Friday Nov - NYS Historic...

•<f* 4> •ifl^l^p/tV^'^t' V'-** V$tt'*p*&*fy> r ~ } M tit" OH 13-1 «3fc U ftp ^i «* < * n »& i^ -& #'?•'' f «, S& 7 *" -•, A5* •at*. PltibfeufAh P#ijy Press November £ #BL tTtitfiiiirtii tlLiAg jjiitry'aWi^»wMff>c^AF l to rj**- Cawilug lli* KojvT to (,o,crnor pcrienco I Pr- 1 ih th« f mo«-t iml on UMClf ib nit* 1 perilous. jourhc\ thnt wis~ct C i 11 »ilo'U>*»» »B taken pi m THE t>P£N-AIK XKIiATAiEXT It somctfmt« happen** that when c-xpjar*a.i.irn of .1 jftienohunon IS dls proved tho ompr<6«j»oil I<« produced J that tho ocunronco ot fno pbeiomci <'n*Pat, A* -with referent* to the iccuttr wo-Jt r^i tn. ph 11 MoluiJi' f Cui 1 r\o!icil in roo i \entiiaudr There * tnc ocncraj m e^fi res* ruler m the inland cm nm ib re ordct] n ih<£ offfci *j reports oi do* i"-iaa I j en~ The Clot [and (he open ah n t tiiwi S)U-YJ£ n ? ' ? w,tt "?1 '*•»» re .son to belies th V ,011 tveje n e a t -*Fofjt Uontbri Mnnt- in the autumn itf 186^ afterV*um- i5Ubli ° * " tU1 l ° ni0WhiL ™^"*^ « "I". °f fi ^ a * orft n e*ot atlhg treaties t h s p0 ' nt ' " * ds / ° » , * Jtos tjm * With Indian tribes between the das* su 3Posed tna ' the had «flEects qf close cade Mountains and Oie Montana a -3 d crowded rooms, were d u e t o chem c Ains ~~ ical impurities In the air to cx&es? of Sild Stnens f biographer 1 I carbon dioxid or to orgar.e poison The great tribes of ,the upper' ° r vls * t0 Iack of opygen Mo one oi ii> tfctijtble in the S&nftthins, like J ported jfrom th* j,rea-t *hSt& cave i fia :'/. n T:, u s, thfc \p«j.p Alj^. Scarfe T v % nrVl^i e - • "* """"'''' cnmtfuiffiiv in 48e^ ^Vijrld^-feut ha*- ^ monumf tit, *ar a^*onlntarc, *«* piUo 'or A pt^^ic. buiJiflng* mmsLais faints ot en i^CH wtawtrnt' f rffiw fi^s, ni<i t" 3 -- il out tj^^teh 5* cluif 1 'Mise.J') ouv hi". 'jio'b^lii Srtn^e Bj<inc-u ' C o l u m b i a c o u n t r y * - t h e Sa^uiMMj, T ^ k i - theae e,,w P lpratl « n - ^ mas, Walla W&lia*, UinatlUas, Pal-1 1J ^ ht of »eoent eTpcrinoent On t h ounej. and all the OreKon, bands dtrtvp ! tf «»»trai t t all thU Ul effects ooscn^ble to the Dalle*, the \ M o u e s -Who had m crowded rooms reem toNlenend or ^K-ned the treatki it the Walla Walla the f agnt»ian, htqh teirperati-re and pouncj' and prot'ei'-ed sucb friendship l Taofsturc ,r t lh « ^> »« 1 « « d to htd all bioli^n out in 0;Pcn wu | those^actor* that disturb the normai ihe\ had swe-pt the uprcj feountn I h ^ at rAguiatten ox the bods clean of whitfg l^n n s all t h e 'f>. t t l o r «• temperature arid moisture are kept , min *i"fa found there md v mui-1 iow » human exhalations ma^ be- ai devred \ BC nt fi Q l C n under slofocs a' pe-ulia with too ie S UM rs mdtl hottJtZci l£"£. T n t Ctplt y artd ' r ?^d ^0 re I ?ul L , Ka ^ Ja, f»n's warr ors, «,th oircum- we ^ to a^cunrUlate withou.. notice aWt <fTect-to a po.nt far abo\e iliai o-dmarirv obHenedin the most ' badly vertilated' room On the ocher hrf^c fTht<5& mht<&~m xpiw-it 1 1 ha\e beet wtrked iint» Roin'tn coirf-iae't tim^ —«a,nd altjnwwe <mrfe{'iiU"oaJ> ^.nce *JIC (hirfefe-W^ coittat>« The^-e are todaj naore l.'hari 600 -diffex^nt ^ij*u^5ft« *n operation ~M Carrar hscW there are 345 *ih 4)60fr w^ckef'i in «MpJk)j s*\s an cxcltaige Altofra^her W a 15,000 operatee* <&& &t w-ork blasi- I?^ arfd ai^srinfi 1 up these ana-velous aiapcwir Li?tel> -«-oine oi the lar^e^t t bioiukft eel ftfld out haXc occii ship 1 p&J to 3,eg*fl vCottntneji Jk>r mono-j. d J, puij IioU'-ei, bu It of thl"? stone ^ -^— n.l^ n 5 •^»»j^--ir?fv.-" Friday Nov I U'US llped We t i *-." ;, Comedy Yentriloqni iWting & Zu Comedy Piano Act m ^ x ig own tat Carra-a haa cgithq- , months cauat-d from ^ uic bujl,ding-s and xftos'th stsjthe Liver an.l wast |ll f our most Promin m |3 I would have ; o suSn |l ,at>on to get relief bff^S W n ^ Wonderful Stomal « 1 outdoor aj,r through, but allowj THREE PIECE COSTUMiES For fhe -early days or autumn thiec piece oostoimes of silk or aatah aire practical and t'mart, aad two models noticed recently are wfor.'.iy c.f , mierizion. O n e lis fai'hu'onfKl from b't»oc'h'e (faille in a soft oliive tone Th* skir't, deyigrraed with a >ioke*frcnt in ,to •w'hitRi Che (back <Js elig-hitly g a t h e r ed, is drawn u p I n <oormitr- a tteat n;er an ain'dcrbadice of I v o r y m i n o n 'Ve-i! ev ir\ i\ emnjr shfortliy after 19 oc c-1% *bv the naval raxl'io sttitionB riTTPI. TRiTH THE GOODS «WIIlEIiKSS WE41IEER R13PQJITS. \\*ien thf ron crsition turned t< j Wiieless weather reports Jfor jnar- read\ excuses, the othei night Con mere i'ititd hv the United. States. g essman Gtoigre W Norris of Keb- weather buieAu a r e no-R distributed fipe„ U rasKa, said he didn t kinow ansy'bod\ broadcast who couid i it thf m o\er more adm itH than 1 a?rtam iiait\ an a wet&ei'-i! t iUn&.o (Arlington), Va , and Key <?t ' t t W (.^ , Fla The repofv eonstiafs of t w o Tho co! n n pa. t - 0 ii.d tnc roi I, a m # Lhe ftMt glV ing ma fcanple f ^_ gre^man did not ha o tho idvanta^f , .. of earn rdurauon. bnt h 1kl mar.d^ j ure ctHj * "»e Hartmieitrw fi)waiupa, el .With shadow Hace, W^ittch iflallc in to acquire 1 little property Business v-ind directTon and m&J iforce ^ n t h e a caeaade over the corsage, and is -uonij this line one da> called lum Bea«f0rt ttealf) prevailing a t 5 OC^uCk inn held l;n U 'thj& V-iAiroegl oper n« to *he offi<e of an attornej J { h< v-e,ime renins' at S\dn« <X S ) ,by a quaint ball trimimin'? wf ^iree-n Vow then ' icmarked the ittorn(\ Xartucket Atlantic City, Cape Hat* and Mae. A smart ffitble icoa^ an after some minor details had beeii t-e - as Ohaile*t>on, Ke\ West, Pouso.- suite, Tvlth ith* skirt, .is ffinilsfned completed m s t P s n >om m m " ^ ^ a oolfar an;d pointed cuSfs oi white ( night thort pleas>e ' y«Mo«-*of 1 tnird of hi 1feire?abd hi^. Ws bod V to be confined ip a simall cinnon* ^h<,n,K«» -1 * / chamber where cmnon ,, Thi# sta-thng- news thr ~(3G*ernoi mu«t know and W H J Pearijon waa»* oon havc cho^e* 1 to ride e\pregs with tlig^atfhc from the Dalle* in Fort BcntoJiL The trust \\'a» not mif^laced, * * Pearson rode»v out of f ic ItolV frcch and *'»« mbunted,,i|iid,»Trahu Je ^P^»e**t^}yibn.-)for the Jo'nce^cuW aji a y and nigrht, reached fufli Mt -, ' r « ^ Jtheor> that Expired air Has a ««v v « ranch on Hi*. vm*4\\\ n t* >-»„ tn*lr» H^HBHI «. ««* t>. « «_»«,._ it HEIJFORP. - ? frcd t 3-.iplafit«"ar* to be-eon?mtutat§d ure <J * full troatmcntl«5 if y*e e^peymenter breathes * pure"' | M x lJil ^ T > u ^ e8 2 * killthjr^ fjne cording to d!^otion s ^3 outdoor aar fhrmivi, »+.,ho r »f ,11,™ .! dter l«uit Tnaaj " , dreds of Gall Stone#%f ^rtf liiouil. Jiiskotwsma and child- y^ 1 ^ medicini- 1 woffc^ rrn hr\e returned to the^ttdroe ihj^ion't feei any ni effe^^ Dann^mora after^ «m«n<nhsr ' fivefinef iyour Remedy tojMiP wdekti in town wiib thelrpareM»-arSl!I thlhk it's worthy,!^- frMnd,; »• - * "<• P»*ai*e IB. L. IWOLKU *bf*.„ Efdgar Keimond atod herl SMflfeTerfs of Stoma^jM 1 {waUr M"^ Benjamin left l'ueidfcty te^inal Ailments a;|?M. to <^sit f J ends and^relailyeg in pur*' take M*JT\S Wondeii^S and temperature mofstuio tire at a hijgrh point he will ti! the "ymptonttf ccm- monh attributed to ' breathing foui i air" - j - To substitute ihm explanation, which is wholly In accord with recent ratich on ^ ITmalllia it* aaj hsrnt Theipla-ce-TWi* deserted. Lasuo inff a fre fc h moxmt-hft M (fa band v f 23^?5r * , ? d »* ^, ^^ "PWUF^to the, toxic property is not to Audition (he value of fresh air or* ta decry the open-air treatment, foi tuberculosis On the contrary, we are now in" at WiUcH better position to undfrstana in nhit Waj cool%h and cipeclally medy for weeks aii|^J Kill tho svAK. wan" , i^oirtngr air jproa^ceh marked invlgor l h Z S^.^^WW »»«J*Uw andtoftflTrt^Wot the «a n rl^htfajf mrncd p^f -the trill at right an*l€«(, rodo ^or ^eral ml^n and ible winds foi the nextt ^w-a<!ia4"« *$w} , resting: atewhew* in eeeldded c6v«rt tptc fiet 1 ^ectio^v, of t n t A kun*Nj a n a i ™« 1 - «<- Ye see, GuJf ^ f jj^jco - .eordted silk. I I wi<di jon nnuui p i<n '1 for m The eiecond irpwn is of ilaSsSn col- Mr James * wiid !he othei in •ored icharmeiusc, •carelesslly draped wp will jes* make me mark mo th-e •wa.istyine. Ttee bodice of since me eyes give out I hain't been tream &,oe Is vs%'d .vs£tfh niHon of .able ter write a single word.** af sev <sre ^borms as occasion anay] ?She aim% ton© ais'taie.skirt, just touch- I "All niEht," acquiesced the obli§* > a ir5 Se , / est at tne -deieoWeitasg-e wSiih a*«leKcate lag lawyer, "how do you s»pell y o u r . . * ehibmidery <ot ipanjc, Wae aad gr>6>&n. name, please•?" » " A,;SwaJtlmd ssa^h ,<?-f .paiiiKgt ^link satin | "Jes* spoil it any war ye want iff.* is'jiMit vMMe €hramh. the 1'aee awd answered the "certain part*' . in ^ « d ^ a for***- « the P ,ol>.| ffi n J "„ insr in this <5U-ate«$c ^majusei, «srai heallh wi' en the bod> Io ^ e*. linston iUf*'. Mae Christie ^nd >M«» Injnfe' thej feel benefited.^^^^ tmid.h oC ^cUenectaajr* vl^ted Mrs j doise—which s h o u i i i ^ S 5Vo^ .t'Halon-on Su««dai . 1 bettor in W«WK .iiteill Mr 4tnd Mr* Kenry^. ilcCasland loft on ^afcurd^y to spend a f^w l »oek» with her patrepts a* Ch^tzy I4ke, , * - Jaitph I^avo e ^t*a,war«) «nd. «»ten , aiB^iS• about a h a t r e d railfea offsfc^w, and •w&«iih8« 'I \OHl SetacfSSiSaifn^ rl at ihPr la ^ G ' »«'^* h ««* ««»• 4«e jacav JGWIO ^riHiantt posft© bucMes an* K*>n^o »»,»». 1 t,„i«». ^ teHt in ihVv* a tan ffeft i*>w ofTto on s p e mi " ^ S °° {l jaaism cnajprKsoise, ' WITS IN ARAOT. 3a Is a «er*o«s «6fense for a Oer- m'am ©fefdter to •sepipear «£.- piibMe ex-',! SOJSNTKD SAOffETS. If ytou are d'aJvoted Kio todavi^Sual grtaftavties, yoa havse your toilet wlmtem soaps, ©aehols and bath, -eirysiaals all '« a-imitwber ce#ft : ta -UH-ffiorm^ Bv^en wiheai %& Ss'on the gome -«e«nt. T^> 4h!av< -fnufrfcuBto "toerau^aaw^ys'<w«!ar It , of y^vfumesMfiiip^Srag-^rjprwfafewce' * A oetHta*^ IJJeuS. ®cBxmim, w*.o -was Ls t t o e «hei&ft>t of .«%)Uy, KBnwe intone vf engaged in scanss adYemisire or other t4*an aa'e •elurfvi e «r «yiurir^ ttnder s. F1r*d s^ottr !fav<j then adhere- bo U: ThSa * a Sine flame <5f St, wthen, <m -uuimteg ti it® fl?e*at and tSor,i*€fr,. lie unexpectedly aneft h-is icoU- LSeut. B'Chnaiidt, how-sv^r, Jose flife p:re<^taoe osf tnihid,, HWK m a PJ <wtlth her ^avk>rUe fc^mnte, eftang'&d .voice asked: ' { . So many p«ifumes are wotat to " •*C5a , n ymi *pll me, ^3r, where Lateut. ,-gxow s f ij.*2tti», »«,4CRtrrs mm i^wsws. • Whtn wsifld^w sfpa»toMhxltfiA atod you.d© *i«t wslsh t^'dte«e-*«fts cm ilw wlnid'ow «il|,:.pfti.rcha^.®oait?i0f %he «^M' j time «awilng3*tt«' ^^ackffts tuted* 4to JiioSd keT>c>Wwt*".,.i^5ts.»s i .a^a|E-rt't «ftda- •w^afeu. "Bbey may ^ «bojt^it «is » tertj»i^ir«l t'tsora. » Vhksy are werety TIRSSI Ithxut I turn <tha» ssaty and'Ahax Cr-<wn Mmie« aeeursdy f«fcti?n^d la 4hfe- *astii3B*^wii ipf.o tihfese «rk«?s aE3»wier jprns;' ©t <9c-' attiy. •; . • : - • T^"o of ftfeja j«on «aaer *ld0 ^f * w^n<t©w, mm ^ U w i t1*«a <&Ux«*,-j^«4 J with btofetnlngr |»'laa«|» *r d'r<^XPt)Rlf ? •and- seeklnjr »5iilU«uM- fd^d^>. P«a,r?ion Jfest- ptmhed on *v« r r '4hM3Sfttci*" , ;|tpot Mountain*. A "'bliinE^iiBl 1 "*"sa6^it,bxj^" ;Almj «..*- Jheat At a suitable rate, li?a£ productt4 ion must tl&o proceed *U a certain rate In order to oompemmt.e fqr th* Jdss This me<in3 Improved t««slm nation of food, mda largei pdon of food means better l^a-tcria! to build up the body jtifetlon of cool, moving aiisteprobably *in Itself beneficaaf. .Moreover, it im- ^els to <*jferelae, and Increased activ* [ify Increases, nutrition. Petpf priquet !|ff f a^ed*y ;or Itfon Siounialn wJhcrc; tli*y ^idil be «n- p*loy^d by .t«mes lA^roIe (t>awarfc) #Jfo thas a luhibei'^olj! there Charle» Stra^k oi Ttipp^r I*Jte who- ha* "befe^-iiauittf hi# dauch better in .health, «^ YOU win soon be weii > on fr£m pain and yon aT'sound and *U§L ti H"hm done jn t & f ^ *ae«fr JWh«?rever I T ^ | Jtea* nolhjn.^ ^ wt ^ Qo to y&usr dTO&gi«t^^^ th* ffre|| v fcsHits lt r |SM j(rfl*KingSin case* ofej e or ms^p^m. U^0M 1,1 w wMca-lrtid^ •- •* * lAMk til.*.. thi.bK. *. t _*i. ** - 'i ••-%-'*. 2 A S $ SSi J n I K i # f l # ^ ^ - * H * ^eulauon 1,'d ^re^d. HeJ«^ i*»anKet* a»d a llttt&^tef #a«itt »p~La>jee ,to exewisfr aiia to, ^nj *od!lv ^ ^ ^ ^ f ^ 1 ^ * ^ ^ ^ f e r u o n become* &£**£££ «sow*bu^d -totytoto ,-attd, a«fr four *lon of the lungs and oxygenation of A very pretty yreidlnp^ pIa<J*|^^Hitt«btirgh. N ( :«l at th*'R.-j3. churen on Monday ^h«irtl*afcKC; « . -;. ? ^p Mis* Alvlna Corron 6f dl»>*ur^h: anfljvf^ Aitie Collin* of Saranae were united "W^ la martiS<f 5 ^!n|te?wai( nerved at,thef W * / ^ ^ h e r jbrltfe >aitd recepOtin HAM toj'hf* eVe^nr at-d^aw^ Schtntdt Mv«s? I a-m his ta-otiher f r o m °g\ ttie country, a r J a?n pay&ng ^ahn a visit. 1 * Tfa» • ? r:ie-i gsiTe t'ne desired fjstor- m2i^5<\n and Life jt. . Srfljmidtt. ihu-Tsried tuSEBie SLTt-d grot tatso umS-'orm as soomjas posssJMie. He <thio-ufrh-; n-e. h a d d'ac^Tv- ed 'h-Js superior of&cer, but the next d&y. When 'he mei his colonel, fhe latiter siaid: tr L?«ut. Sc-himWt, if your brother ule after « few hx*ur& thait great care ti>ould 'be eseinclged in tho ?cl««'«tIo.n <of u «*>!&«n<r£Ive todor. "Slats* i*s ec-sjjeciaUy .tru© «*f (Sower *ce-nts. L>o rao4 tr.^Tatle ^shesip peafunW'S. They ar^ a ddr**** offense a4*fii3vst ssocl ta-^te. I«f y o u c a n - M t <ii!r<jr*d> the bet- ter oncra QSdbart sthem e>nta< mai une only a sachet ftig ©r /two to ftm- ,-""'* the c"jLinty tfraenslniee you .mudh desire. ittd • int«- t W i i t M p o o f ^te 1 ' ie&r H&*< iWaulflMent food i*f taken' anal * H »rt/Owe«,.i|h-«rff^ : |Mf8|%dtintf of ihf food ciittm may decoro- and ^riiiaiaElsf^^Qatll^^^^it^'^ltlm* 1 •»*«« thojleto-itineand produce pols- : mim>' «.n •llM>IT6idW*tt' ,, f'aiht,^tid/es^j * srvuogetner there la ttiltl-a sound ' '"" w for^ha belief outdoor Hfu for * for Jrhe tuber Jculbu*. pemm Xn*pohit of fict, »a^s OBITUARY. •*' **hfe ; J Journal of lh<* American Medl- Aifer| a imar Ussferrngf ffisaa^t ; of cal Association," nothing can discredit |wiiyipBBSl»*;l*d;.*h»|»lb|SdJ H*4&.^fy%le th(6 rational open-air treatment no s Me)£it!%toJ;.. i fiaai^sd icr«^--i^' <^^fr'\miater what pro*re«ts physiolo«-i*ti- j£<, ' t s i a , £"*er 'was- bom la -38b#l*g, and hyjrtentet* may make in analyzing* fJiftMa'ry 2l»", ,,i,l»f. J%r aoanS Jtow th& tnechankm on which tills treat-i WiC^-h«»'f^;^«r^o%d w** dJ*hW. and cook w-e todlctklm «»,.be It I * tJNtaw i^ djcmk |mo(»Vw<h<fe4fhier «*e l?ej.^v--c%fpa«o^?«BiWp. ., * > otessiooai- .^. ^ '^SftW^*' Attorney -.and Col ftney^W loan ..'oh 3 fittion St |8?-W. Th«.«a bj^t2k«sa» &&jha$& %3\& ^Sacinir o-f rJarrtt 4n ^mmtyfciay-wxB*: ! tow*J %\%&n pofts y^on th*e adtls wouM are in the I wmy. ^^.j^wKsirs Funeral dfrectorii Weat^cW. N.T.,"f nectioin^ " * :M r certain f o r e ! | r a *w"ord»*, mita? ^fcte foi* Frcsm the coun-irj- pays puu amr.-ber vfi*-* I-H -have h:m -placed in clwse con- finement for 30 dtevw.—.V«v York Times. . THE 51EXJCAN K1TI'\TIOX Tho Mexican. <*lerti.>n< h-!d On Sunday di.l n.i* sto.s Sufficiency of vt*es t-> make Tlie thin? a legal go. And now from old Ohapul-eriet-, With a little note of s!ee. We hear the voice knvfrMS exp£aca£io-3(E w^M '"b% -hefptSul. Cfiln, eoffeo: ddm3tai0e,. .saJter-^lini- nerleup;- ffiai*s>e, ©etoi or 3«latf frsQisen; ff'-naese, stew; .frotnag-e, idhJeeise; ^uese frozfen, <safe ao 'feit, eoff«?e wilth <mllk; np<Bifeh&el, a *v^t SS?s1ss c h e a s e ; &ar- «]ur«©n, nan Italian e"he**se- tim'a'bSe., fi?e era^lt i»ok*rd in tmsuld- omutons, br^ad Voa%*tt>d in jsqyarrx and u^ed ' for «oun and in ^arni^lsingE; <bouJHoiv> ype. A man a jjj^gj. bwh, usually "of !be«^, au jwattii, disk* teked, .prepared' -w^tJi c?^-*'*; *T*"»iru, «b!H. 0/ -f«ire; <j*«ire»a in- jgHe».V.«B*Jf-rubbt'd through a sieve, UKUjiUy tbft term # v * n <a ithtek etta^ln- Fanysthe is w>i in bufSnesSs for hdm- fo.if. Sanvtshe J THE BrRl>E-N r . Apropos of «ne type of AnH-rican family Dr P. A'ked snid in Sun Kran clsco: •^myth" is <>f this said to inc about him; •• 'is* Smyth*- in but>ines.s fur him " *P«ir hims<*lf?' said 1. •N i>. si.-. , fxtrava^rajit family of a s:a!osrn-in c a M ' Hc-rit, o c c t i ; . \ i n s th<' 'I'm the same old Huorta. Sep. —New York Tribun * j ed soup; tuMi fruul, \*ariaws kinds of. is in husincHB fior an oSxp'sp^i ifr\ that is at r»>yal suhe 1 -wentv-doiiar-a-d-'iy At'antii- botiel."—Mt 1-wtsiu k¥& W4jc«-*ifes n. nro- in , a ju>-, sra'.- 1 •.uf: <-r «oi»minft cl«sa.r s « o p juice of meat*?.. ftof^e- -hli "weft : b 0 ^ Sa'**^* 5 *ood *'ment resfe. h a & ^ • • ' ' 7 - J 1 •-. P<w*r-*,y«fi»*s # a«>o_ hi Jwly'Mhjfr *wtc9»l• 4:t ** r *~^*'™ m * , to. «he • M&ry. *Fi«*eher- Wk^Uig^. assd , undinwioKt *k «iwl.auis."<e«>ersitl!m for the same diw«u»e. ,' f^H'« years *aisJe>. A « ^vas 'ckji^tmsesd, 1 a»d «ih9rt3y ^WSter una^ed .-with' 3Sb» W. # Sf» dhttrcfh, -of wfli'Iph j8h» wau^'uli «ie-1 tJve *«»<emft»er|'. a-hv«i)'» ii.ttei^Bjfgr.- Suss- *' .•»«y Soh<Jiol =***! 0harih..,iilie.iHv5i3ee.' '• ! SWse' was afe» a men*dier-^«f the''' yotittfir sna«totta-ry wwimm tofwsd, ^f t rlMMt c$iur«3i. «nd was' atwsi3->s ready f to^ it^p out, (&i public innings «ud . alii> l «awie f^Kssfliy, . •. » si*. >•* •* TOHlf K. OdL^ Att9wey:.and' ^o|gifl jOftlce Corner of f ,.. s ^- LStreeti, Plittsburlnl^^ -* i— ..*.«* t < .... •••••- . 1 . , , ^ . ^ ^ ^ 1* *~ - ^ JR. F . -_^__. ra * Attorney and CaSi&ftf ^CJ^ck and CciiriM ^Iteton Street, Plat t$£nfcf*&«w. the SQUARE POT is belt. ^SP^sa-si l^rt^metnodC^M i | n « V . . . Cro^wn j s a 4 4 * | M ^©ver WattilH 1' i H i if rtoM. street, Pattt^fl ,mm$& lt>a a • on - Real, I St*. ".»• % ALICE P. Comfort, Style and Economy Vdii can't h.. .-, : '•'•'-•;-'.''d it is the sir.oti ,t- ISf- mixlorr D,\P A X D T H E PITCHER. liert* dtifi that was told by Sen .t'f*r Ho.e«rt L. Owen.* of OkiabHim ibi- t-.thor dij when the tniK N.vjuht-d to ihe wonderful ;i'>U-« fltat tiill druggists i>:at <*. -U- •,:.-al 53 ' <* 't juu m\ri it Me-fj! ""i htili* t.. iiuvand n.ioh U ai. i'<! l imjir.n. m«;n' K<itni'j'<->i topit pr<?£crip- aro SOTO'*- !irj|ps 1 .I'II .1 nj>''n to compound fi^W'-ntl.- ii-• rd.r.? !« th<- i^i-naior. \ a ."mall \«.\ rn.-iied ?nu> a drug start.. :ii !n (-sit.;, nt lnwn and rnadr- a "wild i.-f.- ii.r : h< < mint'-r. "H.1.V n n s i t t . " I>ri'athli-s^l> i-xt-in-m- OKi the .voun^Mier. "f want stime Knl" mt'iit anii ivnifiu. Hn/rat-iit and*cens«nt." r*-- ji. ^t< d i hi- diii^it'oi. not a !!t:U |XT- pioxt-d. .Ai'i- uu ««>in< to t!.-t- them both at tli^vSiimi' tune?" "Yitfss i».r," V\~IJ- the p r a n t p t rt*>pioii80 vf :li» W y "Ma ."he hit .p.i with tin- :>i!oh' r."~ - Plnladc-iyh.a Teh ^jipli , gfbe w a s <*f a 8>rjs'ht «tt»«sy, ddHpaei- ! ' clon n«d #«"« wjlny tfrfesda % I nevasr compbtined <*r aift3*mw«id dair^ j tolgr aM hwr illrteeis*, * but *«8ft» » a w a > « Sh>§ deafvias to smodim 'her toss, a fajWrer, Kd>w#n L. $4jcKj&gfotL, tSiree brothen), Olia, of rhf*> i*aace, Or\*©k», . of lieafver V&v&r, N. Y., oadi llevi A. H. McKnrsrht. of S e n e c a F&iOs, N . Y-<,- afeo one 8i*^C>S^•, Mrs. BrnK-ist Swees* of 4 . Muotsra KVwks, N. Y. IfHtneral services wej-e ihe&T in fhte 1 W. M. <ilt»ircb Octofber 26, conducted ly th*? R«v. J. WoodlmuSie. She was kiid to reat besfei«» her ' mottfwr in the Rivers!ld<e cemetery. i For "taking the chill off the house" in late fail, or making: HT coaily warm in the dead of winter —the faultleas s q u a r e pOt boiler can be relied upon to do it wtisfac- torily, quickly and eco- nomically. With its coBT«niei>t regula- toryoocan ini^adylncicaw o r reduce the heat to just the desired degree. The square fire pot ahowa in the view above was origi- nated and U patented by toe j», *"if|i^|t%red "osteopat^*^ "eolrnfcl-. Couch 'St =0«ii*I •fOsl-4 ; a». m.. and 2 to, HCl nlnis and Sunday by a(*-M?P Phone ito-^. .Every pl«y we make <m the «rW- leon of DntKdom is a sim* cain to- ward the goal -BENJAMIN" p. Attorney and Counsellor$1 35 Margaret St., Plj'tsbur&fl EUGEXE BBOWNJ Funeral Direc:-..f Snd EB| Le.dy. Assistant. Chtpel III street. Both jiiivties. -3MI liio Winner of tne (jearle>» tar—\»> CIuicli CiiidUen lour to slip. No ticais to Sirij> Mi !/. "<• ^uibci h. :.i MI -, Mh t;i 'h^ i: 1 i' . 1 ti. [<-n • ;i..i j a; nairh, U w .1 a fn'i f<-<-( s c o r e fur tin- ii :.ii- h tilt •i--:!v c. nn.t-;i<i. 'it if. Ka.«M:n:i- and tin m.tM i-<-, t).i;ni('Ml •-I >! ; nil- i:, .'•O'l IMlil operate t" •:_ :J t»nl> as ll •SHE KNT-rW. Tisar-her—-l-rave you looked up the nit-aninfr <if the word "imSisbes," Fa nil? '' ' . t i Fai.ny—Vvs, hia.'aj». Twich, 1-—Wr3, wnaj does .t mean? Fanr.y — To <take in. Teacher—Yes. .Vow give a sen- te-ice uaintr the word. h'aivny—r.My a u u ^ iin/Oilbes boai-ders. 1 --Ttl'hilfldV.liphda Ledger. - ' h.. ;t. inoiiidii: i'«-ry wli<-f I-. • i . n u i - r 22 ' si qu.iiil;. J <•• ular .-:. SOHiriXER PAL.I45. Xov. 1—.Tlhe icliBirch w o r k e r s wift serve a dlnsner on Elocaion day. fpro- 1 c e e d s *tt> app-Ly on ananlster's laalary. . I Mnss 9 Bet<tha Keett is victims 'her ireiphew Dr. Everest Keet tat Brook? l.\m for two weete. i Guy EyeiVss of WiliingRian. has miovc'd "his family irtto the .Victor Lo'on house on Church street, ** j *Bhe s n i o k o sta^k on the Wfeaddnig' 3lill blew d'own one night last week. Mi's. Tyler of Morrisv'ille is \<S6jt- injr at her son's Harry Tyier. , I">aii?y IjS'on has, ifrone- t-o vtMt her grandnmother and uncle at Spring- field. Mass., 'Mr a month. There "are .thirty-five etonvicts nX w*ork on tht> road -l)etwie«n the village nn<d Salmon River, mukin^- e. tfine road. 1 in, ••k . (all and Imc^igjlc, or jdionc or \Mlto ;>r Caioln.' Clark & Durpn, Agents For Clinton Co Phone 32-F 4 PERU, N. Y. "Ha.s Doilj'b.s disposed of his m-ofcor , e«j-?'* ' STUFEICI> PRUNES. C'frt-ldiren will eat these wh»n they , d*o n o t c a r e rftor-t'h« s a i i c e . Wa«ih stntd ts>ak 'prunee over mishit, use the rga/me "t>h, ye«. He d ! ispoi>ed *>f it o n e water and '. morning lx-tween .Ghe h«uii-s oif 3 a-n<l 4 o'clock in A deep east "Yes." "I WAS not awwe that Jibe had dis- •w't-ed 0.1' i t . " Herald •simmer -untii terdtei*. When r>rmnes are /cold iiemove stones ^.rud : in a deep igully aHw>ut 10 mEiles put &m ihalf) a (glass 'Water taoiid ttoll in of towin.".—Birminsrham Age- . granulated Isugar U«d is«(t 9,wnv IIWM I dry. [sugar a«d ised away uratil It it responsible for die won- derful success of Square Pot Boilers and Furnaces. It increases the effective radia- ting area 15 per cent to 25 per cent, thereby cutting down die' cost of your heat that much. Ashes cannot cling to the sides of the square fire pot—noclogging or choking.there-, fore ho disagree?, ablelaborforyou. We can tell you of many; other strong features that the Square Pot possesses. J. E. THOMAS 30 Clinton Street aMamt&iP*' -i-.-L •:. . * - l • i I « rt I -_ " s i OR. W. E. CL01J| ! PHYSICIAN & SWG&W i Office and Residence 37 Co til i.Js,U- O f f i c e hours Hf '[7—8 p. m., and by appointment')] Phone 696 i TYPErtHlTfiaU | N ew »nd Seoonu Kind tree ; Ribbon* *ad Osrb« 'j We're rigrhi behind eror>-thlue \vc I Repair Work GuarsowAjl selM r HOXAL TYPI M KITKR AG «>r | And if you apfv not s»tlsfie<l don't feel chat ywi llavo ^ ^ . ^ your money's vrorth you can get your l money buck.' ' I •VU*. F. Jorrtfi,. JOHN" Attorney an Special attoutio? Plattsburgh, N.Y. Pure Drugs only. Expert, M a n o.U> i'°^ te ' s Co - r; * SutlsfaotJon only. ,f '' { °nrgh, N. Y. The Owl Pharmacy Dlt, W . .1 Surgeon !•• r.:..- i' t a i n i n g to m- ,)<.-: ed in the iiu..i s- | or Ether aiirn n..- I Oental pari. :s • ; er Plattsburgh lattsburgh, X V 11 OiB-OD 1 UOOTH ; .•^nselior tt| ;.ra.*u<»-*;i nnn St, "-jj JiitEXXA>' E\ery'W D M .vrustry ^ .,?.J.i manntf : ' f;i .l'when ^ .n Winslow National 2-Special Flii : " Prices: 5-10 Be|fpmiance 2.30, 7.3 One Nlghr On] Thursday No ~ *• Qasklftmnd (MAGVitij (Inc notance, A^DrMiiatlzatidn of Bell Wright's G*e*s afovieJL-. w Mr.^Wriglit and EIsbe»-y W . R e v ^'IThe "mogt popular American made into'the most popular loan Play*** Price* Orch.,$l 00 and 75c. Bal 75, B. C. 50, Ga ts " Seats on Sale "Tuesday 10'a. MII.- ii i • iii •' •• i T* lr --'-- *• LATTSBURC --THEATH | : Sat ; ^(^ Prices T Orch$1.00--75c Eve-Bkl 75-50 Gal 25 25=^0 Seats on sale Thursday i-« Mileages 1 buy, rent or sell all **aeages. Harry L. Booth House, Marrar»t stroet k'.r.ds \V ." A .1 v m m 72 Margaret St All Night Service Phone 555 I I t lar Komeiinies better to;' be on ttte SUTJ I level than to climb upxyard. . " Piai 1>K. C. \V. (Iffiee a n d r e s . i i - - treet. i "rTiee h,..;r- »Sh. Ph.\s:.Man and S..: VKTHUB ^ at »« ! n>"n 1'°! i( .,,n. P WIli i FIl^ischmallfl , a Brea YKTOK A. UOlKfi ^ ^torney and 0'ejnse'llor »'j ' saiu office Margsrflt r t8bur,gh, X Y, •r AT TH!" in Delieatess German Coffee Cake eu-r Saturday '£#&^!&l£*&*&*i*; g^-j<-g^^Jw^«b^j^fc^fatife^ *; f M:

Transcript of Friday Nov - NYS Historic...

Page 1: Friday Nov - NYS Historic · htd all bioli^n out in 0;Pcn wu | those^actor* that disturb the normai ihe\

•<f* 4> •ifl^l^p/tV^'^t' *«V'-** V$tt'*p*&*fy>r~

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PltibfeufAh P#ijy Press November £ #BL *» tTtitfiiiirtii tlLiAg jjiitry'aWi^»wMff>c^AFlto rj**-

Cawilug lli* KojvT to (,o,crnor

pcrienco I

Pr- 1 ih th«f mo«-t iml on UMClf ib d« nit* 1 perilous. jourhc\ thnt wis~ctCi 11 »ilo'U>*»» » B taken pi m

THE t > P £ N - A I K X K I i A T A i E X T

It somctfmt« happen** that when c-xpjar*a.i.irn of .1 jftienohunon IS dls proved tho ompr<6«j»oil I<« produced

J that tho ocunronco ot fno pbeiomci

<'n*Pat, A*

-with r e f e r e n t *

to t h e iccu t t r wo-Jt r^i t n . ph11 MoluiJi'

f C u i 1 r \ o ! i c i l in roo i \ e n t i i a u d r

There *

tnc o c n c r a j

m e^fi res* r u l e r m t h e i n l a n d c m

n m ib re ordct] n ih<£ offfci *j r e p o r t s

o i d o * i " - i a a I j S . t t en~ T h e Clot [ a n d (he o p e n a h n t t i i w i

S ) U - Y J £ n ? ' ? w , t t " ? 1 ' * • » » r e .son to b e l i e s t h V ,011 tveje neat -*Fofjt Uontbri Mnnt-

in the a u t u m n itf 1 8 6 ^ a f t e r V * u m - i 5 U b l i ° * " t U 1 l ° n i 0 W h i L ™ ^ " * ^ « " I " . ° f fi^a * o r f t n e * o t a t l h g t r e a t i e s t h s p 0 ' n t ' " * d s / ° » , * J t o s t j m * With I n d i a n t r i b e s b e t w e e n t h e d a s * s u 3 P o s e d t n a ' t h e had «flEects qf c lose cade M o u n t a i n s a n d Oie M o n t a n a a - 3 d c r o w d e d rooms, w e r e d u e to c h e m c Ains ~~ ical i m p u r i t i e s I n t h e a i r to cx&es? of

S i l d S t n e n s f b iographer 1 I c a r b o n dioxid o r to o r g a r . e poison

T h e g r e a t t r i b e s of , t h e u p p e r ' ° r vls* t0 I a c k o f opygen Mo one oi ii> tfctijtble in t h e

S&nftthins, like J po r t ed jfrom t h * j,rea-t *hSt& c a v e i f ia :'/.n T : , u s, thfc \ p « j . p Al j^ . S c a r f e T v % n r V l ^ i e- • "* """"'''' cnmtfuiffiiv in 48e^ ^Vijrld^-feut ha*- ^ m o n u m f tit, *ar a ^ * o n l n t a r c , *«* piUo ' o r A p t ^ ^ i c . buiJiflng* m m s L a i s faints ot e n i^CH w t a w t r n t ' frffiw fi^s, ni<i t"3-- i l o u t t j ^ ^ t e h 5* c lu i f 1 'Mise.J') ouv hi". ' j io 'b^ l i i Sr tn^e Bj<inc-u

' C o l u m b i a c o u n t r y * - t h e Sa^uiMMj, T ^ k i - t h e a e e , , w P l p r a t l « n - ^ m a s , W a l l a W&lia*, Uina t lUas , P a l - 1 1 J ^ h t o f »eoent eTpcrinoent On t h ounej. a n d al l t h e OreKon, b a n d s dtrtvp ! tf«»»traitt al l thU Ul effects o o s c n ^ b l e to t h e Dalle*, t h e \ M o u e s -Who h a d m c rowded r o o m s r e e m t o N l e n e n d o r ^K-ned t h e t r e a t k i i t t h e W a l l a W a l l a t h e f a g n t » i a n , htqh t e i r p e r a t i - r e a n d pounc j ' a n d prot 'ei '-ed s u c b f r i e n d s h i p l

T a o f s t u r c , r t lh« ^> »« 1 « « d to h t d a l l b iol i^n ou t in 0;Pcn w u | t h o s e ^ a c t o r * t h a t d i s t u r b t h e n o r m a i

ihe\ had swe-pt the uprcj feountn I h ^ a t rAguiatten ox the bods clean of whi t fg l^n n s al l t h e 'f>. t t lor «• t e m p e r a t u r e arid m o i s t u r e a r e k e p t , min*i"fa found there mdv mui-1 iow» human exhalations ma^ be- ai devred \B Cnt fiQlCn under slofocs a ' pe-ulia

with too ieSUMrs md tl h o t t J t Z c i

l£"£. Tn tCtplty artd'r?^d 0 re I ?ul L , K a ^ J a , f » n ' s w a r r ors , « , t h

o i r c u m - l ° w e ^ to a^cunrUlate wi thou . . no t i ce aWt <fTect-to a po.nt far abo\e iliai o-dmarirv obHenedin the most ' badly vertilated' room On the ocher hrf^c

fTht<5& mht<&~m xpiw-it11 ha \e beet

wtrked iint» Roin'tn coirf-iae't t i m ^ —«a,nd altjnwwe <mrfe{'iiU"oaJ> ^.nce *JIC (hirfefe-W^ coittat>« The^-e are todaj naore l.'hari 600 -diffex^nt ^ij*u^5ft« *n o p e r a t i o n ~M C a r r a r hscW t h e r e a r e 345 * i h 4)60fr w^ckef ' i in «MpJk)j s * \ s a n c x c l t a i g e Altofra^her W a 15,000 o p e r a t e e * <&& &t w-ork b l a s i -I ? ^ arfd ai^srinfi1 u p t h e s e a n a - v e l o u s aiapcwir Li?tel> -«-oine oi t h e l a r ^ e ^ t

t bioiukft e e l ftfld o u t haXc occii s h i p 1 p&J t o 3,eg*fl vCottntneji Jk>r m o n o - j .

d J , p u i j IioU'-ei, bu I t of thl"? s t o n e

^ - ^ — n . l ^ n 5

• ^ » » j ^ - - i r ? f v . - " •

Friday Nov


l l p e d W e t i*-." ; , Comedy Yentriloqni

iWting & Zu Comedy Piano Act

m ^ x

i g own tat C a r r a - a h a a cgithq- , m o n t h s cauat-d from ^ u i c bujl,ding-s a n d xftos'th s t s j t h e L i v e r an.l w a s t | l l

f o u r mos t P r o m i n m | 3 I would have ; o s u S n | l

,a t>on t o get relief b f f ^ S

W n ^ W o n d e r f u l S t o m a l « 1

o u t d o o r aj,r t h r o u g h a . t u b e , b u t a l l o w j


F o r f h e -early d a y s or a u t u m n t h i e c

p i e c e oostoimes of s i l k o r aatah aire

practical and t'mart, aad two models n o t i c e d r e c e n t l y a r e wfor.'.iy c.f ,

mierizion. O n e lis fai'hu'onfKl f rom

b't»oc'h'e (faille in a soft oliive tone Th* skir ' t , deyigrraed w i t h a >ioke*frcnt in

,to •w'hitRi Che (back <Js elig-hitly g a t h e r

ed, is d r a w n u p In <oormitr- a tteat n ; e r

an a in 'dcrbadice of I v o r y minon 'Ve-i!

ev ir\ i\ emnjr shfortliy a f t e r

19 oc c-1% *bv the naval raxl'io sttitionB

riTTPI. TRiTH THE GOODS «WIIlEIiKSS WE41IEER R13PQJITS. \ \* ien thf ron c r s i t i o n t u r n e d t< j W i i e l e s s w e a t h e r r e p o r t s Jfor j n a r -

r e a d \ excuses, t h e o the i n i g h t Con m e r e i ' i t i t d h v t h e United. States.

g e s s m a n Gtoigre W N o r r i s of K e b - w e a t h e r buieAu a r e no-R d i s t r i b u t e d fipe„ U rasKa, sa id he d idn t kinow ansy'bod\ b r o a d c a s t

who couid i it thf m o \ e r m o r e a d m

i tH t h a n 1 a ? r t a m i i a i t \ an a wet&ei'-i! t iUn&.o ( A r l i n g t o n ) , Va , a n d Key < ? t ' t t W (.^ , F l a T h e repofv eonstiafs of t w o

Tho co! n n pa . t - 0 ii.d t n c r o i I , a m # L h e ftMt g l V i n g m a fcanple f ^ _ g r e ^ m a n did not h a o tho i d v a n t a ^ f , . . of earn rdurauon. bnt h 1kl mar.d^ j u r e ctHj* "»e Hartmieitrw fi)waiupa,

el .With s h a d o w Hace, W^ittch iflallc i n to a c q u i r e 1 l i t t le proper ty Bus iness v-ind directTon a n d m & J iforce ^ n t h e a c a e a a d e o v e r t h e c o r s a g e , a n d i s -uonij th i s l ine one da> cal led l u m B e a « f 0 r t ttealf) p r e v a i l i n g a t 5 OC^uCk inn he ld l;n U 'thj& V-iAiroegl o p e r n « to *he offi<e of a n a t t o r n e j J {h<v-e,ime r e n i n s ' a t S \ d n « <X S ) ,by a q u a i n t ba l l t r imimin '? wf ^iree-n Vow then ' i c m a r k e d t h e i t t o r n ( \ X a r t u c k e t A t l a n t i c City, C a p e H a t * a n d M a e . A s m a r t ffitble icoa^ an a f t e r s o m e m i n o r de t a i l s h a d beeii t - e - a s Ohaile*t>on, K e \ Wes t , Pouso.-s u i t e , Tvlth ith* s k i r t , .is ffinilsfned w . t h c o m p l e t e d ms t P s n >om m m " ^ ^ a ool far an;d p o i n t e d cuSfs oi w h i t e ( n i g h t thort pleas>e '

y«Mo«-*of 1 tnird of hi 1 feire? abd hi^. W s bodV to be confined ip a simall cinnon* ^h<,n,K«» -1 * / chamber where cmnon , ,

Thi# sta-thng- news thr ~(3G*ernoi mu«t know and W H J Pearijon waa»*o o n h a v c

cho^e*1 to ride e\pregs with tlig^atfhc from the Dalle* in Fort BcntoJiL The trust \\'a» not mif^laced, * *

Pearson rode»v out of f ic I tolV frcch and *'»« mbunted,,i|iid,»TrahuJe^P^»e**t^}yibn.-)for the Jo'nce^cuW aji a y and nigrht, reached fufli Mt -, ' r « ^ Jtheor> that Expired air Has a ««vv « ranch on Hi*. vm*4\\\n t* >-»„ tn*lr» H^HBHI «. ««* t>. « «_»«,._ i t


frcdt3-.iplafit«"ar* to be-eon?mtutat§d ure<J * full troatmcntl«5 if y*e e^peymenter breathes * pure"' | Mx lJil^T > u ^ e 8 2 * killthjr^ fjne cording to d ! ^ o t i o n s ^ 3 outdoor aar fhrmivi, »+.,ho r »f ,11,™ . ! dter l«uit Tnaaj " , dreds of Gall Stone#%f

^rtf liiouil. Jiiskotwsma and child- y^1^ medicini- 1 woffc^ rrn hr \e returned to the^ t td roe ihj^ion't feei any ni e f f e ^ ^ Dann^mora after^ «m«n<nhsr ' fivefinef iyour Remedy tojMiP wdekti in town wiib thelrpareM»-arSl!I thlhk it's worthy,!^-frMnd,; »• - * "<• P»*ai*e IB. L. I W O L K U

*bf*.„ Efdgar Keimond atod herl SMflfeTerfs of Stoma^jM1

{waUr M"^ Benjamin left l'ueidfcty te^inal Ailments a;|?M. to <^sit f J ends and^relailyeg in pur* ' take M*JT\S Wondeii^S

and temperature mofstuio tire at a hijgrh point he will

ti! the "ymptonttf ccm-monh attributed to ' breathing foui i a i r " - j

- To substitute ihm explanation, which is wholly In accord with recent

ratich on ITmalllia it* aaj hsrnt Theipla-ce-TWi* deserted. Lasuo inff a frefch moxmt-hft M ( f a band vf

23^?5r *,?d»* , ^ "PWUF to the,

toxic property is not to Audition (he value of fresh air or* ta decry the open-air treatment, foi tuberculosis On the contrary, we are now in" at WiUcH better position to undfrstana in n h i t Waj cool%h and cipeclally

medy for weeks aii |^J

Kil l t h o svAK. w a n " , i^oirtngr a i r j p r o a ^ c e h m a r k e d inv lgor

lhZ S ^ . ^ ^ W W »»«J*Uw and toftflTrt^W ot the «a n

rl^htfajf mrncd p^f -the t r i l l at right an*l€«(, rodo ^or ^ e r a l ml^n and

ib le w i n d s foi t h e nextt ^w-a<!ia4"« *$w} , resting: a tew hew* in eeeldded c6v«rt

tptc fiet1 ^ectio^v, of t n t A kun*Nj a n a i ™« 1 - «<-Ye see , G u J f ^ f j j ^ j c o -

.eordted s i l k . I I wi<di j o n n n u u i p i<n '1 for m T h e eiecond irpwn is of ilaSsSn c o l - M r J a m e s * wiid !he o the i in

•ored icharmeiusc, •carelesslly d r a p e d wp will jes* m a k e m e m a r k mo th-e •wa.istyine. Ttee bodice of since me eyes give out I hain't been tream &,oe Is vs%'d .vs£tfh niHon of .able ter write a single word.** • af sev<sre ^borms as occasion anay] ?She a im% ton© ais ' taie.skirt , j u s t t o u c h - I "Al l n iEh t , " acqu iesced t h e obli§* > a i r5 S e ,

/ est at tne -deieoWeitasg-e wSiih a*«leKcate lag lawyer, "how do you s»pell your. . * ehibmidery <ot ipanjc, Wae aad gr>6>&n. name, please•?" »

" A,;SwaJtlmd ssa^h ,<?-f .paiiiKgt ^link satin | "Jes* spoil it any war ye want iff.* is'jiMit vMMe €hramh. the 1'aee awd answered the "certain part*'

. i n ^ « d ^ a f o r * * * - « t h e P , o l > . | ffinJ "„ insr in this <5U-ate«$c ^majusei,

«srai h e a l l h w i ' e n t h e bod> I o ^ e*.

linston iUf*'. Mae Chr i s t i e ^ n d >M«» Injnfe ' t h e j feel b e n e f i t e d . ^ ^ ^ ^

tmid.h oC ^cUenectaajr* vl^ted Mrs j doise—which s h o u i i i ^ S 5 V o ^ . t ' H a l o n - o n Su««dai . 1 b e t t o r in W « W K . i i t e i l l

Mr 4tnd Mr* Kenry . ilcCasland loft on ^afcurd^y to spend a f^w l » o e k » w i t h h e r pat repts a* Ch^tzy I4ke, , * - Jaitph I^avo e ^t*a,war«) « n d .

«»ten,aiB iS• about a h a t r e d railfea offsfc^w, and •w&«iih8«

' I \OHl

Setacf SSiSaifn^ r l a t i h P r l a ^ G ' » « ' ^ * h « « * « « » • — 4 « e jacav JGWIO ^riHiantt posft© b u c M e s an* K*>n^o »»,»». 1 t,„i«». ^ teHt in ihVv* a tan ffeft i*>w o f T t o o n s p e m i " ^ S ° ° { l

jaaism cnajprKsoise, '

WITS I N ARAOT. 3a Is a «er*o«s «6fense for a Oer-

m'am ©fefdter to •sepipear «£.- piibMe ex-',!

SOJSNTKD SAOffETS. If ytou a r e d'aJvoted Kio todavi^Sual

grtaftavties, yoa havse y o u r to i l e t wlmtem soaps , ©aehols a n d bath , -eirysiaals a l l

'« a- imitwber ce#ft : ta -UH-ffiorm^ Bv^en wiheai %& Ss 'on t h e g o m e -«e«nt. T > 4h!av<

-fnufrfcuBto "toe rau^ aaw^ys'<w«!ar I t , of y^v fumesMf i i i p^Srag -^ r jp rwfa fewce ' * A oetHta*^ IJJeuS. ®cBxmim, w*.o -was Ls ttoe «hei&ft>t of .«%)Uy, KBnwe intone vf

engaged in scanss adYemisire or other t4*an aa'e •elurfvi e «r «yiurir^ ttnder s. F1r*d s^ottr !fav<j

then adhere- bo U: ThSa * a Sine flame <5f St, wthen, <m -uuimteg ti it® fl?e*at and tSor,i*€fr,. l i e u n e x p e c t e d l y aneft h-is icoU-

LSeut. B'Chnaiidt, how-sv^r, Jose flife p:re<^taoe osf tnihid,, HWK m a P J <wtlth h e r ^avk>rUe fc^mnte, eftang'&d .voice a s k e d : ' { . So m a n y p « i f u m e s a r e wotat t o " •*C5a,n ymi *pll m e , ^3r, w h e r e Lateut. ,-gxow s f

ij.*2tti», »«,4CRtrrs mm i^wsws. • Whtn wsifld^w sfpa» to MhxltfiA atod you.d© *i«t wslsh t^'dte«e-*«fts cm ilw wlnid'ow «il|,:.pfti.rcha^.®oait?i0f %he « M' j time «awilng3*tt«' ^^ackffts tuted* 4to JiioSd keT>c>Wwt*".,.i 5ts.»s i.a^a|E-rt't «ftda- •w^afeu. "Bbey may «bojt^it «is » tertj»i^ir«l t'tsora. » Vhksy are werety TIRSSI Ithxut I turn <tha» ssaty and'Ahax Cr-<wn Mmie« aeeursdy f«fcti?n^d la 4hfe- *astii3B*^wii ipf.o tihfese «rk«?s aE3»wier jprns;' ©t <9c-' attiy. •; . • : - •

T^"o of ftfeja j«on «aaer *ld0 ^f * w n<t©w, mm ^ U w i t1*«a <&Ux«*,-j^«4 J with btofetnlngr |»'laa«|» * r d'r< XPt)Rlf ?

•and- seeklnjr »5iilU«uM- fd d >. P«a,r?ion

Jfest- ptmhed on *v«rr '4hM3Sfttci*",;|tpot Mountain*. A "'bliinE iiBl1 "*"sa6^it,bxj^"

;Almj «..*-

Jheat At a suitable rate, li?a£ productt4 ion m u s t tl&o p r o c e e d *U a c e r t a i n rate In order to oompemmt.e fqr th* Jdss This me<in3 Improved t««slm nation of food, m d a largei pdon of food means better

l^a-tcria! to build up the body jtifetlon of cool, moving aiis te probably *in Itself beneficaaf. .Moreover, i t i m -^ e l s t o <*jferelae, a n d I n c r e a s e d act iv*

[ify Increases, nutrition.

Petpf priquet ! | f f f a^ed*y ;or Itfon Siounialn wJhcrc; tli*y ^idil be « n -p*loy^d by .t«mes lA^roIe (t>awarfc) #Jfo thas a luhibei'^olj! there

Charle» Stra^k o i Ttipp^r I*Jte who- ha* "befe^-iiauittf hi# dauch

better in .health, « ^ YOU win soon be weii > on fr£m pain and yon aT'sound and *U§L ti H"hm done jn t&f^ *ae«fr JWh«?rever I T ^ | Jtea* nolhjn. ^wt ^ Qo to y&usr dTO&gi«t^^^ th* ffre||vfcsHits ltr|SM j(rfl*KingSin case* ofej

e or ms^p^m. U^0M

1,1 w wMca-lrtid^ •- ••* * *» lAMk til.*.. thi.bK. *. t _*i. ** - 'i • • - % - ' * .

2 A S $ SSi J n I K i # f l # ^ ^ - * H * ^ e u l a u o n 1,'d ^ r e ^ d . H e J « ^ i*»anKet* a»d a l l t t t&^tef #a«itt »p~La>jee ,to exewisfr aiia to, ^nj *od!lv ^ ^ ^ ^ f ^ 1 ^ * ^ ^ ^ f e r u o n become* & £ * * £ £ £ «sow*bu^d-totytoto ,-attd, a«fr four *lon of the lungs and oxygenation of

A very pretty yreidlnp^ pIa<J*|^^Hitt«btirgh. N ( : « l at th*'R.-j3. churen on Monday ^h«irtl*afcKC; « . -;. ? ^ p Mis* Alvlna Corron 6f dl»>*ur^h: anfljvf^ Aitie Collin* of Saranae were united "W^ la martiS<f5^!n|te?wai( nerved at , thef W * / ^ ^ h e r jbrltfe >aitd recepOtin HAM toj'hf* eVe^nr a t - d ^ a w ^

Sch tn td t Mv«s? I a-m h is ta-otiher f r o m °g\ ttie c o u n t r y , a r J a?n pay&ng ^ahn a visit.1*

Tfa» • gsiTe t'ne des i red fjstor-m2i^5<\n a n d Life j t . . Srfljmidtt. ihu-Tsried tuSEBie SLTt-d grot tatso umS-'orm a s soomjas posssJMie. H e <thio-ufrh-; n-e. had d'ac^Tv-e d 'h-Js s u p e r i o r of&cer, b u t t h e nex t d&y. When 'he m e i his colonel , f he latiter siaid:

t rL?«ut. Sc-himWt, if y o u r b r o t h e r

ule after « few hx*ur& thait great care ti>ould 'be eseinclged in tho ?cl««'«tIo.n <of u «*>!&«n<r£Ive todor. "Slats* i*s ec-sjjeciaUy .tru© «*f (Sower *ce-nts. L>o rao4 tr.^Tatle ^shesip peafunW'S. T h e y a r ^ a ddr**** offense a4*fii3vst ssocl ta-^te. I«f you can-Mt <ii!r<jr*d> t h e b e t ­t e r oncra QSdbart sthem e>nta< mai une on ly a s a c h e t ftig ©r /two t o ftm-

,-""'* t h e c"jLinty tfraenslniee you .mudh d e s i r e .

ittd • int«- t W i i t M p o o f ^ t e 1 ' ie&r H&*< iWaulflMent food i*f taken' anal * H »rt /Owe«, . i |h-«rf f^ : |Mf8 |%dt int f of ihf food ciittm may decoro-and ^riiiaiaElsf^^Qatll^^^^it^'^ltlm* 1 •»*«« *» thojleto-itineand produce pols-

:mim>' «.n •llM>IT6idW*tt',,f'aiht,^tid/es^j * srvuogetner there la ttiltl-a sound ' '"" w for^ha belief

outdoor Hfu for * for Jrhe tuber

Jculbu*. pemm Xn*pohit of fict, »a^s OBITUARY. •*' **hfe ;JJournal of lh<* American Medl-

Aifer| a imar Ussferrngf ffisaa^t; of cal Association," nothing can discredit |wiiyipBBSl»*;l*d;.*h»|»lb|SdJ H*4&. fy%le th(6 rational open-air treatment no s Me)£it!%toJ;..i fiaai^sd icr«^--i^' < ^ ^ f r ' \ m i a t e r what pro*re«ts physiolo«-i*ti-j£<, ' t s i a , £"*er 'was- bom la -38b#l*g, and hyjrtentet* may make in analyzing* fJiftMa'ry 2l»", ,,i,l»f. J%r aoanS Jtow th& tnechankm on which tills treat-i

WiC^-h«»'f^;^«r^o%d w** dJ*hW. and cook w-e todlctklm «»,.be It

I * tJNtaw i ^ djcmk |mo(»Vw<h<fe4fhier «*e i»

l?ej.^v--c%fpa«o^?«BiWp. . , * >

otessiooai-. ^ . ^

' SftW^*' Attorney -.and Col

ftney^W loan ..'oh 3 fittion St |8?-W.

Th«.«a bj t2k«sa» &&jha$& %3\& ^Sacinir o-f rJarrtt 4n ^mmty fciay -wxB*:!tow*J %\%&n pofts y^on th*e adtls wouM are in the I wmy.


Funeral dfrectorii W e a t ^ c W . N . T . , " f nectioin^ " * :M


c e r t a i n fore! |ra *w"ord»*, mita? ^fcte foi*

Frcsm t h e coun-irj- p a y s puu amr.-ber vfi*-* I-H -have h :m -placed in clwse con­f i n e m e n t for 30 dtevw.—.V«v Y o r k T i m e s .

. T H E 51EXJCAN K 1 T I ' \ T I O X Tho Mexican . <*lerti.>n< h-!d

On Sunday di.l n.i* s t o . s Sufficiency of v t*es t-> m a k e

Tlie t h i n ? a legal go. And now from old Ohapul-eriet-,

W i t h a l i t t le no te of s!ee. W e h e a r t h e voice

knvfrMS exp£aca£io-3(E w^M '"b% -hefptSul. Cfiln, eof feo : ddm3tai0e, . .saJter-^lini-

n e r l e u p ; - ffiai*s>e, ©etoi o r 3«latf frsQisen; ff'-naese, s t e w ; .frotnag-e, idhJeeise; ^uese frozfen, <safe a o 'feit , eoff«?e wilth <mllk; np<Bifeh&el, a *v^t SS?s1ss c h e a s e ; &ar-«]ur«©n, nan I t a l i a n e"he**se- tim'a'bSe., fi?e era^lt i»ok*rd in tmsuld- o m u t o n s , b r ^ a d Voa%*tt>d in j sqyarrx a n d u^ed

' for «oun a n d in ^arni^lsingE; <bouJHoiv> ype. A m a n a jjj^gj. b w h , u s u a l l y "of !be«^, a u

jwatt i i , d i s k * teked, .p repared ' -w^tJi c?^-* '* ; *T*"»iru, «b!H. 0 / -f«ire; <j*«ire»a i n -jgHe».V.«B*Jf-rubbt'd t h r o u g h a s ieve ,

UKUjiUy tbft t e r m # v * n <a i thtek etta^ln-Fanysthe is w>i in bufSnesSs for hdm-fo.if. Sanvtshe

J THE BrRl>E-Nr. Apropos of «ne type of AnH-rican

family Dr P. A'ked snid in Sun Kran clsco:

• ^ m y t h " is <>f th i s sa id to inc about h i m ;

•• ' is* Smyth*- in but>ines.s fur h i m

" *P«ir hims<*lf?' said 1. •N i>. s i . - .

, fxtrava^rajit family of a s:a!osrn-in caM' Hc-rit, occ t i ; . \ i n s th<'

' I 'm t h e s a m e old H u o r t a . Sep. — N e w York T r ibun

* j ed s o u p ; tuMi f r u u l , \*ariaws k i n d s of. is in husincHB fior a n oSxp'sp^i ifr\

t h a t is at r»>yal s u h e

1 -wentv-doi iar-a-d- ' iy At 'ant i i -botiel."—Mt 1-wtsiu k¥& W4jc«-*ifes n.

nro-in , a

ju>-, sra'.-1 •.uf:

<-r « o i » m i n f t cl«sa.r s « o p j u i c e of meat*?..

f t o f ^ e - -hli "weft : b 0 ^ Sa'**^*5 *ood *'ment resfe. h a & ^ • • • ' ' 7 - J 1 •-.

P<w*r-*,y«fi»*s #a«>o_ hi Jwly'Mhjfr *wtc9»l•4:t**r*~ *'™m*,,

to . «he • M&ry. *Fi«*eher- Wk^Uig^. assd , undinwioKt *k «iwl.auis."<e«>ersitl!m for the same diw«u»e. ,'

f H'« years *aisJe>. A « ^vas 'ckji tmsesd, 1 a»d «ih9rt3y ^WSter una^ed .-with' 3Sb» W. # Sf» dhttrcfh, -of wfli'Iph j8h» wau^'uli «ie-1 tJve *«»<emft»er|'. a-hv«i)'» ii.ttei Bjfgr.- Suss- *' .•»«y Soh<Jiol =***! 0harih..,iilie.iHv5i3ee.' '• !

SWse' was afe» a men*dier-^«f the''' yotittfir sna«totta-ry wwimm tofwsd, ft rlMMt c$iur«3i. «nd was' atwsi3->s ready f

to^ it^p out, (&i public i n n i n g s «ud . alii>l«awie f^Kssfliy, . •. »

si*. >•* •*

TOHlf K. OdL^ Att9wey:.and' ^ o | g i f l

jOftlce Corner of f , . . s^-LStreeti, P l i t t s b u r l n l ^ ^

-* i — . . * . « * t . » < . . . . • • • • • - . 1 . , , ^ . ^ ^ ^

1* *~ - JR. F . - _ ^ _ _ . r a

* Attorney and CaSi&ftf ^ C J ^ c k and CciiriM ^Iteton Street, Plat


the SQUARE POT is belt.

^SP^sa-si l ^ r t ^ m e t n o d C ^ M

i | n « V . . . Cro^wn j s a 4 4 * | M ^©ver W a t t i l H

1' iHiif

rtoM. street, Pattt^fl ,mm$& lt>a a • on - Real, I


" . » • % A L I C E P.

Comfort, Style and


V d i i c a n ' t h . . .-, : ' • ' • ' - • ; - ' . ' ' d j s . t h

i t i s t h e s i r . o t i



D , \ P A X D T H E P I T C H E R . liert* i« dtifi t ha t was told by Sen

.t'f*r Ho.e«rt L. Owen.* of OkiabHim ibi- t-.thor d i j w h e n t h e tniK N.vjuht-d to i h e wonder fu l ;i'>U-« fltat tiill d rugg i s t s

i > : a t

<*. -U-

• , : . - a l


' <* 't j u u m\ri it Me-fj! ""i htili* t.. i iuvand n . i o h U

a i . i'<! l i m j i r . n . m«;n' K<itni ' j '<->i

topit p r < ? £ c r i p -

a ro SOTO'*-!irj|ps 1 . I ' I I .1 nj>''n to c o m p o u n d

fi^W'-ntl.- ii-• rd . r .? !« th<- i^i-naior. \ a ."mall \«.\ rn.-iied ?nu> a d r u g start.. :ii !n (-sit.;, nt lnwn and rnadr- a "wild i.-f.- ii.r : h< < mint'-r.

"H.1.V n n s i t t . " I>ri'athli-s^l> i-xt-in-m-OKi t h e .voun^Mier. "f w a n t s t ime Knl" mt'iit anii i vn i f i u . Hn/rat-iit a n d * c e n s « n t . " r*--ji. ^t< d i hi- di i i^i t 'oi . not a !!t:U | X T -pioxt-d. .Ai'i- u u ««>in< to t!.-t- t h e m both a t tli^vSiimi' t u n e ? "

"Yitfss i».r," V\~IJ- t h e p r a n t p t rt*>pioii80 vf :li» Wy "Ma ."he hit .p.i with tin- :>i!oh' r."~ - Plnladc-iyh.a Teh ^ j i p l i ,

gfbe w a s <*f a 8>rjs'ht «tt»«sy, ddHpaei- ! ' clon n « d #«"« w j l n y tfrfesda %

I nevasr c o m p b t i n e d <*r aift3*mw«id dair^ j tolgr aM hwr illrteeis*, * b u t *«8ft» »awa>«

Sh>§ deafvias t o smodim 'her toss, a fajWrer, Kd>w#n L. $4jcKj&gfotL, tSiree b ro then) , Ol ia , of rhf*> i*aace, Or\*©k», . of lieafver V&v&r, N . Y., oadi l levi A . H. McKnrsrht. of S e n e c a F&iOs, N . Y-<,-afeo o n e 8i* C>S •, Mrs. BrnK-ist Swees* of

4. Muotsra KVwks, N. Y.

IfHtneral se rv ices wej-e ihe&T in fhte 1 W. M. <ilt»ircb Octofber 26, c o n d u c t e d

l y th*? R«v. J. WoodlmuSie. She w a s kiid t o rea t besfei«» h e r

' mottfwr in t h e Rivers!ld<e c e m e t e r y . i

For "taking the chill off the house" in late fail, or making: HT coaily warm in the dead of winter —the faultleas s q u a r e p O t boiler can be relied upon to do it wtisfac-torily, quickly and eco­nomically. W i t h its coBT«niei>t regula-toryoocan ini^adylncicaw o r reduce the heat t o just the desired degree. The square fire pot ahowa in the view above was origi­nated and U patented by toe

j», *"if|i^|t%red "osteopat^*^ "eolrnfcl-. Couch 'St =0«ii*I •fOsl-4 ;a». m.. and 2 to, HCl n l n i s a n d Sunday by a(*-M?P Phone i t o - ^ .

.Every pl«y we make <m the «rW-leon of DntKdom is a sim* cain to­ward the goal

-BENJAMIN" p. Attorney and Counsellor$1

35 M a r g a r e t St., P l j ' t sbur&f l

E U G E X E BBOWNJ F u n e r a l Direc:-..f Snd E B |

Le.dy. Ass is tant . Chtpel III

s t r ee t . Both jiiivties.


l i i o

W i n n e r of t n e

(jearle>» t a r — \ » > CIuicli

CiiidUen l o u r

to s l ip. No t i c a i s to Sirij>

Mi !/.

"<• ^ u i b c i

h. :.i

MI -,

Mh t ; i

• ' h ^

• i : 1 i'

. 1 ti. [<-n • ;i..i j a; n a i r h , U w .1 a fn ' i f<-<-( s c o r e f u r t i n - i i : . i i -

h t i l t

• i - - : !v

c. n n . t - ; i < i . ' it if. Ka.«M:n:i- and t i n m . t M i-<-, t ) . i ; n i ( 'M l

•-I >! ; n i l - i : ,

. ' •O'l IMlil

o p e r a t e t " •:_ :J


as l l

•SHE KNT-rW. Tisar-her—-l-rave you looked up t h e

nit-aninfr <if t h e word "imSisbes," Fa nil? '' ' . t i

Fa i .ny—Vvs , hia.'aj». Twich , 1-—Wr3, wna j does .t m e a n ? Fanr .y — To <take in. T e a c h e r — Y e s . .Vow give a s e n -

t e - i c e u a i n t r t h e w o r d . •

h'aivny—r.My a u u ^ iin/Oilbes boai-ders . 1 --Ttl'hilfldV.liphda Ledge r . - '

h . . ; t . i n o i i i d i i :

i '«-ry wl i<-f

I - . • i . n u i - r 22 '

s i q u . i i i l ; .

J <•• u l a r .-:.

S O H i r i X E R PAL.I45. Xov. 1—.Tlhe icliBirch w o r k e r s wift

s e r v e a dlnsner on Elocaion d a y . fpro-1 ceeds *tt> app-Ly o n ananls ter ' s laalary. . I Mnss 9Bet<tha Keett i s v i c t i m s ' he r

ireiphew Dr. E v e r e s t K e e t tat B r o o k ? l.\m for two w e e t e . i

Guy EyeiVss of WiliingRian. h a s miovc'd "his f ami ly irtto t h e .V ic to r Lo'on h o u s e on C h u r c h s t r e e t , ** j

*Bhe s n i o k o s t a^k o n t h e Wfeaddnig' 3lill blew d'own o n e n i g h t l a s t week .

Mi's. T y l e r of Morrisv ' i l le is \<S6jt-injr a t h e r s o n ' s H a r r y Tyie r .

, I">aii?y IjS'on has, ifrone- t-o vtMt h e r grandnmother a n d u n c l e a t S p r i n g ­field. Mass . , 'Mr a m o n t h .

T h e r e "are . th i r ty- f ive etonvicts nX w*ork on tht> road -l)etwie«n t h e v i l l age nn<d S a l m o n River , mukin^- e. tfine road .

1 i n ,

••k .

( a l l a n d I m c ^ i g j l c , or jd ionc or \Mlto ;>r Caioln. '

Clark & Durpn, Agents For Clinton Co Phone 32-F 4 PERU, N. Y.

"Ha.s Doilj'b.s disposed of h is m-ofcor ,

e«j-?'* ' STUFEICI> P R U N E S .

C'frt-ldiren will ea t t h e s e w h » n t h e y , d*o not c a r e rftor-t'h« sai ice . Wa«ih stntd

ts>ak 'p runee o v e r mishit, use t h e rga/me "t>h, ye«. He d!ispoi>ed *>f it o n e w a t e r a n d '.

m o r n i n g lx-tween .Ghe h«uii-s oif 3 a-n<l 4 o'clock in A deep eas t

" Y e s . " "I WAS not a w w e tha t Jibe h a d d is -

•w't-ed 0.1' i t ."

H e r a l d

•s immer -untii terdtei*. W h e n r>rmnes a r e /cold i i emove s t o n e s ^.rud

: in a deep igully aHw>ut 10 mEiles pu t &m ihalf) a (glass 'Water taoiid ttoll in of towin." .—Birminsrham Age- . g r a n u l a t e d I s u g a r U«d is«(t 9,wnv I I W M

I d r y .

[sugar a«d ised away uratil

It it responsible for die won­derful success of Square Pot Boilers and Furnaces. It increases the effective radia­ting area 15 per cent to 25 per cent, thereby cutting down die' cost of your heat that much. Ashes canno t cling to the sides of the square fire pot—noclogging or choking.there-, fore ho disagree?, ablelaborforyou.

W e can tell you of many; other strong features that the Square Pot possesses.

J. E. THOMAS 30 Clinton



- i - . - L •:. . * - l • i • I « rt I

-_ " s

i OR. W . E. CL01J| ! PHYSICIAN & SWG&W i Office and Residence 37 Co t i l i.Js,U- O f f i c e h o u r s H f

'[7—8 p. m., and by appointment')] Phone 696

i TYPErtHlTfiaU | N e w » n d Seoonu Kind tree ; Ribbon* *ad Osrb« ' j

W e ' r e rigrhi b e h i n d eror>-thlue \vc I R e p a i r Work GuarsowAjl selM r H O X A L T Y P I M KITKR AG

«>r | A n d if you apfv n o t s»tlsfie<l d o n ' t feel chat y w i l l a v o ^ ^ . ^ your m o n e y ' s vror th you c a n ge t y o u r l

m o n e y buck. ' ' I

•VU*. F . J o r r t f i , .

J O H N "

At to rney an

Specia l a t tout io?

Plattsburgh, N . Y .

P u r e D r u g s only . E x p e r t , M a n o.U> i ' ° ^ t e ' s C o - r ; * SutlsfaotJon only. ,f ' ' { ° n r g h , N. Y.

The Owl


D l t , W . .1

Surgeon !•• r.:..-i' t a in ing to m- ,)<.-:

ed in the iiu..i s-| o r E t h e r aiirn n..-I O e n t a l par i . :s •

; e r P l a t t sbu rgh l a t t sbu rgh , X V

11 OiB-OD1


.•^nselior t t |

;.ra.*u<»-*;i • nnn St, "-jj

J i i tEXXA>'

E\ery'WDM .vrustry

.,?.J.i manntf : ' f ; i . l 'when .n Winslow


2-Special Flii

: " Prices: 5-10 Be|fpmiance 2.30, 7.3

One Nlghr On]

Thursday No

~ *» *• Q a s k l f t m n d (MAGVitij (Inc n o t a n c e , A ^ D r M i i a t l z a t i d n of B e l l W r i g h t ' s G*e*s afovieJL-. w

Mr.^Wriglit a n d EIsbe»-y W . R e

v ^'IThe "mogt p o p u l a r Amer ican m a d e i n t o ' t h e m o s t p o p u l a r l o a n Play***

P r i c e * O r c h . , $ l 00 a n d 75c. B a l 75, B . C. 50, GaJ

ts " S e a t s o n Sa le "Tuesday 10 ' a . M I I . - ii i • iii •' •• i T* l r - - ' - - *•


| : S a t ; ^ ( ^

PricesTOrch$1.00--75c Eve-Bkl 75-50 Gal 25

25=^0 Seats on sale Thursday i-«

Mileages 1 buy , r e n t or sell all

**aeages . H a r r y L. Booth

House, Marrar»t stroet

k ' . r . d s

\V . "

A .1 v


72 Margaret St

All Night Service

Phone 555 I I t lar Komeiinies b e t t e r to;' be o n t t t e SUTJ I level t h a n t o c l i m b upxyard. ." Piai

1>K. C. \V .

( I f f i e e a n d r e s . i i- -

t ree t . i "rTiee h,..;r-»Sh. Ph.\s:.Man and S..:

VKTHUB ^ at »«!

n>"n 1'°! i(.,,n. PWIlii

FIl ischmallfl,

a Brea Y K T O K A. UOlKfi

^torney and 0'ejnse'llor »'j

' s a iu office Margsrflt rt8bur,gh, X Y,



in Delieatess German Coffee Cake eu-r


'£#&^!&l£*&*&*i*; g^-j<-g^^Jw^«b^j^fc^fatife^ * ;
