Fredericksburg Field House Indoor Soccer Rules Rule 1 ... · Indoor Soccer Rules Rule 1-Field of...

Fredericksburg Field House Indoor Soccer Rules Rule 1-Field of Play: Rule 2-The Ball: Size 3 for U6 and below Size 4 for U7 thru U12 & Family Fun Size 5 for U13 and above Rule 3-The Player and Subs: Youth Soccer U6 and Younger o 4 v 4 No designated Keeper (Small Field) Youth Coed Recreational Leagues (Large Field)-Winter 1 Session o 7 V 7 Including Keeper -Keeper must be identified-minimum of (4) Four players. o This league teams can play with mixed teams, all boy teams, or all girl teams. It is not mandatory for teams to have both boys and girls on a team Youth Coed Recreational Leagues (Medium Field) Winter 11 Session o 6 V 6 Including Keeper (Medium Field)-Keeper must be identified-minimum of (4) Four players. o This league teams can play with mixed teams, all boy teams, or all girl teams. It is not mandatory for teams to have both boys and girls on a team o Keepers’ cannot score a goal by directly throwing the ball into the opposing team’s goal o No (3) Three line violations on the medium field o Time is kept by the referee’s watch and is the official time U8 thru U12 Competitive o 7 V 7 Including Keeper (Large Field)-Keeper must be identified-minimum of (5) Five players U13 thru U17 Competitive and High School o 6 V 6 Including Keeper (Large Field)-Keeper must be identified-minimum of (4) Four players Family Fun League (Size 4 Ball)

Transcript of Fredericksburg Field House Indoor Soccer Rules Rule 1 ... · Indoor Soccer Rules Rule 1-Field of...

Page 1: Fredericksburg Field House Indoor Soccer Rules Rule 1 ... · Indoor Soccer Rules Rule 1-Field of Play: Rule 2-The Ball: Size 3 for U6 and below ... Fourteen years of age. Teams do

Fredericksburg Field HouseIndoor Soccer Rules

Rule 1-Field of Play:

Rule 2-The Ball:

Size 3 for U6 and below Size 4 for U7 thru U12 & Family Fun Size 5 for U13 and above

Rule 3-The Player and Subs:

Youth Soccer

U6 and Youngero 4 v 4 No designated Keeper (Small Field)

Youth Coed Recreational Leagues (Large Field)-Winter 1 Sessiono 7 V 7 Including Keeper -Keeper must be identified-minimum of (4) Four players.o This league teams can play with mixed teams, all boy teams, or all girl teams. It is not

mandatory for teams to have both boys and girls on a team Youth Coed Recreational Leagues (Medium Field) Winter 11 Session

o 6 V 6 Including Keeper (Medium Field)-Keeper must be identified-minimum of (4) Four players.

o This league teams can play with mixed teams, all boy teams, or all girl teams. It is not mandatory for teams to have both boys and girls on a team

o Keepers’ cannot score a goal by directly throwing the ball into the opposing team’s goalo No (3) Three line violations on the medium fieldo Time is kept by the referee’s watch and is the official time

U8 thru U12 Competitiveo 7 V 7 Including Keeper (Large Field)-Keeper must be identified-minimum of (5) Five

players U13 thru U17 Competitive and High School

o 6 V 6 Including Keeper (Large Field)-Keeper must be identified-minimum of (4) Fourplayers

Family Fun League (Size 4 Ball)

Page 2: Fredericksburg Field House Indoor Soccer Rules Rule 1 ... · Indoor Soccer Rules Rule 1-Field of Play: Rule 2-The Ball: Size 3 for U6 and below ... Fourteen years of age. Teams do

o 7 V 7 Including Keeper (Large Field)-Keeper must be identified-minimum of (4) Four players. Teams consist of a maximum of (3) Three adults (14 and older are considered adults) and (4) Fours youth ages 8-13. Team minimum is (4) Four players with at least (2) two players being under (14) Fourteen years of age. Teams do not have to be Co-ed but it is encouraged. Scores will be tracked on the field, but not recorded. This League is for fun and is not considered competitive

Adult Soccer Coed Adult Leagues

o 6 V 6 Including Keeper (Large Field)-Keeper must be identified-(2) Two players must be female. Minimum of (4) Four players required to start the match with at least (1) One of the (4) Four being a female. If a team can only field (1) one female then that team shall play down a player. A male over (50) Fifty may be used to substitute as a female, however (1) One of the (5) Five remaining position field player must still be female. In this situation the female may not be used as the Keeper

Men’s Leagueo 6 V 6 Including Keeper (Large Field)-Keeper must be identified-minimum of (4) Four

players Over 35 League

o 6 V 6 Including Keeper (Large Field)-Keeper must be identified-minimum of (4) Four players. All players must be over (35) Thirty-five years of age unless otherwise approved by staff

Note:(1) Players and coach(s) must be listed on the Field House roster and are subject to the

authority and jurisdiction of the Referee. All non-players shall be on the spectator side of the field.

(2) High School teams are required to have a person over (18) Eighteen years of age, that is not a player, on the sideline that is acting as the team coach and will be held responsible for the actions of the team while on the field or in the team area

(3) A team playing with a player who has not paid their league fees shall forfeit that game if it is discovered at any point once the match starts

Unlimited Substitution:

During dynamic play, substitutions may be made at any time on an unlimited basis. Teams can substitute freely, however all substitutions, oncoming and off going substitutions must be made within the designate crease as outlined on the field diagram. Violation will result in an “Indirect Free Kick” from the location of the illegal touch.

Rule 4-Player equipment

Shin Guards (age/size appropriate) are REQUIRED- not optional Flats, turf shoes, or molded cleats are allowed No metal or screw in cleats are permitted Keepers must be identified in a different color as BOTH field teams NO JEWELRY allowed other then medical alert or religious requirements Players are required to wear the same color jerseys If both teams have similar color jersey’s, the Home Team is required to change to a non-similar

color jersey before the start of the match

Page 3: Fredericksburg Field House Indoor Soccer Rules Rule 1 ... · Indoor Soccer Rules Rule 1-Field of Play: Rule 2-The Ball: Size 3 for U6 and below ... Fourteen years of age. Teams do

Rule 5-The Referee

All decisions made by the referee will be in reference to the interpretation and implementation of the rules of the game and are considered final.

It is the referee’s responsibility to keep the games on schedule. Shortened halves or reduced intermissions can be utilized at the discretion of the referee and/or the facility duty manager in order to maintain the game schedules.

A team that does not have the minimum number of players to start a match (within (5) Five minutes of scheduled start time) will be declared a forfeit and scored as a 3-0 win for other team. If after legal play has started and a condition comes up in which the match is no longer legal, the winning team is allowed to keep the current score, as long as the winning team is not the one causing the illegal condition.

Once a game reaches half time the contest is considered a legal match A referee may shorten a forfeited match at his or her discretion in order to maintain the daily

schedule. Up to (5) five minutes per half may be deducted from the normally schedule match length.

Out-of-Play calls do not require a whistle but the proper arm signal to indicate restart directionshould be utilized

All restarts do not require a whistle, only at a ceremonial restart, penalty kicks, when a player is carded, or at a referees discretion

Rule 6-Duration of the games:

Note: On-coming team warm-ups prior to the game are to be done off the field. No warm up time is allotted to the team on the daily game schedule. A referee may add time back onto the clock if he feels a player has intentionally prevented a restart to waste time

Running Clocko All games have a running clock unless:

A serious injury and results in a major delay of the game Bodily fluids (blood, vomit, etc.,) that require bio-disinfectant during the games

U8 and belowo (4) Four (8) Eight minute Quarters (Small Field Only)o (1) One Minute break between quarters

U9 thru High School & Family Funo (2) 20 Two-Twenty minute halveso (2) Two minute break between halves

Adult Leagueso (2) 22 Two-Twenty-two minute halveso (2) Two minute break between halves

Playoff Gameso Playoff games tied at end of regulation will play (2) Two (5) Five minute sudden death

overtime periodso If still tied after overtimes, game will proceed with a shootout to determine a winner. See

Rule 12

Rule 7-Starts and Restarts

All Restarts: The ball must be stationary before a restart may take place Defensive players are required to give the restart free kick (3) three yards free space Restarts along the walls are to be within (1) One yards off the wall Kicking team has (5) five seconds to restart play or the ball is awarded to the opposing team and

result in an “Indirect Free Kick”. Unless, restart has been delayed by opposing team which may result in a cautionable offense

Start of the Match

Page 4: Fredericksburg Field House Indoor Soccer Rules Rule 1 ... · Indoor Soccer Rules Rule 1-Field of Play: Rule 2-The Ball: Size 3 for U6 and below ... Fourteen years of age. Teams do

At the start of the match the scheduled Home Team has the first half Kick-off- Visiting team will get the second half Kick-off

A Kick-off A Kick-off is taken from the center mark at the beginning of each half and after each goal is

scored A Kick-off can be played in any direction. A player who initiates the Kick-off may not play the ball again until the ball touches another

player Kick-off’s does not require a whistle-Referee may allow the Kick-off with a verbal

acknowledgementOut of Touch Restarts

All restarts along the walls are to be within (1) one yards of the wall and within (1) one yard from the point to which the ball went out of play

Goal Kicks Goal Kick’s are to be taken from within the designated goal area (See Field Layout above)

Corner Kicks Corner Kicks are to be taken on the attacking teams corners from the spot designated by field

markings if provided. Corner Kicks are considered In-Direct Free KicksThree Line Violation

Any ball played from behind the defensive red line must hit the field, another player or wall before it cross the offensive red line in the air. Violations result in an “Indirect Free Kick” to the opposing team on their offensive red line

Referee Stoppage-Restart If no clear possession is observed upon a referee stoppage of play, the restart will be a drop ball

at the point of play prior to the stoppage. If clear possession was observed at the stoppage of play by the referee, an “Indirect Free Kick” will be awarded to the team in possession at the time of the whistle

Rule 8-Ball in and Out Of Play

The ball is always considered in play with the exception of the following: Ball hits the netting above the glass or boarded walls Ball leaves the field of play for any reason

o If the ball hits any part of the building ceiling or building superstructure the restart will be as follows (No difference if attacking or defending team has restart)

Between the goal line and the first red line restart will be on the red line. Between red lines the restart is on the mid field line

All structured walls glass or boarded are considered “In Play”

Rule 9-ScoringA goal is scored only if the entire ball legally crosses over the goal line. To be officially scored a goal, the ball must cross the goal line before the buzzer sounds ending a period of play.

Rule 10-Fouls and other Violations

Fouls occur if a player: Handles the ball (except goalkeeper within his penalty area) Commits a Dangerous play

o Playing the ball on the ground with an opponent engaged in play on the ballo Pinning the ball against the boards and using two arms against the wall to create a cover

shield Attempting or committing the follow are considered fouls; Holding, Obstructing, Sliding tackling,

Kicking, Tripping, Jumping at, Charging, Striking or Pushing an opponent Sliding by a defender inside the defensive penalty area which impedes an attack will result in a

PK for the attaching team

Page 5: Fredericksburg Field House Indoor Soccer Rules Rule 1 ... · Indoor Soccer Rules Rule 1-Field of Play: Rule 2-The Ball: Size 3 for U6 and below ... Fourteen years of age. Teams do

o Sliding is defined as a deliberate action in which at least one leg is extended, and any other part of the body other than the second foot touches the playing surface at the same time.

Preventing or interfering with a goal keeper distributing the ball Forcing an opponent into a wall in a dangerous fashion Play will restart as “Indirect Free Kick” if the attacking player commits a foul inside the attacking

penalty area. The ball shall be placed at the top of the penalty arch.Goal Keeper Violations:

Punting or drop kicking the ball Illegal handling outside the penalty area Handling the ball after having distributed the ball to a field player without first touching another

opposing player Pass back deliberately by foot from a teammate and handling the ball illegally Handling to controlling the ball for more than (5) five seconds within his penalty area

Caution able Offenses-A referee may issue a yellow card resulting in a (2) Two minute power play for theopposing team for the following offenses

Aggressive Boarding Unsporting Behavior Dissent by word or action Aggressive deliberate rough play Persistent infringement Delaying the restart of play Failure to respect the required distance for a free kick

Caution and (5) Five minute penalty (team plays short for entire time) Denying the opposing team a goal or an obvious goal-scoring opportunity by deliberately

handling the ball (not including goalkeeper in own penalty area). Denying an obvious goal-scoring opportunity to an opponent moving towards the player’s goal by

an offense punishable by a free kick or penalty kick.Caution and (5) Five Minute penalty (none power play)

If the referee feels a player is playing with an excessive amount of aggression and he sees a potential problem developing, the referee may issue a 5 minute yellow to have the player sit out, cool down while the offender’s team will remain at full strength.

Sending-off (Ejection) Offenses-If a player receives a red card of any reason the team must play down and serve an entire (5) Five minute penalty. Sending off offenses are for any of the following:

Serious Foul Play Violent Conduct Spitting on the field, at opponent, or any other person Using offensive, insulting or abusive language and/or gestures Receiving second caution in the same match

Rule 11-Time Penalties

Cautions-Yellow Cards All caution able offenses result in the offending player receiving a (2) Two minute penalty. The

offending player’s team plays a player down for the duration of the penalty.

Exception-If the goalkeeper commits the yellow card offense a team may select another player currently on the field to serve as the cautioned player

Power Play If a goal is scored by the team with the additional player during the power play, the short-

handed team may add a player to the field to equal the team numbers, however the added player cannot be the carded player, until the entire time penalty is served

Exception-if a goal is scored during a (5) Five minute penalty for denying an obvious goal scoring opportunity, the team will play continue to play short for entire (5) Five Minute penalty

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All Red Card Ejections Field House Policy-Any player who receives a RED Card must leave the facility

IMMEDIATELY, unless the offending player is under (18) Eighteen years of age. A Red Carded youth player -under (18) Eighteen years of age-must be IMMEDIATELY escorted from the facility by a parent or guardian. All Red Carded players will be suspended for AT LEAST (1) onegame. The Red Card offense will be reviewed by the Field House Staff to see if the Red Carded player will be awarded a longer suspension. Any player who receives an additional Red Card within the same season will be suspended from the facility for (8) eight weeks. NO EXCEPTIONS

The referee must report the player’s name to facility management, fill out an Ejection Report and notify the assigner at the end of the game. If the players name cannot be immediately obtained, the Field House management can suspend the entire team until the players name is obtained.

Rule 12-Penalty Kicks and Shootouts

Penalty Kicks Penalty Kick’s are to be taken by placing the ball on the top of the penalty area. Kicker is allowed

a running or stationary approach to the ball. All players on the field with the exception of the defensive keeper must be behind the ball prior to the direct free kick

Note: Only play-off games require a final winner. Shootouts will only be taken if the (2)-5Five Minute Golden goal overtime periods have elapsed.

Rules for the Shootout or Tiebreaker: Overtime period is a golden goal situation. First goal scored wins match. If ties after first 5 min

period a second will be payed. Any player who was on the field of play at that conclusion of the last overtime period may

participate in the Kicks from the Penalty Mark. Except a penalized player currently serving a time penalty. In that case the other team shall select a player to reduce to equate the number of players taking the kicks from the penalty mark.

The referee selects which goal will be used for the Shootout The Players participating in the Kicks from the Penalty Mark (KPM) shall wait their turn behind

the midfield line. The teams shall remain separated to clearly show which players are participating in the KPM

Each Team selects (3) Three players to participate in the first round of the Shootout The shooter has (5) Five seconds to play the ball after the referee whistle is sounded Goal Keeper must have al least (1) One foot on the goal line If tied after the first (3) Three shooters, a second round of Shootouts will be taken by any other

(3) Three players, with sudden dead rules applying. If still tied any player may now shoot the ball again, and sudden death rules still apply

Standings are determined as follows:

(3) Points for each win (1) Point for a tie (0) Points for a loss

If points are tied at the end of the season, the follow order is used to determine the final standings-1. Head to Head records2. Goals scored against3. Goal differential

Note: All forfeited games will be scored as an 8-0 winScored and standing will be posted on the website the day following the matchesFor further clarification on rules please see the Indoor Soccer Rules at