From the best sayings2


Transcript of From the best sayings2

Islam is not what a Muslim does, but

Islam is what a Muslim is supposed to do...

Tough times are like physical exercise. You may not like it while you are doing it, but tomorrow you will be stronger because of it..

Don't mix bad words with your bad mood. You'll have many

opportunities to change a mood, but you'll never get the opportunity to replace

the words you said..!

Leave everything in Allah's Hands so you can see Allah's Hands in everything. He created us, He knows what's best for His humble slaves.

Da'wah Is Not To ATTACK People But Rather To ATTRACT People !

The only difference between a good day and a bad day is

whether you’ve done that which is pleasing to Allah or not.

Always be nice & polite to people, because you may never know from them who'll be the reason for your entry into

"paradise" or "hell fire"

Never ever rush into judging others,

Allah is more merciful that we

could ever imagine!

If you're in pieces and want to be at peace,

return to Allah and the healing will begin

Never think badly of a MUSLIM brother

or sister. No matter what sin they are doing,

hate the sin, not the person.

While we sit there wondering why Allah hasn't granted our dua, we must thank Him for not

punishing us immediately for our sins.


Putting ALLAH first, puts everything else

automatically in it's proper place

Say Alhamdulillah,Thank to Allah For Being

able to Say " Alhamdulillah ", Many who can Not say

it because of their arrogance.

Jannah is the fruit of a seed planted in this dunya;

it is the retirement package that you save up in all your years of


"Whoever directs someone to a good, then he will have the reward equal to the doer of the action". [Saheeh Muslim]

When it comes to deen, compare yourself to those who are above you.

When it comes to dunya, compare yourself to those who are below you.

How others see you isn't important.

How you see yourself is more important,

don't change yourself for others.

You are Allah's creation

You can either sit down and be depressed by the darkness of the night, or stand up and appreciate the beauty of the stars.

Whatever you do for the sake of Allah, no matter how small it may be, never dies.

Don't worry! Why worry about things that you cannot control? Trust Allah! He will make sure

that everything is good in the end!

“Every single experience of life can teach you lessons to

make you a wiser person, but only if you

are willing to learn from them.”

“Try reversing matters: start seeing the good in others,

and concentrate on the faults in you. You'll be a better

person for it!”

“Strive for the Hereafter according to how long you shall remain there, and strive for this world according to how long you shall remain here.”

“Whoever does not find happiness in the

remembrance of Allah, prayer, and reciting the

Quran, will not find it anywhere else.”

“Is it not amazing how numerous and frequent

are our sins, and yet still Allah continues to overlook and shower

His Mercy and Bounty on us?”