FREQUENTLY ASKED Stream One … ·...


Transcript of FREQUENTLY ASKED Stream One … ·...

Page 1: FREQUENTLY ASKED Stream One … · Products available include Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Intune, Enterprise Mobility



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1. Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider Program 4 1.1. Which Microsoft products are offered? 4 1.2. What are the main differences compared to the other licensing models? 4 1.3. Can I mix different licensing models? 4 1.4. Can I migrate from a Telco partner (Proximus/Telenet) to Tech Data? 4 1.5. Are there trial subscriptions in CSP? 4

2. Accessing StreamOne 5 2.1. How do I access StreamOne? 5 2.2. How do I get ‘authorized’ to buy CSP? 6

3. Ordering CSP license 7 3.1. How do I look for products on StreamOne? 7 3.2.WhataddressdetailsdoIneedtofillin? 7 3.3.WhydoIneedtofillinaMicrosoftPartner(MPN)ID? 8 3.4.WheredoIfindmyMicrosoftPartner(MPN)ID? 8 3.5.IgetthemessagemyMicrosoftPartner(MPN)IDisexpired,whatshouldIdo? 8 3.6.WhatoptionshouldIchooseinthe“EndCustomerMicrosoftAccount”section? 8 3.6.HowdoImigrateOffice365endcustomersfromOpen/Advisor/TrialtoCSP? 9 3.7.WhenisthebestdaytoordertheCSPlicenseswhenIammigratingfromOpen? 9 3.8.WhathappensafterIplacedanorder? 10 3.9.WherecanIseetheCSPlicensesonthePartnerPortal? 10 3.10.HowcanIcreateaquoteinStreamOne? 11

4. Managing your end-customers via the Reseller Portal 12 4.1.WheredoIfindalistofmyend-customersonStreamOne? 12 4.2. How can I increase/decrease the number of seats? 12 4.3.WherecanIfindadd-onSKUsonStreamOne? 13 4.3. How do I suspend or cancel a subscription on StreamOne? 14 4.4.HowcanImanagemyend-customersfromtheMicrosoftPartnerCenter? 14 4.5. The end customer/ the global admin sees only Tech Data as a contact/ license source? 15

5. Order rights 16 5.1. Which rights do I need to order on StreamOne? 16 5.2. How can I change these user rights? 16


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Contents continued

6. Order issues 17 6.1. My order is stuck in ‘ready to install’ after a couple of hours. What’s wrong? 17 6.2.Ihavenotreceivedthepasswordformyendcustomer.Nowwhat? 17 6.3. I got the message: StreamOne is not able to start the transfer process? 17 6.4.IamstillgettingremindersfromMicrosoftalthoughIhavealreadyrenewedviaCSP? 18 6.5.Igottheerror:“Youalreadyhavesubscribedtosubscriptionxxxwithdomainxxx. TomodifyyoursubscriptionpleasegotoCustomerAdmin”. 18 6.6.Ican’tlinkTechDatatomycustomerdomain,Igetanerrormessage.Areyousure 18 6.6.Cananend-customerhaveseveralCSPresellers? 18

7. Invoicing 19 7.1.HowdoestheinvoicingworkforOffice365? 19 7.2.Whatdoestheinvoicelooklike? 20 7.3.WhichdayofthemonthwillIbebilled? 20 7.4.IfIcancelasubscriptioninthemiddleofthebillingperiod,willIberefunded? 20 7.5.Isthereanoptiontobeinvoicedannually? 20 7.6.HowisAzureinvoiced? 20 7.7. How are price increases managed? 21 7.8.HowcanIpreventmyCSPordersgoingoncreditblockeachtime? 21

8. Azure 22 8.1.WherecanIseemyAzureconsumption? 22 8.2.HowdoIknowwhenI’mgoingovermyAzurebudget? 22 8.3HowcanIinsertanewuserdirectlyonAzure(inCSP)? 23 8.4CanIinsertanadditionalsubscription(second/thirdetc.)underthesametenant? 24 8.5MyendcustomerhasanOffice365subscription(notinCSP)–howcanIorderAzureinCSP for the same end customer? 24 8.6IsthereadefinedSLAforAzureproblems? 24 8.7HowcanItransfermyrunningAzureinfrastructure(Advisor/OPEN/Test)inCSP? 24 8.8WhatisspecificaboutorderingAzureinCSP? 25

9. Support 26 9.1.Whycan’tIcreateasupportticketasaCSPreseller? 26 9.2.WhichsupportoptionsareavailablethroughTechData? 26

10. Other questions 27 10.1.DoesTechDataprovidecontractswecanuseforourend-customers? 27


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1. Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider Program 1.1. Which Microsoft products are offered? ProductsavailableincludeMicrosoftOffice365,MicrosoftIntune,EnterpriseMobilitySuite,MicrosoftAzure, and Microsoft Dynamics 365.

1.2. What are the main differences compared to the other licensing models? Here’sanoverview.EverythinginthegreenframeisavailablethroughTechData.

1.3. Can I mix different licensing models? Yes, CSP can be combined with Open License subscriptions and subscriptions bought directly at Microsoft. For now you cannot combine CSP licenses with syndication licenses (bought through Telco).

1.4. Can I migrate from a Telco partner (Proximus/Telenet) to Tech Data? No, not automatically but only through a manual migration. TheseTelco’shavemovedtotheCSPprogramtoobutuntilfurthernotice,transfersarenotpossible.

1.5. Are there trial subscriptions in CSP? No.TherearecurrentlynoCSPtrialsubscriptions.Youcantransferfromatrialsubscriptionactivateddirectlyat Microsoft to a CSP license (see FAQ 3.7)


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2. Accessing StreamOne 2.1. How do I access StreamOne? YoucanaccessStreamOneviaIntouch Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on ‘StreamOne Marketplace’ under ‘TD Cloud’ You can log in with using the same credentials as Intouch.


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2.2. How do I get ‘authorized’ to buy CSP? TostartwithCSP,youfirstneedtosigntheCSPcontract. OnIntouchyoucansignthecontractonline.Oncesigned,youraccountwillbeapprovedbyourcreditdepartment andafterapproval,youwillbeauthorizedtobuyCSPlicensesonStreamOne.


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3. Ordering CSP license 3.1. How do I look for products on StreamOne? Searchforaproductvia: o Browse by category oBrowsebyvendor o Click on a banner o Use the search bar

3.2. What address details do I need to fill in? Fillintheend-customeraddressdetailsImportant to know: -Pleasemakesuretouseauniqueemailaddress.Thisisimportantbecauseyourcustomerswillbesplitupinthe CustomerAdmin,basedintheemailaddresslinkedtoit.Ifyouusethesameemailaddressforallcustomers,every subscription will be under one same customer. -Onceyouhaveorderedforanend-customer,thecustomerwillbesavedinyouraddressbook. If you want to place a new order for an existing customer, select your customer from the address book. The cloud solutions will then be added to your existing customer.


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3.3. Why do I need to fill in a Microsoft Partner (MPN) ID? TheMPNIDisamandatoryfield. ByfillinginyourMPNID,allyourMicrosoftCloudsubscriptionswillbelinkedtoyouasaMicrosoftPartner. This is important to be able to manage your customers and for your Partnership with Microsoft.

3.4. Where do I find my Microsoft Partner (MPN) ID? Loginto Your MPN ID will be shown on this page.

3.5. I get the message my Microsoft Partner (MPN) ID is expired, what should I do? Pleasegoto Makesureyourpartnershipisactive,ifnotrenewfollowingthestepsontheportal.

3.6. What option should I choose in the “End Customer Microsoft Account” section? 1. Existing end customer Microsoft account

Usethisoptionwhenyouwanttoaddanewsubscriptiontoacustomerforwhichyouhavealreadyorderedon StreamOne(returningend-customer).Whenyouhaveselectedyourexistingcustomerfromtheaddressbook, the domain name linked to it will already show. For example:addOfficeBusinesstoanend-customerthathasorderedE3before. Attention!Addingseatsdoesnotrequireanewcart,seeFAQ4.2.

2. Create a new end customer Microsoft account

UsethisoptionifyourcustomerdoesnotyethaveanaccountwithMicrosoft. Pleaseuseadomainnameandvalidateit.TheliveAPIscommunicatedirectlywithMicrosoftandifdomainisavailable, youwillseeagreenconfirmationmessage“Goodnews-domainisavailable” Pleasechooseanotherdomainnameifitisnotavailable. YoucanchangethedomainnamelaterwhensettinguptheOffice365account.


IfyourcustomeralreadyorderedthroughMicrosoftdirectly(Advisor),throughOpenorhasstartedatrialviaMicrosoft, please use this option to add CSP licenses to it. See the detailed steps in FAQ 3.6.


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3.7. How do I migrate Office 365 end customers from Open/Advisor/Trial to CSP? 1.TechDataneedstobeapprovedas‘CSPdistributor’inordertobeabletoaddlicenses. TheglobaladministratorofeachexistingMicrosofttenantneedstoapproveTechDataviathislink. Please always complete this authorization step before completing the order. If not completed, Tech Data is not able to see the domain name and to add licenses. 2.OnStreamOne,choosethe3rdoption:transferanAdvisor,OpenorTrialaccount 3. Fill in the default domain name you want to transfer.

See below where you can check which the default name is. EveryMicrosoftaccountstartswithan.onmicrosoft.comdomain.Afterwardsmostofthecustomersuploadtheirown domain name and set it as default. It is that default domain name StreamOne needs in order to automatically add licenses to it.

4. Place your order. 5.Forexistingcustomers,theCSPlicensesareaddedtothePortaloftheend-customer(underbilling->licenses)

3.8. When is the best day to order the CSP licenses when I am migrating from Open? Wait until the expiry date of your subscription. There is no need to order before the expiry date, there is always a grace periodof30daysinwhichthelicensesremainactive. Ontheexpirydate,theCSPlicenseswillautomaticallybeassignedtotheusersthathaveanexpiredsubscription. Please note this is only the case when you order the same subscription, this is not the case when you migrate to another subscription (for ex. From E1 to E3). If you can, it is wise to order after Tech Data’s cutoff date (the 4th at midnight, see FAQ 7.2).


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3.9. What happens after I placed an order? In case of a new customer: Amailissenttoeitheryouortheend-user(dependingonwhatyouhaveindicatedduringtheorderprocess)withthe logincredentialsforOffice365.

In case of an existing customer: Thelicensesareaddedtotheportaloftheend-customer.Therearenomailsbeingsent.

3.10. Where can I see the CSP licenses on the Partner Portal? LogintotheOffice365accountofyourresellerandclickon“Billing”. Please note you will see the total amount of licenses under ‘Licenses’. There is unfortunately no distinction between the different licensing models. Under ‘Subscriptions’youwillseeeverythingexceptforCSPlicenses.


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3.11. How can I create a quote in StreamOne?

1. Select the product you would like to buy on StreamOne and click on the “add to cart” button. 2. Click on “View Cart”. 3. Now you see all the details of your shopping cart. Click on “Create Quote”. 4. Enter the end user information. Be aware that you can select an existing customer from your address book. 5. Click on “Proceed to Quote”. 6.Finally,updateyourquotewithdesiredmarginsanddescriptionoftheserviceifneeded. Onceyouarefinishedclickon“Save/Review Quote”.


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4. Managing your end-customers via the Reseller Portal 4.1. Where do I find a list of my end-customers on StreamOne? 1. Click on “Reseller Portal”. 2. Click “Customer Admin”togetanoverviewofyourendcustomers. 3.Clickonthe+signtogetmoredetailsperend-customer

4.2. How can I increase/decrease the number of seats? Increasing/decreasingseatsdoesnotrequireanewcart. 1. Click on “Reseller Portal”. 2. Click on “Customer Admin”togetanoverviewofyourendcustomers. 3. Click on the + button. 4. Click on SaaS. 5. Click on “Modify”. 6. Fill in the number you want and click on “Modify”. 7. Wait a few seconds until the page has refreshed and done! ThechangesarevisibleontheMicrosoftPartnerPortalwithin2minutes.


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4.3. Where can I find add-on SKUs on StreamOne? Add-onsareforexample:ExchangeOnlineAdvancedProtectionorExtraFileStorage. Youalwaysneedabase-subscriptiontobeabletoadd-onsubscriptions.

Add-onsdonotrequireanewshoppingcart,youcanfindtheavailableadd-onsforasubscriptionunder “customer admin”:

1. Click on “Reseller portal” 2. Click “Customer Admin”togetanoverviewofyourendcustomers. 3. Click on the + sign next to your end customer. 4. Click on SaaS. 5. To modify the subscription click “Modify”. 6.StreamOneissofriendlytosuggestyouthepossibleadd-ons.Choosethequantityyouneedandclick on “Purchase”.


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4.4. How do I suspend or cancel a subscription on StreamOne? 1. Click on “Reseller Portal”. 2. Click on “Customer Admin”togetanoverviewofyourendcustomers. 3. Click on the + button. 4. Click on SaaS. 5. Click on “Modify”. 6. Click on “Suspend”. 7.Waitafewsecondsuntilyouseethesubscriptionisinsuspendedmode.Ifyouclickawaytooquickly,thelinkwiththe MicrosoftPartnerPortalmightbeinterruptedandthechangesmightnothavetakenplace.

4.5. How can I manage my end-customers from the Microsoft Partner Center? YouarealwayslinkedtoCSPsubscriptionsasaPartnerofRecordbyfillinginyourMicrosoftPartnerID. Tobeabletomanageyourcustomer’stenantsviathePartnerCenter,itisimportanttobealsothe‘delegatedadmin’ on your customer’s accounts. Inordertobecomeadelegatedadminasareselleryoualsoneedtorequestarelationship.

WhentheCustomerconfirmsyou’regrantedthedelegatedadminrightsasaPartneryoucanstartmanagingthe Customers O365/EMS/Azure Tenant.


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4.6. The end customer/ the global admin sees only Tech Data as a contact/ license source? TheMicrosoftPartnerNetworkisbeingupdatedevery24hours.Whenyouordertodayanumberoflicensesfora certainendcustomer,TechDatawillappearautomaticallyasalicensessource(Billing->Subscription).In24hoursyour company name will appear automatically as a reseller. In addition to that Microsoft will insert the hint, that your company is responsible for the licensing (license source) and if more licenses are needed the end customer should contact you. ThisinformationwillappearonlyifyouhaveavalidMPNID.Foralllicensesorderedbefore01.07.2016anddelegated admin please refer to FAQ 4.4.


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5. Order rights 5.1. Which rights do I need to order on StreamOne? StreamOne user rights are in sync with the InTouch user rights. Please note that only Reseller Admins in the Reseller companies can amend the rights of their users). • Order Submit rights: YoucanplaceaneworderinStreamOnebutyouwillnotbeabletomakeOrderModificationforneworexistingorders. •OrderModificationrights: Youcan’tplaceaneworderinStreamOnebuttheywillbeabletomakeOrderModificationforneworexistingorders. •BothrightsOrderSubmit+OrderModification: You can place, as well as modify, all new and existing orders in StreamOne. • Account Information Online (AIO): Ifyouhavethisflag“true”onInTouch,youcanseetheAzureAnalyticTab(forexample)inStreamOne. Additionally,youcanprintOrderInvoicesinOrderHistorytabusing“printversionhyperlink”. IfauserdoesnothavesetAIOFlag“true”inInTouch,hewon’tbeabletoseecreditrelatedinformationonStreamOne.

5.2. How can I change these user rights? See the screenshot below. Only your InTouch administrator of your company can change the user rights. Need help? Contact [email protected]


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6. Order issues 6.1. My order is stuck in ‘ready to install’ after a couple of hours. What’s wrong? First of all, please check if you are not on credit block. Ifyouare,ourcreditteamwillalreadybeaware.TheywilllookintothevalueoftheorderandreleaseASAPifpossible.

Ifyouarenotoncreditblockandyouhaveorderedforanexistingcustomer,pleasecheckthefollowing: 1.HaveyouapprovedTechDataasCSPdistributor? 2.Haveyouusedthedefaultdomainname? See FAQ 2.7.

If not, your order will not be processed automatically. Please contact [email protected] to correct the details of your order.

6.2. I have not received the password for my end customer. Now what? Ifyouhavenotreceivedthecredentialsemail,wecanresetthepasswordforyouandsendanewone. new password to.

6.3 I got the message: StreamOne is not able to start the transfer process? Please check if you: oLinkedthedomaintoTechData?(SeeFAQ2.7,approveTechDataviathislink). o Used the default domain name? (See FAQ 2.7)

If yes, it might take some minutes before Tech Data is able to see the transferred domain name. Pleasesubmityourorderanyhow.StreamOnewillcheckeveryhourafterplacingyourorderifthedomainnameis visibletous.Ifnot,afterverifying3times,youwillbecontactedbytheTDCloudTeamforhelp.


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6.4. I am still getting reminders from Microsoft although I have already renewed via CSP? UnfortunatelyMicrosoftstillsendsremindersforexpiredOpenLicensesubscriptions,evenifyouhavealreadyrenewed throughCSP.YoucanignoretheseremindersifyouhavealreadyorderedtheCSPlicensestoreplacetheOpenlicenses.

Hint: If you see the old and the new licenses on one and the same line that means that the CSP licenses will “jump in” automaticallywhentheoldonesarenotvalidanymore.Ifyouseetwolineswiththesameproduct–youwillneedto assignthelicensesmanually(thisoptionappearswhenthenumberofCSPlicensesvariesfromtheexistingnumberof licensed users)

6.5. I got the error: “You already have subscribed to subscription xxx with domain xxx. To modify your subscription please go to Customer Admin”. Thismeansyouhavealreadyorderedthistypeofsubscriptionforthisend-customer. Please follow the steps to add seats to an existing subscription (see FAQ 4.2.) 6.6. I can’t link Tech Data to my customer domain, I get an error message. Are you sure? -Areyousuretheend-customer’saddressisinEurope?TechDataBelgiumcanonlyselltocustomerswhoarebased inEU/EFTA.Theusersoftheaccountcan,ofcourse,beeverywhereinthecountry -Areyousureyouareloggedinastheadministratorofthedomain?OnlytheadmincanapproveTechDataasCSP distributor. -IsthedomainnamealreadylinkedtoaTier1CSPreseller?Thismightalsogiveissues. -Isyourprimarycompany.onmicrosoft.comdomainregisteredasadirectMicrosoftpartner?Thiscanalsocauseissues.

Contact [email protected] with a screenshot of the error you get.

6.7. Can an end-customer have several CSP resellers? No,oneresellerperend-customer.


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7. Invoicing 7.1. How does the invoicing work for Office 365? MicrosoftCSPlicensesareinvoicedmonthly. Eachdistributorhasaspecificmonthly‘cutoffdate’assignedatsignup,withTechDatathisisalwaysthe11th (at midnight).

Forthefirstorderofasubscription,youwillnotpayanythinguntilthesubscriptionreachesforthefirsttimethe 12th of the month. Onthe11thofthemonth(atmidnight)Microsofttakesasnapshotoftheenvironmentandwillinvoiceupfrontforthe next period: from the 12th until the 11th. If in the middle of this billing period you add licenses you will be: o Billed upfront for the total/new amount of licenses oBilledbackwardsforXnumberofdayswhereyouhaveconsumedadditionalseats.


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7.2. What does the invoice look like? Bydefaultyouwillgetaconsolidatedinvoice,includingthelicensesforallyourend-customers. Pleaseindicateifyouprefertohaveoneinvoiceperend-customer. You will clearly see the subscription, the billing period, your purchase order reference, the tenant name and charge type (upfront billed charges or additional seats consumed).

7.3. Which day of the month will I be billed? Eachdistributorhasaspecificmonthly‘cutoffdate’assignedatsignup,withTechDatathisisalwaysthe4th (atmidnight).TechDatareceivestheinvoiceonthe5th.Acoupleofdayslateryouwillbeinvoiced(aroundthe15th).

7.4. If I cancel a subscription in the middle of the billing period, will I be refunded? No,asyouhavealreadypaidupfrontforamonth,youwillnotbecreditedforthis. Asofthenextcutoffdatehowever,youwillnolongerbeinvoicedforthoseseats.

7.5. Is there an option to be invoiced annually? No,thereisn’t.TheflexiblemonthlymodelistheadvantagethatCSPoffers. Microsoft does not offer an annual model. We refer to the Open License model if you prefer annual billing.

7.6. How is Azure invoiced? Azureisinvoicedmonthly,atthesametimetheOffice365licensesarebilled(aroundthe15th). OntheAzureinvoiceyouwillseeonelinepercustomerwiththetotalconsumedamount. Togetherwiththeinvoiceyouwillreceiveadetailedfileperend-customerdetailingtheservicestheyhaveconsumed. In the future these details will be integrated in StreamOne. Be aware:thereisno‘freeofcharge’periodinthebeginning,forAzureyouareinvoicedassoonasyoustart consuming.


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7.7. How are price increases managed? CSPsubscriptionshaveaoneyearterm.Inthatoneyear,thesubscriptionisprotectedfrompriceincreases. Onceperyear,attheanniversaryoftheCSPsubscription,priceincreasesmayoccurdependingontheglobal Microsoft Price Policy.

7.8. How can I prevent my CSP orders going on credit block each time? options (like adjusting your credit limit or paying by domicile).


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8. Azure 8.1. Where can I see my Azure consumption? 1. Click on “Reseller Portal”. 2. Click on “Orders” 3. Click on “Azure Analytics”. 4. Nowyouwillseeanoverviewofyourusage. Please note only users with Account Information Online (AIO) will see this tab. For more information on user rights, check FAQ 5.2.

8.2. How do I know when I’m going over my Azure budget? IntheAzureanalyticstabyoucansetabudgetperend-user. By default you will get a warning when you reach 75% of your budget. YoucanchangethiswarninglevelintheAzureanalyticstab.


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8.3 How can I insert a new user directly on Azure (in CSP)? Once the end customer/ the administrator of the certain account is logged in (, please select the “Subscriptions” tab:

Select then the subscription and an additional window/ tab will appear on the right side. Please select the IAM Option and you will see all users who can access the account as well as their rights:

Thensimplyselectthe“+”Buttonandyouwillbeabletoinsertanewuser,registeredunderthesametenantorinvitea newuser,outsidetheorganization–inbothcasesyouwillbeabletodefinetherights(forexampleifthisusershouldsee thewholeinfrastructureoronlyparticipateoncertainlevel)


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8.4 Can I insert an additional subscription (second/ third etc.) under the same tenant? Yes–thereisapossibilitytoinsertanadditionalsubscriptionunderthesametenant(forexampleonefortestingand oneforproduction).ThefirstsubscriptionshouldbeplacedasaneworderonStreamOnebyyouandthenifyouwould liketohaveanadditionalsubscription–pleasecontactyourTechDataStreamOneteam.Wewillbookitinyourname with your MPN ID directly with Microsoft CSP.

8.5 My end customer has an Office 365 subscription (not in CSP) – how can I order Azure in CSP for the same end customer?

Please follow these steps: 1.CSPAuthorizationforTechData–asdescribedin3.7 2. Select the desired Azure product on StreamOne 3.Onceyou`vereachedthestepwhichasksforadomain–pleaseselecttheoption“Transfer”asdescribedin3.6 4. Continue to Payment 5. Place order

Onceyou’veplacedtheAzureOrder,itwilltakeapproximately5minutesuntilyoucanlogintoAzureinCSP –thesubscriptionwillbecreatedautomatically.

Be aware: You are placing an order for an existing end customer and in this case there is no email being sent with credentials.Oncetheaccountiscreated(3-5Minutesafteryouorder),youcanloginwiththeglobaladminfrom Office365.

8.6 Is there a defined SLA for Azure problems? Yes–MicrosoftdividesallAzureCasesin3levels: A–Critical(forexample–thewholeAzureinfrastructureisnotworking)–2Hours B–Medium(forexample–theAzureinfrastructureisrunningwithminorissues)–3Hours C–Low(forexample–thenotificationforafailedbackupisnotshowingbutrunninginbackground)–8Hours

8.7 How can I transfer my running Azure infrastructure (Advisor/ OPEN/ Test) in CSP? AtthemomentthereisnoautomatedprocesswhichallowsthetransferfromAdvisory/OPEN/TesttoCSP. Incertaincases,dependingonthemonthlyrevenue–Microsoftisreadytotakethesocalled“lift-and-shift”step. Most known cases are for Azure infrastructures under EA (Enterprise Agreement) and your local Tech Data team can support you in the communication with Microsoft.


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8.8 What is specific about ordering Azure in CSP? Azure CSP is an easy way to start a cloud infrastructure within minutes. That means also that the costs start from the firstminutewhenit`srunning.Toavoid“surprises”attheendofthebillingdate,pleasemakesurethat: - YoucontrolregularlytheAzuretabonStreamOneandcontrolyourconsumptioncomparedtocreditlimit. - Neverlosecontroloftheaccount(globaladmin),unlessstatedothersbytheendcustomerinwriting.Iftheend customerstarts10.000VirtualMachines,youwillreceiveaninvoicefortheconsumptionofthesemachines. - Thereisadifferencebetweenshuttingdownavirtualmachineandstoppingit.Inthefirstcasetherewillbenocosts, butinthesecondMicrosoftwillstillchargeitevenataverylowprice,becausethemachineispreparedand“ready” for usage. - ifduetosometechnicalfailureyouarenotabletologinwiththeglobaladmin,pleasesendustheendcustomerand theglobaladmin–wecanresetthepasswordandsendittoyou.Inaddition–ifyouwouldliketohaveanadditional admintothesameaccount–pleasesendustheendcustomerandthedesiredemail,whichweneedtoconnectto the existing Azure subscription.


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9. Support 9.1. Why can’t I create a support ticket as a CSP reseller? OnceyourcustomerhasboughtCSPlicenses,heortheresellercannolongercreateserviceticketsonthe Microsoft Portal. As from then the support goes through the CSP distributor.

9.2. Which support options are available through Tech Data? Basic support is always included in all Microsoft CSP products. OptionallyyoucanbuyaSKUwithadvancedsupportwhichcostsmore. Anoverview:


TIMEFRAME 24x7 After business hours OR 24x7

HOW [email protected] Phone support in English

PRICE FREE Extra cost, separate SKU

RESPONSE TIME 1-2-4 hours 1 hour

RESOLUTION TIME As per Microsoft SLA: 24h to 48h Between 2 & 3 hours MicrosoftOffice365SLA

WHAT • Supportedtasksthatareoutsidethe • theprocessofbilling&provisioning functionalityprovidedwithavailabletools • technicalsupportsuchasservice • Break/fix–Problemswiththeservice andsoftwareupdates

• Availability–Servicenotaccessible • softwareconfiguration

• Notoperatingaccordingto • performanceissueswithinpartner’s ServiceDescriptions spanofcontrol

• Bugsandotherirregularitiesthateffect • clientconnectivityandclientdesktop serviceappearanceoroperation • Serviceavailabilityissueswithin • Provisioningissues partner’sspanofcontrol

• Largescalenetworkdisruptions

• Regional, multi-tenant impact

• Inherently complex or strategic technical support issues (rare)


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10. Other questions. 10.1. Does Tech Data provide contracts we can use for our end-customers? Microsoftprovidesacustomeragreement(MicrosoftCloudAgreement),whichyouarerequiredtopresentandgain customeracceptanceinadvanceofplacinganorderforaparticularcustomer.However,MicrosoftandTechDatadonot provideatemplateforpartnertermswithacustomer.Youmustenterintoyourowncommerciallyenforceabletermswith the customer. Some points that may be useful to include: - Price increases CSPsubscriptionshaveaoneyearterm.Inthatoneyear,thesubscriptionisprotectedfrompriceincreases. Onceperyear,attheanniversaryoftheCSPsubscription,priceincreasesmayoccur. - The cutoff datebeforewhichanend-customermuststopasubscription,toavoidanewinvoiceforonemonth - The general Microsoft terms and agreement, which you can see at the end of purchasing the subscription. - A statementonwhathappenstothesubscriptioniftheend-customerdoes not pay. - Your SLAs for dealing with a certain technical or licensing case.


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