Free Hack Issue One



issue number 1 e zine for Songs of Blades and heros

Transcript of Free Hack Issue One

  • Issue One, September 2008

    Compiled by Andrea Sfiligoi with enormous assistance by the Song of Blades Yahoo Group Members

    Do you want to advertise on this webzine? Send your artwork and $5 per half-page (payable via Paypal) to [email protected]. Each issue of Free Hack has the potential to reach thousands of players worldwide.

    Advertising for non-profit organizations such as wargaming websites, clubs and charity auctions isalways free of charge.

  • Editorial

    Welcome to Free Hack, the Ganesha Games irregular free webzine. This issue is almost completely dedicated to our flagship game Song of Blades and Heroes.

    Why Irregular? Because a new issue will come out when we have enough material for it... expect no less than four issues a year.

    If you have ANY material you want to submit for publication, please send an email to [email protected]. We are mostly interested in material for Song of Blades and Heroes and its supplements, Mutants and Death Ray Guns and the Familiars RPG. Scenarios, characters, new special rules, variant rules, mini-campaigns-- whatever you would like to see on these pages. We cannot, however, publish material that uses intellectual properties of other companies. This includes conversions from famous books, movies and anime. If you are in doubt, just ask before you write. Writing should be concise and the rules simple. The submitted material becomes property of Ganesha Games that may use it as it is or expand it in future publications.

    Reviews of game-related products (including merchandise, miniatures, movies, novels etc) will be considered for publication. For example, you might want to suggest a comic-book series that could translate well into a Mutants and Death Ray Guns campaign.

    This magazine is a no-profit venture, there will be no compensation for your efforts, although if your material is used in a Ganesha Games publication you will receive a free copy of it.

    We will also have designers notes about our games-- why and how we designed them like that, or why it was not possible to do this and that. And of course well have sneak previews such as tables of contents of new releases.

    The next issue should be out right before Christmas. Until then, keep your blades singin.....

  • General Questions about Song of Blades and Heroes

    What is the current version of the rules?The version of the rules at the moment of writing

    is 4.1. A decimal added after the number indicates a minor revision (most likely a typo or mistaken point value was corrected along the way) that does not affect play.

    How can I know what version of the rules I have?

    Look on top of page 1, if it says version 4.1 you are up to date. If you have an earlier version, request a free PDF update from Ganesha. But generally, if you have the 4th edition update pdf (you can download for free from and the information in this booklet, you wont need updating.

    When is the next version of the rules/major update coming out?

    Probably not before the end of 2009. Remember that Ganesha always gives pdf updates for free so dont hold your breath waiting for a new version of anything.

    My computer crashed and I lost all the SBH files, help!

    Just drop a mail to [email protected].

    I have written a SBH book for (insert your copyrighted fantasy world here), can I publish it?

    If its based on copyrighted characters, fiction or whatever, Ganesha unfortunately cannot endorse it because we would risk legal action by the copyright holders. The best way to publish it is to put it on your hobby website or on the song of blades yahoo group stating clearly that it is a fan-made, not-for-profit work, that it is not endorsed by Ganesha Games and that it is not meant to infringe the copyrights of the original copyright holders. Ganesha Games will in any case remove any such material from the Yahoo group upon request of copyright holders.

    Where can I buy your products? I cant find them in my friendly local game shop.

    Ganesha sells rulebooks both in digital form (pdf, our main business) and as print-on-demand books. Traditional distribution is not profitable for a niche publisher like Ganesha because of the high shipping costs and the discounts required by distributors and retailers, so only a few shops carry our rules. Still, you can ask the person running your shop to contact Ganesha at [email protected] and ask for our retail discount.

    The best way to purchase PDFs is to send a paypal payment to [email protected]. Make sure that you have about 5 megabytes of available space in your mailbox. The pdf rules are sent as an email attachment or, if your mailbox cant handle that size, youll be sent a link to download the game.

    The PDF rulebooks are also available from a lot of online retailers: (soon to become www. (key20 sells printed copies too)

    On the song of blades lulu shop you can purchase both high-quality print versions and downloads:

    Note that prices may vary slightly based on retailer fees, dollar/euro exchange rates and other variables.

    I have bought a pdf from you and I didnt receive it!

    Ganesha generally sends the PDF within minutes from the payment. In some cases it can take much longer because I am, uhm, sleeping... Ganesha is based in Italy so check the time zone.

    If you dont receive it within 9-10 hours, something went wrong. Check your spam box because sometimes large attachments are filtered by your antispam filter. AOL mailboxes are extremely prone to this. In a few occasions, I also failed to receive the notification of payment from Paypal.

    Sometimes during week-ends I am at conventions, in that case an automated responder on my mailbox will inform you.

    Can I print multiple copies of the rulebook for all my gaming group, friends and colleagues?

    You shouldnt. Realistically, there isnt much that Ganesha Games can do to stop you from doing it... But every pirated copy means were less likely to pay our bills and continue making games. This is a niche market so every cent counts. We do our best to keep the prices as low as possible, and there are some supporting fans who have bought 10+ pdf copies of the same rulebook for their club, or have offered their work for free, proofreading, editing and playtesting the games to make sure they are the best products possible. Just check how many hours of enjoyment a wargame can give you and compare it to what it costs for you to see a movie, or eat out.

  • 5

  • Activation and ActionsCan actions be taken in any order (depending

    on the number of successes of course)? Such as: move then shoot, shoot then move, move than shoot than move again, etc?

    Yes , you can act in any order but you can do only ONE attack per turn unless you have the Combat Master special rule from Song of Wind and Water.

    Can I activate a model more times in a turn? For example, I have an Elf and a Dwarf, can I do one action with an Elf, then act with the Dwarf, then go back to the Elf?

    No. You can act only ONCE with each of your warriors in any given turn assuming that you dont roll two or three failures (thus handing the turn to the other player). In simpler words: no matter what you roll, no model can be activated more than once per turn. When you activate a model or a group of models, you must carry out all of his/their actions before moving to another model.

    When you have acted with all of your warriors, the turn passes to the other player even if you didnt roll any failures on your Activation rolls.

    If a magic user declares hes going to cast a spell and then rolls the dice, can he then decide not to cast the spell (if he failed 1 or 2 actions) and instead use his successes for something else?

    Absolutely yes. This is called aborting the spell. But if he rolls 3 failures hes out of magic for the remainder of the game since he declared he was trying to cast a spell! Maybe he just aborted it because he felt his power fizzle away...

    I activate my figure with three successes. It is already base-to-base with an enemy, so I decide to attack. I lose and the figure is knocked down. So the attack was my first of three actions. Can I use the both left to stand up and do something else? Yes. The only thing you cant do is to attack again because you can attack only once per turn no matter how many actions you have (exception: there are two new special rules in Song of Wind and Water that let a model attack multiple times).

    When i have an Elf Commander and an Elf Warrior, is it right that i dont need to roll a die for activation for the Elf Warrior, because his Quality is reduced to 1? So i have always 3 Actions for an Elf Warrior in range to an Elf Commander without rolling a die?

    Wrong. The Elf Leader gives them +1 to activation rolls and Morale checks, but a roll of a 1 is always a failure.

    If an Elf warrior with Q2+ fails his activation only on a 1, what sense does it make to use an Elven leader?

    The leader lets you do group moves, regroups and concentrated fire.

    Is rolling a 1 always a failure on an Activation roll?

    Yes, rolling a 1 is always a failure and rolling a 6 is always a success.

    If I want to perform a powerful H2H attack do I need to have 3 actions or 2 i.e. do I need to perform an attack (1 action) & a further 2 actions to make it powerful, or does the powerful attack cost of 2 actions include the attack. In a similar vein does it cost 2 or 3 actions to take an aimed shot?

    You spend two actions, not 3, to perform a powerful attack or an aimed shot.

    If youre activating your last figure, do you always choose 3 dice? There isnt anything to lose, is there?

    Yes, nothing to lose on the last one, you always roll 3 dice although not all players understand this at the first go. One exception: if you are a mage and must roll to cast a spell, and roll 3 failures, you lose your magic using capability for the rest of the scenario, so it may not be the case to roll 3 dice.

    The rules say: Heroes always roll one automatic success, regardless of their Quality. Is it applicable for every quality roll or just for activation rolls? Can I use it for a Quality roll to resist Transfix for example? Any Quality roll. Heroes are immune to power 1 transfix spells for this reason, as they roll one automatic success. There are other Quality rolls that need to be made on just one die scattered through the rules, and Heroes will just ignore these game effects.

  • Movement

    Can a model move through the space occupied by another friendly model? Yes, this is called friendly interpenetration in SBH jargon and it is allowed. You model cannot STOP over a friendly models base, anyway. So you always need enough movement to clear the base of the friend.

    What happens to models that run off the table?

    They are removed from play. In standard scenarios, they count as defeated for purposes of calculating victory points. In a scenario where the goal of the warband is to run away, of course, things will be different.

    If a figure has the Flying special rule how far does it fly per action?

    It flies its movement rate Medium if not otherwise told in the profile. Flying per se doesnt give any increase in the creature movement rate, it just lets the figure move over obstacles and broken terrain with no restrictions.

    If a figure with the Flying special rule successfully rolls to make 2 actions and I would like to make 2 moves does the figure land at the end of each action, or at the end of the 2nd action?

    It lands at the end of the two actions. Like this the figure can clear lakes and pools of boiling magma...

    MagicWhen a magic user uses a magic power,

    is its maximum range just the range band (S, M or L) or is it equal to 3 times the range band like other ranged attacks? Attack spells can be cast at multiple range bands, just like regular ranged attacks.

    Can a Mage transfix a fallen model? Yes. He cant transfix a transfixed model though.

    Are the effects of transfix and fallen cumulative? So when a model attacks a transfixed and fallen model, does it get +4 on his combat score? No, the attacker gets +2.

    What happens, when a mage casts a transfix spell with power x and range y and the target lies in range 2 * y? For a normal range attack the mage would get -2 on his combat score, but this doesnt make sense for a transfix spell. There is no range modifier NOR ANY COMBAT ROLL AT ALL for a Transfix. If the mage casts a power 2 Transfix and the target is in range, the target must save (Q roll on 2 dice in this case) and if he fails 1 or more dice he is transfixed.

    Two models are in Hand to Hand combat, one of the models is in a wood. Can a mage cast a transfix spell on the model in the wood? If the two are in combat, I imagine he cannot be hidden anyway so yes he would be a valid target.

    Can a transfixed model attack in Hand-to-Hand Combat? Can it cast spells or make ranged attacks? No. A Transfixed model cannot act at all until the Transfix is broken.

    Are spells affected by woods, cover and target size like shooting?

    Yes if used as ranged attacks.

    Can a mage get an ambush bonus? When yes, can a mage get it for a transfix spell? The mage does get an Ambush bonus if he uses a spell as a ranged attack. There is no combat roll at all for Transfix spells so the ambush bonus does not apply when hes casting Transfix.

    Do ONLY magic-users have the ability to cast spells as ranged attacks? Not necromancers, summoners, etc.?

    Necromancers can resurrect and cast attacks, but no transfix; a sorcerer works like a MU with the differences written on p.SGD9 so he can cast standard spells, ditto for a summoner.

  • 9The wording about variant magic-users confuses me:Necromancer is a variant of the Magic-User rule a model cannot be a Necromancer and a Magic-User at the same time.A Necromancer cannot cast Transfix spells. and Sorcerer is a variant of the Magic-User rule - a model cannot be a Sorcerer and a Magic-User at the same time. and Summoner is a variant of the Magic-User rule a model cannot be a Summoner and a Magic-User at the same time. What is the purpose of stating that you cant be a [variant] and a magic user at the same time? Does this mean that the variants cant cast spells? If so, why specifically state that a Necromancer cant transfix (transfix being a type of spell)?

    Its just a statement of the obvious to avoid that people create profiles with both rules.

    The Sorcerer uses the energy from sacrifices to power his spells, and can cast spells normally. The sacrifice thing is balanced by the fact that he is Evil and that friends make gruesome death checks when he performs sacrifices. Same thing for the summoner, his summoning ability is balanced by the fact that if he is killed before he summons, the player will have wasted a few points in the summoning pool. By keeping the magic-user types separated, we feel that we make for a better game. Models have more clearly identified battle roles and they also suggest different schools of magic.

    Magic ItemsMy Unicorn found a magic sword. Can he

    use it?Yes. The Unicorn is not classed as Animal, therefore

    he can use magic weapons. Magic weapons adapt to their user-- in this case, the magic sword would turn into an armored sheath reinforcing the Unicorns horn. Generally, the shape of the model is not important for purposes of a rule his Profile is. If you dont like this ruling, just give the Animal special rule to all four legged models.

    Can my models start out with some magic equipment?

    Yes. You can agree with your opponent that both warbands get one or two random rolls on the magic treasure tables before play.

    Can I pick up a magic item from a killed foe?

    Yes, it takes one action assuming that your model is already adjacent to the killed foe.

    Can a model give a magic item to another model?

    Yes, it takes one action on the part of the one giving the item and one on the part of the model receiving the item. If the receiving model doesnt roll any success, it means that he is wasting his time figuring out how to use the magic item.

    Can a magic-user create new magic items in a campaign?

    For the moment, no. But we are working (among a million other things) on an optional magic supplement. It will contain rules for blessing weapons during a game and for creating magic items, inscribing scrolls, brewing potions, etc during a campaign. Some magic-users will also be able to sacrifice magic items to obtain new powers.

  • 10


    Recoiling Models - if I have two of my opponents models in contact with my model and I defeat them do they both fall/retreat or does this only apply to the main opposing model?

    Only the model that rolled the combat die suffers any combat result. Support models (i.e. Those who gave a -1 to the opponent) do not suffer any combat effects.

    Should a mounted figure (horse & rider) be classed as Big for purposes of ranged attacks? This would give the +1 bonus to the shooter.

    No, because some of the hits would go on the horse or its barding, saddle, etc; therefore size and hit distribution cancel each other out and there is no +1 modifier for shooting at a mounted target.

    Do knocked down figures count as enemy in contact for the -1 penalty? Yes as they are still attacking, distracting, clinging on legs etc.

    Is a missile attack on an Acrobat at -1 if the Acrobat is fallen?

    Yes, the Acrobat is rolling on the floor, dodging, etc. The Acrobat ability is negated only if the model is Transfixed.

    My model is Lethal vs Magic-Users. Does his Lethality count against Summoners, Necromancers etc?

    Yes. Summoners, Necromancers and other spell casters are all variant of the Magic-User rule and so are affected by this type of lethality.

    Can Models with a Combat score of 0 attack? Are they automatically killed?

    Yes they can attack, they just roll a die without adding any Combat score, and no, they are not automatically killed. So if a model with Combat 0 rolls a 4, youll need a final score of 8 to double him and kill him. Of course, with a Combat of 0 some fights will be hopeless even if this is fantasy, you didnt expect peasant children to be able to defeat armored knights, did you?

    When shooting at knocked down models, do you need to double the defenders score to get a kill or simply get a higher score as in melee?

    Simply get a higher score. But you shoot at -1 for enemy lying down unless you are within Short of the target (this is a house rule that was introduced with MDRG and was generally well received by SBH players so we will be making it official in the next edition of the rules. For the moment, decide if you want to use it or not in your games).

    When a knocked down Tough model is defeated in melee but their score is not doubled, do they take a wound or are they dead?

    They take a wound.

    If a knocked down Tough model is defeated in melee by a Savage attacker, but his score is not doubled, does it take a wound, is it killed, or is it a gruesome death?

    The model takes a wound, and if it is the last wound (i.e., the models Quality goes to 7+), then the death is a gruesome death.

    Does Savage work on kills against knocked down models without doubling? Yes. With Savage, every kill is a gruesome kill.

    Do figures in contact get a free hack when their opponent is pushed back by another figure? No, the push back in combat is an orderly, defensive retreat. It is often advantageous to the defender. Please note that this question has been replied yes in older threads on the yahoo group but that was a mistake.

    Are models able to recoil through friendly models behind them?

    Yes, this is another case of the friendly interpenetration rule that is always in effect in SBH.

    How do you resolve situations in which there are multiple models in contact on both sides of a combat? I will attempt an ascii example here:


    The situation above can be quite complicated, depending on who is attacking. In our game, we went with GWs Bloodbowl rules to determine if an assist was valid or not. some examples: if x2 is attacking y1 (or vice

  • versa), there are no valid assists as model y2 is canceling out the potential assists of x1 and x3. However, if x3 is attacking y1, there is a valid assist from model x2, while x1 and y2 cancel each other out... That is how it would work in Bloodbowl. How does SBH handle such situations?

    What you call assist is what I call overlap or support, the -1 per extra adjacent foe. In SBH all overlaps count, no one is canceling out. This means that massed melees are more deadly (every model ends up with lower C scores, and lower C means it is easier to be doubled and therefore killed) and you dont have to count out whose support cancels whose attack because everything counts always.

    Is this correct: A fallen model is attacked at +2 in hand to hand combat. A transfixed model is attacked at +2 in hand to hand AND ranged combat AND when the target of a spell?

    Yes, correct. In both cases the attacker kills if winning the die roll (this is informally known as a quick kill).

    Does the poison special rule apply to ranged attacks made by magic-users? Let me clarify that question: If I have a figure with both the Poison and Magic-User special rules, does the Poison effect apply to ranged attacks made with the figures Magic-User ability?

    Yes. Otherwise the mage would be better off using an arrow. I think that, if a mage knows how to create and manipulate poison, surely he can cast a poison arrow spell at his foes.

    If a figure is in melee combat with three other figures, may it strike back on each attack (with -2 of course)? Every fight is simultaneous and the outnumbered model still gets a chance to kill those who are attacking him.

    When a model is hiding inside a wood and is moving outside to attack an opponent in Hand to Hand Combat, does the attacker gets the +1 ambush bonus? Yes. thats the main application of Ambush bonus.

    Does a model with Stealth get the ambush bonus, when it is adjacent to a scenic item and attacks in hand to hand combat or in range combat? Yes of course. In dungeons (and similar scenarios) he gets the Assassin rule too, as per SGD rules.

    A model on higher ground (or with Clinging) gains a +1 Combat. How does this affect models with Flying?

    A model with flying lands at the end of the flying move, so if it lands higher than another model, it has the advantage of higher ground, if it lands lower (such as on a slope) it doesnt. A model with flying behaves like a normal model for all the things not specified in the flying rule.

    A model with Clinging can cross impassable obstacles (like castle walls), but does this reduce their movement rank?

    Its a judgement call based on the shape of the obstacle. If it is broken (with lots of ramparts, gargoyles etc) then it is broken terrain, otherwise (a smooth surface like the outer wall of a tower) it doesnt reduce movement.

    Could an Amphibious model effectively gain Stealth by ducking under the water (assuming it can breathe underwater) while in water (e.g. a river or lake) terrain?

    Deep water blocks line of sight, so if the model has Stealth the model can use stealth or just hide as any other model. Of course this depends on the modeling/scenic items and a bit of common sense. We generally avoid this as it is difficult to represent three-dimensionally a body of water in a miniature game. Models without stealth do not gain it, but they can hide.

  • 12

    You cant move the leader together with the group. Example: The leader rolls two successes. He moves forward and gives the group command to join up. The group fails its activation and the leader stands aside all alone. It would be better if the leader rolls two successes and uses one action on the group command and saves the other one for the group movement. So if the group activation fails, the leaders second action is wasted. But since a group command must be the leaders last action, this is not possible...

    This is fantasy, a leader leads by moving forward and HOPING that the men will follow. So you use one action to contact the enemy and then another to call your men follow me! charge him now! Going there alone... is one of the risks of leadership. The historical version of the rules will present slightly different (and more involved) uses of group moves and command.

    What exactly is a group movement or the regroup-command and how does it work? Can someone give an example with the concrete sequence of figure activations and actions? A group move is any move that begins or ends in base to base contact with at least another member of the band, and maximum with a group of 5 models. So, 2 to 5 models can be part of a group move.

    To perform the group move, you need to use one action from a leader. The leader gives the order (spends his last action to do so) and then the group activates as if it were a single figure. This means you roll the dice only once, rolling 1, 2 or 3 dice as you prefer, and then move all models accordingly. You can do the same action or different actions with the members of the group, of course if at the end of the turn the models have been moved away from each other they are no longer a group... so here is where Regrouping takes place. A regroup is a special group move in which all the models END in base to base contact. You can imagine the leader is yelling to everybody to regroup around a flag or a certain terrain feature or around himself, or any other point of the board. During a regroup no fighting can take place. The point of group actions is that they let you move your models as a group and therefore make it more difficult to be outnumbered, and make sure you can outnumber enemies.

    Group Actions and Leadership

    How many group activation orders can a Leader give? It doesnt say that it is limited to one group or did I miss it. Is the leader able to give an order to several different groups limited by the number of successes obtained?

    A leader can give only one order per turn. Giving a group move order ends the leaders turn, so giving the order must be the last thing he does or you would waste actions. Then you move to the group that has received the order and roll to activate it.

    When a Leader gives a group order, should all the figures in the group be in his command radius?

    Only one figure in the group need to be within the leaders Long command radius.

    What if a group command is given to attack a Terror-inspiring figure? Do I roll one quality dice for whole the group or one for each figure of the group?

    Each model will roll separately.

    When you activate a group of miniatures, do you carry out all of the actions for the group together or do you make all your moves with one miniature in the group and then move on to the other? Example A: Roll three successes for the group. Move medium with miniature a, b,and c. Then move medium again with a, b and c into base contact with an enemy figure. Then attack with a with a bonus from b and c. Then attack with b with a bonus from a and c. Then finally finish up with c with a bonus from a and b. Probably a bad example because one pushed back will end the gangs attacks but a fall down then follow up with another miniature that aided the attack would be powerful. Example B:Again roll three successes for the group. Move twice with miniature a and then attack with miniature a. Lets say it was even up, nobody moved or fell down. Then repeat the same move and attack with B and C. Which example is correct, A or B?

    B is correct.

  • 13

    15mm HOT - FANTASYAll packs (unless otherwise marked) contain 16 Miniatures

    on foot or 6 Cavalry (horse and rider) or one large Monster. Command packs contain a mix of miniatures totalling sixteen pieces. Artillery packs contain typically one machine and two crew. All packs are priced at 3.50 except for those marked * which are 6.00. gives a flat rate for post and packaging of only 3.50 on all orders or 40.00 or less product value to be mailed anywhere in the world.

    HOT 1 Dwarf Command HOT 2 Dwarf WarriorsHOT 2A Dwarf PolearmsHOT 2B Dwarf HammersHOT 3 Orc & Goblin Command HOT 3A Troll with Hammer (2)HOT 3B Ogre with Club (2)HOT 4 Goblin Horde HOT 4A Orc Horde HOT 4B Mountain Orcs HOT 5 Goblin Wolf Riders (10)HOT 6 Giant Spiders (2)HOT 7 The Giant with Hammer*HOT 8 Elf Command HOT 9 Elf Knight Cavalry - Sword HOT 10 Elf Spearmen HOT 11 Elf Bowmen HOT 12 Ghoul, Wraith & Skeleton KnightHOT 13 Undead Chariot & CrewHOT 14 Hordes of the Dead HOT 15 Dwarf Artillery (2 Cannons & 4 Crew)HOT 16 Orc & Goblin Bolt Thrower (1 & 2 Crew)HOT 17 Dwarf Catapult (1 & 2 Crew)

    HOT 18 Celtic Warriors HOT 19 Celtic Warband HOT 20 Elf Chariot & DriverHOT 21 Zombie Horde HOT 22 Plague of Bats (18)HOT 23 Sitting Dragon*HOT 24 Undead CavalryHOT 25 Orc Chariot with Driver and WarriorHOT 26 The Flying Dragon*HOT 27 The Griffin*HOT 28 The Manticore*HOT 29 The Eagle Lord*HOT 30 War Elephant*HOT 31 War Mammoth*HOT 32 The Sphinx*HOT 33 The Chimera*HOT 34 The Wyvern*HOT 35 The Giant Hydra*HOT 36 Mounted WraithsHOT 37 Swallower of Hope Dragon*HOT 38 Orc ArcherHOT 39 Dwarf KnightHOT 40 Skeleton ArcherHOT 41 Skeleton Spears HOT 42 Elf Cavalry- LanceHOT 43 Elf Heavy Cavalry - SpearsHOT 44 Greater Lizardmen - Maces (10) HOT 45 Greater Lizardmen - Swords (10)HOT 46 Greater Lizardmen - Spears (10)HOT 47 The Dracci (8) (from HOT48-HOT53)HOT 48 Dracci Lords - Swords (4)HOT 49 Dracci Warriors - Scouts (10)HOT 50 Dracci Warriors - Spears (10)HOT 51 Dracci Warriors - Swords (10) HOT 52 Dracci Warriors - Shock Troops (10) HOT 53 Dracci Warriors - Missile Weapons (10)HOT 54 Dwarf CrossbowmanHOT 55 Undead Cadaver Giant*HOT 56 4 x 40mm Wooden PalisadesHOT 57 4 x 40mm Rows Planted Stakes HOT 58 4 x 40mm Townsfolks Possessions HOT 59 4 x 40mm Stone Castle WallsHOT 60 4 x 40mm thick Bastion Walls HOT 61 Goblin ArcherHOT 62 Toadec SpawnHOT 63 Undead Catapult (1 & 2 Crew)

    HOT 64 Large Undead Cadaver Zombie (10)

    HOT 65 The Danu - Celtic Earth Goddess

    HOT 66 Goblin Rat RidersHOT 67 Were Monsters (2)HOT 68 Large Winged Demon (2) HOT 69 Elf CrossbowsHOT 70 Elf Bolt Thrower (1 & 3

    Crew) HOT 71 Elf MattocksHOT 72 Elf Blades HOT 73 Elf Axes HOT 74 Wraith Lord on Fell BeastHOT 75 Owlbears (2)HOT 76 Dogmen PersonalitiesHOT 77 Dogmen CommandHOT 78 Dogmen SpearsHOT 79 Dogmen BowsHOT 80 Dogmen WarriorsHOT 81 Dogmen Boar RidersHOT 82 Dogmen CataphractHOT 83 Undead CommandHOT84 Fire Elemental*HOT85 Earth Elemental*HOT86 Air Elemental*HOT87 Water Elemental*HOT88 Lesser Elementals (12)HOT89 Orc Boar RidersHOT90 Orc Catapult (1 & 2 Crew)

  • What is the exact sequence of actions in group moves? The leader is activated first (lets say three success). His first action is a group move command to three knights. Do I have to activate the knights now, or do I continue with the leaders next actions? Can a leader call more than one group order per turn (e.g. with three successes a group move, a fire command and another group move)? A leader can give only one order per turn. Giving the group move order ends the leaders turn, so giving the order must be the last thing he does or you would waste actions. Then you move to the group and roll to activate it.

    A group makes only one activation roll but uses the worst Quality in the group. So if you have a group of three Elves with Q3+ and a Halfling with Q4+, you must roll 4+. This reads to me as: No Leader Bonus of +1 Quality for Group Activation. So that would mean you only get +1 Leader bonus for individual quality activation. Is this correct?

    No, the leader bonus counts. But if one or more of the models in the group is out of the Leaders command radius (1L), then his Q will be worse because he has no bonus from the Leader... this can happen if the group is spread thin (remember that only ONE model in the group need be in the leaders command radius).

    If a leader activates a group of models, do they still get their own activations as well? Can the same group be given orders multiple times in a turn? By the same leader? If not, Im not sure I see the point of activating as a group.

    A leader can give only one order, and giving the order ends the leaders actions. Then you roll 1,2 or 3 dice for ALL the models. So the advantage is that you roll dice only once and then act as you wish with all the models. This gives you the advantage of coordinating attacks, for example rushing into a melee with one figure and not attacking in a disadvantageous fight and attack with the next, exploiting the outnumbering HtH modifier.

    Whats the point of Regroup - cant the models all just move toward one another on their own?

    Yes, but without a regroup order you need to dice for all models separately and you dont know what will happen. with a regroup you KNOW that they regroup before you start moving them. Remember that you can pre-measure.

    Concentrated Shooting

    In Concentrated Shooting, the Leader spends an action to give the order. What about the group? Every member of the group spends one action shooting.

    The concentrated shooting example in the rules say that the kobolds has to make the activation roll but against what quality? Concentrated Shooting is a sub-case of group activation, so the group activation principle applies. Use the worst Quality in the group.

    What if the group consists of soldiers with different shooting distances? Shall I apply the modifiers to the concentrated shooting?

    If shooters are at different distances and one or more has a negative modifier because of distance, or because the target is in cover, apply that modifier to the concentrated shooting. If one or more models in the group performing the concentrated shooting cannot get a line of sight to the target, those models will not participate in the concentrated shooting.

    SwarmsHow many bases must be in a single swarm?

    Is it mentioned anywhere? It really depends on what you are trying to do. Id

    say 3 or 4 bases is the minimum to have an effective, deadly swarm. Remember that you pay the cost per base (one base is a single model) and a very large number will disperse easily when it suffers a gruesome death (easy on swarms in hand to hand, very rare in ranged combat)

    Are Swarms activated one at a time or do you activate all the bases in contact with each other at once?

    One base is a single model, so if you want to activate more you need to do a group activation; or you can move the bases independently and then, since at the end of the move you must maintain contact with other bases, rearrange them (moving even those that werent activated during the turn) so that each is in contact with at least another swarm base. Sounds more complicated than it really is.... basically a swarm must look like a coherent swarm at the end of any turn. If it doesnt, move them back in contact by moving the MINIMUM number of models. This may mean that if in a large swarm only one base moved forward, that base will have to retreat and join the rest of the swarm as a free action.

  • 15


    If a figure fails a morale test and flees - how long does it flee? Just for one turn or until it reaches the table border? He flees for one turn, for one movement if it failed one morale die, and 2 moves if it failed on 2 dice. If it failed 3, it is automatically removed from the table.

    When a model fails a morale check and flees, can the owning player activate it later (when it hasnt been activated yet)? Yes.

    If a warband goes under 50% and loses their Leader model at the same time, does the warband take two successive Morale tests? If the Leader fails the 50% Morale test on 3 dice, would this trigger an additional test after finishing the warbands 50% Morale test? Yes, this is called the cascading morale effect. It is probably the commonest way to lose a SBH scenario.

    Can a model attack adjacent knocked down enemies in melee when there are other, upright enemies also engaged with the attacker? Yes.

    In the rules it says that while feeing, models must stay at least one short distance away from any enemy or they are destroyed. Does this apply to models that start within one short distance of an enemy?

    The initial contact doesnt count. The purpose of the rule is that when fleeing you must avoid moving closer to enemies. If you move correctly (ie placing the model at the end of the stick INCLUDING THE MODELS BASE) you will surely be more than one Short away from the enemy, so you cant be caught. Some players get this wrong because they move from the front to the front of the base. But in SBH the size of the base is added to your movement. So if you make a short move away from an enemy, you are one short and one base away... no way you could be within one short of the enemy... You can still be caught if the enemy has surrounded you, for example doing a flanking maneuver on the previous turn he placed a few warriors at your back.

    You fail a morale roll while adjacent to a foe. I imagine you would have to either spend fleeing actions to disengage from combat or automatically disengage, which one? Does the enemy get a free hack?

    You dont spend actions to disengage when fleeing, but the enemy gets a free hack BEFORE you move.

    Once models complete a runaway move due to failed morale check, if they are still on the table I interpret the rules to say they can be activated normally next turn, right?

    Correct. There are no memory effects in SBH. Things happen when they happen, and thats it. So if a model failed a morale roll but remained in play, it means he chose to fall back and not to flee. There is no need to keep track of morale status or conditions like shaken routing and things like this that are common in wargames. After all, the typical SBH battlefield is just 60 yards across and a turn is a few seconds, so it makes sense that warriors either flee or they dont.

    Exactly WHEN do you test Morale when you are charged by an enemy with Terror? Test are made immediately as soon as the charge is declared. The Charge, once declared, cannot be aborted. This means that maybe the target of the charge will run away and the charger will complete his charge by moving adjacent to the spot previously occupied by the fleeing model. In practical play, move the Terrorizing foe adjacent to the charged, test for morale, if morale fails move away the charged WITHOUT conducting any combat (i.e., no free hacks) and leave the charger where he is.

    Do you take a morale check as soon as the warband drops below 50% i.e. would models that have not yet taken an action immediately roll to see if they flee and would they do so even if already in hand to hand combat?

    Yes, all Morale tests in SBH are instantaneous roll for them as soon the condition happens.

    Suppose a Lich has rolled three successes. Can I use 1 action to move next to one opponent, then if he flees, use another action to go next to another, if he flees then go next to a third ?

    yes in the same way that you could move next to someone, make an attack and if you kill him then move away to contact another target. The only limitation is that you can make a single attack in a turn, but if the actions allow you to contact multiple opponents you can do so.

    Warband AdvancesCombat Masters: What does the Once

    per combat limitation mean? Since combats happen one at a time, this doesnt seem like an actual limitation at all. Once per game, on a single Combat die roll.

  • ScenariosThe Ambush scenario seems a little odd. If

    the Defender is unable to activate his markers without revealing if they are actual models or dummies, it doesnt seem like much of an advantage at all. The Defender would need to just sit there, doing nothing and waiting for the Attacker to cross the board. The Defender would not be able to move his markers into good positions on the board and frankly seems to be the underdog in this scenario, especially considering the victory point conditions. Is this scenario correct?

    The point of an ambush is that one side waits in ambush while the other moves. Remember that the defender sets the terrain and he can deploy in the closest terrain patch to his baseline. So you can for example build a long area of woods and surround your foes or bring a few advance scouts or archers in the opponents proximity. Not knowing what models are real and what are dummies can be an interesting tactical variation especially if you have Lethals, Assassins, Leaders etc.

    Song of Gold and DarknessIn dungeon raid scenario, does the

    attacker places more than a tile? If so, where? Players alternate placing rooms: after Attacker has placed one, then defender places one, then attacker, and so on. Rooms are placed following the standard rules used in all the scenarios.

    When does the Dungeon Raid scenario end?

    After the last tile has been placed (all doors are connected and there is no more space on the board for more tiles) the scenario can end. It will end when attacker is wiped out, retreats off the dungeon, or decides to move off the dungeon because he picked up enough treasure. More or less, like a standard all out battle, but with the added complication that you need to pick up treasure.

    When rolling a 5 in room content you get a minor treasure room. Does it include a chest? I suppose it does but its not clarified in the text.

    Unless it says that there is a hoard, treasure is always a chest as per SGD p.17

    When a model starts his activation in contact with a open door, does it take one action for the model to open the door?

    Passing through a door stops movement but if the door is open does not require an action. If your movement stopped on the door on the previous turn,

    you move normally (i.e. you dont waste one action). See p. SGD15, open Doors.

    Under Summoner, it says The player can choose what creature he wants after rolling for activation. but it also says If the Summoner rolls three failures on his Summoning spell roll, he is not out of power - the creature he intended to Summon appears, but is controlled by the opponent for the remainder of the game!. But if the summoner failed his 3 rolls, he wouldnt yet have chosen a creature. Did I miss something?

    The wording of the rule is tricky, the creature he intended to Summon makes you think that the player has to declare what hes trying to summon but this is not the case. The opponent gets to pick from the list the creature that is summoned and controlled. We use the rosters in SBH and SGD as lists to pick from, but we also restrict the lists to a player-defined smaller list if the players so prefer.

    A Summoner has 50pts reserved for a summoning pool (giving a 100pt summoning pool). When he makes his summoning roll,is he forced to summon a creature equivalent to the number of successes rolled (i.e. on one success he must summon a creature up to 50pts), or can he choose not to summon anything until he gets enough successes?

    A Summoner could choose to abort their summoning attempt, or spend some of the actions to move or attack (just like casting spells for a Magic User).Any magic function can be aborted. The only risk is running out of magical energies or, in the case of the Summoner, lose control of the summoned monster.

    When a Sorcerer sacrifices a victim, can a Necromancer resurrect that victim?

    No. You cant resurrect a sacrifice as its life force has been absorbed by the dark gods.

    If a Paladin is in hand-to-hand combat with an opponent, and rolls to activate, if an Evil model is within his movement reach, is he forced to disengage with his opponent and attack the Evil model (thereby incurring a potentially fatal Free Hack)?

    If the Paladin is in hand-to-hand he can ignore the Evil model until his current opponent has either fallen, recoiled or been destroyed. Similarly if the Paladin recoiled, he must then attack the Evil model if he is able to. As long as you are in HTH, all psychological effects are temporarily suspended until the combatants are separated.

  • Various StuffAre Song of Blades and Mutants and Death

    Ray Guns compatible? I understand they are built using the same engine, so wondered if I could mix and match powers and such together.

    Basically yes, although youll have to use some common sense to create balanced scenarios. There is an experimental point system for MDRG on the yahoo group and it works well but MDRG wasnt designed with the idea of balancing it with the fantasy game.

    House Rules and variants

    Insufficient space to recoilsubmitted by Sergio LalisciaThe recoil rule says that if a model is surrounded

    and recoils, he falls instead. We came up with a way to adjudicate if a model is surrounded. Basically we draw a line from the center of the base of a surrounding enemy model to the center of the base of another surrounding enemy model, and if the center of the base of the model is crossed by this line, he counts as surrounded, and therefore falls if forced to recoil.

    Others play that a model is surrounded only if there is no way for his base to move away in a recoil without sliding against the base of an active enemy.

    Both methods are fine, and forcing one method over the other creates headaches and makes some basing standards better than others. Since SBH is meant to be used with any consistent basing, youll have to decide what to do in the above cases.

    Variant of Summoner Submitted by Andrew FrazerWhen I use a Summoner in SBH, I allow them

    to Transfix [as you can with Magic User] as well as Summon (Just like a Necromancer can use a magical ranged attack). It doesnt alter the game balance of the Summoner, and gives it something to do once they have summoned (or not) their allies. I reasoned that a Summoner would have some way to control the creatures they summon, which [roughly] translates to an SBH Transfix effect.

    It makes Summoners much more respectable, rather than just monster batteries... BTW I also limit the maximum number of points that can be stored in a Summoners to 50pts (which translates to 100pts of summoned stuff). This prevents a Summoner calling up an Ancient Dragon (by storing 134 pts in the Summoner) in a 300pts game and still having 166pts of models to fight with!

    Variant Summoner mechanics

    Dice Result Effect

    3 Failures The Summoner has broken his pact; for this affront, hes unable to summon any creatures, or cast any spells, for the remainder of the battle.

    2 Failures The Summoner loses concentration, play passes to their opponent and no creatures are summoned.

    1 Success The Summoner has conjured a minor being. The Summoner may place a single monster (found in the roster section of the rulebooks) within short range. This creature must not be more than 35pts in value (or up to the maximum value of the players Summoning Pool).

    2 Successes The Summoner has conjured a lesser gate. The Summoner may place a single monster (found in the roster section of the rulebooks) within short range. This creature must not be more than 70pts in value (or up to the maximum value of the player Summoning Pool). Alternatively the Summoner may place two similar monsters, within short range, of no more than 35pts each (or up to the maximum value of the player Summoning Pool).

    3 Successes The Summoner has conjured a greater portal. The Summoner may place a single monster (found in the roster section of the rulebooks) within short range. This creature must not be more than 100pts in value (or up to the maximum value of the players Summoning Pool). Alternatively the Summoner may place up to three similar monsters, within short range, of no more than 35pts each (or up to the maximum value of the players Summoning Pool).

  • 19

    Variant Necromancer mechanicsSubmitted by Andrew Frazer

    Dice Result Effect

    3 Failures The Necromancer expends all of his necromantic energy in one cataclysmic release, leaving him enervated and unable to cast any more spells. This expelled energy cascades across the battlefield removing all dead models from the play area. Play passes to the opponent.

    2 Failures The Necromancers spell fails and the body is consumed by necromantic energy. Play passes to the opponent and the target dead model is removed from the play area.

    1 Success The target is infused with necromantic energy. This is not enough to resurrect the target dead model, but the target model is not removed from play and another attempt can be made to resurrect it.

    2 Successes

    The model is infused with necromantic energy. The target is resurrected, it suffers a -1 to Quality and Combat, and gains the Undead special rule. The newly resurrected model is considered fallen and must spend an action to stand up.

    3 Successes

    The model is invigorated with necromantic energy. The target model immediately stands up, but suffers a -1 to Quality and Combat, and gains the Undead special rule.

  • 20

    Future Ganesha Games ProductsWhats the release schedule in 2008?It is difficult to predict when new books are coming

    out because Ganesha is largely a one-man operation. A game may be delayed because we found a problem in playtest or, more often, because the game hasnt been playtested enough and we are not sure how a certain rule will interact with another. The more the games grow in options and special abilities, the more difficult it is to predict how these will interact, and the longer the playtesting.

    The best way to know about futrure products is to watch the song of blades yahoo group and visit Ganeshas blog at

    Anyway, Song of Wind and Water is coming out right after this free booklet, so its a late September 2008 release.

    The Napoleonic skirmish game Song of Drums and Shakos is probably next in line. The playtest is going well: it will take some more time than usual for me to do the artwork because Im not used to drawing uniforms etc. Likely a beginning-of-November 2008 release.

    Song of Arthur and Merlin, the SBH Arthurian supplement written by Daniel Mersey (of Glutter of Ravens fame), will ideally come out around Christmas. It will features three versions of the Arthurian myth (the mythic hero, the hollywood/Romantic version, and the historical version).

    Out in 2009Heres the long list of books in the works, being

    written, edited, illustrated or playtested. They should all be published in 2009.

    Assault on Neo Tokyo the long-awaited supplement for MDRG with more stuff than you can level your Death Ray gun at, from Cyber-Ninjas to Neo Ancients to super-evolved velociraptors, bikers and Mutated Apes. Includes rules for heavy weapons, vehicles and eight-legged spider tanks.

    Mighty Monsters Kaiju (giant monster) rules based on SBH engine... for all those of you who like 150-foot tall giant radioactive monsters crushing skyscrapers and tanks, and beating the crap out of each other. Each player controls 2-4 giant monsters or an Alien Invasion Force, or the Army.

    Song of the Dragon Kings Chinese wuxia fantasy supplement for SBH based on the Black Hat miniature line of the same name.

    Fear and Faith horror miniature game based on the Song of Blades mechanics. Can be played in any historical era.

    Adrenaline a cinematic, multiplayer fantasy combat game where every player controls just one character and the focus is on the interactions between the figures and the terrain. This is a new gaming system that will be supported by Adrenaline Shots -- a series of scenarios and maps, each of them expanding the rules.

    ProletaRatz this is Ganeshas first venture into family boardgaming. It is a paper-and-counters, print-and-play boardgame for 3-4 players where every player tries to control the city sewers and builds the happiest, biggest rat community.

    Other stuff were working on, some of which may come out in 2009 if the Stars are Right:

    The Song of Blades RPG;Song of Blasters and Bots (science fiction rules);SBH army level and expanded magic rules;Beyond the Limits of Glory (stand-alone, fast-play

    Army level Napoleonic rules)Adrenaline- Technotriller Edition (expansion for

    Adrenaline with guns, explosives, guns, knives, guns and other stuff that goes boom)

    Power Legion (stand-alone superhero rules based on the Song of Blades engine)

    Thrilling Tales of Adventure (stand-alone pulp rules based on the Song of Blades engine)

    Fear and Flesh (zombie survival supplement for Fear and Faith)

  • 21

    Movement rules for players using hex movement

    submitted by Harland Bistro

    Song of Gold and Darkness clarifies how movement works, stating that figures must move in a straight line when resolving their movement, and cannot break it up. Players using hexes however, are unencumbered by this rule, meaning they are playing in a manner that makes their models far more maneuverable then they were intended in the linear movement version of the game. To fix this I created a couple of simple rules for my home games.

    The Basic MoveWhen a model is activated it must move in a straight line using one of the six directions as shown in Figure

    A. It does not have to move its full movement, but it may not break off from the line.

    Figure A Figure B

    The Attack MoveThe only exception to the Basic Move is the Attack Move. When a player wishes to have a model attack an

    enemy figure in hand to hand combat, the player may announce his intention and move his figure the shortest distance possible to make it adjacent to its target (see Figure B). An Attack Move may not be used to move around one enemy model to get to another.

  • 22

    New Species Found!Submitted by Ben Boersma

    28mm Models by Eureka Miniatures, painted and photographed by Ben Boersma

    The world of Songs of Blades and Heroes can be whatever you want it to be. You could recruit a warband of evil goblins to raid the pristine forests of the elves. You could recruit a warband of undead monstrosities and take your fight to the dwarves. You could take a band of Leonines, or Kobolds or you can create your own creatures to lead into battle through simple, yet accurate creation steps.

    Songs of Blades and Heroes provides the player with a plentiful supply of troop types, from all different facets of the fantasy genre.

    Here, we introduce two new factions to lead into battle, the Frogfolk and the Silva. Both are expanded in Song of Wind and Water.

    The FrogfolkThe Frogfolk are an amphibious species of bipedal frogs that dwell in swamps and forests across the land.

    They live in secluded tribes and worship nature above all else. They are led by a Tribal Elder, but it is the Totem of a tribe that all Frogfolk look to for guidance and inspiration.

    The SilvaThe Silva are a species of semi-intelligent, predatory plants that thrive in the thick undergrowth of steamy

    jungles and oppressive swamps, setting traps and preying on any and all who pass through their domain. They are slow, yet determined hunters that often wait until the right time to strike.

  • 23

    Frogfolk Tribal Elder

    Points 72 Quality 3+ Combat 3

    Special rules: Amphibious, Leader, Savage

    Frogfolk Questor

    Points 76 Quality 3+ Combat 4

    Special rules: Amphibious, Hero

    Frogfolk Shaman

    Points 36 Quality 3+ Combat 1

    Special rules: Amphibious, Magic-User, Slow

    Frogfolk Reed Bearer (Standard Bearer)

    Points 24 Quality 4+ Combat 2

    Special rules: Amphibious, Fearless, Standard Bearer

    Frogfolk Salamander Rider

    Points 56 Quality 4+ Combat 4

    Special rules: Amphibious, Mounted, Big, Long Move, Slow

    Spirit of the Frogfolk (Giant Frogmonster)

    Points 77 Quality 4+ Combat 5

    Special rules: Amphibious, Tough, Huge, Steadfast

    Frogfolk Warrior (sword and shield)

    Points 36 Quality 3+ Combat 3

    Special rules: Amphibious

    Frogfolk Spearmen

    Points 32 Quality 4+ Combat 2

    Special rules: Amphibious, Acrobat

    Frogfolk Archer (bow)

    Points 30 Quality 4+ Combat 2

    Special rules: Amphibious, Shooter Long

    Frogfolk Blowpiper (blowpipe)

    Points Quality 2+ Combat 1

    Special rules: Amphibious, Shooter Short, Poison, Stealth

    Frogfolk Berserker

    Points 42 Quality 3+ Combat 3

    Special rules: Amphibious, Savage

    Frogfolk Drummer

    Points 46 Quality 3+ Combat 1

    Special rules: Amphibious, Leader

    Frogfolk Veteran

    Points 90 Quality 3+ Combat 2

    Special rules: Amphibious, Leader, Tough, Shooter (Short)

    Frogfolk Shell Crusher

    Points 26 Quality 5+ Combat 4

    Special rules: Amphibious, Savage

    Silva Urticans

    Points 20 Quality 4+ Combat 3

    Special rules: Slow, Poison

    Silva Sagittans

    Points 14 Quality 5+ Combat 3

    Special rules: Short Move, Slow, Shooter Short, Poison, Opportunistic

    Magna Silva

    Points 63 Quality 4+ Combat 4

    Special rules: Leader, Big, Opportunistic

    Silva Timenda

    Points 89 Quality 4+ Combat 4

    Special rules: Assassin, Tough, Huge, Opportunistic

    Shameless plug: looking for models to represent the Silva? Check the mutant plants produced

    by Ramshackle for our post-apocalyptic ruleset Mutants and Death Ray Guns.

  • 24

    Background: A Frogfolk tribe have recently left their homeland, to help defend a neighbouring tribes land. On their return, they find their homelands empty and barren. The sound of raucous croaking faded into the mists of the swamp. The only evidence of what had happened was their tribes Totem staff lodged in the ground pointing towards a makeshift path in the undergrowth. On closer inspection, the Totem staff was covered in tiny barbs The Silva! bellowed the Tribal Elder, We must save our Totem! To arms!

    Setup:The playing field is a standard 2x 2 table (3 x 3

    in 28mm). The board should be littered with at least four forest areas. In the centre of the board there should be a marsh or water body.

    Forces:The Frogfolk forces should consist of 450 points

    of troops. In this total you must include the cost for a Frogfolk Totem. No more than half of the points should be spent on personalities.

    The Silva forces should consist of 500 points of troops. No more than two hundred of these points may be spent on personalities.

    Deployment:The Frogfolk have just entered the area where

    the Silva have held up, they may be placed within one medium stick from the South board edge. The Frogfolk Totem is not deployed with the Frogfolk, but is placed by the Silva player, anywhere within 1 short stick of the North board edge. He may not be activated at all until a friendly model has spent an action whilst in base contact with him. After this he may be activated normally.

    The Silva can be placed anywhere on the North half of the table, but no closer than a Long stick from the Frogfolk Totem.

    Victory Conditions: Frogfolk Win: Release the Totem and leave with him via the South board edge.

    Silva Major Win: Stop the Totem from leaving the South board edge.

    Minor Win: Reduce your opponent to a quarter of their starting numbers.

    Special rules:The Silva know the Frogfolk will try to save their

    Totem and so have set a trap. The Silva will not harm the Totem unless he is released.

    Campaign Victory points:If you plan to use this scenario in a Campaign, the

    winning warband receives 1 point per 20 points of defeated enemies. Control of the Totem at the end of the scenario is worth 5 points.

    Song of Blades Scenario: Rescue the Totem

  • 25

  • 26

    Savage -- Does a character with Savage inflict gruesome kills with ranged attacks, too, or just with hand-to-hand?

    Good that you asked. Savage counts only in HTH although this is NOT specified in the rules.

    Assault on Neo Tokyo, the MDRG supplement, will add savaging ranged weapons (weapons that mangle horribly their targets). Stuff like MFS (monowire filament shooters) that turn the targets into mincemeat, and dna-scramblers that turn the target into an agonizing nervous system suspended into a pool of writhing protoplasm. These are Savage ranged attacks.

    Grenades- Does the target have to be an enemy character? Or can it be thrown simply at a point on the board? Grenades can be aimed at any point on the board. In facts, the rules state that the thrower may hit even friends or himself if he is in the blast radius. This includes characters with Stealth. The opponent KNOWS (more or less) than an enemy is in the area, but since the character is Stealthy his opponents cant really draw a LoS to him -- lobbing a grenade into the area seems the sensible thing to do when you KNOW someone is skulking in the area.

    The rules state that a character with Stealth cannot be targeted by any ranged attacks. So, can an enemy character simply walk up directly to it and attack it in hand-to-hand combat? Stealth does not immunize a model from ranged harm flying his way, it only makes the target so unlikely to be hit (as the firer is guessing at his location instead of actually seeing him) that for game purposes we just ignore the possibility of him being hit by ranged fire. As a gentlemans agreement before play, players may state that they will not throw grenades at areas containing Lurkers and other models that start HIDDEN until those models move or perform any attack. But this depends on the scenario and so is left to players agreement. Consider the following two situations:

    a) you are stumbling into a forest looking for food but you have no idea if there will be plants or robots or whatever in the area b) you are assaulting the base of the Radiation Five warband and youre sure there are sentinels hidden among the ruins where they live.

    I would rule that in situation A lurkers cannot be grenaded until they give out their position. In situation B, the attacker would probably start his assault by throwing a few well placed grenades right behind the ruins!

    Models can melee normally against Stealthy models. The reasoning is: I know you are there, I cannot fire at you because you are hiding, but if I come looking for you, you wont have anywhere to hide anymore. So to make things simple I just ruled that, if a model has the guts(and enough activations) to reach you in HtH, he can attack the stealthy enemy. Note that in many cases, the Stealthy character may recoil away from the HTH combat and therefore become Stealthy again, so you either follow him through the bushes (risking ambushes etc) or he will disappear again. Robots, Wretcheds, etc see Stealthy targets like any other, unless they have a piece of technology or mutation that specifically negates Stealth.

    Throwing Grenades and Stealth- Does throwing a grenade reveal your position? Models with Stealth throwing grenades, or using silent ranged weapons like bows or blowguns will NOT give out their position. The rules specifies that FIREARMS give out positions. This makes a Stealthy assassin armed with a needler or thrown daggers a dangerous opponent.

    If a victorious warband chooses Extra Follower as an advance, does it receive ANY rolls (mutations, skills, equipment)? Extra followers do NOT receive equipment, food or cells as per MDRG p.32. They do receive mutations, skills -- they just arrive penniless and naked into your band and you must provide for them.


    MDRG errata, rulings and FAQs

  • 27

    Next Issue:Out of This Stone and Anvil A short interview with Daniel Mersey about his Song of Arthur and Merlin

    Turtles and TerrapinsMore fantasy folk from Ben Boersma

    Of Jaegers and Chasseurs Sergio Laliscias designers notes about his Song of Drums and Shakos

    The Bridge over MurkywatersA short introductive scenario for Song of Blades and Heroes

    Cloudvaulting with MonkeyA preview of Song of the Dragon Kings

    Out in December 2008FREE from
