Fractures and Fracture Management. Outline Definition of Fracture Radiographic and clinical...

Fractures and Fracture Management

Transcript of Fractures and Fracture Management. Outline Definition of Fracture Radiographic and clinical...

Fractures and Fracture Management


• Definition of Fracture

• Radiographic and clinical description of


• Classification of Fractures

• Treatment of Fractures

Definition of Fracture

• Disruption in the integrity of living bone, involving

injury to the bone marrow, periosteum and adjacent

soft tissues

• Described radiographically and clinically

Radiograph and Clinical Descriptions

• Anatomy: Described in relation to the bones involved

and the location within the bone (diaphysis,

metaphysis, physis, epiphysis)

• Articular surface involvement: Does the fracture

have intra-articular involvement?

Anatomy and Articular Surface• Which bone?• Thirds (long bones)– Proximal, middle, distal

third• Anatomic orientation– Proximal, distal, medial,

lateral, anterior, posterior• Anatomic landmarks – Head, neck, body / shaft,

base, condyle• Segment (long bones)– Epiphysis, physis,

metaphysis, diaphysis






Articular Surface

Radiograph and Clinical Descriptions

• Displacement: Is the distal fracture fragment

displaced compared with proximal fragment? To

what degree is the fracture displaced?

• Angulation: The angular deformity is defined in

degrees in terms of the distal fragment in relation to

the proximal fragment

Radiograph and Clinical Descriptions

• Shortening: Has the fracture caused shortening of

the involved bone?

• Rotation: Described both radiographically and


Radiograph and Clinical Descriptions

• Fragmentation

– Multi-fragmentary fracture: several breaks in bone

creating 2 fragments

– Wedge fracture: either spiral (low energy) or bending

(high energy) and allow the proximal and distal fracture

fragments to contact each other

– Simple fractures: spiral, oblique or transverse

Radiograph and Clinical Descriptions

• Soft tissue involvement:

– Is the fracture open or closed?

– Is associated neurologic or vascular injury present?

– Is there muscle damage or compartment syndrome?

Different Types of Fractures

Direction of the Fracture

Closed Fracture

• Fracture is not exposed to the environment

• All fractures have some degree of soft tissue injury

• Commonly classified according to the Tscherne


Closed Fracture Classification

• Tscherne Classification:

– Grade 0: Minimal soft tissue injury; Indirect injury

– Grade 2: Direct injury; more extensive soft tissue

injury and severe bone injury

– Grade 3: Severe injury to soft tissue; degloving with

destruction of subcutaneous injury (Compartment

syndrome is a concern)

Orthopedic Trauma Association

Open Fracture

• A break in the skin and underlying soft tissue leading

directing into or communicating with the fracture

and its hematoma

• Serious injury as infection can gain entrance into the

body through the wound and endanger limb or life

• Described by the Gustilo classification system

Orthopedic Trauma Association

Classification of Open Fractures

• Type 1: Wound is smaller < 1 cm, clean and caused

by fracture fragment that pierces the skin (Low

energy injury)

• Type II: Wound > 1cm, not contaminated. And

without major soft tissue damage defect (Low energy


Classification of Open Fractures

• Type III: Wound > 1 cm, with significant soft tissue

disruption (High energy trauma) severely unstable

fracture with varying degrees of fragmentation

• Type III fractures are subdivided:

– IIIA: Wound has sufficient soft tissue to cover the

bone without the need for local or distant flap


Classification of Open Fractures

• Type III fractures:

– IIIB: Disruption of soft tissue is extensive, such

that local or distant flap coverage is necessary

• Wound is often contaminated

– IIIC: Associated with an arterial injury that

requires repair


• Frequency:

– Trauma is the leading cause of death ages 1-34 yrs

• Causes more years of lost productivity before age 65 than

coronary artery disease, cancer, and stroke combined

– Facture incidence is multi-factorial such as age, sex, co-

morbidities, lifestyle and occupation (In the US, 5.6 million


Etiology of Fractures

• Occur when the force applied to a bone exceeds the

strength of the involved bone

• Both intrinsic + extrinsic factors are important

– Extrinsic factors: include the rate at which the bone’s

mechanical load is imposed and the duration, direction, and

magnitude of the forces acting on the bone

– Intrinsic factors: include the involved bone’s energy-absorbing

capacity, modulus of elasticity, fatigue, strength, and density

Etiology of Fractures

• Result of direct or indirect trauma

• Direct trauma consists of direct force applied to the bone

– Direct mechanisms include tapping fractures (eg, bumper

injury), penetrating fractures (eg, gunshot wound), and

crush fractures

• Indirect trauma involves forces acting at a distance from

the fracture site such as tension (traction), compressive,

and rotational force


• 5 phases of fracture healing:

– Fracture and inflammatory phase

– Granulation tissue formation

– Callus formation

– Lamellar bone deposition

– Remodeling

Fracture and Inflammatory Phase

• Actual fracture injuries to the bone include insult to the bone

marrow, periosteum, and local soft tissues

• The most important stage in fracture healing is the

inflammatory phase and subsequent hematoma formation

• It is during this stage that the cellular signaling mechanisms

work through chemotaxis and an inflammatory mechanism to

attract the cells necessary to initiate the healing response

Granulation Tissue Formation

• Within 7 days, the body forms granulation tissue

between the fracture fragments

– Various biochemical signaling substances are

involved in the formation of the granulation tissue

stage, which lasts approximately 2 weeks

Callus Formation

• During callus formation, cell proliferation and

differentiation begin to produce osteoblasts and

chondroblasts in the granulation tissue

– The osteoblasts and chondroblasts synthesize the

extracellular organic matrices of woven bone and

cartilage, and then the newly formed bone is mineralized

– This stage requires 4-16 weeks.

Lamellar bone Formation and Remodeling

• During the fourth stage: Meshlike callus of woven

bone is replaced by lamellar bone, which is organized

parallel to the axis of the bone

• Final stage: remodeling of the bone at the site of the

healing fracture by various cellular types such as


• The final 2 stages require 1-4 years

Patient Factors and Fracture Healing Factors Ideal Problematic

Age, y Youth Advanced age (>40 y)

Comorbidities None Multiple medical comorbidities (eg,


Medications None Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

(NSAIDs), corticosteroids

Social factors Nonsmoker Smoker

Nutrition Well nourished Poor nutrition

Fracture type Closed fracture, neurovascularly intact

Open fracture with poor blood supply

Trauma Single limb Multiple traumatic injuries

Local factors No infection Local infection

Presentation of Single Limb Injury

• Obtain through hisotiry for the mechanism of injury

• Obtain history of any previous injury or fracture is


• Obtain complete past medical and surgical history

– Including medications and allergies, as well as a social

(smoking and illicit drug use) and occupational history

Physical Examination in Single Limb Injury

• Physical exam must include a thorough inspection of

the integument (with documentation)

• If the fracture is open, a clinical photograph may be

taken for documentation purposes

• Distal neurologic and vascular status must be

assessed and documented

Physical Examination in Single Limb Injury

• Palpate the entire limb including the joints above + below the

injury -- check for areas of pain, effusions, and crepitus

• Often, other associated injuries may be present (eg, injuries

to the spine with a jumping mechanism of injury)

• Assessment of range of motion (ROM) may not be possible,

but this should be documented

• Assessments for ligamentous injury and tendon rupture

Multiple Traumatic Injuries

• Initial assessment of a patient with polytrauma follows

the advanced trauma life support (ATLS) protocols

– Includes the identification and treatment of life-

threatening injuries

• The first step is evaluation of the individual's airway,

breathing, and circulation

– Immediate endotracheal intubation and rapid

administration of intravenous fluids may be necessary

Multiple Traumatic Injuries

• Spinal precautions must be maintained until injury to

the spine can be excluded clinically and


– Radiographs or computed tomography [CT] scans

• Once patient is hemodynamically stable

– The secondary survey, a complete systems-based physical

examination, is performed

Initial Management of Fractures

• Consists of realignment of the broken limb segment

and then immobilizing the fractured extremity in a


• Distal neurologic + vascular status must be clinically

assessed and documented before and after

realignment and splinting

Initial Management of Fractures

• If a patient sustains an open fracture, achieving hemostasis as

rapidly as possible at the injury site is essential

– This is achieved by placing a sterile pressure dressing over the injury

• Splinting is critical in providing symptomatic relief for the patient,

preventing potential neurologic + vascular injury and further injury

to the local soft tissues

• Patients should receive adequate analgesics in the form of

acetaminophen or opiates, if necessary.

Management of Open Fractures

• Treatment goals for open fractures are to:

– Prevent infection, to allow the fracture to heal, and to

restore function in the injured limb

• Once initial assessment, evaluation, and management of

any life-threatening injuries are complete, the open

fracture is treated

• Hemostasis should be obtained, followed by antibiotic

administration and tetanus vaccination

Management of Open Fractures

• Cefazolin or clindamycin is adequate for type I + type II


• Aminoglycoside (eg, gentamicin) can be added for a

severely contaminated wound (type III)

• If injury is a "barnyard injury" or water-type injury,

penicillin should also be added to provide prophylaxis

against Clostridium perfringens

Management of Open Fractures

• Urgent irrigation and debridement (I&D) of the wound in

the operating room is mandatory

– For type II and type III injuries, serial I&Ds are

recommended every 24-48 hours after the initial

debridement until a clean surgical wound is ensured

– The wound is closed when it is clean and antibiotics are

generally continued until 2 days after the final I&D

Management of Open Fractures

• Management of the open fracture depends on the

site of injury and type of open fracture

– Wound is subsequently stabilized either temporarily or


• If soft-tissue coverage over the injury is inadequate

– Soft-tissue transfers or free flaps are performed when the

wound is clean and the fracture is definitively treated

Fracture Management

• Divided into non-operative and operative techniques

– Non-operative technique: consists of closed

reduction if required followed by a period of

immobilization with casting or splinting

– Closed reduction is needed if the fracture is

significantly displaced or angulated

• If the fracture cannot be reduced, surgical intervention

may be required

Fracture Management – Surgical Indications

• Failed nonoperative (closed) management

• Unstable fractures that can’t be maintained in a reduced


• Displaced intra-articular fractures (>2 mm)

• Fractures that are known to heal poorly following non-

operative management (eg, femoral neck fractures)

Fracture Management – Surgical Indications

• Large avulsion fractures that disrupt the muscle-tendon

or ligamentous function of an affected joint

– Example patella fracture

• Impending pathologic fractures

• Multiple traumatic injuries involving pelvis, femur, or


• Unstable open fractures or complicated open fractures

Fracture Management – Surgical Indications

• Individuals who are poor candidates for non-operative

management that requires prolonged immobilization – Example: elderly patients with proximal femur fractures

• Fractures in skeletally immature individuals that have

increased risk for growth arrest – Example: Salter-Harris types III-V)

• Nonunions or malunions that have failed to respond to

non-operative treatment


• Active infection (local or systemic) or osteomyelitis

• Soft tissues that compromise the overlying fracture or

the surgical approach

• Medical conditions that contraindicate surgery or

anesthesia – Example: recent myocardial infarction

• Cases in which amputation would better serve the limb

and the patient

Any Questions??


• Buckley, R. General Principles of Fracture Care. Medscape Jan 2010.

• Orthopedic Trauma Association.