Friends of the Moultonborough Library FALL NEWSLETTER YOU … · 2017. 8. 16. · Volume 15 Issue 2...

Volume 15 Issue 2 Page 1 Fall 2017 Friends of the Moultonborough Library FALL NEWSLETTER YOU ARE INVITED TO THE FRIENDS Book & Author Luncheon Presenting Alice B. Fogel 2013-18 NH Poet Laureate At Bald Peak Colony Club Monday, September 25 Noon enjoy CASH BAR on the Terrace Lunch served at 12:30 p.m. Presentation of the Mary Rice Award TICKETS COST $40 AVAILABLE AT THE MOULTONBOROUGH LIBRARY BEGINNING AUGUST 15 TO SEPTEMBER 15 Guests are asked to observe the Bald Peak Dress Code: No denim and collared shirts for gentlemen. Plan to join us (more about the author on page 8)

Transcript of Friends of the Moultonborough Library FALL NEWSLETTER YOU … · 2017. 8. 16. · Volume 15 Issue 2...

Page 1: Friends of the Moultonborough Library FALL NEWSLETTER YOU … · 2017. 8. 16. · Volume 15 Issue 2 Page 1 Fall 2017 Friends of the Moultonborough Library FALL NEWSLETTER YOU ARE

Volume 15 Issue 2 Page 1 Fall 2017

Friends of the Moultonborough Library



Book & Author Luncheon


Alice B. Fogel

2013-18 NH

Poet Laureate

At Bald Peak Colony Club Monday, September 25

Noon enjoy CASH BAR on the Terrace

Lunch served at 12:30 p.m.

Presentation of the Mary Rice Award




Guests are asked to observe the Bald Peak Dress Code: No denim and collared shirts for gentlemen.

Plan to join us

(more about the author on page 8)

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Volume 15 Issue 2 Page 2 Fall 2017

Dear Library Friends,

It is truly amazing how quickly 6 1/2 years have flown by. My husband and I

moved up here as strangers knowing no one. That strangeness ended the

minute that I walked into the Moultonborough Public Library. The

friendliness and warmth of the staff that greeted me along with the myriad of

activities being offered drew me in, encouraging me to become involved in

such a wonderful place. It didn’t take long for the “Friends” to find me and I

them. The last 5 years as President and/or Co-President of the Friends of the

Moultonborough Public Library have been some of the finest in my life. I am

so very appreciative of and thankful for you all. You are terrific individuals

who give your time and energy in doing the good work of this institution with a sense of humor and

dedication to the community. It has been my honor to have served as your president and to call you my

dear friends.

Thank You,



From Our President

On Behalf of the Friends of the Moultonborough Public Library, I would like to

wish all of you a happy end of summer. I look forward to being President,

having already served as Vice President for four years and Co-President for one

year. It is truly an honor to be President of such an incredible team of


Please SAVE the DATE, Monday September 25th for our annual Book/Author

Luncheon held at Bald Peak Colony Club. This year we have the pleasure of

presenting NH poet laureate Alice B. Fogel. Tickets go on sale August 15-

September 15 and cost $40.00. There will be a treat for every seat this year.

Our new series of Literary Discussions “Restless Hearts and Quiet Souls” will begin on Thursday, September

14th at 10:30 with the book Rabbit, Run by John Updike. I encourage you to join us for these enthralling


I would like to thank our outgoing President, Jane Harrington, for all of her hard work and support. I know I

can always count on her to be my “wing man”!

Our Friends meetings are on the 1st Thursday of every month at 10:00 and we welcome anyone interested to

attend. Your donations and membership renewals help provide the many and varied programs offered by

this library to adults and children of our community. Thank you for your continued support.

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2017 President’s Award Winners

It is with great pleasure that we recognize the 2017 recipients of The President’s Award.

These awards are given out annually by the Friends of the Moultonborough Public Library to

recognize individuals who have served our organization and library in an outstanding capacity.

We are exceedingly grateful for the time and effort that these recipients have given to The

Friends this year and in the past. They have helped to make our library the wonderful place

that it is. We donate a book in honor of each of them on a subject of their choice.

This year’s recipients are:

Beverly Nelson for her on going work as editor of our fabulous

Newsletters as well as putting them and our membership rolls

on line.

Susan Merrifield for her outstanding work in

organizing and presenting a university level of

quality to the Literary Discussion series that we

offer every autumn and spring/summer.

Marlene Taussig for her energetic and successful role in

arranging “Feed A Charity” or F.A.C. nights with more than

6 local restaurants this past winter much to the delight of

the diners and our treasury. We commend her as well for

her many years spent procuring our speakers & venues for

the Book/Author Luncheons.

It is with genuine appreciation and heartfelt thanks for their dedication and hard work that

we say to these “Friends” well done.

Jane Harrington

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The Friends of the Moultonborough Library are

going “earth friendly”. If we have your email

address, you are receiving an electronic email

with newsletter attached . Do you like reading it

on your iPad, your phone or your computer in

COLOR? Do you need a “hard copy”? Each news-

letter we send you costs $1.50. Four issues per

year costs $6.00. You can also find a copy of the

current issue on the Moultonborough Public

Library Webpage. Just click on the Friends of

Library link.


By Jane Harrington

On Saturday, August 5, 2017 The Trustees, staff and

the Friends of the Library board gathered together

along with the family of Noel Ainscow to recognize the

life time achievements of this remarkable woman to

the Moultonborough Public Library. The presentations

began outside with Laurie Whitley, Chairperson of the

Trustees dedicating a beautiful pear tree which has

been planted on the east side of the library as a living

memorial to Noel. The group then moved inside to the

lobby of the library where Sherry Weene, President of

the Friends, unveiled a lovely painting of the library

donated by the artist, Karel Hayes, who was in

attendance. The framing and matting was donated by

Sherry Lively. Noel’s daughter on behalf of the family

then gave some very moving remarks regarding her

mother’s love for our library and how highly she

regarded the MPL as well as acknowledging and

thanking us for all that has been done in Noel’s

memory. Coffee and cake served in the community

room concluded the day’s ceremony.

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The 2017 Spring Literary Adventure

Jane Harrington & Photographs by Bruce W. Roberts

Thirty enthusiastic “Friends” hit the road on Thursday,

June 22, for the 3rd biennial Literary Adventure . Former

literary field trips have taken us to Robert Frost’s home in

Sugar Hill, NH and to Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s

home in Portland, ME. Munching on the provided snacks

and chatting amongst ourselves ,we relaxed as our luxury

coach traveled to S. Berwick, ME. Upon arrival, we split

into two groups of fifteen. One group was dropped off at

the Hamilton House, a stunningly restored 1787 Georgian

mansion located on the Salmon Falls River surrounded by

impeccable gardens. They were met by an extremely

knowledgeable guide who gave them a fascinating tour of

the mansion and grounds. The other group went to the Sarah Orne Jewett house and

museum. Ms. Jewett was a well-known 18th century American novelist, famous for her

regional fiction that centered on life along the coast Of Maine .Her home; a Georgian

architecture/Greek revival mansion built in 1774 has retained most of the original family

furnishing. The excellent tour included a brief discussion of her most famous novel,” The

Country of the Painted Firs” and a visit to the art museum. Both groups met up for a

delicious lunch at The Thistle Pig in downtown S. Berwick .After switching houses to

complete the day’s programs, thirty fatigued but happy participants headed home to


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Literary Discussion Series Fall 2017

Restless Hearts and Quiet Souls

Last year, we read six books that explore the theme of relation-ships. In the process, we noticed that some characters such as Lila and Doll in Lila are restless, passionate and often on the move, while others, such as the McPherson brothers in Plainsong are qui-et souls who seem content to live a bachelor life on their late par-ents’ farm. Probably two of the best-known restless literary charac-ters are Emily Bronte’s Heathcliff and Catherine. On the opposite end of the characterization spectrum, readers cherish two quiet souls, siblings, Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert in Lucy Maude Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables.

This year, our discussion group will turn its attention to literature inhabited by either restless, passionate characters or quiet, self-contained people. At least two of the works to be explored will allow us to return to a beloved author and the scholar who introduced us to these writers last year. In examining these charac-ters, we will discover what factors and forces create the energy and tension of a Heathcliff, as well as the backstory of a seemingly simple, kind, principled character such as Matthew Cuthbert.

During the fall, we will explore the theme of “restless hearts and quiet souls” in Rabbit, Run, Home and Eventide. The three selections for Fall 2017 will be discussed on Thursday mornings at 10:30 on September 14, October 19, and November 16.

September 14, 2017: Rabbit, Run by John Updike

Literary critics often cite this novel as a marker for the beginning of the sexual revolution of the 1960’s. Mar-ried and bored, Harry “Rabbit” Angstrom is a restless young man and a has-been by the age of 26. As a high school basketball star, he was adored and indulged. When the reader meets him, Rabbit feels trapped in a dull marriage to Janice with whom he has a son and is expecting a second child. From this situation, Rabbit runs into the arms of another woman.

Written in 1960, Updike foreshadows post-war cynicism about traditional marriage, including the assump-tion that a man should provide for his family. This classic novel depicts a restless, immature, self-centered young man who cannot accept monogamy and the limitations of family life in middle-class suburbia.

We are delighted to welcome back Dr. Suzanne Brown of Dartmouth College to lead this discussion. I cannot wait to hear what Dr. Brown has to say about Harry “Rabbit” Angstrom, almost 60 years have his creation.

October 19, 2017: Home by Marilynne Robinson

So many of you asked to read all three of Robinson’s novels set in Gilead, Iowa that we will explore her novel Home in which we meet Reverend Robert Boughton’s prodigal son, Jack. Like Bronte’s Heathcliff, Jack Ames Boughton is propelled by forces he does not control or understand. He lies, steals and impregnates a young impoverished teenager, all the while remaining his father’s favorite child. Through our analysis of Jack and his relationships with his family and his father’s best friend, Reverend John Ames, for whom Jack was named, we will explore the thinking of a “sinner” who craves forgiveness, but can never forgive himself.

After an over-time discussion of Lila this May, Dr. Linda Brion-Meisels will return to discuss this novel that Robinson wrote before she wrote her acclaimed third novel set in Gilead. Those who were present at Brion-Meisel’s May discussion of Lila continue to reflect upon Robinson’s unique theological and philosophical per-spectives. It will be a treat to continue this conversation.

(Continued on the next page)

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Attention Amazon Shop-pers If you log-on to Amazon us-ing: Then choose “Friends of the Moultonborough Library” as your charity, Amazon will make a donation to the friends. It will not add any cost to you or change your ship-ping cost.


By Marianne Rapp

“Book Talk” is a casual group which meets the

second Thursday of each month at the Library

at 10:30 a.m. We welcome anyone who would

like to join us. We give brief overviews of books

that we have enjoyed and occasionally ones

that we haven’t!! Sometimes discussions range

beyond the books and it’s always fun. Please come and see if this is a group

for you.

FRIENDLY REMINDER from Membership Co-Chairs

Barbara Brash & Cynthia Barnaby-Birr

DID YOU JOIN, RENEW OR UPDATE YOUR 2017 Friends of the Library Mem-bership?

Membership runs from January through December of each year.

Check your mailing label or your email greeting. If it does not read 2017, Please fill out the membership

form on the back page or on the FMPL page of library website and mail or bring to library.

We sincerely appreciate your yearly support.

Like MPL on


(continued from the previous page)

November 16, 2017: Eventide by Kent Haruf

Last year, we delighted in reading Haruf’s Plainsong in which the reader meets quiet, kind and generous characters, along with some outright scoundrels. The careful reader is left feeling part of this small Colorado community, which the author continues to develop in subsequent novels. This fall, we will revisit Holt in Eventide, another novel that features the quiet, mostly solitary McPherson brothers. In this work, their humble goodness is matched by two female characters, Rose Tyler and Maggie Jones.

Professor Anita M. Kurth of the University of Maine will return to us to lead this just-before-Thanksgiving discussion. This will be her third November presentation. We enjoy having this gifted speaker help us usher in the holiday season.

Susan R. Merrifield

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Annual Book/Author Luncheon

Meet Alice B. Fogel, Poet Laureate of New Hampshire It's almost that time of year, for the MPL Book and Author Luncheon and presentation of the prestigious Mary Rice Award. The Friends of the MPL cordially invite everybody to join us at this annual event, which will take place at Bald Peak Colony Club. The luncheon is always one of the highlights of the year in our beautiful community of Moultonborough. It is a pleasure to announce that this year's speaker will be the esteemed Poet Laureate of New Hampshire, Alice B. Fogel. Her poetry and presentation, followed by a Q and A, is guaranteed to afford all attendees a magical afternoon! As always, a sampling of the author's books will be available for purchase and personal signing. To further support the MPL, those who are so inclined may purchase raffle tickets for themed, gorgeous Gift Baskets. We are delighted that the gifted Anne Marie Bedford is going to enthrall us with her piano music during the social hour, which will begin at noon. The 2017 Friends of the MPL Book and Author Luncheon and presentation of the Mary Rice Award is not to be missed. The Friends of the MPL await you, our honored guests! Please do your utmost to attend - you will be glad you did! Marlene Taussig, Luncheon Chairperson

Library Director’s Report

Nancy McCue

We’ve had another busy summer here at the library. In just the month of July, our patron counter recorded

9,189, we registered 89 new patrons, and 7,747 items were checked out.

We have 2 fascinating programs upcoming in September. On September 18th The History of the Mount

Washington Cog Railway will be presented by Jonathan Hively, who worked for the railway for 13 years. On

September 11 we are co-sponsoring (with the Moultonborough Historical Society) History of the Grand

Resort Hotels of the White Mountains with author Bryant Tolles, Jr.

This summer we have seen an increasing demand by our patrons for quiet work spaces to sit at a table and

use their own devices. Some even request to use their cell phones, but we certainly discourage that in the

library as it always disturbs other patrons. We do have the Tutorial Room and the Heritage Rooms available,

but still could use another space. Thanks to the efforts of our invaluable Richard Kennedy, we’ve added

another “room” to the library. Our long-time patrons will remember when the main entrance to the library

was on the side of the building, before the addition was completed in 2006. That little entrance vestibule has

been transformed into a small office for our patrons to use. We are happy to have a place to offer our

patrons to work on their projects without disruptions. These rooms can each be reserved in advance.

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Summer reading was great fun this year with 120 children actively reading.

This year’s theme was Build A Better World and a variety of programs were offered over the sum-mer.

We co-hosted a Beauty and the Beast Sing-A-Long with the Recreation Department. The refresh-ments were provided by the Friends, Trustees and staff. Some of the highlights of the summer were a magic/comedy show by Bob Riordan, Marvel-ous Marvin’s Science Dance and a wonderful pro-gram by story teller Heidi Fayle. This was an inter-active program with stories and songs, and finished by building dioramas out of wood, stones, figurines of people and animals and much more.

These programs were all generously sponsored by The Friends of MPL and I thank you all for your support of the children’s programming!

We had several local authors reading at Tuesday evening Story Times. Author Andy Opel read us his new book, “The Bob House,” Karen Jacobs read a few of her stories and Peter McCleery read “Bob & Joss Get Lost” and explained the process of writing and publishing his book.

It wouldn’t be summer without afternoon movies and craft programs, which in-cluded a bookmark/3-D Printer demo, cardboard makerspace, and tool boxes.

We participated in the July 4th parade and won 1st Prize in the float division!

We had incentives donated to us by Pirates Cove Mini Golf, Dewey’s ice cream, Water Country, Santa’s Village, Funspot, Whale’s Tale, and the Mt Washington Valley Children’s Museum.

Now I am looking ahead to our annual Halloween party and planning our Christmas visit with Santa! I will be hosting Read A Thons this Fall as well as regular story time and craft pro-grams.

Thank you again for supporting the children’s programs.

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If you are interested in learning more about your mobile device (iPhones,

iPads, Tablets, Smartphones), sign up for one of our classes! We do limit the


Every Monday our “Technology Users Group” drop-in group meets from 2-

p.m., where you can share what you know or ask a question about your device.

Every Tuesday we offer an ”iPhone & iPad Class for Beginners,” from 2-p.m.

AnneMarie is available for one on one sessions. Please call 476-8895 to schedule an appointment.

Friends Bag!

White with green trim, has side pocket and snap closure

between the handles. 16x14 inches with flat bottom.

Suitable for books, DVDs, etc. $15.00


Regularly Scheduled Events at Your Library

Evening of Poetry: first Tuesday of the month 7:30 pm

Lego Lovers: third Wednesday of the month 3:30 - 4:30 pm

“Open” Book Talk: Second Thursday of the month 10:30

Coloring for Grown-ups: Tuesdays, 10:30 am-12 noon

Friends of MPL meeting: First Thursday of Month (except Jan, Feb and Mar) 10:00 am

Moultonborough Library Trustees Meeting: Second Thursday of Month 1:00 pm

"Stitch and Chat”-Craft morning Come join our group and pick up some new tips or

work on those projects that just don’t get finished. Fridays 10 am until noon

Technology User Group meets every Monday 2-4 pm. This is a drop-in group, where we discuss

smartphones, e-readers and anything else you bring.

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President Sherry Weene

1st VP: Sandra Kelly

Treasurer: Carol Ann Dreyer

Recording Secretary: Linda Ridenour


Secretary: Paula Young

Past President : Jane Harrington

Alternate/Past Presidents Carole Smith &

Marianne Rapp

Co-Membership: Barbara Brash &

Cynthia Barnaby-Birr

Book Discussions: Susan Merrifield

Book Talk: Marianne Rapp

School Program Coordinator: Barbara Hawkins

Newsletter: Beverly Nelson

Publicity: Ann Perra

Book/Author Luncheon Marlene Taussig

Hospitality: Margaret Cooper

Historian: Mary Davis

Have you considered giving a gift of books or a dona-tion to the Library Memorial Fund as a way to mark a significant occasion? What a wonderful method for a community member to honor that special someone as well as to reaffirm the excellent quality of the work done by the library staff and trustees. A donation to the Library, whether due to the sadness of a bereave-ment or to commemorate a happier occasion such as a birthday or anniversary serves a dual purpose. It acknowledges that special person or occasion and, of course, enhances the library's ability to provide addi-tional material to our patrons who will appreciate these gifts for years to come. It is truly a gift that keeps on giving.

Count me in: I want to support our amazing library!

The Friends of the Moultonborough Library is open to all who love our library. Bring your ideas and suggestions and join us. Meetings are held at the library on the first Thursday of the month at 10 a.m. except for January, February and March. Please send in your membership dues with the form on back page. Your membership dues help offset some of the library expenses for special adult and children’s programs, museum passes, and capital improvements. Our membership year runs from January to December.


The Moultonborough Public Library and the Altrusa Club are pleased to offer

a book delivery service to the homebound of Moultonborough. The Li-

brary offers an extensive book selection, books on CD, LARGE PRINT BOOKS, and many magazines and

DVDs. The staff at the Library will be happy to assist you with selections and answer your questions.

Altrusa volunteers will deliver and pick-up books on approximately a two-week cycle. If you are not a

member of the library, arrangements for a card may easily be made. Please call the Library for further

information. Call 476-8895




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Friends of Moultonborough Public

Library Newsletter Editor-Bev Nelson

[email protected]

Friends of the

Moultonborough Public Library

P.O. Box 150

Moultonborough, NH 03254-0150

(603) 476-8895

Library Hours:

Monday through Thursday 10 am - 8 pm

Friday 10 am - 5 pm

Saturday 10 am - 2 pm


The Friends membership year runs January to December.

Check your mailing label or your email greeting in your email edition for your membership status.

Please cut out this section and send with your check (made payable to the Friends of the Moultonborough Public Library). Our address is shown on the left of this page.


Mailing Address:______________________________________

Phone (local)______________________(cell)_______________

E-Mail: ______________________________________________ Check this box to “opt in” to receive emails from the Friends.

For 2017, Please circle your donation: $15 $25 $50 $100



I opt to receive NEWSLETTER as an E-mail and save FMPL printing/mailing

P.O. Box 150

Moultonborough, NH 03254