:2; Ps.22:3; 1.Co.3:16). You are His royal Bride (2.Co.11:2; Rev.19:7; 21:9). You are the very precious member of His Body (Ro.12:5; 1.Co.6,15). You are His bank and insurance company (Eph.1:18). If you are not special, who else is?!

Beloved, everything you do must be above ordinary. Your self-image is truly a super-image. People must admire you saying, ‘What manner of man is he!’ (Mk.4:41; 2.Pe.3:11). When the enemy intimidates you next time, say boldly, “Should such a man as I flee?” (Neh.6:11)!

Thank You, Lord, I am a special treasure to You above all people. LORD, You have chosen me for Yourself, for Your special treasure. I know that Your are great, and You are above all gods. I am a holy person to You. You have chosen me to be a person for Yourself, a special treasure above all the peoples on the face of the earth, because I am in Christ.


Ex.19:5; Ps.135:4-5; Dt.7:6

You shall be blessed above all peoples; there shall not be a male or female barren among you or among your livestock. And the LORD will take away from you all sickness, and will afflict you with none of the terrible diseases of Egypt which you have known, but will lay them on all those who hate you.

…raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus… far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that

is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come (Dt.7:14-15; Eph.2:6; 1:21).

Life in Christ is far above all people in every way. It is a totally distinguished life. God made even His Old Covenant people far above all the other nations. You, the Better Covenant partner, are more blessed than anybody who ever lived on this planet. Accepting this truth is boasting in the Lord and exulting in His workmanship (1.Co.1:31; Eph.2:10). Let us continue to meditate how we are above all people of the earth.

Above all in blessing: Throughout this book, God explains how His people are more blessed than all the other people. His people would be fruitful, free from sickness, victorious, defeating their enemies, etc. (Dt.7:14-24). Indeed, you are blessed above all people. Your God distinguishes His people from others. You are more blessed than anyone else in this world.

Your greatest blessing is your Savior. You are blessed with all His fullness. You are blessed spiritually for Your God has blessed you with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ (Eph.1:3). You are blessed intellectually for Christ has become your wisdom, and in Him dwell all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (1.Co.1:30; Col.2:3). You are blessed materially for your God gives you richly all things to enjoy (1.Ti.6:17). You are blessed socially for even your enemies shall make peace with you (Pr.16:7). You are blessed mentally for you have the mind of Christ (1.Co.2:16). You are blessed physically for by the stripes of Jesus you were healed (1.Pe.2:24). You are blessed emotionally for God has not given you the spirit of fear, but of power, love and of a sound mind (2.Ti.1:7). You are blessed financially for your Jesus became poor that you through His poverty might become rich (2.Co.8:9).

You are blessed, your house is blessed, your vessels are blessed, your cattle is blessed, your vehicles are blessed, your children are blessed, your servants are blessed – everything you are and everything you have is blessed beyond limit! Believe it! Proclaim it! Appropriate it! Live it!

Above all in His delight: You are God’s greatest heart desire. God chose you not out of compulsion but out of pure love and delight. Hear what He said to Israel, “The

Berachah Prophetic Voice - July 2015

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LORD delighted only in your fathers, to love them; and He chose their descendants after them, you above all peoples, as it is this day” (Dt.10:15). The Owner of heaven and earth delighted in you. He delighted in Abraham, and you are his seed (Ga.3:29). He delighted in His Son Jesus, and you are His beloved.

Can you believe that your God enjoys you as the bridegroom rejoices and enjoys his bride (Isa.62:5). As a mother enjoys her little one, and as a father relishes his child, your Father is enthralled by you. You are God’s Hephzibah (Isa.62:4). He enjoys your presence. He relishes your song. He is thrilled by your voice (SS.2:14). Your way is His delight (Pr.11:20). Your prayer is His delight (Pr.15:8). Your Savior was daily His delight, and He is the only one who fully pleased your Father (Pr.8:30; Mt.3:17). He always pleased Him (Jn.8:29). When you came to Christ, you became God’s delight. You are now well accepted and well pleasing to God, just because you are in the Beloved (Eph.1:6). Your God smells Jesus in you (2.Co.2,15-16). He sees His righteousness in you (2.Co.5:21). When He looks at you, He sees His Son Jesus. When

you pray, He hears His Son’s voice (Ga.4:6). Just because God’s delight is in you, you are far above all people. Rejoice now! Don’t allow the devil to lie to you that God is angry or upset with you like a hard taskmaster. You are not a sinner in the hands of an angry God! You are a beloved son in the arms of your loving Daddy! Rejoice!

Beloved, Mephibosheth, the lame son of David’s bosom friend Jonathan, found grace in the eyes of David. David showed him kindness for Jonathan’s sake and made him to dine with him at his table continually (2.Sa.9:6-13). It’s not Mephibosheth’s worth or merit, it is David’s delight and joy in Jonathan (2.Sa.1:26). No matter who you are, because of your Savior’s sake, you became God’s delight. Enjoy His delicacies!

Thank You, Lord, I shall be blessed above all peoples. Indeed heaven and the highest heavens belong to You, also the earth with all that is in it. Yet You delighted only in our fathers, to love them; and You chose me after them, above all peoples, because I am in Christ.

Dt.7:14; 10:14-15


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Rev.Benita Francis

Modern confusions

Another extremely cunning trick of satan is to confuse people with many different Bible translations. Nowadays, many feel called and entitled to bring out their own Bible translation, and the technical revolution has made that very easy. If you look deeply, some translations take out many references to the saving Blood of Jesus, or to the powerful weapon of fasting, and many such things. What is the ultimate purpose of satan, the master deceiver behind all this? Well, he wants to do to you exactly what he did to Eve in the Garden of Eden: “Has God really said…???”

He wants to destroy your faith and trust in the Word of God! Why? Simple. Because he knows that only the Word of God is your firm foundation to stand on. Most importantly, God’s Word is your only offensive weapon in the spiritual warfare you are engaged in, whether you know it or not (Matthew 7:2-25; Ephesians 6:13-17).

Many years ago, I was dismayed about a spiritually very weak church in Switzerland. Their pastor had Parkinson’s disease, and so I attributed the state of the church to the pastor’s physical health problem - until I saw the Bible he used. He and the entire church were using only a very watered-down, modern translation in the dialect of their region. Now I understood both his physical weakness and the general state of the church. Of course he couldn’t get healed! Of course the church couldn’t live in victory! The Sword, which is God’s Word, had lost its sharpness, and the devil had an easy playground (Ephesians 6:17).

I will never forget the first time I came to India in 1998. I was about to climb up on a huge stage in an open air meeting in Trichy, Tamil Nadu. I was the translator for South American revivalists, supposed to translate them from Spanish into English. Since English is not my native language, I had bought a beautiful leather-bonded NIV Bible.

People in Christian bookshops in Germany had counseled me to buy this Bible since it was easier to understand than the King James Version (KJV) or the New King James Version (NKJV). Before preaching, I was told we would minister on Ephesians chapter 6, the armor of God. So I looked it up in my beautiful, new NIV. What I read there shocked me deeply. The translators had taken out so much of the power and meaning of God’s Word! It had become so shallow that my conscience wouldn’t allow me to use that Bible. I asked the preacher to wait for me, ran to the bookshop with my sari almost falling off me, and bought a new NKJV Bible.

Upon further investigation, I found out that the NIV Bible had been translated by a board of linguists, not by born-again, Spirit-filled believers. Think about it. Jesus said, “…The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life” (John 6:63). The writer of the letter to the Hebrews says, “For the Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12).

The great apostle Paul explains it even more clearly by saying, “But the natural man does not receive the things


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of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned” (1 Corinthians 2:14). A “natural man” simply means a person who has not had the experience of salvation, of the new birth by the Word and the Spirit of God. Can you see it? A person to whom the things of the Spirit are foolishness and who CAN not know and receive them - HOW can such a person translate the Bible!?!?!?

So… should you not even read modern translations? Isn’t that old KJV totally outdated, much too difficult to understand? Well, since the Word of God is such a powerful, living thing, don’t you think you should make sure you get it in all its true meaning and clarity, not adulterated by personal opinions of translators?

Think about it. The entire universe was created by the Word and is being upheld by the Word of God’s power (Hebrews 11:3; 1:3). The cunning serpent deceived Eve by asking, “Has God indeed said?” (Genesis 3:1). God’s Word is holy and of utmost power. It must be kept as pure as possible. So if you find it difficult to understand the KJV, read also a new translation, but never read it alone. After reading one paragraph in a new translation, check with the KJV to see if this is really what was written originally. I guarantee, you will be shocked many times at the omissions or mistranslations you will find!

Talking about omissions… Do you know another very successful strategy of satan? In Germany, we had a group that started very powerfully, with many healings and good faith teaching. They got a good name by translating many books of seasoned men of God and bringing their teachings into Germany. Many believers even gave up their jobs and houses and moved to that little village to attend their Bible school.

Unfortunately, the leader was a young convert who had not gone through the process of discipleship and brokenness needed for a stable, successful life and ministry (1 Timothy 3:6). At first, all seemed well. Then they started teaching that we don’t need the Old Testament any longer. Their believers were taught to read only the New Testament.

All Scripture!?

The next step was that even the Gospels were not to be read, since they speak about the time before the resurrection. The argument was that this was still Old Covenant, but we live under the New Covenant, the better Covenant - which is very true, praise GOD (Hebrews 8:6)! They didn’t want believers to be confused. They didn’t want any mixture between Old and New Covenant, which is commendable. Of course, the Old Testament is the shadow, the New Testament is the substance which is Christ (Hebrews 10:1). It must be read through the New Covenant, keeping in mind that Jesus has become our eternal sacrifice and fulfilled all righteousness (Matthew 3:15; Hebrews chapters 8 to 10).

I strongly recommend you get our Daily Devotion “See Yourself in Christ - Every Day”, available at

. On our Facebook page you can get a little

appetizer of it every day. This strong, balanced spiritual diet will keep you well fed and on track to fulfill your calling in these End Times.

Let us come back to Germany. A little later, even the Acts of the Apostles were banned. Only the epistles are God’s Word for today’s Church, was their argument.

The self-appointed “apostle” actually did plant churches and also took many existing churches under his umbrella. People were drawn by the hundreds through healings and miracles that happened in his ministry. Not long afterwards, he started teaching that he was “the” apostle, that he received special revelations, and that his revelations were more important than the Bible. According to him, the whole Bible was outdated. The only present truth were the revelations he was receiving.

Very soon, ever stronger witchcraft powers kept the people in fear and bondage. Those who dared question that “apostle” were threatened verbally. Many had visitations and spiritual experiences as I have heard from disciples of the late Hindu guru sai baba. Leaving the organization which had turned into a cult became increasingly difficult. People were told they would lose their salvation if they left “God’s appointed apostle”. Only he had the right doctrine. Only through him they could find salvation. Leaving him meant eternal condemnation. Wow!

To my shock, many good Christians believed that! They had come under that power of deception and delusion. Good believers became bewitched and confused

Berachah Prophetic Voice - July 2015

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to the point of accepting that jealousy was a work of the flesh that had to be killed. How? Spouses had to find other partners, sit on their laps, kiss and touch them, and they had to watch all of that without any jealousy. Countless marriages were destroyed. Adultery and fornication were rampant. Thousands of well-meaning believers were deeply hurt and traumatized.

All of that could have been stopped in the very beginning. It could have been discerned before it became so powerful that it could destroy so many Christian lives and homes. How? Very easy. By taking heed according to God’s Word, as Psalm 119:9 exhorts us to do. 1 Timothy 3:1-6 gives us the desired characteristics of a bishop, a spiritual leader. See verse 6:

6 not a novice, lest being puffed up with pride he fall into the same condemnation as the devil (1 Timothy 3:6)

Even more revealing is the warning from 2 Timothy 3:16-17:

16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness,

17 that the man of God may be complete,

thoroughly equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

Can you see it? ALL Scripture!?! That means, the ENTIRE Bible! All is God-inspired! All is profitable! For what? For the perfection and equipping of a servant of God! Guess who wants to avoid that? Correct. Always the very same somebody who has made it his aim to steal your life. Satan hates the idea that a believer could become an effective servant of God. To avoid that, he steals God's Word from our lives - step by step, as fast as we are willing to follow him.

Let me ask you. Has he started working on you already? Is he convincing you that you don’t need the Old Testament or other parts of the Bible? Is he stealing your life by stealing the Living WORD that created the entire universe and upholds it (John 1:1; Revelation 19:13)?!?

Please take out your Bible. Read it from cover to cover. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you what He wants to teach you through every page you read. Remember, the great apostle Paul did not tell the Corinthians to just forget the Old Testament. All the opposite! See for yourself:

1Moreover, brethren, I do not want you to be unaware that all our fathers were under the cloud, all passed through the sea,

2 all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the

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3 all ate the same spiritual food,

4 and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them, and that Rock was Christ.

5 But with most of them God was not well pleased, for their bodies were scattered in the wilderness.

6 Now these things became our examples, to the intent that we should not lust after evil things as they also lusted.

7 And do not become idolaters as were some of them. As it is written, “The people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play.”

8 Nor let us commit sexual immorality, as some of them did, and in one day twenty-three thousand fell;

9 nor let us tempt Christ, as some of them also tempted, and were destroyed by serpents;

10 nor complain, as some of them also complained, and were destroyed by the destroyer.

11 Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come.

Can you see it? Isn’t this extremely clear and specific? For OUR example and admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come! The Old Testament is especially and specifically for us who have the privilege to live in the End Times!

All Scriptures make us complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. God does not want us to be unaware of what happened to the old saints. Why? It is for our example and admonition, for a victorious life in these End Times.

Do you still have any doubt WHO wants to steal this precious, powerful Bible from you??? Don’t let him steal your life! Become complete and thoroughly equipped! Be warned of satan’s tricks and traps he used against the old saints so that you won’t fall prey to them! GET a life - preferably your own!

After all these warnings, let me give you a promise God gave me many years ago when I was in a desperate situation, very confused by different doctrines, in danger of being kicked out of my church for the truth on deliverance from demons:

17 If anyone wants to do His will, he shall know concerning the doctrine, whether it is from God or whether I speak on My own authority (John 7:17)

OOOOH… WHAT a relief this precious Word was to me!!! God promises me that if my heart is right, if I don’t have my own agenda or ambitions, if I REALLY want to love and please God, HE HIMSELF will protect me from error, deception and delusion! WHAT a blessing, what a wonderful promise, especially in these End Times we are living in!

What can you do to avoid being deceived? How can you make sure you are successful in your spiritual life from which flows everything else? Please never forget: Only if you are successful in your spiritual life and your relationship with God, you will have lasting success in all

God’s promise

How to become deception-proof

scientific, downright practical and Life transforming book for the youth.

“Get a life! Preferably your own...”

byRev. Benita Francis

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the other areas of life.

You don’t believe me? Just think. How many people do you know who have everything but are sick? They have your dream job but the wife left them? They have the car you covet but their son is in drugs? Everything looks so perfect, but they are depressed to the point of committing suicide. And… and… and…

True life flows only from your connection with Jesus, the Author and Fountain of life. So how do you keep that relationship vibrant, fulfilling and so exciting that no deception can tempt you? Let me give you a few points.

1) Of course, first of all, you must decide that you WANT to do God’s will. Jesus Himself promises that if you do, you will know if the doctrine really is from God or not (John 7:17).

2) How can you find out God’s will so you can do it? You hide God’s Word deep inside your heart. The very successful King David who loved God dearly said it so beautifully: “How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to Your Word” (Psalm 119:9). What does it mean to “take heed”? It means you concentrate your attention on God's Word.

The precious Book of Proverbs will explain to you in depth all the many benefits of loving and keeping God’s eternal Word. Some of my friends made it a habit to read every day one of the 31 chapters of the Book of Proverbs, and I also do so from time to time. What a clear path of wisdom it lays out for us! How many times I found the answer to a challenge before the problem even arose! Praise God for His living, active and powerful Word (Hebrews 12:4)!

3) In order to stand tall, you need to make a strong decision to obey God’s Word, whether you like it or not. Remember, it is not the forgetful hearers, but the doers of the Word that will be blessed in whatever they do (James 1:22-25).

4) Select your company very carefully. The ungodly, sinners, scornful or mockers are not a good fellowship if you want to be blessed, prosperous and fruitful (Psalm 1:1-3). If you listen to the wrong voices, their words will spread like cancer and overthrow the faith of some, maybe even yours (2 Timothy 2:16-18)!

5) Hate and shun lies of any kind, even the small and seemingly innocent ones. Receive the love of the truth, that you may be saved! Love Jesus who is The Truth in person (John 14:6). Love God’s Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of Truth (John 14:17). Be like your Lord Jesus. Love righteousness! Hate lawlessness and unrighteousness (Hebrews 1:9! You will experience a heavy anointing and joy unspeakable, and you will be kept from deception, delusion and destruction (2 Thessalonians 2:10-12; 2 Timothy 2:19).

6) In order to be victorious in this confused and confusing age, you must be fully armed and dangerous to satan at any time, day or night. How do you do that? Follow the success secret of our great apostle Paul and wear the armor of God he describes so vividly in his letter to the Ephesians. He even explains WHY you need this armor:

11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

14 Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness,

15 and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

16 above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.

17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;

18 praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints -

19 and for me, that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the Gospel (Ephesians 6:11-18)

I think this is so clear it needs no explanation. Only one: If you carefully study each and every part of this

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victory armor, each one actually IS our Lord JESUS HIMSELF. So the bottom line is: Make JESUS your all and your everything, and you will be safe in all this present confusion.

7) Let us use one more victory secret directly from your High Priest, your Lord Jesus Himself. He can sympathize with your weaknesses, because He was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin (Hebrews 4:15). At the very beginning of His ministry, satan tempted Him severely. How did He overcome these temptations? He didn’t do it by saying, “I am the Son of God. Obey Me.” He did it in a way you and me can also do. He said, “It is written” (Matthew 4:4; 4:7; 4:10; Luke 4:4; 4:8; 4:10).

Don’t only keep God’s Word in your Bible, in your drawer, under your pillow or elsewhere. Put it into your heart and always have it ready in your mouth! The only weapon of offensive warfare in God’s armor is the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God (Ephesians 6:17). Enjoy the good fight of faith! Relish defeating satan each and every time by wielding the Sword of the Spirit! Be like Jesus who has the sharp two-edged sword going out of His mouth (Revelation

1:16; 2:16; 19:15; 19:21).

Speaking God’s Word is the safe form of spiritual warfare and guarantees you lasting victory. Don’t let the devil, delusion and deception steal your life! Get a life - preferably your own!

Please, India, keep up your evangelistic fire! Keep up your love for Jesus and for souls! Don’t let anything or anybody rob you of your zeal! Don’t let anything or anybody steal the LIFE you have in the churches, the prayer, the worship, the fastings, the evangelism.

Again and again I am reminded of the warning of the apostle Paul who said, “Knowledge puffs up, but love edifies” (1 Corinthians 8:1). You don’t need all these winds of doctrine. The letter kills, the Spirit gives life (John 6:63). Keep up your own prayer life. Keep up your own connection to heaven.

Don’t let anybody steal your life. Don’t try to live by anybody else’s revelations. Go to your Bible and get your own! GET a life - preferably your own!

Keep your fire, keep your life!

Berachah Prophetic Voice - July 2015

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Owned and published by V. Johnson from, 4th Cross Street, Senthil Nagar, Kolathur, Chennai - 99 and printed by Augustine David at Kalos Prints Offset Division, 9A, Jeevan Nagar, Adambakkam, Chennai - 88. Ph: +91 - 44 - 22670 808. Editor.V. Ezekiah Francis

Berachah Training Center

Healing for All Nations Campsite - Phase 2

1 Chronicles 22:16: “Arise and begin working, and the LORD be with you”

God has been faithful in fulfilling the vision which HE gave to us concerning our BERACHAH POONDI CAMPSITE. From our campsite, we have already started to bless the nations. Healings and mighty deliverances are happening in a silent way, without any publicity, both here and all over the world through those who were trained here.

Of late, we have been receiving people from all over India and from various parts of the world. Their lives are transformed, miracle workers are released, new ministries and churches are established. Glory to God! A young generation of leaders is rising up, with a great zeal to shake the nations with the anointing power of the Holy Ghost. Because of their testimonies, more and more people are inspired to participate in our seminars.

Need of the hour:

A fully furnished auditorium with seating capacity of 2000 people, with extension capability for 800 more by adding balconies. The existing auditorium which was constructed in the year 2009 is able to accommodate only 800 people. Existing facilities are not sufficient to meet the growing need of our seminars. So we are planning to extend the auditorium by another 10,000 sq. feet and to improve the facilities to cater to the rising demand.

The total cost of this project is Rs. 4.5 crore. The budgeted cost for one sq ft is Rs.1500 (Rupees One Thousand Five Hundred Only). We need only 3000 people who will sponsor 10 sq ft each. It would be easy for us to accomplish this project with your co-operation, our dear partners. You can support collectively as a church, family, prayer group or through a group of your friends.

You can be a part of BUILDING the “Healing for All Nations Campsite” through which you will be raising and releasing miracle working harvesters around the world. By sowing in this fertile ground, you are partnering with the grace and anointing upon this ministry. You will receive the prophetic reward. Are you with us? Then let us rise up and build!

Extension work planned:

1. Auditorium - 10,000sq.ft2. 24 Rooms - 8000sq.ft3. Dormitory with rest rooms - 5000sq.ft4. Road & Layouts - 5000sq.ft5. Kitchen - 2000sq.ft Total 30,000sq.ft