Free Money System Module 1

Free Money System Module 1 You do not have resell rights to this eBook. All rights reserved. Unauthorized resell or copying of this material is unlawful. No portion of this eBook may be copied or resold without written permission. reserves the right to use the full force of the law in the protection of its intellectual property including the contents, ideas, and expressions contained herein. © Copyright

Transcript of Free Money System Module 1

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Free Money System

Module 1

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Copyright © 2011 Success Vantage Pte Ltd

All rights reserved.

Published by Greg & Alvin

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or

transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopied,

recorded, scanned, or otherwise, except as permitted under Canadian copyright law,

without the prior written permission of the author.

Notes to the Reader:

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assume no liability with respect to losses or damages caused, or alleged to be caused,

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This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard

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Individual results may vary.

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Table of Contents

Introduction .................................................................................................... 7

So why are more marketers opting to take the short report

approach? .................................................................................................. 8

Short Reports 101 - Hot Little Money Makers .......................................... 12

Short Reports Make Great Upsell And Downsell Vehicles .................... 14

Typically, the upsell works like this. ........................................................ 14

This is basically the downsell in action. ................................................. 15

Short Reports - Great Viral Food ............................................................... 16

Blanket Marketing - Revisited .................................................................... 17

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About Greg Frost

Greg Frost is a bestselling author and self improvement coach who has helped

thousands of people worldwide achieve their dreams.

Born within a middle‐income family, he has struck out on his own and achieved great

success in his relationships, career, health and life. His dream is to touch and improve

the lives of at least 10 million people worldwide.

You can find out more about him and his other products at:


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About Alvin Huang

Alvin Huang is the CEO of the leading personal development technology firm Success

Vantage. Where he strives to create value and make a positive difference in the world.

Together with various leading authors, Success Vantage has managed to touch and

improve the lives of people all round the world.

Alvin has a “Just Do It” mentality and doesn’t stop at anything until he attains his goals.

He believes that similarly, anyone whether young or old, rich or poor…can achieve their

dreams just as long as they set their mind to it. Hence his favorite quote “Choice, not

chance that determines destiny.”

He also regularly blogs at the where he dishes out advice on

personal development, wealth attainment and achieving massive success fast.

Below are his websites:

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Thank you for purchasing the Free Money System.

You have at your fingertips 4 information packed modules that will change the way you

do business online or if you’ve never before ventured into the world of online business

you are about to get an advanced education for little more than the price of a dinner

and a movie.

Don’t be fooled by the information you’re about to receive, it’s very powerful and is the

foundation that many successful businesses are built upon.

The reason why the system is called Free Money System will become evident as you

follow along with the modules. You will quickly see the profit potential that comes with

having an army of short reports working to your advantage and each one represents

an individual profit center cranking out money like a tireless ATM machine for you 24

hours a day, 7 days a week.

When you grasp the potential and power that comes from short reports, you’ll truly

realize the power of numbers and will start on your own journey toward true and life

changing wealth through the power of creating an empire of short reports of your very


So I hope you’re excited, you have every reason to be because right here and now,

your financial future is about to change forever.

So without further delay, let’s get started.

You’ve no doubt subscribed to someone’s list before and more often than not the

information they enticed you with was a free short report.

So why do marketers use them as bait? Simple - because they work.

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Let’s go into a little more detail.

By definition, a short report is shorter than your average full-blown ebook and is typically

around the 5 to 15 page mark in length, with the extreme being around 20 pages.

Anything longer is bordering on ebook length and is no longer categorized as a “short


So why are more marketers opting to take the short report


Speed - Short reports can be created in a couple of hours and within such a short

timeframe which means they’re able to churn out more products in the same time that

it would normally take to write just one ebook of the same length.

Achievability - Place most people in front of a blank Microsoft Word page and tell them

to write 100 pages of content and they’ll freeze. However writing 5 to 10 pages

suddenly becomes achievable which blasts right through procrastination. Typically the

human mind will do anything in its power to avoid pain and a huge amount of effort

and dedication that a large ebook requires is enough to give a person a serious case of

writer’s block.

Writing short reports not only is doable for anyone but because of their size means more

reports written equals higher productivity and a great way to acquaint yourself with

product creation before tackling the bigger projects.

It’s also the best way to get started creating your own online business on the fly, anyone

can do this regardless of their skill and experience level. If you’re a complete and total

newbie, don’t worry this is completely for you.

Cost - Short reports are inexpensive to create and can cost you little more than your

time in exchange for some great monetary returns.

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If you decide to sell your short report as a lead in for other related products, charging a

fraction of the cost you normally would for a fully fledged ebook becomes a real deal

closer from the perspective of your buyer. Financial times have been tough and still are

for many so which do you think would appeal to your prospective customer $7 or $67?

Lower price points have the ability to remove risk and doubt from the point of view of

your customer. Once they like what you have to offer they’ll be more inclined to

purchase from you again, you’ll also brand yourself and build a relationship of trust that

they’ll purchase on your recommendation alone.

Once they start off in your sales funnel they’ll continue to be moved through different

stages with related products at increasing price points, all this stemming from your initial

short report.

Blanket Marketing - Because you’re creating content in a fraction of the time that it

would normally take to create a large ebook project you’re able to have more product

out there in the market generating you several streams of income at once. Short

reports allow you the chance to be prolific and to mass blanket market in several

different niches at once.

For example, you could have 10 x 10 page reports working

for you in ten different markets as compared to just 1 x 100

page ebook in one market.

This is a great way to make the most of your efforts and

hedge your bets should one niche tank. That means that

you still potentially have nine others to fall back onto.

Imagine investing all of that work into a large 100 page ebook only to

find out that your market didn’t respond to it.

That would mean wasted time sending you back to the drawing board.

Weight Loss

Weight Loss For


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If you’re not sure exactly what a niche market is it’s a specialized portion or a smaller

subset of a larger market.

For example, weight loss is a general market but a weight loss niche would be a smaller,

more specialized part of the weight loss market such as “weight loss for bodybuilders”,

it’s still part of the broader, general weight loss market but a very specific corner of that


The more specific and targeted your niche, the better your results and the more you’re

able to connect with your market.

Think about it, in the weight loss niche it’s mixed with people wanting to lose their belly

fat, lose their pregnancy weight, wanting to lose hundreds of pounds, wanting to lose a

few pounds, wanting to lose weight to improve fertility, wanting to lose the weight

around their abdominal area, wanting to lose weight for bodybuilding, etc.

As you can see it’s difficult to appeal to all of these groups at once, which are all

potential niches in their own right.

But if you were to target the bodybuilding weight loss niche you would be able to

appeal directly to your prospect without trying to appeal to everyone.

My philosophy is that you can’t be all things to all people so best to focus your efforts on

a specific niche to get the best results.

Testing - By being prolific and dipping our fingers into several market pies we’re also

able to quickly test winning and losing niche markets, throwing out the losing

campaigns and building up the winners.

By quickly identifying and weeding out losing niches means less time, energy and

money invested into the losing campaigns allowing you to focus and expand on the

more profitable ones.

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What if you knew for a fact that 3 or 4 of your short reports showed a return? You’d

know which niches to spend your time and money creating more substantial products

and upsells around. This could eventually lead to high ticket products in the thousands

of dollars simply because you started with a humble little short report.

Teasers - Another reason why marketers love short reports is because it’s a great way to

build buzz and curiosity. Build interest and intrigue and get your readers coming back

for more.

Build Business - Of course one of the greatest purposes of the short report is to attract

people onto your list and because you often have to give to get, a short report,

particularly one in an area of interest to your market is a great way to go.

While thinking about the here and now with short report creation you should always be

thinking “long term” and a short report is an effective tool for building a business with.

Think of it this way, once you have a subscriber on your list, you have multiple

opportunities to make contact with them and to sell to them. So keep your eye on the

prize and continually think “long term” strategy.

These are just a few reasons why I love short reports. This gives you a glimpse of just how

powerful they can be. They can save you time and money while helping you discover

where the real money potential lies. But imagine for a moment that you churn out 2 or 3

week? That’s 100 to 150 short reports working for you and earning you money.

By the end of these modules you will literally have the keys to create your very own Free

Money System.

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Short Reports 101 - Hot Little Money Makers

People really do take for granted just how powerful “numbers” can be. One short

report bringing in $50 to $100 per month is nice but 50 to 100 bringing in $2,500 to

$10,000 a month is incredible and completely achievable because everything you do is

“shortaturized”, the whole purpose of the short report to create them fast and to get

them out there making you money without the mass effort required to write larger


I hope this has given you a sample of just how lucrative short reports can be and now

you’re going to get started creating your own.

Using short reports to break into online business is a great way to start out and if you’re

looking at expanding your current business or are just starting out, then this is for you.

Think of short reports as your first attempt to sell something to your newly opted in

subscriber because in order for them to get the report, they had to purchase it with their

name and their email address, so in reality, you did make your very first sale even

though it wasn't money in your bank account...yet but remember how I mentioned

earlier about thinking “long term”? This is part of your long term strategy to build a

business that will ultimately look after you for years to come.

Those who get started with short reports also get to test the waters “so to speak”

because with short reports they can create them quickly, get them out to the market

while finding out if the topics given really are what your market wants and needs.

Your strategy should be the mass blanket approach, write up several reports, opt in

pages for each report and see which topics gain the most interest and subscribers. This

is one way to determine what your market is really hungry for.

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If you find that a report isn't converting, then you know that particular topic isn't one

that you should expand upon or dedicate any more time or attention to and just move

on to the next report.

As an appetite whetter, short reports are great because they can give a hint of

information without selling the farm right off the bat and keeps your subscribers wanting

more. You also don't want to overwhelm them with too much information right away


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Short Reports Make Great Upsell And

Downsell Vehicles

Just as I mentioned before, short reports are a powerful tool.

Let's take a look at upsells and downsells through the vehicle of short reports.

Typically, the upsell works like this.

A marketer offers a free report on a top marketing strategy, tool, or technique to their

subscribers (this can be anything, it doesn’t have to be in the internet marketing niche).

The subscriber then signs up for the report by placing their name and email address into

an autoresponder for future mailings. The subscriber then confirms their email address,

downloads and accesses their free report.

Scattered throughout that report are either affiliate links or links to the marketer’s

products which is more often than not, an upsell to a full version of the report in the form

of an ebook, ecourse or even physical products.

Because the report is a sneak preview of the main product and is highly targeted to the

subscribers interests means a greater chance of making a sale.

Imagine for a moment 10, 20 or even 100 people downloading their free report from

you each day, building your list of subscribers and getting your offers out there in front

of thousands of people. Not only are you building a long term business where you have

a list you can promote to but you’ll also make sales passively for years to come from the

humble little reports you spent just a few hours creating. Talk about leveraging your


In the case of a downsell, it’s a genius method that still enables you to close the sale

even if your prospect can’t afford the total cost of your full product upsell.

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This is basically the downsell in action.

We start with your upsell which could be an ebook that expands upon your free report

and along with that you might also decide to offer some bonus videos and materials for

an exclusive discounted price.

Now let's suppose that the person looking at the offer doesn't feel that they can afford

your current offer and so they leave the page only to be confronted with a dialog box

that asks them if they're sure they want to leave or if they want to stay on the current

page. If they click the cancel button, they’ll be redirected to a page that has a

downsell product. Your downsell could be just the ebook minus the videos.

All of this was made possible through the use of a short report.

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Short Reports - Great Viral Food

Another bonus to creating short reports is their marketability and their ability to go viral.

People seldom think twice about sending on your short report to their friends and family

if they think it’s valuable and as you guessed it, wherever your short report goes so do

your product links.

Imagine if your report exchanged thousands of hands all without any extra effort on

your part which could translate into thousands of dollars in sales for you all while your

little short report works tirelessly day and night while you focus on other things.

Not only do you make money on the front end with product sales from your links but

you also passively build your list as well. Talk about the true potential of short reports.

Again, having several of these little short reports working for you night and day means

money coming in from all sources for months and even years to come.

Reports I created years ago still bring in a nice stream of passive income, it’s the gift

that keeps on giving. As you can imagine this is the kind of income that snowballs with

time, the more reports you have out there working for you, the more money you make.

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Blanket Marketing - Revisited

Earlier in this module I mentioned the “blanket marketing” approach which is the

greatest way to sift out your losing campaigns from your winners.

If you blanket market to several different niches at once you can cull the campaigns

with the least potential.

For example, if you have short reports within the gardening niche, another in the fishing

niche, golf, weight loss niche, relationship niche, etc you can see which of those people

are subscribing to for more information.

Once you identify those you’ll know where to spend most of your time, marketing in this

way gives you the edge over those just hoping for the best and it removes the element

of guesswork involved too.

When you create your business with a long term approach in mind you’ll be able to ask

your subscribers what they want.

By getting the answer directly from your list completely removes the guess factor and

you’re simply giving them what they want. That is the closest thing to having a license

to print money, when you know without a doubt what your market are willing to buy

from you, you can’t go wrong.

With several short reports out there working tirelessly for you 24/7 should you ever stop

creating them?

That all depends on you, you might get to the stage where you’re financially

comfortable with the passive earnings you make but in my opinion short reports are a

vital part of a business because you can constantly uncover hidden gold mine niches

and attract new subscribers and new customers to your businesses on a continual basis.

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Where to start? Don’t worry we’re going to cover that in the next module, you’ll be

able to pinpoint niches with the most profit potential so you can hit the ground running

with your own campaigns and start profiting sooner.

See you at the next module.

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