From Garbage to Garden Bringing Compost and Compostable

1 From Garbage to Garden Bringing Compost and Compostable Products to Macalester College By: Alejandra Marin & Becca Cohen Prof. Suzanne Hansen ENVI: Cities, Sustainability, and Campus

Transcript of From Garbage to Garden Bringing Compost and Compostable


From Garbage to Garden

Bringing Compost and Compostable Products

to Macalester College

By: Alejandra Marin & Becca Cohen Prof. Suzanne Hansen

ENVI: Cities, Sustainability, and Campus


Table of Contents I. Introduction

A. Composting and consumerism A. Basic Definition B. Chemical Process C. How to Compost

i. Commercial Composting ii. Different Types of Composting

D. Reasons to Compost i. Environment Benefits ii. Social Benefits

a. Change in mindset E. What Can and Cannot be Composted

i. Graphics ii. More information and Resources iii. Educational Campaign

F. Compostable Products i. Reasoning ii. Local and Online vendors

G. Conclusion


Introduction We often attend gatherings such as picnics, department events, and quick lunches at

Macalester with the intention of learning, conversing with colleagues, or enjoying a meal with

friends. But one thing we commonly do not consider is the type of plates, cups, and utensils we use

at these social events. This lack of realization can be attributed to the general mindset of a severed

connection with the environment, one in which we don’t register the serious impact that our waste

has on the environment. One of the ways you can see this mindset is illustrated through our

consumption of plastic. We currently live in a society where plastic has become the default option

for disposable goods, and we see this in our use of disposable plate-ware and utensils at one-time

events. Macalester College is not immune from this consumption habit. Because we live in a

consumerist and materialistic society, waste has unfortunately become a significant part of our


We want. We buy. We waste. Our current infrastructure is set up for disposal. However,

there exists alternatives that can lessen the impact of accumulating waste in our daily lives. One

highly effective and beneficial alternative is composting, which “has been historically promoted as

both the basis of organic method of gardening and farming, and as a waste management technique

(Barton, 171).” However, despite the efficiency of composting in regards to softening the blow of

our consumerism, the infrastructure of composting is not yet in place at Macalester. Our intention

for this report is to elaborate on the benefits of composting, the manners in which we can organize

an educational campaign to bring composting to Macalester, and further our zero waste goals.

Our intention for this campaign is to spread understanding of the process in order for

student and faculty to utilize this upcoming system. In addition to composting bins, compostable

items would not only contribute to soil conditioning, but also reduce the amount of waste produced


by Macalester. We are trying to emphasize the importance of reconnecting with our natural

environment and positively contribute to it.

Basic Definition of Composting Composting is a chemical process. It is a recycling process in which organic materials

decompose into soil rich with nutrients. Composting is nature’s process accelerated, hurried in

order to lessen the amount of waste produced by humans. In the end, the process includes the cycle

of returning nutrients to the earth. Plants will continue growing and providing food and then waste

will once more be returned to the ground, continuing the cycle of life. (Appendix A)

Chemical Process The chemical process of composting is known as an aerobic process, meaning that oxygen

plays an important role. There are living organisms, such as fungi, worms, and aerobic bacteria,

involved in this process. Carbon plays a pivotal role as the major source of energy that is later

fueled into carbon dioxide (“Compost Fundamentals”). Nitrogen is another essential element for

the process, but not as much as carbon (“Compost Fundamentals”). The living organisms imbibe

two thirds of the carbon dioxide. The remaining third of carbon dioxide combines with the

nitrogen in the organism’s cells (“Compost Fundamentals”). However, if there is too much carbon,

it will take the organisms several cycles in order to reduce the amount to a regular level (“Compost

Fundamentals”). And once they die, the nitrogen and carbon remaining in their bodies is then used

as a source of energy for other living organisms. Then, the next set of living organisms produce

new cells that require nitrogen and carbon (“Compost Fundamentals”). The cycle continues.

In other scientific terms, those same organisms essential to the composting process create

extracellular enzymes that are a “chemical aura outside the organism’s body” (Del Porto et al.).


Those enzymes change molecules (from the organic matter necessary for the process) into energy

and other chemicals (Del Porto et al.). The same unstable protein enzymes act as a catalyst for a

chemical reaction--decomposition (Del Porto et al.). The decomposition is one of the final steps

that lead to nutrient-rich compost (Del Porto et al.).

Composting essentially means that organic matter will become a “soil conditioner” (Del

Porto et al.). Now that we understand the scientific aspects of composting, here is what we want

incorporated into Macalester’s Zero Waste efforts:

Figure 1: Chemical Process of Composting.

Environmental Benefits There are several benefits to composting. The first is that because “yard and food waste

make up thirty percent of waste stream” (“What is Composting?”), people can bother using

alternatives instead of simply throwing away their yard and food trash to reduce that high

percentage. It is especially important now because in the eighteenth and nineteenth century,

farmers had “this open-ended system crops [where they] removed minerals from the soil [and]


returned nothing to make up the deficit” (Barton, 172). And now, by composting, we are adding

organic matter into the soil that

provide[s] food for the soil organisms whose activities bring into solution the minerals

which are present in abundant quantities in the rock particles in nearly all soils, thus

making these substances available to plant life (T. Stamm, 940).

By adopting more environmentally conscious habits, people are actually helping the environment

recuperate from past indiscretions. Composting does not necessarily transfer directly to plants--

from compost to plant--but includes a middleman, the “soil organisms” (T. Stamm, 940) that make

the benefits possible. By supporting the composting process, we are actually helping improve the

negative impacts of our past habits.

Social Benefits Adding nutrients to garden plants increases the healthiness of your diet, which increases the

quality of your own health. Compost contains a mixture of nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium,

sulfur and carbon (“Nutrients in Compost”), all of which contribute to a plant’s health. Iron, Zinc,

Copper, Boron, and Manganese, which are considered micronutrients, are also present during the

process that enriches soil and helps plants become healthier. By consuming healthier and more

nutrient-rich plants, society as a whole becomes healthier. Society has adopted the trend of

wanting healthier food and being healthy, so composting would become more socially acceptable.

And once it is more socially acceptable, a major social benefit of encouraging composting is

changing people’s mindset about the environment, which is crucial to reducing waste in the future.

If composting becomes an ordinary component of your daily habits, then it will become more

natural to be environmentally friendly. It would be as natural as Minnesota Nice. The more

integrated composting is in your life and the more it is commonly used is crucial to it changing


people’s current mindset about food waste. Thinking about the waste cycle and our involvement,

we have begun to acknowledge the manners in which we can act more sustainably and assess our

social and ecological impacts.

Commercial Composting at Macalester

Commercial composting is an “alternative to landfills” (NCEDR) that reduces waste and

capital used towards its management. “Waste haulers and organic waste generators” are used to

send material to a composting facility that will recycle it into “soil amendments and other value-

added products” (NCEDR). Whereas in landfills, the majority of methane intended to be captured

for energy usage is released too early, commercial composting “improves the quality of our soil

and reduces the need for chemical fertilizers and pesticides”. Composting in your backyard is

helpful, but the commercialization of the process allows for a wider breadth in practice.

Eureka Recycling is the company with the greatest likelihood of developing a commercial

composting system at Macalester should official decide to move forward on this plan (Make dirt

Not Waste).


Figure 2: List of What Can and Cannot be Composted


In specific reference to the Macalester campus, we hope that despite whichever waste

company is used, we hope that a new composting culture is born in residential halls and academic

buildings. The future for commercial composting at Macalester is undetermined (but looking

bright). We hope that our recommended strategies can be used to help engage and educate students

and staff regarding the importance, process, and benefits of composting. We are still unsure of

which company we will work with, but our strategies can be put into effect regardless of the

company and serve as a framework for composting outreach. Despite the possibility that

composting may not be implemented on campus, we have included additional information on

backyard composting (Appendix B) in order for personal usage. However, we strongly recommend

that commercial composting is adopted in order to better our campus. We hope that by merging all

of this information into one document, we can illustrate the benefits and the effortlessness with


which composting can be accepted. Commercial composting is not a burden that disrupts out daily

habits, but a small additional step to what we already do. We want this to become a pervasive

culture of conscientious waste disposal. We have no doubt that students or workers can cooperate

with facilities in order to properly empty out the composting bins from student lounges and the

main offices of the different departments in academic buildings. Here are some of our

recommended promotional events and educational initiations that will strengthen the welcoming

and enforcement of commercial composting.

Educational Campaign Recommendations When Macalester Decides to Implement Commercial Composting on Campus • Tabling: This would be a great initial step in educating the student body and faculty. This

initiative could be taken even before composting starts and act purely as a preface to further educational campaigns. A group of students could set up a table in front of the campus center or downstairs with various posters outlining the process, importance, benefits, and food that can be composted. In addition to visually-stimulating posters, one should have several smaller pamphlets and brochures to hand out. Another possibility would be giving people stickers with the compost symbol on it so that they become more aware of the meaning behind the symbol and possibly start a social trend of having these sticker designs. You can reserve a table for publicity and outreach in the basement of the Campus Center or outside of the Campus Center.

Example Sticker Ideas:

Figure 3: Composting stickers used at the University of Oregon

• Compost Kick-Off Event- This is an interactive method to educate students. This event would occur either right before the implementation of commercial composting here on campus or at


the initial phase of the composting. At this kick-off event, which could be sponsored by the Sustainability Department or any other interested departments and organizations, we could have a table set up in front of the Cafe Mac with pledges that people could sign saying “I commit to composting”. After the event, one could place the list of names in a public space say in front of the campus center. The Health and Wellness Center did something very similar with their Consent is Mac pledges. This public commitment strengthens the individual’s likelihood of actually composting because he/she made the commitment in a public space where his/her friends saw them make the it, adding pressure for them to abide by the pledge. At the same table one could have whiteboards or posters that say “I compost because . . .” and the individual could fill in the blank and then take a photo. Then these photos could be placed in a public space where students could learn more about why it is important to compost. This initiative would help get the word out about composting and make it become more of a social norm.

In preparation for this event here are some small steps one can take:

� Chalking: Making chalk announcements on the sidewalks is a great way to get some attention. Chalk is available in the SORC (Northeast end of the Campus Center 2nd floor).

� Banners and large posters: You can request to have a banner or large poster be hung along the Cafe Mac rafters. Reserve ahead of time at the Reservation desk, open 8-4:30, Mon-Fri. 651-696-6638.

� The Daily Piper: Submissions to The Daily Piper must be made at least one business day in advance, and each submission may appear up to two times. Electronically submit an update at:

• Educational Photo Gallery- Another visual method you could employ would be organizing a

photo gallery in the display cases on the second floor of the campus center of the individuals holding their signs at the Kick-Off Event. Reserve space in display cases in basement of Campus Center, near SPO area. Reserve through Reservations desk, x6638.

• Stickers-At this event--or leading up to it--we would like to create compost stickers and distribute them to those who took pictures of them holding up signs of their commitment to composting. A budget is required.

• Residential Life- An important step in connecting with the larger student body (mostly freshman and sophomores). Contacting Residential Affairs (Peggy Olson) would be a very effective initiative. Students who are passionate about composting could visit the once-a-month floor meetings, ideally the month before composting starts on campus. Student trainers would introduce what composting is, its process, and its benefits. This could be another interactive initiative in getting the students involved and asking them what they understand about composting. Do a quick presentation of the importance and benefits of composting and see if we can get floor members to sign a pledge saying that they will commit to composting, much like the Health and Wellness Center did with Consent is Mac. It is important that when a composting system is set in place that there is clear labeling on the bins so that they are properly used. Students will learn how they look by attending these floor meetings.


Figure 4: Composting bins at NYU residential hall

• Connect with Existing Student Organizations-Would be very helpful to create a core group of students who could lead this initiative in hosting these various composting educational campaigns. There are numerous active environmental organizations here on campus that would be great resources and forces for this campaign. Some organizations that have expressed interest are MacCares, MPIRG Environmental Task Force, the newly formed Food Roots, and MULCH. This would be a great opportunity for organizations to collaborate and have more comprehensive and powerful impacts.

o MacCARES: A student organization and movement that embodies a million different sustainability projects on and off-campus. Organize a meeting with MacCARES members, send an email to [email protected]

o MULCH:Macalester Urban Land and Community Health is a student urban gardening organization that runs the MULCH garden on campus. The MULCH email address is [email protected]

o MPIRG: The Macalester chapter of the Minnesota Public Interest Research Group has an Environment Task Force.

• Facilities- We have been in contact with Mark Dickinson as well as Ralph Williamson, the Custodial Manager, about meeting with them in order to familiarize ourselves with the ongoing process of bringing commercial composting to Macalester. It is essential to maintain a student voice when composting comes to campus so we can help make informed logistical decisions of where to place the compost bins.

• Informational campaigns: Have informational packets, pamphlets, and brochures available to students. Here is an example from the University of Santa Clara:


Figure 5: Composting poster used at Santa Clara University • Staff Contacts

o Academic Office Professionals: The Academic Office Professionals are staff members who work in the academic offices. Contact are the co-chairs are Patty Pfalz at [email protected] and Jeanne Arntzen at [email protected]

o Zero Waste Committee: The Zero Waste Committee works towards reducing waste and increasing recycling on campus. Contact: Suzanne Savanick Hansen ([email protected])

If you are also passionate about bringing commercial composting to campus, contact these officials

to make your feelings on the subject known. Also contact the Sustainability Office. We cannot

determine the time it will take in order for the infrastructure to allow for commercial composting

on campus, but in the meanwhile, the most logical step is bringing compostable products to

Macalester. Here is how that can be done:


Bringing Compostable Products to Macalester

Once the composting infrastructure is in place we can further strengthen our sustainable

habits by using alternative disposable flatware. Currently there is a vast range of detrimental

environmental effects that are caused by the overwhelmingly slow degradation of plastic. One

initiative we can take, as a campus to improve our sustainable behaviors is to switch from plastic

disposable plates and utensils to compostable plate-ware and utensils. This paper offers concrete

and coherent reasoning for the use of alternative disposable options and highlight a few companies

who are spearheading this newly established compostable product market. There is no fix-all

solution to our over-consumption, but using compostable items is a small step in the right direction

of more sustainable consumption and behaviors.

Negative Impacts of Plastic

Plastic disposable goods are often used at Macalester events, because of low cost and

convenience. In general Americans throw away an estimated trillion disposable plates and utensils

every year. This is an overwhelming number especially when taking into account that a single-use

plate's useful life generally averages only about five minutes (Caplan, 2008). Apart from the

predicament of the overuse of plastic, another problem of plastics is that they never fully

biodegrade. No natural process can break it down. Plastics are made from polymers that are “man

made thermoplastic polymers (Silverman, 2007).” Rather plastic photo-degrades- a process where

each piece of plastic will break into smaller pieces without breaking into actual simpler

compounds. This process alone scientists say can take several years. Although we often try to

recycle our plastic plates, cups etc, many end up in landfills and can cause huge environmental

damage both on land and in the sea. Marine animals will often ingest the plastic and poison


themselves. In addition to the damage caused by plastic, the plastic particles absorb high chemical

concentrations and are later consumed by organisms, which fundamentally disrupts the flow of the

food chain (Silverman, 2007).

There are undoubtedly vast environmental impacts of using plastic, but the social

environment of our consumption habits has allowed plastic to monopolize the disposable goods

sector (Caplan, 2008). We commonly have this mindset that when we throw away our plates or

cutlery that this signifies the termination of our interaction with the item, that this is the end of the

products life and existence, but this is not true. We don't consider the decomposition process and

how the product reintegrates into nature. It is our responsibility to take into account our lifecycle of

throwaway goods in order to apply what we learn in a respectful and empathetic way that

encourages sustainability and conservation.

Compostable Products

Currently there is a push within the disposable goods market for more environmentally

manufactured products. A great diversity of materials and sources is used in the compostable

disposable goods market. There are several potential benefits of using compostable disposable

goods including reducing green house gas emissions, and lessening our landfill waste. By

switching to using compostable items we grow cognizant that our resources are finite and

recognize our responsibility to be more conscientious consumers.

The development of compostable products is relatively new, originating around the 1990s,

but this industry has matured over the years. In North America, the Biodegradable Products

Institute (BPI) is the epicenter for tracking products and providing compostable certification. The

BPI has a third party certification process that analyzes and sees whether or not manufacturers’


products meet the ASTM (American Standards for Testing Materials) definition for

compostability, meaning that products will compost in a certain time frame. Products that have

gained BPI certification carry the logo on their products and are completely compostable.

Figure 6: BPI Compostable Label

Two different specifications for products exist: the ASTM D6400 (applies to products made

from plastics that are designed to be composted in commercial composting facilities) and ASTM

D6868 [applies to laminated paper, Plant Starch, and sugarcane (bagasse) items that are designed

to be composted in commercial composting facilities (Yepsen, 2008)]. These specified

certifications are integral in guiding Macalester to choose the appropriate compostable products

and company. BPI’s website currently has 27 companies approved for making sustainable

foodservice items and packaging films (Yepsen, 2009). Compostable products are now in effect

growing in numbers and popularity, but there is still a long way to go.

Figure 7: ASTM Certification logo


ASTM D6400 ASTM D6868

“Certification establishes standards for identifying plastic products and materials that will compost satisfactorily in municipal and industrial aerobic composting facilities. Specific properties are required to determine if these plastics will compost satisfactorily, including biodegrading at a rate comparable to known compostable materials and that the degradation of these materials will not diminish the value or utility of the finished compost.”

“Certification has similar standards to ASTM D6400, but covers materials and products (including packaging) that incorporate a biodegradable plastic film or coating (either through lamination, extrusion or mixing). It ensures any entire end product that is designed to be composted in municipal and industrial aerobic composting facilities will compost satisfactorily.”

Figure 8: Definitions by the Biomass Packaging Certification and ASTM page

Although there are many who know about composting and understand the importance of

diverting waste from landfills, and all of the benefits, most people in the U.S., still don’t

understand composting (Yepsen, 2009). It is essential that Macalester chooses the most sustainable

and ethical company with the BPI compostable logo, and not one that falsely advertises and

markets their products as solely biodegradable because biodegrading only occurs under specified

conditions. A study focusing on the definition of compostable products was done by the American

Chemistry Council; it surveyed consumers to find out what their definition of compostable was

and highlighted some of the benefits of compostable products. Their study cited that most

participants felt that the “chief attribute of compostable materials is that the decomposition is

beneficial to the earth which stands in opposition to their biodegradable beliefs that materials

simply disappear completely” (Genpak). Therefore, compostable disposable products are


inherently better than mere biodegradable products because they naturally act as better additives to

the soil and should be our disposable item of choice at Macalester. Compostable products reduce

pollution and waste, require less energy and water to produce, come from renewable resources, are

created from waste products, and save biodiversity and habitats (World Centric). There seems to

be endless benefits of employing compostable products in our departments.

Important Definitions brought to you by the BPI Website

Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI): is a not-for-profit professional association of key individuals and groups from government, industry and academia. They create a universal compostable label program, where they educate manufacturers, legislators and consumers about the importance of having scientific based standards for compostable materials which biodegrade in large composting facilities.

o ASTM D6400: Test done by Bpi to certify if a product can be truly composted o ASTM D6868: Test to determine if a biodegradable plastic is truly biodegradable

Recyclable: Are products that can be collected and reprocessed to produce new items. Common recyclable materials are: paper, cardboard, plastic, glass, aluminum, and electronic waste. Recycling is very important in diverting waste from landfills.

Biodegradable: Biodegradable simply means that a product will break down into carbon dioxide, water and biomass within a reasonable amount of time in the natural environment. The term 'biodegradable' however has no legal enforcement or some manufacturers have used definition therefore the term loosely. Products that are labeled as 'biodegradable' can be disposed of in your garbage. However it is important to remember that landfills lack the microorganisms and oxygen required for waste to biodegrade in a timely manner, so you should still try to minimize the amount of wasted material. (The Green office definition)

Compostable: A product that is “compostable” is one that can be placed into a composition of decaying biodegradable materials, and eventually turns into a nutrient-rich material. When something is "compostable", it means that it is made of organic matter that will break down in a compost system or landfill.

Compostable vs. biodegradable: Compost friendly items include organic matter that easily break

down, while biodegradable items are capable of decomposing at some point but usually need help from biological agents such as bacteria to do so.

Biodegradable Plastic is plastic, which will degrade from naturally occurring microorganisms, such as

bacteria, fungi etc. over a period of time. Note, that there is no requirement for leaving "no toxic residue", and as well as no requirement for the time it needs to take to biodegrade.

Bagasse is sugar cane fiber pulp, left after the juice has been extracted from the sugar cane stalk. Bagasse is normally seen as a waste product and incinerated, thus creating air pollution. Making tableware out of residual sugar cane fiber actually decreases air pollution �and adds value to the material. (World Centric definition)


Biodegrade - break down into carbon dioxide, water and biomass at the same rate as cellulose (paper).

Disintegrate - the material is indistinguishable in the compost, that it is not visible and needs to be screened out.

Now that we have researched the scientific and company aspects of composting, we wanted to see how widely accepted it would be by departmental heads and staff officials. Here is what they told us:

Departmental Responses

After speaking with the Department Coordinators on November 1st at the AOP meeting,

many people showed interested in the notion of switching over to compostable items for events

and gatherings. The main concern they expressed was having the financial support of Macalester in

case of an increase in price. I spoke to Kathleen Johnson, the bidding manager, and she expressed

interest in supporting the departments’ switch-over to compostable items. However, it will be

necessary for the department coordinators to meet with Kathy Johnson at some point to work out

the logistical details. I spoke with numerous department coordinators who expressed interest in

using compostable items once commercial composting was available here on campus. Other than

their worries of financial support, the only hesitancy they expressed was aesthetics. They were

worried whether or not it would look as nice. I responded that I would show them a variety of

types of materials and that compostable plate-ware is very durable and aesthetically-pleasing.


Departments Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Psychology and Neuroscience

$4,000 Yes interested in switching over.

Buy products from Sam’s Club.

Theatre and Dance $1,500 Use plastic silverware and clear plastic cups for

fancy events, but use compostable items for


Us paper plates and napkins. Use plastic for big events.

Have no dishwasher or water to wash dishes. Not available

in Humanities.

Biology $3,000 Yes would switch as long as there is a good system

in place

Use ceramic mugs, metal flatware and plastic plate and

paper napkins for small events.

Anthropology Try to keep costs $13 and less for their two major events. They spend $50 on disposable for spring

department picnic

Yes interested in switching over. interested to hear about the cost of


Use china for major events and disposables for picnic.

History and Classics $500 for disposable or reusables, most of the

money goes to consumables.

Would like to switch to reusables, but they do not

have a washer. As of right now not interested in compostables because they think it costs more and would be thrown


Buys bulk packages of plastic ware from Costco.

Environmental Studies $1,000-$1,500 Yes they are very interested

Use plastic cups only and sometimes plastic flatware.

Figure 9: Departmental Reactions to Compostable Products

Quickly after this discussion, we compiled a list of both local and online vendors that were BPI-

certified and could be used at Macalester. We thought that these were reasonably-priced, especially

for small events. Here is a succinct table including their websites:


Recommended Online BPI Certified Vendors


Contact Information Base Location


Biospheric Industries

Elie Helou ([email protected] 805-566-6563

Carpinteria, CA

Eco Products

Luke Vernon [email protected] 303-449-1876

Boulder, CO

World Centric

Aseem Das [email protected] 650-283-3797

Palo Alto, CA

GeoTegrity/Far East Eco Pack

John Ohman [email protected] 612-326-6588

Long Lake, Minnesota

Verterra Ltd.

Michael Dwork [email protected] 718-383-3333

Long Island City, NY

Vegware Ltd.

Craig Schuler [email protected] 860-779-7970

Danielston, CT

Ultra Green Jere Clue [email protected] 763-746-3345

Plymouth, MN


Recommended Local Stores to buy Compostable Products Store Address Whole Foods

30 S Fairview Ave St Paul, MN 55105 651-690-0197

Mississippi Market

622 Selby Ave. (corner of Selby and Dale) St. Paul, MN 622 Selby Ave. (corner of Selby and Dale)

Seward Co-Op

2823 East Franklin Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55406 612-338-2465

Linden Hills Co-Op 3815 Sunnyside Ave Minneapolis, MN 55410-1353 612-279-2479

Kowalski’s Market 1261 Grand Ave. St. Paul, MN 55105 651-698-3366

Johnson Paper & Supply Co. 806 14th Ave. N.E. Minneapolis, MN 55413 612-333-6308

Because Bon Appetit at Cafe Mac produces the most waste, they could benefit the most from using compostable products. We have included a plan for Cafe Mac: Bon Appetit and Compostable Products With these options available it is important to investigate companies that Bon Appetit could

utilize in the future and learn whether or not they would be cost-effective. It is undeniable that Bon

Appetit at Café Mac engages in many sustainable activities. We dispose of our food waste to a

local pig farm and use recycled napkins. However, we do have a lot of room for improvement in


the area of sustainable disposable products. I have been in contact with Kimberly Driesch Manager

of Café Mac and she provided me with some information regarding how much money Bon Appetit

spent on disposable last year. Last year, first semester, Bon Appetit spent $10,646 on paper

products at the grill. They get their supplies from the large based company Sysco. This figure

shows how much Café Mac is spending on disposable goods and depicts the low prices that they

are able to get their disposable goods at. Bon Appetit currently gets their plastic and paper goods

from Greenware and Fabrikal. We are currently in the process of seeing if they could supply

through Sysco a lower price for compostable items. If this is not possible, we researched further

ethical and sustainable companies that even though at a higher price could supply Bon Appetit

with high quality compostable goods.

Figure 10: Paper good Prices from Sysco

Numerous ethical and sustainable compostable manufacturers exist that are pioneers of this

sector. Two companies that epitomize a green mindset are World-Centric and Eco Products, both

of which have BPI-certified products. World Centric is located in California and was founded in

2004 with the mission of raising “awareness of large scale humanitarian and environmental issues

and to promote sustainable alternatives to every day consumption choices (World Centric).” Their


products are made form resources like corn, sugarcane, and wheat straw fiber, which are often by

products of the agriculture industry. What makes World Centric unique is its dedication of holding

high work and environmental standards. They support grassroots environmental organizations and

run their offices with renewable energy (wind and solar). World Centric’s ultimate goal is striving

to be a Zero Waste office. This company exemplifies sustainability. They provide $250 per month

reimbursement for employees to take public transportation. They gave nearly $40,000 in 2009 to

notable environmental charities that contribute toward a more sustainable and economical way of

life in India, Kenya and North America. They provide Compostable lunch trays at lowered cost to

schools to replace Styrofoam trays with a total donation of over $126,000 in 2009. They recognize

that “a key part of being a leading supplier of compostables in the industry is also recognizing that

our every action in making compostables has a consequence (World Centric)”.

They are constantly searching for ways to make their companies operation more sustainable

and environmentally friendly. World Centric Biocompostables can help reduce the impact of our

consumption on the environment and more specifically Macalester’s waste footprint. World

Centric’s website was very well-designed and transparent and encouraged consumers to not only

use compostable products, but also to engage in other sustainable behaviors with the page called

“Actions to Take.”

Product Name Quantity Price 12 oz Cold Cup Case of 1000 $112.58

Lid Clear Cold Cp 10-24 oz Case of 1000 $55.29 12 oz Hot Cups Case of 1000 $104.54

Bagasse 9 inch Round plate Case of 1000 $112.58 12 oz Barrel Bowl

(unbleached) Case of 500 $40.19

Figure 11: Potential World Centric Compostable Products Pricing


Another company I found to be one of the most revolutionary and sustainable was the

Energy Star Rated company, Eco Products. They launched a Life Cycle Assessment of their

products and operations to analyze what their impacts were as a company. They measured and

tracked environmental impacts like carbon, energy and water that go into their raw materials,

manufacturing, transportation, shipping, and distribution. This assessment allowed the company to

be very transparent and gain a more profound understanding of how to continue to better their

practices and fundamentally show that manufacturing compostable items is far less energy

intensive than producing plastic. The company states on their website, that “When you can't go

with a reusable option, we want you to consider a compostable product made with renewable

resources or one made with post-consumer recycled content. Any opportunity to support waste

diversion is a good opportunity (Eco Products).” They are always striving to produce more of their

products domestically, but are in the process of this conversion.

Eco Products color code their products: Greenstripe products are made from renewable

resources like bagasse/sugarcane, polylactic acic, and plant starch and the Bluestripe products are

made from post-consumer recycled content such a recycled fiber, recycled plastic, and recycled

polystyrene. They have a chart that provides a clear distinction and reasoning for using these

alternative products. They also include information about the strengths and weaknesses of every

single type of resource that they manufacture their products from really encouraging this sense of

transparency as well. The website is very interactive and even offers a way to locate composters in

your neighborhood. These two companies are just a few great examples of this new and emerging

environmental disposable product sector, a market that encourages people to think about what they

dispose of and the implications of this action. There is still a lot of research needed analyzing the

benefits and limitations of this market, but these two examples attest to the beginnings of a


remarkable and beneficial new market.

Examples of Potential Eco Products Pricing

Product Name Quantity Price 12 oz Corn Cold Cup -1000 cups (20 packs of 50)

-Heat tolerance 105 (F) $115

24 oz Corn Cold Cup -1000 cups (20 packs of 50) -Heat tolerance 105 (F)


Flat Lid for Corn Cold Cups -Case Count: 1000 lids (10 Sleeves of 100) -Does not fit 7 or 10 oz cup -Fits 9 - 24oz Eco-Products corn cups -Heat Tolerance: 105 (F)


12 oz World Art Soup Container- Case

- Case Count: 500 containers - Lids: Sold separately - Heat Tolerance: Hot foods


12 oz Eco Hot Cup -Case Count: 1000 cups (20 sleeves of 50)


9 inch round plates 6 inch Case Count: 500 plates (10 packs of 50)


Plantware High-Heat Cutlery Kit -Each kit consist of 1 each, napkin (1 ply - 13"x13"), fork, spoon and knife -Case Count: 250 individual kit units -Heat Tolerance: 200 (F)


Throwing something away is a simple action that has complex impacts on both humans and

the environment. Our every action has an impact on the well being of our planet and our everyday

decisions can help create a better world for all. By switching to compostable silverware and

utensils in departments, events, etc we as a campus are thus taking an appropriate step in

enhancing our sustainable image and practices. Let us walk the walk and not just talk the talk.


There will undoubtedly be environmental, economic, and social benefits of using compostable

products. Compostable products are an ecologically important sector, not only for waste

management but also for sustainable agriculture practices. Let Macalester be apart of this change

and switch our plastic plates and utensils to more sustainable manufactured and processed

compostable disposable goods. There is no better time than now.


The journey of bringing composting here on campus has been arduous, but along the way

we have encountered many people who have been helpful and informative. Making real, lasting

changes in an infrastructure takes not only activism from students, but also relies on the good faith

and support of the staff that is part of this infrastructure. The story of composting has been ridden

with challenges, bureaucracy, and sometimes an inability to create momentum. This experience for

the both of has taught us a lot about the importance of being persistent and not giving up on our

project. We hope that this multifaceted report is not ignored or forgotten, but will lend strategies,

insight, and newfound appreciation for composting. We are passionate about composting. We did

not write this report for it to be filed away, but instead utilized in the implementation of

composting and its educational campaign. We urge Macalester College to not lose sight of what is

important in the fight to bring composting to campus. Don't let money dictate environmental costs.

If money is our chief restriction and concern, think about how we are currently using our money.

The money that is being used for the ice rink could be easily be utilized here.


Appendix A

Additional Information for Making Compost at Home

The first step to composting is gathering the right ingredients by knowing what will and what

won’t compost (Fig. XXX).

There are several steps for making compost.

1. If you are not using bins, place your compost pile on the ground Organisms, such as

worms, necessary for the process with be attracted to the pile (Del Porto et al.)

2. Once you have placed the appropriate materials on the ground, lay straw and twigs over

it in order to “aerate” the pile (Del Porto et al).

3. You must then alternate your composting layers with moist and dry. Moist ingredients

classify as “food scraps, tea bags, seaweed, etc.” and dry materials classify as “straw, leaves,

sawdust pellets, and wood ashes.” When dealing with wood ashes, sprinkling them helps avoid

clumping and the slowing down of their breakdown (Del Porto et al).

4. Adding manure as the next step speeds up the process.

5. Throughout these steps, be sure to keep the pile moist, whether by watering it or

allowing the rain to keep it soaked. (Del Porto et al.).

6. Also, in order to ensure continual moisture and heat, cover the pile with plastic, carpet,

wood, or anything accessible (Del Porto et al.).

7. Now that the pile is complete, be sure to turn it over with a shovel to aerate it.


Appendix B

Different Types of Composting

There are also three different types of composting--backyard, worm, and grasscycling.

Backyard composting describes the accessibility of technology to make compost within your own

home. As long as there are browns and greens, everything necessary is there to reuse waste. Worm

composting, also known as vermicomposting, is the usage of scraps of food to feed to plants due to

a small living arrangement. This is best when people live in apartments without backyards and

access to greenery. Grasscycling composting is leaving grass clippings on lawns in order for them

to specifically decompose there (Del Porto, David and Steinfeld, Carol).

Enclosed Composting Bins

Using bins is an effective way for reducing waste in households. Leftover food and

compostable items are placed in these composting bins, waiting to be turned into compost. You

can make one out of an old garbage bin by drilling holes (with diameters of one and a half

centimeters) fifteen centimeters apart (Del Porto, David and Steinfeld, Carol). The can must be full

with materials high in nitrogen and carbon. Stirring the materials avoids pockets of air and makes

the composting process faster (Del Porto, David and Steinfeld, Carol). It is the same concept as

composting piles, with the exception of having everything sealed inside a container.


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