From Dated: 25.06.2013 Parag Badhe C.G. State Level … badhe/For… · Parag Badhe HI G – 34,...

From Dated: 25.06.2013 Parag Badhe HIG– 34, Padmanabhpur Durg [C.G.] To, The Secretary C.G. State Level Expert Appraisal Committee, Commercial Complex, Housing Board Colony, Kabir Nagar, Raipur (C.G.) 492099 Subject : Application for Environmental Clearance for our Sand Stone quarry at Village: Kaldabri, Tehsil: Rajnandgaon, District: Rajnandgaon [C.G.] Reg. Respected Sir, We have applied for Sand Stone Quarry over an area of 5.67 Hect. bearing Khasara No. 94(P) at village: Kaldabri, Tehsil: Rajnandgaon, District: Rajnandgaon (C.G.) Pertaining to this we seek Environmental Clearance as per provision of EIA Notification 2006 as amended from Chhattisgarh State Level Expert Appraisal Committee. For this we herewith submit the duly filled and singed FORM – I along with the necessary documents as per the requirement EIA Notification 2006 for your kind perusal and further necessary action please. We request your good-selves to kindly grant us Environment Clearance for our proposed Sand stone quarry [area – 5.67 Hectares] for production of sand stone 30000 Tons/year at the earliest. Thanking you, Yours faithfully (Signature) Parag Badhe

Transcript of From Dated: 25.06.2013 Parag Badhe C.G. State Level … badhe/For… · Parag Badhe HI G – 34,...

Page 1: From Dated: 25.06.2013 Parag Badhe C.G. State Level … badhe/For… · Parag Badhe HI G – 34, ... Notification 2006 as amended from Chhattisgarh State Level Expert Appraisal Committee.

From Dated: 25.06.2013

Parag Badhe

HI G – 3 4 , Padm anabhpur

Durg [ C.G.]


The Secretary

C.G. State Level Expert Appraisal Com m it tee,

Com m ercial Com plex,

Housing Board Colony, Kabir Nagar,

Raipur ( C.G.) 4 9 2 0 9 9

Subject : Applicat ion for Environm ental Clearance for our Sand Stone quarry at

Village: Kaldabr i, Tehsil: Rajnandgaon, Dist r ict : Rajnandgaon [ C.G.] –


Respected Sir,

We have applied for Sand Stone Quarry over an area of 5.67 Hect . bear ing Khasara

No. 94(P) at village: Kaldabr i, Tehsil: Rajnandgaon, Dist r ict : Rajnandgaon (C.G.)

Pertaining to this we seek Environm ental Clearance as per provision of EI A

Not if icat ion 2006 as am ended from Chhat t isgarh State Level Expert Appraisal

Com m it tee. For t his we herewith subm it the duly f illed and singed FORM – I along

with the necessary docum ents as per the requirem ent EI A Not ificat ion 2006 for your

kind perusal and further necessary act ion please.

We request your good-selves to k indly grant us Environm ent Clearance for our

proposed Sand stone quarry [ area – 5.67 Hectares] for product ion of sand stone

30000 Tons/ year at t he ear liest .

Thanking you,

Yours fait hfully

(( SSiiggnnaa tt uurr ee ))

PPaa rr aa gg BBaa ddhh ee

Page 2: From Dated: 25.06.2013 Parag Badhe C.G. State Level … badhe/For… · Parag Badhe HI G – 34, ... Notification 2006 as amended from Chhattisgarh State Level Expert Appraisal Committee.

List of Enclosures

Sr. No. Particulars Remarks

1. Form – 1

2. Project Report

3. Hindi Form

4. Land Registry / Lease Deed / Ownership Deed

5. Mining Dept Lease/ Application/ Letter

6. Gram Panchayat NOC

7. Production details of last 5 years (If in operation)

8. All mines within the radius of 5 km clearly

marked on map and authenticated by Mining


9. Agreement for Blasting

10. Photograph of lease area from four angles

11. Environment sensitivity of 5 km

12. Toposheet

13. EEnvironment Management Scheme

14. Details of 500 m Radial Distance

15. Google image of 500 m

16. Quantum Calculation of minable reserve

Page 3: From Dated: 25.06.2013 Parag Badhe C.G. State Level … badhe/For… · Parag Badhe HI G – 34, ... Notification 2006 as amended from Chhattisgarh State Level Expert Appraisal Committee.

Enclosure - 1

FORM - 1




Parag Badhe[Sand Stone Quarry]

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(See paragraph – 6)

FORM – 1

S. No


1. Nam e of the proj ect Parag Badhe

2. Sr. No. in the schedule

3. Proposed capacity/ area/ length/

tonnage to be handled/ com m and

area/ lease area/ num ber of wells

to be dr illed

Lease Area : 5 .6 7 Hectares






3 0 0 0 0 Tons/ Year

1 5 TPH

4. New/ Expansion/ Modernizat ion Exist ing Sand Stone Quarry with area of 5.67

Hect . with product ion capacity of 30000

Tons/ year.

5. Exist ing capacity/ Area etc. Nil

6. Category of project i.e. ‘A’ or ‘B’. B

7. Does it at t ract the general

condit ion? I f yes, please specify.


8. Does it at t ract the specif ic

condit ion? I f yes, please specify.


9. Locat ion

Plot / Survey/ Khasara No. 9 4 ( P)

Village Kaldabri

Tehsil Rajnandgaon

Dist r ict Rajnandgaon

State Chhat t isgarh

10. Nearest railway stat ion/ airport

along with distance in km .

Railway st . : Murhipar – 6.00 km

Air Port : Raipur – 66.50 Km.

11. Nearest Town, city , Dist r ict

Headquarters along with distance

in km .

Tow n : Rajnandgaon – 15.00 km

Dist r ict : Rajnandgaon – 15.00 Km

12. Village Panchayats, Zilla Parishad,

Municipal corporat ion, Local body( complete postal addresses with telephone

nos. to be given)

Gram panchayat : Dum ardih Khurd

Dist r ict : Rajnandgaon

[ C.G.]

13. Nam e of the applicant Parag Badhe

14. Registered Address - - -

15. Address for correspondence:

Nam e Parag Badhe

Designat ion (owner/ partner/ CEO) Ow ner

Address HI G – 3 4 , Padm anabhpur,

Durg ( C.G.)

Pin code 4 9 1 0 0 1

E-Mail - -

Telephone No.

Fax No. - -

16. Details of Alt ernat ive sit es No alt ernat ive sit e has been considered.

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exam ined, if any. Locat ion these

sites should be shown on a


17. I nter linked Projects No interlinked project

18. Whether separate applicat ion of

inter linked project has been

subm it ted?


19. I f yes, date of subm ission N.A.

20. I f no, reason N.A.

21. Whether the proposal involves

approval/ clearance under; if yes,

details of t he sam e and their

status to be given.a. The Forest ( conservat ion) Act ,1980 No.b. The Wildlife (protect ion) Act ,1972 No.c. The C.R.Z Not ificat ion, 1991? No.

22. Whether there is any a

Governm ent order/ policy relevant /

relat ing to the sit e?


23. Forest land involved(hectares) No forest land is involved.

24. Whether there is any lit igat ion

pending against the project and/ or

land in which the proj ect is

propose to be set up?a. Name of the court

b. Case No.

c. Orders/ direct ions of the court , if any

and its relevance with the proposed

project .

No court case is pending in any court

of law .


1 . Construct ion, operat ion or decom m issioning of the Project involving

act ions, w hich w ill cause physical changes in the locality ( topography,

land use, changes in w ater bodies, etc.)



I nform at ion/ Checklist

confirm at ion



Details thereof ( w ith approxim ate

quant it ies / rates, w herever possible) w ith

source of inform at ion data

1.1 Perm anent or t em porary

change in land use, land

cover or t opography

including increase in

intensity of land use (with

respect to local land use plan)

Yes The proposed project is opencast sem i

m echanized quarry which will create

depression after excavat ion of Sand stone.

Present topography of the area have

gent le slope towards North and North –

East .

The post excavat ion scenar io of t he sit e

will be as follows:

Total excavated area after lease = 5.67 Hect .

1.2 Clearance of proposed land,

vegetat ion and buildings?

No As proposed lease area devoid of

vegetat ion and any co-building.

1.3 Creat ion of new land uses? No Not required.

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I nform at ion/ Checklist

confirm at ion



Details thereof ( w ith approxim ate

quant it ies / rates, w herever possible) w ith

source of inform at ion data

1.4 Pre-const ruct ion

invest igat ions e.g. bore

houses, soil t est ing?

No No preconst ruct ion act ivit y has been


1.5 Const ruct ion works? No No project related const ruct ion work will

be undertaken before obtaining

Environm ental Clearance from the SEI AA

and thereafter Consents from CECB,


1.6 Dem olit ion works? No Not required.

1.7 Tem porary sit es used for

const ruct ion works or

housing of const ruct ion


No Not required.

1.8 Above ground buildings,

st ructures or earthworks

including linear st ructures,

cut and fill or excavat ions

Yes Since it is quarry operat ion physical

st ructure changes are there. Excavated

ore/ stone will be stored for t he short

per iod at designated area.

1.9 Underground works

including m ining or


No No such act iv it y proposed.

1.10 Reclam at ion works? Yes Quarry reclam at ion will be done as per

guideline of the SEI AA/ CECB.

1.11 Dredging? No Not Applicable.

1.12 Offshore st ructures? No No such act iv it y proposed.

1.13 Product ion and

m anufacturing processes?

Yes Quarry of Sand stone, the sam e will be

m ineable up to 30000 Tons/ Year.

1.14 Facilit ies for storage of

goods or m ater ials?

Yes On open, em pty barren land.

1.15 Facilit ies for t reatm ent or

disposal of solid waste or

liquid eff luents?

Yes The reject is in the form of soft stone;

hence the sam e also being sold without

crushing as f illing m ater ial.

Regarding liquid eff luent t reatm ent ; we

hereby like to state that dom est ic eff luent

is expected to be generat e; which will be

t reated through sept ic tanks followed by

soak pits.

1.16 Facilit ies for long term

housing of operat ional


No Not Applicable.

1.17 New road, rail or sea t raff ic

dur ing const ruct ion or

operat ion?

No Not Applicable.

1.18 New road, rail, air

waterborne or other

No Not Applicable.

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I nform at ion/ Checklist

confirm at ion



Details thereof ( w ith approxim ate

quant it ies / rates, w herever possible) w ith

source of inform at ion data

t ransport infrast ructure

including new or alt ered

routes and stat ions, ports,

airports etc?

1.19 Closure or diversion of

t ransport routes or

infrast ructure leading to

changes in t raff ic

m ovem ents?

No Not Applicable.

1.20 New or diverted t ransm ission

lines or pipelines?No Not Applicable.

1.21 I m poundm ent , dam m ing,

culvert ing, realignm ent or

other changes to the

hydrology of watercourses

or aquifers?

No Since water table is below then the m ax

excavat ion depth of operat ion. Thus no

changes is envisage in this regard.

1.22 St ream crossings? No Not Applicable.

1.23 Abst ract ion or t ransfers of

water form ground or

surface waters?

Yes Drinking water requirem ent will be drawn

from ground water sources.

1.24 Changes in water bodies or

the land surface affect ing

drainage or run-off?

No Not Applicable.

1.25 Transport of personnel or

m aterials for const ruct ion,

operat ion or decom m issioning?

No Most of t he worker engaged will be from

nearly area.

1.26 Long- term dism ant ling or

decom m issioning or

restorat ion works?

No Not required.

1.27 Ongoing act iv it y dur ing

decom m issioning which

could have an im pact on the

environm ent?

No No such act iv it y envisaged.

1.28 I nflux of people to an area

in either tem porar ily or

perm anent ly?

No No such act iv it y involves.

1.29 I nt roduct ion of alien


No Not Applicable.

1.30 Loss of nat ive species or

genet ic diversity?

No Not Applicable.

1.31 Any other act ions? No Not Applicable.

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2 . Use of Natural resources for construct ion or operat ion of the Project

( such as land, w ater, m aterials or energy, especially any resources w hich

are non- renew able or in short supply) :



I nform at ion/ checklist

confirm at ion



Details thereof ( w ith approxim ate

quant it ies/ rates, w herever possible) w ith

source of inform at ion data

2.1 Land especially

undeveloped or agricultural

land (ha)

Yes Quarry lease has been accorded to us for

over an area of 5.67 Hect . for excavat ion

of sand stone.

The quarr ied land is barren land.

2.2 Water (expected source &

com pet ing users) unit : KLD

Yes 10.0 m 3/ day of Water will be required to

sat isfy dom est ic and other act iv it ies.

2.3 Minerals (MT) No Not Applicable

2.4 Const ruct ion m aterial–

stone, aggregates, sand /

soil (expected source – MT)

No No const ruct ion act iv it ies are envisaged

for proposed act iv it y.

2.5 Forests and t im ber (source

– MT)

No Not Applicable.

2.6 Energy including elect r icit y

and fuels (source,

com pet ing users) Unit : fuel

(MT) , energy (MW)

No Not Applicable.

2.7 Any other natural resources(use appropr iate standard unit s)

No Not Applicable.

3 . Use, storage, t ransport , handling or product ion of substances or

m aterials, w hich could be harm ful to hum an health or the environm ent

or raise concerns about actual or perceived r isks to hum an health.



I nform at ion/ checklist

confirm at ion



Details thereof ( w ith approxim ate

quant it ies/ rates, w herever possible) w ith

source of inform at ion data

3.1 Use of substances or

m ater ials, which are

hazardous (as per MSIHC rules) to

human health or the environment ( flora,

fauna & water supplies)

No Nil.

3.2 Changes in occurrence of

disease or affect disease

vectors (e.g. insect or water borne


No Nil.

3.3 Affect the welfare of people

e.g. by changing liv ing

condit ions?

Yes Econom ic source will im prove, & thus

liv ing condit ions & standard.

3.4 Vulnerable groups of people

who could be affected by

the project e.g. hospital

pat ients, children, the

elder ly etc.,

No Nil.

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I nform at ion/ checklist

confirm at ion



Details thereof ( w ith approxim ate

quant it ies/ rates, w herever possible) w ith

source of inform at ion data

3.5 Any other causes No Nil.

4 . Product ion of solid w astes during construct ion or operat ion or

decom m issioning ( MT/ m onth)



I nform at ion/ checklist

confirm at ion



Details thereof ( w ith approxim ate

quant it ies/ rates, w herever possible) w ith

source of inform at ion data

4.1 Spoil, overburden or m ine


Yes The reject is in the form of soft stone;

hence the sam e also being sold without

crushing as f illing m ater ial.

4.2 Municipal waste (dom est ic

and or com m ercial


No Nil.

4.3 Hazardous wastes (as per

Hazardous Waste

Managem ent Rules)

No No hazardous waste generated from the

proposed expansion.

4.4 Other indust r ial process


No Not applicable.

4.5 Surplus product No Not applicable

4.6 Sewage sludge or other

sludge from effluent

t reatm ent

No Not applicable.

4.7 Const ruct ion or dem olit ion


No Nil.

4.8 Redundant m achinery or

equipm ent

No Nil.

4.9 Contam inated soils or other

m ater ials

No Not applicable.

4.10 Agricult ural Waste No Nil.

4.11 Other Solid Waste No For quarry reclam at ion.

5 . Release of pollutants or any hazardous, toxic or noxious substances to

air ( Kg/ hr)



I nform at ion/ checklist

confirm at ion



Details thereof ( w ith approxim ate

quant it ies/ rates, w herever possible) w ith

source of inform at ion data

5.1 Em issions from com bust ion

of fossil fuels from

stat ionary or m obile sources

Yes There will be sm all am ount of exhaust

em ission from the vehicles ut ilized in

quarry area.

All the vehicles are designed to com ply

present Norm s.

5.2 Em issions from product ion


No Nil.

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I nform at ion/ checklist

confirm at ion



Details thereof ( w ith approxim ate

quant it ies/ rates, w herever possible) w ith

source of inform at ion data

5.3 Em issions from m aterials

handling including storage

or t ransport

Yes Dust em ission is envisaged due to

vehicles m ovem ent . Due care and

adequate dust suppression system is

installed on haulage road.

5.4 Em issions from const ruct ion

act ivit ies including plant

and equipm ent

No Not applicable.

5.5 Dust or odors from handling

of m ater ials including

const ruct ion m aterials,

sewage and waste

Yes Moveable type of water sprinkling system

is deployed for checking dust em anat ion

due to quarry act iv it y, handling and

t ransportat ion.

5.6 Em issions from incinerat ion

of waste

No Not applicable.

5.7 Em issions from burning of

waste in open air (e.g. slash

m aterials, const ruct ion debris)

No Nil.

5.8 Em issions from any other


No Nil.

6 . Generat ion of Noise and Vibrat ion, and Em issions of Light and Heat :



I nform at ion/ checklist

confirm at ion



Details thereof ( w ith approxim ate

quant it ies/ rates, w herever possible)

w ith source of inform at ion data

6.1 From operat ion of

equipm ent e.g. engines,

vent ilat ion plant , crushers

Yes There will be noise produced by this

operat ion of dr ill m achines and other

equipm ents.

6.2 From indust r ial or sim ilar


No Not applicable.

6.3 From const ruct ion or

dem olit ion

No Not applicable.

6.4 From blast ing or piling Yes Som e quant it y of explosive will be load for

blast ing under supervision of expert .

Blast ing will create few vibrat ion and noise

which will be as per norm s.

6.5 From const ruct ion or

operat ional t raff ic

No N.A.

6.6 From light ing or cooling

system s

No Not applicable.

6.7 From any other sources No Not applicable.

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7 . Risks of contam inat ion of land or w ater from releases of pollutants into

the ground or into sew ers, surface w aters, groundw ater, coasta l w aters

or the sea:



I nform at ion/ checklist

confirm at ion



Details thereof ( w ith approxim ate

quant it ies/ rates, w herever possible)

w ith source of inform at ion data

7.1 From handling, storage, use

or spillage of hazardous

m ater ials

No Not applicable.

7.2 From discharge of sewage or

other eff luents t o water or

the land (expected m ode

and place of discharge)

No Not applicable.

7.3 By deposit ion of pollutants

em it ted to air into the land

or into water

Yes I m pact will be very m arginal.

7.4 From any other sources No Not applicable.

7.5 I s there a r isk of long term

build up of pollutants in t he

environm ent from these


Yes I t will be m arginal.

8 . Risk of accidents during construct ion or operat ion of the Project , w hich

could affect hum an health or the environm ent :



I nform at ion/ checklist

confirm at ion



Details thereof ( w ith approxim ate

quant it ies/ rates, w herever possible)

w ith source of inform at ion data

8.1 From explosions, spillages,

fires etc from storage,

handling, use or product ion

of hazardous substances

No No such act iv it y envisages.

8.2 From any other causes No Nil.

8.3 Could the project be affected

by natural disasters causing

environm ental dam age ( e.g.

floods, earthquakes,

landslides, cloudburst et c)?

No Nil.

9 . Factors w hich should be considered ( such as consequent ial

developm ent ) w hich could lead to environm ental effects or the

potent ial for cum ulat ive im pacts w ith other exist ing or planned

act ivit ies in the locality:



I nform at ion/ checklist

confirm at ion



Details thereof ( w ith approxim ate

quant it ies/ rates, w herever possible) w ith

source of inform at ion data

9.1 Lead to developm ent of

support ing ut ilit ies,

ancillary developm ent or

developm ent st im ulated

by the project which could

have im pact on the

No Not applicable.

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environm ent e.g.:Support ing infrast ructure

( roads, power supply,

waste or waste water

t reatment , etc.)


Housing developm ent No

Ext ract ive indust r ies No

Supply indust r ies No

Other No

9.2 Lead to aft er -use of the

site, which could have an

im pact on the

environm ent

No Not applicable.

9.3 Set a precedent for later

developm ents

No Not applicable.

9.4 Have cum ulat ive effects

due to proxim ity to other

planned projects with

sim ilar effects

No Not applicable.


S. No. I nform at ion/ checklist

confirm at ion

Nam e /

ident ity

Aeria l distance ( w ithin 1 5 km .)

Proposed project locat ion boundary

1 Areas protected under

internat ional convent ions,

nat ional or local legislat ion

for their ecological,

landscape, cult ural or other

related value

No Not applicable.

2 Areas which are im portant or

sensit ive for ecological

reasons - Wet lands,

watercourses or other water

bodies, coastal zone,

biospheres, m ountains,


No Not applicable.

3 Areas used by protected,

im portant or sensit ive

species of f lora or fauna for

breeding, nest ing, foraging,

rest ing, over winter ing,

m igrat ion

No Not applicable.

4 I nland, coastal, m arine or

underground waters

Ground water Within quarry area.

5 State, Nat ional boundar ies No Not applicable.

6 Routes or facilit ies used by

the public for access to

recreat ion or other tour ist ,

pilgr im areas

No Not applicable.

7 Defense installat ions No Not applicable.

8 Densely populated or built -

up area

Rajnandgaon 15.00 km .

9 Areas occupied by sensit ive

m an-m ade land uses(hospitals, schools, places of

worship, community facilit ies)

Rajnandgaon Schools, hospitals and place of

worship are sit uate at

Rajnandgaon 15.00 km

10 Areas containing im portant ,

high qualit y or scarce


Ground water Within quarry area.

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S. No. I nform at ion/ checklist

confirm at ion

Nam e /

ident ity

Aeria l distance ( w ithin 1 5 km .)

Proposed project locat ion boundary

(ground water resources, surface

resources, forest ry, agr iculture,

fisher ies, tour ism , m inerals)

11 Areas already subj ected to

pollut ion or environm ental

dam age. (Those where legal

environm ental standards are


No Not applicable.

12 Areas suscept ible to natural

hazard which could cause

the project to present

environm ental problem s(Earthquakes, subsidence, landslides,

erosion, flooding or ext rem e or adverse

clim at ic condit ions)

No Not applicable.

“ I hereby given undertaking that the data and inform at ion given in the applicat ion and

enclosures are t rue to the best of m y knowledge and belief and I am aware that if any

part of the data and inform at ion subm it ted is found to be false or m isleading at any

stage, the project will be rejected and clearance give, if any to t he project will be

revoked at our r isk and cost .

Date: 25.06.2013 Signature

Place: Raj nandgaon [ C.G.]

Parag Badhe ,

HI G- 3 4 , Padm anabhpur ,

Durg ( C.G)

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Enclosure - 3

5 DVs;jlsgs de{ks=kyhtds[knkuksai;;5 DVs;jlsgs de{ks=kyhtds[knkuksai;;5 DVs;jlsgs de{ks=kyhtds[knkuksai;;5 DVs;jlsgs de{ks=kyhtds[knkuksai;;


01010101 ¼v½ vkosnd¼v½ vkosnd¼v½ vkosnd¼v½ vkosnd dk uke ¼lkslk;Vh@Hkkxhnkjhdk uke ¼lkslk;Vh@Hkkxhnkjhdk uke ¼lkslk;Vh@Hkkxhnkjhdk uke ¼lkslk;Vh@Hkkxhnkjh ijkx c<s+ QeZ@dEiuh gksus ij mldk iw.kZ fooj.k nsosaQeZ@dEiuh gksus ij mldk iw.kZ fooj.k nsosaQeZ@dEiuh gksus ij mldk iw.kZ fooj.k nsosaQeZ@dEiuh gksus ij mldk iw.kZ fooj.k nsosa

,oa lacaf/kr,oa lacaf/kr,oa lacaf/kr,oa lacaf/kr nLrkost layXu djsa½nLrkost layXu djsa½nLrkost layXu djsa½nLrkost layXu djsa½

¼c½ vkosnd dk in uke¼c½ vkosnd dk in uke¼c½ vkosnd dk in uke¼c½ vkosnd dk in uke izksijkbZVj



¼l½ lkslk;Vh@Hkkxhnkjh QeZ@dEiuh gksus ij vkosnd ¼l½ lkslk;Vh@Hkkxhnkjh QeZ@dEiuh gksus ij vkosnd ¼l½ lkslk;Vh@Hkkxhnkjh QeZ@dEiuh gksus ij vkosnd ¼l½ lkslk;Vh@Hkkxhnkjh QeZ@dEiuh gksus ij vkosnd

dks bl vkosnu i= esa gLrk{kj djus ds fy, dks bl vkosnu i= esa gLrk{kj djus ds fy, dks bl vkosnu i= esa gLrk{kj djus ds fy, dks bl vkosnu i= esa gLrk{kj djus ds fy, çkf/kd`r fd;s tkus laca/kh nLrkost layXu djsaçkf/kd`r fd;s tkus laca/kh nLrkost layXu djsaçkf/kd`r fd;s tkus laca/kh nLrkost layXu djsaçkf/kd`r fd;s tkus laca/kh nLrkost layXu djsa

vkosnd dk iw.kZ irkvkosnd dk iw.kZ irkvkosnd dk iw.kZ irkvkosnd dk iw.kZ irk

¼v½ [kfut dk uke¼v½ [kfut dk uke¼v½ [kfut dk uke¼v½ [kfut dk uke

¼c½ [kfut dk çdkj ¼çeq[[email protected]½¼c½ [kfut dk çdkj ¼çeq[[email protected]½¼c½ [kfut dk çdkj ¼çeq[[email protected]½¼c½ [kfut dk çdkj ¼çeq[[email protected]½

¼l½ [kfut dk vafre mi;ksx¼l½ [kfut dk vafre mi;ksx¼l½ [kfut dk vafre mi;ksx¼l½ [kfut dk vafre mi;ksx

in~eukHkiqj] nqxZ¼N--½



fuekZn~;ksx. mesa


[knku dh vofLFkfr ¼iVokjh ekufp= o [kljs dh udy layXu djsa½[knku dh vofLFkfr ¼iVokjh ekufp= o [kljs dh udy layXu djsa½[knku dh vofLFkfr ¼iVokjh ekufp= o [kljs dh udy layXu djsa½[knku dh vofLFkfr ¼iVokjh ekufp= o [kljs dh udy layXu djsa½

¼v½ [kljk Øekad¼v½ [kljk Øekad¼v½ [kljk Øekad¼v½ [kljk Øekad 94¼Hkkx½

¼c½ iVokjh gYdk uacj¼c½ iVokjh gYdk uacj¼c½ iVokjh gYdk uacj¼c½ iVokjh gYdk uacj 14

¼l½ xzke¼l½ xzke¼l½ xzke¼l½ xzke dkyMcjh

¼n½ xzke iapk;r@uxjh; fudk;¼n½ xzke iapk;r@uxjh; fudk;¼n½ xzke iapk;r@uxjh; fudk;¼n½ xzke iapk;r@uxjh; fudk; MqejMhg [kqn

¼M¼M¼M¼M----½ rglhy@CykWd½ rglhy@CykWd½ rglhy@CykWd½ rglhy@CykWd jktukanxkao

¼p½ ftyk¼p½ ftyk¼p½ ftyk¼p½ ftyk jktukanxkao

05050505 Hkwfe LokfeRo laca/kh tkudkjh ¼Hkwfe LOkkfeRo ds nLrkost layXu djsa½Hkwfe LokfeRo laca/kh tkudkjh ¼Hkwfe LOkkfeRo ds nLrkost layXu djsa½Hkwfe LokfeRo laca/kh tkudkjh ¼Hkwfe LOkkfeRo ds nLrkost layXu djsa½Hkwfe LokfeRo laca/kh tkudkjh ¼Hkwfe LOkkfeRo ds nLrkost layXu djsa½

¼v½ 'kkldh; Hkwfe dk {ks=Qy¼v½ 'kkldh; Hkwfe dk {ks=Qy¼v½ 'kkldh; Hkwfe dk {ks=Qy¼v½ 'kkldh; Hkwfe dk {ks=Qy 5-67 gsDVs;j

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¼c½ futh Hkwfe dk {ks=Qy¼c½ futh Hkwfe dk {ks=Qy¼c½ futh Hkwfe dk {ks=Qy¼c½ futh Hkwfe dk {ks=Qy &

¼l½ yht ij yh xbZ Hkwfe dk {ks=Qy¼l½ yht ij yh xbZ Hkwfe dk {ks=Qy¼l½ yht ij yh xbZ Hkwfe dk {ks=Qy¼l½ yht ij yh xbZ Hkwfe dk {ks=Qy &

¼n½ 'kkldh; Hkwfe gksus ij jktLo@ou Hkwfe¼n½ 'kkldh; Hkwfe gksus ij jktLo@ou Hkwfe¼n½ 'kkldh; Hkwfe gksus ij jktLo@ou Hkwfe¼n½ 'kkldh; Hkwfe gksus ij jktLo@ou Hkwfe oooo &

uksbZ;r ¼oxhZdj.k½ laca/kh tkudkjhuksbZ;r ¼oxhZdj.k½ laca/kh tkudkjhuksbZ;r ¼oxhZdj.k½ laca/kh tkudkjhuksbZ;r ¼oxhZdj.k½ laca/kh tkudkjh

¼M¼M¼M¼M----½ yht ij yh xbZ Hkwfe ds vuqca/k dh ½ yht ij yh xbZ Hkwfe ds vuqca/k dh ½ yht ij yh xbZ Hkwfe ds vuqca/k dh ½ yht ij yh xbZ Hkwfe ds vuqca/k dh çfrçfrçfrçfr ,oa,oa,oa,oa laYXud&4

Hkwfe LOkkfeRo ds nLrkost layXu djsaHkwfe LOkkfeRo ds nLrkost layXu djsaHkwfe LOkkfeRo ds nLrkost layXu djsaHkwfe LOkkfeRo ds nLrkost layXu djsa

06060606 Hkw&{ks= dk fooj.kHkw&{ks= dk fooj.kHkw&{ks= dk fooj.kHkw&{ks= dk fooj.k

¼v½ Hkw&foU;kl] <yku] lery] igkM+h vkfn laca/kh ¼v½ Hkw&foU;kl] <yku] lery] igkM+h vkfn laca/kh ¼v½ Hkw&foU;kl] <yku] lery] igkM+h vkfn laca/kh ¼v½ Hkw&foU;kl] <yku] lery] igkM+h vkfn laca/kh igkM+h pV~Vk tkudkjh ,oa Hkwfe ds orZeku tkudkjh ,oa Hkwfe ds orZeku tkudkjh ,oa Hkwfe ds orZeku tkudkjh ,oa Hkwfe ds orZeku

mi;ksx laca/khmi;ksx laca/khmi;ksx laca/khmi;ksx laca/kh tkudkjh nsosatkudkjh nsosatkudkjh nsosatkudkjh nsosa

¼c½ Hkw&ty dk Lrj¼c½ Hkw&ty dk Lrj¼c½ Hkw&ty dk Lrj¼c½ Hkw&ty dk Lrj 15ehVjls uhps

¼l½ D;k¼l½ D;k¼l½ D;k¼l½ D;k [kuu[kuu[kuu[kuu yht {ks= ls gksdj dksbZyht {ks= ls gksdj dksbZyht {ks= ls gksdj dksbZyht {ks= ls gksdj dksbZ ugha unh@ukyk@ugj@çkd`frd ty L=ksrunh@ukyk@ugj@çkd`frd ty L=ksrunh@ukyk@ugj@çkd`frd ty L=ksrunh@ukyk@ugj@çkd`frd ty L=ksr @@@@

lM+d vkfn xqtjrk gS lM+d vkfn xqtjrk gS lM+d vkfn xqtjrk gS lM+d vkfn xqtjrk gS \\\\ ;fn gk¡;fn gk¡;fn gk¡;fn gk¡ rksrksrksrks iw.kZiw.kZiw.kZiw.kZ fooj.kfooj.kfooj.kfooj.k nsosansosansosansosa

07070707 [knku dh egRoiw.kZ {ks=ksa ls nwjh ¼fdyksehVj esa½[knku dh egRoiw.kZ {ks=ksa ls nwjh ¼fdyksehVj esa½[knku dh egRoiw.kZ {ks=ksa ls nwjh ¼fdyksehVj esa½[knku dh egRoiw.kZ {ks=ksa ls nwjh ¼fdyksehVj esa½ &

,oa uke,oa uke,oa uke,oa uke

¼v½ jk"Vªh; ekxZ ,oa jkT; ekxZ¼v½ jk"Vªh; ekxZ ,oa jkT; ekxZ¼v½ jk"Vªh; ekxZ ,oa jkT; ekxZ¼v½ jk"Vªh; ekxZ ,oa jkT; ekxZ jk-jk-&6]11-00fd-eh-

¼c½ lehiLFk unh@ukys@çkd`frd ty¼c½ lehiLFk unh@ukys@çkd`frd ty¼c½ lehiLFk unh@ukys@çkd`frd ty¼c½ lehiLFk unh@ukys@çkd`frd ty L=ksrL=ksrL=ksrL=ksr cjlkrhukyk& -50fd1-eh- ¼gkbZ ¶yM ysoy ls nwjh½¼gkbZ ¶yM ysoy ls nwjh½¼gkbZ ¶yM ysoy ls nwjh½¼gkbZ ¶yM ysoy ls nwjh½

¼l½¼l½¼l½¼l½ lehiLFk vkcknhlehiLFk vkcknhlehiLFk vkcknhlehiLFk vkcknh dkyMcjh

¼n½¼n½¼n½¼n½ 'kS{kf.kd'kS{kf.kd'kS{kf.kd'kS{kf.kd laLFkk@vLirky@laLFkk@vLirky@laLFkk@vLirky@laLFkk@vLirky@ /kkfeZd/kkfeZd/kkfeZd/kkfeZd 'kS{kfdkyMcjhesa.kdla LFky@,sfrgkfld LFkyLFky@,sfrgkfld LFkyLFky@,sfrgkfld LFkyLFky@,sfrgkfld LFky gSA

¼M¼M¼M¼M----½ D;k 10½ D;k 10½ D;k 10½ D;k 10 fdfdfdfd----eheheheh---- dh ifjf/k esa vUrjkZT;h; lhek]dh ifjf/k esa vUrjkZT;h; lhek]dh ifjf/k esa vUrjkZT;h; lhek]dh ifjf/k esa vUrjkZT;h; lhek] fujad

jk"Vªh; m|ku] vH;kj.; fØVdyh ikywVsMjk"Vªh; m|ku] vH;kj.; fØVdyh ikywVsMjk"Vªh; m|ku] vH;kj.; fØVdyh ikywVsMjk"Vªh; m|ku] vH;kj.; fØVdyh ikywVsM

,fj;k ¼dsUnh; çnw"k.k fu;a=k.k cksMZ }kjk,fj;k ¼dsUnh; çnw"k.k fu;a=k.k cksMZ }kjk,fj;k ¼dsUnh; çnw"k.k fu;a=k.k cksMZ }kjk,fj;k ¼dsUnh; çnw"k.k fu;a=k.k cksMZ }kjk

?kksf"kr½] ikfjfLFkfrdh; laosnu'khy {ks= ;k?kksf"kr½] ikfjfLFkfrdh; laosnu'khy {ks= ;k?kksf"kr½] ikfjfLFkfrdh; laosnu'khy {ks= ;k?kksf"kr½] ikfjfLFkfrdh; laosnu'khy {ks= ;k

?kksf"kr?kksf"kr?kksf"kr?kksf"kr tSo fofo/krk dk {ks= fLFkrtSo fofo/krk dk {ks= fLFkrtSo fofo/krk dk {ks= fLFkrtSo fofo/krk dk {ks= fLFkr gSgSgSgS\\\\ ;fn;fn;fn;fn

gk¡ rks foLrr fooj.k nsosagk¡ rks foLrr fooj.k nsosagk¡ rks foLrr fooj.k nsosagk¡ rks foLrr fooj.k nsosa

¼p½¼p½¼p½¼p½ D;k 250 ehVj esa dksbZ ou {ks= fLFkr gSD;k 250 ehVj esa dksbZ ou {ks= fLFkr gSD;k 250 ehVj esa dksbZ ou {ks= fLFkr gSD;k 250 ehVj esa dksbZ ou {ks= fLFkr gS\\\\ ;fn;fn;fn;fn Ukgha gkW rks iw.kZ fooj.k nsosagkW rks iw.kZ fooj.k nsosagkW rks iw.kZ fooj.k nsosagkW rks iw.kZ fooj.k nsosa

08080808 [knku ubZ çLrkfor[knku ubZ çLrkfor[knku ubZ çLrkfor[knku ubZ çLrkfor gS ;k iwoZ ls lapkfyrgS ;k iwoZ ls lapkfyrgS ;k iwoZ ls lapkfyrgS ;k iwoZ ls lapkfyr gS gS gS gS \\\\ iwoZ ls lapk

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09090909 çLrkfor [knku gsrq fuEu tkudkjh nsaçLrkfor [knku gsrq fuEu tkudkjh nsaçLrkfor [knku gsrq fuEu tkudkjh nsaçLrkfor [knku gsrq fuEu tkudkjh nsa

¼v½ çLrkfor [knku gsrq [kfut lalk/ku foHkkx dh ¼v½ çLrkfor [knku gsrq [kfut lalk/ku foHkkx dh ¼v½ çLrkfor [knku gsrq [kfut lalk/ku foHkkx dh ¼v½ çLrkfor [knku gsrq [kfut lalk/ku foHkkx dh & lgefr lgefr lgefr lgefr i= dh tkudkjh ¼çfr layXu djsa½i= dh tkudkjh ¼çfr layXu djsa½i= dh tkudkjh ¼çfr layXu djsa½i= dh tkudkjh ¼çfr layXu djsa½


¼c½ Åijh feV~Vh ¼Vki Lkk;y½ dh ek=k ,oa çca/ku ¼c½ Åijh feV~Vh ¼Vki Lkk;y½ dh ek=k ,oa çca/ku ¼c½ Åijh feV~Vh ¼Vki Lkk;y½ dh ek=k ,oa çca/ku ¼c½ Åijh feV~Vh ¼Vki Lkk;y½ dh ek=k ,oa çca/ku & rFkk rFkk rFkk rFkk laj{k.k O;oLFkk laca/kh tkudkjh nsosalaj{k.k O;oLFkk laca/kh tkudkjh nsosalaj{k.k O;oLFkk laca/kh tkudkjh nsosalaj{k.k O;oLFkk laca/kh tkudkjh nsosa

¼l½ vf/kHkkj ¼vksOgj cMZu½ ,oa jhtsDV dh ek=k]l½ vf/kHkkj ¼vksOgj cMZu½ ,oa jhtsDV dh ek=k]l½ vf/kHkkj ¼vksOgj cMZu½ ,oa jhtsDV dh ek=k]l½ vf/kHkkj ¼vksOgj cMZu½ ,oa jhtsDV dh ek=k] çca/kuçca/kuçca/kuçca/ku ,oa viogu,oa viogu,oa viogu,oa viogu ¼csd¼csd¼csd¼csd fQfyax lfgr½fQfyax lfgr½fQfyax lfgr½fQfyax lfgr½ O;oLFkkO;oLFkkO;oLFkkO;oLFkk laca/kh tkudkjhlaca/kh tkudkjhlaca/kh tkudkjhlaca/kh tkudkjh nsosansosansosansosa

¼n½ Ykht dh çLrkfor vof/k ¼dc ls dc rd½¼n½ Ykht dh çLrkfor vof/k ¼dc ls dc rd½¼n½ Ykht dh çLrkfor vof/k ¼dc ls dc rd½¼n½ Ykht dh çLrkfor vof/k ¼dc ls dc rd½

¼M¼M¼M¼M----½ [knku esa vuqekfur [kfut Hk.Mkj½ [knku esa vuqekfur [kfut Hk.Mkj½ [knku esa vuqekfur [kfut Hk.Mkj½ [knku esa vuqekfur [kfut Hk.Mkj

¼p½ çfro"kZ fudkyh tkus okyh ek=k ¼ftl gssrq i;kZoj.k ¼p½ çfro"kZ fudkyh tkus okyh ek=k ¼ftl gssrq i;kZoj.k ¼p½ çfro"kZ fudkyh tkus okyh ek=k ¼ftl gssrq i;kZoj.k ¼p½ çfro"kZ fudkyh tkus okyh ek=k ¼ftl gssrq i;kZoj.k Lohd`fr gsrq vkosnu fd;k x;k gS ½Lohd`fr gsrq vkosnu fd;k x;k gS ½Lohd`fr gsrq vkosnu fd;k x;k gS ½Lohd`fr gsrq vkosnu fd;k x;k gS ½

¼N½ [knku dh laHkkfor vk;q¼N½ [knku dh laHkkfor vk;q¼N½ [knku dh laHkkfor vk;q¼N½ [knku dh laHkkfor vk;q






10101010 iwoZ ls lapkfyr [knku gsrq fuEu tkudkjh nsaiwoZ ls lapkfyr [knku gsrq fuEu tkudkjh nsaiwoZ ls lapkfyr [knku gsrq fuEu tkudkjh nsaiwoZ ls lapkfyr [knku gsrq fuEu tkudkjh nsa

¼v½ yht ds Lohd`fr vkns'k o vuqca/k laca/kh tkudkjh ¼ ¼v½ yht ds Lohd`fr vkns'k o vuqca/k laca/kh tkudkjh ¼ ¼v½ yht ds Lohd`fr vkns'k o vuqca/k laca/kh tkudkjh ¼ ¼v½ yht ds Lohd`fr vkns'k o vuqca/k laca/kh tkudkjh ¼ vkns'k o vuqca/k dh çfr layXu djsa ½vkns'k o vuqca/k dh çfr layXu djsa ½vkns'k o vuqca/k dh çfr layXu djsa ½vkns'k o vuqca/k dh çfr layXu djsa ½

¼c½ Ykht uohuhdj.k dh çLrkfor vof/k ¼dc ls dc ¼c½ Ykht uohuhdj.k dh çLrkfor vof/k ¼dc ls dc ¼c½ Ykht uohuhdj.k dh çLrkfor vof/k ¼dc ls dc ¼c½ Ykht uohuhdj.k dh çLrkfor vof/k ¼dc ls dc rd½rd½rd½rd½

¼l½ foxr 5 o"kksZ esa fudkys x;s [kfut dh o"kZokj ek=k¼l½ foxr 5 o"kksZ esa fudkys x;s [kfut dh o"kZokj ek=k¼l½ foxr 5 o"kksZ esa fudkys x;s [kfut dh o"kZokj ek=k¼l½ foxr 5 o"kksZ esa fudkys x;s [kfut dh o"kZokj ek=k

¼n½ fdrus Hkw&Hkkx esa mR[kuu gqvk gS ¼n½ fdrus Hkw&Hkkx esa mR[kuu gqvk gS ¼n½ fdrus Hkw&Hkkx esa mR[kuu gqvk gS ¼n½ fdrus Hkw&Hkkx esa mR[kuu gqvk gS \\\\

¼M¼M¼M¼M----½ mR[kuu dh orZeku xgjkbZ½ mR[kuu dh orZeku xgjkbZ½ mR[kuu dh orZeku xgjkbZ½ mR[kuu dh orZeku xgjkbZ

¼p¼p¼p¼p----½ [knku esa orZeku esa vuqekfur [kfut Hk.Mkj½ [knku esa orZeku esa vuqekfur [kfut Hk.Mkj½ [knku esa orZeku esa vuqekfur [kfut Hk.Mkj½ [knku esa orZeku esa vuqekfur [kfut Hk.Mkj

¼N¼N¼N¼N----½ Åijh feV~Vh ¼Vki Lkk;y½ dh ek=k ,oa çca/ku ½ Åijh feV~Vh ¼Vki Lkk;y½ dh ek=k ,oa çca/ku ½ Åijh feV~Vh ¼Vki Lkk;y½ dh ek=k ,oa çca/ku ½ Åijh feV~Vh ¼Vki Lkk;y½ dh ek=k ,oa çca/ku laj{k.k O;oLFkk laca/kh tkudkjhlaj{k.k O;oLFkk laca/kh tkudkjhlaj{k.k O;oLFkk laca/kh tkudkjhlaj{k.k O;oLFkk laca/kh tkudkjh

¼t½ vf/kHkkj ¼vksOgj cMZ¼t½ vf/kHkkj ¼vksOgj cMZ¼t½ vf/kHkkj ¼vksOgj cMZ¼t½ vf/kHkkj ¼vksOgj cMZu½ ,oa jhtsDV dh ek=k] çca/ku u½ ,oa jhtsDV dh ek=k] çca/ku u½ ,oa jhtsDV dh ek=k] çca/ku u½ ,oa jhtsDV dh ek=k] çca/ku ,oa viogu ¼csd fQfyax lfgr½ O;oLFkk laca/kh ,oa viogu ¼csd fQfyax lfgr½ O;oLFkk laca/kh ,oa viogu ¼csd fQfyax lfgr½ O;oLFkk laca/kh ,oa viogu ¼csd fQfyax lfgr½ O;oLFkk laca/kh tkudkjhtkudkjhtkudkjhtkudkjh

¼>½ yht {ks= esa jksfir o thfor o{k¼>½ yht {ks= esa jksfir o thfor o{k¼>½ yht {ks= esa jksfir o thfor o{k¼>½ yht {ks= esa jksfir o thfor o{k

layXu gSA layXud & 5



0-954gsDVs;j yx

3ehVj yxHkx

1048255Vu yXkHkx


jhtsDV jhtsDV jhtsDV jhtsDV ≈ dqy mRik5% yXkHkx


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¼i½ çfro"kZ fudkyh tkus okyh ek=k ¼ftl gssrq ¼i½ çfro"kZ fudkyh tkus okyh ek=k ¼ftl gssrq ¼i½ çfro"kZ fudkyh tkus okyh ek=k ¼ftl gssrq ¼i½ çfro"kZ fudkyh tkus okyh ek=k ¼ftl gssrq i;kZoj.k Lohd`fr gsrq vkosnu fd;k x;k gS ½i;kZoj.k Lohd`fr gsrq vkosnu fd;k x;k gS ½i;kZoj.k Lohd`fr gsrq vkosnu fd;k x;k gS ½i;kZoj.k Lohd`fr gsrq vkosnu fd;k x;k gS ½

¼Q½ [knku dh laHkkfor vk;q¼Q½ [knku dh laHkkfor vk;q¼Q½ [knku dh laHkkfor vk;q¼Q½ [knku dh laHkkfor vk;q

mR[kuu dh i)fr ,oa lafØ;kvksa dk fooj.k rFkk mi;ksx mR[kuu dh i)fr ,oa lafØ;kvksa dk fooj.k rFkk mi;ksx mR[kuu dh i)fr ,oa lafØ;kvksa dk fooj.k rFkk mi;ksx mR[kuu dh i)fr ,oa lafØ;kvksa dk fooj.k rFkk mi;ksx esa vkus okyh e'khuksa dh tkudkjh nsosaaesa vkus okyh e'khuksa dh tkudkjh nsosaaesa vkus okyh e'khuksa dh tkudkjh nsosaaesa vkus okyh e'khuksa dh tkudkjh nsosaa

D;k [knku {ks= esa dksbZ çlaLdj.k bdkbZ fLFkr gSD;k [knku {ks= esa dksbZ çlaLdj.k bdkbZ fLFkr gSD;k [knku {ks= esa dksbZ çlaLdj.k bdkbZ fLFkr gSD;k [knku {ks= esa dksbZ çlaLdj.k bdkbZ fLFkr gS\\\\ vFkok vFkok vFkok vFkok

çLrkfor gSçLrkfor gSçLrkfor gSçLrkfor gS\\\\ ;fn gk¡ rks fuEukuqlkj tkudkjh nsoas;fn gk¡ rks fuEukuqlkj tkudkjh nsoas;fn gk¡ rks fuEukuqlkj tkudkjh nsoas;fn gk¡ rks fuEukuqlkj tkudkjh nsoas



vksiu dkLV¼SemiMechanizedf½ ts-lh-ch-]Mªhy e’kh


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fooj.k nsosafooj.k nsosafooj.k nsosafooj.k nsosa

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ekxZ laca/kh tkudkjh nsosaekxZ laca/kh tkudkjh nsosaekxZ laca/kh tkudkjh nsosaekxZ laca/kh tkudkjh nsosa

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tkudkjh nsosa½tkudkjh nsosa½tkudkjh nsosa½tkudkjh nsosa½

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Kaldabari Tah. Rajnandgaon,Anticipate Yearly Royalty 25000.00

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caw wri

(i#FrErt TT! "ff. zi W 'RT, to 7zIT



O :R" - T 17 t- 3-tlT Tf'T 3T-dM #4A t 371-f- t, ita

omirii- 7P6r9t FAI -9-'" 3T-1- t Tca .uirdec4rt It t),


(T-4 9P1 'FAT tit)

FT 9) t aittm t 315477t

(1*#:011 ..xTrrq ntrOw" w-ET Trza t atR vIt ataita .ker-44 ar-v

,TO rik9. gritigg; 'Tqk Arrol, ICI 4E1 .9fre-AT 39-4 5iRr vII041t

t) , 3144T

-itrAt3i i, 1956 (1956 WI 1)

r. (t741 'Mg) f4kW -e-A-t:trfa wrzfruEr

Tr( ti(rai) x0i izRqr* "tgsR" 1 1q1 t arR 3taira 371-fKi

..r.07n1'gr 9Rf WrIkti t)

aft c?F/6.11 •a.2. N-TIT Tim 1

Arttla r mining Moot

Collectomte ra;nandga11

OPT: 2 T:R••

Page 26: From Dated: 25.06.2013 Parag Badhe C.G. State Level … badhe/For… · Parag Badhe HI G – 34, ... Notification 2006 as amended from Chhattisgarh State Level Expert Appraisal Committee.

rTei u3c4-7t

TII (tre '4274

17711 594' Ti; # f0;11 TF-ll

Ti+-M: 3 CF ..

jAstilant inIng 01#40.

Collectotaw -^ajnaii41,0ii

-; ‘

Su egistrart aikjimANDGpmu


tgt.-17/17 TIV:r9tT tur rff#, 1906 (1i-

tc è f411 170.vegti . 341# flu"'-1 t 1-1R-1

TrNT t,

1:114-fi Tk9 f4#431. # 74T .T ,,r# 31-1-0t # zrr \Skit ql-Tf

awdte af 1 i TzrrfiRzil TT tr-.4-4-R/tWe-4I -d TRT 4raT9 f rr

:914W, 1 frU9' ,J0 ci141 9-t1qt3#,T-T1 iit T-F-wzrcr, •=ra;:r TRTtrtt

IT;eqigcr0-4t1 RT wr9. afr 3t9ft c11 t,

iriTz41 n34cf 31-14V1

n1iiI atTr \PA 41i; t, Ttt t.O.T ii

TT 17, ql , zwr alTei t 4771.--t

Thit wT ucrltrrt tAtT #

.#17r-AM ftfra. arcgrq

f4, -11 V41

WFqTft `?-T1 tfITTN-1.4)0 V -47 ftTi

cri .)1(1134, VIN'alt 741 rqitTTfil'-iiif 'FT1

t 3Tuzittr9. ,3(4-cf

, \-T-Lf ki011k t c-ic:11c-iirj.,,

• .

wrT41 U fkttiiRiow 3R1aTT ct.) qq, 3T-1-1-4t t ITFT-TT OsurrU tifTF( ftffrt

arp-rrt cbmicr{v t trTT

TRI, 9-47 rtt 'cit itt ,s0 Nfil";9. -EFT,

ar-At qfft-trM # qftfra t 5b v#t trK , ftWksz

MTT—U: atffrOZ 370-ff arallfff 0.0 V tiv-04 k.R.t)R 1T i it1 111719. .11 4 11

7-d5 RT, "Tizt tR`W t rTTI tOritqT chkcif 3-1T 371' t 14FT--rr -J

aikarg-ff ftzfi TRT t, UT-4 kikcblk i.ciq, - TT24 r#it T1 cç

Tqa 3T-Tt'krt T 31'54 WI r -zrr 4 ir t. 3fR Ttt worm): t

t .tTea 7-ra't t, 3T-TO 1-TPT-t #

N.Ot # N*4 -kz1 ft9-FT 3trK \Sk-I # ,

Ati4) 3419' "9" -E ejt t, ft-zrr , 411c11 t I

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cci # 4,W413t. "d6fn

APT 47,r/ .... . ij




N-4 Octri T

/-24417 /5 T1 /C-7.

ITTIT t— uerr alunsfR 1flT — f Tit t,

trt-4Ttit1ç4T-4 ITU 3* aft 3tTT t i1T1wet for cf4*.zuRr- R

irt 9-01 ,:t)1( in Igfit'A cboii, i-ii 4)14 GtrtrIf cII air

w Puff afrK

5r# T[TRT zir Om)

ii ld t .gR=RTTF ..... • '7,3-1/./ ,'

uut w11111 /se. w

*ff UaTI Ce4 ye ti t4fri4i TRU L N-Er+f t I <


.57( --kfkt al-TT-1qt

IFTE trct w.

14 "4: n11, -- ''

.43F,7-,9/73P-i\4, 91ca cb t I A 4 -4-,!1-r

1:tfta*c, 7qT n3 ,1cf ffftfER1 c-t) H 17; .1,t Ac.1 7fi T ; *5,

114 \i‘it-cbt oirif .fziT cbt n141117T q*C4'41 — r'1

f4:41.1-ft 74179. r4 Iii i+71. 77T '17 TIE Ti

'TiPITc.711, 9-7177 TT

tI Tf cb, qzfrur .2T4rTui iR 5 -4-ztFr 1 TT T374 tf

Tff t-4 73- 1 f-44

c,q11 tIrk! ft-QV!, 4,1 T-LZ : j1

#1:tirM TtrAt 71 i)vivf NT "4-4- - EM

10-it 11'4, 'KR#f `?4T arr , T1176rT.c#-6

7rfTT (71 Tr4f iftf # tR 1.4A;i 1141, TT a;:41

1 A rttla ii:vrig office,

ollectolato " ajnal14ga0A

Page 28: From Dated: 25.06.2013 Parag Badhe C.G. State Level … badhe/For… · Parag Badhe HI G – 34, ... Notification 2006 as amended from Chhattisgarh State Level Expert Appraisal Committee.


t, nirict)1 TiL1) 4 1 1-)t .14 #TT cct7icl17-4f

Ti'41 I

tipOr qjf — 1.1-Ft ftft TTh#ti fT-#t 9-7:11-- 4,

Gi4 cleif 1-Tq9 3fr< TRt WrErr .4441 3T7-7-


4>4 atrKrjcb1 3ciztfrf cbt 3 nk ch114 r.41 itTgl

grff "t) 31). TTT ci-)13ff rq4 3frt

tr R:Tt rT. E(t w==rt, ttfi q->c,43ff

1 5 1 9-zit-1-9't kiA-11 t 714, -1 31--Tz01 11f.4 — ITITT

ft4 P+-111 tsviirr trr 1Trt

f'ciRsicf aT-VT 7 3

V*4 W43 at< irict)t trfr'

zklt T 311 tr( 41 491

W .4 311K N7r-it rI fotrr, TI ";

St4 z-F # fc.i'lcif

70, ziT 1:1"4fif trft

v1Z51q14 cil 4 11 311-(

riftru cr)4tr, i-K-g fT

3rRIch0 31t74:rttm

74T c-hcc.{-r -i ,

i tr< flqrt- W-MtTRI3W, U144,

zErzfrrr i zff *NI iWt . 3T9*1R1 17Wfr4

alt(i N-711 "q"q tite 4 T

7 4rjj, frig ct 3fi-K qT4 tI

114ff, F -1-g- Tfi el& MTR`f rT7t1.- TtzT

TIT TO 11 air4F4chdiR 1017:a

ft#1 Tri +iqI zrr

rw#r 9rstr TI- T


ctA4it iTrqz- r t IT tt 'r#Twi ;WE I

Wts 711-4-4 it4jJwr wzrzifirr — u-qt

ticm trtfrca 1-71 tR, zrt -writ 3N rii ,41.

attqt, fth .6?-11 TrrITW afrK tmg1 %Ti# qfbriff ii

qi T 57r1Tr wO .17 Q4 • Tit e, TIT F4W1.. Tfti CVO, CVO,

Wtrtgur W(t zit W;IT ch 1311 fu4, 30T 747r1

Tr47f I


A I' tfls ...1:7117g Off/COP1`,c , :tot:‘,14

-, a;.r..artdigtoti

Page 29: From Dated: 25.06.2013 Parag Badhe C.G. State Level … badhe/For… · Parag Badhe HI G – 34, ... Notification 2006 as amended from Chhattisgarh State Level Expert Appraisal Committee.


Arttlant Ong mo t Conectolatc - ajnandstezi

— 5

ITN t4 — 1T1T t 1 elTWc IT fOrtilNch0 TOT FTAET9

ct) PR-41 IR q-49 rmift — fit cf.> It-a TR, TR-um %PT

4fR vtf4Vt N7t aRr trftq TO Tit 1"*-Kt 'T 3ir-4 KF

Tif 174 tiOIR t-r , 4tTlRci tri TqTEr

tra. 4 rRfA-d, p-irr-t7 9-e chlk 11-6, -tz#zrrq 9-e t

7-Rtift ‘4-41, 3FEE v 14at zrr . -Ett

Irdt7 1741-4 3 tT fi fir h-11 1-flq ugt,

tr4 trf V41-At t 3Ft czif4c14( -gRi 1-4 tt

4gm Trk TT t1-1 Te( F -Ert 7T TT I '.pelt WI TO, V •41 .amr-4 -kt-04

f arRrwR TFRkzi t 9 trite -tT)•

i21 rtit IT witilit 9t, 40T-4 Nit argt —

#rwITT a4 itt tr T:rtrr 9 Ml Trk t, aN

rffst-4, w-4m T1F 1c1 -) r4Era T 11/#f f40

.97r zrf 3F 7?-11 TEI 9R 31#71 fir i l I rqtf 1Tf0 tf tTiT

atiK q-Z 5EtA7,f f'qt artaa t, WAGE fwzri qtqf TIT 3 ifs irrq

-gTTI r.ktt 9Tf TIRR Itt-J 31Tqf Wk,

ZtrztrIT 9-ef f*ziT 7T71T, 7 Tk:1 5 Trk 3Trcirc-cr,TF74- r9-4T

fir ut, fks9 4ft-a •1 315TFr

13i to4 .kifwqrq -41 we(

(12) # NfAise ,T1'444 *41

91t / Ai Zit 3-4 wKt 3T-1-4 kTrr

141 *it Ovretzr alpftrzil tg-efir -gr4Enq - LK. qR, F-+-4tf 1:17,

tgst-47/t1rX17 Ed t, fR M t tr

,3T1t1.3r14 5.10 .4t# Aid( qtRzitzt 3T-Vtit Tr1 tgst Nzi-RF 741

tITT 3Ti qq-TTq 5-d-7 rwt .qrR 411

— TZ fir 30 t :34-1'.4 11

tR T4-ff #Fwzri-q

PIZ: 6 qv.,

Page 30: From Dated: 25.06.2013 Parag Badhe C.G. State Level … badhe/For… · Parag Badhe HI G – 34, ... Notification 2006 as amended from Chhattisgarh State Level Expert Appraisal Committee.

"cfr 71W fk TOW Ttr ITO * r.k?t t.TR.q-ru TftT

-6-TErrail cblk tiltcu rf 5r—d4in zrf f T TT41-rt 3t I <1c1 i 31471)T1

cbkur Test4R/tr- t-4-rtf 11'.-r EIT F>i

919M7 BLit •qtTrr sltir f . tri 3T-Tm-Ita q -ur #,

gR1 re.17q-a rWzri AN I

%WT R — P1 fi 3rAtir tcicild11,Tff1Uzfi ftEirrtr+-1--(

31-Al tsif*al• * Alt wrii cptit — tivq4 ki 0-) I < lIT Tfi rffrTf 3TTt g•T 9-01-T7 vf--q9

EIT N--#t r-r,et<fK if# # .azTr trT 15071 cbo't 4-T Tq9- Nr-t 3Fq

317zT- tgrtit Q ,4cb, , I # 7fir T§n-Tk

trrk c-tgrirt cb,Tr4ftc4, 17.[TElb-tcff qrk TraRca-a. 3TT- 3.trT

TtrAt t lir9t, , P-14TIIT 7-3 Ti "111R111

34K 1-10, 1-Cr*I/ aue-a-0, ki4idircii-1ff -641 r-F-Er 01W, ,

ATTITTit tc4lY, 1c1lI 6Y , t'l, 44),-A4, `4-Tq r10, TT117?-tt,

igTif azn 31R4 1#t i r f 1 7-Eff Err litt1T-

ATt 3144P1 Trq7f

tfFt rT 741 VII-qT1 9-Eit N-tff

q---t-wirrr6qt mr1 eq'Tt TIT t-GrrrtT---r- 17 z11 \34

timirt ttT4TETt cbiRcr 9 11 5 -r4Tri S 0 T., -ild1 4T TrqTT qf -97#

q'T" cbRuf zET 31:ft. Lirov1t4:1 'RqT 3fq;-7 5r--6TT

1IIf Alit ft .tim-A-Act) FE1 Tr-ETa t, lT31-Tr7{1-aI1 L bR

fkf'44va ftErt Wzi I

121 WIT Krft W4Tql — TFRT titctot zit

stO WRicpci cb TIT

1-1.2AR 13-tqt 3Ft.

3-4Ri 1-1,51t # TIT 3T-i tF ct) 311-< \3k-i trT, dkit ,3eit 3TR7R

fW-41( Tt, 1,1 4.1 74# TTT kcttrift a 3"---tT trt

r4) ,-C ft-crIRtr ITt#, , tI1/4T TTI 410 it .3,1 14

t TIT irld.) 1741--Rg Vri-Ff it•Zr S -Ft ic.(k-R ITT alikReTa

11V, tri3W Err arR4 trgTiftt, illreA -Err 31 ,- 4 ci I 1( TIT <kci,

TT: IT( tqci-mcir Tf'qr : TTIVE: 7 LI .


Asttle e

Mg 04701, Collecto: ate "'ajnandgatlti


Page 31: From Dated: 25.06.2013 Parag Badhe C.G. State Level … badhe/For… · Parag Badhe HI G – 34, ... Notification 2006 as amended from Chhattisgarh State Level Expert Appraisal Committee.

Arttlant ajna14gaen

— 7

tr(rt f tr 1:16-417 fit tfTt ct)icif TFET 5*1 chtf

3ititff Tir friTTftr-c, R t -91-d 7311

cf-A t1RThi 5tRIETT zIT trftff rig rwzrf *1#q, IziT Tr-49 TT 91 Fttf

chloit zrr .10 14Ruipit-q . tratrc/trOqR1

tre,t4R/tr-4.,twl tFIT ‘11\-r-4J 3FTWR iterr 1 It4IT AVE N' 1-1M-4Rch ko-{ Zrf 3FFEffit

*If qt4TT 11,'Sr ff"MT titc-bit 31-4V1ki '4)Lii 771 I

%TN — alfArd 1TFW rte, alf4414 g1-6T, (t-4-te) err izrifIR:zr, 41' t

d .Dcick t, TM. 4 11

ITT, Tet t. T-17 rr-t t f#er I TT 2 Nr9-fkiR


t f ii i4 1{ 30 t. Alfrff .q-31 gRch qT-(1 EIT

aTrilVali, fktfrdarfta, tk qf Er- R u r rTr4 err

WITif 41t 1ft 7§64 t F4 wifi (Trer— r) t cht.1 Nti 741 4 N-11

t, z TrIT-Ezr err 3119-q-ri ,

T-Fr9 qA,'r r . P,T 6E1 I

f2i 11r-d-W aftK3TP ITT 1TT-d-T * T1 471 — 1TPT 1 t 7rAtTi

TO F TO Ni 14d1r-k1Rd 31t<Sr-TO

cf * ft4, Tff 1)t44 ft— q-R # cictoN ftfkfttsz•

30 (1)(T) 1 t, qTfi* 3rf 4 TT-6T orti t-Rct)R T")•

i4 lcilri 1A4 11/.1 A4

•cliRRH Trdm •641-1 tTE — 1TTI flrg 1 77-*.1 3Tuzittri

7-6t 3TrFr- q10-1 3Tft/34 BIZ zzT 'I1

Ti7- MT rffziTf 30 (1)(N. ) N-Wksz

ricti 4iq ftrek, TFE{- t.Rchi< 4 II/q-)1 I

i4i .ff-dtt *ITT z* %FM — Egt-q-4.. t 1 1 ,,eql</LiqRI ;2:kr

kta 3TRWT t zitiR Irk t -Err -izr?trrr t, tTR7 t

t tOtT 1Y, fir: t. Tf t-qz" err 7:rt- Ntt 1-Trrr t FT4 . /9/,.....

t err tr zIT TT* 9Tt1T elf i ch1ClIcaT rWti Zr

': 8 1:17..

Page 32: From Dated: 25.06.2013 Parag Badhe C.G. State Level … badhe/For… · Parag Badhe HI G – 34, ... Notification 2006 as amended from Chhattisgarh State Level Expert Appraisal Committee.

fkir .u# tT , W4, ci =Fr) TR 9-tr< TJT-0. 7:11 37# .Mirci

IgraT ci.) , 11/c041 3T1T W-1--( Tj-1 4 1 4 1

'ENTR4 117 3. 1t ToyEP-Tra. 3-61-Pfh-

c i I/ci i w-r-ffm r9-7:FT

30 (": (IT) # ftif 711k 't 3rITIRfi7P)11T I


ii 3ft Tt 3r44Ei


cre.,ft AIR ti 1149. 01 — 31 ThT-4N 3cr1c Ta-T

311K ) (1) ' zr4T re417Z. , thri oh ti Ftt4 ttft

Trdiff rwzrr sr4Trr I

2i tcl I C4 1 4j1T1491 tiT — ti +1 ul rif 4 t 9-ztt t ,

I47/7 74 1)"5f 131 f Tit 7.it1

t§ff 1 :fr4 t TA' 4-11'›if , t *11- t 3ft-E11

rffzrq t iTa 31N -rtt 4.1<r 41 -4 I

Di Mt sig-4 tqlT iNti cR TRIM --ef acir t, — N'rf

gif 1T R .7 A 1-Tre-T, - :zrrr7R:zi ITT 317- z- Ttli

tifTTP:red-<RI RIkr0 TiTizr Tram 9-tffi Aid( t c4 , ITT

5r-Juu 9r-64i t, , wr(vr .zipt , fT340' ,i-tt/r7z1-T. te9-7

afftrTrt 1041t11-1:1q. q t ieb KIT 41tr-

4Trrt ¶T — 1041.c/tOT-4 5#14-0

11 ligti 1TftRql, IglUTff cb 411 — R1

Pi ii cufr#T-zr 7T -trr 0 1 rIc4 ITITHEIN

T'T 5: 7r4ftra. t,j4IçiN ct, ,,Ir/4 3117 *'1<uff r?-7 41tilTut

t t TIM

tfitit 741 tit t , i 311-q .dv-TT I t

t1ii440A ftgrzr 1-1 •r=t t, FTI -Rcf-)K 7Tftr -TT

ART :11:11T—T1471 1:R 5v rw4 r9viftu -ErT 4-4trcr-d reb4 AO, Tr '41

. ITTaTff i-) 4 1fic'hVf NI nir1c111371- 11-49 c4A4i1iebVr


Arttlant fling office,. ollect° I ate --, a j ne43.dgatiii

tTft41: 9 'R7..

Page 33: From Dated: 25.06.2013 Parag Badhe C.G. State Level … badhe/For… · Parag Badhe HI G – 34, ... Notification 2006 as amended from Chhattisgarh State Level Expert Appraisal Committee.

tom cmir T:rt rIi — tg:16-47 6P#/‘ sIT{

t TIN t2ic1eff Tqt qIclif v11 ,11 1Ic 4 iici-) ,-f #11111 74-1

T4'41 TWO:4a ct) 4 11 3117 t#-c1 ti4i4 \3.-4 TRT+Tff TT-0T I

TTI 1=111 t 3TRT -41ITT3i1 trzicruff TcruE. t -c{

Tit I

i 31 qlq * greR 7t41 t AiTif ft Tiodi t 444 b711 —

1.1df Pmft-d N-4 ,70 7TfWi F ItrdT Tf-P=IT 14:1tv ci-)+11/cb+). 3117

rft4 1=1:4 (F•rq =1 4-N-1\f trR

3r-qtv Tir r9iirffr TTIco1c1ci1 .#f ?<. --ft qq-cli cr

11-6TIT R T, c4r , WHL T 74 #cit7-1,

-6.1 ,1147q4-n tiT 'et* T —E17 rTzi f491 TIT 4-tf ,fdri..711 11-11. 1311 4 4 11/TVI,

n3.1 *OT cbt4 ct) 4 11/4:0 TIT tit-{ 4A4 I1/04 I Tglir 9Ztr4t t 1-C14

401311 TNET Trot PTIftff c011, 1 4-1 14-orffr trr rw-tt

141.11 cbtrif t I .

141 ti(coltkt9d T11xiftff 1 1N4 11 — tg,A6-47, •rti TIFFff eff

T f,

fks9 fscik't .o.Tr vri'qTrzr *r utt/d4 gkr rTt

Tt TT Fd-Fa 5<\311 ,-11 `z11 9{T< 4 1f 741

Act)). TYR c 4 1(/C04 FT -TF TtTT 1 1 1-TIcI e-1

Tr3:rc-r r11 4 1ci TT1 •Tq . zt1

tAg t N-#1. arr-or tri T*7-tt c4ç tf ,11Q 7Fzi

ciA , Ir/GbVr 3ftritirFzr 7-Tr tqi: eat, ff v4TriMil'r


'41 314 Ic1c1 — trid-s t

TT . TqFi ft 3-4U 5-tiTzn: TIIT i I , 7TI 41 4 1

3Wz1 F4I ni.) TaqtT 3r etci T ITEIricU k4

4 1q), zfr t§r4T9 T-11c4 LiRcqci-ci 3P-Tql

1:TOU 'F41 30, Tittfitff etA4 Ifict)V1 31)-T

TFWET gf-4T9'( itT4T4 tt


: 10 7..


Astuant r ng eft* ollectota::, -ajnandgiston )

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- 10 --

19 t arlEIVEK ENT UW 41‘11,s1 cbtrIl — qR, ZiqTFEP-Ifff, #4R-Tu kcf

9mt1rf ITT os -4 =bit •ITTItt19er- ff 1.-t Fcmft IITTE 3Tftf flLi

TR:r 74T *#1 3wz{ ti

Imerict ,41tuf zif T1T aTtlfara. t, ct) 41r/cb4r TIT t[If ct) 4 11/4)Z+1

i1 1IUI arVTff ti Wqr - tW, fff#4,T 14, izT, [UT, 4.41 13T, 14.4i 13T to.11

atk 1.1-1 .31 ,114, -140 k4U cb) 31TW- T57 ch< 711-79 F*- f

wfr-t-a. 3TRT -rt trfttR kTr# c r Tr cr-Tt

TirTP.17 t, 9v.1 31-711 . , 11/c14 4) 1:7t- 17 .T4-,/,3 ,-14-,

r- 1f4a q1 , 71 t Tg-R Lirtrmici t,

agT c41R T 9 t<4 174TT-41çfl eR

chk+11/-*-t4) 13f791* fljcff k/-0

lir4i5.4 vcr aTerf4m Tr40 airke TIT k 4)-5 zu

titcw fkt4Turj iturr=R-47 qr tET STRTtritru

3119-4T4 Tzf 4)14 c.b , 11/ct) 9%11 3T-ILITT9 ci.)+11/.114

i8i ftta llriT — 4R ,. f9T rq-4-4

ittE 4tTT/It-41). 3111.9 #fTErraft 3T-1Th-Ti -1 t cbRuf 11- 1 trf

..TiftOcil 4•T zit #41:1. Tilt( cbIrtd 4149. tri #cff- • .

914TF49' T rIrr cf

3fRr 1§rfk-A1i our ftta Airir tr- tw, fwt 741,=1 ,4 T1,

1A2. re-Atz ri& 3T-14uT ft ttr aql ft-4f

t itqTnr '1P4 arftc,i4 trfT/#1 I zfrq T'rt

f4r9-1• ,161: t, f 31fd fT t, 9). ti--tqF NP-1\4 c-14

1E 9-e cr)41r/.1,4,--ItT f9-crau i cf-) 4 11/cil ,14 dcb tt1 frff7•

it NzIT q17 f'Oif c,t) IFT aT 3ffi-T9IF =. rEfT ,Y114 I

i10i nic4-1141 11 T.47rftztf A.Frft- t 3ft 11 4TMN1' *nail pzfr —

amfi7 Nrr t?i cto* .Tqr 1.14rzil 1:R z

ctgra4 "Fer *Thr/3 6.1 vat T -4-4-ry-<-41'ri tqc.N4,10.wittVf,

P-14--t1iRqd r-4tT TzrzTzT- , 97i ITT 441 --

Acttiant Irtg Offlljef

Collectolato Tajnalidga011 42,

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,4sttlan . .,Ing Offkjit Co!lectct ate '' .1jrartdp,40/1

111 zwr virzt( ,c471 w i1)m-rT

121 Tq mf4W/EfW 1A9"tT tr iWm. WM t, ITTq azIT ff5t7,


131 ar-i-z1-41 ftzr-e-r4 T14 5WR 3q-a rrk T1V3ft F4crait trf

TTT 5t---ff I

39 Tffrffr4-is.0 TFTIf Ti rc4cRul I

5i 3.-41. Oft 7 kg I 7 trzll r977F- 041k Ti€:41 -1.11414)1 cc

ark11 TTcirffI

'rtf arAT TOFFP-Trdql,i IT 1,r4-1 Rct)1 , 7471—TfT171

trK AVT sh-t 311- TP1 , '#ff trf -cm< f97M

titii zrr f'7-t- I i i vet .04.1tr aft tkitctd TrIT

zrr f*Kt Rtv.r ATt Nci,Rfrzr1, t.RcbR F4icr

139i ct;k4 11/tt TIT -5F-4UFff V4it 7 tt 3, -m-rftz4

zti,_TF-zr TFEbR F9-FTr u-qf Mr-r

trtaur 17#4P3r ct)4 atr( ikdroNLIT 1q1 3Tht 1-4R

reir 30T cbt4 T-11 T4) TTg W4 t f iici c0 4 11/c-i-)+1

'kl9Tftff cbtrif - t07, 3-49 t W49-7 7 q-74-011

ci-c-1 1-P1111 Tft, .014-TFEr, iii 9-TT

t1- "t 3ittM \3471 tgtT # \ --ft/ n34 =1;:fr TTI Tiqt

zut1,34 "OTT t Tit Vr-wzrrari 31--1T# -14-)/,314-) gRf t T1-4:1:1* T711,

azri I—ITAct) alt# qka jtwgftT, 5f7tWff ,t N-4

trilf 7i1f1i'1344T3T aft Trt- TV, f ii t rtt tit cillcilc{Fa

atff vTrzr-TRrzr trT fkre4iszE fF :r#r 1-Tt ar)-

tr-c'eqrK, Zr tKc.r)K q--4 arrIf4T-d Titt trT

5ffeAtit 13Tp c 4 !1/.1-) 'tcrxif T4t, TIO t rft '1•41# -

aTqlFT i-n tTR (-or)- {T ,r# ;

(71) cr.) 13197 . t ;

(IT) wzr tRcW m '11 117-T'Fftf tr-< artfuff wr ft,srzi arIT

TF7: 12 7..

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— 12 —

17•3--4k1bN. "1"ti i1 Fff 3Tfiwtf WTK:a -54a5--q9 Pitt41-0T 4-)411/4,4 I "E., ti•rq t.Kct)It glq aT#41T 4't

'rK,Tr #z149* t-4tT 5-q-4 -11 4 r /c.0 41 WTft-erk, TtTF4ft,

TT1—Ti14 WrgR ITTR 3.Tz1R 4-11 .>if Terk ,IN4S[

12 4 741i 1 # Tf i T 19-dT9 — ,A s eqR qrn

73IF4t1t , ch, N

3-49' *Pit

C V-R91T 1=ft 3tri

t 9T ?i

4-#r i1 iirtif t 4-4 4 14 - 19-ta

TT - 1911.11 ,i4risch 4 11 1T \T Idirl

cliq\l, 7:10 .aqi T .agT ,34

t arrqu -Err . r-rf gKr r+--4 IQ

3tR Tro-tirTa v491 I II1c1

t 30 T-11 60 T11 t

5z49 cif/c4-)4 fq ,:i-tT 3--q9 ft t `41c-R

-er t, t Ntrt ch).<

.-T1-11i i - o 7 ,

4-#1 tr1 t

TVitffzil tri zgs E

h 137tn fr

9r4 t-441-a tNtTrqa-t

FA 1ri 9Y f4T wcrift — ciqs gm 17r9 Trk

zi7 ,F:taK, T 0417 qTTf qr-T

Ztrtri cbioi T4fTuri4 N\k F ItTThTTi -ir-qatiqa

'4WTT -AA4 11/4-)VE

14i 1:0 TT aicRuT — Thit 711 1i4 i491 —

(T) 7 37E14 T rW41 14R, -)741 rc-r J t-14-iqi)icr

tg-, q 9-tf 0,90t, *TT ciA, If/c4-)Vf Err ft-t

c4A4 T1M, 7, ziT 13 tR..



Artflant ng Ofirof

Callectotnto -"ajnandgott •

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— 13 - —

(w) t c,t)) zrr . 311-itraTT'ef hTr'4 qR1. 11-g7T/Li qR chi

13-M4i zIf tft4T tiff fk.F ttluf )•1 11 isAtit altf t-kiT

70-4.TK 111 -Errq 141( oloirr 7cr va-f4Ti

c4414'citif fk0?-4 rffequ .11

(Tr) Ttitt 5iffirct reuu aukqr R.RT Liza RicT Trt-Trr zf

3 vET # tRt--4R/T:#-4RI Trir \v-141 f ucrAtT '4-tr r

cif t zIT Fff"EITT 35 # it4 3TETT T fq171 tgt zit ,3ki4 3Tfirct)i<,

zrT Ita T 37VIT rT7TT t rc z7 IT cil); Itt 311 T ti- s-6-4-R/k4q14

itich1/ ffW Tr4 51T afq ftif Nr1 TITitd "ffe 14)441 v114if I

ilsi tr(ew aTi 31PAWT PIT cblin - 1.. TT

r441, rfr 1-TTTT zif uF T\ft 1 t to'r, u-T7-4 t-R.1-)R

4.) uvvI w4iT Tit 47 Tc- T ctT . A1 41 TIT iTI# TE-T elf tru irk T

ti ,r4 gRT 31 TIT t AILT, d 1trgW <1 ,rq tFi Oft 3.11-

tcb+{ WITT :t.T1T/c4- 1 fT tcb 4-f T 3ftit1)f 1ic-1 TIT T F41---7 <1,,u

tRct)K qPT Wqr tctof TT Pq-14 q'ci t i

lioi *w*zikiffPq 8141 # (1411 *1 titcnit , r4 yffilit — tgs tw

nictrt 3T*1 ITT .itI4) 9-4-4t-q)-7 ar-q-tim tr< 'Err A 31 -4ftr . Ti -TT

fir w4 TFzi- t.R.t)R Trift9. &114, Tr# WWri4. 3T 3T r 4,14 31--4

fktpiT9. itwfr4 W) 147T \ici-ci (g) tfl tTT 7:11

307 n70 err t, ftrqrzT n34 TF-zr t tit -# f- Trr

TTETT t 311K qT 3 7 cblilcbtuT TRIf 174ft-4'T,

titmictlq, aim ebi4 Igo, N n3171 3Rfil er4 TriTzr Tqu Lrt

ITt ‘3tid) At.4 , uer tr-0-4R/t*qt gia peke. ; mft-qtt wr9

zerztf vii f=4-+-rt 74i .k:i -J4tzTr n30171 t ITO chilr (ft:1qm 3Tr#

. r#r t tivu titchl< It7tt c4ic;1 r f) 3117 IR qlt/'-*q14 al<1

Td7 t Tc17 -41 tiNT TrTi7:ff 54-49 ,`z 1I 3F--t 4-R4-4-icr

# 'Kt # 3tR \ictd Tgral r<

\inch' cb.kilit.b .O. 1

1.-.(14T: 14 1..

A„„„n ring Off*,

Collectainta "'ajzartdoon

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— 14 —

j11 41104.1 difrichit — (Ti) zr titc.bit , ii 3TqfiTZfrf 1T-44 tr< ziT

-eiTFT ki+14 atuftu 1-przti trt iTIii'I ZffxWe...w/42.q0

fkirwur,i1 atK ti* u-4ff ar5TZT 3T.T.t.)R 9-Etrr

tree-4R/70-- rAfu 14,Lir Ttrrr)

wf4-Al 7TT Wki uq--4ET altftff, TRzr 1c)1

NT 11, r#r toigi tR, tifa'

WO! NTRq t,T4T fdf*1t.d. Tr.4 t, 141#

),-q.iT MT4 trg-ur


.1T c4I r wr-mi

tR, nich-1

7f/.414 I

71, 4c1i .gar INCTI arkWrK E TT .t.) arwzrfi Tr4


if=4* t Tem-41 t Tram t t'rwd ai-wr


Tqff zflqa . .11,71R t-xrd tifluirir .1-)4 v-fiqdr c41 4

31-44Ti TF-Er t-R.t)R iltcrtEr qiT fir 3Fq

4 ‘ Itr1=4-Al trr ‘114.) Te4r-d •4tirt tTral 3T1K

TfTWT rfW.(-4 ftir %if ir4 q 99ff

Nfirctt zir t-Kcblt pj F4-44M fkzif

I Te4rd t 144 zrr 111ePTE Rii 7c 4T-1-37) tr #P4-4Tail

Ert 36T9Trifurff 9{r4 9Tcp

(ii) Ttr trr airlidctof iN--wri 7.4 t TFffr(i4) f-,#.1411q t •qrk

IITKff t . "trIW )4.114 (4' at( Itrur Tq31. 'WW1 t

PiVNP:176 tt) zr t.R4)R k--4tzr71q.ct)R 7,4r,1. n3cfci

avr 191MT t1 11 44 17R Th fii T.< 7 , :•; . T9J tr-.071T/trz-t-q- i

#zi , TAT, .1 are-TT Tft 1 .):+T cf) c-T1T

1141 41. c HI< Ffr,T .1.14T fffr-44-ff IT TT

ftErr irn) atR 1-ir 4)-4 z P14,7 q<77; -4f,

Errqt 371t11 bt4 tri TT4i TY'zi i ,'.chi m a

391 31'R tr. itt r ti {ii zwr arltrw 7,Tr ,zr-s7.7

511 411: 1577,

A:tthit JiiJ offioef .

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....? , c P —

— 15 —

tkr-g zrE if-a*T *T, f o,-4r tRobi< gio cr,o<

airdwi 3Tit -gRT aRgTfta f4) 441 FR, 1:gt- TV9 R '0, tki T§UTV gitT

3r<ffl *Rt4 fit 3t# TK # iTl 3k:It tift071 cw-1 3W3 T TrTrr zrr T* ,rm


tR9- 77 31 to JEW wr 944 1 WT,' argftt

trigfttu Tt T 7T1 t f W r9-4491 c IT *r, torg 3tr4tt

744T-41c c)-r f 3lT44)cif 3TigT 71-11fq.ff 9"ti ct)iii I

i18i tit1'1( WI WI Trir %ctquit — q)) ttrid -41 fir rifT

3taf4re 5#§1.34 3T7rrK gio t \iricbr

trM kEri W191 t i 3Zi 114fiTm f4f f tTrir Trqz:r *-d7 t zrr

trq-4 9t' 1*-74 qTaT t, it titcto( -Ctit g1 3 T urn ^n tar

att T1 PT T 1 trK, r tRcw *r t rtir13.4T-dm cr-)41-r/qA,

Ak:r .5mTK *Tir zrr nigicilf art fici ,-1 f firTrir TIT will'

•fr-4ET TRET WrPq-74 3n7f 04 11 I

1191 arAi Apo - (*) tfct4TK, RFR Tr40 3lliAti 11 1948 t aitg tnITZI Z erti

ZiTt 'gRI TPT7E-17T7T r4fta 997;1 aFz7 7-4-0 .*1 TraF .ffff

(w) tr-4t<TT, W17 36tA1 4-1, 1952 7TT 3N 311tri gfff4 71if F4717# 37 *# trIT

(7) rjr -t-<T7 TEFel wit ITT 1:171k04 ttUT lMU qvrt:PT,

it fir 7rWil TTEOr n3414 3 t 3FZ-1- ciAlif/4+1 ,3)t=1

WU VTR—VTR trK fkftm1 rit ;

(g) xrc'egTK, ri714 Wrftu 'artfTg rrt TIT tit # .41f# aTfilitrift

cr)41r/ct)4 ;

(V.) f4K, F471tA7 ftg71 #, mil` T T'P;crTtzT .44{4711 5FeTT*--ar

.701 wiPT: 16 tR..

Asttfant g Uf tl4 I.., - l itandoon

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() tr-164TK FAzit # ziqT nI`oiNcl 4 rRf arriT4-67 rIM NffE tidi ct))

vf zET dti4) ‘Ickiiq 7T tlitAff 741 ct)411/ct)4 I

%MT aTid — titchlt ytif4-0

arlimr-4 Eir T .( ti4), IT/K14 uzir dig)!

411A411 — 7074R, clIg.10 3TRI\47 iic err 1icii i 4IdN 4zi-K at<

5#14--4T34 zI WT tTT TT kiqiqrr zrr

Teargq-ctqt t

3 t 4-4 ,TO ER, 3TFT7T# tift

ft r,---afta. 44 t uzrr "&13T4RT q)o-r, 4, 1 U Rf, t9

wrt t, TR-Er. tRcw trr urt aittr-ff qicir ti


1O9. tirTuT z1T tTRuT TI*Trft77 ti4,4 ai4R n31cilf Trltffr

ciA411/4)Vf 374tf ti41411/77 cAt

121cT4 q jfI T 31-"Aff IlT 1 Sed7R — ik , TE1 31-101. i-1PT—TITU Wtr-

4 3TITK, zgeTrc,, dchi 9P:11 i%PT q(goct)k fWt

Thttig'zir 4Tra Cfer,r- -4. tre.t.-4TVEgt-dtti 5R1rf4.9. T3 chkur upp

tf, ' 19t7K '51FitiTtRi ak 34ff qocichit titcw 3ITKRTU

fd4ti V-(f;'7"c1C4TK,/Tti t*4 T14 t arftrwtTT ¶14714 T 9q14r

TK4 arztt wf'd ict)R .cr0--<R k ,i41 Rtt TFzr TRcw

.1,411/cf.)Vr 31).K ukRt riR:r ci.)iir/cs-)Vr t f d- tco-{ ' 9,1TRT-d

4.1 attK zft KFAi- f 5fd-WK .5r21-ftru b1 3f[T

t ITT Ifit. ZTIW 9ebit li;ERTT9' 9 df 311K tred-qR/14

dti4). 714 W4tg .t---Tr, At 4 TFizr- uf'qu Ttn. 'ti it T174-

titcOltHREM 3iTtqf .474tfi ti cbrtr 3tR

rtf M' •arffflTa. 7t, 3Fr4vw

lit77 t tctof WITT -T ,4 TFz- r tRct,K, 3TRAqii t t

Ifc1 tit I

i31 riciAchtur FOIF WIT — 71-4 3iTrrT n3ctgril ri41 ,114)ur

qt.4 th.Tir t .

54-091: 17 rg••

,Arttlant 1. mg Off/


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- 17 -

i41 tI:cdt Az!Riff TT4 - Erdsia - i11 "T:d:e4TT, tit 911-i4ebi FT c.Qus

tttiNWT-ff .k79r tr-et f*t1 wig Aiftrd t*Trt/wT ett

* ter -k7 -t 1 31-419T-4 411 trd:tqTT tffr 3T IR f4T- 1 ITTE-Tf,

zrfRzti. TeT91*fi 5rfd* ET9' kIrt/t4 arR 3-e-*t Tr91-9 cf).1r/c0,1

ue ;rim tt-ztz1 -agt Jcbd 4ti 3Fzi v:frTi

rf-,49.111 *1. r t-RctiRt iRcicbl If, T4 tiO tfET

‘I71 aRtii atfTcl9i1 9<T9 . TT&1cIc1IL , Tt 714 024T *TfcR ic4Icbkc, 4

t e9Rtt *tt TTr trigrfldiii 4-re- 9.#4-qq13ii

c)( '1 I t 47% 3IR1TP zit 1R LIT .4 -9-f-d-T7

91liq "ff:tic

121 lift , xrc cit 7K1 Ntf TTif 3tI W.dt, , f*

* * t, 71 aTliT' T§trq-A: wr re wA att.-71119 f* 13.f=9-

TY-4R p 414ir fW:ttr tr 14) t zrt .u9*t tTr=ir di) ott Trztt t

tik ,;Ti ir4 c4l1 irf ti AT T.1 11.4 rig

3rVi 4411, f* ITOT"(

r-t?1 3P-4141 Tf"4 3T0-4.9 armf-ra 9rtrt t

aq-4 tat t ->it 3T1--Erf*d TrTr,

fit ' wfkq * Nit Nr-4. -4 trfal 0-1 f :-M41 Trzu t, I T4r qqi-k

A ti)icid *fit 9-it. cr)iit I

isi gralta MA)* 51igtzr — I 14 zIT 31* cbtuf T1 17114t-iirf t14 T

trv-cilq rktr 9Ttm *1 Nt =4 ,frt ct), e-44 1-9--dr9 if91-Tr9

c1{ titqw tr Trr 3i1T ict,,t qftfru

71171 4 t Wet * 1-k44 *A7 'fft t 1:16-4R/Lie.eq14 .91-J-1111 TT tr

.5rf'dip F44Er iztK *rt 9tf trrr

414 91 1 - *kiT 4 n31-iaitl

fkft4T14 4 611tilq — TET #ict J1 zlT 31-a rt,

TT-PT: 18 'TT..

42, , :- --;- Arttlent fig OfIrOf

Colicct;:a '77 .1:J1104440

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— 18 —

afttri *417 zif titchlt TIKT -WRITf i Tr4 t,

firqT4 . argra9 star t, curl t,

tTrf nit10-41 Z7 3l-44TE .11 4 11 TErei .(Itr wrzf


fzij zt wffwg trigtA

7fkiltA r9.4tr 0+140 f T v11, 3T4R cl

3rfiTTTtr *R-T

V*TIT iitrfirff f441:1 TOT zff dtit

12i 1:zrrliRzr wr Tram wK.4 qA4 utu 9e4-4Tail 4itir cbt 14 4wrftv

q tgs lew tri .3*T/Tff* 3tAk--4t P4444, 3TfiT4441 z *Ara 4iTa

1:6nfiik:4 c chyir t/ctR t zrr wAt f*-4iT TA TT

5re4q-r *T, u• T, f* dILR 5R4f4-‹r 1 fAts s, star tyq-)

t,*--4-qT( crz-tw/ f qz arc14-if etAi 4 11 r" =10 741TWff,

z 1-17 5T1 Trfa #td-

V-ffit .EFrg * 41ck lIFT 741 Tf r r trni-Tr uurqR

frr 7T-ffr t, T 4.0 9rfir*t r-*-# ,-FiRrtt trK i 51-1-fq F49T,

fk , t ticbc t, r Tqitru cbt err our r41:[ t er

ttr ziT 31:1TI ITTIT v;rtrT TitT1T IT riuft4 74T Trr . TRR-flA


3ltiftr4 srefff * crwir tr- t Wd, ttf4 c ti4Kidr — -crt-qR/Li.,2,qR

1:0 fit 1.ft * 3R=fch7 ,) TTc-z, T- t-wf-)K

tr-0-47/7.-4"6-4t * f 41' 9ef ,14 111 /TT t#'1 3TFTeiciT i 1-1?. TT ItiT

'ffe t 3 c Rct,it gkr 3frift-ef 1st-69T t cbRTIT

30-rdT: airfrTT217411 \TIM( F qi4 71iT -4drf .TR1jf ART

7Te 94T rff*It tt Izrf f;f*T-,- [ tft ft-4q t, ttf

R .4.g tgst r9117 t' A 'TIcifc.0.4 4',1) ftzrr ITT

453—affqi "altiftei eiTo Noqr, f rf c 31t,

tTarq, 11-*P-4, iTrer, ffk•Ert e49 (C11 4-1dft(1) fkK:rt, TrTr ITT

vie 19 tR..

Asttient n ng Offiejet

Collectot ate "I'InaA40611

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- 19 -

if4ffEj-4U Tzf ricitcf rffifiWa.

i41 aizrfiT-q 14K 3-fg1/3fft Tel 47) trrCqTT, fq•

cwur ki 1Taml 'ffqT *1 71-ffff: itraM cbt obt

nichi 31-04 alqtrff tff ET -cliq /if 31 rikR tizi*F 44 t

174-* trff ff••• f* 771 ITT * 1J 1 7-Tr 2

altik*Ritiff "ffiT 31,1 +HQ 11% ft 9 ti t 4r4 #

ift VIM, 9T I* tr# TtFf t tiff T-47-47 nit-14)Aigi4) *Rik

Ittr "wrEff "zir f , 11-49, t1T4'1 'NT 3FEr tT404

1-1111 411uf atr{ #4*Tfailr , i tres tql si0 74ff fi4 zrr tR

kir Trir t, Feera ftt Trir , irr Trir t, 34K rA- tqi< Fff-LITT)*

flJ titchRRct ch4 41t7 9 t/9 t, ,3(5,TT TT Tdit


isf trca 7f,iziftra. wr-4 tr Trrki atfirW TrTrzr * Trv - TrId T

t14141101 " tif4 kIctri 3100 t agkliffZiTTfi arl-qt *TT 3 * tr4 4 # atffWis-Z•

3**4 "Z't amtir * 14ffT * 9t4Tr4r tff t *-4EW TR. t 3t-d

u--4ff itg zrr tiT ctA Tr11 -41 , PIt11 dzif aFzT

tfeff0:11 'azrr to-Trq tff 31-PLE r ft tgs t----R/i4V ,!di gt<I, n37(4 rfrl

4tik:„F:430-4*—gru iift rt—r--g 31 44 ipizr1 f*#su qIi1#461 artkm

9i L z-4 Qd141 '71 4'r 31-441 ctit cQct-e. trctWc174t4T-d t Tr&

Rii 9T * /Titt trt-K 1TrE t Td-rir \iri4) #44 #

Test-w/c0-4T# zn tRgra tIf1c1t gir

titcblt tNrd ITO iqf •(rtfk Trq-0,

14-4 kir vtfr Trr rtcht iLidRE r*-41 -1 ii I

i61 ifE Irce1 r Trill t aRIT 11Ru

tim* ar-f- 226 1i' 7f, rfct4TK * 4M, c-tV *VT

kw watt k 1:0 * Ow, TO *'t trg arti 91zr t T.*

TIM: 20 t

istfiant ?: inlng Officet -

ollectotate -, a ,InandOOti

••.,• • n•

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— 20 —

W4Z tidlcbct. 'Tt c fc4cjq (zrr

*4t) .... LI3Fu ;Trg itA7

kir Ai .4 .agt t tit FTCf1 vrigt fi .1")Lltrili1ici r.tilq1C14f ftFi ftr

-441411zif cr>1 T'q tuo Err c ct)11 cbt4 tit ct)) trifTT TiO rq.4

zwrti 71. traw7 vuTr rtff


il T'cr-t .g— i 171'W14 F44 1-1.d1r-d td IrcRiTNct :11

%0 t I NV*" PT4-/T If z7 f44. , rwzR .r.._._

ttf . # P-I ,LIAcr f*--zu Trzrr 0: 1

c%19 AI.

VT 3Tti'M t-brrff

* ''' .............................

rr ffr4T --t-a 12i

FR-ft :-

t--Lio 0,1 441, K.1,-,6Cor,k

Toct-c7 b G,,votk ) R ck.; totAy TRd `ZIT tlq1`44L1ki)

rf fif,-*79 Off/00, , r!. , r 2.11dpotall

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Page 47: From Dated: 25.06.2013 Parag Badhe C.G. State Level … badhe/For… · Parag Badhe HI G – 34, ... Notification 2006 as amended from Chhattisgarh State Level Expert Appraisal Committee.

Enclosure - 7

Production Details of Last 5 YearsYear Qty (in MT)2008 14402009 14352010 Nil2011 Nil2012 Nil

Page 48: From Dated: 25.06.2013 Parag Badhe C.G. State Level … badhe/For… · Parag Badhe HI G – 34, ... Notification 2006 as amended from Chhattisgarh State Level Expert Appraisal Committee.

Chit; cheTC`4 (1 WRIT) ,Et330.0...454.

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<41 1171 * I 0 3T-gt 41Pc1 31147T itif 27.02.2012 74 liffff <-1'<g)k 4gig'<u1

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2. t Td9. A-4PN 0051 X1v1•111 4 1. 11 5.00 ct•)5 \ictq 4cel

3. 3.TT c.<5110.1-1, 9'1 c .311.6111)-11 611615 .(1v1-111 1 1i1 15.00 " -)5 tq Licti

61161 •(1v1•111 4 1i1 7.22 )5 ..q 4es t1 4. 13V-1 M-Ne-t-1 ITTINTR. 4-Trarf*. 49.

5. 6.880 t0. 41. 4 A c1 1-1 -11 .511)111 86116115 '<Iv-1111+111 tg 4t,e1

6. 4. iAcIi-Ixig 510441 f61c161 <NI'llgilk 11.00 )5 tg Licel

7. 53t I. ,<A1 trit 61 i .1kyl•fi4flici 7.05 ) icts Lice'

8. wuRt. 9.720 *0. At +A cliltig 51coreil ikyt.-fiqflici tq Lictl

9. 1:1-44t 1.749 *0 31 30F cti-IN ftP3TT 1 n31.114 1 111 tq Licti

10. 31R-er ..Ilqiii thR4TR. ticpwid i‘ri-ii‹ilici 5.00 c#). \1M 1cC1

11. 31 *iv11 ftit T.1c,1 •(1A-111 4 111 2.00 cfi5 n3Mq 1cel

12. A't tivm ftiTft ticNaki , ikri-iiqiiici 4.60 1, c4 nic<9 kicel

13. aitffth •-i)e1 4-1 Itc417 ticHaim , Ikri-liq.iici 1.56 ') c<g Lice!

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Enclosure - 8

Page 49: From Dated: 25.06.2013 Parag Badhe C.G. State Level … badhe/For… · Parag Badhe HI G – 34, ... Notification 2006 as amended from Chhattisgarh State Level Expert Appraisal Committee.

14. 341 31-R7 cglik 404)1/4)) tiCHald .(Iuirilq+lici 3.15 C1)5 n3c4.1 LictI

15. t ft--zr TIN 39)TITt ticNdlci '1 n31-11q+lici 4.80 Ich5 IM '1ct1

16. 13tijef yLicicll 31Yi9-417 TickdIci •<1 n31-114 1 114 2.78 ). 1ctg 4ct1

17. t 31.p. 71)717 C15 .4 k 1\31 -114+11c1 4.14 c..t) 3M 4tst.1

18. c15 .4 1.< At tI+N .417 1v1-11q 4 111 0.90 t)5 kiM Licti

19. 41-Fref -1)(1 11 Itlq c15 .4 k •fl n31-11q+licl 0.90 ct) 1 M Licti

20. 4. 3171'W 311clIc1 45 4 1.< '<lv-Ir11q+11c1 4.28 cl 3 M Licti

21. 3it ctzliIrt 4 1)5 45 4 1.? .<1 n31-1I4+licl 4.82 . ct). 3Ma 4cti

,d6itict) tgR 3itrwrt,


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1v1-11 q , 11c1, 1491.- /04/2013

531 trurr I:17911TV, Tf(FASITO) ct7) 31T44-9.

13.03.2013 TF9rzi I

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DARaffaisbnavji \letter table.doc 620

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Enclosure - 9

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Page 52: From Dated: 25.06.2013 Parag Badhe C.G. State Level … badhe/For… · Parag Badhe HI G – 34, ... Notification 2006 as amended from Chhattisgarh State Level Expert Appraisal Committee.
Page 53: From Dated: 25.06.2013 Parag Badhe C.G. State Level … badhe/For… · Parag Badhe HI G – 34, ... Notification 2006 as amended from Chhattisgarh State Level Expert Appraisal Committee.
Page 54: From Dated: 25.06.2013 Parag Badhe C.G. State Level … badhe/For… · Parag Badhe HI G – 34, ... Notification 2006 as amended from Chhattisgarh State Level Expert Appraisal Committee.
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Page 56: From Dated: 25.06.2013 Parag Badhe C.G. State Level … badhe/For… · Parag Badhe HI G – 34, ... Notification 2006 as amended from Chhattisgarh State Level Expert Appraisal Committee.

Photograph of Lease Area Enclosure - 10

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Page 58: From Dated: 25.06.2013 Parag Badhe C.G. State Level … badhe/For… · Parag Badhe HI G – 34, ... Notification 2006 as amended from Chhattisgarh State Level Expert Appraisal Committee.

Enclosure 11

Topographical Features [within 5 km radial distance]:

RRiivveerr,, NNaallllaa,, ppoonndd,, ccaannaall,, aannyy ootthheerr wwaatteerr bbooddyy::

Two narrow nalla and few numbers of ponds are located within 5 km radialdistance from our quarry.


Jalbandha road is passed at the distance of 0.10 Km [S] from our quarry.

RRaaiillwwaayy ttrraacckk::

No railway track located within 5.0 km radial distance. However Murhiparrailway station s situated at the distance of 6.00 km from our quarry area.wwoorrsshhiipp ppllaaccee::

No temple or worship place is situated within radial distance of 5 Km.

AAnnyy ootthheerr iimmppoorrttaanntt ssttrruuccttuurree::


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of Parad Badhe

[ Kaldabri]

Enclosure - 12

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Page 66: From Dated: 25.06.2013 Parag Badhe C.G. State Level … badhe/For… · Parag Badhe HI G – 34, ... Notification 2006 as amended from Chhattisgarh State Level Expert Appraisal Committee.

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Page 67: From Dated: 25.06.2013 Parag Badhe C.G. State Level … badhe/For… · Parag Badhe HI G – 34, ... Notification 2006 as amended from Chhattisgarh State Level Expert Appraisal Committee.

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Page 68: From Dated: 25.06.2013 Parag Badhe C.G. State Level … badhe/For… · Parag Badhe HI G – 34, ... Notification 2006 as amended from Chhattisgarh State Level Expert Appraisal Committee.

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Page 69: From Dated: 25.06.2013 Parag Badhe C.G. State Level … badhe/For… · Parag Badhe HI G – 34, ... Notification 2006 as amended from Chhattisgarh State Level Expert Appraisal Committee.

Annexure - 14

Salient Features of 500 m radial distance

RRiivveerr,, NNaallllaa,, ppoonndd,, ccaannaall,, aannyy ootthheerr wwaatteerr bbooddyy::

No River, Nalla, pond, canal, any other water body is situated within 500 mradial distance from our quarry area.


Jalbandha road is located within 100[S] m radial distance.

RRaaiillwwaayy ttrraacckk::

No railway track located within 500 m radial distance.






No village is located within 500 m radial distance. However village Kaldabri is

situated at the distance of 1.00 km [SW] from our quarry area.

AAnnyy ootthheerr iimmppoorrttaanntt ssttrruuccttuurree::

Few numbers of quarries are in operation within 500 m radial distance.

Page 70: From Dated: 25.06.2013 Parag Badhe C.G. State Level … badhe/For… · Parag Badhe HI G – 34, ... Notification 2006 as amended from Chhattisgarh State Level Expert Appraisal Committee.

Google Image of 500 m Radial Distance Enclosure - 15

Page 71: From Dated: 25.06.2013 Parag Badhe C.G. State Level … badhe/For… · Parag Badhe HI G – 34, ... Notification 2006 as amended from Chhattisgarh State Level Expert Appraisal Committee.

Enclosure - 1 6

Parag Badhe( Sand Stone Quarry)

Khasra No. 94

Village Kaldabr i

Tehsil Rajnandgaon

Dist r ict Rajnandgaon

Quant ity Calculat ion

Total area of quarry : 56700.00 m2

Area covered under crusher plant : 2000.00 m2

Area left for bund : 7000.00 m2

Total area for excavat ion : 4 7 7 0 0 .0 0 m 2

height of hill : 5.00


[ approx.]

depth of ground water table : 10.00 m

margin left abouve ground water table : 1.00 m

Proposed ult imate depth : 14.00 m

Total area excavate : 9540.00 m2

Top soil : 0.00 m

Depth of excavated area : 3.00 m

Remaining depth : 11.00 m

Volum e of m ineral present w it in excavated area

( a) : 1 0 4 9 4 0 .0 0 m 3

Unexcavated area : 38160.00 m2

Proposed ult imate depth : 14.00 m

Volum e of m inable reserve in unexcavated area

( b) : 5 3 4 2 4 0 .0 0

Sum of sub total [ a. + b.] : 639180.00 m3

Quantum of m inable reserve [ weight ] : 1048255.20 Tons

Proposed rate of product ion : 30000.00 tons/ year

Life of quarry : 34.94 years