From France - European Institutions

What is the Council of Europe ? The Council of Europe, based in Strasbourg (France), now covers virtually the entire European continent, with its 47 member countries.

Transcript of From France - European Institutions

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What is the Council of Europe ?

The Council of Europe, based in Strasbourg (France), now covers

virtually the entire European continent, with its 47 member


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When did it start ?

• Founded on 5 May 1949 by 10 countries

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What ?

• the Council of Europe seeks to develop throughout Europe common and democratic principles based on the European Convention on Human Rights and other reference texts on the protection of individuals.

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The European flag

• Against the background of blue sky, the stars form a circle, symbolising union. The number of stars is fixed, twelve being the symbol of perfection and completeness and bringing to mind the apostles, the sons of Jacob, the labours of Hercules, the months in the year, etc”.

• From its foundation in 1949 the Council of Europe was aware of the need to give Europe a symbol with which its inhabitants could identify. On 25 October 1955 the Parliamentary Assembly unanimously approved the emblem of a circle of gold stars on a blue background. On 9 December 1955 the organisation's Committee of Ministers adopted the star-studded flag, which was launched officially on 13 December of the same year in Paris.

• A symbol for the whole of Europe

In 1983 the European Parliament in turn adopted the flag devised by the Council of Europe and recommended that it become the European Communities' emblem. The European Council gave its approval in June 1985. The European Union’s institutions began to use the flag in 1986.

The European flag has since become synonymous with a shared political project which unites all Europeans, transcending their diversity.

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LeadersMicheline Calmy-Rey

Federal Councillor, Head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland and Chairperson-in-office of the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers

Jean-Paul Costa

President of the European Court of Human Rights

Lluís Maria de Puig

President of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly

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• The primary aim of the Council of Europe is to create a common democratic and legal area throughout the whole of the continent, ensuring respect for its fundamental values: human rights, democracy and the rule of law.

• Human Rights... Democracy... Rule of Law•

These values are the foundations of a tolerant and civilised society and indispensable for European stability, economic growth and social cohesion. On the basis of these fundamental values, we try to find shared solutions to major problems such as terrorism, organised crime and corruption, cybercrime, bioethics and cloning, violence against children and women, and trafficking in human beings. Co-operation between all member states is the only way to solve the major problems facing society today.

• Objectives:• - to protect human rights, pluralist democracy and the rule of law;   •

- to promote awareness and encourage the development of Europe's cultural identity and diversity; •

- to find common solutions to the challenges facing European society; •

- to consolidate democratic stability in Europe by backing political, legislative and constitutional reform

Our objectives

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Try these questions and see how much you know about Europe

1 On which day of the year is the Europe day celebrated?A.1 may B. 8 March C. 5 May

2 Where are the headquarters of the Council of Europe?A. In Brussels B. In Strasbourg C. In Geneva

3 The Council of Europe is separate organisation from the 27- member European Union. But no country has ever joined the Union without first having been a member of the Council of Europe; How many member states does the Council of Europe have?A.39 B. 42 C. 47

4 Of the countries below, which is not a member of the Council of Europe?A.Switzerland B. Ukraine C. Belarus

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5 Which leading politican, speaking at the Council of Europe, called for the building of the « European common home »?

A. Churchill in 1949 B. Gorbatchev in 1989 C. Havel in 1995

6 Which year saw the signing of the European Convention on the Human Rights, the first international legal instrument guaranteering the protection of the human rights?

A. 1950 B. 1951 C. 1957

7 Who was responsible for the musical arrangement of the Prelude to the Ode to joy, from Beethoven’s 9th Symphony,, adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the council of Europe in 1972 as the European anthem?

A. Von Karajan B. Furtwangler C. Solti


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8 According to the European Centre for Modern Language, a council of Europe body based in Graz (Austria), how many indigenous languages are there estimated to be in Europe?

A. Under 100 B. between 100 and 200 C. over 200

9 As the largest European political organisation, how many European citizens does the council of Europe represent?

A. 500 Million B. 800 Million C. 1046 Million

10 The Council of Europe has produced a number of legal instruments known as treaties (conventionc, charters, agreements). How many treaties has the council of Europe drawn up to date?

A. 100 B. 200 C. 300


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Did you know?

European Flag• The European flag with 12 gold stars in a circle

on a blue background was chosen by the Council of Europe in 1955. The number of stars does not change, twelve symbolising perfection. In 1986, the same flag became the emblem of the European Community, which is now the European Union.

Two official languages• English and French are the official languages of

the Council of Europe. German, Italian and Russian are used as working languages.

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• After the fall of the Wall• Hungary became the first former

Soviet-bloc country to join the Council of Europe in November 1990.

• Budget• In 2009, the Council of Europe’s

budget totalled 205,002,000 euros.

Did you know?