friedman fried nlar)...friedman IP=tr .--fried nlar) Carlotta S. Stauffer, Commission Clerk Office...

fr iedman IP=t r .-- fr ied nlar) Carlotta S. Stauffer, Commission Clerk Office of Commission Clerk Florida Public Service Commission 2540 Shuma rd Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399-0850 ATIORNEYS AT LAW October 26, 20 17 HAND DELIVERY REDACTED RE: Docket No. 20170223-SU; App lication for establishment of wastewater AFPI charges in Highl ands, Lake, Mar ion, Pasco and Pinellas Coun ties by Utilities, Inc. of Florida Our File No. 30057.232 Dear Ms. Stauffer: On October 16, 2017 I attempted to send the attached correspondence to you by USPS Priority Mail. Although the USPS tracking system show the letter delivered (see attached), it apparently did not reach you. Therefore, enclosed is our check in the amount of$2,250 for the filing fee. If the prior letter and check show up, please give me a call and 1 will pick it up. The prior letter included a proposed Notice, and I have already w orked with Staff on that so it is no longer necessary to forward that to Staff .. Should you or Staff have any questions regarding this filing, please do not hesitate to give me a call. MSF/ Enclosures cc: John Hoy (via email) Patrick Flynn (via ema il ) ,., Very truly yours, . 0 MARTINS. FRT MAN For the Firm t:; C> :z: ,.._, c-. -..I 0 n --I N C"'l u ,_ :::iC -, r:y t.. c r- N r 0"1 766 NORTH SU N DRIVE, SUITE 4030, LAKE MARY, FLORI DA 32746 I PHONE (407) 830-6331 F AX (407) 878-2178 I WWW.FF-ATIORN EYS.COM

Transcript of friedman fried nlar)...friedman IP=tr .--fried nlar) Carlotta S. Stauffer, Commission Clerk Office...

Page 1: friedman fried nlar)...friedman IP=tr .--fried nlar) Carlotta S. Stauffer, Commission Clerk Office of Commission Clerk Florida Public Service Commission 2540 Shumard Oak Boulevard

friedman IP=tr .-- fried nlar)

Carlotta S. Stauffer, Commission Clerk Office of Commission Clerk Florida Public Service Commission 2540 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399-0850


October 26, 20 17



RE: Docket No. 20170223-SU; Application for establishment of wastewater AFPI charges in Highlands, Lake, Ma rion, Pasco and Pinellas Counties by Utilities, Inc. of Florida Our File No. 30057.232

Dear Ms. Stauffer:

On October 16, 2017 I attempted to send the attached correspondence to you by USPS Priority Mail. Although the USPS tracking system show the letter delivered (see attached), it apparently did not reach you.

Therefore, enclosed is our check in the amount of$2,250 for the filing fee. If the prior letter and check show up, please give me a call and 1 will pick it up. The prior letter included a proposed Notice, and I have already worked with Staff on that so it is no longer necessary to forward that to Staff ..

Should you or Staff have any questions regarding this fil ing, please do not hesitate to give me a call.

MSF/ Enclosures

cc: John Hoy (via emai l) Patrick Flynn (via email)


Very truly yours,

~rn . 0

MARTINS. FRT MAN ~ ~ For the Firm ~ t:;

C> :z:

,.._, c-. -..I

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:::iC -, r:y t.. cr-N r 0"1

766 NORTH SU N DRIVE, SUITE 4030, LAKE MARY, FLORIDA 32746 I PHONE (407) 830-6331 FAX (407) 878-2178 I WWW.FF-ATIORNEYS.COM

Page 2: friedman fried nlar)...friedman IP=tr .--fried nlar) Carlotta S. Stauffer, Commission Clerk Office of Commission Clerk Florida Public Service Commission 2540 Shumard Oak Boulevard


Tracking Number: 9505510342827289191003

Delivered Product & Tracking Information

Sec Available Actions



Priori!} Mail•




l racking

Your item has been deli\'ered to an agent at I :39 pm on October 19.2017 in TALLAHASSEE. H 32301.


October 19, 2017, I :39 pm 0l'li\Cred, To Agl'nt 1 \LLAHASSEE, FL 32301

Your item has been ddi' crcd to an agent at I :39 pm on October I 9. 2017 in 1 .\I.LAI L\SSEE. FL 3230 I.

October 19, 2017. I :38 pm Arri\ed at Post Otlice

October 19. 2017. 9:02 am In Transit to Destination

October 18,2017.9:02 am In Transit to Destination


On its way to fALLAIIASSLE. FL 32399

On its \\a) to J'Al LAHASSLE. FL 32399

Page 3: friedman fried nlar)...friedman IP=tr .--fried nlar) Carlotta S. Stauffer, Commission Clerk Office of Commission Clerk Florida Public Service Commission 2540 Shumard Oak Boulevard

r friedman ~friedman

Octohcr 16. 20 I 7


Curlollu \. \wullcr. C. ommtso.,i<m Clerk Ollicc ut < ommi-,sion Clerk I lonc.Ja Publtc \cr. tcc Commtso.,ion 2 "40 ~humard Oak B~llllc\ ard I allaha..,scc. I I l2 399

Rl I ){x:kct "Ju 20 17 -Sl :Application for csltlblishmcnt of WtlSlcwatcr AFPI ch.1rges Ill lltghlands. Lake. Marion, P.1sco dlld Pincll.1s Counllcs b)' l ulitic~. Inc. of llnrid~1

Our Fi le 'Ju J0057.232

I kar '\h \taulkr:

Pur,uant to \\."Cllon 167.10 I . I lorida \t,ttutc'>. and Ruk ""-~0 414. I lunda 1\dministrntivc ( ndc, l ttllltc,. 111\. ,>f I lorida's Appltc,ltton lur e-.tablt-.hmcnt of \\U..,le\\-atcr Af PI charge" in llighlamJ.... I akc. '\1arion. and Pinellas ( nuntit:..,, WtL.., dcclmntcall} filed . I ncloscd i<, this lim1 ·., chcd, tn the amount ol $2,:!50.00 lor the lilmg fcc.

lurthcr cncJo..,ed io., a dmfi Notice to be lorwarded to appropnute o.,tafl for comments. the Not tee\\ itt he prov1dcd upon approval by the staff.

a call \hould ynu or l.itatrhave any questions regarding thio., filing. plca-.e dn not hesitate to give n11..·

{;\: John llo) (' i.1 cmai I) Patrid: ll)nn (via email)

Yen tntl) )OUrs.

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Jt.t N( ~~~I H '.UN OHIVf ';IItlE 1010 AK[ MARY,! I OR IDA l:U41.. I PHON[ (407) fl30 ()'ll 1 r M (4011878 2118 I WWW f F AIIORNEVS COM

Page 4: friedman fried nlar)...friedman IP=tr .--fried nlar) Carlotta S. Stauffer, Commission Clerk Office of Commission Clerk Florida Public Service Commission 2540 Shumard Oak Boulevard


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Page 5: friedman fried nlar)...friedman IP=tr .--fried nlar) Carlotta S. Stauffer, Commission Clerk Office of Commission Clerk Florida Public Service Commission 2540 Shumard Oak Boulevard

Bll ORI II II. PUB! 1<. \I R\ J( I COM\.11\\10~

AJ.I J),JJI Rl \Ill> PI R'-.0'\J\

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AI1PI ll \liON I OR I \I 1\131 1\IIMI t-.1 01 W 1\\ II W \II R AI l'llii/\R(,L \ J'l IIIGIII 1\ '-ID~ I \1\.1 MARION P\-..COA O PINLIII\\(OlNII I \IlYlJIIIIIII\. Jl\1(. OFIIORIDA

I> A II · I) Octulx•r • ~0 17


On< )(;tohcr • :!017. Utilities. Inc. of l·loridu likd an Aprllcatinn with the !·lorida Public ~crvacc Colllll\IS'>IOil lm the cstabli-,hmcnt or an .1\JIO\\-i.IIICC for Jumh Prudclllly Invested ( .. AI Pl .. } Charge lor linun: cu.,tumt·r-, 1ll" its \\,1\tc\\UICr S)Stcm'> an I JighlanJ.,. I a!..~: . Manon. Pa,co .md Pini!IIJ'> Coumac-. I he 1\ I PI t ' harges .an: .. to pa\ for gnm th in the ,.,astc,.,atcr '>)stem and the requested chargc>s arc to lx: pJid h~ n ..:: \\ , tllll c"\istang cu-,tomcr. \cOp) ofthc application as aHtilahlc ti1r tn'>pcLiaun <H the following.locution'i:

( ~lnpcr I 1hral) 25::!'i <\lc~ \~:•,t\Cr Dmc t lcrmunt. I I 14 7 I I Mtllu..l.t) I hur..Ja\ : 9:00a.m. to 7:00p.m. I nd.t~ \aturda) 9:00a.m. to I :00 p.m. ..,,mc.Ja) ( t ln,cd l

\t Pdcr .... hurg Puhllc I ihrJr) \nuth Branch ., 100 l{o) IIanna I >rive ~. ..,, Pctcr..hun•. I I 117 12 \t1ontht)' W cdn~ ... da). I· riday and · 9 00 .1 Ill to 6 00 p rn luc..,d.t) .lnd I huNia): 9·00 a.m. to 9·00 p m. \unda) ( ( lo,cd l

I alo.c Pl.u.:tc..l ~1cmonal I ihrary :!0~ \\ lnt~rlak~ Bhd I aJ..c I'I.Kid. 1185::! I uc,d.t) I 0 10 ,, m. In 6 ·10 p.m. \\~dnc....c.J.t) \aturda) 9 10 a.m. to5·10 p.m. \unda} -Monda:-: (( I1"Cc..l)

/cph)rhtll' Puhltc I tbraf) ~ 14 7 X'" \trcct /cph}rhtiJ..... I lunda 33S42 I uc,du} I ndu). lJ:OO a.m. to 7:00p.m . \aturday 9;0() a.m. to noon \unda) Mnnda~ · (( ln.,cc..l)

~arum ( ount) Puhltc I ibnli) ">7'"~0 I \tlvcr ~pring ... Bh.d Ocala I I 144 70 Monda\ I} I 0 a.m.-8 p.m. I and ..,}: I 0 a m.-6 p.m. \} I -'\ p m

Page 6: friedman fried nlar)...friedman IP=tr .--fried nlar) Carlotta S. Stauffer, Commission Clerk Office of Commission Clerk Florida Public Service Commission 2540 Shumard Oak Boulevard

I he l til it~ · ., rcquc~tcd I\ I PI Charl,.'t!:> arc sctlonh belt>\\ , I he AI PI Charge~ af'\! subjL'Ctto change the -.tall rc\tcw and final dcci-.ion b) the <...ornmissmncrs.

llighland-; County ( l .al..l: Placid Sv-,tcm l

2018 2020 2016 2017 2019 January $6 56 $85 55 $ 167 79 $253 53 $343 00 February $ 13 12 $92 38 $ 174 91 $260 96 $350 76 March $ 19 68 $ 99.21 $ 182 03 $268 39 $358 52 Apnl $26 24 $ 106 04 $ 189 15 $275 82 $366 28 May $32 80 $ 112 87 $ 196 27 $283 24 $374 04 June $39 36 $ 119 70 $ 203 39 $290 67 $381 80 July $45 92 $ 126 53 $210 51 $298 10 $ 389 56 August $52 48 $ 133 35 $217 63 $305 53 $397 32 September $59 04 $140 18 s 224 75 $312 96 $405 08 October $65 60 $ 147 01 s 231 87 $320 38 $412 85 November $72 16 $153 84 s 238 99 $327 81 $420 61 December $ 78 72 s 160 67 s 246 10 s 335 24 $428 37

The approved AFPI charges whtch are based on one equ1valent res1denttal connect1on (ERG) w1ll be collected from 458 add11tonal ERCs as of December 31 , 2015 The amount of the charge w1ll be based on the month 1n whteh the connection to the ut1hty IS made If by December 31 , 2020 any number of ERCs rema1n unconnected, the rema1nmg ERCs shall be charged the constant maxm1um charge of $428 37 until all 458 add11tonal ERCs are connected afterwh1ch the charge w1ll cease

l at..c l ountj (Lake ltility ~)'SlCill)

2018 2020 2016 2017 2019 January $ 1.263 83 $ 1,263 83 $ 1,263 83 $1,263 83 $ 1,263 83 F-ebruary $ 1,263 83 $1,263 83 $ 1,263 83 $1,263 83 $ 1,263.83 March $ 1,263 83 $1 ,263 83 $ 1.263 83 $1 ,263 83 $1 ,263 83 Apnl $ 1,263 83 $ 1,263 83 $1 263 83 $1 ,263 83 $1,263 83 May $ 1.263 83 $1,263 83 $ 1.263 83 $ 1,263 83 $ 1,263 83 June $ 1.263 83 $ 1,263.83 $ 1 263 83 $ 1 263 83 $1,263 83 July $1 ,263 83 $ 1 263 83 $ 1 263 83 $ 1 263 83 $ 1,263.83 August $ 1,263 83 $ 1,263 83 $ 1 263 83 $ 1,263 83 $ 1,263.83 September $ 1 263 83 $1.263 83 $ 1 263 83 $ 1 263 83 $ 1.263 83 October $ 1 263 83 $ 1 263 83 $ 1 263 83 $ 1 263 83 $ 1 263 83 November $ 1.263 83 $1.263 83 $ 1 263 83 $1 263 83 $1,263 83 December $ 1 263 83 $ 1.263 83 $ 1 263 83 $1.263 83 $ 1 263 83

The approved AFPI charges. wh1ch are based on one equivalent res1denttal connection (ERG) w111 be collected from 1,471 addlttonal ERCs as of December 31 , 2015 The 1,471 ERCs shall be charged a constant charge of $1 263 83 unltl all ERCs are connected. afterwh1ch the charge wtll cease

Page 7: friedman fried nlar)...friedman IP=tr .--fried nlar) Carlotta S. Stauffer, Commission Clerk Office of Commission Clerk Florida Public Service Commission 2540 Shumard Oak Boulevard

Marion CounlJ (l.III--Manon Sy•acm)

2018 2016 2017 2019 2020

January $4 92 $64 11 $ 125 33 $ 188 70 $254 39 February $9 84 $69 20 $ 130 60 $ 194 16 $260 05 March $14 76 $74 28 $ 135 86 $ 199 61 $265 72 Apnl $ 19 67 $79 37 $ 141 13 $205 07 $271 38 May $24 59 $84 46 $ 146 39 $210.53 $277 OS June s 29 51 $89 55 $ 151 66 $215 98 $282 71 July $34 43 $94 63 $ 156 92 $221 44 $288.38 August $39 35 $99 72 $ 162 19 $226 90 $294 04 September $44 27 $ 104 81 $ 167 45 $232 35 $299 71 October $49 19 $ 109 89 $ 172 72 $237 81 $ 305 37 November $54 10 $ 114 98 $ 177 98 $243 26 $ 311 04 December $59 02 $ 120 07 $ 183 25 $248 72 $ 316 70

The approved AFPI charges. wh1ch are based on one eqwvalent res1dentJal connect1on (ERC) w1ll be collected from 67 add1t1ona1 ERCs as of December 31 2015 The amount of the charge w111 be based on the month 1n wh1ch the connection to the utthty 1s made If by December 31 , 2020 any number of ERCs remam unconnected the rematmng ERCs shall be charged the constant maxrmum charge of $316 70 unt1l all 67 additional ERCs are connected, afterwhtch the charge w11l cease

Pa.!.co (. oun~ ( l.abrador Systt:m l

2018 2016 2017 2019 2020 January $8 47 $ 110.56 $217 72 $330.30 $448 71 February $ 16 94 $ 119 45 $227 06 $340 12 $459 05 March $25 42 $ 128.34 $236 40 $349.95 $469 39 Apnl $33 89 $ 137 24 $245 74 $359 77 $479 73 May $42 36 $ 14613 $255 08 $36960 s 490 07 June $50 83 $ 155 02 $264 42 $379.42 $ 500 41 July $ 59.31 $ 163.91 $273 76 $389.25 $ 510 75 August $67 78 $ 172 81 $ 283 11 $399 07 $521 09 September $76 25 $ 181 70 $292 45 $408 90 $ 531 .43 October $84 72 $ 190 59 $ 301 79 $418 72 $54177 November $9319 $ 199.48 $ 311 13 $428 55 $ 552 11 December $ 101 67 $208.38 $ 320 47 $438 37 $562 45

The approved AFPI charges. whtch are based on one equtvalent restdential connectton (ERC). w11i be collected from 458 add1honal ERCs as of December 31 , 2015 The amount of the charge w1ll be based on the month 1n wh1ch the connection to the ut1hty IS made If by December 31 , 2020, any number of ERCs remam unconnected. the rema1mng ERCs shall be charged the constant maxm1um charge of $562 45 until all 458 additional ERCs are connected. afterwh1ch the charge w111 cease _

Page 8: friedman fried nlar)...friedman IP=tr .--fried nlar) Carlotta S. Stauffer, Commission Clerk Office of Commission Clerk Florida Public Service Commission 2540 Shumard Oak Boulevard

Pinellas Cou!l!} (Mill-County <;y.,tcrn)

2018 2020 2016 2017 2019 January $5 56 $72 56 $ 142 20 $214 69 s 290 22 February $ 11 13 $78 34 $ 148 22 $220 96 $296 75 March $16 69 $84 13 $ 154 24 $227 23 $ 303 29 Apnl $22 26 $89 91 $ 160 26 $233 51 $ 309 83 May $27 82 s 95 69 $ 166 28 $239 78 $316 37 June $33 39 $ 101 48 $ 172 30 $246 05 $322 90 July $38 95 $ 107 26 $ 178 32 $252.32 $329 44 August $44 52 $ 113 04 $ 184 34 $258.59 $335 98 September $50.08 $ 118 83 $ 190 36 $264 86 $342.51 October $55 65 $ 124.61 $ 196 38 $27114 $349 05 November $61 21 $ 130 39 $202 40 $277 41 $ 355 59 December $66 78 $ 136 18 $208 42 $283 68 $ 362 13

The approved AFPI charges. wh1ch are based on one eqUivalent res1dentJal connecllon (ERG), w111 be collected from 203 additional ERGs as of December 31 2015 The amount of the charge w11f be based on the month 1n wh1ch the connection to the utility IS made If by December 31 . 2020, any number of ERGs rema1n unconnected, the rema1n1ng ERGs shall be charged the constant maxmtum charge of $362 13 until all 203 add1t1onal ERGs are connected, afterwh1ch the charge w11l cease


\\ rillcn commcnh rcgardmg the lJtll1ty and the /\I· PI Charge, or rcquc'>t'> to he placcll on the mailing list for tim. ~.:a'>c, may he directed to this addres'>:

I· lorida Pub I ic Service Commission Director. Otlicc ofCommi'>'>IOO t lcrl..

2.'i40 <-\humard Oal.. HoukvanJ I allahasscc, Florida 32399-0870

1\ courtesy copy ot wriucn comments and compla111b ,.., not required, but muy be mailed or crnailcd to tfll' foffm\<ing. Martin S Friedman, Esquire, 1-ricdmnn & l'riedman. P./\ .. 766 North Sun [)rive. Sullc 4030. I ake Mar: . lloridn 32746. •' 1 '

A.ll corrc~ronJ~nc~ ~hould rder to "Docket No ::!007 -SU(,. l tilitics. Int. of F-lorida'' Your letter '\\ill placed 111 the corrcspond~.:ncc lilc of this tloclct. You rna} also ~ubmit comments through the l·lnnda Public Scrv1cc Commission's toll-tree facstmtlc hne at l-800-"ill -0809, or the Commi')sion's

' I ' ~ ' l ,, ~ II \ I I ' 1.

II you " 1sh to contact th~.: !·lorida Public ~~.:rvicc lommlo;sion regardmg complutnts about 'iCrvtcc. ~ ou rna) cull the ( omrnis'>ton ·., 01'-1sion ol Consumer /\sSI'>Iancc and Outreach at th..: lollov. ing toll- free mm1hcr 1-XOO· 14:! ~ "i'\2

'I hts nouce was prepared by the lltiftt) and approved by ( omm1Ss1on statr for distnbution b) tht.' l ltility to,tom..:r. If you have any 4UCst1ons. please call the Utility's ollil:c at (866) 842-8412.

Utilities. Inc. of Florida